AUSTRALIAN Vol. 24 No. 3 APRIL, 1971 CLAY TARGET --- Registered for posting as SHOOTING NEWS a periodical-Category 'W'


Address all correspondence to Secretary-Editor: C. M. BERRY, Box 2038 S, G.P.O., Melbourne, Vic., 3001. Oflice: 5th Floor, Nicholas Buildings, 37 Swanston Street, Melbourne, Yic., 3000. Phones: 63-9777, Private 99-2234. I6 COPY CLOSING-NOT LATER THAN 1st OF MONTH PRECEDING PUBLICATION CLUB affiliation Subscription, $10 per annum. SHOOTER'S REGISTRATION FEE, $5 per annum, must be forwarded through CLUB Secretary. NON-SHOOTER Subscription, $5 per annum. All fees become due on January 1, each year. liPrinted by Industrial Printing and Publicity Ca. Ltd.. 24 Victoria Street, Carlton, 3053 - 34.8106.

Patron Lieut.-General Sir W. BRIDGEFORD. K.B.E., C.B., C.B.E., M.C.

Prcsidellt Page Mr G. H. IIALL, No. BOX 421. Geelong, Vic. 3220.

IIon. Vice-1.residentr (1870) F. R. HUDSON P.O. Box 38 Marrickvilie, N.S.W., 2204 Editor's Notes . 1 J. w. STEINER, 5 vivian kt., Rivervale. w.A.. 6103. Letter to the Editor 3


Mr 13. G. JAMES, Tips and Tales .... . ~ ...... 5 Mr D. B. MOW M~ W. E. H. RAINBIRD: o.B.E.. Mr J. M. WILSON, Mr J. M. TYQUIN. Inter-Service ...... 6

Exe~~li~eCommittee Clubs and Meetings ...... 7 Mr E. T. BALDWIN, P.D. Box Ion, Tatura, Vic., 3616. Mr E. G. BIGGS. 4 Hugh St.. Knoxfleld. Vic.. 3180. 1971 A.C.T.A. Registration List . .. 27 Mr A. E. CREGAN, "Moredun, Ben Lomond. N.S.W., 2363. Mr W. A. EDWARDS, 197 1 Skeet Handicap Amendments ...... 3 1 4 Marieander St.. Holland Park, Brisbane. Qld., 1121. Mr D. B. MOP P.O. Box 313. Burleizh Head;. Qld.. 4220. 1971 A.C.T.A. Amended Handicaps ... . 32 Mr R HT MOYSE, "Dunrauen," Barcaidme, Qld., 4725. Mr R. MULES, 63 Argyle Ave., Marlestan, S.A., 5033. Mr Kelth OLDFIELD. 100 Temora Rd.. Caotamundra. N.S.W.. 2590. Mr A. PEDERSEN, Drouin, Vic., 3818. Mr W. E. H. RAINBIRD, O.B.E.. BOX 555, Launceston, Tas.. 7250. W H. SMITH, 91 Julia St., Portland, Vic., 3305. Mr K. SOAMES, Sen., 86 Sutheiland Rd., Beecroft, N.S.W., 2119. Mr L. S. R. STEWART. "Waratah." Cunnamulls... Qld.. . 4490. Mr D. R. TAYLOR, 697 Main Rd., Berriedale, Tas., 7011. Mr N. WELLS, P.O. BSx 45. Busselton, W.A.. 6280. Shooters are reminded that a big racing carnival is Championship and shot in conjunction . . . 2nd AUS- scheduled for June in Brisbane, consequently accommo- tralian National Intermediate Double Rise Champion- dation should be booked immediately. Some caravan ship followed by Event No. 7: $300 value Double and motel type accommodation is available through Barrel Handii-. (time -permitting). -. the Brisbane -Gun Club, otherwise official accomm& &tion agents are James Patrick & Co. P~Y.Ltd., of SIXTH DAY - Thursday, June 17, 1971. Event 431 Queen Street, Brisbane, also "Number-Ten-Thc- No. 8: The Twenty-Sewnd Grand Australian Handi- Esplanade, paradise* has ampleaceommoda- =P and, time permitting a DB Handicap or Sweep suzfeIS stake then, time permitting Skeet Practice - 25 tion at special rates for shooters. Targets. lllllYlll",l,l"llll,,,,,,~,,III"IIIII",II,I" I,,,"I,,",,, SEVENTH DAY - Friday3 June 18, 1971. Event No. 9: 2nd Australian National Skeet Championship The 1970 Australian National Clay Target Cham- followed by 6th Australia/New Zealand Skeet Teams' pionships shall be conducted by the Association at the Match. Brisbane Gun Club, Queensland, over the seven suc- High Gun (praious such winners excluded) shall cessive days of Saturday, through to Friday, June 12 be over the SIX events--Champion of Champions, to 18. Double Barrel, Double Rise, Single Barrel, Australia/ The programme shall proceed in the following order New Zealand and Grand Australian - kills only to with one major event each day: count. Prize winners are not eligible for Yardage Awards. FIRST DAY Satorday, June 12, 1971. Event - We have passed our appreciation to the makers of No. 1: 31st Australian National Champion of Cham- this hetrophy, Messrs Fabrique Nationale of Belgium. ions Cup followed by $300 value Double Barrel Such a "Browning" under-and-over shot gun trophy !I andicap (time permitting). has been donated annually since 1966 and the agents, SECOND DAY - Sunday, June 13, 1971. Event Commercial Marketing Co. Pty. Ltd. of Sydney, have No. 2: 19th Australian National Double Barrel Cham- already arranged that this shot gun shall be available at pionship and shot in conjunction . . . 24th Australian the commencement of the 1971 Nationals. The gun is National Intermediate Double Barrel Chainpionship. an engraved Special Trap 5 gun and all previous winners of these trophies are excluded from the final TFLIRD DAY - Monday, Jme 14, 1971. Event selection. No. 3: 17th Australian National Single Barrel Cham- pionship and shot in conjunction . . . 2nd Australian We have agreed to the N.Z.G.C.A. request to con- National Intermediate Single Bartel Championship. duct the Australia/New Zealand Skeet Teams' Match for the lkt time in Australia. This is a five-man team FOURTH DAY - Tuesday, June 15,1971. Event event, shooting one round of 25 skeet targets. The NO. 4: loth Australi/New Zealand Championship fol- team to consist of the five highest Australian scorers lowed by 12th Australia/New Zealand Trap Teams' in the Australian National Skeet Championship. Match followed by Event No. 5: $300 value Double Barrel Handicap (time permitting). A perpetual high gun'cup is to be donated for the litst time by J. Newton Thomas of Melbourne, who has FIFTH DAY - Wednesday, June 16, 1971. The won, at some stage or other, at least one of each major Twenty-Fifth International Teams' Match followed by clay .target shooting events conducted within the Event No. 6: 11th Australian National Double Rise Commonwealth. AUST&JAN CLAY TARGET SHOOTING NEWS A Stirling Broadrib trophy gun will be presented by Some 124 New Zealanders have indicated their in- Fnller of Sydney "to any New Zealander who tention to attend and compete in the Australian wins any of the five annual Australian Championships." Natioaal Championships. This shall be the largest The 35th Annual General Meeting of the Association sporting contingent ever to leave New Zealand for shall be held in the Clubhouse of the Brisbane Gun any one sporting tournament. Club fmm 6 p.m. on Monday, June 14, 1971. Registered New Zealand shooters will shoot two yards back from their current handicap marks, by Some overseas shooters shall visit the 1971 Aus- arrangement. tralian Championships. The National Championships trophy prize lists are now at a common basis to avoid the problems of trophy distribution and division. (NOTE - full pro- gramme advertisement March and May, 1971, includes As some member clubs have requested that shooter descriptive local road map.) insurance be arranged by the Association, the Execu- tive Committee at its last meeting considered several A choice of shot gun cartridges shall be available quotations and decided that the details of the best from the cartridge controllers at a common price in offer shall be discussed at the 1971 Annual General exchange for receipts as issued by the A.C.T.A. Meeting. Secretary. The Committee suggests that member clubs consider Gunsmiths shall be available on the grounds. adopting this overall policy which "would provide Clay targets to be used during the 1971 National coverage for bodily injury or damage to property for Championships shall be orange domed for down-the- which they may become legally liable occurring as a line trap events and all black for the skeet events. result of an accident in connection with the Associa- tion's business." A Referee Discussion Night on rules interpretations This proposed policy coverage would also provide shall be held at the Brisbane Gun Club on Friday night, indemnity for the liability of shooters whilst on the June 11, under the chairmanship of Queensland Execu- tracks during registered events. tive Committee Member, Mr W. A. Edwards, and two others, yet to be named, to assist in answering Only member clubs with satisfactory documenta- the questions. tion and constitutions in writing under the Companies Act shall be able to have coverage for their shooters The Shoot Marshal shall be Mr George Parker of and the premiums must be collected from the shooters Beenvah, Queensland and Assistant Shoot Marshal with registration fees then fonvarded accordingly shall be Mr Harry Williamson of Apsley, Victoria. through the A.C.T.A. .

Championship allocations for 1971 - re-allocations are:- Announcement Tasmania State W/U (Day) to Bothwell. Tasmania State Points Decision to Bothwell. Tasmania State DR (night) to Hobart.

Evans & Balfour Pty. Ltd., Gztnsmiths of Melbourne, Victoria, who have serviced the Who is the best game shot or clay target shooter? shooters for the Clztb at Hay, N.S.W., during The surest way of spoiling the enjoyment of shooting Easter for many years, have reluctarztly decided is to allow it to become over-competitive: Let us shoot as well as our talents permit with no thought for any that they will not be attending the shoot this order of merit. year.

This decision was reached after lnzich careful consideration and disczission with the Hay Gun Club. Many recent costs which affect us all these I Sashmaker and I days have brought abo~itthis decision. Gold stamper Evarzs & Balfour Pty. Ltd., through this 4 TAMAR STREET, ESSENDON, VIC. fournal, thank the Hay Gun Club and the many Telephones 33-1514 or 337-8988 shooters who have gone out of their way to Quality sashes available immediately on support them over many years. request. I ~ryus for competitive prices I April, 1971-2 AUSTRALIAN aAX TARGET SHOOTING NEWS Letter to the Editor

(Mr Jules Steiner, past President of Perth (WA) trigger system. No slow or fast pull with the acoustic Gun Club and an Honorary Vice-President of the system is possible. Trapper boys shortage is notice A.C.T.A. for the 1970 year, recently returned from able world wide, therefore more and more Clubs are an extended tour of Europe and South Africa and has converting to automatic traps. Rounds of 25 targets are contributed his observations. shot. Practice round $1, Competition $2.50. 50 cents goes for trophy from each shooter. Sash, MedaUion The opinions expressed may not necessarily be those or Cup. Normally 1st to 3rd in Open Competition and of the Executive Committee but the letter is pub- one trophy per 1st in each Grade. lished for its general interest - Editor). Student shooting classes are held during the year, Mr M. C. Berry, then on the final shoot a graduation ceremony is held, Secretary, each shooter receiving a commemorative medallion A.C.T.A., from the Minister of Education. Melbourne, Victoria. Live Bird Shootmg. The Roma Club is the leading club in pigeon shooting in Europe. Magnificent ground Observations on Clay Target and Live Bud Shooting and clubhouse facilities in the city itself. The friendli- in Europe, Britain and South Africa. ness of the people towards the visitor is Al. Stakes from a few hundred dollars to 30-40,000 dollars. Normal betting with bookies on the ground. The 24th ITALY Pigeon Shooting World's Championship in Republics Skeet shooting over the years has been established di San Marino in June attracted 495 shooters from all as a very strong competitor against Trap shooting. In over the world. The guaranteed stake money was International Skeet shooting where the field layout is $60,000 or 40 million lira, over the seven-day the same as the American type Skeet, the target is programme. tkrown a distance of 71 yards (44 + 27 yards) from the trap houses. The variable time release is 0-3 seconds. The gun butt is kept on the hip until the AUSTRIA target appears. Two automatic Skeet layouts are usual, I.S.U. Skeet, Universal Trap and Olympic Trench. giving shooters seven-day-a-week opportunities, weather permitting, with practice shooting on week- There are many well equipped clubs in Austria. One days. Saturdays and Sundays are for competition privately owned club near Vienna is open seven days shooting. a week, one Universal Automatic Trap with acoustic trigger and the Automatic Skeet, a nicely equipped Only graded shooting A,B,C, is programmed. Ex- bungalow, bar, etc., gives a very homely feeling. cept for "Major Open Shoots," Grand Prix, Champion- ships attract large numbers of shooters from all parts of the Continent and abroad. GERMANY The spacious clubhouses include bar facilities for The well known Wiesbaden Club has three layouts entertainment and for relaxation. The facilities are of Skeet and three Olympic Trench. Two Skeet layouts luxurious. are used by the US Arm personnel for American type of Skeet, with 12-20-2i and .410 gauge guns. The Trap: Trap shooting as we know it here in Aus- third layout is used for I.S.U. Skeet or I.S.U. Trap. ttalia is non-existent. International or Olympic Trench There are clubs all over the country, just to mention and the Universal Trap system are used. two - Bad-Toeln and Cologne. Olympic Trench consists of 5 groups of 3 traps each, a total of 15 traps. The five shooting stations are approximately 15 feet apart and 16 yards behind the RUMANIA trap. Bucharest - three Olympic Trenches, two Skeet N~~~:N~ handicap by distance is used, ,-.lasses Layouts. This is the State owned shooting ground 12 A,B,C,D, are the normal grades. miles from the city centre. The small bore pistol and high power ranges are equipped and maintained by The target is thrown a distance of 80 yards, the the State. Labor is designated. The shooting is under moving speed 90 m.p.h. The height variation is 3 ft. control of the State Physical Education Department. 2 in.-16 ft., at the distance of 30 ft. from the trap The 1970 European Championship was on this ground. centre all within angles of 45 deg. either side of the Further clubs are at Brossow, Cluy, Constance. flight centre line. Universal or Continental Trap Layout. One single YUGOSLAVIA, HUNGARY, machine throws the target in constantly changing direc- CZECHOSLOVAKIA

tion~ and~ elevation- ~ in-~ conformitv~ with the.-- current~ re- ylation for Olympic ~rap---&ooting, at 80-&rd Shooting on the State-owned grounds is somewhat minimum distances. This machine is a magazine type similar to Rumania. The friendliness towards visiting holding 350-400 targets, with an electric or acoustic shooters is marked. AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET SHOOTING NEWS Ad,1911-4 BRITAIN Amenities must he of the highest standard, so that the ladies have enterrainment and relaxation, not only Normal D.T.L. as we know it. Olympic and Univer- the "tea pot." sal Trench, I.S.U. Skeet and English seven Station Skeet, field type of championship. Normally any type of Ear muffs or protective devices are worn by 90% shooting according to preference. of the shooters. The highlight was the British National Champion- Colored targets, Red, Yellow, White are used with ship, which was shot in excellent weather conditions on natural Black, to suit different grounds. July 17 and 18, Home Farm, near Leamington Spa. Trapper difficulties are experienced all over the Entry fee £9/0/0 included 125 cartridges. The trap- world, which makes progressive clubs convert to houses equipped with White Flyer Traps and portable Automatic Traps as soon as they are able to do so. generator stations were supplied by I.C.I. Limited. The shoot was very well organised by Mr Peter Page, The clubs are open during weekdays as in weekends, Director of the C.P.S.A. and the Shooting Committee. therefore shooters can use the club facilities. Peter is a wonderful host and long time member of Referees indicate only the lost target by raising the I.C.I. arm, or by a whistle, or the call "repeat" for a "no (1) The 36th International Teams Match. target." (2) The Macintosh International Teams Match. Classification of shooters grades is done only once (3) The "Elliott Alves." in a year. 41 (4) The Captain Cup. Each shooter has a record card. Handicapping is Shot concurrently by 100 targets on Point Scoring, only done on ability, not on trophy value. . off 16 yards. Pool shooting continued all day on the No. 5 Trap on Points. One-third was returned in Common Mark Shooting is universal. prize money for all possibles in the morning and Clubs fees range from $10-$100, according to the second lot for afternoon shooting. facilities they offer. The International Banquet and Presentation of Membership from about 20 to several hundred. Prizes was held at Chesford Grange, Holder, Kelling- Lady and Junior Members are numerous and exhibit worth, Wanvick. a high standard of shooting. The small Australian contingent marched in on the tune of Waltzing Matilda. This report would not be complete without putting forward a recommendation to the A.C.T.A. After formal speeches, including one by "Yours Truly" the entertaining continued until the early hours. (a) To re-introduce the I.S.U. Skeet Shooting (Skeet layouts are the same and targets will be available Next day the 30th Annual British Open Champion- by the time this report goes to press). The ship was shot. American Skeet could remain. I.C.I. Challenge Trophy, then the series of prizes (b) To introduce Universal or Continental Trap of the best AA, A, B, C, Class over 100 targets. Shooting. (Targets to 80 yards distance. Hori- The 30th International Teams Match was shot zontal variation 4-16 ft. at 30 ft. This would give concurrently. new Commonwealth, State and District Champion- Shooting Schools play a great part for recruiting new ships). shooters into clubs besides the instruction of gun- (c) To abolish distance handicapping by trophy value. handling and the traditional hunting with the gun. (d) To introduce Common Mark Shooting with classification of the shooters. SOUTH AFRICA (e) To join up with the Australian Olympic Fedeta- Durban, Pretoria, Johannesburg, Cape Town, Gun tion to enable Australian shooters to compete in Clubs under the Chairmanship of Mr Cyril Emphy are the and to be able to hold all equipped with Universal Trench, Skeet layouts and International and World Championships. normal D.T.L. The shooting standard is high on I.S.U. (f) To send selected Australian teams overseas. (To Skeet and Trap. The hospitality towards Australian compete and to gain experience internationally). shooters is excellent. Mr Fred Hudson's visit to South This recommendation, if adopted, would bring the Africa was frequently mentioned to me by Cyril and Australian shooters into line with the rest of the many other shooters. T. Maybury the 1970 overall world as it is in other major sports. In all the countries South African Champion visited the Perth Club late competitors of many nations expressed a desire to 1969, also returned the hospitality extended to him on visit Australia - with common shooting laws and his visit to Australia. equipment and speed of travel, these visits should be encouraged for international goodwill and the progress IN GENERAL of the sport. Regards, On niy eight months spent in competition on the European, English and South African shooting circuits, JULES STEINER, I have found shooters all over the world are good sportsmen and excellent mates. Seasoned shooters are 5-7 Vivian Street, dedicated, not drifters, who are thinking about the Rivemale, 6103, sports for the present and future generation. Western Australia. A~,'il, 19714 AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET SHOOTING NEWS TIPS AND. TALES

VALE - Noel Davis, 27 yard shooter and Crothers, Mrs E. Lee; Treasurer, Mr J. White; See winner of the 1969 National Single Barrel Champion- retary, D. A. Stannard. ship at Geelong, was drowned in a tragic boating Sydney (NSW) - 22/2/71 annual general meeting accident whist fishing off Port Campbell, Victoria on elected as office bearers President, Russ Faunt; Vice 8/3/1971. Noel was a member of the Warrnambool Presidents, Bill Bums, John Blundell; Secretary, Bt- and Noorat Gun Clubs and was a keen Western chie Giies; Assistant Secretary, Barry Le Clerc; District shooter. Treasurer, Allen Vidler. VALE - Michael Blake of Cressy, Tasmania, age Rockhampton (Q) - annnal meeting 22/2/71 20 years and a shooter with a trap handicap of 23 elected: President, H. Miner; B. Hor- yards and skeet handicap of 2, fell from an aluminium ner; Secretary, C. Warnock; Treasurer, Mrs 0. dinghy and was drowned in a weir on 6/3/71. His Horrocks. grandfather, Fred Blake, died at the wheel of his car Grenfell (NSW) - club changes in office bearers at the end of 1970. Fred Blake was an old and since those published in March, 1970 'Wews" - Presi- respected shooter who followed the National Clay dent is now N. Thorne-Clarke; Snr. Vice-President is Target Championships. A. Martens. Dungog (NSW) - March 14 shoot was cancelled Azzurri (WA) - at 26/1/71 annual general meet- due to breakdown of electric trap and non-availability ing elected as office hearers were: President, A. Tata- of the part for at least two months. Next shoot will he sciore; Secretary, M. ScaEidi. mid-June. Guyra (NSW) - shooter R. Shepherd of Casino Bairnsdale (V) - annual meeting, January 27 received a break badge in excess of 50 targets some elected as office bearers: President, L. Byles; Sec- years ago when he shot from his right shoulder. He retary-Treasurer, Mrs A. R. Kyle; Sub-committee lost his right eye in an accident - his handicap was Chairman, B. Hall. Club shoots second Saturday adjusted from 20 to 16 and he commenced shooting monthly. from the left shoulder. On 21/2/1971 he shot 50 Wangaratta (V) - annnal meeting 4/2/71 elected straight for the first time from his left shoulder. as office bearers: President, J. S. Reid; Vice-Presidents, (Editor's Note: A.C.T.A. handicapper deems this D. Suter, J. Stamp; Treasurer, B. Reid; Secretary, K. repeat badge as warranted. Normally a shooter cannot L. Law. repeat a badge won under A.C.T.A. conditions. Shooter Hamilton (V) - annnal meeting 4/2/71 elected R. Shepherd, like other handicapped shooters, is a as office bearers: President, H. Vaughan; Senior Vice- credit to himself). President, J. Arnold; Junior Vice-President, A. Gor- Callawadda (V) - VALE John Trotter, died re- don; Hon. Secretary, K. Ilsley; Assistant Secretary, I. cently as the result of an accident. Christie; Treasurer, T. Laidlaw. Mossman (Q) - are reforming around mid-1971. 'Ararat (V) Secretary now is R. Edwards. Committee shall be - Patron, P. Anderson; Secretary, - K. L. Conn; President, R. J. Cop; Management Hawkesbury (NSW) - 6/12/71 annual meeting elected office bearers of President, Bryce Wilson; Hon. Committee, C. Cully, A. Roberts, T. Mackay, N. Secretary, A. W. Hayes; Hon. Treasurer, W. Clarke. Wienert, L. Wilson. Retiring President, Ernie Hawkins, did not seek re- Scone G.C. (NSW) - are being re-constituted election. under the new name of Upper Hunter Gun Club. Barellan (NSW) - 12/2/71 annnal meeting re- elected unopposed President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, they being, B. S. Gordon, D. Allen, Mrs S.A. GUN CLUB D. M. Smith and A. W. Smith. A second Vice-Presi- dent elected was E. I. Whytcross. Five shoots shall be S.A. IMTLRSTA PE PEA MY M TCMES held in 1971 on second Sunday monthly, beginning in TRAP AND SKEET March. Warwick (Q) - office bearers for 1971 are: Pre- Saturday and Sunday, 1-2 May sident, P. D. McGuckin; Vice-Presidents, J. J. AUSTR&LIAN CLAY TAPGET SHOOTING NEWS April, 19714 l NTERSERVICE INTER-SERVICE ~--=-===~ TRAP SHOOTING

Competition for ICI Shield At the conclusion of the 1st round the RAAF team led by one point with Army second and Navy third. Early in the second round the RAAF lost two targets which put them in second place, i.e., one be- hind Amy with Navy well back in third place. How- ever by the end of the second round the RAAF team ing three visits to the tracks, each visit is for five targets. gained a point which made Army and RAAF equal, This provides an interesting progressive event for both with scores of 55/60 and Navy 49/60. the team members and for the spectators. The third round began in a very tense atmosphere Each year the venue changes by rotation and for and with a great deal of pressure on the shooters. The 1971 the Army at Puckapunyal were hosts. Their first break came when Army dropped their second grounds were a sight to see as a new (second) trap has target in the third round which put RAAF one ahead been installed complete with night lighting. Vista is at that time. The advantage of one point to the RAAF good, amenities excellent. team continued until the twelfth target in the round Water tankers prevented any dust hazard by keeping when an unexpected break came, the Army dropped the area sprayed before and during the programme. four consecutive targets. Shooting continued to the The day iyvas fine and hot but not unpleasant. end of the round with the RAAF finishing on a high Spectators, present by invitation, enjoyed the lnn- note with a perfect score in the final round of 30/30. cheou provided by the Army. The final scores were: 1st RAAF 85/90; 2nd Army 79/90; 3rd Navy 72/90. Results of the annual contests to date have been:- At the conclusiou of the competition for the I.C.I. Army ...... 35/50 1935 Shield the shoot-off to decide "high gnn" commenced. Army ...... 46/75 1936 Four shooters had scored the possible, two RAAF and Army ...... 35/50 1937 two Army. In order of shooting they were Air Cdre. D. Suspended 1938-1946 Colquhoun, (rank not known) Lovell, Flt. Sgt. D. Armv ...... 61/90 1947 McKenzie and W/O W. Ford. After a keen shoot-off Army ...... W/O W. Ford (Army) who shot brilliantly, ran out RAAF ...... the winner with a score of 36/36 and Air Cdre. D. RAAF ) No record Colquhoun runner-up with 35/36. RAAF ) of The concluding event was a twenty target invitation RAAF j scores 1952 shoot which was won by Flt. Sgt. D. McKenzie and Navy ...... 77/120 1953 once again the runner-up was Air Cdre. D. Navy ...... 78/90 1954 Colqnhoun. Army ...... 68/90 1955 Report by (F. K. MULLER,) RAAF ...... 59/90 1956 WE.- Cdr. (Ret.) RAAF ...... 83/90 1957 Command Trap Shooting Representative. RAAF ...... 82/90 1958 RAAF ...... 81/90 1959 History and Conditions of the Annual RAAF ...... 86/90 1960 RAAF ...... 81/90 1961 Inter-Sewices Trapshooting Event Army ...... 86/90 1962 Commencing from a picnic shoot at Laverton (Vic.) RAAF ...... 81/90 1963 early in 1935, it was arranged that this be an annual Navy ...... 84/90 1964 competition between officers of three services for an Navy ...... 86/90 1965 I.C.I. donated shield. Navy ...... 118/120 1966 Shoots were not held during the years 1938 and RAAF ...... 80/90 1967 1939 .and World War 2 disrupted the continuity from RAAF ...... 85/90 1968 1939 to 1945. In 1947 the match continued as a Navy ...... 86/90 1969 competition between officers until 1957 when with the Army ...... 99/120 1970 approval of I.C.I. the shield was made available to (Army and Navy had tied 74/90 but as the Shield competition between all ranks. requires winners only, each competition had to shoot For $he event the contestants are squadded one from at a further five targets, m2king the possible total each service. Thus, as each service provides a six- targets 120). man team, then six squads of three shooters succes- RAAF ...... 85/90 1971 sively contest the event. Each shoots at 15 targets, be- (Editor.) April, 1971--6 AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGhT SHOOTING NEWS 0CLUBS AND btl3ETINT.S a

BRAIDWOOD, 31/1/71.-Wet. Attendance: 10. Re- CONDOEOLIN, 14/2/71.-Fine and hot. Attendance: sults: 15-tgt. Pts.: A. Smith 45/45; P. Smith 44/45;.G. 36. Results: 10-tgt. DB H'cap Trophy: B. McAneney Smith 43/45. 10-tgt. DB (Black): G. Smith; P. Smith. 26/26; T. Atkinson 25/26. FM: G. Berryman 17/18. FM: Tony. 10-tgt. DB (White): A. Smith, M. Smith, P. 20-tgt. DB H'cap Trophy Breda Shield (in conjunction): Smith, G. Hockey, Tony, G. Smlth 10/10. A. Glasson 49/49; W. Corcoran 48/49; K. Staines 38/39. FM: J. Lewis 20/21. Breda Shield: Condobolin No. 1 Team 92/100. F. S. Hall Trophy 15-tgt. Pts.: W. Cor- corm 90/90; C. McMahon 87/90. FM: G. Berryman 50/51. This was our first registered shoot since 1965. The attendance was most pleasing.

COOTARIUNDRA, 20/2/71.-Fine and warm. Atten- dance: 11. Results: 10-tgt. Pts. 16 yds: B. Rooke, R. Baker 30/30. South-West DB Night C'ship: B. Rooke, F. Chudleigh, E. Fisher. 5 pr. DR: B. Rooke 9/10. 10- Good shooting thrdughout %heday won break badges tgt. DB H'cap: F. Chudleigh 10/10. for four shooters; R. Smith 50, H. Masters 50, P. Davy Barney Rooke won both the C'ship and the High Gun. 75 and R. Kennedy 100.

BROKEN HILL, 14/2/71.-Excellent. Attendance: 29. COWRA, 6/2/71.-Warm. Attendance: 17. Results: Results: Miss and Out: I. Josephs, I. Nissan, B. Carlaw. 8-tgt. DB, 7-tgt. SB SS: M. Williams, T. Powell, K. (Night). 15-tgt. Club Monthly Aggregate: C. Windham Staines 15/15. Jackpot Trophy 15-tgt. DB: N. Barnes 23/23; L. Campbell 22/23; G. Cherry 19/20. Yardage: C. 68/68; T. Powell 68/69. FM: P. Ryan 65/66. 5-tgt. SB, Welling 15/16. 5-tgt. Cont. SS: M. Williams, P. Barnes, J. McCann, R. Parker, J. Nash 10/10. 10 pr. DR SS: J. Nash 19/20; L. Goodacre, D. Heilmar 18/20. Nlght Owl Trophy: BUNGENDORE, 24/1/71.-Hot and stormy. Atten- dance: 37. Results: 15-tgt. Pts.: Mick Lyons 44/45; P. M. Williams, K. Staines. FM: Peter Ryan. Lyons 43/45. FM: P. Pollini. 5-tgt. DR: D. Luton 10/10; M. Smith 10/10. FM: R. Hedges 8/10. DUBBO, 7/2/71.-Heavy showers all afternoon. At- tendance: 16. Results: 10-tgt. DB: J. Martin 10/10. 10-tgt. SB: B. Walton, J. Martin 9/10. 10-tgt. Pts.: T. Dawson 26/30. 10-tgt. DB: M. Veech, J. Salter, H. Blaauw 10/10. 10-tgt. Pts.: H. Blaauw 30/30. 10-tgt. DB: J. Martin, J. Crampton, R. Elliott 10/10. 10-tgt. Pts.: P. Mitchell, J. Crampton, M. Veech, R. Elliott 26/30.

GRENFELL, 15/2/71.-Owing to there being no trophy shoot this month, it was decided to hold, a picnic shoot with the view of obtaining new members. The events were of 5-tgts. each.

GRIFFITH, 6/2/71.-Hot and overcast. Attendance: as Club PFCsident, where hehas been very active for 27. Results: 10-tgt. DB, 5-tgt. Pts.: M. Stanmore 25/25; many years. During the meeting Mr M. Burgess pre- E. Whytcross 33/34; K. Sim 30/34. 5 pr. DR: K. Sim, sented Doc Webster with the Club High Gun trophy for M. Wevmouth 9/10: M. Webb, E. Heffernan 8/10. K. 1970. Sim won the HighGun, only losing three points.

GRIFFITH, 13/2/71.-Hot. Attendance: 14. Results: Full Round Skeet Trophy: D. Lucas 61/61; R. Harris 60/61; P. Stivens 29/30.

GULGONG, 21/2/71.-Fine. Attendance: 31. Results: 5-tgt. EO: Bill Johnston 5/5; Bruce Suttor 4/5. 5-tgt. DB Pts.: David McIntosh 15/15; John Edmondson 14/15. 5-tgt. SB: Ian Watts 13/13; Ron Woods 12/13. 5-tgt. DB: Ron Woods 16/16; Noel McIntosh 15/16. 5-tgt. W/U: Ian Watts 5/5; David McIntosh 5/5. This was the first "official" shoot of the Club and Dorigo visitors Trevor Worth and Don Whittaker were the first for 1971, the original shoot in January being the outstanding shooters on the day, sharing the 40 abandoned d,ue to floods. Four intendinn members also target event and Whittaker taking the High Gun with attended the shoot together with a very-large spectator an excellent score of 58/60. attendance. The President welcomed all shooters and Dan Seccombe was top scorer of Club members, only issued a "thanks" to all those members who gave their one target behind Whittaker on the day. time voluntarily to complete the Club grounds. AUSTRALIAN CTAY TARGET SHOOTING NEWS April, 1971-7 WAGGA GUN CLUB (AEhated A C TA ) CLUB GROUNDS, 3 MILES EAST OF WAGGA ON STURT HIGHWAY GRAND PR SATURDAY and SUNDAY, 24th-25 th APRIL, 1971 SATURDAY, 24th---commencing 1.00 p.m. Event 1 Nomination $2.00 15 Target Points Score 16 Yards CD Event 2 Nomination $3.00 20 TARGET WAGGA AND DISTRICT S.B. CHAMPIONSHIP Op. Sweep 0.A.-$1.00 Event 3 Nomination $3.00 20 Target $100 Handicap0.E.T.P. SATURDAY NIGHT, 24th-7.00 p.m. Event 4 Nomination $5.00 40 Target Commonwealth D.B. Night Mini Target C'ship Op. Sweep 50c each 20 Targets-S1.00-O.E.T.P. SUNDAY, 25th-commencing 9.30 a.m. Event 5 Nomination $2.00 15 Target Double Barrel Eye Opener 16 Yards CD Event 6 Nomination $3.00 20 TARGET WAGGA AND DISTRICT D.B. CHAMPIONSHIP Op. Sweep 0.A.-$1.00 Event 7 Nomination $20.00 $2,300 Handicap - D.B. 20 Targets Trophies: First-Winchester 101 Trap Gun Second-W~nchester 101 Field Gun Third-Winchester 1400 Auto Trap Gun Yardage Prizes 12-14 yds., 15-17 yds., 18-20 yds., 21-23 yds., 24-27 yds. 1st each yardage--Winchester 1400 Skeet Gun 2nd each yardage-250 Winchester AA Shotshells Event 8 Nomination $3.00 20 TARGET WAGGA AND DISTRICT D.R. CHAMPIONSHIP Op. Sweep 0.A.-$1.00 High Gun over Events 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8 For one case cartridges donated by Winchester THE COMMITTEE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ALTER THE PROGRAMME IF NECESSARY CARTRIDGES MEALS REFRESHMENTS Accommodation may be booked through the Secretary or President Secretary Preddent, ERIC VI~CENT. BARNEY ROOKE, 9 Day street Wagp Wagpa. 55 M-y Street, wsggs Wagga. Telephone Wngga 4430. Telephone 3884.


SATURDAY, APRIL 10-1.45 P.M. EASTER GIFT 15 TARGETS EO 15 TARGETS HANDICAP Entry $4.50, includes $3.00 Sweep.

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21-1.30 P.M. Nite Owls 20-Tgt. DB Mini Handicap First Trophy Mag Re-loader, presented by Nite Owls. Entry $3.50.

SATURDAY, APRIL 24-1.45 P.M. Metropolitan DB Mini Target C'ship Entry $3.00

SATURDAY, MAY 8-1.45 P.M. GRADED SHOOT 12.15 - 16.19 - 20.21 Entry $3.00 Our second skeet layout was used for the first time. Visitors included Jules Steiner from Perth; Norm Camps from Mt. Hagen, New Guinea and Barry Scanes WEDNESDAY, MAY 19--1.30 P.M. from Cooma. Nite Owls Continental Championship HAWKESBURY, 20/2/1l.-Warm and humid. Atten- Entry $3.50 dance: 28. Results: 10-tgt. DB H'cap SS: L. Talbot, D. Tatum, K. Waters 10/10. 10-tgt. SB 16 yds. SS: Col Bell, F. Ward, J. Bosco, B. Wilson and K. Waters each SATURDAY, MAY 2L1.30 P.M. 9/10. South Pacific SB C'ship: Clyde Hawkins 28/28; W. Charlton 27/28; D. Suthers 21/23. 20-tgt. DB H'cap: Metropolitan Skeet Championship D. Suthers, L. Massey each 20/20; W. Charlton, F. TRAP SHOOTING ON TWO TRAPS Ward, L. Crema, R. Alvaro each 19/20. Clyde Hawkins shot soundly to win the South Pacific SATURDAY, JUNE 5-1.30 P.M. Single ,Barrel Championship. This was Clyde's first Championship. Warren Charlton won the High Gun The R. J. Pye Memorial Shoot trophy for the day. FiTrophy ~antknCutlery, presented by IMI 20 unknown targets from Skeet or Trap. HAY, 16/2/71.-Excellent. Attendance: 18. Results: DB Night C'ship: G. Houston won after a shoot-off Entry $3.00 with P. Headon for FM TIO hy Trophy shoot-off saw Max Gibson 25/25: J. C. Weadon 24/25; J. Houston WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16-1.30 P.M. 21/22. 10-tgt. SB Club Mug: Won by G. Houston 30/30. Nite Owls Night Handicap DlDoubIes Entry $3.50 SATURDAY, JUNE 1%--1.30 P.M. Sydney DIDoubles Championship Entry $3.00 Practice shooting every Wednesday, 3.30 p.m Sweep and Trophy Events 7.30 p.m. MODERN CLUB HOUSE - LIQUOR LICENCE Meals and Cartridges Available. ACTA members Honorary Members for the shoot. 4 ELECTRIC TRAPS - 2 NIGHT TRAPS

AUSTRALIAN (rWY TAEGE3 ~~~G NEWS Owing to the torrential rain, it was decided by the Club committee that m all famess to the Club, and 37. -....shootera who nominated for thls event that it he cancelled. ?he decision was then made to put up the GRlFFlTW GUN CLUB second prize, a stereo record player at $2 nomination, (N.S.W.) thus giGing value for money. (Affiliated A.C.T.A.) Griffith Vintage ~estival'shoot Saturday, 3rd April', 1971 commencing 1.00 p.m. Event 1- Nom. $1.20 10 Target DB off 16 Yards Event 2- Nom. $3.00; Ops. $1.00 Griffith Vintage Festival Double Barrel Championship us, lst, Sash and Trophy; Znd, 3rd and best 12/14 yard trophy. ILLAWARRA DISTRICT.-The annual general meet- Event 3- Nom. $7.00: Ops. $1.00 ing was held at the Club grounds on 23/2/71 wlth 34 GRIFFITH VINTAGE FESTIVAL members in attendance. at which the following- office bearers were elected: ' $200.00 HANDICAP President: K. McCloy; Vice-President: A. Webb; Sec- lst, $60.00; 2nd, $40.00; 3rd, $20.00 Trophies. retary: A. Arlcwright; Assist. Secretary: K. Perkins; Five Yardage Trophies of $16.00 each Yardage of Treasurer: Mrs J. Chodat; Pub. Officer: R Webb Club 12-15, 16-18, 19-21, 22-23, 24-25. Captain: F. Rapley; Vice-Captain: L. chohat; A.~.T.A. Trophies for all events are Selected Wines from Delegate: A. Webb; Club Auditor: J. Cooper; Com- the Wineries of the Murrumbidgee Irrigation mittee: D. Thomas, J. Stephenson, T. McCloy, R. Alvaro, area. W..~Perkins. - ~- ~. K. Fleming.-. R. Orr. Other events time permitting. At the close of the meeting members wcle entertained MEALS - REFRESHMENTS - CARTRIDGES with supper by thc Ladies Auxiliary. AVAILABLE ON GROUND. Secretary, INVERELL, 13/2/71.-Overcast and wet. Attendance: President K. H. SIM, 27. Results: 20-tgt. DB: R. Loy, R. Aitchison, A. Scere- L. POLE+ RMB 123 Yenda 2681. sini, R. Hohday, J. Hawkins, R. Waldrow, J. Paul 20. Phone: ~ehdn204. Phone: drmth 63-6951. 20-tgt. Pts. off 16 yds: A. Sceresini 60;. K., Redman, J. Paul 59; R. Hobday, D. Redman, K. W~nmlll58. 10 pr. DR: A. Sceresini 20; R. Hobday 19; B. Allan, C. Colley, J. Paul, C. McLane 18. Night 10-tgt. Pts.: B. Allan 30;

.P. Mnrton. -.D. Hoscher~ ~ 28:~, R. Lov.". H. Thomas 26. Aldo Sceresini shot very well all afternon to t?ke out the High Gun from Ted Keogh and John Hawkms ILLAWARRA DISTRICT and John Paul only one pomt behmd. KEMPSEY, 23/2/7l.-Fine. Attendance: 12. Results: GUN CLUB 10-tgt. DB Mini's: J. Smith 10/10; E. Baker, G. Baker, (N.S.W.) G. Matheson 9/10. 10-tgt. DB Mini's Veteran's Shoot: (Affiliated. A.C.T.A.) E. Neil 12/14; L. Baker 11/14; J. Smith 8/10. 10-tgt. DB Pts. Mini's: E. Baker 27/9; J. Smith 26/9. 10-tgt. Croome Road, Albion Park DB Mini's: K. Miles, L. Baker, M. Graham 9/10; D. (15 miles south of Wollongong) Olson 8/10. 10-tgt. DB: E. Neil 10/10; E. Baker, G. Baker, L. Baker, N. Clarke 9/10. 10-tgt. DB W/U: G. Sunday, May 9, 1971 Matheson. E. Neil 10/10. commencing 11 a.m. Two new shooters E. Baker and N. Clarke shot well Event 1- Nom. $2.00 throughout the programme. The Veteran's Shoot con- sisted of all financial members over 60. High Gun win- 15 Target DB Eye-Opener Sweep ner, E. Baker 35/40. Event 2- Nom. $3.00 LAKE CARGELLIGO, 31/1/71.-Very wet. Atten- 15 Target DB Handicap Trophy dance: 32. Results: Lower Lachlan 20-tgt. DB C'ship: S. Trembath 26/26; J. Schneider 25/26; E. Heffernan Event 3- Nom. $4.00 22/23. 10-tgt. DB Tro hy G Walker 50/50; 0. Phelps 49/50; P. Spry 30/31. Eotuer '~achlan20-tgt. Sp C'ship: E. Heffernan 23/23; R. Cannard 22/23; K. Snn 22/25. 'I.C.I. Perpetual Teams' Championship lo-tgt. DD: C. Hill and E. Whytcross; K. Sim and K. 20 TARGETS FROM 18 YARDS Saffery; E. Heffernan and J. Schneider. Event 4- Nom. $3.00 NEWCASTLE, 20/2/71.-Perfect night. Attendance: Illawarra District Gun Club's 28. Results: 10-tgt. DB: G. Glendinning, T. Asquith, E. Mothers' Day DB Championship Hill, A. Green I. Clarke, R. Jenness. A. Green 10/10. Dist. DR ship: Col. Bland 22/24; W. Collis 21/24; IMt HIGH GUN EVENTS 2, 3, 4 M. Whyte 23/26. 20-tgt. DB H'cap: J. Fryer, G. Foster, Three Electric Traps - Cartridges C. Bland. K. Pearce 20/20. MEALS AND REFRESHMENTS We wklcomed visitors from the local Clubs, also President. Seoretnv. K. McCLOY A. J. ARKWRIGRP, Rabaul (TPNG) President, W. Nicholls. Col Bland Wentworth 'street, Wongawilli shot well to win the DR C'ship with W. Collis 2nd. oak mats. via ~npto.2530: These two shooters shot-off for the Club DB C'ship last 2511. Phone: Dapto 61-1531. year and took that score to 162. AUSTIIACIAN CL4Y TARGET SHM)TING NEWS NEWCASTLE GUN CLUB N.S.W. (Affiliated A.C.T.A.) OffPaeiilc Highway, Merewether Heights

N.S.W. - State Teams' Match Saturday, Sunday, May 1-2, 1971 commencing 9.00 a.m.

Event l- Nom. $1.50 ~rthti'~other4ghamha? now ,won the DB and SB 10 Target DB, C/D Club Charnpionshlps and 1s cunsldered the most con- 18 YARDS sistent shooter on the North Coast. Event 2- Nom. $5.00 QUEANBEYANICANBERRA, 312171.-Nlght shoot. Attendance: 31. Results: 10-tft. Cont. ,(16 yd?: A. Tag- NSW State Team Elimination lipetra; P. Papps. FM: V. Ab ondante Nov~ce.P. Noble. $150 CID. 30 TARGETS PROM 18 YARDS Ties decided on count back system. QUEANBEYANICANBERRA, l?l2/7l.-Night shoot. Attendance: 44. Results: 20-tgt. Cont.: P. Papps; Michael Event 3- Nom. $3.00 Lyons FM: P. Pollini. Novice: A. Cay. Due to large attendances at night shoots, the com- Newcastle District DB Championship mittee has deuded to shoot every week Instead of every 1st Sash, Badge, Trophy; Znd, 3rd and 12/15 fortnight. Trophies. C/sweep 50c each 10. OTHER EWNTS TIME PERMITTING

Sunday, commencing 9.00 a.m.

Event 4- Sixty-four shooters shot in the Winchester Tourna-, ment with five posslbles. B. Hepworth broke 152/153. NSW STATE TEAMS SHOOT A. Romenello 140/141, R. Smith 131/132 in the Long Break. 50 TARGETS FROM 18 YARDS 15 Badges - Hi-Gun Trophy QUEANBEYAN/CANBERRA, 24/2/70.-Calm. Atten- Shells donated by IMI and Winchester. dance: 41. Results: 10-tgt. Cont.: Paul Lyons, J. Tankey. Targets donated by IMI - Hi-Gun donated by FM: B. PoUiru, Novice. Winchester. RANKINS SPRINGS, 21/2/71.-Hot and humid. At- Event 5- Nom. $3.00 tendance: 13. Results: 10-tgt. Pts.: S. Trembath 29/30; E. Norris 21/30; D. Allen 26/30. 15-tgt. Trophy: P. Newcastle District SB Championship Stivens 15/15; E. Norris 18/19; E. Thomas 17/19. 4 pr. 1st Sash, Badge and Trophy; Znd, 3rd and 12/15 DD: E. Whytcross and S. Wade; J. Irvine and E. Nods Trophies. 4/4. 5 pr. DR: S. Trembath 10/10; E. Whytcross 9/10; E. Thomas, D. Allen, L. Dow 8/10. High Gun: Stan O/sweep 50c each 10. Trembath. Event 6- Nom. $8.00 ROYAL AERO, 712171.-Fine, calm, overcast. Atten- $300 CASH HANDICAP dance: 35. Results: 15-tgt. DB H'cap: R. Alvaro, R. 20 Targets from Association Handicap Clare, R. Clarke 15/15. 10-tgt. Pts. H'ca . P. Naylor 30/30; D. Durrant, J. Rankin, J. Kenny Bi/30. R.A.C. Hi-Gun over advertised Events 1, 2, 5, 5, 6. Trophy 15-tgt. DB H'cap: A. Romanello, D. Taylor, J. Donated by IMI. Bosco. Intermediate Hi-Gun donated by Hunter Sports Supplies LUNCH - SHELLS - REFRESHMENTS Prrsidrnl, I. T. Terry and Arthur for-76 targets. FM was G. Matheson. Phrme: -. 2-5809 Bus Winchester H'cap 20-tgt. Pts.: W. Collis 60/60; C. Bland unsRIsab. and T. Rumbel shot 59/60. Shoot-off resulted in C. Bland 2nd and T. Rumbel 3rd. 20-tgt. DB $100 ?cap: T. Rumbel, J. Goodsell, J. Gooley, R. Page, B. Reld, A. Georee- shared Terry Rumbel gained his 150 Break Badge and Arthur lnverefl RnSMGun Club Fotheringham his 100. Six shooters received extra yard handicaps. On Saturday night the shooters sampled (N.S.W.), steak that was "specially bred" for the Gun Club and commented favorably. "Specially grown" new potatoes (Affiliated A.C.T.A.) cooked in their jackets went well with the steaks. Two miles east of Inverell on Glen Innes Road TAREE-WINGHAM, 31/1/71.-Few showers, some breeze later in the day. Attendance: 48. Results: Man- ning Dist. SB C'ship: D. Scowcroft and K. Pearce shot Saturday, Sunday, April 17-18, 1971 the oossible and after a short shoot-off K.Pearce 1st and D. Scowcroft 2nd. 11 shooters shot for 3rd resulting in B B. Boggis. FM trophy won by J. Cunningham. 20ztgt. Macintyre District DB Championship DB H'cap Trophy Event: A. Fotheringham, E. Simmons, ..--:'.- A , - - T. Tufrey, R. Sky, K: Miles, L. Wilmen shot the pos- w .- sible. After 11 tarnets Jim Tufrev. local club member. Macintyre District SB Championship emerged the winfir-of the ~irykuGun with ~anc; Wilmen 2nd and Kev Miles 3fd 30-tgt. DB Cash H'cap: This was a split cash event wlth 60% return to shooters, TWO x $100 20-TARGET DB 13 shooters each shot 15 targets and five shooters (A. Fotheringham, A. Whyte, R. Page, 3. Forbes, B. Gittoes) HANDICAPS shot the 30 targets. Ladies Event: D. Sansom 1st. J. Penfold 2nd. - As the weather was improved we were able to have N.S.W. STATE INTERMEDIATE the pony rides as advertised for the children and so kept the parents poor (some Gloucester members don't S.B. CHAMPIONSHIP know whether it is cheaner to shoot or ride nonies). One of the highlights of the afternoon was th

April, B71-I2 AUSTRALIAN CLAP TARGET SHOOTlNG NEWS lard, Euroa 10-tgt. DB H'cap CD: 2 possibles. R. Mit- chell, Shepparton; K. Newman, Mansfield. ME~OURNE,23/1/71.-Results: Schoolboys DB C'ship: P. Rhodes 15/17; K. Whaley 14/17. 12-14 yds: T. Thorne; G. Henwood. Lilydale SB C'ship: J. Henwood 39/39; W. Bruino 38/39; W. Henwood 22/23. Lilydale Inter SB C'ship: G. Morgan 20/20; J. Honeysett 24/26; D. Madden 23/25. 1214 yds: G. Henwood 20/23. 17 yds: R Special thanks to Andrew who has been our Sec- F. Spinosa 27/29. 20-tgt. H'cap: Thorne 55/56; E. retary for the past 12 months. Arnold 54/56; B. Ireland 45/47. Skeet CD: 17 divided. BAIRNSDALE. 13/2/19714erfect. Attendance: 31. MELBOURNE, 30/1/71.-Results: Yarra Valley DD (Day). Results: i0-tgt. Pts. CD: V. Bussel, R Lamb, D. C'ship; L. Mitchell and R. Maybury 32/32; G. White and Young, K. Cocks, C. Heath, N. Elliott 30. State DR T. Spence 31/32. Yarra Valle DR C'ship: J. Jenklns C'shi : R Whykes 33/36; J. Henwood 32/36; W. Attwood 25/26; R. Brown 24/26; B. dll 22/25. 12-14 y&: H. 28/38 l0:tgt $50 H'cap: B. Hall 42/42; N. Elliott 41/42; Cooper. 15-16 yds: E. Madden. 17 y&: G. Morgan. R. Lamb 29/30. 10-tet. Pts.: B. Hall. C. Heath. N. Har- Skeet CD: 19 divided. per, N. ~lliott30. - MELBOURNE, 1/2/7l.-Results: Aust. Day SB C'ship: BAIRNSDALE, 13/2/71.-Perfect. Attendance: 31. B. Hall 20/20; J. Jenkins 33/34; R Maybury 32/34. Results: Gippsland Lakes DB Nlght C'ship: R. Whykes 12-14 yds: P. Bruck 17/21. 15-16 yds: J. Nelson 18/20. 61/61; J. Hollonds 60/61; D. Youn 58/59. 10-tgt. H'cap: 17 yds: F. Spinosa 18/20. Aust. Day DB C'ship: L. Mitchell 131/132; D. Young 130/132: R. Ferres 100/101. D. Young, W. Pryde, M. Allen digh Gun: D. Young. 12-14 yds: D. Fisher 20/20. 15-16 yd6: J. Spinks 25/26. Front Marker: K. Cocks. 17 yds: F. Spinosa 44/45. Aust. Day Skeet C'shlp: G. Carroll 37/37; F. Smeaton 36/37; M. Miller 35/36. BARWON HEADS, 13/2/71.-Fine day, light breeze. Attendance: 15. Results: 10-tgt. H'ca SS: L. Parret, H. Edwards div. 10; R. McKeown, Garrett div. 9. MELBOURNE, 6/2/7l.-Results: Club Summer DB K. H. C'ship: W. Henwood 45/45; R. Whykes 44/45; G. Wil- 15-t t. H'cap SS: Garrett, Edwards div. 15; H. liams 43/45. Club Summer Inter DB C'ship: D. Fisher walier, R Coombs, J. Ford 14. 27/27; B. Arnott 26/27; P. Bruclr 24/25. 12-14 yds: S. Capizzi 19/20. 17 yds: M. Whitelaw 24/25. Winchester COLAC 5/2/7LFine and windy. Attendance: 33. Results: lb-tgt DB lkophy H'cap: 1st div. by Don Cor- storphan, Colac and Noel Smart, Ararat 15/15; 3rd Frank Dian, Warncoort 44/45. Yardage Trophies: 12-15: M. Dignan, Colac. 16-18: J. Elliott BaUarat. 19-21: H. Edwards, Barwon Heads. 22 and over: E. Oborne, Colac. 10-tgt. Novice H'cap: Percy Middleton, Lament- 11/11: Garv Mahonev. Colac 10111. 27 vds. spdcial: ~ay~arke;, Colac 373. I Clay Target Club FOSTER, 13/2/71.-Windy, fine sunny and warm. Attendance: 11. Results: 10-tgt. pis. SS: B. Mason, P. (Vic.) Kuyer, R Ferris 30/30. 10-tgt. SB SS: B. Mason 10/10; (Affiliated A.C.T.A.) M. Kenny and Malc. Kenny 9/10. 10-tgt. DB SS: M. Nargoondy Park-19 miles from Geelong Cripps, B. Mason, M. Kenny, Malc. Kenny, P. Kuyer 10/10. High Gun over first three events was won out- 29th EASTER SHOOT right by B. Mason 30/30' 2nd P. Kuyer; 3rd Malc. Kenny. 10-tgt. W/TJ: M. ~;ipps and P. Kuyer dm. 9/10; over two successive weekends P. Barlow 8/10. Winner of cake shoot: R. Ferris. Only 11 shooters owing to other sport and shows Sunday, April 11, 1971 in other towns. Event 1- Nom $3.00 PORTARLINGTON DB MINI TARGET FRANKSTON, 3/2/71.-Fine. (Night Shoot). Atten- CHAI)ZPIONSHIP dance: 34 Results: 10-tgt. H'cap Pts. CD: S. Capuzl; Event 2- Nom $3.00 G. Wickes and G. Boswell div. 2nd and 3rd. 15-tgt. DB ST. LEONARDS DIR CHAMPIONSEIP Reap: E. J. Arnold; C. McDonald; F. Buchan. Event 3- Nom. $3.00 CLUB EASTER SB CHAMPIONSHIP FRANKSTON, 13/2/71.-Fine. Attendance: 36. Re- Sunday, April 18, 1971 sults: 10-tgt. Crazy Quail: G. Farrar; F. Buchan; D. Event 1- Nom. $5.00 Hands. 5 pr. DR 16 yds.: M. Thomas' G. Ash; I. Mur- PORTARLINGTON GRAND PRIX ray. 10-tgt. TR Drawn Partners: d. Farrar and R. HANDICAP $100 Gatth; F. Buchan and G. Wiekes. First, $45 camp stove; second, IMI lighting outfit, The tower is now in operation and will provide plus trophies. . further variety at the club. Event 2- Nom. $3.00 ST. LEONARDS DB nIIivI TARGET HORSHAM, 13/2/11,-Good. Attendance: 34. Results: CHAMPIONSHIP 10-tgt. H'cap: C. Nuske, J. Hinneberg, D. Kennedy, R. Event 3- Nom. $3.00 Preuss 10/10. 10-tgt. Rca : R NeweU 22/22; M. Crib- PORTARLINGTON WALK-UP CHAMPIONSHIP ben 21/22; G. Staines andPC!. 6all div. 14/15. Two traps operating. Ladies Trophy on each event. Badges on all events. 10 TGT. EO EACH DAY MANSFIELD. 13/2/71.-Fine and pleasant Atten- Seereta dance: 20. Results: 10-tgt. DB H'cap Tro hy Event: R. B. ~0dgkNsEN Nicholson, Alexandra; W. Forrest, ~ansf;eld;L. Shal- AUSTRALIAN LNY TARGET SHOOIlNG NEWS April. 197l-18 bourne Gun C (VICTORIA) (Affiliated A.C.T.A.) VICTORIA ROAD, LILYDALE 4 Auto D.T.L. - 2 Skeet . SATURDAY, APRIL 3 CLUB DB CHAMPIONSHIP METROPOLITAN.-The Annual Meeting of the Club in conjunction was held on Wednesday. Februarv 10. and the office- bearers for the ensuingyear are: CLUB INTER DB CHAMPIONSHIP President: H. Belmore. Aggregate Events. Both Eventslst Gold Badge Vice-Presidents: N. McKenzie, R. Hering, A. Harrod. and Trophy. Trophies 2nd, 3rd, 12/14 yds. and Committee: B. Ferguson, A. Long, E. Lobley, J. Mc- 17 yds. Trophies donated by Mr Geo. Biggs. Vicar, P. McVicar, T. Spence, W. Williams, M. Wilson, G. White, H. Williamson. 20 Targets DB Handicap CD Assistant Secretary: E. Colautti. Skeet Handicaps, C/D Secretary: C. J. Colledge. METROPOLITAN, G/2/11.-Results: Frank Apted SATURDAY, APRIL 10 54/54 won the Club Tower C'sh~pfrom Ken McErlain EASTERN0 SHOOT 53/54. with Fred Reade 33/34 third. Herb Coo~er19/20 took the 12-14 .yds. -w&e &d ~al~ottl8/%%he15-16 yds. SATURDAY, APRIL 17 Auto and Driven over 20 targets, Allan Harrod lst, with with a clean score. Peter Radoa and Roy Fall- CLUB BUILDING FUND DB C'SHIP shaw 18/20 each divided the minor platings. Sash and Trophies lst, 2nd, 3rd, 12-14 yds, La1 Mitchell, Merv Landers and Ma1 Mott divided the 15/16yds. and 17 yds. Skeet. CLUB BUILDING FUND SKEET C'SHIP METROPOLITAN, 12/2/11.-A pleasant night Re- Sash and Trophies lst, 2nd, 3rd and 4-10. sults: Alan Harrod scored the only possible in the All Sashes and Trophies donated. opening 10 target points. Lalor DB Night C'ship: Winner SATURDAY, APRIL 24 I.M.I. TEAMS SHIELD EVENT 20 Targets DB Handicap GEELONG Trophies lst, 2nd and 3rd. Clay Target Club MOOROOLBARK DB CJXAMPIONSHIP Sash and Trophies lst, 2nd, 3rd, 12/14 yds, (Vic.) 15/16 yds. and 17 yds. (Affiliated A.C.T.A.) CLUB AUTUMN SKEET CHAMPIONSHIP FIRST SUNDAY PICNIC SHOOT 50 TARGETS Sash and Trophies lst, 2nd, 3rd and 4-10. Sunday, April 18-12 noon Nom. $5.00. SKEET - D.T.L. - TOWER Practice on each ground, 12.00 to 1.00 p.m. SUNDAY, APRIL 25 (3 targets, 20c) Bar-B-Q Fire - Ample Parking Swimming ANZAC DAY SB CHAMPIONSHIP - Event l- ANZAC DAY DB CHAMPIONSHIP SKEET-H'CAP SWEEPSTAKE - 25 TARGETS Both Events Sash and Trophies lst, 2nd, 3rd, Nom. $3.00 or $1.50 targets only. 12/14 yds., 15/16 yds. and 17 yds. Event 2- D.T.L.-H'CAP SWEEPSTAKE-20 TARGETS ANZAC DAY SKEET CHAMPIONSHIP Nom. $2.50 or $1.20 Targets only. Sash and Trophies; lst, 2nd, 3rd and 4-10. Event 3- TOWERSWEEPSTAKE-20 TARGETS Nom. $2.50 or $1.20 Targets only. SATURDAY, MAY 1 OTHER EVENTS TIME PERMITTING COLDSTREAM DD CHAMPIONSHIP Other April Programmes Easter Satyday NightApril 10-7.30 p.m. COLDSTREAM DR CHAMPIONSHIP D.T.L., including CORIO BAY DOUBLE BARREL CHArnIONSHIP Pmtice and Tuition - Afternoon Teas Saturday, April 24-1.30 p.m. Rasldent. Secretary. D.T.L , including CITY OF GEELONG R. F. BUCHAN. PErER JOSS. SINGLE BARREL CHAMPIONSHIP Mom= Rd., 8105459. 50 E.Dollc%ster, M2-1W. Practice each Wednesday, 4 p.m.

April, Isn--14 AOsTMLUN CL&Y TARGET SHOOTING NEWS was G. Smith 21/21 from R. Evans and A. Harrod. The 12-14 yds. went to Don Fisher 27/29 and Terry Wat- chorn the 15-16 trophy. In a 20 targets-Handicap, Gary White 20/20 ;st, Terry Watchorn 19/20, 2nd and 3rd was dlvlded by,Dlck Johnson and Allan Harrod. MILDURA, 20/2/71.-Warm. Attendance: 20. Results: Clay Target Club (C(iEfoth-) Skeet H'cap SS: Divided by 10. Duck Opening Skeet (Affiliated A.C.T.A.) C'ship: G. V. Dichiera; G. T. Wakefield; J. Blythman. Best 5-10: A. W. Barnes and overall events 1 and 2: V. LOCATION, EPPING (VIC.) Dichiera. Club SB Night C'sbip: A. E. Wilkinson 20/20; C. Farnsworth 19/20; L. Connors 18/20. STARTING TIMES-SATURDAYS First Event 2 p.m. each program Practice 1.30 to 2 p.m.

Saturday, April 3, 1971 8 Pair Deauville Doubles Cash. C/D. Entry $1.50. bad weather, resulteii in a %ry poor attendance. LALOR DID CHAMPIONSHIP Sashes and Trophies winning pair. Trophies second pan?. Entry $3.00. LALOR DIR CHAMPIONSHIP Sash and Trophy to winner. Trophies second, third, 12/14 yds, 15/16 yds. Entry $3.00. 20 Targets Cash Handicap time permitting. SKEET GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 9-NO SHOOT PORTARLINGTON, 13/2/71.-Fine and cool. Atten- dance: 16. Results: 10-tgt. DB Pts.: Div. W. Attwood, Saturday, April 17, 1971 R. Jorgenson, A. James, M. Hughes, N. Patersen 30/30. 15 POINTS. Cash. C/D. Entry $2.00 RESERVOIR DB CHAMPIONSHIP Sash and Trophy to winner. Trophies second, Third, 12/14, 15/16. Entry $3.00. Warrnambool Gun Club (Vic.) RESERVOIR DB INTERMEDIATE CHAMPIONSHIP (Affiliated A.C.T.A.) Sash and Trophy to winner. Trophies second and third. Entry $3.00. (These events shot in conjunction. Intermediates can compete in both events, $1.50 extra.) Easter Saturday 20 Targets Cash Handicap time permitting. SKEET Night Friday, April 23, 1971 8 Pair Deauville Doubles April 10 Cash. C/D. Entry $1.50. RESERVOIR DEAUVILLE DOUBLES NIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP Sashes and Trophies winning pair. Trophies .A second pair. Handicap time permitting. Saturday, May 1, 1971 Commonwealth S.B. 15 POINTS. Cash. CID. Entry $2.00. EPPING MIXED TARGETS C'SHIP Sash and Trophy to winner. Trophies second, Night Championship third, 12/14, 15/16 yds. Entry $3.00. EPPING SB CHAMPIONSHIP Sash and Trophy to winner. Trophies second, Warrnambool D.B. third, 12/14, 15/16 yds. Entry $3.00. Skeet and other events-time permitting. Night Championship Skeet Open Off Saturdays President, B. BELMORE Secretnry 0. .I.CQLLEDGE President, Phone: 305-4084 12 ndldr ova., Merlpton Phone: 354835 A. McSWEEN. dssistaot Seuetary. E. COUrJTIT. 354823

AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGm SHOOTING NEWS April. 3971-15 AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET SHOOTING NBWS We look inside our cartridges before they look inside your barrel so that you can be assured of a balanced cartridge for high velocity performance. Samples are selected to represent the whole of our cartridge range and are x-rayed for consistency and quality. Here we're able to view the completed cartridge on the inside and check for correctness of wad- ding, powder and shot. The x-ray quality con- trol among our many stringent tests assures premium quality always.

Ausfralia's biggest selling carfridges >IAN CLAY TARGET SHOOTING hEWS VICTORIAN WERRIBEE GUN CLUB (V) GUN CLrn (Vie.) (Affihated A.C.T.A.) (Afliliated A.C.T.A.) Gmnnd Location: Corner Geelong and Boundary Roads, Brooklyn Shooting Grounds: Ballan Road, Werribee Wednesday Night, April 7-7.30 p.m. ~aturda~,3rd April, 1971 ALL CASH Startmg Time: 1.30 p m. 20 St& Tpygets from ACTA Handicap Marks 15 SM. Targets Points from Handicap Marks Event 1- Nom. $1.50 Wednesday Night, April 14-7.30 p.m. Eye-Opener Victorian Gun Club DB Championship Points 10 targets points from 16 Yards, C/D Brooklyn District Night DIR Championship Event 2- Nom. $3.00 Saturday, April 17-1.45 p.m. "YOU YANGS" DB C'SHIP Monster Carnival 20 targets from 16 yards. GRAND VICTORIAN HANDICAP Event 3- Nom. $3.00 FOR YARDAGES 12-15 sag., 16-19 yas, 20-23 as., 23 yds. and over. "YOU YANGS" SB C'SHIP First. Refrigerator; Second, Clothes Drying 20 targets from 16 yards. Cabinet; Third, Cassette Tape Recorder. Sashes and trophies, O.S.S. - each 10, overall Saturday Night, April 17-7.30 p.m. 1111011,m "llllllllclllllnl mllllllll, VICTORIAN STATE NIGHT WALK-UP BARBECUE FACILITIES PROVIDED Sunday, 18th April, 1971 Liquor Refreshments Avdahle. Starting Time: 12 o'clock sharp Wednesday Night, April 21-7.30 p.m. VICE-PRESIDENT'S EVENING 20 Std. Targets from 16 yds DB Championship with Sash Werribee Grand Deauville 15 Targets Novelty Event Doubles Shoot Monday, April 26-1.45 p.m. One Sighter - Select Own Partners Sunshine District DB Championship Bmoklyn District SB Championship First prizes: Browning Automatic Ventilate* Western Suburbs D/R Championship Rib Guns.

Wednesday Night, April 28-7.30 p.m. Second prizes: Half box cartridges each. Victorian Gnn Club DID Night ChamPnonship Nomination: $10 per shooter Victorian Gnn Club D/R Championship Saturday, May 1-1.45 p.m. (Other events - time permitting) Sunshine District SB Championship Bar-B-Q iacilities and hot water available for Sunshine District Tower Championship lunch parties. Any shooter who attains a break of 100 in any one 'DTY event will have free nominations for Cartridges, Afternoon Tea and Refreshments that event. Any shooter who attains a break of available on ground. 200 in any one '7)TL" event will receive a 12- Gauge Browing Auto Shotgun. Pnddent, ss'ue=x. W. ABBOTP K. P SHAIiAHAN -tt 4 Grmths aiiwt, 4 Jeulcoe stmet wd J. wm. GS?2kfE: Wemlbee wbbss 1~ Pa. 31cs3a9. Ph. 68-m.

AI~U.WI-18 AUSTRALIAN CLAY TABQET SHOOTlNO NEWS Queenscliff Mixed Tgts. C'ship: W. Attwood 34/35; A. James 33/35; A. Tie 31/35. Nargoondy Park DD C'ship: A. James and W. Attwood 20/20; N. Patersen and K. Fisher 46/47. Mildura Clay Target QUAMEATOOK, 12/2/71.-Fine and warm. Atten- dance: 23. Results: 20-tgt. Club DB C'ship: F. James Gun Club 84/84; C. Bowman 83/84; S. Kerr 60/61. 10-tgt. DB SS: A. Richmond, R. Free, J. Wallis, N. Nalder, H. Coun- (Affiliated A.C.T.A.) don. C. Bowman. K. Hilderbrand. W. McGrath. A. Walker, M. Tate i0/10 div. We saw a very keen shoot-off in the C'ship - C. lnterstirte Skeet Teams' Bowman, Cohuna, getting his first 75 straight. VICTORIAN, 27/1/71.-Fine and mild night. Atten- Match dance: 38. Results: 10-tgt. W/U: Fred Reade 10/10; D. Toner 9/10. 10-tgt. DR: Brian Lowry 9/10; 2nd and 3rd divided by four shooters. 10-tgt. Tower: Divided by Victorian Section six shooters including youth Colin Walls. High Gun Trophy: Fred Read~e28/30. Saturday, 17th April, 1971 VICTORIAN, 3/2/71.-Fine, clear night. Attendance: commencing at 10 a.m. 62. Results: 6 pr. DR: G. Little 12/12; 2nd and 3rd was divided by R. Lowry, T. Palamara and D. Munro. Brooklyn DD C'ship: Jimmy Walls and Billy Attwood Event No. 1- Nom. $2.00 46/46; L. Baxter and Geoff Boswell 44/45. 15-tgt. Pts. 10 Target SB Sweep off 16 yards hom 18 yds.: Bill Williams 45/45; Dick Toner 44/45; Peter Radoa 42/45. Event No. 2- Nom. $3.00 Visitors included John McKinley from Port Moresby, New Guinea. NORTH- WEST S. B. VICTORIAN, 3/2/71.-Fine and mild, night. Results: 20-tgt. DB H'cap: R. Evans, R. Howden, D. Munro, J. CHAMPIONSHIP Walls, B. Camfield, R. Sadler all 19/20. 15-tgt. (Std.) 20 TARGETS SB OFF 16 YARDS Tower: R. Stuart, R. Burrill, A. Swiatek, G. G. Ewen, D. Munro. ($1.00 op. sweep each 10 $1.00 overall) VICTORIAN, 6/2/71.-Excellent. Attendance: 31. Re- Event No. 3- Nom $5.00 sults: 15-tgt. Pts.: Dick Toner, Gerry Smith, Jack Veal, Interstate Skeet Teams Elimination Darby Munro 45/45. Club under 13 years' Schoolboys' C'ship: Colin Walls 10/10; Lionel Wadell 9/10; Ian 50 Targets Graded 0-1, 2-4, 5-10 Trophies first and second each grade.

AT NIGHT COMMENCING AT 7.30 P.M. Event No. 4- Nom $2.50 KORUMBURRA 10 Pair D/Rise S.S. off 16 yards GUN CLUB Event No. 5- Nom. $3.50 (Victoria) Sunraysia District D/R Night (Affiliated A.C.T.A.) Championship 10 Paid Double Rise off 16 Yards.' EASTER MONDAY ($1.00 op. sweep overall) commencing 10.00 a.m. Practice till 11.00 am. Sunday, 18th April, 1971 Event 1- Nom. $6.00 commencing at 12 noon 30 Targets Points INTERSTA TE SKEET Handicap TEAMS' EVENT Event No. 6- Nom $2.00 First, Portable TV - Second, Watch third, Transistor 10 Target DB S.S. off 16 yards Yardage Trophies. Event No. 7- Nom. $3.50 Event 2, Nom. $3.00 NORTH- WEST D.B. STRZELECKI RANGES POINTS CHAMPIONSHIP CHAMPIONSHIP SASH AND TROPHIES 20 TARGET DB OFF 16 YARDS ($1.00 op. sweep each 10-41.00 overall) Mher events time permitting. Excellent Meals available on Gfound. Bar-B-Que facilities. 2-Skeet Lay-outs. Presldent. Secretary, President, Hon. Secretary, D. STONE, M. HAMELIN. G. T. WAKEFIELD, L. G. CONNORS lach Pwaong. "C~rstdr~Station." Phone Mildura 3-2567: pho& Iach 292. Phone Topiram 531.

AUSTRALIAN CLllY TXRGET SHOOTING NEWS Hunter 7/10. Club 13 years' and over Schoolboys' Young shooter Keith Whaley is shooting very con- C'ship: Peter McVicar 18!18; G. Henwood 17/18' R. sistently now and his division in the 1st event earned Smith 15/18. Brooklyn Dlst. DB (Std.) Tgts. hip: him his first yard back. W. Arrandt 70/70. Neville Whaley 69/70; Ray Morrison and R. Howden both 49/70 3rd. 20 (Std.) Tgts. from WANGARATTA, 17/2/71.-Fine and calm. Atten- 18 yds.: G. Smith, W. Arrandt, D. Munro all 20/20 div. dance: 58. Results: 10%. H'cap Trophy: D. Morton; J. Ooms; W. Howman. VICTORIAN, 10/2/71.-Light winds. Attendance: 51. This was the Annual Pre-Duck Opening Shoot. Results: 10-tgt. Pts. H'cap: Divided S. Teboneras, N. Whaley, K. Whaley, W. Attwood, J. Walls, F. Grima. WARRNAMBOOL, 13/2/71.-Excellent. Attendance: 20-tgt. DB H'cap Cartridge Shoot: R. Howden 20/20; A. 23. Results: (Night). Western Dist. SB Mini Tgt. C'ship: Stellato 22/23; D. Munro 22/24. 12-15 yds: B. Cam- A. Blain 17/20; A. McSween 16/20; L. Neyland 18/22. feild 19/21. 16-18 yds: N. Whaley 19/20. 19-21 yds: J. City of W'bool SB C'ship: M. Holloway; M. Sullivan; Platten 19/21. 22 yds: R. Evans 25/28. R. Millard. BAIRNSDALE ALICE SPRINGS GUN CLUB (Nodhern Territory) GUN CLUB (Vic.) (Affiliated A.C.T.A.) (Affiliate4 A.c.T.A.) Sunday, 2nd May, 1971 May 8-commencing 1 p.m. sharp (The May-Day Festival Weekend)

EVENT 1- THREE N.T. STATE 5 TARGET EYE-OPENER CHAMPBONSHlPS commencing 10.00 a.m. EVENT 2- 20 TARGET DB DR MITCHELL 5 Std. Eye-Opener TROPHY HANDICAP NT DR SIT Championship NT DB M/T Championship EVENT 3- NT Walk-up MIT Championship 15 TARGETS D.B. $250 Optional sweeps 50c each 10 Targets. You may be able to beat our shooting- HANDICAP Bet you can't match our hospitality. Reservations and details of weekends planned First, $150; 2nd, $75; 3rd, $25. , itinerary. (Prizemoney reduced accordingly if less than Contact- , Secretaw, 33 shooters.) JIM ROBERTSON, P.O. Box 518 Alice Springs, N.T., 5750:

ECHUCA GUN CLUB (Vic.) (Affiliated A.c.T.A.) Programme for 1971 Using Winchester Traps APRIL 10-Victorian State Mixed Mini Targets OCTOBER 9-Murray Valley Double Barrel Championship (night). Championship (night). MAY 8-Campaspe Valley Double Barrel Cham- Pitty Cup-Permewan and Wright Shield. pionship (day). NOVEMBER 13-20 Target Novelty Event. JUNE l&Olub DIBarrel Championship (day). Aero Double Barrel Championship (night). Northern Victorian SIBarrel C'ship (day). , DECEMBER ll-Christmas Shoot. JULY 10-30 Target Club Double Barrel Winter DECEMBER ZGVietorian State Mixed Mini Championship (day). Target championship (day). AUGUST lPClub Deauville Double (off 20 yds). Single Barrel Championship (day). 20 Taraet D/Barrel Murray Plains Champion- Echuca Gun Club SIB Championship (night). shio (day). Handicap Trophy events at all shoots. W. Pitty SEPTEMBER 10 and ll-10th: City of Echuea Cup to be High Gun on day of shoot. Double Barrel Championship (day). City of Night programmes commence at 7.30 p.m. Echuca Single Barrel Championship (night). Day programmes commence at 1.15 p.m. 11th: Victorian section-Interstate Teams Shoot The Committee reserves the right to alter the and 20 Targets Winchester Handicap. programme if necessary. President, Secretary. J. WLA G. H. SHAWCROSS ~ynbrari,5s2452. Bamawm Extension. 83-2215:

AUSTRALIAN CL4Y TARGET SHOOTING NEW9 BUNDABERG, 13/2/71.-Fine. Results: 20-tgt. DB IPSWICH, 21/2/71.-Good. Attendance: 29. Results: Kills: B. Thiele 20/20; B. Smith 20/20. (Won by B. 25-tgt. Skeet H'cap: D. Smith 25; J. Herman 23 + 3; V. Tbiele on a shoot-off). N. D. Cayley, A. Nixon and G. Boyle 20 +5. Qld. Skeet C'ship: L. English 25/25; K. Hunt 3rd with 18/20. 15-tgt. DB Pts: G. Hunt, M. San- Stevens 31/33; J. Mott 27/30. Winchester Western kowsby, G. Doble. 10-tgt. SB Kills: G. Hunt 10/10; Tournament: Grade 1: D. Smith 50/50; J. Mott 48/51. M. Sankowshy, A. Nixon and L. Cairns 8/10. 10-tgt. DB Grade 2: I. Major 54/61; V. Boyle 53/61. Grade 3: W. Pts.: L. Kirhy and M. Sankowshy 30/30; R. Rehbein Lenz 31/50; G. Jarvis 27/50. Overall Winner: D. Smith. 28/30. Once again the weather staycd dry for our shoot aftcr The day was very successful, with the shoot starting wtvks and 60 Inches of rain since November, which al- at 3.30 p.m. with a successful barbecue tea and the lowecl oy to hold our Skeet shuot, namely the Qucens- shooting resuming at 7.30 p.m. An enjoyable time was land Skeet C'ship, which was won in -fine style by had by all members and their families and the idea Les English. Congratulations Les on a good effort, also of the~afternoonand night shoots with a barbecue tea a special mention to that future champion young Ken will certainly prove to he popular, continually through- Stevens. The Winchester Tournament was won by out the summer months. Doug Smith, the only possible. He won the overall trophy. Ian Major was first m the 2nd grade and B~ll CHARTE1:S TOWERS, 7/2/71.-\Vet. Attendancc: 29. Lenz the 3rd grade. Results: 5 pr. ufl 16 yclu. E.Landsbcrg. Only 5-tgt. cvcnts conducted. hlost consistcnr shuoter B. Landsberg 34/35. MOUNT ISA, 14/2/71.-Fine, hot, windy. Attendance: 29. Results: 20-tgt. DB Pts. Trophy: R. Caldwell 60/60; DAWSON VALLEY, 14/2/71.-Windy, late showers. J. Grech 59/60; T. Wellington 61/63. 20-tgt. DB Pts. Attendance: 19. Results: 10-tgt. DB: Ogden and Schulte Club Perpetual Trophy: C. Buhagiar 62/63; E. H. Kos- 10/10, shoot-off won by Ogden. 20-tgt. Pts.: Ogden 52/60; kela 61/63; J. Grech 58/60. Night. 20-tgt. SB H'cap: T. Dore 50; Ward 49. 10-tgt. Mini SB: C. Ferry 7/10; Fech- Wellington 20/20; C. Buhagiar 20/22; F. Thomsen 19/22. ner 5/10: Ward 5/10. very good attendance considering 'flooded roads. Automat~ctrap an& cement roads by March.

ROMA GUN CLUB (Queensland) (Affihated A C T A ) Preliminary Announcement TOOWOOMBA, 14/2/71.-Excellent. Attendance: 32. Results: 10-tgt. DB: Won by M. Thornton 20/21. 20-tgt. Saturday, Sunday, May 15-16, 1971 DB Pts.: K. Miller 58/60; R. Hirning 56/60. 10-tgt. SB: Won by B. Campbell 12/12. High Gun: W. Shand, B. Maranoa District Double Barrel Campbell, J. Searle 38/40. Championship WARWICK, 7/2/7l.-Raining. Attendance: 15. Re- sults: 10-tgt. DB Mini: J. Crothers 10/10; R. Stewart and D. Campbell 9/10. 20-tgt. SB: R. Stewart and C. Maranoa District Single Barrel Evans 20/20; E. Anderson 19/20; D. Campbell 18/20. Championship This was the third consecutive shoot d~uinewhich heavy rain has fallen. - QUEENSLAND STATE S.B. MINI TARGET CHAMPlONSHlP $400 Value DB Handicap HAMENG, 31/1/71.-Fine. Attendance: 13. Results: 10-tgt. DB SS off Club H'cap: T. Hodge 13/15; A. Carrol Trophy Event-1 0 Pairs--D/R 12/15; J. Grose 11/15. 10-tgt. SB off Club H'cap: J. Newland 10/12; A. Carrol 9/12; M. Hanslow 9/13. 10- tgt. D BPts. off Club H'cap: T. Hodge 26/30; J. Arbuth- Secretw, not 24/33: M. Hanslow 21/33. R A DEAN, ~l&eand haze off the sea attributed to the low Phone 6076 I ~oma: scores. We have brought our shoot day forward from the fourth weekend to the first Sunday monthly. AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET SHOOTING NEWS April. 1971-21 SpeeSaZ ShootZmg Glasses

It's good common sense: When gou see more eZearZg- gou shoot more birds.! The sharper, clearer vision with Stirling shooting glasses toil1 surely lift your score because they contrast your target against the background. The large lenses give undistorted vision from centre to edge, and properly fitted Stirling glasses won't fog or obscure your vision because they ride high on the face. YELLOW LENS: For medium to poor light conditions, they brighten the background yet accentuate the black. The difference is amazing, look for yourself. GREEN LENS: These eliminate the glare and squinting caused by bright sunlight, keep your eyes fresh all day and contrast black against the background. only $11.00 pair Have you seen the BENTLEY 'POINTER'? A great 126. Auto Vent Rib at $149 Call and inspect- EVANS & BALFOUR 269 Little Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, 3000. dpril, 1m-a A- U.4Y TARGET SHWTING NEWS CUNNAMULLA BARMERA, 7/2/7l.-Hot and humid. Attendance: 9. Results: 10-tgt. EO DB H'cap: P. Arnold, C. Bradtke, Guru ceue (Q) B. Briers 10/10. President's Trophy 20-tgt. DB H'cap: P. Grose 34/34; P. Arnold 33/34; B. Briers 23/24. Win- (mated A.C.T.A.) chester Trophy 20-tgt. DB H'cap: P. Arnold 26/26; P. Grose 25/26; B. Briers 22/23. nual Shoot BORDERTOWN, 13/2/71.-Fine and hot. Attendance: 16. Results: 15-tgt. DB Winchester Trophy: 5 divided - Saturday and Sunday, May 1-2, 1971 P. Seneca, S. Williams, C. England), J. Standerwick, G. Willett. 5-tgt. DB, 5-tgt. SB $30 H'cap: 5 divided - P. Seneca, S. Williams, C. England, J. Standerwlck, G. Saturday, May 1: Willett. 5-tgt. DR: 2 divided - A. Miller, G. Willett, R. Andrews. Event 1- Nom. 50c The Winchester representative presented the winners 5 targ& DB Eye-Opener of the main event with a Winchester trophy. Event 2- Nom. $3.00 NARACOORTE, 12/2/71.-Cool and cloudy with Westerly breeze. Attendance: 24. Results: SA State DD Paroo River DB Championship C'ship: B. England and R. Andrews 39/39; J. Grove and 20 TARGETS FROM 16 YARDS K. Mules 38/39. $2 Sweep DR: B. England and K. Mules Trophies Ist, 2nd and 3rd. divided 20/20; P. Cleggett, A. Miller and R. Andrews divided 17/20. Event 3- Nom. $4.00 QUEENSLABVD D.B. POINTS SCORE CHAMPIONSHIP 30 Targets from 18 yards score 3 and 2. Trophy and Badge 1st. Trophies 2nd and 3rd. Front Marker Trophy. Event P. Nom. $4.00 S.A.G.C., 10/2/71.-Fine cold night. Attendance: 36. Results: 15-tgt. H'cap SS: P. Quire, S. Churches, E. President's Trophy Handicap Hall, L. Holmes, S. Rosetti, A. R., Jarmyn 15/15 div. 20 TARGETS FROM HANDICAPS 20-tgt.: I. Campbell 29/29; P. Qulre 28/29; R. Mules Trophies lst, 2nd and 3rd. 24/25. Inter Div.: S. Lowry 30/32; R. Cooke 29/32; S. Rosetti 20/23. Super Elliott High Gun: P. Quire 35/35. OTHER EVENTS TIME PERMITTING Shooters and friends will be entertained on Satur- SOUTHERN, 21/2/71.-Cool, gusty winds. Atten- day night at a banquet where a Calcutta will be dance: 19. Results: 10-tgt. EO: A. Scott 10/10; M. Clark, conducted on the $350.00 Handmap. A. Thiselton, K. Lawson div. 2nd. Duck Season H'cap, Sid and Betty Dawe Trophy 20-tgt.: J. Byrnes 28/28; W. Cowin 27/28; K. Lawson and A. Scott div. 3rd 19/20. Sunday, May 2: Yardage: 12-15: H. Virgo 18/20. Cash Mixed Bab 20-tgt.: 3. Byrnes 17/20; P. West, R. Hutchinson, W. Cowin div. Event 1- Nom. 50c 5 Target SB Eye-Opener SOUTH YORKE PENINSULAR, 7/2/71.-Fine and hot. Results: 5-tgt. DB EO: 2 shared - A. Wright, L. Event 2- Nom. $3.00 Starkey 5/5. Club Birthday H'cap Shoot 20-tgt. DB: C. Parsons 20/20; E. Commons 19/20; A. Wright 18/20. Paroo River SB Championship President's Trophy 20-tgt. SB: L. Starkey 23/27; E. 20 TARGETS FROM 16 YARDS Commons 22/27; C. Parsons 20/25. Junior Shoot 10-tgl. Trophies lst, 2nd and 3rd. DB: T. Bowman 6/10. FM Trophy: D. Cooper. Ladies Prize: Mrs H. Linke. Event 3- Nom. $10.00 UNGARRA, 7/2/71.-Attendance: 16. Results: 20-tgt. SB C'ship: 3. Schramm 20/22; D. Smith 19/22; S. $350 Shooting Equipment //cap Rossetti 17/20. 20-tgt. DB Super Elliott Trophy: J. 40 TARGETS DB FROM HANDICAP Humphries 19/20; J. Schramm 18/20; D. Fitzgerald Trophies lst, 2nd and 3rd - Shooting Equipment. 19/22.. - Congratulations to Jim Schramm winning another Event P Nom. $3.00 C'ship. Better than average shooting was seen in the 10 Pair DIR Perpetual Teams Event Super Elliott Trophy, where our visitor from Mt. Gambier gained the trophy, but lost one of those High Gun over programme coveted yards. Jim made his presence known to fill Intermediate High Gun second place. Des Fitzgerald won the shoot-off for 3rd Optional Sweeps on Events 2, 3, 4 on Saturday; but he also lost a yard. Events 2, 3, 4 on Sunday. WHYALLA, 29/1/71.-Cool and windy. Attendance: Cartridges and meals available on grounds 17. Results: 5-tgt. EO: 5 divided. Eyre Pen. DB Night Committee reserves the right to alter the C'ship 20-tgt. off 16 yds: L. Moia 19/20; J. Colaruotolo programme if necessary. President, Secreta 17/20; G. Bollen 16/20. 20-tgt. SB Transfield Trophy: J. G. H. SCHMIDT A. ECRO;;~;. Colaruotolo 15/20; L. Moia 14/20; S. Rossetti 12/20. "Bamona." ~uniamulla. .a~ilnoc~e.* cunnamulla: Our thanks to Super Elliotts and Transfield for the Phone: 41. phone: Barringun 4G. fine trophies. AUSTRALIAN CXAY TARGET SHOOTING NEWS April. 1971-23 BRISBANE GUN CLUB INC. (QUEENSLAND)

(Amllstd A.C.T.A.) - 5 Electric Raps - Mt. Petrie Road. Belmant - 96-1555 (on Queensland Rifle Association Area)

Thursday, 10th June, 1971-9 a.m. Friday, 11th June, 1971-8.30 a.m. 'tA Event 1- Nom $3.00 1 Event 4- Ncm. $3.00 CITY OF BRISBANE SINGLE BARREL 1 CITY OF BRISBANE DOUBLE BARREL CHAMPIONSHIP I CHAMPIONSHIP 1 20 TARGETS DOUBLE BARREL 16 YARDS 20 TARGET 'INGLE BARREL l6YARDS - - f Trophies Ist, 2nd and 3rd. Best 12-16 yards. Trophies 1st. 2nd and 3rd. Best 12-16 yards. j optional sweeps soc each 10 targets and soc Optional sweeps 50c each 10 targets and 5Oc overall 20 targets. overall 20 targets. 1

I Winchester Trap Winchester SkeM Fhal Final loo TARGETS TRAP - 16 YARDS (6 State halists eligible) 50 TARGETS SFCEET j! umm ~IIIIIMIIIIUII llllllllld (6 State Mstseligible)

mm I~~~~~IIIIII)mI1~~~~~~m Event &- Nom. $4.00 EV~~2- NO^. WOO I WINCHESTER PRE-INTERNATIONAL I TROPHY EVENT I.M.I. PRE-INTERNATIONAL 25 Targets Double Barrel Points - 16 yam. Trophies 1st. 2nd and 3rd. Best 12-16 yards. TROPHY EVENT Optional sweeps 5Oc. 25 targets (kills to count). ! (Trophies donated by Winchester Western) 25 Targets Double Barrel Points - 16 yards. rnIIIMI "I,1IIIm"I"I llllllnl," Trophies lst, 2nd and 3rd. Best 12-16 yards. Optional sweeps 50c. 25 targets (kills to count). (Trophies donated by IMI (Australia) Ltd.) Event 6- Nom. $4.00 Brisbane Gun Club Trophy Event I,,,,,,,,,,, .,,~t,,,,,I,,,, .,,,m,,, I 25 TARGET DB POINTS--16 YARDS yards. Event 3- Nom $5.00 Trophies Ist, 2nd and 3rd. Best 12-16 Optional sweeps 50c. 25 targets (kills to count). $300.00 HANDICAP sigh Gun Tmphy Events, 1-6 (kills to count). 25 Targets Double Barrel - Association Handicap 4I Excellent Trophies Guaranteed


President, .. W. A. EDWARDS A. C. FnmEzG, 4 Marlendar ~tdt 15% School Road Holland Park 414: Yeronga, ~ld: Tclaphone 9711865. Tel- 483F. I

Lpd. 3971--24 AWTRALIAN aYTAUQET SHOOXIh'Q NEWS GERALDTON, 6-7/2/71cVery unsettled and windy. PE&TH, 21/2/71.-Fine and warm with light breeze. Attendance: 26. Results: 25 Skeet H'ca . J. Eddy 47/53 Attendance: 60. Results: Metropolitan SB C'ship: R. M. (after shoot-off); 6. Crawford 41/53. $inchester H'cap: Holtfreter (Northam) 20/20; E. Dsw (Geraldton) 39/39. E. Daw 31/31; A. Lorino 30/31; J. Edd 37/38 (after A. Yozzi (Azzurri) 38/39. 20-tgt. DB H'eap CD: 16 shoot-off). 30-tgt. DB State Mini Tgt. &hip: R Mc- shooters divided. I.M.I. Transcontinental H'eap: Clive Donald 28/30; G. Bailey 26/30; F. Bombara 25/30. High Shepherd (Perth) 55/55. Cash H'cap in conjunction: S. Gun Overall: R. McDonald 73/80. Stenton 61/67; C. Shepherd 66/67; J. Eddy 54/55. High Gun over 5 events: R. McDonald (Geraldton) 117/120. PERTH, 10/2//Yl.-Calm and mild. Attendance: 38. Results: Metrp olitan Ni ht SB C'ship: G. Yozzi 25/27; WAGIN 14/2/71.--Fine and windy. Attendance: 10. M. Alexander %/21; G. kgonr 20/23. ~esults:1%-tgt. DB, 5 pr. DR: ~~tera shoot-off to de- cide place-getters, the results were: H. Bosenberg PERTH, 20/2/7l.-Fine light N.E. breeze..Attendance: 26/30; P. Becker 25/30; K. Smith 24/30. Others: A. 60. Results: Perth Ci b~ C'ship: R. Bdey (Perth) Philip 20/25; T. Moran 19/25; 3. Tucker 16/25; T. 97/97; E. Daw (~era%ton) 96/97; M. Fisher (Perth) . Jackson 15/25; G. Smith 14/25; A. McKenzie 11/25; D. 81/82. Metropolitan Tower C'ship: R. McDonald (Gerald- Mercuri 10/25. Some very fine shooting witnessed for ton) 59/59; R. Bailey (Perth) 58/59; N. Tomazos a Club in its infancy and we hope to =port more (Perth) 39/40. improved scores in the future.

BOTHWELL, 20/2/71.-Very hof and humid. Atten- MERSEY, 20/2/71.-9e and humid. Attendance: 28. dance: 26. Results: Club Pts. C'shm: D. Rubock off 15 Results: 5-tgt. DB Novlee: Divided - L. Lyndt and C. ds 45/45; E. Nelson 52/54; A. &no1 49/54. FM: 3. Latham 4/5. Club SB C'ship: A. D. Rumble 27/28; R. gerry. South Dist. DB CC'ship:G. Pratt oif 13 yds 20/20; Sanden 26/28; D. Brett 24/26. FM: L. Viney 18/20. 5 D. Taylor 21/22; N. Arnol 20/22. FM: 3. Berry. 10-tgt. pr. DR H'cap: G. Roberts 10/10; R. Sanden 9/10; 3rd SB SS: C. Conlan, P. Clousen 9/10. Teams' Shoot: G. div. S. Bott and D. Whiteley 8/10. Coo~leman.R. Johnson. E. Nelson. W. Potter. P. Clou- se

EAST COAST, 13/12/70.-Goo& Attendance: 15. Re- sults: 20-t . Eastern Dist. C'ship: M. Oakley 23/23; B. Castle 22/& J. Hallam 20/21. 15-tgt. Mixed: M. Oakley 13/15; G. Amol, D. Hallam, 3. Hallam, S. Barber, R. Quennbeyan/Canberra Gun Club (NSW) scene of n/2/'ll Will~ams11/15. Section of the 1970-71 Winchester Trap Tournament (left to right): g. Olive. Winchester representative; R. Smith, Illa- EAST COAST, 11/1/71,Fine. Attendance: 9. Results: wnrra GC, 16/20, Qrads 2 winner; A. Romanello, NSWGC, 10-tgt. DB: B. Newman, G. Arnol, A. Tucker, B. Castle 21/27, Grade 3 wlnnar; B. Hep~vorth,NSWGC, 12115, Grade 10/10. 10-tgt. DB: T. Newman, B. Castle 10/10. 1, winner; M. D. Wens, Queanbeyan, 2/81, 3rd phmgettsr.

WANTED TO BUY Is anyone interested in selhg a secondhand mechanical trap. Please contact P.O. Box 35, Bungendore, NSW.


Saturday, May 8, 1971 Event 1 ELIMINATION EVENTS - 30 commencing at 9 am. Targets Points off 18 yards. The 10 top shooters from each State will I EVENT 1- Nom. $4.00 represent the two States. 500 rounds of ammunition for the top shooter QUEENSLAND DOUBLE BARREL in EACH of the following grades: 12/15, CHAMPIONSHIP 16/18, 19/20, 21/23 and 24/27. Optional Sweeps, 50 cents on each 10. 30 TARGETS OFF 18 YARDS Nomination 18:00 I Badge and Trophy 1st; Trophies 2nd, 3rd and best 12/14 yds. Optional sweeps, 50 cents on each 10. BALLANDEAN TEAMS MATCH EVENT 2- Nom $4.00 20 TAEGETS POINTS OFF 18 YARDS -. WINCHESTER WESTERN TROPHY % Badge for each member of the winning team. . .= High Gun Trophy donated by IMI. -. EVENT .- Nomination Free - 15 TARGETS POINTS - Winchester Western Trophy 1st; Trophies 2nd and 3rd. Optional Sweeps, 50 cents overall.

EVENT 3- Nom. $11.00 $500 HANDICAP 30 TARGETS DOUBLE BARREL I EVENT 3- Nom. $11.00 Divided 6O%, 30%, 10% $500 HANDICAP 20 Targets Points $200 divided-60%, 3096, 10% 20 Targets DB $200 divided--60%. 30%., 10% Over the 40 Targets on Kills, $100 divlded- Sunday, May 9, 1971 60%, 30%, 10% commencing at 9 a.m. High Gun and Intermediate High Gun - 500 rounds of ammunition each. BALLANDEAN TEAMS MATCH ALL PNZES GUARANTEED Queensland v. New South Wales The Committee reserves the right to alter the Shooters will shoot for the State in which number of targets except the Championship they reside. event.

Shooters and their wives are invited to be present at a banquet at the International Club I on Saturday at 6.30 p.m. where a Calcutta will be drawn. I For Motel or Hotel Accommodation contact E. Chizzotti, Phone: 194, Stanthorpe; After Hours: 905. I LUNCH REFRESHMENTS CARTRIDGES AVAILABLE President A. J. SM~ mE%E%t Phone: ~allaAdean31 Phone: Ba!Andean 39 I April, 1971-26 As received to 1971 A.C;T.A. REGISTRATION LIST 1st March, 1971 * Denotes Referee D.C. Denotes Duplicate Card % Denotes Life Registered ** Denotes Reieree Examiner Issued Shwter


Hmenroeder. R.. Broken Hill* .... Mrushdl. P.. Hahart* ...... 27 IIigglns. B.. Hobart ...... Martin. J.. Sunny corner ...... 15 Higsfna. B. J.. Colac ...... "- Mnctln, L.. Dandenong ...... 12 Highdale L A Mildura ...... Kamradt. R.. Rmkbmpton ...... m. R .. Y~SS...... la Hill. C.. Illexsndrs...... Kapernick. H.. Ksr Kar Islend .... man; a w .. Bendigo ...... IS Hill. F. F.. Wonthaggi ...... Kav8118gh. N. W.. Springsure' ...... MasJimi . L.. .&urr I- ...... 14 Hl11. R.. Northam ...... Kavansgh. S . W .. Sprlngsnre* ...... Mast as. B. Bungendore ...... 18 Hill. R .. Melbourne ...... Keddie. N.. South West ...... Masters. H.. Bungendore ...... 14 Hill. W . G. C.. St. George ...... Kellow. W.. South West ...... Matson. R.. Bmken Hill ...... 13 Hilton. W.. Rockhampton ...... Kelly C Quyra ...... Matthews. D.. Kerang ...... 19 Hipwell. G.. Cohuns ...... Kellv. M. A...... Northam ...... ~~~ ...... Matthews. R . F. . Chartera Towers 16 Hite. J.. Bombala ...... K~G,L; J., Queanbeyan ...... Maurice. R.. ~ulgong...... 14 Hockey. Q . W.. Braidwood ...... Kennedy. H. Bombala ...... Mzu3eld. F. E.. Dandenong ...... 16 Hoedl. P . D.. PeWl ...... Kennedy. J.. Narrabri ...... Map. J.. Dungog ...... 14 Holland. A.. Bendigo ...... Kennedy. R . s.. raidw wood ...... MW. K. T.. Southern ...... Rolling. J.. Illawarra Dbtrict ...... Kennedy. R., Bombsla ...... Hollow. B.. Gulgong ...... Kennedy. T., Bombala ...... Hollow. R.. Gulgong ...... KenW . J.. N.S.W.O.C...... H0lt. J . T.. Perth ...... Kllkenny. R . A.. Metropolitan ...... Holt. T.. Perth ...... Kllllck. B . G.. Whyslla* ...... Honeyman. V . W.. Southern ...... King. J.. South West ...... Honeysett. J.. Melbourne ...... King. MIS M.. M&CIIlUI ...... Hood. R.. Victorian ...... King. M.. Mickay ...... Horn. S . J.. south Burnett* ...... Kittle. L . J.. Alice Springs .... Hormcks. S. .. Rockhampton ...... Knight. G.. South Burnett .... Horton. O. Ci . Perth ...... Knuth. E . R.. Eton ...... Hoskins. G.. Bmken Rill ...... Koch. T.. Dandenong ...... Hough. P . G.. Edgehill ...... Kuh. C.. Bunbury ...... Howe. C.. Broken Hill ...... Kyle, MI'S P . C.. Bairnsdale ... Howell. R . V.. Perth ...... Huggins. C. A.. Baimsdale* ...... Humherstone. J.. Southern ...... Hum~hr~s. B. N.. Sth. Yorke. Pen . Hunt; G... ~undaberg ...... Hunter . J.. Newcastle ...... Hurse. P .. Mawborough ...... Hurst. J.. Lae ...... La Cava. V...... Lace . P. E.. Illawarra District ...... Lace. P . J.. Illawarra District ...... Lacey. R... Metropolitan ...... LafIan . John F., Metropolitan .... Lmond. C.. Kar Kar Island ...... Landrigan, R . D.. Burdekin...... Langsford. A . ~roken ill ...... Ietto. T.. Edgehill ...... ~arsn.G: c. ; Perth ...... Innes. Q.. Melbourne ...... Lawson. Master T.. Whyslls ...... Ioppolo. G .. -ri ...... Lawson. J.. Victorian ...... g,wson M. C.. whyalk ...... Ireland. B. J.. Melbourne ...... -. - ... Iskenderian. V.. NS.W.G.C...... IVW.J . C.. Dandenong ......

Jackson. E. G.. Melbourne ...... JaMns . J . B.. St. George ...... Jaques. H.. Bathurst ...... Jamb. Master G .. Inmich ...... Jenkha. P.. Newcastle* ...... Jenkhas. B.. Yass ...... Jensen. C.. Springsure ...... Lucchesi ...... Sensen. E. T.. Bundaberg* ...... Ludbrook. M. H.. Rankston ...... Jessen. A . 0.. South Burnett* ...... Lussick. M.. Kaviemg ...... Jessop. J. E.. Perth ...... Lynd . L.. Mersey ...... Johncock . G . R.. Kar Kar Island .... Johns. W . H .. Perth* ...... Johnson. C. 8.. Bendigo* ...... Johnson. B . C.. Melbourne ...... Johnson. G . N.. Bundaberg ...... Johnson. J.. Kar Kar Island ...... Johnson . R.. Metropolitan ...... Johnson. R.. Hobart ...... Jolly. A . G.. Warracknabeal ...... Jones. A . H .. Seymour ...... ones. A . J.. ~rruat*...... Jones. A . W.. CmoLwell ...... Jones . D. M.. Hobart ...... Jones. G . J..Melbourne* ...... JOUes. R.. DUnkOg ...... Jones. R . J.. Metropolitsn ...... McRue. E. O.. Hobart* ...... 17 Josephs. I.. Broken Hill ...... McRae. 8.. Hobart ...... 12 JOSP.P . J.. Melbourne ...... McVitty. J.. St. Amad* ...... 16 A- A- CLAY TARGET SHOOTMG mWS Apdl. im4U Potter. W.. Hobart ...... Pratt. G.. Bothwell ...... Pretty. K . S.. Dandenong ...... uman. A.. Gold Coast ...... Price. G.. East Coast ...... J.. Colac ...... Priest. L.. Hobart ...... Ielbourne ...... Practer. D.. Edgehill ...... h. Yorke Peninsula Purcell. S. D.. Victorian ......

~ettleback.T. . Dandenong ... NeviUe. H; C. ; Mersey ...... Newland. B.. Gulgong ...... Newman. C.. Proserpine ...... Quinn. G.. Lake Cargelligo ...... Nicholls . B.. South West ...... Quinn. L.. Narrabri ...... Nixon. A .. ~undaberg...... Quw. H . 3.. Gold Coast ...... xon. W.. Springsure ...... Norris. E.. Barellan ...... Norris. Master P.. Gulgong ......

Rafferty. P . J . C.. Guyra ...... Rainger. K.. Inverell R.S.M...... Rankin. 3.. Gold Coast ...... Ransome. E .. Eton ...... O'Brien. F. C.. Bothwell ...... Raynor. 'M.. . ~eelong...... O'Brien. M.. Melbourne ...... Reeves. W.. Inverell R.S.M...... O'Connor. J . T., QbeyanICanberra* Rehbein. R . P.. Bundaberg ...... O'Donnell. M.. Wangaratta ...... Reicha. L.. Noorat ...... Olsen. S. L.. Burdeliin ...... Reidy . B.. Binaara ...... O'Neill. G.. South West ...... ~eizneiks;3.. Melbourne ...... Ooms. J.. Wangaratta ...... Reizneiks. Mrs V.. Melbourne ...... Orr. R.. Illawarra ...... Rentsch. S . G.. Hamilton ...... O'shannessy. W.. Bendigoa ...... Rhodin. J.. Illawarra District ...... O'Sullivan. E.. Q'beyanICanberra .... Ribaux. P . R.. Bathurst ...... Ousey. A. J.. Melbourne ...... Richards. K .. Bordertown ...... Owen. M.. Kavieng ...... Richardson. G.. Hobarti ...... Rimmer. F. L.. Kar Kar Island* .... Roberts. G.. Bairnsdale ...... Roberts. G . G.. Mersey ...... Roberts. T . V.. Alexandra. S.A. .... Robertson. J . M.. Alice Springs .... Pace. G.. Metropolitan ...... Robinson. R.. Whyalla ...... Palamara. T.. Victorian ...... Ralph. W. J.. Goroke ...... Pannekoek. F.. Rabaul ...... Rose. T . H.. Edgehill ...... Papalia. J.. Edgehill ...... ROSS.D.. Metro~olitan...... Papalia. J . R.. Edgehill ...... Ross. ~r D . L... Eton ...... Parker. R.. Colac ...... Rossi. E., Azzurri ...... Parsons. C. R., Sth. Yorke Peninsula Rossi. F.. Azzurri ...... Paterson. K . D.. Melbourne ...... Rowell. Dr J . B.. South Burnett* ....

Paterson . K . K .. Dandenone...... ~ ~ Roy. E . T.. Yass ...... patterson . V. A. . Victorian ...... Russel. C.. Bungendore ...... Pattingdale. G.. ~hyalla...... Russell. C.. Geraldton ...... Payne. B. G.. Eton ...... Ryan. W.. Bungendore ...... Payne. R.. Illawarra District ...... Rylands. R . J.. Geraldton ...... Payne. T . 3.. Eton ...... Peacock. B.. Edgehill ...... Pearson. G . J.. Edgehill ...... Pearson. N.. Seymour ...... Pearson. R . 3.. Guyra ......

Pearson . T . W...... Edeehill ~ ~ ~ Sachse. B. V.. Esperance ...... Pelaccia. 7J .. Azzurri ...... Saglietti . G .. Euroa* ...... ember. L.. ~eraldton*...... Sanden. R . T.. Mersey ...... Penfold. Miss J.. Gloucester ...... Sansom. David. Gloucester ...... Perkins. J.. Bunbury ...... Sansom. Mrs Dorothy. Gloucester Perkins. N. K.. Illawarra District .... Sansom. Miss Jov . Gloucester...... Perri. S .. Metrouolitan ...... sansom; Master J..S . T.,Gloucester Sansom. J . W.. Gloucester* ...... Perry. C. C.. Goroke ...... Sartor. S., Eton ...... Perry. M.. Warracknabeal ...... Saunders. Dr J . M.. Perth ...... Perry. S.. Warracknabeal ...... Savage. R., Queanbeyan/Canberra J Petersen. G . L.. Springsure* ...... Saville.. .. . Cohuna ...... ~ ~~~ - - . P.. ~ . Savio. Lae ...... elbourne ...... Sayles. Mrs C.. Esperance Bay .... J . R.. Barmera ...... Sayles. J.. Esperance Bay ...... D . C.. Mallala ...... Scarce. L . M.. St. Amaud ...... G.. Gulgong ...... Schilling. L. L.. Dandenong ...... g. B.. Ararat ...... Schmitt. E.. Esperance Bay ...... ickthall. W. F.. St. Amaud ...... Schroeder. R . F.. Melbourne ...... Plowright. C., Myamyn ...... Scott. A. J.. Charters Towers ...... Plumb. G . R.. Crookwell ...... Scott. B . T.. Charters Towers ......

Poanne. A.. Leeton ...... Scott. R . D .. Perth ...... ~~ .~. Polglaze. V .. Hawkesbury ...... ~cotgR . W. . Charters Towers* .... Pollack. B., lice springs ...... Scrimegour. W. C.. Perth ...... G., Edgehill ...... Seal. E.. Rabaul* ...... B., QueanbeyanICanberra .. Searle. J . L.. South Burnett ...... Wild. G. B.. Perth ...... 14 W Wilkins. M . J .. Gold Coast ...... 22 wilkinsin. R .; Kerang ...... Tait. J.. Wonthaggi ...... Waddell. G.. Inverell R.S.M...... Willett. G . D.. Wangaratta ...... Tatasciore. A.. Azzurri ...... Wade. S.. Ralll;in Springs ...... Williams. B.. Metropolitan* .... Tatasciore. V.. Azmrri ...... Wagner. R.. Newcastle ...... Williams. G.. MorweIl ...... Tate. B . R.. Cola0 ...... Williams. R.. Alexandra ...... TaY10r . D .. Newcastle ...... Walker. C.. Horsham ...... Williams. R . T.. Yass ...... T~YIO~;H . ; Bathurst ...... Walker. C. H.. Perth ...... Williams. T . B.. Edgehill ...... ~aylor;J . 'E.. Alice Springs ...... Walker. G . E.. Eton ...... Williams. W . F., Metropolitan* Taylor. R . A.. Coonamble ...... Walker. H.. Gulgong ...... Williamson. H . A.. Guyra* .... Teboneras. S.. Melbourne ...... Willis . R . J .. Perth ...... Tena~lia. I? .. Azzurri ...... Walker. J . E.. Eton ...... ~ihon. P.. ~lbany...... 14 hatcher. P: J.. Melbourne ...... Wrtlker. Master T.. Eton ...... Wilson. R.. Condobolin ...... 12 Thomas. D . C . Walls. J .. Dandenong ...... Wines. L.. Warrnambool ...... 16 Thompson. M.. St . George ...... Walshaw. K.. N.S.W...... Winzen. P.. Barmera' ...... 22 Thompson. S.. Dandenongi ...... Warm. H . A.. Geraldton ...... Withers . D .. Yass ...... 20 Wann. V. R.. Geraldtnn ...... 15 Thorne . N., Hobart ...... witham;. G .. ~ Wangaratta ...... Thrift. M..~- Guyra'...... Ward. F.. Bunbury ...... Wood. A.. Geelong ...... 12 Thurbon. P., Queanbeyan/Canberra Warnock. C.. Rockhampton ...... Wood. P.. Melbourne ...... 13 Tilyard. G.. Queanbeyan' ...... Watchorn. T.. Metropolitan ...... Woodroffe. E. J.. Lethero ...... I2 Tode. K .. Melbourne ...... Watlrins. T . A. . Gloucester ...... Woods . R .. Gul~one*...... 16 Tomazori . N ...Perth ...... Watson. R.. Colac ...... wootton. J.. ~:wk&bury ...... 14 Tomlinson . c.. Gulgong ...... Watt. M . J.. Illawarra District ...... worley,'.l.. N.S.W...... 18 .q own send. ~..~ungendore...... Watt. R.. Newcastle ...... Worthington. L.. Esperance Bay .... 15 Trevanian. C. E.. Bombala ...... Webb. K.. Alice Springs ...... Wright. A. D., Sth. Yorke Peninsula 16 Tull. M.. Gloucester ...... Webb. R . E.. Illawarra District ...... Wrieht . R . J .. Sth. Yorke Peninsula 14 Weisse. D . J.. South West ...... Turner. B ... Melbourne ...... ~~~ Wylie. T.. Dungog ...... 14 Turner. L.. Melbourne ...... Wellings. G.. Broken Hill ...... Wyndham. Master C., Broken Hill 14 Twaddle. J.. Noorat ...... Wells. N.. South Westq* ...... Twigg. D.. Bombala* ...... Wells. R.. Mildura ...... Wells. S. H.. South West ...... Westhorp. J . B.. Melbourne* ...... Whaman. Master G.. Hobart ...... White. D., Queanbeyan/Canberra .. 17 White. D.. Condobolin ...... Yates . R . B .. South West1* ...... White. D., Hobart Young. N.. Esperance Bay ...... Young. N . A.. Bairnsdale ...... Vandali. 0.. Metropolitan ...... Young. R.. Newcastle ...... Vanner. N . A.. BenaUa ...... White. W R.. Geraldton ...... Yozzi. A. . Azzurri ...... Varga. A.. Whyalla ...... Yozzi. J . G.. Azzurri ...... Varley. W. A.. Guyra ...... Whitehead. A . A. P.. Mackay ...... Veal J Victorian ...... Whitelaw. M.. Melbourne ...... Whiteley. B.. Cressy ...... Venables. J . K.. Melbourne* ...... Whiteley. D.. Cressy ...... Vidler. L.. South Burnett ...... Whyte. L.. Noorat ...... Vincent. R.. Metropolitan ...... Wibbereey. Dr D . J.. Ungam ...... Vincentini. L.. Azzurri ...... Widdicombe. A. J., Me1 Zaniol. Master K.. Broken Hill .... 15 Wiecheclri. T., Azzurri Zaniol. L.. Broken Hill ...... 16 Vincentini. P . V.. Azzurri ...... Wiese. D . L., Narrogin* Zantis. A.. N.S.W...... 16 Vivante. P.. Azzurri ...... Wifien. R . K.. Colac* ...... Zorino. A. . Geraldton* ...... 19 Viveash. R . H.. Perth ...... Wighton. R.. Hobart ...... Zupp. B.. Toowoomba ...... 12

As received to Skeet Handicap Amendments 1st March. 1971 i Denotes Referee it Denotes Referee Examiner

Bowden. H.. Newcastle ...... 3 Fryer. J.. Newcastle ...... 0 Mawer. G.. Ipswicht ...... 2 Boschetti. R.. Geraldton ...... 1 Pinlay. H.. Geraldton ...... 2 McDonald. R.. Geraldtont ...... 1 Bailey. J.. Geraldton ...... 2 Wnlay. G.. Geraldton ...... 7 Nash. J C.. Cowra ...... 3 Boschetti. A.. Geraldton ...... 2 Finis. J.. Mildura ...... 3 . 2 4 Bamberry. K.. Gold Coast ...... Guy. R.. Newcastle ...... 3 Purdue. C.. Mildura ...... Blytheman. J.. Hopetnun ...... 3 Glass. J.. Geraldton 2 Rylands. R J.. Geraldton ...... 8 Barnes. P . A.. Mildura 4 ...... Gratte. S.. Geraldton ...... 1 Richardson . T.. Hobart ...... 5 Barnes. A . C.. Mildura ...... 9 Gates. A.. Mildura ...... 3 Boyle. V.. Brisbane ...... 3 Sansom. J.. Gloucester ...... 3 2 1 Hollywood. B . B., Banners? Salafia. T.. Gmth ...... Clark. W . Snr. Hawkesburyt ...... Holmes. L . W.. S.A.G.C.? .... Sim. K..Griffith ...... 2 Curnow. H . B.. S.A.G.C.? ...... 6 Smith. D.. Wyarama 4 0 Haslett. R.. Newcastle ...... Colliss. W.. Newcastle ...... Hatch. M.. Geraldton ...... Struble. E.. Ipswich ...... 0 Coraci. W.. Leeton ...... 10 Holder. J.. S.A.G.C. Stevens. G.. Ipswicht ...... 3 Cole. B.. Ipswich ...... 5 ...... Hollywood. J.. Barmera ...... Taylor. D R.. Hobart? ...... 0 Dunn. J.. Newcastle ...... 4 Harris. R.. Griiflth ...... Whyte. A.. Newcastle 2 ~unn.L.. Mildurat ...... 3 Johnson. R.. Hobart ...... Dichiera. V.. Mildura ...... 2 ...... Wolfe. D.. Newcastle ...... 8 Jones. J.. Hobart ...... Wilkinson. A E.. Mildura ...... 2 Dinn. M.. Australian? ...... - Lenz. W.. Ipswich ...... Plaherty. K . P.. E4.A.G.C.t ...... 1 Mott. J . W.. Brisbane ...... Zaetta. D.. Mildura ...... 5 AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET SHOUTING NEWS April. 197131 1971 A.C.T.A. Amended Handicaps 1stAS March, received 1971 to Denotes Referee D.C. Denotes Duplicate Card Issued t Denotes Life Registered *' Denotes Referee Examiner UR Denotes Unregistered Shooter Shooter

Alvam, T., Inter ...... ,.. 13 Gittoes, B., Coffs Harbour ...... 17 Page, R., Taree Wingham ...... 17 Allitt, A., Colac ...... 17 Grech, J., Mt. Isa ...... 16 Preece, P., Cressy ...... 14 Atkinson, T., Condobolin* ...... 17 Gibson, I., Katanning ...... 24 Pryde, W., Morwell ...... 21 Barnes, M., Bendigo ...... Hughes, M., Sebastopol ...... Radoa, P., Werribee ...... 21 Bloxsome, R. B., Central Bumett* Holloway, K., Victorian ...... Rumbel, T., Taree Wingham* ...... 22 Bland, C., Cessnock City .:...... Harvev. A,. N.S.W...... Reid, B., Taree Wingham ...... 16 Bailey, M., Coffs Harbour ...... Rumble, A. D., Mersey ...... 16 Bell, J., Limore ...... Hall, 6. R., ~lbany*...... Ritchie.. R.. . Katannine- ...... ~ ~ ~~ .~~~.~~. 18-- Bulllmore, N., Ipswich ...... Humphries, J., Mt. Gambier ...... Ryan, P., Cowra ...... 14 Bolte, R. D., SSAA Illawarra ...... Huff, G., Benalla ...... Rutzou. L., Wagga ...... 14

Barry, B., Esperance Bay ...... Hall., B... Bairnsdale* ...... ~ ~ Schneider, J., Lake Cargelligo ...... 13 Brown, D., S.A.G.C...... Howden. R.. Victorian ...... Stivins. P. R.. Barellan ...... 14 Bamberry, W. K.. Gold Coast** .... Heinze, F. R., Frankston ...... S~O~II,. D., Condobolin ...... 17 Browne, I., Wangaratta ...... Hudson, F. R., Hawkesbury (D.C.) Smith, R., Chinchilla ...... 16 Bradwell, F., Illawarra District .... Harris, J., Wagga (UR.)...... Smith, R., Illawarra District* ...... 19 J...... Coverdale, H. S.,Noorat CUR.) .... Hausler. J.. Wanearatta ...... SteDhenson., ~,Illawarra Distriat* ..17 Clarkston, P., Brisbane ...... ~awkinj;,c., ~awiesbury.... I...... Stellato. A,. Victorian ...... 17 Corstoruhan. D.. Co1acb* ...... Hobday, R., Bingara ...... stenton; s.'A. J., Perth ...... 17 Cunninghanie, J; C., Coffs Harbour Jackson, S., Brisbane ...... Shaw, C., Sydney ...... 13 Cooper, J., Shepparton (D.C.) .... Johnston, G., Wangaratta ...... Starr, K., Guyra ...... 21 Curnow, H. B., S.A.G.C...... Sceresini A,, Inverell R.S.M...... 19 Liersch, B., Wagga (U.R.) ...... Simmon, E., Coffs Harbour ...... 21 Clhnas, B. S., Albany ...... Lawford, J. V., Shepparton (D.C.) Camfield. B.. Victorian ...... Seccombe, G. D. T., Coffs Harbour 21 Linton, H. T., Mount Isa ...... Shepherd, R., Lismorew ...... 20 Lyons, M., Queanbeyanrcanberra .. Simpson, J., Leeton* ...... 14 Lewis, J. B., Mt. Gambier ...... 16 Ludbrook, G., Sebastopol ...... Tull, M. H., Dungog* ...... Lewis, J., Condobolin ...... Townsend, H., Illawarra District .... 17 Curtis, D., Guyra' ...... Tufrey, A. J., Taree Wingham* .... 23 Lisle. J. H., Walcha ...... Thorne, R., Australian ...... 15 Donald, H. F., Brisbane ...... Major, I.. ~risbane...... Teague, L., Frankston ...... 18 Daniels, R., Chinchilla* ...... ~ott,J., Brisbane8 ...... Dignan, F., Colac ...... Vincent. E.. Wazga* ...... 22 Matheson, G., Kempsey ...... valentine, M., Hay* ...... 18 Driscoll, D., Maryborough, V. (UR) Mathieson, I. W., Brisbane ...... Di Bartolo, A. D., Herbert River Vodden, T., Bendigo* ...... 15 Miles.. K... Port Macouarie ...... Veitch, L., Sebastopol ...... 17 English, L. P., Brisbane* ...... Marriot. R.. Morwell* ...... Mason, B., Yarram ...... Whitewood, J., Bendigo ...... 17 English, Mrs D., Brisbane ...... 20 Ellem, P., Chinchilla ...... Mount, D., Gold Coast ...... Wardell, R. T., N.S.W...... Moir, L., Whyalla ...... Wilson, W., Lismore ...... 17 Edmunds, K., Victorian* ...... Wilmen, L., Dungog 18 Ellis, J., Mallala ...... Milham. E.. Gunnedah ...... Muir, K., ~ueanbeyan/canberra.... Wilson, R., Wagga* ...... 20 Eddy, J. W., Perth ...... 12 Elmer, R., Tasmanian McMurray, T., N.S.W...... Weeks, Mrs A,, Hay* ...... Wellington, T., Mt. Isa ...... 19 Ferguson, C., Brisbane ...... Neuman, C., Callawadda ...... Whaley, K.,Victorian ...... 13 Fayle, I., Hayr ...... Newman, K., Mansfleld* ...... Whitehead, M., Mt. Gambier ...... 16 Farlow, B., Hay' ...... Newell, R., Warracknabeal ...... Wansborough, R. M., Northam and Fitzgerald, D., Ungarra ...... North, A. J., Tamworth ...... District 17

Ferry,~ C.,~ Dawson Valley ...... Ogden, G., Damson Valley ...... Webb, A,, Illawarra District* ...... 16 Gaffey, K., Griffith' ...... O'Connor, M., Mt. Gambier ...... Webb, Mrs J., Illawarra District .... 15 Gall, C. J. C., Brisbane* ...... Paulas, J., Gold Coast ...... Worth, T., Dorrigo ...... 14 Geale, W., Mersey ...... Peacock, R., Kerang* ...... Zerbe, R., Morwell ...... 13 AUSTBALIA9S BEST A PAD DIAMOND INTERNATIONAL Deluxe Gun Recoil Pads 0 Record sales this year confirm shooters' confidence in this high grade pad. Consistent recoil throughout - right shape for comfort and correct fit - adds to the appearance of your gun - adds to the value. ACCEPT NO OTHER - ASK FOR "DIAMOND INTERNATIONAL" Brown or Red colour with white spacer. - $4.99 - Fitting extra. Trade enquiries: DIAMOND SPORTS GO., 269 LITTLE COLLINS STREET. Supplied by- EVANS & BALFOUR OLYML'IC GUN SPECIALISTS, 269 LKCTLE COLLINS ST., MELBOURNE

April, 197132 AUSTRdLIAW CJAY TARGET SHOOTING NEWS Ann uul In &el*-ServicesICi-upslaood-ing Condest 1971 Venue-Puckapunyal Army Gun Cl'ub Wednesdav. 3rd March, 1971

ICI Shield being presented to RAAF team captain-Air Cdre D. Colqu- houn-by IMI Australia Ltd. Sales Manager, L. E. Richardson.

Army W/O. W. Ford, High Gun ARMY TEAM: R. Henson, Lovell, Tonlrin, W/O. W. Ford, Humherstone and scorer, 36/36, at the 1971 Inter- Toomey. Services Trapshooting.

Voluntary ACTA Referees at the 1971 Inter-Services Shield Shoot- NAVY TEAM (not in order and includes reserve): McCashney, Deakin, Leo. Shallard, of Euroa, and Fred Frunks, Jones and Lieut. W. Murphy. -Shearer (Gunsmith), of Melbourne.