Polity Council Determines Activity Budget
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0--- - WEDNESDAY ^^T- ^I - I 4 I I FEBRUARY 25 1976 mail -- Stony Brook, New York Volume 19 Number 52 v Distributedfree of charge every Monday, Wednesday and Friday I1%. )oll WA% - yor' - #~~~~~~~~~~ Ir - "M r I*1o 9ru" I I - Dear Sir: Inclosed are two clippings Carter Wins N.. Pnrmary; from our local newspaper. My wife Is convinced that the Ford and Reagan Battle purpose of the activity described therein Is to provide accomodations for, If not promote, sexual intercourse, most By WALTER MEARSahead of ReaP_ in " dead ba, a I ".,T likely of the pre-marital variety, among the students the Concord, N.H. (AP)-Republican dose rae." But he smid tud weM be knowledge of, if not the approval of, the college author- challenger Ronald Reagan and Pr impat br - Mm Gerald Ford battled to a near tea Ha sire is Reagan's bta ooute Ities. I must admit there is *ome reason for drawling these last night in a long count of the ballots in tbe South. conclusions but I am not so sure. New Hampdire's leadoff p tial was running str i Cuba I very seldom take the time and primary election. F ormerGe ia and northern New hampiII" towm 4 trouble required to verify a news item,particularly some- Governor Jimmy Carter strode past a be bad figured dod _w Mdd thing like this but in this instance make an exception. crowded field to win the Democratic Manchester, where t Unim-Loodws, as. I I would appreciate it very much primary.. state's nestw sp , If you can find time to give me the facts. Thank you. Ford aid he expected to win in the backed the forma Califo siago I Mr. 1end. Reagan said he had '"farexceeded Ford, on the otherff d, was r_ wig ( Slncerrnl v. oUT expectations" in his first test againstweUi PoItmouth, the ame lw ber sthe President. made hb thiil ma __a_ lat Hrobort ;S. Fey 3200 Little York lId While Carter and his supporters we Friday. Jaytor., Ohio 45414 Irejoicing in victory, the Ford and Reagan Among the Deo w 24 Icamps were worrying through a dow percent of the esimte turnot td, KEEP THOSE CARDS AND LETTERS COMING? Three weeks icount of the Republican vote. With just the lineup was: short of half the anticipated voted. tallied, Carter 7,311 or 31 pe-cIL after the now-internationally famous Kelly B waterbed story 4 first broke, the University is still deluged with letters casting they wer running 50-50. An eary Re ysentative Morrs UdaDof Axiso doubts on its moral character. The letter above, written by a 4Reagan lead had dwindled to km than 5,531 or 23 percent man from Dayton, Ohio, carries an innuendo similar to those of 300 votes.S atS. Birch Bayb of Indi1n 494 Among hundreds of other letters received by the University. Below is the Democrats, there was no or 17 pere-t. doubt. Former Senator the reply of Assistant to Fred nM& of the President John Burness. Carter was polling about 30 perent of 0 h 9r 11 pNtN the vote in the splintered Deotk Sargt s8ftiva, 2,367 or 10 xour recent letter concerning the much publicized water primary, running at a rate that moved Among nine m _no on tW bed has arrived in President Toll's absence. I am taking the liberty of responding to it. him ahead of the cd pack In tbeO le baot, S 1 murathontha will kead to White House Beum , the tbt It is a bit startling for me to realize that the occasional nomination. &hwed up In the ranpe , a tw excesses in behavior by members of our study body exceed, in the I eyes of the public, the remarkable accomplishments of our faculty The Republican race was cdlos, with pe t Senator H et HOf i and the thousands of students here who are busy getting an edu- I cation of high quality. As I am confident you can understand, Reagan maintaining the edee. But Ford's Minnesota had few p ortdo e Wt in a University as large as Stony Brook where close to 6,000 national campaign manager said the on witein ballots, and Go Georp students live on campus and over 20,000 people on the average President would eke out a victory. Wallace of had one pass through our gates daily, we occasionally find that acti- I t vities are occurring about which responsible University officers With 19 percent of the anticipated In the te _t for are not fully informed. When we are informed of alleged im- IRepublican vote counted, Reagan had preidential proprieties, we first investigate and second, if the allegations nominat , turn out to be accurate, we take action. Having investigated 13,575 votes or 52 percent, Ford had supporting Ford led for 13 national this matter, we have reason to believe that the room in question 12,784 or 48 percent. convention seats, Reagan _ti tor was being used for purposes other than those for which its use was intended and it has been closed. I must say, however, that Ford campaign chairman Howard eight. other than the quotes in the media attributed to one of the Callaway made his prediction in a Carter delegates wee bleding for 17 students in that dormitory, we have no evidence that sexual activities were occurring. long-distance call from Washington. He Democratic convention so, Udal for I I I / said Ford would finish the night ust one. N 7 / ---- --- I-- "Iftft --- -- oy 00, wool* r00- --. /'IO r Polity Council Determines Activity Budget By DAVID SPIEGEL thep Senate that thev thrash the hell out $44,818; and for Hillel of $2,790, a cut lad Thursday. The PSC a d ow A recommended total student activity of it." Such was the concensus of the from this year's requested budget of $4,000 at that meeting, a it with fee of $667,233 was accepted last pntire tunmril $22,325. only a $426 balance. SpW re Mlonday night by the members of the Club requests were generally lowered, In other actions, the Council voted to Representative Marc Citrin B an Polity Council, and is currently being sent some drastically. 'Me Committee Report accept the emergency Student Council ammendment to srike a number of to the Polity Senate for approval. The included recommended allocations for minutes of last Friday, which included a individual PSC motions from th minutes original budget requests from campus Statesman of $48,942, a cut from this motion "that Polity will pay full health before acceptance, but his motion failed organizations totalled over $1,000,000 year'srequested budget of $74,963; for insurance for all Polity full-time because of lack of a second. and, according to Polity Treasurer Mark SCOOP of $6,690, a cut from thisyear's employes, to be reviewed by the Senate The Council also voted to lot Polity Minasi, "were so padded I wanted to requested budget of $17,878; for the at budget time." lawyer Dennis Hurley spend up to 10 sleep on them." Black Student Union of $5810, a cut Minasi later remarked that he had "o hours -investigating the recent However, the budget committee made from this year's requested budget of idea how much the plan would cost." The impeachment of Student Ambly no change in the Polity Administrative $33,160; for WUSB of $23,499, a cut Council also voted to accept the Program Executive Vice President Ezb Budget of $70,000, which is used to send from this year's requested budget of and Services Council (PSC) Minutes of Pohanka from that organization. Polity officials on conferences as well as pay the salaries of the employes of the undergraduate student government. Little Enthusiasm Elections Postponed MarmorResigns The Council showed little enthusiasm Polity elections for Judiciary and meeting where his impeachment would never really took any interest in the over the report, which was developed commuter Senators seats have been be discussed. Marmor said that rather position." Maror could not be reached after several weeks of work by a postponed until March 10 to allow time than face impeachment he would resign. for comment. several-person-committee chaired by for persons to circulate petitions for the 'Me Council accepted his resignation Election Board Chiarwoman Diane Minasi. Though the only Council vote office of Junior Representative to the unanimously. Polity President Earle Hoiland then requested that the against accepting the report was made by Polity Council. Weprin said that Marmor had not elections be postponed because she felt Freshman Representative Joel Peskoff, ax Last night, Polity Treasurer Mark attended a council meeting since that elections could not be fairly run. Polity Vice President Paul Trautman Minasi announced that he had spoken to December. "He didn't really develop She said that there had been no warned that, "the Council should approve ex-Junior Representative Seth Marmor, during the year," said Weprin, "He was publicity and no campaigning by the this budget with a recommendation to and asked him to attend a Council made FSA assistant treasurer but he candidates. -David Razler I NY. i 0-4r -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ N~ews Briefs Counseling Center Helps - By TOM VITALE given tests to see how well they group of people, and I'm gaining Pentagon.PlansforNuclear Attack Tucked away in the basement can relate to other people. Of experience in the field of clinical of the Stony Brook Union is a the 52 students who applied for psychology, where I want to is busily pnning for something A group of Pentagon officials room equipped with two the training last year, only 22 spend my life." Americans would rather not think about: a nuclear attack most comfortable arm chairs and a were accepted into the program.