Vote Communist!
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Page Two DAILY WORKER, NEW YORK, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2. 1931 WALL STREET ENDORSES NORMAN ! Mussolini Orders ATTENTION! Mass Pay Cuts for Pull the Lever Down on the Hammer and Sickle— WORKERS OF HOBOKEN To all Dally Worker readers of THOMAS AND “SOCIALIST”PROGRAM Italian Workers Hoboken, N.J., there will be a meet- ing of the Dally Worker Club on Italian fascism, under the di- MONDAY, NOV. 2, AT 8 F. M. AMTER. Mussolini, Bv I. rect supervision of Sat- —AT—- The republican candidate for president of the borough of urday ordered wholesale wage -511 THIRD ST., HOBOKEN, N. J. Manhattan, Carrington, has proven that he knows the cuts of around 10 per cent for VOTE COMMUNIST! (Store) many all industrial workers and The machine so arranged that you art of corruption as well as Sheriff Farley, his assistant Mc- FOR VHTINr and tbor* tkem ftPointer. Turn willzee the six Constitutional Amendment* ii Op farm laborers. This is not the IvUiJ VUIIIIU p , be voted on. Turn down a cannot turn down mow than the proper Fk Walker, ryn down oin €r ©Ttr U>« name of the can- lhat are I* Quadc, his accomplice Olvany, Whalen, Sherwood and the of number Pointer* for an office. Tor ex- first time that Italian fascism, the ON VOTING MACHINE didate you wizh to vote for. from Pointer ovtr the YES or NO each. of V THE and leave them down. ample, only one candidate is to be elected Stuyvesant lie, too, how make a deal with Tammany politicians thi* to thi* 40k poiition. DCILICMOCD Tel. 9-5557 knows to land that serves as the fascist >o cffic, of M.mbr, of A«.mbly. EME!BER L»(n, lh» down in voting th. %... Poinier. turn 1. fortune. The disclosure of the fact came at an for you only o». tWi- . H»» .. and build up a model the other capitalist OWING th. Huidl. ol th. Curtom Ur« portion. ».(»« th. Hindi, of Uw cu.thereto™ down If no answer call Stu. 9-1500 (tom <” that °*c '- inconvenient time, just at election time, when Mr. Carrington powers, has cut wages. .Recently ¦-> („v «,h-.d> Ih. Left to th. Right MV Lever (ov.he.dl to th. Left .. f.r .. it Siui (24 hour service) .. ». it willgo. ond itth«e. <Th» CU 15 (Thi. regi.ter .'.Utkin*, 12 cent cut ordered for lar will jo..nd le»v« itthere. will No vot. will be rrgi.tered lor «ny candi- th. lambasting corruption. a per was close the Curtain around you, and un- lx to was the democrast for their graft and will your vote and return the Pointer* th»ir excep t that with a Pointer left down *. To* «ui fin 4 aacfc f-« 41 says machine for voting.) V / millions. Mussolini “further lock the poa 0, which willopen the , to <W. Norman Thomas, in good puritan form, called on Carring- first itio after it over hi name . So be *ure leave the Paialer AiOV* the running, wage cuts” will be necessary. ' Curtain.) Pointer down over the name you wiuh to •>ton to withdraw from *M| ”r* * >• '•• Coupled with the growing - vo» for. CARL BRODSKY wage rnrsTTi rtTrtrcma i ’** stating that he would “besmirch the Uteo in colunui. I»d 3 turn down the cuts in the States, England |B ill II if A FEW WORDS OF EXPLANATION tj,. ~u"iw good name" of borough president. To United ') j«j jl j | I Pointer* over the name* of the candidate* "ANY KIND OF INSURANCE” of registered swing tha Ton. down • Pointer tw ON EAST would be too bad for the and Germany, it is clear that || If jjj j | I yoU wiah to vote for for Justice* the No. vole* are until you PARADE be it ** sure J Supreme Court, and leave them down. Con- Curtain Le*er to the Left to open the Cur- there Is a attack on Ii r\l ‘I ' " iti ia bosses of this city to have as borough I li tinue in the same manner to the end of the tain. You can therefore make as many 799 Broadway i Illr*lif 'j 7 lii? * president a known corruptionist, who j j the workers at precisely the time mwOwtaicw. ticket, taking care to him down a Pointer for diange* in tyour ballot as you wish while i * *** - *DOWN. *** *r “ ** New York «* c you vote the Lever is at the right (Curtain There, danger of anyone's knowing how City SIDE WILL R ALLY sought favors. As long as nobody ] when in the Soviet Union wages rw vow ***» l VS* every office that wish to for and Curtain is no j To vote straight party Closed). you vote, of the Curtain J continuously going up. E*leave them down. a as the movement knows what he had done, or might, arc you would .1 toww turn doww Jl Uv.r ..tun,, th. votttd Pointer up to li. j At the loft of the ballot .Sown b.low you tivk.t i • party bach candidate voting Pointer is above position before the Curtain begins tR ¦ do, it would not matter. Still Car- j s*ill find (in column I) the names of all the »he Pointer* in one row. unvoting Ki » FOR THE ELECTION rington would fit in nicely with the ! -andid.te. for Prewdait ot th. Borough of Th«i look X the top ol th. btjlot. .ltd you to 0P«1. ' grafters in City Hall, whether he Is ! Dr. MORRIS LEVITT AID THUGS SURGEON DENTIST republican democratic. But Nor- POLICE Organizations to * or j Son*hern nivrf. ror. 17<Ub S#., N. T* Mass man Thomas is worried about the j (18l Phonei Tremont 3-1353 YES YES YES NO NO Special low price* for workers of officials. VrtfVjSf NO NO YES NO YES ITS * Participate in the morals capitalist ¦ AmMuliseal 1 SamiasKt g Am«n4i»*e» 3 4 gn*fdai«H ft s*^a ATTACK legulators ctva. nmcNAjiurorarofttsTATioN erecting judicial rhang vropcrty in STRIKERS useomoui»ir.»ius. roMnsnoaor rectivino orunoi. another inn namf of li mn nrfrsßTwrxT Carrington did not withdraw—his I -JU StMrt »N 0 mRmBIY OISTRICTS. APPOINTMENTS. tk, iWi*-'.tc wtM.wy.tol DLSTRICT. Os CHARITIES ANDSTATESOARO Os VA- COUNTY. Election Parade Koenig, even maste:-. Mr. chastising three *•«« in;.»iiturc lions four and five of article three section seven of artiele of the 10w*.,,,,t* t»* WizMiW permitting t»» io trru ,I*,™. fourteen *n4 fifteen of snide »(U l-o/ & of the constitution providing for fit* enabling members of >r»n»t¥if<,r*rl. snothrr judicial district out of Irt sec eiw>» of the eenstitulion chlorine thr II.lift-, powers «s lo kr miHTrt es constitution «.* 1 auk **-*! the functionaries • ~ „ thg judicial district, )ui- »Ule rjrlreitiue»pr.ii<"L republican ,I.* rrntitg . of Oh r«i Ninon* end sppoilKm tlie n-mes of she depsrtment of rhsrt Krc . «n workers of for! H M J. I I -n of Today 8 p. m. the KNITTING of the federal dev Btnial census the legislature to civil ap- stste tfyrctg pise* AT receive »nd of Chsriti'-* iffbe Itfislstikrr >o 3y6Haa at , rwisauorensito'AslsMrwlrtewrf fo-*s«slk tK-etin ofiice between i'm*o dflr.cis, the be.rd ud :f available and adequate instead *U • , "’' I"' It*tbr^rrb»w«'Jrw<-rwt»lino-d|*ad>ou<- .< ,JI. slate department ilene6HHua showing tendency to desert If " 1 ,ht *ccrpt *nct wh,ehwbieb of wcial will start a parade at a him. bat ing a census, and for the ®*. Mawgiof ‘«-wiis g w th. j ' ttonal M *£,tne new nut net no ,•* unit, >«»'• the East Side j / lute teats, sgUhmaimcfforwf’meWPWrtat. in I*st«es tlyeljr, eliminating »r» or sweet mew (¦.'iration assembly P?'"shall Ivacate* urc4rtheir be ap-r wHI power provided end cansot be sranlwl ¦ Os senate and , D.rn.uu> M excredin* the Until for in the commUstoo ui lo u. t-cp-rty eartopt by »r«mJ cr ipsil ls». Koenig is satisfied with Carrington,' State 7th St. and Avenue B. Many or- districts, be approved? proved? diKts tnd oihw wlwials Ibarww, Its npprondt pretest cotutitmion, be approved? proved? beapproredt , j r Police Arrest Strikers ganizations will take part. The Down- what the hell have the w ard heelers I DR. A. BROWN j to say? “Ifyou don't like the can- town. East Side, and Seamen's Un- j jlas Gangsters Allowed — 1 I 10 Dentist employed Branches, the Marine j didates that the party chieftains put 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 j— 1 to ef tke Jtulicet of th® Supreme Court, Justice of th* I Judges of ike Court of State Senator I Alderman , Membggflffbiy S')! up. then get out of the party." Thus Go Scott. Free ** EAST 14TH STREET Workers' Industrial Union, the Work- i 1 j BqaughKMiwiuitM) Ist Judicial District-VouforT City Court General Seaaions —Vote M 2 MtkSeuie Dutrvrf *ik*Jd«*uw spake Koenig—but that of (Corner Second Avfcnoe) ers Ex-Servicemen's League and ; ; section j NEW YORK.—A typical example Wall Street which is republican, i i i t t i many workers clubs and fraternal can-1 [ , of the strikebreaking role of the New _t 5 iJJjn Tel. Algonqoln 7348 not afford at this time to have open | organizations will also take part. The j I ¦ York police was shown October 31 at 1 grafters on Hence there | Red Front Band will lead. its ticket. | the H. & M. Knitting Mills, 210 Var- tap Aap fes»» is a switch—not to Tammany.