


shop Season; Freshmen 7777 -.7 W7i.:".."7---7...r4.tteFF:fe.•" By RICHARD SMITH, Show Up Well. Campus Political Writer. The four entrants in Allegheny's Three one act plays were presented political race are just about to round in the Allegheny Playshop on Satur- the turn which marks the first lap in day evening as a part of the Home- a presidential derby that will end in coming program. The casts, composed the great rally and straw vote of No- of several new actors from the Fresh- vember 7. From the press box, it ap- man Class, as well as many with for pears that the massive, lumbering G. mer experience in the Playshop, play eel 0. P. elephant with the brilliant to a full and enthusiastic house. Sturges Cary as jockey is out in front The settings and casts for the three and on the inside. Bill Boetcker, on productions were as follows: whom the Socialists have placed their "A Minuet," by Louis N. Parker. money, is plugging doggedly on the The scene for this play was laid in a leader's heels and worying him oc- cell of the Conciergerie, Paris, during casionally with the flaming torch, the the French Revolution. The cast con- symbol of the Thomas advocates. sisted of Miss Jean Holman, Mr. Har- "Long Ears," the pride of the Demo- old Crook, and Mr. William Boetcker. crats and Tammany's pet, ridden by The scene for the second play, "Dust Sanford Corcoran, finds the track not of the Road," by Kenneth S. Goodman, to his liking and is lagging behind a was in the cottage of Peter Steele, a WIENER SAENGERKNABEN bit. Bringing up the rear, but appar- character, on the night before Christ- ently possessing great stamina, is the Student and faculty representatives mas. The players were Mr. Donald "dark horse" runner, Harry Thom- opened a vigorous sales campaign for Murray, Miss Jean Holman, Mr. Wil- Pill DELTA THETA WINS son, Communist. This latter is a the annual College-Community Lecture- C. RAY HANSEN liam Boetcker, and Mr. Bramer Cafl- picturesque figure with his red rib- DELTA S16111A RHO CUP Concert Course tickets at the begin- bons, nd threats to gather speed by son. ning of this week. The sale of tickets A stage half set for an early morn- the use of rockets. will end with the appearance of the ing rehearsal is the setting for the Corcoran's Speech Gives Phi Women for Hoover. HOMECOMING ALUMNI Wiener Saengerknaben, the first num- Backed by the steam-roller machine last, "The Pot Boiler," by Alice Ger- Delts Permanent Possession ber on the course, on Nov. 11. at Hulings Hall, and especially pow- --- stenberg. The cast for this play was of Loving Cup. With a subscription of 300 students erful in Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Phi composed of Mr. Edward Stainbrook, their aim, representatives in the vari- Dance Climaxes First Annual Mr. Paul Grant, Mr. Robert Brake- Delta Theta, Boss Cary's Hoover cam- Sanford W. Corcoran, speaking on ous fraternities and dormitory proc- man, Mr. Gale Engle, Mr. David Smith, paigners are confident of victory. Es- 'Alumni Week' Program; "The New Kaldron Policy", retired tors are busy selling the lecture-course Mis Charlotte Merwin, Miss Kathryne timating his strength at about 200, Large Attendance. from circulation and presented to Phi tickets at $1.50 each. No tickets will Miller, and Mr. Richard Clarke. the Republican head has planned a Delta Theta as a permanent possession be sold for individual numbers, and The success of these productions, giant mass demonstration in the gym- Allegheny College's experiment to the silver loving cup awarded each absolutely no course tickets will be the first to be presented in the Play- nasium at seven o'clock tonight. re-educate its alumni, Alumni College year by Delta Sigma Rho in an Ex- sold after Nov. 11. The program for shop this year, was to a great extent Speakers will include the notable Week, was concluded last Saturday, temporaneous Speaking Contest. Pre- the entire course will not be announc- due to the work and direction of Miss sophomore campaigners and citizens, with the annual Homecoming Day. vious triumphs had been scored for ed until the first number. Alice Spalding and Mr. John Hulburt, Norman Olson and Elliott "Buck" Record crowds of graduates, students Phi Delta Theta by Robert Ruther- The course committee for this year who were assisted by large production Jones—both men of forensic ability. and towns-people attended each num- ford in 1927 and by L. Bramer Carlson is headed by Mrs. A. V. Leberman and and business staffs. Socialists Powerful. ber of the well-planned program which in 1931. is composed of Rev. F. J. Kennedy, Backed by Beta Upsilon almost to a featured prominent alumni and Alle- Mr. Corcoran presented his subject pastor of Stone Church; Mr. H. 0. man, and including such powerful and gheny professors. Rules for Women's in a clear and concise manner, first Davidson, manager of the Viscose Co., influential campus politicians as Bra- Mead Gives First Address. explaining his position as Class Editor Prof. Morten J. Luvaas, head of the mer Carlson, Norman Lauffenburger, Gilbert Wilcox Mead, Allegheny '11, Contest Announced of the last Kaldron, and how he had department of music here; and I. R. Ross Brown, Paul Teaman, Art Craw- present Dean of Birmingham Southern acquired the position through a fra- Beiler, professor of Bible and philos- ford, Clare Skinner, Ruth Crawford, College, opened the program on Tues- The sororities and the non-sorority ternity connection. Then, last year, ophy. and others, the Thomas supporters are day, October 18, with his address on group will choose, in the near future, a new policy was instituted by which The Wiener Saengerknaben are cer- their representatives to compete -in relying chiefly upon the male vote, of "The Cultural Idea in College Educa- the editors should be elected on the tain to prove one of the features of the Intersorority Extemporaneous which they already control more than tion". Contending that the principal basis of merit alone—a radical change the course. Their visit here, which Speaking Contest, to be sponsored by a hundred. With regard to the apathy business of the liberal arts college heartily supported by the speaker. will probably prove to be a 24 hour Delta Sigma Rho, honorary forensic of women to his cause, Boetcker said should be to provide the broad cultural one, is being anticipated with much fraternity, on Monday, October 31st, He then continued with a confession in an interview: "Since the majority basis upon which specialized training enthusiasm, and plans are under way during chapel hour. of a lack of knowledge concerning the of the co-eds at Allegheny come from can be built and not to train men in for the entertainment of the youthful During the two years of women's particulars of the new Kaldron policy, families where they have ingrained in either specialized or professional lines, singers. When they leave here they them the fundamental principles of the competition, Alpha Chi Omega, repre- but explained that as a knowledge of Dean Mead said, in part: "The college will travel west, arriving in Chicago sented in 1930 by Miss Adele Ely and facts as to how the Kaldron was run capitalistic system and point the way should provide for cultural individual- will give a concert with a special more conservative than the men stu- in 1931 by Miss Dorothy Holsinger, last year was not a requisite of an !sm and abolish the rubber stamp type about Nov. 17, where, incidentally they has carried off first honors. Since editor, it could not be expected that dents." of preparation. A college should train, Since Emperor Maximilian founded Tomorow night the Socialists will the silver loving cup must be won a layman be able to explain the new not the memory, but the mind. It teacher-student admission rate of $1.10. rally in the Gym, where Bill Boetcker three years by one chapter before it policy. In pointing out the drastic should provide an interchanging of the Vienna Boys' Choir in 1498, they and Bramer Carlson will denounce the becomes a permanent possession, com- change in the election of editors, how- ideas; an independent forming of have kept intact, maintaining a stand- capitalistic systm and point the way petition for this year's contest promises ever, he pointed out the main feature ideas; and a deep understanding of ard which has more than satisfied to recovery through Norman Thomas. to be keen. of the new policy, and blamed the stu- human nature. This means that a millions of Europeans, continental Anticipating trouble from hecklers, The rules governing the contest are dent body for their inability to de- college should provide a curriculum Boss Boetcker refused to disclose the as follows: cently manage their own affairs, fbr kings and presidents, and which was which will make possible self-develop- topics which his campaign generals (1) Delta Sigma Rho Extempor- when a change was necessary, the stu- high enough to merit the special com- ment and the formation of positive be- aneous Speaking Contest is open to dents had to turn to the administra- mendation of the Pope. They are mak- will discuss. liefs, independently arrived at through Democrats Bide Time. one representative of each sorority and tion. He concluded with a plea for ing their first American tour this year. a knowlege of the history and philos- Sanford Corcoran, with the charac- one representative of the ungrouped some Allegheny spirit that "would en- The program of the Saengerknaben sophy of the world." teristic Democratic sense of humor, women. able us to manage our own affairs de- for the coming' concert is as follows: of which Roosevelt is so proud, laughs Attorney Exposes Gangland. (2) Any student elected to Delta cently and sensibly". When this is PART I. at the Socialist and Republican scram- C. Ray Hansen, former Prosecutor Sigma Rho, whether initiated or not, done, he said, more radical changes Doerfchen (A Hamlet), Franz Schubert ble to "get pins on every student." out an increase in the production of is by virtue of such election, barred than occurred last will be instituted. 1797-1828). "The sensible students are adopting gram on Wednesday with a short talk from participation. Arthur Crawford, of Beta Upsilon, Chorus of the Messengers of Peace a watch and wait policy. It is these on "The Scientific Evasion of Justice" (3) Previous winners of contest presented the second best spech in a from "Rienzi", Richard Wagner men who hold off to the last that we at the noon chapel, and an address are barred from participation. discusion of the Music Department, (1813-1883). want. We select our men," the Demo- that evening on "Government and (4) A cup will be awarded the win- and Elliott Jones, representing Sigma Zion hoert die Waechter singen cratic leader explained in an inter- Gangland". In each of these talks, ner of the contest. Alpha Epsilon, placed third with his (Zion hears the Watchers sing), view Monday night. The Democratic Mr. Hansen emphasized the threat of (5) Speeches shall be three (3) min- talk on the Change of Curriculum. Dietrich Buxtehude (1637-1707). organized crime, which is foreign to mass meeting next Thursday night utes in length. The speakers in the order of their Ascendit Deus (Quintet a capella), many, but which affects practically will find many converted Republicans One hour before the contest begins, appearance, were as follows: Elliot Jacobus Gallus 1550-1591). everyone in the United States. and Socialists in its ranks, "Sandy" is each competitor will draw for a place Jones, Sigma Alpha Epsilon; George Four Folksongs: Schlafe mein Pnintz- confident. Art of Biography. of speaking and a specific topic. These Maynard, Non-Fraternity; Charles chen, Flies; Jubilate, Fried- Communists Promise Fireworks. Dean Gilbert Wilcox Mead appeared topics are selected by faculty mem- Kutz, Beta Kappa; Edward Stainbrook, rich Burkhart; Aber Heidschi; Der Seated in his quiet attic study, Har- for the second time on the program bers of Delta Sigma Rho, and are all Alpha Chi Rho; Franklin Robblee, Jaeger aus Kurpfalz. ry Thompson, Communist leader, with an address Thursday evening on concerned with campus life and prob- Phi Kappa Psi; Frank Helfrich, Delta Intermission of 7,5 Minutes, (Continued on Page 2) "The Art of Biography". He pointed lems. Following the drawing of topics, Tau Delta; Arthur Crawford Beta Up- PART out an increase in the production of each contestant will prepare her speech silon; Ronald Gregg, Phi Gamma Del- Bastien and Bastienne, Opera by Wolf- Classical and History Clubs. biographies during recent years, and in a room where only writing mater- ta; and Sanford Corcoran, Phi Delta gang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791), Both the Classical and History and explained the cause of interest 1;1 this ials are available. All reading and Theta. Entire Ensemble (in costume). Political Science Clubs will begin the art to be a new method in writing. other research work must be done be- Intermission of 15 Minutes year's work on November 1, when they fore specific topics are announced. As PART III. Robertson Gives Chapel Talk, TWO FRESHMEN WIN will hold their first meetings. Andrew W. Robertson, Allegheny it is practically imposible to make a Finale from "The Magis Flute", W. A. The Classical Club is planning to '06, Chairman of the College Board of comprehensive study of the general MUSIC SCHOLARSHIPS Mozart. celebrate this year the 35th anniver- Trustees, spoke in the regular ses- topic, the talks are quite truly extem- Spinning Song from "The Flying sary of its founding. The first meet- sion of Chapel on Friday, using as his poraneous. Robert Bright and Bruce Fyrc, Alle- Dutchman", Richard Wagner. ing will be in charge of the faculty topic, "Thoughts on Making a Living". gheny freshmen, won $25 scholarships Engelterzett (Angels' Trio), M. Men- members, Professor Elliott, Professor Mr. Robertson, as Chairman of the GERMAN CLUB INITIATES to the Pennsylvania College of Music delssohn. Ross and Mr. McDermott, and will Board of the Westinghouse Electric 'ELEVEN NEW MEMBERS in a contest held by the music college Halleluja, Fr. Burkhart, deal with books pertaining to Latin and Manufacturing Company, is a na- Der Deutsche Verein, formerly called last week. Bright, a pianist, was se- Four Folksongs: Es hat sich halt and Greek. tionally known business executive the German Club, initiated eleven new lected from a group of five competi- eroeffnet—Es wollt' em n Jaegerleln The History and Political Science and has recently been honored by members on. Tusday evening, October tors; Fye, a violinist, was the fortun- jagen, Fritz Krull; Der Tanz (The Club will have Open Forum meetings l President Hoover, who appointed him 13, in Hulings Hall. ate one in a group of six. Both boys Dance), Franz Schubert; Der Wan- this year, in which the topic of the as Chairman of the national commit- Charles Bartberger, Betty Bright are from Oil City. dered in der Saegemeuhle (The Wan- speaker's address will be discusseci. tee on industrial rehabilitation. Marian Clarke, Reid Clark, Ruth Jo- A solo clarinetist in both the Alle- derer in the Saw Mill). During his address, the speaker hannesmeyer, Norman Lauhrey, Rich- gheny College Band and the College Thoburn Club Debates. touched upon the present political sit- ard Smith, Eleanor Stevenson, Clausin Orchestra, Bright's training has been j PRANKSTERS PLUNGE CAR The debate which the Thoburn Club uation and its economic background. Strickler, and Professor Church are under the supervision of Alma Graycel N T O CAMPUS RAVINE had scheduled for tomorrow night will He likened business depressions to the new members. Miller, organist at the Stone Church. Vandals, operating In the guise of be held on this Friday, instead. The visitations of typhoid fever and other Attractive plans were made for fu- Bruce Fye has for the past six 'Hallowe'en "pranksters", wrecked the subject, "Resolved: That Hoover epidemics which have been cured by ture meetings. They include discus- years been a student of Major Olmes, car of Instructor John Hulburt early should be supported in the coming study, and called upon the college sions on the German political situa- band and orchestra director. He is 1 Sunday morning by plunging it into election," will be debated by four graduate and the man of education gen- tion, German music, architecture, cus- an able and forceful technician and , the ravine behind Ruter Hall. The car speakers and then opened to general erally to seek cures for business toms, cities, and book reviews. was selected as concert-meister of the was damaged to the extent of about discussion. Outsiders are invited to slumps. Cider and doughnuts were served orchestra, in addition to his position I $50, and one of the beautiful rhdo attend. Continued on page 5 for refreshments. as drum-majorI dendronof bushesthe was band. mutilated. -


and most interesting rally of any that PARTY LEADERS OPEN is to be presented. We plan to fur- tbe Campus OFFICIAL nish the fireworks for the campaign," of Allegheny College. he continued. Though no badges have Established 1876 CAMPAIGN FOR VOTES ANNOUNCEMENTS come from Foster's headquarters, camps. It is easy to see why the Dem- Thomson is planning to adopt tiny Entered as second-class matter, October REPUBLICAN 30, 1904. at the Postoffice at Meadville, Pa., About the fact that Hoover will car- ocrats with Roosevelt most strongly squares of red ribbon as his party under the Act of March 3, 1879. ry Allegheny College practically one appeal to that intelligent, sane group SOCIAL CALENDAR. insignia. Courageously, this apostle that is the majority of Allegheny'si Wednesday, October 26. of the Third Internationale is planning Subscriptions, *1.50 a year. Single copies 5c hundred per cent, there is, of course, no debate. Nor is it mere coincidence undergraduates. The girls especially 7:00-8:00 p. nl. Hoover Rally, Gym- to launch a fiery fight for recognition that college students, the upper one a•e struck by the handsome, intelli- .n as ium. in a school where Moscow has been Member of the Intercollegiate Newspaper Thursday, Octber 27, Association of the Middle Atlantic States. or two per cent of our nation's popu- gent face of Roosevelt. unable to get a foothold. To top these 6:00-7:00 p.m. Faculty Dinner, Hul- lation in intelligence, social advan- A sane man, a sane campaign, a grievances, Thomson's party has been tages, and educational opportunities, ings Hall. deprived of the leadership of Mr. Wil- Th Campus is forwarded to all subscribers sane group of students (the great ma- 7:00-8:00 p, in, Thomas Rally. until an explicit order Is received for its should flock so eagerly to the stand- liam Z. Foster, presidential candidate, discontinuance, and all arrearages are paid jority)—they mean only one thing, a Friday, October 28. ard of our great leader. Every think- owing to Foster's detention in jail dur- according to law. Subscribers are requested Roosevelt victory in Allegheny. Alpha Oa.mma Delta Chapter Dance. to inform the manager of any change of ing man and woman realizes that we SANFORD W. CORCORAN. ing almost the whole summer. Mr. address. Saturday, October 29. Ford, negro vice presidential candi- must keep "on the All-Campus Girls' Masquerade Hal- job". date, will not be an obstacle to his Editor - in - Chief . . HARRY R. PORE, JR. lowe'en Jinx. One serious danger that one does SOCIALIST campaign, for Alleghenians are too Telephone 1011 Wednesday, November 2. not find among mature men is present, Whenever the word "" is 7:00-8:00 p. rn. Poster Rally (Com- well educated for race-predjudice, is however, to the undisciplined minds of Mr. Thomson's belief—a belief to which EDITORIAL BOARD mentioned, many throw up their hands munist), 'Cochran Hall. Fred L. Ewing Frank It. Helfrich colege boys. The threat is not from in holy horror. The older folks imme- the writer cannot subscribe. Donald Murray the Democrats, who, although "capit- diately think of "", "1301- Chapel Programs. Indignant at the Republicans' ac- alizing discontent" in , are sheviki", "bombs", "Russia", and a Wednesday, October 26. cusations that his party were nego- DEPARTMENTS here a negligible factor, supinely led. host of other terms that reek with tiating with the Socialists to swell News . . . . . William B. Ken- Organ .Recital, Prof. H. W. Church, nedy, Norman Olson, Richard H. Smith Tammany-coruption in our Federal public prejudice. The younger genera- Friday, October 28. attendance at its meeting next Wed- Athletics . . . . Wesley G. Miller nesday, Nov. 2, Thomson dismisses Society and Features, Robert S. Davidson government would be catastrophic, but tion simply considers it a mad dream, President Tolley. the Women's . . . Genevra Hazen our most serious problem at Alio- a mere "political and economic theory." Monday, October 31, Socialists with the phrase "as capi- 'gheny is a small but blatant Socialist Socialism is more than that. It is Delta Sigma Rho. talistic as the Hoover and Roosevelt BUSINESS STAFF group, defacing our campus not more a world wide political movement en- Wednesday, November 2. factions.". Business Manager, A. CLARKE BEILER with the unsightliness of their florid President Tolley. Campus to Aid Balloting. Advertising Manager, Max B. Maloney listing the support of nearly fifty mil- posters than with the lying propa- lion voters, who have elected legisla- A recent development in the political Telephone 585 - W The Campus editorial staff will meet ganda. the appeal to blind class-hatred, tors and administrative officials in situation was revealed to the reporter Ass't Adv. Mgr., John J. Johnston on the third floor of Bentley Hall at which these posters flaunt. These col- every country, including the United yesterday morning. Harry Pore, Cam- Circulation Manager, John P. Gilmore 1:15 today. lege-boy "pinks" play directly into the States. pus editor, has volunteered to assume hands of the Communists, who actually responsibility for the printing of the It is true, that there are as many A PRAISEWORTHY MOVE. have an organization this year on our ballots, and with the aid of his staff degrees of Socialism as there are de- POLITICAL INTEREST KEEN own campus. Word has come to me will take charge of the voting. Fol- grees of Capitalism. But fundament- (Continued from page 1) The following on the Alumni Week that the Communist chairman boasts lowing the "graft must go" policy of ally, all these varying types of Social- program did not escape our attention: openly of an alliance with the Social- Tarbell Discusses Growth. his predecesor in this action, Editor ism are alike. Just as Capitalism is "Saturday, October 22, 6:.00 P. M. Din- fists. Seduced by the honeyed words Friday evening, Miss Ida M. Tarbell, Pore threatens immediate exposure of based on "Rugged Individualism" with ner at Cochran Hall for non-fraternity of the Reds, the Socialists are, iti Allegheny '80, famous woman journal- any underhanded tactics: "We aim to its profit-motive, its planless economy, seems, already embracing men con- ist, addressed a capacity crowd in Ford make this election an expression of member graduates of the college with its everlasting war-inciting rivalry (or trolled by the desperate Foster machine Memorial Chapel on "Growth". She be- the attitude of the whole college, and President and Mrs. Tolley and mem- "competition", if you prefer) ; so Soc- into their midst. We must ruthlessly gan her talk with a picture of con- The Campus means to guard this pur- bers of the faculty." ialism is based on these five main stamp out this distressing revolt trasts in which she contrasted Pitts- pose against any underhanded tactics The twenty-five non-fraternity and points: . not profit; against the democracy which has pre- burgh in 1880 and as she saw it on a which are attempted". pon-sorority alumni who attended Sat- A Planned Economy; Worker's Inde- served us through 150 years of storm recent visit. Chicago drew another urday's dinner were greatly pleased pendent Political Action, Support of J and stress. A vote for Herbert Hoover contrast in growth from the replica Workers' Economic Organizations; no and grateful at the innovation of this is a vote for economic sanity, for na- of Fort Dearborn of the early days, The subject of a recent deb9te at Mc- more war. new feature of Alumni Week. tional stability! to super-modern structures as exempli- Gill University was: "Resolved, that "Socialists would abolish the mad This dinner, a thing unprecedented, The financial and economic meas- startled the reporter by promising Al- it is better to get drunk than to be is deserving of commendation. No un- ures secured by President Hoover and scramble for profits that characterizes legheny men and women "the peppiest in love." biased student can deny that non-fra- the Republican party—in spite of the present day industry, by providing for the collective ownership of railroads, ternity men and women have contri- machinations, be it noted, of a recal- mines, public utilities, zanks and trusts buted and will continue to contribute citrant Democratic house of Represen- —either through the government or tatives—have cushioned the crisis and their share to student activities and to through workers' cooperation." the college academic standing. It is started the upturn. We are proud of The Finest in Dry our pilot. We are proud of the poli- Instead of having over-production very fitting therefore that the college at one time and unemployment at cooperate with them, in observing a cies of the Republican party. Why Cleaning and vote blindly for a change when the in- others, Socialists would have govern- Homecoming Day as enjoyable as that ment supervision of manufacturing ‘1") struments which will restore our pros- Pressing of the Greek-letter men and women. (pc' perity are already in effect? This is and distribution so as to give steady President Tolley has definitely ex- no time for tinkering with our politi- employment to all. at Very Low Prices pressed his desire to assist non-frater- cal and economic machinery. This is The maintains the nity and non-sorority groups in or- a time to look for trained leaders. necessity of having a political party of A Trial Will Convince You! ganization and program. This dinner Herbert Hoover must and will be re- the workers, believing that there is no hope of improvement with the old Re- Mending Altering is but one of the things in his plans elected.

are you up to now?" Thur., Fri., Sat. THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME —with— "VINDING things out, smarty! I thought I'd ex- JOEL McCREA, FAY amine the tobacco in a cigarette. -WRAY, LESLIE BANKS, "Look here ... this is Chesterfield tobacco. Notice its ROBERT ARMSTRONG lighter color... you don't see any dark heavy types, Next Week do you? I guess that's why Chesterfields are milder. "I'm told that uniformly lighter color is due to Mon., Tue., Wed. cross-blending. It sort of welds all the tobaccos JOHN BARRYMORE in into one. A BILL OF DIVORCEMENT And here's something else. Notice that these long BILLIE BURKE, KATHAR- shreds arc all cut the same width. It stands to rea- INE HEYBURN, PAUL CAVANAUGH son they burn smoother and cooler. "I don't pretend to be an expert but it looks to me as if they make Chesterfields right. DANCE "Here, light one. That's the best test after all When? Any old time They Satisfy." Where? —OLD HICKORY INN Cor. N. Main and Randolph St. 411111111111111111.11.111111111111k

4d1Uf'Ca'dtinY TH E-Ata Ft

Sh ows-2 : 09-7 : 00-9 : 00 Shows

Thu., Fri., Sat. Oct. 27-28-29


Mon., Tues., Wed. Oct. 31-Nov. 1-2


+ sky-Korsakoff; "Traum.erei", Schu- FROSH DEFEATED. mann, and "Serenade", Schubert. See the NEW NEW * * * (Continued from page 3). SCOTTY KOTE VICTOR RECORDS Zociety I Faculty Entertained able to gain any yardage and in the at Dinner. second quarter their goal was again On Thursday evening, October 20, threatened, but several penalties on It is made from All Vir- FOR FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1932. several members of the faculty and the Red and Black served to stop their Homecoming Day their wives were entertained at din- march for a touchdown and the re- gin Wool Worsted, Dance. ner in Hulings Hall. After the din- maining part of the quarter witnessed The first All College of the year, ner, there was an informal gathering a listless handling of the ball. The Specially Treated Old Man of the Mountain sponsored by the Men's and Women's in the parlors. The faculty members College Frosh were unable to advance Old Yazoo 24062 Senates, was held Saturday evening present included Professor and Mrs. the pigskin consistently and the sum Waring's Pennsylvanians of Homecoming Day. The Gym was Ross, Professor and Mrs. Schultz, Pro- total of their gained yardage was only F. G. PRENATT CO. attractively decorated with cornstalks fessor and Mrs. Swartley, and Pro- two yards while the Bulldogs advanced Pink Elephants and branches on which the leaves were lessor and Mrs. Darling. This is the the ball 199 yards. The High School Pu-leeze Mr. Hemingway 24138 kaleidoscopic in color. Around the first of a series of dinners to be given boys also held the edge in first downs, George Olsen and Music. balcony pumpkin jack-o-lanterns. in the Hall with the faculty as guests. gaining 11 to the Frosh's 2. DRS. W. C. and D. C. DUN!' lighted by candles were placed at short * * This victory was the fourth to be DENTISTS Take Me Away from the River intervals. Kappa Alpha Theta chalked up by the Red and Black, who Poor Old Joe 24008 Glen Spicer and his band played for Entertains Alumni. have not suffered a defeat this year. Corner or Arch Strct-r and Park yk■ Fletcher Henderson and Orchestra the dancing of a large number of Al- The Town Alumni and the Actives This encounter was the first to be en- legheny students, alumni, and friends. of Mu chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta gaged in by the Freshmen, who have I'll Never Have to Dream Again Beside the Sunset The refreshment committee provided entertained their Alumni (luring been practicing together for only a A. L. BALLINGER CO. Trail 24134 Isham Jones and Orchestra cider and pretzels as a part of the en- Homeconling with a tureen supper week. THE REXALL DRUG STORE tertainment. given in the Theta Sorority rooms, Musoni and Yetman starred for the Sheaffer Life-Time Fountain Pens SPECIAL M ELOTONE RECORD A student reception committee se- Saturday evening, October 22. Among High team, while "Doggie" Harped Sheaffer Pencils Featuring 7 Great Artists lected from the members of student those present were: Mrs. Ruth Moritz was the outstanding backfielder for EASTMAN KODAKS AND FILM: No. 12485 senates was at the door to greet the Miller, Miss Beckie Cooper, Mrs. Lave- the Baby Gators. "Git Along" members of the faculty and the older ly, Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. Hines, Mrs. Cat Callaway and Orchestra—Roy alumni. This innovation was a sur- Gapp, Mrs. Shryock, Mrs. Frank Mil- .Smeck—Chick Bullock prise to the patrons and patronesses ler, Mrs. Webb, Miss Dorothy Fritz, SPEAKING ENGAGEMENT WOOD & STONE and was well received as an improve- Drliss Charlotte Feazel, Miss Mary Jane OF LOMAX POSTPONED JEWELERS Say It Isn't So ment. Barringer, Miss Martha Carr, Miss Marton Downey—Annette Hanshaw Sally Pantall, Miss Claire Rodkey, Miss Word was received last week to the 967 Water Street Singin' Sam—Will Osborne and Or- chestra. Tea Reception for Margaret Herr, Miss Mary Klingler, effect that Mr. John A. Lomax will

Dean Miller. Miss Genevieve Bock, Miss Myrtle be unable to be at Allegheny until the On Friday, October 21, from four Sanzenbacher, Miss Louise Powers, and latter part of November instead of DEPENDABLE BUS during the first week of that month as to six the faculty and trustees gave Miss Lorraine Weeks. BATES' MUSIC a reception tea in Huling's parlor in * * * was previously announced in The Cam- SERVICE honor of Dean Miller. jAlumni Entertained by pus. Mr. Lomax, famous authority Chartered Buses a HOUSE The tea table was decorated in pas- Delta Alpha Theta. on American cowboy ballads, will come 287 Chestnut St. tel shades, orchid predominating. Mrs.1 Mrs. G. E. Buckingham poured at a here under the auspices of the English Specialty Victor-Brunswick-Columbia-Melotone McClean, Mrs. Darling, Mrs. Lavely, 'tea Saturday afternoon given by the Department. For further information and Mrs. Lee poured. active members of the Delta Alpha In his letter to Dean J. R. Schultz, Musical selections rendered by Theta sorority in honor of their alum- Mr. Lomax explained 'that he had call KEIM PRINT SHOP Bruce Fye, violinist, and Robert nae. Guests of the chapter included been drawn into the Texas guberna- Quality Printing & Engraving Wright, accompanist, were: "Ave the Misses Helen Miles, Nellie Rus- torial battle opposing the re-election WEST RIDGE TRANS-1 20 years in same Maria", Schubert; "The Rosary", sell, Buelah Smith, Sarah Miller, Orpha of Mrs. M. A. "Ma" Ferguson, and that, location Nevin; "I Love You Truly", Carrie Starr, Lillian Newcomb, Eloise Waid, as a result, his engagement at Alle- PORTATION CO. Over Fahr Jacobs-Bond ; "Song of India", Rim- I and Mrs. Evelyn Nelson. gheny would have to be postponed. Phone 168 Meadville, Pa. 248 CHESTNUT ST. Style Shop YEAGER'S NEW LOCATION OPPOSITE KEPLER HOTEL Shoe Rebuilders 4. GREEN & BAKER Manufactured ice—Cold storage GENERAL ELECTRIC REFKIGERATION

954 Market St. Phone lot HARRY W. HARR Distinctive Custom Tailoring Flood Bldg. Chestnut St. BRANDIMIST The new 1932 Sensational Beverage — at — BURCH'S Exclusively

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