CURRICUL UM VITAE Scholarships and gr:rnts. Persona! data. 2012. David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies at arvard University. Amalia Lacroze De JORGE FRANCISCO LIERNUR Fortabat Visiting Scholars and Fellows Program. Date ofbirth: 06.26.1946 2011. National Agency for the Promotion ofScience and Tech ology. Grant for the organization ofthe Piace ofbirth: Buenos Aires, Argentina. symposium "Modem Architecturaf Masterpieces in Arg ntina". National ity: argentine. 2009. (with Jose Manuel Pozo (Spain), Enrique de Anda (Mex co) and others) Grant from the Ministry of Passport number: 7.772. 102 Science and lnnovation, Govemment of Spain. "The th Century: Spain and la/in America PersonaI address: Correa 1834, Ciudad Autonoma dc Buenos Aires, CP 1429, Argentina. thro11gho111 Architecture: wars. exiles, interdependencie The cases of Argentina and Mexico" Tclfax: (0054.11) 4703.3104 2008. CONICET (Argentina) grant fo r the organization of an i temational event. 2nd International Status: married, one daughter. Seminary Ollice: School of Architecturc and Urban Studies, Torcuato Di Tella University (UTDT); Saenz Valiente " History, city and architecture in America. Eighteen Cen ury. I OI O, CP 1429, Ciudad Aut6noma dc Buenos Aires, Argentina, Tel/fax: (**54.11 ) 5169. 7330; e-mail: 2007. CONICET grant fo r the organization of an intem ational vent. I rst lnternational Seminary [email protected] " History, city and architecture in America. Eighteen Ce ry. 2006. Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung. lberoamerikanisches lnstitut, Berlin. Orientalism and the idea Cnrrcnt position. ofjlat roofin modem architecture. Erneritus, School of Architecture and Urban Studies, UTDT. 2003-2006. Agency for the Promotion ofScience and Technol gy grani; "Pfaces ofknowledge: locai Associated Professor, Doctoral Program, School of Architecture and Urban Studies. Santiago, Chile. contexts and internationaf networks" (With Ricardo Sai tore et alt.) Principal Researcher ofthe CONICET (National Council for the Scientific and Technical Research). 2001. Agency for the Promotion of Science and Technology; g nt for the organization of an international event, "New approaches to post WW2 architecture cuf/Ie: the emergence o/third world ". Education. 2000. Agency for the Promotion ofScience and Technology, nt for the organization ofthe Sccondary leve! studies: 1959- 1964, bachelor, Colegio Nacional de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires. international coloquium "Rethinking imperialism. A cuf/1 raf point ofview" (with R. Salvatore, Univcrsidad de Buenos Aires (UBA); Facultad de Arqui tectura y Urbanismo; 1965- 1973. Degree: UTDT and C. Altamirano UNQ). Architcct. 1999 UBA Grant. Project: ''The Sixties in Argentina: Architect ire and culture" Dipartimento di Storia. Istituto Universitario di Architettura, Venice, Italy. 1973-1976. 1992-1997. UBA grani. "Historical dictionary ofhabitat , urb~ism and architecture in Argentina". Degree: Postgraduate stt1dies on 1-listory of Architecture. 1995. Paul Getty senior grants program. "The advent of latin merican architecture ". Kunsthistorisches Institut, Philosophische Fakultat, Universitiit Bonn, Germany, 1984-1986. CONICET (Argentina)/ Conseil National de la Recherch Scientifique (France). Dcgree: Postgraduate studies on History o f Architecture. "Modem urban politics. The question oforigins. 1900-1 40 ", Paris, France. Rockefeller Foundation gmnt. Participation in the Annu Meeting ofthe College Art Association, San Antonio, Texas, USA. 1991 . Universita degli Studi di Roma "la Sapien=a" ( ltaly). " tudies on the ltalian presence in argentine Languagcs. modem architeclure" (with professors Carlo Severati an Otello lolita). Spanish, ltalian, French, Gcnnan, English; reading Portuguese, basic Latin, Chinese ( 12 111 leve!. Offi ciai UBA idem 1992. Program CUl/UBA). 1990. Alexander von Humboldt-Siftung postdoctoral scholars p, second period. lberoamerikanisches lnstitut, Berlin. "Origins ofmodern architecturaf ideasi la/in-America". lnstituto del Patrimonio Hist6rico, Junta de Andalucia, S ville." History ofthe Riachuefo basin ". Summary of profcssional cxpcricncc. UBA idem 1991. Main architectural projects and activities between 1967 and 1983: 1989.CONICET grant. "Historicaf dictionary ofhabitat. urba ism and architecture in Argentina". As independent architect: Sport ccnter in Puerto Deseado ( 1983); Houses in Guernica Country Club, UBA idem 1990. Prov. Buenos Aires ( 1978-1980). Awards: dwell ings for Country Club SHA ( 1977); Charata branch of CONICET grant. "On the origins o/modem Buenos Air . The case ofParque Patricios Chaco Bank ( 1978); National Cattle Market ( 1980). neighborhood". As designer fo r private fi rrns: Urban ex tension ofCentral Area (1 980-1982) for Mario Roberto Alvarez & 1988. UBA idem I 989. Ass.; 16 municipal schools ( 1979) for Tony Diaz & Ass.; K.i ng Hussein Royal Palace (Amman, Jordan; CON ICET idem 1989. 1974) and Urban Design of Karthoum (Sudan), for Paolo Portoghesi & Ass.; Tourist Village (Serdeny, 1987.Social Science Research Council grani, New York, USA. "History ofindustriai architecture in ltaly, 1975) for Ceschi & Tonca. Argemina. The case of electricity". For public institutions: Planning ofthe Rio Turbio coal basin, Prov. Santa Cruz, Argentina. I 984-1986. Alexander von Humboldt-Siftung postdoctoral sch larship, Kunsthistorisches lnstitut, As assistant designer with: Clorindo Testa, 1-loracio Baliero, Juan Manuel Borthagaray, Ernesto Philosophische Fakultiit, Universitiit Bonn, Gennany, "/ uences of German thought in modern Kat.zenstein, Mario Soto, Juan Kurchan, Luiggi Pellegrin, among others. latin-American architecture ", under the direction of Pro . Tilmann Buddensieg. 1975. Istituto Universitario di Architettura scholarship, Vcnice, ltaly. Studies on fascist architccture, Professor. "Rethinking the history o f Modem Architect re; a peripheral vision" , Master in under the direction of Profs. Giorgio Ciucci and Manfredo Tafuri. History and Culture of Architecture and the City. 1974. Istituto Italo-Latinoamericano scholarship, Romc, ltaly. Studies on fascist architecture, under the Professor. "Urban Culture" Master of Urban Economics UTDT direction o f Profs. Giorgio Ciucci and Manfredo Tafuri. 2006. Professor. "Urban Culture" Master of Urban Economics UTDT 1961- 1968. UBA scholarship for secondary lcvel studies. Professor. "Rethinking the history of Modem Architect re; a periplreral vision", Post Graduate Program on the History and Culture of Architecture and he City. Professor. "Art and culture of Modemity". School of Hi tory. UTDT 2005. Idem 2006. 2004. Idem 2005. Regular Tcaching. 2003. Professor. "Urban Culture" Master ofUrban Economie UTDT Professor. "Rethinking the history of Modem Architec re; a peripheral vision" , Post Graduate 20 15. Professor. "Art and culture of Modemity". School of History, School of Architecture and Urban Program on the History and Culture of Architecture and he City. Studies. UTDT. Professor. "Art and culture of Modemity". School of H tory. UT DT Professor. " Architccturc in Latin America. 1955-2015". School of Architcctura and Urban Studies, 2002. Professor. "Urban Culture" Master of Urban Economie . UTDT Master in History and Culture of Architecture and the City, UTDT. Professor. "Art and culture of Modemity". School of Hi tory. UTDT 201 4. Professor. "Art and culture of Modemity". School of History, School of Architccture and Urban 200 I. Professor. "Urban Culture" Master of Urban Economie UTDT Studies. UTDT. Professor. "Latin American Architccture" FADU, UBA 2013. Professor. Design Thcsis Program, School of Architecture and Urban Studics. UTDT. 2000. Professor. "Urban Culn1re" Master of Urban Economie UTDT Professor. "Criticai readings in Modem Latin Amcrican Architecture", Doctoral Program. School Professor. "Latin American Architecture" FADU, UBA O f Architccturc and Urban Studies. Santiago, Chile. 1999. Professo r. "Urban Culture" Master of Urban Economie . UTDT Professor. "Thc Colegio Libre Seminars", UTDT. "The Cultura! construction of Professor. "Latin American Architecture" FADU, UBA the Shanty Towns''. 1998. Professo r. "Latin American Architecture" Idem I 999 2012. Professor. Design Thcsis Program, School of Architecture and Urban Studies. UTDT. 1986-1997. Professor. History of modem architecture. FADU, UBA. Professor. "The cultu ra! construction ofthc Santy Towns", Doctoral Progrmn. School of 1986-1988. Seminaries, CESCA. Architecture and Urban Studics. Santiago, Chi le. 1977-1982. Seminaries, "la Escuelita" (underground center o architccture studies during the mi litary History and Culture of Architecture and the City. dictatorship, directed by Justo Solsona, Rafael Viiioly, Ionio Diaz, and Ernesto Katzenstein) 201 I. Professor. Design Thesis Program, School of Architccture and Urban Studics. UTDT. I 974-1975. Assistant, History of Architecture. IUAV, Italy. Professor. Thesis Program Seminar. Master in History and Culture of Archilecture and the City. 1970-1 973. Assistant, History of Architecture and Architectur I Design, University of La Plata, Argentina School of Architccturc and Urban Studies. UTDT. Pro fessor. "Rethinking the history o f Modem Architecture; a peripheral vision", Doctoral Program. School of Architccture and Urban Studies. Santiago, Chile. History and Culture of Architccture and the City. Visiting scholnr. 201O. Professor. "Modem Architecture in Argentina and Latin America", School of Architecure and Urban Studics. UTDT. 2015. Department of Post Graduate Studies, School of Archi te ture, Design and Urbanism, University
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