July 25, 2016
This report is intended as an informative and unofficial summary of the matters discussed by the board. The formal record of this meeting, which includes the wording and disposition of motions (including abstentions), is contained in the official minutes. REPORT OF MEETING OF THE UNIVERSITY OF SASKATCHEWAN BOARD OF GOVERNORS BOARD ROOM, PETER MACKINNON BUILDING Monday, July 25, 2016 Board members present: Lee Ahenakew (chair), Daphne Arnason, Joy Crawford, David Dubé, Kathryn Ford, Kehan Fu, Jay Kalra, Greg Smith, Peter Stoicheff Regrets: Blaine Favel, Grant Isaac Resource officers: Ernie Barber, Karen Chad, Greg Fowler, Trevor Batters (recording secretary) Guests: Rob Lamb (chief executive officer (Canadian Light Source Inc.) and Beryl LePage (chief financial and administrative officer, Canadian Light Source, Inc.) agenda item 7 only; Julian Demkiw Further information about the composition of the Board of Governors and its committees, as well as the bylaws and annual work plan of the Board, are available at http://www.usask.ca/secretariat/governing-bodies/board-of-governors/ Agenda Subject Comments/Decisions Item 7. Canadian Light Source Inc. Annual The chair called the Board meeting to order at 8:11 General Meeting a.m. to address item 7, Canadian Light Source (CLS) Annual General Meeting. The Board meeting was suspended at 8:47 a.m. 1. Identification of conflict of interest The chair reconvened the board meeting at 1:18 pm. David Dubé indicated his conflict of interest with respect to the Huskie Athletics governance structure and board delegation. 2. Minutes of June 21, 2016 The minutes were approved. 3. Business Arising None. 4.
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