David Blundell 卜 道 National Chengchi University 64 Zhinan Road, Sec 2, Taipei 11623 +886 2 2937-7208 office, +886 937-910-751 mobile - [email protected] Anthropology / Language Editor, Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative (ECAI) +1 310 393-6411 residence, +1 310 689-9215 mobile - USA [email protected]

ACADEMIC POSITIONS 2013-present Institute of Linguistics, National Chengchi University. 2002-present International Program in Taiwan Studies, International Master’s and Doctoral Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, College of Social Sciences, National Chengchi University. 2008-2010 Departmental Research Affiliate, Department of Anthropology, UCLA. 2008 Online Anthropological Thought and Praxis with the Master’s Program of the Department of Anthropology, University of North Texas. 2006-2007 Visiting Scholar, UCLA Center for Southeast Asian Studies and International Institute for International Development Studies Program, African Studies Program, Southeast Asian Studies Program. 2003 Visiting , Department of Sociology, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. 2002 Visiting Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Calcutta, India. 2001-2002 Visiting Scholar, International and Area Studies, UC Berkeley. 1985-2013 Department of Western Languages and Literature (Department of English), National Chengchi University, Taipei. 1984-2002 Department of Anthropology, National Taiwan University, Adjunct Lecturer and from 1985 as Adjunct teaching undergraduate and graduate levels. 1986-1987 Anthropology and Archaeology of China, International Programs for Arts and Culture, California State University, National Chengchi University, Taipei. 1980-1983 , Department of Anthropology, UCLA, for Introduction to Anthropology with Prof Nancy Levine; Course for Ethnography of Tibet with Prof You-yi Li; for Aesthetic Anthropology to Prof Jacques Maquet.

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養成與進修 EDUCATION 1987 Thai Society and Buddhist Studies Program, Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand. 1985-1986 Mandarin Training Center, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan. 1977-1983 Ph.D. Department of Anthropology, University of California, Los Angeles. 1976-1977 University of California Berkeley’s Group in Buddhist Studies. 1975-1976 University of Peradeniya, Department of Sinhala, Sri Lanka. 1975 B.A. Department of History, California State University, Long Beach. Advanced Certificate in Interdisciplinary Asian Studies (President’s List). 1973 School for International Training, Experiment in International Living. Scholarship, South Asia Program for language and culture, Brattleboro, Vermont.

ACADEMIC ORIENTATION Anthropology is my orientation for understanding cultures of South Asia, Southeast Asia, East Asia, Africa, Asia-Pacific, and Oceania in terms of history, religion, archaeology, ethnology, visual communication, symbolic anthropology, language and culture mapping, aesthetics, tourism, anthropology of religion, and performing arts. 藉著人類學這個研究工具,個人從歷史、宗教、考古學、民族學、視覺溝通、象徵人 類學、語言與文化製圖、美學、觀光、人類學的宗教研究以及表演藝術等不同向度, 探討並瞭解在南亞、東南亞、東亞、非洲、亞太平洋、大西洋等區域的文化現象。以 跨學科的角度,探討多樣的環境脈絡中人類的價值觀與信仰,是本人從事研究工作時 的中心思想。

本人的研究與教學內容可概分為五大向度: (a) 溝通民族誌:語言系統與知識習得 ethnography of communication: language systems and knowledge acquisition;(b) 生命史研 究 life histories; (c) 美學人類學 aesthetic anthropology; (d) 視覺人類學 visual ethnography; (e) 信仰體系與人類學的宗教研究 belief systems and the anthropology of religion。

除致力於教學及研究工作,並積極參與學術相關活動:以參加研討會及協助舉辦學術 會議,,提升學術互動,增進跨文化交流。因長住台灣, 涉入既深,關懷亦切,故於台 灣文教發展多所注力:常應文教活動之需,提供個人經驗,協助文化活動及學術文教 出版品。

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研究計畫 PROJECTS 1983 年獲加州大學洛杉磯分校文化人類學博士學位,1984 年起任教於台灣,研究旨趣 在於民間信仰及人類學的宗教研究 (Masks: Anthropology on the Sinhalese Belief System, 1994)。以研究對象本身的觀點出發 (emic view),從事生命史 (life history) 與影像記錄 (ethnographic film),最能貼切說明本人的研究方法。 個人持續的研究工作,建立在運用文字與影像媒體以記錄傳統信仰體系脈絡中的個體 〈例如,佛教社會的辛哈里人〉之生命史,進而勾勒出群體生命圖像的方法。這個過 程與報導人主體所表達的美感經驗,緊緊相連,架構出報導人的社群文化及資產檔 案。其間所需要的技巧,包括了語言、視覺與美感人類學、信仰體系的人類學研究, 以及長期浸淫田野工作中,對於脈絡經驗的感受與反省。 1980 年代晚期,本人開始參與以台灣南島語族為中心,探討南島語族起源與文化發展 的研究,完成 Austronesian Taiwan: Linguistics, History, Ethnology, Prehistory 論文結集 的編輯付梓。這本書總合了人類學四大分支的研究取向,國內外學者發表了百年來台 灣南島語族研究的回顧與展望。 另依長期性研究計劃:擔任電子文化地圖創設協會 (Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative, ECAI) 南島語族區域計劃的編輯。這個計劃是運用地理資訊系統 (Geographical Information Systems, GIS) 以及時空地圖軟體 (temporal-spatial software),建立以台灣為 起點,而後逐步延伸到廣大的太平洋區及部份印度洋地區,南島語族分佈所在之種種 語言與文化元素的時空層位的大型資料庫 (metadata)。 UC Berkeley—Pacific Languages Atlas, Editor Working with groups since 1997 on temporal spatial digital mapping as an international consortium for an educational database of Pacific languages and cultures. Funded projects derive from the University of California Development Office and UC Berkeley. My role at UC Berkeley and Academia Sinica with the Computing Centre and (2003-2004) with Institute of History and Philology (Linguistics) has been to physically map 30,000 islands of the Pacific for a digital cultural atlas of languages serving as a bulletin board for community and scholarly exchange. Pacific Language Mapping traces historical and contemporary theories on the study of Pacific languages and cultures. Language is a crucial component of culture, so maps showing the distribution of languages and dialects are a very effective indicator of the contours of cultural geography. From the nineteenth century printed language area maps and isogloss maps (maps of dispersion of individual linguistic practices) were developed for tracing language patterns. Digital map displays of this sort constitute a “cultural atlas.” Techniques are explored in digital mapping of Pacific languages and cultures. Students learn to navigate geographical information systems (GIS) through methods by which diverse resources relating to the same area can be shown as “layers” selectively displayable in a map-based visualization.

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Since 1997 collaboration with UC Berkeley and GIS Lab Computing Centre at Academia Sinica and later with the Institute of Linguistics my mapping project has utilized geographic information systems (GIS) for digitizing 30,000 islands of the Pacific for a Web based cultural atlas of languages serving as a bulletin board for scholarly exchange. See Website,

UNESCO—Hoi An World Heritage Site Cultural Resource Management, Vietnam, is a participatory example of projects for Cultural Resource Management consulting.

Council of Indigenous Peoples (Taiwan)—International Performance Facilitator In the mid-1990s the Amis of eastern coastal Taiwan as part of a movement for ethnic awareness requested me to organize and facilitate cultural events abroad across the Asia Pacific, North America, and Eastern Europe.

Institute of Cultural Affairs—Eco-cultural Traveling Seminars, Director Since 1991 the international not-for-profit organization, Institute of Cultural Affairs, asked me to organize and direct Eco-cultural Traveling Seminars for cross-cultural multilingual , Sri Lanka, and Central Asia.

Institute for the Development of Community Strength (INDECOS)—International Consultant INDECOS is a non-governmental organization (NGO) based in the Southern Province of Sri Lanka for assisting rural and socio-economic development. Since the 1980s my role is to help facilitate for international art and cultural programs.

Arising Light: Dr B. R. Ambedkar and the Birth of a New Era in India—Director & Producer (DVD 26 min. color, English, subtitles in Mandarin, dubbed in Vietnamese, 2009). This current project is a film on the life story of B. R. Ambedkar born as a dalit (untouchable) who lived in India equal in stature to Gandhi and Nehru, yet not well known internationally. It’s about humanitarian social transformation for human rights and a concomitant resurgence of egalitarian beliefs based on Buddhism. See,

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My work on film and teaching stems from visual study with Ron and Don Rundstrom and the Anthropology Film Center, Santa Fe, New Mexico, and the Depts. of Anthropology and Motion Picture, University of California, Los Angeles, for producing ethnographic data and filmmaking in Sri Lanka, India, and Taiwan.

ETHICS IN FILMMAKING My films are works in the arena of ethics from beginning to end in the research process for people comprehending what is ethnographic film. It’s intended to be a product by, for, and with the people it’s intended to represent. Filming procedures have followed in this way to take into account local aesthetic values to make a visual heritage document intelligible to the viewers of a specific culture.

FILM CINEMATOGRAPHER, PRODUCER, EDITOR The Life History of Ven Hanchapola Gnanavansa Thero: A Buddhist Headmonk in Sri Lanka (1902-1979), film. Color. 52 min. This project depicts the life and routine of a Buddhist monk who was ordained in 1919 and became a guiding force in his nikaya. Prior to the project, he no experience in film making, yet he organized the script, planned the scenes, and directed the story (Sri Lanka). Available through

The Life History of a Basnayake Nilame in Sri Lanka, film. Color. 40 min. A project that depicts a shrine’s lay administrator (formally this was a royal hereditary appointment) based on his autobiography. This was the first person to break tradition as he was elected by district land officers to be director of the Kataragama Devale, Badulla (Sri Lanka).

The Life and Practice of an Exorcist in Southern Sri Lanka, film. Color. 30 min. In the Southern Province, an exorcist (gurunnanse) demonstrates his ritual practice of dance, drumming, and song according to his ancestral lineage and the future of his art form by instructing the next generation (Sri Lanka).

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Life as Cinema is a documentary film series reflecting local and global resurgence of Tibetan Buddhists, between Taiwan, Tibet, and Tibetan refugee communities in India and their cross- fertilizing with Buddhists making return journeys to these places. The project is an unfolding of the philosophy of film director Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche (The Cup) and inspiration from Khenpo Kunga Wangchuk’s incredible experiences – imprisoned in Tibet for more twenty years and his escape to in India. Co-produced with Canadian filmmaker Ms Tokarchuk these narratives portray the monks as they relate to issues relevant today, adapting modern society, and determined to fulfill Buddhist humanistic visions in education and social welfare. A project supported by the Hao Ran Foundation and Taiwan Public Television Service, three segments of 60 min.

Arising Light: Dr B. R. Ambedkar and the Birth of a New Era in India—Director & Producer (DVD 26 min. color, English, subtitles in Mandarin, dubbed in Vietnamese, 2009). This current project is a film on the life story of B. R. Ambedkar born as a dalit (untouchable) who lived in India equal in stature to Gandhi and Nehru, yet not well known internationally. Eleanor Zelliot (Carleton College) presents the story recounting the historical implications of Dr Ambedkar’s social and legal revolution in India. It’s about humanitarian social transformation for human rights and a concomitant resurgence of egalitarian beliefs based on Buddhism. See,

VISUAL ARCHIVES OF PHOTOGRAPHY AND MULTIMEDIA I have photography of the cultures of Eurasia, Southern and East Asia. Images for display, research, and teaching and classified in an archival filing systems by year and region. My pictures are in process of being digitized for scholarly use.

EXAMPLES OF PRODUCED PLAYS A Witch in My Heart by Hilda Kuper, an ethnographic play and the first of its kind depicting the social life of a woman in modern Swazi society, Southern Africa.

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The Man who Killed the Deer by Larry Littlebird, based on the playwright’s own New Mexican self-searching identity as a Tewa and the first of its kind drama of pueblo heritage ritual obligations in today’s world.

MULTIMEDIA DISPLAYS 1971 Producer of Heritage of , two revolving screens, one ceiling screen displaying my visual documentation of European Russia from its early history to the 20th century.

DOCUMENTARY FILMING FOR ARCHIVES Video documentation of the largest discovered Neolithic site in the Asia Pacific Rim during the Peinan excavation field season of 1988 at Nan Wang Village, Taitung, Taiwan, for the Department of Anthropology, National Taiwan University.

Saisiyat ceremonial event known at Pasta’ya, 1985, for video documenting the rituals for respecting the legendary little people who gave culture to Austronesian speaking groups.

VISUAL ARCHIVES OF PHOTOGRAPHY AND MULTIMEDIA My photography organized for displaying cultures for display, research, and teaching and classified in an archival filing systems by year and region, and in process of being digitized for scholarly use. Support:

ADMINISTRATIVE RESPONSIBILITIES My administrative responsibilities in the Asia-Pacific region include teaching courses and organizing international events such as festivals, exhibitions, and conferences. I conduct educational traveling seminars with Institute of Cultural Affairs based on the model from the School of International Training. Funding projects are developed in collaboration.

• Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative (ECAI) Pacific Language Atlas Editor since 1997 to work on temporal and spatial digital mapping in an international consortium for an educational database of languages and cultures. Support and hosting from University of California, Berkeley.

• Working with the Institute for Cultural Affairs, Taiwan, to participate in the long and short term vision planning programs for community building and cross-cultural awareness. With this institute my role is the coordinator for multilingual Eco-cultural Traveling Seminars since 1991 for better understanding Asia-Pacific region.

• 1991-2001 Editor for the Pacific Cultural Foundation Newsletter.

• 1996 to 1997 Initiator and Organizer of the Tibet House, New York, for the most successful art exhibition in Taiwan history entitled Wisdom and Compassion: Sacred Art of Tibet.

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• 1992 to 1995 Deputy Organizer of the International Conference on Buddhist Cooperation for World Peace as a project for the Taipei Buddhist Association.

• From 1986 to 1989 Coordinator on the study Taiwan 2000: Economic Growth with Environmental Protection. Asia Foundation Report about the development of Taiwan in terms of economics, social studies, pollution engineering, and natural environment.

• In 1984-1985 Eco-Watch co-organizer to initiate environmental volunteerism based on concepts developed by the Sierra Club to the residents of Taipei by arranging for leading biologists to give lectures for walks to remove trash from natural areas.

UNIVERSITY SERVICE FOR UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS For the students’ development, I serve as a faculty advisor with student projects for editing films, preparation for cultural fairs, foods advisor, and the facilitator for fieldtrips to parks, museums, and galleries for day trips, or weekend camps. Also, I assist with university clubs and organizations such as Sound and Light for student workshop on films and faculty advisor for the AIESEC (Association Internationale des Estudiant en Sciences Economiques et Commerciales).

UNIVERSITY SERVICE IN PAST FIVE YEARS Ph.D. student conference leader for The International Geographical Union Commission on Islands: Island Development – Local Economy, Culture, Innovation and Sustainability. Penghu Archipelago, Taiwan, October 1-5. Academic advisor for the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE), Taipei, 2010-present Volunteer to NCCU Office of International Students Counselor, 2010-present Providing NCCU campus orientation and assistance to international students and conducting fieldtrips, 2010-present Departmental Evaluation, Budget, Committee, 2007-present Departmental Budget, Committee, 2012-present Organizer and director for the Academic Seminar on GIS Language and Culture Mapping, NCCU Office of Research & Development, 2009 Co-facilitator for NCCU student participation to East by Southeast: Multiple Perspectives on Asia Conference, Society for East Asian Anthropology, Academia Sinica, 2009 Helping the NCCU International Taiwan Studies Abroad Program, 2008-2010 Editing for NCCU Faculty Handbook, 2008

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COMMUNITY SERVICE IN PAST FIVE YEARS Helping to develop regional academic and community programs among indigenous villages – mapping languages and cultures, 2007-present Consultant to Shung Ye Museum, Taipei, 2007-present Representative organizer for the Taiwan Panel and international co-hosting for Pacific Neighborhood Consortium (PNC), 2012 North American Taiwan Studies Association Conference, faculty volunteer, conference discussant and referee for papers, 2008-2011 Serving as Volunteer Publication Advisor for Southern Materials (SMC) Academic Books, 2009-present Director on Board for the South Asia Studies Association (SASA), 2010-present Co-planner and organizer for Cross-Straits Taiwan Folk Traditions Conference, Xiamen University, Xiamen, 2010 Co-planner and curator East-West Center, University of Hawaii, Gallery Exhibit, cultural performance and co-outreach program facilitator, 2009 Co-planner and curator for the UCLA Fowler Museum of Cultural History Exhibition on Sri Lanka Masks and Dance Performance, 2007-2009 Co-organizer Heritage Management Systems, Education, and Public Policy for South and Southeast Asia, International Conference of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association (IPPA), Hanoi, 2009 Representative to the United Nations Vesak Conference in Hanoi, Vietnam, 2009

SUPERVISING MASTER’S & DOCTORAL STUDENTS AT UNIVERSITIES University of Calcutta, Anthropology, Kolkata, India Karnatak University, Anthropology, Pavate Nagar, India Graduate Theological Union, Religion, Berkeley, California, USA National Chengchi University, International Asia-Pacific Studies, Taipei, Taiwan Gauhati University, Anthropology, Gopinath Bardoloi Nagar, India

THESIS SUPERVISOR FOR INTERNATIONAL MASTER’S PROGRAM IN ASIA-PACIFIC STUDIES NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Constance Woods (康粹蘭), Arts in Taipei: Use of Heritage Sites and Old Buildings as Public Arts Venues, 2009 Igor Sitnikov (許義國), Eurasian Symbols Change and Stability in Taiwan Popular Religion: Case Study of the 18 Deities Cult (台灣民間宗教中歐亞象徵的變化與穩定:十八王公崇 拜的個案研究), 2009

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Lisa Jiang (江曉慧), Integrating Culture Teaching as a Component of English Language Instruction in Elementary Schools of Taipei County (將文化因素納入英語教學:以台北縣國 小為例), 2009 Ronald Verbrugge (羅納德), The Politics of Language: Monolingual Language Practices under the Japanese and Kuomintang Regimes, 2010 Feng-Wen Su (蘇豐文), Transformation of Taiwan Language Structure under Martial Law in terms of Economic Activities (從經濟活動的角度探討戒嚴時期台灣語言結構的轉變), 2010 David Reid (芮大衛), Indigenous Rights in Taiwan and the Smangus Case (台灣的原住民權 利與司馬庫斯的案件), 2010 Shin-Ping Chang (張杏萍), A Study on Effects of English Advanced Class in Military Language Institute from Trainees' Perspective (從學員觀點談國防語文中心英語高級班成 效研究), 2011 Denise Hilbertov (戴妮莎), The Image of Formosa Tea in 19th Century Great Britain through the Observations of Contemporaneous Narratives (19 世紀英國對台灣茶葉的印象-從時人 敘述觀察), 2012

CURRENTLY SUPERVISING DISSERTATIONS FOR THE NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL DOCTORAL PROGRAM IN ASIA-PACIFIC STUDIES Dean Karalekas, Self-Identification and Military Morale in Taiwan John Schmeidel, Anthropology and Criminology in Taiwan and China Igor Sitnikov, Eurasia-Pacific Symbols and Legends

PUBLICATIONS IN PRESS AND PROGRESS In Progress – Ethnography of Communication: Acquisition of Language and Knowledge a book that explores the cross-cultural way people communicate. This project will conclude with a book of the same title that explores the way people traditionally communicate to exchange ideas. The research stems from my ethnographic experience with language and culture in Sri Lanka and Austronesian languages currently utilized in Taiwan and Oceania. This research will approach the subject from traditional contextual situations then move to the current trends in communication media such as the Internet:

傳 播民族 誌 : 語 言 與 知 識習 得 , 研究成果 預計 以出版同名 書 籍 問 世 , 書 中 將 探 討 人 們傳 統 上 溝 通及交 換 想法的方式。 這個計劃 是由研究者自多 處 民族 誌語 言 與 文化的研究 經 驗 延伸而 來 , 例如斯里 蘭 卡社 會 中 , 英 語與 印 歐語 系的辛哈里 語 ; 美 國 西南印地安人 (鐵 瓦族 , 荷比族 , 納 瓦荷族 ) 的原住民 語 ; 及普遍使用於台 灣 及大洋洲的南 島語 族多 種 不同 語 言。本研究 對該 主 題 的探 討 , 先 從傳統 的 脈絡 情境著手 , 再比 較現時 以 網際網絡為傳 播媒 體 的 溝 通 趨勢 。

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PUBLICATIONS BOOKS 2012 Taiwan Since Martial Law: Society, Culture, Politics, Economics. David Blundell, ed. Taipei: National Taiwan University Press, Berkeley: University of California. [Refereed] 2009 Austronesian Taiwan: Linguistics, History, Ethnology, Prehistory. David Blundell, ed. Revised Edition. Taipei: Shung Ye Museum, Berkeley: Phoebe A. Hearst Museum, University of California. Pp. 401-459. [Refereed] 2004 Rhythm of Taiwan Hakka. Al Wu and David Blundell, eds. Council for Hakka Affairs, Executive Yuan, Taiwan. [Refereed] 1994 Masks: Anthropology on the Sinhalese Belief System. New York: Peter Lang Publishing. (In Sinhala 1997 Ves Muhunu: Sinhala visvasa paddhatiya pilibanda manava vidyava. Trans. P. B. Meegaskumbura. Colombo: Pinidiya Publications.) [Refereed] 1982 Systems Analysis in the Human Sciences: Writings by Richard L. Weisbrod. David Blundell andLisabeth Ryder, eds. Anthropology UCLA, 12. [Refereed]

JOURNAL ARTICLES In Press “Early Austronesian Historical Voyaging in Monsoon Asia: Heritage and Knowledge for Museum Displays utilizing Texts, Archaeology, Digital Interactive Components, and GIS Approaches.” Co-authored with Jeanette Zerneke. International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing. [Refereed] 2013 “Vedda (Vanniyaletto) as Folk Life Intangible Cultural Heritage in Sri Lanka.” Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association. [Refereed] 2011 “Taiwan Austronesian Language Heritage Connecting Pacific Island Peoples: Diplomacy and Values.” International Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies (IJAS), 7(1): 75-91. Website: Article: [Refereed] 2006 “Arising Light: Making a Documentary Life History Motion Picture on Dr Ambedkar in India.” Hsi Lai Journal on Humanistic Buddhism, 7: 463-471. [Refereed] 2006 “The Amis, and Prehistory, in Cultural Heritage Development in Taiwan.” Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association, 26:36-47. [Refereed] 2006 “Revisiting Cultural Heritage in Sri Lanka: The Vedda (Vanniyaletto).” Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association, 26: 163-167. [Refereed] 2005 “Sinhala Aesthetics: The Order of Things.” Hsi Lai Journal of Humanistic Buddhism, 6:162-172. [Refereed] 2005 “The Traveling Seminar: An Experiment in Cross-Cultural Tourism and Education in Taiwan.” National Association for Practicing Anthropology (NAPA) Bulletin, 23: 234-251. [Refereed]

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2004 “Case Studies in Making Buddhist Independent Film.” Hsi Lai Journal of Humanistic Buddhism, 5: 312-322. [Refereed] 2003 “In Taiwan and the Pacific, Lingua Franca, Multilingual Education and Endangered Languages.” Summer Institute of Language (SIL) Susan Malone, ed. [Refereed] 1997 “Archaeology, Cultural Resource Management and the Pacific: A Look at the East Coast of Taiwan.” Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association, 16: 233-241. [Refereed] 1996 “Aesthetic Ethos.” Bulletin of the Department of Anthropology, National Taiwan University, 51: 43-58. [Refereed] 1991 “Life Visual Account as a Community Heritage Document/Ven. H. Gnanavansa Thero, Buddhist Monk.” Visual Anthropology, 4(1): 43-52. [Refereed] 1990 “Psychological Discernment on the Tachia Pilgrimage.” Chinese Journal of Psychology (Acta Psychological Taiwanic), National Taiwan University. Pp. 635-644. [Refereed] 1989 “A Sri Lanka Hydro-Tank Complex Mapped by Sampling and Counting as a Method in Archaeology.” Bulletin of the Department of Anthropology, 45: 107-121. [Refereed] 1987 “Literary Ethnography.” Journal of National Chengchi University, 55: 27-37. [Refereed] 1987 “Notes on Sinhalese Aesthetic Determinants.” Asian Culture, Society of Asian Studies, 9: 226-231. [Refereed] 1984 “Stone and Water.” Bulletin of the Department of Anthropology, National Taiwan University, 44: 71-78. [Refereed]

BOOK CHAPTERS In Press “Struggling Identities: Vanniyaletto (Vedda) of Sri Lanka.” Biological and Cultural Diversity of Man and the Development Consequence in Asia. Ranjana Ray and S. B. Chakrabarti (Indian Statistical Institute, Anthropological Survey of India), eds. Kolkata: Asiatic Society. [Refereed] 2013 “Dr B R Ambedkar and Buddhism in the Perspective of the Cultural Unity of India.” Cultural Unity of India. Sabysachi Bhattacharya, ed. Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture. Pp. 355-372. [Refereed] 2012 “Taiwan Coming of Age,” Taiwan Since Martial Law: Society, Culture, Politics, Economics. David Blundell, ed. Berkeley: University of California & National Taiwan University Press. Pp. 2-24. [Refereed] 2011 “Mapping Endangered Languages of the Pacific: Case Studies in Taiwan, Orchid Island and the Batanes.” Issues of Language Endangerment. Xu Shixuan, Tjeerd de Graaf, and Cecilia Brassett, eds. Beijing: Anthropology and Ethnology Today Book Series of the 16th World Congress of IUAES. Pp. 3-20. [Refereed] 2011 “Relating Orchid Island (Taiwan) and Batanes (Philippines): ECAI Pacific Languages

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and Cultures Mapping.” Taiwan-Philippines Cultural Dialogue. H. H. Liu and L. F. Chen, eds. Tamsui: . Pp. 1-21. [Refereed] 2010 “Empowering Pacific Language and Culture Mapping with Applied Case Studies in Taiwan and the Philippines.” Co-authors Michael Buckland and Jeanette Zerneke with Yu- Hsiu Lu and Andrew Limond. Endangered Austronesian, Papuan and Aboriginal Languages. Gunter Senft, ed. Pacific Linguistics. Pp. 137-152. [Refereed] 2009 “Century of Research, 1897-1997, Austronesian Taiwan.” Austronesian Taiwan: Linguistics, History, Ethnology, Prehistory. David Blundell, ed. Revised Edition. Taipei: Shung Ye Museum & Berkeley: Phoebe A. Hearst Museum, University of California. Pp. 3- 44. [Refereed] 2009 “Cultural Atalas of Batanes Islands and Region – The Bashiic Languages,” Electronnye Biblioteki i Bazy Dannykh po Istorii Evrazii v Srednie, 13 [Digital Libraries and Databases on the History of Eurasia Issues, 13]. Moscow: Russian of Sciences. Pp. 33-47. [Refereed] 2009 “Languages Connecting the World.” Austronesian Taiwan: Linguistics, History, Ethnology, Prehistory. Revised Edition. David Blundell, ed. Taipei: Shung Ye Museum & Berkeley: Phoebe A. Hearst Museum, University of California. Pp. 401-159. [Refereed] 2002 “二十一世紀的語言:建立南島語族電子文化地圖” (“Language of the 21st Century: Establishing the Austronesian Digital Cultural Atlas”). 石璋如教授百歲誕辰紀念文集 (Commemorating the 100th Birthday of Prof. Shih Chang-ju). 中央研究院歷史語言研究所 (The Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica). Pp. 587-605 (Chinese). [Refereed] 1999 “揭開斯里蘭卡的面具” (“Revealing Masks in Sri Lanka”). 苗栗國際假面藝術節, Miao Li International Mask Festival. Special Edition of the Miao Li Cultural Centre. Pp. 77- 84 (Chinese). [Cultural Volume] 1998 “台灣的影視人類學” (“Visual Anthropology of Taiwan”), 北京第一屆影視人類學國 際會議論文 (Report of the First International Conference of Visual Anthropology, Beijing). 成都: 四川民族出版社 (Chengdu: Shichuan Min-tzu Publishing). Pp. 132-138 (Chinese). [Refereed] 1994 “Early Commerce in Southern Asia: The Poetics.” Shri K. M. Srivastava Felicitation Volume, Central Antiquity Collection Section, New Delhi. [Refereed]

INTRODUCTIONS TO PUBLICATIONS 2012 “Taiwan Since Martial Law,” Taiwan Since Martial Law: Society, Culture, Politics, Economics. David Blundell, ed. University of California, Berkeley & National Taiwan University Press. Pp. xxxiii-xlvii. 2011 “World Heritage: Cultural Resource Management giving Asia-Pacific a Sense of Place.” Introduction to Themed Issue. David Blundell, Guest Editor. International Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies (IJAS), 7(1): iv-x. Website: Article:

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2005 “Aesthetic Immersion of Gregory Burns.” Painted Journey. Singapore: Gregory Burns. 2003 “跨文化美學言談” (“Cross-cultural Discourse on Aesthetics”), 美感經驗:一個人類 學者眼中的視覺藝術 (The Aesthetic Experience: An Anthropologist Looks at the Visual Arts. Jacques Maquet) 耶魯大學出版 (original 1986 Yale University Press). 台北:雄獅 (Taipei: Lion Publishing). Pp. 9-15 (Chinese). 1997 “The Strengths of Dialogue,” Foreword to Journey to Ixtlan—Carlos Castaneda. Co- author Tom Rabdonov. Taipei: Living Psychology Publications. Pp. 21-25 (Chinese).

MAGAZINE ARTICLES 2008 “Eternal Fighter: B. R. Ambedker – Lawyer, 1891-1956.” 60 Greatest Indians Series. India Today. April 10th. [Cultural Volume] 1999 “揭開斯里蘭卡的面具” (“Revealing Masks in Sri Lanka”), 苗栗國際假面藝術節 Arts Magazine, 4:380-386 (color illus. 387-388, 392) (Chinese). [Cultural Volume] 1995 “Eco-Cultural Tourism: Taiwan’s Living Pride.” Travel in Taiwan, 1(2): 34-36. [Cultural Volume]

IN MEMORIAM 2013 Written with Barbara Mathieu, Anthropology News: Jacques Jérôme Pierre Maquet (

KEYNOTE SPEECHES 2013 “B R Ambedkar Presenting on the Anthropology of Caste at Columbia University.” Centenary of Dr Ambedkar’s Entry to Columbia University, New York (1913-2013). James Hall, Barnard College. July 20. 2009 “Black or White: Cultural Perceptions of Colors and Non-Colors.” International Conference on TESOL and Translation. , Chenghua, Taiwan. Conference Proceedings. Pp. 29-40.

INVITED ACADEMIC CONFERENCE AND SEMINAR PAPERS AND TALKS 2014 “Sustaining Community Heritage and Knowledge by utilizing Life Histories, Digital Interactive and GIS Approaches among Indigenous Peoples: Visual Anthropology of the Seafaring Community of Sri Lanka.” 20th Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association (IPPA) Congress, Siem Reap, Cambodia, January 12-18. 2013 “Dr B R Ambedkar and the Challenge of New Leadership in India: A Process of Social Transformation.” 2013 International Conference on Asia-Pacific Studies: Leadership Transition in Asia: New Orders or New Problems? College of Social Sciences, National Chengchi University. Taipei, Taiwan. October 26-27.

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2013 “Report: Austronesia Team” co-authored with Jeanette Zerneke. Workshop on the Maritime Buddhism Project. University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. August 27-29. 2013 “Sustaining Community Heritage and Knowledge by utilizing Life Histories, Digital Interactive and GIS Approaches among Indigenous Peoples: Visual Anthropology of the Seafaring Community of Sri Lanka.” IUAES 17th Congress. Evolving Humanity, Emerging Worlds. Indigenous Panel BH 04. University of Manchester, UK. August 5-10. [Refereed] 2013 “Austronesia Community Heritage and Knowledge Conserved by Utilizing Life Histories, Digital Interactive Archives, and GIS Approaches.” ECAI Cultural Atlas Consortium Special Panel Session: Focus on Austronesia. TELDAP (Taiwan Education and e-Learning Digital Archives Project) Conference, Academia Sinica, Taipei. March 15. 2013 “Southern Asia Dharma Civilization and Stitched Craft Navigation: Austronesian Perspectives.” ECAI Workshop and Seminar, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Nalanda Sriwijaya Centre, Singapore. March 25. 2013 “Southeast Coastal Tsunami affected Fishermen: Visual Ethnography of Destruction and Subsequent Reconstruction of Society, especially in Hambantota.” Arts Faculty Seminar Series. University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. February 14. 2013 “Buddhism and Anthropology – 40 Years of Fieldwork: Past, Present, and Future.” Department of Pali & Buddhist Studies. Pune University, Maharashtra, India. January 23. 2013 “Dr B R Ambedkar and His Choice for Buddhism based on Aesthetics in the Perspective of the Cultural Unity of India.” The Impact of Phule-Ambedkar Ideology on Contemporary Global Literature. RNC Arts JDB Commerce NSC Science College, Nashik, Maharashtra, India. January 18-20. [Refereed] 2012 “Sustaining Community Heritage and Knowledge by utilizing Life Histories, Digital Interactive and GIS Approaches in the Taiwan Area.” ECAI Taiwan Panel - Cultural Atlases: History and Cultural Participation. Pacific Neighborhood Consortium (PNC) Annual Conference. UC Berkeley, CA, USA. December 7-9. [Refereed] 2012 “Dr B R Ambedkar and His Choice for Buddhism in the Perspective of the Cultural Unity of India.” South Asia Studies Association (SASA) Conference. Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA, USA. April 13-15. [Refereed] 2012 “Ancient Buddhist Voyaging from India and Sri Lanka to Southeast Asia.” Paper presented for the UCLA Center for Southeast Asian Studies. April 9. 2011 “Making Life History Film.” American Anthropological Association Annual Conference. Montreal, Canada. November 16-20. [Refereed] 2011 “Buddhist Voyaging in Monsoon Asia utilizing Austronesian Sea Craft.” Atlas on Maritime Buddhism - ECAI Project. Pacific Neighborhood Consortium (PNC) Annual Conference. Bangkok, Thailand. October 19-21. [Refereed] 2011 “Indigenous Rights in Contemporary Taiwan.” Co-authored with Boris Voyer. American Anthropological Association Annual Conference. Montreal, Canada. November 16-

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20. [Refereed] 2011 “Arising Light: Dr B R Ambedkar and the Birth of a New Era in India.” South Asian Studies Association (SASA) Conference. Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, USA. April 8-10. [Refereed] 2011 “Dr B R Ambedkar and Buddhism in the Perspective of the Cultural Unity of India.” International Seminar on Cultural Unity of India: Past, Present, and Future. Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture. Kolkata, India. November 11-13. [Refereed] 2011 “Performance of Ruhunu Mask Dance at the 2010 Sri Lanka Design Festival: Comic Relief and Healing.” South Asian Studies Association (SASA) Conference. Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, USA. April 8-10. [Refereed] 2011 “Developing a Concept of Austronesia: Draft Two.” Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania (ASAO) Annual Meeting. Austronesian Linkages. University of Hawai‘i, Manoa, Hawaii, USA. February 8-12. [Refereed] 2010 “Sri Lanka Mask and Dance: Sense of Taste, Comic Relief, and Healing.” Sri Lanka Design Festival. Mount Lavinia, Sri Lanka. 2010 “Ethnography of Communication: Acquisition and Language and Knowledge – from Sri Lanka to Taiwan.” Presented at Conference on Anthropological Futures. Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, Nankang, Taipei, Taiwan. [Refereed] 2010 “Relating Orchid Island (Taiwan) and Batanes (Philippines): ECAI Pacific Languages and Cultures Mapping.” Third Taiwan-Philippines Academic Communication Conference: Perspectives on the Development and Public Policy of Culture Industry in Taiwan and Philippines. Aletheia University. Tamsui, Taiwan. [Refereed] 2010 “Taiwan Studies in China – Securing Taiwan with Cooperation: A Role for an Anthropologist.” China Effect: Securing Taiwan in the Age of Conflicts and Cooperation. North American Taiwan Studies (NATSA) Conference. University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA. [Refereed] 2010 “Taiwan Studies Cooperation in China.” Cross-Straits Taiwan Folk Traditions Academic Seminar. Department of Anthropology and Ethnology, Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian, China. [Refereed] 2010 “Dr Ambedkar – Quest for Liberation: Rights for Women and Religious Toleration – The Hindu Code Bill.” South Asian Studies Association (SASA) Conference. University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA. April 10-11. [Refereed] 2010 “Developing a Concept of Austronesia.” Austronesian Linkages. Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania (ASAO) Annual Meeting. Alexandria, VA, USA. February 9-13. [Refereed] 2009 “Conserving Local Heritage with a Sense of Place and Time: Mapping Pacific and Southeast Asian Languages.” Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association (IPPA) 19th Congress. Hanoi, Vietnam. November 29-December 5. [Refereed]

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2009 “Documenting Local Cultures and Languages with a Sense of Place: Pacific Language Mapping.” Pacific Neighborhood Consortium (PNC) Annual Conference and Joint Meetings, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. October 6-8. [Refereed] 2009 “Developing a Concept of Austronesia.” Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania (ASAO) Annual Meeting. Santa Cruz, CA, USA. February 10-14. [Refereed] 2007 “Where have all the Vedda (Vanniyaletto) Gone? Sri Lanka Cultural Heritage Revisited.” Presented at the South Asian Studies Association (SASA) Conference. Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast. Loyola Marymount University. Los Angeles, CA, USA. April 27-29. 2006 “Arising Light: Making a Documentary Life History Motion Picture on Dr Ambedkar in India.” Sixth International Conference on Humanistic Buddhism. University of the West, Rosemead, CA, USA. [Refereed] 2005 “Empowering Pacific Language and Culture Mapping.” 6th Conference of European Society for Oceantists. Marseilles, . 2005 “Visualization of the Batanes and Orchid Island Mapping.” Congress of Cultural Atlases II. Fudan University, Shanghai, China. 2005 “Empowering Austronesian Languages—Orchid Island (Taiwan) and the Batanes Archipelago.” Pacific Neighborhood Consortium (PNC) Annual Conference and Joint Meeting. East-West Center, University of Hawai‘i, Manoa, Honolulu, HI, USA. 2004 “Dialogue in Making Buddhist Independent Film: The Path, Buddhist Headmonk in Sri Lanka, and Life as Cinema.” Fifth International Conference on Humanistic Buddhism. Hsi Lai University, Rosemead, CA, USA. 2004 “Visual Anthropology: Filming by the Language of Aesthetics and Ethics in Sri Lanka.” Opening to the Future. International Conference on Visual Anthropology. Kunming, China. 2004 “Cultural Tourism for Hoi An Ancient Town: Living Museum or Modern Society Reflecting Ethics of Its Unique Heritage.” Workshop on Cultural Tourism: Hoi An Ancient Town. Hoi An, Quang Nam Province, Vietnam. 2004 “Vedda (Vanniyaletto): A Vital Minority in Sri Lanka’s Historically Plural Society.” Panel 6-8: Negotiating States and Ethnicity. 18th International Association of Historians of Asia (IAHA) Conference. Paradigm Shift in Asia: East, Southeast, South Asia, and the Pacific in Comparative Perspective. Academia Sinica, Taipei. December 6-10. 2003 “In Taiwan and the Pacific, Lingua Franca, Multilingual Education and Endangered Languages. First Conference on Language Development, Language Revitalization, and Multilingual Education in Minority Communities in Asia. Publication of the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL), UNESCO & Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand [2004 Web published, Susan Malone, ed.]. 2003 “Event Tourism and Destination Management: Dialogue in Cross-cultural and Multilingual Traveling Seminars.” Event Tourism & Destination Management Conference.

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Yichang (Three Gorges), China. 2003 “Cultural and Linguistic Atlas for Historic Monsoon Asia.” Cultural Heritage and Collaboration in the Digital Age. Pacific Neighborhood Consortium (PNC) Conference and Joint Meetings, Bangkok, Thailand. 2002 “Asia Pacific Cultural and Heritage Resource Development: Selected Themes in Monsoon Asia (Sri Lanka, Southeast Asia, and Adjacent Oceania).” CRM for Southeast Asia Panel 27. Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association 17th Congress. Academia Sinica, Nankang. Taipei, Taiwan. 2002 “The Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative: Asia Pacific Advanced Networking with a Linguistic Atlas.” Section presentaton with Caverlee Cary entitled Ways of Seeing in a Digital Age: The Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative and Art on the Global Network. Asia Pacific Advanced Networking (APAN) Conference. Puket, Thailand. 2002 “Tracing Austronesian Languages from Southeast Asia to the Pacific.” International Workshop on Historical GIS and Cultural Resource Management. Thua Thien (Imperial Palace), Hue, Vietnam. 2001 “Human and Tribal Rights in the Taiwan Northern Central Range.” Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative (ECAI) Meetings and the Pacific Neighborhood Consortium (PNC) Conference. City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. 2001 “From Southeast Asia Roaming Oceania with a Linguistic Atlas.” Co-presented with Michael Arlen. Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative (ECAI) Meetings and the Pacific Neighborhood Consortium (PNC) Conference. Guadalajara, Mexico (poster session in English, Spanish, Portuguese). 1997 “The Amis: An Austronesian Speaking People of Taiwan.” Taiwan Arts Festival. Museum of Art, Seattle, Washington, USA. 1995 “Southern Ocean Ascent: Early Historic Voyagers and Their Settlements.” Conference of the Bajau/Sama Community. Sabah, Malaysia. 1992 “Tourism Resources and Cultural Preservation: Comparison on Traditional Contemporary and Prehistoric Heritage of Taiwan.” Presentation at the International Symposium Tourism and Leisure Management. Taipei: Pacific Cultural Foundation, Tourism Society, and of Tourism at the Chinese Culture University. 1989 “Cultural Aspects of the Sixth Patriarch’s Sutra.” International Conference on Ch’an Buddhism Report. Fo Kuang Shan Cultural Committee, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

PUBLISHED CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 2013 “B R Ambedkar Presenting on the Anthropology of Caste at Columbia University.” Conference on the Centenary of B R Ambedkar entering Columbia University. Barnard College, Columbia University. July 20. 2010 “Taiwan Studies in China – Securing Cooperation: A Role for an Anthropologist from

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Sri Lanka to Taiwan.” China Effect: Securing Taiwan in the Age of Conflicts and Cooperation. North American Taiwan Studies (NATSA) Conference, UC Berkeley, California, USA. [Refereed] 2010 “Asia-Pacific Social and Cultural Regional Integration: Connecting Peoples of Austronesian Languages.” Stronger Nations Stronger Relations - New Prospects for Asia Pacific Regional Integration – Section on Social and Cultural Issues. National Chengchi University, June 1-2. Taipei, Taiwan. [Refereed] 2010 “Relating Orchid Island (Taiwan) and Batanes (Philippines): ECAI Pacific Languages and Cultures Mapping.” Third Taiwan-Philippines Academic Communication Conference: Perspectives on the Development and Public Policy of Culture Industry in Taiwan and Philippines, Aletheia University, Tamsui, Taiwan. [Refereed] 2010 “Ethnography of Communication: Acquisition and Language and Knowledge – Sri Lanka to Taiwan.” Presented at Conference on Anthropological Futures. Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. [Refereed] 2009 “Localization, Cross-cultural Research, and Globalization.” Taiwan History and Culture of Ethnic Minorities Symposium, Beijing, China. Pp. 252-263. 2009 “Initiating a Sustainable Ethnographic Cultural Atlas from the Grassroots: Taiwan and Sri Lanka.” Proceedings of the 37th Annual International Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA), Williamsburg, Virginia, USA. 2008 “Indigenous Culture Integrity: Vignettes in Taiwan and Sri Lanka.” Proceedings of the World Summit of Indigenous Cultures. Banqiao, Taipei. April 13. Website: 2005 “Empowering Austronesian Languages—Orchid Island (Taiwan) and the Batanes Archipelago.” Proceedings of Pacific Neighborhood Consortium (PNC) Annual Conference and Joint Meeting, University of Hawai‘i, Manoa, Hawaii, USA. 2004 “Eco-Cultural Traveling Seminar for Sustainable Tourism and Heritage Conservation.” Report: Workshop on Cultural Tourism: Hoi An Ancient Town, Hoi An, Quang Nam Province, Vietnam. 2003 “Cultural and Linguistic Atlas for Historic Monsoon Asia.” Cultural Heritage and Collaboration in the Digital Age, Pacific Neighborhood Consortium (PNC) Conference and Joint Meetings, Bangkok, Thailand. programe/presenpdf/110715.pdf 2003 “Designating World Heritage Sites in Taiwan.” New Research on Taiwan Prehistory and Ethnology: Celebrating the Eightieth Birth Anniversary of Emeritus Professor Sung Wen-hsun. Taipei: Department of Anthropology, National Taiwan University. Section 12. Pp. 1-12. [Refereed] 2003 “In Taiwan and the Pacific, Lingua Franca, Multilingualism Education and Endangered Languages.” First Conference on Language Development, Language Revitalization, and Multilingual Education in Minority Communities in Asia. Publication of the Summer Institute

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of Linguistics (SIL), UNESCO & Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand. [Refereed] 2003 “Metropolitan Ascent in Southern Asia.” based on translations of Indo-European and Dravidian literature for the understanding of the growth and dynamics of ancient cities and trade routes in Southern Asia. Proceedings for the Symposium on Indian Religions, Art and Culture. Taipei: National Museum of History. Pp. 103-136. [Refereed] 2001 “Human and Tribal Rights in the Taiwan Northern Central Range.” Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative (ECAI) Meetings and the Pacific Neighborhood Consortium (PNC) Conference, City University of Hong Kong. 1999 “Taiwan Electronic Cultural Atlas of the Pacific.” Co-authored with Jieh Hsiang. Proceedings of the 1999 EBTI, ECAI, SEER & Pacific Neighborhood Consortium (PNC) Joint Meeting. Computing Centre, Academic Sinica, Taipei. Pp. 525-540. [Refereed]

RESEARCH REPORTS 2007 Research Report to the University of California, Berkeley. Co-authored with Michael Buckland. “Orchid Island (Lanyu) and the Batanes: A Cultural Atlas of Languages and Cultures.” UC Berkeley N. W. Lin Foundation for Education and Culture. 2005 Research Report to the University of California, Berkeley. Co-authored with Michael Buckland. “Taiwan Aboriginal Language Dispersal: Mapping of The Batanic Language Distribution of Lanyu (Taiwan) and the Batanes of the Philippines.” UC Berkeley N. W. Lin Foundation for Education and Culture. 2004 Research Report to the Institute of Linguistics (Preparatory Office), Academia Sinica, “Austronesian Atlas of Pacific Languages—Serving to Facilitate for Scholarly Exchange.” National Chengchi University Academic Exchange with Institute of Linguistics (Preparatory Office), Academia Sinica, Nankang, Taiwan. 2004 “Cultural Tourism for Hoi An Ancient Town: Living Museum or Modern Society Reflecting Ethics of Its Unique Heritage.” Final Report for Workshop on Cultural Tourism: Hoi An Ancient Town, Quang Nam Province. (UNESCO Hanoi, Vietnam.) 2003 Research Report to the University of California, Berkeley. Co-authored with Michael Buckland. “Mapping Formosan Austronesian Languages.” UC Berkeley N. W. Lin Foundation for Education and Culture.

籌辦學術會議 ORGANIZER FOR SELECTED CONFERENCES, ROUNTABLES, AND PANELS 2014 Co-organizer with Ranjana Ray: Heritage in the Modern World: Management Systems, Archaeology, Education, and Policy for Sustainability in South and Southeast Asia. 20th Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association (IPPA) Congress, Siem Reap, Cambodia, January 12-18.

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2013 Panel Organizer: Contextualizing Island Formosa in the Asia Pacific. The International Geographical Union Commission on Islands hosting the international conference Island Development – Local Economy, Culture, Innovation and Sustainability. Penghu Archipelago, Taiwan, October 1-5. 2013 Co-organizer with Jeanette Zerneke – ECAI Cultural Atlas Consortium Special Panel Session: Focus on Austronesia and Taiwan Mapping. TELDAP (Taiwan Education and Learning Digital Archives Project) Conference. Academia Sinica, Taipei, March 15. 2012 Organizer for the ECAI Taiwan Panel – Cultural Atlases: History and Cultural Participation. Pacific Neighborhood Consortium (PNC) Annual Conference. UC Berkeley, CA, USA. 2010 Organizer of the 海峡两岸台湾少数民族学术研讨会 Cross-Straits Taiwan Folk Traditions Academic Seminar, 台湾顺益原住民博物馆, Shung Ye Museum of Formosan Aborigines, 厦门大学人类学与民族学系 Department of Anthropology and Ethnology, Xiamen University, Fujian, China. 2009 Co-organizer and panel chair with Ranjana Ray for Heritage Management Systems, Education, and Public Policy for South and Southeast Asia, CRM Panel D3. 19th International Conference of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association (IPPA). Hanoi, Vietnam. 2003 Panel Chair of the Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative (ECAI). Participation with the Pacific Neighborhood Consortium (PNC) Annual Conference. Bangkok, Thailand. 2002 Roundtable for Protection and Conservation of Austronesian Heritages, and Cultural Resource Management Panel with Ho Chuan-kun for the 17th International Conference of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association. Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. 2001 Taiwan Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative (ECAI) Workshop to discuss projects utilizing geographical information system (GIS) for the social sciences including linguistics, history, and ethnology. Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. 1997 Conference on Taiwan Austronesian Studies—Retrospect and Prospect. Phoebe A. Hearst Museum, UC Berkeley, CA, USA. 1992, 1995 Co-organizer of International Conference on Buddhist Cooperation for World Peace. Taipei Buddhist Association. Taipei, Taiwan.

近五年獲獎、獎助與研究經費 ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIPS, AWARDS, AND HONORS National Chengchi University, grant for travel, ECAI Conference and Workshop, Maritime Cultural Studies, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, March 25, 2013 (NTD 10,000) National Science Council (NSC) of Taiwan grant for travel to attend the South Asian Studies Association (SASA) Conference. Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, 2012 (NTD 51,000)

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National Science Council (NSC) of Taiwan grant for travel to attend the South Asian Studies Association (SASA) Conference. Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, 2011 (NTD 51,000) Funds given by the N. W. Lin Foundation for Education and Culture Endowment Fund, UC Berkeley, with Michael Buckland (UC Berkeley) for continuation of Batanic language project 2009-2010 (USD 10,000) International funded project on Southern Sri Lanka masks and dances by East-West Center, Hawaii, Sri Lanka Foundation (USD 20,000), and UCLA 2008-2009 Sponsored grant as Delegate to United Nations Vesak Day, Hanoi, Vietnam 2008 Funds given by the N. W. Lin Foundation for Education and Culture Endowment Fund, UC Berkeley, with Michael Buckland (UC Berkeley) for continuation of Batanic language studies 2007-2008 (USD 32,000) Grant from the N. W. Lin Foundation for Education and Culture Endowment Fund, UC Berkeley, with Michael Buckland (UC Berkeley) for mapping Batanic languages of the Philippines and Taiwan 2005-2006 (USD 13,000) Sponsorship to attend the Austronesian Forum: Perspectives on Museums and Indigenous Cultural Tourism, National Museum of Prehistory, Taitung, ROC, 2004 Grant sponsorship to attend the 18th International Association of Historians of Asia (IAHA) Conference, as South Asia Panel Chair and presenter, Academia Sinica, Taipei, 2004 Funding to attend the International Conference Islands of the World VIII, Changing Islands—Changing Worlds, Kinmen Island (Quemoy), Taiwan ROC, 2004 Program Grant from the North America Taiwan Studies Association and International Master’s Program in Taiwan Studies, National Chengchi University for attending the North America Taiwan Studies Tenth Conference at the University of Hawai‘i, 2003 Co-research project director for Austronesian language studies with Prof. Michael Buckland at UC Berkeley, N. W. Lin Foundation for Education and Culture Endowment Fund, UC Berkeley, 2003-2004 (USD 17,000) UNESCO Hanoi grant to participate as advisor for sustainable cultural tourism in Vietnam Grant from the Hao Ran Foundation, 2003-2004 (USD 30,000) Taiwan National Scholarship to the Institute of Linguistics (Preparatory Office), Academia Sinica, to work on a digital linguistic atlas for Southeast Asia, 2003-2004 Grant from National Chengchi University to attend the Language Development, Language Revitalization and Multilingual Education in Asia Conference in Bangkok, Thailand, 2003 Co-research project director for Austronesian language studies with Prof. Michael Buckland at UC Berkeley, N. W. Lin Foundation for Education and Culture Endowment Fund, UC Berkeley, 2003 (USD 12,000) Visiting Professor, University of Calcutta, Department of Anthropology—Divisional Grants Commission, with generous support from the American Center, Kolkata, 2003 Visiting Professor, University of Peradeniya, Department of Sociology, Sri Lanka, 2003 UC Berkeley Research Scholarship, 2002-2003 (USD 10,000) Council for Indigenous Peoples Roundtable IPPA Forum Grant, 2002 (internal) Co-research project director for Taiwan Austronesian studies with Prof. Michael Buckland at UC Berkeley, N. W. Lin Foundation for Education and Culture Endowment Fund, UC Berkeley, 2002 (USD 12,000)

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UC Berkeley Language Research Grant, 2001 (USD 10,000) UC Berkeley N. W. Lin Foundation for Education and Culture Endowment Fund, 2001, for publishing Austronesian Taiwan. Phoebe A Hearst Museum of Anthropology (USD 12,000) UC Berkeley, Conference Grant, London, England, UK, 2000 Academia Sinica, Travel and Conference Grant, 2000 Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation, IPPA Congress Assistance, 1998 UC Berkeley, Conference Grant, 1997 (USD 30,000) Amis Folklore Great Singers sponsored by the ROC, Belarus, and USA, Taiwan National Endowment for the Arts, and for presentation on Amis, Museum of Art, Seattle, at the Taiwan Arts Festival, 1997 Hsinkang Foundation Grant, research on the Matsu Pilgrimage, 1996 Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation, IPPA Congress Assistance, 1994 Thai and Society Studies Program, Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand, 1987 California State University International Programs Award for Teaching at National Chengchi University, Taipei, 1986-1987 Department of Anthropology, UCLA Doctoral Assistance Grant, 1981-1983 Department of Anthropology, UCLA Award for Sri Lanka Research, 1979-1980 Department of Anthropology, UCLA Research Grant to Sri Lanka, 1978-1979 California State University, Long Beach, President’s List of Excellence, 1973-1975

CONSULTING 2003-2004 Advisor to UNESCO Hanoi, Vietnam, for eco-cultural tourism. 2000-2003 Consultant to Southern Material Publishing for academic books, Taipei, Taiwan. 2002 “Ethos of Student Ambassadors: A Cross-cultural Exchange Beyond Language,” 4th International Cultural Exchange Program for Taiwan Indigenous University Students, Taitung, Taiwan. Program was to prepare students for cross-cultural studies in Canada. 2001 First Taiwan International Ethnographic Film Festival, Consultant and Program Editor, Taipei, Taiwan. 1998 Segawa’s Illustrated Ethnography of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples—The Tsou. SMC Publishing, Taipei. Consulting Editor. 1996-1997 Initiator and Coordinator for the exhibition Wisdom and Compassion: Sacred Art of Tibet in Taiwan for the Tibet House, New York, sponsored by the China Times Group. 1996-present Consulting for the Shung Ye Museum of Formosan Aborigines, Taipei, Taiwan. 1994-1998 Academic Consultant and International Coordinator for the Amis Folklore Great Singers Group, Taitung, Taiwan. 1995-1996 The Legend of Tannu Uriankhai, music recording of throat singing from Tuva, Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission, ROC. Consulting Editor. 1993 Taiwan Coordinator to The Luce Scholars Program for the making of a documentary film entitled On the Luce on the international student apprenticeships, produced by Legacy Media, Berkeley, California, USA.

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1990-1995 Facilitator for eco-cultural traveling seminars in Russia—Moscow, Vladivostok, and Federal Republics of Buryatia and Tuva. 1990-1993 Consultant to the National Museum of Prehistory Planning Bureau, Taiwan. Executive Director for Earthplace Association, Taipei, publishing the State of the World 1997 and Vital Signs 1996 (Chinese editions). WorldWatch Institute Report. 1988-1989 Consultant for Pasta’ya: Festival of the Legendary Little People, film/video of the Saisiyat, Austronesian group, Taiwan, by Hu Tai-li and Lee Daw-ming, Academia Sinica, 50 min. 1986-1987 Taiwan 2000. Special Assistant to the Study and Publication Chairman.

ORGANIZATION MEMBERSHIP AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS American Anthropological Association (AAA), member since 1977 Atayal, Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Development Organization (Board of Directors since 2013) California Alumni Association in Taipei, member since 1998 Dharma Heritage Institute, (Academic Film Researcher since 2010) Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative (ECAI), editor and member since 1997, (Board of Directors since 2008) Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association (IPPA), member since 1988 International Association of Historians of Asia (IAHA), member since 2004 International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, member since 1988 Pacific Neighborhood Consortium, member since 1992 Siam Society, Thailand, member since 1987 Society for Applied Anthropology, member since 2002 South Asia Studies Association (SASA), member since 2006, (Board of Directors since 2010) True Dharma International david-blundell (Board of Directors since 2012)

指 導教授群 ACADEMIC ADVISORS Douglas Osborne, pioneer on Asia-Pacific archeology and ethnology, professor of archaeology, at California State University, Long Beach. Jacques Maquet, specialist in aesthetics, author of Black African Civilization and the Epistemology of Knowledge, professor of anthropology, University of California, Los Angeles. Hilda Kuper, biographer to the King of Swaziland, author of Uniform of Color and A Witch in My Heart (a Swazi play), professor of anthropology, University of California,

David Blundell’s Curriculum Vitae 25

Los Angeles. Douglas Price-Williams, cross-cultural British psychiatrist, professor of anthropology, University of California, Los Angeles. Punchi Banda Meegaskumbura, South Asia, Indo-European and Sinhala scholarship, , Sinhala Department, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. Lewis L. Langness, life history specialist as a methodology in anthropology, author of The Life History in Anthropological Science and co-author with another teacher, Gelya Frank, of Lives, professor at the University of California, Los Angeles. Li You-yi, Ethnographer of Tibet, visiting professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, and Sr. Professor at the Institute of Nationality Studies, Beijing.

REFERENCES Chiang Bien 蔣斌 中研院民族所 (Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica), Taipei, Taiwan [email protected] Bruce Kapferer Department of Social Anthropology University of Bergen, [email protected] Lewis Lancaster Director of Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative (ECAI) University of California, Berkeley, USA [email protected] Tano Maida International Buddhist Film Foundation, Berkeley, CA, USA Kie Zuraw UCLA Department of Linguistics Los Angeles, CA 90095-1543, USA [email protected]