CURRICUL UM VITAE Scholarships and gr:rnts. Persona! data. 2012. David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies at arvard University. Amalia Lacroze De JORGE FRANCISCO LIERNUR Fortabat Visiting Scholars and Fellows Program. Date ofbirth: 06.26.1946 2011. National Agency for the Promotion ofScience and Tech ology. Grant for the organization ofthe Piace ofbirth: Buenos Aires, Argentina. symposium "Modem Architecturaf Masterpieces in Arg ntina". National ity: argentine. 2009. (with Jose Manuel Pozo (Spain), Enrique de Anda (Mex co) and others) Grant from the Ministry of Passport number: 7.772. 102 Science and lnnovation, Govemment of Spain. "The th Century: Spain and la/in America PersonaI address: Correa 1834, Ciudad Autonoma dc Buenos Aires, CP 1429, Argentina. thro11gho111 Architecture: wars. exiles, interdependencie The cases of Argentina and Mexico" Tclfax: (0054.11) 4703.3104 2008. CONICET (Argentina) grant fo r the organization of an i temational event. 2nd International Status: married, one daughter. Seminary Ollice: School of Architecturc and Urban Studies, Torcuato Di Tella University (UTDT); Saenz Valiente " History, city and architecture in America. Eighteen Cen ury. I OI O, CP 1429, Ciudad Aut6noma dc Buenos Aires, Argentina, Tel/fax: (**54.11 ) 5169. 7330; e-mail: 2007. CONICET grant fo r the organization of an intem ational vent. I rst lnternational Seminary
[email protected] " History, city and architecture in America. Eighteen Ce ry. 2006. Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung. lberoamerikanisches lnstitut, Berlin. Orientalism and the idea Cnrrcnt position. ofjlat roofin modem architecture. Erneritus, School of Architecture and Urban Studies, UTDT. 2003-2006. Agency for the Promotion ofScience and Technol gy grani; "Pfaces ofknowledge: locai Associated Professor, Doctoral Program, School of Architecture and Urban Studies.