
Reviews 7

Biosynthesis and Therapeutic Properties of Constituents

Authors Grant Woronuk, Zerihun Demissie, Mark Rheault, Soheil Mahmoud

Affiliation Irving K. Barber School of Arts & Sciences Unit 2, University of British Columbia – Okanagan, Kelowna, Canada

Key words Abstract Abbreviations l" Lamiaceae ! ! l" Lavandula angustifolia Lavenders and their essential oils have been used cAMP: cyclic adenosine monophosphate l" essential oil in alternative medicine for several centuries. The CFVR: coronary flow velocity reserves l" volatile compounds that comprise lavender essen- DMAPP: dimethylallyl diphosphate l" tial oils, including linalool and linalyl acetate, have DXR: deoxyxylulose phosphate demonstrative therapeutic properties, and the reductoisomerase relative abundance of these metabolites is greatly DXS: 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate influenced by the genetics and environment of the synthase developing plants. With the rapid progress of mo- EEG: electroencephalography lecular biology and the genomic sciences, our EST: expressed sequence tag understanding of essential oil biosynthesis has FPP: farnesyl diphosphate greatly improved over the past few decades. At GABA: gamma-aminobutyric acid the same time, there is a recent surge of interest GPP: geranyl diphosphate in the use of natural remedies, including lavender HMGR: 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA essential oils, in alternative medicine and aroma- reductase therapy. This article provides a review of recent IPP: isopentenyl diphosphate developments related to the biosynthesis and me- MVA: mevalonate dicinal properties of lavender essential oils. MEP: 2-C-methyl-D-eryhtritol 4-phosphate

Introduction of two Lavandula species, L. angustifolia and ! L. latifolia, as well as from lavender hybrids, com- Lavender (Lavandula) essential oils are complex monly known as lavandins (see l" Table 1). Other received June 3, 2010 mixtures of mono- and sesquiterpenoid alcohols, lavender species, such as L. stoechas and L. dentata, accepted June 23, 2010 esters, oxides, and ketones. The primary compo- have also been used in folk medicinal practices for This document was downloaded for personal use only. Unauthorized distribution is strictly prohibited. Bibliography nents of these oils are the monoterpenoids lin- their anti-spasmolytic properties [3,4]. With its DOI http://dx.doi.org/ alool, linalyl acetate, 1,8-cineole, β-ocimene, ter- high linalool/linalyl acetate and low , 10.1055/s-0030-1250136 pinen-4-ol, and camphor (l" Table 1). Sesquiter- the essential oils of the species L. angustifolia are Published online July 21, 2010 penoids, such as and nerolidol [1], among the finest and most desired lavender oils Planta Med 2011; 77: 7–15 and other terpenoid compounds, such as perillyl in the cosmetic and aroma-therapeutic indus- © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York · [2], are also present in trace quantities. A tries. However, L. angustifolia plants produce ISSN 0032‑0943 myriad of studies have quantified the medicinal these valuable oils in relatively low quantities properties of many of these individual terpenoid (40 kg per hectare [2]), and cultivation of this spe- Correspondence Dr. Soheil Mahmoud compounds, in addition to studies of the thera- cies requires hot dry climates at medium altitudes Biology peutic potentials of oils as a whole. The produc- (700–1200 m) in order to produce maximum oil University of British Columbia tion of these terpenoids is significantly impacted yields [5]. Spike lavender (L. latifolia) typically Okanagan 3333 University Way by the genetic milieu of the plant and by environ- yields 50 kg per hectare and is also commonly Kelowna, B.C. mental factors (such as temperature). grown for its essential oil contents. Since the Canada V1V 1V7 Lavenders belong to the Labiatae (Lamiaceae) 1920s, commercial cultivation of lavender hy- Phone: + 12508078752 Fax: + 125 08078005 family of plants. Most commercially marketed brids has been employed to increase essential oil [email protected] lavender essential oils are obtained from cultivars yields [6]. Spike lavender is often crossed with

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Therapeutic Properties of Lavender Oils Table 1 The relative abundance of major essential oil constituents in typical ! L. angustifolia, L. latifolia, and lavandin (L. angustifolia × L. latifolia). Values are percentages of total oil yield. Asterisks (*) denote chiral centers. Lavender essential oils have long been considered to be natural remedies for various ailments. They possess potent calming and Compound Structure L. angus- L. latifolia Lavandin sedative effects, making them popular in aroma-therapeutic prac- tifolia (L. × inter- tices. Furthermore, some studies have shown that several constit- media) uents of lavender essential oil possess anticancer and antimuta- 1,8-Cineole trace 22–27 4–7 genic properties. Below, key studies of the therapeutic properties of lavender oils and their various constituents are reviewed. For a summary of the therapeutic research using various constituents of lavender oil discussed in this section, see l" Table 2 and Table 3. Camphor trace 12–16 6–8 There are three ways in which essential oils can be absorbed into the human body: 1) though the respiratory system; 2) transder- mally via direct contact; and 3) oral ingestion [7]. A developing body of evidence suggests that essential oil absorption into the Linalool 25–38 27–41 25–35 blood stream, either by inhalation or dermal contact, has salient pharmacological effects in treating pain, anxiety, sleep disorders, and depression [8]. Frey et al. [9], in a landmark study, demon- strated that therapeutic agents can bypass the blood-brain bar- rier via olfactory uptake in mice. This method of delivery was Linalyl 25–45 trace 26–38 subsequently confirmed in human subjects [10,11]. acetate Studies in human subjects One of the most common uses of lavender oils is in the enhance- ment of sleep. It has been demonstrated that lavender aromatics – Terpinen- 4 5% trace trace can improve sleep in the elderly [12] and infants [13]. Further- 4-ol more, exposure to lavender odors during sleep results in in- creased duration of deep slow-wave stage sleep [14]. A therapeu- tic effect that is closely related to sleep is anxiety reduction, and many studies have evaluated the anxiolytic potential of lavender β-Ocimene 3–4% trace trace essential oil. Tasev et al. [15] related the sedative and relaxant ef- fect of lavender oils with its effect on the central nervous system delivered via the olfactory system, and Tisserand [16] suggested that L. angustifolia odors have a similar action to in effecting gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) neurotransmis- L. angustifolia to produce lavandin (L. × intermedia), a hybrid lav- sion. A study on dental patients who were exposed to lavender ender species with particularly high oil yields of 120 kg per hec- scents showed significantly reduced anticipatory anxiety [17]. tare [2]. Lavandin oils are generally not used in perfumery/thera- Many of the anxiolytic effects of lavender have been linked to peutic practices because of the undesirably high levels of cam- the activity of linalool [18], and Hoferl et al. [19] demonstrated phor. However they are used successfully in antiseptic, antifun- that linalool fragrances alone reversed the psychological param- gal, and antibacterial applications. Growers who cultivate laven- eters produced by stress. ders for their essential oil often assess the trade-offs between While inhalation of lavender oil and linalool has been shown to yield and terpenoid profiles when targeting different markets. impart positive psychopharmacological effects in humans, recent While most lavenders grow well in a wide range of climactic en- studies have indicated that linalool exposure results in allergenic vironments, they generally prefer well-draining soils with a pH responses. European legislators have become increasingly aware range of 7–7.5. Once roots are established, lavenders are xero- of the allergenic properties of many common essential oil con-

phytic, and grow best in full sun. In order to generate lavender stituents, and in 2003, the 7th Amendment to the European Cos- This document was downloaded for personal use only. Unauthorized distribution is strictly prohibited. plants with the highest oil yields, it is necessary to prune woody metic Directive required that cosmetic products containing any stocks annually to induce multiple shoots to bloom. As hardy of 26 natural products, including linalool, be labeled as poten- plants, lavenders can tolerate intense heat, wind, and some frost. tially allergenic [20]. While linalool itself may have limited aller- A limited amount of fertilizer is necessary for developing laven- genic properties, it can auto-oxidize upon air exposure into a hy- ders with oil rich flowers, but too much fertilizer will result in peroxide species [21] which can lead to contact allergy responses the production of excessive foliage [2]. in mice [22]. In a study of 1511 dermatitis patients, auto-oxidized The drive to acquire a better understanding of biosynthe- linalool was shown to induce allergenic responses in 1.3% of sis is predicated on our understanding of the pharmacological those tested, with 1.1% of patients sensitive to the linalool hyper- and clinical properties of lavender oil. In this review, we summa- oxide fraction, using patch tests [23]. A follow-up study, again in- rize recent findings related to the medicinal properties of laven- volving 1511 dermatitis patients, showed that exposure to oxi- der essential oil, and its individual constituents. In particular, the dized linalool at concentrations of > 6.0% resulted in allergenic ir- biological activities for the main constituents of lavender oils, in- ritation in 5–7% of test subjects [24]. Given the allergenic nature cluding linalool, are discussed. of some of the constituents of lavender essential oil and their breakdown products, as well as an increasing awareness of their presence in and aroma-therapeutic products, future

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Table 2 Overview of clinical experiments using lavender oil constituents.

Refer- Test subjects Number of Compound Dosage Delivery Method of assessment Outcome ence volunteers [12] Elderly 31 Lavender oil “One drop” on Olfactory Observation Enhanced sleep hospitalized “a pillow" for acute care [13] Healthy 30 Lavender oil Data not Olfactory, Observation, salivary cortisol Enhanced sleep, infants shown/aro- trans- levels decreased stress matic bath oil dermal [14] Healthy adults 31 Lavender oil Aromatic Olfactory Polysomnographic Enhanced sleep exposure in 2 recording minute inter- vals [17] Healthy adult 343 Lavender oil 5 Drops of oil in Olfactory Modified dental anxiety Decreased anxiety dental 10 mL diffused scale, state trait anxiety patients by candle inventory [18] Healthy adults 12 R-(−)- and S- 20 µL of various Olfactory Survey, Increased favorable and 24 (+)-linalool oil dilutions (be- electroencephalographic impressions tween 0.003– activity 30% of air) [19] Healthy adults 24 R-(−)- and S- 2.7 mg/m3 Olfactory Autonomic and endocrine Decreased anxiety (+)-linalool (R-(−) linalool) system parameters and 9.8 mg/m3 including salivary cortisol (S-(+)-linalool) levels of air in room [23] Dermatitis 1511 Linalool, 0.5–3.9% of Transder- Observation of skin irritation Contact allergy to patients , and oxidized terpe- mal patch terpenoid oxidation caryophellene, noids, 20% non- test products and oxidation oxidized linalool products in petrolatum [24] Dermatitis 1511 Linalool, 2–11% Petro- Transder- Observation according to Contact allergy to patients oxidized latum (0.80– mal patch the International Contact oxidized linalool linalool 4.4 mg/cm2) test Dermatitis Research Group guidelines [25] Elderly 21 Lavender oil Data not shown Olfactory, Observation of motor Decreased agitation hospitalized trans- behaviours for dementia dermal [26] Elderly 15 Lavender oil 2% of air Olfactory Pittsburgh agitation scale Decreased agitation hospitalized for dementia [27] Elderly 36 Lavender oil 3.5% of Trans- Mini-mental state Increased cognition hospitalized aqueous dermal examination for dementia solution [29] Elderly 122 Lavender oil 1.0% of Olfactory, Behavioral observation, Increased sedation hospitalized in aqueous trans- blood pressure, heart rate, ICU shortterm solution dermal breath rate [30] Healthy adult 96 Lavender oil Cotton wood Olfactory Galvanic skin response Increased relaxation females soaked with three drops of oil in a jar

[31] Healthy 45 Lavender oil 10% v/v Olfactory Electroencephalographic Increased positive affect This document was downloaded for personal use only. Unauthorized distribution is strictly prohibited. infants activity [32] Healthy adults 40 Lavender oil 10% v/v Olfactory Electroencephalographic Increased positive activity mood, sedation [33] Healthy adult 30 Lavender oil “Four oil drops Olfactory Coronary flow velocity Increased relaxation, males diluted with reserve coronary circulation 20 mL hot water” [35] Adult male 1 Lavender oil 2% in peanut oil Trans- Gas Rapid accumulation dermal analysis of blood (peak 20 minutes) and expulsion (90 minutes) of linalool/linalyl acetate [36] Healthy adults 4 1,8-Cineole Air passing over Olfactory Gas chromatography Accumulation (peak four mL for 20 analysis of blood ~ 18 minutes) and ex- minutes pulsion half-life (104.6 minutes) of 1,8 cineole

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Table 3 Overview of experiments with model systems using lavender oil constituents.

Reference Test subjects Compound Dosage Delivery Method of Outcome assessment [21] Female Dunkin-Hartley Linalool Linalool, 5.1% Transdermal Freundʼs complete Sensitivity towards linalool albino guinea pigs w/w, linalool injection adjuvant test method oxide exposure, no sensitivity oxides at 1.0, towards linalool 2.6, 5.1, and 10.3% w/w [22] Female mice Linalool 1.0–12.7% Topical Local lymph node assay Sensitivity towards linalool of linalool and application on oxide exposure, no sensitivity various linalool the dorsum of towards linalool oxides both ears [37] Mice Linalool 1–12 ng/mL for Inhalation Gas chromatography Inhaled linalool is deposited one hour analysis of blood in the blood, linalool partially samples bound to glucuronic acid [39] Salmonella typhi- Lavender oil 0.13–0.80 mg/ In vitro Colony counting Lavender oil antagonized murium (TA98 strain) plate mutagenesis [40] Human (human periph- Lavender oil 0.025–0.2% In vitro Neutrophil adherence Decreased inflammation eral blood neutrophils) test [41] Mouse (male adult Linalool 1 or 3% of air Olfactory Sleep assessment, Increased sedation, decrease albino CF1) body temperature, be- in body temperature, havioral assessment, locomotor activity. locomotor activity, Locomotor coordination roto-rod locomotor unaffected coordination test [42] Mouse (female juvenile Linalool, linalyl Enough to Olfactory Behavioral assessment, Decreased locomotor activ- outbred Swiss) acetate achieve 0.1 ng/ locomotor activity ity, increased sedation even mL blood serum (motility) after agitating stimulus [43] Mouse (male adult Linalool 0.1 to 3.0 mM In vitro - cortical Radiolabelled Inhibition of K+ induced albino CF1) synaptosomes glutamate uptake – glutamate release increased incubated with scintillation counter sedation indicators linalool [44] Mouse (male adult Linalool 25 to 100 mg/ In vivo - Behavioural assess- Antinociception, high doses albino CF1) kg subcutaneous ment – antinociceptive increase motility injection tests (acetic acid writhing test, hot plate) and motility [45] Mouse (male adult Linalool 50 to 150 mg/ In vivo - Cholinergic antagonist Antinociception, stimulation albino CF1) and rat kg subcutaneous and agonist, of the cholinergic, (male juvenile Winstar) injection antinociceptive tests opioidergic and dopaminer- (hot plate, formalin gic systems, local anesthetic test) activity via blockade of NMDA receptors [46] Rat (male juvenile Linalool 50 to 200 mg/ In vivo - Antinociceptive paw Antinociception, anti-inflam- Winstar) kg subcutaneous withdrawal test with mation, attenuated inflam- injection evoked thermal hyper- mation hyperalgesia algesia (carrageenan, L-glutamate, prosta- glandin E2) [47] Male juvenile outbred Linalool 25 to 100 mg/ In vivo - Antinociceptive paw Antinociceptive effect of

CD1 mice kg subcutaneous withdrawal test, linalool is mediated by This document was downloaded for personal use only. Unauthorized distribution is strictly prohibited.

injection injection of A1 and A2A adenosine A1 and A2A antagonists [50] Human (AJCC stage I- Perillyl alcohol 0.5 g/m2 Oral ingestion Gas chromatography, Stable delivery of IIIa breast cancer (human) and (human) and mass spectra pharmacological agents patients) and rat (adult 23 mg/kg (rat) intravenous Sprague-Dawley) and (rat) [51] Bovine Perillyl alcohol 0.1, 0.5, and In vitro Caspase-3 assay Induced apoptosis of cancer 1mM cells [52] Human (leukemia HL- 1,8-Cineole 7.5 to 15 µM In vitro Observation, DNA Induced apoptosis of cancer 60 cells, Molt 4B cells) fragmentation cells [53] Human (M14 mela- Terpinen-4-ol 0.42–0.6 µM In vitro Clonogenic survival Induced apoptosis of cancer noma cells, M14 adria- test cells micin-resistant cells) [54] Rat (male F344) Nerolidol 5 mg/g of diet Oral ingestion Intestinal neoplasia Decreased tumor formation

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research directed towards understanding the potential allergenic within 5 minutes and peak quantities at ~ 18 minutes of inhala- properties of commonly used monoterpenoids, and their break- tion, followed by a 104.6-minute elimination half-life [36]. In down products, is critical to ensure their safe usage. mice, a direct correlation was observed between inhalation of A multitude of clinical studies have quantified the potential of linalool and blood plasma linalool levels [37]. Kohlert et al [38] lavender essential oils in altering the behavior of patients suffer- found that there is little risk in accumulation of these compounds ing from dementia. Inhalation of lavender oils alone was shown as they likely have a short half-life (hours) in the human body and to decrease agitation in dementia patients [25]. In combination are quickly eliminated. It was concluded that most of the essen- with massage therapy, exposure to lavender aromatics was tial oil constituents are metabolized into carbon dioxide by the shown to significantly decrease excessive motor behavior in sub- body or excreted in conjugated form by the kidneys, with a small jects diagnosed with dementia [26]. Over the course of a four- fraction of inhaled terpenoids released from the lungs during ex- week study, dementia patients showed significant decreases in halation [38]. cognitive impairment after dermal applications (e.g., skin cream) One of the drawbacks in interpreting results of lavender oil treat- containing lavender oil [27]. While these results support the hy- ments in human subjects is the lack of standardization in report- pothesis that absorption of lavender essential oils through the ing dosage. In many studies, the precise dosage is reported as per- nose and skin may assist in promoting mental health, studies in- cent of oil in for transdermal studies, or as percent of air volving dementia patients often have many methodological con- in a closed chamber in olfactory studies. Furthermore, many straints inherent in their experimental design which inhibit co- studies report essential oil dosages in vague terms, while some gent interpretations of experimental conclusions. For instance, lack a discussion of dosage altogether, which limits the implica- as Holmes and Ballard [28] report that the signature fragrances tions of such studies. In addition, many studies often lack explicit of lavender often compromise double-blind studies, that expec- reporting of the use of Good Clinical Practice or a suitable alter- tation of lavender exposure influences test subjectsʼ responses native standard, and authors should be encouraged to report ad- to treatment, and that patients with severe dementia have likely herence to clinical standards. lost an acute sense of smell. These limitations, in addition to oth- er clinical phenomena such as the Hawthorne effect, are all fac- Studies in model species tors that compromise many studies [28]. The use of model species to test lavender oil has led to great prog- The purported aroma-therapeutic properties of lavender in ress in our understanding of the pharmacological potential of healthy individuals have remained as the most controversial ap- these natural products. Lavender oil has shown strong antimuta- plication of this essential oil. Proponents of lavender aromather- genic activity, as oils from L. angustifolia exhibited a significant, apy could cite studies like Dunn et al. [29] which showed that the concentration-dependent reduction in the mutagenic activity of use of L. angustifolia essential oil in aroma-therapeutic practices TA98 bacterial strains exposed to the potent mutagen 2-nitro- reduced anxiety in intensive care unit patients. Conversely, How- fluorene [39]. Although weak as compared to other essential oils, ard and Hughes [30] found that expectancy bias limits the objec- lavender oils exerted suppression of tumor necrosis factor alpha- tive study of the efficacy of lavender oils in aroma-therapeutic induced neutrophil adherence responses [40]. The antimutagenic practices. Such studies often lack adequate placebos and objec- properties of lavender make it a promising candidate for new ap- tive measurement of physiological responses [30]. Researchers plications in human healthcare, potentially as a topological appli- who study the therapeutic properties of lavender have recently cation to protect skin cancer [39]. used measurable physiological response parameters, such as Using such models, researchers can identify the action of specific electroencephalography (EEG) and coronary flow velocity re- lavender terpenoids in vivo. For instance, Linck et al. [41] found serves (CFVR), in attempts to objectively quantify the effects of that inhalation of linalool by mice resulted in sedative behavior, such treatments. Fernandez et al. [31] showed that infants of de- increased pentobarbital-induced sleeping time, decreased spon- pressed mothers had increased left frontal EEG asymmetry (a taneous activity, and reduced body temperature without a corre- characteristic response to positive stimuli) after they were ex- sponding reduction in motor coordination. In addition, mice that posed to lavender odors. In another study using EEG, Diego et al. inhaled a combination of linalool and linalyl acetate (another [32] found that individuals who received lavender odors during prominent component of lavender oil) exhibited an exposure- showed increased alpha power in their EEG read- dependent decrease in motility [42]. Another experiment con- ings, which is a signature indicator of increased drowsiness. Shi- ducted on mice suggests that the sedative effects of inhaled linal- ina et al. [33] showed that lavender in aromatherapy resulted in ool may be attributed to the inhibition of glutamate uptake by This document was downloaded for personal use only. Unauthorized distribution is strictly prohibited. significant increases in test subjectsʼ CFVR, in addition to a de- cortical synaptosomes [43]. crease in serum cortisol levels, which is indicative of improve- Multiple landmark studies on mice have linked the prominent ment of coronary vessel function and decreased stress, respec- lavender terpenoids linalool and linalyl acetate to antinociceptive tively. Taken together, these reports suggest that while there are activity. Injection of linalool resulted in decreased pain response some potentially positive effects of lavender essential oils in such in mice subjected to thermal hyperalgesia and paw withdrawal therapies, interpreting the results of such experiments is often challenges [44–46]. The use of selective receptor antagonists in problematic due to the many inherent methodological difficul- these studies has demonstrated the mechanism of action of linal- ties. ool to involve muscarinic, opioid, and dopaminergic transmis- Human pharmacokinetic data are lacking for many lavender es- sion. Specifically, the antinociceptive effects of linalool maybe sential oil metabolites [34]. However, one study in humans mediated through the adenosine A1 and A2A receptors which showed that transdermal applications of lavender oil resulted in are believed to be important in cAMP-dependent neuropathic the accumulation of monoterpenoids linalool and linalyl acetate and spinal pain pathways [47]. While such studies have led to in subjectsʼ blood samples [35]. Another common lavender great progress in our understanding of the pharmacological ef- monoterpenoid, 1,8-cineole, was shown to be rapidly absorbed fects of specific terpenoid compounds, the underlying basis of by a human subject via inhalation, with detectible quantities such effects are complex and far from completely understood

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[48]. More research is critical in determining the precise mecha- nisms of action of lavender essential oil compounds. Many of the studies regarding the anticancer properties of laven- der oil constituents have been conducted in vitro using rat, bo- vine, human, and bacterial cell lines. Such investigations have shown that there are compounds found in trace amounts in lav- ender oils which have potentially significant anticancer activity [49]. One such component, the monoterpenoid perillyl alcohol, has been investigated as a potential component of anticancer treatments [50], and has been shown to inhibit angiogenic cell growth and division in vitro [51]. Subsequent studies into the chemoprevention potential of perillyl alcohol were undertaken in National Cancer Institute-sponsored phase I, II, and III trials for prostate, breast, and colon cancers. Other lavender oil constit- uents, such as 1,8-cineole [52] and terpinen-4-ol [53], also dis- play anticancer properties in vitro by inducing apoptosis in tu- mor cells. Nerolidol, a found in some lavender es- sential oils, is also believed to have anticancer potential, as rats fed diets laced with nerolidol showed significantly reduced ad- enomas and the number of tumors per rat [54].

Biosynthesis of Monoterpenes and ! The therapeutic properties of lavender essential oils result from the biological activity of certain oil constituents. In turn, the bio- synthesis of essential oil constituents is determined by the genet- ic makeup of the plant. It should therefore be possible to improve Fig. 1 Enzymatic reactions involved in the synthesis of major lavender medicinal properties of lavenders by enhancing the production monoterpenoids. IPP = isopentenyl diphosphate, DMAPP = dfimethylallaly of biologically active essential oil constituents through control- diphosphate, GPP = geranyl diphosphate. Asterisks (*) denote chiral cen- ling the expression of related genes. This requires a clear under- ters. standing of the biochemical pathways that generate these phyto- chemicals, and a thorough knowledge of the nature and expres- sion pattern of structural and regulatory genes driving the path- ways. monoterpenoids mainly being derived from the plastidial MEP Lavender essential oils are primarily made up of monoterpenes pathway [64]. However, it has been demonstrated that a consid-

(C10), although trace levels of sesquiterpenoids (C15) can also be erable amount of cross-talk can occur between the MVA and MEP present. Like other terpenoids, these low molecular weight bio- pathways. For example, Laule et al. [65] demonstrated that Arabi- chemicals are derived from condensation of the universal ter- dopsis plants, in which the MVA pathway was blocked, continued

pene precursors isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP, C5) and dimethyl- to produce sterols, presumably through the plastidial MEP path- allyl diphosphate (DMAPP, C5). The condensation reactions ini- way. Furthermore, in snapdragon, IPP precursors destined for tially form geranyl diphosphate (GPP) and farnesyl diphosphate both mono- and sesquiterpene assembly were derived from the (FPP), which can be modified by terpene synthases to produce MEP pathway [66]. The two biosynthetic pathways can operate over 1000 monoterpenes and approximately 5000 sesquiter- in concert, as studies of sesquiterpene production in chamomile, penes, respectively [55–61]. Monoterpenes are derived from for example, have shown that isoprenoid precursors were de- GPP by the action of synthases, and sesquiterpene rived from both the plastidial and cytosolic terpenoid biosyn-

synthases transform FPP to various sesquiterpenes [62]. An over- thetic pathways [67]. In a series of elegant experiments using to- This document was downloaded for personal use only. Unauthorized distribution is strictly prohibited. view of the enzymatic reactions resulting in synthesis of major bacco cell cultures, radiolabeled precursor metabolites, and pro- lavender monoterpenoids is shown in l" Fig. 1. Monoterpenes di- tein biochemistry techniques, Hemmerlin et al. [68] described rectly derived from GPP may be further modified through the ac- the considerable cross-talk between the MVA and MEP metabolic tions of cytochrome P450 hydroxylases, reductases, dehydrogen- pathways in vivo. ases, and transferases to produce additional , which The conversion of IPP/DMAPP to GPP and FPP, and the subsequent often have unique physical and chemical properties as well as bi- transformation of the later precursors to various terpene back- ological activities [63]. For example, linalool is modified by the bones – catalyzed by terpene synthases – have been extensively addition of an acetyl group to form linalyl acetate, although the studied. Terpene synthases were first identified in tobacco (Nic- enzyme responsible for this reaction has not been yet identified. otiana tabacum) [69] and spearmint (Mentha spicata) [70], and In plants, IPP and DMAPP are derived from two distinct biochem- subsequently in numerous other plants including Arabidopsis ical pathways: the classical acetate-mevalonate (MVA) pathway, thaliana, Citrus spp., Abies grandis,andZea mays (for a detailed and the more recently discovered 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 4- review, see [71]). To date, only three terpene synthase genes (in- phosphate (MEP) pathway. Terpene biosynthesis in plants is cluding limonene, linalool, and bergamotene synthases) have largely compartmentalized, with sesquiterpenoids primarily been cloned and biochemically characterized in lavender. How- being synthesized in the cytosol via the MVA pathway, and with ever, efforts are currently underway to develop genomics re-

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sources in lavender to facilitate the discovery of additional struc- found to be preferentially expressed in Arabidopsis roots, which tural and regulatory genes that control the production of essen- led to the identification of a tandem-organized pair of genes that tial oil constituents in these plants [72]. were mechanically wound-inducible [85]. Despite these exciting The discovery and cloning of terpene biosynthetic genes has re- advancements in terpenoid-related gene expression, the key mo- cently prompted extensive genetic engineering efforts aimed at lecular regulators of terpenoid biosynthesis have not been dis- improving production of mono- and sesquiterpenes in higher covered. plants. These studies have yielded promising results. For in- Lavender is emerging as a model system for the study of terpe- stance, over-expression of a key MEP pathway enzyme, 1-deoxy- noid-related gene expression. Three lavender terpene synthases D-xylulose 5-phosphate synthase (DXS), in Arabidopsis resulted in were first identified and characterized by Landmann in 2007 increased monoterpene production, as well as increases in quan- [72]. Since then, the first expressed sequence tag (EST) library of tities of chlorophyll and carotene terpenoids [73]. The relatively L. angustifolia has recently been reported [83]. This EST library slow action of deoxyxylulose phosphate reductoisomerase contains 9453 unigenes, with many coding terpenoid biosynthe- (DXR), the enzyme that catalyzes the second step of the MEP sis-related enzymes, including terpene synthases, prenyl trans- pathway, was shown to be remediated by the co-overexpression fereases, and representatives from both the MVA and MEP ter- of DXR and DXPS in Escherichia coli, resulting in increased produc- pene biosynthesis pathways [83]. Gene expression studies using tion of lycopene (C40) compared with cells that overexpressed this EST library revealed the enrichment of terpene synthase and DXPS alone [74]. Furthermore, yields of the p-menthane mono- MEP pathway transcripts in lavender glandular trichomes, in ad- terpenes have been shown to increase 40–60% via ectopic ex- dition to detailing the temporal relationship between terpene pression of DXR in peppermint (Mentha × piperita) [75]. These re- synthase gene expression and essential oil accumulation [83]. sults underscore the potential of genetic engineering to improve The association of terpene synthase gene expression and terpene the quality of essential oil in plants. accumulation was also observed in L. angustifolia grown under natural conditions [82]. Advancements in genetic engineering protocols optimized for Regulation of Terpenoid Biosynthesis lavender have contributed to our understanding of essential oil ! production. Using transformation procedures, Munoz-Bertomeu The biosynthesis of terpenoid compounds is strongly modulated et al. [86] found that over-expression of DXS, resulted in signifi- by a myriad of environmental factors, including biotic stress. It is cant increases in total essential oil yield in L. latifolia. Studies such believed that the constitutive induction of volatile compounds is as these open new possibilities to target and explore terpene me- necessary for plants to thwart feeding insects and fungi [76]. Van tabolism in Lavandula, potentially leading to the development of Poeke and coworkers found that Arabidopsis plants infested with lavender cultivars with exceptional yields of therapeutically cru- herbivorous Pieris rapae upregulated terpene synthase genes cial terpenoids. Such technologies permit increasing the produc- AtTPS03 and AtTPS10, as well as terpenoids myrcene and β-ion- tion of medicinal constituents, and hence developing new and one [77]. Increased emission of volatiles [including linalool, β- more potent plants. ocimine, and (E)-β-farnasene] was also observed in cotton ex- posed to the herbivore Lygus [78]. As such, the enhancement of terpenoid biosynthesis may have potentially significant impacts Conclusions and Future Directions on crop defense. ! Abiotic environmental factors also result in the induction of ter- A recent increase in the popularity of alternative medicine and pene biosynthesis. Leaves from holm oak (Quercus ilex)emit “natural products” has renewed interest in lavenders and their monoterpenoids, particularly cis-β-ocimene and trans-β-oci- essential oils as potential natural remedies. This surge has pro- mene, in response to heat stress [79]. Seasonal temperature fluc- vided an exciting marketplace for lavenders with novel proper- tuations were found to elicit volatile emissions from many Medi- ties and applications, and future research is vital to better devel- terranean woody species, including Arbutus unedo, Erica arborea, op our understanding and production of lavender oils. Many dis- and Quercus coccifera, with maximum terpene emission rates in creet compounds in lavender oils have shown a myriad of poten- spring [80], and monoterpenoid emission potential was greatest tial therapeutic applications, and researchers continue to seek in early summer in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) [81]. Recent re- novel therapies to various ailments. Given that some of the most search on lavender has confirmed that volatiles are emitted at potent oil constituents (e.g., perillyl alcohol) are not highly abun- This document was downloaded for personal use only. Unauthorized distribution is strictly prohibited. various times over the course of plant development, with maxi- dant, our rapidly developing knowledge of terpenoid metabolic mal volatile emissions early in the growing season [82] and that pathways will pave the way for improving the production of emissions are linked to stages of flower development [83]. these compounds in lavenders through traditional breeding, or Since biosynthesis of terpenoids is believed to be predicated on through modern plant biotechnology. corresponding terpene synthase gene expression in nature [56], our understanding of terpenoid biosynthesis has been greatly ad- References vanced using gene expression analysis and modern genomics 1 Aqil M, Ahad A, Sultana Y, Ali A. Status of terpenes as skin penetration – techniques (such as microarray), revealing intriguing new in- enhancers. Drug Discov Today 2007; 12: 1061 1067 2 Lis-Balchin M. Lavender: the genus Lavandula. London: CRC Press; sights into the intricacies of plant secondary metabolism. To ad- 2002: 208–209 vance our understanding of terpenoid gene expression, plant re- 3 Gilani AH, Aziz N, Khan MA, Shaheen F, Jabeen Q, Siddiqui BS. Ethnophar- searchers have applied powerful web-based software tools, such macological evaluation of the anticonvulsant, sedative and antispas- as Genevestigator (http://www.genevestigator.ethz.ch/), to assess modic activities of Lavandula stoechas L. J Ethnopharmacol 2000; 71: – the considerable amounts of new genomics information gener- 161 167 4 Khalil AM, Ashy MA, El-Tawil BAH, Tawfiq NI. Constituents of local ated from microarray experiments [84]. For instance, in a com- plants: 5. The coumarin and triterpenoid constituents of Lavandula prehensive microarray study, key terpene synthase genes were dentata L. plant. Pharmazie 1979; 34: 564–565

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