' l n cer Cushman of the MlltraukeaVoit - close of the Mexican war , when he happened caperlv awaiting nice rooatbcr that they mar Tbe daring rider was the roar guard of the the Nonparolla , will return in Juno and cover the theaters nnd Exposition hall bolng en- THE WEEK'S SPORTING GRIND orn league club Is very anxious to secure 0 bo caught out late one night with a lot of bo asked to step nlonirl "Billy" has ono G O. O. nrmy which have so suddenly re- ¬ second bast.- . gagoj , the only centrally located hull re- ¬ Maul and Ucrgcr for his loam. He Is willing South Omaha democrats. that should make n nrk In the trotting treated from the field. Flyrm will Uko his regular turn In the box maining open on thnt date, which wni the , to par each B handsome salary To keep Armour , the right fielder ot the Tolodos , Is- world. This is the w. c.Ued Tolar by Clipped from the Democrat ( Fort Madi- ¬ thti season. Tommy has some great curves only open date that could bo secured for Mr. to- Is looking within the salary limit he is determined a ball player from away back. Comlikey Ashland U'ilkes. Ho nls best this son , ln. : "Messrs. Pollard. L.ano, Anthes , In that arm. Carleton , was Young Men's Christian asso- ' go on with eleven players Instead of twelve , and think well ot him , ntid- spring , nnd it seems as though there was Hlt h. Trenton , nnd Wise ciation hall. Tbo reserved scat sale will * The Lost of the Wild Towl and the Coming Bancroft both % Drorr of the Fort Miller, of last noa on's Falconer *, has more If he Lho In n nothing In the way of hl liglng n fast trotter. open nt Mora , 222 Six * .he number allowed by the Western. chances nro that ho will bo playing Madison Cycling club expect to itnrt on * p ed this year than cvnr. Ho would like to Clavier's drug South the Jacks.- . signs Maul and Berger three of the present league team before the season is over. Cin- ¬ Judging from the looks N> f the b. s. Icnis- August 20 on n wheel trip to Omaha, Neb. " run ngainst the Nonpareils. too nth street , on Wednesday morning next players will have to go. Mr-. proicnt time nnd will Uko n THE BKE nt V o'clock. Milwaukee cinnati Commerclnl Gazette. I'd like to Fatnus at the will voucb for the hospitnllty of the Flynn snys he fools great nnd will surprise .Cushman * ays the three players to bo fired know how you figure that out, Ban. How- ¬ race horse to boat him tbo coming soason. Ho Omaha wheelmen , nad visiting wboolmeu One of the most tucocssful cngatromonts ol- In tils friends by his work this year nt 1 bag A BIG GRIST FOR will bo the lowest salaried la the team ever, you big league ducks can bring about has been wintered nbout right nnd Is lu the will always find that "the latch string hangs tbo sonson at the Farnain Street thintcrvn THE HORSEMEN ¬ sala- ¬ nnd at the stick this soason. order to allow n larger margin for the some funny things , under the nntlonal agree- pink of form to bo begin ] work when the out. " the "O. What n Night" company four weeks ries of the cx1lttsburgers. Plttsburg Com- ¬ , ! I track gets right. It mny iosslbiy occur South Omahn will have a fir.n class dab ago. was ment in base ball. See' catch understand that Captain Conradt of tbe Omaha Wheel in Their slay then nllogotnor toj somebody please kill 1- the field. They have clan men mercial Gazette. Will says ! " some of Ibe cracks of the state need not go n ono ¬ four first short , as the continuously largo nudlonooi- Manaccr Cushman of Milwaukee duo is hustler and of the most enthusi- from . - before bo up National past to find companv ono of the Chicago City league loams- . ; Xlp Irom tlio lllcncupr * Tim tlnsjr VTlifc- Jusbman breaks the do big league will last longer of the river worthy of astic of wheelmen , ho de- ¬ showed. Manager Burgess bns secured league. not think tbo tbo club's and has .Tbe organized one year. year I think wo will their best efforts. Eachr succeeding year termined to make wheeling im- ¬ Bluffs nlno hnve under the them for a return oncngonjont nnd n longot- luirn .Inbn and SmnOics Quc tloni than Next Its the most management again have two big leagues, ono n Suudov brings out stars. H| portant features of this season's cycling cam ¬ of F. Vaudorburg. For games stny , nnd they will open for a week's stnnd- * The tJn-at Pull thU AVock. nil AtmnrrK nnd Mlnrrlla against Adam Thompsou will c. npalgn six head paign. , address Nebraska Telephone company , nt the Knrnum Street with n matinee thlt- ¬ ball playing leacuo and the other Thfl best runs will be picked out commences Expo- ¬ ) , Nob.- . urnus Lot-ill Sport * . The tug-of-war which at playing Sunday. The prospects of the West- of trotters nnd pncors ipf coming season. ntid nny wheelman who nttonds n run under Omahn ntternoon. . An nttrnction to bo success- sition hall Tuesday tilcht , promises to bo a ern league nro very bright , nnd In my opinion His first start will bo nt unnvlllo , 111. Mr. his command will bo assured of an onjovablo- F. . Mnhonoy will be found stopping homo ful must please tbo people not only thosa great athletic event, The eight teams have this ts tbo banner year for base boll every¬ Thompson will travel with n perfectly mite. . runs In the left garden for the Nonpareils. who go to the theater to laugh nlnnythlnq- Ho keep equipped palace horse car. nro Any wUhlng gnmas J. nnd everything , i ut those who never laugh , OOR ahcotlng has nit been getting good and ready, and is they where. " Evening Wisconsin. can't His stock Our "Zlmmy" continues to cavort on the club nddross Mnhr ; , nnd If ( green ney , , , or at who Intieh "inwardly. " To IMs ¬ still n minute. stout and hearty nce weather soon swnrd of Merrio Hold Hlnglnnd nud Fifteenth nnd Murthn streets Omaha least been seem to bo very evenly matched , the strug- class poor * . , n- tbo rule this McQuado , who was classed ns ono of comes so thnt they can bo shnped up, ho the the roads nnd streets nro nlwnys lined Nob. latter of theater "O What gles will bo most Interesting. The Jack Is provo , ns spring , for notwlih- Intensely the best umpires In the league last year , wai- should have n parly nf "broad winners"- with the curious whenever ho ventures out Cnrngnn will mnko the Hnydons play good Night" sure to entertaining they , , ot- cannot help bul bo standing the almost aoats are nil limited to a 30 minutes pull the In tbo city last night. Mac hns been "turned- sure.. Prtneo T, pacer the top sixxvyor for un airing , which Is quite otton , ouo would Imll If there Is any ball playing in them. His "InwnrJly convulsed" nt loam having cinch on rope at the tbo stable , is showing great speed they fay.-. : the bright, keen wit , comical situations and ¬ the the Young. fall he signed think from the comments which appear in loam will bo found us follows Crolghton , unnnlmous expecta- down" by Nick Last Among company . end ot that time will win the heat. This to umpire in the association , nnd that cooked J. . S. Stone of tlio mall carriers' force , nl- the British newspapers. Xlminerman is catcher ; Snyder , pitcher ; Swart ? , first ; brilliant tatlro. the nroV. ¬ S. Lnng and C , E , , negro tion nmong sports- will make rod hot work for tbo men , ns they his gcoso with Uncle Nick. This season Me- - though n rood wulkcr enjoys n rldo occasion- - looked upon as the representative American Carrlgnu , second ; Bncan , short stop ; Bowles , Eatvnrds nnd Irish comedians ; Minn Gennoll , great men for grent sport are all well aware that 30 minutes won't last Qundo will umpire In the Western nssocln- - nlly , nnd keep * about ns good n road horse ns- racing man "ncross the pond , " which is all third ; Kennedy , loft field ; Wigmau , center- Mls tbo dancing , nnd the ffimr-us Enirllsh 1 forever. It will also give bettor satisfaction ho is now on his way to Indianapolis nny of them. At off times ho can bo soon out field ; Monagban , rleht field. soubrelto among f lionnnd truo.Osmond ¬ wild owl , see nil twin sisters , the sisters Loleu , In the great- to the spectators as they are sure to for tbo opening of the season lu that city behind a bay gelding of the Hamblelonlan , the English crnck, is determined The Postofllco nlno organized last woolc thU spring , nnd not- ¬ est dance over pul upon the stngo , cMInd the motions of the competitors each night. The next Saturday. In McQundo the now league type that can pull n road wacon about ns fast to lower Willie Windlo's mile record thl with the following players , who will be out by 10 MO. S.- ' Delusion IJntieo, " nnd several other pretty withstanding last pull will always be over about hns lost ono ot the fairest and best umpires ns the nvornco person cares to rido. Mr. . season to '.' :14.: Willie will then pull 'or Tor the city league ponnaut this season : the In shape this girls and funny men , ranking A splendid on-- nil con- - The Irish team will bo bolter that over oftlcintod In n game. Cincinnati Is n member ot the Omahn Driving club, and down to 2:13: and thus story. Davis , catcher ; Cnrmell , pitcher ; Hays , fact thnt tbe , , says continue the terinlntnont Unlike most fnrco comedies , time, nnd the coptnln Ed O'Connor Commercial-Gazette. Well , wo will tnko tboio In the class with Fust Mnll will mnko- Old timers look wlso nnd ouln- first ; Crolghton. second ; G. Frnnlt. short- dltloni plenty ot- pull advance the "O, What n Nlghl" ha n well defined plot, his boys will make n hard care of Jack all right bore. Just think of n "quick run" It they beat the flag. lon that the rnllo will bo done In something stop ; Trncy, right field ; Cunningham , cen- , team U In for ; It deals with the adventures of two married wntor good food sure The Scotch the Bloggs , Stricfs , Bauswlnos and Cusiclts- The King Hill stock farm , near SU Joa- under 2:12: ; it not , why not ! Nothing Is Im- ¬ ter field Lindsay , loll field. G. Frank Is looks of tbo team Bonny men of rather loose morals , nn Indiscreet blustery wenth- - It and from the wo hnvo have had out hero In the last four Mo. . , had their largo training bnrns totally possible , it scorns. In this ago of progress. acting manager- . Scotland xvlll surely make n good record. Is n In wife , n gay young bachelor , a lively nctross- ¬ years. It wonder every crank the destroyed recer.tly by n severe wind storm hen W. S. Clark lowered the amateur or pointed to n fu- strengthened their * . nnd an amorous nud nlbltlou * locksmith. The Bohemians have west hn had the delirium tromcus , nway. In record to : in , 1SSO. .MUrrlliiiirous l.ornl Sport It In men. They are n't that swept it the barn when the 3:1S'4 January people nil would bo useless to attempt to toll the story lfilment of these team bv uuttlnt : heavier did him. storm onmo up were not less $100,000 over this broad universe voted it n rcmnrkn- Dr. Richardson of Clarks , made n big kill ' to bo great pullers and Elmer Smith's friends not forget than of how the author hns contrived to keopthoso ,'j) hopes , the shooting well Known of trotting stook , including Wilklo- . bio performance. The youngest devotee to ot mallards nnd redheads up on Prnlrlo n When ho went to bat for tbo first time in the worth people hiding from each other , the complica- ¬ their extra wolghtlwlll make them hard : ( !! creek during spoil.- . hns been poorer than game ho was warmly applauded. And may- - .Uussell (2:15)( ) . Aravunt (2t3i ) , nnd- the "bike" cnn now Co the distance in less the recent Inclement team to beat. Sergeant Kinnoman from the , D. tions into which they nro led by their own be Elmer can't play tbo Hold. Ho mnda two Ponmus (2:29)( : ) . The stable men. loarlng- time . C. Sabin of Boatrlso, owner of the great for many seasons, in fact wns next to a , of team , says ho folly , or to explain the clover manner in fort captain the American or bagged ono of- worst , had removed the In stnllion. Counsellor , wns rocontlr offered complete nnd'nbsoluto failure. To bo sura has been training his men twice n week and three nice catches and also tbo stock Just The mnn who buys n wheel this season which ho finally extricates thorn from em- Pittsburg's hits. Smith called at the Com-¬ time to save IL Mary Marshall ((2:121: ) has $53,000 for the horse or $UOOJ) for his year's gone yet, nnd expects to make n hard fight for the flag. need not long for companionship whether ho barrassing situations. the birds have not nil there ofllco do foaled n chestnut colt by 1 service, both of which offers wore declined- . Is mercial Gnzctto last night'What dark Allertou n club mnn or not , ns good or- ¬ The Gorman team represented from South ? : throa wheel be sport iu the mnrshes fo- 1 by (2( ) . fellow ought lo bo spooily. ¬ iniy tolerable , Una looking team. think of the Cincinnati elnb It's Wi That ganizations a ."Jolly Dick , " said to be the fastest horse Following Miss Gale nt Bovd's Now Thea- Omaha and they are a ¬ extend standing Invitation to long represent- ¬ In two weeks yet, still the fact remains thai the From the record they hold tt will bo n hard odds the best team that ever James Alnscow of tht Model Stentn laun- nil who wish to ride with them. If ho wishes wostoin Nebraska , wns sold oy J. W. ter comes Carroll Johnson , who several years ed city. Comlsky is a great loader nnd , . period supposed to embody the height of the struggle to pull them up. Tbo Swedish team the dry has n black team of tbo Bashaw typo to take n pleasant evening splu , the Young Martin to Bert Ashtnore of Lexington for ago was clnssod as ono of tbo greatest nun- the team n strong ono in batting. the nro , oason Iu this latitude has elapse J , and tbo ar- is also from South Omahn , and ns tbo record is It's that nro coed ones. They gnltcd nllke Men's Christian Association Wheel club , the 500. .sirols upon the American stngo , in his now In country n ball player , , Is well known , Is best city the for speedy nnd showy nnd of the conformation Tourist Wheelmen The Hnrdln Bros. , ot Junlatn , this state , Irish comedy draum entitled , "Tho Gossou. " dent gunner has had , In a great measure , only of their nntionollty It safe people glvo his and the Omaha Wheel to say hoover defeats them will know The bero always the player to go the route. By the lime the matinee club will nlwnys be glnd to hnvo him with nro the proprietors of n fine kennel of St-. , Instead of roast mallard or- that , fall to pull suc- ¬ In bli dreamt they bavo been In a tug-of-war. Tbo hand- ¬ just dues and never lor the races occur they will be form to go in good them whenever their runs call them out. If .Bernards nnd English mastiffs , which in- ¬ canvasbnck, to feed upon. To bo sure some to the cess of the homo team. It Is different in company. If Mr. A. will revioxv an nrtlclo- he wishes to take a trip country nnd cludes Mascot Brovo.a three-fourths brother Elsa Breult, ngod 0, Is a Chicago prodigy some Donos need very little Introdutlon Billy Halligan will surprise into the ploys piano. of the most favored have been fortunate Omaha public. They are among the creatost other cities. In the American Trotter of April 7 entitled breathe the pure nir or onjov n good country of Great Bodivoro ; Mascot Roval , a special who the year. Ho is- enough to mnko fairly good bags , but these lu league nnd If they don'l carry some of the league pitchers this "Putting on the Bit, " hn will got some good dinner , the Tourist Wheelmen nnd the winner lit the Chicago show ; Mascot Grace, Miss Minnie Gale's season will close In those pullers the a to be ? " have only fallen to who could spare off bo their fault. Last fine batter when bo wants "Will pointer * on tbo subject A severe bit Is Omahn Wheel club will glndly show him nil Bnrbarn Allen , Kate M. and other fine ones. May , mid In Juno she will visit .- . the banner it won't ? " , sup- ¬ the llmo to co forth , pitch their tents , nnd but not least comes the noble rod warrior you do nny more pitching "Well I ruinous to n horse nnd the ono they usunlly- the benutles of cycling. A dozen places ot nmusomont In Now York patiently n illghlthnl justified the name. pose I will some day. When the weather co hardest.- . * anil Atmwrr * . wait from the fnr west. This is a team of Sioux ncninst the Fred Pnffonrath , genial Question will hnve summer musical attractions , tnnnapo- the nnd popular < Bportstncn who could composedly take up hnvo boon fort about gets n little wnrmcr the Pittsburg Unst Saturday the morrv clink of the manager IJVo ntmccra n tlid (Jf jrliilnitlL- , Indians. They nt the mo 1 don'.tcnro- of Nlcol's tallonnc establishment , Do Wolf Hopper thinks of adding "The- their abode adjacent to some favorite u , husky ment will press into service. drew to n was INCOLN. . Neb. . Aurll 11. To the SDortlns; eight months and they are health- ¬ blacksmith's hammer attention the lucky man to Boggnr ntid Lady or tbo- grounds , und dny In nbout pitching , for I know I would Inst long- draw the Overland THE HUE : explain In Sl'N- - Student" 'The using" remain there looking lot. It is expected by n great many busy scone on the beautiful C'rolghton stock pneumatic ? wheel was so gruciouslv Editor of 1'leaso Tiger" to , ns n llnldcr. This Is my yenr to pitch win- which IIAV'S HUE dlflercnpo and his repertory. and dny out until the glorious opportunity they know , reus will er farm in the Ironworks pike , whore twenty presented A" the botwi'un boxluc who think that the 1 1 to the Omaha Wheel club bv . any ? G. K. Terrier.- . Nye cntno , were nil right , and bad n good deal of ¬ ning ball , nnd don't think will provo sparrlns. if Bill und A. P. Burbank closed their prove to bo tbo dark horse in the tourna- head of horses were being shod preparatory . Perrigo , and vvbich was ruffled off Spasmodic shooting with Its ox- - wnntlng when called upon to fnco the nt the Atis. . There is none.- . scnson nt Pittsburg n week ngo. They will attendant ment.. to golnc into trnininc. While the stallion , club house tbe evonlnc of Oth. His gunner music. " Ban Johnson. the ticket 1HNI.AP , , 13. - bo together Again next senson.- . bliaratlng enjoyment. But the who will all moot at exposition hall Director , was kept In town by temporary bore '.Hi. In. April To the Pportlnc Hd- The teams the iiumbor Ono hundred nud forty- : : : wns enabled to got only for ono or two In ¬ ltorof THE llnv Answer the following When An effort will bo made to perpctunto Pat out at 11:30: n m. next Tuesday and in their The Minneapolis Tribune speaking of lameness , caused by bad shoeine in Califor- three chances ,vero sold. Mr. will : Paffenrnff did llocan knock John L. Snlilviin down ? days , Fouorally had his Inbor aud expense , Omaha the Millers says Munyan , with the St. nia , Mr. Crclghton had built for him , Direct bo Rooney's plays by grouping his daughter handsome uniforms with the Fort numbered nmoug the wheelmen in the What rules was It undorV A. I'uursoti.- . Tor bis pains , nnd the preponderance of those band their head will parade the city from Louis Browns , nnd Dixon , with the Johns- - and James Madison , n ncnt stable of throe future and local Mnttlo nud his stepdaughter ivntio lu the n to lo- at the 'cyclists extend a hand Aus. . The Hogau never lived who could Roonoy Comedy company. actually returned without bird nttost 12 to 1. The building will be handsomely townGlovorsville club of the New York stalls only , Into which Director was placed of welcome. To show ns : his appreciation knock John L down.- . Ihoir prowess hunters nnd their dexterity with flags of all nations. There stnto league last season , catchers France , with his stable companions , on bis arrival nt of the Frederick 1'auidlug will ndd "Romeo nnd decorated wheelmen nnd tbo Omaha VCBT , Vith the hnmmerless- . es- ¬ with Sacramento in the California league Friday. POINT Neb. , April ll.--To the Sporting , " Rovnugu" nnd "Tho arc 800 reserve seats for ladies and their the farm last club in particular , Mr. : Juliet "Tho Fool's .It ¬ Editor of Tur. HEE Will you please publish wns tbo same with geese nnd ducks . un- the first half of Inst season , and with Tacomn- is- Romance of n Young Man" to corts. Manager Prlnco has left nothing Charles Wilson of Little Sioux , Pnflonrnth , , Poor his ¬ ¬ farm issued invitations to nil members In next Sunday's Uuc thu If there alike, the spring shooting hns been nn incon- uth- - in Pacific Northwest league the re- rules lire season.- . done and moans to give Omaha a grand the at Silver City, In. , as trainer and driver of- of the club nnd their friends to moot him nti3% for laying u mile ? repertory next disappointment. Tbo Icgendnry or season ; , nt out half track tinent lotlc entertainment , The tournament ii for mainder the Swartzel for several Mr.. Swnrtz's stock. Atnone the lot Is the b.- . the club house on the evening of 18th- llreouor.- . On Juno 23. Miss Fanny Davenport nnd Pintle, famed from time Immemorial ns the seasons City, nnd , who the the championship of Nebraska and the team with Knnsas Beatin m. . chestnut Wilkes , who Is game nnd racy ; nnd pnrtnke of Ans. . Know of no her husband. Melbourne McDowell sail for most wonderful wild goose grounds in the played Detroit in the his bospltnhty. A good time rocular established whiuh wins this will represent the state at with Cleveland and also a b. c. ((2)) by California, by Sultun. He- was hud and everyone scorned to oujov him- rules , but the following simple directions will Europe for the purpose of calling upon Mr , world , xvns never visited by such hordes of- of- league , pitchers ; , of Sacra- ¬ the World's fair for the championship McGuirk the is said to bo n cracker .jack , nnd self Immensely.- . bo found useful : Draw two parallel lines 000 Sardou loudly for u now play. gunners. . But there remains but ono story to mento club , llrst base ; Shinnlck , with the America. . that bo possesses phenomenal speed. Jake feet long and 452 foot D Inches apart. Hnlf on , wow loll , nineteen oul of every twenty returned to , second base : , Port- ¬ I Captain Potter of tbo Tourist Wheelmen The Thalia theater the Bowery Louisville Parrott with Wure , who last year drove the great b. s. way ends , ¬ appointed between the extreme of the two York has boon leased for five years to Levy their Qomlclllums In city , town or country , I land , Ore. , ; , of cham- hns his subaltern officials and bis It * Just I.lko ThlB- . third base Graham the Andrew Allison , owned by B. F. Swnpgnrn- parallel lines drlvo a stake , then loop n & Chicago bo ns u , and gooselotsl ¬ choice hns been wisely mndo. The first wire Holno of and will used Wrathful disappointed pion Erie club of the New York and Penn- , Mo. , .It must not bo imagined that ball players of Sweet. Springs to his fast , is around tbo stake long enough to reach to , , Now , nil points to but ouo thing , nnd , stop, , of lieutenancy goes to Walt Morris , this being Jewish theater presenting Jewish plays thlt "cigar- sylvania league short and Carroll also at Sliver City a? trainer for n stnblc. cither side. Then make n true curve that Is that wild fowl shooting iu the spring- in the Western league are playing for Minneapolis Lowell clnbs , Newman his third term , which shows tbnt Wnlt is n with Another dancer Is threatening musical the and Wherever ho starts 1 would like n ticket on the wire , putting down n stake as often ns a time must cease , or year by year the sport money,1' ns Kid Baldwin suggests. They , favorite with the clubmen. Wnllnco Tnylor Atnericn. The Princess Dnlgorouky , ivho ot the Seattle club nnd Katz of Grand some of thorn , ns Jake is in the habit of rid- fence post is needed. When operation Is grow poorer nnd poorer , until finully will wear the cnslgniu of second lieutenant, this was the morganatic wife of tno Into Czar Al- ¬ will the have six months' contracts nnd are paid all Rapids and Kansas City, outfielders. Since ing In tbo front. ** * finished both ends of 000-foot birds will almost entirely disappear from ot Morton Wallace is no novice on the wheel und will nt the parallel exander II. , will arrive hero in several weeks the way from fOOO to 51,400 or 1500. The tbo awarding the players Mnnacer W. B. McDonnld who is nuthority on Hues the track is laid out, Tbo inside fence their wonted haunts. The wild pigeona moro Is bad pay bns made n request for two men to take the make n good nnd energetic The office to give violin recitals. managers got 82000. Thot not pacers , nnd who drove. Buffalo Girl , one of , will rest exactly on the line drnwn , but the prolific came bird n million times places of McGuirk and Katz , whom be- of color sargeant bns been nbolishod the Daniel Sully says Alexander Sweet of for six months' work. Many n mnn slaves the quartet of years gone by , snys track must measure a half mile three foot .over than the wild duck over was , confidence in , erand tbo member having the best club mllongo will Sittings ho will twelve hours a day every day In the year for hasn't much and President one 15 from fence. turns should be Texas and collaborate next bns boon utterly exterminated. That , or- dangerous of the class if ho comes carry the club's colors on parndo. The bugler tbe The thrown on n bo a good less. fellow who gets $100 Williams yesterday signed Milt West i summer pluy thai will a political to deal The to the score fit, . Wlnslow Wtlkos , been chosen , up an inch lo tbe foot. Tbo stretches may bo ' hould teach a lesson every honest and doing so bad , "Papn , " ns ho is called here, and nssigned has not several candidates are satire entitled -Tammany Hnll. " They will per month in these days is not the coming season. Ha is looking ns stout ils- tiny where from forty-five to sixty foot.- . conscientious sportsman. The ducks nnd- a- him to Minneapolis. West led the Eastern endeavoring to master tbe different sign work at Sully's farm in the Cutsklll moun- ¬ nnd co one will say that playing ball is nnd ns can bo now , mid is to hoped NEHUASKA Nob. . April 12. fcoeso , with the all year round ruthless season tbo tit it be nnd one will soon be appointed from nmong Cirr. To tbo tains. . disagrocablo business. Is not time ns yet association in Oattioc last with ( StKirting THE HEE : , Slaughter , such as is hero , so It a mechanic will get hold of him and that cropof musicians , The contest Editor of To decide a bet practiced will to pity the ball player. He can still live on unusually high percentage of , 3G. He the for tbo piouso Inform us The Long Island sound boats which leave as our local waters feeding the Omaha fellow willfao.himself credit. handsome gold model for oest mileage com- ¬ throucli Sunday's sporting far and crounds land.- . played first base part of the season for columns how much vrus Fllzslii muns- Now Sunday nights ufford a greut ¬ the fat of the George Wilton HI. , by Wilton heavier York lire concerned , go the same way. That is in and oot.ained a fielding average of and Rich mences thi month nnd will continue until Dempsov In flgnt- Syracuse , Happy , fay thun Jack their memorable meeting ground for traveling troupes. Two evitable.- . , Medium V. by .Medium owned November 30. The captain issued his M. H- . Tunt a Quiet Pointer. .008 and had an nverago of .858 In center field- . has at Now Orloans-O. and L. T. ¬ Mttlc B. J. Kendall of this city, will probably be Sundays ago eight big companies were pas- Tbo spring shooting , moro than nny other no occasion to . place tnkos , mndo a fine called run card for the balance of the month : .Ans. . pound ? . Dempsey The Omnhn management hns .McGuirk. whose he members of H. T. KneebS strlntr this season. JTour tipped the sengers on ono boat , and no fewer than 300 season's work , is telling with terrible effect ¬ Miles. Ji.- experiment with players whom time has con- record for himself In the California league They are bright stars and undertbo tutelage beams nt HT'-j nnd Fitzsimmons nt 151 . actors and actresses fraternized during the upon the birds. Every succeeding spring , to was ono of ooacbers in the April 17, CroEcent city for dinner 20 ot- nnd the best ¬ OMAHA.. Aurll I'd. To the Sporting Editor trip. clusively proven that no club can got along of this sagacious rninsman they will distin- 23 , , 7:30: p. 14 the observant and solicitous sportsman , this leacuo. His averages were : Games , 134 ; April Florence start at m TIIF. HCE : Is the Under who hus been as- ¬ , deserving guish themselves. The five-jbar-old pos- ¬ , , S n. m CO George Ilanlon.who bns become n preacher , decrease becomes moro aud more notiooable , with. There are plenty of sober hits , 186. batting average, .247 ; fielding , .007 , April 24 Blnir start at signed to tbe Albany Eastern louguu club the , sesses same blood ns great queen , : 14- has not been near the theater on Sunday for and Icuder and louder Is tbo call for succor and respectable plorors anxious for positions nnd ho stole 2S bases. If West does as good tbo the April 30 , Fairmont park, start at 7:30 p. m. Herman Under who usea to plmich up the ¬ Nancy tl , throe years , and has nlwnys given n part of- bt the bauds of the Inw makers.- . and those are the kind of men the public de- ns he will have to play ball for all bo's- Hanks. In case the roads are unfit for the trips mud nna in nice the dust )' at the case might that bo , Omaha diamond.- . bis earnings to charity. In San .Francisco- I , myself , probably do ns much shooting mand.. The tough and the lusher have no worth. . A now mnn will probably be signed Among the most promising horses on tbo other runs will bo taken. All members of around the ns tbo majority of sportsmen In Omaha , more business in base ball than they bavo In Katz.- place nro : Mnry Mat ? (A ), 2:25 ; Olivet (3)( ) , nro requested to respond can Ans. . The samo. ho tried to enter the Presbyterian churcn , In n few days to take the place of . the club that was and tbo question might ivnll bo asked. Why any other business.- . 2:25: , by Director , anm by Princops ; Emmie- do so. OMAHA , April , 14. To the Sporting Editor of- but uot admitted because ho was nu actor.-. do I Indulge in those spring forays ! My On the Track anil In the Stable. C. . , b. f. (2)DV( ) Florida , dnm Emily by Tun HEE : What is the A. A. N.'s rule for Fur n on tlio Side. , ¬ prize awarding novice class ? Swedish ¬ answer is , simply because all the rest of the Chnnco Little The black stallion. Director (sire of Direct George Wilkes full sister to Fortunu : Diam- TltTattliof tlui lUng. in the Jenn do Roszko recently wrote this senti- Mo , " , , AtliieteV- n : gunners do. Tbo hanging up ot a single gun Jeff Bedford's "Hit for Fifty Dollars 200. pacer) , was sold recently $75,000- . eter n black yearling colt by Wilton dnm by Dick Moore fights Dick Keating at Kansas ment in Boston nutograpb album in French for . prize re- ¬ would accomplish nothing , but 1 would bail has again been erected on the outfield of the Governor Sprague , second dam by City May 15. Ans. The A. A. U.'s rule wns "The voice Is u grenl coquette , the moro you exceeding .Vitello, 2:15 , will pull a thirty-eicht- ; cently amended ns follows : "No prize tvith pleasure any enactment , , only time Mambnno Pntchen a filly by Colonel Gordon and Mills think of her the further she floes from you. local ball grounds this the familiar pound sulky with pneumatic tires the coming Scotty Bud have been com- ¬ could It bo made general in tbe surrounding ° Simmons' Jack Dawson (bo uy shall ba given by nn individual , club , But ignore her for a moment for articulation , tlgn makes two propositions, ,iO to the season. Epl matched for n contest at bouth Omahn. talcs , that would compel all alike to forego old Director out or a George WilKes more ) dnm- mittee , association or other organization , or for expression , and you immediately find her man who hits with u batted ball on the The ficht between Dnnny Daly nnd Sol In- ¬ this spring slaughtvraud give the persecuted it Over $1,000,000 will bo offered In stakes Boujiih by Beverly , he by George Wilkes , accepted by nny nthlete , except suitably nt your side. " , and $35 to the man who hits it with u Smith , which wns to have come off before birds uu opportunity to multiply nnd re- ¬ and purses for trotters and pacers during the nnd Nellie M , n bay mare four years old by scribed wreaths , diplomas , banners , badges , ball on roll or bound. Califoruin club May S , is off , nnd- Frederic Archer has organized n "soloct- cuperate. . batted the coming season.- . Director ; dam ny Governor fc'praguo. The the Athletic medals , time pieces , mantel ornaments or- Ualy will now probably mnko n match for choir" of twenty-four singers in Chicago. But to return to the present pcnson. The Yelps frutii thu Itlpiifhcrg. W.. J. Moouoj of Chariton , In. , sold re-¬ Inst is a green mare of great promise. Mr-. nrtlcles of jewelry , sllvorwnro, toilet or tnble- The leading of programs will this city or vicinity with Billy O'Donnell of . feature tholr Inst issue of mallards , roJhena , widgeon nnd bro- cently the little gray pacing mare Lillie .Creiehton Is making extensive improvements service. Hereafter an-athlete shall behold be English glees ot high- ¬ How would Bob Petit fill Spraguo's Sioux City. n and madrigals tbo bluebill nre In from tbo south, nnd most of Banks , 2:22 , for $2,000- . on his farm in stables , paddocks and tbe- to be novice in each of twenty-throo classes est class and arrangements of nnd nn- - gausl Davis much of n to ac- ¬ ¬ Scotch them acnin , still Isolated bunches and track. . The last be is building on most Jack hadn't task until ho shall hnvo won n prize in a competi- oul Meekin nnd Grim .Of the twelve brothers records better tbe complish when ho knock big Keefe- tlounl melodies. All will bo sung without pairs will linger a couple of In Louisville they tblnk approved plans , ns soon ns out Jack tion open to the members of two or moro here for weeks of big than 2:12, Nancy Hanks , 2:09: , is the only ono and tbe weather up in City a few nights ago. accompaniment- . to come , when all but those who bnvo tbo will be one of the star batteries the permits many of his horses will go into nc-- Sioux Tbo clubs. Tbe winning of such n prize shall out of a great brood mare. JSOO Col- ¬ .At Proctor's In Now , n do-- temerity to undertake to breed hero will league. UTO training. He has lately sold to Mr. prettiest part of the fight wns the prevent his future competition as n novice in- theater York The fast filly by Darknight , owned by added to his u partmect has been to practi- ¬ bnvo winged their way to the undisturbed The new headquarters of the Minneapolis Foster of California a bay filly , two years onel Davis bank account as thnt class , nltbough his entry mny hnve been established give ¬ William Mack of north Twentieth street , of entertainment. cal instruction in stage and dramatic work.- . fastnesses beyond Bafilns bay. The blue club are Room -31 Lumber Exchange , Min old , by Dark Night ; dam by Hamble- - result the made before be lost his standing as a novice. " will co to Kueobs' stable to bo Black's U'ho stngo of will bo used , green wing may possible neapolis- . trained this , n two-year-old filly by Bou- - Monday night Jim Hnll nearly knocked FHEMONT. , 12. Sporting tbo theater and and teal afford good season. toninn nnd bar Nob. April To the matinees will bo arranged for tbo appearance aport until well along In June , nnd often they .Burkett is batting just as ho did two years nlo McGregor; dam by John E. Wood , both out his sparring side partner , Joe Choyuskl- Editor of THE HEK : Will tlio winners ot the an to pro- ¬ championship divisions In of pupils. Only nov plays will bo used , nnd are to be mot with through the entire Sum ¬ ago , when bo stood ninth nmong the league's And what incentive to breeders at handsome figures. He also sold lately to- nt Niblo's in New York. A short half arm first nnd second the Western louguo. pluy a serle.i of games uftor- authors nre invited to submit their works.- . mer. heavy hitters.- . duce n class that if not phenomenal tbrpUers G. . M. Alexnndcr of Chicago Mnttie H.record jab caught Joseph on the point of tbe chin , is sport in they nro ready sellers for the other virtues 2:23 n full to Geneva a good and ho was very groggy lor n moment. thu championship season to determine who But there nnolbor rare store for evidently knows his * sister Sat price. It champions of league. 1'hll Mrs. . Groundueoper Keefe they possess. , course-. are the tbe C. C. Campbell of Campbell's Cotton tbe lover of the Hold nnd marsh. Witb tbo Sportsman's park was never in Lexington , Ky. , Leader.- . was not intended ol 1'owers.- . business. } Compress Co. , city ot Cincinnati , Ohio , last of tbo winter's snows during tbo rem- ¬ The fast trotting stnllion Emperor. 2:17.f. C. . , .Tbe Occidental club is trying to arrange a better shape than now. E. Cotton president of the Review Ans. . They will-. writes : "Everybody finds relief shortly after nant of this month , when warm owned by BuBois Bros. , Denver , Colo. , has , the rains set Bob Leadley says ho wonts no eastern track Syracuse , Nob. , was in tbe city match between Jack Davis of Omaha and .IlAvSi'ltiNns.. Nob.. April 8. The Sporting using Brndycrotine for headache. " and Ibo balmy breezes come up recovered from his nccldent , ¬ , i from Ibo leago in his. 'He will freeze to bis position nbout at Pueblo Wednesday last ns n delegate to the demo- it ill v Smith the Australian. Davis is all Editor of THE OMAHA HCE : I write Bnth, tbo migration Colo. , In ISM.-. ¬ spring northward of the oftlco- cratic stnto convention. Mr. C. reports trot- right , but Smith will not sign until he soes. to ask you If you have any foot ball ruled. If- most precious of nil game , in the United States internal revenue feathered Ibo at Detroit. Mr. . Woodruff of Kocklet , N. Y. , will send ting mntters ns very lively nt Syracuse. At how tbo match between Cardiff and Keogh at vou linvn, pleuso send me the price of them. "jack " (GaUInngo Wilsonii.sets In. No to tbo World's fair the shafts tbo famous the track there are already over seventy the Portland club conies out. Smith believes Eugene Kock- . shooting equals of , m- ¬ Jack O'Connor promises to be Cleveland's to- thai tbo Jacks and no trotting stallion Rysdyks was trotters , nnd by time season that Keorh will back out and that bo will bo .Ans See head of this column. Write ] this season. Ho is more uctivo than Hamiltonian the the fairly igratory bird is moro valued by the gourmets star first harnessed to. opens 150 head or inore will bo given prepar- ¬ given n chance at Cardiff. 'Frisco Chronicle. Spnldlng Brcs. , Chicago. FINE SPEGTRGLES , being nnd thu epicures. They are a mysterious bird dimmer besides a better batter and OMAHA , . 14. Sport- - ' The Nebraska futurity Btnke to bo trotted atory work there. Among tbeso will be tbe Bob Dobbs nnd Tom O'Brien hnd their SOUTH JSeu. April To the 'nnd come nnd go witb the secrecy of base runner. : HEE : the in 18 % , closed April 1 with 310 nominations. following stables King Hill farm, St. second co boforoaho Pastime nthleiicclub nt Ing Editor of THE I'leuso ttate longest winds. They move leisurely on their north- ¬ The now grounds of the St. Paul beso ball Joseph, Mo. , of which the great pacer, night. was n throw niiido with a huso bull In Suncluy's- Eye Glasses , The stallion whoso tret wins that stakewill Frisco Thursdny It rank fake , , ern Journey , by short singes of lllghtmuklng club are near University avenue , : HEE.. also butted bull and longest throw with situa'.ed make bis owner n rich man. Wilklo Russell , 2:15 , Is the premier ; Ed- O'Brien going out in the fourth round from ( * before , luoross ball. Deud Jume.- . or the rorroclton ot all dcfuctf of vision. Innumerable halts reaching their between Dale nnd St. Albans streets and are Pyles of tbo Humboldt stock farm , Hum- - n light punch in the throat. Up to this time breeding grounds. uro . Miss Hellin (4)) , owned by C. M. Buclt, Aus. . ((1)) 185 yards , 1 foot nnd Inch , Ed These located in very within forty minutes' ride from Minneapolis- boldt , Neb. , has a big string at tbo track , neither man hnd landed u blow. The two X Solid Cold Spectacles high latitudes. They d alight in moist will bo trained by "Blondy" this season. Crane nt Cincinnati , October 12 , 1851. ((2)-) .PIttsburg's experimental pitcher. Camp , When Is and which is In very coed shape, nil stout nnd- lighters were unceremoniously fired from the From f.l.W upward ground , yet displny al times n curious predi- ¬ IDCK she riclit starts look out for No record. (8)( ) 444 feet , James Conaghy , doesn't suffer from of confidence. Ho .20- hearty. . Prominent among them are Robbie- club room , nnd neither will get n cent, nl- brushy spots und of- her, for she will trot close to . . , Can. , August 13 , IS''O.' Fine Steel lection for the outskirts also bats equally wull right-handed or left- - P, 2:2,1: ; Kate Caffroy. 2:2.5 at 3 years old. though it is said they realized considerable Pembroke Spectacles Qnnk .A fine yearling filly , fl.GU upwiir- woodlands. Its most favorite feeding handedas they say all Omaha plovers do-. nt the Stlllwnter farm Both are stnr actors with always of- pools. I''rui , lots in the grounds in this region , however, are on by Van Zundt, dnmo Minnie H , when taking . , Dr. Culllmoro , Bee building. dProtectand Improve your eyesight. .Pittsburg Dispatch. speed. Tbe 2yoarold. Fred P. , who was n OMAHA , April 10. To Sporting Spectacles marsh }' meadow lands where cattle nre pas- ¬ a playful run nbout the paddock fell nnd the Editor Your eyes tested by a practical Teboau is handling sensational yoarllug , is all right and tbo ono : BEE : 1 ires tured , or In the Interior nbout fresh water Pat the Clevelands broke its fore ]eg just above the knee. of Tin hnve duly noted Billy ! TIIK.I Tints. with apparent excellent judgment. Rottger that beats bun the coming season will bo- Dwyer's challenge published in Thursday's Till Optician. prings , environed by onzy swamps and The once famous race horse "Dock Ed- ¬ put'in a class. Gould & of Fuller- - and Davie * . tbo now pitchers , are showing fast Miller BEE , nnd I will stnto right bis par- ¬ MEYER & COI- thickets of willow , wild rose nnd pucker-- : here for to bo an un- ¬ MAX BRO. up wards " the first ono to ever trot In 2:40 , ton , Neb. , who own the great trotter nnd 1 The coming week bids fair . woll. The team , ns n whole , is stronger ticular benefit tbnt um not posincr ns u prize- lambllilicd 1910. 1'AHNAM and Ifitli brush. It may most surely bo foundthough , died recently nt the Eclipse stock form Uos- : , , tbnn that of last year. sire of trotters , Shadeland Onwnrd. 2:1S 4 , go out of my way moro usually pleasant one in tno theatrical sense on pastured marshes , whore it. feeds in the , , ngn of-13 fighter but wouldn't Is lyn N. Y. nt the great years. will hnve their stable tr.iinofl there. Tue n before Omaha public a- oft , spongy soil , cut up nnd corrugated by Gus Schmolz at work on n new sot ol than a block to avoid contest with nny man since it brings the Is Anyone in town who thinks they own n above stallion is by Onward , who is reputa- 1 tbe hoofs of wandering kino- . signals that said to bo the most intricate who I thought could whip , Obpeclally if new star and nn nctross who m less than ouo I fast polo team , if they can stay with Hal- . ble , but his Cam is just right , bonce tbo great Wo (end llm tnarrcloui Jfrenrh ¬ over devisoa. Ohio Ho wxs n prospect of getting hold of nny- < ! ! .In u fan- more days and delightful lit- btnto Journal. does ¬ there name liomrdr CALTHO6 n the .McCord up Cnss street to Twenty-second , horse thnt he is. 1 predict that ho will be- season bus mudo a and a reputation rr sMII tle scolopax will sound bis thrilling "skcap"- it nil with bis whiskers. You cnn't fool us- of those lonn green silver certificates we rend losnl ouarantiw tint ( 'A Lines will may well bo satisfied with what they come ono ot the greatest of our sires of speed , places her well along in the light of , E every and pasture n wlso western guys , Mr. Ulfo. hsve about by performing tbo little net. If Mr-. that Will" r.nluli.nt in marsh within radius Beauchamp & Jarvis of Emporia , Kan. , will of the standard OlfltE hi-trif-iilnrrktin. Vmlrarile I 100 , ¬ .Divyer means business nnd bns got the legitimate delineators > of miles , and then comes busy hours for- Charles or "Jack , " Crooks as ho is famil- got.Mr. bo nt the Hovlow. They nro owners of the stuff und HClSTOllE Loci Icp- . dog.- , . Meikle , of north Twenty-second street , to bind a n match , I'll meet him nt THE BEE dramas. Miss Gale comes to Omaha fresh . man and . iarly and erroneously called was born in St. perfectly bred Director colt , Instructor H. , r.VseilanJat Paul 'M years ago. His iirst ball experience recently bought fnr n fnmily norsa n bay oftlco tomorrow evening nnd tnlk over the from n two weeks' engagement nt the Bald- ¬ Atdrru.VON MOHL CO. . also E. W. Mosior of , Neb. , und < A I'lcii for lletter Munngrtnent. of gelding that looks nbout right. Ho hns size , York tbo matter with him. Aimitm RoriiEiir.- . A °U iio.rVso . u, Ur4cn U, . nny note was on the St. Louis Whites the Walnut Grove stable. President Cotton nnd win theater in San Francisco , whore the i| U- OMAHA , April 14. [To the Sporting Editor soasou of 'SS. style nnd n presence that commends judg- ¬ , Globe-Democrat. Secretary nro , On Tuesday next Jock Wilkes tbo St. ment in tbo selection.- . Hill hustlers and tbo Review critics ana the public ucccordcd her the Cf THE BEE.J Now ihat there are so many Will Cllngmnn , de- ¬ Louis welter weight , who won lights from the Cincinnati player, track will always be an assembly ground for most bountiful praise. For her Introduction athletic clubs in the city it is to be hoped clares that to his mind Louisville got in A Now England pacer has boon named horsemen. both Jimmy Lindsay and Harry Giltnoro b - , one Miss Gale hns selected some of that those who have n voice in the matter Jones n bettor pitcher than Cleveland bus in- Swift's Dressed Beef and who hns soon fore the Gnto City Athletic club , will deposit in Omaha Cuppy.. Ho played In same league him says he is named just right , for while he- WhUjioringi of thn IVhoel. a forfeit of liV ) with Charles H. Steigcr of immortal bard's .best works nnd a will take tbo proper steps lo make their out-¬ the with the these youngsters last season. is a Durham in shape, ho is a Texas steer Billy Suell of the Tourist racing team Is Chicago , for u finish fight with Tom Ryan Lovell , whieb will sports a , romantic drnmn by Maria door real success such as will give when the stampede begins.- . dis- ¬ for jr.OUuMdo nud a purse of $1,200 bo Indianapolis has been noted for the star riding a frolicsome Eagle, now , having lo also command n front place in this list of- LU.CURB ..gatlsfnctlon to spectators nnd competitors. Ed DuBols of Knnsas City, will not as posed of famous mascot , hung up b) tbo South Omaha club. Ryan batteries which have always broucht lasting tbo plays. MUs Gulo is n charming A now anl CompletB Trnatmant , cou l tla Pi- is said , has consented to muot Wilkes logltinato . All know how outdoor athletic sports nro glory to the club. First It had Nolan anc lieutenant to H.T. Kncobs thu coming senson. H. E. Taggnr, W. H. liarnura nnd I. E- . it FU'j! ' osHorle Ulntiuant In Cupnuluv alia IB Uax- Mr. D. conditions , Wilkes to weigh , few pooplocnn npprecinto her : a Curj , patronized lu Iho onsl , and I venture to say Flint , then McKeou and Keenan ; next came is an experienced driver. Is used to .Holton were elected to membership in the under these not nctress liut unUi'llli failure tot Hitarnal latarnilI- ¬ or Itluullu Itching , Chronla , Uoeant or- ¬ riding fast and will be of moro than 145 pounds. This is what the of charac- lllnd ; sports will be ns well patronized iu Boyle and Myers , nnd list Huslo and Buck valuable assistance Tourists nt the last regular mooting. St. real beauty nud the sweetness her I'llm. TliU ll'jmpdjr tut nurjr lujri- that to Kneobs uls big string.- . Louis and Chicago papers suy , but I take llerodlurr ley. with Bob Young and Hurry pumped ter. . She is modest , unostentatious nud fcnowntoiall. . (1 pur box.'J lorti ; iioal mill, Omaha as anywhere it a few little things Smith stock In A mouth ago , lu behalf of- Jimmy Manning has ooen playing As Silver City is only n little run out from their way to Omaha Sunday morning little it. Wlij BuHurfroiu tlili Urrlbto whjii i writ' ore to management. with South tbo Omaha club , tbe to charmingly gentle. ten puaraniou In iiunlilvulr t'lvjnrtlsiwltli 0 u > or attended in the City since 1SS7 , Omaha , when they give their trotting meet- ¬ sny " South writer wrote t3i Kansas nnd next Saturday and that tlio solid .tjfos are Mill "in it. Houseman , first appearance on tbe stage was in- refund the inouur If not curj.l. Haul ( tiiip tnr The iirat thing that. Is necessary is ad- - ing this season Louis sporting editor of the tier ( to ho will reach man's estate , 21 years of age , the Omaha and Council country roads wore so True tiamplu. Uuirutitja l * ual hr ICulu 'o _ The which rapidly Intcr-Oceun , Chicago , nnd nt tbnt 1SS5 Barrett. Until the , z i Vorilso at n month before on pre- ¬ Blufmes should take a trip there. I ntn sure time with Lawrence UruitKlila ole Airoalt. cuniiir Ufa uJ Ujj Ui- least tbo day fixed which occasion President Speas will assuming their wonted' Jtlne condition nre- , they will see some going . Rynu's mnnnrcr embodying n much better close of last season she supported Mr. ¬ uruuu. . Uinaua. Nuu. contest , of , sent him with a nice house nnd lot In Kansas worth the while- Bar for the The reason this is to ngnlu Flnco the recent three days rain , a proposition than the ubovo , us under it the und was with him when ho wns City .Tbo road wagon ¬ rett starring allow to to competi- ¬ Kansas. builders seem to antici- sticky mass of mud , to the athletes train insure fa farewell all winner would have become tbo possessor of jointly with Mr. Booth. Several times BKAIM- The base ball editor Is to Eml pate a lively season with road riders , as they thoughts of tspinj last tion. . Another point that must not bo over ¬ indebted pleasant for several days several moro hundred dollars. To this HOUSOU she plnyod Juliet to Mr. Barrett's Grossman & Co. of Cleveland , O. . for a copy ere turnine out some one-man wagons that to come. , ,, looked Is that ns there will bo in every sport nro ns Houseman nor Ryan paid any attention , in Koinon , People never wonry of the beurt-- of "Little base ball ..acbodulo- . perfectly balanced as is possible , the bpen contestIn which uthletos from lha dif- ¬ their Casino" Ovvlnc to the recent floods which bavo fact , notwithstanding thnt boveral loiters stirnng story of "Romeo .It Is most thing of weight of which will not handicap a horse and ferent clubs will compete , there should bo a the convenient the kind trickled down Dodgd turoet work has been prior to this hai: been exchanged with House- Juliet , " nnd they cover seem to- published , and besides much in n brush down the road- . Judge selected from tbo outside. is tbo National leacue suspended on steal bridge In man on tbo tame bubjectovon tbo courtesy of- in . ' ) It usual , interesting .In organizing the thu trust front ioso their Interest following 1IU.B.C. WKST'S NEHVB AM 1IUAI.N TUiAT- - to invite some person schedule contains maiiy records Gentlemen's driving ot emporium.i Vbaelmon are uu acknowledgement was never UKMT.a , Dining , Njii.- . connected with the club Omaha is doing n great Perrlco's still reroived. The tbe varied fortunes of Rosalind in jpeutuofur UT'larla ji. ttu porting stuff of n local to no-* - and roucb news. thing. I hope compelled to thol side- ¬ wns Ryan ' It. " ralitla , lleadaolia , Narruui I'ruiuattoa oauiel 67 al- . paper fill that lift mounts tothe reasonable inference that didn't As You Like These two are today tbo , . games ¬ all cities of tbe west will do likewise. .coiiol urlubacouVnkefuUmti Muuul Uoproi.luo , itioi. The prizes are also an Important All Sunday scheduled by the West- For walk when stopping to hat with tbo chief wnnl nny of Wildes' game , unless It wns most popular of Shakespeare's plays , ¬ ern league surcease from business caroi n spin behind a An- BufUialng of tin llraUi. ciuiln; luitrmr. mUurr , item. They should be various so ns to for Indianapolis , will , when the consul. ,0j conducted under tbo nuspioei of tbe Chicago thing thnt pleases , , , , suit perfectly galled and grandly bred horse other is that the people , decur Uealh I'ramalura uld A4J Uarrdiiattii L'JI- different tastes. It U ridiculous to be giving National league team is away from homo , be that Thrt first jaunt made cvor country road by crowd exclusively , ns nil of his tights have aud by tbo people 1s meant the theater com Iull'uwerlu ottlioriot. liuyotencjr. Irfjoorrhoai ual hns size nnd style , no other , - gold medals for everything. Gold played in Cincinnati on the league grounds- . recreation can local wboolmeu to been. Tbe probability is that the present in general, yoom to bo constantly in all KuioalaVu knBi oi. luroluutarjr l.o i sujr- notice tbU teuton growing matorrbooacauttij brain.- . .Brush's fill equal. only irre- ¬ br orer-tutBrllun of the medals are supposed to represent western team will in dates left was made last Sunday afternoon by J. Henry talk Is wind escaping from some their appreciation ot quiet , but intense and Bulf - Uu eororlnlulKtmo9. A luuiHU'l ireatwuql- , a open Notwithstanding the fnuit finding . ( championships MI it is only on this nc-- by some of the goody-goody eastern that is Knstmun , H. E. Tuggnr nnd E. R. Smith , sponsible leak- nrtlsttc acting. They seem to bo recovering II , liter K, tif mill. We iuaranlua all bniat tl- being indulged in by very . Knob It , pount they are thought anything nbout , teams, who will lay off and attend church. many turf writers who , mounted on century Columbia * pedaled from tbo unwholesome influence of tha cure. order for balm wliuti will until rrlt- * .Anlmutlou Aiming Atnuuturg- . rant Um to If uot Guamntet- I think It would not bo B bad idea en- ¬ nowaday relative to all methods of manage-- the of- uuaraatea refund nurai. for tbo- Jack Snood is now off the diamond and down to Believuo nid( hack. They report and paskiou tuarlng with which too many l , S.- pouimitleo to find out Ing this nnd that affair, regarding trotters .Swartz will be right ns homo at first base- . liiuud onlr r A. Bctirotor UriiKKl t, IU.-HUB. . what would suit tbe gaged in ticket scalping at Columbus. O. tbo roads in line couditioii-. ourAmericau melodramas have bean rendered. V. . cur llitb and Karnaiu U limuim. Null la stes of the contestant * best. Of course It This pays him as well ns league ball they are bringing better prices nil the time .Jellen loft for Fremont last week. We Miss Gale's Omaha engagement will bs n necessary minor nnd more money Is being put up .Tbe Omaha Wheel club nnd the Tourist U'not to nik wboover they think would. Columbus Diipatcb. Out this way for them to Wheelmen participated lu a jolot run wish him success ( Nonpareils ) society event In every sense. Hera is the will win , but they run get around easy trot for-. last : it everybody ii overjoyed to know that Jack U Suudny morning, those who nnjovod tbo run Lacy for a little fellow can line them out repertoire fnr the week ' Romeo nnd Juliet , " nougu if they only keep their ears open. off the diamond , .Tbe Des Molnes Driving B ; , " and that he is snaking ViO- Park association being Messrs. Conrndt , Potter ] Kastman , as hard ns any of the big sluggers. Miss Gale Juliet "Ingomar Miss Gale _ "CURE _ There nre several little things like Oor KtOO a mouth rail- ¬ are hustling for attractions for coming as ; You , " Gulo- thnt peddling second-band their Counoran , Burr , Livesey , Tnggar , Flescher , Davis, who is to catch for Postofflce Parthenia "As Like It Miss ! Which , It nejrlected , might make a mooting n moating, having tbo ; road tlcuots. croat arranged with C. W. Eramersim , , . a as Rosalind ''The Lady of Lyons , " Miss r YOURSELF failure.- . Perrigo Clark and Muutofuriug.- nine , is first class all-round man- . > k Williams for Allerton to go n Gale us ; Ado ¬ r A jour prugnUt lo- The fact that Owens pitched for Columbus' match race Tbe destination was Council Bluffs. Pauline "Much About Noth- ( . At 1 have sniil above some local Nnncy , - .Wigman , Monnghan and Kennedy will rr bottle o lliR CJ. The only sporting yesterday ban loa to the circulation of n wild witb Hanks providing noble is mll- Willie gives ing , " Miss Gale as ilentrice , rviimdy all I man of repute should bo invited Judge , iuir, ns as Pixloy It out cold that ho will make a good out field for tbe Hayaou , I nun fmiianutu lor to and wool yarn Hank O'Day is bo re- ¬ and that much assures a go , ns ( cliargf una- ho can give - ; that to not ride this year. There' * something in the lie uuimturnl dl aud full instructions and Ciroo- is Buda's all times.- . Gadku catches Millur'i curves in great It will be very gratifying information not > tbo- leased.. Not yet, Madame Humor , not yet. that errand at wind when u prominent - |I nri vale dibci i of ueo aua *iotin to laviog out of course , , I sure racing eutt'us- His arm U in good only to tbo literary people of Omaha , to I , eta aud Mr. O'Dsy's nrra will bo given a full , Mr.. Kyle will trnlu a string on tbe North sbupe. throwing shape. but dcbillUiting vtflknt-w ptcullu- bopo those who have control of free iasl suddenly loses nil interest in wheeling. the vast reading public, whom Will I cures a lew- these matter * and honest test before nny thoughts of re ¬ Omaha track. The writer saw one of them , Bradford can pl&y any position and mane witb to Horofii. It in will see to this , and then the athlete * and There's something going to happen, i'ixley CarleUm't world-wide | >opulur pooins havw u Idayi tbo aid or- leasing the voterau pitcher will be enter ¬ n g. ggo from the wlro to tbo quarter pole n record that is worth bitvic.gns u ball player.- . without - people of may will "bob up serenely" nt some of tbe meets place second to none , to iinow i.ul'llcllr of D, doctor the city look forward to the very , ¬ thnt ba will tained. Coiumbui Dispatch.- . fast Wncn tbe season U more ad- nnd off A. . P. Brady would like to sign with borne * f 'nii rml mrricon Curt. enjoyment thai well conducted , well con- ¬ take the best plums und don't you tiiaue his first appearance in Omaha lu tuo A Chicago liquor vanced and ho Is in condition , it will be a it.- . good a iiocond oasemuu. , Manufactured by- tested cports always afford. AMATEU- . cure cuncarn advertises forget club ai Address Young Men's Christian association hall on that it cured Larry Twitchell of the drink- - developed trotter that will beat him in n- O. P. ETMS CheIEJc l O race. . There is no A tnaa mounted on a G. O. O. was seen Friday evening next. The local manage- II.Ciuliuian ing habit , nnd Larry threatens to run down friction about him and ho U Non- ¬ CINCINNATI , O, Will Loot the ono evenluc of last week Hying along Six- ¬ Snyder anxious to co ngnlnst tbe ment hnd expected lo secure a larger hall for ¬ is stout hearted. , A > from Milwaukee und kick somebody's n be- ¬ u a A Plttibure paper has this u ray about day teenth street. The sight wni so uncommon pareils witb good nine like the Haydous this entertainment , believing that Mr, C'trle-- lights out. Larry wa * never full onoe in Billy Houston , tils- hlin.- . yruposed chances In tbo Milwaukee teutu : tut trainer and driver , has that pedestrians slopped nnd ctnred utter hind ton's popularity would insure him nn nudi- - hit life, and that just subsequent to wai the strinc at tbo North Omaha tractc , aud u the wiftly moving figure in speechless uwe. C. . Morlearty , tbo clover little fielder of ence of very large proportions , but both of