
Annual report Adroddiad blynyddol

Supporting charities, volunteers and communities Yn cefnogi elusennau, gwirfoddolwyr a chymunedau

www.wcva.org.uk Council for Voluntary Action’s Cenhadaeth Cyngor Gweithredu mission is to make Wales a better Gwirfoddol Cymru yw gwneud place by championing , Cymru’n lle gwell drwy hyrwyddo voluntary organisations, and gwirfoddoli, mudiadau gwirfoddol a community groups. grwpiau cymunedol. In so doing, it will help build a civil society in Drwy wneud hynny, bydd yn cynorthwyo Wales that: i adeiladu cymdeithas sifil yng Nghymru a fydd: zz Is inclusive and offers equality of opportunity. zz Yn gynhwysol ac yn cynnig cyfle cyfartal. zz Strengthens voluntary and community zz Yn cryfhau gweithredu gwirfoddol a action at the heart of civil society in chymunedol sydd wrth galon cymdeithas Wales, that: sifil yng Nghymru, sydd: ––empowers people to participate and ––yn grymuso pobl i gyfranogi ac yn fosters community leadership meithrin arweiniad cymunedol ––encourages and promotes the ––yn annog ac yn hybu annibyniaeth independence of voluntary action gweithredu gwirfoddol ––celebrates and reflects linguistic and ––yn dathlu ac yn adlewyrchu amrywiaeth cultural diversity and choice a dewis ieithyddol a diwylliannol ––engages in genuine partnership with ––yn ymrwymo i wir bartneriaeth gyda other sectors on a ‘who does what sectorau eraill ar sail ‘pwy sy’n gwneud best’ basis. beth orau’.

WCVA Head Office North Wales Office Mid Wales Office WCVA Prif Swyddfa Swyddfa Gogledd Swyddfa’r Baltic House Morfa Hall 2 Science Park Tyˆ Baltig Cymru Canolbarth Mount Stuart Square Bath Street Cefn Llan Sgwar Mount Stuart Neuadd Morfa 2 Parc Gwyddoniaeth Rhyl Aberystwyth Caerdydd Stryd y Baddon Cefn Llan CF10 5FH LL18 3EB Ceredigion CF10 5FH Y Rhyl Aberystwyth Tel 0800 2888 329 Tel 0800 2888 329 SY23 3AH Ffôn 0800 2888 329 LL18 3EB Ceredigion Fax 029 2043 1701 Fax 01745 357541 Tel 0800 2888 329 Ffacs 029 2043 1701 Ffôn 0800 2888 329 SY23 3AH Minicom Minicom Fax 01970 631121 Minicom Ffacs 01745 357541 Ffôn 0800 2888 329 029 2043 1702 01745 357542 [email protected] 029 2043 1702 Minicom Ffacs 01970 631121 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 01745 357542 [email protected] [email protected] WCVA Helpdesk 0800 2888 329 Lein Gymorth WCVA 0800 2888 329 www.wcva.org.uk Annual Report | Adroddiad Blynyddol 2009/2010 1 Contents Cynnwys

Chair’s report | Adroddiad y Cadeirydd 2 Chief Executive’s report | Adroddiad y Prif Weithredwr 3 Services for the sector | Gwasanaethau ar gyfer y sector 5 Promoting the sector’s roles Hyrwyddo swyddogaethau’r sector 13 Achieve positive outcomes for the sector in major policy areas Sicrhau canlyniadau cadarnhaol ar gyfer y sector mewn meysydd polisi pwysig 17 Improve performance and ensure quality Gwella perfformiad a sicrhau ansawdd 23 Grants and funding | Grantiau a chyllid 24 Plans for future periods | Cynlluniau ar gyfer y dyfodol 26 The trustees and advisers Ymddiriedolwyr a chynghorwyr elusen 27 Summarised financial statements Crynodeb o’n mantolenni ariannol 28 WCVA Members | Aelodau WCVA 33

Celebrating 10 Years of voices for Youth Volunteering change cymru 1 0 2000–2010

Dathlu 10 Mlynedd a Gefnogi Pobl Ifanc sy’n Gwirfoddoli

Sustainable Funding Cyllid Cynaliadwy Cymru 2 Annual Report | Adroddiad Blynyddol 2009/2010 Chair’s report Adroddiad y Cadeirydd

WCVA can look back on 2009/10 as Gall WCVA edrych yn ôl ar 2009/10 a year of mixed fortunes. There was fel blwyddyn o brofiadau cymysg. recovery and consolidation as the Gwelsom adferiad ac atgyfnerthu difficulties which bridged 2008 and wrth i ni fynd i’r afael â’r anawsterau a 2009 were tackled. However, no sooner gychwynnodd yn 2008 ac a barhaodd had things settled down when serious yn 2009. Ond, cyn gynted ag yr oedd new challenges around public sector pethau wedi dechrau tawelu, roedd expenditure cuts faced the third sector y trydydd sector yn wynebu heriau as the financial year came to an end. newydd difrifol yn sgil toriadau mewn gwariant ar y sector cyhoeddus wrth Despite the challenges looming for the coming year we can be thankful that WCVA i’r flwyddyn ariannol ddod i ben. and its member organisations in 2009/10 Er gwaethaf yr heriau sydd ar y gorwel ar were steadfast in their determination to gyfer y flwyddyn i ddod, gallwn ddiolch maintain the profile and importance of the fod WCVA a’i aelod fudiadau yn 2009/10 third sector as servants of the wider public in yn gadarn yn eu hymroddiad i gynnal hard times. proffil a phwysigrwydd y trydydd sector fel Once again our award schemes for gwasanaethwyr y cyhoedd mewn cyfnod o volunteers and voluntary organisations galedi. demonstrated the high quality and added Unwaith eto, dangosodd ein cynlluniau value that the sector brings to public life. gwobrwyo ar gyfer gwirfoddolwyr a My report cannot pass without mentioning mudiadau gwirfoddol y gwerth ychwanegol the retirement of Jan Bish as our Company a’r safon uchel y mae’r sector yn ei gynnig i Secretary and Chief Executive’s PA after fywyd cyhoeddus. many years of distinguished service. I wish Ni allaf adael i f’adroddiad fynd heibio heb Jan well in her retirement and thank her for sôn am ymddeoliad Jan Bish, Ysgrifennydd her faithful service which has contributed ein Cwmni a Chynorthwy-ydd Personol y so much to making WCVA the valued Prif Weithredwr, ar ôl blynyddoedd lawer organisation it is today. o wasanaeth clodwiw. Dymunaf y gorau Finally, a word of thanks to all our staff, iddi yn ei hymddeoliad a diolchaf iddi am the staff of our county voluntary councils, ei gwasanaeth ffyddlon sydd wedi cyfrannu our member organisations and individual gymaint at wneud WCVA yn fudiad sy’n cael volunteers who contribute so much, for ei werthfawrogi gymaint heddiw. enhancing the quality of life in communities Yn olaf, gair o ddiolch i’n holl staff, staff throughout Wales. ein cynghorau gwirfoddol sirol, ein haelod Win Griffiths fudiadau a gwirfoddolwyr unigol sy’n Chair cyfrannu gymaint at gyfoethogi ansawdd bywyd ein cymunedau ar hyd a lled Cymru.

Win Griffiths Cadeirydd Annual Report | Adroddiad Blynyddol 2009/2010 3 Chief Executive’s report Adroddiad y Prif Weithredwr

The year covered by this report Mae’r flwyddyn sydd dan sylw yn 2009/10 marks the end of a remarkable yr adroddiad hwn, sef 2009/10, yn decade of achievement – progress for nodi diwedd degawd rhyfeddol o WCVA and the sector in Wales. gyflawniadau - cynnydd o safbwynt WCVA a’r sector yng Nghymru. During this decade the sector has become a major third force alongside the state and Yn ystod y degawd hwn mae’r sector wedi business in Wales in shaping the policies and tyfu i fod yn drydydd grym pwysig ochr yn delivering the services which have made ochr â’r wladwriaeth a busnes yng Nghymru devolution a success. o ran siapio polisïau a darparu’r gwasanaethau sydd wedi gwneud datganoli yn llwyddiant. The sector has moved beyond being the ‘icing on the cake’ to being an increasingly Nid yr ‘eisin ar y gacen’ yw’r sector erbyn hyn essential component in achieving community ond yn hytrach cynhwysyn cynyddol hanfodol empowerment, cohesion and well being. o ran grymuso cymunedau a sicrhau lles a chydlyniad y cymunedau hynny. This enhanced role has seen a growth in income and expenditure for many Gwelwyd twf yn incwm a gwariant nifer organisations and to enhanced support from o fudiadau yn sgil y rôl estynedig hon yn statutory authorities. ogystal â mwy o gefnogaeth gan awdurdodau statudol. Although only 2-3% of Assembly and local government budgets are spent on the sector, Er mai dim ond 2 - 3% o gyllidebau’r this has become an increasingly important Cynulliad a llywodraeth leol sy’n cael ei wario part of the sector income. ar y sector, mae hwn wedi tyfu i fod yn rhan gynyddol bwysig o incwm y sector. This growth in public expenditure is now likely to cease and many organisations will Mae’r twf hwn mewn gwariant cyhoeddus face challenging times over the next few yn debygol o ddod i ben yn awr a bydd years, but the sector’s very strengths of llawer o fudiadau yn wynebu cyfnod anodd resilience, innovation, self reliance, yn yr ychydig flynyddoedd nesaf, ond and activism, will, as in the past, help us bydd cryfderau’r sector, sef gwytnwch, survive and flourish as the times get tough. arloesedd, hunanddibyniaeth, anhunanoldeb a pharodrwydd i weithredu, yn ein helpu i WCVA was born in the hard times of the oroesi a ffynnu yn wyneb y caledi hwn, fel y Great Depression, and its role in supporting gwnaethant yn y gorffennol. the third sector in every way it can, remains as vital today as it did in 1934. Sefydlwyd WCVA yng nghyfnod anodd y Dirwasgiad Mawr ac mae ei swyddogaeth yn Graham Benfield, OBE cefnogi’r trydydd sector ym mhob ffordd y Chief Executive gall mor hanfodol heddiw ag yr oedd yn 1934.

Graham Benfield, OBE Prif Weithredwr 4 Annual Report | Adroddiad Blynyddol 2009/2010 Introduction Cyflwyniad

This report outlines WCVA’s key Mae’r adroddiad hwn yn amlinellu activities and achievements for the prif weithgareddau a chyflawniadau year, against its key objectives, which WCVA am y flwyddyn, o’u cymharu â’i were to: amcanion allweddol, sef:

zz Provide services zz Darparu gwasanaethau zz Develop the sector’s different roles zz Datblygu gwahanol rolau’r sector zz Achieve positive outcomes for the zz Sicrhau canlyniadau cadarnhaol ar sector gyfer y sector zz Improve its performance and to ensure quality in all aspects of the zz Gwella ei berfformiad a sicrhau safon organisation ym mhob agwedd ar y mudiad

Achievements and performance Cyflawniadau a pherfformiad During this year WCVA has continued to Yn ystod y flwyddyn hon, mae WCVA wedi implement the Partnership Agreement, parhau i weithredu’r Cytundeb Partneriaeth, through which the Welsh Assembly sef y Cytundeb y mae Llywodraeth Government funds the support services Cynulliad Cymru yn ei ddefnyddio i gyllido’r for the sector at national and local level. gwasanaethau cefnogi ar gyfer y sector ar WCVA has worked with county voluntary lefel genedlaethol a lleol. Mae WCVA wedi councils and volunteer centres to plan gweithio gyda chynghorau gwirfoddol complementary services, underpinned by sirol a chanolfannau gwirfoddoli i gynllunio comprehensive training and information gwasanaethau ategol, a’r rheini’n seiliedig ar frameworks, identifying who does what to fframweithiau gwybodaeth a hyfforddiant meet the needs of the sector at national, cynhwysfawr, sy’n nodi pwy sy’n gwneud regional and local levels. beth i ddiwallu anghenion y sector yn genedlaethol, yn rhanbarthol ac yn lleol. WCVA assesses its effectiveness by monitoring take-up of its services, levels of Mae WCVA yn asesu ei effeithiolrwydd drwy satisfaction with its services, the extent of its fonitro’r canlynol: y niferoedd sy’n manteisio engagement with the sector, achievement ar ei wasanaethau, pa mor fodlon yw pobl of target dates, extent of the sector’s gyda’i wasanaethau, i ba raddau y mae’n engagement with public bodies, and the ymgysylltu â’r sector, ei lwyddiant o ran extent to which public policy takes account cwblhau gwaith erbyn dyddiadau targed, i ba of the sector’s interests. A summary of raddau y mae’r sector yn ymgysylltu â chyrff achievements for 2009/10 is provided on the cyhoeddus, ac i ba raddau y mae polisïau following pages. cyhoeddus yn rhoi sylw i fuddiannau’r sector. Ceir crynodeb o’r hyn a gyflawnwyd yn 2009/10 ar y tudalennau sy’n dilyn. Annual Report | Adroddiad Blynyddol 2009/2010 5 Services for the sector Gwasanaethau ar gyfer The WCVA Helpdesk could not y sector have been more accommodating and 1 effective in helping us to move from four memberships to a single membership under a different name, while maintaining information flow to General information, guidance Gwybodaeth gyffredinol, our key personnel. We value the access to and support cyfarwyddyd a chefnogaeth advice and guidance The provision of information and guidance Mae darparu gwybodaeth, canllawiau a we enjoy through and support to third sector organisations chymorth i’r trydydd sector yn parhau i fod yn our membership of WCVA and the quality remains at the forefront of our services by: flaenoriaeth yn ein gwasanaeth drwy: of the information we receive through zz Maintaining an up-to-date website zz Cynnal gwefan sy’n cynnwys yr wybodaeth WCVA publications attracting over 700,000 visitors, and some ddiweddaraf ac sy’n denu dros 700,000 o and events. Thank 180,000 items downloaded. ymwelwyr; llwythwyd oddeutu 180,000 o you for your continued help.’ zz Responding to around 8,600 Helpdesk eitemau i lawr oddi arni. Roger Gant, enquiries. zz Ymateb i oddeutu 8,600 o ymholiadau i’r General Manager zz Working with CVCs and volunteer centres, Lein Gymorth. Crossroads Mid ensuring over 157 information sheets are zz Gweithio gyda Chynghorau Gwirfoddol and West Wales available to the sector, with over 415,000 Sirol (CGS) a chanolfannau gwirfoddoli, of these downloaded from WCVA, CVC gan sicrhau bod dros 157 o daflenni Ni allai staff Lein and volunteer centre websites. gwybodaeth ar gael i’r sector, gyda dros Gymorth WCVA fod wedi bod yn fwy zz Publishing 21 issues 415,000 o’r rhain yn cael eu llwytho i effeithiol a pharod of our magazine lawr oddi ar wefannau WCVA, CGS a eu cymwynas wrth W a l e s chanolfannau gwirfoddoli. ein helpu i symud Network Wales. o bedwar corff zz zz Publishing Cyhoeddi 21 rhifyn o’n cylchgrawn aelodaeth i un dan 24 members’ Rhwydwaith Cymru. enw gwahanol, Arts Factory’s e-commerce project linked to Amazon, selling donated books online. Credit crunch continuing to force sector to shed jobs zz a chynnal llif harities and voluntary groups have a good bunch of volunteers, but unemployment, single parent families, Cacross Wales are continuing to we’re unable even to pay their expenses and so on,’ said Marketing Manager e-briefings. Cyhoeddi 24 o e-hysbysiadau i aelodau. feel the effects of the recession, with ‘People need more advice and Jason Dury. many responding to the latest WCVA counselling and we’re struggling to keep ‘Our coaches are bookable 12 to 18 questionnaire having reported staff up. It’s getting to be a considerable months in advance. Between the time gwybodaeth i’n redundancies. hardship and sadly, this is a time when of booking and the trip, we could have Almost 50 organisations have told we really need to give help.’ fuel increases - and we can’t pass those WCVA researchers that they have been The Cats (Community Active Travel on to a family who have been saving forced to lay people off largely as a result Services) group in Caerphilly, which and expect to pay the original price of falling funding and increased service provides door to door transport for they were quoted. So we very often run zz zz demand. people unable to travel by other means, our service at a loss, or just about break staff allweddol ar yr The Muslim Council of Wales, which is has made nine of its 67 staff redundant e v e n . ’ Publishing 9 national Cyhoeddi 9 atodiad cenedlaethol i run by just three members of staff, will in recent months. Cats has recently been fortunate in soon be reduced to two by its financial The charity says its only source of gaining the support of an anonymous situation. income traditionally has been a local private investor, which has allowed the Secretary General Saleem Kidwai OBE authority Service Level Agreement to run business to take back on two employees told Network Wales his organisation was its Dial a Ride division, which is less than who had been made redundant. un pryd. reliant on contributions, but because of half its annual running costs. ‘That support has helped to keep us the credit crunch, the money it received But worse affected by the recession going,’ Jason Dury added. ‘But we’ve supplements for gylchlythyrau CGS. from the community had fallen by 40% has been Cats’ coach hire service, which still had to sell some of our vehicles.’ in the past six to eight months. operates on a profit making basis and Other groups are trying to beat the ‘We have got three paid staff and one invests its income into the charity. recession by diversifying. of those will be going soon,’ he added. ‘Many of our passengers come ‘We can’t afford to keep them. We also from disadvantaged areas with high continued on page two >> CVC newsletters. zz Rydym yn the magazine for the third sector Trefnu rhaglen o 8 cynhadledd ar destunau in Wales Issue 389· 23 September 2009 gwerthfawrogi’r zz Organising a sydd o ddiddordeb gwirioneddol i’r sector, cyngor a’r arweiniad programme of 8 conferences on subjects gan ddenu dros 880 o gyfranogwyr. y gallwn ei gael drwy ein haelodaeth of major interest to the sector, attracting zz Cynnal y gronfa ddata genedlaethol o over 880 participants. o WCVA a safon yr fudiadau gwirfoddol a chymunedol, gan wybodaeth rydym zz Maintaining the national database of gadw manylion dros 29,913 o fudiadau sydd yn ei chael drwy voluntary and community organisations, wedi’u lleoli neu sy’n gweithio yng Nghymru. gyhoeddiadau a holding details of over 29,913 organisations digwyddiadau WCVA. zz Darparu gwasanaeth recriwtio i’r trydydd Diolch i chi am eich based in or working in Wales. sector. cefnogaeth barhaus.’ zz Providing a third sector recruitment zz Darparu gwasanaeth postio ar ran y Roger Gant, service. trydydd sector gan anfon dros 27,000 o Rheolwr Cyffredinol Crossroads Canolbarth zz Providing a third sector mailing service eitemau. a Gorllewin Cymru with over 27,000 items sent. zz Darparu ystod eang o fanteision i aelodau, zz Providing a wide range of members’ gan gynnwys meddalwedd cyfrifiaduron benefits, including discounted computer am bris gostyngol, yswiriant, gwasanaethau software, insurance, discounted employment iechyd a diogelwch a chyflogaeth am bris and health and safety services, specialist gostyngol, gwasanaeth telegyfathrebu telecommunications for the sector, payroll arbenigol i’r sector, gwasanaethau cyflogres, services, discounted translation service and gwasanaeth cyfieithu am bris gostyngol a corporate promotional products. chynhyrchion hyrwyddo corfforaethol. 6 Annual Report | Adroddiad Blynyddol 2009/2010

This week’s In January, our third sector recruitment service was top jobs re-branded as recruit3, with positions advertised on Prif swyddi’r wythnos hon J o b s Welsh Women’s Aid www.recruit3.org.uk, Network Jobs and Big Issue Policy Officer £26,016 Cymru. During 2009/2010, recruit3 has advertised Brecon Contact Association Service Manager over 500 paid positions in the third sector and £25,220 - £28,949 Turning Point Cymru Project Worker Substance Misuse Ramblers set Russell on the roadIssueIssue to No sectorNo 1 · 144 20 September 12 careerAugust 20062009 39 trustee positions. £16,840-£22,450 Russell i weithio dros gymunedau For a copy of Network Russell Todd has had a thorough gro Jobs via email, contact for his new role as WCVA Communities First [email protected] unding Advice Co-ordinator. Mae gan Russell Todd sylfa Am gopi o Network Jobs iawn ar gyfer ei rôl newyd en gadarn Ym mis Ionawr, newidiwyd enw ein gwasanaeth dros yr ebost, cysylltwc Having been a youth footbal Cynghori Cymunedau yn Gyntad fel Cydlynydd [email protected] a homework club volunteer, Russl coach and f WCVA. entered employment in the th ell first Ar ôl bod yn hyfforddwr tîm pêl-droed development and promotion ofird sector as a ieuenctid a gwirfoddoli gyda chlwb gwaith Ramblers’ Association. ficer with the cartref, dechreuodd Ru recriwtio ar gyfer y trydydd sector i recriwt3, a Contac t details trydydd sector fel swyddogssell datbweithio yn y Although he moved over to the publ hyrwyddo Cymdeithas y Cerddwylygu a Cysylltiadau in posts with Offa Commu ic sector r. & West Housing Associationnity and Council, Caerphil Wales Er iddo symud i’r sector cyhoeddus i w Communities First, all his positions i Gyngor Cymuned Offa, Cymdeithas eithio Matthew Bates ly Wales & West a Cymunedau yn Gyntaf hysbysebwyd swyddi ar www.recriwt3.org.uk, ac yn entailed him working with communiti still Tai 029 2025 5672 Caerffili, roedd ei swyddi i gyd yn dal yn es. [email protected] ‘I’m no longer as close to th golygu ei fod yn gweithio aˆ chymunedau was in previous CF roles, bute mycoalface j as I ‘Nid wyf bellach mor agos i wyneb y g . me to still have input at a commuob allows ag yr oeddwn yn fy swyddi bla y cylchgronnau Network Jobs a Big Issue Cymru. Yn Jane Thomas either by helping CF staff in their day-to-daynity level, raig Cymunedau yn Gyntaf, ond maeenorol fy swy gyda 029 2033 7784 role or the Partnership directly,’ said Russ yn dal i olygu fy mod yn gallu cyfra dd [email protected] ‘I’ve always found working with local ell. at gymunedau, naill ai drwy helpu staffnnu in a community development c people Cymunedau yn Gyntaf gyda’u gwaith bo ystod 2009/2010, mae recriwt3 wedi hysbysebu dros rewarding and a privilege - i ontext to be dydd neu drwy helpu’r Bartneriaeth yn Wales Council for b motivating working alon t is incredibly uniongyrchol, meddai Russell. Voluntary Action in the passion and commitmentgside people th putting ‘Yr wyf wastad wedi teimlo bod gwei Cyngor Gweithredu to achieve change in thei at they do Gwirfoddol Cymru r community.’ aˆ phobl leol mewn cyd-destun datblthio 500 o swyddi cyflogedig yn y trydydd sector a 39 o cymunedol yn fraint sy’n rhoi boddhaygu charity no/rhif elusen 218093 mawr - mae gweithio ochr yn ochr aˆ dphob sy’n mynd ati gyda’r fath frwdfrydedd ac l ymrwymiad i greu newid yn eu cymuned yn ysbrydoliaeth.’ swyddi ymddiriedolwr. third sector jobs in Wales swyddi’r trydydd sector yng Nghymru

Training services Gwasanaethau hyfforddi WCVA and the infrastructure are major Mae WCVA a’r isadeiledd ymhlith rhai o brif providers of training courses for the third ddarparwyr cyrsiau hyfforddiant ar gyfer y sector in Wales by: trydydd sector yng Nghymru drwy:

zz Working with CVCs, running a core zz Gweithio gyda CGS i redeg rhaglen training programme through the delivery hyfforddiant craidd drwy ddarparu 300 o of 300 courses in 10 key subject areas. gyrsiau mewn 10 maes allweddol. zz Delivering 11 accredited and endorsed zz Darparu 11 cwrs achrededig a chymeradwy courses, working closely with the Institute gan gydweithio’n agos â’r Sefydliad of Leadership and Management (ILM) and Arweinyddiaeth a Rheolaeth ac Agored Agored Cymru. Cymru. zz Delivering a range of courses to support zz Darparu nifer o gyrsiau oedd yn cefnogi continuous professional development (CPD) datblygiad proffesiynol parhaus ar gyfer for those in the third sector workforce unigolion yng ngweithlu’r trydydd sector in Wales, with the focus on developing yng Nghymru, gan ganolbwyntio ar management and leadership skills. ddatblygu sgiliau rheoli ac arwain. zz Providing training and support to zz Rhoi hyfforddiant a chefnogaeth i fudiadau Training and events organisations involved in delivering sy’n ymwneud â chyflawni gwaith a ariennir 2011 2010 – March September s k i l l s European funded work, through courses m a n a g e m e n t a n d b a s e gan Ewrop ar ffurf cyrsiau mewn rheoli • Leadership y o u r f u n d i n g • Diversifying m a n a g e m e n t in project management, how to tender, • P r o j e c t p la n n in g prosiectau, sut i dendro, rheoli risg a sicrhau • Marketing participation • P u b l i c a n d i n fl u e n c i n g • L o b b y i n g risk management and quality assurance. r i s k www.wcva.org.uk ansawdd. • M a n a g i n g

Volunteering Gwirfoddoli ‘A very useful and WCVA has maintained its work as the strategic interesting six-day Mae WCVA wedi parhau i weithio fel y prif gorff course. As I am lead body for volunteering in Wales by: strategol dros wirfoddoli yng Nghymru drwy: developing a project at zz work the content was Supporting the recruitment and training zz Cefnogi recriwtio a hyfforddi 2,365 o extremely useful and of 2,365 newly recruited volunteers from wirfoddolwyr newydd o grwpiau sydd relevant to my needs.’ underrepresented groups throughout wedi’u tangynrychioli ar hyd a lled Cymru Vera Davey, Holywell Wales through the Volunteering in Wales drwy’r Gronfa Gwirfoddoli yng Nghymru, Communities First, Fund, contributing nearly 250,000 hours Flintshire gan gyfrannu bron i 250,000 awr er budd for the benefit of 122,700 people in their 122,700 o bobl yn eu cymunedau. communities. zz ‘Cwrs chwe-diwrnod Sicrhau bod gwefan Gwirfoddoli Cymru zz diddorol a defnyddiol Retaining the Volunteering Wales website yn aros ar y brig fel y brif wefan wirfoddoli iawn. Gan fy mod i position as the top volunteering website sy’n ymddangos ar Google pan fydd yn datblygu prosiect on Google when searching for ‘volunteer rhywun yn chwilio am ‘gwirfoddoli yng yn y gwaith, roedd in Wales’, advertising over 8,200 Nghymru’, gan hysbysebu dros 8,200 o y cynnwys yn volunteering opportunities and attracting ddefnyddiol iawn ac gyfleoedd gwirfoddoli a denu dros 656,000 yn berthnasol i’m 656,000 visitors. o ymwelwyr. hangenion i.’ zz Promoting good practice in the zz Hybu arferion da yng nghyswllt rheoli Vera Davey, management of volunteers through the Cymunedau yn Gyntaf gwirfoddolwyr drwy’r rhaglen Buddsoddi Treffynnon, Sir y Fflint Investing in Volunteers programme. mewn Gwirfoddolwyr. zz Organising a national volunteering awards zz Trefnu cynllun gwobrau gwirfoddoli scheme. cenedlaethol. Annual Report | Adroddiad Blynyddol 2009/2010 7

The Volunteering in Wales Fund helps to recruit and train over 2,000 new volunteers each year that provide around 200,000 hours of voluntary work for charities across Wales. This would otherwise cost £3m. The Fund is widening access to volunteering opportunities for under-represented groups, while ensuring that charities and voluntary organisations can recruit and train new volunteers to help deliver Elusen yn Ne Cymru yn cael valuable services in communities across hwb gan Gronfa Gwirfoddoli Wales. South Wales charity gets boost yng Nghymru from Volunteering in Mae’r Gronfa Mae elusen sy’n darparu cyfleoedd Gwirfoddoli yng Wales Fund hyfforddiant a chyflogaeth i bobl ag Nghymru yn helpu i recriwtio a hyfforddi A charity that provides training and anawsterau dysgu wedi sicrhau grant drwy Gronfa Gwirfoddoli yng Nghymru dros 2,000 o employment opportunities to people with wirfoddolwyr newydd learning difficulties has secured a grant WCVA er mwyn recriwtio a hyfforddi bob blwyddyn through WCVA’s Volunteering in Wales gwirfoddolwyr newydd. sy’n cyflawni tua Fund to recruit and train new volunteers. 200,000 awr o waith Mae Vision 21 (Cyfle Cymru) yn cynnig gwirfoddol ar ran Vision 21 offers vocational training hyfforddiant galwedigaethol a llwybrau elusennau ledled and routes to employment through its at gyflogaeth drwy gyfrwng ei mentrau Cymru. Fel arall, cymdeithasol ym maes adwerthu, arlwyo byddai hyn yn costio social enterprises in retail, catering and £3m. horticulture across Cardiff, Newport and a garddwriaeth ar draws Caerdydd, Casnewydd a Bro Morgannwg. Mae’r Gronfa’n the Vale of Glamorgan. ehangu mynediad at Diolch i gyllid o bron i £10,000, gall gyfleoedd gwirfoddoli Funding of almost £10,000 is allowing i grwpiau sydd wedi’u Vision 21 to recruit and train over 30 new Vision 21 recriwtio a hyfforddi dros 30 o tangynrychioli, volunteers who will support and mentor wirfoddolwyr newydd a fydd yn cefnogi ac yn sicrhau bod over 300 people who are receiving ac yn mentora dros 300 o bobl sy’n cael elusennau a mudiadau vocational training and employment hyfforddiant galwedigaethol a chyfleoedd gwirfoddol yn gallu cyflogaeth yn 16 menter yr elusen. recriwtio a hyfforddi opportunities at the charity’s 16 gwirfoddolwyr enterprises. Dywedodd Jamie Harris, Cydlynydd newydd i helpu gyda’r gwaith o ddarparu Jamie Harris, Volunteer Co-ordinator at Gwirfoddolwyr Vision 21: ‘Mae gwasanaethau Vision 21 said: ‘Volunteers are vital because gwirfoddolwyr yn hollbwysig oherwydd gwerthfawr i they bring new skills and ideas to our maent yn dod â sgiliau a syniadau newydd i’n gymunedau ledled projects as well as helping to deliver them.’ prosiectau, yn ogystal â helpu i’w cyflwyno.’ Cymru ar yr un pryd. 8 Annual Report | Adroddiad Blynyddol 2009/2010

1 2 WCVA Volunteer of the Year award winner in Mae pryder Linda Ware, cyn enillydd gwobr Dr Brian Gibbons 2 2 1 the ‘green’ category, Linda Ware’s concern for Gwirfoddolwr y Flwyddyn WCVA, ynglyˆn â’r AM at the launch the environment led to her ‘changing the mindset’ amgylchedd wedi ysgogi’r gymuned yng Nghastell of GwirVol. GwirVol will of the Neath community in which she lives, Nedd lle mae hi’n byw i ‘newid ei hagwedd yn be led by the young turning it into a litter-free one. llwyr’, a throi’n gymuned ddi-sbwriel. people themselves through GwirForce She was the driving force behind a local clean-up Hi oedd y sbardun y tu ôl i gynllun clirio sbwriel - a panel of young operation, mobilising residents to reduce the lleol, gan gymell y trigolion i glirio’r bagiau plastig people who sit on number of plastic carrier bags festooning the lu oedd yn britho cloddiau a llwybrau troed yr the partnership - and hedges and footpaths. ardal. supported in their work Collecting large quantities of old sheets, duvet Bu hefyd yn casglu tomenni o hen ddillad gwely a by Youth Volunteer covers and curtains, Linda appealed for sewing llenni, ac ar ôl gwneud apêl am beiriannau gwnïo, Advisors in each of machines and started a recycling operation to dechreuodd fenter ailgylchu i droi’r defnydd yn the 22 Welsh local turn the fabric into reusable shopping bags. fagiau siopa y gellir eu defnyddio dro ar ôl tro. authority areas. The GwirVol initiative will also give out £500,000 in grants zz Providing access to criminal records zz Darparu mynediad at archwiliadau including £110,000 checks for volunteers and staff of cofnodion troseddol ar gyfer gwirfoddolwyr through local grant voluntary organisations, handling nearly a staff mewn mudiadau gwirfoddol, panels comprising 26,000 disclosure requests and keeping gan ymdrin â bron i 26,000 o geisiadau young people to encourage youth led voluntary organisations up to date am archwiliadau datgelu a sicrhau bod volunteering projects on changes to vetting arrangements mudiadau gwirfoddol yn cael yr wybodaeth in their own areas. connected with the Independent ddiweddaraf am newidiadau i drefniadau Safeguarding Authority and Vetting archwilio cefndir yr Awdurdod Diogelu Barring Scheme. Annibynnol a’r Cynllun Archwilio Cefndir a 1 Dr Brian Gibbons AC yn lansiad zz Organising the annual Wales volunteering Gwahardd. GwirVol. Caiff GwirVol conference. zz Trefnu cynhadledd wirfoddoli flynyddol ei arwain gan y bobl Cymru. ifanc eu hunain drwy zz Launching the GwirVol website – GwirForce – sef panel o www.gwirvol.org. zz Lansio gwefan GwirVol sef bobl ifanc sy’n eistedd www.gwirvol.org. ar y bartneriaeth zz Funding 65 projects through Millennium – ac fe gânt eu Volunteers and the GwirVol initiatives. zz Ariannu 65 o brosiectau drwy’r cynllun cefnogi yn eu gwaith zz Attracting almost 39,000 visitors to the Gwirfoddolwyr y Mileniwm a mentrau gan Gynghorwyr GwirVol. Gwirfoddolwyr Ifanc working with volunteers website. zz ym mhob un o’r 22 zz Maintaining and developing, with Denu bron i 39,000 o ymwelwyr i wefan ardal awdurdod lleol ‘gweithio gyda gwirfoddolwyr’. yng Nghymru. volunteer centres, a suite of volunteering information sheets on working with zz Ar y cyd â chanolfannau gwirfoddoli, Bydd y cynllun GwirVol hefyd yn dosbarthu volunteers. datblygu a chynnal casgliad o daflenni £500,000 mewn zz Through the Wales: The Active gwybodaeth am weithio gyda grantiau, yn cynnwys Community grant scheme, supporting the gwirfoddolwyr. £110,000 drwy baneli zz grantiau lleol o bobl recruitment of an estimated 27,300 new Drwy’r cynllun grantiau Cymru: Cymdeithas ifanc, er mwyn annog volunteers over the last three years of the Fyw, cefnogi recriwtio amcangyfrif o 27,300 prosiectau gwirfoddoli grant scheme. gwirfoddolwr newydd dros dair blynedd a arweinir gan bobl ddiwethaf y cynllun grantiau. ifanc yn eu hardaloedd eu hunain. Annual Report | Adroddiad Blynyddol 2009/2010 9

Trustees and governance Ymddiriedolwyr a llywodraethu WCVA has continued to offer services to Mae WCVA wedi parhau i gynnig support trustees, including: gwasanaethau i gefnogi ymddiriedolwyr, gan gynnwys: zz Responding to nearly 200 trustee enquiries. zz Ymateb i bron i 200 o ymholiadau gan zz Developing the trustee website, attracting ymddiriedolwyr. over 43,000 visits. zz Datblygu’r wefan ymddiriedolwyr, gan zz Organising a charity law conference and ddenu dros 43,000 o ymwelwyr, a dros other seminars, attracting nearly 200 42,000 yn llwytho gwybodaeth oddi arni. participants. zz Trefnu cynhadledd ar y gyfraith elusennau zz Providing a monthly e-bulletin for yn ogystal â seminarau eraill, gan ddenu individual trustees, with over 600 bron i 200 o gyfranogwyr. recipients. zz Darparu e-fwletin misol ar gyfer ymddiriedolwyr unigol, gyda thros 600 yn ei dderbyn.

Frank Learner with WCVA Chair Win Griffiths and Mai Davies, guest speaker at the Wales Volunteer of the Year Award ceremony, supported by CCLA Management Ltd.

Frank Learner gyda Chadeirydd WCVA Win Griffiths a Mai Davies, y siaradwraig wadd yn seremoni wobrwyo Gwobrau Gwirfoddolwr Community projects benefit Proseictau cymunedol yn elwa y Flwyddyn, a from Volunteer of the Year ar arbenigedd ariannol enillydd gefnogir gan CCLA winner’s expertise Gwirfoddolwr y Flwyddyn Management Ltd.

As Treasurer Trustee with the Community Fel Ymddiriedolwr Drysorydd y Sefydliad in Wales, Frank Learner Cymunedol yng Nghymru, mae Frank has for the past year stepped up his Learner wedi cynyddu ei gysylltiad â’r involvement with the Foundation Sefydliad yn ystod y flwyddyn ddiwethaf following the sudden departure of the yn dilyn ymadawiad sydyn y rheolwr finance manager. cyllid.

‘Frank has been able to provide excellent ‘Mae Frank wedi bod yn dysgu’r tasgau tutoring in the fundamentals of book hanfodol o gyfrifyddu a gweinyddu keeping and financial administration to ariannol i alluogi staff sy’n newydd i’w enable the new staff in post to smoothly swydd ymgymryd â’r tasgau beunyddiol take over the daily tasks of a small charity o redeg elusen fach gyda chyfrifoldeb with a large responsibility for grant mawr dros reoli grantiau ledled Cymru,’ management across Wales,’ said Julie yn ôl Julie Ashton-Davies, Rheolwr Ashton-Davies, Manager Dyngarwch gyda’r Sefydliad. with the Foundation. Mae arbenigedd ac ymroddiad Frank Frank’s expertise and commitment to i gyfarwyddo’i hun â’r datblygiadau keeping abreast of development in the diweddaraf yn y meysydd cyllid a fields of finance and governance helped llywodraethu wedi galluogi’r Sefydliad the Foundation successfully deliver on i lwyddo yn ei ymgyrch i weld asedau its campaign to effect the transfer of elusennol yn cael eu trosglwyddo oddi charitable assets from local authorities. wrth awdurdodau lleol. 10 Annual Report | Adroddiad Blynyddol 2009/2010

3to3.org.uk online marketplace launched Gofal Cymru was one of the first sellers on 3to3. It runs a a ‘social business’ named Not Just Nuts, which sells all manner of food, drinks and gifts. Jo Davis of Gofal Cymru said: ‘Not Just Nuts supports volunteers who suffer with mental ill health and helps them back into the workplace through Gofal’s employment support programme. With the support of our customers, including 3to3, we can continue to offer these rewarding and successful placement opportunities.’ 3to3 has over 75 registered sellers and lists over 150 items and services. Lansio marchnadle arlein 3i3.org.uk Roedd Gofal Cymru yn un o’r gwerthwyr cyntaf ar 3i3. Mae’n rhedeg ‘busnes cymdeithasol’ o’r enw Not Just Nuts sy’n gwerthu pob math o fwyd, diod ac anrhegion. Meddai Jo Davis, Gofal Cymru: ‘Mae Not Just Nuts yn cefnogi gwirfoddolwyr sy’n dioddef salwch meddwl ac yn eu helpu’n ôl i’r gweithle drwy raglen cefnogi cyflogaeth Gofal. Gyda chefnogaeth ein cwsmeriaid, gan gynnwys 3to3, gallwn barhau i gynnig y cyfleoedd hyn am leoliad llwyddiannus sy’n rhoi boddhad mawr.’ Mae gan 3i3 dros 75 o werthwyr ac yn rhestru dros 150 o eitemau a gwasanaethau.

Giving Wales aims Funding Cyllid to increase voluntary income to the third The funding environment continues to raise Mae’r amgylchedd cyllido’n dal i godi sialensiau sector in Wales through new challenges for the third sector in Wales, newydd ar gyfer y trydydd sector yng Nghymru. the promotion of and WCVA has helped the sector, by: Mae WCVA wedi helpu’r sector drwy: tax-effective giving including Gift Aid, zz Responding to over 2,700 helpline zz Ymateb i dros 2,700 o ymholiadau am gyllid payroll, legacy and share giving. Giving funding enquiries, and providing more drwy’r lein gymorth, a darparu cyngor Wales offers practical detailed advice to over 290 organisations llawnach i dros 290 o fudiadau ynghylch help and support on European and other funding. cyllid Ewropeaidd a mathau eraill o gyllid. to third sector zz zz organisations in Wales Developing the Sustainable Datblygu gwefan Cyllid Cynaliadwy Cymru through the provision Funding Cymru website – www. – www.sustainablefundingcymru.org. of training, information sustainablefundingcymru.org.uk – to uk – er mwyn darparu porth cyllido siop and advice. provide a one-stop funding portal for the un-stop ar gyfer y sector yng Nghymru sector in Wales on funding and finance sy’n cynnwys gwybodaeth am opsiynau options, attracting over 52,000 visitors, cyllido a chyllid, gan ddenu dros 52,000 and over 23,000 document downloads. o ymwelwyr, a chafodd dros 23,000 o g iv in g w a le s zz Developing, with CVCs, a suite of 40 ddogfennau eu llwytho i lawr oddi arni. Providing a tax-effective giving service for the third sector funding information sheets downloadable zz Ar y cyd â CGS, datblygu casgliad o 40 o across the infrastructure. daflenni gwybodaeth i’w llwytho oddi ar y

zz Providing a sustainable funding training we ar draws y seilwaith. programme to over 650 participants. zz Darparu rhaglen hyfforddiant ar gyllid zz Providing advice on European Structural cynaliadwy i dros 650 o gyfranogion. Funds through WCVA’s third sector Spatial zz Darparu cyngor ar y Cronfeydd Strwythurol European Team (3-SET). Ewropeaidd drwy Dîm Ewropeaidd Gofodol WCVA ar gyfer y Trydydd Sector (3- zz Organising the Nod Cymru’n Rhoi Wales Third Sector SET). yw cynyddu’r incwm Funding Conference, zz Trefnu Cynhadledd Cyllido’r Trydydd a gaiff y trydydd sector o wirfoddoli attracting 260 Sector yng Nghymru, gan ddenu yng Nghymru drwy delegates. Wales third sector 260 o gynadleddwyr. funding conference hyrwyddo dulliau rhoi zz Providing a monthly zz Darparu e-fwletin misol ar treth-effeithiol megis 2009 funding e-bulletin, 7 October, Liberty Stadium, gyllid, Newyddion nawdd, i more sessions, a wider range of funders, Cymorth Rhodd, rhoi This year’s third sector funding conference is packed with and better ways of working – to help you (plus some old favourites!), and intriguing ideas for new . We’ve focused on four key themes: reduce costs and waste, and access more resources and support Funding news, to 3. Assets and enterprise dros 1,800 o dderbynwyr y mis. drwy’r gyflogres, 1 . Procurement and tendering Social enterprise is rocketing up the political Haven’t done it yet? – for many organisationsagenda, and more organisations are trying their in the third sector, it’s only a matter of time,hand as at trading to extend and diversify income more and more areas of work are put out to streams, while others take on the delivery of public cymynroddion a rhoi 1,800 recipients per competitive tender. We’ve sessions for tenderservices. Help is out there, if this is where you want zz novices, as well as for those seeking to sharpento go! Plus: the new Community assets transfer Darparu gwasanaeth cynghori up their bids, and understand the buyer’s fund will enable community assets to be used to drwy gyfranddaliadau. month. mind-set. Cynhadleddgenerate income streamsgyllido’r - find out how! trydydd 2. Funders and funding streams 4. Smartersector working yng Nghymru ynghylch rhoi yn dreth- New this year – sessions on BIG’s recession package, The third sector’s efficient, effective, responsive Mae Cymru’n Rhoi equalities and Inclusion funds, Comic Relief, and makes every penny count. Right? If you think Drinkaware UK, plus Tudor Trust, Esmee Fairbairn there’s no room for improvement, don’t bother zz Foundation, Lloyds TSB Foundation for England with these sessions on: joint working to generate and Wales, the Waterloo Foundation, BBC Children income; internet ; making Gift2009 Aid work yn cynnig cymorth Providing a tax in Need and loan funds (Unity Trust and Charity for you; and applying ‘Lean’ thinking in the third effeithiol. Banks, Venturesome, and Communities Invesment sector...now there’s a thought! Fund – Invest to Serve) and live European tender 7 Hydref, Stadiwm Liberty, Abertawe opportunities. ymylon gyda mwy o sesiynau, ystod a chefnogaeth effective giving advice Mae cynhadledd gyllido’r trydydd sector eleni yn llawn i’r adau diddorol ar gyfer ffyrdd ehangachPrices o gyllidwyr held (gan gynnwysat 2008 rhai o’r levels! hen ffefrynnau!) a synistau a’ch gwastraff ac i gael gafael zz newydd a gwell o weithio. Nod hyn yw eich helpu i leihau’ch coar bedair prif thema: Datblygu gwefan fasnachu Bookar fwy o earlyadnoddau a tochefnogaeth. secure Rydym your wedi canolbwyntio Pl a c e ! ymarferol i fudiadau’r 3. Asedau a menter service. 1 . Caffael a thendro Mae menter gymdeithasol yn dringo’r agenda Heb wneud hynny eto? I nifer o fudiadau yn y wleidyddol ar garlam, ac mae mwy o fudiadau newydd ar gyfer y trydydd trydydd sector dim ond mater o amser ydyw wrth yn rhoi cynnig ar fasnachu er mwyn ymestyn ac trydydd sector yng i fwy a mwy o feysydd gwaith gael eu rhoi ar amrywio eu ffrydiau incwm, tra mae eraill yn troi dendr cystadleuol. Mae gennym sesiynau ar gyfer at ddarparu gwasanaethau cyhoeddus. Os ydych H e fy d : zz y rheini y mae tendro yn rhywbeth newydd iddynt am ddilyn y llwybr hwn, mae help wrth law! yn eich Developing a new trading yn ogystal ag i’r rheini sydd am fireinio’u ceisiadau bydd y Gronfa trosglwyddo asedau cymunedol sector - www.3i3.org.uk. Nghymru drwy a deall meddylfryd y prynwr. galluogi i ddefnyddio asedau cymunedol i gynhyrchu ffrydiau incwm - dewch i gael gwybod sut! 2. Cyllidwyr a ffrydiau cyllido 4. Gweithio’n ddoethach ddarparu hyfforddiant, Yn newydd eleni - sesiynau ar becyn dirwasgiad website for the third sector Mae’r trydydd sector yn effeithlon, yn effeithiol, yn y Gronfa Loteri Fawr, cronfeydd cydraddoldeb a chynhwysiant, Comic Relief, Drinkaware UK, yn ymatebol ac yn gwneud yn si ˆwr bod pob ceiniog ogystal ag Ymddiriedolaeth Tudor, Sefydliad yn cyfri, yn tydi? Os ydych chi’n credu nad oes gwybodaeth a chyngor. Esmée Fairbairn, Sefydliad Lloyds TSB i Gymru a lle i wella, peidiwch â thrafferthu gyda’r sesiynau – www.3to3.org.uk. Lloegr, Sefydliad Waterloo, Plant Mewn Angen hyn ar: cydweithio i gynhyrchu incwm; codi arian y BBC, cronfeydd benthyca (Banc Unity Trust a dros y rhyngrwyd; gwneud Cymorth Rhodd yn Banc Charity, Venturesome a’r Gronfa Fuddsoddi rhwydd i chi; a rhoi meddylfryd ‘Lean’ ar waith yn Gymunedol - Buddsoddi i Wasanaethu) a y trydydd sector…wel dyna syniad! chyfleoedd tendro byw gan Ewrop. Ch drefnu’Ch lle’n fuan! Yr un prisiau â 2008! · Cofiw Annual Report | Adroddiad Blynyddol 2009/2010 11

3-SET helps the sector access 3-SET yn helpu’r sector i gael European funds gafael ar arian Ewropeaidd Members of the Hundreds of third sector organisations Mae cannoedd o fudiadau yn y trydydd European Economic and Social Committee across Wales have benefited from the sector ledled Cymru wedi elwa o’r meeting WCVA staff services provided by 3-SET, WCVA’s third gwasanaethau a ddarperir gan 3-SET, tîm and Vice President sector European team. Ewropeaidd WCVA ar gyfer y trydydd Tom Jones OBE sector. during a visit to Over 150 individuals from third sector Wales in November organisations have been through ‘How to Mae dros 150 o unigolion o fudiadau’r 2009 organised by tender’ training and a further 100 have trydydd sector wedi cael hyfforddiant ‘Sut 3-SET to hear about best practice within gone on tendering masterclasses. i dendro’ ac mae 100 arall wedi mynychu European Structural dosbarthiadau meistr ar dendro. Funds Roger Edwards, European Programme Manager at Innovate Trust, has been Mae Roger Edwards, Rheolwr Rhaglenni Aelodau o Bwyllgor Economaidd a on 3-SET training and has since been Ewropeaidd Ymddiriedolaeth Innovate, Chymdeithasol Ewrop successful in tendering for a £25,000 wedi dilyn hyfforddiant 3-SET ac ers hynny yn cyfarfod â staff contract under the ESF-funded wedi llwyddo wrth dendro am gontract WCVA a Tom Jones Engagement Gateway project. £25,000 dan y prosiect Porth Ymgysylltu, a OBE, Dirprwy Lywydd gyllidir gan Gronfa Gymdeithasol Ewrop. WCVA, yn ystod Roger said: ‘Attendance on the training ymweliad â Chymru ym mis Tachwedd course helped me gain an insight into the Meddai Roger: ‘Drwy fynychu’r cwrs 2009 a oedd wedi’i world of procurement procedure from hyfforddiant, cefais gipolwg ar y drefn drefnu gan 3-SET, both sides of the fence. It has taught gaffael o’r ddwy ochr. Mae wedi fy er mwyn clywed me the importance of following the nysgu pa mor bwysig yw dilyn y drefn a’r am arferion gorau correct procedures and processes that prosesau cywir sy’n arbennig o bwysig o fewn Cronfeydd Strwythurol Ewrop. are especially important with European yng nghyswllt y Cronfeydd Strwythurol Structural Funds.’ Ewropeaidd.’ 12 Annual Report | Adroddiad Blynyddol 2009/2010

WCVA’s Statistical Research Ymchwil Resource 2011 shows how the third sector WCVA has carried out research into different Mae WCVA wedi cynnal ymchwil i wahanol in Wales has grown in aspects of voluntary action in Wales including: agweddau ar weithredu gwirfoddol yng the last 15 years. It now Nghymru, gan gynnwys: comprises: zz Impact of volunteering in a hospital setting. zz Effaith gwirfoddoli mewn ysbytai. • At least 30,000 zz An assessment of the value of voluntary zz Asesiad o werth gwasanaethau o’r ysbyty organisations/local sector hospital to home services in groups i’r cartref y sector gwirfoddol o ran lleihau reducing delayed transfers of care and oedi cyn trosglwyddo gofal a derbyniadau • 410,000 people who unneccessary admissions to hospital. volunteer with an diangen i’r ysbyty. zz organisation A programme to monitor the effects of zz Parhawyd â rhaglen i fonitro effeithiau’r • 230,000 governance the recession has been continued with dirwasgiad a chynhaliwyd tri arolwg yn posts three surveys carried out in 2009/10. 2009/10. • 51,000 paid posts zz A successful research conference in zz Cynhadledd ymchwil lwyddiannus ym mis • An estimated income October, where the impact of the first 10 Hydref, lle y trafodwyd effaith 10 mlynedd of £1.6 billion years of devolution on the third sector in gyntaf datganoli ar y trydydd sector yng Mae Adnodd ystadegol Wales was discussed. Nghymru. 2011 WCVA yn dangos zz A research conference in collaboration zz Cynhadledd ymchwil mewn cydweithrediad sut mae’r trydydd sector with sister organisations in England, â chwaer fudiadau yn Lloegr, yr Alban yng Nghymru wedi tyfu yn y 15 mlynedd Scotland and Northern Ireland entitled a Gogledd Iwerddon o’r enw ‘Mae diwethaf. Nawr y mae’n ‘Volunteering Counts’. Gwirfoddoli’n Cyfrif ‘. cynnwys: zz In partnership with Swansea University, zz Mewn partneriaeth â Phrifysgol Abertawe, • O leiaf 30,000 enabling over 100 patients, service users galluogi dros 100 o gleifion, defnyddwyr mudiad/grwp lleol and carers to be involved in formulating, gwasanaeth a gofalwyr, i fod yn rhan o’r • 410,000 o bobl sy’n managing and disseminating health and gwaith o lunio, rheoli a lledaenu ymchwil gwirfoddoli gyda social care research in Wales. ym maes iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol yng mudiad Nghymru. zz An almanac of the third sector in Wales, • 230,000 o swyddi zz llywodraethu Third sector statistical resource 2011. This Almanac o’r trydydd sector yng Nghymru, gwirfoddol contains information about sources of Adnodd ystadegol y trydydd sector 2011. Mae hwn yn cynnwys gwybodaeth am • 51,000 o swyddi funding for the sector and illustrates cyflogedig the amounts the sector receives from ffynonellau cyllid i’r sector ac yn dangos yr hyn y mae’r sector yn ei dderbyn o • Amcangyfrif incwm o statutory sources. £1.6 biliwn ffynonellau statudol.

Sources of Support from businessWelsh 3%AssemblyWelsh Assembly Cefnogaeth gan fusnesGovernment 3% NationalGovernment Lottery 3% funding Llywodraeth CynulliadY Loteri Genedlaethol 3% Grants from Trusts 3% Llywodraeth Cynulliad 2008-09 Cymru Grantiau oddi wrth Cymru £409 million | miliwn Ffynonellau ymddiriedolaethau 3% £409 million | miliwn 2.8% 2.8% Public giving 24% cyllid Rhoddion gan y 2008-09 Trading and cyhoedd 24% investment 20% Masnachu a buddsoddiad 20% Total programmeTotal and programme and Europe 2% Adnodd ystadegol 1 1 0 2 Third sector administration expenditureadministration 2008-09 expenditure 2008-09 Ewrop 2% y trydydd sector statistical resource 1 1 0 2 Cyfanswm gwariantCyfanswm rhaglen gwariant rhaglen a gweinyddiaetha 2008-09gweinyddiaeth 2008-09 £14.3 billion | biliwn£14.3 billion | biliwn

Local Government Welsh Assembly and Health Board 13% and national 32% Llywodraeth Leol a Cynulliad Cenedlaethol byrddau iechyd 13% a chenedlaethol 32%

Proportion of funding from Welsh Assembly Government, unitary authorities and local health Welsh Assembly boards which is spent Government Unitary authoritiesUnitary authorities Local health boardsLocal health boards Llywodraeth Cynulliad Awdurdodau unedolAwdurdodau unedol Byrddau iechydByrddau lleol iechyd lleol within the third sector Cymru £160 million | miliwn£160 million | miliwn £13 million | miliwn£13 million | miliwn £409 million | miliwn 3.0% 3.0% 0.3% 0.3% Cyfran o gyllid gan 2.8% Lywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru, awdurdodau unedol a byrddau iechyd lleol a wariwyd tu fewn i’r trydydd sector Total programme and Total revenue expenditureTotal revenue 2005-06 expenditure 2005-06 Total expenditureTotal 2006-07 expenditure 2006-07 administration expenditure 2008-09Cyfanswm gwariantCyfanswm refiniw gwariant 2005-06 refiniw 2005-06 Cyfanswm gwariantCyfanswm 2006-07 gwariant 2006-07 Cyfanswm gwariant rhaglen £5.2 billion | biliwn£5.2 billion | biliwn £4.0 billion | biliwn£4.0 billion | biliwn a gweinyddiaeth 2008-09 £14.3 billion | biliwn

Unitary authorities Local health boards Awdurdodau unedol Byrddau iechyd lleol £160 million | miliwn £13 million | miliwn 3.0% 0.3%

Total revenue expenditure 2005-06 Total expenditure 2006-07 Cyfanswm gwariant refiniw 2005-06 Cyfanswm gwariant 2006-07 £5.2 billion | biliwn £4.0 billion | biliwn Annual Report | Adroddiad Blynyddol 2009/2010 13 Promoting the sector’s roles 2 Hyrwyddo swyddogaethau’r sector

WCVA has continued to support Mae WCVA wedi parhau i gynorthwyo’r the sector to develop its different sector i ddatblygu ei wahanol distinctive roles and contribution to swyddogaethau penodol a’i gyfraniad major public policy initiatives. at fentrau polisi cyhoeddus pwysig.

Policy consultation and Ymgynghori ar bolisïau a representation chynrychiolaeth zz Maintaining up-to-date details of current zz Cadw’r manylion diweddaraf am faterion polisi policy issues and consultations at Wales, ac ymgynghoriadau cyfredol yng Nghymru, y UK and European levels on WCVA’s DU ac Ewrop, ar wefan genedlaethol WCVA, national website, attracting nearly gan ddenu bron i 58,000 o ymwelwyr i’r 58,000 visitors to the Policy section adran Polisi sydd wedi llwytho dros 1,700 o who downloaded over 1,700 policy ddogfennau polisi oddi ar y we. documents. zz Trefnu 16 o ddigwyddiadau’n ymwneud â Leighton Andrews zz Organising 16 regional policy events and pholisi rhanbarthol a chyfarfodydd polisi eraill, AM, (then) Minister other policy meetings, attracting nearly gan ddenu bron i 1,200 o gyfranogwyr, i for Children, 1,200 participants, to discuss policy issues drafod materion yn ymwneud â pholisïau sydd Education and of interest to the sector. o ddiddordeb i’r sector. Lifelong Learning, at WCVA’s Promoting zz Publicising over 300 policy consultations zz Rhoi cyhoeddusrwydd i dros 300 o Economic Participation through the weekly consultation bulletin. ymgynghoriadau ar bolisïau drwy’r bwletin conference in February 2010. zz Preparing 22 responses highlighting third ymgynghori wythnosol. sector interest and concerns. zz Paratoi 22 o ymatebion a oedd yn rhoi sylw i fuddiannau a phryderon y trydydd sector. Leighton Andrews AC, y Gweinidog dros Blant, Addysg Participation Cyfranogaeth a Dysgu Gydol Oes (gynt) yng zz zz Expanding Participation Cymru, the cross- Ehangu Cyfranogaeth Cymru, y bartneriaeth nghynhadledd sector partnership hosted by WCVA and traws-sector sy’n cael ei rhedeg gan WCVA WCVA ar Hyrwyddo established to promote good practice in ac a sefydlwyd i hybu arferion da ym maes Cyfranogiad participation and citizen engagement. cyfranogi ac ymgysylltu â dinasyddion. Economaidd ym mis Chwefror 2010. zz Publishing 6 citizen engagement zz Cyhoeddi 6 o gylchlythyrau sy’n ymgysylltu newsletters and creating a new dedicated â dinasyddion a chreu gwefan newydd yn Participation Cymru website www. benodol ar gyfer Cyfranogaeth Cymru, sef participationcymru.org.uk. www.participationcymru.org.uk. zz Organising 23 training courses to develop zz Trefnu 23 o gyrsiau hyfforddi i ddatblygu skills in citizen engagement. sgiliau ym maes ymgysylltu â dinasyddion. zz Involving service users and carers in zz Cynnwys defnyddwyr gwasanaeth a health and social care research through gofalwyr mewn ymchwil iechyd a gofal the Involving People project. cymdeithasol drwy gyfrwng y prosiect zz Organising the first Wales substance Cynnwys Pobl. misuse service user conference, attracting zz Trefnu’r gynhadledd gyntaf yng Nghymru 180 participants. ar gyfer defnyddwyr gwasanaethau camddefnyddio sylweddau, gan ddenu 180 o gyfranogion. 14 Annual Report | Adroddiad Blynyddol 2009/2010

Another project which Service delivery Darparu gwasanaethau received funding from the Communities zz Providing web-based information about zz Darparu gwybodaeth ynglˆyn â thendro a First Trust Fund was tendering and public services gwasanaethau cyhoeddus ar y we. the Multi-Cultural zz Development zz Maintaining a database of third sector Cadw cronfa ddata o ddarparwyr Consultancy. It staged service providers gwasanaethau’r trydydd sector an event at the Wales zz zz Providing a new ‘How to Tender’ two Darparu cwrs deuddydd newydd o’r enw “Sut Millennium Centre to i Dendro” ar naw achlysur, gan ddenu 130 o celebrate the Chinese day course, provided on nine occasions New Year with the aim attracting 130 participants gyfranogion. of highlighting the zz Cyflwyno dosbarthiadau meistr ar Lunio zz Introducing tendering master-classes value of Chinese culture ac Ysgrifennu Tendrau Cystadleuol a and customs and to on Structuring and Writing Competitive Chyflwyniadau ar Dendro Cystadleuol. promote diversity to Tenders, and Competitive Tender family-based audiences. Presentations Prosiect arall a Adfywio dderbyniodd arian Regeneration oddi wrth Gronfa zz Ymateb i dros 3,200 o ymholiadau Ymddiriedolaeth zz Responding to over 3,200 enquiries Cymunedau yn Gyntaf zz Darparu 134 diwrnod o hyfforddiant i oedd yr Ymgynghoriaeth zz Providing 134 days training for bartneriaethau Cymunedau yn Gyntaf Datblygu Aml- Communities First partnerships zz Darparu 265 diwrnod o gefnogaeth a chyngor Ddiwylliannol. Cynhaliwyd digwyddiad zz Providing 265 days consultancy advice ymgynghorol i bartneriaethau Cymunedau yn yng Nghanolfan and support to Communities First Gyntaf Mileniwm Cymru i partnerships zz Darparu dros 1,000 o grantiau gwerth ddathlu’r Flwyddyn Newydd Tseiniaidd zz Providing over 1,000 grants totalling bron i £3 miliwn o Gronfa Ymddiriedolaeth gyda’r bwriad o amlygu nearly £3m from the Communities First Cymunedau yn Gyntaf gwerth diwylliant Trust Fund zz Sicrhau cefnogaeth Llywodraeth y Cynulliad i ac arferion Tseina i gronfa fenthyciadau newydd gwerth £6m hyrwyddo amrywiaeth i zz Securing Assembly Government support gynulleidfaoedd teuluol. for a new £6m loans fund Mae arolwg diweddar o’r rhai sy’n derbyn grantiau gan Gronfa Ymddiriedolaeth A recent survey of Communities First Trust Cymunedau yn Gyntaf (CYCG) yn dangos Fund recipients demonstrates the value of an gwerth cronfa sy’n hawdd cael mynediad ati a easy to access fund, administered by WCVA. weinyddir gan WCVA. zz 97.7% of groups that accessed a CFTF zz dywedodd 97.7% o grwpiau oedd wedi grant said the grant helped them play cael grant CYCG fod y grant wedi eu helpu i a considerably more active role in their chwarae rôl sylweddol fwy gweithgar yn eu communities cymunedau ‘I now spend most of my free time involved ‘Erbyn hyn, rydw i’n treulio’r rhan fwyaf o f’amser in activities and volunteering in the rhydd yn gwirfoddoli neu’n cymryd rhan mewn community.’ gweithgareddau yn y gymuned.’

zz 96.5% of groups said their CFTF grant has zz dywedodd 96.5% o grwpiau bod y grant a allowed their organisation to progress gawsant gan CYCG wedi caniatáu i’w mudiad ddatblygu ‘Honestly, the grant has helped so many grassroots level people in so many ways.’ ‘Wir i chi, mae’r grant wedi helpu gymaint o bobl ar lawr gwlad mewn cymaint o ffyrdd.’ zz 94% of groups said their CFTF grant zz resulted in their organisation attracting dywedodd 94% o grwpiau bod eu mudiad more volunteers wedi denu mwy o wirfoddolwyr yn sgil y grant a gawsant gan CYCG ‘Without the CFTF, the services and the help ‘Byddai bod heb grant CYCG yn effeithio’n provided by volunteers to the disadvantaged aruthrol ar y gwasanaethau a’r cymorth mae children of the area would be massively hit.’ gwirfoddolwyr yn ei roi i blant difreintiedig yr zz 97.7% of CFTF applicants were either ardal.’ very satisfied or satisfied with WCVA’s zz roedd 97.7% o’r rhai a wnaeth gais am grant administration and organisation of the gan CYCG naill ai’n fodlon iawn neu’n fodlon CFTF ar y ffordd yr oedd WCVA yn gweinyddu ac yn ‘At WCVA level I find the administration and trefnu CYCG support excellent.’ ‘Mae’r gefnogaeth a’r gwasanaeth gweinyddol rydw i’n eu cael gan WCVA yn ardderchog.’ Annual Report | Adroddiad Blynyddol 2009/2010 15

The Communities First Trust Fund Mae Cronfa Ymddiriedolaeth has been awarding small grants to Cymunedau yn Gyntaf wedi bod yn rhoi community projects in Wales’ most grantiau bach i brosiectau cymunedol economically deprived areas since it yn ardaloedd mwyaf difreintiedig was launched in 2002. During 2009- Cymru o safbwynt economaidd ers 10 it awarded 1,059 grants totalling ei lansio yn 2002. Yn ystod 2009-10, £2,921,153. rhoddodd 1,059 o grantiau oedd werth £2,921,153 i gyd gyda’i gilydd.

Communication ‘dead spot’ Datrys problemau cyfathrebu drwy overcome by Communities First dderbyn grant Ymddiriedolaeth Photo courtesy of Trust Fund grant Cymunedau yn Gyntaf James Davies Photography Llun yn garedig gan A rural Welsh community left without Mae cymuned cefn gwlad yng Nghymru James Davies Photography mobile phone coverage has developed sydd ddim yn gallu derbyn gwasanaeth ambitious plans to purchase its own ffonau symudol wedi datblygu cynlluniau cellular masts and run a sustainable uchelgeisiol i brynu ei mastiau ei hun a project, thanks to funding from the rhedeg prosiect cynaliadwy, diolch i gyllid Communities First Trust Fund. gan Gronfa Ymddiriedolaeth Cymunedau yn Gyntaf. The Ger-y-Gors Community Forum in Tregaron has been awarded funding from Mae Fforwm Cymuned Ger-y-Gors yn the Trust Fund to commission a survey Nhregaron wedi cael cyllid gan y Gronfa of the area in order to obtain planning Ymddiriedolaeth i gomisiynu arolwg o’r permission for the masts and to set itself ardal er mwyn cael caniatâd cynllunio i up as a limited company to manage the godi’r mastiau ac i sefydlu ei hun fel cwmni project. cyfyngedig i reoli’r prosiect.

The funding is part of the process that will Mae’r cyllid yn rhan o’r broses a fydd yn allow the group to secure a second grant caniatáu i’r grwˆp sicrhau ail grant gwerth of £150,000 from the Assembly’s Rural £150,000 gan Gynllun Datblygu Gwledig Development Plan to develop and run y Cynulliad, i ddatblygu ac i redeg y the new facility as a sustainable ongoing cyfleuster newydd fel prosiect parhaus project. cynaliadwy.

Duncan Taylor, Chair of the Forum said: Meddai Duncan Taylor, Cadeirydd ‘This is an important social economic y Fforwm: ‘Mae hwn yn brosiect project that will be of immense benefit to economaidd-gymdeithasol a fydd yn dod the residents and for creating opportunities â budd enfawr i’r trigolion ac a fydd yn for people to work from home and create creu cyfleoedd i bobl weithio o gartref a business start-ups.’ chychwyn busnesau.’

The Communities First Trust Fund awarded Rivers Dyfarnwyd grant gan Gronfa Ymddiriedolaeth to the Sea, Harbour to the World, a grant to Cumunedau Yn Gyntaf i Rivers to the Sea, run a multi-media project with young people in Harbour to the World er mwyn cynnal prosiect Ceredigion. The project gave the participants aml-gyfryngol yng Ngheredigion. Roedd y the opportunity to learn new skills while learning prosiect yn rhoi cyfle i bobl ifanc ddysgu sgiliau more about the history of Aberystwyth Harbour. newydd tra’n dysgu mwy am hanes Porthladd Aberystwyth. 16 Annual Report | Adroddiad Blynyddol 2009/2010

Moyna Wilkinson, Partnership Partneriaeth County Council Director of zz Facilitating the sector’s engagement with zz Hwyluso ymgysylltiad y sector â Social Services, at the the Welsh Assembly Government through Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru drwy Achieving change with the Voluntary Sector Scheme, Partnership the third sector: better Gynllun y Sector Gwirfoddol, y Cyngor social care conference in Council and Ministerial meetings. Partneriaeth a thrwy gyfrwng cyfarfodydd February 2010. zz Ensuring that the sector has â Gweinidogion. representation on major Assembly zz Sicrhau bod y sector yn cael ei gynrychioli Moyna Wilkinson, Government partnerships and working ym mhrif bartneriaethau a gweithgorau Cyfarwyddwraig groups. Llywodraeth y Cynulliad. Gwasanaethau zz Cymdeithasol Cyngor Facilitating third sector networks zz Hyrwyddo rhwydweithiau trydydd Sir Fynwy yng concerned with equalities and human sector sy’n ymwneud â chydraddoldeb a nghynhadledd Sicrhau rights, substance misuse, community hawliau dynol, camddefnyddio sylweddau, newid gyda’r trydydd justice, and health, social care and well- cyfiawnder cymunedol, ac iechyd, gofal sector: gwell gofal being. cymdeithasol ym mis cymdeithasol a lles. Chwefror 2010. zz Promoting good practice in working zz Hybu arferion da mewn trefniadau gweithio arrangements between the sector and rhwng y sector ac awdurdodau lleol, a local authorities, and monitoring the monitro effeithiolrwydd compactau lleol. effectiveness of local compacts. zz Hybu partneriaethau rhwng y byrddau zz Promoting partnerships between new iechyd lleol newydd a’r trydydd sector. local health boards and the third sector. Achieving change with the third sector: better social care

Thursday 25 February 2010, Cardiff City Stadium Supported by Craffu ac ymgyrchu ady effective way. is springing up across Wales, which are alre lation delivering better social care in a cost Scrutiny and campaigning The demand for health and social care zz growing constantly. Wales’ ageing popuility are The day will challenge all of us - third sectorg Datblygu prosiect Lleisiau dros Newid and relatively high incidence of disab . More service providers and organisationsongside seekin our putting services under increasing strainvices that are better service user participation, alovernment, and better services are needed: ser al, with partners in the Welsh Assembly Gorities - to zz responsive, flexible, and more personher than a local health boards and local auth third sector. Developing the Voices for Change Cymru Cymru, a gefnogir gan y Gronfa Loteri Fawr, the citizen as an active partner rat the impact maximise the contributions of ‘achievingthe passive recipient. At the same time,eep cuts in We know the sector is already l step of the recession and prospect ofare d providers are change’ but this event seeks to create a reaunities public expenditure mean that c res. change to better services with our comm project, supported by the Big Lottery er mwyn cynorthwyo’r sector i ddylanwadu in Wales. also facing growing financial pressu ieve ul The danger is that a headlong rush to ach ottom’ in The conference offers a day of powerf ps giving efficiency savings creates a ‘race to the b ls to save presentations and an array of worksho new essentially tunities Fund, to help the sector influence policy ar bolisïau a deddfwriaeth yn lleol ac yn public service provision. Many proposa you the chance to find out how this money assume that services will remainy trying to approach benefits and brings oppord your unchanged - doing the same thing, onlg on far- for all, and importantly how you anific do it more cheaply - rather than focusin eds arising, organisation can change! It is a terrting and ir role in and legislation at local and national levels. genedlaethol. reaching reforms that both prevent ne opportunity for organisations wan and provide better outcomes. needing to develop and extend the better social achieving better social care. Achieving change with the third sector: c a r e goes beyond current rhetoric, to bring zz zz you practical, pioneering approaches that are Providing 31 training courses and 9 Darparu 31 o gyrsiau hyfforddi a 9 CyflawniThe Big Lottery Fund is supporting thisnewid event and is able to fundgyda’r the delegate fee of a limitedtrydydd number of Big Lottery Fund grantsector: holders additional workshops/events across Wales. gweithdy/digwyddiad ychwanegol ledled gofal cymdeithasol gwell Cymru. Dydd Iau 25 Chwefror 2010, Stadiwm Dinas Caerdydd zz Cefnogwyd gan Providing advice to 32 groups on legislation and scrutiny. zz Rhoi cyngor ar faterion deddfwriaethol a ac arloesol sy’n dechrau codi ledled Cymru, ac sydd eisoes yn darparu gofal cymdeithasol gwell a Mae’r galw am wasanaethau iechyd a gofal chost-effeithiol. cymdeithasol yn cynyddu o hyd. Mae poblogaeth chraffu i 32 o grwpiau. Cymru’n heneiddio’n gynt ac mae’r lefel gymharol Bydd y diwrnod yn ein herio i gyd - cyrff a zz darparwyr gwasanaethau trydydd sector sy’n Providing a dedicated website (www. uchel o anabledd yn rhoi straen cynyddol ar wasanaethau. Mae angen mwy a gwell chwilio am ffyrdd gwell o gynnwys y defnyddiwr gwasanaethau: sy’n ymatebol, hyblyg a mwy gwasanaeth, ynghyd â’n partneriaid yn personol, gyda’r dinesydd yn bartner yn hytrach Llywodraeth y Cynulliad, byrddau iechyd lleol ac zz awdurdodau lleol - i wneud y mwyaf o gyfraniad Creu gwefan bwrpasol (www. na dim ond ildio i eraill. Ar yr un pryd, mae effaith voicesforchangecymru.org.uk), helping y dirwasgiad a rhagolygon y bydd tocio llym ar y trydydd sector. Gwyddom fod y sector eisoes wariant cyhoeddus yn golygu bod darparwyr gofal yn ‘cyflawni newid’ ond mae’r digwyddiad hwn hefyd yn wynebu mwy fyth o bwysau ariannol. am weld newid sylweddol i sicrhau gwasanaethau gwell yn ein cymunedau yng Nghymru. people to understand how local and voicesforchangecymru.org.uk) i helpu Y perygl yw y bydd rhuthro i wneud arbedion effeithlonrwydd yn creu ‘ras i’r gwaelod’ gyda Mae’r gynhadledd yn cynnig diwrnod o darparu gwasanaethau cyhoeddus. Mae nifer gyflwyniadau pwerus ac amrediad o weithdai o gynigion i arbed arian yn tybio na fydd a fydd yn rhoi cyfle ichi ddysgu sut fydd y dull newydd hwn o fantais ac yn cynnig cyfleoedd national decision making processes work, pobl i ddeall sut mae prosesau gwneud gwasanaethau’n newid rhyw lawer - gwneud yr un peth, ond ceisio ei wneud yn rhatach - yn lle i bawb, ac yn anad dim sut y gallwch chi a’ch canolbwyntio ar ddiwygiadau pellgyrhaeddol sy’n mudiad newid! Mae’n gyfle gwych i fudiadau sydd atal anghenion rhag codi yn y lle cyntaf, ac sy’n eisiau ac sydd angen iddynt ddatblygu ac ehangu cynnig canlyniadau gwell. eu rôl nhw o sicrhau gofal cymdeithasol gwell. attracting over 5,300 visits. penderfyniadau lleol a chenedlaethol Mae Cyflawni newid gyda’r trydydd sector: gofal yn mynd y tu hwnt i’r holl drin cymdeithasol gwell a thrafod presennol, i gynnig dulliau ymarferol yn gweithio, gan ddenu dros 5,300 o Mae’r Gronfa Loteri Fawr yn cefnogi’r digwyddiad hwn a gall dalu ffioedd cynhadledd nifer gyfyngedig o ddeiliaid grantiau gan y Gronfa Loteri Fawr. ymweliadau â’r wefan. Annual Report | Adroddiad Blynyddol 2009/2010 17 Achieve positive outcomes for the sector in major policy areas 3 Sicrhau canlyniadau cadarnhaol ar gyfer y sector mewn meysydd polisi pwysig

WCVA has worked to increase the third Mae WCVA wedi bod yn ymdrechu i sector’s involvement in developing gryfhau ymwneud y trydydd sector policies, and to help the sector â llunio polisïau, ac i helpu’r sector to deliver benefits to people and ddod â budd i bobl a chymunedau communities in Wales. Achievements yng Nghymru. Mae’r cyflawniadau’n include: cynnwys: zz Investing over £2m European funding zz Buddsoddi dros £2m o arian Ewropeaidd through the Engagement Gateway drwy’r prosiect Porth Ymgysylltu mewn project in over 30 contracts, mostly in dros 30 o gontractau, yn y trydydd sector the third sector, involving and benefiting yn bennaf, oedd yn cynnwys ac yn dod â economically inactive people. budd i bobl economaidd anweithgar.

‘I have learnt Gateway to skills, training and Porth i sgiliau, hyfforddiant a acting skills, employment chyflogaeth singing, working with others and Funding from WCVA’s Engagement Diolch i arian gan brosiect Porth Ymgysylltu communication skills Gateway project is allowing over 300 WCVA, gall dros 300 o fudiadau ddarparu during the project. organisations to provide skills and sgiliau a llwybrau at waith, addysg neu My confidence was pathways to employment, education or hyfforddiant i oddeutu 30,000 o bobl sy’n around 3 out of 10 before this project training to around 30,000 people who are economaidd anweithgar ar hyd a lled Cymru. and now it is at least economically inactive across the whole of 7. 5.’ Wales. Mae Sarah Raven, 24 oed, o Lanelli yn cymryd rhan yn un o brosiectau’r Porth, Sarah Raven, a participant of a Sarah Raven, 24, from Llanelli is a sef Cwmni Theatr Mess Up The Mess yn sir Gateway project in participant on a Gateway project at Gaerfyrddin – mudiad di-elw sy’n cynnig Carmarthenshire Mess up the Mess Theatre company profiadau theatr i bobl ifanc a graddedigion in Carmarthenshire – a not-for-profit newydd. ‘Rydw i wedi dysgu organisation offering theatre making Dywedodd Sarah wrth WCVA: ‘Cyn y sgiliau actio, canu, experiences to young people and new gweithio gyda phobl graduates. prosiect Theatr roeddwn i’n wirioneddol eraill a chyfathrebu nerfus ac yn casáu siarad mewn grwpiau yn ystod y prosiect. Sarah told WCVA: ‘Before the Theatre mawr. Roeddwn i’n arfer astudio TG, Cyn y prosiect, roedd project I was really nervous and hated rhywbeth nad oeddwn i’n ei fwynhau ac lefel fy hyder tua 3 talking in big groups. I used to study IT mi drïais i am swyddi fel derbynnydd ond allan o 10 ond nawr mae o’n 7.5 o leiaf.’ which I didn’t enjoy, and I tried to apply mi roedden nhw’n dweud wrtha i fy mod for receptionist jobs and was told I was i’n rhy dawel. Sarah Raven, un o gyfranogwyr too quiet ‘Yn sgil hyn, rydw i’n astudio drama yn y prosiect y Porth yn sir Gaerfyrddin. ‘Following on from this I’m taking drama coleg, ac mi fyddwn i wrth fy modd cael at college, and in the future I would love actio yn y theatr yn y dyfodol, ond, os na, to act in the theatre, but if not, hopefully wy’n gobeithio, pe bawn i’n gwneud cais if I apply to be a receptionist I’ll get the am swydd fel derbynnydd, mi fyddwn i’n job as no one can tell me I’m too quiet ei chael hi achos all neb ddweud wrtha i fy now!’ mod i’n rhy dawel nawr!’ 18 Annual Report | Adroddiad Blynyddol 2009/2010

The Future Jobs Fund got off to a flying start in North Wales as Graham Benfield and Jan Bish, former PA to Graham Benfield, who retired this year, found out. The Coastal Hawks Project was set up to try to reduce the number of seagull attacks on shoppers eating food in Rhyl town centre. The project allowed two young men to receive training at the Mid Wales Falconry Centre near Welshpool. Cafwyd dechrau da i Gronfa Swyddi’r Dyfodol yng Ngogledd Cymru fel bu i Graham Benfield a Jan Bish, cyn Gynorthwy- ydd Personol i zz Establishing a new Intermediate Labour zz Sefydlu prosiect Marchnad Lafur Drosiannol Graham Benfield, a wnaeth ymddeol market project in North and East Wales, newydd yng ngogledd ac yn nwyrain eleni, ddarganfod. to provide employment, training and Cymru er mwyn rhoi gwaith, hyfforddiant a Sefydlwyd y Prosiect support for economically inactive people. chefnogaeth i bobl economaidd anweithgar. Coastal Hawks er mwyn ceisio atal gwylanod rhag tarfu ILM helps create jobs and MLD yn creu swyddi a ar siopwyr sy’n bwyta bwyd yng nghanol employment opportunities chyfleoedd gwaith tref y Rhyl. Roedd y WCVA’s Intermediate Labour Market Mae prosiect Marchnad Lafur Drosiannol prosiect wedi galluogi (ILM) project is providing training and (MLD) WCVA yn darparu hyfforddiant dau ˆwr ifanc i dderbyn hyfforddiant yng work experience for 3,000 economically a phrofiad gwaith i 3,000 o bobl nghanolfan Mid inactive people in North and East Wales economaidd anweithgar yng ngogledd Wales Falconry ger y which will result in permanent job ac yn nwyrain Cymru a fydd yn arwain at Trallwng. outcomes for over half of the people swydd barhaol i dros hanner y bobl sy’n taking part. cymryd rhan yn y prosiect.

Michael Otton, 52, from Colwyn Bay, Roedd Michael Otton, 52 oed, o Fae was long-term out of work when he Colwyn, wedi bod yn ddi-waith am was put forward for Conwy Furniture gyfnod hir pan gafodd ei enwebu ar gyfer Reclaim’s ILM project. The furniture prosiect MLD Adfer Dodrefn Conwy. Scout recycling enterprise is operated by Scout Enterprises sy’n rhedeg y fenter ailgylchu Enterprises, a not-for-profit organisation dodrefn, mudiad di-elw a sefydlwyd i helpu set up to help out-of-work people back pobl yn ôl i hyfforddiant neu i gyflogaeth. into training and employment. Ar ôl pedwar mis o leoliad cyflogaeth gyda After a four month supported chefnogaeth, cafodd Michael waith gyda’r employment placement, Michael was fenter. Dywedodd wrth WCVA: ‘Cyn imi taken on at the enterprise. He told WCVA: ddechrau yn y prosiect MLD, roedd arnaf ‘Before I started on the ILM project, I angen meithrin hunan-barch unwaith eto ‘This opportunity needed my self-respect built back up as I oherwydd roeddwn i wedi cyrraedd y has given me back had really reached rock-bottom. gwaelod go iawn. my confidence and a feeling of worth. It has been a marvellous experience and has put zz Finalising proposals for a new £6m zz Llunio cynigion terfynol ar gyfer Cronfa my life back on track.’ Community Investment Fund to provide Fuddsoddi Gymunedol newydd gwerth ‘Mae’r cyfle hwn wedi loan and grants, including securing £6m er mwyn darparu benthyciadau rhoi ymdeimlad o £1m Assembly Government funding a grantiau, gan gynnwys sicrhau cyllid hunanwerth mi ac wedi to contribute to an Invest to Serve gwerth £1m gan Lywodraeth y Cynulliad rhoi fy hyder yn ôl programme within the new fund for fel cyfraniad at raglen Buddsoddi i i mi. Mae wedi bod yn brofiad gwych ac rwyf organisations seeking to deliver public Wasanaethu yn y gronfa newydd ar gyfer wedi cael trefn yn ôl ar services. mudiadau sydd am ddarparu gwasanaethau fy mywyd.’ cyhoeddus. Annual Report | Adroddiad Blynyddol 2009/2010 19

1 2 zz Establishing a third sector Future Jobs zz Sefydlu consortiwm Swyddi’r Dyfodol ar consortium, creating jobs in voluntary gyfer y trydydd sector gan greu swyddi i 300 Rosie Knight 1 from Ten Green organisations for 300 young people. o bobl ifanc mewn mudiadau gwirfoddol. Bottles at the launch of 3to3.org.uk at the National . Future Jobs Fund helps Cronfa Swyddi’r Dyfodol yn Rosie Knight o 1 Ten Green Ten Green Bottles achieve helpu Ten Green Bottles i Bottles yn lansiad sustainable development wireddu datblygu cynaliadwy 3i3.org.uk yn yr Eisteddfod Ten Green Bottles are a Community Cwmni Buddiannau Cymunedol wedi’i leoli Genedlaethol. Interest Company based in Powys, who ym Mhowys yw Ten Green Bottles. Maent create a range of high-quality glass yn creu amrywiaeth o anrhegion gwydr o giftware – including jewellery, dishes, ansawdd uchel - gan gynnwys gemwaith, candle holders and mirrors – from locally- llestri, canwyllbrennau a drychau – o boteli Caia Park 2 Partnership sourced recycled bottles. sydd wedi’u hailgylchu o ffynhonnell leol. has created job opportunities for Formed in 2007 due to a lack of local Wedi’i ffurfio yn 2007 oherwydd diffyg out-of-work people recycling facilities, Ten Green Bottles cyfleusterau ailgylchu yn lleol, mae Ten in Wrexham through – which benefits from the Future Jobs Green Bottles - sy’n cael budd o Gronfa WCVA’s Future Fund, allowing them to offer work to Swyddi’r Dyfodol sy’n golygu eu bod yn Jobs Fund contract unemployed young people – have gallu cynnig gwaith i bobl ifanc di-waith - and Intermediate Labour Market (ILM) created a real sense of community in their wedi meithrin ymdeimlad gwirioneddol o project. New Radnor base. gymuned ym Maesyfed. Mae 2 Lorraine Powers, of the group, said: ‘Ten Meddai Lorraine Powers, aelod o’r grwˆp: Partneriaeth Caia Park wedi creu Green Bottles aim to become a template ‘Nod Ten Green Bottles yw bod yn batrwm cyfleoedd swyddi for sustainable enterprise that provides ar gyfer mentrau cynaliadwy sy’n cynnig i bobl di-waith work opportunities for all. As well as cyfleoedd am waith i bawb. Yn ogystal yn Wrecsam trwy acting as a recycling base and local â gweithredu fel canolfan ailgylchu a gontract Cronfa tourist information point we are a training chanolfan groeso leol, rydym hefyd yn Swyddi’r Dyfodol a phrosiect Marchnad centre giving volunteer, training and ganolfan hyfforddi sy’n cynnig cyfleoedd Lafur Drosiannol employment opportunities to people of gwirfoddoli, hyfforddiant a chyflogaeth i WCVA. all ages and abilities.’ bobl o bob oed a gallu.’ 20 Annual Report | Adroddiad Blynyddol 2009/2010

The National Trust was very pleased to have secured a Climate Change grant of £1,950 from Environment Wales which the Environmental Practices Manager Keith Jones used to produce this fantastic rowing machine for use at the Urdd Eisteddfod. The machine demonstrates how much power the users are producing. Over the week 1,200 young people generated electricity through their own efforts producing 3Kwh, enough to heat an oil filled radiator for an hour. The biggest total generation was a competitive dad who managed 374 watts all on his own. The rowing machine proved a great hit with young and old alike and showed people in a very tangible way how hard it is to generate electricity and how easy it is to waste it. The machine will now be used at other National Trust events around Wales. Roedd yr Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol wrth eu bodd ar ôl clywed eu bod wedi sicrhau grant Newid yn yr Hinsawdd gwerth £1,950 gan Amgylchedd Cymru. Defnyddiwyd y grant gan Keith Jones, y Rheolwr Arferion Amgylcheddol, i adeiladu’r peiriant rhwyfo gwych hwn a oedd yn atyniad mawr yn Eisteddfod yr Urdd. Mae’r peiriant yn dangos faint o bwˆer sy’n Over 62 groups were supported cael ei gynhyrchu wrth rwyfo. Dros yr wythnos, cynhyrchodd 1,200 o bobl ifanc 3Kw/ by the pilot fund (Climate change awr o drydan, digon i gynhesu rheiddiadur olew am awr. Tad cystadleuol iawn wnaeth grant). gynhyrchu’r cyfanswm mwyaf o drydan – llwyddodd i gynhyrchu 374 wat ei hunan. Roedd Cefnogwyd dros 62 o grwpiau gan y peiriant rhwyfo’n boblogaidd iawn ymysg pobl o bob oed ac roedd yn dangos iddynt y gronfa beilot (y grant newid yn yr mewn ffordd ymarferol pa mor anodd yw cynhyrchu trydan a pha mor rhwydd yw ei hinsawdd). wastraffu. Y bwriad nawr yw defnyddio’r peiriant yn nigwyddiadau eraill yr Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol ledled Cymru.

For every grant zz Establishing a third sector climate change zz Sefydlu gr ˆwp i arwain y trydydd sector (average £3,800) leadership group to encourage third ar newid yn yr hinsawdd er mwyn annog distributed by sector organisations to reduce their mudiadau yn y trydydd sector i leihau eu Environment Wales in 2009-10: carbon footprint. hôl troed carbon. • 41 volunteers were zz Through Environment Wales, investing zz Drwy Amgylchedd Cymru, buddsoddi supported grant aid of over £610,000 in 160 gwerth £610,000 o grantiau mewn 160 • 26 weeks – or environmental projects, involving o brosiectau amgylcheddol, a’r rheiny’n 1,040 hours – of over 6,600 volunteers, and providing cynnwys dros 6,600 o wirfoddolwyr, environmental development support to a further 100 a darparu cefnogaeth datblygu i 100 action were volunteer-led projects. o brosiectau eraill a arweinir gan provided zz wirfoddolwyr. • over £8,000 of Supporting the involvement of equalities additional funding organisations and interest in the zz Cefnogi cysylltiad mudiadau cydraddoldeb was drawn in development of the Wales Spatial Plan. a diddordeb yn natblygiad Cynllun Gofodol Ar gyfer pob zz Working with the Assembly Government Cymru. grant (£3,800 ar and health bodies to safeguard support zz Gweithio gyda Llywodraeth y Cynulliad gyfartaledd) a ddyrannwyd gan for the third sector through local health a chyrff iechyd i ddiogelu cefnogaeth i’r Amgylchedd Cymru board re-organisation. trydydd sector drwy ad-drefnu byrddau yn 2009-10: zz Contributing to and influencing new iechyd lleol. • cefnogwyd 41 o commissioning arrangements for social zz Cyfrannu at drefniadau comisiynu newydd wirfoddolwyr care. ym maes gofal cymdeithasol a dylanwadu • darparwyd 26 zz ar y trefniadau hynny. wythnos - neu Piloting a new £90,000 grants 1,040 awr – o programme through Environment Wales zz Treialu rhaglen grantiau newydd gwerth weithgareddau to support community responses to £90,000 drwy Amgylchedd Cymru i amgylcheddol climate change. gefnogi ymatebion cymunedol i newid yn • sicrhawyd dros yr hinsawdd. £8,000 o gyllid ychwanegol

Climate change grant helps Grassroots Cymru raise awareness of global issues. Mae grant newid yn yr hinsawdd wedi helpu Grassroots Cymru i godi ymwybyddiaeth o faterion byd eang. Annual Report | Adroddiad Blynyddol 2009/2010 21

Denmark Farm Conservation Canolfan Gadwraeth Centre Fferm Denmark At Denmark Farm, the Shared Earth Trust Yn Fferm Denmark, mae Ymddiriedolaeth continues to carry out its long-term Shared Earth yn parhau i gynnal ei rhaglen programme to restore and create wildlife tymor hir i adfer a chreu cynefinoedd habitats on what was once intensively bywyd gwyllt ar dir a arferai gael ei farmed land. ffermio’n ddwys.

Denmark Farm is one of the longest Fferm Denmark yw un o’r prosiectau a standing projects supported by gefnogir gan Amgylchedd Cymru sydd Environment Wales and registered with wedi bod ar waith hiraf, gan gofrestru â’r the initiative in 1997. fenter ym 1997.

Environment Wales has provided Mae Amgylchedd Cymru wedi management grant funding for a darparu grant rheoli ar gyfer Swyddog Community Education Officer, and Addysg Cymunedol ac mae’n parhau i continues to assist the group with the gynorthwyo’r gr ˆwp â datblygu’r prosiect. evolution of the project. In 2009-10, the Yn 2009-10, cafodd y gr ˆwp gyllid i lansio group received funding to launch a three- menter tair blynedd o’r enw ‘Bywyd year ‘Wildlife Where You Live’ initiative, Gwyllt yn Eich Ardal Chi’ a fydd yn that will provide hands-on training rhoi hyfforddiant ymarferol i grwpiau to community groups and volunteers cymunedol a gwirfoddolwyr er mwyn to demonstrate how easy it can be to dangos mor hawdd ydyw i uwchraddio eu upgrade their local environment. hamgylchedd lleol. 22 Annual Report | Adroddiad Blynyddol 2009/2010

First Minister for Wales, Carwyn Jones AM, with representatives from Wales and Africa at the Gold Star awards ceremony in the Senedd on St David’s Day. Prif Weinidog Cymru, Carwyn Jones AC, gyda chynrychiolwyr o Gymru ac Affrica yn seremoni wobrwyo Seren Aur yn y Senedd ar Ddydd Gwˆyl Dewi.

zz Creating mutually beneficial links between zz Creu cysylltiadau rhwng cymunedau yng communities in Wales and in sub-Saharan Nghymru ac yn Affrica Is-Sahara sy’n dod â Africa. budd i’r naill gymuned a’r llall. zz Developing a project to protect an area of zz Datblygu prosiect i warchod ardal fforest rainforest the Size of Wales. law Maint Cymru.

Gold Star Seren Aur Three Welsh and three African communities Ar Ddydd G ˆwyl Dewi, cafodd tair cymuned were honoured on St David’s Day with the yng Nghymru a thair cymuned yn Affrica award of a United Nations Gold Star for eu hanrhydeddu â gwobr Seren Aur y their contribution towards making poverty Cenhedloedd Unedig am eu cyfraniad i roi history, building friendships and broadening terfyn ar dlodi ac ehangu gorwelion a meithrin horizons between Wales and Africa. cyfeillgarwch rhwng Cymru ac Affrica.

These communities are part of a growing Mae’r cymunedau hyn yn rhan o rwydwaith network of over 100 links operating o dros 100 dolen sydd ar waith rhwng Cymru between Wales and Africa. The volunteer- ac Affrica, ac mae’r rhwydwaith yn tyfu. Caiff run community partnerships - between y partneriaethau cymunedol hyn sy’n cael Hay-on-Wye in Powys and Timbuktu in Mali, eu rhedeg gan wirfoddolwyr – rhwng y Gelli Llanfyllin in Montgomeryshire and Kamuli Gandryll ym Mhowys a Timbuktu yn Mali, in Northern Uganda, and Pontypridd in Llanfyllin yn Sir Drefaldwyn a Kamuli yng Rhondda Cynon Taff and Mbale in Eastern Ngogledd Uganda, a Phontypridd yn Rhondda Uganda – are supported by the Wales Cynon Taf a Mbale yn Nwyrain Uganda – eu Africa Community Links project of WCVA, cefnogi gan brosiect Cysylltiadau Cymunedol with funding from the Welsh Assembly Cymru-Affrica Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirfoddol Government’s Wales for Africa scheme. Cymru (WCVA), gyda chyllid gan gynllun Cymru o Blaid Affrica Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru. Size of Wales The Size of Wales project was launched by Maint Cymru HRH Prince Charles in September 2010 and Lansiwyd y prosiect Maint Cymru gan Ei aims to help sustain an area of tropical forest Uchelder Brenhinol y Tywysog Charles ym mis in Africa covering as many hectares as the Medi 2010 gyda’r nod o gynnal ardal o fforest whole of Wales. drofannol yn Affrica sydd gymaint â Chymru.

Welsh organisations, companies and Gofynnir i fudiadau, cwmnïau ac unigolion yng individuals will be asked to support forest Nghymru gefnogi cymunedau a phrosiectau projects and communities in Africa and forge fforestydd yn Affrica a chreu cysylltiadau long lasting links beneficial to both countries. parhaol a fydd o fudd i’r naill wlad a’r llall.

The scheme is being funded by the Mae’r cynllun yn cael ei gyllido gan Sefydliad Waterloo Foundation, which gives grants to Waterloo, sy’n rhoi grantiau i fudiadau yn y organisations in both the UK and world-wide, DU ac ym mhob rhan o’r byd, ac sy’n rhedeg and runs a Forests Programme targeted at Rhaglen Fforestydd sydd â’r nod o osgoi avoiding deforestation in tropical areas. datgoedwigo mewn ardaloedd trofannol.

Photo: Cambridge Jones Llun: Cambridge Jones Annual Report | Adroddiad Blynyddol 2009/2010 23 Improve performance and ensure quality 4 Gwella perfformiad a sicrhau ansawdd

WCVA’s Board and its sub-committees Mae Bwrdd ac is-bwyllgorau WCVA have continued to ensure that robust wedi parhau i sicrhau bod systemau systems are in place to improve the cadarn ar waith i wneud yr elusen yn charity’s efficiency and effectiveness, fwy effeithlon ac effeithiol, ac i roi and to address internal and external sylw i ffactorau mewnol ac allanol a The Network factors that could influence its allai ddylanwadu ar ei effeithlonrwydd, Wales Awards, effectiveness, including: gan gynnwys: supported by Class Telecommunications, rewards organisational zz Keeping long-term income projections zz Parhau i adolygu rhagamcanion incwm excellence in the third under review and adopting funding tymor hir a mabwysiadu strategaethau sector. The Welsh strategies to secure resources to maintain cyllido er mwyn sicrhau adnoddau i gynnal Refugee Council won its range of charitable activities. ei amrywiaeth o weithgareddau elusennol. an award in the Best Communications zz Operating to the standards underpinning zz Gweithredu yn unol â’r safonau sy’n category in 2009. its Investors in Excellence accreditation sail i’w achrediad Buddsoddwyr mewn Mae Gwobrau within the European Foundation for Rhagoriaeth o fewn model y Sefydliad Rhwydwaith Cymru, Quality Management (EFQM) model. Ewropeaidd dros Reoli Ansawdd. a gefnogir gan Class Telecommunications, zz Maintaining Green Dragon level II and zz Dal gafael yn Safon y Ddraig Werdd lefel yn gwobrwyo Investors In People accreditation, and a II ac yn yr achrediad Buddsoddwyr mewn rhagoriaeth yn y comprehensive suite of policies, which are Pobl, a phecyn cynhwysfawr o bolisïau, sy’n trydydd sector. regularly reviewed. cael eu hadolygu’n gyson. Gwnaeth Cyngor Ffoaduriaid Cymru zz Continuing its staff development and zz Parhau â’i raglen hyfforddi a datblygu staff. ennill gwobr yn y training programme. zz Cynnal cysylltiadau da ac adeiladol gyda’r category cyfathrebu gorau yn 2009. zz Maintaining good and constructive llywodraeth, y Cynulliad a chyrff cyhoeddus relations with government, the Assembly eraill ar lefel ymddiriedolwyr a staff uwch. and other public bodies at both trustee and senior staff levels.

In July 2010 WCVA won learndirect’s small/medium company award, in recognition of our engagement with the European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) qualification. More than 25 staff passed their exams after committing time to working through this on-line learning programme. The award was presented to WCVA training staff by comedian Chris Corcoran at a ceremony at the in .

Ym mis Gorffennaf 2010 enillodd WCVA wobr cwmni bach/canolig learndirect fel cydnabyddiaeth o’n hymgysylltiad â’r cymhwyster Trwydded Yrru Gyfrifiadurol Ewropeaidd (ECDL). Bu dros 25 o staff yn llwyddiannus yn eu harholiadau ar ôl rhoi o’u hamser i weithio drwy’r rhaglen dysgu ar-lein hon. Cyflwynodd y digrifwr Chris Corcoran y wobr i staff hyfforddi WCVA mewn seremoni yn Adeilad y Pierhead ym Mae Caerdydd.

WCVA’s Training Administrator Linda Phillips with Dave Mathers from learndirect. Linda Phillips, Gweinyddwraig Hyfforddiant WCVA gyda Dave Mathers o learndirect. 24 Annual Report | Adroddiad Blynyddol 2009/2010 Grants and funding 5 Grantiau a chyllid

The charity administered 17 (2009: 26) grant Gweinyddodd yr elusen 17 (2009: 26) cynllun grant schemes during the year and grant payments were yn ystod y flwyddyn a gwnaethpwyd taliadau made to 1,785 (2009: 1,975) organisations. grant i 1,785 (2009: 1,975) o fudiadau.

Grants | Grantiau 2010 2009 Number of Value of Number of Value of Grants Paid Grants Paid Grants Paid Grants Paid Nifer y Gwerth y Nifer y Gwerth y Grantiau a Grantiau a Grantiau a Grantiau a Dalwyd Dalwyd £ Dalwyd Dalwyd £ Active Community | Cymdeithas Fyw 25 942,926 29 943,327 Russell - Youth Led | Russell – Dan Arweiniad Pobl Ifanc 17 85,000 4 35,000 Russell - Youth Volunteering 40 219,857 50 237,66 4 Russell – Gwirfoddoli Ymhlith Pobl Ifanc Russell - International Youth Volunteering - - 2 77,8 85 Russell – Gwirfoddoli Ymhlith Pobl Ifanc yn Rhyngwladol Communities First | Cymunedau yn Gyntaf 1,054 2,767,672 1,194 3,098,220 Communities First - Music | Cymunedau yn Gyntaf – Cerddoriaeth - - 16 31,652 Gwraidd - (7, 517 ) - (7,836) Community Investment | Buddsoddiad Cymunedol - - 21 248,065 Local Regeneration | Adfywio Lleol - (24,037) - - Local Volunteering Services | Gwasanaethau Gwirfoddoli Lleol 19 2,988,982 19 2,840,958 Mental Health | Iechyd Meddwl 146 3,778,503 89 2,240,272 Millennium Volunteers | Gwirfoddolwyr y Mileniwm 48 198,018 60 407,610 Millennium Volunteers - Russell | Gwirfoddolwyr y Mileniwm – Russell - - 19 318,405 Sustainable Funding | Cyllid Cynaliadwy - - 14 5,068 Goldstar | Seren Aur 32 49,741 14 40,000 Volunteering in Wales Fund | Cronfa Gwirfoddoli yng Nghymru 54 643,093 60 603,018 Environment Wales | Amgylchedd Cymru 151 868,377 135 867,973 Building Strong Bridges | Codi Pontydd Cadarn - - 1 11,748 Strategic Recycling - ERDF | Ailgylchu Strategol – ERDF 2 40,170 7 1,865,591 Strategic Recycling - ESF | Ailgylchu Strategol – ESF - - 7 996,390 Strategic Recycling - non Objective 1 - - 1 272,105 Ailgylchu Strategol – heb fod yn Amcan 1 Advice Training Network | Rhwydwaith Hyfforddiant Cynghori 13 192,838 17 636,013 Volunteering Enhancement Initiative | Cynllun Cryfhau Gwirfoddoli 38 1,604,764 19 1,299,195 GwirVol 56 312,383 - - Partnership Council | Y Cyngor Partneriaeth 27 122,160 29 156,454 Social Risk - Objective 1 | Risg Gymdeithasol – Amcan 1 - (330) 134 377,666 Local Voluntary Action Capacity Building | Meithrin Galluoedd – - - 11 179,936 Gweithredu Gwirfoddol Lleol Voluntary Sector Capacity Building | Meithrin Galluoedd y Sector - - 9 110,016 Gwirfoddol Social Risk - Objective 3 | Risg Gymdeithasol – Amcan 3 - - 14 42,451 Age of Stupid | Oes y Dwl 44 10,256 - - Volunteering | Gwirfoddoli 19 44,000 - - 1,785 14,836,856 1,975 17,93 4,8 46 Annual Report | Adroddiad Blynyddol 2009/2010 25 Plans for future periods Cynlluniau ar gyfer 6 y dyfodol

WCVA will continue to work to the Bydd WCVA yn parhau i ddilyn y prif principal objectives set out on page 4. amcanion a amlinellir ar dudalen 4. Priorities will include: Bydd y blaenoriaethau’n cynnwys: Services Gwasanaethau Working in partnership with county Gweithio mewn partneriaeth â chynghorau voluntary councils, volunteer centres and gwirfoddol sirol, canolfannau gwirfoddoli, a specialist national bodies, ensuring that the chyrff cenedlaethol arbenigol, i sicrhau bod sector has access to high quality services y sector yn cael mynediad at wasanaethau that help trustees, staff and volunteers o safon uchel sy’n helpu ymddiriedolwyr, work effectively and deal with change staff a gwirfoddolwyr i weithio’n effeithiol a and challenge in their work. Through our delio â newid a her yn eu gwaith. Drwy ein websites, advice services, information gwefannau a’n gwasanaethau cynghori, ein resources, helpline, publications, training, hadnoddau gwybodaeth a’n lein gymorth, events and conferences, grants and loans, ein cyhoeddiadau a’n hyfforddiant, ein we will deliver services relating to: digwyddiadau a’n cynadleddau, a’n grantiau a’n benthyciadau, byddwn yn darparu zz General advice and support gwasanaethau sy’n ymwneud â: zz Volunteering zz Cyngor a chefnogaeth cyffredinol zz Trustees and governance zz Gwirfoddoli zz Funding zz Ymddiriedolwyr a llywodraethu zz New initiatives and community development zz Cyllid zz Mentrau newydd a datblygu cymunedol Achieving change We have identified six major areas where Sicrhau newid we aim to achieve change over the next five Yr ydym wedi pennu chwe maes pwysig yr years, namely: ydym yn bwriadu sicrhau newid ynddynt yn y zz Economic participation: helping the pum mlynedd nesaf, sef: sector to play its full part in tackling zz Cyfranogaeth economaidd: helpu’r sector unemployment and economic inactivity. i chwarae rhan lawn yn y gwaith o fynd zz Climate change: providing leadership i’r afael â diweithdra ac anweithgarwch and encouraging third sector economaidd. organisations to take practical action to zz Newid yn yr hinsawdd: rhoi arweiniad tackle both the causes and consequences ac annog mudiadau’r trydydd sector i of climate change. gymryd camau ymarferol i fynd i’r afael â’r zz Skills: securing recognition from hyn sy’n achosi newid yn yr hinsawdd a Government and its agencies that the chanlyniadau hynny. sector workforce of 46,000 staff and zz Sgiliau: sicrhau bod y Llywodraeth a’i 1.83m volunteers is an industry entitled to asiantaethau’n cydnabod bod gweithlu’r sector skills support. sector, sy’n cynnwys 46,000 o staff ac 1.83m zz Resources: helping to achieve a well o wirfoddolwyr yn ddiwydiant sydd â’r hawl resourced sector where access to finance i gael cefnogaeth yng nghyswllt sgiliau. 26 Annual Report | Adroddiad Blynyddol 2009/2010

Increasing the and other resources is maximized and zz Adnoddau: helpu i sicrhau sector sydd â number of volunteers diversified, and decision making is fair. digon o adnoddau lle ceir gymaint â phosibl will remain a key o ffynonellau cyllido ac adnoddau eraill, priority for WCVA, as zz Policy and public services: promoting a rheiny’n rhai amrywiol, a lle y gwneir illustrated: the role the sector can play in penderfyniadau teg. The Sea Trust South participation, commissioning, delivering and West Wales project and scrutinising public services, zz Polisi a gwasanaethau cyhoeddus: looks at the study of particularly through co-design and co- hyrwyddo’r rôl y gall y sector ei chwarae porpoises, dolphins, delivery. yng nghyswllt comisiynu, cyflwyno a and other sea life found chraffu ar wasanaethau cyhoeddus, a around Strumble Head zz Volunteering: increasing the number and chyfranogi ynddynt, yn enwedig drwy gyd- in Pembrokeshire. diversity of people volunteering in ways ddylunio a chyd-ddarparu. Environment which benefit the individual, organisation Wales awarded a and the community. zz Gwirfoddoli: cynyddu nifer ac amrywiaeth management grant to y bobl sy’n gwirfoddoli mewn ffyrdd sy’n the Sea Trust South and West Wales in 2010, Helping the sector work dod â budd i’r unigolyn, i’r mudiad ac i’r for a Volunteer and gymuned. Events Coordinator to effectively with government and support the hundreds the legislature Helpu’r sector i weithio’n of individuals wishing to engage or work with We will facilitate and support the relationship effeithiol gyda’r llywodraeth a’r this project. between the sector and government ddeddfwrfa through: Byddwn yn hwyluso ac yn cefnogi’r berthynas Bydd cynyddu’r zz The Assembly Government Third Sector rhwng y sector a’r llywodraeth drwy: niferoedd o Scheme, including the Third Sector wirfoddolwyr yn zz Gynllun Trydydd Sector Llywodraeth Partnership Council and Ministerial parhau i fod yn Cynulliad Cymru, gan gynnwys Cyngor flaenoriaeth allweddol meetings i WCVA, fel y Partneriaeth y Trydydd Sector a zz dangosir: Assisting organisations to work with, chyfarfodydd â Gweinidogion and influence, the National Assembly Mae prosiect zz Cynorthwyo mudiadau i weithio gyda legislature, and to respond to the Ymddiriedolaeth y deddfwrfa’r Cynulliad a dylanwadu arni, ac outcome of the referendum in 2011 on Môr De a Gorllewin ymateb i ganlyniad refferendwm 2011 ar Cymru yn astudio increasing the Assembly’s powers llamhidyddion, gynyddu pwerau’r Cynulliad zz Representing the sector’s interests on dolffiniaid, a zz Cynrychioli buddiannau’r sector ar faterion non-devolved government issues chreaduriaid eraill y llywodraethol nad ydynt wedi’u datganoli môr sydd i’w gweld o zz Monitoring relationships between the amgylch Pen Strwmbl zz Monitro’r berthynas rhwng y sector a sector and local government, and health yn Sir Benfro. llywodraeth leol, ac iechyd a chyrff eraill and other bodies Rhoddodd Amgylchedd Cymru grant rheoli Gwella ein perfformiad i Ymddiriedolaeth y Improving our performance Môr De a Gorllewin Byddwn yn parhau i fonitro ac i geisio gwella Cymru yn 2010 ar We will continue to monitor and seek ein perfformiad er mwyn sicrhau bod ein gyfer Cydlynydd improvements in our performance to trefn lywodraethu yn effeithiol, ein bod yn Digwyddiadau a ensure that our governance is effective, Gwirfoddolwyr i cydymffurfio â gofynion a disgwyliadau we are complying with the requirements gefnogi’r cannoedd cyllidwyr a rheoleiddwyr allanol, a’n bod yn and expectations of external regulators o unigolion oedd yn cynnal safonau uchel yng nghyswllt rheoli ein dymuno gweithio ar y and funders, and we are maintaining high staff, ein cyfleusterau a’n hadnoddau. prosiect hwn neu oedd standards in managing our staff, facilities am gymryd rhan ynddo. and resources. Annual Report | Adroddiad Blynyddol 2009/2010 27 The trustees and charity advisers 7 Ymddiriedolwyr a chynghorwyr elusen

The trustees and other advisers who Rhestrir isod yr ymddiriedolwyr assist the charity during the period are a’r cynghorwyr eraill sydd wedi listed below: gwasanaethu’r elusen yn ystod y cyfnod

WCVA Board | Bwrdd 2009/2010 Win Griffiths Chair | Cadeirydd Margaret Jervis, MBE Vice Chair | Is-gadeirydd Eurwen E. Edwards, BEM, OBE Vice Chair | Is-gadeirydd Chad Patel Treasurer | Trysorydd

Louise Bennett John R. Jones L. Mair Stephens Nerys Hâf Biddulph, MBE Joy Kent Fran Targett Jacquy Box Mike Lewis Sandra Taylor Ian Charlesworth Cath Lindley (until October | tan Hydref 2009) (until December | tan Rhagfyr 2009) (until December | tan Rhagfyr 2009) Stephen Thomas P. Maureen Davies Marcella Maxwell (until July | tan Gorffennaf 2010) (until December | tan Rhagfyr 2009) Mark McLean Annie Williams (until December | tan Rhagfyr 2009) Walter Dickie Liz Neal Catriona Williams Catrin Fletcher Jane Pagler (until December | tan Rhagfyr 2009) Mal Williams Margaret Paterson Paul Glaze (until April | tan Ebrill 2010) Wendy Williams, MBE Simon Harris John Puzey Victoria Winckler Efa Gruffudd Jones (until December | tan Rhagfyr 2009) Clive Wolfendale Harri Jones Jaswant Singh JS, MBE, JP Pauline Young

Co-opted members Property adviser Company Secretary Aelodau Cyfetholedig Ymgynghorydd adeiladau Ysgrifennydd y Cwmni Dr Neil Caldwell Douglas E. Morris S Jan Bish Anne Stephenson Alan Underwood Management adviser WCVA President Michael Williams Ymgynghorydd rheolaeth Llywydd WCVA Glenys Kinnock Observer | Arsylwr David G. Evans Derek Walker Auditors | Archwilwyr WCVA Vice Presidents Is Lywyddion WCVA Legal adviser Grant Thornton UK LLP Tom Jones OBE Ymgynghorydd cyfreithiol Bankers | Bancwyr Margaret Thorne CBE DL Hanef Bhamjee, OBE Barclays Bank Plc (from December 2009) Crowley & Company RBS The Royal Bank of Scotland 28 Annual Report | Adroddiad Blynyddol 2009/2010 Summarised financial statements 8 Crynodeb o’n mantolenni ariannol

These summarised financial statements Mae’r datganiadau ariannol cryno hyn are a summary of information extracted yn grynodeb o wybodaeth a godwyd from the statutory Annual Report o’r Cyfrifon a’r Adroddiad Blynyddol and Accounts. They may not contain statudol. Efallai nad oes digon o sufficient information to allow for a full wybodaeth ynddynt i roi dealltwriaeth understanding of the financial affairs lawn o faterion ariannol yr Elusen. I gael of the Charity. For further information, rhagor o wybodaeth, dylid edrych ar y the full Annual Accounts, the report Cyfrifon Blynyddol llawn, ar adroddiad of the independent auditor on those yr archwilydd annibynnol ar y cyfrifon accounts and the Trustees’ Annual hynny ac ar Adroddiad Blynyddol yr Report should be consulted. Copies of Ymddiriedolwyr. Gellir cael copïau o’r these can be obtained from J Hewitt, rhain gan J Hewitt, Ysgrifennydd y Cwmni Company Secretary. Cymeradwywyd y Cyfrifon Blynyddol ar 14 The Annual Accounts were approved on 14 Hydref 2010 a byddant yn cael eu cyflwyno October 2010 and will be delivered to the i’r Comisiwn Elusennau ac i’r Cofrestrydd Charity Commission and the Registrar of Cwmnïau. Companies. Mae’r cyfrifon wedi cael eu harchwilio gan The accounts have been audited by a archwilydd cymwysedig, sef Grant Thornton qualified auditor, Grant Thornton UK LLP, who UK LLP ,a gyhoeddodd adroddiad diamod issued an unqualified report on the full annual ar y datganiadau ariannol blynyddol llawn financial statements and on the consistency ac ar gysondeb adroddiad y cyfarwyddwyr of the directors’ report with those annual â’r datganiadau ariannol hynny. Nid oedd financial statements. Their report on the full eu hadroddiad ar y datganiadau ariannol annual financial statements contained no blynyddol llawn yn cynnwys dim datganiad statement under Sections 498(2) and 498(3) dan Adrannau 498(2) a 498(3) Deddf of the Companies Act 2006 Cwmnïau 2006. WCVA would like to thank the following Hoffai WCVA ddiolch i’r sefydliadau organisations for their support: canlynol am eu cefnogaeth: Anglesey Council Denbigh County Council Cyngor Ynys Môn Cyngor Sir Ddinbych Barclays Bank Department for Work & Banc Barclays Yr Adran Gwaith a Pensions Phensiynau Big Lottery Fund Y Gronfa Loteri Fawr European Structural Cronfeydd Strwythurol Cardiff University Funds Prifysgol Caerdydd Ewropeaidd Carnegie Trust County Ymddiriedolaeth Carnegie Cyngor Sir Gwynedd Council CAVO CAVO Mentro Allan Mentro Allan Charities Aid Foundation Sefydliad Cymorth yr Sgiliau Iechyd Skills for Health Elusennau Class Telecommunications Ymddiriedolaeth GIG Class Telecommunications Conwy County Council Velindre NHS Trust Felindre Cyngor Sir Conwy Co-operative Cymru Welsh Assembly Llywodraeth Cynulliad Government Co-operative Cymru Cymru Countryside Council for Wales Wales Funders Forum Cyngor Cefn Gwlad Fforwm Cyllidwyr Cymru Waterloo Foundation Cymru Sefydliad Waterloo Annual Report | Adroddiad Blynyddol 2009/2010 29

Statement of financial activities for | Datganiad o’r gweithgareddau ariannol am y the year ended 31 March 2010 flwyddyn a ddaeth i ben 31 Mawrth 2010

Unrestricted Restricted Total Funds Total Funds Funds Funds Cyfanswm Cyfanswm Cronfeydd Cronfeydd Cronfeydd Cronfeydd Anghyfyngedig Cyfyngedig 2010 2009 £ £ £ £ Incoming resources | Adnoddau a dderbyniwyd Incoming resources from generated funds: Adnoddau a dderbyniwyd o’r arian a gynhyrchwyd: Activities for generating funds Gweithgareddau ar gyfer cynhyrchu arian 866,911 76,259 943,170 956,589 Investment income Incwm o fuddsoddiadau 60,251 107,639 167,890 303,631 Incoming resources from charitable activities: Adnoddau a dderbyniwyd o weithgareddau elusennol: Grants receivable | Grantiau derbyniadwy 5,922,193 22,123,551 28,045,744 21,850,002 Expenditure recovered Gwariant wedi’i adennill 1,592,365 - 1,592,365 1,342,953 Total incoming resources Cyfanswm yr adnoddau a dderbyniwyd 8,441,720 22,307,449 30,749,169 24,453,175 Resources expended | Adnoddau a wariwyd Cost of generating funds: Costau cynhyrchu arian: Costs incurred in generating funds Costau a gafwyd wrth gynhyrchu arian 750,789 - 750,789 725,871 Investment manager’s costs Costau’r rheolwr buddsoddiadau 3,665 - 3,665 2,560 Charitable activities | Gweithgareddau elusennol 7,288,143 16,125,015 23,413,158 2 5, 537, 232 Governance costs | Costau llywodraethu 18,519 - 18,519 17,148 Pension finance costs | Costau cyllid pensiwn 1 6 0 , 0 0 0 - 160,000 30,000 Total resources expended Cyfanswm yr adnoddau a wariwyd 8,221,116 16,125,015 24,346,131 26,312,811 Net incoming resources before other recognised gains | Adnoddau net a dderbyniwyd cyn enillion cydnabyddedig eraill 220,604 6,182,434 6,403,038 (1,859,636) Transfers between funds Trosglwyddiadau rhwng cronfeydd 319,428 (319,428) - - Exceptional gain/(loss) re Strategic Recycling Scheme Enillion/(colledion) eithriadol parthed y Cynllun Ailgylchu Strategol 539,937 - 539,937 (673,637) Actuarial gain/(loss) on defined benefit pension scheme | Enillion/(colledion) yn ôl yr actiwari ar y cynllun pensiwn â buddion wedi’u diffinio (830,000) - (830,000) (1,580,000) Gain/(loss) on revaluation of investments Enillion/(colledion) ar ôl ailbrisio buddsoddiadau 29,761 - 29,761 (29,531) Net movement in funds Symudiad net o fewn y cronfeydd 279,730 5,863,006 6,142,736 (4,142,804) Fund balances brought forward at 1 April 2009 Balansau’r cronfeydd a ddygwyd ymlaen ar 1 Ebrill 2009 (913,256) 7,183,246 6,269,990 10,412,794 Fund balances carried forward at 31 March 2010 Balansau’r cronfeydd a ddygwyd ymlaen ar 31 Mawrth 2010 (633,526) 13,046,252 12,412,726 6,269,990 30 Annual Report | Adroddiad Blynyddol 2009/2010

Incoming Resources Adnoddau a Gafwyd (Unrestricted Funds) (Cronfeydd anghyfyngedig)

Activities for generating funds £866,911 10.3% Gweithgareddau i gynhyrchu cronfeydd Investment Income £60,251 0.7% Incwm o fuddsoddiadau Grants Receivable £5,922,193 70.2% Grantiau derbyniadwy Expenditure recovered £1,592,365 18.8% Gwariant wedi’i adennill £8,441,720 100.0%

Incoming Resources Adnoddau a Gafwyd (Restricted Funds) (Cronfeydd Cyfyngedig) Resources Expended Activities for generating funds (Unrestricted Funds) £76,259 0.3% Gweithgareddau i gynhyrchu cronfeydd Investment Income £107,639 0.5% Charitable Activities £7,288,143Incwm 88.7% o fuddsoddiadau a Governance & Pension Costs £178,519 2.2% Costs incurred in generating funds Grants £750,789 Receivable 9.1% £22,123,551 99.2% Investment Manager's costs Grantiau £3,665 0.0% derbyniadwy c £8,221,116 100.0% £22,307,449 100.0%

Resources Expended Adnoddau a Wariwyd (Unrestricted Funds) (Cronfeydd anghyfyngedig)

Charitable Activities £7,288,143 88.7% Resources Expended Gweithgareddau elusennol (Restricted Funds) Governance & Pension Costs £178,519 2.2% Costau rheoli a phensiwn

Costs incurred in generating funds £750,789 9.1% Costau wrth gynhyrchu cronfeydd Charitable Activities £16,125,015 100.0% £16,125,015 100.0%Investment Manager’s costs £3,665 0.0% Costau rheolwr buddsoddiadau £8,221,116 100.0%

Resources Expended Adnoddau a Wariwyd (Restricted Funds) (Cronfeydd Cyfyngedig)

Charitable Activities £16,125,015 100.0% Gweithgareddau elusennol £16,125,015 100.0% Annual Report | Adroddiad Blynyddol 2009/2010 31

Balance sheet at 31 March 2010 | Y Fantolen fel yr oedd ar 31 Mawrth 2010 2010 2009 £ £ £ £ Fixed assets | Asedau sefydlog Tangible assets | Asedau diriaethol 2,661,281 2,786,037 Current assets | Asedau cyfredol Investments | Buddsoddiadau 63,733 33,972 Debtors and prepayments | Dyledwyr a rhagdaliadau 312,201 285,943 Debtors: amounts falling due after more than one year | Dyledwyr: 1,948,363 1,754,679 symiau sy’n dod yn ddyledus ar ôl mwy na blwyddyn Cash at bank and in hand | Arian yn y banc ac mewn llaw 11,315,876 4,806,327 13,640,173 6,880,921 CREDITORS: Amounts falling due within one year (808,728) (1,266,968) Credydwyr: symiau sy’n dod yn ddyledus o fewn blwyddyn

Net current assets | Asedau cyfredol net 12,831,445 5,613,953 Total assets less current liabilities 15,492,726 8,399,990 Cyfanswm yr asedau llai rhwymedigaethau cyfredol Defined benefit pension scheme liability| Rhwymedigaeth (3,080,000) (2,130,000) y cynllun pensiwn â buddion wedi’u diffinio Net assets | Asedau Net 12,412,726 6,269,990 Funds | Cronfeydd Unrestricted: | Anghyfyngedig: General funds | Cronfeydd cyffredinol 1,356,474 766,744 Sustainable funds | Cronfeydd cynaliadwy 750,000 - Designated funds | Cronfeydd penodedig 340,000 450,000

Unrestricted Funds (excluding pension liability) Cronfeydd Anghyfyngedig (heb gynnwys rhwymedigaethau 2,446,474 1,216,744 pensiwn)

Pension Reserve | Arian pensiwn wrth gefn (3,080,000) (2,130,000) Total Unrestricted Funds (633,526) (913,256) Cyfanswm y cronfeydd anghyfyngedig Restricted | Cyfyngedig Funds in surplus – relating to property 1,188,158 1,515,028 Cronfeydd mewn gwarged - yn ymwneud ag eiddo Funds in surplus – relating to long term loans awarded Cronfeydd mewn gwarged - yn ymwneud â benthyciadau 1,948,363 1,754,679 hirdymor a ddyfarnwyd Funds in surplus – other | Cronfeydd mewn gwarged - arall 9,917,69 9 3,937, 282 Funds in deficit | Cronfeydd â diffyg (7,96 8 ) (23,743) Total Restricted Funds 13,046,252 7,183, 246 Cyfanswm Cronfeydd Cyfyngedig TOTAL FUNDS 12,412,726 6,269,990 CYFANSWM Y CRONFEYDD 32 Annual Report | Adroddiad Blynyddol 2009/2010

Statement of the independent auditor Datganiad yr archwilydd annibynnol i to the members of Wales Council aelodau Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirfoddol for Voluntary Action Cymru We have examined the summarised financial statements Rydym wedi archwilio datganiadau ariannol cryno Cyngor of Wales Council for Voluntary Action for the year ended Gweithredu Gwirfoddol Cymru am y flwyddyn a ddaeth 31 March 2010 which comprise a summary statement of i ben ar 31 Mawrth 2010 sy’n cynnwys datganiad cryno financial activities and balance sheet set out on pages 28 o’r gweithgareddau ariannol a’r fantolen a nodir ar to 31. dudalennau 28 i 31.

This statement is made solely to the company’s Gwneir y datganiad hwn i aelodau’r cwmni yn unig, fel members, as a body, in accordance with Section 428 corff, yn unol ag Adran 428 Deddf Cwmnïau 2006 a’r of the Companies Act 2006 and the regulations made rheoliadau a wneir o dan y ddeddf honno. Cynhaliwyd ein thereunder. Our audit work has been undertaken so gwaith archwilio fel ein bod yn gallu datgan i aelodau’r that we might state to the company’s members those cwmni y materion y mae’n ofynnol i ni eu datgan iddynt matters we are required to state to them in an auditors’ mewn datganiad archwilwyr ar Ddatganiadau Ariannol statement on Summary Financial Statements and for no Cryno ac nid at unrhyw ddiben arall. Hyd eithaf yr hyn other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we a ganiateir gan y gyfraith, nid ydym yn derbyn nac yn do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other ysgwyddo cyfrifoldeb i neb ond y cwmni ac aelodau’r than the company and the company’s members as a cwmni fel corff, am ein gwaith archwilio, am y datganiad body, for our audit work, for this statement, or for the hwn, nac am y farn a ffurfiwyd gennym . opinions we have formed. Cyfrifoldebau ymddiriedolwyr ac archwilwyr Respective responsibilities of directors and auditors Yr ymddiriedolwyr (sydd hefyd yn gyfarwyddwyr Cyngor The trustees (who are also the directors of Wales Gweithredu Gwirfoddol Cymru at ddibenion y Gyfraith Council for Voluntary Action for the purposes of Cwmnïau) sy’n gyfrifol am baratoi’r adroddiad blynyddol Company Law) are responsible for the preparation cryno yn unol â’r gyfraith berthnasol. Ein cyfrifoldeb ni of the summarised annual report in accordance with yw adrodd ein barn wrthych chi ynghylch cysondeb y applicable law. Our responsibility is to report to you our datganiadau ariannol cryno o fewn yr adroddiad blynyddol opinion on the consistency of the summary financial cryno gyda’r cyfrifon blynyddol llawn, adroddiad yr statements within the summarised annual report with ymddiriedolwyr a’i gydymffurfiad â gofynion perthnasol the full annual accounts, the trustees’ report and its Adran 428 Deddf Cwmnïau 2006 a’r rheoliadau a wneir compliance with the relevant requirements of Section o dan y ddeddf honno. Rydym hefyd yn darllen yr 428 of the Companies Act 2006 and the regulations wybodaeth arall yn yr adroddiad blynyddol cryno ac yn made thereunder. We also read the other information ystyried y goblygiadau o safbwynt ein hadroddiad os down contained in the summarised annual report and consider yn ymwybodol o unrhyw gamddatganiadau amlwg neu the implications for our report if we become aware of any anghysondebau o bwys yn y datganiadau ariannol cryno. apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with Nid yw ein cyfrifoldebau’n ymestyn i unrhyw wybodaeth the summary financial statements. Our responsibilities do arall. not extend to any other information. Sail y farn Basis of opinion Rydym wedi cyflawni ein gwaith yn unol â Bwletin 2008/3 We conducted our work in accordance with Bulletin ‘Datganiad yr Archwilwyr ar y Datganiad Ariannol Cryno’ 2008/3 ‘The Auditors’ Statement on the Summary a gyhoeddwyd gan y Bwrdd Arferion Archwilio ar gyfer Financial Statement’ issued by the Auditing Practices ei ddefnyddio yn y Deyrnas Unedig. Mae ein hadroddiad Board for use in the United Kingdom. Our report on the ar ddatganiadau ariannol llawn y cwmni yn disgrifio sail company’s full annual financial statements describes the ein barn archwilio ar y datganiadau ariannol hynny ac ar basis of our audit opinion on those financial statements Adroddiad yr Ymddiriedolwyr. and the Trustees’ Report. Barn Opinion Yn ein barn ni, mae’r datganiadau ariannol cryno yn In our opinion, the summarised financial statements are gyson â’r cyfrifon blynyddol llawn ac ag adroddiad yr consistent with the full annual accounts and the trustees’ ymddiriedolwyr ar gyfer y flwyddyn a ddaeth i ben ar report for the year ended 31 March 2010 and comply 31 Mawrth 2010 ac maent yn cydymffurfio â gofynion with the applicable requirements of Section 428 of the perthnasol Adran 428 Deddf Cwmnïau 2006, a’r rheoliadau Companies Act 2006, and regulations made thereunder. a wnaed dan y ddeddf honno.

Grant Thornton UK LLP Grant Thornton UK LLP Chartered Accountants Cyfrifwyr Siartredig Registered Auditor Archwilydd Cofrestredig 11-13 Penhill Road 11-13 Heol Penhill Cardiff Caerdydd 14 October 2010 14 Hydref 2010 Annual Report | Adroddiad Blynyddol 2009/2010 33

IntroductionWCVA members (at 1 September 2010) 9Cyflwyniad Aelodau WCVA (ar 1 Medi 2010)

General | Cyffredinol Contact the Elderly Roy Allan Norris Co-Options Ltd Royal College of Nursing A K Palmer Creation Development Trust Sarah Herbert-Jones Abacus Credcer Credit Union Ltd Scout Enterprises Ltd Accounting for Business Crest Co-operative Ltd Single Parent Action Network - SPAN Alain Thomas Consultancy Ltd Culture and Democracy SMD Counselling Arcady Project Cwmbran Centre for Young People South Wales Police Learning Development Arena Pontardawe Cwmni Clydach Development Trust Splotlands Credit Union Arts Factory Dandelion Trust Sundance Renewables Benenden Healthcare Society - North Wales Denbighshire Voluntary Services Council Sustrans Cymru & Cheshire Donald Walters Taran Disability Forum Ltd. Big Issue Cymru Dyfed Archaeological Trust Terra De Honbres Black Voluntary Sector Network Wales Dynamix Ltd Thomas Henry Jones Breathworks Dyslexia Institute Tydfil Training Consortium Ltd Bridgend Lifesafers Credit Union Ltd Ebbw Vale Food Bank (Festival Church Trust Unite The Union - Amicus Section British Association of Social Workers - Wales Ltd) United Reformed Church (Wales) Trust Caerphilly and District Credit Union EBS Associates Ltd Upper Afan Valley Community Regeneration Cancer Research Wales Elizabeth Finn Care Forum Cardiff Concern Counselling Service Fforwm Ltd Village and Valleys Cardiff Institute for the Blind Flintshire Mental Health Advocacy Service Wales Funders Forum Cartrefi Conwy Friends of Comin Infants Wales TUC Cymru Cartrefi Cymru - Bangor Funderfinder Wellbeing Regeneration Limited Cartrefi Cymru - Bridgend GFS Platform for Young Women West Wales Biodiversity Information Centre Cartrefi Cymru - Llandrindod Wells Glasdir Women Connect First Cefn Hafod Housing Association Cefnpennar and District Welfare Association Healing and Peace Group Ltd Celtic Community Leisure Local | Lleol HYBU Limited CERED Menter Iaith Ceredigion 3 G’s Development Trust Ian Cuddy Thomas Ceredigion Care Society A Voice for You Ltd Independent Age Children’s Hospital for Wales Appeal ABCD Cymru Kaleidoscope Project Christ College Brecon Aberconwy Mind Llanarmon yn Ial Community Council Clwyd Coast Credit Union Ltd Aberdare Children’s Contact Centre Llynfi Valley Forum Clwyd Special Riding Centre Aberfan and Merthyr Vale Youth Project Love and Care for Moldova Communities First - Abercwmboi Abergavenny Mind Association Margaret Thorne CBE Communities First - Briton Ferry West Abergorki Community Hall Menter a Busnes Communities First - Caia Park Advocacy Works Menter Cwm Gwendraeth Communities First - Clydach Vale African Community Centre Menter Iaith Bwrdeistref Sirol Caerffili Communities First - Evanstown African Youth Association Menter Iaith Sir Benfro Communities First - Glanymor and Tyisha Age Concern Ceredigion Menter Iaith Sir Ddinbych Communities First - Llanion Age Concern Gwynedd a Môn Menter Maldwyn Communities First - Age Concern Montgomeryshire Mid and West Wales ME Group “Communities First - Morfa, Bridgend” Age Concern Neath Port Talbot Mid Wales Energy Agency Communities First - Penparcau Age Concern Pembrokeshire Morawelon Regeneration Partnership Communities First - Plas Madoc Age Concern Powys Newport Credit Union Ltd Communities First - Trealaw Age Concern Sir Gar Opportunity Housing Trust Communities First - Tri yn Un Alpha Business Works CIC Pain Concern Communities First - Troedyrhiw Alway Community Association Partneriaeth Ward Tudur Cyf Communities First - Upland Villages of Alzheimer’s Society Play Right Tregaron Alzheimer’s Society - Gwent Befriending Robert Owen Credit Union Ltd Communities First - Upper Amman Valley Project Rounded Developments Ltd Compass Community Care Ltd Ammanford Junior Gateway 34 Annual Report | Adroddiad Blynyddol 2009/2010

Antur Cwm Taf Tywi (ACTT) Cardiff Citizens Advice Bureau CRAFT Antur Nantlle Cyf Cardiff Community Housing Association Crossroads Care Sir Gar Antur Waunfawr Cardiff Conservation Volunteers Crossroads Caring for Carers - North Wales Anxiety Support Group Cardiff Gypsy and Traveller Project Crossroads Caring for Carers - Porthcawl Ategi Ltd Cardiff Law Centre Crossroads in the Vale (EMI) Ltd Awel Aman Tawe Cardiff Mind Cruse Bereavement Care Cardiff Awetu Cardiff Transition Project Cruse Bereavement Care North Wales Ax Music Cardigan Playscheme CSV - RSVP Barnardo’s Carmarthenshire Young Carers Cardigan Women’s Aid Cwm Harry Land Trust and Family Links Cardigan Youth Project / Area 43 Cwmdu Village Hall Committee Barnardo’s Compass Project Care & Repair Caerphilly Cwmni Penllan Development Trusts Ltd Barnardo’s Neville Street Project Carmarthen Breakthro’ “Cwmparc, Treorchy & Ynyswen Barry YMCA Carmarthen Family Centre - Ty Ni Regeneration Group” BCA Independent Advocacy Services Carmarthen Mind Cwmpark Community Association Beacon Centre Trust Cardiff Carmarthen Youth Project Cyfeillion Cae’r Gors Beacon of Hope Carmarthenshire Youth & Children’s Cyfeillion Croesor Bethel Baptist Church Association Cylch Meithrin a Ti a Fi Y Drenewydd Black Mountain Centre / Canolfan y Mynydd Catch Up Ltd Cylch Meithryn Dwylo Bach Du and Central Youth Community Cymad Cyf Blaenau Gwent Citizens Advice Bureau Project Cymdeithas Alzheimer Blaenllechau Community Regeneration Celf o Gwmpas / Arts Round About Cymryd Rhan “Blaenymaes, Portmead, Penplas Ceredigion Mobile Shopmobility Cymunedau yn Gyntaf - Bowydd a Rhiw Development Trust Ltd” Cymunedau yn Gyntaf - Pwllheli Blaina Heritage Action Group and District Mencap Cymunedau’n Gyntaf - Pen Llyn Boston Centre-Stage Chequers Youth Facility Cyswllt / Contact Brackla Organisation For Community CHOOSE LIFE - The Prisoners Initiative Denbighshire Disability Forum Activities Chooselife Drug & Alcohol Intervention Dewis Ltd Brecknock Access Group Service Dinas Powys Voluntary Concern Brecknock Wildlife Trust Christian Aid Diocese Board for Social Brecon Advice Centre Church in Wales - Diocese of Bangor Responsibility Brecon and District Contact Association Church in Wales - Diocese of St Asaph Disability Powys Brecon and District Disabled Club Citizens Advice Cymru Discovery SVS Brecon Volunteer Bureau City Centre Youth Project - Grassroots Dolen - Môn BRfm Community Radio for Blaenau Gwent Clase and Caemawr Community Partnership Domestic Abuse Safety Unit Bridgend Carers Centre Clydach Vale Commuity Centre Dowlais Community Development Forum Bridgend County Care and Repair CMIG - Supporting Mental Health Duffryn Community Link Bridgend Foodbank Coed Cadw / Woodland Trust Dulais Valley Partnership Bridges Community Centre Colwyn Bay Community Sports Dyfodol Powys Futures Britannia Community Association Communities First - Abertillery Dynamic Bronafon Community Housing Ltd Communities First - Ecodyfi Bryncynon Community Revival Strategy Communities First - Bonymaen Eisteddfod Castell Newydd Emlyn a’r Cylch Brynmawr Scene Communities First - Bro Ddyfi Ely & Caerau Parents Council Builth Wells Community Support Communities First - Castleland Equip-Wales History and Arts Centre Communities First - Cefn Fforest Partnership Estyn Llaw Buzz-AH Communities First - Felinfoel Every Link Counts C.A.L.F. Communities First - Fernhill and Glenboi F.H.I.S. C.H.A.D. Communities First - Gibbonsdown Family Awareness Drug Support CAADP / PEDEC Communities First - Holywell Family Contact Cadwyn Housing Association Communities First - Kinmel Bay Fernhill Youth Project Cae Post Ltd Communities First - Monkton Fishguard & Goodwick Young Persons Trust Caerphilly County Borough Citizens Advice Communities First - Oldford Ltd - Point Bureau Communities First - Rural North Flintshire Flintshire Mind Caerphilly Learning Festival Planning Group Communities First - South West Rhyl Flintshire Neighbourhood Watch Association Caerphilly Women’s Aid Communities First - Tonyrefail West “Forest School Swansea, Neath and Port Caerphilly Woodlands Trust Ltd Communities First - Ystradgynlais Talbot” Caia Park Partnership Ltd Community Arts Rhayader and District Foundation 14a CAM-FAN Cyf (CARAD) Friends of Duffryn Cancer Support Cynon Valley Community Kickboxing Gaer Community Centre Canolfan Cynghori Bro Ddyfi Advice Centre Community Mediation Services - RCT Garnsychan Partnership Canolfan Cynghori Ynys Môn - Caergybi Compton’s Yard Gateway Credit Union Ltd Canolfan Felin Fach Connect Resource Gellideg Foundation Group Canolfan Lon Abaty Conwy Citizens Advice Bureau Gibbonsdown Children’s Centre Cardiff & District Multiple Sclerosis Conwy Community Transport Gilfach Goch Community Association Cardiff & Vale Mental Health Dev Project Cornerstone Church (Cwmbach) GISDA Cardiff Christian Healing Ministry Cornerstone Church Swansea Trust Glyndwr Women’s Aid Annual Report | Adroddiad Blynyddol 2009/2010 35

Glyntaff Tenants and Residents Association Llanidloes Community Transport Scheme North Gwent Cardiac Aftercare Gorseinon Development Trust Llanidloes Resource Centre North Montgomeryshire Volunteer Bureau Graigfelen Residents in Action Good Neighbours North Wales Music Tuition Centres Greenhouse Ltd Llanwrtyd Community Transport North Wales Police and Community Trust Groundwork Bridgend & Neath Port Talbot Local Aid for Children and Community (PACT) Groundwork Caerphilly Special Needs Octopus Project Groundwork North Wales Longfields Association Ogmore Valley History & Heritage Society Growing Space Machynlleth Community Children’s Project Older People’s Strategy - Denbigh Grwp Cymuned Maerdy Community Centre PACTO GTFM Maesglas Community Network Partneriaeth Cymunedol Porthyfelin Cyf Gurnos After School Playclub Maesglas Family Learning Association Partneriaeth Maesgeirchen Partnership Gwelfor Community Centre Make a Change Pathways Home Gwent Epilepsy Group Marie Curie Cancer Care PCRG Gwynedd Council Communities First- Meithrinfa Meirion Cyf Pembroke 21C Community Association Barmouth Melin Homes Ltd Pembrokeshire Care and Repair 200 Ltd Gwynedd Facilatators Network Memoco Pembrokeshire Care Society Gwynedd Hospice at Home Menai Bridge Community Heritage Trust Ltd Pembrokeshire Counselling Service Haile Selassie 1st Peace Foundation Mencap Cymru Pembrokeshire Mind Hanes Llandoch Mencap Cymru - Carmarthenshire Projects Pembrokeshire Women’s Aid Hay and District Community Support Mental Health Advocacy Providers Pen yr Enfys Hay and District Dial-a-Ride Mental Health Advocacy Scheme Penarth Youth Project Help the Aged Cymru Mental Health Matters Wales Penclawdd Community Centre IT Suite Hightown Communities First Menter Bro Dinefwr Penderyn Sports Association Hold Out A Hand Menter Fachwen Penley Rainbow Centre Holyhead Opportunities Trust Menter Gorllewin Sir Gar Cyf Penrhys Partnership Home Start Carmarthen - Llanelli Menter Iaith Abertawe Penygraig Boys and Girls Club Home-Start BGR Menter Iaith Rhondda Cynon Taf House Home-Start Bridgend Menter Iaith Sir y Fflint People First Neath Port Talbot Home-Start Caerphilly Borough East Menter Llambed Cyf Person to Person Citizen Advocacy Home-Start Ceredigion Mentro Lluest Phoenix Community Furniture Scheme Ltd Home-Start County Borough of Wrexham Merlin Savers Phoenix Cymru Home-Start Cwm Rhymni Merthyr Tydfil Citizens Advice Bureau Planed - Pembrokeshire Local Action Home-Start Denbighshire Merthyr Tydfil Housing Association Network Home-Start Dinefwr Merthyr Valleys Homes Ltd Plas Cybi Partnerhip Home-Start Ely Mid Powys Mind Play Montgomeryshire Home-Start Flintshire Mind Aberystwyth Pontarddulais Partnership Home-Start Newport Mind in the Vale of Glamorgan Ponthafren Association Home-Start Model Community Matters Pontrobert Recreation Association HOPE Multiple Sclerosis Centre Moelyci Environment Centre Pontygwaith Community Centre Hospice of the Valleys Monmouth Youth Project Pontygwaith Regeneration Partnership Huggard Montgomery Community Care Project Port Talbot Mind Ieuenctyd Tysul Youth Montgomeryshire Community Regeneration Powys Carers Service Innovate Trust Association Powys Citizens Advice Bureau Interactive (Rhyl) Ltd Montgomeryshire Family Crisis Centre Powys Dance Iorwerth Rowlands Centre Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust Powys People First Josef Herman Art Foundation Multiple Sclerosis Support Centre Ltd Preseli Rural Transport Association “Kenfig Hill, Pyle and Cornelly Youth Centre” NCH Cymru Prestatyn and Rhyl Lions Club Keyring Living Support Networks Neath Citizens Advice Bureau Prince’s Trust Cymru Kids R Us Neath Mind Castell Nedd Project Sol Kings Christian Fellowship Neath Port Talbot Community Transport Prospects Knighton and District Community Support Neighbours & Residents Action Group of Radnorshire Healthy Friendships L’Arche Brecon Trowbridge Radnorshire Women’s Aid League of Friends of the Flint Community Neuadd Goffa Llansilin Memorial Hall RASCAL Hospital New Direction for Congo Raven House Trust Leonard Cheshire - Danybryn Home New FoundationsHE RAY Ceredigion Leonard Cheshire - Llanhennock Home New Horizons Mental Health and Wellbeing RCT Epilepsy Group Leonard Cheshire Disability Newlink Wales RCT Young People First Linden Church Trust Newport Access Group RDCS Links Newport Chinese Community Centre Refurbs Flintshire Llamau Ltd Newport Citizens Advice Bureau Relate Mid and West Wales Llandrindod Wells Volunteer Bureau Newport Mediation Rhayader Cricket Club Llandudno And District Credit Union Newport Mind Rhondda Community Development Llandudno Community Radio Ltd North Denbighshire Dial a Ride Association Llanfair Uniting Church North Denbighshire Domestic Abuse Service Rhondda Cynon Taff Community Arts Llanharan Recreation Ground Trust North East Wales Wildlife Ltd Rhondda Cynon Taff People First 36 Annual Report | Adroddiad Blynyddol 2009/2010

Rhondda Taff Citizens Advice Bureau Centre Welsh Crescent Rhyl Adventure Playground Association Swansea Young Single Homeless Project Welsh Initiative for Supported Employment Rhyl City Strategy Sylfaen Cymunedol Cyf West Glamorgan Council on Alcohol & Drug Rhymney Valley Young at Hearts Taff Bargoed Development Trust Abuse Ltd Rhymni Valley Mind Taff Bargoed Partnership Board West Rhyl Community Company Ltd Ringland Community Association Taff Ely Crime Prevention Panel West Rhyl Young Peoples’ Project RNIB Cymru (North Wales Office) Taff Ely Drug Support (TEDS) West Wales Action for Mental Health RSPB (UK) Talybont-on-Usk Energy Wise Up Community Home Education Group RSPB North Wales Tan y Maen Ltd Withybush Pain Support Group RSPCA Cardiff and District Branch Teenage Cancer Trust Unit Women’s Aid - Aberconwy Ruperra Conservation Trust Teifiside Beekeepers’ Association Women’s Aid - Aberystwyth Rural Outreach Service Ten Green Bottle Powys CIC Women’s Aid - Amman Valley Safer Cardiff The Business Centre Swansea Women’s Aid - Bangor and District Safer Merthyr Tydfil The Butterfly Project Women’s Aid - Cardiff Safle The Disability CAN DO Centre Project Women’s Aid - Carmarthen Samaritans - Brecon and Radnor The Gate Trust Women’s Aid - Cwm Cynon Sanctuary Counselling and Training The KIM Project Women’s Aid - Delyn School for Children with Cerebal Palsy The Lodge Women’s Aid - Llanelli Scope Cymru - Wales Partnership Area The Ragamuffin Project Women’s Aid - Lliw Valley Senghenydd Youth Drop In Centre The Rest Convalescent Hotel Women’s Aid - Monmouthshire Seren The Vanguard Centre Women’s Aid - Neath Seren Ffestiniog Cyf The Welfare Ystradgynlais Women’s Aid - Pontypridd SHARE Centre The Willows Centre Women’s Aid - South Gwynedd Shared Earth Trust The Wye and Usk Foundation Women’s Aid - Swansea Shopmobility Merthyr Tydfil Borough Theatr Ffynnon Women’s Aid - Torfaen Sian Lewis & Associates Tintern Angiddy Project Women’s Aid - Vale of Glamorgan Siawns Teg Tools for Self Reliance Cymru Women’s Aid - Wrexham Sir Gar Carmarthenshire Federation of WI’s Torfaen Citizens Advice Bureau Women’s Workshop CTC Ltd Sirhowy Tenants and Residents Association Torfaen Community Transport Wrexham Citizens Advice Bureau Skill Force Torfaen Mind Wrexham Early Years Forum Small World Theatre Torfaen Resource and Activity Centre Wrexham Hospice and Cancer Support Somali Advice and Information Centre Touch Trust Centre Foundati South Montgomeryshire Volunteer Bureau TPAS Cymru Wrexham Youth Justice Service Ltd Track 2000 Y BONT - BDRCB South Riverside Community Development Traditional Arts Support in the Community Y Ganolfan Centre Travel Everywhere Disabled & Old Age Ltd YMCA - Bargoed South Residents Association Travol Community Transport Ymlaen Ceredigion Span Arts Ltd Trawsnewid Calon Teifi Ynysybwl Regeneration Partnership SPARK Blaenymaes Tredegar Development Trust Ltd Your Voice Advocacy Project St Anne’s Hospice Trefechan Community Centre Yr Institiwt Corris St David’s Diocesan Team Plant Dewi Treharris Boys’ and Girls’ Club Ystalyfera Development Trust St John’s Community Hall Management Tri-County Play Association Ystradgynlais Volunteer Centre Committee Trigonos YWCA - Cwmafan St Kentigern Hospice Trimsaran Juniors Rugby Football Club Zimbabwe Newport Association St. David’s Children Society Ty Cwm St. Philip Evans Parish Ty Enfys Family Centre National/regional Stars Gogledd Cymru / North Wales Ty Hapus Family Centre Strata Florida 50+ Cenedlaethol/Rhanbarthol Tyddyn Mon Streets Youth Project 4 Winds User Led Association Tylorstown Welfare Hall and Institute Student Volunteering Bangor ACE Women’s Group Unllais Conwy and Denbighshire Student Volunteering Cardiff Action on Smoking and Health Urdd Gobaith Cymru Supporting Young People in Aberaeron Action Plus UK Vale Community Mediation Service Sure Start Vale of Glamorgan Adoption UK Vale of Clwyd Mind Sustainable Gwynedd Gynaladwy Adref Ltd Vale of Glamorgan Citizens Advice Bureau Swansea Care and Repair Advanced Resource Management Vale of Glamorgan Youth Forum Swansea Carers’ Centre AdviceUK Vale Volunteer Bureau Swansea CBC Advocacy Experience Valleys Furniture Recycling - Toogoodtowaste Swansea Centre For Deaf People Advocacy Matters (Wales) Valleys to Coast Swansea Chinese Community Co-op Centre Aelwyd Housing Association Viva! Swansea Citizens Advice Bureau Afasic Cymru Voice (Wrexham) Swansea Community Boat Trust After Adoption - South Wales Voluntary Action Centre Swansea Community Farm Age Cymru Voluntary Community Service Cymru Ltd Swansea Drugs Project (SAND) Age Cymru - Cardiff and the Vale of Volunteering Partnership Project Swansea Mind Glamorgan Wainfelin Area Regeneration Project Swansea Women’s Resource and Training Age Cymru - Gwent Wastesavers Charitable Trust Annual Report | Adroddiad Blynyddol 2009/2010 37

Age Cymru - Morgannwg Care for the Family Dawns TAN Dance Age Cymru - North Wales Central Carmarthenshire Association of Voluntary Deaf Access Wales Age Cymru -Swansea Services Deaf Association Wales Agoriad Cyf Cartrefi Cymru Deafblind UK AIDS Trust Cymru Catch 22 Youth Inclusion Programme Dee Valley Community Partnership Ltd. Alcohol Concern Cymru CCNUK Denbighshire Voluntary Services Council All Wales Ethnic Minority Association CEMVO Wales Diabetes UK Cymru (AWEMA) Centre for Alternative Technology Digartref Ynys Mon Ltd All Wales Forum Cerebra Disability Arts Cymru All Wales People First Ceredigion Association of Voluntary Disability Law Service Organisations Alzheimer’s Society - Wales Disability Resources Centre - North Wales Changing Faces Cymru Amelia Trust Farm Disability Wales Charities Aid Foundation Amnesty International Wales Disabled Workers Co-operative Charter Housing Anheddau Cyf Disablement Welfare Rights Chartered Institute of Housing Antur Teifi Displaced People in Action Childline Cymru/Wales ARC Addington Fund Dolen Cymru (Wales - Lesotho Link) Children and Young Peoples’ University Arc Cymru Dolen Ffermio Children in Wales Army Welfare Service Down’s Syndrome Association Christian Lewis: Children’s Cancer Charity Artes Mundi Prize Ltd Drama Association of Wales Church Army Arthritis Care in Wales Churches’ Counselling Service in Wales Arts Care Gofal Celf Drugaid Churches Tourism Network Wales ASBAH Cymru / ASBAH Cymru Dyscovery Trust Chwarae Teg Association of Charity Shops Ecodysgu-Ecolearn Citizens Advice Cymru Association of Voluntary Organisations in Eiriol Wrexham Civic Trust for Wales Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru Asthma UK Clubs for Young People Wales Electoral Reform Society Wales ATTEND Clwyd Alyn Housing Association ELITE Supported Employment Agency Ltd Autism Cymru Clybiau Plant Cymru Kids’ Club Epilepsy Bereaved Autism Initiatives UK Coal Industry Social Welfare Organisation Epilepsy Wales / Epilepsi Cymru AWNW Coalfields Regeneration Trust Esmee Fairbairn Foundation Barnardo’s Cymru Coleg Harlech WEA North Wales Eye to Eye Youth Counselling Service Bat Conservation Trust (Wales) Comic Relief Fairbridge - De Cymru BAWSO Women’s Aid Community Dance Wales Families Need Fathers Wales BBC Children in Need Wales Community Development Cymru Federation of City Farms and Community B-eat Cymru Community Development Foundation Wales Gardens Bi Cymru / Wales Community Justice Interventions Wales Federation of Disability Sports Wales (FDSW) Black Environment Network Community Matters Federation of Welsh Anglers Black Welsh Film Festival Community Music Wales Festivals of Wales Bobath Children’s Therapy Centre Wales Community Network Ffotogallery Body Positive - Cheshire and North Wales Community Projects Centre Fields in Trust Cymru Booktrust Community Transport Association Wales Firebrake Wales Breast Cancer Care Cymru Community University of the Valleys - East First Choice Housing Association Ltd Breastfriends Cardiff and Vale Contact A Family Wales Flintshire Local Voluntary Council Brecknock & Radnor Crossroads Ltd Contin You Cymru Foundation Housing Limited Bridgend Association of Voluntary Conwy Voluntary Services Council Friends Of Pedal Power Project Ltd Organisations Cotyledon Friends of the Earth Cymru British Heart Foundation Council for Wales of Voluntary Youth Services Fundraising Standards Board British Lung Foundation Crossroads Care - Wales Funky Dragon British Red Cross - Wales Cruse Bereavement Care Cymru FWAG Cymru British Wheel of Yoga Cultivations G2G Communities CIC Broli Cymraeg Trust Ltd Cwmni Acen Gate Training Ltd Brynawel House Alcohol Rehabilitation Cyfanfyd Genetic Interest Group Centre Cyfle Cyf George Thomas Hospice Care BTCV Cymru Cylch - Wales Community Recycling Ghana Union of Wales Business in the Community Wales Network Girlguides Cymru Cadarn Housing Group Ltd Cymdeithas Cyfieithwyr Cymru Gofal Cymru Caer Las Cymdeithas Tai Governors Wales CAIS - Cyngor Alcohol Information Services Cymdeithas Tai Eryri Greyhound Rescue Wales Campaign for the Protection of Rural Wales Cymorth Cymru Groundwork Merthyr & RCT Cardiff & Vale Coalition of Disabled People Cymuned Groundwork Wales Cardiff and the Vale Crossroads Cynon Taf Community Housing Group Growing Ambitions Cardiff and the Vale Parents Federation Cynon Valley Crime Prevention Association Gwalia Housing Group Cardiff People First Cyrenians Cymru Gwasanaeth Cynnal Gofalwyr Cardiff Transport Preservation Group Cytûn: Eglwysi Ynghyd yng Nghymru Gweini Care and Repair Cymru Dangerpoint Limited Gwent Association of Voluntary 38 Annual Report | Adroddiad Blynyddol 2009/2010

Organisations National Day Nurseries Association Royal National Institute for the Blind Cymru Gwent Cancer Support National Energy Action Wales Royal Welsh Agricultural Society Ltd Gwent Council on Alcohol and Drug Misuse National Federation of Women’s Institutes RSPCA Cymru Wales Gwent Wildlife Trust National Osteoporosis Society Rural Regeneration Unit (RRU) Gwerin y Coed - The Woodcraft Folk in NCH Cymru Save the Children UK Wales Neath Port Talbot Council for Voluntary Science Shops Wales, University of Hafal Service Glamorgan Hafal Seibiant New Pathways - RASASS Sense Cymru Hafan Cymru NEWI Sgowtiaid Cymru Hafod Care Association Niace Dysgu Cymru Shared Care Network Cymru Harvest Trust No 3 Welsh Wing ATC Shark Bite Ltd Headway - Cardiff NoFit State Community Circus Ltd Shaw Trust Headway - Wales North Wales Advice and Advocacy Shelter Cymru Helping Groups to Grow Association Shopmobility Cymru / Wales Helplines Association North Wales Deaf Association Show Racism the Red Card Home-Start North Wales Housing Association Sight Support Hope for Wales North Wales Mountain Rescue Association Sketty Kids Club / Sketty Summer Club Hope Rescue North Wales Training Ltd Skill Wales Housing Associations Charitable Trust NSPCC Wales Skills for Justice HyperAction Ogmore Centre Trust SKLP Samaj Women’s Group Impetus Awards/CSV One Parent Families / Gingerbread Wales SNAP Cymru In2Health Oxfam Cymru South Wales Baptist College Include P. A .U.S.E. South Wales Intercultural Community Arts Inroads (Cardiff & the Vale Street Drugs Paradise Found South Wales Mental Health Advocacy Project) Parkinson’s UK - Cymru SOVA Cymru/Wales Institute of Fundraising Cymru PAWB St David’s Hospice Institute of Rural Health Pembrokeshire Association of Voluntary St Giles Trust Services Institute of Welsh Affairs St John Cymru Wales Pembrokeshire FRAME Limited Interlink St Loye’s Foundation Penarth Arts and Crafts Ltd Journeys - toward recovery from depression St. David’s Foundation Hospice Care People and Work Unit Keep Wales Tidy Stepping Stones Perthyn Learning Disability Wales Stonewall Cymru PHA Cymru Learning Skills Wales Sustainable Wales Pilotlight Leonard Cheshire Swansea & Brecon Diocesan Council for Life Map Planners Planning Aid Wales Social Responsibility Llais y Goedwig Play Wales Swansea Council for Voluntary Service Lloyds TSB Foundation Powys Association of Voluntary Swim Cymru Organisations Macmillan Cancer Support Tai Esgyn Housing Powys Domestic Abuse Forum Mantell Gwynedd Tai Pawb Prader-Willi Syndrome Association UK Marie Curie Cancer Care Teacher Support Cymru Prestwood Residential Homes Ltd MDF The Bipolar Organisation Cymru Prime Cymru Media Trust Tenovus Princess Royal Trust for Carers Medrwn Môn Terrence Higgins Trust Cymru Prism - Mid & West Wales Alcohol and Drug Mencap Cymru The 04 Project ProMo Cymru MENFA The Adolescent and Children’s Trust Prosiect Dyslecsia Cymru / Welsh Dyslexia Meningitis Trust The Project Mental Health Foundation (Wales) The Bevan Foundation Prostate Screening Trust Mentrau Iaith Cymru The Community Foundation in Wales QWEST Merched y Wawr The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Race Equality First Merthyr and the Valleys Mind The Dystonia Society in Wales Ramblers’ Association Mewn Cymru The Fostering Network in Wales RASASC Rape And Sexual Abuse Support Mind Cymru Ctre The Friendly Trust Missing Wales Rathbone Cymru The Gateway Gardens Trust Morphious Limited RCT Homes The Guide Dogs For The Blind Association Motor Neurone Disease Association - South Re-Create The National Trust Wales Wales Refugee Voice Wales The Pernicious Anaemia Society Mountain Training Trust Relate Wales The Prince’s Trust Cymru Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin Rhieni Dros Addysg Gymraeg The Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution Multiple Sclerosis Society Cymru Rhondda Housing Association The Safe Foundation NAID Rhoserchan The Salvation Army NAS Cymru Riverside Advice The Samaritans Nat Assoc of Toy and Leisure Libraries Wales RNID Cymru The Scarman Trust National Botanic Garden of Wales ROPE The Stroke Association National Childminding Association in Wales Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health The Thomson Foundation National Council of YMCAs in Wales Royal College of Psychiatrists The Wallich Annual Report | Adroddiad Blynyddol 2009/2010 39

The Waterloo Foundation Zomi Welfare Organisation Mid and West Wales Fire Authority Theatr Fforwm Cymru National Museum and Galleries of Wales Torfaen Voluntary Alliance Private | Preifat Newport City Council - Aftercare Team Trefnu Cymunedol Cymru Newport Museum and Art Gallery AB First Response / AB Care Solutions Triangle - North Wales Offa Community Council Algebra Business Solutions Tros Gynnal Pembrokeshire County Council Business and Employment Support and TSW Training Powys County Council Turning Point CCLA Investment Management Ltd South Wales Police Museum Ty Bro Ddyfi Charity Futures Supporting Community Enterprise Ty Newydd Writing Centre Clive Scarlett The Sports Council for Wales UNA Exchange Deassartation Ltd Torfaen County Borough Council United Welsh Housing Association Duncan Foulkes Public Relations University of Wales - Lampeter Unllais North West Office Empower “University of Wales, Newport - School of Health and Social Science” Unltd Wales/Cymru Ffaldlas Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust Urdd Gobaith Cymru Fusion Sponsorship and Funding Solutions Vale Centre for Voluntary Services GKA Valley Kids Grantfinder Ltd E-Members | E-Aelodau Valleys Regional Equality Council Grayling Rokayah Abdulmajed VEGFAM Hywel Roberts Paul Addecott Veteran Horse Welfare ICP Partneriaeth Najma Ahmad Victim Support Cymru IDT Training and Education Christine Allan View / Dove Workshop Indras Net Ivy Alvarez Vision 21 - Cyfle Cymru Jobforcewales Leonard Amegashie-Quartey Vision Support Keegan & Pennykid Vivienne Archer Voices From Care (Cymru) Martin Price Associates Robert Atkins Voluntary Action Cardiff Moonflower Enterprises Sian Baron Voluntary Action Merthyr Tydfil Ncompass Suzy Barrett Voluntary Arts Wales Neil Caldwell Associates Alan Bates Voluntary Service for Peace Shine Catherine Beman Voluntary Service Overseas Wales SN Training Services Cynthia Beynon Wales and West Housing Association Stteps Hanef Bhamjee Wales Assembly of Women Su Turney Consultancy Joy Bishop Wales Co-operative Centre Ltd Telos Research Simon Blackburn Wales Council For Deaf People The Workhouse Catherine Board Wales Council for the Blind Tir Coed Duncan Boffey Wales Debating Federation TMPL Consultants Celia Bond Wales Domestic Abuse Forum Unity Trust Bank plc Ian Borland Wales Federation of Young Farmers Clubs Vasilios Boulousis Wales Mobility and Driving Assessment Andrew Bowdler Service Statutory | Statudol Kieran Bowler Wales Orthodox Mission AONB Unit - Gwynedd County Council Steve Brace Wales Pre-school Playgroups Association BBC Wales Pam Bradley Wales Rural Forum Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board Nicola Brain Welsh Books Council Big Lottery Fund Wendi Briggs Welsh Centre for International Affairs Board of Community Health Councils in Ginny Brink Welsh Council on Alcohol and Other Drugs Wales Siriol Burford Welsh Federation of Housing Associations Brecon Beacons National Park Authority Peter Bush Welsh Food Alliance Bwrdd yr Iaith Cymraeg Gareth Butler Welsh Historic Gardens Trust Caerphilly County Borough Council Paul Butt Welsh Mountain Zoo Cardiff and Vale ULHB Hilary Carberry Welsh Refugee Council Care Council for Wales Pearl Chalk Welsh Sports Association Carmarthenshire County Council Laura Chapman Welsh Tenants Federation Carmarthenshire Local Public Health Team Jackie Charlton Welsh Women’s Aid Charity Commission Barry Clarke West Wales Eco Centre Children’s Information Bureau Sean Cobley Wildlife Trusts Wales Consumer Focus Wales Mick Coleman Womens Royal Voluntary Service Conwy County Borough Council Laura Collins Workers Educational Association - South Conwy Social Care & Housing Wales Corporate Strategy Directorate Luke Copley Working Links Crown Prosecution Service Martin Cowling World Horizons Denbighshire County Council Holly Cross YMCA Wales Community College Disability Rights Commission Arthur Crump Ymddiriedolaeth Addoldai Cymru Equal Opportunities Commission Jean Cuthbert Youth Cymru Heritage Lottery Fund Curon Davies Youth Hostels Association Ltd Isle of Anglesey County Council Simon Davies 40 Annual Report | Adroddiad Blynyddol 2009/2010

Ruth Davies Bob Jackson Christine Ravenhill Stock Abbeyfield Society - Cymru Jill Davies John James Ravi Ravi Rajan Aberaeron Memorial Hall Dave Davies Annie Jenkin David Ben Rees Management Committee Jenni Davies Lisa Jenkins Geraint Rees Aberaeron Swimming Pool Caroline Davies David Jepson Darren Rees Aberdare Trefoil Guild Robert Gwyn Davin Stephanie Johns Kristen Reid Aberfan Canoe Club Monica Dennis Steve Johnson Rebecca Reitsis Aberfan Sub Aqua Club Gail Devine Romy Johnson Sam Richards Abertillery Mini and Junior RFC Keith Dewhurst Simon Jones Jackie Richards Aber-valley YMCA Walter Dickie Ian Jones Janet Roberts Aberystwyth Arts Centre Rachel Dillon Helena Jones Cathy Roberts Aberystwyth Citizen’s Advice Nick Diplock Vicky Jones Hywel Roberts Bureau Esther Ditch Morgan Jones Caroline Roberts Able Radio Richard Doylend Denzil Jones Katie Roebuck ACE Cardiff Yvonne Earl Thomas Henry Jones Rebecca Rosenthal ACIE Solomon Edu Fraser Keay Rebecca Rosenthal Active Music Services Joan Edwards Helen Kelavey David Rouse Africa Bridge Club Vikki Efford Roanna Larsen Andrew Rowlands Africa Centre Wales Blair Eko Darren Lewis Tim Rushton African Friendship Association Susan Ellis Nicola Llewelyn Colin Russell Africatrust Networks Laura Evans Howard Lord Clive Scarlett Agape Community Church Ty- Sign Carli Evans Frank Lynch Katie Searles Age Alliance Wales Miranda Evans Rick Mabey Judith Secker Agorfa Bangor Bond Scheme Lucy Evans Catherine Mahony Hannah Simpson Alopecia Areata Support Neesha Fettah Beth Maiden Susan Simpson Community Peter Fishwick Nathan McCarthy Roy Skelton Alzheimer’s Society - Crosshands Jean Forsyth Sam Mellor John Spence Alzheimer’s Society - Cecilia Francis Antonina Mendola Stephanie Stares Pembrokeshire Paul Freeman Hywel Meredydd Gareth Taylor Aman Valley Conservation O P Galpin Luke Millar Lisa Thomas Association Claire George Miftahuddin Mohammed Mike Thomas Amgueddfa Cymru Dave Green Joe Molloy Glyn Thomas Amman Valley Dementia Carers Jill Griffiths Ibrahim Oshovieu Momodu Helen Thomas Ammanford Bible Church Trust Endaf Griffiths Marc Mordey John Thomas Ammanford Miners Theatre Lynne Guy James Morgan Kim Thomas Andi Pandi’s Day Nursery S Hameso Stacey Munt Gail Thomas Anti Poverty Network Cymru Caroline Hamilton John Munton Steph Thomas APM Consultancy Nigel D Hardaker Terry Murphy Huw Thomas ARC Project (Llandeilo) Martha Harding Jo Muscat Ian Cuddy Thomas Ark Support International Gemma Hargest Sarah Mutch Amanda Thompson Ark Youth and Community David Harries Callista Ngqula Ruth Thompson Project Caroline Harries Helen Nicholls Margaret Thorne Arkwright Scholarships Trust Linda Harris Claire Nissel Fran Timmins Articulture Clive Harris Hussain Noor Pru Timperley Arts for us Vanessa Hawke Roy Allan Norris Kelly Treadwell Arts Surgery Alison Heale Jackie Owen Bethan Walilay Ashfield Action Group Simon Heaven Sally Owens Donald Walters Athlete Performance Centre Clare Henry Jane Pagler John Weaver Axis Historical Society and Newsletter Yun Yun Herbert Trevor Palmer Shane Wetton Babel Village Hall Sarah Herbert-Jones A K Palmer Caroline Whelan Backbeating Sounds Eleanor Hicks Gordon Pankhurst Victoria White Banc AFC Jan Hill Chad Patel Annette Wiles Barnardos - Flintshire Services Jennifer Hobbs-Roberts Phillip Pateman Michael Williams Barnardos - Merthyr Partnership Neil Howard Marion Pearse John Williams Barnardos - North Wales Office John Howes Cary Phillips Carol Williams Barnardos - Pembrokeshire Vicky Huelin Jessica Phipps-Harkus Mandy Wills Family Link Service Cheryl Hughes Jane Picken Mark Witrylak Barnardos - People in Gareth Hughes Jill Piercy Stella Wright Community Mark Hughes Yvonne Pillinger Hsiao-Yun Yang Barracks Field Tenants Lydia Hughes Rhiannon Powell Steven Yeo Association Marion Hughes Colin Powell @67 Communications Ltd Barry Ladies Hockey Club Lea Hughes Brian Price 104 Community House Baubo Moon Room - Glenys Hughes-Jones Elaine Pritchard 1st Cornelly Scout Group Community Belly Dance Penny Hurt James Purdue 1st Penmark with Porthkerry BCU Health Board - Denbighshire Jackie Huybs Kay Quinn 2478 (Abergavenny) ATC BD-W Annual Report | Adroddiad Blynyddol 2009/2010 41

Beacon of Hope Uganda CAFCASS - Cymru Clwb Cledlyn Club Cwmaman Public Hall and Beaufort Community Centre Calan Consultancies Clwb Ffermwyr Ifanc Ceredigion Institute Trust Beeline Community Theatre Calkadies Academy CM International Cwmbran Leg Club Bees for Development Trust Cambrian Archaeological Coetiroedd Dyfi Woodlands Cwmdauddwr Community Believe II Achieve Ltd Association Cofnod Centre Belo Rural Development Cancer Aid Merthyr Tydfil Colwyn and District Enterprise CwmNi Organisation Cancercareline Alliance Cwmni Roced Ben Reynolds Consulting Ltd. Canolfan Plant Jig-so Children’s Colwyn Bay Conservation and Cwmtillery Saracens RFC Benefice of Pontypool Centre Environment Federation Cydcoed Forestry Commission Bethel Congregational Chapel Cantref Primary School Communities First - Aberfan & Cydlynydd Partneriaethau Bettws Boys and Girls Club Carbon Mootral CIC Merthyr Vale Diogelwch Cymunedol Bettws in Bloom Environmental Cardiff - Wales Lesbian & Gay Communities First - Bettws Cyfeillion / Friends of Bro Allta Community Association Mardi Gras Communities First - Blaina Cyfeillion Theatr Felinfach Bettws Local Partnership Board Cardiff & Vale Rescue Association Communities First - Clase & Cygnor Alcohol Information Betws Family Centre (CAVRA) Caemawr Service BHFNC Loughborough Cardiff County Council Communities First - Colwyn Bay Cylch Meithrin Cywion Bach University Cardiff Dragons FC Communities First - Ely and Cylch Meithrin Llanfarian Bible Society / Cymdeithas y Cardiff SA GRoup Caerau Cylch Ti a Fi Seren Fach Beibl Cardiff Unitarians Communities First - Maeshyfryd CyMAL: Museums Archives & BIRD Charity Cardiff University Communities First - Morlo Libraries Wales Blaenau Gwent Baptist Church Cardiff University Debating Partnership Cymdeithas Cae Chwarae Blaenau Gwent Domestic Abuse Society Communities First - Pelenna Caeathro Services (BGDAS) Cardiff Yemeni Community Communities First - Tylorstown Cymdeithas Cymunedol Ystrad Bleeding Flag Theatre Company Association Communities First - Upper Dulais Meurig BPP Development Trust Cardiff YMCA Valley Cymdeithas Gwyl Plant Gwent Brakeley Ltd Cardiff YMCA Housing Communities@One Cymdeithas Hwylio a Chymdeithasol Hogia Llyn Branching Out Consultancy Association Community Action Machynlleth & District Cymdeithas Neuadd Yr Ysgol Bread ‘n’ Dripping Productions Cardigan Oxygen Therapy Centre Community Lives Consortium Cymdeithas Tai Clwyd Bread of Heaven Project Care and Repair Rhondda Cynon Community-IT.org Cymmer Afan Youth Club Breadwright Taff Computer Assistance in Cyngor Sir Ynys Mon Brecon & Glanusk Explorer Scout Carmarthenshire Counselling Cameroon Unit Cynon Valley Citizens Advice Service Connaught plc Bureau Brecon and District Credit Union Carmarthenshire Federation of CONNECT Disability Rights Damauli Unesco Club Bridge Mentoring Plus Scheme Young Farmers Advice Daniel James Community School Bridgend and District Cartref Dyffryn Ceiriog Leonard Connected Youth & Community DANSA Ltd Horticultural Society Cheshire Home Project DapperFM Management Bridgend and District YMCA Casc-Aid Community Action Connecting Learners in 3rd Committee Bridgend CBC Group Sector (North & Mid Wales) Dash Bridgend Citizens Advice Bureau Castell Photography Contact the Elderly Dawns I Bawb Bridgend College Cathays Methodist Church Conwy Children and Young Denbigh Music Festival Bridgend County Borough CCI People’s Partnership Denbighshire Care and Repair Council Cefn Hengoed After-School Club Conwy County Access Group Denise Hughes Bridgend County Civic Charity Celtic Archers Conwy Volunteer Centre Deri Regeneration Group Bridgend People First Celynen Collieries Workmen’s Cooking For Pleasure Deudraeth Cyf British Dyslexia Association Institute Cor Meibion Morlais Development Trusts Association British Polio Fellowship Central and Eastern European Cornist Area Residents Wales British Red Cross Association Association Dewin y Delyn British Red Cross - North Wales Centre For Alternative Cornonation Hall - Dale Generations Diabetes UK Cymru British Waterways Coterie Ltd Centre for Performance Research Disabilities and Self Help (DASH) Briton Ferry Library Council for Education in World Ltd Disabled Drivers’ Association Briton Ferry Sports Association Citizenship Ceredigion County Council Llanelli Broomfield & Alexander Countryside Council for Wales Ceredigion Domestic Abuse Dolau Youth Club CPD Trefor Brunel Manor Forum Doorway Youth Information Craft in the Bay Brynteg Community House CIC Charity Bank Centre Create a Future Brynteg Village Football Club Charity Commission - Wales Dowlais Male Choir Creative Rural Communities Bus Users UK In Wales Office Down to Earth Crickhowell Volunteer Centre Business in Focus Chepstow Mens Hockey Club Duffryn Bellydancing Group Croes Sgwar SDC C.H.A.D. Child and Adolescent Mental Duffryn Infant School Croeserw Community CADMHAS Health East Clwyd Riding Club Association Caerphilly 50+ Forum Christian Youth Outreach Eastside Family Support Project Crossroads Care Sir Gar Caerphilly Care for Carers Ltd Cilan Galleries Ebbw Vale and District Cruisers Talysarn Caerphilly Youth Service City and County of Swansea Development Trust Cruse Caerphilly Caerwnon Park Residents Social Tourism Dept Echo Stow Hill CSV Club City of Newport Swimming Club Eich Dewis Chi Your Choice Cultural Concerns Caewathan Community Centre CLIC Sargent Eileen Murphy Consultants Cwmafon Hornets A B C CAF Southern Africa Clwb Caredig - Clwb ar ôl Ysgol ELECT 42 Annual Report | Adroddiad Blynyddol 2009/2010

Elenydd Hostels Golygfa Gwydyr Kidz Kraze Elim Cynon Valley Church Gower Bird Hospital Kilgetty Cricket Club Employment Opportunities for People with Grasslands Trust Kinmel Bay & Towyn Sports & Rec Assc Disabilities Grassroots Cymru Kinokulture Enable Employment & Training Service Greener Wales Kyber Colts Amateur Boxing Club Enfys Foundation Greenfield Community Karate La Folia Ltd Enterprise Development Associates Greets Green Community Enterprises Lampeter Womens Workshop Epilepsy Action Groundwork Wrexham & Flintshire Learning Through Landscapes Cymru Epilepsy Wales / Epilepsi Cymru Grwp Gwalia Cyf Legal and General Erlas Victorian Walled Garden Project GSP Community Regeneration Partnership LGBT Wrexham and District Erwood Market Hall Guest Memorial Bowls Club Life Acupuncture Estuary Voluntary Car Scheme Guiding Cymru - Central Glamorgan Light2digiart Evangelical Alliance Wales Guillain-Barre Syndrome Support Group Limechapel Residents Association EYST Gwallgofiaid Cyf Lindisfarne Home for the Elderly Fair Trade Wales Gwyl Cilcain Liverpool Life Coaching Family Friends for 5’s to 11’s Gwynedd County Council Living Stones Family Mediation Cardiff Gwynfe Community Hall Association Llandeilo Indoor Bowls Centre Family Mediation NCH Cymru Hafal - Cardiff Llandovery Old Age Pensioners Association FAN Groups Hafal - Powys Llandudno Multidisability FC Farm Crisis Network Hafod Youth Action Group Llandysul Family Centre Fernhill Association of Residents Hanover Court Residents Association Llanelli Citizens Advice Bureau Film Agency for Wales HASWC Llanelli Youth Theatre Fishguard Arts Society HAUL Llanfair Village Hall Committee Fishguard Sea Cadet Corps (Unit 142) Haven Home Care Llanfihangel Rhos y Corn Community Assoc. Flintshire 50+ Advisory Group Hawarden Camera Club Llanfyllin Community Church Flintshire Citizens Advice Bureau - Mold Hay Town Council Llangenny School Hall Restoration Fund Flintshire County Council Haylemma Centre Ltd Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod Flintshire Volunteer Centre Hazina Llanharan Community Development Project Flying Start Office Health Network Development Project Llansteffan Community Council Follow Your Dreams Ltd Health Promotion Library Llanvapley Sports and Social Organisation Foothold Regeneration Ltd Hearts and Hands Llanwenarth Baptist Church Forestry Commission Hendredenny Park Primary School Llanybydder Hockey Club ForUs Association Local Aid Buddies Project Fostering Network Wales Hendredenny Park Primary School Youth LSCG Club Associa Friends of Candy Stripes Day Nursery Ltd LTL Connect Hendref Building and Preservation Trust Friends of Community Focus Schools Mach Fringe Henna Foundation Friends Of Erwood Station Maesteg Citizens Advice Bureau Henwaun Street Allotment Friends of Hafod Wen Magdalene Foundation Highlights Video Production Friends of Llangollen International Music Maindee Festival Association Hijinx Theatre Friends of the National Orchestra of Wales Margam Youth Centre History Matters Friends of the Newport Ship Mathias Agency Holyhead & District Round Table Friends of the Parish Church of All Saint MATRA Home Accident Prevention in Wales Friends of Tonypandy Community College Mawr Development Trust Hope37 Youth Trust Friends of Tredegar Comprehensive School MEIC Cymru Horizon International Friends of Trinity Fields School and Resource Melin Junior School Howey Church in Wales Primary School G.R.S. (Care) Ltd Menai Bridge Scouts and Guiding HUTS G4S Mencap Cymru Imagematch Gaer Association Football Club Meningitis Research Foundation ImpACT Coalition Galaxy Theatre Arts Mensana Group Impact Schools Team Galon Uchaf and Penydarren Communit Menter Aberteifi Assoc In2Action Cymru Menter Iaith Blaenau Gwent, Torfaen a Garth Youth & Community Project Insight Social Research Ltd Mynwy Garw Valley Community Council Institute of Public Relations Cymru Merthyr Cynog Village Hall Garw Valley Garden History and Heritage Integra Community Living Options Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council Trust Inter Penarth AFC Merthyr Tydfil Institute for the Blind Garw Valley Railway International Reiki Federation Merthyr Youth Creative Development Project Gatehouse J4B Mess Up The Mess Theatre Company Girl’s Brigade - South Wales Region James Whale Fund for Kidney Cancer MHA Care Group Glamorgan Federation of Young Farmers’ Jigsaw Counselling Service Milestone Activities Clubs JP Training Milford Haven Port Authority Glasu Kaleidoscope Theatre Company Mind Consultancy Global Rescue Services Kenfig Hill and Pyle Bowls Club Miskin Regeneration Trust Glyngaer Primary School Kenshole Children’s Centre Miskin Safety, Crime & Prevention Gofal A Thrwsio Gwynedd Cyf Kensington Baptist Church Mo*Lo Going Public Kiddy Winus Day Nursery Mold Players Annual Report | Adroddiad Blynyddol 2009/2010 43

Monmouthshire GreenWeb Pakistani Parents Association Rhondda Breast Friends Monty Kidz Respite Care Trust Park House Financial Services Rhondda Cynon Taff Carers Support Project Morlan - Canolfan Ffydd a Diwylliant Partneriaeth Masnach Deg Môn Fairtrade Rhondda Cynon Taff County Borough Morriston Primary PTA P’ship Council Mountain Music Association Peace Mala Rhondda Indoor Bowls Club Junior Section MTCBC - Community Education Service Pearls Trust Rhondda Paddlers Multiple Sclerosis Society - Wrexham PeBel Residents’ Association Rhondda Radio Multiple Sclerosis Support Centre - North Pelenna Valley Male Voice Choir Rhuddlan Environment Group Wales Pembrokeshire College Rhyl Community Agency Murton Methodist Church Pembrokeshire Darwin Science Festival Rhyl Youth Action Group Muslim Youth Wales Pembrokeshire Federation of YFC’s Right from the Start Myrtle House Pembrokeshire Real Nappy Network Ringland Art Group NAAPS Cymru Pembrokeshire Voluntary Transport Risca United AFC Nantyffyllon Youth Club Pembrokeshire Volunteer Centre RISE Learning Development Initiative National Assembly for Wales Pembrokeshire Youth Bank Riverside Park Tenants Association National Association for Colitis & Crohn’s Penarth & District Stroke Support Group Rock UK Disease Pencader and District Regeneration Group Rogerstone Primary School PFA National Childbirth Trust Pencader Family Centre Romani Cultural and Arts Company National Confederation of Parent Teacher Pendoylan Parish Houses Charity Rotary Club of Briton Ferry Associations Pensychnant Foundation Rowan Organisation National Old Age Pensioners Association Pentre Gwyn and Coed-y-Bryn Association Royal National Mission to Deep Sea National Public Health Service for Wales Pentwyn Youth Club Fishermen National Union of Students Penywaun Enterprise Partnership Ruabon Parish Church NATUR, Sefydliad Rheolaeth Cefn Gwlad a Peter Kirkup Rubicon Dance Chadwraeth Philharmonia of North Wales Rural North Flintshire Family Centre NCH Cymru - Penywaun Family Centre Pill Bank Lane Community Action Group Ruthin Show Society Neath Afan Gymnastic Club Plaid Cymru Safer Caerphilly Neath Amateur Operatic Society Plant Dewi (St David’s DCSR) Safety and Facilities for Equestrians Neath and District Sea Cadets Play Radnor Salsa Wales Neath Port Talbot District Sports Council Pobl y Fforest Samba Bermo Neath Port Talbot Youth Offending Team Polish Housing Society Ltd Samba Tawe Neath Schools Rugby Pontardawe Acoustic Music Club SARA N-ERGY Group Ltd Pontardawe Air Training Corps SAS Neuadd Bentref Cwmllinau Pontyates Welfare Association Scout Association - The Welsh Scout Council Neuadd Goffa Penrhyndeudraeth Pontygwaith Community Centre Sea Cadet Corps TS Cardiff Unit No 68 New Dawn House Pontypridd Telecentre and Business School SEEF New Sandfields & Aberafan - Sustainable SEF-CYMRU Generation Port Talbot Town Cricket Club Self Protection Academy New Tredegar Integrated Children’s Centre Porthcawl Athletic Association Sennybridge Squirts New Welsh Review Powys Children and Young People’s Partnership Sheep Music Ltd Newpart Powys Mediation / Cyfryngu Powys Shiloh Pentecostal Fellowship Trust Newport County Borough Council Presbyterian Tabernacle Chapel Shin-gi-tai Aikido Society Newport Housing Trust Presteigne and Norton Community Support Shirenewton Community Council Newport Paths Group Presteigne Shire Hall Museum Trust Sikh Association - South Wales Newport Students’ Union Prince’s Trust Carmarthen Sindhura Newydd Housing Association - Valleys Office Promoting Independence Skin Care Cymru Noddfa Chapel Community Project Ltd PRP Training SMP Playgrounds Ltd North Clwyd Animal Rescue PRT - Pembrokeshire Carers Centre Society North Coast Church Public Interest Research Centre Ltd Social Education & Environmental North East Wales Dance Pypedau Vagabondi Puppets Development North Wales Carers’ voice QED - UK Social Enterprise Network Torfaen North Wales Chinese School Quarry Villages Key Fund Social Interface North Wales Chrysalis Trust Radio Tircoed Social Services Inspectorate for Wales North Wales Medical Trust Radnorshire Wildlife Trust -Llandrindod Wells SOLAS Cymru Ltd North Wales Society for the Blind - Bangor Railfuture (South Wales) Somali Integration Society North Wales Superkids Reach Somali Youth Association North Wales Wildlife Trust Real Ideas Organisation Soundscape Northern Marches Cymru Recovery Cymru South East Wales Racial Equality Council Northop Hall Pavilion Relate - North Wales South Gloucestershire Council Oakdale Comprehensive School Relate Cymru South Indian Cultural Centre Oasis Cardiff Resolven Building Blocks South Wales MS Centre Objective 1 Team BCBC Rest Bay Lifeguard Club South Wales Police Communities & Olive Branch RGT Network partnership Dept Opportunity to Fend for the Elderly South Wales Sea Cadets (Uganda) Rhia Jones South Wales Volunteer Manager Forum Orbit Theatre Rhondda & Taff Ely Young Carers Project 44 Annual Report | Adroddiad Blynyddol 2009/2010

South West Rhyl Communities First The Women’s Workshop C T C Ltd Welsh Centre for International Affairs SOVA Cardiff Theatre in the Community Welsh Equine Council Special Friends Unite Ltd Third Sector Development and Training Welsh Folk Dance Society Spectacle Theatre Company Thorn Hill Athletic Football Club Welsh Free Flight Federation Spice (formerly WICC) Time Banking Welsh Gymnastics Ltd Spitalgate Church of England Primary school Tonmawr Darts Welsh Hockey Union Ltd Splott Communities First Tonna RFC Junior Section Welsh Independent Living Foundation Splott Community Solutions TOPIC House Welsh Kidney Patients Association Splott Residents Association Torfaen Community Enterprises Welsh Music Foundation Sport Wales / Chwaraeon Cymru Torfaen Peoples First Welsh Sinfonia Promotions St Albans RF Sports & Social Club Torfaen Sports Development West Glamorgan Archive Service St Catherine’s Church Torfaen Women’s Aid West Glamorgan Lawn Tennis Association St David’s Foundation Trackside Management Project West Wales European Centre St Dogmaels Gallery Trecwn Community Centre Project Whitland Memorial Hall St John Ambulance - Bridgend Tredegar Corps of Drums Whitmore Bay Surf Life Saving Club St John Ambulance - Mid Wales Region Tredegar Ironsides Rugby Football Club Whizz-Kidz St John Ambulance - Ystalyfera Trefgarn Owen Village Association Wildmill Community Life Centre St John Lloyd PTFA Trelai Youth Centre Women in Tune St Joseph Community Development Trinity University Womens Aid Association Ty Fforest Community House Women’s Aid - Aberystwyth St Margaret’s Church Hall Project Tywyn Model Railway Club Women’s Aid - Amman Valley St Mary’s Hostel UK Playwork Women’s Aid - Brecknock St Mary’s Catholic Church Undeb Cymru a’r Byd Women’s Aid - Port Talbot and Afan St Melons Community Education Centre Undercurrents Women’s Aid - Swansea St Michaels Centre (Abergavenny) Unica Solutions Women’s E-Village St Paul’s Toddlers United Reformed Church - Wales Synod Woodland Trust (UK) St Peters Church in Wales United Welsh Housing - Cardiff Woodlands Avenue Community Association St Vincent de Paul Society North Wales University of Wales Bangor Workers Educational Association St Woolos Cathedral Rescue Appeal University of Wales Institute of Cardiff WorldIMG Stori Pen Cyf (UWIC) WPPA - RCT Street Soccer Wales Urbanlandscapes Wrexham Adventure Playground Association Sustainable Denbighshire Vale of Glamorgan Artists Wrexham Amputee Self Help Alliance Sustainable Swansea Valeplus Wrexham County Borough Council Swansea Access For Everyone Valeways Wrexham Family Information Service Swansea and Brecon Diocesan Board of Valley and Vale Community Arts Ltd Wrexham Sustainability Forum Finance Vi-Ability Educational Programme XLWales Swansea Children Matter Victim Support - Flintshire Y Faenol Cyf Swansea County Borough Council Victim Support - Gwent Yellow Wales Swansea Neath Port Talbot Crossroads Victim Support - North Wales Yemeni Community Association Swansea Voluntary Action Centre Victim Support - Powys YMCA Hirwaun Swansea Womens Aid VIP Drama Ymddiriedolaeth Tyddyn Bach Trust Swansea YMCA VISIT Ymlaen Glyncoch Swimming Dragon School of Sun Style Tai Voluntary Arts Network Ynys Mon Council Economic Development Chi Wales Assembly of Women Brecon Branch Ynysdawley Playing Fields Association Systems Advocacy Service Denbighshire Wales Centre for Health Ynyshir and Wattstown Communities First Taff Housing Association Wales Co-operative Development and Ynyshir Parents & Teachers Association Talbot Community Centre Training Ynysybwl Community Project Talking Hands Youth Club for Deaf Wales Environment Link Yo!Maz Tall Ships Youth Trust Young Music Makers of Dyfed Tata Institute of Social Sciences Wales Pre-school Providers Association Youth Connections Teen Challenge Wales Strategic Migration Partnership Youth Space Telynau Teifi Cyf Walsall MBC Youth Venture Trust The College, Ystrad Mynach Walsingham Longfields Ysgol Beulah The Health and Well Being Project Warren Woods Ltd Ysgol Steiner Nant-y-Cwm Steiner School The Parade ESOL Service Warwick Emanuel PR Ysgol Y Berllan Deg Primary School The Prince’s Trust Volunteers Cardiff Watts Gregory LLP Ystalyfera Health and Well Being Centre The Quilt Organisation WEFO Ystrad Meurig Youth Club The Recycle Lady Eco Store Wellsprings Fellowship Ystrad Mynach Netball Club The Salvation Army - Barry Welsh Assembly Governmemt Ystrad Re-Use Community Furniture Project The Salvation Army - South and Mid Wales Welsh Assembly Government - Community Ltd Division Safety Division Ystradgynlais Mind The Southern XL’s Welsh Association of ME & CFS Support Ystradgynlais RFC Junior Rugby Club The Stroke Association - North Wales Welsh Auxiliary Corps Legion of Frontiersmen YWCA - England and Wales The Ultimate Stage Company Welsh Badminton Union Ltd The Winding House Friends and Volunteers Welsh Border Community Transport Finding fundraising Ydy codi arian yn a headache? codi cur pen…? Well, don’t reach Wel peidiwch ag for the aspirin just estyn am yr asbirin yet. 3to3.org.uk is an eto. Mae 3i3.org.uk online marketplace for yn farchnadle arlein i voluntary groups to grwpiau gwirfoddol sell their products and werthu eu cynnyrch a’u services to fellow gwasanaethau i aelodau sector members. eraill o’r sector. With ads placed in both English Mae hysbysebion Cymraeg and Welsh, 3to3 allows your a Saesneg yn cael eu rhoi ar organisation to sell almost 3i3 ac mae’n galluogi eich anything you like, from mudiad i werthu unrhyw beth stationary to training services, bron, o ddeunyddiau swyddfa venue hire to clothing… i wasanaethau hyfforddi, o logi whatever generates income. lleoliadau i brynu dillad…beth It’s simple to use and a great bynnag sy’n cynhyrchu incwm. way to provide new revenue Mae’n hawdd ei ddefnyddio ac streams. yn ffordd wych o greu ffrydiau If you’re a WCVA member, refeniw newydd. you will be eligible to use this Os ydych chi’n aelod o WCVA, fantastic service. byddwch yn gymwys i ddefnyddio’r gwasanaeth gwych hwn.

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Registered charity number / Elusen gofrestredig 218093 For further information on WCVA’s activities I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am weithgareddau and membership details, WCVA ac am fanylion aelodaeth, visit www.wcva.org.uk, contact the ewch i www.wcva.org.uk, cysylltwch â WCVA Helpdesk, 0800 2888 329, Lein Gymorth WCVA, 0800 2888 329, [email protected] or text 07797 805628 [email protected] neu testun 07797 805628

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