Volume 12 Number 1 January 2012 Published by European Wound Management Association FOCUS ON THE AUSTRIAN W UND ASSOCIATION The EWMA Journal ISSN number: 1609-2759 Volume 12, No 1, January, 2012 EWMA Electronic Supplement January 2012 www.ewma.org Council The Journal of the European Jan Apelqvist Zena Moore Wound Management Association President Immediate Past President Published three times a year Editorial Board Sue Bale, UK, Editor Jan Apelqvist, Sweden Martin Koschnick, Germany Zena Moore, Ireland Marco Romanelli, Italy Rytis Rimdeika, Lithuania Corrado M. Durante Gerrolt Jukema Sue Bale Patricia Price José Verdú Soriano, Spain Treasurer Recorder Secretary Secretary Rita Gaspar Videira, Portugal Salla Seppänen, Finland EWMA web site www.ewma.org Editorial Office Paulo Alves Barbara E. Mark Collier Javorka Delic please contact: den Boogert-Ruimschotel EWMA Secretariat Nordre fasanvej 113 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark. Tel: (+45) 7020 0305 Fax: (+45) 7020 0315
[email protected] Layout: Birgitte Clematide Luc Gryson Eskild Winther Henneberg Dubravko Huljev Nada Kecelj-Leskovec Martin Koschnick Sebastian Probst Printed by: CS Grafisk A/S, Denmark Copies printed: 11,000 Prices: The EWMA Journal is distributed in hard copies to members as part of their EWMA membership. Elia Ricci Rytis Rimdeika Salla Seppänen Robert Strohal José Verdú Soriano EWMA also shares the vision of an “open access” philosophy, which means that the journal is freely available online. CO-OPERATING ORGANISATIONS’ BOARD Individual subscription per issue: 7.50€ AFISCeP.be ICW SFFPC Libraries and institutions per issue: 25€ Christian Thyse, Christian Münter, Sylvie Meaume, Tommaso Bianchi, AISLeC Aleksandra Kuspelo, LBAA Christina Lindholm, SSIS The next issue will be published Roberto Cassino, AIUC Susan Knight, LUF Jozefa Košková, SSOOR in May 2012.