2314 Legislative Journal - House December Is
COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15,1993 SESSION OF 1993 177TH OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 66 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. STEIGHNER Thank you, Mr. Speaker. 'Ihe House convened at 9:30 a.m.. e.s.t. Mr. Speaker, I would ask for leave for today only for the gentleman from Philadelphia, Mr. RIEGER; the gentleman THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE from Westmoreland, Mr. PETRARCA, and the gentleman from Allegheny, Mr. OLASZ. (GREGORY C. FAJT) PRESIDING The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair thanks the PRAYER gentleman, and without objection, those leaves of absence will be granted. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Today's prayer will be offered The Chair also notes that there are no leaves of absence by Rev. Charles Dorscy, Director of Special Ministries for the being requested from the Republican side. Pennsylvania Council of Churches. REV. CHARLES E. IIOKSEY offered the following prayer: SENATE MESSAGE Let US pray: HOUSE BILLS Eternal Go4 from whose gracious hand we have received CONCURRED IN BY SENATE the wondrous and solemn trust of life, we pause to become I'he clerk of the Senate, being introduced, returned FIB 437, aware of Your care and seek guidance for this House in its PN 1881; HB 1432, PN 2282; AB 1512, PN 2262; and AB business and work today. 2091, PN 2893, with information that the Senate has passed We thank You for the privilege of serving the people of the same without amendment. Pennsylvania and ask You to makc us faithful and wise servants as we use the power of our office.
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