THE INGHAM COUNTY N ···Ws Part One-6 Pages Eighty-Ninth Y Car - No
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; , I aprlllfl)JOrl Hlnrltli'Y Want Ads 18 Pages On Pages 4, 5 and 6 THE INGHAM COUNTY N ···ws Part One-6 Pages Eighty-ninth Y car - No. 23 INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MI C~IGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1948 . A . i LESLIE FARMER PUZZLED OVER .COURT ACTION fw·ll G t · . d t M' h. st t Plans Shaping Up Deer 5een gam 1 . e 01p 1omas 5un ay a 1c 1gan a e JTrial of Stenson For County Fair 1 East of Town 'German Is Denied Citizenship ;D~layed for Day Tiw biWil 01• nnolhci' bucll wnR I Herman Kprachnor, 40, WitS tho Renrched. Wlwn tpe lcuflcts wm·c August 16 to 21 R<'c 11 gmr.tng in 11 pasture on the victim of injnHttcc when he np- ciiHcovc•·eci our ~tatns waR helped, 11 II f .111 Howe It road Mon- ·pea red In nu.turnllr.ation com·L in 'rim til'nll dcfcrnwnt signed tly the By Legal Moves New Feahn·es Arc Boolted dc:~"~~Z·ni:~~· \~hen Ci;ltrlcn Hnseltly Lansing lnst Thursday, hiH n~lgh· Jliii'Ly It-ado•· cl!ndwd the c•asc, We . F 01 G d d p : l t 1. nnri 11 p the cnws 'l'hc bora Insist, He wus denied citizen- hnd no trouble boarding the ship. Fm·me1' LegisLator ,Chal'ged ' ' ran stan rogram, ~:c~< ·;np~d away from u ' cows 11hip becrmac he was forcer! to join Safe> In the English channel, I 1 10 I With Obtaining $7,560 Horse Racing Four Days 1 0 V" the fence lntr> nnr>thcr the Nuzi pnrly In Germany in went through the luggage ngnln to · 'I b ancfir.! 1 He'r •on tinned· · · l'(rnzing for 1M"u,,,, H c wns t ur1wc 1 c1 own Its a l em · u r> n n cI th 1·ow aw1 1,Y all the In Commodity Deal Ingham's county fair WI I e abo'u't fl~e ~inulcs nnd th~n high·, United Stales citizen even though, p•·opHgn.nd~. I never wnnt~d to sec William Stenson of Green bigger and better this year. lulled il for the woods, he fled Ger~nny in 1037 bcc1iusc one of the lcllficts again, 1 Last Ycal 1 land went on trial Wednesday ·'s f1'nancial setback So'vcral c1 ecr 1mvc b ccn seen in he revolted lmm Nazism. I' o:wd!fd hy•. Consul It d • in circuit court at Mason. The has brought on no cmtailmcnt bot!.1 rn 1•ham and Alaicdnn town- I Liile othc1w aliens from enemy' Upon anwni In the Un e hi 1 \h sl two yours , cotmtrics, Kut•schnCI' was under Slates, the Kurschncrs flrst went in the 1948 program. The fair " ps n c pa. , · · ! survcllinncc during the war. But to Detroit to stny with the 'rhur· trial was delayed .a day by will be held August 16 through Nn nne lms yet ropotlcd sighting there was ncvct• IL charge or dis- ingcrr;, !{uruhncr said he asked legal maneuvering. Stenr.on 21, one week later th<Jn in the th!l hellrH over around .T!tcobs lake' loyalty laid ngnlnst him. Neigh- immigra'tlon authoriti!ls If the was charged with obtaining 1 Past few years. this spring, bm·s suy he wm·Iwcl tooth unrl nail Nazis couicl r·cnch him here In the money under false pretenses ' -- - - - - to pi'Oducc food when a law was United St11tos if he failed to return· and larceny by conversion. .Toy 0. DaviH, fair association pFtsscd burring enemy aliens from to Germany, He learned he did not 1 I After a day of legal argument tJf'Crctary, has flnnonncect somf' of Le&a defense plants. I have to mtmn. ltuth liolm, WIIII!LmHtnn Jtuwt liemnns, Mason the [catur·cs of till' lD•I8 fair, The loul's '"' Forced I Mary LouiHe 'I'J·ipp, 1\Ia"'ll and motions, and the remand schedule of ev1mtH hns been KuJ•schncr is bewildered over the J{UJ'schncr said he r<'ccivcd one These 11 y01ong men and women 1 ing of the case back to Lansing altered, JnHI.cnd of the barn dance from ('lty Poi'ICe action nf the court lust •rtmrsclny. l~ttcr ft:om the German conoul sta· J will reectve their diplomas Sun-~ rudio show on Monday night, the He believed and still does lhul the tlonod m Columbus, Ohio. 'rhc: day afternoon in the Jonisr>n field Imunicipal court to correct er fair wili OJl<'ll With Uw Auto Mar- United States Is n country whoro leltol' asked for money to be senti· house at Michigan Slate college, i rors in the information and incH in ll Hpedni thrill show of justice prevails. He is determined to the Nazi' pai'ty in Germany. Diplomas wili be awarded to warrant, the jury was chosen clare-devil dt'lving. In Economy Move to appeal for a new heb.ring, He Ktn·schncr chcl not. answer the I more than 2,000. There arc , 1 966 Thursday morning. is confident that before unr>ther letter unci rep~rtcd Its receipt to l undcrgt'adtmtes who wlll receive I villeOn showTucr1day will nightliil<c nv,•ra hig with vaude- ui1·· Force Reduced to Two, examiner he will be n•commcndcd U. S. authot'ltiCs. I clerrrees,n along w th 213 who Will Stenson, whose statement that 1 1 cus acts and 11 musical revue with Lee's Seniority Given for cltizensh p, i 'l'he Leslie fanner said he never receive higher degrees, It is the he had been offei•cd bribes to bloclc fancy cost1111108 , girls and top- I The examiner, Sidney Ft·ced of was a membor of any Gm·man-~,Jargost graduating class In tho passage of the anti-chain banit bill, which stu r'lcd the gl'llft probe, lhght specialty acts. The same per- No Conside1·ation in Dea the U. S. naturalization service, American bund or group, that he history of the college. 1 formnncc will be given on Tuesday . recommended to Circuit .ltt<!~o ha~ never been cimrged ";'lth VJO· Gmduatcs from Ingham county I is not being tried for any acts d Wec!Jwsci'ly l~l'l[lny und Sat- LoUIS Lee, Mason policeman Marvm S, Salmon that fmal ".t1- lntmg any law, and that his record 1who will receive degrees include I committed us a lcgisl!ttor, He is I chnrgcd with obtaining $7,560 ~~ciny mghls 'w;ii find a complete I for three year.s, was co.unted zensh!p ~~~pers ~ot be granted tc has ~Pen chcclwd and cleared by II Paul DeRos~ of Ma~on, a bachelor , • change of acts for the grandstand out at a committee meetmg of KurschncJ · The Judge accepted the the 1 BI. of sc1ence m phymcal educatiOn; ; fmm Lester A, Duvitlson, Lansing highway bulldct·. performance. · Oti1cr from I the police committee last recommendation. The c x c II s c Witnesses on the application for Ruth Holm of Williamston, uct.~ 1 1 11 other rau·s will be brought in to d f ' H' . slated by Freed ~eforc the comt citizenship were George Higdon, 1 bachelor of arts In social science; Davidson claims he sent Stenson M· . 1, Thurs ay a ternoon. IS res1g- was that the Umted States and George Mitchell, Mrs. Emil Olson 1 Vance F. Mcintyre a bachelor of $7,560 fot· the purchase of foot· uTshon.t tl 1 .11 t"'tu<e nation was forced, he dec!,., reel. Germany are still technically at and Dwi""hto Henderson.• Mitchel! I science degree in et~rrincerin"''o ", Vir-·, bulldozers. He: never received the c ro Cl'" •tnc pacers WI k' { 1 T d , ' l't d !'" 00 Foliowin"' the conference be· war, ma mg I ursc mer an enemy and Hcn'clcrson are promment Les· ginif1 E. Rusch of Mason, a bache- bulldozers nor did he get his over ucs ay a crnoon an " I " · 1 ali' G · an natl"es arc bc'ng ]' b · H. d · id I · ever dn Lht·ou h r~riday. Ingham tween city officials and Lee, it en. ,c, m . ' · ' 1 . 10 us mess men. 1g on Is w c y I lot' of. arts degree 111 elementary 1 money baclc. The transaction was cou!ty ~t·ovidt•sg one or the best was rumored thnt the three police-! made U. S. Citizens, however, as !mown as a farmer. cducatwn; . I1 alleged to have happened two I years ago. rncmg. programs In. .J.M tc I11gan, . tl1e men · hac!' reached an agreement as Icourt , records Will Ashow. fIn January· tl when t Kmschnert 1' wast' ~Sarah •~· Ringelber"'o of Williams - Ingham purses being· second only I to which one would resign in I• OI'P\\'ar•red of. "ton1 ~n Ol'l~:"!1 , '~ na ura IZ<'L wn ton (a graduate of Deccmbet·,: The Lansing contractor claimed to the Hillsdale fnlt· in size. The carrying out the economy pro- Kurschnor was mformcd b:Y Bcr- 1 .tuihout cs "':c1e loolnng aska~ce 1047) bachelor of science degree that Stenson told him he was best trotters and pacers in tho mid-: gram of the city council. nard E. st;en ?f. t~c Detrott of-; at hrs uchmsswn,,J;e had a relltwn In physical science; E. B. Watilins able to purchase bulldo?.crs from west will be on hand to vic for a I There was no agreement be-! fie~ of the lmn~Jgrntton and natu-: drawn up anc~ CI.Iculatcd m Les- of Williamston, a bachelor of sci· bargains held by the War Assets sh!Lrc nf the wmnings, Dnvis said, tween the policemen, Lee declnrccl.