Agenda item 4.

Title: Guest Speakers from County Council Highways

1. The guest speakers will be:

Richard Fenwick – County Highways Manager Russel Crockford – Area Highways Manager

2. They have been asked to explain the new Highways Community Gangs & the terminology used in FixMyStreet, speak about the new Highways contracts, and answer questions from councillors and members of the public.

Agenda item 6. NOTES

Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of Council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting


In the chair: Councillor A Birchall (Vice Chairman)

Present: Councillors Aron, Barker, Everton, Hinkins, Lockwood, Macarthy, J Martin, Moore and Wilkinson

In attendance: • A Bushell - Town Clerk • John Fieldhouse – Horncastle News • Councillor Campbell-Wardman - ELDC Councillor for Horncastle • Carol Ripping – ELDC Rough Sleeping Prevention Co-ordinator • Ellie Rutherford – ELDC Inreach and Resettlement Worker • Sgt Lee Willoughby – • PC Richard Precious – Lincolnshire Police

Public participation: There were no members of the public in attendance.

162. CHAIRMAN’S REMARKS AND MAYOR’S REPORT Councillor Birchall welcomed everyone to the meeting and reported that the Mayor was having a well-deserved break.

163. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND REASONS GIVEN Apologies with reasons given were received and accepted from Councillor Burbidge and Cllr F Martin. PCSO Wass and ELD Cllr Avison had also sent their apologies.

164. DECLARATION OF INTERESTS AND DISPENSATIONS There were no declarations of interests or any requests for dispensations received.

RESOLVED to order the order of the agenda to allow the Police to give their report first as they were on duty.

165. REPORT FROM THE POLICE Sgt Willoughby and PC Precious explained their roles and apologised that Inspector Constantine was unable to attend the meeting. They reported that a person had been interviewed for the recent incidents of anti-social behaviour and vandalism carried out in the town and they had been released under investigation. They were currently looking at the most suitable way of dealing with this person to ensure that further incidents didn’t occur. Sgt Willoughby commented that Horncastle was a safe part of the world to live and was much safer than other parts of the county. He spoke about funding cuts to the Police force, and explained that the additional funding pledged by the new Government had provided 50 additional officers, but due to changes in staffing the uplift would be minus 8. The Officers were thanked for being candid about the cuts being experienced, and they also explained that changes in types of crime, such as more internet & cybercrime meant that they had to react and set up Cybercrime Units, but they didn’t get additional Officers to man them. Residents were encouraged to be vigilant and sign up to the Police’s social media to receive warnings and advice. There had been some issues with 101 so residents were asked to persevere. Sgt Willoughby spoke about the importance of reporting crimes to the Police even if it seemed like only a small crime it might turn out to be part of a bigger crime, and if the Police didn’t know about it then they couldn’t do anything, so people shouldn’t think they were wasting the Police’s time by reporting incidents. The Officers were informed that PCSO Wass was a great asset in the town and the Officers answered questions from councillors and spoke in detail about Community Resolution which was a way for an offender to make good and assist a victim following a crime, and it also avoided clogging the courts up. The meeting was informed that the Police were looking to recruit Special Constables and Voluntary PCSO’s if anyone knew of someone who may be interested. Sgt Willoughby and PC Precious were thanked for attending the meeting and they agreed to feedback comments that had been made.

166. GUEST SPEAKERS FROM DISTRICT COUNCIL (ELDC) TO SPEAK ABOUT THE SERVICE TO ERADICATE ROUGH SLEEPING IN THE DISTRICT Carol & Ellie explained that the ELDC Rough Sleeping Prevention team set up in 2019 was funded by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG), there were four in their office and they gave details of their individual roles. When the service was first started there was thought to be 18 people sleeping rough in the district, but when they went out they found 54, but since in post they had managed to reduce rough sleeping significantly, so now they were only aware of 3 people who were classed as sleeping rough, but there hadn’t actually been anyone sleeping on the streets for quite some time. Since June 2019 the team have received 259 referrals with 112 of those being directly supported into a new way of life off the streets. The area that the team covered was much larger than what they were first told, they covered the whole district which was a massive job for a team of 4. Carol explained that when they received a referral, they had to verify that the person was sleeping rough and the reason they had to be so strict was to ensure that they weren’t overrun with holidaymakers during the summer months. Once a person had been verified then they were passed to Ellie to find them accommodation but her main role was to stop people returning to the streets which was difficult at times, and she explained the type of things they did to help people which had proven successful because nobody had returned to the streets so far. Carol and Ellie spoke about the successful cases. Carol and Ellie were congratulated for doing such a good job to keep numbers low and they answered questions about the incident of rough sleeping in Horncastle which happened last month, and this had been a shock to Councillors as thankfully rough sleeping was rare in the town. Carol and Ellie spoke about the partners they worked with which included the Police and P3 which was not an emergency organisation, they were street outreach. They mentioned that a lot of effort was put into finding people sleeping rough, but they couldn’t help people if they didn’t know who they were or where they were. Also, the legislation stated that if a person was no more vulnerable than any other person on the street then they had no duty to deal with them. Often the people they dealt with were known to them, and as East Lindsey was such a large area they often had to assess over the phone. The ELDC website had recently been updated to make it clearer what people had to do to report rough sleeping. Funding for the service was in place until March 2021, and it was hoped to recruit another Outreach Worker soon. Councillors asked what the Town Council could do to help, and Carol explained that they were hoping to identify a venue in the town that could be used and she would be speaking to Youth Centre Working Group about the possibility of having a facility there in the future.

The guest speakers and Police Officers left the meeting at 7.46pm.

167. REPORTS FROM DISTRICT COUNCILLORS AND COUNTY COUNCILLOR District Cllr Campbell-Wardman reported that she was on the Scrutiny Panel looking into reasons people were rough sleeping in the district, and the panel was also looking at the lack of information for people who found themselves in that situation. ELDC would be looking at engaging better with organisations that supported the homeless. Cllr Campbell-Wardman agreed to share the findings of the Scrutiny Panel’s work with the Town Council. The next District Council meeting would take place in early March and the main item would be to set the budget for 2020/21. County Cllr Aron reported that LCC had set its budget for 2020/21 and increased its share of the Council tax by 3.5%. Cllr Aron commented that LCC still set one of the lowest Council Taxes in the country and continues to push for fairer funding. Cllr Aron also reported that LCC was aiming to be carbon neutral by 2050, it was looking at expanding the Boston Road Industrial Estate, and carrying out a review on Household Waste Recycling Centres which may result in Kirby-on-Bain landfill site closing. Cllr Aron was asked to provide the Town Council with more information on the expansion on the Industrial Estate and the closure of the Kirkby-on-Bain landfill site.

168. MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETINGS HELD ON 14 JANUARY 2020 PROPOSED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED (unanimously) that subject to a change to minute reference 153 to note that Cllr F Martin also declared a personal interest in the Citizens Advice Lindsey application, the notes of the Council meeting held on 14th January would be approved as a true record of the meeting.

169. REPORTS FROM THE CLERK AND COUNCILLORS ON MATTERS OUTSTANDING The Clerk ran through the action list and reported that she was meeting with the Monitoring Officer to discuss Code of Conduct training and she asked councillors what they wanted from the training. It was established that it was information that was required rather than training, so the Clerk would get some written information from the Monitoring Officer and circulate this to Councillors. It was suggested that the Standing Orders be changed to say that Councillors will attend new Councillor training within 6 months of taking office rather than Code of Conduct training. This would be done when they were next reviewed. Councillors were reminded to complete and return their security compliance checklist as only one Councillor had done this prior to the meeting. Councillors received the outstanding actions list and updates.

170. NOTES FROM THE FOLLOWING COMMITTEE MEETINGS a. Planning & Development Committee meeting held on 20th January The notes were RECEIVED without any questions. b. Estates Management Committee meeting held on 4th February The notes were RECEIVED and questions were asked about the burial land work, works vehicle and planting trees at the new cemetery, these were answered by the Clerk.

171. TO RESOLVE TO CONTINUE THE AGREEMENT WITH ELDC FOR HTC TO DETERMINE PLANNING APPLICATIONS, AND AGREE TO ENTER INTO DISCUSSIONS WITH ELDC TO EXPAND THE TYPE OF APPLICATIONS CONSIDERED Councillor Birchall and Cllr Hinkins explained that the Planning and Development Committee was recommending that the Town Council continued determining planning applications but it would like to see the Town Council be offered the opportunity to make decisions on larger applications down the line. Cllr Barker explained that under planning law the District Council had to write a report and make a recommendation on each application decided by the Town Council so it would be important that the Town Council continued to be given the opportunity to make comment on larger applications and represent the town. PROPOSED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED (unanimously) to continue the agreement with ELDC to continue determining planning applications and enter into discussions with ELDC to expand the type of applications that the Town Council could decide.

172. TO RECEIVE THE NOTES AND APPROVE ANY ACTIONS FROM THE 75TH ANNIVERSARY OF VE DAY COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 28TH JANUARY Councillors received a copy of the notes and were asked whether they would be happy to proceed with the Victory Garden suggestion, since the Town Council did not currently own Hamerton Gardens permission would be needed from ELDC to use the land until it was in the Town Council’s ownership. PROPOSED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED (unanimously) to: a) receive the notes from the meeting held on 28th January and approve the actions detailed; b) ask ELDC for permission to turn part of Hamerton Gardens into a Victory Garden prior to it being transferred to the Town Council.

173. UPDATES FROM REPRESENTATIVES The following reports were received:

Lincolnshire Wolds Tourism Group: The Council’s representatives were unable to attend the last meeting but would try to attend the next one.

Horncastle Together: The meeting scheduled for 13th February was cancelled due to the ELDC Vital & Viable workshop taking place the following week. Councillors were reminded about the workshop and encouraged to attend.

CCTV: The next meeting was taking place later in the week, and both TC reps were unable to attend so the Clerk would attend instead. Cllr Barker had asked the Clerk to ask about the process and costs for installing and monitoring additional cameras in the town.

Christmas Lights Working Group: A meeting was needed to look at the plans for the lights for next Christmas as the contract for the cross street and column lights has ended and a new contract needed to be agreed.

Rules & Regulations Working Group: The group met in January to look over 3 policies which would be considered by full council at the next meeting.

Stanhope Hall: The AGM took place in January and was well attended by Trustees. Lots of maintenance had been carried out and the accounts were looking good but reserves were dwindling. It was highlighted that the Stanhope Hall Committee didn’t have a business plan, but they had recently appointed a fundraiser to apply for funding for some of the larger projects.

Horncastle Walkers are Welcome: The AGM took place in January. It was a very active group and was doing good things for the town. The next organised walk was taking place on 23rd February.

Recreation Area Working Group: The Working Group would be meeting next week and was still working on collecting letters of support.

Horncastle Youth Centre Working Group: There was a meeting taken place the following evening to go through the legal paperwork.

174. NOTES FROM THE YOUTH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 23 JANUARY Cllr Birchall reported that it had been a fabulous meeting and the students from the town’s four schools had been very enthusiastic and had lots of great ideas. Councillors were encouraged to attend future meetings as observers. The next meeting would be arranged for the end of April. The notes were RECEIVED.

175. REPORT FROM THE HIGHWAYS WORKING GROUP AND APPROVE ANY RECOMMENDATIONS The Highways working group had updated the schedule of highways issues following the meeting with County Cllr Aron which took place the previous day. The schedule had been sent to councillors prior to the meeting along with a summary detailing the recommendation of the working group. Councillor Hinkins commented that it had been a positive meeting and he spoke about the actions that had come from the meeting. It was hoped that County Cllr Aron would continue to attend future Working Group meetings and build a good working relationship. PROPOSED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED (unanimously) to invite Officers from LCC Highways to the next Town Council meeting to speak about the new Highways contract, FixMyStreet fault reporting system, the Community Gangs, and to answer any questions.

176. TO CONSIDER WAYS TO BETTER ENGAGE WITH THE COMMUNITY Councillors received a report detailing the ways it currently engaged with the community and suggestions for new ways of engaging with residents. The Clerk explained that the engagement needed to be more about promoting the Town Council, telling residents what services the Town Council was responsible for and what it had achieved. Not just trying to find issues in the town for the Town Council to try and resolve. Councillor Wilkinson commented that the Town Council needed to accept its place and stop spending time on items which it had no power to control. He commented that surgeries where good but a Thursday in a Market Place might not be the right place and time. It was important to educate people on what the Town Council could do and it was suggested that the Council worked with the Horncastle News to put an article in to explain the role of the Town Council and also to advertise Council meetings each month, as it was disappointing to see no members of public in attendance at this meeting. It was also agreed that the Town Council needed to have a larger presence on Social Media. AGREED to: a) work with John Fieldhouse at the Horncastle News to promote Town Council meetings; b) advertise Council and Committee meetings on Social Media; c) organise a Town Council surgery for a Thursday on the Market

177. REVIEW OF CURRENT PROJECTS AND CAPACITY IN REGARDS TO DELIVERING PROJECTS, AND TO REVIEW THE NON-PRIORITISED PROJECT LIST AND SELECT THE NEXT PROJECTS FOR DELIVERY Councillors received lists detailing the prioritised and non-prioritised projects and also information about the current work being undertaken by the Town Council and this was broken down into daily, seasonal/annual and one-off projects. The Council reviewed the non- prioritised list and agreed projects to remove from it which wouldn’t get done. It was acknowledged that the Clerks were extremely busy and didn’t have the capacity in the office to take on any new projects as there were currently a lot of large capital projects ongoing. AGREED that: a) Cllr Lockwood would price up signs for the Town Council owned benches and let the Town Clerk have the information to take to the relevant committee to approve; b) The project lists would be reviewed more regularly, at least twice per year.

178. UPDATE ON THE TRANSFER OF ASSETS FROM EAST LINDSEY DISTRICT COUNCIL The Clerk reported that further information had been received from the Solicitor but things were still not in a position to proceed at the current time, and no timescales had been confirmed for completing the transfer of the remaining assets.

179. FINANICAL MATTERS a. To approve future and retrospective payments and note income received by the Council i) To approve payments to be made: Recipient Detail Amount Shogun Vehicle Leasing Lease rental of vehicle £289.45 * Robert Bell & Co Office Rent (February) £325.00 ELDC Business Rates for Town Council Office (February) £46.00 Staff Wages – February £4,719.06 LCC Pension Fund Pension contributions – February £1,579.65 HMRC PAYE & NI contributions – February £1,070.36 Jackson Buildbase Maintenance supplies £10.80* Talk Talk Business Telephone calls, line rental & broadband (February) £54.98 * Payroo Ltd Payroll software £12.00 * Page Paper Toilet rolls, Stationery & Postage Stamps £128.01 * Charles H Hill Strimmer servicing and parts £303.75 * Badgemaster Name badge for new councillor £9.02 * Travis Perkins Materials to repair notice boards £80.64 * Hogg Ricweld Ltd Repairs/replace railings at Thomas Gibson Drive £828.00 * Reimburse for new laptop charger purchased from E- £9.98 A Bushell bay & first aid kit for allotments £7.95 * Aggregate Industries Limestone to reinforce path at cemetery £16.80 * Wilkin Chapman LLP Legal fees for transfer of Prospect Street land £440.00 * Cemetery Lodge Tenant Contribution towards electricity bill £250.00 Reflections Replacement window at the cemetery lodge £350.40 * Micron Group Service & repair of weed sprayers £73.20 * Castle Tree Services Tree safety survey £408.00 * ii) To approve retrospective payments/transfer: Recipient Detail Amount Vodafone Mobile phone contract £20.17 * E-on Electricity at allotment toilet £23.19 # Post Office Postage costs (petty cash payment) £4.00 J Kemp & Son Plunger (petty cash payment) £2.20 * 2 x Allotment tenants Refund of allotment deposit £90.00 * These payments include VAT at 20% which will be reclaimed from HMRC. # These payments include VAT at 5% which will be reclaimed from HMRC. iii) Fund Transfers Details Reason Amount From deposit account to To move money into current account to cover £5,000.00 current account payments From deposit account to To move money to be deposited into Savings £35,000.00 current account account iv) Payments received: Item Amount Cemetery fees £4,040.00 Cemetery Lodge Rent & water £435.00 Allotment deposit and rent £400.00 VAT refund £4,174.81 Bank interest £1,004.11 Christmas Trees £20.00 Donations towards VE 75th Anniversary events £1,125.00 b. To receive a financial report Councillors received reports showing receipts and payments to date, and a copy of the latest bank reconciliation. There were no questions. RESOLVED (unanimously) to receive the financial report.

180. CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED SINCE THE LAST COUNCIL MEETING The following correspondence was considered: From Regarding Action agreed/already taken

Horncastle Bowls Club Thank you for donation towards repairing the Noted fence LALC Notification that our nomination for Cllr Burbidge Noted to attend the Buckingham Palace Garden Party was unsuccessful Horncastle History & Notification of consultation event on Saturday Posters displayed on notice Heritage Society 15th February for the plans for an Arts & Heritage boards, and Cllrs Lockwood Centre for Horncastle, and invitation for town and Aron would attend and councillors to attend. report back Olive Union Lodge of Invitation to visit the Masonic Hall at the Open Letter e-mailed to councillors. Freemasons Day in April

181. ITEMS FOR FUTURE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING AGENDAS Councillors noted the list of items for future agendas, and it was agreed to ask the reps from Lincolnshire County Council and the Environment Agency to attend the April meeting to speak about flooding because officers for Highways were being invited to speak at March’s meeting.

Councillors were reminded that the date of the March meeting had been changed to Tuesday 17th March.

The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.56pm. Agenda item 7 Town Council Action list:

Min Ref & Action Agreed Person/Group Date Meeting responsible completed Date 97 To approve to enter into an agreement with Town Council 08/10/2019 ELDC for the buyback of bin emptying services prior to transfer 154 Add a grant application section to Standing Clerk 14/01/2020 Orders 156a.i. To set up Town Council e-mail addresses by 01 Councillors 01/03/2020 14/01/2020 March 156a.ii Security Compliance checklist to be completed Councillors 14/01/2020 and returned to the Clerk 157b. Submit an application to LCC for additional Clerk 28/02/2020 14/01/2020 locations to be assessed for the reactive speed signs 157c. Purchase additional speed sign brackets from Clerk 14/01/2020 Unipart Dorman 169 Clerk to get written information about the Code Clerk 19/02/2020 of Conduct from the Monitoring Officer and send to councillors 171 To continue the Agreement with ELDC to Clerk to notify 20/02/2020 determine planning applications and enter into ELDC ELDC discussions with them to expand the type of making applications decision on 4th March 172b) Ask ELDC for permission to turn part of Clerk 18/02/2020 Hamerton Gardens into a Victory Garden prior to it being transferred to the TC 174 To arrange the date for the next Youth Council Clerk meeting 175 To invite Highways Officers to attend the March Cllr Aron 12/02/2020 TC meeting 176 Set a date and book a Thursday Market Stall for Clerk a TC Surgery 176 Send article to John Fieldhouse to promote Clerk 04/03/2020 Town Council meetings and work of the Town Council 176 Advertise Council & Committee meetings on Clerks Ongoing Social Media 177 To get prices for signs/plaques for the TC owned Cllr Lockwood benches 177 To remove projects from the non-prioritised list Clerk 20/02/2020 181 Ask the reps from LCC & EA to attend April’s Clerk 20/02/2020 meeting instead of March’s to speak about flooding

Agenda item 9.

Title: To note the resignation of Councillor Craig Moore and the process for replacing him; and to appoint a councillor to fill the vacancy on the Estates Management Committee

3. Craig Moore resigned from the Town Council on 2nd March. The Returning Officer from ELDC was immediately notified and have issued the notices to advertise the vacancy.

4. Electors of Horncastle have until 14th April to request an election to fill the vacancy. If this does not happen then the Town Council can co-opt a replacement councillor. The meeting on 12th May will be the earliest that this could be done, which would give the Town Council 1 month from 14th April to advertise the vacancy and get anyone interested to submit an application form.

5. If an election is called by ten electors and it is contested then we will be recharged by ELDC for organising this at an approx.. cost of £6,500 (this might be less if it can be held at the same time as the PCC election).

6. Councillor Moore was a member of the Estates Management Committee. This Committee will be reappointed at the Town Council meeting on 12th May, but there is an Estates meeting scheduled for 7th April so to ensure that the Committee is quorate a replacement councillor should be appointed.

7. The current members of the Estates Management Committee are: Cllr Brian Burbidge (Vice-Chairman) Cllr Bill Aron Cllr Mark Everton Cllr Terry Macarthy


MINUTES OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 17th February 2020 (Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of Council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting)

In the Chair: Councillor Hinkins (DH)

Present: Councillors Birchall (AB), Lockwood (AL), Macarthy (TM substitute for BB). Andy Booth (ABo) and Leanne Clark (LC) – ELDC Planning Officers. Deputy Clerk - Michelle Moss (MM). Apologies: Councillors Burbidge (BB) and Barker (RB) In attendance: 5 members of the public

AL proposed; AB seconded; unanimously agreed that DH would Chair the meeting.

120. Apologies for absence and reasons given – RB and BB for personal reasons. Reasons accepted.

121. Declaration of interests and requests for dispensations: To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider granting dispensation(s), as per written requests received by the proper officer, to councillors under section 22 of the Act – None

Section 1: Planning decisions to be made by Horncastle Town Council: 122. To determine planning application: S/086/00065/20 - 71 LOUTH ROAD, HORNCASTLE APPLICANT: Ms H Slater PROPOSAL: Planning Permission - Erection of a detached double garage with storage/future guest room above. RECOMMENDATION: Refuse CASE OFFICER: Leanne Clark ABo noted that there had been no change to the Officers report and that the recommendation was to refuse the application. He noted that the issue is in relationship to the property to the South and the potential overlooking issue posed by the external staircase. The degree of impact on the neighbour was considered to be inappropriate, particularly as there is part of a bedroom window, a habitable room, on the neighbouring property which would be overlooked. The applicant, Ms H Slater was present and noted that the neighbour has expressed concern over what might be changed in the future resulting in increased loss of privacy. She noted that the only window on the proposed development on that side was obscured glass; and that she had thought the staircase was out of site, obscured by the boundary trees. AL noted that he had no particular objection to the development, that it is in keeping with the rest of the house, but that the staircase should either be inside or on the other side. ABo noted that the general imposition of overlooking is on a sliding scale and that if the external staircase was not there, the Officer would be more likely to recommend approval. AL proposed to support, but did not receive a seconder. The applicant then chose to withdraw the application prior to a decision being made. ABo and LC left the meeting 6.20pm. ______

Section 2: Planning Applications where Horncastle Town Council is a Consultee 123. Public Participation (maximum 15 minutes) - Members of the public will be invited to comment on any planning related matters they wish to raise. A maximum of 3 minutes is allowed for any one speaker with not more than 15 minutes in total – No comments.

124. To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 20th January 2020 – Approved with no changes.

125. To receive reports from officers and councillors on matters outstanding and actions arising from the minutes – All actions completed.

126. To consider planning application: S/086/00100/20 - 5 ROAD, HORNCASTLE APPLICANT: Mrs S Stanley & Mrs H Cooke PROPOSAL: Outline erection of up to 7no. dwellings. Two members of the public noted that they were attending in relation to concerns over this development. They noted that some of the roof of the existing building were asbestos, and that the proposed development would have a significant impact on their house, next door. Committee members noted that: the application was for 7 properties and that there is plenty of room for this number; the land is within the town boundary; the site is prime development land; executive properties would not be considered appropriate and that bungalows would be preferable. AB proposed; AL seconded; Unanimously agreed to support the application with requests that the properties are bungalows; any trees are retained or replaced; the development is sustainable, environmentally friendly and the properties carbon neutral; and that any asbestos on the current site is responsibly disposed of.

127. To consider planning application: S/086/00200/20 - LAND ADJACENT TO 49, ROAD, HORNCASTLE APPLICANT: Mr A Hall PROPOSAL: Planning Permission - Erection of 1 no. detached house and construction of vehicular access. (some works commenced). It was noted that outline permission had previously been granted for the 3 properties, with the other 2 properties already having received full planning permission. It was noted that the proposal is within walking distance of the town and likely to attract families. AL proposed; AB seconded; Unanimously agreed to support the application with no comments.

128. To consider planning application: S/086/02110/19 - 63A WEST STREET, HORNCASTLE APPLICANT: Miss N Caudwell PROPOSAL: Planning Permission - External alterations to existing dwelling which is a Listed Building to replace 3 no. windows on the rear elevation. It was noted that the proposed windows would be a like for like replacement, timber framed and very similar in design to the existing windows. TM proposed; AL seconded; unanimously agreed to support the application.

129. To consider planning application: S/086/02111/19 - 63A WEST STREET, HORNCASTLE APPLICANT: Miss N Caudwell PROPOSAL: Listed Building Consent - External alterations to existing dwelling to replace 3 no. windows on the rear elevation. TM proposed; AL seconded; unanimously agreed to support the application.

130. To consider planning application: S/086/02284/19 - POLYPIPE CIVILS LIMITED, HOLMES WAY, BOSTON ROAD INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, HORNCASTLE APPLICANT: Polypipe Civils Ltd PROPOSAL: Planning Permission - Change of use of agricultural land to form storage for finished products in connection with existing business and creating of 2no. earth bunds to a maximum height of 1.5m. It was noted that the Footpath Officer’s concerns regarding the footpath appeared to have been taken into account with the proposed re-routing suggestion. There appeared to be a lack of clarity regarding access from the existing site to proposed area 1. Councillors were pleased to note that the proposal includes additional parking and bike racks. TM proposed; AL seconded; unanimously agreed to support the application.

AB left the meeting at 6.50pm.

131. Enforcement: a. To receive an update on recent issues raised by HTC with ELDC Enforcement - None b. To receive an update on issue not raised by HTC and agree any appropriate action • The Old Water Mill, Mill Lane. It was noted that a meeting had been arranged with the owners of the property for the end of February. c. To agree approach with any potential new enforcement issues – • Property on Lane/Louth Rd junction - State of the property and fence reported by resident – It was noted that it would be more appropriate for most of the issues raised by the resident to be discussed at /addressed as part of the Highways Working Group. It was noted that whilst it would be possible for the Committee to report the issue of the untidy residential home to ELDC as an enforcement issue, it was unclear exactly which type of enforcement breach had occurred. It was suggested that the Town Council could possibly send a letter to the resident in question, but noted that there is no current policy agreed by Full Council which incorporates this type of issue. It was agreed to ask for an agenda item on the next Full Council meeting to discuss whether a policy should be adopted to deal with this type of issue.

132. To consider correspondence received since the last meeting From Summary Action ELDC Full Planning Permission – 56 Queen St – Alterations to provide To note - replacement windows and a door on the rear elevation. noted

133. To discuss and agree the possible suggestions to take forward to the Vital and Viable Horncastle meeting 18th Feb 2020 – The following suggestions were made: • That the Town Council may be willing to work with landlords/owners to ensure shop fronts are kept in good repair • To investigate the possibility of Transfers on empty shop windows • To work with landlords/owners to agree to allow pop up shops • Promote the uptake of the shopfront restoration grants.

134. To agree and schedule future agenda items for Planning and Development Committee meetings – It was noted that the Historic Environment Officer is attending in March. It was also agreed to include an update on the strategy for empty shops in March’s meeting.

Meeting closed 7.20pm

Agenda item 11. 75th Anniversary of VE Day Committee Meeting Stanhope Hall Monday 2nd March 2020 5.30pm


Present: Gail Dymoke - Secretary (WAW), Julian Millington (RBL); Brian Burbidge (Horncastle Town Council, and Chair in Fiona’s absence); Amanda Bushell (Horncastle Town Clerk); Jacqui and Andrew Muller, (Something Truly Vintage, Horncastle) Angela Birchall (Horncastle Town Council) Michael Carter (Horncastle Masonic Lodge); Charles Patrick (St Mary’s Church); David Lawrence; Bob Wayne (Horncastle and District Lions); Nicola Jackson

Apologies: Trish Hughes (St. Lawrence School); Jenny Bargh, (QEGS); Fiona Martin - Chair (Chair of Horncastle Town Council & ELDC Ward Cllr); Grant Edgar (Head Teacher, Banovallum School); Kim Thurston (Kennedy’s, Horncastle); Ian Marshman (Horncastle History & Heritage Society);

1. The minutes of the last meeting, held on 28th January 2020 were accepted as a true record. 2. Matters arising: Brian produced some photos of Anderson (not Morrison) shelters for the meeting to take a look at. He has put the application in to close Church Lane and Wharf Road from 6am to 6pm on Saturday 9th May. He will produce some advance closure notices up. We will also have to put barriers up. Brian has also completed the event application/risk assessment for Magna Vitae. Action: Brian to produce advance notice closures and arrange for barriers to be produced.

3. Correspondence: None

4. Friday 8th May 2020: Community Centre (Remembrance)

Baking Competition: Gail reported that Sue Bain has been in touch and the two WI judges will be Chris Morgan, the current federation chairman, and Dianne Tuckett the WI News Editor and vice chairman. Sadie will also judge. Sue Fitch, local WI Rep, will now attend the meetings in place of Sue Bain. There was some discussion about recipes etc. Sue Fitch will liaise with the WI Catering Officer and pass the information back to Amanda so that she can put the information on the Town Council Website. The Lincs. Co-op have offered tea, coffee and biscuits. Amanda is going to approach Tesco too. Nicola and Michael will be able to help on the Friday. Nicola thought she knew other people too. Sue Fitch will also approach WI colleagues. Amanda will do a rota. Amanda will also approach Running Imp re Union Flag tablecloths and bunting. Action: Sue Fitch to liaise with WI Catering Officer re the Baking Competition and liaise with Amanda. Amanda to put details on Town Council Website. Amanda to approach Tesco re provision of refreshments. Nicola to speak to her network re volunteers to serve refreshments on the day. Amanda to produce a rota of volunteers. Amanda to approach Running Imp re bunting etc.

Music: Action: Sue Fitch is able to provide an amplifier/speaker and microphone. This will also take a memory stick. Action: Jacqui will provide memory stick of 40s music.

Memories of VE Day:

Ian was not at the meeting so we hope he can attend the next meeting.

Dressing up competition – Jacqui is taking the lead on this and has produced a flyer which she will distribute in the town inviting people to enter the dressing up competition at 2.30pm. Prizes were discussed; she has donated a brooch for the female winner; a Churchill video for the male winner, and it was agreed that a voucher would be good for the young winner. Action: Julian will go into Costa and ask for a £10 voucher.

Dance: Nancy Shackleton has offered a dance troupe to perform 1940s tap routine on the Friday. The meeting thought this was a great idea. Action: Julian to liaise with Nancy.

Bunting: Amanda has spoken to ELDC re the bunting and read their detailed response to the meeting. It is possible to proceed but care needs to be taken of the Stanhope Memorial. It was agreed that setting up of the bunting should take place at 5pm on Thursday 7th May. Action: Bob Wayne will liaise with Lion colleagues about putting it up. Action: Julian to continue to try to make contact with Richard Avison re market traders.

5. Saturday 9th May 2020: Market Place & Stanhope Hall (Celebration)

Anderson Shelter: Action: Brian to construct an Anderson Shelter in the Market Place, and possibly in the grounds of the Schoolhouse Café. Any help re corrugated tin etc gratefully received.

Celebrations in the Market Place The Museum of Lincolnshire Life items are no longer available. Amanda will contact them to see if they can recommend any other museums who may make loans. Angela reported that Mike Credland’s artefacts are not suitable. Brian suggested that we still book a stall and hope that we can obtain items by the event.

Evening Dance with a Forties Band / Singers Brian has booked the Bluestones Big Band. The Horncastle Community Choir have been approached and it is hope they will be able to perform. It was agreed that a disco wasn’t necessary. Gail has contacted Sue Kind and she will include Woolton Pie in her menu.

100 tickets have been produced by Woodhall Sap Printers. A further 100 are in the pipeline.

Kim Thurston has very kindly offered to decorate the tables with tea cups and saucers with flower arrangements. She is also willing to make button holes.

Sunday 10th May: St Mary’s Church (Thanksgiving)

Church Service – Charles reported that the Banovallum Brass are happy to play and are pleased that they will receive one third of the collection. Charles felt it would be good if he and Julian had a separate meeting to discuss the service. Charles also felt that it would nice to offer teas/coffees at the end of the service. There was some discussion about this, and it was felt to be a good idea but this should be done within the church itself. Action: Charles and Julian to meet separately to discuss the church service.

5. Financial Matters: Michael mentioned that the various Masonic donations had not been noted on the posters as agreed. He also produced a further cheque from Masons – totalling £1230.00. Amanda has produced a breakdown of costs and donations; the bank balance is looking relatively healthy. Action: All future publicity to mention sponsors. Amanda will try and add sponsorship on the posters already produced.

6. AOB: Bob suggested that an Anderson Shelter is erected in the town centre prior to the events to advertise them. This was felt to be a great idea and it was felt that behind the Punch House would be a good location.

Jacqui thinks we should raise our profile on social media. She will start pushing this on the Horncastle Community Page. Brian will also speak to Carol who runs the page about potentially boosting a post. Brian will put something on the Stanhope Hall website and their FB page.

Julian mentioned the Nation’s Toast which will take place at 3pm on 8th May. He has devised a letter and info pack which is taking to all licenced premises in Horncastle. He will make a note of all of those who have agreed to take part.

Amanda has recced the site for the Victory Garden. There was some discussion about how to take this forward. It was agreed that it should be brought up at the next school’s committee in April.

7. The next meeting will be on Thursday 26th March at 5.30pm at Stanhope Hall.

Agenda item 13. Agenda item 13.

Horncastle Town Council

Date: 17 March 2020

Title: To receive feedback from the CCTV Partnership meeting held on 13th February and to sign the agreement with ELDC relating to monitoring, inspection, servicing and maintenance of CCTV equipment

The Town Clerk attended the last CCTV Partnership as both representatives (Cllrs Aron and Barker) were unable to attend. The meeting was quite poorly attended with only 3 out of the 7 parishes in the partnership being represented.

Jon Challen will be arranging for the contractor to visit the town with him to look at appropriate sites for additional cameras to be installed to cover Tesco’s car park and Wharf Road, and will get in touch with the Town Council when this has been done.

New Service Level agreements were sent out in January, but unfortunately, the Clerk never received the one for Horncastle, so 5 of the 7 parishes have signed and returned theirs but & Horncastle have not. The Clerk explained that the only reason Horncastle hasn’t signed theirs is because she never received it. ELDC was informed that the Council would sign the new Service Level Agreement at the March Town Council.

The Police were in attendance and they did mention the recent increase in incidents in Horncastle, and they requested whether there could be a closer point to review CCTV footage than & Boston, which isn’t very convenient for the Louth & Horncastle Policing teams.

The next meeting has been scheduled for 10am on Thursday 21st May at Sessions House, Louth.

DATED: 1st January 2020




AGREEMENT Relating to Monitoring, Inspection, Servicing and maintenance of Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Equipment

THIS AGREEMENT is made the 1ST day of January 2020


(1) EAST LINDSEY DISTRICT COUNCIL of Tedder Hall, Park, Louth, Lincolnshire, LN11 8UP (“ELDC”); and

(2) HORNCASTLE TOWN COUNCIL of The Stanhope Hall, Boston Road, Horncastle, Lincolnshire, LN9 6NF (“the Parish/Town Council”)


(1) The Parish/Town Council is the owner of Closed Circuit Television (“CCTV”) cameras

(2) The Parish/Town Council wishes to secure the provision of CCTV monitoring system services described below (“the Services”)

(3) ELDC is willing to secure the provision of the Services to the Parish Council on the terms hereinafter appearing

NOW it is hereby agreed as follows:

1. DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION 1.1 In this Contract, other than where the context otherwise requires, the following definitions shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them:

“CCTV Contract” means the contract entered into between ELDC and Boston Borough Council, for the monitoring, inspection, servicing and maintenance of the Monitoring Equipment and appended to this Agreement at Schedule 1

Contractor” means the provider (Boston Borough Council) that has entered into the CCTV Contract with ELDC

“Control Room” means the CCTV control and monitoring station at Boston Borough Council Offices “Monitoring Equipment” means all the equipment forming part of the Control Room

“Surveillance Equipment” means all the CCTV cameras and associated equipment of ELDC and each of the Town/Parish Councils

1.2 References to gender shall be taken to include both feminine and masculine gender.

1.3 References to words in the singular can include the plural and vice-versa.

1.4 References to individuals shall be treated as including the organisation they represent.

1.5 References to Conditions, Paragraphs and Schedules are references to the conditions, paragraphs and schedules of this Agreement.

1.6 Clause headings are for ease of reference only and shall not affect the construction of this Agreement.

1.7 Reference to any enactment order, regulation or other similar instrument shall be construed as a reference to an enactment, order, regulation or instrument for the time being in force, or as amended or re-enacted by any subsequent enactment, order, regulation or instrument.

2. TERM 2.1 Subject to Clause 7 below, this Agreement shall remain in force for three (3) years from 1st January 2020 (“Term”).

2.2 The provisions of this Agreement shall be reviewed on every anniversary of its commencement and may then be varied as the Parties shall agree.

3. THE SERVICES 3.1 The Services shall consist of: 3.1.1 The provision in the Control Room of CCTV monitoring equipment (“the Monitoring Equipment”)

3.1.2 The monitoring in the Control Room of the images received from the cameras

3.1.3 The recording of all video signals received at the Control Room

3.1.4 The maintenance of a log of all incidents observed by staff working within the Control Room

3.1.5 The storage and management of the recordings and log of incidents in a manner approved by the Information Commissioner.

3.1.6 The transfer images in real time recording of an incident once this is observed to the Police Control Room for the Town/Parish Council area where practicable

3.1.7 The provision to the Police and other enforcement agencies on request of any evidence of incidents which they may require, including DVDs, still images and witness statements if required

3.1.8 The provision to the Town/Parish Council as soon as practicable if urgent and otherwise on a quarterly basis of a report on incidents which have occurred

3.1.9 To report all breakdowns and problems with the Monitoring Equipment to the Town/Parish Council as soon as is reasonably practicable and ensure that any failure of any of the Monitoring Equipment is promptly reported to the maintenance contractor for action in accordance with the CCTV Contract.

3.2 The expression ‘incident’ in Clause 3.1 above shall mean any incident recorded by any of the Cameras giving rise to reasonable suspicion that a criminal offence was being or had recently been committed

4. PAYMENT 4.1 The Town/Parish Council shall pay ELDC the sum of £2,052.01 per annum (“the Annual Payment”) which amount shall be paid to ELDC.

4.2 The sum set out in Clause 4.1 includes contributions towards the cost of running the Control Room, provision of power and the maintenance contract.

5. ELDC’S OBLIGATIONS 5.1 ELDC shall use all reasonable endeavours to ensure the proper performance of the Contractor under the CCTV Contract provided always that the Town/Parish Council shall comply with its obligations as set out in Clause 6 below.

5.2. To carry out regular reviews of the programming of the cameras whilst on tour, to ensure that all cameras are given a proportionate allocation of monitoring time, outside of reactive incidents or prioritised programmed monitoring events. Feedback of these reviews will be provided at the Partnership Meetings.

5.3 To review the level of service being received by the Partnership in the event of the Contractor extending its services to additional clients

5.4 To represent the Town / Parish Council in the event of any concerns relating to the performance of the contractor in their delivery of the above mentioned services.

5.5 To provide the Town / Parish Council with quarterly performance data in relation to incidents monitored.

5.6 To provide the Town / Parish Council with an inventory of all of the equipment that they are required to insure.

6. THE TOWN/PARISH COUNCIL’S OBLIGATIONS 6.1 The Parish Council shall be responsible to: 6.1.1 familiarise itself with the provisions of the CCTV Contract

6.1.2 act at all times within the parameters of the terms and conditions of the CCTV Contract

6.1.3 ensure that it and all its employees and/or agents shall not commit any act or omission which shall cause ELDC to be in breach of the CCTV Contract

6.1.4 not provide any direct instructions to the Contractor without prior consultation and agreement with ELDC

6.1.5 fully co-operate with and provide ELDC with any information reasonably required by ELDC for the duration of the Agreement so as to enable ELDC to fulfil its obligations under the CCTV Contract and to ensure uninterrupted provision of the Services

6.1.7 maintain adequate insurance in respect of the Surveillance Equipment, form the inventory to be provided under clause 5.6.

6.2 Any new and/or refurbished Surveillance Equipment supplied and installed under the CCTV Contract shall be deemed to be the Property of the Town/Parish Council from the date of this agreement, or the date of any new installation thereafter.

7. TERMINATION 7.1 Either Party may terminate this Agreement after the expiry of the Term by giving the other party not less than six months’ notice. A termination notice of 6 months can be served after 30 months but cannot become effective until 36 months. Such notice shall conform to the requirements set out in Clause 14 below. On the expiry of such notice this Agreement shall determine and cease to have effect but without prejudice to the right of action of either Party resulting from any breach by the other Party of its obligations under this Agreement prior to that date.

7.2 In the event of termination or at the expiry of the Agreement each Party shall use all reasonable endeavours to secure the provision of suitable arrangements for maintaining the Services.

8. LIABILITY 8.1 Save for liability for death or personal injury arising from their negligence, ELDC shall not be liable to the Town/Parish Council on any basis whatsoever for any loss or damage incurred by the Town/Parish Council as a result of a failure by ELDC or its employees or agents to provide the Services. The Contractor will be responsible for any damage that they cause to any equipment.

9. DISPUTE RESOLUTION 9.1 If there is a Dispute between ELDC and the Town/Parish Council that cannot be resolved at local level by the Parties, it shall be referred to a senior officer of ELDC and a senior representative of the Town/Parish Council for resolution.

9.2 If any Dispute is not resolved within 20 Working Days of a referral under clause 9.1 (or such longer period as ELDC and the Town/Parish Council may agree), then the Parties may attempt to settle it by mediation by asking a reputable mediation body to suggest the names of accredited mediators from whom the parties should select one as the mediator for the dispute. To initiate the mediation, a Party must firstly give notice in writing to the other requesting mediation in accordance with this clause. Should mediation fail, any dispute shall be resolved by legal proceedings.

10. COPYRIGHT 10.1 Copyright in all images and recordings of all images will remain the property of Boston Borough Council.

11. SEVERANCE 11.1 If any provision of this Agreement is declared by any judicial arbitral or other competent authority to be void, voidable, illegal or otherwise unenforceable the Parties shall amend that provision in such reasonable manner as achieves the intention of the parties without illegality or at ELDC’s discretion it may be severed from this Agreement

12. WHOLE AGREEMENT 11.1 Each party acknowledges that this Agreement contains the whole agreement between the Parties and that it has not relied on any oral or written representation made to it by the other party or its employees servants or agents but has made its own independent investigations into all matters relevant to it

13. RIGHTS CUMULATIVE 13.1 All rights granted to either of the Parties under this Agreement shall be cumulative and no exercise by either Party of any right under this Agreement shall restrict or prejudice the exercise of any other right granted by this Agreement or otherwise available to it


14.1 The failure by either Party to enforce at any time or for any period any one or more of the terms or conditions of this Agreement shall not be a waiver of such term or condition or of the right at any time subsequently to enforce all the terms and obligations of this Agreement

15. NOTICES 15.1 All Notices to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be either delivered personally or sent by First Class prepaid letter post or by facsimile transmission and shall be deemed duly served:

(a) in the case of a Notice delivered personally, at the time of delivery; (b) in the case of a Notice sent by First Class prepaid letter post, on the second business day after the date of dispatch; and (c) in the case of a facsimile transmission, if sent during normal business hours, then at the time of successful transmission and, if sent outside normal business hours, then on the business day next following Provided that the original Notice shall be sent by hand or by First Class prepaid letter post by the end of the next business day 15.2 Every Notice shall be addressed to the address of the Party concerned set out in this Agreement or to such other address as that Party shall have previously notified in writing to the sender. In the case of ELDC such Notice shall be marked for the attention of the Chief Executive and, in the case of the Parish Council for the attention of the Parish Clerk 16. THIRD PARTY RIGHTS 16.1 A person who is not a party to this Agreement shall have no rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any term of this Agreement

IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have executed this document as their Deed the day and year first before written

The COMMON SEAL of EAST LINDSEY ) DISTRICT COUNCIL was hereunto affixed ) in the presence of: )


Authorised Signatory


TOWN` COUNCIL was hereunto affixed in ) the presence of: )


Authorised Signatory

Agenda item 15. To approve payments to be made: Recipient Detail Amount Shogun Vehicle Leasing Lease rental of vehicle £289.45 * Robert Bell & Co Office Rent (March) £325.00 ELDC Business Rates for Town Council Office (March) £46.00 Staff Wages – March £4,707.56 LCC Pension Fund Pension contributions – March £1,575.22 HMRC PAYE & NI contributions – March £1,062.67 Jackson Buildbase Maintenance supplies £55.32* Talk Talk Business Telephone calls, line rental & broadband (March) £54.00 * Payroo Ltd Payroll software £12.00 * Page Paper Stationery £11.94* XBM Ltd Photocopier printing charges £ * Wicksteed Swing seats £651.00 * LALC Training course fee £10.80 * Rymans Business Stationery £44.09 * Reimburse for courier charge to send Mayoral Chain Town Clerk of Office to be engraved (Hermes) £15.49 * Reimburse for postage stamps £11.49 Wave Water at allotment toilet £14.76 Welton Garden Services Grass verge cutting £660.00 * Lincs Bathroom Fitting & Refurbish bathroom at cemetery lodge Tiling Services £5,600.00 Craig Knighton Computer, e-mail and website support £60.00 Horncastle Matters Donation towards Spring Issue 2020 magazine £325.00 Woodhall Printer & Copy Tickets for 1940’s Dance (VE 75th Anniversary event) Centre £66.00 * Engraving Mayoral Chain of Office & new case for WH Darby Ltd Deputy Mayor’s chain £89.30 * Edmundson Electrical Electrical connectors £4.96 * Boston Road Service Petrol & Diesel Station £47.25 * Protec Direct Personal Protective Equipment £167.98 * Unity Trust Bank Bank charges (December to March) £38.85 LALC Membership fee (2020/21 budget) £1,102.58 LALC Annual training scheme (2020/21 budget) £180.00 *

To approve retrospective payments/transfer: Recipient Detail Amount Vodafone Mobile phone contract £20.17 * E-on Electricity at allotment toilet £21.28 # Photocopier printing charges & carriage fees for XBM Ltd replacement toner £24.93 * Transfer from deposit account to cover 5th Current account payment of new burial land contract £18,726.10 Maplethorpe & Mooney 5th payment of burial land work contract £22,471.32 Seated Furniture Bench £350.26 J Kemp & Son Mop (petty cash payment) £2.99 * Castle Tree Care Hire of Chipper £183.60 * LCC Fee for approval of reactive speed sign locations £40.00 Wave Water at Boston Road cemetery £171.02

* These payments include VAT at 20% which will be reclaimed from HMRC. # These payments include VAT at 5% which will be reclaimed from HMRC.

Fund Transfers Details Reason Amount From deposit account to To move money into current account to cover £10,000.00 current account payments

Payments received: Item Amount Cemetery fees £1,140.00 Cemetery Lodge Rent £400.00 VAT refund £4,299.55 Bank interest £79.48 Donation towards VE 75th Anniversary events £100.00

Agenda item 16.

Correspondence received since the last Town Council Meeting

Date From Regarding Notes

25/02/20 Horncastle Lions Information about the 2020 Live To note Music Festival & Craft event taking place on Saturday 5th September at Horncastle Community Centre 13/02/20 LALC Request to write a follow up The Clerk had done this article for the LALC News on and submitted it to LALC delegated planning powers 02/03/20 LALC Invite to attend Key Services Councillors to let the Clerk event for Town & Parish know if they would like to Councils on 19th March attend. 09/03/20 LCC Public Notice – Introduction of a Displayed on bus stop clearway on the A158 noticeboards and e- Jubilee Way mailed to councillors

Agenda item 18.

Title: To confirm arrangements for the Annual Parish Meeting and the Community Clear up Day

1. The Annual Parish Meeting has been set for Tuesday 31st March at 7pm in the Community Centre. Wolds Wildlife Park have agreed to send a representative to speak about their plans for the future. The Urban Outreach Project will be providing refreshments.

2. The Community Clear Up has been arranged for Thursday 26th March from 10am until 12pm, meeting at The Stanhope Hall. This has been organised jointly with Lincolnshire Co-op, Horncastle Walkers are Welcome, ELDC and the national Co-op. The Co-ops will be providing refreshments and ELDC will be providing additional equipment.

Agenda item 19. Future agenda items


Item Details

Flooding Guest speakers from the EA and LCC to give an update on Section 19 investigations and details of any new schemes


Item Details

Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman

Election of members to Committees and Working Groups

Outgoing Chairman’s report

Insurance renewal Financial Report Review policies Review Standing Orders To change the section on Code of Conduct Training CCTV To confirm matters to be raised by Reps at the CCTV Partnership meeting


Item Details

To approve the end of year accounts To approve sections 1 & 2 of the Annual Return form To approve Committee Terms of Reference To review Financial Regulations To approve the 2019/20 Annual Report


Item Details

Donations Consider applications received by 30 June deadline

Financial report External Audit Report If received in time (otherwise this item will be moved to October) September

Item Details

Projects To review the current situation and capacity in regards to delivering projects, and to review the non-prioritised project list and select the next projects for delivery


Item Details

Remembrance Day Parade Note the Remembrance Day Parade details Best Kept Allotments Prize giving before the start of the meeting to the winners of the Best Kept Allotment competition

Review Standing Orders Annual review


Item Details


Item Details

Draft budget and precept Take a first look at the draft budget and suggested precept and feedback comments to the P&F Committee To review Code of Conduct Financial Report


Item Details

Donations Consider applications received by 31 December deadline Budget and precept Approve the budget and set the precept Annual Parish Meeting To agree the date, decide on the format and possible speakers GDPR To review Data Protection Policies Speed sign data


Item Details

Projects To review the current situation and capacity in regards to delivering projects, and to review the non-prioritised project list and select the next projects for delivery


Item Details

To review policies