THE OMAHA DAILU BEE : SUNDAY.VPRIL 17, 1892-SIXTEEN PAGES. 13 ' l n cer Cushman of the MlltraukeaVoit - close of the Mexican war , when he happened caperlv awaiting nice rooatbcr that they mar Tbe daring rider was the roar guard of the the Nonparolla , will return in Juno and cover the theaters nnd Exposition hall bolng en- THE WEEK'S SPORTING GRIND orn league club Is very anxious to secure 0 bo caught out late one night with a lot of bo asked to step nlonirl "Billy" has ono G O. O. nrmy which have so suddenly re- ¬ second bast.- . gagoj , the only centrally located hull re- ¬ Maul and Ucrgcr for his loam. He Is willing South Omaha democrats. that should make n nrk In the trotting treated from the field. Flyrm will Uko his regular turn In the box maining open on thnt date, which wni the , to par each B handsome salary To keep Armour , the right fielder ot the Tolodos , Is- world. This is the w. c.Ued Tolar by Clipped from the Democrat ( Fort Madi- ¬ thti season. Tommy has some great curves only open date that could bo secured for Mr. to- Is looking within the salary limit he is determined a ball player from away back. Comlikey Ashland U'ilkes. Ho nls best this son , ln. : "Messrs. Pollard. L.ano, Anthes , In that arm. Carleton , was Young Men's Christian asso- ' go on with eleven players Instead of twelve , and think well ot him , ntid- spring , nnd it seems as though there was Hlt h. Trenton , nnd Wise ciation hall. Tbo reserved scat sale will * The Lost of the Wild Towl and the Coming Bancroft both % Drorr of the Fort Miller, of last noa on's Falconer *, has more If he Lho In n nothing In the way of hl liglng n fast trotter. open nt Mora , 222 Six * .he number allowed by the Western. chances nro that ho will bo playing Madison Cycling club expect to itnrt on * p ed this year than cvnr. Ho would like to Clavier's drug South the Jacks.- . signs Maul and Berger three of the present league team before the season is over. Cin- ¬ Judging from the looks N> f the b. s. Icnis- August 20 on n wheel trip to Omaha, Neb. " run ngainst the Nonpareils. too nth street , on Wednesday morning next players will have to go. Mr-. proicnt time nnd will Uko n THE BKE nt V o'clock. Milwaukee cinnati Commerclnl Gazette. I'd like to Fatnus at the will voucb for the hospitnllty of the Flynn snys he fools great nnd will surprise .Cushman * ays the three players to bo fired know how you figure that out, Ban. How- ¬ race horse to boat him tbo coming soason. Ho Omaha wheelmen , nad visiting wboolmeu One of the most tucocssful cngatromonts ol- In tils friends by his work this year nt 1 bag A BIG GRIST FOR will bo the lowest salaried la the team ever, you big league ducks can bring about has been wintered nbout right nnd Is lu the will always find that "the latch string hangs tbo sonson at the Farnain Street thintcrvn THE HORSEMEN ¬ sala- ¬ nnd at the stick this soason. order to allow n larger margin for the some funny things , under the nntlonal agree- pink of form to bo begin ] work when the out. " the "O. What n Night" company four weeks ries of the cx1lttsburgers. Plttsburg Com- ¬ , ! I track gets right. It mny iosslbiy occur South Omahn will have a fir.n class dab ago. was ment in base ball. See' catch understand that Captain Conradt of tbe Omaha Wheel in Their slay then nllogotnor toj somebody please kill 1- the field. They have clan men mercial Gazette. Will says ! " some of Ibe cracks of the state need not go n ono ¬ four first short , as the continuously largo nudlonooi- Manaccr Cushman of Milwaukee duo is hustler and of the most enthusi- from . - before bo up National past to find companv ono of the Chicago City league loams- . ; Xlp Irom tlio lllcncupr * Tim tlnsjr VTlifc- Jusbman breaks the do big league will last longer of the river worthy of astic of wheelmen , ho de- ¬ showed. Manager Burgess bns secured league. not think tbo tbo club's and has .Tbe organized one year. year I think wo will their best efforts. Eachr succeeding year termined to make wheeling im- ¬ Bluffs nlno hnve under the them for a return oncngonjont nnd n longot- luirn .Inbn and SmnOics Quc tloni than Next Its the most management again have two big leagues, ono n Suudov brings out stars. H| portant features of this season's cycling cam ¬ of F. Vaudorburg. For games stny , nnd they will open for a week's stnnd- * The tJn-at Pull thU AVock. nil AtmnrrK nnd Mlnrrlla against Adam Thompsou will c. npalgn six head paign. , address Nebraska Telephone company , nt the Knrnum Street with n matinee thlt- ¬ ball playing leacuo and the other Thfl best runs will be picked out commences Expo- ¬ ) , Nob.- . urnus Lot-ill Sport * . The tug-of-war which at playing Sunday. The prospects of the West- of trotters nnd pncors ipf coming season. ntid nny wheelman who nttonds n run under Omahn ntternoon. An nttrnction to bo success- sition hall Tuesday tilcht , promises to bo a ern league nro very bright , nnd In my opinion His first start will bo nt unnvlllo , 111. Mr. his command will bo assured of an onjovablo- F. Mnhonoy will be found stopping homo ful must please tbo people not only thosa great athletic event, The eight teams have this ts tbo banner year for base boll every¬ Thompson will travel with n perfectly mite. runs In the left garden for the Nonpareils. who go to the theater to laugh nlnnythlnq- Ho keep equipped palace horse car. nro Any wUhlng gnmas J. nnd everything , i ut those who never laugh , OOR ahcotlng has nit been getting good and ready, and is they where. " Evening Wisconsin. can't His stock Our "Zlmmy" continues to cavort on the club nddross Mnhr ; , nnd If ( green ney , , , or at who Intieh "inwardly. " To IMs ¬ still n minute. stout and hearty nce weather soon swnrd of Merrio Hold Hlnglnnd nud Fifteenth nnd Murthn streets Omaha least been seem to bo very evenly matched , the strug- class poor * . , n- tbo rule this McQuado , who was classed ns ono of comes so thnt they can bo shnped up, ho the the roads nnd streets nro nlwnys lined Nob. latter of theater "O What gles will bo most Interesting. The Jack Is provo , ns spring , for notwlih- Intensely the best umpires In the league last year , wai- should have n parly nf "broad winners"- with the curious whenever ho ventures out Cnrngnn will mnko the Hnydons play good Night" sure to entertaining they , , ot- cannot help bul bo standing the almost aoats are nil limited to a 30 minutes pull the In tbo city last night. Mac hns been "turned- sure.. Prtneo T, pacer the top sixxvyor for un airing , which Is quite otton , ouo would Imll If there Is any ball playing in them. His "InwnrJly convulsed" nt loam having cinch on rope at the tbo stable , is showing great speed they fay.-. : the bright, keen wit , comical situations and ¬ the the Young. fall he signed think from the comments which appear in loam will bo found us follows Crolghton , unnnlmous expecta- down" by Nick Last Among company . end ot that time will win the heat. This to umpire in the association , nnd that cooked J. S. Stone of tlio mall carriers' force , nl- the British newspapers. Xlminerman is catcher ; Snyder , pitcher ; Swart ? , first ; brilliant tatlro. the nroV. ¬ S. Lnng and C , E , , negro tion nmong sports- will make rod hot work for tbo men , ns they his gcoso with Uncle Nick. This season Me- - though n rood wulkcr enjoys n rldo occasion- - looked upon as the representative American Carrlgnu , second ; Bncan , short stop ; Bowles , Eatvnrds nnd Irish comedians ; Minn Gennoll , great men for grent sport are all well aware that 30 minutes won't last Qundo will umpire In the Western nssocln- - nlly , nnd keep * about ns good n road horse ns- racing man "ncross the pond , " which is all third ; Kennedy , loft field ; Wigmau , center- Mls tbo dancing , nnd the ffimr-us Enirllsh 1 forever. It will also give bettor satisfaction ho is now on his way to Indianapolis nny of them. At off times ho can bo soon out field ; Monagban , rleht field. soubrelto among f lionnnd truo.Osmond ¬ wild owl , see nil twin sisters , the sisters Loleu , In the great- to the spectators as they are sure to for tbo opening of the season lu that city behind a bay gelding of the Hamblelonlan , the English crnck, is determined The Postofllco nlno organized last woolc thU spring , nnd not- ¬ est dance over pul upon the stngo , cMInd the motions of the competitors each night. The next Saturday. In McQundo the now league type that can pull n road wacon about ns fast to lower Willie Windlo's mile record thl with the following players , who will be out by 10 MO. S.- ' Delusion IJntieo, " nnd several other pretty withstanding last pull will always be over about hns lost ono ot the fairest and best umpires ns the nvornco person cares to rido. Mr. season to '.' :14.: Willie will then pull 'or Tor the city league ponnaut this season : the In shape this girls and funny men , ranking A splendid on-- nil con- - The Irish team will bo bolter that over oftlcintod In n game.
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