Fiber reinforcement of a resin modified glass ionomer cement a b b a Carina B. Tanaka , Frances Ershad , Ayman Ellakwa , Jamie J. Kruzic * a - School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney), Sydney NSW 2052, Australia b - School of Dentistry, The University of Sydney, Westmead NSW 2145, Australia *Corresponding author. Jamie J. Kruzic Address: School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney), Sydney NSW 2052, Australia. Tel.: +61 2 9385 4017 E-mail address:
[email protected] Abstract Objectives. Understand how discontinuous short glass fibers and braided long fibers can be effectively used to reinforce a resin modified glass ionomer cement (RMGIC) for carious lesions restorations. Methods. Two control groups (powder/liquid kit and capsule) were prepared from a light cured RMGIC. Either discontinuous short glass fibers or braided polyethylene fiber ribbons were used as a reinforcement both with and without pre-impregnation with resin. For the former case, the matrix was the powder/liquid kit RMGIC, and for the latter case the matrix was the capsule form. Flexural strength was evaluated by three-point beam bending and fracture toughness was evaluated by the single-edge V-notch beam method. Compressive strength tests were performed on cylindrical samples. Results were compared by analysis of variances and Tukey’s post-hoc test. Flexural strength data were analyzed using Weibull statistical analysis. Results. The short fiber reinforced RMGIC both with and without pre-impregnation showed a significant increase of ~50% in the mean flexural strength and 160 – 220% higher fracture toughness compared with the powder/liquid RMGIC control.