Flora, Vegetation and Fauna Assessment, Keane Road

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Flora, Vegetation and Fauna Assessment, Keane Road FLORA, VEGETATION AND FAUNA ASSESSMENT, KEANE ROAD WATER CORPORATION – Keane Road Sewer Main Flora, Vegetation and Fauna Assessment ________________________________________________________________________________________________ FLORA, VEGETATION AND FAUNA ASSESSMENT, KEANE ROAD Prepared for WATER CORPORATION Prepared by ENV Australia Pty Ltd Level 1, 503 Murray Street PERTH WA 6000 Phone: (08) 9214 6100 Fax: (08) 9226 4109 Email: [email protected] Job Number: J113163 Report Number: 12/137 Document Endorsed for Author/s and Editor/s Reviewer/s Date Version Release by: Draft Narelle Whittington, Denise True, Denise True Chris Knuckey and Bridget Watkins 12/12/12 Damian Buller Final Narelle Whittington, Denise True, Narelle Chris Knuckey and Bridget Watkins Whittington 19/03/13 Damian Buller J113163 – NW 002 Final WATER CORPORATION – Keane Road Sewer Main Flora, Vegetation and Fauna Assessment ________________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................... III 1 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................... 1 1.1 THE PROJECT ................................................................................................................................................. 1 1.2 OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2.1 Location ........................................................................................................................................................ 2 1.3 BACKGROUND TO THE PROTECTION OF FLORA, VEGETATION AND FAUNA...................................................... 4 2 BIOPHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT ................................................................................. 7 2.1 CLIMATE ........................................................................................................................................................ 7 2.2 GEOLOGY AND SOILS ..................................................................................................................................... 7 2.3 BIOGEOGRAPHIC REGIONALISATION FOR AUSTRALIA ..................................................................................... 8 2.5 GEOMORPHIC WETLANDS ............................................................................................................................ 10 2.6 CONSERVATION ESTATE ............................................................................................................................... 10 2.6.1 Bush Forever and Ecological Linkages ........................................................................................................... 10 2.7 PREVIOUS BIOLOGICAL STUDIES ................................................................................................................... 11 3 METHODS ............................................................................................................ 12 3.1.1 Database Review ......................................................................................................................................... 12 3.1.2 Field Survey ................................................................................................................................................. 13 3.1.3 Taxonomy and Nomenclature ...................................................................................................................... 14 3.1.4 Statistical Analysis........................................................................................................................................ 14 3.2 VEGETATION MAPPING................................................................................................................................ 14 3.3 FAUNA ASSESSMENT ................................................................................................................................... 15 3.3.1 Database Review ......................................................................................................................................... 15 3.3.2 Field Survey ................................................................................................................................................. 16 J113163 – NW 002 Final WATER CORPORATION – Keane Road Sewer Main Flora, Vegetation and Fauna Assessment ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.3.3 Taxonomic Identification.............................................................................................................................. 16 4 RESULTS ............................................................................................................... 17 4.1 SURVEY LIMITATIONS AND CONSTRAINTS .................................................................................................... 17 4.2 FLORA ......................................................................................................................................................... 18 4.2.1 Overview of Flora ........................................................................................................................................ 18 4.2.2 Flora of Conservation Significance ................................................................................................................ 18 4.2.3 Introduced Flora .......................................................................................................................................... 23 4.3 VEGETATION................................................................................................................................................ 24 4.3.1 Vegetation Associations ............................................................................................................................... 24 4.3.2 Vegetation Condition ................................................................................................................................... 25 4.3.3 Floristic Community Types ........................................................................................................................... 26 4.3.4 Regional Representation .............................................................................................................................. 30 4.3.5 Vegetation of Conservation Significance ....................................................................................................... 30 4.3.6 Wetlands ..................................................................................................................................................... 30 4.4 FAUNA ........................................................................................................................................................ 31 4.4.1 Habitat Assessment ..................................................................................................................................... 31 4.4.2 Fauna Assemblage ....................................................................................................................................... 32 4.4.3 Fauna of Conservation Significance .............................................................................................................. 33 5 DISCUSSION ......................................................................................................... 34 5.1 CONTEXT ..................................................................................................................................................... 34 5.2 FLORA OF CONSERVATION SIGNIFICANCE ..................................................................................................... 34 5.3 VEGETATION OF CONSERVATION SIGNIFICANCE ........................................................................................... 35 5.4 VEGETATION CONDITION AND INTRODUCED FLORA ..................................................................................... 37 5.5 REGIONAL REPRESENTATION ....................................................................................................................... 37 J113163 – NW 002 Final WATER CORPORATION – Keane Road Sewer Main Flora, Vegetation and Fauna Assessment ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.6 BUSH FOREVER ............................................................................................................................................ 37 5.7 WETLANDS .................................................................................................................................................. 38 5.8 FAUNA HABITAT TYPES ................................................................................................................................ 38 5.9 FAUNAL ASSEMBLAGE ................................................................................................................................. 40 5.10 CONSERVATION SIGNIFICANT FAUNA ........................................................................................................... 40 6 RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................................................................... 43 6.1 FLORA ........................................................................................................................................................
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