Vol. L ELLSWORTH, MAINE, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 19, 1913. avonusrnuiuft LOCAL AFFAIRS American two weeks ago, viz.: Election iuertinmrot*. by plurality Inztead of majority aa hereto- and direct olection of etreet commis- NEW ADVEKTISKMKNT* THIS WEEK. fore, eioner, E G Moore—Druggist. G A Pa re her—Apothecary. Ex-Chief-Justice Emery ia giving a national — burrill notices Inland fisheries end Legislative series of lectares—three each week —at game. UNION TRUST CO. Legislative notices—Judiciary. the Boston university law school. He notices—Sea and shore fisheries. OF ELLSWORTH. Legislative writes: “Rather more to to read and BANK, of Ellsworth The Harvey Oil Co—Salesman wanted. see, M Salt man Co—Salesman wanted. to do than in Ellsworth, but then Ells- CAPITAL, SURPLUS and PROFITS, about $200,000 National Fire Ins. Co. — Peoples Statement. worth ia ‘where I know the folks.’ Ward W Weacott—Sheriff's sale. home, DEPOSITS, about $1,300,000 Sibley P Moon—Notice of foreclosure. George P. Woodward and William David Friend—Far coats. Bank Will You on Whitehead, of Boston, are a few This Pay 2% your Buckspobt: spending at the new ONE OF THE STRONGEST AND LARGEST BANKS 1N EASTERN MAINE. Bucksport national bank—Statement. days camp, recently built by check account if $500 or over. Mr. Woodward, H. C. Jordan and J. W. near We are still oat for more SCHEDULE OP MAILS Nealley Uneeds Rest, Green lake. reaching business; We will give 70a just as efficient service as you at nuTOin rosTomca. Dr. Greely expects to Join the to- party WHY? get elsewhere—the s{tme service that has in- In effect Sept. 30, 1912. day. Because we offer absolute creased our deposits nearly fourfold in four The municipal officers will be in session safety. MAILS UOMUI. Because we are careful, liberal, prompt and considerate. years. Two-thirds of our home merchants bank at the aldermen’s room in Hancock From West—7.18 s m: 4.14, 6.26 p m. hall, Because you can do no bettOT. here. not Feb. 27 and 28 and Why your account? TbiDk it over. Prom Bast—11.06, 11.87 » m; 6.47, 10.63 p m. March 1 for the regis- Because we want your business, and all of our patrons recommend MAIL CLOARS AT TOSTOFPICR tration of voters. The sessions will be us. Qoiko West— 10.80, 11.80 s m; 6.16,8 p m. from B a. m. to 1 p. m., 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. Why Open an Account? Ooiko Kart—6.45 k m; 8.46, 6 pm. m. No new names will be received after 23 Main St Call or Write It helps yonr credit. forlParticularc. No Sunday mail. ft p. m., March 1. It discourages extravagance. Registered mall should be at postofflce half Miss J. A. Thompson left Monday to It creates good business habits. an hour before mall closes. It accompany her aunt, Mrs. J. C. Nichols, furnishes best receipts for money paid. It business of Searsport, on a trip to Panama and the keeps your straight. Carrie has returned from a It makes the bank your lriend and adviser. Miss Morang West Indies. After a few days in Boston We want visit in New York and Chicago. and New York, they will sail from the every professional man, every teacher, every farmer, every business man, every in fact, whether Clifton Woodward and wife hare been latter city Baturday for Miss clerk, every wage-earner, Panamf. male or female, to carry an account with us. If you are not a a few with friends in Thompson will be about six weeks. spending daps away customer of this bank, let this be your invitation to become one. Portland. I The handsomest trout brought into The Thursday club will meet to-morrow Ellsworth by the winter fishermen so far afternoon at 2 o'clock with Mrs. E. F. this year is one weighing two and one- Koblnson. half pounds, caugbt at upper Patten pond ELLSWORTH FALLS. the daughter of the late Charles and by Edward M. This is a Lucretia Whitcomb, and lived here Miss Alice Lyons, of the central tele- Downey. large Owen H. Treworgy went to Portland apt#" fish for this A of four the time of her marriage about twenty phone office, is spending a few dayB at her pond. party caught Monday to attend the automobile show. thirty-five trout and salmon at this pond years ago. She was an estimable woman, home in Calais. Mrs. Frank E. who has been Sunday. Cottle, of kind disposition, and had many frienda Mrs. Florence Hildreth Scornland, of an attack of is better. suffering erysipelas, who deeply regret her death. She leaves, Checks Instead of Cash is visiting her aunt, The democratic caucus for the nomi- Lawrence, Mass., Miss Mabel Maddocks left to-day for a besides her husband, one sister—Mrs. A» L. Clark. nation of a candidate for will be Mrs. Helen mayor — wonderfully simplify and protect the process of paying bills. With visit of several weeks with friends in W. Ellis, and four brothers Charles M., held at Hancock hall to-morrow checks, can’t "miss out” in change; the amount The Foresters’ ball last Wednesday even- evening Lynn, Mass. and Howard F. of yon making right at Whitcomb, Ellsworth; but all 7.30 o’clock. The caucuses of Wards 1,2, gets into the right hands; each check becomes a receipt; and ing was not largely attended, pre- William M. Davis and wife spent Sun- George B. Whitcomb, of Lynn, Mass., and old-time 3 and 5 will follow the general caucus, at a bank account” fosters Let us tell how sent enjoyed the promised" good at Amherst with Mrs. Edmund R. Ur. Frank E. Whitcomb, of Orono. The "keeping saving. you the same Ward 4 democrats will day | time”. place. funeral was held at the and can bank with us mail. Giles and wife. house Monday easily safely you by hold their caucus at Agricultural hall to- | One of the social events of i afternoon. The burial was at Mt. Auburn. pleasantest morrow evening at 7.30. Mrs. Charles Higgins, of Brewer, has Branohoa at Old Town, Maohlaa. Doxtor. the season was the valentine party* given been the guest of M iss Frances Milliken The caucus for the nomina- last Thursday evening by Irene chapter, republican for several days. DOLLARDTOWN. O. E.8. tion of a candidate for mayor will be held Work on the new postoffice building is at Hancock hall next Friday evening nt Mrs. Frank Moon is visiting her par- Wm. H. H. Rice relief corps will serve progressing nicely, the building being 7.30. Wards 1, 2, 3 and 5 cau- ents, G. B. Floyd and wife. supper in O. A. K. ball to-morrow even- boarded in and partly shingled. cuses w’ill be held immediately after the Mrs. Arthur Moran and little ing at 6 o’clock. Members are requested daughter, general caucus. Ward 4 caucus will be Mrs. Frank A. Cottle and son George and Grace of Lud- to furnish food. Mary Gertrude, Carter, held at Agricultural hall, North Ellsworth went to Green Lake Saturday, remaining low, arrived home Friday. There will be services as usual at the until atl2.30 in the afternoon Of the same Tuesday with her parents, Fred E. day. Walter Bonse.y and and Methodist church next Sunday, morning Grace and wife. Emery Bonsey At a wife were called to last week and evening, though the preacher has not special meeting of the city govern- Bucksport Rev. O. J. Guptill i#ill go to Bar Harbor the death of Mrs. been announced. ment last Wednesday evening, at which by Arilla Bonsey. yet on to attend the executive Aid. Wednesday has leased the house Mayor Cunningham, Eldridge, Martin L. Adams committee meeting of the Hancock county Grindal and Moor were present, a vote COMING EVENTS. on the Surry road recently occupied by association of Congregational churches. was passed instructing the mayor to Fullerton Merrill, and will move his ELLSWORTH. procure a book suitable for recording the The illustrated lecture given in the ves- family here from Bangor. Thursday, Feb. 20,'at 7.30 p. m., Han- annual settlement of the tax collector, try last Wednesday evening by the pastor of Irene O. E. cock hall—Democratic caucus. Regular meeting chapter, city treasurer and other city officers for on “In the Corn, the Cotton and the Col- are 8., next evening. All officers There was Feb. at Grand Friday the year 1912, and subsequent years. lege”, proved very interesting. Thursday evening, 20, A cir- earnestly requested to be present. a good-sized audience. Army hall—Supper by relief corps at ft cle will be Berved at 6.30. The Beechland school closed Friday, 15 cents. Bupper Mrs. Arthur B. Mitchell received a o'clock-* with a pleasing entertainment in the Harry L. Crabtree left for Augusta last severe electrical shock at her home here Thursday evening, Feb. 20, at Hancock afternoon, enjoyed by parents and friends. evening to appear before the legislative Sunday evening. Mrs. Mitchell had been hall—“Evangeline,” under direction of Pauline Austin was, for the second term, committee on fish and game in favor of washing dishes, and with her hands still Mr. and Mrs. Rodenbaugh, aud under awarded the prize for spellipg in the the repeal oi the gang-hook law. wet, went into the cellar to attend to the auspices of Ellsworth Merchants’ associa- second grade. The parents of the dis- Miss Hannah Frances Malone, Bates, furnace. Reaching up to the electric light tion. Admission 35 cents; reserved seats, trict are pleased with the progress of the was one of the live at the suspended from the ceiling by a cord, she 50 cents. Beserved seat sale at store of W. 16, speakers children.under Miss Minerva Jordan, and club held Feb. 12 at grasped the top of the bulb with one hand H. Parker Clothing Co., Tuesday, Feb. 18 Mandolin banquet hope for her return for another term. to it while it on with the Cheney hall. Bates college, Lewiston. steady turning Friday, Feb. 21, 7.30 p. m., at Hancock The United States civil service com- other. She received a shock which The W. C. T. U. will meet in the parlor hall—Republican municipal caucus. mission announces an examination on burned her hand badly and kriocked her of the Baptist church Friday, at 2 p. m. Saturday, March 15, at Hancock hall— March 5, for stationary fireman, to fill down. In falling, her weight pulled the This will be a public meeting, and all Concert under auspices Ellsworth festival the position of tireman-laborer at the cord from the ceiling, thus breaking the ladies interested in this work are invited chorus, and direction W. B. Chapman. rase of $600 per annum in the postoffice circuit and preventing more serious to be present. Artists: Salvatore Giordano, tenor; Mrs. and customhouse building at Ellsworth. results. Mrs. Mitchell, only partially who has been em- Florence Anderson Miss Charles W. Hurley, The will be in Otis, soprano; person appointed employed conscious, found her way up stairs and Sue Mr. INDIAN by the Ambureon Hydrolic Con- j Winchell, ’cellist; Chapman at ployed this position for eight months in each out of the house, where she fell in the the piano. Tickets, 50c, 75c and $1.00; on struction Co., at Ht. Fereol, Que., is home sale March year, from Oct. 1 to May 31. No educa- snow. Except for blistered hands and Saturday morning, 8, at WORLD’S MOTOCYCLE RECORDS for a few weeks. He will return to Que- Moore’s drug-store. tional test will be given. Applicants will lamed muscles of the arms, she is now ALL MADE BY INDIAN MOTOCYCLE bec about March 20. March at Hancock hall— not be assembled for mental examination, fully recovered. The surplus current on Monday, 24, Corrected to July 1, 1912. No word has yet been received from Mr. being rated on physical ability, training, the electric light wires is attributed to concert and ball by Senator Hale hose whether he will be here Chapman as to experience and fitness. Thay must have crossed wires near the blacksmith shop of company, PROFESSIONAL RECORDS. this week, as proposed, to conduct the re- reached their eighteenth but not their C. W. Smith. BOSTON. IrtstftA 6 Time J Hsian re Time JHsUime Tims Distance Tims hearsal of the festival chorus. If word fifty-fifth birthday on the date of examina- Friday, March 28, at Paul Revere The community was shocked by the hall, mile •H» 4-fl 11 mile* 7.00 21 mile* 18.812-6 66 nolle* 89.18 2-6 comes, members will be notified. tion, which is open to all citizens of the Mechanics Boston — Ellsworth •• building, 1.14 2*8 1* 44 7.39 22 14-37 1-6 60 •• 42.56 2-6 death of Caroline E., wife of Thomas W. 44 44 44 United States who are in 50 1. 2 i-a 18 8-17 2-5 23 15217 1-6 66 46.36 2-6 Next Sunday at the Congregational good physical which reunion. Tickets, cents. 44 Spencer, occurred at her home in 2.30 1-6 14 8.66 4-6 24 44 16.47 70 80.17 1-5 condition. which be 44 44 church Miss Brown will play: Prelude, Applications may 2-6 15 *4 9.85 1-6 25 16.27 76 64.00 Watertown, Mass., Saturday morning. 44 44 re- filed which do not show that the 8.47 2-6 16 16.14 8*6 30-21 4-6 80 67.41 1-6 “Meditation” in D flat by St. Clair; applicant Mrs. was asbcrtiacmma 44 Spencer’s age flfty-two years. 4 26 4-5 17 M 10./8 1-6 24.64 2-5 85 61.28 has had actual as 4* “Prayer” experience stationary 5.04 2-5 18 44 11JB 4-5 28.30 8-6 90 65.05 sponse by Haydn; offertory, She had been in poor health for several 44 fireman will be 44 44 95 71.83 4-5 in flat St. “Grand cancelled. For applica- 6.42 6-6 19 1*2.12 4-6 46 82.06 2-5 Q by Clair; postlude, months, but her condition was con* —Cl 10 44 44 not 6.21 4-6 20 1*2-62 4-6 60 86.41 4-5 100 75.24 2-5 Dubois. tion and examination blank form 1800 and ^ Chorus” by sidered critical until the middle of last RONE’S——fTp address DeEoeier at Lob Cal., Oct. 29, information, Leon R. Moor at the word* made by Ray Seymour end Jake Angeles, Annie F., wife of George R. Billington, week, when relatives here were appraised mo, Feb. T, mi, nut May U and *4. l»H- customhouse, Ellsworth, or Edward E. KestauranI and daughter of the late Michael Shea, of of her condition, and Mrs. A. W. Ellis, is again Stebbins, district secretary, 141 Postoffice Ellsworth, died suddenly at her home in her sister, and H. F. Whitcomb, her Open to the Public. building, Boston. Applications must be A. Bangor Monday evening, aged thirty- brother, left on the Wednesday BOARD and ROOMS, Regular or Transient. E. CRABTREE, Agent, filed with the district at Boston evening leaves besides her secretary to seven years. She train be with her. Mrs. was Cor. Main and Hancock Ellsworth Hancock, Mk. send for Descriptive Catalogue on or before March 5. Spencer Sts., husband, six children. The Ellsworth high school basket-ball team defeated Cherryfleld academy at Eight-Hour Law at Postoflice. Hancock hall Friday evening. Score, On March 4 the law recently passed by Hot Water 66-16. The Ellsworth team will play St. Congress providing that clerks in post- Mary’s school team, of Bangor, at Han- offices shall be employed eight hours, and Everybody cock hall next Friday evening. that the eight bourB ot service shall not Alley’s Market, Bottles extend over ten hours in any one day, goes can save a at a Ellsworth will not try the experiment 28 Water little time. into effect. the terms ot this law a Street,.Tel. 118 An absolute necessity for a of having seven aldermen by electing two By clerk who tor at 6.30 a. m. Financial success is simply a hundred different purposes— aldermen-at-large. That provision in the reports doty must have his hours ot service so ar- matter of to sav- something every home should amendment to the city charter presented stickiug your ranged that he will be through work on be provided with. We have to the legislature has been cut out. The 3 Pkgs. Seeded Raisins, 25c that at 4.30 m. In other words, he Fancy ing plan—making your them in sizes and shapes ad- amendment as favorably reported retains day p. works eight hours between 6.30 a. m. and Character stronger than apted for every need. the other features as printed in The 4. 30 p. m. / also Fountain Sickroom Fresno Lemon can a«y Syringes, In order to comply with the provisions Cling Peaches, 18c Temptation Rubber aWjmtsmnua, to spend. Supplies, Nursery of this law it has been necessary to ar- range an entirely new scbednle for clerks in Green PARCHER’S PHARMACY the Ellsworth postotBce. For the pur- Dragon brand Pink Salmon, lOccan Hancock pose of securing the most satisfactory ar- Co. Savings Ellsworth, Me. rangement of the hours of duty ot clerksi with a view of affording the patrons of the Blue Label Catsup, 18c bottle ===Bank office the best possible service, a new El I lev.__ us Call schedule will be in on Cll»worth, Main* pnt operation ta cio» Up March 4. Under the new schedule the Commenced Business Men's Fresh Meats a $18 Suits, $15 any time night or day Specialty ._May 1, 1873. money order division will open at 7 a. m., ‘‘Her Majesty” Corsets, if you need medicine and close at 6 p. m. The stamp and regis- We give telephone and mail orders Special Attention. try windows will open at 7 a. m.; the ours $1.50; $1.25 Tel. house, window will close at 8 Money to Loan Reg. price store, 51-12; stamp p. m.; the window at 6 p. m. Fresh ON 67-3; or write us. Goods registry Eggs Dairy Butter Boys' Sweaters SSFH For the present no change will be ■■proved, Productive Real Estate; es sent the Butter anywhere promptly by made in the hours at general delivery. Fresh Cream Creamery Collateral aad Commercial Paper Tobacco, ; 3 cuts 25c The clerk who ties out the B p. m. mail Oleomargarine will go on duty at 11 a. m. ±1-80 DEALERS IN We ere peytng for 44s, ».7S| *»• Parcel Post SB. aad U-40-, M. (4.SO] 6*4 Give your food under Municipal Other Boada Hoops WEST KhhSWURTH. family pure prepared sanitary °* approved legality and ascertained H. P. CAKTEK, conditions. Mrs. Isabel Smith is still failing. She 38 Main St.. Elleworth Moore’s Rexall strength. has been confined to her bed a long time. Sixteen ounces of performance to every Drug Store, W. E. Clark, who is teaching at Penob- C- C. visited his here Star Brand Burrill & Son pound of promise in the advertisements Cor. opp. P. O., Ellsworth scot, family Saturday and Coffee, 27c lb M state STREET. ELLSWORTH. MR of TBS AMERICAN. Sunday. were sod two visitors Edison bss been at members present it for four u fflutual Unufit Column. awjmisnnnrw. Umong tl]t Grangers. years from Highland grange. has literally “slept on the job”, as bis describe his eta' EDITED EV «CMT HEDGE". This column is devoted to the Qmnire, es- ployees absorption in hi" CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR. pecially to the granges of Hancock county. NIOOLfN, 389, NORTH ELLSWORTH. work, and when be “sleeps on the The column is to all for the job” be Its Motto: and Hopeful open grangers was "Helpful BROWN and It Maine nigbt at Nicolin grange has the reputation of MRS. discussion of of interest, making things HOW topics genera) go of Make letters Feb. 15. Tbe the fol- The of this column are succinctly for reports grange meetings. lecturer presented The moving talking idea is based purposes short and concise. All communications must ,lpo|. the and motto—It Is for the mutual lowing program: Piano solo, Hatel two old stated In title be signed, but names will not be printed ex- comparatively proposition, and writer. AH com- of Alice A. Prayer Meeting Topic For the Week benefit, and alms to be helpful hopeful. cept by permission of the Nevetls; “History Maine,'’ The talking machine is old and be to | the for the common It is for the com- SUFFERED munications wm» subject approval by “Maine’s Claude 1913. Being good, McQown; Resource*," I machine is Beginning Feb. 23, the editor, but none will be rejected without motion-iplcture old. But tbev mon use—a servant. a purveyor of In- Bessie Topic.—Mission work at home and public good reason. Richardson; “Grange in Maine,” have never fcr.cn harnessed medium for the In- np together — and a abroad.—II. Medical missions. Matt. x. formation suggestion, of Life—How L. “Noted People of Maine,” ! before Other it solicits Daring Change Patten; successfully. 7-11. Edited by Rev. Sherman H. Doyle, terchange of Ideas In this capacity inventor, DATES. Minnie H. Danico; singing, grange; ; have had actors talk into records D. D. communications, and its success depends largely and tbe0 E. Pinkham’* Vege- conundrums and stories. Com Lydia — of go and act the piece Both and Christ on the support given it in this respect. Wednesday, March 5 Meeting separative)}’, but tb, by example precept The will be lhe for dis- illusion wasn’t munications must be signed, but the name of table Made Qreen Mountain Pomona with Bayside parcel post topic there, except in spots. lidorsed medical missions. He Him- Compound not cussion at tbe next meeting, to be opened Mr. Edison’s is to hare writer will be printed exoept by permission. grange. way the talking His or self healed men. He proved deity Communications will be subject to approval Her a Well Woman. by Harry L. Wbeeiden. and moving-picture machine, 8 — of Han- getting the column, but none Saturday, March Meeting im- by His miraculous works, and His mir- rejection by the editor of At the masquerade bail Feb. 14, the| their impreasiona at the aame time. reason. Address cock Pomona with Verona gt tinge. Ther will do rejected without irood — of an Armenian acles of healing far surpass In number Iola, Kansas. During the Change personation peddler by arc net up side by aide, at any distance all communications to de- op of His of Life I was sick for two years. Be- Minnie H. Danico was unanimously to feet away from the any other manifestations super- THE AMERICA!*, forty, actors, and s, fore 1 took med- BAT VIEW, 267, SALISBURY OOYK. clared the best and most unique. the Character’s is natural power. Moreover, in His com- fc.Il worth, Me. I ,- your gesture tsken by the lcine I could not Bay View grange is in a flourishing con- his word* are taken mission to His apostles when He sent “movie”, by the bear the of dition. A new book-case or library has I'lCTlRKS TALK. “talker”. When all that weight MOVING la done, m, them upon their first missionary Jour- He no who gives to me gives gift clothe* and was been built a committee consisting of “movie” in my by is placed its usual place with ney He commanded them to heal the Things rich and rare. and 8. N. bloated very badly. Charles Hhand, Julien Emery Latest Achievement of Thomas A. its rays the screen within the he gives illuminating back ot the to do so. Unless gift aick and gave them power I doctored wi th three which adds greatly to the ap- Edison. which is the “taikir”. flow- Of self some share. Rich, to get theto In this commission two were ^ did the ball. The first will in bis* chair things up- doctor* but they pearance of legree Thomas A. Edison sat back two machines to work together is who to roe He gives no gift gives their next re- an permost-first. they were to preach me no good. They be conferred on a class at and chuckled one afternoon recently problem on which Mr. Edison has Silver or gold. worked and. second, to heal. “As said nature must gular meeting. there panned upon a screen In the theatre four years. ye go preach, If but to make his own h#art glad, have it* way. of bis at West Grange, N. J., a Toe "timer” in him saying the kingdom of heaven is at Such gift is cold. My laboratory sort ot contrivance me to NORTH BROOK8VIULB. sister advised RAINBOW, 203, procession of human beings and anitnais that is between tbe two hand. Heal the aick, cleanse the and rare coupled up ma- lep- He me gifts most rich met Feb. 13 with gives take Lydia E. Pink- Rainbow grange that sang and talked and shouted and chine*. Tbe machine out devils." of mi- talking cun run at ers, cast The days Who gives to me, 1 lecturer I. ham's about forty present. The pre- musical instruments and a certain — riches of hta heart, Vegetable played upon only speed tbe speed raculous healing may be over so far as OuUof the and win and I a bottle. sented a fine program with reading, barked and made various other noises that wbicb tbe sound is of Christ the True sympathy. Compound purchased made- and Mr. Edison the disciples having pow- of Lincoln. At the it was the left me clippings in memory never before hive fur- bss invented a there still Before gone bloating moving pictures mechanism which prevents er to heal directly, and yet He gives best gifts who, giving naught that the and I was not so sore. I continued tak- next meeting it is requested nished. It was a moment of triumph—tbe tbe machine from rests the church the of pray- Of store, moving going any upon duty worldly % bottles. members have selections in memory of love and trust— ing it until I had taken twelve result of four years of effort to give to the (ester. ing for the sick and of using all the Gives me his friendship, than 1 have been for Washington. was de- no more. Now I am stronger world what probably the only Tbe as the Inventor powers of advanced medical science to I ask “Icinctopbone”, baa —.Selected by K. C. S, and can do all my work, even the in the “movies”, to re- named bis latest can be aid and to cure those who are 111. years velopment possible child, used in a Your medicine is worth its HARVEST HOME, 403, WEST ELLSWORTH. sound with action. washing. produce synchronously room ot almost any size. Tbe one it was The superiority of Christianity to Harvest Home met Feb 15. A in gold. I cannot, praise it grange “That’s a little raw yet,” laughed Mr. sbown In 'was too is seen in fact that M. B. Friend!: weight small, Mr. other religions the Denr fine was carried out. One If more women would take program ap- “but you give us a chance Hutcbison to the to is the of the above enough. Edison, just said, get best effect. In it pays proper attention the entire Sincerity keynote was received. The medicine there would be more plication question: and we’ll show We’re green at a theatre which is fine. To be ones- your you. big seating 2,000 to 3,000 persons man. It not only emphasises the value poem, certainly “Which is the most to man- women. You may use this let- injurious these There tbe best results can be sal- self in the world where there is so much healthy working things yet.” may obtained. The in- of the soul and the necessity of its or tobacco?” causeda ter for the good of others.”—Mrs. D. kind, poor cooking have been something “raw” to tbe trained vention has been tried vation. but also the of the that is affected and not to say privately in one of importance artificial, discussion. The quartet gave several H. Brown, 809 N.WalnutSt., Iola.Kan. lively eyes of Thomas A. Edison, but to other these, and sound could be mind and of the body: hence we should superficial, is somqfbinjt worth striving every plainly selections. success had been _ spectators it seemed that beard at tbe of tbe not only be interested in evangelical for. Really, though, if sincerity, or being of Life is one of the most very top gallery. Change achieved. missionary work, but also in educa- oneself, is natural, it is not a necessity to critical periods of a woman’s existence. JOHN DORITY, 381, SULLIVAN. —-V-— the show to start like When the time for Don't be — even tional missions and in medical mis- strive for it; it will be spontaneous, Women everywhere should remember John Dority grange met Feb. 15, with discouraged a carpet- came there was a short delay. The “old sions. This has always been the atti- the laugh of a child. that there is no other remedy known to twenty-five present. Two applications tack is ot no na* without a knock on tbe | in tbe seems to me man”, aa everybody big factory bead now and then. tude of the Christian church. It took I may not be right, but it ; so successfully carry women through were received and two candidates were calls Mr. couldn't be found. the will be as E. Edison, the Christian church four centuries to if the heart is warm, greeting this trying period Lydia Pinkham's instructed in the third and forth degrees. Oabe—Wbat is an optimist? Steve—An he was and his sod sincere. Abou Ben Adham short Finally found, right-hand build its first hospital, but it has con- condial Vegetable Compound. The lecturer presented a program. optimist is a croea-e.ved man w bo is who loves bis man and chief-engineer, M. R. Hutchin- tinued its work ever since and has, es- said: “Write mess one It was decided not to hold any grange thankful that be isn’t bowlegged. advice to the the we If you want special write son, gave the word to start. For first pecially been faithful and successful in fellowman,” and with poet sa.Yt Feb. 22, as so many members are planning Bill—Wbat kind of a fellow is Dobbins? E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confl* few seconds it looked just like regular hi!, tribe increase,” for then the, Lydia Pomona at Hancock. can using medical missions in foreign mis- “May to attend Will —He tell you how to adopt a deniial) Mass. Your letter will “movies”. A large man in evening dress sionary endeavors. At home it has selfishness of the world will surely Lynn. national system of currency thst would be opened, read and answered by a strode down a flight of stairs and to the off tbe national debt, but be erected hospitals and dispensaries and decrease in like proportion. HIGHLAND, 364, NORTH PENOBSCOT. pay can't woman and held In strict confidence. front of a furnished setting. raise the price of bis grocery bill. cared for the ill and unfortunate who Highland grange met Feb. 14 with an lavishly -C—J-’-JC-Ll—- There was When he reached the front of the “stage” cannot afTord to care for themselves. Dear Jf. B. Sieters: attendance of twenty-eight. ‘&Mjtvti*jraur time came, for whom we have not beard tor a time! things began to happen. But the supreme glory of medical mis- Have thought every myjpaper long woik on one candidate in the third and weeks, I would sit'right down and write for Don’t ever won’t miss me”. hirst the Dig man tnrust out one arra sions is its work abroad in connection say “they fourth d^rees. The program consisted the column. And then I would think. I can’t To round out to the lull our in customary attitude and then—and even with the more modern movement to , of a question, which was well discussed, write such uninteresting letter as the other who had known w hat was we need you all and more, too. and music. Alamoosook grange the spectators evangelize the world. I will and I have reading Yon Are The sisters. wait, perhaps may to come were to taik. Jury is to meet with us at the next surpr»sed~-he began Medical missions in heathen lands some other time. | invited something to.write Dear Aunt Madge: “Ladiea and gentlemen,” h© began, are a found column has lacked necessity. Christianity Surely the nothing—so meeting. _ Left to your lonesome again after the many and there followed an introduction to the medical and so many sugges- • science very little advanced in many good recipes good resolutions of the class to a good keep supply 8CHOOD2C, 420, FRANKLIN. first exhibition of Hear the of Ellsworth the lands to which it carried tions for all our needs. One of the sisters talking moving pictures Testimony the gos- <>n hand. If all have been as busy this win- of the good and far-reaching influence Sc hoodie grange, met Feb. 6, with a —real talking “movies” — that has ever People an«l l>ecide tlie Case. pel. Perhaps there is nothing cruder spoke ! ter as I have been, they surely have had a of the column, and of that I was forcibly re- attendance. The third and fourth been seen. The speech was delivered in in heathen life than the methods of good excuse. good minded when receiving my weekly letter from degrees were conferred on two candidates. carefully modulated tones, with articu- healing. Medical science was practical- j First, I want to bring to your notice what a son in the state of Washington, in a new a makes whether a It was decided to send the lecturer to the lation of the clearest, each action coincid- ly unknown in heathendom when difference it capital letter Doan's Kidney Pills arc on trial arc town that is not laid on the map. I 1 yet or a small One is used. In regard to the State lecturers’ conference. An oyster ing with each It was i|wo exactly expression. tried for weak — Christian missionaries began their send him The American every week, and in being every day kidney* question about the white hens’ legs, I said the stew was served at recess. so lifelike and natural that gasps of sur- work. The methods used usually in- his turn he loans it to a neighbor. She lives for exhausting kidney backaches. What question was sent from “Cat. to Me.*’, mean- and wonderment could be heard the treated more than miles from him, still in that country prise is the verdict? Read Ellsworth jured patients .but the State of Maine, but in the use of a testimony ing BROOK LIN, 251. darkened are reckoned neighbors although from different parts of the they benefited them. people they said “me". was —personal experiences of Ellsworth wit- small letter it The question Brooklin held its regular meet- be miles 1 believe her ancestors grange — This condition made it absolutely may apart. sent to Irish her step-daughter. room.] nesses. There can be only one verdict Molly by with about were New people, but her life has ing in Pojuona hall, thirty In the course of hia talk the speaking necessary for Christian missionaries to England i was glad to learn that Ah was again at a chorus of approval. been in the West. Speaking of loaning members and visitors present. After a and pay attention to medical science. Even spent home. I do so miss talking with Are, as she picture took up plate dashed it to A. M. Franks, St Ells- inter- carpenter, High his paper, he said, “She is very much business, a short was presented. dew a before distinctive medical missionaries has had her telephone taken oat. Well, we program the door. It into pieces with crash, “About two ested in the M. B. worth, Me., says: years ago column.” a it The next will be held in I. O. O. made individual went to fields those in are all glad to have cold wave; hope may meeting and each fragment ite 1 noticed back lame. As foreign engaged Now, sisters, doesn’t it cheer every one of my growing efforts did what be followed by F. ball. noise in bouncing up and^back. After evangelical missionary you who hafve tried to keep up the column to I snow.. time passed, the trouble became constant. have a rhubarb soon, made of to I shall pie that the blew a horn «nd a whistle, they could “heal the sick." This think of that young woman, living as she picture my condition was so bad that I rbubard, as I have stocks ten GRANGE LECTURERS ORGANIZE. Finally genuine green and a man came on and the still exists, as is evidenced most, in one sense, a life, then played bad to off from work for several necessity lonely being inches before reach the leaves and lay days. high they At the lecturers’ conference in A and by the thousands of cases treated cheered and encouraged by the cheerful words grange piano. girl appeased played “Way When in a by measure two and one-half inches around. suffering that way, 1 got Christian and in have written about your work and what Augusta last week a permanent organiza- Down the Swannse River” on tie physicians missionary you How is that for plants, Aunt Maria? I have Upon supply of Doan’s Kidney Pills at Moore s might seem to you homely. $very-day affairs? tion was formed to be known as the and another of the hospitals. been to church to-day and listened to a talk violin, girl sang .some drug-store, and the tirst few doses helped No doubt it has been helpful. “Maine Grange Lecturers’ Conference”. while the and vio- Medical missions provide a great op- by C. E. Owen, of Watervilie, secretary of old songs, pianist the me. After I had used two boxes of this If I don't this find the stop writing, may of and as The conference includes in its member- linist her. for advancing the Christian civic league Maine, accompanied I was cured. Last (all I portunity evangelical waste basket, so I will close with.kindest remedy, entirely an of have a all lecturers in Maine and — missions. Souls are saved at- it is organisation which I be£n ship grange went away you could bear their through wishes for all the sisters, and for They caught cold aud it settled on inv kidneys, especially course as care member for fifteen years, of enjoyed such other patrons to attend, but as walked the stairs — tention given to the bodies of men. It all who are ill or in troable. Littib. footsteps they up causing another attack. 1 bad not forgot- the talk. lecturers alone have voting pow%r. man with is thus possible to gain admission to T£e and another appeared two collie ten what Doan's Pills had A man said to me the other “Why do Kidney previ- day: State lecturer is president of the confer- whose loud barka were as natural as many places and to many people who dogs, done for me, and 1 tee We are all grateful to Littie for her en- I you are more criminals among ously began using would thinkathere ence. Roy C. Haines, of Ellsworth, was life. It was hard u% realize that these otherwise be unapproachable. and I when this the now than ago?” I*teould not remedy. 1 was quickly cured." (State- couraging wolds, hope boys years elected chairman of the executive commit- The women of oriental countries can were not living beings in desh end blood week’s American reaches those far-away answer, and he said: “When you and I were ment given February 7,1906.) tee. the came on and broke be reached women took their families and _ until lights the through missionary readers in the state; of Washington, they yoang. parents large AFTER MANY YEARS. who are as in no went to church on the Sabbath. Now it is " illusion. physicians other way. will each feel are a link in the M. B. CAHTINE, 260. they Mr. Frank, -was several most considered old-fashioned for all hands to go That was one and interviewed Their life ordinarily is secluslve, circle of and mutual Castine grange met Feb. 16 with thlrty- complete reel, it^had friendship benefit, I years laler and be said: “1 confirm ell I and were a inac- to church.” taken six minutes to snow —two min- they for great part and if the who is interested in eight members and nine visitors from just “neighbor” went back an old meet- aaid In of cessible until medical missions My mind readily to utes longer than the my previous endorsement began our column would write her letter Penobscot grange present. An interest- ordinarpy bonograpb us, I ing-house on a bill, and I saw in mind groups | Doan’s Pills and authorize its to such an in for- of disk revolves. Four additional “sketches” Kidney play important part would be welcome. We had a Wash- one was consisting very ! of families that filled two seat—mothers in ! ing program presented, continued lor benefit of work. were exhibited, and in each the illuaion publication the eign missionary state when our with the girls; fathers in another with the the following topics: “Does it require ington correspondent other sufferers. I have never bid Medical missions make it to it was maintained. Two <1/ these .Mr. kidney possible faithful Mrs. Dieter lived there and gave boys. None out of those families have ever more wisdom to earn a dollar than does h hadn’t himself any serious recurrence of former com- gain the confidence of foreign peoples. been criminals, but I fear have not all made on Edison seen before, and be my ns glimpses ofj life in that part of the they to save one?” “Mistakes 1 my They are and ! followed the example of their sainted laughed heartly as an Irish politician in plaint.” naturally suspicious country. I have cards now in my posses- parents. farm last year.” There were readings and Dbll. one of delivered an For sale by all dealer,. Prior SO cents, prejudiced, but when they see the on life of them impassioned sion sent by her showing samples of some anecdotes by members the oration which his Foster-Milbnrn Do., BuSalo, New York, beneficent results of physical healing mammoth Abraham Lincoln. political daughter, of the apples grown there. Well, Dell, when I’m left to my “lone- sole for and read to him out of a agents the United mates. suspicion prejudice largely pass Come Littie. standing behind, again, some” Ham sure yon will come with a Remember the name—Doan’s-and like away. They readily realize that the SEDGWICK, 244. newspaper. The most startling man- “heartsome” letter of help and cheer. no other. medical work is beneficial and are Sittert: members and ten visitors ifestation of the synchrony of sound and pear Yon struck some troths in yonr letter Thirty-one came when a brick was therefore the more easily persuaded Are yon trying to do up tome of the family were in attendance at Sedgw ick grange action sent crash- shove when yon touched on church-going. that the truths of the gospeU-ere also sewing, so not to have so much of it to do in Feb. 14. The subject of interest was the ing through a window above the speaker’s Inhaler I can remember when from miles around Hyomei warm weather? I know housewives helpful. Through medical work the many discussion of a “Model Town to head. Yon could plainly hear the tinkle was at Meeting”, make this time of a sewing season, but nearly every family represented hearts of people are reached, their year be held at the next regular meeting. The of each piece of glass aa it fell. is hard and tiresome work. Let the church services of FOR CATARRH? Is and it becomes an to many it Sunday— all-day have been confidence won, lecturer being absent, no program was Men working upon the me suggest that when you are tired at sewing, services at that, beginning at 10.30, closing If You Own One easy matter to present Christ as a of moving pictures that arms over head taken up. proposition that you throw your np your about 12; Sunday school at noon; five _ Then you ought to know that drug- Saviour. would talk for a long, long time. Mr. and take a long breath. If you can yawn which will hand a minutes for refreshments, usually BAST BLUEHiLL, 252. gists everywhere you once or so much the better. Do this a twice, a tew cookies j Dottle of Booth’s HYOMEI for consisted of surrpticiously East Bluehill met Saturday Surprise Tour Friends. 011I7 few times, and you will find part of the tired grange I SO cents, l’our a few of HY- BIBLE READINGS. j for the Past Master John F. For (oar works use Dr. King's New drops This is as an exercise for conveyed presumably children, evening Feb. 15, with regularly feeling gone. good Life Pills. stimulate the im- i OMEI into the inhaler ami start this or may be only a drink of water from a first and second They liver, 18a. Hi. Matt iv. one who writes or has any sitting occupation. Wood in the chair. The remove to 1-7; 23-25; well. prove digestion, blood impurities. very day breathe the healing If do housework, may find your neighboring were conferred on one candidate. aud eruptions disappear from vour xxvili. 19. 20: Mark xvi, 14-20; you you Toe comes from degrees Balsamic vapor and destroy the Ca- good closing thought Jdmplesace and body and you feel better. Begin at Luke Acts hands are rough and uncomfortable for sew- The Song, Walter Carter; mono- tarrh germs. vii, 1-10; xv, 1-10; ill, I lfcCuvera”: program: once. Buy at any druggist’s. ; on silk. Will send for a i 1-10: xiv. 8-18; I Cor. xii. 4-11; ing, especially recipe Ellswobth. Fbb. 11,1018. logue, Ethel Howard; song, Dora Hutch- With every package of Booth’s I1Y- lotion that 1 use which can be applied at any iOMEI comes a little booklet which Rev. xii. 1-5. Dear Aunt Madge: ings; Bong, Della Thompson, Beulah jcttiucrtisniuma time, as there is no fear of smudge, as it dries how the- The following line* have a spir it of courage Grindleand Walter Carter. Next Satur- j explains easy it Is to end in quickly and contains no grease. It is good of Catarrh and It is that may appeal to some slater, as they did to there will be work in the misery Croup. for and whose hands are day evening, teachers pupils rough need to meet each ! made of Australian and me; we courage day’s fourth and a harvest Eucalyptus from the use of chalk. third and degrees contains no harmful A Hawaiian Greeting. duties as they come: drug. If the hands perspire, thus making sewing supper. But, best of G. A. Parcber i» ; '‘Out of the come oar gems most rare; Ayer’s all, is one of the most depths Sarsaparilla Here interesting a discomfort, wash them in quite hot water authorized to if Out of the depths our choicest flowers; Tonic and alterative. Increases strength. refund your money Christian Endeavor greetings ever re- and dust with talcum powder. Out of the of our darkest SURRY. are | depths despair, m ARBUTUS, 450, Restores you dissatisfied. If you haven’t It We oft find growing our brightest hours.” healthy functions. No alcohol. ceived by Dr. Francis E. Clark. See that the sewing-machine is well oiled, Arbuturf met Feb. 14. The the HYOMEI inhaler, aakforthe com- grange Sold for 60 years. was to him when he was in and. if it runs hard or is gummed with poor $1.00. it— presented charity committee was appointed. There j plete outfit, Just breathe Hawaii in 1910: oil, use kerosene, to be followed, after a little Asfc Your I no stomach was no as the lecturer dosing. with oil. literary program, Doctor._ To the Hon. Rev. Francis E. Clark. D. D., running, good lubricating RECIPES. was conference in Augusta. President In Chief of the Christian En- Am not going to write as long a letter as attending Lotion for Hands—Two ounces gly- deavor Association of the World: usual, but will send some recipes for those Notice. two ounces rose two ounces 409. Pauper Greeting: We, the members of the who like to try new things. I often wonder if cerine, water, ALAMOOBOOK. EAST OBLAND, HairHealtlr of Honoko- water and ounce benzoin. Mix even- contracted with the of Ells- Christian Endeavor society I have sent to the column has ever one-half Alamoosook grange met Saturday City ■'-—-•Hay’s — anything it* HAVINGworth to support and care for those who Never Falla te Reetore--1, Hair to hau, district of Lahaina, island and coun- or to rose water and water and an invitation to proved ‘‘hopeful helpful” anyqne. glycerine, ing. The grange accepted may need assistance daring the ytext five Natural Celer oed » Slops Pa falling of of Hawaii, water a ty Maui, territory hereby When I think of many who read the paper, add benzoin last. Have the 21. and are legal residents of oat, and positively R.indraft la aot meet with Highland grange February years Ellsworth, &■ gTeet you and extend a most hearty wel- hot, so all may be warm when forbid all persons them on Dye. Refuse aU substitutes. from Maine to California, I feel as though I quite quite recita- trusting my ac- $1.00_and come and bestow unto you our friendly benzoin is added.—Mol. The program: Singing, members; count, as there is of room and accom- not to I of plenty should try write, but when think modatioua to oare for them at the oeuu 10c lor Bottls ■ blessings for this pilgrimage voyage, tion, Grace Gibbs; reading, Agues For- City Parte largu simple PREBA- Aunt I feel as I Raisin Cake-One pour M. J. Pbilo N. U.S. whereby we now meet and greet each Madge’s supporters, though cup raisins; read- house._ Dki’mmkv. Hay Spec. Co., Newark, I. I syth; recitation, Margaret Power; other, and that you may discover for must try to be one of them and do what can. over them one cup boiling water and let A at a ing, Nellie Gray; reading, lecturer; quota- yourself how the manifold works of visit with the sisters the reunion is stand over one cup sugar, one-half night; of for Christian promotion have been done here, goodly recompense for all efforts to be a tions, members; discussion plans , cup butter, one egg, nutmeg, oloves and and the glory of interest and in promoting uplifting “sister tried and true”. sak, three-fourth cup raisin to increasing the membership Christian En- juice, Christ’s kingdom among Mol, which add one teaspoon soda, two cups the by worthy master, fol- There’s _ grange, opened purity, and full deavorers. flour on the raisins. uniformity flour, a little of the lowed by secretary an*others. Nineteen We therefore pray and would everlast- “Aunt Madge’s supporters I” Why, they Bake forty minutes in slow oven.—Mol. unto His to ftigly pray Holy Trinity pro- are the backbone of tbe column! How slices to Work. long your days un£o this world, so that Surprise Pudding—Two bread, No Need Stop weight guaranteedin every package anxious every one is to bear from every you may be able to accomplish the great toasted and buttered; break into small When the doctor orders you to stop work it of other one! How we miss those from I can’t, you You know OF- works that have been required you to One molasses, one staggers you. say. cup quart milk, are weak, run down and failing in health _. •houlder. Bake in moderate oven two f>ieces.ittle salt. Jouay by day, but yon must work as long as you subscribe ourselves and 1 Humbly by Mothers Can Safety Buy hours or more. It seems like an Indian can stand, What you need is Electric Bitters through our committee. Dr. King’s New Discovery and give it to the pudding. Serve with cream.—Mol. to give tone, strength and vigor to your system, GEORGE KAUHL little ones when ailing and suffering with to prevent breakdown and build you up or taste* Don’t be weak, or ailing when Electric DAVID KAPAKU. colds, coughs, throat lung troubles; > sickly UPTON’S TE A the first dose K. PALI. nice, harmless; once used, always used. Mrs, For a mild, easy action of the bowels, a Bitters will benefit yon from JOftN for their Bruce Crawford. Niagra, Mo., writes: “Dr. is Thousands bless them gloriouf Attested: Mrs M. Limahai. Secretary. C. single dose of Doan’s Regulets enough. bottle Kiug's New Discovery changed our boy from health and strength. Try them. Every Sustains and Cheers Lahatna. of cures habitual 25 cts. E of Honokohau. County a pa.e. weak, sick boy to ibe pigtureof health-’ Treatment constipation. is guaranteed to- satisfy. Only &0c. at an} Maui ; Always helps. Buy it at auy druggist’s. a box. Ask your druggist for them—Adv I any druggist’s. felle? said herd like to*pay big way by ELLSWORTH MARKETS. KITTKRY TO CARIBOU. Thomas Adolphus Bamber Brown Au- attoertfMmmtt. doin’ tbe cookin' and seemed so Richardson Good of anxious * gustus Gascoyne latte, about it The below the Robert J. the well-known roof- that we let him do it. Lord, ^notations jive range of Reilly, Passaic, is believed by his friends to have a how be retail prices in Ellsworth: ing contractor, of Bangor, died Saturday, Brothers bandy was, handlin' the skillet longer name than any other man in New Two Just like a woman! Country Prodno* aged fifty-nine years. He got Into our Batter. Jersey. v supplies and found some cornmeal and The Central garage at Lewiston was Creamery per 1.40045 In a police court at Lincoln, Neb., a made a mess of corn pono that beat Dairy.. aogsft burned Sunday, with a score of ftutomo- Greek was asked by the magistrate if he JOHNSON’S anything of tbe kind I ever eat. I told **«•. biles. Loss, |54,000. understood the meaning of an o*th. This Western Plains him be must 'a' done cookin' for bis Fresh laid, per dot... .. 36 A of the Fred W. Kelley, aged twenty-eight the in USBIK Story livin'. Poultry. is impressive way which he defined an of the Central Maine Fowl./..18$20 years, employee it: “Talka to God—Talka to Heaven "When we’d had our meal he and his Chickens. Power was killed at Wins- of Former Times .20322 Co., instantly Talka straight—no lish business at all* brother washed the Bay. dishes and wiped low last Wednesday, by coming in con- Talka LINIMENT Beet jes’ right.” ’em Jist as If we was all in a house. loose, per ton.14016 tact with a live wire. Baled.. Jack and I had been used if we was A North Carolina negro was brought out Used 102 Straw. The body of Fred E. Williams, of Win- years WENTWORTH near a creek to ’em In It and on the gallows to be hung for murder. By TIMOTHY puttin’ .wan throp, missing for two weeks, was found fair internal and lettin’ the water run over ’em, but we Baled... 15 “Henry,” said the sheriff, “have you any- Saturday in a shed at East Winthrop. It external ills. never thort o’ ’em. It Vegetables. thing to say?” “Yas, sab,” said the con- wipin' seemed is supposed Williams went in the shed to tub much trouble. When the boys Potatoes, pk, 20 Carrots, 1b, demned man, “I’se got a few words to say. country,” said the old got Cabbage, 03 tb sleep, and was frozen to death. "This yere Onions, I wishes to state dat dis is A sure relief for through we found they hadn't anything Celery, 20 £25 Squash, merely suttinly "Is bein' civilized so fast The seventh annual farmers' week at plainsman, to smoke, and we offered 'em pipes. Turnips. 02 Beets, goin’ to be a lesson to me.” colds, sore time I come back to It i Fruit. Orono will be held March 3 to 8, inclusive. coughs* that every They both took ’em and as if puffed dot rates have “Children,” said the teacher, while in- chol- know It. Where there was a (granges, 85£60 Lemons, dot 85 $40 Reduced been secured over all throat, cramps, scarcely they'd never smoked before In their 15 Cranberries, qt, and is structing the class in composition, “you a macadamized road. railroads, every effort being made era trail there's now lives, but tbe fust thing I kuowed, tbe Groceries. morbus, diarrhea, to make this course the most successful should not atterap any flights of fancy, there was a few log bouses llttler one lb Where turned white and went off Coffee—per Rice, per lb 06 £08 and valuable of offered. but be and write what is cuts, burns, bruises, Kio, 20 £28 any previously simply yourselves, a town lighted by electricity behind a bush to get rid of his Vinegar, gal 20 £25 The is fuli of features. there's supper. 38 Cracked wheat, 06 program special in you. Do not imitate any other per- etc. Where there was sprains, ami runnln’ trolleys." The big one smoked only a few min- Java, 88 Oatmeal, per lb 04 of son’s draw B»— William P. Hubbard, Bangor, died writings or inspiration from or a fiddle there utes when he laid Tea—per Buckwheat, pkg 20 perhaps his pipe down. Feb. He had outside sources.” As a result of this 25c and 50c jewshnrps ’’ Japan, 45365 Graham, 04(505 12, aged eighty-one years. now Where there was 'How old are fellers 30£65 are pianos. you anyway? Oolong, Rye meal, OfflH been chairman of the board of assessors Wise turned in the follow- everywhere Sugar-per lb- Oran lb 03 advice, Johnny card monte sharks, now there's I asked. ‘You act like a o’ kids.' meal, three couple Gramilated, 05^806 Oil-^per gal— for nearly a quarter of a century; also ing composition: trWe should not swindler. And the 'I'm said the 'and Yellow, C 06 Linseed. 15 of the All Souls church the gentlemanly twenty,’ big one, 1 president corpora- attempt any Sites of fancy, but yite what JOHNSON Is nil changed too. If a brother is seventeen.’ Powdered, 10 Kerosene, 12 tion, treasurer of the Maine Charitable punishments my Molasses, 35 £60 4s in us, In me there is my stummick, fjal, association, and up to twoyears ago treas- man shot another in them days no- ‘Twenty years old and can't drink 'Meatsand Provisions. urer of the Maine missionary society. lungs, heart, liver, two apples, one piece Mass. much the fact, but body took notice.of or smoke?’ I bollergd. ‘Wbeie was you Beef, lb: Pork, lb: of one lemon and din- Because he lost ten cents which pie, stick candy my If a Steak, 25 £45 his they hung a boss thief. Now, man brought up?' 18 ner.” Roasts, 20 y30 Ham, per lb mother had him to make a there’s a murder case 24$25 given purchase shoots another, "He said they came from the east, Corned, IO3I5 Shoulder, 15 Veal: at a nearby grocery store and was afraid draggln' through the' courts for years, but that was- no news, for they both 25£80 Steak, 28 Salt. 18 to return home and confess what he had If a thief gets away with a team looked like tenderfoots that had been Roasts, and *£18 Lard, 14 Clarence, the twelve-year old son of the Is In Lamb: ddhe, like enough police cahoots long enough in the country to git run P. of cut a rope 20 £35 / George Cady, Portland, You Know Us and the owner Is from his sled and himself from the with hkn. glad down. Fresh Fish. hung piazza of his home. Twice within a few We are in business here where live. You are an enough to pay for gtttia' the boss hack "So far neither of ’em had his Halibut. 14 right you put £20 Cod, 08 the had lost small sums of money 50 days boy or a friend of curs. This and no questions asked." 1 hands In his but the Oysters, qt, Clams, qt, 25 which his mother had and she acquaintance, neighbor money-back* pocket, youngster Haddock, 08 Smelts, II), 15 given him, I remarked to the old him for it. If-not-satisfied offer should the of our claims, “Singular.” when he come back from the bush lay Scallops, qt, 50 reprimanded severely prove sincerity "how different conditions re- Grain and man, down on the ground, and after rollin’ Floor. Feed, When wo say we believo we have ly relieve constipation. They act to quire different treatment." ! over two or three times he caught Flour—per bbl— Oats, bu 50 For Rheumatism use PNEUMAT- the beat laxative and bark up our overcome the cause of constipation. 6 00 £6 50 150 be rambled on. “The Shorts—bag £165 IOA. RELIEVES IN TWENTY statement with our unqualified prom- They tend to eliminate the cause "So they do," : sight shinin’ on the Corn, 1001b 1 25 Mix 1 o{ somepln’ ground, bag feed, bag 65® 1 75 ise to return without question or of sick headache, biliousness, bad git down to nature the Corn meal,bag 1 25 1 65 42 00 nearer you it and found it was a five Middlings,bg MINUTES. All 25c. formality the us lor nervousness picked up Cracked corn, 1 25 druggists money .paid it, breath, and other ills the forma of law. But It Isn't if it does not simpler dollar gold piece. You'd ought to seen prove' entirely satis- attendant upon inactive bowels. LAW BBOARDING factory to you, we believe we are en- always so cold blooded down near the the look on his face. Then he his WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. put Aliorrtisnnctua titled to your confidence. bottom as you’d suppose. I’ve known A bushel of Liverpool salt shall weigh 60 hand in his pocket and pulled out an- a Make Us pounds, and bushel of Turk's Island salt Our business success and prestige Prove This the most hardened villain to give his shall weigh 70 pounds. i other one. NOT A TWINGE of depend upon your confidence in us. " The standard weight of a bushel of potatoes We want you to come to our store life for a woman or a child. There ‘How did that come there?’ he We know we must secure and hold in good order and fit for shipping, is 60 and a of Rexall Order* 1 your confidence in order to get package was lots o' misery In them days. jusC pounds; of 44 get and asked. apples, pounds. vour lies. Use a few or use up the entire The standard of a of keep patronage. Therefore, we aa there is now. Families would come weight bushel beans in RHEUMATISM box. if not “’Haven’t you got any of ’em? I good order and fit for shipping, is 60 pounds; would not dare make this offer if we Then, vou^are entirely from the not knowln' were latisfied, come'back and tell us ana out yere cast, asked his brother. of wheat, beets, rnta-baga turnips and peas, SINCE TAKING not positively certain that we 60 of corn, 66 of can we will return the money what they was cornin’ to, git stranded pounds; pounds; onions, 52 prove our claims for promptly “The feller put his hnnd in bis pocket pounds; of carrots, English turnips, rye and you paid us lor them. If It hadn’t been for the of Indian and help and pulled out some gold too. meal,50pounds;of parsnips, 45pounds; You promise nothing—you sign of and buckwheat. 48 pounds; of oats, RHEUMA somo gambler or road agent would barley nothing—you obligate yourself to ue "‘See here,’ he said; ’you men have 32 pounds, or even measure as by agreement. UI suffered from Rheumatism for six to death." in no way whatever. We accept starve that in our | been puttin' gold pockets.’ years; tried different doctors, with no re- your mere word. “DUl you ever have any soch ex- Our experience with them and the ‘Well, s’poslu’ we have,' I remarked, He Iiundled ’Km. lief. I saw advertisement and de- Don’t you now believe that Rexall I asked. your many we have received from periences?" i “The brothers looked at each other Did ever hear the reports Orderlies are worthy of a trial? you story about the cided to try RHEUMA. I have taken those who have used them prove “Waal, yes:-**) 1 did. I had one that Could any offer be more fair? mighty queer. Irishman, Pat, by name, who applied at three bottles and am free from the that they are really the most pleasing out to me. entirely turned mighty Important one. and satisfactory bowel we This Is too much,' said the big the w harf for work as stevedore? Well, if disease. I was so bad I could not remedy Fact Is, I haln't over the effects of aleep know of. got 'If knowed all about us Them at Our Risk you you you have you won’t need to read this one. nights; now I sleep well, and my kidneys Try It ylt When these yere plains was Rexall Orderlies taste like wouldn't ’a’ done it’ He 1 should and a candy. was, say, only four work W. Miller, Catawissa, are We recommend Rexall covered with herds o' wild buffnlo me perfectly.”—P. They soothing and easy in action. particularly as if was “He looked he agoln’ to.cry. half feet in height, and when he applied Pa. They don’t cause griping, nausea, Orderlies for children, aged persona and Jack Cundlff followed the business, or excessive as and for delicate people. ’“Who are you? I nsked. for a job the boss was dubious. “For 14 months I was so badly afflicted purging looseness, do huntin’ 'em for their skins. In them " the usual physic or laxative. Rexall Rexall Orderlies come in ‘I think.’ he lookin’ at the oth- “We’re anvils into much of the time 1 vest said, loading 3,000-pound with Rheumatism that Orderlies seem to act as buffalo robes was used instead ot a tonic- pocket tin boxes. 12 tablets, 10cj days er tell ’em the whole one, -we’d better that steamer,” said he, “and a little runt was obliged to use a cane. I used one strengthener upon the nerves and 30 tablets, 25c; 80 tablets, 50c. the finer furs they use now and was a j thing.' like yourself couldn’t handle ’em.” bottle of RHEUMA and THE CANE IS muscles of the bowels. They prompt- Usual dose one tablet. staple article In the market. That’s •’ we said Pat. And the boss THE CORNER NOW. No one ’Reckon had.’ “Try me,” put IN tAU 1IUJN: rleaae bear in mind that Recall Orderlies are not sold all whnt killed 'em off so fast. We that him work. / by drugs "That oldest one he to tell to could be to be rid of the gists. You can buy Recall Orderlies ojjly at The Recall 8tores. began the anvils aboard all happier paim was huntin’ ’em used to Jlst slaughter Pat hustled right You can Recall Orderlies la this at our us a and he'd half finished swoolen knees and swollen ankles. buy community only stoca: story, before The cargo was nearly all stowed in the badly ’em for the money there was In ’em. 1 he got to cryin'. That set his brother bold, when the boss heard a splash. H$ I certainly believe there is na^remedy for E. G. MOORE "What I was gotn’ to tell you about ran to the rail saw Pat i to doin’ the same. I hate to see a and, looking over, the disease like RHEUMA.”—Mrs. Daniel happened near the foothills of the Rock- struggling in the water. man and I told ’em to their S. Aug. ELL8WORTH | cry. stop “Throw me a I” he as he Knox, Severance, NY., 8,1912. MAI ies o' now rope yelled, west where Cheyenne Parcher RHEUMA The Store blubberin’. went under. He came up, called for a O. A. guarantees to JwcaCJ stands. It stood there but It was then, and went under he cure scia- ‘I can't,’ said ttie one that win talic- rope, again. Again Rheumatism, Gout, Lumbago, There is a Recall Store in nearly every town and city in the United States, Canada and the terminus of the Union Pacific call- rose to the surface. and Great Britain. There is a different Recall for nearly every ordinary human ill— In’. 'I ain't a man; neither Is he. We're tica, Arthritis, Chronic, Neuralgia for the illRemedy for which it is a “If you don’t throw me a rope,” he each especially’designed particular recommended. road. and tough place It was. too. back — and We're out to run off stock. Our “I’m *o Kidney disease or money only with Its houses girls. sputtered, angrily, going drop The Rexall Stores are America’s Greatest gamblin’ and dance and a bottle. Drug Stores folks Is over there beyond the hills, this anvil!” 59 cents other slch shebangs. Jack and I was In Btarvln’, and my sister and I allowed camp one day. ns If was tellin' you. near we'd got to go and git somepin' to sell the base of the mountains. Buffaloes for money'to buy victuals with. Bosses were getting scarce, and we allowed is all that's worth anything, and we Salad we’d turn to prospectin’ for gold. We Dressing was goin’ to light out tonight with didn't have anything with us that was Better Than Wealth But kindness has I two of yours. your so wo'th anything except onr hosses, * broken us all up. We can’t do It’ is perfect health; but to enjoy good health it i3 necessary I Made With Mustard f ? when we we went to sleep nights jlst Mix into two heaping tablespoonfuls of melted butter one "Jack saw me feelln' for more j gold, to rid of the minor ailments caused defect- I of & POOR’S one turned In without worryln’ onless at first get by tablespooaful STICKNBY MUSTARD, teaspoon- and his hand went to his own pocket. ful of salt, one of sugar and one tablespoonful of vinegar; add the the loss of the animals. Since a man ive or action of the stomach, liver, beaten yolks of four eggs and finally the whites of the eggs beaten out a o' more irregular kidneys We handed couple pieces stiff. Dust In a little and cook in a double couldn’t git over without pepper boiler, stirring the.ground and that opened the dam o’ tears still and bowels,—ailments which spoil life, dull pleasure, frequently until smooth and. thickened to the consistency of thin one of ’em they was mighty valuable. cream; add rnflk or cream when ready to serve. Bottled, this keeps wider. We told ’em It would be aU make all sufferers feel tired or for for months. Fact Is, they was the most valuable and good right In the mornin’. We'd go over nothing.^ thing to be had. And that’s why we It is a delicious and wholesome addition to fruit, vegetables, meat or fish. to where they llved^and see what we strung up the hosa thieves and didn’t could do for 'em. Then we spread all If You Will Use string up the men shooters. There was the buffnlo skins we had, one over the plenty of men, but only so many other, to make a bed for 'em and put = & hosses, and each boss' would bring a Stickney Poor’s on a couple o' blankets for cover, and Stiokney good price at time or anywhere. auy they turned In. “Jack Cundlff and I was smokin’ ont "I reckon that was the fust night’s Poor’s7 pipes after our noon meal of hog fat (Tha t arpael Sale of Any Medicine in the World) Mustard in a while with- BEECHitfspills had long and sleep they’d crackers, talkin’ over whether we’d you will a smooth out feelln’ that the bottom o' the world have proved themselves to be the best corrective or pre- get dressing, delicate better give up the buffalo skin business in with was a-droppln’ out under ’em. Jack flavor, just enough sharpness to and our luck at when ventive of these troubles. They insure better feelings add the desired zest to try prospectin’, and I didn't do nothin' till they got to your dish. You along comes two fellers on foot and those who them soon find themselves so will get this result every time because young sleep. We hadn’t left ourselves any- rely upon and, seeln’ our camp, stopped and look4 STICKNEY & POOR'S MUSTARD thing to sleep on or under except our brisk and strong they are better able to work and ed at us. to eacl IS ALWAYS THE SAME. They said somep’n m txrn* overcoats, and we allowed we’d keep life. For that reason alone, Beecham’-s Pills are ■ unit other, then was on, when I hailed enjoy Nearly every grocer sells it in *4 and goin’ up the fire all night, and we spread ’em and asked If they didn’t want any 'A-lb. cans at 10 cents and 20 cents. our coats over the girls, ’cause It's cold Mustard thing. came to where we was an’ Write for our book of You They In that region when the sun’s gone receipts. we had a bowwow. The Favorite Medicine will be delighted with it. down. Family Sold everywhere. In boxes. 10c 25c. "They said they was brothers. The Among the other Stickney & Poor Prod- mornin nets are: “Next the girls got breakfast, Directions with every box shotPthe way to good health. _„ Pepper. Cinnamon. Cloves, Ginger, older one was middle height, but the ^nt0> SaK<‘> Savory, Marjoram. Celery Salt. Curry Powder, was 1 i£C*’ *nP Pap- and now I knew they girls riKa. raploca. Nutmeg, Cassia, Allspice. Whole Mixed Spice, Pastry Spice, younger was sirikJi. They was both so urmeric, wasn't so struck with the handy way Thyme. Soda, Cream of Tartar, Rice Flour, Potato Flour. Sausage young that their beards hadn't sprout Seasoning, Poultry Seasoning and Flavoring Extracts. they had and what good things they Be «d yit, and they looked hungry. I asked sure to say “Stickney & Poor's” when you order them. could make out o' our small stock o' STICKNEY ’em what they wns doin’ without & POOR SPICE CO., 184 State Street, Boston. provisions. After breakfast we all went bosses, and said they didn’t own they over the bills to their home. We found sny bosses. We questioned 'em where a log hut and a family. The father they'd come from and where they was was sick, the mother frightfully run goin’, but didn’t seem to have a they down and the children the most miser- THE NATIONAL MUSTARD POT home, and I couldn’t learn from 'em able sight I ever saw. They’d come that they was anywherfe. Fact Is, goin' out to.the west not kuowin’ what they they was down on their luck. was goin’ to find, and they hadn’t “We offered ’em to eat, and somep’n found nothin.’ they chawed It up mighty fast. Then I “First thing Jack and I done was to poured out a cupful of whisky and go out and shoot a couple o’ antelopes. handed it to the"oldest one of the two. There was a lake not far -away with Be tried to drink it, but 1 could see some good fish In It, antf we pulled out Plain enough it tyas hpruin’ out his HUBMARK RUBBERS some of ’em. We stayed with the fam- STANDARD throat. There wasn’t any use givin’ it FIRST QUALITY till we ’em In pretty good con- to his brother. If the oldest couldn’t ily got dition so far as goes; then we drink the stuff the other shore couldn’t. grub I went down to Denver and come bacK thort the biggest one looked big with a lot o' clothes. But they didn’t enough to drink whisky, but I was. where was long. The not surprised at the little feller not stay they very ’em all to Den- wantin’ it. man got well aud took ver, where he got a posltton with a ’’They looked so tired thut Jack and I firm that did a business he knowed all asked ’em if they didn’t want to stay and soon he was girtin’ a with us awhile and rest. They said about, pretty Wear Hub-Mark Rubbers This Winter they’d like to git some sleep, so we laid good salary. Is famous pie-crust flour eut a buffalo “Jack and I stayed In Denver, too, skin for ’em, and they —makes it tender and light “Standard first quality” means that after 60 years of expe- lay down for we'd got tired prospectin’, not hav- beside each other, and fust and flaky and perfectly di- rience it is the Standard established by us for first quality and thing we knowed was fast asleep, in’ the luck to strike any big thing. they as every rubber is branded with the “Hub-Mark.” tile a little between and gestible. Just good for younger boy’s arm throwed around We had money us, the older one’s neck. Jack and I looked we went Into buyin’ minin’ stock, first bread and cake and biscuits Hub-Mark Rubbers are constructed and the compound put down makln’ suthln, we at ’em. and we felt so sorry for off odd lots, and, and whatever you are baking. together to give the best possible service under all conditions em that on till we sized a good we allowed we'd do somep’n went up purty And themosteconomical flour and still be sold at a price that will permit everyone to wear far em. found it easier to make mon- So while they was a-sleepin’ pile. We them and the return We milled —gives you most get maximum for his money. They cost stuffs some gold into their pockets. ey that way than prospectin’.” loaves to the sack. no more than any first-class rubber. Try them. They ruust ’a' been mighty sleepy, for “What became of the two girls," I Hub-Mark Rubbers are made in all and for all they didn't wake up while we was asked, “who were Intending to run off Your grocer keeps William styles purposes. doin’ it The Hub-Mark is Value-Mark, i your stock?” Tell. Insist on it next time your About supper time we woke ’em, “Ob. the girls? Why, I married the If your dealer cannot supply you, write us. and you order flour. when they see we was goin’ to oldest one, and Jack Cunditt married BOSTON tnake coffee and fry bacon the oldest the other." ! WHITCOMB, HAYNES & CO. RUBBER SHOE CO., Malden, Mass. Xtjbrrtifemmi. STATE SO LONS. OBITUARY <£llsu)ortl) American A CHANCERY ROMANCE. ®l)c GEORGE GOULD. Legislative News of Interest to Han- A LOCAL AND POLITICAL JOURNAL George Gould, one of Ellsworth's oldest ■ Friend, Ha Unearthed a For- cock County Headers. Helping PUBLISHED and best-known citizens, died Monday j tune For Himaelf. A remonstrance a close time on EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON against no more curious at his home at the Hancock Perhaps there is D. afternoon AT deer in Isle au Haut, signed by John chapter in the history of the chancery MAINE. after an illness of a few weeks of PIANOS ELLSWORTH, house, Davis and thirty others, was presented by courts than that of two Pittshuntb BY THE heart trouble. men. The first had a claim to a Bmall HANCOCK COUNTY PUBLISHING CO. Senator Patten Wednesday. Mr. Gould was born at Amherst, N. 8., estate abroad, but he did not have the VICTOR and EDI80N F. W. Rollins. Editor and Manager. The bill to divorce the offices of recorder Talking Machines to W. H. Titus, Associate Editor. Sept. 7, 1S30. He came to Maine when a money to pay the claim aitency of the Ellsworth municial court and clerk make a search, so he got a friend to OF ALL boy of sixteen years, making his home in SMALL INSTRUMENTS KINDS lor six of courts of Hancock county, came from him. Inscription Price—$2.00 a year; $1.00 where he was for sev- back months; 50 coots for three months; if paid Hancock, engaged the committee with a divided This friend’.; name was Peterman, strictly In advance, fl 50, 76 and 38 cents report—six eral years in farming and lumbering. 5 cents. All ar- end the he advanced was like a respectively. Single copies in favor and one The majority In 1872 he came to Ellsworth, money are reckoned at the rate of $2 pei against. purchas- rearages stake—he was on his rear. the at the corner of Grant grub gambling J. MUSIC report was accepted. ing building S. CLEMENT, STORE, ZST 8t„k^r, Rates—Are reasonable and will he and Main then as a small friend's claim proving up. Advertising on Wed- streets, occupied made known on Hep. Sherman, of Bar Harbor, was at the application. inn Patrick Sullivan. Mr. Gould One day when Peterman of the town of by nesday presented petition claim office he came this Business com in unlcatlons should be addressed the and conducted agency upon of the automobile enlarged building, to, and all checks and money orders made pay Eden for total repeal in the files: “Pe- a house and hotel busims* advertisement agency Jtfclp CHantA. able to Thk Hancock County Publishing of boarding NEWS. exclusion laws, with a bunch petitions musician. Itorn in COUNTY Co., Ellsworth, Maine. under the name of the Hancock house, terman (Albertusl, from individuals for same. rrpr»«*nt our firm Amsterdam in 1S29, sou of Charles thus what has since become MAN—ToSplendid opening for a (rood manlocally. of on Thurs- establishing '.io* Rep. Harmon, Stonington, and Snsanna Gas- SUNBET. an to make aa high aa a in ri« This week’s edition of Tte one of the best-known hotels in the State- Frederick Henrietta opportunity ».«< at. several remonstrances from nuaily. Addreaa M. Salima* ‘'0-. day presented man. Left for in 185®. He Mrs. Mathews is ill. tit-at American is a..">0 In 1890 his son, Frank took over the Liverpool Daisy Franklin at., Brooklyn. It. Y, copies. citizens of Deer Isle and Stonington H., and under his Is sought for Inheritance by M. Con- Edna Snowden, who has been very ill of look after of these towns from business, management the our Inlr7r,.T Average per week tor 1912, 2,460 against the separation St. Germain, SALESMAN—ToHancock and hotel has been brought to its present high tot. avocat, 21 Boulevard grip, is back at school. adjacent coantlea ai!,1* the county of Hancock or the jurisdic- or commission. Add rear Tun HaaVn Mr. retained his Paris.” who has been Cleveland, O. OlLCoJ tion of its courts. standing. Gould, senior, Percy Brown, employed was of the fa- FEBRUARY 1912 I home at the hotel with his and en- That the inception WEDNESDAY, 19, Bunches of remonstrances against any son, in Boston, is at home. mous docks" case, the name a w ide and "Kinsey SRatUfl). change in the lobster laws are being pre- joyed acquaintance popularity Mrs. Prescott Eaton and two children with the trav- coming from the fact that the original sented from the coast towns. travelling public. Every are at North Deer Isle. was seen at visiting for of and roan in w-ho has Ells- Peterman last Kinsey '\TURSBS—Opportunity young worn™ Expressions grief sympathy favor of the town of Castine elling Maine visited il a> to 25 of to A resolve in clnlm Mrs. Isaiah Pickering died at her home year, age. train for 0,^ were universal on worth in score of knew docks. In Liverpool. The agency atonal nnraea. Moat be In Monday morning has been committee the past years, good health Reported favorably by Peter- ! at Mountainville Wednesday of consump- with fo il reference,. For farther ex and have recol- took the matter In hand, informa- reading that Senator Hale was George Gould, all pleasant traced tion. Address Tun Ha on claims. back and enabled him tion. Wacom ill at his home. lections of him. man's lineage Rockland. Me. serionsly Washington A remonstrance against changing the [ _ an Inher- Stinson is in the Mr. Gould was a man of fine to establish a good claim to Mrs. Joseph Rockland l/'OXKe -Black or The latest from a member of name of Eden to Bar Harbor w as physique, gray Intro,;.,... 1 ,17i report presented r the It and in his and tireless itance of $200,000. hospital, where she has been operated pay highest price. you have snr the is to the effect that the ill prime, powerful correspond with me. W. W. s- family Friday. was Dunn, Marrl.' was often called woodsmen and hunters That a case of fortune being upon. si. Portland. Me. was not so serious as The bill to extend charter of the Eastern by turn reported; — man in thrust upon a man. Lewis Edwin Small is out Maine railroad has been favor- the “ablest” Ellsworth. Mrs. E. E. again putting that there was no paralysis, and that reported In Mr. Gould married, on 8ept. 5, 1856, Thelss Harper's Weekly. horse-nets, after being without them two Urgislatibf Notitts. is ably. the senator recovering. Words of of who The resolve in favor of Gerry M. Gar- Miss Eunice Y. Martin, Lamoine, years. are INLAND PIHHKKIKA AND DAME. sympathy expressed by the press survives with four sons — Frank H* of El Is has been him, L. who has been car- on land, worth, reported JOBS FOR THE INDIGENT. Dudley Sellers, The committee Inland fisheries »Dd throughout the county; the Boston and of Roscoe E.’ will in favorably by committee on pensions. George H., Ellsworth; pentering in Islesboro, was at home tor a tame, give public bearing its room Globe voices the that all and of at the State House in Augusta, as follows sentiment The committee on re- of Bangor, Dr. Arthur L., Freeport. Method of the Problem few last week. judiciary Monday Swiss Solving days WEDNESDAY, FEB. 19. at 2 p. m. No. « be have of Mr. Gould’s death is the first break in the ; Petitions of C. A. Judkins and four hope may yet years ported bill to amend city charter of of the Unemployed. Clara Haynes bas received from Mrs. oihen of Kineo. F. L. Gardner and 37 others of and in bis retire- in new and that it family. art strength happiness Ellsworth, draft, ought In Switzerland the people upon Anna J. Hoberi, of Jamaica Plain, Mass., Auburn and Lewiston, H. E. Car.en and The funeral was held at the home this 22 others of and K. ment from where he was to pass. The amended bill cuts out the the that a man who Is unem- books and Augusta, H. p»rit, public life, theory forty of history fiction for the and 4t others of and Rev. R. B. Mathews ; Newport vicinity, m*. so a for the election of two alder- forenoon. officiating. if left to liable to in* that so much of long commanding figure. provision | ployed Is, himself, Sunset library. the fish and game laws as a of prohibits the shipment 0»# men-at-large. become a waste by being subject from by STEPHEN GROSS. Many this place went to Stoning- person of more than one bo* of flah once in so The committee on sea and shore fish- a tax the COUNTY GOSSIP. charity and upon community. to uaya, without accompanying the same t* Gross, a resident of Ellsworth ton Friday evening attend the drama eries “ought to Stephen Therefore the is considered as repealed, aud that the provision* of law Monday reported pass”*n problem the Sunset athletic associa- In for the greater part of his life, died this ; presented by previously force relating to auch shipments This is automobile day at Augusta, and bill for protection of aiewives in Patten’s an economic ifhestion. be re enacted. morning at his home on Liberty street. tion. It was a great success. about the statebouse it looks like a joint bay. Burry, and “ought not to pass” on The purpose is to assist the unfor- WEDNESDAY. FEB. 19. at 3 p m No is. He in failing health for some Joseph Stinson cut his foot badly in the An act to provide for a cloae time on boll town-meeting of Eden and Mt. Desert. bill to prevent destruction of Smelts in had^been j tunate unemployed to secure work, not moose. time. woods an Being Union river and Morgan’s bay. only for the sake of his family, but in recently, severing artery. WEDNESDAY. FEB. 19. at 2 p. m. No a. Mr. Gross was born in Ellsworth Feb. ! far in the and walk An act repealing chap. IMof the public law* of The tbe railroad of The bill to divorce Isle au Haut from 2, There Is no quite woods, havingto purchase by people the Interests of the state. 2911, entitled “An act to prohibit the uwof but the greater of his life ! home, be was faint from loss of blood so additional real estate at Bar Harbor gives Hancock county and annex it to Knox 1838, part early toleration for the loafer, Begging is sang hooka, called, when fishing in the in- was in Orlaud and Bucks For when be reached there. land waters of this State". color to the rumor that tbe miliion-dollar was spebt port. the and is reported favorably Monday. prohibited by law, vagrancy Petition of Tho* B. Moody and 38 others, some years he followed the sea. He en- hotel scheme is not dead. The Ellsworth municipal court bill was classitied as a crime. Mrs. Clara Pierce, of Bouth Deer Isle, a*ktug to repeal chap. MB. of public law*of as a in ('ersons out of work, through no fault an inflamed condition of the mucous lin- lake, being thirty-three inches in by WEDNESDAY. FEB. 2*. all m. Nod. garding Stonington. Representative survive — Reuben of j ing of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube p. and nine and three Gross, Winfcerport, of their own, and comfortable accom- An act to provide for a cloae season for length quarters of served notice on ot her is Inflamed have a sound or fishing Ricker, Castine, and Mrs. Frances Heath, of Verona. you rumbling im- in Douglas pond, sometimes called Williams in modations and some money compensa- bearing, and when it is pounds weight. Hancock towns not to to perfect entirely pond, town of Bucksport, county of Hancock. county attempt The funeral will be held at the home closed. Deafness is the result, and unless the tion given until they can find more re- W EDNESDAY. FEB. 36, at 2 m. No.47. leave the even if au Haut was inflammation be p. county, Isle forenoon at 10 o’clock. can taken out and this tube Resolve in favor of the outlet Friday munerative wages.—Chicago Tribune. restored to its Dormal screening Our Manset writes: “The successful. condition, bearing of Toddy pond in the town of Orland. with correspondent will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of statement of facts; also petition of H. A. Snow Gloucester schooner John A. of ten are caused which is fishing Jubilee, Capt. Speaker Peters, Ellsworth; MRS. MARY E. HOPKINS. by Catarrh, nothing and 24 others, relating to the same Advice. but an inflamed condition of the mucous sur- arrived here Feb. Dr. C. C. of Bar and ex- Motherly WEDNESDAY, FEB. W at 2 m. No. 71. McNeil, 15 with decks Morrison, Harbor, Mary Elizabeth, widow of James H. faces. p. dear, mustn't be so sharp An act to protect game birds in the town of and five men disabled. Forest Commissioner Frank E. of “My you W'e Mm will One Hundred swept, While Mace, Hopkins, died last night at her home on give Dollars for Eden, county of Hancock. with strange young men. You know any caw of Deafneaa (caused catarrh) that bound to from Brown’s Great before the committee on by WEDNESDAY. FEB. W, at 3 m No.9t port fishing bank, Pond, State street, after a week’s illness. cannot be cured Hall's Catarrh Core. Send p. them a wrong by Hearing upon the order Ordered, she was struck a sea and and last in you may give impres- for free. following by heavy every ways bridges Thursday, spoke Mrs. Hopkins was born in Ellsworth circulars, the Senate concurring, that the committee oo sion.” F. J. CHENEY & Ohio. man was knocked down favor of an of for CO., Toledo, inland fisheries and be directed to in- by its terrific appropriation fl,500 the March 21,1832, the daughter of John H. and Sold 73c. game “What's the matter now, mother?” by Druggists, quire into the of the force. The deck was of the in the town of Take Hall's Pills expediency amending swept clean of rebuilding bridge Mary Jones Langdon. Ever since her Family for constipation. taw on deer In the counties of Androscoggin, “Yon scarcely spoke a word to that everything movable. After the water had Mariaville. marriage she had lived at the State street Kennebec, Waldo. Knox. York. Lincoln, young man were Introduced to Cumberland and Sagadahoc, and on the is- run from the the men were you Sait. deck, surprised MATTERS OF GENERAL INTEREST. home, built for his bride by Mr. Hopkins. Jot land of Mount end on the islands last evening." Desert, to find a large mackerel flopping around, Mr. died March 1811. within the limits of the town of Isle su Haul, A bill to the length of Hopkins 24, They — and in which regulate hat-pins “I didn't like his way, mother.” Applet plum, pear. Bushes: the town of Swan’s Island, and on they quickly captured, and the stew- had one child—Helen, wife of Arthur currant, Croas and Scotch was introduced Wednesday. “Did know him?” TreesRaspberry, blackberry, goose- islands, with s view of mak- ard cooked it for their dinner. Tbe in- you berry. rose. ana ornsmentsMrees. ing a uniform close time in those and A Shnte, who died Nov. 11,1909. Shrubbery place*, bill to compel railroads to sell 250, 500 never met him before." Maine-grown stock. attention to or- to bill or men were looked after “No; I’d Prompt report by otherwise, jured by the physi- The funeral will be heid*at the home ders mail. Write for Han- FEB. and 1,000-mile mileage books at .two cents “Do know about him?” by particulars. WEDNESDAY, * at 3 p. ro. No. 57. cian. The vessel will sail for her home at 2 you anything cock Co. Nursery Co.. Surry. Me. An act to regulate the of firearms port a mile has been introduced. to-morrow afternoon o’clock, carrying that he seemed to within the limits of the town of Mourn De- after landing her of fish. The y “Nothing, except Oak in 10 cargo cap- Point, Trenton. mile; sert, Hancock Also of John A bill to require vehicles to carry lights me to be below Ellsworth, with connty. petition tain the worst month on very impertinent." HOUSE—At good-sited lots C. Pedder and 49 reports the fish- NORTH PENOBSCOT. fine location for others of Mount Desert for at night has been presented. The bill “Still, shouldn't have snubbed summer residence. Apply to ing ground that he has known in you Ellsworth Loan St Building Ass'n. Ells- thirty on WEDNESDAY. FEB. m No. «- provides that every vehicle wheels, on Mrs. J. M. Hutchins returned home him, at least until had learned worth. Me. 28, at2 p. years’ experience.” you An act to provide for the of the or shall have from Feb. 15. protection any public highway bridge, Augusta more about him. Once 1 snubbed a Hungarian partridge, so called, also caper* LUMBER—Cedar h ; Sg; ?8, or so as to be visible planed cailxie, or cock of the woods, ao called, black light lights displayed Maurice Carter left Wednesday for young man that way without knowing BOAT2 aides, oak keels, timbers, etc. Also EAST SULLIVAN. Milo, game, so-called, and all apeciea of the pheas- from the front and the rear, from one hour house finish, piazza poats and brackets. Tele- where he has employment as a fireman. who he was, and I regretted it ever ant, except ruffed grouse or partridge, so- Mrs. E. phone. R. E. Bent, Brooklin. Me. W. Hill, of Bar Harbor, is visit- after sunset to one hour before snnnse. called. Belva Leach came from Castine after, because I found out later that ng relatives here. Miss WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, at 2 p. m. No. For the first time in the history of Maine 51. An to a few with her he was very rich. I might have mar- act to prevent the pollution of the Friday spend days par- Sprtial Koiun* waters of the Mrs. Thomas Coughlin left Monday for legislatures, the judiciary committee has ried him if I had been more careful.” State. ents. Bin P. her home in returned a unanimous in favor of Clark, Secretary. Big Rapids, Mich., much im- report —Detroit Free Press.' NOTICE. M. H. Hododon. Clerk. Leon Leach and little daughter Helen _ proved in health. woman’s suffrage. There is a strong prob- persons are hereby notified and visited Mrs. who is still warned not to on SKA ANl> 8UOKK VI9HKKIF.S. ability that the measure that recently Leach, ALL trespass the Eben Alonzo who is re- providing Bruises Become Black and Blue. Merrill in the towns of Otis and The Thomsen, pleasantly in the Eastern Maine at Why property committee on see end shore fisheries the of women the ballot general hospital Dedham, as all on membered as a guest at sailed the question giving The color of blood is due chiefly to trespassing said property will five » hearing at the State House, in Au- Hillcuf, Leach ia and ex- will be to the be submitted to a vote of the Bangor. Mrs. gaining, prosecuted full extent of the {fasts, last of for people, will iron in the little tlood cells. When lew. January Algiers. Ebkn Merrill. THURSDAY, FEB. 1818. an act to both Senate and House pects to be able to come home soon. 17, On pass during the the iron is in these little blood by Marie K. Maddox, his agent amend the law to tbs The many friends of Miss Jessie B. kept present in regard session. Feb. December 81, 1912. measurement of lobsters. present 17._H. which are and Bunker are grieved and anxious because cells, living traveling On an act that the law* A bill to authorize the of providing present employment around in the blood color CARD lobsters be so as to of her serious illness in where she ISLESFORD.^ vessels, the OP THANKS. governing amended pro* Boston, on the has bibit the shipment of lobsters out of the State county prisoners highways is red. Hit the skin hard enough to wish thus publicly to express ou is a trained nurse. A social dance was held at the Dwelley from June 13 to September 1. been on WE thanks to friends and neighbors wb< favorably reported by committee break some of the little blood vessels On an Act a on lob- were ao very kind to us in the recent estaolishing close time H. O. Johnson and Edwin have house Friday evening. loss o sters in Doyle ways and bridges. our home at Ellsworth certain waters of Hancock county. beneath the surface and the little red Palls by fire. On been unfortunate this winter in Rev. F. W. Tingley returned Saturday an act U> prohibit lobster-pot fishing in receiving cells escape from the injured blood William H. Fkmnald and Family. York river. cuts from axes. Both are now able to from a visit in Massachusetts. Ellsworth, Feb. On an Act a on lob- EAST ORLAND. vessels, wander about for awhile in Palls, 1ft, 1913. establishing close time walk again without crutches. sters in the waters of Joneaport and Addison Arthur Ham and wife are receiving con- the tissues and die. When die in the of Mre. Bessie Dan bar is out again, after they county Washington. Miss Georgia H. Emery, of Newton, gratulations upon the arrival of a nine- the iron that made them red before Smuenmnu. On an act to amend Cnapter 1 of the Public an attack of grip. Laws of 1911 relative to so that the Mass., called on relatives here last Wed- on Feb. 14. scallops, pound boy then changes to black and blue color- provisions of present Isw will not apply to She was the of her The infant (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. certain waters of nesday. guest aunt, who has been ill some After awhile this iron is taken up Penobscot bay Edward Blaok, ing. Sec. Mrs. at W. O. Alpheus Biaisdell died Feb. 11. Luwia B. McFaoden. Cummings, Emery’s. weeks, left Saturday for the Portland by the glands enlied the lymphatics Feb. 17. H. Wentworth & Co.’s lumber with JUDICIARY. shed, for an Mrs. {Slack and made over again into nice red cells. hospital operation. CHAPMAN The was burned this committee on will gi*« contents, morning. Mabel are with Mr. Black’s The Iron is taken up very much more judiciary NORTH SULLIVAN. and daughter hearing in the hall of the House of Represen* The Priscilla club will meet with Mrs. parents at Sutton. quickly by the lymphatics if the black ** State House in Augusta, s* fol- has become an tows**’ Smelting quite industry H. Dunbar afternoon. and blue is rubbed and massaged. Emily Thursday Feb. 17. S. spot WEDNESDAY, FEB. No.60. To here. _ 19. at 2 p.m. —St. and Herbert F. Harriman, of South Glaston- Nicholas. repiiate provide for the use of automo- AURORA. CONCERT biles in the town of Eden. Hancock county. P. Merchant is home is No. Harry from U. bury, Conn., visiting his parents, Jo- 77. Relating to the nee of automo- will meet with biles on of M. W. Harriman and w ife. The sewing circle Mrs. Hi* Painful Debut. the island of Mt. Desert. seph HANCOCK HALL, No. 108. Annie Silsby Thursday. “I shall Dot easily forget my debut,” Relating to the use of automobiles Miss G. E. Martin, of North Hancock, is Elijah White butchered a hog recently in the town of Mt. Desert, Hancock county, who been Sir Charles Wyndham said on one oc- State of Maine. a guest of Miss M. E. Moon. which over 700 The lard William Crosby, has quite ill weighed pounds. casion. “We at Reassigned. of the is opened Washington, No. G. G. Pettee came out of the from the animal weighed 106 mumps, improving. Sat. THURSDAY. FEB. 27. at 2 p. m., on woods pounds. as a March15 and I appeared character who Eve’g, An to amend **An Act to establish the called home the illness of Miss Maud Mrs. William Crosby, who has been Western Wednesday, by Simpson, who has spent the had to declare, ‘1 am drunk with love Hancock Municipal Court.” is his wife. He will return to winter with her Mrs. visiting relatives in Ellsworth, home. John R. Dukton, Sec. Whitneyville sister, Ralph Lowell, and enthusiasm.’ Having uttered the _ to-day. has returned to her home in Dr. of was called here Mme. Florence Anderson Bucksport. Ford, Eddington, first three words, I was seized with Otis, The Feb. 18. M. the serious illness of the minstrel show under the manage- Sunday by stage fright and said no more. This Sopraho, New York. clttorrtianums. ment of Herbert and the high school infant daughter of Crosby a New faculty Friday MARLA VILLE. Is what I read in York paper was Miss Sue largely attended. Receipts, |42. A wife. the next morning: ‘A Mr. Wyndham Winchell, costumer from The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Feb. 17. C. Ellsworth furnished the represented a young man from South ’Cellist, and Wm. O. EMERY and all Alexander Rushton died costumes, the parts were finely Friday. America. He had better go there him- ELLSWURTH. taken. A lively serenade was given Shirley NORTH self.’ Chevalier Salvatore TITLES XJFeb. 17. Giordano,' M. Gray and wife Monday evening at the L. D. fatten, with hia team, ia employed the great Italian Tenor, from the home of Dr.C. C. Morrison. A fine treat Rich** and Contantmant. ELLSWORTH, MAINE Edward D. counsel at Qreen Lake. Itoyal opera house, Robbins, general for awaited the serenaders. “Contentment Is better than riches,” Moscow, the New New Haven & J. H. Nason is at home from where and Searches made and obstructs York, Hartford Feb. 17. F. Jay, said the made ready philosopher. and copiss furnished on short Baiiroad Co., said last week that the appli- he has been employed. •■True," replied Mr. Dustin Stax, “but Mr. William R. notice, and at HUSWUKi HBCES cation of John D. Lindsay, counsel for Mr. F. E. B. Hazel Chapman, Mrs. Nellie Nevells and (daughter my observation is that a man who is at the of the Grand for the We heard a man say the other morning that piano. OFFICEl Chamberlin, Trunk, were recent guests of relatives here. has a better chance of the abbreviation for — means rich becoming of a commission to take February—Feb. appointment was a man who is freeze everybody. and that man Looked frozen Miss Alta Emery, of Hull's Cove, a content than contented MORRISON. JOY & CO. BLOCK, testimony in London concerning the con- Tickets will go on in his ulster. It was apparent that he needed recent guest of her sister, Mrs. Dellie has of becoming rich.”—Washington public sale STATE STREET, ditions of the one financial markets which the kind warmth week before the of that stays, the warmth that Maddocks. Star. concert, Sat- Tdspfcm, 125-2. caused for the Grand p. *. hi. 715 difficulty Trank in reaches from head to foot, all over the urday, March body. Miss Kuth Maddocks is visiting her 8, at Moore’s l>rug raising any money at the time when the We could have told him^rom personal knowl- Y*t Different. Store. No Mrs. Moore and ;Mrs. Perry, at Alik*, standing room will be sold. work upon the line from Palmer to Provi- edge that Hood’s Sarsaparilla gives perma- sisters, Mrs. Youngbrtde—My husband Is very Secure your tickets at nent it the blood Bar Harbor. once, in order dence was stopped, pertains wholly to the warmth,| invigorates and never SEVEN determined. He gives up. Mrs. that be PREMIUMS speeds it along through artery and vein, and Mrs. William of,|Ellsworth, you may sure of a seat. Grand Trank feature of the discussion, Maloney, Klosefijit (sadly)—Neither does mine.— 6 Dining Chain and Hocker really fits men and women, boys and girls to with her of and has nothing whatever to do with the spent a few days recently Boston Globe. given with one *10 order enjoy cold weather and resist the attacks of toilet New York, New Haven & Hartford’s side mother, Mrs. Webster Higgins. TICKETS, noape, teas, apices, disease. It gives the right kind of warmth, 50c, 75c, $1. articles and Send of the The counsel for Presi- The ball by the groceries. controversy. stimulates and strengthens at the same time, masquerade given You can do in a second what it takes for catalogue of premiums. are well dent Mellen Mr. Bobbins, John H. W. and all its benefits are There to grange Friday evening was fairly to over The only place to is at lasting. may years get regretting.—New get bargains the HOMS SUPPLY CO., Crim and William Greenough. a suggestion in this for you.—Advt. attended. A pleasant time is reported. Yorkl’ress. etore that advertises for trade. your A Dept. Maranaoook, Me. CONTEST. THE SPEAKING CHAPMAN CONCERT. MOUTH OF THK K«VKR. Menace of Wood Alcohol. fttrbertigtnifnta. KlUworth The wide-spread discussion which fol- Sophomore CIa»» ol Hl*h Famous Tenor Giordano and Three Francis Murch is employed in the St. School Give Exhibition. Other Great Artlst6. Croix hotel, Calais. lowed the series of deaths in Berlin as a serie* of con- Not since the Maconda Ernest The first of the speaking great concert Capt. Ray, of schooper Henry consequence of the drinking of liquors given in of the Ellsworth Ellsworth a dozen or so years B. Haveral, is home. v by pupils high contaminated with wood alcohol has tests ago, when Hancock hall was to packed Miss Una E. after a week with took place last Wednesday even.ng the Tobie, again attracted attention to its poisonous school doors, has there been here such a mu- Dennis O. Reynolds and wife, has re- hall, when thirteen members sical event as is booked character. There has been considerable at Hancock for Ellsworth on turned to Dexter. class the of the sophomore spoke. evening Saturday, March 15, at difference of opinion as to whether the of The drama, ‘‘Down in Maine,” given by was a creditable one Hancock hall. poisonous effect of this substance is The exhibition the Town Hill dramatic club at Bayside Everyone knows that famous musicians actually due to the alcohol itself or to and the had a bard hall Feb. was judges are grange 11, well presented. throughout, expensive; that they can, as a rule, some impurities, which are almost in- name the winners of the three On account of the storm, the attendance task to only be heard in the great cities; seldom variably present in all except the most Guesses as to where the prizes was small. prizes. in smaller places, and, only then by retined products. There is a scarcity of the attention of the would land occupied some streak of good fortune; it is only by Capt. 8hirley Holt, with hii two little facts regarding the actual behavior of after the judges had retired, and girls, Berneta and of audience this, and Mr. Chapman’s regard for Ells- Emily, Portsmouth, wood alcohol in the animal body, so that variation of these guesses indicated N. who have a week with his the worth and its festival chorus that this H., spent the underlying causes of its extremely excellence of all the speakers. H. B. Holt and returned the general concert can be given here. parents, wife, poisonous character are by no means it. B. Mathews, home The judges—Bev. Judge Everyone who attended the last Maine Thursday. clearly understood. A. M. Kail and Miss Mary Greely- music With Henry festival knows that Mr. Giordano The at respect to ordinary grain alcohol, to Christina K. Lincoln-Washington party Bay- first prize Doyle, was the sensation and the the ot our alcoholic awarded surprise. Not- side grange hall Feb. 15, under the man- component beverages* between L. Camber gecoud divided Myrtle all the the facts are better understood. withstanding splendid artists, agement of the February committee, was a Ordinary Kuth liridgea, and third to George H. and among them Mme. Nordica and Mme. success socially and financially. Much alcohol is, when taken in 'moderate quan- Gould. Kappold, this man captivated everybody credit is due Sisters Susie Smith and Julia tities, rapidly burned up in the body. of the follows: The full program evening with his wonderful and This fact has been demonstrated num- singing per- Kemick, who arranged the program by by* for the Train,” erous Ellsworth as & Late it is a With wood Machine «Too sonality, and, just stated, by the children and younger members of the experiments. 'alcohol, Foundry Works, Ruth Bridges streak of the case seems to great fortune that Ellsworth grange. and card- however, bejjdifforent Water Me. at Mobile,” Refreshments, dancing Street, Ellsworth, .•Farraeut is given an opportunity to hear him—an followed the according to the recent investigations in Robert Hammond Haynes playing entertainment. opportunity not likely to be ours ag^in the Institute for the Fermentation In- ♦♦The Battle of Life”.Mary A Livermore if ever. dustries at Berlin. Gladys Louise Jordan soon, GREK'S LAKK. THE BUICK—Five Models Giordano is the artist who has It has been shown that when wood “Auat Polly Green”.George M Vickers greatest Mrs. Alice Julia Morrison Kstey ever visited us, and this concert will go Spencer is employed in Ban- alcohol is administered to animals it may THE COLE—Three Models "Valley Forge”.Henry Armot Brown down into history, foi if this wonderful gor. not be eliminated completely even at the Frederick THE Merle Qoogine young men has his health and strength it Capt. H. F. Lord has finished harvesting end of two days. The .repeated ingestion GENERAL MOTOR CO.’S Cullen Bryant ••Thanatopsis”.William is only a question of a few years when he ice for the cottages and for himself. of considerable doses of wood alcohol may Trucks from 1,000 lbs. to 5 tons. Frances Falls Winnie will be lead to a accumulation commanding f2,000 a night. Mr* Bacon & Robinson dangerous thereof "Deepwater Politica”.May McHenry have eight teams | Giordano will sing some songs in in the body. This factor has heretofore Sylvia Marcaret Marshall English hauling wood, and more are expected as well as in his native tongue. not been duly appreciated. ..fhe Black Horse and His Rider,” j this week. Charles Mrs. Florence Anderson Otis, soprano, These subtle dangers associated with the Models of Above Cars carried in Stock Sheppard Arthur Moore has sold his house and George Henry Gould ! who shared honors with Mme. Schumann- use of wood alcohol deserve widespread moved to Mrs. N. Rumill’s house where he ‘•Making a Man of the Boy,” I Heink and Mme. Nordica at the Ocean notice because of the increasing danger will farm. He has resigned his railroad Eleanor Hale Higgins Grove festival last season, is an artist of its unsuspected entrance as an adulterant at job. “tfpartacus to the Roman Envoys Etruria,” great promise, and will add immensely to of the cheaper grades of distilled liquors Charles Albert Haynes the and certain medicinal The in- programme with her solos, and in the There are two kinds of business news products. ••The Supremacy of the Art of Poetry,” great duets which she sings with Mr. —community news, the activities of busi- satiable demand for cheap liquors among Victor Cousins ness and civic Giordano. organizations, and this certain of the degraded classes, says the Myrtle Louise Camber news the newspapers are publishing in in- Miss Hue Winchell needs no Journal the American Medical As- SALE Indian Warrior’s Defense,” | introduc- creasing volume, their of FOR ‘•The doing part notably and the with which Stephen Lee Joy tion to the larger cities of Maine, for she and helping in the great work of rousing sociation, difficulty the new in New The the admixture of the wood “Lily Servosse’s Ride,”.Albion Tourgec is an immense favorite. Hhe is by far the spirit England. inexpensive other kind is the news of individual en- Christina Kenney Doyle finest ’cellist Maine has alcohol is detected, provide a constant lady produced. terprises, and this news is advertising, to the dealer and AN AI I KJ5CIATIU3- Mr. Chapman’s artistic work needs no which must be published and paid for by temptation unscrupulous the one who the results.— a menace to the health of certain classes* One as Safe (By one of the audience.] comment, he has long been called a profits by of once Pilgrim Publicity. However adulteration Large A celebrated teacher expression wizard of the baton, as well as of the objectionable may be on it becomes said: “There comes a time in the life of piano. general principles, far when some almost every man when he is obliged to Prof. Chapman writes The American MARINE LIST. worse subtle danger is harbored before an and to do^o that he has made a therein. 0. W. speak audience, program which will ease is an to all which Hancock County Porta. Tapley, creditably and with accomplish- appeal classes, is especially ment.M operatic and popular. Southwest Harbor—Sid Feb 18. tug Gypsum 3Utfurti0tmattk, Ellsworth, Maine King with Br barge Daniel M Munroe, New Listening to thirteen boys and girls All are advised to secure seats early, in York for Halifax, N 8 Sid Feb 15, sch Charles C bound east from ?he sophomore class of the high order that they may not be Lister, G. A. PARCHER’S SUCCESS. disappointed; In port at Southwest Harbor. Feb 17. sch school, speaking to an audience in Han- hundreds were turned away in December, Lawson (Br). New York for Shelburne, N 8 Id at Bass Feb cock hall last Wednesday evening, “cred- when this wonderful artist appeared in port Harbor, 11, schs Wauola I Great Popularity of Plan to Sell Get on the Safe Side of the the writer won- Fence, itably and with ease,” many of the larger cities, and this second Mediciue at Half-Price and dered how many of our citizens realize tour has been made possible only by the Guarantee a Cure. BORN. that the students are having an oppor- fact that so many places where he was G. A. Parcher, the enterprising druggist, Before it is too Late tunity to acquire that “accomplishment’* wanted were disappointed last December, rather than await the ordinary methods of DAVI8—Afc Deer Feb to Mr Isle, 11, and Mrs Insure that are in the series of speaking contests held owing to the fact that Mr. Chapman and John Q Davis, a son. introduction, urged the Dr. Howard Co. to with companies reliable. last year and this through the voluntary Mr. Giordano were unable to be away GORDON—At Franklin, Feb 6, to Mr and Mrs Becure a quick sale for their celebrated Insure with companies that are safe and sound. Judaon A Gordon, a daughter. efforts of the teachers. from New York more than two weeks at specific for the cure of constipation and Insure with companies that pay losses immedi HAVEY—At North Sullivan, Feb 7, to Mr and Not alone “to the victors belong the that time. * offering the 50c Mrs Galen Havey, a son. [Curtis Macom- dyspepsia by regular ately. for the that are so lie member that concert is ber. bottle at half spoils”, prizes gener- this given | price. Insure with only the best companies—and the ously offered are but an incident—an in- under the auspices of the festival chorus, HOOPER—At Stonington, Feb 7, to Mr and In addition to selling a 50c bottle of Dr. Mrs Fred W Hooper, a daughter. [Sarah best companies are handled by ducement to the contestants and an in- which receives a percentage of the receipts, Louisa.] Howard’s specific for 25c, Mr. Parcher has teresting feature to the audience. The which goes to the help local expenses. LEACH-At Bluehill, Feb 11, to Mr and Mrs so much faith in the Remedy that he will Jeremiah L a excellent work of those who win is separa- Don’t forget the date —Saturday, Marchl5. Leach, daughter. refund the money to anyone whom it does C. W. & F. L. MASON, Real Estate. M’AULIFFE—At West Brooksville, Feb to Insurance, ted from that of their less fortunate Tickets will on sale at Moore’s 10, not cure. go drug- Mr and Mrs Charles McAuliffe, a son. mates a hair's all have one week before When head aches by only breadth; store the concert. Secure MITCHELL—At Spokane, Wash, Jan 31, to your your stomach does owners will be from fire their Mr and Mrs Asa A a son. Property protected by bad alike the incentive to search for the seats early. Mr. Giordano will sing no- Mitchell, not digest food easily and naturally when placing best in literature, the same careful prepa- less then ten timss. there is constipation, specks before the ration for their work, and each student MARRIED. eyes, tired feeling, giddiness, bad taste in who acquits himself so creditably has the mouth, coated tongue, heart burn, sour WIRELESS PHONE A SUCCESS. GR08S—DORR—At Bncksport, Jan 22, by W Fire taken a and a or in the Insurance long never-to-be-forgotten A Remick, esq. Miss Caroline F Gross, of stomach, roaring ringing ears, step toward and Isle au Hunt, to Raymond L Dorr, of Orland. and liver Dr. How- easy graceful public Harvard melancholy troubles, Professor Sends Sound of MERCHANT—REED—At North Sullivan, Feb with E. J. ELLSWORTH. speaking. ard’s specific will cure you. If it does WALSH, Voioe Thirty-five Miles. 11, by Rev E F Wood, Miss Hazel Mae Mer- If the public would realize in how large chant, to Bert Maynard Reed, both of Han- not, it will not cost you a cent. Assistant Professor G. W. Pierce of measure these contests eliminate the This latest achievement of science is of Comnuasston fHercijanta. the department of at Harvard 8PURLING—BAULIER—At Gouldsboro, Feb need of such a course in expression as is physics great value in curing sick headache. 11, by C C Larrabee, esq. Miss Lola E Spur- The advertisements below some of has devised a new wireless telephone represent offered in the schools of large cities, and ling, of Gouldsboro, to George A Haulier, of Thousands of women are to-day free from the leading houses of New England. Our WHEN IN PORTLAND Instrument which revo- Bangor. readers will doubtless find them of value. would give the support of their patronage may eventually that painful disease solely through the use STOP AT lutionize the methods of distance at the exhibitions, the contests might be long of this specific. “The Homelike House for communication. The new Instrument DIED. Maine Folks" made a feature of every school year, as- has In- the students at least one of already received the hearty suring evening AREY — At Feb dorsement of John Hammond. Jr. Stonlngton, 14, Mrs Henry practical application of the laws of Hays Arey. CHASE HOUSE Professor Pierce was the guest of Mr. BENNETT—At BOSTON oratory, and the audience an evening of Orland, Feb 4. Virginia, infant Hammond nt his Gloucester laboratory daughter of Mr and Mrs Ernest Bennett. Midway between New Hall literary entertainment at a nominal price. (Corrected.) COMMISSION MERCHANT City at Fresh Water Cove where WANT and Monument recently, BLAIS DELL—At East Orland, Feb 11, infant Square a series of experiments was conducted daughter of Mr and Mrs Alpheus Blaisdell. WANTED Only Fireproof Hotel in the State “KVA&QEL1MS.” with the new apparatus. BON8EY—At Bucksport, Feb 12, Mrs Joseph Conveniently Located lor Bonsey, aged 84 years. The wireless was concentrated ; Veals and Lambs Conventions. power CONNEAU-At Jan people Attending Cast of Characters for Production Portland. 12, Mrs Rose about fifty feet above sea level. By Conneuu, aged 62 years. Ask Dr. A. G. Every courtesy and attention shown To-morrow Yellow Birch, White Birch, Young, Evening. means of the new instrument Professor DUNHAM—At Deer Isle, Feb 15, Daisy B Dun- ladies alone Rock and some board of health' travelling The cast of principal characters in the ham. aged 12 days. Maple Pop- Sec’v State Pierce got Into communication with lar Bolts, cut 49 in. Prices ALL MODERN CONVENIENCES production of “Evangeline’* to-morrow GILLEY—At Orland, Feb 14, Arthur G Gilley, how to the Harvard Wireless club, thirty-five aged 58 years. to be in proportion to the Augusta, Maine, TRANSIENT KATES evening at Hancock hall, is as follows: miles away, and talked with several of GOULD—At Ellsworth, Feb 17, George Gould, quality, as our previous comply with new law, and ROOMS lONLV SI.00 PER DAY AND UP. Evangeline.Mrs L Crabtree aged 82 years, 5 months, 10 days. have Harry the club members for a space covering prices been $6 to $6.50 ROOM AND DOARD S2.00 PER DAY AND UP. GRAY — At West Sedgwick, Feb 10, Mrs then to us. Gabriel.Harold L Hooper minutes. per cord for the hard wood ship fifteen Amanda C Gray, aged 78 years, 2 months, 20 H. E. THURSTON. R. F. Benedict Bellefontaine.W A Alexander and $4.50 to $5 per cord for HIMMELEIN, Ba#il LeJeunesse...John Blood. Jr It Doe* Indeed. QRI?e'nLAW—At Rockland, Feb 11, Thomas the poplar, delivered in our PROPRIETORS Father Felician...... Fred U Smith Little Willie, who was puzzled over A Greenlaw, aged 72 years, 3 months. factory yard. HALL & Munjoy Hill Cars pass the door Rene GROSS—At Ellsworth, Feb COLE, Le Blanc.Ralph Royal the name of a famous arctic explorer, 19, Stephen Gross, aged 75 years, 17 days. Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants Indian Woman.Mrs Harry E Rowe do asked his father. -How you pro- HOPKINS-At Ellsworth. Feb 18, For further information call Indian L Crabtree Mary E, Chief.Harry of K-n-u-d Ras- widow of James H 80 nounce the first name Hopkins, aged years, at the office of the Michael, the Fiddler...... Frank Campbell 10 months. 27 days. Apples, Potatoes, Cranberries THE— mussen—with a short u or a long one?" Indiana, peasants, soldiers, etc. HUTCHINGS—At Lamoine, Feb 13, Mrs Abbie our Specialties. “Oh, It doesn't make any differencuH Hutchings, aged SI years, 9 months. ELLSWORTH HARDWOOD This entertainment is given in thirteen COMPANY, Send for steucils and weekly market report. replied the father, who didn't know. PAINE—At Soldiers' Home, Togus, Feb 16, *c*nes, and is acted in while Richard Paine, of Eden, 83 ELLSWORTH, ME. 100-102 Faneui! Hall Market, Boston, Mass. CLARION. pantomime, "Well. I don't know!” said the boy. aged years. Mra. recites the The PENDLETON—At East Orland,' Feb 12, Mrs Kodenhaugh story. makes a deal of dif- "I think It good Loenine A Pendleton, aged 58 11 Whether it’s a or a ®olo« are a feature. Mrs. Crabtree will years, range fur- ference whether a man la nud or nude months, 27 days. sing “Protestations” and “It Was Not so Bar nace—if it is a it is In the arctic regional” PHILLIPS—At Harbor, Feb 11, Mrs Frank “Clarion”, to Be”. Phillips, aged 66 years, 11 months, 29 days, APPLES Mrs. Rowe, as the Indian PLUMB I NO, sure to Deer meet every requirement. *oman, will render “The Garden of PICKERING—At Isle, Feb 12. Mrs Ada F Cause and Effect. Pickering, aged 37 years, 5 months, 6 days. POULT RY Made the Wood Co. Sleep”, Mr. Blood,) in the scene, Hot Water Heating, Furnace by Bishop chapel "Look beub, doctah; I've taken youah PIERCE—At Portland, Feb 13, Mrs Clara B Ship To has an effective “Ave and Pierce, aged 67 years. Bangor. Sold by Marie” Ralph advice and tried a cantab wound the Work and Jobbing. S. L-. BURR & RODICK—At Bar Harbor, Feb 16, Mrs Ellen OO., Koyal, as the jolly old notary, sings a Mass. park before breakfast, but it doesn't do Rodick, aged 68 years. Boston, “atein a chorus. HONEST HONEST song” assisted by large — WORK; PRICES J. my llvah a bit of good.” RODICK At Bar Harbor, Feb 10, Milton Stencils and Cards Furnished. P. ELD1JLLDGE, The dances 58 which enliven the produc- "Uh! Pm afraid the good effects of Rodick, aged years. tion are SMITH—At Otter Creek, Feb 17, Julius Smith. Years* Main Street, Ellsworth. effective. The Acadian gavotte, the canter before breakfast are coun- Twenty Experience. by tight is the SPENCER — At Watertown, Mass, Feb 15, Personal attention to all de*a s. Telephone abdrrtisrmtms young ladies, stately; teracted by the bud effects of the de- Caroline E, wife of Thomas W Spencer, or mall orders promptly attended to. Haymakers’ Dance”, by eight couples, a canter after dinner.”—London Tutler. formerly of Ellsworth Falls, aged 52 years. lively frolic, while the Acadian reel, by THOMAS At West Eden, Feb 16, Helen KLLSWOETH electrical :r«a and”— Goods called tor and delivered. some new talent ANDREW M. MOOR. wonderfully good, and down!” thundered the is “Sit speaker. H. B. ESTEY At Estey Building, State St.. being brought forth which* will be a CO. Ellsworth “I have tried vainly to catch your ‘aye’ Kstey Building. State St.. Ellsworth. Me surprise to the Mrs. The winter public. Kodenhaugh several times when it was needed.”— open has left me with 18 specially with the and pleased cast, Philadelphia Ledger. Medicine for the Blood compares it most favorably with that FUR COATS secured in larger The Dr H W OSGOOD many places. Inconsiderate. which I can dispose of at BARGAIN children are wonderfully good. Rachel “If you don’t stop nagging me, Em- PRICES. Haines and Ella May Johnston are the New Location Blk. ily, I shall shoot myself this very min- Is Needed Now Manning DAVID small soloists. Their of the Office : FRIDAY FRIEND, Ellsworth, Me. rendering ute.” Day ‘Voodoo Man”, assisted chorus will be All kinds of Repairing done. by "Yes, that’s like you, when you Because the unhealthful inodes of the Bangor Office : 12 Grove St. promptly one of the hits. Just living during know how nervous 1 am when I hear winter have made the This entertainment is not an amateur blood impure, loss of shot.”—London Tit-Bits. causing PtoftBBtonal £arbe. affair in the a true sense of the word. It is appetite and that tired feeling, as well as the sores IRA B. given under the auspices of^the Ellsworth HAGAN, Jr., LICE H. A Life Position, and that occur at this time. A SCOTT Merchants* association,' and under the eruptions Civil Annette—Ethel is about to accept a Engineer, SPECIALTY MADE OF irection of Mr. and Mrs. Be sure to take TYPEWRITING, ACCOUNTING AND Kodenhaugh. hours a Hood’s this Land A dance lifetime job of twenty-four Sarsaparilla spring. Surveyor. GENERAL CLERICAL WORK. will follow thei entertainment. Agent Union Safe Music Florence—Indeed! Annette—Yes. It combines the curative of CorrtspondMce Solicits. Deposit & Trust Co., of Port- by Campbell’s orchestra. day. great principles roots, land. for furnishing Probate and Surety Bonds She is to marry a man to reform ELLSWORTH FALLS, ME. P. 0 Box 7. going barks and herbs, so as to raise them to their highest Agent Oliver Typewriter, typewriter supplies him—Chicago News. Cor. Main and Water Sts. (over Moore's Drug East Maine Conference. efficiency in the treatment of all blood blood Store). Ellsworth. Me. The humors, East Maine Methodist conference, Growth is better than permanence, diseases and run-down conditions. Adverliaing it like learning to awim Bishop Henderson presiding, will be and growth is better than Save confidence, itrike out and you will ^»th®»ld permanent at the week 21. Get Hood’s All win. for Annum aw Bucksport .of April alL _ Sarsaparilla today. druggists. turely Subscribe Thk He n> fifty-eight yean of age- He leave* I Almrrtusnncnlft made her borne, and Mrs. Pyam L. COUNTY NEWS NEWS — NEWS COUNTY one sieter Mn. C. B. Pineo, and one COUNTY Gilkeyi of Germantown, Pa.; and three brother — Fountain. B. Winchester, step-sons—J. Pendleton,of BLUEHILL. ORLAND. SYMPTOMS OF HANCOCK. S. of R. GORSUMPnoi Mass.; G. Pendleton, Providence, B. who bu been C. 8. Snowman is filling bi*iee-bouse. WEST HANCOCK. Mr*. Lcring Bennett, P. E. Walker a pent the week-end in and J. L. Pendleton, of Somerville, I., very 111. M improving. Grindle has to Van Buren Mile* ia hla brother in Ellsworth, the guest of Everett Davis and Joseph gone Frank visiting to Mass.__ Morrill who bee been ill of neu- Yield VlaoL wife. to resume his work. Augusta. Dunn, CAPE ROSIER. two ir much r G. Williams is in relgie montbe, improved. The medical profession do not A. B. Crabtree and wife are visiting their Mrs. Edward visiting Fred E. MiUlken and wife recently lie. Albert Gray is building a speed boat. and Howard Jobneon, wbo bee bed e long Here that consumption is daughter, Mrs. Ira Gray, in Mansfield, Boston vicinity. visited relative* in Surry. Inherited, seri- tbe reeult of wee reel- but a person may inherit a Mass. 8. D. Gray our oldest resident, is The class of 1914, Bluehill academy, are illnees, pnenmonie, weakness Herbert C. Shute has been in Holden comfortably or to that disease. ill. to “Miss Board- ing Betordey. tendency Mrs. Charles Hodgkins and son Fuller, ously planning present Busby’s the week on business. cltlsetl is harvested past Arthur G. Gilley, of Buckaport, died et A prominent of of Bangor, are guests of Walter Hodgkins About 100 tones of ice being ers’*. Evansvll!^ Earl who ha* been in tbe borne of bia aunt, Mrs. Laura Marka, Ind.. writes: "I was 111 for and wife. from Fresh pond. Fred Atherton and wife came here last! Young, employed fire U borne. death wee al- months with pulmonary an Boston and vicinity the past year, Feb. 14. Hie unexpected, trouble, and Mrs. Ellen Crabtree is ill. Her John Rlake is hauling logs to build week to bring the remains of their little quite Mr*. Elizabeth and daughter, be bad been ill about two weeke. had the best of doctors; I had hemorr- extension to his wharf. about seven months. Tncy though a trained nurse, is car- child, aged was In daughter Gertrude, Mrs. Shaw, of Ellsworth were gueats last Hie wife, wbo wee Helen L Dorr, aurvlvea h&ges and a very bad way. for her. Mrs. Valerious Black has returned from News has been received of the death of ing week of Mrs.Herman Sinclair. him; also three children — Howard £., Through the advice of a friend 1 tried Mrs. who has been an extended visit in New York. Mrs. O. H. Venner, a former resident of and I feel that It Eugene Hodgkins, Mrs. Sherman McFarland is ill. Her Florence E. and Uladya M. Both Mr. Vlnol, saved my in Mass., several Maurice has a 7%/ horse- this town. She leaves one daughter— lived life. It Is all you recommend visiting Brockton, Gray bought mother, Mrs. Daniel Gallison, of Hancock, Gilley and wife were nativee of and It to new Mrs. of Mass. is home. awer Knox to install in his Mary Bacon, Waltham, in Orland. Hie be. I believe It Is the greatest months, engine and her Mrs. Acborn, of Dor- nearly tbelr entire livee medi- sister, I and Mrs. H. W. John- launch. Among the coming events are two bas- death cauaea aadneae here. cine on earth. have advised Mrs. G. H. Young chester, Mass., are here. profound others ket ball — vs. to and have son were confined to their homes last eldest son of Winfield Gray, gatpes Castine Bluehill, Feb. 17. D. try Vlnol, they had tha Donald, Feb. 17. «w. Sumac. Feb. Ellsworth vs. Bluehill same results.” (Name week with severe colds. has been very ill of spinal meningitis, Thursday 20; fugtlshed on Juniors Saturday, Feb. 22. This will be request.) Mrs. E. N. Foss, who has been visiting in but he is better. BLUE HILL FALLS. GOULDS BORO. followed a dance in the town hall. Fri- Vlnol and heals the accom- be by soothes Inflamed Bar Harbor, came home Saturday, Hugh Manson and wife celebratedt Kobert Candage is visiting his uncle, Charles Tracy and E. F. Whitaker are day, Feb. 2iC there will be a prize waltz in surfaces and allays the cough. Vlnol panied by her daughter, Mrs. Charles An- twenty-fifth anniversary of their wedding A. R. Conary. ill. the town hall. Music creates an appetite, strengthens derson. who returned to Bar Harbor Sat- evening. A large party of by Moiiagban. the Thursday Lizzie Conary is at South Bluehill car- Charles has commenced saw- was in Whitney digestive organs and gives the patient urday evening. friends attended. Mr. and Mrs. Manson The first “wayback” ball held ing for Mr*. Millie Herrick, who is ill. ihjf trap staff in his mill. to throw off the town hall Friday night, and was a pro- strength Incipient pulmo- The members of Pamola grange will serve received many presents. Dunham and wife are viaiting at Fred were hear of the G. nounced success. The hall was lighted All grieved to death, nary diseases. a dinner in the hall town meeting day. Feb. 14. __ lanterns and tallow-candles. Music Ellsworth Falls. at Lamoiue Thursday, of Abbie, wife Try a bottle of Vlnol with the The will be used toward repair- by un. proceeds AU HAUT. of F. Hutchins. ISLE was furnished by Monaghan’s orchestra in Work is progressing finely on the Wijliam demanding that your money will ba ing the church. Committee: Mrs. Winfield j C. D. Turner and D. T. went to way back costume. of the costumes N'evin cottage. Lola of this and George returned If It does not help yon. Stratton, Mrs. Hervey Sea mm on and Mrs. Conley Many Spurting, place, on business Tuesday. were exceedingly fine, several of them be- Feb. 10. Crumbs. of Bangor, were married at the P. S. Stop scratching, our Saio O. W. Foss. Augusta, _ Boulier, to t. S. Salve stops Itching. We guarantee T. C. D. Turner and J. C. ing from ninety 100 years old. Two home of the bride’s parents, Spurl- It The ball Feb. 20 promises to J. Conley, Robert has returned to masquerade ladies were in Candage Sedg- and Feb. C. Larrabee Turner attended the governor’s ball at young especially bewitching ing wife, 11, by (jJ. Geo. A. Parcber, Druggist, Ellsworth be the event of the season. Music by wick. a last week. old style costume, and some wore jewelry esq., of Ptaapect Harboty orchestra, four The mana- Augusta Me. Kelley’s pieces. has been in Cecil is out after an illness that the family for many years. Gray again, saw the close of a, Herberts. Young, offers a to There was a dance at Revere hall Friday Thursday evening ger, prize W. J. Clark and of led of three months. Music Clark’s of jr., wife, Ellsworth, successful series of special services which best all-around couple. A large variety of night. by orchestra, Feb. 1Y. Crumbs. the grand march, followed by seventy-five have been held church costumes will be exhibited. will Rockland. in the Methodist Supper in couples costume. Coffee, doughnuts here. The Miss was as- be served at intermission, Mrs. Abbie Charles arrived from PROSPECT HARBOR. pastor, Hunt, Dodge Liberty and salt fish were served as refreshments. Wooster, caterer. sisted by Rev. Reuben Smith, of Boston. Friday. Jamie Abram had entire charge of the Mis* Crook, a Winter Harbor teacher, Feb. 17. C. Feb. 17. Jkx. Ivan Dodge arrived Friday from Rock- affair, and is to be congratulated. was the week-end guest of Miss Alta Cole. ^Keeley where he has been in Rock- EDEN. land, playing Mrs. A. M. Herrick, the newly-elected George Henry Tracy, of West Sullivan, WEST SEDGWICK. land theatre. visited his I. N. last Garland, of Cripple Creek, Col., is president of the Bluehill choral society, ; nephew, Workman, Leroy Feb. 14. C. obitvart. invited the members to her home on week. home, after an absence of three years. Feb. Amanda, widow of James C. Gray, 11 and served a bountiful after Miss Selma Noonan and Miss Leitha Frank L. Andrews was in Winter Har- SOUTH DEEK ISLE. supper, died at her home here Monday, Feb. <0*{ure which Mrs. Fullerton, chairman of the visited Mrs. B. M. Noonan in bor last week, the guest of C.‘ 8. Higgins. Roy Hendrick is home from Portland ill Temple 10, aged seventy-eight years. She had A Scientific Treatment entertainment committee, presented a Winter Harbor the last of the week. Miss Gertrude Dunton, of Bar Harbor, of German measles. been a long sufferer, but had borne it Handel A of program. picture thia. great Feb; 17. C. Mrs. was a Christian was the guest of Miss Josephine Leland Mrs. went to Camden patiently. Gray Byron Tracy musician, framed in a con- holly, occupied woman, devoted to her family, and al- s For last week. | to visit relatives. Tuesday spicuous place. The program: Liquor Singing, OAK POINT. ways manifesting in many ways the anti Miss Ella Silk, of the telephone ex- Mrs. F. A. who is in the Maine of Alice Pierce, society; history qnusic, Miss kindness of her heart. Funeral services Bar is her Mrs. Busan Alley was in Bar Harbor last change at Harbor, spending general hospital, is critically ill. Holt; piano solo, dead march in “Saul”, week on business. were held Wednesday afternoon, Rev. Mr. vacation with Mrs. E. E. Leland. Mrs. Loman Gray came from Vermont Thurs- Twining; questions and answers on of There Cushman and Frank Colson were Palmer, Brooksville, officiating. A. B. Higgins, who has been in Portland Handel's life and so- Alley Drug Using to stay a while with bis aged parents. composition; song, was a of friends. The day in Tremont and Manset last week. large gathering the past month, spent a few days a sketch of Handel’s Miss ud the ONLY ONE that Km stood tbe -recently Thomas of died at ciety; boyhood, bearers were James Greenlaw, Oceanville, Gray, Ellery Herrick, of tinsa. Method* rations! /utd with his sister, Mrs. H. W. Jellison. Emma sketch of Handel’s man- Mrs. Althea Reynolds, of Bar Harbor, tost Rockland at the borne of his Osgood; James E. Gray and Richard Benson. Tuesday, 1b her Fred March and humane. NO SICKNESS. MENTAL Mrs. A. B. Grant’s store was en- hood, Mrs. Abby Stover; aolo, visiting parents, grocery daughter, Mrs. Maggie Fifield. He “Angels Feb. 14. Spec. derangement or collapse. tered thieves Feb. Ever Bright and Fair,’' Miss Josie wife. by Monday night, 10, leaves a widow and four daughters. Snow; The en- Feb. 17. M. and a quantity of goods taken. Feb. 14. K. singing, society. WEST SURRY. trance was effected by a duplicate key. _ Feb. 17. H. KEELEY INSTITUTE COREA. R. T. one of our aged citizens, The Feb. 15. V. NORTH HANCOCK. Carlisle, _ LAMOINE. C. L. who has been ill, is im- is ill of a cold. Mr. Carliale was ninety- Maine w*as a recent guest of Leighton, 151 Coigrtss Street Portland, Myra Springer * one 12. Mrs. Fred was in last years of age Feb. WEST FRANKLIN. friends in Ellsworth. Hodgkins Bangor proving. TELEPHONE 2224 week. John and Cecil Stewart have An entertainment was given at the Fred Gray and wife are at George Freeman Sabine is at home from Milo, Bridges Home Remedies for Tobacco Using W. F. will to Gouldsboro to Petit Menan where scboolhouse Saturday evening. Ice-cream Coombs. where he lias been employed. Hutchings go gone Point, they and Nervousness are on and cake were sold. The proceeds, f7, of and this week on business. employed E. W. Bridges'lobster The baby daughter Mr. Mrs. Mrs. Addie Grass was a recent guest of pound. make flS.2& to date towards the organ Pearl Coombs is ill. Miss Merrill has returned to Lee, after a seriously Miss Sylvia Scott in Sullivan. Feb. 17. 8. fund. of school _ Mrs. 8. 8. Clark has been confined to the successful term here. The many friends of Mrs. Bernice Feb. 17. L. house for the week with a lame knee. Herbert Davis and wife the week- WEST STONINGTON. past Abbott are sorry to hear of her illness. spent end in the of has been with an Bangor, guest C. O. Cousins Mrs. G. F. Small is her C. E. Butler layid up Mrs. M. B. and Mrs. C. E. visiting daugh- Cures Joy Googins and wife. Stops Itching instantly. piles acute attack of which is ter, Louise at South Deer Isle. grip prevalent were in Ellsworth Wednesday evening to Bryant, ecxema, salt rheum, tetter, itch, hives, herpes here. J. H. of Bar — attend the speaking contest by members of Hodgkins, Harbor, spent Miss Nettie Weed is spending a few scabies Doan's Ointment. At any drug severs 1 last week with his S. 8. Scammon’s mill has been running the sophomore class. days father, weeks with her sister, Mrs. Harold Stin- store.—Adel. D. D. son. for the past week. Alden Dyer, of East- Feb. 17. Anon. Hodgkins. yypmwt is with the A. W. returns to Biddeford to- Feb. 10. Mum. Invalids and children should be brook sawing rotary. Reynolds _ to resume school duties. Mrs. Emulsion to liiimniimimiiiHuimnin! Frank Bradbury found a butterfly at NORTH DEER ISLE. day Rey- GOTT8 ISLAND. given Magee’s strengthen the about two weeks The nolds and children will remain for a few the body. Never fails. All druggists quarry ago. Capt. Jack Stinson, wife and daughter Mrs. C. Y. has been detained days. Hodgkins Will make every home in correspondent has the same butterfly in are home from Malden, Mass., here several weeks by rough weather. this and the house amoung some plants now. The neighborhood was saddened by the vicinity brighter Cecil Hardy was bitten in the hand by On account of rough weather, the lob- Feb. 17. MeBckda. death of Mrs. W. F. Hutchings on Feb. more cheery, inside and a dog last week. Tbe wound has been ster fishermen have been unable to haul 13, after an illness of Borne duration. She out, if you will use it. It is very troublesome, but is better now. all their traps for more than two weeks. DEDHAM. leaves a husband and one so it daughter—Mrs. Feb. 14. Chips. good you will find A surprise party w'as given Capt. BABY’S Leslie Burrill, of Bangor, has been A. W. Reynolds. Funeral services were Delmout Torrey and wife Saturday even- Paint Economy and home the past week, ill of tonsilitis. held Saturday afternoon at the church, PARTRIDGE COVE. There were about CARF; ing. forty present. Bev. P. A. A. of offici- Paint Satisfaction. Mrs. Arie Burrill, of Brewer, is visiting Killain, Ellsworth, School closed here Friday. School closed Miss the the tetit Friday. Agnes ating, assisted by pastor, Bev. W. H. IS TTtTTTTITTUmmmTT Time will prove, u has been her sister, Mrs. J. A. McLaughlin. The house and barn occupied by Wil- Greenlaw has taught two successful^ Rice. Those attending from out of town experience of others, that it Clyde McLaughlin, after a few weeks liam Kellen were burned to the ground terms. were: A. W. Reynolds and wife, of MOTHER’S. Weathers at home, has returned to Mass. Thursday morning. Insurance, f1,000. all Weathers. Quincy, Mrs. Edward of Miss Emeline Hendrick, of Little Deer Biddeford; Preble, East Feb. 17. Hubbard. Dealers generally throughout the Miss Hazel Cowing went to Augusta to Arthur Brown and of Bar HORRY. Isle, is visiting Miss Marion Staples. Boston; wife, State-carry this line. attend the conference of grange lecturers Mrs. Charles of Pros- Feb. 10. H. Harbor; Hutchings, FRENCHBORO. News has been received by Mrs. E. M. pect Harbor, and Miss Addie F. Hodgkins, John B. Mclntire and Bert Perkins Burrill of the serious illness of her bro- SALISBURY COVE. of Southwest Harbor. have gone to Rockland on business. -£3 ther, Vernon MaddockB, of Seattle, Mrs. Lester McFarland spent several Feb. 17._R. H. Charles Lunt and James Thurlow have SCOTT’S Wash., formerly of Bucksport. He is now days recenty with relatives in Bar Harbor. EMULSION ira. in California, hoping for benefit from AMHERST. given up the smack Gracie, and are going proves the of breast milk Maxwell Leland, Deane Edwards, Carl trawling. quality the climate. Hollis Giles was in Badgor several days —it the Emery, Maurice Alley aDd Frank Ander- Feb. 9. G. supplies material for bone Feb. 15. B. last week. _ son, jr., attended the boys’ convention at and muscle—if vscanty or thin, * Portland. Alton Jewett, of Bar Harbor, is visiting WEST TREMONT. ^ WEST BROOK LIN. it makes it rich and abundant and 1 Mrs. Adelbert Gray is visiting her his grandparents, Andrew Gregg Solomon G. Thurston, an aged and re- George Carter in at Sargentville work- wife. For bottle babies a few daughter, Mrs. Olive Martin, in Sullivan. spected citizen, died Friday morning. drops ing (or the Mountain Ice Co. The family has the sympathy of all. of emulsion with every has Mrs. Urban Dickey, who has been cook- feeding Leroy Garland, who been in the Feb. 17. Thelma. That Pain Gilbert Carter cut bis foot recently for her husband at his in Maria- produces marvelous effects— Stop Everlasting West several years, is his mother, ing camp Ar>‘ burden*! end held by while in the woods. visiting makes firm you captive chopping is at home. new, flesh and ruddy kinks in the bruises, «*. Mrs. Maria Garland. viile, Dr. New Joints.’' spraii King's Discovery health. laraeueitM end pains in the cords end mus- Capt. Yetts of is visit- Miss Caddie and Vara Haslam Cain, Rockland, Feb. 11. R. Silsby Soothes irritated throat and lungs, stops cles ? Jf you knew the value of only of ing his sister, Mrs. D. A. Bridges. have returned from Gouldsboro, where chronic and hacking cough, relieves tickling ; SCOTTS EMULSION is the Tuttle’s Faintly Elixir a* thousands throat, tastes nice. Take no other; once used, others know it—U you could talk «ith WEST TREMONT. been cream of the cod liver oil only Miss Flossie Carter, who has been visit- they have teaching. always used. Buy it %t any druggist’s. purest those who have benefited by its use In the Rev. J. L. baa a pest — would a bottle ing her aunt, Mrs. Fred Page, at North Corson organized Mrs. C. P. of has re- delicately emulsified into fifty years you get Torrey, Manset, tiny at once if it cost four times the price. Sedgwick, is home. church aid society. The officers are: turned home, after spending several particles resembling maternal Mrs. Jane Mrs. Katie milk Miss Sadie Billings has returned to her Dow, president; months with her mother, Mrs. 1. W. and each particle is coated Reed, Mrs. Tuttle’s home at Bluehill. vice-president; Agnes Dow, Nickerson, who is ill. CASTOR IA with glycerine—no alcohol or treasurer; Mrs. Carrie Thursten, sec- Tot Infant* and Children. stimulant—a School closed Friday, after a successful Neil McLaughlin, of Clifton, was in wholesome, nourish- retary. Family Elixir term of ten weeks; Miss Sadie Billings, town last week. His wife, with little son ing, strength-making food. absolutely relieves pain wife are con- You and removes the cause. Otis Ingalls and receiving who has visited her N. H. The Kind Hava Always Bought Bluehill, teacher. Carl, parents, Mothers everywhere are en- Prevents the muscles on the birth of a Feb. 10. B. gratulations daughter, Grover and wife, accompanied him home. Bears the thusiastic about Scott's Emulsion, from stiffening, wards born Feb. off chills, produces a 6. 9 Feb. 17. C. Signature of j Insist on gstting SCOTT’S. quick .speedy and perma- OTTER CREEK. Feb. 10. Thelma. nent relief from rheurua- Scott & Bomi. Bloomfield, N. J. IJ-64 WEST GOULD6BORO. I tisrn, colds, sore throat, A little was born sore- daughter to Alton EGYPT. sprains, lameness, Grover and wife Feb. 16. Stephen Rider, whose wile died re- ness, pains, chilblains, jJUrtjcrtistmima. toothache, lumbago and Frank Hodgkins has been working for has to Bar Harbor to live The was sad- cently, gone manyother similar draw- community again greatly for a few weeks. backs N. G. Hardison with his son George. that deprive you dened Thursday morning by the sudden of food health. her WANTED Mi«s Ruth Sawyer is visiting sister, who has been is In New York death of heart failure of Julius Smith, John H. Tracy, ill, Society Guaranteed under the Mrs. E. M. Scammon, at Mount Desert v one of our most esteemed residents. much improved. Beautiful Wonmti of the 400 Who Pure Food Laws. » A of Funeral services were held at the Fefry. Ashe is car? of Galen Have Luxuriant Hair GOOD STOMACH Composed gums,oils church, Harry taking Capt. ! and vegetable extracts. which he was a Friends of Mull&n are In New where women Ml-O-NA of loyal member. Rev. A. Capt. Barney glad Smith, who is failing. v gay York, Stomach Tablets are ! That’s why it is per- and can be taken inter- M. MacDonald officiated, assisted his to see him about again after a few weeks get ideas from their foreign sisters, | guaranteed by G> A. Parcber to end fectly harmless by Friday morning at 11 o’clock Tremont nally as well as used externally. of illness. the hair tonic called PARISIAN indigestion and give you a Rev. A. P. MacDonald. Mr. Sage \ good, vigor- Don'l •afft-r another auaeoL Get bottle brother, hall and the schoolhouae were burned to ous today/’* M. at 50 cents is in great demand. stomach, or money back. drujrgU.. 1/ be cannot »upply you »«*i ua 0 Smith leaves a widow, three six Feb. 17. They your tend sons, the ground. Nearly everything in the PARISIAN Sage is the of relieve after-dinner In »tampa, together with hU name and we will discovery distress in five you promptly, prepaid, a large alaed boltlt- *<*tf grandchildren and one of furnish- brother—Frank, hail was burned, but the school a well-known scientist, and be claims minutes. 50 cents. -t money back If k doef not do what we claim. Man set. HANCOCK POINT. ings were nearly all 9aved. The cause of most emphatically that it is the only MI-O-NA for belching of gas. has returned to C. A. Feb. 17. G. Andy Partridge the tire is unknown. There was a dance hair preparation that will kill the per- MI-O-NA for distress after eating from a visit to Bernard Small at MI-O-NA for Penney’s at the hall Thursday evening. sistent dandruff germs. foul breath. At MI-O-NA for CENTER. Nicolin. He is much improved in health. Feb. L. any rate, the Uiroux Mfg. Co., of loss of appetite. 17.__ Buffalo, N. Y., American manufac- MI-O-NA for sick The Baptist society held a social at the Mrs. Daniel Gallieon was called to West headache. tures of PARISIAN Sage, give out MI-O-NA for sweats. hall illness of her MT. DESERT F&RRY. night MOTHER DOCTOR SPEAKS: grange Friday evening. j Hancock by the serious 6. A. Parcher this MI-ON-A for bad through guarantee, dreams. ™» •» to that to certain know- Chester Robbins and of daughter, Mrs. Sherman McFarland. Mr. Johnston and wife are the ever MI-O-NA , J! certify my wife, Opeechee, Harry receiving strongest given: after a banquet. leog. eeveral men from our town, all of whom who has been is cared I know well and all visited Mrs. James Gray recently. Gallison, ill, being congratulations on the birth of a son on “We guarantee PARISIAN Sage to MI-O-NA for vomiting of pregnancy. of whom were heavy drink- have been cared of the for by Arthur Lounder and wife at Feb. 12—James Samuel. end dandruff in two weeks; to stop Makes rich, pure SJ.S* *°V» etanding, Mrs. Abbie Ober and daughter are I blood—puts viiror * «our»e of treat* Mary vitality ment iIJr three-day.' their home. falling hair; to make dull, lifeless and vim. into the whole at the Neal Institute." Prom aflUlavlt by at Bartlett’s island with Mrs. Ober’s The many friends of Mrs. Flaville Moon body. a. a. j E. colorless hair beautiful and luxuriant; n-, M.D., that the Feb. 17. of her serious itlneBS in *«>»» Booth’s proving daughter, Mrs. Wesley Bartlett. _ regret to learn to cure all itching diseases of the MI-OX-A,vrFov \na Buffalo, N. Y. 8. where she is spending the winter. or Feb. 14_ PRETTY MARSH. Sullivan, scalp, money back.’’ Feb. 17._O, EAST ORLAND. Miss Mary Leonard, who has been em- BAR HARBOR. 1 ployed at Bar Harbor, is at home. DRINK HABIT Leonine A., widow of Capt. Ephraim E. after an ill- SHAWMUT b7 the NEAL 3-DAT Curtis Young is home from Seal Harbor Milton Rodick died Sunday, T5v™’y„e2.m#. Ke- Pendleton, and daughter of the late Nel- | Hair Tonic hypodermics used. ness of three months, of Brights, disease. AU confideu- Gilkey, of ; for a short vacation. tiii tel2SrUln- dealings son and Angeline Islesboro, Ayer’s Hair Vigor keeps the scalp clean habits successfully Feb. 11. Mrs. Pendleton Good catches of fish are reported from RUBBERS AfthATLI). Call upon, address or phone died Tuesday, hot water and healthy. Promotes growth. Checks F8t>. salmon is Throw bottlee^away. DOUBLE was born in Islesboro on 15, 1854. Long pond. An eight-pound Does not THE WEAR All falling. color.. L. Went- the so Use PNEUMATIOA. drnggists, THE NEAL She leaves two daughters—Mrs. largest taken far. Ask Your WHERE THE WEAR COMES INSTITUTE* 26c. Doctor._LoS'.nTsu««.' PorU*nd- worth, of East Orland, with whom she Feb. 10. G. Ielepkone*4Jtl4.AT*’’ CKNTRAIi. MAINK WOMEN IN PORTUGAL Murphy—Oi want to fret a fost-clas8 Banking. JLtgal Noting. JLtgal Wotttre. autymobile tor me woife. Auto Dealer— Get* BpneflU ot Capital STATE’OF MAINE, «l»nd bounded north water of Deer Ialaau 11iinw I’lihllo Th«y Do All tho Hard Work While Dong body? Murphy—None o( yure busi- by iDVMtmroU. [L. 8.] Thoroughfare, east, south and west by land of Man Loll and ness! Hoe's built like a but Oi Ryan and Parker Construction Burrau.) Lazy 8moko. barrel, Hancock ss.—To the sheriffs of our counties, Company, fBolton Ain three acres more or less. of women didn’t come here to discuss her wid or either of their deputies, GREETING: containing Theriot In Portugal Is not shape on with the Maine Central la what your money will earn li Eighth parcel. Homestead lot Thnr- TM aituatiou in enviable ye. command you to attach the goods or low’s island taxed to John of the New one, according to Mr. Au- Invented In shares estate of Benvenue Granite formerly Clegg, the moat northerly of the WE Company, containing one acre more or rtilroed, F. C. a law and an lcps. its current brey Bell, who in his book, “In corporation existing by having Ninth Lot of land on Thurlow'o lines, during flacal office and of business parcel. E„Kl«nd thus place at Stonington, in island from John bounded north and Portugal,” describe* the labor S&btrtttKnuntt. the of and Clegg, conireeted etrikingiy with that Ellsworth Loai and Ass’n county Hancock, State of Maine, east salt water; south and west land of tear, baa that falls to tbeir Building and and by by Boston share: particularly especially the herein- 8. Clinton Sherwood and Benvcnue Granite Haven and A Maine. after described real estate owned the said men by two and one-half acres ottti'eNew "Portuguese are so notoriously Benvenue Granite to Company, containing the latter two roada, aa regards Parents, Read this Letter! A NEW SERIES Company, the value of more or less. While indolent that it is no two thousand and summon and exaggeration to dollars; the said Tenth Lot of land from record for efficiency earnings, 1 have a letter from a prominent Maine Is now open. Share#, 81 each; defendant it be found in parcel. Eugene their aay that two-thirds of the work of monthly pat (if your precinct) Cousins on Thurlow's island bounded north, Por- in a to before our of been very aeriouely interfered with clergyman regard to sickness of one of monte, 81 per share. appear justice the supreme east and west by land of Benvenue Granite have tugal is done women. court, next to be holden in by To them the his children from which I as follows: judicial Ellsworth, one-sixth acre more or a of denunciation, both quote Company, containing through campaign within and for our county of Hancock, on the less, and all thereon Portuguese word'mourejar is really ap- •d’Our was sick of buildings standing. and income of Maine Centra! have two-year-old baby very second Tuesday April next, then and there Eleventh Lot of land from Simeon service WHY PAY RENT in our said court to answer unto parcel. plicable, since, In fact, they work like at two diiferent times and we came near Asa O. Can- Goss on Thurlow's bounded east notable illuatrationa of beneffia when can borrow go as taxes island, by or you your dage, collector of for the town of afforded Moors slaves. They work in the losing her. We had the best doctors, 4 land of Simeon Goss, north, south and west by New Haven’a control where ita shares, give a first mortgage and Stonington, in the county of Hancock, for the land of Benvenue Granite contain- from the fields and to but did not know what the trouble reduce it month? Monthlv 1911. Company, appear bear the brunt of they every year ing two acres more or Jess. ia encouraged by the public. ana interest In a of debt, for that the said defend- exercise the labor. was. In the first sickness she had fever payments together plea Twelfth Hornettead lot on Thur- high will amount to but little the first of parcel. ia posaibly an explanation in this for several and the doctor said it acted more ant on day April, 1911, was the low's island formerly homestead of William There “In one field woman in days, than you are now for owner of lands situated in s»id the the heat paying improved H. Grant, containing one-half acre more or the governor of Maine haa very like scarlet fever, but as there were no other reut, and in about ten of described as o(why of the draws bucket after years you town Stonington, follows, viz.: less, with all buildings thereon standing. day up buck- cases r ot will First Lot of land on Thurlow’s interest in the call of the governor he did think it could be. Alter- parcel. Thirteenth Lot of land on Thur- little et of water while the man homestead of Fannie 8. parcel. sits perched wardsfhe broke out in a rash all over her own YOUR OWN island, formerly Allen, low’s from S. B. and Pbebe E. Thurlow to Join In railroad HOME. and one-half island, of Massachusetts In a olive tree. In the containing thirty-two acres, bounded north and sonth bv salt water: east shady neighbor- body. The last sickness was similar and more or with all less, together buildings and and west by land of Benvenue Granite Com- regulation* ing field a man watches six women at the doctor was was For particulars of wharves thereon standing. of puzzled. She very Inquire pany, containing two and one-third acres While the expense account the more Second Lot of land on Thurlow’s work the maize. a nervous and we feared we would lose her. (I. w. Tai-lhy, parcel. more or less. among In third Mec’y bounded north salt water of Deer New England lines has been Tapley man. island, by Fourteenth parcel. Homestead lot on southern a group of women stand in Your Dr. True's Elixir was recommended, Island east, south and west Maine working A. W. Krwu. Thoroughfare; by Thurlow’s island, formerly occupied by Aide open, Central's state- and after two use land of Benvenue Granite contain- forced the summer sun while a of men days' she passed several Company, Martha Robbins, containing three fourths of group five more or less. (or six moonthn to Dec. 31 tells a far worms from two to three inches in ing acres, an acre more or less, with thereon ment sit at same length, on buildings the work under a vine trel- Third parcel. Lot of land Thurlow’s standing. story. Its labor U appreciative and is now well and strong and sleeps at Etjjal ITotios. bounded north land of Benvenue different lis. island, by Fifteenth parcel. Homestead lot on Moose withoutf and east by land of of the treatment accorded It, and while nights retting, tossing starting Gr&nitjp Company; Ryamdc island, formerly occupied by late Clementine "Everywhere are to be seen women in a as she To all persons interested in either of Parker Construction Company; south and increases in the not fright did formerly." the es- Robbins, containing twenty-two acres more wage distant tates hereinafter named. «est by salt water, containing forty-three some with huge loads of immense weight, I will be to furnish or less, with all bnildibgs thereon standing. will doubtless be sought, these bid glad this, clergy- At a probate ^oort held at Ellsworth, in and stores, more or less. Sixteenth Lot of land in school dis- future the men name parcel. while accompany them empty man’s and address to anyotfC who for the county of Hancock, on the fourth Fourth parcel. Lot of land on Thurlow’s trict number three from homestead of late to be offset by increased and homestead of Harlan fair freight handed. The man lies in his ox cart cares to write to me. day of February, a. d. 1918. islapd, tormerly Gray, Benjamin Barbour,bounded north by five acres, more or less. andfwest matters been containing land of heirs of Benjamin Barbour; south by receipt*. and must have a a of N B—True's is following having pre- Fifth Homestead lot on Thurlow’s passenger cigarro and cope Elixir the best'known sented for the action parce>. salt water; east by land of Frank 8. Warren, 100,000-share stock issue THF. thereupon herein- taxed to Daniel con- Tue pending wine or after his hard for all stomach and boweltroublet. after indicated, it is ordered that island, formerly Ryan, Charles Cleveland. Edward C. Wood and brandy day's remedy hereby no- one-half more or less. Maine Central will clean up a series of tice thereof be to all taining acre, George A. Brown, containing eight and one- by work, or he sits at his counter and bids Purely vegetable, pleasant to take and given persons interested, Sixth Homestead lot on Thurlow’s' by a of this order to parcel. fourth acres more or lesB. and note maturities the permanent harmless. stomach worms causing copy be pub- island, taxed to Robert Cleveland, bond his wife gw out Into the cruel sunshine entirely Expels lished three weeks in the Ells- formerly Seventeenth parcel. On land of Benvenue successively one acre, more or and all of which has been and worms All $1.00. worth a containing less, Granite on Thurlow’s island one financing previously to fetch a btlten of water or pin dealers, 35c; 50c; American, newspaper published at theron Company heavy Yours for better Ellsworth, in said tnat buildings standing. and one half miles, more or lees, of railroad Instead of f I80,fl00 a year in county, may_ap- Seventh parcel. Lot of land on Thurlow’s postponed. other provisions. Women work in the heahh^ pear at a probate court to be held at Ells- bed lies and rails tbcreon. fche^y island bounded north by salt water of Deer a disbursement of 6 per cent, worth, in said on the fourth of Joseph T. Snow, Depnty Sheriff. interest* Women row county, day Isle and Thoroughfare; east, south and west quarries. heavy barges. March, a. d. 1918, at ten of the clock in the in dividends on the new stock will by land of Kyau & Parker construction Com- Wherever there is hard work women forenoon, and be heard thereon if see 13 Drummond Me. they pany, containing three acres, more or less. to or a year St., Auburn, cause. Hancock ss.: March 11,1912. amount $6001,000, fl20,000 are to be found." Eighth parcel. Homestead lot on Thurlow’s Lester E. Vearie, late of in said I this delivered to Calvin P. the present payments on Bluehill, i8lann formerly taxed to John contain- day Moon, above company*s county, deceased. A certain instrument Clegg, agent for Benvenue Granite a true pur- ing one acre, more or less. Company, of notes which will be to be the last will and attested of the within writ for its account f!2,000,000 Unilroabes ant) Steamboats. porting and testament of Ninth parcel. Lot of land from John copy said dake. 87 31 8 25 26 on, formerly of Hancock. Second account of system capital averaging only $21,- Phillips §11 112 i til j Thurlow’s island formerly Attest:—John E. Feb. 4. l»:3. Mill.I. 6 28 Alice D filed for settlement. occupied by Bunker, Clerk. mile and combined and F-gery’s I Golding, Martha Robbins, containing three fourths 000 per funded Holden. 43 12 39 6 33 James late of in sa»d I RESOURCES. §11 ill 84 Higgins, Eden, county, acre, more or less with all buildings thereon all leased Brewer June. 12 00 12 59 6 53 11 53 deceased. Petition filed Richard J. Me- share capitalisation (including j by standing. NOTICE OF Loans and discounts. $150,194 90 BANGOR.... 12 05 1 05! 7 00; 11 59 Garrigle, administrator for license to sell of but Aside from at.j j fifteenth parcel. Homestead lot on Moose FORECLOSURE. lines) $11,UK). $2,000,- Overdraft*, secured and unsecured, 69 19 P M A M 4 M certain real estate of said Helen 8. of Eden, in the deceased, as de- island formerly occupied by late Clementine Joy, U 8. bonds lo secure circulation... 60,000 00 Portland... 4 50 *12 50 ° 4 scribed in said of Hancock, and State of 000 notes which will become payable in ftO! 5 60 petition. Robbins, more WHEREAScounty Other bonds to seenre postal sav- C< containing twenty-two acres, her deed, dated the 30th Boston via Dover ar ! 7 55'.° 8 80 Marjorie Sprague and Adelbert G. or less, with all thereon | Maine, by mortgage the of 1911, and for the meeting of ings.4.194 16 4,194 16 of buildings standing. of a. d. and recorded in xpriijg Boston via Ptsmth ar ;.i 9 05 5 15 Sprague, minors, Southwest Harbor, in said Sixteenth parcel. Lot of land in school dis day September, 1911, Premiums on U H bonds. 1.500 CO county. Petition filed Chester W. ! the Hancock of deeds, book which funds are now in hand, Maine BANGOR TO BAR by Sprague, trice number three from homestead of late county registry Bonds, securities, etc. 134,428 75 HARBOR. guardian, for license to sell certain real estate 484, page 64, conveyed to Horace D. Joy, of Central has less than of funded Benjamin Barbour bounded north and west $3,000,000 Banking house, furniture and fix- said minors, as described in said ; said Eden, a certain lot or parcel of land situ- Boston via Dover lv t 8 00 t 8 55 petition. by land of heirs of Benjamin Barbour; debt the first of tures 17,880 29 John A. McLean, late of Eden, in said coun- ated in the town of Winter Harbor, in said maturing during quarter Ptsmth lv 9 00 south by salt water; east by land of Frank 8. j ; Other real estate owned. 4.982 22 Boston?via ty, deceased. Petition filed bv Edward 8. county of Hancock, and bounded and de- P M Warren. Charles Cleveland, Edward C. Wood j this century. Duv* from State and private banks Clark, administrator, that an order be issued scribed as follows, to wit: 00 85 and George A. Brown, containing eight and and bankers, trust companies Portland.,lv. fll tI2 to distribue among the heirs of said Beginning at an iron bolt set in the ground Through tbrce successive “subscription A M deceased, one-fourth acres, more or less. j and savings banks. 1,417 05 the amount remaining in the hands of said | in the western side line of Grindstone avenue, to »bare holders as BANGOR.lv. r e oo no so t 310 t yn Seventeenth parcel. On land of Benvenue rights’’ its within many Due from approved reserve agents, 22,847 31 administrator, upon the settlement of his ac- j being the public road leading from the vil- Brewer June.I 6 07 10 36 5 Granite Company on Thurlow’s island, one Checks and other cash items. 23 90 21 count. lage of Winter Harbor to Grindstone Neck, yearn, in me form of aggregate offerings 6 and one-half more or less, of railroad Notes of other national banks.. 25 W Holden.! I 29 10 56 i 3 35 5 40 Luman miles, said also the southeast corner Warren, late of Bucksport, in said bed, ties and rails thereon. j post marking at of the road Fractional nickels Egery’s Mill. i!0 59 of the homestead owned or par f JD,CK)0,000 oewji^oca, paper curreucy, county, deceased. Petition filed by Theodore And then and there and E. I occupied by Phillips Lake...- i 6 36 11 02 3 41 5 47 taxable, John W his liiinuced all for and coots. 227 31 t i H. Smi h. administrator, that an order be is- George Tracy, said bolt also marking the early requirement* Green Lake ...... 6 44i 11 10 3 48 6 Small, Thomas Barbour and Joshua Sweetser Lawful money reserve in bank, vir.: 57, sued to distribute among the heirs of said de northeast corner of lot No. 4, on plan herein- Nicolin. 8 53 11 3 56 8 were the duly elected and legally qualified as new money and resolved a large amount i t 07 ceased, the amount in tbe hands of after referred to; thence in a general south* Ellsworth 7 06* 11 4 remaining sessors of the said town of for notes. 1,125 00 17,179 13 F^ls. 08 6 20 said the Stoniugton. erly direction, said western side of of its to a dividend basis. Legal-tender ELLS 7 13! administrator, upon settlement of the said year of 19il, and and as- following Died'barges fund with U. 8 treas- WORTHS. 11 42 4 14 6 25 liis third account. duly legally Grindstone avenue feet to the Redemption sessed the said lands the said ninety-six (96) c He Maine June. 7 25 11 50 4 6 31 upon against U present management urer (5 per ceut. of circulation).. 2,600 00 Wash’gt’n { John A. McLean, late of Eden, in said coun- northeast corner of lot No. 3, on said plan; Franklin Road. t 7 33 *12 00 6 40 defendant the following sums, to wit: On has and enter- ty, deceased. Petition filed Edward 8 thence still following said western side of Central been rounding out Hancock.... t 7 41i 12 10 6 49 by said first parcel the sum of seven hundred Total. $410.493 20 Clark, administrator of the estate of said de- said avenue, one hundred and five (106) w Cullivn 7 44| 12 13 6 and dollars and thirty eight ing upon a «r era of internal develop- Waukeag, Fy 53 ceased, that tbe amount of inheritance tax seventy-six feet to an iron bolt set id the ground in LIABILITIES. Mt Desert 7 50 12 20 cents; on said second the sum of seven Ferry. 7 00 said estate be determined the parcel the northern side of a wgy marked on said ment which augurs well for a continuance Sullivan. 8 15 upon by judge dollars and twenty four cents; on said third Capital stock paid in.$ 50,000 00 of pronate. plan as Ocean avenue; thence in a general Sorrento. 8 40 parcel the sum bf fifty-four dollars and thir- of the prosperity which now characterizes Surplus fund. 10,000 00 Julia A. Kingman, late of Ellsworth, in said westerly direction following the north side of BAR HARBOR.... ar 9 15 1 10 ty centB; o«*«aid fourth parcel the sum of five Undivided less expenses county, deceased. A certain instrument said Ocean avenue, three hundred forty-four i rr wry, Li »- ral of the' kind profits, pur- dollars and forty-three cents; on said fifth outlays and taxes 14,453 *7 I to be the last will and (344) feet to an iron bolt set in the ground in paid. porting testament of parcel Umhuui or one dollar aud eighty-one t< r i. et «. n *w swear that the above statement is Portland, Maine. Winter Harbor, Maine, July 20, 1899. and provision equipment, yard solemnly A sum of twenty-seven dollars and fifteen cents, to the best of and belief. true copy of the original order. i recorded in the Hancock county, •ni tertninal modernization and t>ther true my knowledge in all the sum of nine hundred and Maine, Harold O. Cashier. Attest:—T. F. ninety of deeds. August 4, 1899, in book Hussey, Mahoney, Register. dollars and four cents as its of the registry proportion 2, page 49, to which and record thereof comprehensive o< tt lueuts. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th town taxes and the due of the plan Eastern subscribers proportion reference is hereby made road Steamship hereby gives notice that State and taxes to said town expressly Togeth- The has cultivated in a broad way of 1918. county allotted er day February, they have been execu- ! also, with rights of way in common with T. H. THE duly appointed for the year then current; and the »aid as- not only the tourist and sum- Smith, tors of the last will and teatment of others over said Ocean avenue and Front passenger, Notary Pnblic. sessors afterwards, to wit: On the fifteenth mer FRANCIS late of of did hotel fletf a, but has recently done a Correct—Attest: Corporation. AU8TIN, ELLSWORTH, day July, 1911, make a perfect list of And whereas the said Horace D. deed said tax and of all the taxes of said town of Joy, by gr it deal toward the Harry R. Googins, \ in the county of Hancock* deceased, no bonds of assignment, dated the second of Octo- augmenting output Stonington, under their hands, and did com- day Pascal P. Gilmore, Directors. being required by the terms of said will. ber, a. d. 1911, and recorded in the said Han- of N1 line’s soil. Potato alone J Fare Reduced. mit the same to the said Asa O col- shipments Frkd L. Blodobtt. 1 All persona having demands against the es Candage, cock county, Maine, registry of deeds, book tate of said lector of said town of as afore- over Maine have been increased deceased are desired to present Stonington 484, page 86, to me, the CMitral Bar Boston $3.50. said, with a warrant cf that date under their conveyed undersigned, ffprborfand the same for settlement, and all indebted said deed, the note, debt and claim from Statements, hands in due form of law: and the mortgage 479.1* 9 tons in 1909 to 566,166 tons Insurance thereto are requested to make payment im- plaintiff thereby secured, and whereas the condition Bluehlll' and Boston $3.50. avers that afterwards on the fifteenth of last or 18 have mediately. Charles L. Austin. day of said mortgage is broken, now, therefore, year, per cent. Industries at he by NATIONAL SURETY Ransrord M. DeWitt. February, 1912, Stonington aforesaid, reason of the bieach of said condition been COMPANY, and Boston gave the said defendant notice in generally encouraged by good Sedgwick $3. -Brewer, Feb. 4,1913. writing thereof. I claim a NSW YORK, N. T. foreclosure of said inert-* service signed fcy him, stating the amount of such and the offering of advantageous real gage. ASSETS DEC. 81, If If. Steamer Booth bay leaves Bar Harbor Mon- subscriber hereby gives notice that tax, describing the estate on which said side-track tax was assessed and the \ John W, CoNNfifttf, privileges. Re*) estate. $ 172,843 08 and Thursdays at 10 00 a m for 8eal Har- THEhe has been duly appointed adminis- demanding payment E. N. days of such tax within ten thereafter and By Benson his attorney. All these the loans. trator of the estate of days Dated at Eden things have not only made Mortgage bor, Northeast Harbor, Southwest Harbor, more than ten have since this 4th day of February, 1913. Stocks and bonds. EDWIN J. late of thpt days elasped Mellen in North Haven and CARTER, 8EDGWICK, said that this claims a management very popular Cash in office and bank. Stonlngton, Rockland, con- notice; plaintiff lien in the county of Hancock, deceased, and given on said lands to secure the sums above meif- NOTICE OF but are now fruit in the Bills receivable. necting with steamer for Boston. FORECLOSURE. Blaine, bearing bonds as the law directs. All persons tioned in all to said sum of nine Interest and rents. having amounting form of a Steamer Mlneola leaves Bluehlll demands against the estate or said deceased hundred and dollars and four cents Enoch A. of most decided traffic expansion All other Mondays ninety Leland, Bucks* assets. are desired to present the same for settlement, and interest thereon from of and and Thursdays at 9 00am for South Bluehlll, January first, 1912, WHEREAS,port county Hancock. State of accompanying the manufacturing and all indebted thereto are requested to due him as collector of taxes of the town of Maine, by his mortgage deed dated Gross assets. Deer August Brooklln, Sedgwick. Isle, Sargeutvllle, make payment immediately. Stonington for the year 1911 as 17th a. d.. 1900, and recorded in •gricultural impetus in the road’s ter- Deduct Items not admitted, aforesaid; Hancock South Brooksvllle, Dark Harbor and Rockland, Marcellus Cogqan. whereby and by reason of the statute in such county, registry of deeds, in book tti, page 84, Sedgwick, Feb. 4,1918. case made and au action has ac- conveyed to Hattie Leach, of Admitted assets. 17,184,187 61 connecting with steamer/or Boston. provided, Bucksport, crued to the plaintiff, to have and to recover aforesaid a certain lot or parcel of land situ- LIABILITIES DEC. 81, 1812. Sedgwick line discontinued for the season. subscriber of the said defendant ated in said on A certain establishment in hereby gives notice that the said sum of nine Bucksport the westerly side plumbing Net losses. $1,128.138 83 THEhe has been duly appointed adminis- hundred and ninety dollars and four cents of Bridge street and bounded as follows, viz.: unpaid RETURNING Brooklyn has this sign on its front door: Unearned premiums. 2.142,443 81 trator of the estate of and interest thereon from January first, 1912; Beginning at the southeast corner of land of 19 yet, though often the said C. M Fifield and the northeast “Iron and Lead Sinks.’1 One All other liabilities, 859,491 Turbine Steel Steamship Belfast SARAH E. MAYO, late of BROOKLIN, requested, defend corner of land morning 2.000 000 00 ant has not paid said sum but so of Reuben Smith in the lines of Cash capital, in the of and neglects westerly the words were found added 78 Leaves Boston and for county Hancock, deceased, to do, to the damage of said he Bridge street; thence five and one-half following Surplus over all liabilities, 1,554,113 5pm Tuesday Friday given bonds as the law directs. All plaintiff (as westerly per- says) the sum of two thousand dollars, which rods to an iron bolt at the coi- to the darn fool knows Rockland, connecting with steamer leavlhg sons having demands the estate- southwesterly legend: “Any liabilities and $7,184,187 61 against shall then and there be made to appear with ner of said C. M Fifleld’s lot; then Total surplus, of said deceased are desired to the northerly that.” Rock)and£&.15 a m, Wednesday and Saturday present other due damages. And have there this by said Fifleld’s land five and one half rods M. K. (MISS), Agent, same for settlement, and all indebted you to HOI.HKS and tteieto writ with your therein. an iron rod; thence and for Bar Harbor, Bluehlll, Sedgwick inter- are to make doings easterly parallel ELLSWORTH, MAINE. requested payment immediately. Witness, Arno W. of said with the first line five and one-half rods mediate Horace M. Pease. King, justice to the Aro You «t Cold Sufferer? landings. court at Ellsworth, this of westerly line of Brookiin, Feb. 10,1913. eighth day March, Bridge street; thence Take Dr. New The best E. L. Smith, Agent, Bar Harbor. in the year of our Lord one thousand nine southerly by the westerly line of Bridge street King's Discovery. FIRE INS. CO. hundred cough, cold, throat and long medicine made. PEOPLES NATIONAL A. M. HvBHlCK, Agent, Bluehlll. and twelve. five and one-half rods to the point begun at Do 1912. subscriber hereby gives notice that John E. Clerk. containing 30^ rods and Money refunded if it fails to cure you. ASSETS DEC. 81. E. J. Eaton, Agent, Sedgwick. Bunker, square being the not it at our risk. First dose THEhe has been duly appointed adminis same premises conveyed Lenora T. hesitate—take Real estate, $ 200,000 00 by Leach, J. R. Texas, writes: trator of the estate of guardian to Enoch A. Leland and Edith I. Jelps. Wells, Floydada, Mortgage loans, 473.347 50 Hr. New cured terrible MICHAEL late officer's return. Leland and their survivor and his or her heirs King’s Discovery my Collateral loans, 7,800 00 8HEA, of EDEN, *cugh and cold. I 16 it ILctjal Notices. and assigns and recorded in Hancock gained pounds. Buy Blocks and bonds, 1,047,314 07 in the county of Hancock, deceased, and STATE OF MAINE. county *ny v'~'" registry in book 266, page 135, and, whereas y druggist's. Cash in office and bank, 167,548 31 given bonds as the law directs. All ss. STATE OF MAINE. per- Hancock, the said Hattie Leach the name of Hattie balances. 116.380 93 sons having demands against the estate of by Agents’ Stonington, Me., March'8,1912. J. Leland by her deed of assignment dated! Interest and rents. 20,828 04 County op Hancock ss. said deceased are desired to present the same At two o’clock In the afternoon by virtue of March 15, a. d., 1911, and recorded in Hancock Kotins. February 13, a. d. 1912. fQr settlement, and all indebted thereto are the within writ I iltgal attached r11 the right, title county registry of deeds in book 477 425. Gross assets. this fourteenth of requested to make payment and interest, claim page day February, immediately. estate, and demand, of assigned and transferred said mortgage deed NOTICK OF Deduct items not admitted, a. d. 1913, on execution dated the fif- Charles W. Shea. every name and nature, of the within and the debt F0RJECL08CIIE. TAKEN Bar Feb. 1913. names, thereby secured to Klden Morin, teenth of a. d. 1913, issued on a Harbor, 4, Benvenue Granite a of Amelia M. Fogg, of 880 97 day January Company, corporation Boston, county of Suffock, s'ate of Massa- \I^HEREA8 Hancock, Admitted assets, $2,017 rendered the existing law aud a "» Hancock Maine, by hermort- judgment Dy supreme Judicial by having place of business chusetts, and Abbie C. Waiuing. of Somer- county, 1912. for the of Hancock, at the term at Stonington in the of Rage deed, dated December 10, a. d. 1907, and LIABILITIES DEC. 31, court, county Endurance county Hancock, and ville, county of Middlesex, state of Massa- thereof and held ou the second Tues- Statements*. State of Maine, in and to all real recorded in the Hancock county. Maine, reg- Net losses, $ 78,767 24 begun estate, in chusetts, and whereas the said Abbie C. unpaid of October, a. d. 1912, to wit, on the the county of Hancock, and istry of deeds, in book 446, page.346, conveyed Unearned premiums, 587,641 day particularly aud Waining in her own right and also in her seventeenth day of October, a. d. 1912, in favor FI KK especially as the of the within undersigned, Sibley P. Moow, of Allother liabilities, *. EQUITABLE AND MARINE property capacity administratrix of the estate of "•id of Nora M. Leach and George P. Leach, both said Elden Hancock, a certain of real estate, Cash INSURANCE named defendant, the following described Morin by deed of assignment parcel capital, 1»2SS,222 ?? of in said county, against Well- CO., dated situated in said Hancock, described as fol* over all liabilities, 242,972 11 Penobscot, y real estate, to wit: November 4. 1912. and recorded in H&tt' Surplus of said Penobscot, for PBOV1DRNCB, RHODB ISLAND. lows, to Wit: ington Thompson, fifty* First parcel. Lot on Thurlow’s island, cock county registry of deeds in book 492, two dollars and sixty-seven cents, debt o.r did Beginning on the east side of the town road, Total liabilities and surplus, $2,017 380 97 ASSETS DEC. 81,1912. formerly homestead of Fannie S. Allen, con- page 257, assign and convey the same to. damage, and seventeen dollars and fifty-two the s*id down the east side of Hancock Neck. Real estate. taining acres more or less, to- me, Hattie J. Leland, and whereas the fading JAMES E. MORTELL, Agent, cents, costs suit, and will be sold at thirjfr-two at a rook situated about six o{ public gether with ail buildings and wharves there- condition of said mortgage has been and now •[►Called, large MAINE. auction at the office of F. B. Snow, in Mortgage loans, rods south of the south line of the Thomas BLUEHILL, esq., on. is broken, now therefore, reason of Bluehlll. in said to the bidder, Stocks and bonds, by lot; thence to the county, highest Cash in office and Second parcel. Lot on Thurlow’s the breach of the condition X easterly parallel on the 27th of March, a. d. 1913, at 10 o’clock bank, island, thereof, ***d I nomas Bennett's south line, six rods to day bounded north by water of Deer Island claim a foreclosure of said and INSURANCE CO. in the forenoon, the following described real Agents' balances, mortgage give f ®lak*» thence southerly parallel with said LOYAL PROTECTIVE Bills receivable, Thoroughfare; east, south and west by land of this notice for that purpose. estate and all the right, title and interest Benvenue Granite roa<*'""“i five and*uu one-halfuue-uan rodsro to a stake; A8SETS DEC. 81,1918. Interest and rents. Company, containing five which the said Wellington Thompson has and acres more or Dated; at Bucksport, this toence with said Thomas 00 assets. less. Maine, westerly parallel Stocks and bonds, $291,230 had in and to the same on the nineteenth All other twenty- •cnaett** south fine six rods to said town Third parcel. Lot of land on Thurlow’s is- eighth day of January, a. d., 1913. Cash in office and'bank, 92,729 90 of a. d. 1912. at 1.30 o’clock in the : --- day March, land bounded north by raidr„iu townwnu roadim»u to«/ theiuv place 84 Gross by land of Benvenue o»k ^enoe Interest and rents, 3,850 afternoon, the time when the same was at- assets, Hattib beginning, thirty-three square Deduct items not Granite east by land of Ryan & J. Leland. containing IM ied on the writ in the same suit, to wit: admitted, Parker Company; with aU the UUIIUIUKB thereon.lUCtCUU. SeeUtV deedutvu Construction Co., south and west ^ods, buildings Gross assets. $387,810 74 A certain lot or of land situated in by H 16,188V reoorded in vol. 204, 519, parcel salt water, containing forty-three acres more page Admitted assets. 887,810 74 said Penobscot, ana bounded and described as Admitted assets, $1,142,837 29 subscriber of deeds; also or less hereby gives notice that £S?°k eounty. Me., registry DEC. 81, 1912. follows in a deed from John Marks to George LIABILITIES DEC. he has been Lucy A. Moon to M. Fogg, LIABILITIES 81,1912. Fourth parcel. Lot of land on Thurlow’s is- THE duly appointed administra- Amelia^ Roberts dated Decernber44, a. d. 1805, and re- tor of the estate of D*ce“ber 4, 1907. loeaee, » Net unpaid losses, $ 5i,070 08 land, formerly homestead of Harlan a* Net unpaRl corded in Hancock of deeds, in vol. % Gray, 92,827 88 registry Unearned 10 containing five acres more or leas. ISAAC late of i. w ,wfi®r®aa the condition in said mortgage Unearned premiums, premiums, 254,544 MAYO, '•••««• 19, page 128, vix.: Southerly on land of John All other Fifth Homestead lot B&OOKLIN, K,.. *?' now therefore, by reason of the M other ltobilitie., liabilities, 175 969 81 parcel. on Thnrlow’s in the county of of oo Wight; westerly twenty-one rods on North- Cash island Hancock, deceased, and the oondition in said mortgage, I n.,h CDit.lt 100,000 capital, 400,000 00 formerly taxed to Daniel Ryan, con- given bonds as the law a ern bay, so-called; thence by a line parallel directs. All Der- foreclosure thereof, apd hereby give Surplus over .11 li.bllitie., W,7*8.1 Surplus over all liabilities, 261,363 80 taining one-half acre more or leso. sons having demands °f with the line of John Wight’s land and run- Sixth Homestead lot against the estate ®y intention to foreclose said mort- parcel. on Thurlow’s of said deceased are desired *a*e- »J87,«10 74 ning back so far as to contain fifty Total liabilities and island taxed to to present Siblbv P. Moon, Tot.l ll.btlltle, and .urplu,. easterly surplus, $1,142,887 28 formerly Robert Cleveland, the same for and all j acres, with all the buildings thereon standing. one acre settlement, indebted By Fred L. Mason, his attorney P. AMES, Agent. C. W. & V L con'aming more or less, and all thereto are requested to make W. Warp W. Wb»cott, MASON, Agents, bnUdirgs thereon. payment im- duly authorized. Maine. mediatelv. Hov*c? M PORT { B.neocb Co). Deputy 1 c-;ff ELL WORTH, MAINE. a. Pla«-e Psh. 18,1918. BUCKS cl L‘t of Jau.l o Tbuilow’s Biooklin, Feb. 10. 19.3. atibntiBrtnmts. HUbrrtisnnmta. COUNTY NEWS


Mrs. Grace Pease has returned from a visit in Boston and other places. Alcohol hi Pe-ru-na- Ralph Mayo has stocked a shop at Ber- nard to equip motor boats and do general Comparative work. | machine An has been Criticism Mrs. Aljava Norwood spending Unjust a few weeks with her son, Beth W. Nor- I 90. our trasing her. but l* very stubborn. "Tm, «fcppn#e at In “Five cent, would wood and wife, Springfield. She says that If she were to be sick per be one-twen. Digestibility would cer- tieth. Aa each pint contains The local W. C. T. U. held the annual the same way again she sixteen | ounces were then take It. alcohol you taking a Wiliard commemorative meeting at the tainly get Peruna and little leag will an ounce of or no alcohol. So you see If people than alcohol before Methodist church Sunday evening. An each persist In such foolishness there ought meal.” Food interesting program was given. of "Yes. j to be a law to prevent them." Rev. Mr. Tenney, of Scotland, Conn., I ventured to Interpose a question. "But you objected to your mother's could not cure taking alcohol In the Peruna, different Powders gave a fine serpann at the Congregational “You say the doctors and yet Made with Baking cure she was far less | church Sunday morning. It is quite her, and yet you soy Peruna did taking alcohol than you her. What difference does It make to were. As 1 understand It, the dose probable he may receive the call to the of whether It was alcohol or some Peruna Is one tablespoonful From a Series of Elaborate Chemical pastorate. you Supposing Tests^ other drug that effected the cure?" It to be twenty per cent, alcohol, there Mrs. Paul Sawyer, who has been in It makes any would be In each dose one-fifth of bread was made "Well. I don’t know that of a An equal quantity (biscuit) Greenville, where her husband is em- difference, but It Is deceiving the people tablespoonful of alcohol, which would with each of three different kinds of baking powder— ployed, with her two children, is visiting to give them alcohol even though It be about half a teaspoonful, while yog were at least four and alum—and submitted Capt. Emmons Sawyer and wife. Edward does cure them." he said. taking teaspoonfuls cream of tartar, phosphate, I cannot ex- of alcohol In your bottle of beer. Sawyer, who has been working in Green- I replied. "Why. And to action of the fluid, each understand that. Alcohol yet you objected to your mother's tak- separately the digestive ville, returned with her. actly Is a drug, the same as qui- ing Peruna on the ground that the Pe- for the same of time. Much is felt here for runa length sympathy Harry nine or morphln. If alcohol cures contains alcojtol. In my opinion The relative percentage of the food digested is Kelley, for more than two years salesman certain diseases where Is the deception? It was the alcohol that cured both of on the Frank Lunt cart, who has for more I understand that the Peruna people you. Your mother evidently was cured i as follows: a serious ailment shown than ;aix{ months been in the Hebron print on the label of each bottle the of very Peruna con- tains alcohol. It was sdnitorium. The Congregational sewing per cent, of alcohol contained in Peru- undoubtedly the na Each patient may read It If he alcohol that cured her. or at least Bread made with society gave a supper for his benefit pleasea I cannot see where there Is helped to. The other Ingredients of Thursday evening. Proceeds, |30. Mrs. Cream of Tartar Powder; any deception." Peruna might have assisted, no doubt Royal Kelley, with her two children, one an in- In case It was “Well, I would not take Peruna,” did. your the alcohol |n nas (been seriously ill for several the beer that cured you of the fant, S. B. HARTMAN. M. D. he persisted. “Now, I was sick, I had a stom- 100 Per Cent Digested | Peruna | days. stomach disease. A violent pain, that ach difficulty. has cured of such cases." Feb. 17. 8pray. a little business in one of come on about an hour or two thousands _ Having: would Bread made with the federal offices of the city, after it after each meal. It grew worse and "Well. I declare," he replied. "I never MANSET. was finished I fell in conversation with worse. I was also constipated. I con- thought of It In that way before. powder: John has been housed with the the official in charge concerning Pa- sulted several doctors in our city about There haa been so much said about al- phosphate _ Noyes rana. I mention his to show to see a cohol that I grip the past week. business my health. I went prominent being poisonous suppose 68*4 Per Cent. Digested | that the conversation was conducted specialist in New York City, paid out a my mind has been prejudiced against 1 Parker has sold his house to the Emery with a man of more than ordinary in- great deal of money, but no help. One It But If as you say there Is also Baker’s lightkeepcr at island. a a on the In same with telligence, being employe of the gov- time I was having bad spell alcohol beer, the kind of alco- Bread made Miss Margaret Dolliver received a ernment who had passed through sev- train. The gentleman who occupied hol as Is used In Peruna. I cannot see eral civil service examinations. He the next seat was a retired where the difference Is alum present of an organ Friday from an aunt physician myself.” powder: said to not I was: I He in Rhode Island. me. knowing who with whom had been acquainted. "Well,” I replied, "you have been “I think a deal of this said to if want to great patent me, ‘My friend, you doing exactly what the average man Per Cent. Digested J. L. Stanley & Sons are harvesting their medicine business to be I would advise to take a {~67^t 1 ought stopped. get well you and woman Is doing. You have al- which is about ten inches thick. such remedies as Perana. bees before each meal. I ice, Especially glass of lager lowed your mind to become prejudiced George Ward, while working on the sluice, Peruna, as you know, is a stimulant think that will cure you.* Having fol- are reliable and against Peruna on account of Its con- These tests, which absolutely and contains or lowed directions of several sprained his ankle badly. eighteen twenty per the good taining alcohol. Without stopping to make a fact of cent, of alcohol. People take It without physicians without any assistance, I look Into at all unprejudiced, plain great importance Miss Mary Whitmore left Monday the matter you have knowing what It »a. and such remedies thought I would try the beer. In n assumed that there la raised with a cream of for Goose Cove to finish the something terri- to everyone: Food Royal, morning ought to be law. My short time I found it was prohibited by very helping bly disreputable about remedies con- winter term of school, which was inter- own tartar Baking Powder, is shown to be entirely diges- mother took Peruna once. She had me. and I got entirely well. My bowels taining alcohol. The fact Is. however, by the illness of the teacher. a sweats, was became and I had no more alum and are found rupted cough, night growing regular that most all fluid medicines, whether tible, while the phosphate powders emaciated and weak. Several doctors pain. No more distress after meals. The ladies’ aid society met Mrs. prescribed by a doctor or put up as a of the food made from wijh examined her. The opinion was ex- Now, if my mother had used some to retard the digestion Mabel Keene Wednesday. On account of patent medicine, contain a certain largely several times that she was that would all pressed remedy like it be right. amount of was in so many homes, only seven were alcohol It alcohol that them. grip into One But to In some secret going consumption. thought persist using cured mother. It was alcohol but much work was your that present, accomplished, it was chronic bronchitis. At any rate, like I think it is out- not wasted but it remedy Peruna, cured you. In my alcohol in food is only food, were opinion, Undigested after wbich-refreshments served. her condition was quite serious. She was rageous.” | some form or other Is making mote source of ailments. unable to get any relief from the doc- I ventured to ask some is the very many bodily On account of the storm Tuesday, Again ques- cures than all other drugs combined. tors she consulted, although she took tions. I asked: “What do the meeting of the Delta Alphas was held you sup- This is not saying, however, that. Pe- their medicines faithfully for nearly a pose it was in the lager beer that ef- Wednesday* evening, after the Epworth runa contains only alcohol, for It does year. Some one told her about Peruna, fected the cure?” league, at th Four new mem- contain excellent remedies besides al- ^parsonage. and wish and the I it was stimulant against my against “Why. presume the cohol. But I do contend the alco- bers were initiated-Miss Lena that ville Monday, after a long illness\)f tuber- Norwood, wishes of our family, she began It contained. Yes, no doubt it was the NEWS. taking hol In Peruna Is not only not harmful to COUNTY culosis. Miss Lora Mayo, Miss Esther Stanley, it. At once she and in less stimulant.” improved, those who take it. but if taken In the Miss Vera Robinson. It was rather a cold than six months she was “You know, of that the stim- D. W. Torrey, who was severely injured apparently course, doses prescribed on the bottle it will do BROOKJLlN. for the to be but he must well. We did all we could to discour- ulant in beer Is alcohol, the same as in by being thrown out of his carriage, has night goat out, a great deal of good and there Is not have behaved as the arrived age her In taking Peruna. but she per- wine or whiskey or any other alco- Miss Helen McFarland has pone to Bos- recovered visit relatives nicely, girls the slightest danger of forming a sufficiently tp sisted. It came'out in the at school as finally mag- holic drink?” ton to work. here for a few high (Thursday morning drug habit." PERUNA IS FOR SALE days. azines that Peruna contained alcohol. “Yes, I have heard say that beer con- A. W. and wife have returned smiling as ever. AT ALL DRUG STORKS. Bridges The Deer Isle basket-ball team defeated Then we knew at once what it was tains about live per cent, of alcohol. 18. Lilac. from South Bluehill. Feb. SPECIAL NOTICE — Castiae team at Caatine Saturday even- that benefited my mother, it was sim- “That Is correct,” I replied. “You Many persons are making Inquiries for the old- ply the alcohol that Peruna contained. took a bottle of beer before each Miss Ada Herrick, who has been teach ing. Score 27-11. The party went up on NORTH BROOKSVILUS. meal, time Peruna. To such would say. We had the laugh on mother. We have did you?** this formula Is now out under the ing in Bluehill, is home. the tug Betsy Ross and returned Sunday put Grace Ward well, of Castine, is at D. R. not ceased to make fun of her about “Yes.” name of KA-TAR-NO, manufactured has to yef. by KA-TAR-NO Columbus, Henry Jordan gone Hartford, morning. Black’s. her being cured with a dilution of alco- “In so were a Company. doing you drinking pint Ohio. Write them and they will be to his The Deer Isle men who hol. She seems to Conn., join family. young shipped Orrin Green is home from Brooklin for be embarrassed by of a live per cent, solution of alcohol pleased to send you a free booklet. A. E. Blake and of are on the yacht Adventurer for a voyage wife, Newport, a few weeks. | several weeks here. around Cape Horn left her after the trip Ask Your for Free Peruna Almanac spending A. A. Goodell has purchased the Aaron Druggists for 1913. from Bath to Boston. They considered Miss Liva Tibbetts, of New York, is vit-. Jones farm. the craft unsafe for so a her long voyage. iting father, Capt. Joseph Tibbetts. Friday, accompanied by her sou and at Knit brook of to Feb. 17. Hex. Mary Snow visited Maria Thompson at COUNTY NEWS. siding, instead having Roy Tolcott and a friend, of Boston, are Sedgwick last week. daughter. Interment was at South Deer go two mile* farther to Franklin station, spending a few days at A. W. Bridges’. EAST LAMOINE. Isle. because thay bad to carry their butter W. A. Perkins has purchased of Maud FRANKLIN. Miss Lettie Carter has returned from j The schooner Frank Wit her which and eggs to Franklin village to obtain H. L. Smith and wife were in Bangor a Snow the pasture hear his house. bee, Tbe sextet will meet with Miss Mildred haie North Haven, where she has been teach- few days last week. left this port Feb. 12 with 700 tons of money to purchase a ticket, conld not Annie Seger is in Islesboro visiting her j Abbott Saturday afternoon. ing. stone, for New York, had sprung a leak been conversant with the busmen Mrs. Fred Macomber, of Ellsworth, daughter, Mrs. W. B. Sherwood. and came near but was Miss Beulah Paine is visiting her cousin, methods of these place*. We sell our Miss Harriet Bridges, of Sedgwick, was in town a few days last week. foundering, picked Ormand Staples and bride are guests of ! Mrs. M. A. Gordon, at Jacksouville. send them to the week with E. H. up py the revenue cutter Itasca and towed products by telephone, spent past Bridges School closed after a Friday, successful Mr. Staple’s parents, J. E. and market and have our and wife. Staples into Provincetown, Mass. Mrs. Prances Carroll is employed as by parcel post, Miss Lena term, taught by Sperry, of wife. check come the R. and Cards have seamstress at Nichols1 store, Bangor. by F. D. carrier, Miss Harriet Saunders, who has been been received announcing j Surry. Mrs. C. B. Nichols is home from Blue* are to travel when the the at on The local union Christian Endeavor will therefore ready the guest of Miss Annie Bmith, has re- l marriage Dorchester, Mass., George Stafford, of Bar Harbor, with a hill, where she has been visiting her flag-station shall be an established fact. turned home. Feb. 18, of Mabel, daughter of John L. hold a session at East Franklin Feb. 22. crew of men, is cutting wood on the Feb. 17 T T. Spratt daughter. Goss and wife, to Mr. Cottop of the U. 8. The regular meeting of Lookout chapter & Greeiy lot. Cecil Butler and family are in town James Green celebrated his eighty* coast survey. Mt. aiid Mrs. Cotton are on E. was from Harrington during his school vaca- O. S., held Friday evening. The Friends of Newell NORTHEAST HARBOR. here Hodgkins are second birthday Sunday. Mr. Green is a trip to Bermuda. After April 1 they degrees were conferred on two candidates. tion. pained to learn of his death at Portland, one of North Brooksville’s smart men. will reside here. Fred A. Torrey and W. Proctor Smallidge and wile ire visiting Refreshments were served. As it was St. H. P. filaisdell had his ioe-house tilled in of typhoid fever, He has hauled and fitted his fire-wood, H. Goss and wife were in Boston to attend Bolton. Valentine’s night, the program was appro- last week. He recently purchased a horse | Mrs. A. R. Deverenx, of Ellsworth, is walks to the postoffice about every day, a the wedding. Luther Phillips, who is attending col- priate. A pleasing feature of the evening in Bangor. here having her household goods moved distance of one mile, and attends the Feb. 17. Nihil. lege in Boiton, visited his plrents, F. J. ^as an original WUI by Mrs. Alma Flye. Mrs. J. D. Perkius left (or from the government house to Ellsworth. grange about every week. Friday Phillips ind wile, last week. He was ac- CRANBERRY ISLES. to visit her The remains of Augustus 0. Blake, Feb. N. Feb. 17, C. Somerville, Mass., daughter, companied by Mardelle Savage, who also 18.____ Mrs. Edward Perkins. formerly of this town, were brought here Edward Carey baa gone to Boaton. attends school In Massachusetts. 0 BLAND. WEST BROOKSVLLLE. Jan. 31 from Newport^ where he died at Lloyd Rice ia borne from Southwest Percy Hanacom was recently called to Feb. 10. V. the home of his son, Albert E. Blake, after Mrs. Mu belle Ahdersofi, young wife of OBITUARY. Harbor, ill ot grip. Qlen, K. H., by the severe illness o( bu Mrs. Hattie Qraves has return from Bos- a at the age of seventy- Little Maade the six- mother. Ue returned lingering illness, John Dudley Buck, died recently at Agnes Tapley, is Mrs. Oelia Tuesday. of and Mrs. Mrs. Eva Salisbury visiting ton. four years. Mr. Blakte was a native of Minn. year-old daughter Capt. Miss Beatrice ol Dungden, Robert M. ot 1220 Chestnut street, Salisbury in Bangor. Haycock, Cberryfleld, but had lived in this town Tapley, Miss Irene la home from Bar Brooksville, dead at the borne of her after wbo hga been the o( Miss Heavey Narramissic grange met in regular ses- is parents, Mrs. Ben Marshall, who has been visit- guest Evelyn some years. He married Jennie an brief illness, a victim of Harbor hospital. York, sion Feb. with a good attendance. extremely Dwelley, left (or home Monday. 15, was Leslie Rice and baa returned of this who died several meningitis. The little girl alive ing wife, a place, years ago. Guests were Sister Nellie of Charles Ilardlaon will soon build King, Good and well ten days ago, and was one of home. Principal M. C. Foes, of the high school, To them was born one son—Albert E. house Cheer of and Sister the liveliest and of the of his wife and children near the Mt. Desert nurseries. grange, Bradford, brightest pupils of accompanied to His second wife was Mrs. Jennie Herrick. the school class. Mrs. Collins Morrill, Pittsfield, spent Ina Patten, of Verona grange. Pro- Haight receiving Madison last week. Harold Clifford is Mrs. has- to To" n week-end with ber Ueorge Sargent gone Mr. Blake was a veteran school-teacher, ; The child was one of the most beloved the parents, Freeman gram: Singing; readings, Mrs. Gertrude in his absence. Hill for the remainder of the winter. terms in Han- pupils of the Haight school and of the and wife. teaching having taught ninety-nine A. B. Stanley Feb. V. Hutchings, Hutchins, Mrs. Helen Sunday school. She was at 17. cock He was the first of Congregational Feb. 17. Rooney. The outing party Camp Best last week county. secretary Leah Mrs. Helen G. of a and her Page, Gott, Mrs. happy, sunny disposition, included Mrs. Freda and Qeneva Naskeag lodge, F. and A. M., and a mem- los9 will be felt not her relatives Bragdou, Carrie Crosby; dialogue, “Going Some- only by SEAWALL. EA8TBROOK. ber of the N. E. O. P. Masonic services and but by of her Frances Dyer, Leia Smith and Beulab Carrie Jennie playmates, many grown where,” Crosby, Eldridge, friends. has returned with his Kichard and Artie Merchant is home from Uoodwin's were held at Brooklin cemetery. Wilt Campbell Paine, Oyer Lyle Smith. A Brothers Charles R. Ripley, Lewis G. One of the sad features of the case is the ill of Feb. 17. Cne Femme. mother to their home in Bar Harbor. good catch of pickerel and an enjoyable Siding grip. Hubbard and Fred Buck. the absence of the lather. Capt. Tapley, of the During time are American Hawaiian Mexican, Mrs. entertained a reported. Ellen, little daughter of Leonard Butler Bocial hour clam stew was which steamship Henry Spurting served, left Honololu a few bound for and is ill of SEDGWICK. days ago, small party of friends Tuesday evening. “Our Church Fair,” a farcical entertain- wife, grip. was thoroughly appreciated. All had a Salina Cruz, Mexico, and it will not be G. S. and son are home for two ment in two acta, will be at the Mrs. Mary has been visiting Bridges good time and went home happy. until his arrival there that he will be ap- Mrs. Cteneva Newman is home from given DeMeyer town Feb. her Mrs. weeks. Feb. 17. Spec. prised of his daughter’s death. Franklin, where she has been visiting. ball, Saturday evening, 22, by daughter, Albert Giles. has resided in The Tapley family twelve ladies for tbe benefit of re- Kev. E. Sanderson leaves for a Feb. D. young tbe Adelbert Merchant and family ha to-day Alameda for the past five and a half years, 17.__ to Waterville. SURRY. \ Methodist church. Those taking part moved to R. B. Lawrie’s for the remainder trip _ from Ken ne bunk where coming port, Me., LAMOINE. was born at the home NORTH have been untiring in their efforts, and it of the I. S. went to Rockland Thurs- Milton Clark is home from Rumford Agnes July 29,1906, winter. Candage of her Wil- grandparents, Capt. and Mrs. L N. Salisbury, lost one of his work- is hoped the hall will be well filled. The Feb. 17. Gum. day, returning Saturday. Falls. liam H. Gould. In addition to her par- horses Saturday, of colic. cast: Mrs. Roberts, who wants to be Mrs. Elsie who ents, the little is survived ber two The weekly moving pictures, conducted Jordan, has been ill, is girl by Miss Bernice sisters—Adelaide and Roberta was called president, Ounn; Mrs. Mr. of furnish out Tapley.— Miss Madge Moon, teacher, aWjfrttBcmnitfi. by Crockett, Winterport, again. 30. fond of Times-Star, Alameda, Cal., Jan. home the illness of her Henry, young, giddy, novels, Miss a with a Wednesday by pleasing entertainment, change Mrs. Abbie Mills, who has been in Julia Mrs. the mother. Macomber; Jackson, presi- of program each night. Dancing follows. Portland with her sister, ii borne. dent of tbe society, Miss Clara 8TON1NGTON. Feb. 17. Y. Haskell; WORK WONDERS Minnewaukon chapter, R. A. M., worked Mary Billington was in Augusta last _ Mrs. Lewis, the minister’s wife, Mrs. Lacy Miss Cecile Roney is visiting her For Worms In Children. Tuesday afternoon and evening the mark week to attend the grange lecturers’ con- DEER ISLE. Cousins; Mrs. Lawson, plump, Mrs. Hazel brother Ossa. NORTH master and past master degrees on eleven ference. Dyer; Mrs. Brown, anxious to new The diseases of childhood are often Mrs. Dina Hatch returned from Camden get candidates — Forrest B. Snow, Ward W. Miss Jessie Flye, who has been teaching church attendants, Miss Qeneva hard to A nervous condi- Oatley Gray has moved from the Bill- Saturday. Bragdon; interpret. Wescott, Dr. E. C. Barrett, F. L. in Union, is home. Mrs. tion, restless at an abnormally Stover, ington house to the Ed. Withee house, Addison, very inquisitive, Miss night, E. E. Max Allen Small and wife have gone to Frances large appetite or sometimes none, may Fullerton, Hinckley, Durgan which he has Ida Simpaon is visiting Capt. Charles Dyer; Mrs. Ridgeley, sensitive, purchased. Vinalhaven to visit their daughter, Mrs. indicate worms. In such cases a tea- Hinckley, Robert Hinckley, Thomas Chapin and wife in Camden. Mrs. Marion Dyer; Mrs. Otis, on the din- Albert Withee and wife have moved Freeman Howard. spoonful of “J» F.” Atwood’s Medi- Snow, Charles Green and Albion Saun- Mrs. F. Homer is in* the ner committee, Miss Hazel Bragdon; Mrs. down to the village with Mrs. Withee’s Long Boston, Feb. 17. H. cine at night and a small dose before ders, all of Bluehill. A banquet was of Mrs. Thompson, decidedly close. Miss Lola mother, Mrs. Edna Treworgy. guest George Abbott. alight breakfast the following morn- served at 6 o’clock and refreshments at Dyer; Mrs. Drew, just Miss is and will all Feb. 17. Anon. Miss Ruby Small attended the gov- NORTH SEDGWICK. married, ing harmless, settle midnight. Next Tuesday evening the Evelyn Dwelley. doubt about worms being the cause. jernor’s ball and reception at Augusta. H. O. who has been degree of most excellent master will be Staples, visiting Feb. 17. Many mothers know this. WALTHAM, Montell B. already conferred, and three exalted in the royal Abbott Harmon, who has been here, has returned to Cambridge, Mass. One of them writes: ‘*My little boy, Mrs. Roscoe Hasletn has returned from is much in health. ‘L. arch degree. Refreshments will be very ill, improved Rufus Bridges and wife are spending a aged 6. has never been without a visit in Ellsworth. NORTH FRANKLIN. F.’ Atwood’s was served. Mrs. Reuben Cousins, who has been in few days with Fred M. Page and wife. Medicine since he two, and 1 found it invaluable Feb. 17. H. Samuel Jones, of .Bangor, is visiting his the hospital in Bangor, is at home much Feb. 17. A. W. F. Cousins and wile have returned havg __- for Worms, etc.” siBter, Mrs. Milton Haslem. improved in health. * from a visit in Bangor. Constipation, Mrs. Adalbert E. Jellison, DEER ISLE. FRANKLIN ROAD. Minnie, little daughter of Adalbert Mrs. Rose Arey died Friday st the Mrs. Avis March Foss, of Bar Harbor, Franklin, Me. lira. Charles T. Powers is ill of quite Crosby and wile, is ill of pneumonia. home of hei mother, Mrs. Violet Goes. J. W. McKay has gone to Bluehill to do visited her parents last week. Miss Hazel If you have never used “L. F.” At- end (rip complications. was mason work. March her home a wood’s a free sam- William and George Stanley, who have She operated upon for appendicitis accompanied for visit. Medicine, write for ple. 85 cents for a bottle at all A.. O. Gross and Gapt. Herbert Spottord been lor Milton have re- Thursday. H. A. McFarland three car- the man who made the large working Haslem, shipped Evidently state- stores. are in Boston tor a few days. turned to Brewer. The remains of Mrs. Clara who loads of last week. ment that the of North Prince, pulp-wood people Franklin "L- F.” MEDICINE CO.. Portland, Mrs. Isaiah Pickering died at Mountain- Feb. 17. H. died at the hospital, were brought here Feb. 17. M. and East brook did not need a flag-station Me.