Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1940-07-03
-,1940 . , :8 Baer Wins Fair, Wormer Play hoy Challenger Batten Ga IOWA: }'alr today and tomor leuio In Reavywelrbt Bout. Re., I row; BUChUy warmer g story on Page 4. &omonow. -, e ill JO~ L Iy 10 III 0 ,C i t y , • Morning Ne""paJJer n.a_........... fte .......... P_ FIVE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA WEDNESDAY, JULY 3,1940 VOLUME XL NUMBER 234 IIlk J, only at iunday I~ this h with. Strub .. ciating :r, Carl be in " ~~for 10 Was * * * * * * * * * * * * I *. * * . * *' *. * * *' * * * a City periO<\ Ion his ,97, he th the !. then Hungary .Seeks to Regain ·Province Strub, !:llh. +------- ---------------.----------.------~----~------------------~~--------------.--~-- Iowa 'e pre. Officials Exchange Bitter Tall{ Criticizes Hints RUSSIA AND TURKEY FOR JOINT CONTROL OF THIS :s ago, • Jews Shot Down and Beaten , Carl el· · C· At 'Subversive' " MTlI, Whil e M0 bI Izatlon ontInues; Acts in Schools In Bloody Waves of Disorder: I City; , vo sis. I Mrs. Germany Tries to Keep Peace MILWAUKEE, July 2 (AP)- King Carol Appeals to Hitler made William G. Carr, secretary of the I ------. ------ ler. educational policies commiSSion, e Elks Hilll'" Wall tR ScUlf>mcnt Between Two Counl1,je.'! Capital Blacked out ,First Tim. it, Amhn'an('es Washington, D. C., today criti I ber o{ To A~~u,'(' Protection of Oil Ficlfls cized "ill-Informed people" who Speed to Scenes of Rioting; - Which He Neelts hint at subversive activities and Soldiers at Frontiers agenci£3 in the public schools. -r BUDAPEST, July 2 (AP)-Hungarian and Rumanian In an address belore the Na- BUCHAREST, July 3 (Wednesday) (AP)--Anti-semitic officials exehangcd bittel' words over Transylvania tonight, ti onal Education association con rioting, with Jews shot down and beaten, swept in a bloody 'ch and Hungal'Y gave every s ign of determination to )'egain vention, Carr declared: wave overnight throughout old Rumania--harassed fl'Om that old province in one way or another.
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