RHOSSILI COMMUNITY COUNCIL NEWSLETTER DECEMBER 2013 Your Council: Steve Walmsley (Chair), Dai Cann (Vice-chair), Steve Campbell-Kelly, Ian Button, Sally Thomas, Nicola Rees, Jeff Higgins. Email:
[email protected] Web: www.gowercc.org.uk Welcome to the 2013 Christmas Newsletter. Time months analysing the information looking for seems to have flown this year and as Christmas inconsistencies which helped us all to formulate arrives it is a time to reflect on our challenges and informed and pertinent comment. It was great achievements. Apart from the usual RCC business news for Rhossili when the developer withdrew - keeping an eye on local planning applications, their interest in developing the wind farm and I footpaths and highways, and commenting on the think we can be proud of the part we played in Swansea Council policies and initiatives - the most protecting our iconic seascapes for future significant item we dealt with this year was the generations. proposal for the Atlantic Array Wind Farm. The This year saw RCC increase its IT presence. We sheer volume of information that was sent out by introduced an email service, to supplement the the developer (and other supporting and information on our notice boards, to make opposing groups) was frankly overwhelming. The community members aware of local events, issues Rhossili Working Group, and in particular Carl and services. Along with all community councils Johnson, accepted the challenge and spent many in Wales, we also received a grant to update the RHOSSILI COMMUNITY COUNCIL NEWSLETTER DECEMBER 2013 RCC website from the Welsh Government. We are currently working with Selina Taylor to RHOSSILI VILLAGE HALL AND produce a more detailed, village specific, web-site BUNKHOUSE which we hope to launch in the New Year.