Scholarships and gr:rnts. Persona! data. 2012. David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies at arvard University. Amalia Lacroze De JORGE FRANCISCO LIERNUR Fortabat Visiting Scholars and Fellows Program. Date ofbirth: 06.26.1946 2011. National Agency for the Promotion ofScience and Tech ology. Grant for the organization ofthe Piace ofbirth: , . symposium "Modem Architecturaf Masterpieces in Arg ntina". National ity: argentine. 2009. (with Jose Manuel Pozo (Spain), Enrique de Anda (Mex co) and others) Grant from the Ministry of Passport number: 7.772. 102 Science and lnnovation, Govemment of Spain. "The th Century: Spain and la/in America PersonaI address: Correa 1834, Ciudad Autonoma dc Buenos Aires, CP 1429, Argentina. thro11gho111 Architecture: wars. exiles, interdependencie The cases of Argentina and Mexico" Tclfax: (0054.11) 4703.3104 2008. CONICET (Argentina) grant fo r the organization of an i temational event. 2nd International Status: married, one daughter. Seminary Ollice: School of Architecturc and Urban Studies, Torcuato Di Tella University (UTDT); Saenz Valiente " History, city and architecture in America. Eighteen Cen ury. I OI O, CP 1429, Ciudad Aut6noma dc Buenos Aires, Argentina, Tel/fax: (**54.11 ) 5169. 7330; e-mail: 2007. CONICET grant fo r the organization of an intem ational vent. I rst lnternational Seminary [email protected] " History, city and architecture in America. Eighteen Ce ry. 2006. Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung. lberoamerikanisches lnstitut, Berlin. Orientalism and the idea Cnrrcnt position. ofjlat roofin modem architecture. Erneritus, School of Architecture and Urban Studies, UTDT. 2003-2006. Agency for the Promotion ofScience and Technol gy grani; "Pfaces ofknowledge: locai Associated Professor, Doctoral Program, School of Architecture and Urban Studies. Santiago, Chile. contexts and internationaf networks" (With Ricardo Sai tore et alt.) Principal Researcher ofthe CONICET (National Council for the Scientific and Technical Research). 2001. Agency for the Promotion of Science and Technology; g nt for the organization of an international event, "New approaches to post WW2 architecture cuf/Ie: the emergence o/third world ". Education. 2000. Agency for the Promotion ofScience and Technology, nt for the organization ofthe Sccondary leve! studies: 1959- 1964, bachelor, Colegio Nacional de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires. international coloquium "Rethinking imperialism. A cuf/1 raf point ofview" (with R. Salvatore, Univcrsidad de Buenos Aires (UBA); Facultad de Arqui tectura y Urbanismo; 1965- 1973. Degree: UTDT and C. Altamirano UNQ). Architcct. 1999 UBA Grant. Project: ''The Sixties in Argentina: Architect ire and culture" Dipartimento di Storia. Istituto Universitario di Architettura, Venice, Italy. 1973-1976. 1992-1997. UBA grani. "Historical dictionary ofhabitat , urb~ism and architecture in Argentina". Degree: Postgraduate stt1dies on 1-listory of Architecture. 1995. Paul Getty senior grants program. "The advent of latin merican architecture ". Kunsthistorisches Institut, Philosophische Fakultat, Universitiit Bonn, Germany, 1984-1986. CONICET (Argentina)/ Conseil National de la Recherch Scientifique (France). Dcgree: Postgraduate studies on History o f Architecture. "Modem urban politics. The question oforigins. 1900-1 40 ", Paris, France. Rockefeller Foundation gmnt. Participation in the Annu Meeting ofthe College Art Association, San Antonio, Texas, USA. 1991 . Universita degli Studi di Roma "la Sapien=a" ( ltaly). " tudies on the ltalian presence in argentine Languagcs. modem architeclure" (with professors Carlo Severati an Otello lolita). Spanish, ltalian, French, Gcnnan, English; reading Portuguese, basic Latin, Chinese ( 12 111 leve!. Offi ciai UBA idem 1992. Program CUl/UBA). 1990. Alexander von Humboldt-Siftung postdoctoral scholars p, second period. lberoamerikanisches lnstitut, Berlin. "Origins ofmodern architecturaf ideasi la/in-America". lnstituto del Patrimonio Hist6rico, Junta de Andalucia, S ville." History ofthe Riachuefo basin ". Summary of profcssional cxpcricncc. UBA idem 1991. Main architectural projects and activities between 1967 and 1983: 1989.CONICET grant. "Historicaf dictionary ofhabitat. urba ism and architecture in Argentina". As independent architect: Sport ccnter in Puerto Deseado ( 1983); Houses in Guernica Country Club, UBA idem 1990. Prov. Buenos Aires ( 1978-1980). Awards: dwell ings for Country Club SHA ( 1977); Charata branch of CONICET grant. "On the origins o/modem Buenos Air . The case ofParque Patricios Chaco Bank ( 1978); National Cattle Market ( 1980). neighborhood". As designer fo r private fi rrns: Urban ex tension ofCentral Area (1 980-1982) for Mario Roberto Alvarez & 1988. UBA idem I 989. Ass.; 16 municipal schools ( 1979) for Tony Diaz & Ass.; K.i ng Hussein Royal Palace (Amman, Jordan; CON ICET idem 1989. 1974) and Urban Design of Karthoum (Sudan), for Paolo Portoghesi & Ass.; Tourist Village (Serdeny, 1987.Social Science Research Council grani, New York, USA. "History ofindustriai architecture in ltaly, 1975) for Ceschi & Tonca. Argemina. The case of electricity". For public institutions: Planning ofthe Rio Turbio coal basin, Prov. Santa Cruz, Argentina. I 984-1986. Alexander von Humboldt-Siftung postdoctoral sch larship, Kunsthistorisches lnstitut, As assistant designer with: Clorindo Testa, 1-loracio Baliero, Juan Manuel Borthagaray, Ernesto Philosophische Fakultiit, Universitiit Bonn, Gennany, "/ uences of German thought in modern Kat.zenstein, Mario Soto, Juan Kurchan, Luiggi Pellegrin, among others. latin-American architecture ", under the direction of Pro . Tilmann Buddensieg. 1975. Istituto Universitario di Architettura scholarship, Vcnice, ltaly. Studies on fascist architccture, Professor. "Rethinking the history o f Modem Architect re; a peripheral vision" , Master in under the direction of Profs. Giorgio Ciucci and Manfredo Tafuri. History and Culture of Architecture and the City. 1974. Istituto Italo-Latinoamericano scholarship, Romc, ltaly. Studies on fascist architecture, under the Professor. "Urban Culture" Master of Urban Economics UTDT direction o f Profs. Giorgio Ciucci and Manfredo Tafuri. 2006. Professor. "Urban Culture" Master of Urban Economics UTDT 1961- 1968. UBA scholarship for secondary lcvel studies. Professor. "Rethinking the history of Modem Architect re; a periplreral vision", Post Graduate Program on the History and Culture of Architecture and he City. Professor. "Art and culture of Modemity". School of Hi tory. UTDT 2005. Idem 2006. 2004. Idem 2005. Regular Tcaching. 2003. Professor. "Urban Culture" Master ofUrban Economie UTDT Professor. "Rethinking the history of Modem Architec re; a peripheral vision" , Post Graduate 20 15. Professor. "Art and culture of Modemity". School of History, School of Architecture and Urban Program on the History and Culture of Architecture and he City. Studies. UTDT. Professor. "Art and culture of Modemity". School of H tory. UT DT Professor. " Architccturc in Latin America. 1955-2015". School of Architcctura and Urban Studies, 2002. Professor. "Urban Culture" Master of Urban Economie . UTDT Master in History and Culture of Architecture and the City, UTDT. Professor. "Art and culture of Modemity". School of Hi tory. UTDT 201 4. Professor. "Art and culture of Modemity". School of History, School of Architccture and Urban 200 I. Professor. "Urban Culture" Master of Urban Economie UTDT Studies. UTDT. Professor. "Latin American Architccture" FADU, UBA 2013. Professor. Design Thcsis Program, School of Architecture and Urban Studics. UTDT. 2000. Professor. "Urban Culn1re" Master of Urban Economie UTDT Professor. "Criticai readings in Modem Latin Amcrican Architecture", Doctoral Program. School Professor. "Latin American Architecture" FADU, UBA O f Architccturc and Urban Studies. Santiago, Chile. 1999. Professo r. "Urban Culture" Master of Urban Economie . UTDT Professor. "Thc Colegio Libre Seminars", UTDT. "The Cultura! construction of Professor. "Latin American Architecture" FADU, UBA the Shanty Towns''. 1998. Professo r. "Latin American Architecture" Idem I 999 2012. Professor. Design Thcsis Program, School of Architecture and Urban Studies. UTDT. 1986-1997. Professor. History of modem architecture. FADU, UBA. Professor. "The cultu ra! construction ofthc Santy Towns", Doctoral Progrmn. School of 1986-1988. Seminaries, CESCA. Architecture and Urban Studics. Santiago, Chi le. 1977-1982. Seminaries, "la Escuelita" (underground center o architccture studies during the mi litary History and Culture of Architecture and the City. dictatorship, directed by Justo Solsona, Rafael Viiioly, Ionio Diaz, and Ernesto Katzenstein) 201 I. Professor. Design Thesis Program, School of Architccture and Urban Studics. UTDT. I 974-1975. Assistant, History of Architecture. IUAV, Italy. Professor. Thesis Program Seminar. Master in History and Culture of Archilecture and the City. 1970-1 973. Assistant, History of Architecture and Architectur I Design, University of , Argentina School of Architccturc and Urban Studies. UTDT. Pro fessor. "Rethinking the history o f Modem Architecture; a peripheral vision", Doctoral Program. School of Architccture and Urban Studies. Santiago, Chile. History and Culture of Architccture and the City. Visiting scholnr. 201O. Professor. "Modem Architecture in Argentina and Latin America", School of Architecure and Urban Studics. UTDT. 2015. Department of Post Graduate Studies, School of Archi te ture, Design and Urbanism, University of Professor. "Art and culture o f Modemity". School of History, School of Architecn1re and Urban Buenos Aires. Seminar: "Manfredo Tafuri and the histo iography o f Modem Architecturc". Studies. UTDT. Instiutite of rcsearch in the History of Architecture, Sci ol of Architecture and Urbanism, Professor. "Rcthinking the history of Modem Architecture; a periphcral vision", Master in University ofthe Republic, Montevideo, Uruguay, Semi ar: "Manfredo Tafuri and the History and Culture of Architccturc and the City. historiography of Modem Architecn1re''. 2009. Professor. "Modem Architccturc in Argentina and Latin America'', School of Architecture and 2014. Doctoral Program. School o f Architecture, University o La Plata. Seminar: "The cultura! Urban Studies. UTDT. Constrnction ofthe Shanty Towns''. Pro fessor. "Art and culture o f Modemity''. School of History, School of Architecture and Urban Department of Post Graduate Studies; University of San Juan. Seminar Seminar: "Rethinking the Studies. UTDT. canon. On the non Euro-North Professor. "Rcthinking the history of Modem Architecture; a peripheral vision" , Master in American roots of Modem Achitecture" 1-Iistory and C ulture of Architecture and thc City. 2013. Xi An University of Architecture and Technology. Chin . Visiting Pro fessor. "Modemization and 2008. Pro fessor. "Art ancl culture o fModemity". School o fHistory, School of Architecture and Urban Architecture in Latin America''. Studies. UTDT. Univcrsity ofNavarra (Spain). Visiting Professor. Maste on Architectural Design Professor. "Rcthinking the history ofModcm Architecture; aperipheral vision·· , Master in 2012 Harvard University. Graduate School ofDesign.Visitin Professor. "The Cultura! constrnction of History and Culture of Architecturc and the City. the Shanty Towns··. 2007. Professor. "Art and c ul ture of Moclemity". School of History, School of Architecture and Urban Rhode lsland School of Design . Visiting Professor. " Re iinking the canon. On the non Euro-North Studies. UTDT American roots of Modem Achitecture" 2011. Univcrsity of Navarra (Spain). Vis iting Professor. Master on Architectural Design. 'The cui turai Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil. construction of the Santy Towns" 1991. Masters on Architecture, Pontificia Universidad Cat61ica Santiago, Chile. 20 I O. Rogcr Williams Uni versity. School of Architecture, art and Historic Preservati on. Visiting Postgraduate seminary on Architecture History, School f Architecture, Universidad de Professor. Bristol, USA. Rosario, Argentina. 2009. Univcrsity o f Sao Paulo, Department of Architecture (Sao Carlos). Master on Architecture and Modem Latin-American architecture, Universita degli St di di Roma " la Sapien=a ", Urban History. Visiting Pro fessor. Brazil. School of Architecture. 2008. University o f Navarra (Spain). Visiting Professor. Master on Architectural Design. 1990. Masters on Architecture, School o f Architecture, Unive idad del Zulia, Maracaibo, University o f Toronto (Canada), Shool of Architccture, Visiting c ri tic. Venezuela. 2007. Catholic University, (Santiago de Chile), School of Architecture. Visiting lecturer. 1987. Masters on Architecture History, Universidad Cat6lica, ordoba, Argentina. Los Andcs University (Colombia), School of Architecture. Visiting lecturer. Seminaries on Modem Architecture History, Center of A chitectural and Urban Studies, Arizona State University ( USA), School of Architecture. Visiting critic. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2006. Mayor Univers ity (Chilc), Visit ing professor, Master on Urban Economics. 1986. Serninaries on Modem Architecture History, Center of A chitecture and Urban Studies, Catholic University, (Santiago de Chile), School of Architecture. Visiting lecturer. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Universiclad de la Repùblica (Unrguay), School of Architecture. Visiting professor. 2005. Mayor Univers ity (Chile), Visiting professor, Master on Urban Econornics. Uni vcrsity of Navarra (Spain). Visiting Professor. Master on Architectural Design. lnvilcd lccturcr. Mayor University (Chile), Visiting professor, Master on Art 1-fistory. 2004. Harvard University. Graduate School of Design. Visiting professor. 2015. Doctoral program. School of Architecture. Universidad f Rosario, Argentina. Mayor University (Chi le), Visiting professor, Master on Urban Economics. Design Studio, Felipe Correa. Harvard Graduate School f Design. 2003. Un iversity o fTrier (Gennany). Visiting Professor. Art history dcpartment. Latin American Seminar, Barry Bergdoll , School of Are itecture, Columbia Unversity, New York. University o f Cordoba (Argentina). Professor. Master on Architectural Preservation. Illinois lnstitute ofTechnology, School of Architecture, hicago, USA University o f Navarra (Spain). Professor. Master on Architectural Design. 2014. Professional Council of Architecture and Urbanism, Bu nos Aires. 2002. University o f Santa Fe (Argentina) Professor. Master on Architecture 1-f istory. School o f Architecture. University of Cordoba, Argenti . Polytechnic of Milan (ltaly). Professor, Doctoral program. School of Architecture, Universidad del Litoral, Santa F , Argentina. 200 I. Univcrsity o f Navarra (Spain). Professor. Master on Architectural Design. School of Architecture, John F. Kennedy University, Bu nos Aires, Argentina. 2000. Rio Picdms Univcrsity (Pucrto Rico, USA). 2012. Princeton University. Architecture Depanment. Polytechnic ofTuri n, Polytechnic ofMilan. Professor. Doctoral program. Rhode lsland School of Design. 1999 Seminar, Montevideo School of Architecture. Universidad de la Repùblica ( Unrguay) Politecnic of Milan. School of Architecture and Society. Magistcr in Architecture, School of Architecture. Catholic University, Santiago (Chile) 2011. SciArch. Los Angeles, California. USA. 1998 Graduate School of Design Harvard University (vis iting lecturer) School of Architecture and Urban Studies, Santiago, Chi e. 1996. Rodhe ls land School of Des ign, Providence, USA (visiting critic). The Museum ofModem Art. New York, USA. Coursc on Modem Latin Amcrican Architecture, Graduate School ofDesign, Harvard 201O. University o f La Plata, Argentina. lnstitute of History, S hool of Architecture. Univcrsity. University ofthe Republic, Montevideo, Unrguay. Scho I of Arehitecture. Scminary on Modem Lalin American Architecture, Graduate School of Design, Harvard Colgate University, USA. Peace and Conflict Studies. P. on lecture series. University. Cervantes lnstitute, Brasilia, Brazil. Course on Modem Latin American Architecture, School o f Architecture, Universidad de 2009. University o f Sao Paulo, Department of Architecture (Sa Los Andes, Bogotù. Museum ofModem Art (New York), Centro Leon. (Sani 1995. Doctoral seminary in History, University of Mar del Plata, Argentina. Society of French Architects (France). Grn po de Arquilectos Latinoamericanos, Union o f Architects, Berlin, Gennany. Architecture Center and Secretary of Culture, Rosario ( 1994. Seminaries on architectural design research, Society of Architects, Buenos Aires. 2008. Museum o f Contemporary Art Houston/Rice University USA). Mastcrs on Architecturc, Pontificia Universidad Cat61ica, Santiago, Chile. 2007. School of Architecture. Catholic University (C6rdoba, A g.). 1993. Seminaries on architectural design research, Society of Architects, Buenos Aires. School of training for education. City Govemement of B enos Aires. Postgraduate cultura! studies, School of Architecture, Universidad Centrai de Venezuela, School of Architecture. Los Andes University (Colombi Caracas. 2006. School of Architecture. National University ofCordoba 1992. Masters on Architecture History, School of Architecture, Uni vcrsidad Centrai de Politechnic lnstitute of Milan (ltaly). Venezuela, Caracas. Politechnic lnstitute ofTurin (ltaly) Postgracluate seminary o n housing, School of Architecture, Universidad de Rosario, School o f Architecture. Catholic University (Santiago, C Argentina. 2005. School o f training fo r education. City Govemement of B Postgraduate scmin School of Architecture. University of Navarra (Spain) ary on Architecture 1-f istory, School of Architecture, Universiclad de Columbia University School of Architecture (USA) '(:,,(/ Secretary of Culture, Univcrs idad dcl Litoral (Argentina) 1991. Istituto di Storia e Restauro dei Monumenti, Universita d gli Studi di Roma, "La "Ricardo Rojas" Cultura! Center, University o f Buenos Aires (Argentina) Sapien:a", ltaly. Cui turai Ccnter of Spain in Buenos Aires (Argentina) School of Architecture, Sevillc, Spain. Bcrlagc lnstitute, Rotterdam (The Nctherlands) Society of Architects, San lsidro, Prov. Buenos Aires, A gentina. Scientific Society of Argentina. Society of Architects, La Pinta, Prov. Buenos Aires, Arg ntina. 2004. Roger Williams University, School of Architccturc (USA) School of Architecture, Pescara, Italy. School of Architecture, Universidad de la Rcpi'.1b lica ( Uruguay) School of Fine Arts, Geneva, Switzerland . Architec ts Association ofTucuman (Argentina) 1990. Eidgenosiche Technische Hochschule Zurich, Switzcrlan 2003. Buenos Aires Museum of Latin American Art. (Argentina). Hochschule Bildende Kunste Braunschweig, Germany. School of Architecturc, Catholic University, Santiago (Chile) School of Architecture, Universidad de Rosario, Argenti a. School of Architecture. Univcrsity ofNavarra (Spain) Society of Architects, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2002. Architects Society. Lomas dc Zamora. (Argentina) 1989. School of Architecture, Pontificia Universidad Catélica, antiago, Chile. Architccts Society. Mcndoza (Argentina) Socie ty of Architects, La Plata, Argentina. School of Architecturc. Cnthol ic University. Cordoba (Argentina). Postgraduate school of Architecture, Universidad del Lit ral, Santa Fé, Argentina. Buenos Aires Museum of Latin American Art. (Argentina) 1988. Society of Architects, Cordoba, Argentina. Polytcchnic o f Milan (ltaly) 1987. Society of Architects, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2001. School of Architecture. University of Navarra (Spain) 1982. Society of Architects, Rosario, Argentina. Princcton Univcrsity ( USA) Polytcchnic of Milan (Italy) 2000. Patrimony lnstitutc, Scville (Spain). School of Architecture, Rio Picdras University (Puerto Rico, USA) Congrcsscs and Symposia pa pcrs. 1999. Massachussets lnstitutc ofTechnology (MIT) (Cambridge, USA). 1998. School of Architecture. Pontificia Universidad Catélica, Santiago, Chilc School of Architecture. (Univcrsidad del Litoral), Argentina. 2015. School of Arc hitecture, Univcrsity of Sao Paulo. Sympos um: Joao Vilanova Arti gas Centenni al. Rodhc lsland School of Design. (Providcnce, USA) On Jhe uses ofl ite ideas of "brulalism "and "developmen/ "for the study of Vilanova Arligas 1997. Architcctural Association, London, Uniteci Ki ngdom. legacy" School of Architecturc, Rosario University, Argentina. Deutschcr Akademisches Ausstauschdienst and Sc hool o Architecturc and Urbanism Universidad 11 th Architecture Bienal, Santiago de Chi le. del Litoral, Santa Fe, Argentina. Symposium: Modem A hitecture: Technique and Life. School of Architecture, Rio Grande do Sul Uni vcrsity, Brazil. "Commenls on lhe impac/ ofOswald Spengler 's ideas in ome lalin American inlellec111a/jìg11res ". 1996. Graduate School of Des ign, Harvard Univcrsity. School of Architccture, Urbanism and Design, Cordoba niversity, Argentina; Société Museum of Fine Arts, Mc ndoza, Argentina. lntemationale Leon Battista Albcn i, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Symposium 1995. School of Architecturc, Tcchnische Hochschule Berlin, Gennany. "At the ori gin of modem rationalities; On Leon Battista lbeni and Humanism". "01herness in De lberoamcrikanisches lnstitut, Berlin, Gcnnany. Re Aedijìca1oria". School of Architecture, Univcrsidad Federai de Bahia, Bahia de Todos Los Santos, School of Architecturc and Urban Studics, Catholic Univ rsity in Santiago; School of Architecture, Brazil. Diego Portales University. Symposium: On the exhibitio "Latin America in Construction" School of 1-listory, Univcrsity of Mar del Plata. (MoMA). "ldeas on the layoul" Southcm California School ofDesign, Los Angeles, USA. Alfredo Ravignani lnstitute, School of Philosophy and ti e Humanities, University of Buenos California College o f Arts a nd Crafts, San Francisco, USA. Aires. Discussion on "The house and the multitude ". Society of Architects, Rosario, Argentina. School of Architccture, Princcton University; Symposiu 1: Leaming from/in Latin America: Simon Bolivar Un ivcrsity, Caracas, Venezuela. Part Two; Modcrator. 1994. Socicty of Architects, Buenos Aires, Argentina. King Juan Carlos I Center, New York University ; Symp sium: Modemization Takes Command? Society of Architects, Moron, Prov. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Latin American C iti es during the Cold War; The cultura construclion ofth e "Villas Miseria ". Society of Architects, Rosario, Prov. Santa Fé, Argentina Early approaches by the administralion and the press. ( rgentina 1946-1963) Socicty of Architects, Cordoba, Argentina. School of Architecture, University ofSao Paulo. Syrnpo ium: Manfredo Tafuri: their readers and 1993 . Socicty of Architects, Buenos Aires, Argentina. their readings. "Tafuriji-0111 the South" School of Architec ture, Uni versidad de Rosario, Argentina. 201 4. American Accademy in Rome, Istituto Zvizero di Roma; "Architecture and the Ans: 1945-1970. School of Architecture, Un iversidad del Litoral, Santa Fé, Argenti na. Parangons and interests". lntegralion of1he Arls in Jhe S ulhern Cone ofLa lin America. Three 1992. High lnstitute of Fine Arts "Armando Rever6n ", Caracas, Venezuela. counlries, lhree inlerpretalions. School of Architecture, Univcrsidad Centrai de Venezuela, Caracas. School of Architecture and Urban Studies, Torcuato Di 1c lla University; Chair School o f Architccturc, Uni versidad dc Rosario, Argentina. DAAD, Urban Dialectics, 1931 -32. Wemer Hcgemann lmd urbanism in Europe and America. Hegemann and the "casa chori=o ". An episode in the i111ernational debate 011 the do-it-yourself Architecture. "Aporias ofOAM. Fragments o/lhe debate on tee/mie and society in lhe avant-gard home··. architec/ural culture in Argentina. 1945-1963." School of Architecture. University ofSao Paulo. Symposium: Domesticity, gender and materiai Societé Française des Architectes, Paris, "Colloque Intemational le territoire dans tous ses état"; culture. From the stove lo the burner: the transformation ofthe kitchens. The "So111hernfactor ": sustainability, urban segregaliolnd distorted territory in lhe case o/ The Museum of Modem Art, New York; Scholars' Day: From Bauhaus to Buenos Aires. Coppola Argen/ina. " a11d Stern 's Visions o/Buenos Aires: From Avant-garde to Nostalgia. Centro Leon, Museum ofModem Art (New York), Santi go, Dominican Republic, Pane!: 2013. Architectural El cctive Artinitics: correspondences, transfers, "Crossed trends: Modem architecture in the Caribean and Latin America". "Dislant cousins. On the intcr/multidisciplinarity; EAHN I FAUUSP Joint Conference, Sao Paulo, Brazil. "Historiography re/ations between the archilectural c11/t11re in the Caribe and Soulh America ( 1910-1975). " o/ Modem Architecture in Argentina; a draft in Latin American prespective." lntemational conference: "From the 'urban project' to urban projects". Société Frnnçaise des Vllth lntemational Seminar; Architectural Explorations, Pedagogica) Practices; School of Architectes; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifiquei Paris. The "Southernfactor": Architccture, Catholic Univcrsity, Lima. "The teaching o/architecture through histo1y''. sustainability, 11rban segregation and distor/ed terrilory i the case o/Argentina. 2012. I 0' 11 Forum on 1-listory And Architecture Criticism. "Do it yourse!F. Borrowings, transferences and 2008. lntemational Congress ofthe lntemational Union of Arcllitects, ltaly. lnvited lecturer. interchanges in the construction o/the new 'poli/ics /or socia/ housing in lhe aftermaths ofPosi "Archi1ec/11re and crilicism in Comemporary La/in Ame1·ca ". WWIF' .. lnstitutc for Acsthetic research. National Authonomous University of Mexico. Mexico.DF. "Crossed glances between Spain and Latin America". VII Intemational Symposium on the 1-listory lntemational Symposium. "Architccture, climate and modem cultures". "Houses/or the lropics. of Modem Architecture in Spain. University of Navarra. ' Meeling in Madrid''. Clima/e and "underdevelopment" in the discourse o/housing inlernational agencies in the Symposium .. Concrete, plasticity and industrialization in e architecture of southem Latin aftermath o/ WW/I". Walter Gropius Chair, and UTD T . UTDT, Buenos Aires. America". School of Architecture, University of Rio Grando do S ul , Brazil. "Reinforced concrele in lntcmational Symposium. Dialogues with the lnfonnal City: LatinAmerica and the Caribbean.; Argentina: a hundred years ofhistory ". I "Substandard Settlements in the Cross:fìre o/Cold IVar: lnventions ofth e "Shanty towns" in La/in Symposium ..Th e solidity ofConcrete", School of Architelfture, Catholic University, Santiago, ,lmerica. 19./5-1975. ". Univcrsity of Miami . School of Architecture. Chi le. "Reinforced concrete in Argemina: a hundred yeaj o/histor y ". " Lntin Arnerican Architecture. Now and then". "Austro/ Croup: A C/AM /Jrigade in the Far South Xth Seminary on the History ofCity and Urbanism, Recitì , Brazil. "The ho11sing queslion in ( 1937-19./8)". Uni vcrs ity or Minmi. School of Architecturc. Buenos Aires (an a/lempt ofdes cription o/the urban and rchitectural responses in the XXth 2011. "1-lolistic Realrn: Gardcns/Cities/Architecture". Chengdu Biennale. Chengdu, C hina. "Modernity, Century"). . nature and culture in Latin America 's Architecture ". Organizing an exhibition on Latin American A.rchitect at tfe Museum ofModem Art (New York). C-MAP Meeting: Abstraction and Architecture in Lati n America. MoMA, 29.06, "Abstraction in I rls meeting. Miami University, Wolfsoninan lnstitute, M MA. Miami, USA. "The silualion in arc/1itecture in Uruguay and Argentina ". Argentina. Uruguay and Chi/e ". "Cardinal Points in Architcctural Theory", Intemational Symposium. School of Architecture, 2007. Istituto Universitario di Venezia. Symposium ''What's ne in Latin America?". "Fragmented National University of Rosario, Argentina. "The presence o/lhe 'other ' in the historiography of Buenos Aires: transition or destiny? ". Architecture ". 2006. Torcuato Di Tella University. IYth 1-listorical Annua! Co ference, "The twenties". "Architect11re: lnternational Seminar .. The 'Good Fonn' and the New World: lnterferences hfgUlm-Latin new aclors, new languages". America" .. From the hfg Ulm lo the designfor the National library. Francisco Bullrich: stories. Darthmouth College, New Hampshire, USA. Symposium 'Four Cities". "Buenos Aires 1880-1930. Walter Gropius Chair (DAAD), University of Bue nos Aires, Torcuato Di Tella University. Buenos European dreams in the pampas ". Aires. Catholic University School of Architecture, Andres Bello nivers ity School of Architecture. "Modem Architcctural Mastcrpieces in Argentina", Symposium, School of Architecture and Urban Symposium "One hundred years of socia! housing in Chi le". " /eft wing and housing policies in Studies, Torcuato Di Tella University. "Barrio Sur. A s111dy on the most important socia/ housing argentina. 1955-1975" proposal o/An tonio Bonel". 2003. lllrd Historical Annua I Conference, Department of I-listo , Torc uato Di Teli a University (Buenos 20 I O. Seminar: "Rethinking the sixtics: thc Bank of London and South America (BOLSA)". CEAC. Aires). Discussant. Torcuato Di T ella University. Buenos Aires. "Re-reeding the reedings o/ BOLSA." "Jose Luis Sert Symposium", Graduate School ofDesign, 1-larvard University. Discussant. .. Travels in the lransitions ofSpanish Architeture towards Modemity". Vlth lntemational "Teaching and Practice ", Symposium, College of Archite ts, Buenos Aires, "The Symposium on the 1-listory of Modem Architecture in Spain. University ofNavarra. lnvited artic11/ation o/praclice and the01y in the School o/A rchitf c/ure o/lhe Universidad lccturer. "Tropica/ /ever. Ne 1V travels and 11e1V geography as 2 WW aftermath" Torcuato Di Te/la". " Making Europe. The global ori gins ofthe Old World." Freiburg lnstitute for Advanced Studies. 2002. lnternational Symposium: "Teaching architecture in the c ntemporary condition." Freiburg, Gennany. "Orientalism and Modem Architect11re: the 'F/at Roof"' deba/e ". Mendrisio Academy of Architecture (Switzerland); "The ase ofthe School o/Archi tecture "Architecture, city , lanscapc, territory; trajectorics and perspectives" lrst National Meeting of the al the Di Te/la University". Brazil ian Association or Research and Postgraduate Studies in Architecture and Urbanism. Rio de "First Conference on European 1-listory'', Di Tella UniversEy; (Argentina); "Re-inventing Janeiro, Brazil. lnvited lecturer. "On the di.flìcultiesfor the application of the concept o/ "research" Europe. The reconstr11ction ofa modernis i canon in post 2 architec/11re cuiIu re". in architecture s tudies ". XXI World Congress of Architecture, "Resource Architect re" (Berlin, Gennany), plenum: The 1 IXth Seminar; "T echincs for thc Restaurntion and Conservation or Architectural Patrimony". built and the Natural (Special lnvitation): What lo do withlwater? Architecture andjlood in LEMIT. La Plata. "Preservation ofm odem architecture: comradictio in terminis?" Argentina " . 2009 ...Th e Libmry of Modem Architecture". Symposium. National University of Rosario. School of I

1 Symposium. "Globalization, the University and the Humanities"; Duke University (Durham, USA); "Radical city and radical urbanism; in Bu nos Aires, october-november 1929'', "From Avant-gard lo expertise. The changing rote of 'Modern Movement' /eaders after WW2; the Anual congress ofthe Lati n American Studics Associati n, Guadalajara, Mexico. latin American case". "Buenos Aires, end ofthe Centrwy: the discomposilion >f form ", lnternational Conference "Cities lntemational Symposium: "Contemporary Simmel's thinking at present", Goethe lnstitut-University and poets", Juan Carlos Primero Center for Hispanoame ican Studies, New York University. of Buenos Ai res; Buenos Aires; "On Simme/'s "metropolis" concept". "Con1empora1y architectura/ debate; the state ofthing ", Ecuentro de las A11es, Litoral lnternational Symposium: " Latin American Architecture 1929-1960: Contemporary University, Argentina. reflcctions"; The Museum ofModern Art- New School University; New York; "Abstraction, 1996. "Virrey del Pino Aparlments; the unstable equilibrium" lntemational Conference "The New inside Archilecture and the "synthesis ofarts" debates in the Rio de la Pia/a. 1936-1956" the new"; GSD, Harvard University. 200 I. lnternational Symposium. "Following the traces of Gennan architects in Latin America"; "Towards a disembodied architectural culture '', "Anyb dy" lntemational Confcrence, Buenos lberoamcrikanisches lnstitut, Berlin; "less is mis-ery; notes on the reception ofMies van der Rohe Aires, Argentina. in latin America". "Curutchet house ", lnternational Seminar "Le Corbusiciand Latinamerica", Fundaci6n Le Symposium "Rethinking Humanities", Duke University-Torcuato Di Tella University, Corbusier, La Plata, Agentina. Buenos Aires; "Pinta el Universo y ven\s tu aldea. Moderni::ing the /-/istOJy of Modem Architecture 1995. "The n10sk beneath th~ . mask; the construct'.o''. ofa char eteri.stie style in early 20th cen!wy latin­ lookingfrom Out there: possibilities and obstacles ". Amencan architecture , College Art Assoctat1on, San A !01110, Texas, USA. lnternational Conference "Mundaneum 200 I", University of Design, Costa Rica; "An open view to "The mask beneath Jhe mask; the cons1ruclion ofa chara teristic s/y/e in early 20th cemury latin­ architec/ure teaching. The experience ofCEAC". American architec/ure ", lirst meeting of DOCOMOMJ Brazil, Bahia de todos los Santos, Brazil. Symposium "Architccture Theory- Design Theory", round table: "Theory of Architecture today''; "The reaccion ofargentine culture to the proposals of Le Corbusier", University of Quilmes, discussant. Argentina. Malraux Seminar "Culture of Patrimony''; Foreign Aflàirs Ministry Argentina-Culture Ministry 1994. "The importance of Hislory in latin-American Contem tormy archilecture ",XI meeting of Latin­ France; Buenos Aires; "Architeclure in XXth Cenlury Argentina: ways of valuing ". American South Cone Architects Association, Montevid o, Uruguay. lntcrnational Confcrcnce "Rcalism in Architccture". Polytcchnic of Mi lan-Triennale of Milan; "The Participation in "Anywherc" intemational conference, M ntreal, Canada. GA P and the figure of Ernesto Kat::enstein. limits and possibililies fora 'progressive realism' in "On the lransformations of the idea of "truth" in argen11re modern architecture ", Annua I post-peronist Argen/ina ". Colloquium ofthe City of Buenos Aires Historical lnstitilte, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2000. lntemational Symposium "Rcthinking lmperialism". Yale University-Torcuato Di Tella University, "The nest 011 the tempest; On the construction ofthe ide1 ofmodern house lhrough handbooks and Buenos Aires; "fmperialism, primitivism and modern architec/ure ". feminine maga=ine articles on domestic economy (1870- 930)", monthly research seminar, IAA, lntemational Seminar: "New experiences on the teaching of architccturc"; Torcuato Di Tella UBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina. University, Buenos Airtes; "On the necessity offlexible leaching s/ructures in changing contexts" 1993. "The construction of an avant-garde; the case ofAustro group (1937-1941)", Art History annua! 1999. lnternational Conference "Mundaneum"; University of Des ign; Costa Rica, "On the topic oftim e in meeting, School of Philosophy and literature, UBA, Bue?os Aires, Argentina. conlemporary architecture debates ". "Papers on fire. A ji-ustrated atten~~I of immigra/i~n: f(alian architects ofthe world.war.11 lntcrnational Conference "Architecture Culture-1900. Criticai reappraisal and patrimony and the archilectural debate 111 the New Argen11na (!9.r 7-!95I), Center ofStud1es on m1 grattons preservation". ICOMOS, Buenos Aires City Govemment Secrelary ofCulture, Torcuato Di in Latin-America (CEMLA), annua! meeting. Tella University, Buenos Aires. "Early rejlections on Technique in latin American Culture. A "The nesl on the tempes/; On the construction ofthe ide , ofmodern house through handbooks and pre/i111ina1y approach ". feminine maga::ines on domestic economy (18870-1930)1 , biannual meeting of argentine History Symposium "XXth Cenlury Argentina", University ofQuilmes (Prov. Buenos Aires); Schools and lnstitutes, Mar del Plata, Argentina. . "AAA.dueiio.3 amb.chiche Va Urq. Te/.522.9876. The construction ofmodern domestic spaces ". "Where are the poor?. Problems ofcrossc ulturation an sources in the studies ofpopular houses Intcrnational Forum "Architccture al the End ofthe Century". Antiguo Colegio de San Ildefonso; moderni::alion in Buenos Aires"; lntemational Congress "The archives for de History o f Mexico DF; "Modern architecture and tropicalism: invention, discovery or return?" Architecture", Reggio Emilia, ltaly. 1998. lntemational Conference "Pori and contemporary city" Universidad Complutense de Madrid "Recent argentine architecture. On the Puerto Madero Cf mpetition", meeting ofthe Argentine (Huelva) "Uncertain /and. City, earth and water in the west side of the Rio de la Piota" lnstitute of Architectural History and the IAA, Buenos Aires, Argentina. lntemational Conference "Architecture and Exile in Twentieth Ccntury" Technische "His/01y of the National Commission of low-income Ho11si11g (1915- 1943)", Second Urban Universitiit, Berlin; The (latin) American Friend; Architecture and European exi/e down of History Workshop, Rosario, Argentina. the Rio Bravo (1936-1948)". 1992. "A new worldfor the new spiri/. Discoveries oflatin-An !1erica in the archilectural culture through Bienale of Architecture (Santiago, Chile); "Architecture and public space" the 20th century'', monthly research seminar, IAA, UBA Buenos Aires, Argentina. Bienale of Urbanism. Buenos Aires. ldeas fo r a program studies in Urban Economics "The latin-American condition" , intemational colloqui~m "The question of peripheries", 1997. "Type, grid and tabula rasa; the modernistic debole on high housing buildings in Buenos Aires, Politecnico di Milano, ltaly. j jì-om Antonio Vilar unti/ Amancio Wil/iams (1929-1943) "; lberic Conference; "The piace ofthe project in architectural history ", annu· I meeting of the Department of research Zaragoza, Spain. and postgraduate studies, FADU, UBA. "Curutchet house ", lntcmational Seminar: "The manifesto l10use in Latin America", School of 1991 . "The ephemeral city. On the materiai characteristics ofB uenos Aires during the second halfof the Architccture; Rio Grande do Sul University, Brazil. /9th centwy", biannual meeting of argentine History s dhools and lnstitutes, Buenos Aires, Argentina. "The ephemera/ cily. On the 111a1eria/ characteristics of Buenos Aires during the second halfof the /9th centwy", Seminar on architectural research methodologies, Santiago, Chile. "Requiem to the square and thefactory. A debate on Latin-American co111emporary city", Latin American Architecturc Seminaries, Santiago, Chile. "Fora history o/industriai areas" (with F. Aliata, A. Ballent, A. Gorelik and G. Silvestri), Publications. congress of the National lnstitute of Argentine Architectural History, Parana, Argentina. "Di}ferent glances at the hispanic-american colonia/ architecture; the cases ofReviglia, BaTler Individuai Books. and Noe/", colloquium "Spanish he1itage in argentine culture'', School of Philosophy, UBA, 2015. Othemess in De Re Aedificatoria, ARQ editions, Santiago, Chile. Buenos Ai res, Argentina. 2010. "Architecl\Jre. in Theory", Nobuko, Buenos Aires, Argentina. "Thinking Buenos Aires", Buenos Aires Foundation, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2008. "Traces ofthe Future. Architecture and Modemity in La!in America". Universidad del Litoral, 1990. "I lcmnes Meyer in Mexico", lntemational Colloquium " Hannes Meyer, Museum ftir Gestaltung, Argentina. Zurich, Switzerland. Reedition of"Architecture in XXth Century Argentina. ffhe construction ofModemity"; Fondo "011 the margins ofthe garden. Considerations on Luis Barraganfrom the La Pia/a River", Nacional de las Artes, Buenos Aires. I lnternational Colloquium "Luis Barragan" (with A. Gorelik), Guadalajara, México. 2003. "Writings on Architecture in XXth Cenrurv Latin Amerida"; Tanais. Madrid. Commentator in the Colloquium ''Modem Buenos Aires. History and urban perspective", Buenos 200 I. "Architecture in XXth Century A mentina. The construction of Modemity"; Fondo Nacional Aires, Argentina. de las Artes, Buenos Aires. "Latin-American architecture in the 20th Centwy. A weak modernism", Colloquium "Architecture without borders. A Latin-American panorama", La Rabida University, La Rabida, Spain. Co-authored Books. "Dock-South power plani; upper end ofthejìrst industriai spine o/Buenos Aires", Colloquium 2015. Latin America in Construction. Architecture 1955-1980 (w/B. Bergdoll, and C.E. Diaz Comas), "The Riachuelo History", Sociology School, UBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina. The Museum of Modem Art. New York. "Architec/ura/ histoiy studies in Argentina. A state ofth e queslion'', annua! meeting ofthe 2014. "Thc house and the multirude. Housing. policies and culture in modem Argentina. 1870-201O . Department of rcscarch and postgraduate studies, FADU, UBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina. With Anahf Ballent; Fondo de Cultura Economica, Buenos Aires/Mexico. 1989. "Le Corbusier in Argentina", lnternational Seminary "Buenos Aires, sixty ycars after", IAA­ 2011. "SEPRA and Clorindo Testa: Banco de Londres y Amérlca del Sud. 1959-1966"; with Manuel UBA/Ecole Polytechnique Fédéral dc Lausanne (Switzerland), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Cuadra, and Wilfried Wang; Wasmuth, Houston, Tiibingen, Beflin. Commentator in the Colloquium "Celebration in honor to the French Revolution", UBA, French 2008. "The southem Network. Works and projects of Le CorbuSier and hjs disciples in Argentina". (with Embassy in Buenos Aires, School of Philosophy, UBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina. the collaboration of Pablo Pschepiurca) University of Quilmes, 1Argentina. "Recent sludies on the hislory ofhousing. An historiographic break out? ( with A. Ballent), annua) 1993. The shadow ofthe Avant-garde. Hannes Meyer in Mexico, (w/A.Gorelik), Proyecto Editoria!, meeting ofthe Argentine lnstitute of Architecru ral History, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Commentarist in the biannual meeting of argentine History Schools and lnstitutes, Rosario, The threshold ofthe Metrooolis, (w/G. Silvestri), Ed. Sudamericana, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Argentina. 1988. "/11terac1ion between teaching and research in architectural history'', Colloquium "The teaching of architectural history", School of Architecture, University of Mar del Plata, Mar del Plata, • Editor Argentina. 2015 Latin America. 25 projects. A+U, 532, Tokyo, Japan, January issue. "T11e language of things; hislo1y and materiai cu/111re ", (with F. Aliata, A. Ballent, A. Gorelik , G. Modem and Contemporary Architecture in Latin Amerid. The Architect, Beijing, China, December Sil vestri), ft rst meeting o f argentine History Schools and lnstitutes, Santa Fé, Argentina. issue. "The historiographic construction ofmodem architecture in Argentina'', lntemational Committee 2009. Thirty years of Architecture in Chi le. Universidad Andres Bello, Santiago de Chi le (in print) of History Sciences (ICHS), Paran:\, Argentina. 2007. Puerto Madero. CASE. Harvard GSD/Prestel. "Modernism and Nationalism in contemporary Latin-American architecture '', Seminary "Identity 2006. Dictionarv of Architecnire and City in Argentina. Clarin. in Latin-American architecturc", Santiago, Chile. 2003. Architecture Culture Around 1900. Criticai Reapraisal and Heritage Preservation, UNESCO, World 1987. "Technique in the architectural thinking ofA mancio Wil/iams ", Colloquium "The teaching of Heritage, UTDT. Buenos Aires, Argentina. techniques in schools of Architecture", Universi ty of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil. 1991. Amerigue Latine. Les demiers années, Electa Moliteur, Paris, France. "Wladimiro A costa and German expressionism ", Colloquium "Wladimiro Acosta", FADU, UBA, 1990. America Latina. Gli ultimi vent'anni, Electa Editrice, Milan, Italy. Buenos Aires, Argentina. "The work ofJorge Kalnay; an urban and fypolog ical research", congress ofthe Argentine C haptcrs on Books. Architectural l-lis tory lnstitute (AA!-11), Montevideo, Uruguay. 2015. Modem Architecture in Latin America. Art, Technology and Utopia; Luis Carranza and Fernando "Uses of type; jiw111he model of the reali/}' to the reality ofthe model ", (with F. Aliata, A. Ballent, Luiz Lara; Foreword A. Gorelik , G. Sil vestri) Colloquium "On typological questions", FADU, UBA, Buenos Aires, The Cons)rnction ofClimate, Joaquin Medina Warmburg, and Claudia Shmidt: Madrid, Argentina. Lampreave, The 'tropica/ house ': toward a machine /or living in colonia/ territories. J 982. "111e mechanism ofself-built house ", Colloquium "Metropolis and new Iif e conditions", Center of 2013. Landscapes for the Mach i ne Age. Pampa 's sublime. The geographical ga=e. The Museum of Urban and Regional Studies-CESCA, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Modem Art, New York. 2011. Records of thc Symposium "Modern Architectural Maslemieces in Argenti na", School of and European e:xile down of1he Rio Bravo (1936-1948)" Architecture and Urban Studies, Torcuato Di Teli a University. "Barrio Sur. A study on the most Introduction to "Iron Architecture in Argentina" (Auth. O. Jolita), Rome, ltaly. impor/ani socia/ housing proposa/ ofA ntonio Bone/ ". The Dimentions of Public Space. Problems and Projects, Govemement ofthe City ofBuenos Aires, Records ofthc Vllth Conference of Spanish Architecture. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Department of Planning, Privacity, Publicity and Uncerlainity. No/es on Buenos Aires and Arquitectura, University of Navarra. "Tropica/ fever. New travels and new geography as 2W11' Contemporary Public Spaces. aftermath" Architecture Culture Around 1900. Criticai Rcapraisal and Heritage Preservation, F.Grcmentieri, "Handbook of Architectural Theory" ;Eds. Hilde Heynen (University of Leuven, Belgium), J.F.Liernur, C. Shmidt Eds. UNESCO, World Heritage, UTDT, Buenos Aires; latin American Stephen Cairns (University of Edinburg, UK) and Sibel Bozdogan (Harvard University, USA), Archtecture and New Technological Aesthetics. Sage Publications, London; "Contemporary architecture: idcntity as simulacrum" (in print). 2000. "History of Argentina. 1880-1916" (Mirtha Lobato, Editor, with VV.AA.) "The Urban 20 I O. Modcrnity and Early Cultures Rcconsidering non-western references for modem architecture in a Revolution ". cross-cultura! perspective. Neue Berner Schriften zur Kunst. Bem, Swizerland. "Native-American "Dictionary of XXth Century Architecture" (Carlo Olmo, Editor). Coordinati on of Latin Cu/tures and the Conslruclion ofModern European Architectural lmaginary. No/es far a America relateci entri es, and author of entri es "Testa", "So/sana ", "Artigas ", "A/vare= ", Preliminary Approach. " "Guido", Ferrari Hardoy", "Roca'', "Vegas" , "Mujica", "Gon=ale= Corta=ar ", "Saavedra ". Fundamcntal readings on the History ofModcrn Architccture in Brazil. Romano Guerra publishing. 1999. "History ofthe Domcstic Life in Argentina" Fernando Devoto, Director and VV.AA. "The Sao Paulo, Brasi I. "The south american way". O mi/agre brasi/eiro, os Eslados Unidose a construction of the domeslic machi ne in Argentina. 1870-1930 ". Segunda Guerra Mundial. 1939-1943 "Ernesto Katzenstein: 1932-1995"; "The impor/ance ofbe ing Ernest ", with VV.AA.Fondo 2009. Records ofthe Xth Seminary of History ofthe Citv and Urbanism in Brazil. Recife, Brasi!. The Nacional de las Artes, Buenos Aires, Argentina. "housing prob/em" in Buenos Aires (An a/tempi of description oflhe urban and architectural "Architecture dictionary ofTwentieth Century" (Ecole Polytechnique. Zurich) responses in Jhe XX1h Centwy" Dir. Vittorio Magnano Lampugnani. Entry: "Argentina" . "Modem Collcctive Housing in Mexico; Enrique de Ancia Alanis; UNAM, Mexico; "Preface: Far Records o fthc procecdings ofthe lnternational Congress "The archives for de History of a contemporary state ofstudies on co/lective housing. " (in print) Architecture", Reggio Emilia, ltaly. "Where are the poor?. Problems of crossculturation "Records of the International Conference "Realism in Architecture"; and sources in the studies ofpopular houses moderni=ation in Buenos Aires"; Milan; "The GAP and Jhefigure of Ernesto Kat=enstein. limits and possibilitiesfor a "Jn1roduction" of Richter/Dahl Rocha. architects, Boston, USA. 'progressive realism ' in post-peronist Argentina ". (in print) I 998. "At the End of the Century. One Hundred Years of Architecturc"; Editor R. Koshalek 2008. Records ofthe Vlth Conference of Spanish Architecture. Escuela Superior Politécnica de "la/in America; the pfaces of the 'Other '". Arquitectura, Univcrsity ofNavarra. "Meeling in Madrid". Records ofproceeding ofthe First lberic Conference Zaragoza, Spain, "Type, grid Architecture and Tcchnic, Jorge Sarquis Ed., "The problem of Technic in the work ofRichler -Dahf and Jabula rasa; Jhe modernislic de baie on high housing buildings in Buenos Aires, frani Antonio Rocha", Nobuko, Argentina. Vifar unti/ Amancio Williams (1929-1943)". Wladimiro Acosta 1900-1967 , J.Liemur Ed., "Wladimiro A costa and German Expressionism ", Chi le lndustries ( Santiago, Chile) "fnduslrial constructions and architecture of University ofNavarra, Pamplona. the end ofthe century: between the bundle and the myth ", 2007. "Thc places ofKnowledge'', Ricardo Salvatore, Ed., Beatriz Viterbo, Argentina, "Decoloni=ation Mar del Plata; Editor. F. Caccopardo; "lntroduction ". and Post WW!I Architec/ure Cu/Jure. The case ofAlison and Peter Smilhson ". 1997. Anybody, Editor Cynthia Davidson, MIT Press, Cambridge, USA; Toward a disembodied Rafael lglesia, Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, An lntroduction. architec/ural culture. 2006. Mario Corea Arauitectures, Mario Corea Ed.; Actar, Barcelona; Mario Corea, Works and Projects: I 996. Elements for the study of the history of architecture in Argentina, La Plata University, T'l1e Discipline ofUnpretentiousness. Argentina. "Architecture and Ways of lnhabiting", Jorge Sarquis, Ed.; Nobuko, Buenos Aires; "AAA. Dueiio. 1995. The last architectures, (w/v.aa.), IAA, AAHI, ed. by the Bank of the Province of Buenos Aires 2 amb. Va. Urq. chiche. 4522. 4789" Museum, Buenos Aires, "Recent argentine architecture. On Jhe Puerto Madero competition". 2005. Post WWII Art. Jorge Romero Brest and " Ver y Estimar", A.Giunta, L.Malosetti Eds.; Siglo XXI, I 993. Minutes ofthe Theory and History of Art 5th meeting, (w/vv.aa.) School of Philosophy, Buenos Aires, "Far a Concilialion ofAr ts. The Raie ofArchitecture in Ver y Estimar". Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2004. Latin American Architecture 1929-1960: contemporary rellections; Carlos Brillembourg, Ed.; The 1992. Historical Dictionary of Architecture, Habitat and Urbanism in Argentina, (Director; Monacelli Press, New York; "Abstraction, Archilec/ure and Jhe 'Synthesis ofAr ts ' debates in lhe preliminary edition) Proyecto Editorial, Buenos Aires, Various entries. Rio de la Plata. 1936-1956". Enciclopedia Garzanti. Entry: "latin-American architecture", Milan, ltal y. 17 Lccturcs, Ed. F. De Ambrosis et alt. Franco Agneli, Milan, "Abstraction, Architecture and Jhe Le Corbusier in South-America, (vv.aa., comp. F.Perez, 0 .), Santiago, Chile, "le 'Synthesis ofArts ' debates in the Rio de la Pia/a. 1936-1956 ". Corbusier and Buenos Aires ". Smiljan Radic; "An introduclion", Pamplona, Spain. 1990. Modemity and Postmodemity in Latin-America (w/vv.aa.; comp. M.Waismann), Bogota, Buenos Aires y Rio de Janeiro, M.Cichero ed. Banco BICE, Buenos Aires-Rio de Janeiro; Rio de Colombia; "Some considerations on Jhe "new crilique" in lalin American Architeclure "4. Janeiro and Buenos Aires 1880-1930. Similitudes and Differences Between Two Processes of Historiography in Argenti na (w/vv.aa.), Buenos Aires, " The historiographic construction of Moderni=ation. lntro modern architecture in Argentina". 2003. "Records of the lntcmational Conference "Architecture and Ex ile in 1989. Proceedings ofthe lntemational Conference "Creativity, Architecture and interdiscipline". Twentieth Century", Bcrnd Nicolai, Ed. "The (latin) American Friend; Architecture Editor J. Sarquis.; "la/in America: a hundredyears ofcreativity". 1987. Architccture of rationalism in Argentina, Editor S.Borghini, Buenos Aires, "Block, slab, square. A "Less is mis-ery; noles on the reception ofMies van der Rohe in Lai in America". RA, typological reflection in the archilecture ofJorge Kalnay". Pamplona, Spain. 1985. fQP-ular scctors and urban I ife, (w/vv.aa.) Editor D. Armus, Buenos Aires; "The dispositif o/ the 2002. "Sofl asymmetries and subile discriminations'', A RQ, Santiago, Chile. selfc onstructed house in turn ofJhe century Buenos Aires" . 200 I. "Sofi asymme/ries and subile discriminalions ". Casabella, Milan. 1982.La Escuclirn fjvc Years of a teaching of architecture, vv.aa., Espacio Editora, Buenos Aires, "Less is mis-ery; notes on the receplion o/Mies van der Rohe in Lalin America'', Arguine, Argentina. Mexico. 2000. "Virrey del Pino Apartments; the unstable equi/ibrium ". Assemblage, Cambridge, USA. A rticlcs. "Architec/llre in Buenos Aires, a building sile ". Encrncijadas, Buenos Aires. 1999. "The Casa Chorizo; Low lncome Housing in Argentina ( 1880-1916)" Harvard Architectural 2015. (lnterview, with Adrian Gorclik) 'While anger dominates the world'. Tafuri hoy"; lnfonne Magazine; Cambridge, USA. Escaleno, November issue. "The South American Way. Bra=ilian "miracle", the USA and WW2"; Bolck, Buenos Aires. "Mutatìonsjrom Cancer to Caprìcorn ", Estudios del Habi tat, vol.13, N° I 1998. "" Virrey del Pino Apartments; Jhe zmstable equi/ibrium ". Block, Buenos Aires. "21st Centwy in latin America: presence ofthefuture and deb1s jro111 the post", A+U, N° 532 1997. "Hacia una cultura ex-corporada ", Revista de Arguitectura, Soci ed ad Centrai de Arquitectos, july. "lntroduclion" The Architect, Beijing, China. "Why beauty? ", Block, Buenos Aires. "Paulo Mendes Paulo Mendes da Rocha, the work o/a great archìtel free from stereotypes" "Which Le Corbusier?", Prismas, I, Q uilmes University, Argentina. Casabclln, Milan,_N ° 845. "The second chance house; on the Bank of London headquarters building in Buenos Aires", AA 2012. "The housing politics o/Jhe "Revolucion LiberJadora" and the debales abow the "Barrio Sur" files, London, United Kingdom (in print). projec1". Block N" 9. EAEU, UTDT. "The nes/ on Jhe tempest; On the construction ofthe idea ofmodern house through handbooks 2011. "Orientalism and Modern ArchiJec/ure. The flaJ roofdebates". Block N°8, EAEU, UTDT. andfeminine maga=ines on domeslic economy ( 18870-1930) ", Entrepasados, Buenos Aires, "Modernily, nature and culture in la/in America 's Archileclure ". Time and A rchitecture, N°15 1; Argentina. Tongji University, Shanghai. "Buenos Aires, end ofthe Centrury: the discomposition of form", Punto de Vista, Argentina. 2010. "Orientalismo and Modern Archilec/ure. Thejlat roofdebales". RA. Revista de Arauitectura N° 1996. "The tunic of Venus. Towards a reconsideration oflime in conlemporary architecture ",Astragalo, 12. June. Madrid, Spain. 2009. "Mangado 's Beginnings: Difficu/Jy as Vìrtue ", A V Monograp!ii§ 133, June, Madrid. "The mask benealh Jhe mask; 1he conslruction ofa characteristic style in early 20th century La!in­ "Ornamenl and Racism '', Joumal of the Program of Research and Post-Graduate Studies on American architeclure ", Boletin del Centro de lnvestigaciones Hist6ricas y Estéticas, Universidad Architecture (PROPAR/UFRGS). Porto Alegre (in print) Centrai de Venezuela, 2008. "From setting out to setting down. Small Slory ofa Paradigmatica{ Change ", TO DA V IA, Caracas, Venezueal. Dcccmber. "Towards an 1111-bodied culture", Revista de Arquitectura, Buenos A ires, Argentina. "/t 's the Viewpoinl, Stupidi", Positions: On Modem Architecture and Urbanism/Histories and 1995. , "The gardens with bifurcating paths. (lm-perlinenls} Considerations on the work of Luis Theories, Nr O, The Netherlands Architecture lnstitute Publishers and the University of Barragan", Oculum, 516, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Minnesota Press. "Leller /rom Buenos Aires", ~,january , New York, USA. 2007. "lron 3 ". Towards a Criticism of Con/emporary Urban Condition. Otra Parte, Nr 11. Buenos "Between the euphoria and Jhe silence; architeclllre in Buenos Aires, 1940-1980", Abitare, 342, J\ ires. Milan, ltaly. "Buenos Aires, Jhe Discomposilion ofFo rm ", Docume nta O n-li ne Magazine. Kassel. "Papers on jìre. An aflempl offrustrated immigralion: ltalian architects ofthe post worldwar Il 2006. "Missunders/andings in BA: We Are All Afls ", Block, 7. Buenos Aires. and Jhe archilectural debaJe in the "New Argentina" (1947-1951), Metamorfosi, 25-26, Rome, 2005. "AAA.duelio.3 amb.chiche Va Urq. Tel.522.9876. The cons/ruction o/modem domestic ltaly. spaces ". Rcvista de Arquitecrura, Nr.217, Buenos Aires. "Anlonio Bonet. Some crilical aspects of his River PlaJe works ", Cuademos del lnstin1to de Arte "Urbani=ation ofPue rlo lvladero: from the pori o/mud to the Global Neighbourhood ", Americano, Buenos Aires. Encrncijadas Revista dc la Universidad de Buenos Aires, N" 35. "Architecture in Buenos Aires", Revista de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. 2004. Privacity, Publici1y and Uncertainily. No/es on Buenos Aires and Contemporary Public Spaces. 1994. "The construction ofan Avant-garde; Jhe case ofAus tral group (193 7-1941)", Society of Todavia Nr. 9. Arcbitects Review, october, Buenos A ires, Argentina. "Avantgardisl vs. Experls ", Block Nr. 6, Buenos Aires. "New skyscrapers in Buenos Aires; to live in heaven", Arouis, 3, Buenos Aires, Argentina. "Buenos Aires and its River:from the pori of11111d lo the Global Neighbourhood", Casabella, Nr. "The leafs, the slones, the sand; on lhe work of Manteola-Sanche= Gomez-San/os-Solsona ", 723, Milan. Revista 3, 2, Buenos Aires, Argentina. "Eladio Dieste 1917-2000. The lnevitable lnvention. Towards a criJic of Laiin American "Plans and urban initialives in Buenos Aires since 1960", Mimeo, Society of Arcbitects. Achitecture", Casabella, N r. 725, Milan. 1993. "A new worldfor the new spiri/. The discoveries ofLa /in-America in the 20/h century architeclural 2003. "On Simmel 's "metropolis" concept ". Estudios Sociol6gicos, El Colegio de México, culture", Zodiac, 8, Milan, ltaly. México. "The language oflhings" (w/Aliata, Ballent, Gorelik, Silvestri), Area, I, FADU, "The urban Jransformation o/Puer to Modero. Some c/uesfor an approachjiwn outside ". Buenos Aires, Argentina. Casabclla, Milan. ''On the Puerlo Modero competilion", Arquis, l, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

------~ 1992. "To sepulchre thefaclory", Arquitectura Viva, 22, Madrid, Spain. "CiJies of land", Materiai es, 2, Buenos Aires, Argentina. "Conlinuity and break ofmodern Jradilion'', Summa, 232, Buenos Aires, Arge ntina. "On Jhe National library competition", Matcriales, I, Buenos Aires, Argentina. "The ephemera/ ci1y. On Jhe malerial charac/erislics ofB uenos Aires during Jhe second hai/ ofJhe 1981. "Post?: Modernism ",Summa, march, Buenos A ires, Argentina. /9th century". Estudios Sociales, 2, Rosario, Argentina. 1980. "Skyscrapers in Buenos Aires", Nuestra Araujtect1m1, july, Buenos Aires, Argentina, "Neo-colo nia! represenlations oflatin-American archilecture during Jhe spanish domination. A 1978. "S111dies on Jhe purislic period ofle Corbusier ", Catalogue of exhibition, CAYC . study ofMar tin Noers lhoughl in relation with olher a11c1ors ", Anales del IAA, 27-28, Buenos 1977. Idem. Aires, Argentina. 1991. "Requiem lo Jhe square and Jhefaclory. A debale on lalin-American con/emporary cily", Nueva Soeiedad, 14, Caracas, Venezuela. "Preliminary bibliography /or a study of ilalian-argenline re/a/ions in 20th cenlury archilec/ure ", Bo llellino della Biblioteca dela Facolta di architettura dell'Universitn degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza", 44-45, Rome, ltaly. formation of human and institutional resourccs. 1990. "lmage and culture ofe/eclr icily in Buenos Aires ", Rassegna, 43, Milan, Italy. "On Jhe margins oflhe garden. Consideralions on luis Barragémfrom Jhe la Pia/a River", (w/A. Gorelik), Arnuitectura Sur, 3, Mar del Plata, Argentina. • I nstitutions. "Modern archilec/ure in Buenos Aires; 1930-1940", Der Architekt, october, Stuttgart, Gennany. 2008. Creation ofthe School of Architecture and Urban Studics, Univcrsidad Torcuato Di Tella. 1989. "le Corbusier in Buenos Aires " , Catalogue of Exhibition, Lausannc, Switzerland. 2006. Creation o fthe Graduate Program in Architecture, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. "Recenl studies on history ofhousing. An hisloriographic break 0111? (with A. Ballent), Catalogue Creation ofthe Master Program in History and Culture of Architecture and the City. ofthe exhibition " Popular housing in Austra, FA DU, Austrian Embassy in Argentina, Buenos 2003. Evaluation ofthe new Program ofthe School of Architecture at the Catholic University, Santiago, Aires, Argentina. Chile. "ln1rod11ction" to Dilucidations from Francesco Dal Co, Ed. Paidos, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2002. Creation o fthe postgraduate programs in: Architccture and T echnology, Housing, Architectural "Sarto, Shorske, Berman. Comments on modemism and metropolis ",Summa, aprii, Buenos Aires, Preservation, History and Theory of Architecture and the City; Torcuato Di Tella University. Argentina. 2001 -2003. Second (officially approved) projeet for the School or Architecture. Torcuato Di Tella "Nationalism and Modernity in latin-American architecture ", Universitary Review, 26, Santiago, University Chi le. 1999 Creation and direction (with the Economie Department and the Sehool of Business Administration) 1988. "Modem architec/ure, housing and typological experimentation in the work ofJorge Kalnay", ofthe Master in Urban Economics, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Anales dcl IAA, 24, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1998-2002. Creation and Directio n of the "Juan O 'Gonnan c hair for the study of latin american "Far a city of Reason" , Summa,july, Buenos A ires, Argentina. architecture", University of Buenos Aires. "On contemporary crilique oflalin-Am erican archiJeclure ", Summarios, may, Buenos Aires, 1997. Creation and directio n of the Center of S tudi es on Co ntemporary Architeeture. Argentina. 1994-1 995. First Project and organization of the To rcuato Di Tella University School of Architecture. "Thefactory as a texl ", Boletin FADU, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1987- 1992. Reorganization of the " lnstitut of American Art and Esthetic Researchs", UBA. 1987. "Precilions aboul the works ofle Corbusier in Argenlina ", Summa, novcmber, Buenos Aires, 1984. Evaluation of the Arc hitecture Masters Program of the School of Arc hitecture at the Catholic Argentina. University, Santiago, Chile. "Wladimiro Acos ta and Jhe german expresionism ", Catalogue of the exhibi ti on " W.Acosta", 1986-1 988. Creation and codirection of the Center fo r S tudi es of Architecture and City. FADU, Bue nos Aires, Argentina. 1982-1 994. Creation and direction of the C ESCA Program for Architecture History Studies. "le Corbusier in Buenos Aires", A&U, october, Sao Paulo, Brazil. 1980-1982. Creation and direction of the "La Escuelita" Department of History Studies. 1986. "The discrete charm ofo ur archilec/ure ",Summa, aprii, Bue nos Aires, Argentina. "Thefac101y as a Jext", Punto de Vista, august, Buenos Aires, Argentina. "Pos1111odernis111 and ArchiJec/ure ", Debates, august, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1985. "lntroduclion" to "Non officiai stories", special issue ofSummarios, Buenos Aires, Argentina. • Dir cction of doctoral thcsis and scholarships. "/ntroduclion" to Materialcs, 5, special issue dedicatcd to the Dipartimento di Storia dell'Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia. DOCTORS "/n/roduclion" to Creativity in Architecture (G. Adamson, J. Martinez B., J. Sarquis), Paidos, Since 2015. Director. Doctor Candidate. Victoria Strepone. Istituto Universitario di Architettura. Venezia. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2007-2009. Directo r. Doctor Simon Castillo, {Grades eguivalent to Cum Laude) Catholic University, 1984. "Betiveen tlre window and Jhe mirror ", Summa, may, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Santiago, Chile. 1983. "Buenos Aires in Jhe Cenlenmy oflndependence. Around Jhe origins ofmodem argenline Since 2014. Director. Doctor Candidate Maria Mendez. Universidad del Litoral, Argentina architecture ", Materiai es, 3, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Since 2009. Director. Doctor Candidate Arc h. Luis Muller, Universidad del Litoral, Argentina. "The reaction ofNarcissus", Summa,june, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2006. Co/Director. Dr. Arch. Federico De Ambrosis (Grades equivalent to Cum Laude), Politechnic 1982. "Foresight and uncerlainly", Casabella, Milan, Italy. lnstitul of Milan, Italy. "New and good is a/so worlhy", Arte-lnfonna, august, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2005. Director Dr. Arch. Ana Maria Rigotti (Gradcs equivalent to Cum Laude), University of Rosario, 1987-1992. Re-editor of"Analesdel IAA". Argentina. 1987-1992. Re-editor of "History notebooks", IAA, UBA. 2005. Director Dr. Arch. Claudia Shmidt (Grades equivalenl to Cum Laude), University of Buenos Aires, 1987. Creation of " IAA fi les" (more than 70 mimeo issues) Argentina. 1981-1986. Creation and direction of"Materiales". 2000. Director. Dr. Arch. Fernando Aliata. (Grades equivalent to Cum Laude). School of Phylosophy University of Buenos Aires. 1998: Director. Dr. Arch. Adrian Gorelik; (Grades equivalent lo Cum Laude). School of Phylosophy University of Buenos Aires. Director. Dr. Arch. Annhf Ballent; (Grades eguivalenl to Cum Laude) School of Phylosophy Ilonorific activities, awards. University o f Buenos Aires. 1997: Director. Dr. Arch. Graciela Silvestri ; (Grades eguivalent to Cum Laude). School of Phylosophy Universily of Buenos Aires. 2014-15 Member ofthe Jury ofthe Mies Crown Hall American Price (MCHAP) 2015. Jury for lhe Competition for the headquarters ofthe National Office for Scientific Research of Peru, 2007-2011. Member of Doctoral Commi tee. Arch. Patricio del Real, Columbia University School of Lima. Architccture. Since 2015. Member of lhe Consultive Commillee of the Master Program in Design, School of 2000. Advisor. Phd. MIT, Cambridge, USA. Arch. Adnan Morshed. Architecture, Design and Urbanism, University of Buenos Aires. 1999. Member of Doctoral Commi tee. Arch. Nathaniel Furster, Dr.on Arch., Graduate School of Design, 2013. Member of the Commission for Strategie Themes. CON ICET. Harvard Un iversity, Cambridge, USA. 2012. Evaluator. Consiglio Nazionale delle Richerche. ltaly. Since 2009. Advdisory Board o fthe University College London Urban Laboratory. MASTERS 2008. Jury. Architecture Biennale. CPAU/SCA 2008-2014. Director. Arch Maria Mcndez, Torcuato Di Te Ila University (grades equivalent lo Cum 2007. Evaluator CONICET. Laude) Jury. Master Candidate. CAEC E Uni versity, Buenos Aires. 2009. Director, Master Candidate Arch. Fernando Bruno, Torcuato Di Tella University. Jury. lntemational Competition "Gabriela Mistral Cultura( Center'', Santiago, Chile. Director, Master Candidate Arch. Florencia Rodriguez, Torcuato Di Tella University. 2006. Evaluator. Univerity ofChile School of Architecture Acreditation Process. Santiago, Chile. 1999. Director. Arch. Master Fernando Caccopardo. Shool of History. University of Mar del Plata. Evaluator. School of Architecture, Catholic University, Santa Fe. (Grades cquivalent 10 Cum Laude). Jury. Professorship Competition. School of Architecture, Universidad del Litoral. Jury. Quito Biennale, Ecuador. Evaluator. CONICET. 2005. Evaluator. FONDECYT, Chi le. Jury. Doctoral Dissertation. Columbia University School of Architecture, New York. Dircc tion of cicntific publications. Jury. Professorship Competition. School of Philosophy, University of Buenos Aires. Evaluator. CONEAU. Argentina 2015. Mcm ber of the Advisory Editoria) Board ofThe Pian Joumal. 2004. Evaluator. CONICET Since 2007. Member of the Peers review Committce o f l+A. School of Architecture, University of Mar Jury. Doctoral Dissertation. School of Philosophy, University ofBuenos Aires. del Plata, Argentina. Evaluator. FONDECYT, Chile. 2007. Membcr ofthe Advisors committee of "Positions: On Modem Architecture and 2003. Ex ternai referee fo r the evaluation of academic programs. Secretary of Science and Urbanism/ Histories and Theories", The Netherlands Architecture lnstitute Publishers and the Technology, Argentina. Univcrsity o f Minnesota Press. Jury of Doctoral Thesis. Philosophy School, University of Buenos Aires. Sincc 2005. Membcr o fthe Advisors Committee of"Vitruvius", Sao Pau lo, Brazil. Since 2002. Member o f Argentina's Scientifi c Society. Sincc 2003. Membcr ofthe advisors committec of "Argos" (socini sciences :md humanities), Simon 2001. Member ofthe Doctoral Committee oflhe School of Architecru re at the University of Bolivar University, Venezuela. Rosario. Member ofthe Advisors Committee of "Revista de Arquitectura'', University ofNavarra. Selection Jury. Caracas Architecture Biennale. Si ncc 1996. Editori al Director of ''Block. A magazine on the culture of architecture, the city and the 2000. Selected chainnan candidate for the School of Architecture at the Catholic University, terri tory'', Buenos Aires. Santiago, Chile. Member o f the Editoria) Comitte of Rockport Architecrural Ed itions. 1999. Jury ofCurrency for the Director of the Architecrural History lnstitute. Universidad de la sincc 1994. Member of the lntcmational Advisers Committee of the "Bulletin of the Center for Esthetical Repùblica, Montevideo, Uruguay. and Historical Research"; Centrai University ofVenezuela. Jury o fthe Second Workshop of Urban Studies. School of Architecture. Universidad de la sincc 1992. Member of thc editoria I staff council of "Social Studies", Universities of Litoral, Rosario and Repùblica, Montevideo, Uruguay. Comahue Rcview. 1999-2003 Member ofthe Academic Council, Torcuato Di Tella University. 1991. Crcation of"Proyccto Editoria)". 1998. National Council of Rectors, evaluator, Argent"in"-----1. CONICET evaluator, Arge ntina. 1989. Exhibition and Intemational Seminary " Buenos Aires, 60 years al'ter'', FADU, Ecole Polytechnique Jury ofWorkshop for Postgraduate stuclents. School of Arehiteeture. Universidad del Federai de Lausanne. Litoral. Argentina 1988. Exhibition and Seminary, "Barroc Architccture in Lati n-America", IAA, Istituto Italo 1997. Jury ofDoetoral Thesis, Catalogne Politecnie University, Barcelona. Latinoamericano, Roma, ltaly. Jury of Faeulty Nominarions for Tenure, Sehool of Philosophy, University of Buenos Aires. I rst Meeting on the River Plate History of Architecture, Montevideo, Uruguay. Evaluator of University of Buenos Aires. 1987. Exhibition and Seminary "Celebration in honor to Wladimiro Acosta", FA DU, UBA. 1995. Jury o f Doctoral Thesis in the School of Philosophy, Un iversity of Buenos Aires. Jury o f Faeulty Nominations for Tenure in the Sehool of Architecture. Mcmbcr ofthe Executive Board of"ANYbody" I 996's Buenos Aires lnte mational Conferencc. Gctty Senior G rant for studies in l...atin-American Architecture. (since I 993) member of the Advisers Board ofthe IAA. (since 1986) member of the Juries College of the Sociaty of Architeets. 1994. Jury of Faculty Nominations for Tenure in the School of Philosophy. Evaluator ofthe Catholic Chilean University Master on Architccture. Juryof AMIA memoria! compctition. 1993. Jury o f Rescarchers Nomination for Tc nure in thc Rosario University Rcseareh Council. Evaluator fo r the School of Architecture Research and Postgraduate Studies Dcpartment, UBA. First Price "Jorge Sabato" in History of Sciencc and Technique, UBA. 1992.Jury of the La Plata Univcrsity School of Architecture Research Institute. Evaluator of research of the Comahue University. 1989. Special Mention Price "José Babini" in history of Science and Technique, CONICET. 1987-1992. Mcmbcrofthe UBA Scholarships Commission. 1987-1989. CONICET evaluator. 1990. Member of the Directive Board of the School of Architecture, UBA. 1989. Jury of the San Isidro lntemational Seminar.

Evcn ts orga n iza ti on.

20 I S. Co-Cura tor o f the exhibition " Latin America in Construction. Architccture 1955-1980", The Museum of Modem Art. New York. USA. 201 1. Since 1997. Program of Activitics of the Center of Studi es on Contemporary Arc hi tecture. TDTU. 1999. Intcrnational Confcrcnce "Architecturc Culture-1900. Criticai reappraisal and patrimony preservation". ICOMOS, Buenos Aires City Govem ment Secretary ofCulture, Torc uato Di Tella Univcrsity, Bue nos Aires. 1997-1999 Acti vities program of the Center of Studics on Contemporary Architecture. 1997. Colloquium " Recent architccture and art museums; design and administration", T DTU, Buenos Aires. 1996. Colloquium "The New lnside the New. Latin Amcrican Architecture and Urbanism, and the Crisis o fthe lnte mational Style, 1937-1954", Graduate School ofDesign, Harvard University. 1995. Exhibition "MODERNO (RE) MODERNO. Young argentine architects", Technische Hochschule Berlin. 1993. Colloquium "Academicism in Argentina", CESCA, National Academy of Fine Arts, IAA, "Roberto Payro" Art History lnstitute; Buenos Aires, Argenti na. 199 1. Seminary "Thinking Buenos Aires", FADU, UBA. 1990. Colloquium "Modem Buenos Aires; History and Urban perspectivc", Generai San Martin Cul tura! Centcr, Buenos Aires. Argentina. 2nd Meeting on the River Platç History of Architeccure, Buenos Aires, Argentina.