The Vegetation of the Fitzgerald River National Park, Western Australia
Kingia1@); 141-153 (1990) 141 The vegetation of the Fitzgerald River National Park, Western Australia T.E.H. Aplint and K.R. Newbey2' I Westem AusrralianHerbarium, Deparrnenr ofConservarion and tjnd Management, P.O. Box 104, C,omo,Wesrem AusEalia 5152 Pres€nr addrcss: 87 Clydatlale Stre€r, Como, Wesrem Australia 6152. '?Cl- Westem Ausralian Herbarium, D€parrment ofconseFarion and Land Managemed, P.O. Box 104. Como. Westem Australia 6152. Abstract Aplin, T.E.H. ad Newbey, KR The vegetaticn of dre Fitzgenld River National Paft, Weslern Austalia- Kingia 1(2): 141-153 (1990). A vegetation map of lhe Fitzgerald River National Part which accompanie,sthis psper shows 12 major plant corrmmities. A kiefaccount ofeadr ofthesedan| corftnmities d,epicledin fiatmap is provided The vegeration fornatims ngefrom woodlard ro heath, with the pedominxrt fomation being lal shflblard. Not€s on t}le physical environment are also includei. Introduction TheFitzgeraldRiverNationalPark(Park) ,of244,677 ba,]nesjn the central sourl coastofWesrem Australia, betwe€ndte towns of Bremer Bay and Hopetounalong the coastand Jenamungupand "C" Ravensthorpeinland (Figure 1). The Park was gazetteda classreserve for tie preservationof "A" flora and faunain 1954,and in 1973was madean classreserve and vestedin the National parks Authority of Westem Australia. It is registeredas an Intemational BiosphereReserve with the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultuml Organization, the frst to be so approved in WestemAustralia. In 1970 a botanical survey w:ls conductedby the Westem Australian Herbarium !o obtain an assessmentof the botanicalresources in the Park. The vegetationmap which accompaniesthis paper was compiledby Aplin in the courseof that survey. Sincethen Newbey (1979) undertook a study of the vegetationof the central southcoastal region and someof his results havebeen incorporated in this paper.
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