Rethinking Municipal Finance for the New Economy
MOWAT RESEARCH #187 | MARCH 2019 Rethinking Municipal Finance for the New Economy BY SUNIL JOHAL, KIRAN ALWANI, JORDANN THIRGOOD & PETER SPIRO Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank those who participated in this research project as interviewees for generously sharing their time, expertise and perspectives. Special thanks to Enid Slack and Reuven Shlozberg for their critical review and contributions, and Elaine Stam for her design work on this report. All content and any remaining errors are the sole responsibility of the authors. The Mowat Centre would like to thank the Region of Peel for commissioning and providing financial support for this report, as well as the regional staff for their helpful contributions. The content, conclusions and recommendations expressed in the report are the authors’ alone and do not necessarily reflect those of the Region. Authors SUNIL JOHAL JORDANN THIRGOOD Policy Director Policy Associate Sunil is frequently invited to speak about the future of work, After joining Mowat in 2015, Jordann contributed to a variety technology and social policy at conferences in Canada and of projects on fiscal federalism, the sharing economy, and abroad. He has contributed expert commentary and advice the impact of technological innovation on Canada’s labour on regulatory and policy issues to a range of organizations market and social programs. Prior to this, she spent two and media outlets, including the G-20, World Economic years working in the financial sector and ran a pro bono Forum, Brookings Institution, The Globe and Mail, The policy consulting firm for non-profit organizations in the GTA. Toronto Star, CBC Radio and Television, CTV News, The Jordann holds a Master of Public Policy degree from the Guardian, Maclean’s, The Ottawa Citizen, Policy Options, TVO University of Toronto, and an Honours degree in International and the OECD.
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