TALKING DRUM AFRICAN SCHOLARS FORUM NEWSLETTER FALL 2019 EVENTS OCTOBER, 2019 November 7th - ASF & statesmen, his strategy to the Global Governance spon- international community to iso- sored talk by Professor Patri- late and sanction the Apartheid cia Agupusi {American Uni- regime created the most global- versity}. ized human rights struggle of the 20th century. Contact:
[email protected] [email protected] November 19th—UMass Bos- ton ASF Pre-Conference Recep- tion @ At the African Studies Association Conference, Copley Bring Back Our Girls: place, Mariot. Time: 6PM—8PM. Boko-haram & Gender See program/register here: violence in Northern Ni- geria. news_events_media/events/ Time: 3:15PM—4:45PM. pre_conference_african_studies Venue: MGS 03-625 _association_reception_2019 November 8th & 9th - November 21st- 24th— Cameroonian Conference : The talking drum is one African Studies Association con- Conflict & Change in of the oldest musical in- ference @ Mariot, Copley Cameroon. Square. strument from West Afri- November 12th - Oliver ca and it is prominent December 10th – Remember- Tambo : Documentary & ing the Rwandan Genocide Movie screening. among the Yorubas and 25th Memorial (Human Rights Program). Timothy Longman Hausas. It can be regulat- {Boston University}. ed to mimic the tone of human speech. The talk- December 13th – Kwanzaa Fest & Amilcar Cabral Speaker. ing drum is used as a Professor Nada Ali: Democrat- form of communication to ic Transitions in Sudan. send messages to people Have you heard from Jo- hannesburg: The life of both home and faraway. Oliver Tambo at the Cam- pus Ballroom 6 pm – 9 pm followed by a panel discus- sion and a reception.