: L._ LEG HL LLEGE LIBRARY EC AM US OF ALLEGHENY COLLEGE MEADVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA OCTOBER 26, 1932. Vol. LI, No. 5. POLITICAL INTEREST IS THREE ONE=ACT PLAYS FAMOUS BOYS' CHOIR IS PRESENTED IN PLAYSHOP FIRST CONCERT NUMBER MANIFEST BY STUDENTS Curtain Rises on 1932-33 Play- shop Season; Freshmen 7777 -.7 W7i.:".."7---7...r4.tteFF:fe.•" By RICHARD SMITH, Show Up Well. Campus Political Writer. The four entrants in Allegheny's Three one act plays were presented political race are just about to round in the Allegheny Playshop on Satur- the turn which marks the first lap in day evening as a part of the Home- a presidential derby that will end in coming program. The casts, composed the great rally and straw vote of No- of several new actors from the Fresh- vember 7. From the press box, it ap- man Class, as well as many with for pears that the massive, lumbering G. mer experience in the Playshop, play eel 0. P. elephant with the brilliant to a full and enthusiastic house. Sturges Cary as jockey is out in front The settings and casts for the three and on the inside. Bill Boetcker, on productions were as follows: whom the Socialists have placed their "A Minuet," by Louis N. Parker. money, is plugging doggedly on the The scene for this play was laid in a leader's heels and worying him oc- cell of the Conciergerie, Paris, during casionally with the flaming torch, the the French Revolution. The cast con- symbol of the Thomas advocates. sisted of Miss Jean Holman, Mr. Har- "Long Ears," the pride of the Demo- old Crook, and Mr. William Boetcker. crats and Tammany's pet, ridden by The scene for the second play, "Dust Sanford Corcoran, finds the track not of the Road," by Kenneth S. Goodman, to his liking and is lagging behind a was in the cottage of Peter Steele, a WIENER SAENGERKNABEN bit. Bringing up the rear, but appar- character, on the night before Christ- ently possessing great stamina, is the Student and faculty representatives mas. The players were Mr. Donald "dark horse" runner, Harry Thom- opened a vigorous sales campaign for Murray, Miss Jean Holman, Mr. Wil- Pill DELTA THETA WINS son, Communist. This latter is a the annual College-Community Lecture- C. RAY HANSEN liam Boetcker, and Mr. Bramer Cafl- picturesque figure with his red rib- DELTA S16111A RHO CUP Concert Course tickets at the begin- bons, nd threats to gather speed by son. ning of this week. The sale of tickets A stage half set for an early morn- the use of rockets. will end with the appearance of the ing rehearsal is the setting for the Corcoran's Speech Gives Phi Women for Hoover. HOMECOMING ALUMNI Wiener Saengerknaben, the first num- Backed by the steam-roller machine last, "The Pot Boiler," by Alice Ger- Delts Permanent Possession ber on the course, on Nov. 11. at Hulings Hall, and especially pow- --- stenberg. The cast for this play was of Loving Cup. With a subscription of 300 students erful in Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Phi composed of Mr. Edward Stainbrook, their aim, representatives in the vari- Dance Climaxes First Annual Mr. Paul Grant, Mr. Robert Brake- Delta Theta, Boss Cary's Hoover cam- Sanford W. Corcoran, speaking on ous fraternities and dormitory proc- man, Mr. Gale Engle, Mr. David Smith, paigners are confident of victory. Es- 'Alumni Week' Program; "The New Kaldron Policy", retired tors are busy selling the lecture-course Mis Charlotte Merwin, Miss Kathryne timating his strength at about 200, Large Attendance. from circulation and presented to Phi tickets at $1.50 each. No tickets will Miller, and Mr. Richard Clarke. the Republican head has planned a Delta Theta as a permanent possession be sold for individual numbers, and The success of these productions, giant mass demonstration in the gym- Allegheny College's experiment to the silver loving cup awarded each absolutely no course tickets will be the first to be presented in the Play- nasium at seven o'clock tonight. re-educate its alumni, Alumni College year by Delta Sigma Rho in an Ex- sold after Nov. 11. The program for shop this year, was to a great extent Speakers will include the notable Week, was concluded last Saturday, temporaneous Speaking Contest. Pre- the entire course will not be announc- due to the work and direction of Miss sophomore campaigners and citizens, with the annual Homecoming Day. vious triumphs had been scored for ed until the first number. Alice Spalding and Mr. John Hulburt, Norman Olson and Elliott "Buck" Record crowds of graduates, students Phi Delta Theta by Robert Ruther- The course committee for this year who were assisted by large production Jones—both men of forensic ability. and towns-people attended each num- ford in 1927 and by L. Bramer Carlson is headed by Mrs. A. V. Leberman and and business staffs. Socialists Powerful. ber of the well-planned program which in 1931. is composed of Rev. F. J. Kennedy, Backed by Beta Upsilon almost to a featured prominent alumni and Alle- Mr. Corcoran presented his subject pastor of Stone Church; Mr. H. 0. man, and including such powerful and gheny professors. Rules for Women's in a clear and concise manner, first Davidson, manager of the Viscose Co., influential campus politicians as Bra- Mead Gives First Address. explaining his position as Class Editor Prof. Morten J. Luvaas, head of the mer Carlson, Norman Lauffenburger, Gilbert Wilcox Mead, Allegheny '11, Contest Announced of the last Kaldron, and how he had department of music here; and I. R. Ross Brown, Paul Teaman, Art Craw- present Dean of Birmingham Southern acquired the position through a fra- Beiler, professor of Bible and philos- ford, Clare Skinner, Ruth Crawford, College, opened the program on Tues- The sororities and the non-sorority ternity connection. Then, last year, ophy. and others, the Thomas supporters are day, October 18, with his address on group will choose, in the near future, a new policy was instituted by which The Wiener Saengerknaben are cer- their representatives to compete -in relying chiefly upon the male vote, of "The Cultural Idea in College Educa- the editors should be elected on the tain to prove one of the features of the Intersorority Extemporaneous which they already control more than tion". Contending that the principal basis of merit alone—a radical change the course. Their visit here, which Speaking Contest, to be sponsored by a hundred. With regard to the apathy business of the liberal arts college heartily supported by the speaker. will probably prove to be a 24 hour Delta Sigma Rho, honorary forensic of women to his cause, Boetcker said should be to provide the broad cultural one, is being anticipated with much fraternity, on Monday, October 31st, He then continued with a confession in an interview: "Since the majority basis upon which specialized training enthusiasm, and plans are under way during chapel hour. of a lack of knowledge concerning the of the co-eds at Allegheny come from can be built and not to train men in for the entertainment of the youthful During the two years of women's particulars of the new Kaldron policy, families where they have ingrained in either specialized or professional lines, singers. When they leave here they them the fundamental principles of the competition, Alpha Chi Omega, repre- but explained that as a knowledge of Dean Mead said, in part: "The college will travel west, arriving in Chicago sented in 1930 by Miss Adele Ely and facts as to how the Kaldron was run capitalistic system and point the way should provide for cultural individual- will give a concert with a special more conservative than the men stu- in 1931 by Miss Dorothy Holsinger, last year was not a requisite of an !sm and abolish the rubber stamp type about Nov. 17, where, incidentally they has carried off first honors. Since editor, it could not be expected that dents." of preparation. A college should train, Since Emperor Maximilian founded Tomorow night the Socialists will the silver loving cup must be won a layman be able to explain the new not the memory, but the mind. It teacher-student admission rate of $1.10. rally in the Gym, where Bill Boetcker three years by one chapter before it policy. In pointing out the drastic should provide an interchanging of the Vienna Boys' Choir in 1498, they and Bramer Carlson will denounce the becomes a permanent possession, com- change in the election of editors, how- ideas; an independent forming of have kept intact, maintaining a stand- capitalistic systm and point the way petition for this year's contest promises ever, he pointed out the main feature ideas; and a deep understanding of ard which has more than satisfied to recovery through Norman Thomas. to be keen. of the new policy, and blamed the stu- human nature. This means that a millions of Europeans, continental Anticipating trouble from hecklers, The rules governing the contest are dent body for their inability to de- college should provide a curriculum Boss Boetcker refused to disclose the as follows: cently manage their own affairs, fbr kings and presidents, and which was which will make possible self-develop- topics which his campaign generals (1) Delta Sigma Rho Extempor- when a change was necessary, the stu- high enough to merit the special com- ment and the formation of positive be- aneous Speaking Contest is open to dents had to turn to the administra- mendation of the Pope. They are mak- will discuss. liefs, independently arrived at through Democrats Bide Time.
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