Astronomical Studies of Solar System Bodies 2060 Chiron and 1 Ceres

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Astronomical Studies of Solar System Bodies 2060 Chiron and 1 Ceres Astronomical Studies of Solar System Bodies 2060 Chiron and 1 Ceres by Jessica Dawn Ruprecht Submitted to the Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of ARCHVES Master of Science in Earth and Planetary Sciences ~NSTTUTE at the J* iI MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June 2013 @ Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2013. All rights reserved. A uthor ................. ...... .. .. .... .. Department of rth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences May 22, 2013 C ertified by .................. .. Richard P. Binzel Professor of Planetary Sciences Thesis Supervisor ~1 A, d~ Accepted by ... ..... ... ... .. .. .......... .. ... Robert van der Hilst Schlumberger Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences Head of Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences 2 Astronomical Studies of Solar System Bodies 2060 Chiron and 1 Ceres by Jessica Dawn Ruprecht Submitted to the Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences on May 17, 2013, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences Abstract In this thesis two separate projects are investigated, a stellar occultation by 2060 Chiron and rotationally resolved spectra of 1 Ceres. On 29 November 2011 UT, 2060 Chiron occulted a 14-mag star; data were suc- cessfully obtained at the 3-m IRTF on Mauna Kea and 2-m Faulkes North Telescope at Haleakala. The IRTF lightcurve shows a solid-body detection of Chiron's nucleus with a chord lasting 16.0t1.4 seconds, corresponding to a chord length of 158t14 km. Symmetric, dual extinction features in the Faulkes light curve indicate the presence of optically thick material roughly 300 km from the body midpoint. The duration of the features indicates a ~ 3 km feature separated by 10-14 km from a second - 7 km feature. The symmetry, optical thickness, and narrow size of these features allows for the intriguing possibility of a near-circular arc or shell of material. Rotationally resolved spectra of Ceres in the 0.43-0.85 micron range were observed using the DeVeny spectrograph on the Perkins 72-inch telescope at Lowell Observa- tory. Spectral differences as a function of phase were investigated. It is concluded that Ceres' surface is uniform at the 1% level at visible wavelengths. Additionally, the 0.6 and 0.67 pm features reported by Vilas and McFadden [1992] and Fornasier et al. [1999] are not seen at any phase at the 1% level. Thesis Supervisor: Richard P. Binzel Title: Professor of Planetary Sciences 3 4 Acknowledgments I would like to thank Amanda Bosh, Rick Binzel, and Mike Person, who make up my thesis committee for their support and guidance in completing this work. I would also like to acknowledge the coauthors of the Chiron paper: Amanda Bosh, Mike Person, Federica Bianco, Amanda Gulbis, Schelte Bus, and Amanda Zangari. Additionally, thanks go to Dave Schleicher for his thoughts on the Chiron occultation results. I would also like to acknowledge Andy Rivkin, Stephen Levine, and Tom Bida for their aid and advice during the observing run and subsequent data analysis of the Ceres project. And last but not least, thanks go to Simone Agha for her efforts to improve the coherence of this work. 5 6 Contents 1 Introduction 13 2 29 November 2011 Stellar Occultation by 2060 Chiron: Symmetric jet-like features 17 2.1 Photometric Studies and Evidence of a Coma . 17 2.2 Previous Occulation Studies ....................... 17 2.3 Observation of a Stellar Occultation on 29 November 2011 UT ... 18 2.4 Data Reduction and Analysis ............ .......... 20 2.5 Analysis of Light Curve Features ..... ............... 22 2.5.1 Analysis of the IRTF MORIS Solid Body Detection ...... 22 2.5.2 Analysis of Symmetric Extinction Features . 23 2.6 D iscussion ....................... 25 2.7 Conclusions ................. 27 3 Rotationally Resolved Spectra of 1 Ceres at Visible Wavelengths 29 3.1 Understanding Ceres Surface Mineralogy . 29 3.1.1 Possible Evidence for Hydrated Minerals at Visible Wavelengths 30 3.1.2 Variation in Surface Composition? .. 30 3.2 Observation of 1 Ceres on 2-5 January 2013 (UT) . 31 3.3 Data Reduction .............................. 33 3.3.1 Reducing the Effects of Fringing . 33 3.3.2 Extracting Spectra .................... .... 34 3.3.3 Parallactic Angle Effects ..................... 34 7 3.3.4 Binning Spectra into Rotational Phase Bins .. ... ... .. 36 3.4 D iscussion ... ... .. ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... .. 37 3.4.1 Presence of the 0.6 and 0.67 pm Features .. ... ... ... 37 3.4.2 Surface Variation . ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... 38 3.5 Conclusions .. ... .. ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... .. 38 4 Conclusions and Future Work 41 8 List of Figures 2-1 This map shows a the trajectory of Chiron plotted on the Earth based on observed results. The trajectory uses the observed solid body de- tection of Chiron from the IRTF and assumes that the chord measured at the IRTF was central. .......... ............ 19 2-2 The complete light curve including all usable data from the 29 Novem- ber 2011 observations at both the IRTF (blue) and Faulkes North Tele- scope (red). ... ........ ........ ....... ...... 21 2-3 A subset of the full light curve is plotted to better show detailed fea- tures near the occultation midpoint. The Faulkes North (red) data has been shifted forward by 7 seconds to account for the geographic offset between Faulkes and the IRTF (blue). Note the clear solid-body detec- tion in the MORIS light curve, and the symmetric double extinction features in the Faulkes data. There is no solid body detection in the Faulkes lightcurve. ...... ...... ...... ..... .... 22 2-4 These plots show the regions nearest the extinction features seen in the Faulkes light curve. Left: features before the occultation midpoint. Right: features after the occultation midpoint. ..... ...... .. 24 2-5 Left: Comparison of MORIS light curve data with the Faulkes data af- ter binning to 2 seconds. Binning produces features in the Faulkes data similar to those seen in the MORIS lightcurve. Right: The MORIS light curve is shown here folded over the occultation midpoint to test for the presence of symmetry in possible extinction features. Note the point of overlap apparent in the folded lightcurve. .. ........ 25 9 3-1 This figure shows raw data frames of Ceres (top) and Hyades 64 (bot- tom) on the night of 4 January 2013 (UT). Note that wavelength de- creases to the right (bluer). The slit was 2.4". Along the y-axis the target is surrounded by sky, and two sky emission lines are visible in the Ceres sky background. ... .... ... ... .... ... ... 32 3-2 The master flat for observations on 4 January 2013. Notice the sub- stantial fringing effects in the red (left) end of the chip. .... ... 33 3-3 The complete set of calibrated Ceres spectra observed on the night of 5 January 2013. Each spectrum represents the average of 10 individual 90 second exposures. Airmass increases from left to right and from top to bottom . ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... 35 3-4 Calibrated Ceres spectra in ten phase bins are plotted on the same axes with artificial offsets. An A-star spectrum (black) is included to help identify uncorrected telluric features. Vertical lines are used to denote the 0.6 and 0.67 tm wavelengths where features have been seen in previous studies. No significant absorption features are apparent in the phased Ceres spectra. ...... ........................ 36 3-5 Ratios of spectra at different phase bins. Spectra have been trimmed to the 0.55-0.8 pm region to exclude the reddest and bluest regions which are most contaminated by fringing and parallactic angle effects. No evidence for additional features is seen. Top: Ratios of adjacent phase bins. Bottom: Ratios of opposite phases. ... .... .... 39 10 List of Tables 2.1 Occultation prediction parameters. ................... 19 2.2 Summary of Chiron occultation observations .............. 20 2.3 Summary of occultation data acquired. ................. 20 3.1 Summary of data acquired during 2-5 January 2013 observations of Ceres. ........ ................................... 33 3.2 Summary of spectral feature analysis. ............ 37 11 12 Chapter 1 Introduction Astronomy is one of the oldest fields of scientific inquiry, first undertaken by ancient civilizations thousands of years ago. Among the earliest discoveries of the first as- tronomers was that some objects in the sky moved differently than the rest of the stars. Today we know these objects to be the planets. Though it would take many more centuries to recognize that the Earth was itself a planet that orbits the Sun, the discovery of the planets represents the beginning of our understanding of the solar system. Despite centuries of work, astronomy today continues to yield new information about our solar system. While the technology used for astronomy in the modern era has greatly improved the ability of astronomers to study objects in detail, the basic techniques for studying such objects remain largely unchanged. The basic measurements that astronomers make today involve observing changes in the brightness of objects (photometry), changes in the positions of objects (astrometry), and spectral measurements of the light from objects (spectroscopy). These fundamental techniques have been leveraged with exceptional success to learn about a great variety of astronomical phenomena. In this thesis, photometry is used to observe a stellar occultation and spectroscopy is used to study the composition of the largest main belt asteroid, 1 Ceres. A stellar occultation occurs when an object within our solar system passes in front of a distant star and blocks all or some of the light from the star. By observing how the apparent brightness of the star changes as the object passes in front of it, these 13 observations can be used to learn about the object. Such observations can measure the size of the object, detect the presence of an atmosphere around it, and identify the presence of material bound gravitationally to the object such as satellites or rings.
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    Appendix A Transits of Mercury, 1605–2999 CE Date (TT) Int. Offset Date (TT) Int. Offset Date (TT) Int. Offset 1605 Nov 01.84 7.0 −0.884 2065 Nov 11.84 3.5 +0.187 2542 May 17.36 9.5 −0.716 1615 May 03.42 9.5 +0.493 2078 Nov 14.57 13.0 +0.695 2545 Nov 18.57 3.5 +0.331 1618 Nov 04.57 3.5 −0.364 2085 Nov 07.57 7.0 −0.742 2558 Nov 21.31 13.0 +0.841 1628 May 05.73 9.5 −0.601 2095 May 08.88 9.5 +0.326 2565 Nov 14.31 7.0 −0.599 1631 Nov 07.31 3.5 +0.150 2098 Nov 10.31 3.5 −0.222 2575 May 15.34 9.5 +0.157 1644 Nov 09.04 13.0 +0.661 2108 May 12.18 9.5 −0.763 2578 Nov 17.04 3.5 −0.078 1651 Nov 03.04 7.0 −0.774 2111 Nov 14.04 3.5 +0.292 2588 May 17.64 9.5 −0.932 1661 May 03.70 9.5 +0.277 2124 Nov 15.77 13.0 +0.803 2591 Nov 19.77 3.5 +0.438 1664 Nov 04.77 3.5 −0.258 2131 Nov 09.77 7.0 −0.634 2604 Nov 22.51 13.0 +0.947 1674 May 07.01 9.5 −0.816 2141 May 10.16 9.5 +0.114 2608 May 13.34 3.5 +1.010 1677 Nov 07.51 3.5 +0.256 2144 Nov 11.50 3.5 −0.116 2611 Nov 16.50 3.5 −0.490 1690 Nov 10.24 13.0 +0.765 2154 May 13.46 9.5 −0.979 2621 May 16.62 9.5 −0.055 1697 Nov 03.24 7.0 −0.668 2157 Nov 14.24 3.5 +0.399 2624 Nov 18.24 3.5 +0.030 1707 May 05.98 9.5 +0.067 2170 Nov 16.97 13.0 +0.907 2637 Nov 20.97 13.0 +0.543 1710 Nov 06.97 3.5 −0.150 2174 May 08.15 3.5 +0.972 2644 Nov 13.96 7.0 −0.906 1723 Nov 09.71 13.0 +0.361 2177 Nov 09.97 3.5 −0.526 2654 May 14.61 9.5 +0.805 1736 Nov 11.44 13.0 +0.869 2187 May 11.44 9.5 −0.101 2657 Nov 16.70 3.5 −0.381 1740 May 02.96 3.5 +0.934 2190 Nov 12.70 3.5 −0.009 2667 May 17.89 9.5 −0.265 1743 Nov 05.44 3.5 −0.560 2203 Nov
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