AUSTRALIAN Vol. 24 No. 3 APRIL, 1971 CLAY TARGET --- Registered for posting as SHOOTING NEWS a periodical-Category 'W' OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET ASSOCIATION AUSTRALIAN Official Organ of the Australian Clay Target CLAY TARGET Association SHOOTING NEWS Editor: C. M. BERRY, A.I.S.M. Address all correspondence to Secretary-Editor: C. M. BERRY, Box 2038 S, G.P.O., Melbourne, Vic., 3001. Oflice: 5th Floor, Nicholas Buildings, 37 Swanston Street, Melbourne, Yic., 3000. Phones: 63-9777, Private 99-2234. I6 COPY CLOSING-NOT LATER THAN 1st OF MONTH PRECEDING PUBLICATION CLUB affiliation Subscription, $10 per annum. SHOOTER'S REGISTRATION FEE, $5 per annum, must be forwarded through CLUB Secretary. NON-SHOOTER Subscription, $5 per annum. All fees become due on January 1, each year. liPrinted by Industrial Printing and Publicity Ca. Ltd.. 24 Victoria Street, Carlton, 3053 - 34.8106. Patron Lieut.-General Sir W. BRIDGEFORD. K.B.E., C.B., C.B.E., M.C. Prcsidellt Page Mr G. H. IIALL, No. BOX 421. Geelong, Vic. 3220. IIon. Vice-1.residentr (1870) F. R. HUDSON P.O. Box 38 Marrickvilie, N.S.W., 2204 Editor's Notes . 1 J. w. STEINER, 5 vivian kt., Rivervale. w.A.. 6103. Letter to the Editor 3 Mr John HOUSTON, Mr 13. G. JAMES, Tips and Tales .... ~ .. .. ... 5 Mr D. B. MOW M~ W. E. H. RAINBIRD: o.B.E.. Mr J. M. WILSON, Mr J. M. TYQUIN. Inter-Service Trap Shooting ... ... ... 6 Exe~~li~eCommittee Clubs and Meetings .... ... .... ... 7 Mr E. T. BALDWIN, P.D. Box Ion, Tatura, Vic., 3616. Mr E. G. BIGGS. 4 Hugh St.. Knoxfleld. Vic.. 3180. 1971 A.C.T.A. Registration List . .. 27 Mr A. E. CREGAN, "Moredun, Ben Lomond. N.S.W., 2363. Mr W. A. EDWARDS, 197 1 Skeet Handicap Amendments ... ... 3 1 4 Marieander St.. Holland Park, Brisbane. Qld., 1121. Mr D. B. MOP P.O. Box 313. Burleizh Head;. Qld.. 4220. 1971 A.C.T.A. Amended Handicaps ... 32 Mr R HT MOYSE, "Dunrauen," Barcaidme, Qld., 4725. Mr R. MULES, 63 Argyle Ave., Marlestan, S.A., 5033. Mr Kelth OLDFIELD. 100 Temora Rd.. Caotamundra. N.S.W.. 2590. Mr A. PEDERSEN, Drouin, Vic., 3818. Mr W. E. H. RAINBIRD, O.B.E.. BOX 555, Launceston, Tas.. 7250. W H. SMITH, 91 Julia St., Portland, Vic., 3305. Mr K. SOAMES, Sen., 86 Sutheiland Rd., Beecroft, N.S.W., 2119. Mr L. S. R. STEWART. "Waratah." Cunnamulls... Qld.. 4490. Mr D. R. TAYLOR, 697 Main Rd., Berriedale, Tas., 7011. Mr N. WELLS, P.O. BSx 45. Busselton, W.A.. 6280. Shooters are reminded that a big racing carnival is Championship and shot in conjunction . 2nd AUS- scheduled for June in Brisbane, consequently accommo- tralian National Intermediate Double Rise Champion- dation should be booked immediately. Some caravan ship followed by Event No. 7: $300 value Double and motel type accommodation is available through Barrel Handii-. (time -permitting). -. the Brisbane -Gun Club, otherwise official accomm& &tion agents are James Patrick & Co. P~Y.Ltd., of SIXTH DAY - Thursday, June 17, 1971. Event 431 Queen Street, Brisbane, also "Number-Ten-Thc- No. 8: The Twenty-Sewnd Grand Australian Handi- Esplanade, paradise* has ampleaceommoda- =P and, time permitting a DB Handicap or Sweep suzfeIS stake then, time permitting Skeet Practice - 25 tion at special rates for shooters. Targets. lllllYlll",l,l"llll,,,,,,~,,III"IIIII",II,I" I,,,"I,,",,, SEVENTH DAY - Friday3 June 18, 1971. Event No. 9: 2nd Australian National Skeet Championship The 1970 Australian National Clay Target Cham- followed by 6th Australia/New Zealand Skeet Teams' pionships shall be conducted by the Association at the Match. Brisbane Gun Club, Queensland, over the seven suc- High Gun (praious such winners excluded) shall cessive days of Saturday, through to Friday, June 12 be over the SIX events--Champion of Champions, to 18. Double Barrel, Double Rise, Single Barrel, Australia/ The programme shall proceed in the following order New Zealand and Grand Australian - kills only to with one major event each day: count. Prize winners are not eligible for Yardage Awards. FIRST DAY Satorday, June 12, 1971. Event - We have passed our appreciation to the makers of No. 1: 31st Australian National Champion of Cham- this hetrophy, Messrs Fabrique Nationale of Belgium. ions Cup followed by $300 value Double Barrel Such a "Browning" under-and-over shot gun trophy !I andicap (time permitting). has been donated annually since 1966 and the agents, SECOND DAY - Sunday, June 13, 1971. Event Commercial Marketing Co. Pty. Ltd. of Sydney, have No. 2: 19th Australian National Double Barrel Cham- already arranged that this shot gun shall be available at pionship and shot in conjunction . 24th Australian the commencement of the 1971 Nationals. The gun is National Intermediate Double Barrel Chainpionship. an engraved Special Trap 5 gun and all previous winners of these trophies are excluded from the final TFLIRD DAY - Monday, Jme 14, 1971. Event selection. No. 3: 17th Australian National Single Barrel Cham- pionship and shot in conjunction . 2nd Australian We have agreed to the N.Z.G.C.A. request to con- National Intermediate Single Bartel Championship. duct the Australia/New Zealand Skeet Teams' Match for the lkt time in Australia. This is a five-man team FOURTH DAY - Tuesday, June 15,1971. Event event, shooting one round of 25 skeet targets. The NO. 4: loth Australi/New Zealand Championship fol- team to consist of the five highest Australian scorers lowed by 12th Australia/New Zealand Trap Teams' in the Australian National Skeet Championship. Match followed by Event No. 5: $300 value Double Barrel Handicap (time permitting). A perpetual high gun'cup is to be donated for the litst time by J. Newton Thomas of Melbourne, who has FIFTH DAY - Wednesday, June 16, 1971. The won, at some stage or other, at least one of each major Twenty-Fifth International Teams' Match followed by clay .target shooting events conducted within the Event No. 6: 11th Australian National Double Rise Commonwealth. AUST&JAN CLAY TARGET SHOOTING NEWS A Stirling Broadrib trophy gun will be presented by Some 124 New Zealanders have indicated their in- Fnller Firearms of Sydney "to any New Zealander who tention to attend and compete in the Australian wins any of the five annual Australian Championships." Natioaal Championships. This shall be the largest The 35th Annual General Meeting of the Association sporting contingent ever to leave New Zealand for shall be held in the Clubhouse of the Brisbane Gun any one sporting tournament. Club fmm 6 p.m. on Monday, June 14, 1971. Registered New Zealand shooters will shoot two yards back from their current handicap marks, by Some overseas shooters shall visit the 1971 Aus- arrangement. tralian Championships. The National Championships trophy prize lists are now at a common basis to avoid the problems of trophy distribution and division. (NOTE - full pro- gramme advertisement March and May, 1971, includes As some member clubs have requested that shooter descriptive local road map.) insurance be arranged by the Association, the Execu- tive Committee at its last meeting considered several A choice of shot gun cartridges shall be available quotations and decided that the details of the best from the cartridge controllers at a common price in offer shall be discussed at the 1971 Annual General exchange for receipts as issued by the A.C.T.A. Meeting. Secretary. The Committee suggests that member clubs consider Gunsmiths shall be available on the grounds. adopting this overall policy which "would provide Clay targets to be used during the 1971 National coverage for bodily injury or damage to property for Championships shall be orange domed for down-the- which they may become legally liable occurring as a line trap events and all black for the skeet events. result of an accident in connection with the Associa- tion's business." A Referee Discussion Night on rules interpretations This proposed policy coverage would also provide shall be held at the Brisbane Gun Club on Friday night, indemnity for the liability of shooters whilst on the June 11, under the chairmanship of Queensland Execu- tracks during registered events. tive Committee Member, Mr W. A. Edwards, and two others, yet to be named, to assist in answering Only member clubs with satisfactory documenta- the questions. tion and constitutions in writing under the Companies Act shall be able to have coverage for their shooters The Shoot Marshal shall be Mr George Parker of and the premiums must be collected from the shooters Beenvah, Queensland and Assistant Shoot Marshal with registration fees then fonvarded accordingly shall be Mr Harry Williamson of Apsley, Victoria. through the A.C.T.A. Championship allocations for 1971 - re-allocations are:- Announcement Tasmania State W/U (Day) to Bothwell. Tasmania State Points Decision to Bothwell. Tasmania State DR (night) to Hobart. Evans & Balfour Pty. Ltd., Gztnsmiths of Melbourne, Victoria, who have serviced the Who is the best game shot or clay target shooter? shooters for the Clztb at Hay, N.S.W., during The surest way of spoiling the enjoyment of shooting Easter for many years, have reluctarztly decided is to allow it to become over-competitive: Let us shoot as well as our talents permit with no thought for any that they will not be attending the shoot this order of merit. year. This decision was reached after lnzich careful consideration and disczission with the Hay Gun Club. Many recent costs which affect us all these I Sashmaker and I days have brought abo~itthis decision. Gold stamper Evarzs & Balfour Pty. Ltd., through this 4 TAMAR STREET, ESSENDON, VIC. fournal, thank the Hay Gun Club and the many Telephones 33-1514 or 337-8988 shooters who have gone out of their way to Quality sashes available immediately on support them over many years.
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