SHUN‐CHUAN LIN (林舜涓) Department of Leisure, Recreation and Tourism Management Southern Taiwan University and Science and Technology Office: T605‐12 No. 1, Nan‐Tai Street, Yongkang Dist., TEL: 886‐6‐2533131 ext. 4932 Tainan 71005, Taiwan EMAIL:
[email protected] Education Ed.D. in Educational Administration with emphasis on Adult & Higher Education, SouthDakota University, USA, May 2002. M.S. in Hospitality Administration, Johnson & Wales University, USA, May 1993. B.S. in International Trade, Chinese Culture University, Taiwan, June 1988.II. Area of Specialty Hospitality Management, Hospitality Education, Marketing, Human Resource Management Academic Experience Associate Professor, Department of Leisure, Recreation, and Tourism Management, School of Management, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Tainan, Taiwan, 2005/2 to present Assistant Professor, Department of Leisure, Recreation, and Tourism Management, School of Management, Southern Taiwan University, Tainan, Taiwan, 2004/8 to 2005/1 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Leisure, Recreation, and Tourism Management, School of Management, Southern Taiwan University, Tainan, Taiwan, 2003/2 to 2004/7 Assistant Professor, Department of Tourism, Tung‐Fang Institute of Technology, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2002/8 to 2004/7 Instructor, Department of Tourism, Tung‐Fang Junior College of Technology, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 1994/8 to 2000/1 Management Trainee, Evergreen Laurel Hotel, Taichung, Taiwan. Curriculum Vitae, Shun‐Chuan Lin, 2/6, 1993/7 to 1994/7 Secretary,