P. E. (Penny Elizabeth) BRYDEN
P. E. (Penny Elizabeth) BRYDEN Education: 1970 - 1983 Primary and secondary schools: Waterloo, Ontario. 1987 B.A. Honours History, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario 1988 M.A., York University, North York, Ontario. 1994 Ph.D., York University, North York, Ontario. Fields of specialization: Canadian history American history Canadian government and politics Dissertation: “Liberal Politics and Social Policy in the Pearson Era, 1957 -1968” Supervisor: J. L. Granatstein Employment: 2013- Full Professor, University of Victoria 2005-2013 Associate Professor with tenure, University of Victoria 2000-2005 Associate Professor with tenure, Mount Allison University 1999-2003 Head of Department of History and Canadian Studies, Mount Allison University 1994-2000 Assistant Professor, Mount Allison University, Sackville, New Brunswick (tenure-track, 1995) 1993-1994 McCain Post-Doctoral Fellow in the Arts, Mount Allison University, Sackville, New Brunswick Publications: Books: ‘A Justifiable Obsession’: Conservative Ontario’s Relations with Ottawa, 1943-1985 Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2013. (edited with Colin Coates, Maureen Lux, Lynne Marks, Marcel Martel and Daniel Samson) Visions: The Canadian History Modules Project Toronto: Nelson, 2011. Individual modules edited by P. E. Bryden: 2 Confederation: What Kind of Country Are We To Have? (pp. 1-48); The Great War: Leaders, Followers and Record-Keepers (pp. 1-48); Protest, Parties and Politics Between the Wars, 1919-1939 (pp. 1-48) The Great Depression in Canada: How Did People Cope? (pp. 1-48) Constitutional Negotiations in Late 20th Century Canada: Will We Survive? (pp. 1-48) (edited with Dimitry Anastakis) Framing Canadian Federalism Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2009. (edited with Michael J. Tucker and Raymond B.
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