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Table of Contents

Set up page fields 4 Add fields based on the existing columns 4 Add new columns 9 Set up page field groups 21 Set up page tabs 22 Add new element translations 23 Add dashboards as page widgets 24 Create a detail 30 Add a detail based on an existing object 31 Add a detail based on a new object 34 Create a detail to add it to a record page 36 Add an existing detail on a record page 39 Add an existing detail to a record page. 40 Edit an existing detail on a record page 42 Delete a detail from the record page 44

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Set up page fields


Add, modify, hide or delete fields on a record page in the Page Designer. You can also manage the section data structure (i.e., the list of section columns): adding a new column in the Page Designer will also add this column to the section data structure when saving the changes. When selecting a column in the page designer’s toolbar, review the list in the [ Existing column ] block first. The designer may already have the needed column ready for placement. If there is no such column, use the elements from the [ New column ] block.

Add fields based on the existing columns The [ Existing columns ] block of the [ Page elements ] menu displays columns that are already available in the section. These columns may not be displayed on the record page, but they are used in the Creatio database and cannot be deleted.

Some of the columns may be required on an object level: you cannot create a record in the database if you do not fill out the required record columns. The required columns are marked with an asterisk (*) (Fig. 1).

Attention. All required columns must be added as fields to the record page to ensure that the record page opens correctly.

Fig. 1 A required field in the Page Designer

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To add existing columns to the page:

1. Open the relevant section, e. g., [ Requests ]. 2. Click [ View ] -> [ Open Section Wizard ]. 3. In the [ Section pages ] block of the Section Wizard:

a. click [ Edit page ] if there is a single page in the section b. click the link to the relevant page if there are several pages in the section

4. Drag existing columns from the [ Existing columns ] area to the record page. The areas where you can drop the field are highlighted. The columns that are already added to the page do not disappear from the column selection field, but they become unavailable in the list of existing columns (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2 Adding existing columns to a record page

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Attention. If you add a new column to a page in the Page Designer and accidentally drop it on top of the other columns, the new column will not appear in the Page Designer's working area. Creatio will add it to the list of the existing columns instead (Fig. 3). To display it on the page, drag it from the [ Existing columns ] area to the Page Designer's working area and do not create a new column with the same name.

Fig. 3 Dropping columns on top of the displayed columns in the Page Designer

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To change the column width, drag the edge of a corresponding field.

You can also change the column height in multiline text fields (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4 Changing the size of a multiline column

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To modify the column properties, highlight it and click (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5 columns in the Page Designer

To delete a field from the page, highlight it and click (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6 Deleting columns from a record page

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Attention. Removing a field from the page will not delete the corresponding column from the section object. You can only delete object columns in the [ Configuration ] section. Read more in the developer documentation: Creatio IDE. Besides, you can only delete the columns you created yourself and only if they have not been added to object pages. Inherited columns, such as “Id,” “Created by,” etc., cannot be deleted

Add new columns The [ New column ] block in the Page elements area displays the column types you can add to the section. See the type list below.

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Column Field type on the page Example type

String A text field. String fields can contain letters, numbers and other Single line fields: characters. Multiline text fields allow for line breaks and can the [ Full name ] have a variable height. String fields have several additional and [ Full job title ] parameters. Read more >>> fields on the contact page. Multiline fields: the [ Result details ] field on the activity page.

Integer A numeric field that can only contain whole numbers (no The [ Duration fractional numbers). If you use an “Integer” field type on the (minutes) ] column page, the analytical data based on this field's values will be in the [ Activities ] rounded up to integers. section (does not display on the activity page by default).

Decimal A numeric field that can contain fractional numbers. The [ Payment amount ] field on the invoice page.

Date/Time Date/Time fields are necessary to register calendar information. The [ Start ] and [ Due ] fields on the activity page.

Lookup Lets you select values from a manually created or imported list. Drop-down list The values available in the list are stored in the corresponding lookup fields: the lookups. Users can fill out lookup fields by selecting a value [ Type ] and [ Role ] from either a dropdown or the selection window. Lookup fields fields on the have several additional parameters. Read more >>> contact page.

Pop-up window lookup fields: the [ Owner ] and [ Reporter ] fields on the activity page.

Boolean Can contain one of the two logic values: “Yes/No.” A Boolean “Checkbox” fields, field cannot be required. such as the [ Remind owner ], [ Remind ] fields on the activity page, etc.

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To add new columns to the section:

1. Open the relevant section, e.g., [ Requests ].

2. Click [ View ] -> [ Open Section Wizard ]. 3. In the “Section pages” block of the Section Wizard:

a. click [ Edit page ] if there is a single page in the section b. click the link to the relevant page if there are several pages in the section

4. Select the necessary column type in the [ New column ] area and drag it to the page, similarly to working with the existing columns (Fig. 7). Dragging and dropping a new column to the section page will add a new field of the corresponding type and a new corresponding column to the database.

Fig. 7 Adding new columns to a record page

Attention. Adding a new field to a page and saving the changes in the Section Wizard will also add the corresponding column to the section object.

Specify the parameters of the new column and the page field used to populate it. The set of available parameters may differ depending on the field type.

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Fig. 8 [ Subcategory ] field parameters on a request page

Set up “String” columns When working with string columns, you can use single-line text fields or multiline text fields.

The [ Multiline text ] parameter is unique to “String” fields. Multiline text fields have variable height and are designed for larger volumes of text that might take several paragraphs, such as the [ Description ] field. If you select the [ Multiline text ] checkbox, you will be able to modify the field height in the Page Designer by dragging (Fig. 9). Leave the [ Multiline text ] checkbox clear to add a single-line text field.

Fig. 9 Changing the size of a multiline column

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You can specify how many characters a page field can contain in the [ Text length ] field. You can set the [ Text length ] field value to 50 characters, 250 characters, 500 characters or make the field length unlimited.

Fig. 10 Specifying the field length

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Note. Text field length setup for the [ Pre-configured page ] business process element in the Pre- configured Page Designer works in a similar way.

Set up “Decimal” columns The “Decimal” field lets you customize the precision of decimal numbers (Fig. 11), ranging from 1 to 8 digits after the decimal point. You can also select “Integer” to change the field type to “Integer”. Select “Currency” if you intend to use the field with financial data.

Fig. 11 Customizing the number precision in the “Decimal” column

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Note. Lowering the precision for existing “Decimal” fields will also make the calculated data based on these fields less precise.

Set up “Date/Time” columns You can use the [ Format ] field to select the date format when setting up a “Date/Time” column for your section page. The [ Format ] field provides the following options:

“Date” - the field will only display the specified date in the corresponding format “Time” - the field will only display the specified time “Date\Time” - the field will display both the specified date and the time

Fig. 12 Specifying the “Date/Time” column format

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When you modify the “Date/Time” column format for an existing section, the data in this column will be updated for existing records as well. If your new column format is less precise than the previous format, the data for existing records will become less precise as well. For example, if you change the “Date/Time” format to “Date”, the time data will not display. In this case, you will receive a corresponding notification from Creatio.

Note. “Date/Time” column format setup for the [ Pre-configured page ] business process element in the Pre-configured Page Designer works in a similar way.

Set up “Lookup” columns Fill out the “Lookup” column by selecting a value from a list. To set up this column, specify the object to use as the lookup, the lookup view and the connection type between the records in the current object and the lookup object.

Lookup object The list of lookup values is based on the records of an object (the “lookup object”). You can use any object as a lookup object. Depending on whether the needed object already exists, select the [ Select existing lookup ] or [ Add new lookup ] option. If you would like to add a lookup field for an existing lookup, select the lookup object in the [ Lookup ] field. For example, select the “Contact” object as a lookup for the [ Owner ] field (Fig. 13).

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Fig. 13 Selecting an existing lookup

Selecting [ Add new lookup ] will add a new object to Creatio. You need to specify the new lookup object's name and title (Fig. 14):

Fig. 14 Adding a new lookup field

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1. [ Title ] – a title that will distinguish this lookup object from other objects. 2. [ Name ] – a database code for the new lookup object. The object name must contain a prefix. You can specify the prefix in the “Prefix for object name” (“SchemaNamePrefix” code) system setting. The prefix is set to “Usr” by default.

Note. Saving the changes in the Section Wizard will automatically register a new lookup in Creatio and bind this lookup to the package where the wizard saves changes. The lookup name will match the one that you indicate in the [ Title ] field. You can view and modify the lookup content via the [ Lookups ] section.

Lookup view The lookup view determines the field type that will represent a lookup column on a page:

Select the “List” view to make the lookup field a dropdown (Fig. 15).

Fig. 15 A drop-down list view of a lookup field

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Select the “Selection window” view to make the field open a separate lookup window (Fig. 16). You can filter, edit or delete existing lookup records, as well as add new records in this window. This view is a good option if you use an object of a different section, e. g., [ Contacts ], as a lookup.

Fig. 16 Lookup value selection window

Cascade connection Select the [ Cascade connection ] checkbox in the [ Advanced settings ] area if you need to establish a connection between the records of the current section object and the object specified in the [ Lookup ] field. As a result, whenever a record is deleted from the lookup object, any linked records of the current object will be deleted as well. The [ Cascade connection ] checkbox is usually selected for the lookup fields in detail objects: the fields that link the detail object to the section object. For example, the “Contact address” object has the [ Contact ] lookup column designed to link each address record to a specific contact. Whenever you delete a contact from the [ Contacts ] section, all addresses of that contact must be deleted as well. Therefore, select the [ Cascade connection ] checkbox for the [ Contact ] column in the “Contact address” object.

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Add tooltips to fields

1. Open the relevant section, e. g., [ Requests ]. 2. Click [ View ] —> [ Open section wizard ]. 3. In the “Section pages” block of the Section Wizard:

click [ Edit page ] if there is a single page in the section click the link to the relevant page if there are several pages in the section

4. Select a field that needs a tooltip and click . If there is no such field, add it. 5. Enter the text the users are going to see in the [ Tooltip ] field of the column setup window (Fig. 17). You can add HTML markup to the tooltip. Use HTML to add bold text, lists, hyperlinks, and other formatting options.

Fig. 17 Adding a tooltip to the field

6. Click [ Save ]. 7. This will add a icon to the field on the record page. Hover over it to see the tooltip (Fig. 18).

Fig. 18 Viewing a tooltip

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Set up page field groups


You can combine page fields into groups. For example, a record of the [ Accounts ] section can contain a [ Categorization ] field group used to categorize companies by various parameters. To add a new field group:

1. Open a section, e.g., [ Contacts ].

2. Click [ View ] -> Open Section Wizard. 3. In the “Section pages” block of the Section Wizard:

a. if you have only one edit page in your section, click Edit page; b. if you have several edit pages in your section, click the link of a corresponding page in the list.

4. Open the tab where the new field group should be located, and click New fields group (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1 Adding a field group on a tab

5. In the opened window, enter the field group title and click Save. As a result, an empty 24-cell grid area for setting up fields will be added on the tab (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2 Adding a new field group

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You can add the needed fields to the newly created field group. You can rename, delete and move the added field groups similarly to working with tabs. Set up page tabs


By default, each new page contains [ Attachments and notes ] and [ Feed ] tabs. You can add new tabs, edit the existing ones, as well as manage the order in which they are displayed on the page (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1 Page tab setup area

To add a new tab on the page:

1. Open a section, e.g., [ Accounts ]. 2. Click [ View ] -> Open Section Wizard. 3. In the “Section pages” block of the Section Wizard:

a. if you have only one edit page in your section, click Edit page;

b. if you have several edit pages in your section, click the link of a corresponding page in the list.

4. Click in the right part of the tab setup area. 5. In the opened window, enter a caption for the new tab and click [ Save ]. As a result, a new empty tab will be added. On a tab, you can add field groups, fields, and details. To rename the currently open tab, click .

To modify the tab content, add a field group and drag the required fields from the [ New column ] and [ Existing columns ] areas. You can add details on the tab in a similar way.

To change the tab position, hover the cursor over the tab title, click and drag it to the required place.

To delete a tab, select it and click in the right part of the tab setup area. If you accidentally delete one of the default tabs, you can only restore it by discarding the current changes in the Section Wizard. There are two ways you can do it when you delete the tab:

1. Exit the Section Wizard by closing the window and open it again. You will see the accidentally deleted tab reappear in the tab setup area.

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2. Refresh the page by pressing F5 as soon as you delete the tab (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2 Restoring the deleted default tab in the Section Wizard

Attention. If you delete the default [ Feed ] tab in your section and save the changes in the Section Wizard, you will only be able to restore it using the developer means.

Add new element translations


Streamline Creatio customization by adding translations to UI elements, such as fields, field groups, details, and tabs, while setting up these elements in the Section Wizard. For example, here is how you can add the field title translation.

1. Open the relevant section, e. g., [ Requests ]. 2. Click [ View ] —> [ Open section wizard ]. 3. In the “Section pages” block of the Section Wizard:

click [ Edit page ] if there is a single page in the section

click the link to the relevant page if there are several pages in the section.

4. Select a field you need to translate and click . If there is no such field, add it. 5. In the setup window:

a. Find the fields with the button on the right. These usually are [ Title on page ] and [ Tooltip ] fields.

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b. Click the button and add translations to every active Creatio language for each field (Fig. 1). Manage the list of the available UI languages in the [ Languages ] section. Read more: Custom localization.

Fig. 1 Adding translations to the field title

Note. UI localization setup for the [ Pre-configured page ] business process element and the Detail wizard works in a similar way.

6. Click [ Save ]. Once you save the changes in the Section Wizard, users will see the field title in their Creatio language. Add dashboards as page widgets


You can add dashboards on a record page tab or in the record profile. For this, use the “Widgets” page elements (Fig. 1) available on the left-side panel of the Page Designer.

Fig. 1 Widget area in the Page Designer

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You can add the following types of dashboards on a record page:

Chart Metric Gauge Web page

Note. More information about setting up different types of dashboards is available in the Dashboards article.

Example. Create a chart that would display the dynamics of communication with a customer on the [ History ] tab of the contact page.

To add a chart on the contact page:

1. Open the Contacts section. 2. Click [ View ] -> Open Section Wizard.

Note. If you need to add dashboards on a detail page, use the Detail Wizard instead of the Section Wizard.

3. In the “Section pages” block of the Section Wizard:

a. if you have only one edit page in your section, click Edit page; b. if you have several edit pages in your section, click the link of a corresponding page in the list (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2 Selecting a section edit page from the list

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4. In the Page Designer that opens, click the [ History ] tab (Fig. 3). This tab will display your diagram.

Fig. 3 Switching to the [ History ] tab

5. Add a new “Dynamics of communication” field group. Place the field group at the top of the [ History ] tab page. This field group will contain the newly created diagram. 6. Expand the [ Page elements ] block and drag the needed widget on the page. For example, drag-and-drop the [ Chart ] widget to the new [ Dynamics of communication ] field group. Areas, where you can place the chart, will be highlighted in blue (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4 Adding a chart on the contact page

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7. On the opened chart setup page, populate the first series of the chart that would display the number of calls of the contact for the needed period, e.g., the previous quarter. Set the parameters as follows:

Fig. 5 Setting up the “Calls and emails for the previous quarter” chart

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1. [ Title ] – “Calls and emails for the previous quarter” 2. [ X-Axis label ] – “Date”

3. [ Y-Axis label ] – “Number of calls and emails” 4. [ Object ] – “Call”

5. [ Function ] – “Count” 6. [ Chart type ] – “Line”

7. [ How to group ] – set grouping by the “End date” column for calls.

8. [ Format ] – “Day & month”

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9. [ How to filter ] – Specify the “End date = Previous quarter” for calls. 10.[ How to associate with section data ] – Specify “Id” to display the data for the selected contact only.

11.Add another series to your chart widget by clicking and selecting the “Add series” option (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6 Adding series to a chart widget

12.Populate the properties of the second series:

a. [ Object ] – “Activity”

b. [ Function ] – “Count” c. [ Chart type ] – “Line”

d. [ How to group ] – set grouping by the “Due” column for activities.

e. [ Format ] – “Day & month” f. [ How to filter ] – Specify two conditions for activities: “Type = Email” and “Due = Previous quarter.”

g. [ How to associate with section data ] – Specify “Id” to display the data for the selected contact only.

13.Click [ Save ].

14.For the correct displaying of data, adjust the size of the chart (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7 Resizing the chart

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As a result, the chart showing the dynamics of communication with the contact for the previous quarter will be displayed on the contact page (Fig. 8).

Fig. 8 Record page with a configured chart widget

Note. Learn more about configuring charts in the “Chart” dashboard tile” article.

Create a detail


A detail is a page element that displays records of an object linked to the current record. Use details to display data from another object that is connected to the current record. For example, a contact’s noteworthy events or an account’s addresses. The majority of details come with their own record list. The detail only displays entries connected to the current section record. The connection is usually established via the record page object (most often the section object) selected in the detail’s lookup field. Use developer tools to create details with editable fields or custom data, such as [ Attachments ], as well as details not directly connected to the current record. Learn more in the development guide: Detail.

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Note. Note. Learn more about objects in the Creatio object model course.

For example, the [ Activity participants ] detail shows the participant list of the current activity. The [ Activities ] detail (Fig. 1) shows the list of activities linked to the current account, contact, etc.

Fig. 1 Record filtering on the [ Activities ] detail

You can create a detail in the Section wizard during the page setup or use the Detail wizard. Creatio adds details created in the Section wizard to the relevant section page automatically. You have to add details created in the Detail wizard to the section page manually. Learn more: Add an existing detail on a record page

You can create a detail:

Based on an existing object. For example, display new custom section’s data as a detail in other sections. You can also use this option to add multiple unique details created from the same object to section pages. Read more >>>

Using a new object. For example, display the list of medical documents for employees’ sick leave applications in the custom [ Requests ] section. Use this option when the object whose data you would like to use does not exist yet. Read more >>>

All objects and schemas created in the Section or Detail wizard are bound to a specific package. If you plan to transfer changes between environments, create a custom package before creating the detail. Then, set this package as the new destination for custom objects. Learn more in the Getting started with the development developer documentation article.

Add a detail based on an existing object You can use Creatio sections or lookups to create a detail. To ensure the transferability of new packages, check the package bindings before starting the setup:

When creating a detail based on a custom object, make sure that your current changes are saved to the

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same or dependent package.

When creating a detail based on a base object, make sure that your current package is dependent on the package with the base object (usually the Base package or a product functionality package, such as “SalesEnterprise”).

Learn more about packages in the Get started with packages developer documentation article.

Example. Create a detail that will display a list of the contact’s requests on their page.

This example will create a detail from an object of a custom [ Requests ] section. Learn more about adding custom sections in the Create a new section article.

1. Open a section, e. g., [ Contacts ]. 2. Click [ View ] –> [ Open Section Wizard ].

3. In the [ Section pages ] block of the Section Wizard:

click [ Edit page ] if you have only one edit page in the section click the link to the relevant page if there are several pages in the section.

4. Navigate to the tab where you would like to place the detail.

5. Click [ New detail ]. 6. Click the button to the right of the [ Detail ] field in the detail setup window.

7. Select [ Add based on existing object ] in the menu that pops up (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2 Adding a detail based on an existing object

8. In the pop-up window (Fig. 3):

a. Specify which object’s data the detail will use. In our case, it is “Requests.” b. Specify the detail title that will help you find it in the object list. In our case, it is “Contact requests.”

c. Add translations for the title if necessary. Learn more about translations in the following article: Add new element translations.

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d. Select the [ Make the list editable ] checkbox to make the detail’s data editable directly from the list without the need to open a new page. e. Click [ Save ].

Fig. 3 Setting up a detail based on an existing object in the Section wizard

9. Set up how the detail will display the records of the [ Requests ] section in the [ What records to show on the page? ] block:

a. The [ Where detail column ] field specifies the detail object’s column the value of which Creatio will use to check whether to display the record. In our case, it is the “Created by” column.

b. The [ Equals to page column ] field specifies the current section’s page column the value of which Creatio will compare to the value of the column specified in the [ Where detail column ] field. In our case, it is the “Id” column. As a result, the contact page will only display those records of the [ Requests ] section where the [ Created by ] field matches the specified contact.

10.Click [ Save ].

11.Save the changes in the window and in the Section Wizard.

As a result, a new schema and detail page will be available. Creatio will register the new detail and add it to the record page. The detail’s edit page is identical to the page from the custom [ Requests ] section. All changes made on the detail page will also be available on the section page. The new detail’s schema (the client module) and data will be available in the package to which the changes are saved. The [ Contacts ] section’s updated object, schema, and an edit page will also be available in the package.

You can also implement this example in the Detail wizard. As a result, Creatio will register a new detail and display it in the detail list in the section wizard. You will be able to add the detail to section pages. Learn more: Create a detail to add it to a record page The new detail’s schema (the client module) and data will be available in the package to which the changes are saved.

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Add a detail based on a new object

Example. Create a new detail for medical documents in the [ Requests ] custom section. The documents serve as grounds to approve employee requests for sick or maternity leaves.

Note. Learn more about adding a custom section in the Create a new section article.

1. Open a section, e. g., [ Cases ].

2. Click [ View ] –> [ Open Section Wizard ]. 3. In the [ Section pages ] block of the Section Wizard:

Click [ Edit page ] if you have only one edit page in your section. Click the link to the relevant page if there are several pages in the section.

4. Navigate to the tab where you would like to place the detail.

5. Click [ New detail ]. 6. Click the button to the right of the [ Detail ] field in the detail setup window.

7. Select [ Add using new existing object ] in the menu that pops up (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4 Adding a detail using a new object

8. Specify the following in the pop-up (Fig. 5):

a. The object title in the configuration object list. In our case, it is “Medical documents.”

b. The detail title to help you find the detail in the Section wizard’s object list. In our case, it is “Medical documents.”

c. A unique code that displays in the configuration object list. The code must contain a prefix that identifies the creator of the object. The prefix is specified in the “Prefix for object name” system setting. In our case, the code is “UsrMedicalDocuments.” d. Select the [ Make the list editable ] checkbox to make the detail’s data editable directly from the list without

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the need to open a new page.

e. Creatio will populate the data in the [ How to connect detail to current page? ] block automatically.

f. Click [ Save ].

Fig. 5 Filling out a new detail’s parameters

9. Creatio will populate all parameters in the detail setup window automatically. Click [ Save ].

10.Save the changes in the window and in the Section Wizard.

As a result, a new object, schema, and detail page will be available. Creatio will register the new detail and add it to the page of the custom [ Requests ] section.

The detail will be also available in the section wizard’s detail list. You can add the detail to any section page that can be connected to the detail. The detail page will display the [ Name ] field (required) and the [ Requests ] field used to match the detail records to the current section record. Edit the detail page to add other fields. Learn more: Add an existing detail to a record page. The new detail’s object, page, and schemas (the client module) will be available in the package to which the changes are saved. If the section where you added the new detail is saved in a different package, saving the changes in the Section wizard will also save the updated object, schema, and section edit page to your package.

You can also implement this example in the Detail wizard. As a result, the detail will become available in the section

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wizard’s detail list. You will be able to add the detail to the section page. Learn more: Create a detail for subsequent adding to a record page

Create a detail to add it to a record page You can create and set up a detail in the Detail wizard. This is useful for such things as collaboration on no-code customization. The new detail will be available in the section wizard’s detail list and the [ Advanced settings ] section. You can add the detail to any section page that can be connected to the detail as well as transfer it to another environment. You can follow the same procedure as in the section wizard to create details based on new or existing Creatio objects in the detail wizard. We will explain how to work with the detail wizard by using a custom detail based on a new object as an example.

Example. Create a new [ Registration documents ] custom detail that displays contacts’ ID cards.

1. Click –> [ System Designer ].

2. In the [ System setup ] block, click [ Detail wizard ].

3. On the opened page (Fig. 4):

a. Select “Create new object” in the [ How to create detail? ] block.

b. Specify the new detail’s title to display in the Section Wizard’s detail list. In our case, it is “Registration documents.”

c. Specify the new object’s title and unique code that will help you find the object in the configuration element list. In our case, it is “Registration documents” and “UsrRegistrationDocuments” respectively.

Fig. 6 Setting up a detail based on a new object

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4. Connect the new detail to the [ Contacts ] section object. To do so:

a. Click [ Page ] to set up the detail’s record page (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7 Navigating to editing the page

b. Drag the [ Lookup ] field from the [ New column ] list on the left to the workspace on the right (Fig. 8). A [ New column ] pop-up will appear.

Fig. 8 Creating a lookup field

c. Fill out the properties in the [ New column ] pop-up.

a. In the [ Title ] field, specify the display name of the new field, e. g., “Contact.”

b. In the [ Code ] field, specify the unique name for the field in the database, preceded by a prefix, e.g., “UsrContact.”

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Attention. The [ Code ] field must contain a prefix that identifies the author of the configuration changes. The prefix is specified in the “Prefix for object name” system setting. By default, the “Usr” value is used.

c. In the [ Lookup ] field, select the section object, to which the detail must be linked. For example, to link the detail to the records of the [ Contacts ] section, select the “Contact” object as the lookup.

Fig. 9 Setting up a lookup column that links a detail to a section

d. To delete all detail records when the connected record is deleted, select the [ Block deletion if there are connected records in Detail schema ] option (Fig. 10).

Fig. 10 Blocking the record deletion

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e. Save the changes in the [ New column ] pop-up.

5. Set up the detail page. Add fields and field groups to store the registration documents. In our case, these are [ Document type ], [ Series ], [ Number ], [ Issued by ]. Working with column properties on a detail is similar to that of the regular page. Learn more: Set up page fields. 6. Click [ Save ] to save the detail.

As a result, a new object, schema, and detail page will be available. Creatio will register the new detail. The detail will be available in the section wizard’s detail list. You can add the detail to any section page that can be connected to the detail. For example, [ Contacts ], [ Employees ], or [ Accounts ]. Learn more: Add an existing detail on a record page. The new detail’s object, page, and schemas (the client module) will be available in the package to which the changes are saved. Add an existing detail on a record page


You can change the details on section pages and add existing details to a page. An “existing detail” is a page element that has been created and configured in the Detail Wizard. Learn more: Create a detail to add it to a record page.

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Add an existing detail to a record page.

Example. Display the out-of-the-box [ Activities ] detail in the custom [ Requests ] section.

Note. Learn more about creating and configuring a section in the Add a new section article.

To add a detail to a section page:

1. Open the relevant section, e. g., [ Requests ].

2. Click [ View ] –> [ Open Section Wizard ]. 3. In the [ Section pages ] block of the Section Wizard:

a. click [ Edit page ] if you have only one edit page in your section b. click the link to the relevant page if there are several pages in the section (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1 Selecting a section page from the list

4. Open the tab where you would like to place the detail. For example, [ Processing ].

5. Click [ New detail ]. 6. Specify the detail settings in the dialog box (Fig. 2):

Fig. 2 Detail dialog box

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a. In the [ Detail ] field, select the detail to add to the page.

Note. If the relevant detail is not available, the object you would like to use might not be registered as a detail yet. Use the [ Advanced settings ] section to check if the detail schema and related configuration elements exist. If not, create the detail. Learn more: Add a detail based on an existing object.

b. Use the [ Title ] field to specify the detail’s title to display on the page.

c. Use the [ Where detail column ] field to specify the detail object’s column to filter the detail records. This is a lookup column that uses the current section’s object as a lookup. The name of this column usually matches that of the section object. For example, select “Request” in the [ Where detail column ] to connect the [ Equipment request ] detail to the [ Requests ] section.

d. Use the [ Equals to page column ] field to specify the section object’s column to filter the detail records. Normally, this is the [ Id ] column. That way, a detail will only display the records where the value of the [ Request ] column matches that of the current section record’s Id column. In other words, the detail will only display the equipment connected to the current request.

Note. If the object can only be connected to the current section’s object via a single column, Creatio populates the field with the value of that column.

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7. Click [ Save ] –> [ Section wizard ] –> [ Save ].

As a result, a new [ Activity ] detail will be added to the request page.

Edit an existing detail on a record page

Change a detail’s settings To change a detail’s settings or edit its name on the record page:

1. Open the relevant section, e. g., [ Requests ].

2. Select any record in the section list and click [ Open ]. 3. Click [ View ] –> [ Open Section Wizard ].

4. Open the tab with the detail to edit.

5. Select the detail and click . You can edit the detail’s title displayed on the record page and the detail’s record display parameters (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3 Editing an existing detail on a record page

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Note. The title changed in the [ Title ] field on the Section Wizard’s edit page will be available only on the pages of the corresponding section.

Set up the detail’s appearance

1. Open the relevant section, e. g., [ Requests ]. 2. Select any record in the section list and click [ Open ].

3. Open the tab with the detail to set up.

4. Click next to the detail’s title and select [ Detail setup ] to open the Detail wizard (Fig. 4):

Fig. 4 Navigating to the Detail wizard

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Note. You can also edit a detail in the Section wizard. To do this, open the tab with the detail to set up and click . In the page that opens, click to the right of the detail’s title.

5. Select the [ Make the list editable ] checkbox to make the detail’s data editable directly from the list without the need to open a new page. The checkbox may be greyed out if the detail was created or edited in the [ Advanced settings ] section and its configuration is different from the Detail wizard’s base configuration.

6. Open the [ Pages ] tab to set up the detail fields. 7. Click [ Save ] after editing the detail.

As a result, the detail will change. The updated detail will be displayed on all the pages of the relevant section.

Delete a detail from the record page

1. Open the relevant section, e. g., [ Requests ]. 2. Select any record in the section list and click [ Open ].

3. Click [ View ] –> [ Open Section Wizard ].

4. Open the tab with the detail to delete. 5. Click next to the detail’s title (Fig. 5).

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Fig. 5 Deleting a detail from the record page

As a result, the detail will be deleted from the section page. The detail will still be available in the Section wizard's detail list and in the advanced settings.

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