IN UNDER 3 WEEKS Friday, April 8, 2011 THE JEWISH PRESS  Page 63 Community Currents

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IN UNDER 3 WEEKS Friday, April 8, 2011 THE JEWISH PRESS  Page 63 Community Currents Page 62 THE JEWISH PRESS Friday, April 8, 2011 Community Currents In recent news… app returns the Shabbat time, taking into account strategies and meet with a career coordinator. The time zone and seasonal changes. workshop will take place Thursday, April 7, at 10:00 New Yahrzeit and Candle-Lighting Apps “We are excited to be on the cutting edge of tech- a.m. at 938 Kings Highway in Brooklyn. E-mail Plaza Jewish Community Chapel, the only not- nology that allows us to merge Jewish traditions [email protected] or call 212-524-1790 for more infor- for-profi t Jewish funeral home serving the metropol- with high-tech communications,” said Stephanie mation. itan New York Jewish community, has introduced Garry, marketing director of Plaza Jewish Commu- mobile applications for yahrzeit and Shabbat can- nity Chapel. * * * dle lightings. Both are available for free download To date, nearly 1,000 users have downloaded ei- Cong. Anshei Shalom’s Adult Education Com- to iPhone, Android and BlackBerry mobile devices. ther one or both apps. mittee is hosting Rabbi Moshe Meir Weiss, rav of The Yahrzeit app informs and reminds users of Agudath Israel of Staten Island, who will speak on the date of a yahrzeit each year and also allows users Upcoming events… the topic “A Seder Primer” – a step by step approach to personalize the calendars for 25 years and send to having a more meaningful Seder with minhagim e-mails to family and friends. The candle lighting F.E.G.S. Employment Services is holding a and lessons. The lecture, for men and women, will app allows users to check lighting times around the new client orientation workshop where people will take place Motzei Shabbos, April 9, at 10:00 p.m. at world. When users enter their zip code and city, the have an opportunity to network, learn job search 472 Hempstead Ave in West Hempstead. * * * 11th Annual Mishloach Manot Campaign For Israeli Soldiers Dmitry Salita will return to the ring on Wednes- day, April 13, at the Oceana Ballroom. The fi ght March 15 was the kickoff for the Zionist Orga- and letters written by students and contributors starts at 7:00 p.m. For more information, visit www. nization of America’s Purim IDF Project 2011, dur- thanking them for defending our biblical home- ing which 4,000 packages were distributed among land. We come to thank them and they can’t stop IDF soldiers at their bases throughout Israel. Ru- thanking us!” * * * bin Margules, president of the ZOA’s Brooklyn Re- The participating schools and congregations On Monday, April 18, at 8:00 p.m. and on Tues- gion and a member of ZOA’s national board, led the included: Hebrew Academy of Long Beach, Rabbi day, April 19, at 8:30 p.m., Havurat Yisrael (108- fi ve-day mission – including one day at the Gaza Jacob Joseph School Merkaz Hatorah, Yeshiva of 11 69th Road in Forest Hills) will host an elegant border under rocket fi re – for this, his eleventh, South Shore, HALB – Davis Renor Stajle Yeshi- Passover Seder with Rabbi David Algaze and guest. multifaceted Purim campaign in Israel. va, Shulamith School for Girls – Elementary, Sh- Havurat Yisrael promises sumptuous meals, a warm In a major effort assisted by the ZOA’s Israel ulamith School for Girls – Middle School, Ramaz family atmosphere, inspiring explanations by the Offi ce, tons of foodstuffs and supplies were pur- Middle School, North Shore Hebrew Academy, rabbis, beautiful singing and fascinating stories. For chased from a variety of vendors, packed in a se- Yeshiva of Flatbush, Prospect Park Yeshiva Ele- more information, call 718-261-5500. ries of community volunteer gatherings, and then mentary, National Council of Jewish Women, The distributed with handwritten letters gathered from Marks JCH of Bensonhurst Synagogue, Young Is- * * * abroad to thousands of appreciative soldiers. rael of Avenue K, and First Hungarian Congrega- The Chabad of Oyster Bay is holding Pesach Margules and his delegation met with sever- tion OHAB Zadek. Seders on Monday, April 18, and Tuesday, April al military and political leaders, most memorably “Thanks to our donors and participating 19, at 7:30 p.m. at 678 Woodbury Road in Woodbury. Deputy Minister Ayoub Kara, MK Yaakov Katz schools, we were able to bring the joy of Purim to The price is $36 for adults and $18 for children un- and Mayor of Ariel, former MK Ron Nachman and thousands of IDF soldiers,” said Rubin Margules, der 12. RSVP by April 11 at General E. Mizrachi. initiator of the project and president of ZOA’s or 516-682-0404. Brooklyn Region offi ce. “We decided to purchase the supplies for the Purim packages in the econom- * * * ically depressed town of Netivot, to help its busi- Suburban Park Jewish Center, 400 Old nesses. Some of the funds also went toward back- Westbury Road in East Meadow, is holding a com- pack water carriers, shlukerim, which we obtained munity Seder, Tuesday, April 19, following a brief via Yashar L’Chayal, an independent IDF support festival evening service, which begins at 7:00 p.m. organization. We were delighted when it generous- Reservations are required in advance. The cost is ly agreed to match ZOA’s purchase with donations $25 for adults, $10 for children aged 7-12. Chil- of its own” said Margules. dren under 7 are free. For more information, call He continued: “We are especially happy that 516-796-8833 or 516-520-5733 or visit suburban- this year once again Aluma, the organization that supports the female soldiers of the IDF, and the Samaria Regional Council came through by get- * * * ting young volunteers to help us pack and dis- The Chabad Center for Jewish Life’s in Mer- tribute the more than 4,000 mishloach manot. In rick, Long Island is holding Pesach Seders on April addition, the Young Israel, the Orthodox Union/ 18 at 7:50 p.m. and April 19 at 8:30 p.m.. The Sed- NCSY, Emunah, Sar El, the Ariel Development ers will be led by Rabbi Shimon Kramer and will fea- Fund, the Ariel University Center, musician El- ture explanation and commentary based on mystical In addition, with the help of the Ariel Develop- ion Shemesh and volunteer Dovi Weiss of Yeshi- and Kabbalistic insights, humor and song. Suggest- ment Fund and Sar El, ZOA’s Brooklyn Region or- va Shovei Chevron all contributed time and effort ed donation for the Seders is $36 per adult and $18 ganized a pre-Purim concert for over 500 soldiers to make this campaign the outstanding success for children ages 4-12. Reservations are required. that was to feature the popular Harel Skaat at the that it was. The ZOA is very proud of Rubin and Contact Musie at 516-833-3057or visit www.Chab- brand new Ariel Regional Performing Arts Center. the many thousands of participants who, over the The cultural center has been a target of anti-Isra- course of eleven years, have engaged in this quint- el boycotters because of its location in Samaria, so essential Zionist project.” the city of Ariel was extremely grateful for ZOA’s Appealing to the American Jewish community, show of solidarity. At the last minute, however, the Margules added that “we need your help to make Material for concert had to be canceled due to the Fogel family future Purims especially joyous for our soldiers in massacre in Itamar, after which the soldiers were Israel. They are our defenders and our mishloach Community Currents ordered to stay in their bases on high alert. manot project is a perfect opportunity to express Many American yeshivot and congregations appreciation. Writing a note gives a participant a participated in Purim IDF Project 2011, whether chance to offer a personal thank you. How small may be submitted by helping to raise funds or enlisting students to the task, yet how big the reward.” write personal letters to the soldiers. “It is unbe- Those wishing to participate in Purim IDF Proj- via e-mail to: lievable,” said Margules, “seeing the enthusiasm ect 2012 can visit or call 718- these soldiers display as they read these notes 339-8301 for further information. [email protected] Finally, a low-cost way to get your business online IN UNDER 3 WEEKS Friday, April 8, 2011 THE JEWISH PRESS Page 63 Community Currents Assemblyman Cymbrowitz reading to children at the Mid- wood Library on Read Across America Day. After reading The Story of Ferdinand, the assemblyman told his young audience that he was there to highlight the importance of reading for both pleasure and learning. Each summer Assemblyman Cymbrow- itz sponsors a Summer Reading Challenge that encourages stu- dents to read 15 minutes on at least 40 days over their vacations. Students who participate receive personal congratulations from the assemblyman and a New York State Assembly Excellence in Reading Certifi cate. Residents of Far Rocka- way and the Five Towns at- tended a breakfast reception for Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos on Sunday to dis- cuss the proposed state bud- get that will result in reduced funds for yeshivos, chesed or- ganizations, and the parents of special-needs children. The reception took place in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Asher Schonkopf in Lawrence and was sponsored by Agudath Is- rael of America. Giving To Masbia The Yeshiva of Belle Har- NYC Comptroller John Liu volunteering at a Masbia soup Kitchen on March 29. bor gave close to $1400 to Masbia, slightly more than the cost of sponsoring one day at one of its soup kitch- ens.
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