Brachiopods from the Lower-Middle Cambrian Láncara Formation of the Cantabrian Mountains, Northwest Spain THOMAS WOTTE & MICHAL MERGL WOTTE, T. & MERGL, M., 2007:09:03. Brachiopods from the Lower-Middle Cambrian Láncara Formation of the Cantabrian Mountains, Northwest Spain. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 33, 101-122. ISSN 0810-8889. Micro- and macrobrachiopods from eight stratigraphic sections of the carbonate upper member of the Middle Cambrian Láncara Formation (comprising lower Beleño facies and upper Barrios facies) in the Cantabrian Mountains are analysed. They comprise ten species, two of which are new, assigned to nine genera, two of which are new. They are: Acrothele primaeva (de Verneuil & Barrande in de Prado, 1860), Acrothele sp., Eoobolidae gen. et sp. indet., Genetreta trilix gen. et sp. nov., Iberotreta sampelayoi gen. et sp. nov., Luhotreta? proclinis (Mergl & Elicki, 2004), Micromitra cf. sculptilis (Meek, 1873), Nisusia vaticina (de Verneuil & Barrande in de Prado, 1860), Trematobolus simplex (Vogel, 1962) and Yorkia zafrensis (Gil-Cid & Mélou, 1986). Stratigraphic distribution patterns of the brachiopod fauna mirror the drowning of the environment. Trematobolus simplex is exclusively found in the carbonates of the Beleño facies, whereas Nisusia vaticina and Yorkia zafrensis are typical representatives of the nodular limestones of the Barrios facies. The species of the genera Trematobolus, Nisusia and Yorkia demonstrate the affinity of the upper Láncara brachiopod association with faunas of the Siberian platform, New South Wales and some Avalonian terranes (Newfoundland, New Brunswick). Thomas Wotte (
[email protected]), Geological Institute, Freiberg University of Mining and Technology, Bernhard-von-Cotta Street 2, D-09599 Freiberg, Germany; Michal Mergl (
[email protected]), Department of Biology, University of West Bohemia at Plzeň, Klatovská 51, CZ-306 19, Plzeň, Czech Republic.