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uen~sand Royal National Show 1923.

Starts MONDAY, 6th AUGUST. Finishes SATURDAY, 1 Ith AUGUST.

Write for SCUEDULE, nnd sp~eify se$ption you wishi to exhibit inl, viz: Hbrse, Cattle. Sheep. Swine, Dog,' Pgultry, Farm and Dairy Prudue, etc., Qr Schedules this year may be sub. divided. J. IIAN, Stcretry.

See Ouerleef.

Wholly sret up audl pritBct by Jotu ills, himelf, (Tirllotto t., Firibane. 4* L .. ,,, , .. -. -- .. u. 4.0 @ 0 aa I I ROYAL NATIONAL Agricultural & Industrial Association of .




,..mY m~inm InU 0DIOinI*in@I m

___ I_?__i__r~illl~ __ Agricultural and Indust ial D ya1~ o Natio.'j4~~Ifl~iAa~ esociaf ion of Queensland

Ptrons : His Excellency the Rt. Hon H. W. J. BARON FORSTER, P.c., .C.M.G., G;overrn or-ener al a nd ('oininander-in-Chief of th. c'oirinoiiw~rnlth of Australia. His Excellency the Rt. Hon. Sir MATTfI EW N ATH AN, P.C., G.C.M.G., Governor f Queensland.

COINCL. 1923



Chairman : Hon. TreRsurr: W. .J. AFFIECK, Eq Committee : J1()hN MIA('I)ONAI). E~ BRO)OKES. E~sq. A. T. NO)YES. Esui M HARLIES. Esq. C. H. PI(KWORTII. Esj FflANKE. Es.4l P. . SYMES, Eq. IRON. E. M 1.4. Trustees: H. ( L\ I LI~:\'. E~q Hon. Veterinary 1Surgeon:

Hon. olicitor: Messrs. O)SBORNE~ & WAIIGII Seretar: J. BAIN, 48th Annual Report OF THE COUNCIL OF THE b rr ~,th a~crrr AlAgricutltural & Indutria Royal Natinal sciaon of ueenland for the Year 193.

LADIES~ AND) GENTL~E MEN, Yor Coucil inl ruhinritting~ thecir 4Xthi Anul Report, feel confi- dent that thle reults ahievedt wzill meect ithi gnral approval. Never ince the founidtion of the Assoiation have su1ch atifyng records rewrded our effrts. Visito~s and~ thel P'rss wer~e unnInIoIsIIC)1 inl deserib)- lug the Ehibit ion! as a ~onerful oner, all thle Jore i eni~rkahie inl a year of suceh erious drought condtitions. Ini evry respcot thle Exibition was nirarvellous, record tteadicanices, freeoml I fromi even inior casualties, glorious wethr, suplenientec'ltcd by3 thle mrked im plrovein ut of every ection, all contributed towairdsN the Sho ~'ssuICCes. Theu mniit'eu t I(imw C aII1st a inll, t he No. 2 Ova I, the C:rechec, anrd numelrous other imllrove'(IIliet, were0 favour111ably oji unlllleute upol, and wre accepted as eloulunt eidnice hi~t thec Royal Naltional Association is a niatioal institutioni of grat ract iciml I oefliess andl highr i~n, and well dleserving, oof thec support of evr QuI!Ccenlander.lur FINANCE. ''he finuciu I results ttainer d are thel best evr recorddl, slmo wingC a jofit onl ctul shlow traalctions of over11 £,OtO. Referce~ to our SL2ttemen'lt of Rci~ts a in1 I lgaynieints1 will Shlow t lint inl addtition to filising thle yeaIIrwith an ilk credlcit (It £79&)i//l, wer havte expedled

with al vie~w of assuri lug rooiii for e~xpatliionl when1 uiec~sary. £3,227/6/1 hlas b~eenl expended uponl pinnuiemull~t iumijiroveniciu(? tst and1( £t)I7/1 4/- on fur- nliture' andl ltuult. Time imjl)r'OVenien'ltS inc'll(hole t outrulc'tion of anl Xft. concrete Sewe'r ~whre ~ithrto :u fol openCIgully eitd, nil the trails- toriiiatioun ol' useless land t hat xitedt oii eithler sidle o~f thel gully into a sp'orts ovalU se~cond~ onlly iii Brlisbamuelt to the( Asso ition 's xitingC Show Rtig. Thlis reult was nl ar13:ri 'ed at by? t le xed ~iture of neaurly £3i000, a Inge proortiouu of wlili sumII went to Jl ic huaseX(thlousalll mis f loads of fillilg inl miateu ml, risingK the new~ ovll usx high~liii parclts asN 2 ft. bove its old levei.' Thea new ovl is fittedl it Ii aLgrand~ stani, drsnYng andl din- ing rooms1, and1( l)e'foreC thle eiul of thle c~ikt seasLonI it is anlticipaUted that it will be much~l inl use. The above figures hearll nol re'ltionl to time e)xpen'- diture in connctio n with thle e~rction of thec new dlouble decer grand stand an1 ofices in thle erectionl of which the sumll of overP £3;0,000 has ulready been e~xpcltende. A loanl sLUt~~illt for' this pur~ose hlas ben secur- edl from the Czmon enithlt Balk at a libe~ral rate of iteest, repa~tymnts bing spreadl over a period of 20 yealrs. Our first year's expriene shows that the recvenue poucing capbilities of the new standl will more than .------

cover the annual interest and redemption account, unless most unfortun- ate weather conditions intervene. These improvements are further refer- red to in another portion of this report. IMPROVEMENTS.-Those visitors who had not been on the Grounds since the previous Show were astounded to note the many improvements carried out during the past twelve months. A magnificent Grandstand capable of holding in comfort 5,000 persons (and over 2,000 more when circumstances compel close packing), christened by the Council "The Ernest Baynes Stand," in recognition of their Chairman's thirty years service on behalf of the Royal National Association, is the first noted of these. Adjacent to this is built the Association's Offices, containing a Council Room, Strong Room, Offices for the Secretary and Staff, Public Office, and supplementary Grandstand, seating accommo- dation for about 60 persons. A room capable of seating 16 pressmen adjoins the Secretary's Office, from which an uninterrupted view of the ground is obtainable. Sixteen lockers enable the reporters to lock up their material, and as a bench has been provided for the typing machines, apart from these locker desks, it will be admitted that careful thought has been given.to the comfort of the show week hard worked press repre- sentatives. The room has telephonic communication with the various exchanges. The large Grandstand first referred to is undoubtedly the very best Showground Stand in the Commonwealth to-day. It is what is known as a double decker, and each deck, as before stated, is capable of seating in comfort 2,500 persons. The in the basement provided on the official luncheon day seating for 700 guests. This hall is a lofty, well lighted, and superb- ly ventilated room which is beyond question the best building erected in Queensland for public entertainment purposes. The smooth cement floor lends itself admirably for ballroom purposes, great public meetings, or public dinners. The Kitchen to use the words of one of our best caterers, "Is a Dream." Gas and steam are provided for cooking, and the appliances for such purposes are most up-to-date. It is so ventilated that no odour of cooking penetrates into the Dining Room. Electric washers are pro- vided, capable of washing and drying 800 plates in about 15 minutes. Plates and other dishes, cutlery, etc., to be cleaned, are placed in specially designed trays which run into washers and are treated there with super heated steam, so that besides removing every particle of residue food from the plate, the heat is so great that within a few seconds after removal from the washer the plates are dry and ready for use again, the treatment making them thoroughly sterilised. Saucers, spoons, and cut- lery can all be similarly treated. Steam for all these purposes is pro- vided by an "Ideal Boiler" which in turn is served from a large high pressure copper cylinder, served by a reservoir up in the ceiling of the top stand. The function of the copper cylinder is to carry the supply of water heated up to nearly boiling point, so that no delay occurs in con- nection with the steam cooking appliances. This part of the building looks like an engineer's shop, and naturally the chef needs to possess a fair mechanical knowledge. All the experts who view this part of our appliances are unanimously of opinion that it is the best public kitchen in the Commonwealth. Off this dining hall is constructed a splendid Bar for dispensing soft and hard drinks. Like the dlining hall, the appliances are of the most up- to date description, including an aerial cash system, connected with a seconid Bar upstairs, entrance to which is obtained from the main Avenue. At the back of the Grandstand witha frontage to the main Avenue are I') shops and tlhe Har which we have previously referred to. These shops were designed for use by customers requiring lock-up shop accommo- dation during the week, and were three-fold over-applied for.

__~I__ ___ ~ ~_~__ _L_ l~_l The Grand Stand sanitary accommodation is connected with septic tanks, the appliances being the most modern made. One of the most costly improvements carried out during the year has been the construction of a sewer through what is known as, the Acclimitisation area of our land. An open creek divided this area in asch way that the land on either side was of little value. The construc- tion of this sewer has permitted the reclaiming of sufficient land on which to make an oval nearly as large as that on the main Show Grounds. The old Grandstand which used to stand on the No. 1 Oval has been re-eredted on No. 2. We have thus provided a second sports ground for , and a splendid Show ring in which can be judged up to five separate breeds of Dairy Cattle simultaneously. Recently we acquired about three-quarters of an acre of the Bowen Park land, a most useful addition to our area, and one which will permit largely increased accom- modation for machinery. This improvement requires inspection to appre- ciate its worth, but as Ibefore stailted, it has been a \erv costly one. The con:,::,.l iln of the sewer cost £1:100, land Y7.30, and fillini in materi:'i inearly £El,l)00, fenciln , aInII rc-erection of (;raIn stanl aInd dressing rooms aout another £1000, altogether this improvement when completed, will h i\av cost a:jout £4,100, but it is worth it. THE LADY FORSTER CRECHE.-Ladv Forster at our 1922 Show expressed surprise that a Creche was not included amongst our many up-to-date conveniences. Visits to the Svdney andi Melbourne Exhibi- tions by Members of (ouncil showed the necessity for such a Depart- ment, and the erection of a building designed to present even better features than we had seen on a Southern Show Grounds was undertaken, Our Creche includes two large sleeping rooms for the children, a kitchen- ette, and spacious verandah where the children can be accommodated away from sun or rain. Adjoining the building a space has been con- structed to hold pure white sea sand brought from Bribie Island, and the shrieks of delight of the children proved how much the little ones appreciated this section of the creche. The building is well provided with lavatorv and sannitnary cnnvniences. Your Council were honoured in securing the consent of iHer Excellency to name the building the "Lady Forster Creche," and equally fortunate in securing the assist- ance of the Creche and Kindergarten Association of Queensland, who throughout the show week managed this section of our work with a patience and tactfulness worthy of highest praise. Her Ladyship offi- cially opened the Creche, and was so interested that on the following dlay she re-visited it, bringing a number of toys for the little ones. Sixty eight children were accommodated on the Wednesday of show week, taxing the creche rooms to utmost capacity, but each one of the 68 children, we are pleased to state, received its full share of attention. FREEHOLDS.-Sincee our last report was submitted, we have acquired several freehold properties. including three cottages in Costin Street, and one in O'Connell Terrace, the total purchase money in round figures being £2,440. In addition to this it will be rememibereId tliat we also have a fine cottage property at the corner of C'ostin Street and Gregory Terrace, and oine in Water Street. These properties have all been acquired with the object of sonime day increasing the size of our too limited ground accommodation. The total value of these properties is £4,000. All are occupied by good tenants and are returning a fair inter- est on the expenditure. OFFICIAL OPENING. The Exhibition was opened at noon on Wednesday, 8th August, by His Excellency the Governod General, who was accompanied by Lady Forster, and His Excellency Sir Matthew Nathan. The Vice-Regal escort consisted of a magnificently mounted body of police in charge of Inspector Carroll, and Guard of Honour of Boy Scouts under Commissionr i. R. Alexander, and Scout Master T. M. Hunter. Their Excellencies were met by the President, Mr. Ernst Byne, and other Members of your Council, an1 were conducted to a specially erected dais. Amonst those present on the dais weec:-Tlhe Lieutlnant Gocvernor (Mr. W. Lennon), Preir (Mr. E. G. Thodlore), Mssrs. W. N. Gillies (Minister for Agriculture), A. J. Jones (Ministr for Mines), Forgan Smith (Minister for Works), .. Sto~ford (Home Secretary), F. 1. Brennatn (Assistant Hoe Secretary), the Seiakr (Mr. W. Bertra), C. Taylor (Leader of the State Opposition), . T. Bell, 1'. A. M1'Lcln, and~ 0f. Cartr, Ms.L.A., his race A~chbihlop Shar, His Gracre Archbish op DuhiS, the Mayor of risba:lne (Aldlerman H. J. Diddams), thle Mayor of Southi Bisbne (Aldra~n A. Faulkner), their Ilonours rI. Justice Lukinl andi Mr. ,Justice O'ullivan, the Comissioner of Police (Mlr. P. Short), Sir Alfredl C'ow- Icy, Major-Generl Sir Granvilic Ryrie, M.H.R.. Aldrmn J. Hethering- ton and 0. Down, Mr. . Watson (p~reident of the CIhambr of MAim- factures), Mrs E. Gr. Scriven (ndr Secretary, Deartment of Agricl.i tuic), Mr. J. M. Hunter (x-Alent General for Queenslad), and Dr. rend Mrs. Campbell, and Miss Ethel Campbell.

AI)1)RESS OF WVELOE. The presient of the Rloyal Ntionail Assnjitiin formally invited liiR Exoellency the Govrenor-Geitlerl: to declre thle Show opecn, a nil slw' I thle Scretary of the association (Mr. J. Bain) tol read hi lh~ lewv a address of welcome. Thle adress CXJl~esse~d thle applrciation n or thec members of tho council of the asociation of the hoor (c(ifrr Id upon)1 theni by his Excllncy in opening thle So. Silce his kit 12' Iiioithis ago improveents hod11been ean c~ii out that had beenrl consIIide red II(Ces- mary for the comfor~t of nicnrs, eliiitors, andl isitor, a ~l it wa~s believed that these wold~ be ap~rciated genetralv. Iriiipa ou

seating! over 5OOO persons, a dliing~ hal I~l~lcwh r o o 5(l ,~nst5 col liib pro~vided for, an excutive buildingK eoit iing all thuc associotio l's oiis~~ togfether with suplemelcntary giarnlstnu.~l Isetin~, a a I at her a1Po rteno ul- eC(. A new oval had Risoa leea'l 'ole~tel, inl wh'Jich six eeh ,~'~ll1'f i ha i r cattle could be ~udlged imultnouly, a ild hich, throug~houti the v:r cculd be used for crick~t or footboll. Not theleas vauale ofth iiiijlrveluents effcted wasn thle l,:a v l'orst r ('recli. for t lie ereionl of wvhich the mothers who usedI it (VIel ftanks to her'i Ex;cllecy lI 1V Foster, at wose suggsctionl the builing as erectil, and iifter whlouil it had~ been naed. Coiipa)I risoii of thel 1xli iIts ith those of lost 'e (:r eI iaIISIScI t Ie' ccl~usion that echl yerI's E:xhibition showed~ a:iov(ne i kd up'on that of its ~,~predeesor. The re'sponsibility fr tis was due1( Ilrgely to the high tnd~ard of agrricurl hirdciluotion nlljHted p b thle AgriCul - turl Collee nd~ e'xprimltal frmsll, aiid to thuc cir ogenienrlllt for thle bttrmnent ol' hrd~n t fariii IlcO~llh)IIlo ofhinl l iv thle hieht byl c'i vn I ry pl.- aoted by agric~ultural shows. Not withsrtanuil g h t o~~l:\on rl~l le~ seos nl~ through which the coutry lil passedt, it wold he oted thatl the pri a~ry jroduts exhibitedl werle everythingC thaut conl~ Ibe de~ird~. A tt cut ion \~v directed to the dlislay of cottonl and1 f'uit, spec'(ial re'ference be' ac'lllnliadel( tor thle exhibit of Stz~lthiOrpe) III~Le, lli I inl co~ fitoe, ilce Feb'lrua cv last, with the objc~t of deontratin their recte ive~ qulalitiesR for e~ver- seas export. Various other exhlibits were eoniieteul uliuol, and~~pa ititi~lar mention was madec of the prodltuc~ts repii~tl by the British Empllire E~xlii- tin Conniisiou. The nilress cocluded with an1 asulrnlce of the~ jItl 'N devotion nd allegiance to the Throne. (Chrs~). LORD FORSTER'S REPLY. His Excellency the Governor-General said: "I thank you for your address, and I shall make a point of conveying to his Majesty the King the assurance of your devotion and allegiance to the Throne. The year which has elapsed since I had the pleasure of opening your last Show has been clouded by the death of your late president (Mr. M'Dougall). He was one of those men of character and sterling worth, working incessant- ly for the improvement of tile great industry in which he was engaged, and the welfare of the society of which he waI!l president. Queensland and Australia are the poorer for the loss. I congratulate you, Mr. Baynes, and the Royal National Association as well, on your becoming president in his place. We all know that you possess the qualities which deserve, even if they cannot ensure, success, an d a fund of energy and enthusiasmn in the service of the association which go far to promote its welfare. "I congratulate you, too, on the great improvements which I see around me, especially the splendid stand which has been most appropriate ly named after you, and I amn very pleased that the creche should bear Lady Forster's name. I trust it will prove useful to those who bring their families here. I greatly regret that the last 12 months have been so full of difficulty for the great industry which you represent, and I think that in view of all the circumstances the Show is quite exceptionally good. "It was unfortu nate thant such bad conditions were experienced for the first venr's cultivation of cotfon over a wide "area. It was inevi- table that the results should be disappouting in rmany cases. It is very satisfactory that they should have been so good in many others, and on the whole it has abuinda ntly justified our confidence that it would resist drought better than most crops, and that under normal conditions it will yield a good return to the grower. More than ever am T convinced that it will prove a very valuable crop to the small farmer in conjunction with other forms of production, but il' we want to secure the highest profit we mrost lie careful to get thli right seed. That is essential. If you sow mixed seed you cannot hope for a good price, for your crop will be uneven. So once again I empliise the pnra'miount importance of get- ting the right seed. I congratulate you and the council and all concern- ed upon this Show, the success of which is assured. I thank you for the honour you have done me in having asked me to open the Show, and I have now great pleasure in declaring it open." ((Cheers). At the call of tle IPresident (MN'. Ernest Baynes) cheers were given foi the Governor-General ind Lady Fi'rster. BOY MS('Ol'TS ('OM'PLIMENTED. The (Governor-Ge( eral thelc inslpected tlhe paral of Boy Scouts, and chatted in a friendly i:mInne('r with ih(e various Scout oflic'ers. lie after- wards addressed the whole parade, and complimetnteI tihe boys on their fine appearance and alertness, and urged them to do their utmost to pro- pagate the sterling maxims of the Scout movement. ()FF('IAL LI.'N ('ll EON. The Official Luncheon was held in the large i)ining Hall under the Ernest Baynes I'avilion, Mr. Ernest Haynes presiding. On his right hand was seated the Govrnor-General Lord Forster, and on his left the State Governor, Sir Matthew Nathan. Others at tilthe President's table incrluded Lady Forster, Mrs. Ernest Baynes, the lion. the Lieutenant Governor and Mrs. Lennon, Archbishop Sharp, Archbishop I)uhig, Ilon. and Mrs. E. G. Theodore, Alderman IH. J. Diddanms (Mayor of Brisbane) and tile Acting Mayoress, Chief Justice and Mrs. Mc('awley, Mrs. Bruche, Major General and Lady Ryrie, Capt. Mutton, Mr. J. B. (Cramsie , Miss V. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Bell, M.L.A., anti Mr. H. 8. Cribb. The gathering was one of the largest and most fashionable ever seen in Bris bane, and included representatives of the State Government, Churches, Military, Law, Mayor and Aldermen of City Councils, Kindred Societies, Mercantile interests, visitors, Judges, Stewards, Members of Council of the Royal National Association and their wives, the guests being esti- mated at about 700. After the toast of "The King" had been honoured, the President (Mr. Ernest Baynes) proposed the health of the Governor- General who, at great personal inconvenience had come to Brisbane in order to be present at the Royal National Show. Continuing, the Presi- dent stated that Queenslanders were always glad to welcome Lord Forster to Brisbane, because they knew full well how great an interest he took in the primary products of the Commonwealth, and in everything tending towards its prosperity and development. The women and children would remember Lady Forster with pleasure because of the interest she had taken in their welfare, and because she had been responsible for the build- ing of the (Creche anuid Kindergarten (In the Show (rouiuls which bore her name. He hoped they would have many other opportunities of we'coming His Excellency and Lady Forster to Queensland. LORD FORSTER'S AI)VICE. * Lord Forster thanked all present for the cordiality of their reception. He particularly appreciated the kindly references to Lanlv Iorster. So far as the creche was concerned, he thought tile best reward Lady F'rster had lay in the fact that the creche was now full of babies. (Laughter). With regard to the hope expressed by the president that they might lhi able to pay further visits to Queensland in the future, he could say with confidence that no one echoed that wish more corlially than Lady Forster and himself. It was always a great pleasure to them to come to Queens- land, because they always felt when they came that they were among friends. For that reason they always looked forward with pleasurable anticipation to their annual visits to Queensland. Although they had done a good deal of travelling since they came to Australia, they had not travelled as widely as they would have liked to do in Queensland. But wherever they had been they had always been confronted with the same old problem of empty spaces andi the need for a greater population. liHe had been interested to meet the Governor of Quensland ani the Premier, anti to discuss various matters with them, and as a result of what he hal seen and heard he felt quite sure that the only sound lines on whiich to promote imminigration were to see that every immigrant hal somewh.re definite to go, and something definite to do when\he reached Australia. That aspect of the problem, in his opinion, would be obvious to anyone who gave it any thought at all, anIl he was glad to see that in Quecnsland and in the other States of the ('ommnonwealth, in conjunction with the authorities in England, steps were being taken to promote immirnation on those lines. The right policy seemed to be to take the new settler when he arrived and to put him to work for somebody else for a time, so that he might familiarise himself with Australian conditions, and after that he might he given an opportunity of starting on his own account. ( Hear, har). Under such conditions he thought they might all look forwadI to attain ing good results. On the occasion of the show luncheon last year he had been much struck by some exceedingly sound observations made by thl Premier concerning the problem of the man on the land. Mr. Theodore emphasised the need for the development of markets for the produce of the man on the land. Anyone must surely see that it was of no use producing unless it was possible readily to disposc of the produce, and he saw in the British Empire Exhibition which would be held in London next year a golden opportunity for developing British markets for Australian produce.

i______7 One thing which was absolutely essential if they wanted either to win or to hold a market was that the stuffi they put on the market should be of equal and staple quality, and that it should reach the consumer in the shape which the consumer required. (Applause.) It was not the slightest use producing the best stuff in the world if no customer could be founl willing to take it, and it was well to remember that the dliffi- culty of getting into a new market always was considerable. Often it was quite impossible unless they were able to put it into a more attractive form than their competitors. The art of packing and standardisation was a difficult one to acquire. It called for education and study, and it was essential to success. He was very pleased to sec from an inspection of their exhibition that they were proceeding on sound lines. The packing of citrus fruits by the children was, he thought, a very sensible way to set about things. He wished every prosperity to the National Association and to the industries of Queensland with which it was chiefly concerned. (Applause). The toast of "The State Governor" was proposed by Mr. E. T. Bell, M.L.A., who said he felt sure it was one that all present would delight to honour. He sai'd Sir Matthew Nathan had shown the keenest interest in, and sympathy for, the man on the land. His Excellency already had done a great deal for the betterment of the people who lived in remote parts of Queensland, and had lost no opportunity of helping and encour- aging them. He also had shown a deep interest in the industrial develop- ment of the State, and was always a thoroughly appreciative visitor to the Brisbane shows. GOVERNOR'S ADDRESS. Sir Matthew Nathan, after thanking the company for the compli- ment paid him in the drinking of the toast, said he was going to follow the example- set by the Governor-General at the official opening of the show by saying something about the late Charles Edward M'Dougall. He had known Mr. M'Dougall only for a short time, but the knowledge had meant much to him. When he saw Mr. M'Dougall's kindly welcoming face and heard his cheerful voice, quietly characteristic of absolute sin- cerity, hie always felt n little thrill of pleasure such as comes to one at each renewal of a delightful experience. He was a man whose good opinion one cbuld not but greatly desire. He, remembered Mr. M'Dougall once saying that he believed that though he (Sir Matthew) had little knowledge of cattle to start with, he would presently become a good judge of stock: and if' he knew more of the subject than he previously had done, it was, in part, because he tried to earn the commenilation of one who, himself the best of judges, became more and more a valued friend. He most liked to think of Mr. M'Dougall in the stables or in the paddock with the colts and fillies he loved so well. There was something paternal in the way he treated his young horses, anil 1 have never seen the affec- tion of animals more truly shown than it was to him. The touch of his hand was sought for by dumb creatures, and his handshake stirred the loving devotion of fellowmen. Hie hoped they would forgive these personal reflections, following in a halting way the eloquent tributes that had been delivered by previous speakers to one of the best of Queenslandlers. It was with a sad thankful- ness at hiving known hint that he lingered over the dear memory of the splendid man who hais gone. lie turned from those sad thoughts to the pleasinr reflection that their old lihiriman had become their new presi- dent. All of them hadl confidence in Mr. Ernest Baynes, and it was scarcely necessary for hin to bear testimony to the energy, the capacity, and the tact of the new head of the society. He would paraphrase the well known tribute to a great builder of long ago and say: "lIf you want testimony, look around you; see the great changes that have been effected to these grounds and buildings, and take note of the splendid Show that we are here enjoying. The only complaint that he could make, as he had made before with regardi to it, was that all the daylight hours from Monday to Saturday were itnalequate for getting full value from the Exhibition. Ie niadle bold to say that he had learnt more in the three or four hours he had spent in the pavilion on Tuesday than in any' other corresponding imem n uring the year. He looked very carefully at a certain number of exhibits, and took advantage of the information that was to he obtained at the various courts anti stands from telthicil experts. ie was glad to see that others -men, women, and young Iteop)It-were doing the satle, and that the ihow was thus effecting its most imiportant purpose-that of agricultural e iucation. In this State they' were gettinig itiore live to the need for agricul- tural knowledge to )(-rlm1nte th rough the whole body of the people, and as a popular educator the Brisia oc Show wo tld taik e a Ii igh p1inec iii any scheme that may be uleviseti hy thte Stte ot tile 1niivers;it V to this enul. Mlr. Ernest Bayiies, lhe was sure, woultl tioll le i-nitit to tI evel joi that side of the work of the society overwhith he ha1 heon called uponi to.presite. (Applause). Hie ulesi red, at the risk of reipen ti lg sot intentie tsalready expri-ossed, to refer to the keen pleasure that it gave them to welcome the King's repro- sentative in Australia anti Lady Forster. As the intimacy of friendlship took the place of the courtesy of actcua i ittaleceshlip, they got all of thei each year a greater satisfction front the annual visit. T'he Iio petl that the visit, paid this vent at the iiidl'II poinit of the natural tri of tie Governor-General'sservice, might he r(-lteate(d not only in the remaining years of that service, but ini the prolongation of it that Quesnslna , nii no doubt the other States of Australin, would so greatly tiesire. 110 knew from his own oft-repeated experienccs in mII:tity pa rts of this great coutttry, how keen was the loyalty of the ItplC of Nirtintieastein Australia, aId he was sure that t here was ito oc-ensioit on whit-h the (-ntjoveid mtiore tile explt-essiol of it tnt Lord 1'utistr thinIt at tlie a niiunal visit to whichIi they always so joyfully looked forwartl to. (Atpltuse) MIR. 'iTlHEO IXORE GIVES A IVI( E. The Prentier (Mr. Theodore), in proptosintg the toast of the Royal National Agricultural Assoctiatioin, couplled witit the anie of M1r. Ehinest Baynes, said that Mlr. Bauynes was for this year the president of the asso- ciation, and for litnity years had hteon intiiitately connte(ctedewitt it, anitid had done excellent ser-vite iin aci vLtniig i le iiitr tests of quileiislitIttl, anti Queensland's pIrimary iitulttstries, by promotinig the success of the antutnial shows. He thought everyone it ight (-ontgrntulat e the associatjiolt this year on the excellete of tIte Shlowv, iot w i tttinding the tIisaltilities a ris- ing out of the dtlverse sea soIt. The exhibits were of a li gh sta t Iandi, anti those responsible for the organisat ion ant I a rta emtiets of the distriCt displays were especi lly deserving of coitmmnendat ion. l ie livye stock exhibits also, as wits always thlie case, were of a high stantlartl. The association, unuestin lttbly, was serving a v'ery high 1 l)urpSc, hot only in adivertisiing the I esources cif the Stitt(, bitt in btintging together the producers at the atinual exhibitions, so thut they Ittight observe the progress made in the uliffereunt iiistricts, anIIl giving thtemiI a chance of emulating those of other districts thIan their own in various ways. Such annual gatherings gave tlteitm an opportunity for ati interchatige of ideas that could not be other than lelptful. Thli( exhibits of live stock, such as beef cattle, dairy eattle, horses, shep, anti pigs, were all interesting to the highest degree, and represented one of the mttost important industries in the Btate. The annual exhibitions in Brisbane and at other cenltres ganve oppor- tunities for the display of livestock andl for demonstrating the inllrove- meats effected in the mthos of breeding andl riig toc. Those responsible for the improvemnts in stock breeing in1 past years (esrved every credlit, but a reat dlR more neededl to he doneP. U~nfortunately, the meat indlust~y ansi Iparticlirly that part of it hichl was concened with the export of met, was suffering froml trrile derpresiion at thle presen't timc, andt there wre crtin fctors conltributing to thle failre of that industry, iclih it oughit to, 1w the duty ot' throse li rctly i'oucernei I and~ of public iriri enerll, to inqcuire into andi rectif. Some~ of those factors were already know. It alpared that the stockrceers of Queenslnd were at a (isl~atulgO a compay~red withi sonic of thecir prin- cipl couspletitors ial thet oveseasx malrkets, and~ anlothe~r factor wa:I~ that arising frans the sonotlije cit st irlsms es inl Europ, ndi thec restrict i ore- 0± the markets resulting thr~fromr. There wrer others, howeer, ovr wrhichi I he, in Quecosla od, hadl soici control. 'There wre ('erta n iItteRs to \vhhi 1i sul icri t at tetion hadl Iiot hseeCn pRid iii theC pasrt. 'herire~n 'tsiii~crar~ not beenl orgnnised as well1 as thecy IliJI gt have.( ben. Tb en,, w itti re ardlt to the (lila Iitv of thet stock inl QueenLIStaIid, I nol(Inc ht a. foot wont111 Isoy that they ha d rn i'r tieste tans Ia nt theyv wce i t to veach. hytnIi ee ry fai ilitv for the I rolctioni of hi gb-s.lasss so k, et the s~tnrekra i set inl Qucasla nsl diii not conipa c t onr:s I st wii r thant ro licCtl ksv other countries hich wre our coniletitrirs ini thec nirkts of thlewol.t mlighlt be that Natulre hait iwenl too kins, nsI tht the stok-breedersH in Q ueenlansl hnd been1 too prone t is leave th ims to, chn e , so thint theyv were unpreparesi wheni a:il seasns1 cnel. If thLt was SO, it wa tine sriuul thouht wa give~n to renly i\!irl~ mattrs. The Nattionl Assoiatio n alllrl hr:s~I tonri mnuchl tri imro' e ri! hot s of tok breeslig ansi1 rini'rll, al~ii ther r w ' rlImci o ther coucil, ani antima tlv assoc ite I with it, \~vhi'' f liv rel issi thle srliorli ne~ss o~f ttio hIrescu't sit~iitiii. I srve itiuussfiretigadfdnstc isi. be alostet, ansI1 this're trulst lie imlproveul~ Issetliosts uif nI~rkCtii~r. thul prot- dlut hIecfoi'e thi iiea':t inidusltrv' Coitlil lie1 esHtalistCl (iii a1 sownI1! t~lii. It ~as ari iatter of! tne' re test ins jiolrta ilc, hiearisi. thle rint s irt tradeo ol' Quea ndanit ouicit to rchC Iit tess thlin it6tl )OOs elsgnsiul lie hrlie'l that if ever one o iuied inl toiig what was nec tsi, sonic solui- tion uv isild be foiih. Ie lsea't it;' co n~rat la~tl teasoISOirt ion on its entrrise! iii carr ing out so manyI1? isiipi'irOFiieiits to its rOall s, tht the

groiirisls anit i IuitLr~s, wast a t rik i rig triute to the Isospcritv andi etiihiitv iif Qirelans~qil. lie, lie\lvi there WOulit hanve tsi be still frthr ez t';inni. Iseca rse tIi crc ~;as g~oing to lie a big forwaMrd ioe inl thec settle~ mit of thli i glrert tr te. (A pI~stause) MR. AYNES REPLIES. r. E~rnest~ tixiii's, re'lsti ngr to tii' toa~t, sIlenl rertful refrnces to thle teath of thle late Iresilet, Mr. ('harles Mi 1)ougtt. i i ileath in thle p~rii of life wris a lilo W t us tie icinbe~)rs of thle col rs'i. lie was 8 up'tsiirri a utl a gents'uia is of thle best type', a rn is~ wo p'layed the gme wHselthiuir' he( wonL or' lost. ' 'Isaurt' ' Mi' I)ougal wasn a 1rat ilecuher 01' stock, ril hlis iiame woutul live as sui'h, ansi to peipetulten his mneory the association was placing~ onl its ftursehiclesdF ''The . E. M' loualt M('nlriioil Prize' for Shuuthors. To those who knew him intimlately, Mr. M 'ougall wasl more than a stock raiser-lie was a lovable and corur- age~ous fellow with big! idesa, high ambition, ail a fund of grit and decter- rintio. Thee were thme qUalities that narkest all who succeCil, rI\ii ns such he was a fine example to our young people. They were gathered in a new building which stood to the credit of the pioneers who laid the foundation of the association, and it was fitting that they should pay tribute to them on that occasion. Their splendid show of beef cattle was not the work of a year. It was the work of generations of keen men, alive to the needs of the industry in its future development. The owners of their studs had had a lean period, but they had kept up their high standards, and if they wished to see Queensland remain the great beef-producing country they knew it was, those studs must be maintained and full use made of them, for therein lay the salvation and solution of the beef problem. He noticed the other day that one of their big pastoralists had said that no man had ever made money out of cattle. A statement like that was ridiculous and misleading, because thousands of men had made money out of cattle, and thousands more would do so. On numerous occasions he had urged the beef producers to use better bulls in their herds, and improve the quality of their beef, as he considered this was the only way for them to regain and hold their place in the world 's markets. There were several bodies of earnest workers with schemes for obtaining markets for their beef. No doubt they would secure better sell- ing terms, freight, etc., but it was only by the individual efforts in breed- ing up to export standard that they could hope for lasting benefit. He did not want to give the impression that they had no first-class cattle or competent breeders in Queensland. That would be wrong, but he did say that they had too many second-class cattle. Then came the question of dehorning cattle when young, or breeding polled cattle, and also that of lightly branding, both important factors. He invited them to go round amongst the dairy cattle, and see what the leaders in the industry had done to raise the standard of pro- duction. He would like to be able to point with pride to the great strides which the horsebreeders had made, but instead he would tell them what the Government was doing in that direction, for great praise was due to them. Within the last couple of years the Government had done much to inaugurate the cotton industry in the State by guaranteeing ihe purchase of the crop to the grower-a unique piece of legislation in firmly establishing another great industry in the State. Mr. Theodore and his Ministers could congratulate themselves on the fact thta 60,000 acres had been under cotton this year, with a prospect of there being about 250,000 acres next year. On the association representing to the Government that the big development of the cotton industry would find the growers short of horses to do the ploughing and cultivating, the Government sent a buyer South, and purchased six high-class Clydesdale stallions as a start with which to effect a change in the class of horse being bred on the farms. That was the sort of encouragement they needed from the Government. Those horses were on view on the grounds and were a splendid lot, true to type, and character, and well worth inspection. GRAND PARADE.-From the Official Luncheon, guests made their way to the stands to view the Grand Parade of Stock. The ring had been cleared to make room for a wonderful display of live stock. It was truly a great sight, and, if one might judge from the way in which the stock carried themselves, it was easily believable that they were proud of their decorations. After being led round the circle, the form of parade was altered, so that every beast presented at some period of the parade a head on, tail on, or side view to the spectators no matter at which part of the ground they were stationed. The evolutions found much favour with the spectators, who loudly applauded.

-~. ^ . ,, . . . ^ , , ., _ _ _ - - -T g r i r n iirn l ll n li « n EXHIBITS. LIVE STOCK.-The entries in every section were surprisingly good. Beef Cattle, owing to the dryness of the season, showed a hardly appre- ciable falling off, but on the other hand the Dairy Cattle exhibits consti- tuted a record, and compelled the erection of additional accommodation and new fed rooms. A feature of this year's Show was the judging of the Dairy Cattle Section in No. 2 Oval. The innovation was pleasing to competitors and officials, so much so, that their expressions conveyed to your Council were of a gratifying description. Horse entries were the best recorded for many years, and included six draught stallions pur- chased by the Government, for service at a very low fee in different parts of the State. We doubt if better Blood Stock has ever graced the Bris- bane Show Grounds. In this section the erection of fourteen new loose boxes anil six feed rooms was found necessary. Harness Horses, (lacks, Plough, Cart and Lorry Horses, together with the Galloways and Ponies, made a display of very high order. The Judges spoke in eulogistic terms of the quality of the various exhibits, and were of opinion that they equalled those seen in any other Show in Australia. The Trotters were greater in number than on the previous year, and the various events were keenly contested. A new track record for stud hook mares was establish- edl by Mr. J. Cantlon's "Gohlen Wilkes" who did the distance in 2.21, thus lowering "Some Girl's" record of 2.231 established in 191S. The programme of trotting events was altogether interesting, and excellent performances were put up by the various competitors. HIGH JUMPING.-Although no records were broken, the Jumping hEvents throughout the week were full of excitement, anil provided all the thrills that the most blase spectator could desire. The Iligh Jump, for which £300 was offered, attracted twelve of the most classic performers of the Commonwealth. Starting at 5ft. 6ins., most of the competitors went over, but when raised to 6ft. four retired, and at 6ft. 6ins. only four remained in. The jumping of these four horses was superb, particularly "Rainbow" nnIn "Hector." "Rainbow" was the only competitor to clear 7ft., and " Hlector," "Thumbs Up," and "Spot" divi\ided the second anil third prizes. Several horses attempted to win the £100 offered by the Association for breaking the 7ft. lOins. Australian record, but failed. In the Equestrienne events some splendid riding was witnessed, and the horsemanship displayed over the hurdles and high jumps would be a reve- lation to European and American riders. SI!EEP, SWINE, POULTRY & DOGS were admittedly crowded, but it is anticipated that better accommodation will be provided next year. i ne i,(,; ei. Ies were so heavy that a re-arrangement of the judging was necessary. The exhibits were divided into two main classes, one occupy- ing the benches on Tuesday and Wednesday, the other on Thursday and Friday, thus extending this competition over four days instead of three. Somewhere in the vicinity of two thousand poultry, pigeons, and canaries constituted the exhibit in that section,. and by lovers of feathered breeds the Exhibition was claimed to be the best that they have ever had the good fortune to see. Pages could be spent detailing the various competi- tcrs, but we can only make a brief comment, by stating that it is hard to conceive a more attractive sight than that presented by the 200ft. long and 70ft. wide, splendidly lit anl splendidly ventilated pavilion provided by your (Council for such exhibits filled with 2000 of the best in the State. IDISTRICTI' EXIIBITS.-Elsewhere will be found detailed the points scored by the competing district exhibits, and one farms. The variety and quality of the products was up to, and in many cases, exceeded, the high standard set by previous competitors. Visitors who understood the unfavourable conditions under which the products were grown were astounded, arid warmly commended the producers. GOVERNMENT COURTS.-This year 's display in the various Gov- ernment Courts was above the average. Cotton appeared to have power- ful attraction for many, and, judging from the pertinent questions asked by many of the visitors, there were quite a number of growers and intend- ing growers present. In addition to the raw cotton, the Court contained a display of cotton piece goods recently received in Brisbane from the English Manufacturers. Increasing the interest which naturally attached to such a display, were a number of cards depicting the transition of raw cotton and wool through the various processes up to the manufactured article. For the first time in a number of years, an excellent display of eased fruit was made in the Government Farms Court, principally for the purpose of demonstrating methods of packing and grading. The Forestry Court also had its constant host of visitors, and was a revelation of the worth of the timber industry to Queensland. THE FINE ARTS AND WOMEN'S INDUSTRIAL COURT was beyond question the most attractive ever displayed in Brisbane. The liberal prizes offered by the Association were responsible for splendid entries, and the competition in every section left nothing to be desired. The Court which in previous years had been located against the wall at the Museum end of the building was this year transferred to a much better site. In the Fine Arts Section, a wonderful array of pictures was presented. His Excellency's prize of £10/10/- for Original, Water Colour, Landscape, was responsible for a large entry, and quite a number of the pictures showed evidence of latent talent. A further £110/0/- prize offered by Mr. R. Gailey Jnr., for Original, Landscape, in oils, brought twenty-seven competitors. Heavy as this entry was, it was quite over- shadowed (in number of competitors) by ('lass 14 for Cop;es, in oils, no fewer than sixty-six entries being submitted to the Judge. A most artis- tic display of pottery by members of the Arts and Crafts Society attrae ted admiration. Exhibits in the needlework and home cookery were admirable. COTTON DISPLAY.-The importance of this industry made it thoroughly deserving of the attention paid to it by the thousands of visi- tors who constantly thronged the Cotton Association's Court, the Govern- ment Court (previously referred to), and the Central Burnett display in the Live Stock Reserve. Gayndah, Central Burnett, Lakeside, Mundub- bera, Gladstone and Wallunmbilla all took part, and the display included cotton on the bush just ready for picking, bolls just reaching maturity, and bolls burst. The Cotton Association had a very attractive Court, in which were shown an open bale of lint as it leaves the gin, spools illus- trating the preparation of cotton from the coarse thick thread right to the delicate silk-like material ready for cloth making, together with finished cotton goods, also a finished handkerchief. This Court created much attention. The display was wonderful when we consider the short period that has elapsed since Queensland seriously adopted cotton grow- ing. We were advised that last year's crop had realised £234,000, and the pro.duct has exceeded 10) million pounds in weight. FRUIT.-Fruit displays staged this year were superb. For the past few years massed displays replaced the I)istrict Exhibits of Fruit which used to be so attractive, but this year a return was made to the old sys- tem, and, that it was welcomed by the fruitgrowers, was amply demon- strated. Buderim Mountain, Cooran, Pinbarren, and Kin Kin, Cooroy, Montville, Redlands, and Woombye all competed, the last mentioned taking first honours with 145 points Montville second with 116, Bedland with 115. An innovation in the form of a Fruit Packing Com- Bay third fruit- petition for boys and girls was favourably commented upon, the growers viewing the competition as of great value. Individual competi- tions were provided for citrus fruit, banana, pineapple, strawberry, paw- paw, and custard apple growers, and the display made was truly superb. these exhibite the splendid advertisement which Queensland enjoys from from the of fruit was supplemented this year by a display of apples Stanthorpe District. This fruit had been in cold storage since February last, and, although perhaps some few of the samples had lost their bloom, when compared with fresh picked fruit, the experiment demonstrated the possibility of fruit of correct varieties being carried in cold store to far away markets. The argument of sonime growers that Stanthorpe apples would never stand cold storage was exploded by this exhibit. The varie- ties staged were Jonathans, Granny Smiths, and Munroes. DAIRY PRODUCE.-The Cheese, Butter, Ham, and Bacon displays were, notwithstanding seasonal drawbacks, numerically little inferior to the exhibits of other years, and it was claimed that the quality of most of the exhibits showed improvements, due, it was stated, to improved methods of production. MINERAL COURT.--Tli Mineral display was the most comprehen- sive exhibition of Queensland 's minerals ever shown in Brisbane. Those who visited the Court possessed of geological knowledge, claim that this statement is too modest, and assert that no better display was ever staged in the Commonwealth. Experts claim that the exhibit just as staged in Brisbane should be transferred to the British Empire Exhibition next year. We commend this opinion to the Empire Exhibition Commissioners. HORTICULTURE.-This year's Show has demonstrated that in the near future it will be necessary to provide greater accommodation for the display of flowers, pot plants, and fruit. Notwithstanding the dry season the display of sweet peas and other flowers was almost beyond descrip- tion, and not nearly enough space could be found for all that exhibitors were anxious to stage. It was a gorgeous display, calling forth expres- uions of surprise and delight from visitors. FARM PRODUC(E.-We do not think it would be possible to excel the samples of farm produce staged this year. The space allotted to this section of the exhibits was one which on previous years had been occu- pied by an A. Grade District Exhibit, and the increased space and better permitted a pleasing arrangement of the produce. Adjacent thereto were staged the apiculture exhibits, which we fear were interfered with to a certain degree by the drought conditions under which the State had laboured for a number of months. Curtailment of exhibits, if there was any curtailment, was more than compensated for by the wonderful quality. WINE AND SPIRITS.-The display of wine and spirits constituted a record. So many entries were made that the Bacon House had to be re- modelled to provide the extra space required. The Judge considered some of the samples equal to anything ever imported into the State, and stated that he could not too highly commend a number of them. BRITISH EMPIRE EXHIBITS. Some time prior to the Show opening, the Queensland Commission of the British Empire Exhibition were notified that an excellent section of the show annexe could be placed at their disposal for the exhibition of mauterials suitable for forwarding to London, and we are pleased to state that the offer was accepted, and no section of the interior received greater all round attention than did the splendid exhibits embraced in this area. Cotton, Timber, dressed and undressed, and made into furniture, Minerals of every description, a model of the Wembley Park Stadium, and a large number of other objects too numerous to name, made a most attractive display. Visitors agreed that the Mineral display was the best ever seen, and that it would be a wonderful advertisement for Queensland if it could he lifted and transferred bodily to the Empire Exhibition next year. MOTOB DISPLAY.-Last year we commented favourably upon the magnificent display made by the Motor Traders' Assoeiation, and individ- ual exhibitors of motor ears and other internal combustion machinery. 5* 'n -I= I--i r - - ~~P-~- ---r---- gjhwtE~^i T:''37' ^ **il

*y'* * ,' This year the improvement was most marked, and the display was truly a magnificent one, representing as it did all the latest improvements. The John Reid Industrial Hall and the Annexe thereto (which last year was used for other purposes) were both this year filled to overflow, the over- flow having to be housed in temporary structures, andi occupying practi- cally the same space as the exhibits in the Halls. The Motor Traders' Executive invited His Excellency Sir Matthew Nathan to officially open their Pavilions on the Wednesday of Show week, and the ceremony was performed in the presence of a large number of spectators. Sir Matthew delivered a very informative address, and spent some time making an inspection of the various types of machines. It was a wonderful display and it is little wonder that we hear of numerous sales having been effected. PRESENTATION OF TROPHIES.-On the Friday afternoon of Show week His Excellency, Sir Matthew Nathan, presented the various Trophies won by Live Stock competitors. As each recipient came forward His Excellency made brief appropriate remarks which were as much appreciated as were the Trophies. YOUNG JUDGES COM'PETITION.-Recognising that in the near future it will be necessary to provide new Judges for Agricultural Shows, competitions have been promoted, by your ICouncil with a view to edu- cating the sons of farmers and others interested in live stock to become expert in various stock departments. At our recent Show prizes for the best young judges in horses, cattle, and swine sections were offered, and the entries received were flattering. Wonderful skill was exhibited by several of the competitors, and one youth presented a score card which only differed by two points from that of the mature judge conducting the operations. After the judging in each section was finished, the presiding judges called the students together and gave them brief lectures on the subject of judging. In this respect Mr. I). C. Pryce as chief of the Dairy Cattle Section, Mr. R. Tait, the Horse.', Mr. Raymond Reynolds, the Beef Cattle, andi Mr. R. Fennell, the Swine, were prominent. The trouble taken by these gentlemen was much appreciated by the students, and the umny other keenly interested spectators. RU!RAL SCHOOLS COM I'ETITION. In our last Annual Report reference was i'Imade to the uplerb educa- tional display made by the Boona Rural School, and so pleased was the Council of this Association with the display that it was decided to offer more permanent recognition. It will be remembered that as an awardl lor the splienidii ciors of this school a sum of mloney was voted by the Council with which to purchase the nucleus of a technical library for the school, and that his Excellency, Sir Matthew Nathan, in conjunction with officials of the Education Department, made the necessary selection. It was decided that possibly such a donation might be continued, but it was also determined to secure a (Challenge Shield on which each year would he engraved the unlme or th(ie winning school. Mr. 1. S. Cribb, Vice-President of tlhe Association, upon becoming possessed of this knowledge, inumediately wrote to Messrs. l. Dixon and Sons, of Birmingham, andt made such representations on behalf of the work of Rural Schools, that that firm' generously donated a handlsome >.il\ir an.. naK nhiel which has now colme to hand, and has been much . admired by all those fortunate enough to see it. This donation has been gratefully acknowledged, and Mr. (Cribh thanked for the part he took in securing it. Unfortunately, between the period of Mr. (Cribb)'s first communli- cation and the arrival of the Shield in Brisbane, the Department of Public Instruction had decided that no rural schools competition would lie held this year. We are hoping that this in only a temporary measure,

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15 and that we may have the pleasure of continuing what we look upon as a one of the educative competitions embraced in our Schedule, having for its view-point the education of the sons and daughters of rural workers. .^sf DEATH OF PRESIDENT.-It is with sincere regret that we have to record the death of our late President, Mr. Charles E. McDougall, of ''Lyndhurst," Warwick. Mr. McDougall was one of those grand types of men whose loss is a public calamity. During his all too brief career, Mr. McDougall founded and successfully worked the most famous Blood and Shorthorn Studs in the State, which won recognition as equalling the very best in the whole Commonwealth. Your Association deplores the loss of this 'splendid man, who, in addition to having a wonderful knowledge of Live Stock of every description, was a keen sportsman and a true friend. DEATH OF SIR POPE COOPER.-We have also to deplore the loss of an old supporter and one-time President of the Association-Sir Pope Cooper, late Chief Justice of Queensland. Although not an owner of Stock, Sir Pope always took a keen interest in everything relating there- to, and never failed to examine each year's exhibits. DEATH OF MR. ANDREW MOLES.-Still another whose loss we have to deplore is Mr. Andrew Moles, one of the most successful Dairy Cattle breeders in Qucensland, andi admittedly the best all-round Dairy Cattle Judge in our State. In recognition of his grand work on behalf of the Dairy Section, it has been decided to perpetuate his memory by means of a Competition, the prize for which will be known as th

Y 1~ ---LU~ LI~_I~~~I1C. *C; -- - ..t~ -- A. 18

attraction Sheep Dog Trials that with our ordinary ring events would easily fill in the extra days-also revive the Wood Chopping, the con- tests to take place in the second ring. Speaking of tropical products-I propose that we make a special effort to secure an exhibit "Tropical Queensland brought to Hrisbane"' -with the boundless wealth of timber, minerals, fruits, sugar, and so on, a beautiful exhibit could be made if properly organised. I have already started the ball rolling in this direction. It has been suggested to me that we mark time. This we cannot do: we must go on; there is no such thing as staying in one place, and we prefer to advance. I do not for one moment propose building another large stand, but we can still do a great deal for the accommodation of our visitors and exhibitors. There are many lessons learnt by all the Council, and I now ask the Council Stewards to revise the Sections for which they are responsible, and eliminate all unattractive classes, and substitute new and fresh ones. I would like to express our thanks to the Tramway Trust for the despatch of our visitors, and to the police who assisted us in regulating the crowds. Our greatest and heartiest thanks are due to the exhibitors for making the Brisbane Show what it is-theirs was a big job in an adverse season. In conclusion, I wish to thank Members of ('ouncil for the splendid support rendered throughout the year, without which the Show would not have been such a great success. Thanks are also due to the exhibi- tors, without whose assistance no Show could be held. I also thank the Police, the Press, and the Tramway Trust, who have each contributed so much to the success of the Show andt, finally, wish to convey to the Sec- retary and Staff, and to the Groundl Staff, the best thanks of the Association.

Chairman of Council and Acting President.


We have pleasure in reporting the splenitlid response made by our Dairy Cattle Breeders, which resulted in record entries being madle of high class animals, many of which were thie best ever sunbmitted for com- petition in Brisbane. That such gratifying entries were received is wonderful when consideration is given to the unfavourable weather con- ditions which ruled throughout the year. The most casual observer could not fail to notice at all times through- out the week the very large number of interested spectators passing along the lines of cattle stalls, al the watrds of praise metedl out in many instances, must have beei gratifying to owners. W\V believe that tilhe annual show makes Imany converts, anti men return to lihir homes con- vinccd that they must own a pure bred bull. Following out tlie procedure of past years, we secured the services of the most exlpert Imen in the (ommonwealth to judge the various classes. In Mr. J1ames I'iitcliard of Numba, New Southl Wales, owners of Ayrshire eattle iad oneC of the most experienced adjudicators in the Eastern States. Mr. W. Woodmiason, of Victoria, is admittedly the best Jersey Judge in Australia, whilst in Mr. E. J. Marks, of Jamberoo, and Mr. J. J. Hayter, of Byron Bay, we had two of the best Judges of Illawarra

-. 4 , V ...... Milking Shorthorns that the hle ";Z:,7,;: ;ould furnish. Mlr. E. Burton, of Wanora, judged the Guernseys in workmanlike manner, and Mr. James Pritchard, of Numba, handled the Friesians in the absence of Mr. J. 11. 8. Angus, of Rooty luill, who, owinlg to a1 dlomstic bereavement, wasl compelled at the last moent to regretfully apologise for his inability to ttendl. The ardluous dlutis prtaining to the Milking? Tests, were eonhiucte(1 by Messrs. B. W. Winks, and L. F. Anderon, of the Dpartmen~it of' Agriculture, Brisb: n, in theair usal thloroughl mnnr. We have continued to encouragfe the Children' Section, andl although this year's entries wcere less than last s-ar, we~ hav\e coni lce that the idea will ro, andl it shoul, beCcause thel b~reedlers of thle ftulre ill sure- ly comei fromi thle cliiden wo love an1 owVI n o anlilals. Imlproven~ents.-The enlargelent of the Dairy Cattl( Judging Ring, withl the addedcc toinfor~t of a (4ranl tad, rv as mulch a jiplreciatel liv exhi- bitors and i~t rons. The Otic lls also w~re pr\ ilel withi shl r, nt a new Evniit Boa ril for rcoring hll rize wi I11I'V. Tin scttinl is grow- ing in imiportane, nd we are onfidnt that addlitionl stalN ~ill he required for or next Show. In this sot rep'lort wre are not le to numnerate the severl innrs, andi will simpl con)ltent ourslves by congTatulating t hose breeders witr gained chaapionship ribbons in excelkont .amp~fly.

DISTRICT AND ONE FARM EXHIBITS. REPORT OF~ TIlR CrOUTNIL STEWARI)S, MESSRSi... .1 '. liO'1'TOMl- LEY, .IO~II MADOA LI) &- C. TAYLOR1 ... Por this sectioni of cinr 1923 Show we hav\e l:lsitI e in su~nhuit t ing oilr

P'RIMAY lt Ol)UTTS ANI) M ANUA'TUREi:~ . We had only two exhibit, viz.-et Mor~ctonl andl Widle HayS and Brnett. We wre rather ilisaIpinte~l that Cletal QulenIlnil and Danrlinig Downs~ did ot enter; clilatic t~uiit ions wecre, to soniic exteit, rsposible fur their ot coning forw~rl, I~ut we-~ are hio~ing tht at our 19)24 Show these districts as well as the Southi Cost dlitt nect ~illbe rep~re-

'fhie West Mortonl xhibit, with Mr. Hi. W. Wartson as the o~rgnnis, was( very fin~, an was eonrsiilercd the ie~ct tliiit has bcit shown at the Royal Nationl. The public freely expressed their admriration of thle layout l and disply; the ilesiga of thle tropy stanlds wax oriinal and ttrctive, and rflcted the greatet credcit liliunl those( re(sponsIIilel fo(r the~

''hev were successfull in tarring tiff first Iliz( w\it Ii 11614 ipoints, this being thle third yeal inl succesionl inl wich they havi'~ beenl thle first ~ti'ric winners. We ext t I to thient our. hen lrt icst 'onlgraLl;t ii lti. WitI Ha1y andt Burnett Ixiit, iinle r the capa,:ble nlrutnaguenie of snce last yearl. llTy sec ured 2tXHpoi tts itore I han inl l9)". Tu7e layout and d isphlav was good, nd tice effct o~f thic exhil it brouhlt forth very favouable comm~rent. 'th 'ai\:1Ic of thse ehit its to ai istrict are i odeet(I grat, a nl ntlthoil it takes t itne, utoneI(y, aI(ni eney, t hi (is-i triet anl its possiilitis are brought proinently ulr thle nlotite of all who visit our Show. - -I -r ii.-~-~--7-

The results were:- Pointp Prize Money West Moreton 1st. 1161 £167 5 7 Wide Bay & Burnett 2nd. 1054 £152 14 5 No illustrated Booklets were issued in either section. This is a mat- ter for regret, because it is a splendid opportunity of giving information about a district and its resources.

PRIMARY PRODUCTS ONLY. There was only one entry in this section, viz.-Kingaroy. Other districts which had intended sending in exhibits intinmated that on account of the drought conditions they were not able to do so. Kingaroy, under the management of Mr. Nystrom, who was ably assisted by Mrs. Nystrom and others, staged a very fine exhibit, the quality and appearance of which were favouralily commented upon by visitors to the Show. The points gained were 782, being 15 points more than were gained in 1922. The result was: Points Prize Money Kingaroy 1st. 782 £105 Indications to date aire that for our 1924 Show we shall have keen competition in this section; many districts are noting the advantages to be gained by keeping their districts well before thie public, and there is no better opportunity for them than at the Royal Nationlal Exhibition. We congratulate the Kingaroy listrict upon their snuccess.

ONE FARM EXIIImT. We had two exhibits, viz:-Mr. Haag, who has been a winner for two years, and who this year staged a very fine exhibit, also Mr. Lofgren, who made his first appearance in this section, and put up a very fine display. These exhibits were greatly admired by visitors, many of whom were astonished to learn what was being producedi on one farmi, by energy and perseverance. The results were:-- Points Prize Money Mr. IHaag Roadvale 1st. 4:38. £55 10 2 Mr. Lofgren Ipswich 2nd. 351.1 £44 9 10 We congratulate these exhilitors upon their success. They have stated their intention of coming forward for the 1924 Show, so we can look forward to a keen competition. We desire to express our thanks and alppreciation to the Judges (Ladies and Gentlemen) twenty-five in number, who so ably and satis- factorily judged the exhibits; we also wish to express our thanks to our Hon. Council Steward, Mr. (C. P. Bottomley, for his very valued assistance. The arrangements were very satisfactory, and were ably iarried out by Mr. P. Pierce, who as usual was most courteous and obliging, his sole aim being to make the exhibitor's lot as comfortable and smooth as poB- sible-our thanks to him are heartily given. The gentlemen in charge, and in connection with the courts expressed their satisfaction with the treatment they received from the Royal National, to whom they wished continued success.

THE SHEEP AND SWINE SECTIONS. REPORT OF COUNCIL STEWARD, MR. J. P. BOTTOMLEY. I have much pleasure in submitting a report of these sections at our 1923 Show:- SHEEP. Stud Sheep.-Entries were not as numerous as we had anticipated, taking into consideration the value of the sheep industry to Queensland. We feel sure, however, from present indications, that our 1924 sheep section will show great improvement in numbers and quality. The unhoused sections were numerically the best represented, and the quality of the competing animals left little to be desired. Our Queensland breeder, Mr. Robt. P. Lord, brought along a fine team, and we congratulate him upon his success. The British and the other breeds were confined to Corrielales and Dorset Horns of excellent quality. Fat Sheep.-The entries in this section showed decidel improvement in quality as compared with those of recent years. Mr. D. Gunn judged the Stud Merinos, Mr. W. G. Brown the British Breeds, and Mr. W. A. Nason tlhq Fat Sheep. Their decisions gave satisfaction, and our best thanks are accorded to them for their services. SWINE. This section is yearly becoming more important aind although our entries were not as numerous as in 1922, we have to remember that con- ditions for our 1923 show were different than in the previous year, as only animals registered in the Herd Books were eligible in thli breeding classes. The quality of the exhibits were good, and competition keen. Sales and prices obtained were very satisfactory, very few were unsold, and as high as 63 guineas was paid for a very fine Sow owned by Mr. J. H. Cowen. I feel very confident about the future of this section, and desire to express our appreciation of the Herd Book Societies for their assistance and support. The Judge of this section was Mr. LFennell, of Sydney, whose decisions gave every satisfaction. He spoke in complimentary terms of the exhibits and interested the young Judges by his very instructive remarks on the points of the animals. Our best thanks are accorded to him for his splen- did services. I feel that the best thanks of the Royal National are due to our Hon. Council Steward, Mr. C. A. Lee, for his valuable assistance rendered at all times, and they are herewith tendered to him.

II Ifir I~ : .-..----.--LWruO-- - .. -- FUIT. POT PLANTS, AND FLOWERS. REPORT OF COUNCIL STEWARD, MR. JOHN MACDONALD. As Council Steward, I have to report that the results of the 1923 Show were most successful. It was generally considlere(1 that the change from a massed display of Fruit to a District Competition proved advan- tageous to all concerned, ansi that the Fruit Section was second to none in the Show. Five (5) Districts made a display, sone for the first tiiie. Te Fruit, including Citrus, Bananas, Pineapples etc., were of good quality, and the Courts were well ar ranged ansi effective, and receives I general commen- dation. Personally, 1 am now of the opinion this t a better roofesl building should be erected for the display of Fruit ani Horticultural Exhibits, ant if the financial position warrants it, 1 will Ise pliasest to bring this matt(r forward. The exhibit of Apples from Stanthorlse olet with general approbation, and was well displayed. The apples had Iseeni in cold stsrage 1or five (5) nionths, were in excellent cssndit ion, aol in thle J nige s opsiiou, quite equal to best Australian. More will be hs'arsl of this Section, and the Royal National Association's action in assisting this listrict was much appreciated. Such experinents lo mich goal, ai ase he1p1ul to the men (especially soldiers) on tli laiid. The open classes were not as good as they should has s been, but ws' have good promises for next vsear. The marketing of fruit was a ' fruitful' topic ot sis sionl iI every utiiectiosi sluring tlis Show. It is geiorall \ alixiittel that this biancIh of ths' inlustry must be sle'selopseul ansI encouraged in c's srs sire ction by 1'arliaiiieiit ;iinl Press, if our gri's, s ale to Ir;ip a sunlliiet setsrn fssr their efforts. A splendid initiatory effort--in Ih e way of a School C(hillrcii's pac k ing and grasling coniitti t ion -was pIresentesl in our Fruit ( ourI this yeai. There w rs .33 etiiis of t uo cases each- 's's ralslpd and un's'srap1 sjed-ansl the 106 cases manIe an excellent show, 1' 55sipiing sf great i itcrcst to the visitors and fruit growers, generallv. Meslals are being sent to the winners at their varioiis schools but a special prize in the shape of a Silver Shliels has also Iseen slodonted; some w28was presented by 28 visitors one afternoon tswadsls Iiii Sli ield, which it is dlesiretd shioull ise Isresented t h rough tilie Royal Natioiial Association, ansi be hls year is' 'sear, by the wininig school. This, it is expectesi, will create iiore interest, anI it is ulitisipatest I lit a ver's large entry will come torwair4 for our iicxt Sio[.lie Judges highly sssimentes the school childrcsn geiierally, on thisir sxcellent jiacking. Mr. William Souti sr, our 'rtiit Judosge, who has been assist iin at the National Shows for tis psaxt 35 yea rs, ha s i ut i otes that lie wo'subii ruthis not juslge again 1 am sure ouE oiiiicil will lie glad tis jslaes (iii record thoir arecition of is generosis anI 's luale serices. I might add that the Flowers ansI Itoiticultural Exhiuits male a beautiful show this year, aiis the , toigethle r withI t le wetlI-stages fruit exhibits, formiel a 'sahlsle asl.Inst to (sil great Stisw.

ATHLETIC SPORTS. (tHILA)IIEN'S J)AY. The Royal National Asociat isn can not ise said to lIe lieglectful in *adeavooring to see that its ring progra isiucs cater for all sectiolis of the *ommunity. In the earls' stages of the week there was the judging of the heavy and blood horses to attract the attention of ringside enthusiasts. Then came the hunting and trotting events, and after that the high jumping. And now has been established, apparently as a regular feature, a series of athletic events for scholars and adults, which is tendling to make Saturday of show week one of the most attractive of the carnival. The Association decided in 1922 to give the athletic suggestion a chance to prove itself as a show feature, and so well did it succee I that it was continuel this ycear. Its success leaves little room for doubt but that it may now be declared to have firmly established itself.

CONTESTS FOR SCHOOLS. Saturday morning was devoted to the young folk. Unhdr the auspices of the Queenslandt State Primalry Schools' Amateur Athletic Association, which is doing a good work in a quite unostentatious way, inl fostering healthy sport, an extensive programime of events for school children was run off. A DAY OF ENTHUSIASM. Like so many of other days during show week, Saturday was a day of record. In the morning there were more children competing than in the previous year, and there was certainly greater enthusiasm, both among the young people around the ring in the morning, and by the adults in the afternoon, than ever before. The weather man was again indulgent to sightseers. In fact, it was one of the brightest andI most brilliant days of the week, and a crowd overflowing with the spirit of carnival attended to see the final scenes of the best show ever staged at Bowen Park. ATHLETICS AND CYCLING. In the afternoon the Queensland Amateur Athletic Association and the Cycling Association co-operated with tlhe National Association in staging a diversified programme. Several Queensland chamlpionships were decided, the events attracting one team of pedestrians from Sydney, from the Botany Harriers. This gave added interest to the contests, an! pro- vided a comparison for the local runners. The whole of the day's programme was supervised and arranged by Mr. P. J. Symes, who had, in tile carrying out of the details, the undivide support of the oflicials of both branches of sports mentioned. GOVERNOR PRESENTS TROPHIES. On Saturday afternoon the Governor (Sir Matthew Nathan) present- ed the t.rophies won by tlihe itndividual competitors, and two shicls for the State schools' competition. The boys' shield, l)resented by 11Mr. ...Symtes, was won by Eagle Junction school, with :i:I points. West E'nd was runner- up with 14, anil Kelvin Grove was third with 12. Ascot school took the girls' shield, presented by Mr. T. WelsIy, having securedl 27 points. Taring came second with 1i,.Junction Park third with 12, aInd Egle Junction fourth with 10. Ea'ch shield is to be competed for for ten years, cotmmencing this year, adi the school which wins it the most times is to be the ultimate holder. On the platform with his EIxcellency were tilie Minister for I'ublic Instruction (Hlion. J. Huxhami) and Mrs. lluxham, Mr. and Mrs. P'. J. Symes, (General and Mrs. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. ':. Banes, anl Mr. W. J. Affleck. The distribution completed, his Excellency delivered an interesting address, eulogising the organisers of the games. - - - -~------. r-. r ---- r -. 1

"The Royal National Association of Queensland," he said, "are endeavouring to give every assistance they can to the development of the country, and they recognise that nothing can better advance production -whether primary or secondary-than a good early training of pro- ducers. They know that even more important than fine animal stock is fine human stock, and that children well trained physically, mentally, and morally, are the nation's greatest asset. Two new features of the National Show in the last two years have been the boy scouts lparade on the Wednesday, and the State schools' athletic meeting on the Saturday. It was a source of great satisfaction, both to the Governor-General and myself, as we went down the ranks of the boy scouts and the wolf cubs on the opening day to see these boys-bright, clean, a I steady-holding themselves as if ready to stand up against any difficulties that may come to them in life, and with their eyes straight to the front, indicatiive of the way that they mean to follow the straight path. "Ani it is a pleasure to see to-day the crowd of sihool chiliren gaining st rength, decision, and sense of fair play from the 'arto's and exercises that have been devised for them. 1 am satisfied tlhat these exercises and gamens will improve rather thuii retard the mental develop- ment of the children. As n maitter of fa'rt it is found in the schools of Queensland that scholarships ft!ll largely to the boys anIl girls who keep themselves in goo d health and condition by athletic games. The games make them healthy and they try to keep healthy on account of thei ganmes. The child that eats a lot of unwholesome food reduces its ch:tnces of winning in athletic coimpetitions, and the boy who commences premature- ly to smoke or smokes excessively, spoils hlis wind and ruins those chances.'' He trusted that tlhe Royal National Association would in these circumstances continue to encouriage the work of the State Schools' Athletic Association.

SPE( 'TACULAR I)ISPLAYS. Undoubtedly the prettiest picture made in the ring during the week was when 500 boys froml tlie St. .Innies, Gregory Terrace, and St. Laurence's ('Ihristian Brotllers' schools marchedl on to the ground and commenced their exercises. ('lad in spotless white trousers and jumpers with green sashes, and red and black and imaroon and yellow caps, they were indeed greatly to be admired. MILITARY CONTEST. Four teams of Light HIorsemen competed illa military event, judged by Brigadier-General L. (4. Wilson. Tlte teams cante from Nambour, Caboolture, and Samford, and were judged for horsemlanship, over hurdles, singly, in half sections, and sect ions, type olfh(orse, shooting, and general deplortment. The event provided considerable diversion from the athletic contests. General Wilson placed c'aboolture first, Sanmford *econd, and Nambour third. EU RYTH M ICS.

A squad of young ladies from the Apollo Institute, under thle direc- tion of Mr. Ricketts, came out during the afternoon, and, attired in their immaculate white blouses and loose bloomers, they made a pretty picture. They went through a series of evolutions and exercises which demon- strated how agile their training has made them. Agricultural and Industrial ROYAL NATIONAL Association of Queensland. SCHEDULE SHOWING RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURE (Years 19I6-I923 is

RECEIPTS. 1916 1917 1918 1!919 1920 1921 1922 Gate Receipts 5341 16 11 6626 7 9 7208 11 4 92 13 0 11374 17 9548 17 11592 1 ( Entry Pees 952 17 11 1195 17 0 1359 9 9 1513 2 1446 6 1411 3 1( Donations 691 13 0 958 10 0 991 16 0 297 3 6 1199 8 1030 8 944 0 ( Space Rent and Privileges 1253 10 0 747 19 0 1862 10 9 2530 8 2939 1B 3236 17 Members' Subscriptions .. 1935 13 6 2083 4 0 2548 1 6 2067 9 0 4821 4 4320 3742 12 15 (C Sundry Receipts .. I 1869 11 1 2145 11 8 2406 6 5 1819 9 9 4873 16 4045 16 3147 5 f ______EXPENDITURE. S'alaries and Wages--per- manent Staff 1095 2 0 1360 6 1 1750 10 11 1821 7 0 1912 12 4 2109 5 0 1623 16 2 2131 IS Balaries and Wages- Temporary Staff 1651 8 1 1502 17 11 1653 14 11 22 18 4 998 15 3 22.80 17 0 2539 4 1 2761. 1* Expenditure on Permanent Impts. & purchase of 381 16 3 5072 14 111 2699 7 7 660 9 4 7410 9 7| 5384 0 2 2160@17 11 56i67 Freehold Properties E Prize Money, including District Exhibits 3817 11 10 4291 14 1 4661 3 7 4534 3 0 4576 12 3 5345 3 11 5249 li Water & Municipal Bates 35 13 7 52 16 2 60 8 2 177 8 2 932 3 1 884 10 3 973 2 11 1334 15? Bent, City Offices .. 161 9 0 174 12 0 188 3 8 254 3 8 232 0 0 212 13 4 290 10 0 338 9 Interest 139 5 6 100 0 0 333 3 6 409 14 10 318 5 0 122 0 0 .2 4 6 376 V' , eneral Expenses 3734 14 10 5511 5 0 4240 10 2 3346 1 4 8941 5 8 8705 18 10 8007 13 0 9363 1 ,I

-- -.. i.- it- , Ha;.--i -ffft.i ~de~r- n- - srJ~wv -s~r "*~"~. -~"~ 'Sl"~lAf~cl~lbrT, Oft liEttPS U PAYMaENTS

3E1EIPT. £: s. d. Ad~vertising in Schedule, Catalogue and Ring Programms, and ale of Catalogus aiidl Ringi Prorallmes 677 ri : * 721 Bullock Weight Gueuiug 19 2 Commission on Ehiition Stock E3ahe

Donations . 1 :I Entry Fes 12171 Fodder-8ale, etc., 8how peio I * . 224~~ Gate andi Grand Standi Receipts 0 5 Groundl Reits .. ** *l!i'7 2 i Members ' Suh~scritions 10 0, Privileges. 22~7 19 Rcnts from~ Freholdl Proprties

Space Rcnts .* .. 2.70l Sundry Rcipt s

21701i 10 2 Tranfr from~ B3uilding A/c

19 2 * IR C:redit Bulance, 1st Octobri, 1922

£25,229 0 S

W. J. AF1VLECK, Hon. Treaurer. J. i3AIN, Se~cretry. F,'.~i 1st Otobr, 1O~2 to ~HO& Septe~br, I9B.

PAYMENTS. d Advertising 647 Audit Fees () Bank Exchange Cartae, Motor, and1( Cab Hilre 219, Catering Commissioni oi Adlvertiig ('ot ets :I I)istrict xhliits (nIot inlCli ha I lii ze Mqoeyj 1)istrict Fruit I)islv ( ot md ~ut jag Prize M 011ev)i I ti!) i) F'odder tore- Expenses . . .

1"'urnitu re, F'itu jes nd1 Fitt i ugs t''I .1 (:en~ra l xnes 21 .45 Insuanc-Pulu~li ugs . -I 11

I uproveuulit s ... .1udges ' a I St ewa rl~li ExSeSe)'IS . Iic~nse F . .

Lighting . Legal Expenlse~s . . 15) MIaintenaini~'- (; iouls :uu lihig 5 6i S Ii 12 II) I),

Mfusic at ShowM N'ew 1roert ies . 2l- 140 7 I'l1ci Epese I'rlintiui lc~iuia Sa iilr SI

PrizesA ;'irll~II IIri 2'.)11111' I I

(1(4l i i 1 I I i.liiI ill

7 Renit (It (it v ( )thices * 112I Rlibbton, 1)I~ccci:~riL M~tei:i i

mly taff 509 .4 - SLOW W ages (preparingi

ii iiri II, Sb,~)o' tiuul~ I 2252 I 10 I;

55(j SI ~'1 rvllSiit I 'li'iig mai

27272 1- 9, diti Hn: me~, 20111ISepteuuhern'l, 1922):

ROY U (IROM,'*~' Auitor. E. GRIFITT1L OX'LEY, .cl.l.A. S~p7 y2 Y ~~ LIILITIRS £ s.d.

Accumulation Account ...... 71983 18 8

Loan from Queensland Gfoernment ...... 5000 0 0 Loan from Commonwealth Bank of Australia .. .. 330001 0 0

Acerued Interest ...... 457 9 9 Brisbane City Council (balance of purchase money B3owen

Park) ...... 500 0 0


~: 7.

110891 8 3~

Wer have examined the above Balance Sheet with the Books and Voucherrs of the Rto al National A. & I. Association, and certify that it or- rsponds t rewith. In addition to the Assets shown inl the Balance Sheet, there are Out. utandlg .Aoeounts for Advertising, Sipace, etc., which are etliatod to prodnee appioximately £800.

I,,.: ~y~tI~i September, 1923.

ASSET. £ s. d. £ s. d. Buildings-- Aeclirnatisation reat 6639 Machinery Hill Section . 9835 Show Grounds proper 15754 Live Stock Reserve 10292 New G..and Stand (The Ernest Baynes) 24852 New Offices and Council Room .3087 70461 11 S TLnd and Pulildings- Cr. Greory Terrce nd C:otin St. 300 0 0 O 'Connll Trrace? 800 0 (1 Water Street .352 0 0 Cr. Walter' and ('otil trets . 538I 0 0 Costinl Stret .. I 00 0 0 4491) 0 0 Property-- Live Stock Rsrv'~ 45i00 0 1T Portion Bowen Park 750 0 0 5250 0 0 ImproveflWet~t9 124~6 0 7 Fencing 441 14 4 No. 2 GfrinA'~ 1130 18 8 Sewer, Bowen P'ak 1300 0 0 Washing Yard 951 2G 5464 9 9 3007 18 3 ~uriture, Fixtre, and Fittinl: . New Offices ndl Concil Rlooml Furniture . 77 8 9 2966 16 1 Plant . . . 199 19 7 Eilectric. Lamps ndl Fittingl; . 10 0 0 Library .. . Ribhon, ecor~ating Mtril, &6Calic'o Signs 176 7 3 107 19 t Tools . . . 12 5, 0 Timber on hand . Foddr on hand 11 5 0 1,5 16 0 SUspeflse (.co~lt . 656 15S 6 02242 16 11 Credit alance General A/c, .30th Set., 193 796 682 6 1 ,, uilding , ,. , ______848 11 4

110891 8 3

(ined) ROY G. GROOM, F.C.P.A. Auditors. E. GIFFITH OSLEY F C P A.

1th Cianober, 123. Statement of Loan Receipts and Payments i For Period Ended 30th September. 1923.

PAYMENTS. £ S. d. Ernest Baynea Grand Stand Commonwelth Bank of Australia .. 33000 0 0 Office and Council Room Office and Council Room Furniture Scwer (our proportion) .. Transfer to General Account

Credit Balance, 30th September, 1923 ......

£33000 0 0

Examined and found correct this sixteenth day of October, 110 W. J. AFFLECK, Hon. Treasurr. ROY G. GROOM, F.C.P.A. I J. BAIN, Seerotary. i. GRIFFITH OXLEY, F.C.P.JA.

6,Ic A ; .~lw PPI~~wP uw ~-w~s~ ww' .wlrr - '.c^.. -

Thoroughbred Stallion .. M. F. Yore's "POLYBIUS." Thoroughbred Mare E.. G. Blume's "LADY SHEPHERD." Trotting Stallion .... J. Rice's 'REX WILKES." Trotting Mare .... J. Rice's 'ELLA WILKES." Clydeadale Stallion A. T. Crswiek's "WINDERMERE BAY KENNEDY." Clydesdale Mare .... A. T. Creswick's "WINSOME BARONESS." Harness Pony Stallion .. A. T. Noyes' "ROBIN HOOD 3rd." Saddle Pony Stallion .. E. Pocock's "LUDO. " Welsh Pony Stallion .. A. T. Noyes' "ROBIN HOOD 3rd." Pony Mare ...... Miss A. Mullen's ' ' GOLD TOP." Hack ...... A. Douglas McKay's 'JACK." Single Harness Horse .. E. H. Wilson's "STORM." Saddle Pony ...... J. M. Webster's "TIMOTHY." Harness Pony W. Booth's "THE DOCTO."

BEEF CATTLE. Shorthorn Bull .... J. Burgess' "ADCOTE BUTTERFLY BEAU." Shorthorn Cow Estate late C. E. McDougall, "LYNDHURST DUCHESS OF ETTRICK." Hereford Bull .... Wilson & McDowall's "EATON VICTORY." Junior Hereford Bull .. Archer Bros. Ltd. 'DREAMER 5th." Hereford Cow J. H. 8. Barnes' 'MISS BEATTIE 2nd." Devon Bull ...... R. A. Howell's 'FORESTER'S GOLD DUST.' Devon Cow ...... R. A. Howell's "CONTESSA 65th." South Devon Cow Nestle and Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co. (Australasia) Ltd. "PANSY 2nd." Aberdeen Angus Bull .. D. W. McLeod's "THE LAIRD OF GLEN ALVON." Aberdeen Angus Cow .. G. C. Clarke's "SCOTSWOMAN." Red Polled Bull .... Ed. J. McConnell " ROYAL FARMER." Fat Bullock ...... I. J. and M. S. Moore. DAIRY CATTLB. Ayrshire Cow .. .. Anderson Bros. JULIETTE OF FAIRVIEW. Ayrshire Bull .. .. P. Bell's "PRINCE ROY OF LONG- LANDS." Jersey Cow ...... J. Sinnamon s "OXFORD BARLEYOORN." Jersey Bull ...... H. M. Bray's "OXFORD JUBILEE'S PALATINE." I.M.S. Cow ...... B. O'Connor's "ROSEBUD 2nd of GREY- LEIGH." I.M.S. Bull ...... Nestle and Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co. (A'asia) Ltd. "ROYAL GEORBG 2nd. of NESTLES." Guernsey Cow .... Jackson & Schofield's "IVY 2nd." Guernsey Bull .. .. Jackson & Behofield's ''MONTROSE SEQUEL."'' Frieeian Cow .. .. P. P. Falt' '" DAIRYMAID." FrieuisB Bull .. .. George Newman's "DOMINION DOMINO'8 DUTCH BOY." Boyal National Butter P T..T t .. B. Mear'. "TULIP OF MORDEN."

: -...- '.- tsi-uabre Saw ..... J. H. Cowen's *'<,O)OMA JKUl NUGGET." SItrkhire Sow .. .. W. J. Warbuiton's NOTH G ATE BELLE S.... 2nd." Yorkshire Boar .. .. W. J. Warburton's "NORTHGATE MY LAD." * Yorkshire Sow .. .. W. J. Warburton's "NORTHGATE FLOR- BIE." Tamwoth Boar .. .. Q'ld. Agricultural College "KNOWLE CHATHAM.'' Tamworth Sow .... J. H. Whittaker 's "BBOXBURN MYRA."


' 1914-Mr. A. B. Nagel's br. "Bright Laddie, aged; Ayr Laddie-Bright Alice. 1915-Mr. B. Welsh's b. " Wallensis, " aged; Wallace-Chantress. Y. 1916-Mr. M. F. Yore's oh. "Sunripe," aged; Sundridge-Full Ripe. 1917-Mr. C. E. McDougall's "Seremond," aged; Desmond-Serenata. 1918-Lord & Sons, b. "Halberd," aged; William the Third-Britannia. 1919-No Show. 1980-Mr. E. G. Blume's "Earleton" (imp.), oh., aged; Love Wisely-- Monday. 1921-Mr. M. F. Yore's "Polybius" (imp.), ch., 1913; Polymelus (imp.) -Berylium (imp). 1922-Mr. T. Jennings' "Amberdown," b. 1913; Downshire (imp.)-Miss Muriel. 1923.-Mr. M. F. Yore's "Polybius" (imp.) as above. TROTTING STALLIONS (1914-1923). 1914-Mr. W. C. Krimmer's "Master Bells." 1915-Messrs. Smith Brothers' "Sparkling Bells." 1916-Mr. H. S. Cribb's "King Cole." 1917-Mr. H. S. Cribb's "King Cole." 1918-Mr. A. Higgins' "King Cole." 1919-No Show 1920-Mr. A. Higgins' " King Cole." 1921--Mr. J. T. Scrymgoour's "St. Lucia Lad" (late Frisco.) 192---Mr. A. G. Hunter's ' Globe Derby.'' 1923-Mr. John Rice's "Rex Wilkes." DRAUGHT STALLIONS (Champions 1914-1923). 1914-Mr. J. F. Lomax's "Royal Scotch," b., 5 years 7 months; Middle- rigg Royal Crown-Lady Ranfurly. 1915-Mr. J. R. Lomax's "Royal Scotch," br., 6 years 7 months; Middle- rigg Royal Crown-Lady Ranfurly. 1916--Mr. J. B. Lomax's "Royal Scotch," br., aged; Middlerigg Royal Crown-Lady Banfurly. - 1917-Mr. J. Sprott's "British Hope," Hiawatha-Lady Betty. 1918-St. Helens Estate The Monk, b., 5yrs; The Abbot (631 N.Z.)-Bell. 1919-No. Show 1920-Mrs. Elliot's "Windermere Rangatira," ((820 N. Z. C. S. B.), 6yrs. 2mths.; Boquhan Chief (15757 C.S.B.)-Lady Mela (34404 C.S.B.) .1921-Mr. A. T. Creswick's "Marshall Foch" (Vol. X.-A.D.H.S.B.); 5yrs.; Baron Everest (imp. 13885 C.S.B.)-Craigie Charm (25018 U.S.B.) 1088-Mr. J. H. Kivington's "Pride O'Glenore," b. 1919; Pride of Invermay-Prines Maude. 1988-Mr. A. T. Creswick's "Windermere Bay Kennedy," b; b. 1916; a. Boquhan Kennedy (imp.)-Lady Mela (imp.) 1914.-Mr. A. T. Noyes' Robin Hood 3rd (WPCS-697), gr.; b. 1908; q Zero (imp.); d. Bracelet. 1915.-Mr. A. T. Noyes' Robin Hood 3rd, as above. / 1916.-Mr. G. R. Robbins' Noski, br.; 3yrs. 9 mths.; s., Llew Llew (imp.); d. by Pasha. 1917.-Mr. T. O'Connor's Bonnie Tom, b.; s., Imperial Tom; d., Dolly. ' Commencing 1918, three divisions provided, viz.-H.: To Sire Harness Ponies: 8.: To Sire Saddle Pones; and W.. Welsh Ponies. 1918.-H.: Mr. A. T. Noyes' Robin Hood 3rd, as above. S.: Mr. T. Scotney's My Choice, ch.; 7yrs.; s., MeShane's Choice; d., Queenie. W.: Mr. A. T. Noves' Robin Hood 3rd, as above. 1919.-No Show 1920.-H.: Mr. H. A. Strong's Excel 2nd, ch.; aged; s. Excel; d., Dolly. S.: Mr. L. H. Thornton's Leo 1st, ch.; 4yrs.; s., Model. ° W.: Mr. A. Hewitt's Welsh Teddy, b.; 5yrs.; a. The Welshma (imp.); d., Nellie. 121.-H.: Mr. N. Lochran's Son Harold, ch.; 4yrs. 8 mths.; s.Sunhardell d., Lady Bell. 8.: Messrs. Richardson & Cameron's Welsh Prince; a., The Wels man (imp.); d., Dolly. i W.: Mr. Theo. Simpson's The Welshman (imp.), ch.; aged; *a Golden Gleam; d., Rose. . 1929.-H.: Mr. C. J. Hobbs' Don, ch.; 6yrs.; a., Dodger; d., Woodlawn. j 8.: Mr. E. Pocock's Ludo, dk. ch.; 2yrs.; s., Llew Llewd (imp.)^ d., Dido. W.: Mr. Theo. Simpson's The Welshman (imp.) as above. 1928.-H.: Mr. A. T. Noyes' Robin Hood 3rd, as above. B.: Mr. E. Pocock's Ludo, 3yrs. 9 mths. as above. W.: Mr. A. T. Noyes' Robin Hood 3rd, as above. I I ___

District Exhibits ary products and manufactures, in A. Grade, West More- meritorious win with an aggregate grand total of 11614 t Wide Bay and Burnett's grand total of 1054 points. It at West Moreton's grand total in 1922 was 1213 points, bit has gone back as regards the aggregate this year. On the other hand, Wide Bay and Burnett 's aggregate in 1922 was 816, while this year they have secured a grand total of 1054, a very big improve- ment. In comparing the tabulated points it will be noticed that West Moreton led in the following sections:-Dairy produce, foods, grain, manufactures, and trades, wines, &c., tobacco, hay, chaff, &c., wool, &c. enlarged photcs, and effective arrangement; while Wide Bay and Burnett were the best exhibit in fruit, vegetables, &c., minerals and building materials, and tropical products. Wide Bay and Burnett secured possible points for honey and by-products, rum, spirits, and by-products, while West Moreton gained possible points for tobacco and enlarged photos, &c. Tihe detailed points are as follows:- PRIMARY PRODUCTS AND MANUFACTURES. PRIZE MONEY UP TO £600. CHAIRMAN'S TROPHY.

In addition to the prize money a handsome trophy value £15 was pre- sented by Mr. Ernest Baynes, Chairman of Council, to the district scoring the highest points. CHELMSFORD SHIELD. Scale of Points used in Judging. '&'** ,1 f . ..- I1 141. 1.-Dairy Produce. Butter, 1 box, 561b . . 87 Milk, condensed, concentrated, or dried, anl by-products Cheese, not less than lcwt. Eggs, suitable for domestic use, 1 doz. of each variety

210 186 165

2.-Foods. Hams and Bacon .. Rolled and smoked beef and mutton Small goods and sausages, if smoked or preserved .. Fish, smoked, preserved, and canned Cunned meats Lard, tallow, and animal oils All butchers' by-products, not included in any other part of scale of points Honey and its by-products . Confectionery, factory-made Bread, biscuits, scones, and cakes, factory- made ......

185 135 119

______~~_I I____ll__ _r __l __ __ ~_

3.-Fruits, Vegetables and Roots-Fresh and Preserved. Fresh fruits-all kinds . . Preserved fruit, jams, &c. Dried fruits Fresh vegetables, all kinds, including table pumpkins, but excluding potatoes Preserved and dried vegetables, pickles, sauces, &c. Potatoes, English and sweet Roots, all kinds, and their products, arrow- root, cassava meal, &c., samples not less than l1. ('ocoanuts, peanuts, and other nuts

205 157 139

.- Grain, &c. Wheat . . .. 50 :8 16 Flour, bran, pollard, macaroni, and meals prepared therefrom 9 Maize 26 Maizena, meals, starch, glucose, anti cornfours 10 I) Oats, rye, rice, barle, imialt, pearl barley, anti their Iln I.. :10 20 22

150 103 7.

5.-Manufactures and Trades. All woodwork ...... 30 24 All metal and ironwork . . . 30 24 Leather an d all leatherwork a nl tun ig .. 20 151 Manufactured woollen andt cotton fibre 25 All Tinwork .. .. 10 8 Artificial manure Blr oms and brushes . Manufactures not otherwise onurmieratel

155 1251 04

6.-Minerals and Building Materials. Gold, silver, copper, a nld precious stoies . c'oal, iron, other m mirl, aIl salt Stone, bricks, (emnent, miarble, terracotta Wooils-dIresscd, urnI resseId, andi polishlet , on face to be dressed and half of it polished, back to be rough, srumples of wooti to measure riot less than 12 x 6 x 1 inch thick ...... 25 21

100 66 72

______mrL___ 36

7.-Tropical Products. , Sugarcane ...... 60 25 50 Sugar (raw and refined) ...... 20 2 18 Rum, spirits, and by-products .. .. 10 3 10 Coffee (raw & mairufactured), tea & spices 10 3 8 Cotton (raw and by-products) .. .. 30 20 18 Rubber ...... 10 - - Oils (vegetable) ...... 10 8 0

150 61 104

8.-Wines, &c. W ines ...... 15 15 6 Aerated and mineral spa water, vinegotr, and cordials ...... 10 8 9

25 23 15

9.-Tobacco. Tobacco, cigar and pipe, in e"af .. .. 20 10 -

20 10 -

10.-Hay, Chaff, &c. Oaten, whouten, lucerne ,and other hay . . 30 24 18 Grasses and their seeds ...... 10 8 6 Oaten, wheaten, lucerne, and other chaffs 50 42 30 Ensilage and other prepared cattle fodder 20 16 10 Sorghum and millets, in stalk .. .. 10 6 6 Commercial fibres (raw & imanufactured) 10 7 6 Pumpkins and other green fodder .. .. 10 9 4 Broom millet, ready for manufacture .. 10 4 9 Farm seeds, including canary seed .. .. 13 7 10

163 123 99

11.-Wool, Etc. Scoured Wool ...... 40 34 36 Greasy Wool ...... 60 56 48 Mohair ...... 10 7 8

110 97 92

, 12.-Enlarged Photographs. A maximum of 5 points will be awarded for enlarged photographs of district scen- ery and local raised live stock .. 5 5 3

5 5 3

_ _ 13.-Effective Arrangemdiit. ^^ ^ Comprehensiveness of view .. 30 27 Arrangement of sectional stands .. 20 18 Effective ticketing . . . 10 7 General finish 20 18 80 70 57

Grand Total .. .. 1558 116U1 1054

PRIMARY PRODUCTS ONLY. Prize money, up to £400. As regards primary products only, there being no competition, the only comparison that cnn be made is with Kingaroy's last year's points. This year the exhibit was awarded a grand total of 782 points, while in 1922 their grand aggregate was 767, so they have improved somewhat on the latter figures. As anticipated they secured 51 points this year under the heading of effective arrangement, as compared with 36 in 1922. Ac- cording to the judges, the exhibit this year compares with last year as follows, the figures being (the latter in parentheses):-Dairy produce 151 (148); foods, 70 (61); fruit, vegetables. &c., 95 (94); grain, &c., 97 (33) ; miner- (94) ; woods, 32 (32); hides, &c., 9 (4); tropical products, 26 als, 25 (24); tobacco, 12 (5); hay, chaff, &c., 99 (101); wool, &e., 86 (97); photos, &c., 2 (2); ladies' work 27 (36); effective arrangements. 51 (36); gland totals, 782 (767). Details of this year's products are as follows:-

Scale of points used in judging. 1.Dairy Produce. Kingaroy Butter, 1 box, 561bh. 88 Cheese, not less than lcwt. 60 -.. Eggs suitable for domestic use, 1 doz. each variety

170 ' 151

2.-Foods. Hams, bacon, rolled and smoked beef and mutton .. Fish-smoked ...... Lard, tallow, and animal oils .. . Honey and its by-products) ...... Confectionery (home made) .. Biscuite, bread, cakes, and scones (home-made) ..

120 70

3.-Fruits, Vegetables, and Boots-Fresh and Preserved. Fresh fruit;s-all kinds ...... 60 20 Preserved fruit and jams, &c., prepared by farmnner 20 16. Dried fruit, prepared by farmer .. Fresh vegetables-all kinds, including table punip- 7 kin, but excluding potatoes 7 Preserved and dried vegetables, pickles, sauces, &c. 7 P'otatocs, English und sweet .. . ..

I-.I_ I Ili ll Iil...... ,, _____...... Roots--all kinds an(1 their products, arrowroot, ears- sava, meal, &kc., samples not less than lb. .. 10 4 Cocoanuts, peanuts, and other nuts ...... 10 7 Vegetable seedls ...... 10 190 95

4-rain, &c.

W heat ...... *. 50 30 Flour, bran, pollar, macaroni, and meals prepared therefrom ...... 10 2

Maize ...... S0 Maizena, meals, starch, glucose, andi cornfloulr . . 101 4 Oats, rye, rice, barley, ma~lt, pcrl barley, ndt their meals ...... 30 21

iFO 97

5.-Woods. Woo0d-Dressed,~ un~lressed, and polished. one face to be dressed and half of it polishedl, hack to be rough. Sampls to measure notless than 12 x 6 x 1 inch thick ...... 25 2 Wattle bark ...... 15 12

40 32

6.-Hides (1) and Home Presered Skins, for Domestic Use. Must be free from offEnsive smll . . .. iS

15 II

7.-Tropical Products.

Sugar cane ...... 60 C'offee, tea, spices ...... 10 : Cotton (raw) aud by-products ...... :10 8 100 26


Gul, sil ve, v'oppe r andt IPrious stOs . . .. 25 l( Coal, iron, atnd other minelsI, andi salt . .. :10 IS

55 25 .- Tobacco.

Tobacco (cigar arnd pipe') inl leaf .. .. . 20 1?t

20 12 39 10.-Hay, Chaff, &c. Lucerne, oaten, wheaten, and other hay 30 20 Orassses and their seeds . . . 7 6 Oaten, wheaten, lucerne, and other chaffs .. 50 25 Ensilage and other prepared cattle fodder .. 20 8 Sorghum and millets .. 10 8 Commercial fibres .. 10 3 Pumpkins and other green fodder 10 6 Hemp and flax . .. 10 4 Broom millet, ready for manufacture 10 8 Farm seeds, including canary seed .. 13 11 170 99

11.-Wool, &c. Scoured wool 40 34 Greasy wool ...... 60 45 Mohair 10 7 110 86

12.-Enlarged Photographs. A maximum of 5 points will be awarded for enlarged photographs of district scenery and local bred live stock .. .. 5 2

5 2

13.-Ladies' Work. Needlework, knitting ...... School needlework . . .. Fine arts .. .. School work, maps, writing, &c., for pupils of schools in the district .. ..

45 27 14.-Effective Arrangement. Effective ticketing 10 Comprehensiveness of view . 30 Arrangement of sectional stands . 20 General finish ...... 20

80 51

Total .. 1270 782

~1 ONE FARM5. The awards in the one-farm exhibits gave Mr. K. Haag a grand total of 538j points, compared to his opponent's (Mr. A. Lofgren's) .351j points, and thus for the second year in succession Mr. Haag is the winner of this interesting competition. Details:-

CbLLECTION OF FARM PRODUCE, FOODS FOR (ONSUMPTION, &c. Scale of Points. 1.-Dairy Produce. K. Haag. A. Lofgrcn. Butter, 61b...... 23 22 Cheese, 1 large or 2 small, home-made 19 7 Eggs, suitable for domestic use, 1 dozen each variety .. 5 3 4

50 45 33

2.-Foods. Hams, 151b.,'bacon, 151b., home cured 20 15 13 Corned, smoked, and spiced beef and Imut- ton, 10b. .. .. Honey, 121b ...... Beeswax, 61b, ... Bread, 2 loaves, sconey, 1 dozen . . Confectionery and sweets, 31b. Chkes and biscuits .. .. Lard, tallow, oils ......

*1, 65 49i 46i

3.-Fruits, Vegetables, and Roots-Fresh and Preserved. Fresh fruits, all kinds Dried fruits ...... Preserved fruits and jams .. . . Fresh vegetables .. Pickles, sauces, &c. .. Potatoes, not less than 281b. (or a collec- tion) and roots .. .. . Table pumpkins, squashes, & marrows 561b. Cocoanuts and nuts .. Vegetable and garden seeds .. Arrowroot, 01bb. . Sugar beet, 31b. . Cassava, 31b...... Ginger. 31b......

143 98 86

4.--rain, &c. Wheat .. . .. 25 20 1 Maize .. . 20 17 11 Barley, oats, rye, and rice 20 15 12 65 582 89 __ _j _I


5.-Tropical Products. S8gar cane, 24 stalks, or 1 stool .. 30 Cotton in seed, 10lb., long staple .. 10 C'offee, 101b. .. S. 5 0 5 45 18 37

6.-Tobacco. Tobacco, leaf, dried, 51b. 10 -

10 - -

7.-Hay, Chaff, &c. Hay, oaten, wheaten, lucerne, and other varieties ...... Grasses and their seeds, including canary Chaff, oaten, wheaten, lucerne, and other varieties ...... 2'0 Ensilage, any form ...... 115 Cattle fodder (pumpkins & green fodder) 1,5 Sorghum and millet ...... 1I0 Hemp, 51b...... 5 Flax, 51b...... 5 Cow pea seed, 71b. .. 7 Broom millet, 0lb...... I 0 ' 111 86 56

8.--Wool. Greasy, 5 fleeces 20 15 - 14 Mohair 5 4 0' 25 19 14

9.-Drinks, &c.

Temperance drinks, 6 bottles .. .. 10 8._ _ 10 8 6

10.-Women's and Children's Work. Needlework, knitting ... . . 10 2 2 Fine Arts .. .. * ** * 5 10 11 Fancy work ...... 15 School work, maps, writing, &e. .. .. 5 School needlework .. * * * * * * 40 19 19 _I ______~____~ _ __ __~ ______


11.-Miscellaneous Articles of commercial value ...... 5 4 2

5 4 2

12.-Plants and flowe rs in pots .. .. 5 4 1

5 4 1

13.-Time and labour-isaving useful articles made on the farm S...... 10 6 2

10 6 2

14.-E .ffective Arrangement of Exhibit. Comnprehensiveness of view ...... 10 8 8 Arrangement of stand s ...... 5 5 4 Effective ticketing ...... 10 9 7 General finish ...... 10 8 7

35 30 26

Total .. 625 4383 351}

1 I______~

Milking Tests.

SHOWR GROUNDS MILKINGI TET.-These Tests are condcted on the how Gron, and prizes a~e awardedl to the cows averaging the reatest dairy yield of butter-fat for 48 hours. Excellent entbries wfer received in the vat ious completitions (particulors of whieh arc a'ppeanlecd herewith). In ('lass 196 15 cows wre etlr, 71 in C:lass 197, 11 in (:lass 198, 12 in Class 199', ii in Class 200, 10 in C:lss 201, and 14 in Rloyl National Chapion Buttr Fat Test. The results of thle compe- titions are s follows:-

COW, 4 years old and over, uv'rging the greatest daily yield of butter- fat for 48 hours.

Milk M~ilk lbs. ozrs. Tes't Butt~r li. oz. Tt Butterl ft fat (1). 3. Mearw' Tulip of Morden. M. 23.14 3.9 .3 M. 2:i12 .83 N. 217 4.9 .0 N. 20.1 4l.8 .96

Total Milk, 1281b. Soz. ieling 5.4~71bs. butter fat. PJoit: Blt terP Fati 24 hoti is, 43:.76; lactt io, nil. Tt :4.6

(2.) 3. Mears' Hazel of Morden. M. 17.141 3.9 .70 M. 19.10 3.7 N. 16.9 . .63 N. 171 .8 .86 . 157 50 .77 E. 17.9 42 .742 TotalI Milk, I Obx. 1 4oz., yieling .- ls. butterft. I'ojlts:

(3.) Anderson Bros.' Jullette of Fairview. M. 2.4 .3.31 .79 M. 2.5 :i.0 .72 N. 2.0 4.4 .9 N. 232 4.9 1.131 K:. 20.0 4I.2 .84L K. 21.8 4.6 .99

'rotal Milk, I 3lsR. 7oz., ieldinig 5.:llbs. butt~rfa~t.. Poit: n~ut- tk dat "4 hours, 431.12; LatatiOnl, nil. Total: 43.12.

______I___ II M__ Milk Milk lbs. oz. Test Butter ':lb. ozu,: Test Butter fat fat

(4.) 3. O'Colfor'S Dahlla 2nd of Hiliview. 26.6 27.3 .87 M. 23.5 24.2 .84 N. 21.2 2.15 .86 E. Point: Butter- Ttal Milkr: 1431bs. loz., yielding 5.O6lbs. butterfat. fat, 24 hours, 0A48. Lactation, nil. Total: 40.48.

(5.) Jos. F. Cochrane's Trxie of Newholme. .81 M. 26d14 . 3.0 M. 2.6.1 3.1 '' .81 .86 23.6 3.7 N. 23.3 .7 .86 N. .82 22.1r 3.5 . .80 E 23.8 3.5 Points : total-kik, 1451bs. l5ozs, yielding 4.96 lbs. butterfat. '1jtfat, 4 hiours, 39.68; Lactation, .7. Total: 40.38. c5L" (6.) A Pickls' Jean_ 5th~ of _ Blacklandsc. .77 3.9 .83 23.5 19.15 4.5 .90 21.8 17.6 41 .71 20.11 Point: B~ut- Ttal Milk 1241bs. ikroz., ilding .82b. butterfat. terfat, 24 hour, 38.56 Lactation, nil. Total: 38.56i

(7.) A. J. Caswell's Floss of Dnalwon. 2.0.10 ; 21.12 17.13 N. . 17.9 . 20~'.0.:, E. 18.14 I'oi~itu: ToAl ic,WY 1sl0ozs., yieldi~g 4.S7b. butterfat. Butterfat, 24;hour~ 36.6; Lactation, nil. Totpal; 36.56.

(S.) Jot. F. Cochrae'Dort of Nehom. 4.0 7 20.6: 3.0 5.7 .8.7 19.10 3.7 5.1 16.0 4.0 64 E. 15.14

T'qtal Mlk, 10l~. 4o1s, yietlding 4.391bs. butterfat. P'ointi: ~ut- terfat, 24 hquru, 54,1; Lactitio n,.fi Totl: 5.72. I_ _

I.' Milk Milk lbs. oz5. Tet Butter lbs. ozrs. Test Butter' fat fat

(9.) B. 3. Morgran's Hippy 2nd of pr11idl. 0.14 M. 21.8 4.5 *97 M. 16.12 N. 16.15 4.5 .76i N. 16.14 E. 16.12 4.3 .72 E. l'oint: But.- Total Milk, lO9lbs. llozs., yielding .41bs. butterfat. terfat, 24 hours, 35.52; Lactation, nil. Total: 35.52.

(10.) Cowen eys' Waitress of Sunnymeade. 23.4 3.4i .793 M. 23.2 3.6 20.0 3.7 .74L N. 1.3 3.9 18.12 3.7 3-,4 .Point: Hut- Total Milk, 1221bs. 3ozs., yiling 4AILb. bittef~t. tcrfat, 24 hours, 3.0; Letntioi, il. Total: 35.20.

(11.) Clowen Keys' Lady Tidy 2nd of Sunnymieae. 16.8 M. 1.10 13.13 11.5 11.15 13.15 P'oits: B3ut. Total ilk, 82'lb,. 2oz. Yi~ling IL4l . butterfatt. telit, 24I hIour, 33112); ICtalti on nlil. Total: 33Y.92.

(12.) B. O'Connor's Tui. th oi' Hillvie'. 19.5 :17.71 18.11 16.9 4.1 .6Xn 1.14 17.2 15.6i

Total Milk, 101 lbs. 1oz:J., gildliza 4.091 1cs. bil tcrf at. P'oints: Butterft, 24 liOiii, .1.72; Ila'ttioI, ii. Total: 3.72.

(13.) A. . Caiwell's osie 4th of Greylgh. 21.6 212.8 18.3 17.14 19.5

Totl Milk, lllb. l0ozs.a yieling 4.O3lb. buttrfa. Point: Butterfat, 24 hour, 32?.2; Lactationl, nil. Ttl, 32.24.

_ _I______~___1_1_

Milk Milk lbs. ozs. Test Butter lbs. oze. Tet Butter fat fat

(14.) W. F. Hammel's Fanny. .4S1 Md. 15.,5 3.9 .60 M. 15.1 37.2 .46 N. 12.1 4.31 .52 N. 12.5 3.7 .46 E. 11.13 :1.9 .46 E. 1.: .5

Total Milk, 79bs. lozi.. yieldling 981b. brutterfat. P'oits: Butterfat, 24 hours, 231.84; Lattion, 6. Total: 2).84l.

(15.) R. . Moran's Elsie 3rd of Springfield. .74 M. 20.0 .0 .60 M. 21.10 .4 .5 N. 7.2 3.3 .59 N. 17.7 . .5 B. 17.15 3.2 .57 E. 16.1:1 Total Milk: 1Illb. 9o',.., yieling :.631bst. bttrft. P'oints: Butterfat, 24 hour, 2.0'.4; Lactationl, il. Ttl, 2.04.

COW, 4 yealrs old and1( OVr, a\.'eraing~ ther grC':ltt dil ieldC1 (If butter-fat for 48 hlours:-

(1.) B. MYears' Tulip of Mdorden. M. 2.4 39 .93 M. 21.2 . 1 N. 21.7 4.9 1.05 N. 201 .8 14. 4.4O .85 E. 113 4.3 .8 Totlilk,. lls. .)o/z.., 'ie'liliiig 5.471hs. lIttcrtat.

(2.) Anderson Eros'. Juliette of Fairview. M. 23.14 :13 .79 M. 231 10 .72 N. 21.0 4.4 .2 N. 2:.2 . 1 9 E. 20.0 42 .84 I.. 2. .6 Total ilk, I :1l1l,s. 7ots. yieldling 5,.3lbslh. but trft.

(3.) 3. O'Connor's Dhlia 2nd1 of Hllview. M27.31 3c.2 .87 . 26.6 .3 .87 N 24.2 31.5 .84l N. 2. . 8 B. 20.15 4.1 .86 E. 21.2 3.8r .80 Total Mlilk, 14371bs. loz., yioldl'igK 5.OJlb. buttelrat. Milk Milk lbs. ozs. Test Butter lbs. oz. Test Butter fat 'fat

(4.) Jo.. F. ochrfe'5 Tri of Newcrholme. . 26.1 3.1 .81 M. 26.14 N. 23.3 3.7 .86 N. 23.6 E. 22.15 3.5 .80 E:. 23.8 Total Milk, 1451b~. los., yieldijng 4.O6bs. butte rfat.

(5.) A. Pickel' Jean 5th of Blacklands. M. 21.4 .9 .3 T. 23.5j N. 19.15 4.5 .90 21.8 E. 17.6 4.1 .71 E: 20.11 Total Milk, 1241bs. 1o~. yieling 4.82 lbs. butterfatt.

(6.) A. J. Caswell's Floss of Dnalwon. 210.1 ( 3.() .6 21.12 17.9 3.5 .6 .1 17.3 20.0 5.3 1.06 1.14 'rota! !Iil k, 116 hsI,.1 oz., yieltli h 41.5 711n. I uttrft.

(7) Cowen es' Waitress of Sunnymeade. M. 3.4 3.4 .79 M. 23.2 N. 20.0 3.7 .74 N. 18.37 E. 18.12 3.7 .69 E 18.14

Total Milk, 1221be. oz., yieldling 4.4Olb. butterfat.

(8.) Jo.. F. Cochrn 'a Doris of Newrholme. M. 20.6 3.0 .61 M. 1.3 N. 19.10 3.7 .73 N. 15.31 15.14 Total Mlilk, lOS1b. 4ozs., yielding 4.3Dlbs. huttrfa.

Ooen Key.' Ldy Tidy 2d of SZluiyineade. 16f.8 4.6 .76 M. 14.10 1.13 5.1 .70 N. 11,5 13.15 5 .72 . 1l.18 Total Mlilk, 2lbu. oz., yielding( 4.41bs. butterfat. Milk Milk Test Butter Ib. oza. TPeat Butter Ibo. oss. fat fat

(1O.J p . O'Connor's Tulip 4th of Hlvew. 18.11 M. 1.5 3.7 .71 M. 14.14 16.9 4.1 .68 N. N. 15.6 3. 1.9 4.2 .72 E. butterfat. Total Milk, llb. lozs., yielding 4.O9lbs.

(12.) A. . aweli'a oie 4th of Greleigh. 22.8 .64 IL. IL. 21.6 3.0 17.141 N. 18.3 3.5 .64 N. 19.6 3.' 1.5 3.8 .73 E.

Total Milk, ll8lbs. lOoze., yielding 4.O3lbs. butterfat.

(12.) W. F. Hammel'a Fann. 15.5 3.9 N.. 1.1 4.3 I. 11.13 3.9

Total Milk, 79b. 1oztn., yieldling 2981b. l~uttcrfat.

COW OR HEIFER, under 4 years, aeraging the greatest dily yield of butter-fat for 48 hours:--

(1..) 1. Duffid & Sons.' ole~ of 3rookr Lodg. M. 18.14 5.1 .71 M. 14.12 Nj. 1~.6 .1 .63 N. 13.1 12.12 6.0 .77 E. 1:1.7 Total Milk, 80lb. ozs, ielding .24Ts. buttrft.

(2.) F. . Hal~te'u Fussy 3rd of purfield. .17.14 .3.8 .8 M 20.0 1i. 1.13 4C6 .3 N. 16.8 N'. 16.8 4.0 .66 E. 16.4 Total Milk, 102bu. I~os., yielding 4.00 lb.. butertt. Milk Milk lbs. ozs. Tent Butter lbs. (IzI. Test Butter fat fat

(3.) W. SIprehsrer's Carnation Lcy. M.~ 15.10 3.8 .56 M. 16.6 3.8 .6 N.' 13.13 5.7 .79 N. 13.10 4.3 .51) E. 12.2 4.8 .58 E. 14.4 4.8 .68 Total Milk, 85b. 1 ozs., yieldling 3.S2lbs. butte~fat.

(4.) D. Spoor & Sons.' Handsome nd of Hiliiew. M.~ 16.12 3.8 .64 M. 17.3 4.0 .89 N. 14.14 4.3 .64 N. 14.0 4.4 .62 E. 14.5 4.2 .60 E. 14.7 4.3 .62 Total Milk, 9llbs. 9ozs., yielding 3.8llbs. butte~ft.

(5.) P. P. Falt's Melba of Ryfleld. M. 17.13 3.7 .66 M. 17.4 3.4 .59 N. 14.13 3.9 .58 N. 14.8 4.3 .62' B. 14.9 4.3 .63 E. 14.7 3.9 .56 Total Milk, 931bs. 6ozs., yieldling 3.641bs. butterfat.

(6.) Fred G. Brown, Cornucopia Doral Wayne 2nd. M. 18.12 3.7 .69 M. 1. 3.6 .flQ N. 14.12 3.6 .53 N. 15.12 3.5 .55 E. 14.9 3.6 .52 E. 16.5 3.2 .52 Total Milk, 991h. 4lozs, ilding .3.5Olbs. butterfat..

(7.) B. O'Connor's Lady'3sams of Cosoy Camp. M. 15.13 3.1 .49 M. 18.7 3.6 N 15.8 4.1 .64 N. 14.0 .9 .55 E. 13.8 3.8 .51 E:. 14.6 3.8 .55 Total Milk, 9llbs. loz., yielding 3.4Obsa. butterfat.

(8.. B. O'Connor'ul Hofly of Oakvsl~. M.....15.8 39; .0 M. 17.3 3.8 .51 N. 15.14 8.7 .59 N. 13.2 8.3 .48 P1 14.10 4.0 .59 E. 8.13 6.0 .5

Total MIilk, M~lhN. 20z., yirl iiig 3.31ibs. Ijutterfat. Milk Milk lbs. oze. Test Butter lbs. ozs. Test Butter fat fat

(9.) Cowen Keys' Golden Ivy 3rd of Bnnymeade. 8.12 3.8 5.4 3.8 9.5 5.9 Total Milk, 451bs. llozs., yielding 2.581bs. butterfat.

(10.) W. F. Hammel's 0111e. M. 14.14 3.0 14.12 N. 12.0 3.2 11.7 E. 12.5 3.3 11.9 Total Milk, 761bs. 15ozs. yielding 2.421bs. butterfat.

COW OR HE1FER, under 4 years, averaging the greatest daily yield of butter-fat for 48 hours:-

(1.) Fred G. Brown's Cornucopia Doral Wayne 2nd. M. 18.12 3.7 .69 M. 19.2 3.6 .69 N 14.12 3.6 .53 N. 15.12 3.5 .55 E. 14.9 3.6 .52 E. 16.5 3.2 .52 Total Milk, 991bs. 4ozs., yielding 3.501bs. butterfat. Points: Butterfat, 24 hours, 28.0; Lactation, 10.0. Total: 38.0.

(2.) B. O'onnor's Lady James of Oosey Camp. 15.13 3.1 .49 M. 18.7 .66 15.8 4.1 .64 14.0 .55 13.8 3.8 .51 14.6 .55

Total Milk, 911bs. 10oos., yielding 3.401bs. butterfat. Points: Butterfat, 24 hours, 27.2; Lactation, 8.9. Total: 36.1.

(3.) B. O'Connor's Holly of Oakvale. 15.8 17.3 .57 15.14 13.2 .43 14.10 8.13 .53 Total Milk, 851bs. 2ozs., yielding 3.311bs. butterfat Points: Butterfat, 24 hours, 2648; Lactation, 8.5. Total: 34.98. Milk Milk lbs. ozs. Test Butter lbs.. oz. Tet Butter fat fat (4.) J. Duffild & Sons.' oldl. of Brook Lodge. M. 13.14 5.1 .71 M. 14.12 5.2 .77 N. 12.6 ~. 1 63 N. 1:. 5,.6 .73 E. 12.12 6.0 .77 . 17 4.7 .63 Total Milk, 8O1b. os., yieldingl 4.2lb. butterfat P~oints: Butter- fat, 24 hours, 31.2; Lactatin, ntil. Total: 3.9.

(6.) F. . Hayter's Fy 3rdl of S~purfield. 17.14 15i.13 16.8 .0 .66 E 16.4 Total Milk, lO2Ibs. l5z~s., yielding 4.O6b. butterfat. 'oits: Butter- fat, 24 hours, :12.4; Lac~tation, iiil. Ttl 1.8

(6.) D. Spoor & Sons.' Handsome 2nd of Hillcrest. ___ 1R~612______.4A1 M. .69 N. 14.14 4.3 .64 N. 14.0 4.4 E. 14.5 4.2 .60 E. 147 4.37 Total Milk, 9llbs. 9ozs., yielding :.8llbs. buttrft. Ioints: Butter- ft, 24 hours, 30.48; L~actation, 1.93. Total: 32.38.

(7.) W. Spreser's Carnation Lucy. M. 15.10 :. .56 16.6 N. 13.13 5.7 .79 1. 10 12.2 4I.8 Total Milk, 851bs. 1:o'N., yili ug :;.xllis. butterfat. l'oit: fltter fat, 24 hour, 30.56; Luctation nil. Total: 30.56.

(8.) P. P. Nelt's Melba of yfeld. M. 17.1.3 3.7 .66 M. 17.4 3.4 N. 14.13 3.9 .58 N. 1. 4.31 .62 E. 14.9 4.3 .6 l. 14.7 .9, .56ltr Total Milk, 93b. 6osI. ilin :1.641lb. butterft. P'uiits: fat, 24 hours, 29.12; Latation, nil; Total: 29.12.

(9.) W. F. Hammel's Ollie. 14.14 14412 3.0 .44 11.7 :12 .37 12.5 11.9 ,3.2 ..37 Total M~ilkr, 761b. l5ozsa., yielig .2ls. butt~rft. Points: Butter. fAt, 24 hlours, 19.3; Letatio, 6.8. Total: 26.16. __I___ 1___ ~ ___ _

Milk Milk lbs. oze. Test Butter lbs. oz. Test Butter fat fat (10). Coven Keys' Golden Ivy 3rd of Bunnymeade. 8.19 3.8 6.14 5.4 3.8 7.14 9.5 5.9 7.10 Total Milk, 451bs. Iloza., yielding 2.581bs. butterfat. Points: Butter- fat, 24 hours, 20.64; Lactation, .5. Total: 21.14.

COW, yielding the largest supply of milk in 48 hours:- (1.) Jos. F. Cochrane's Trixie of Newholme. 26.1 26.14 23.3 23.6 22.15 23.8 Total Milk: 1451bs. 15oze.

(2.) B. O'Connor's Dahlia 2nd of Hill View. 27.3 26.6 24.2 23.5 20.15 21.2 Total Milk: 1431bs. o.

(3.) Anderson Bros.' Juliette of Fairview. 23.14 :1.3 M. 23.15 21.0 4.4 N. 23.2 20.0 4.2 E. 21.8 Total Milk: 1331bs. 7oze.

(4.) 3. Mears' Tulip of Morden. 23.14 2:1.12 21.7 20.1 19.6 19.13 Total Milk: 1281b. Sozs.

(6.) A. Plokels' Jean 6th of Blacklands. 21.4 3.9 M. 23.5 19.15 4.5 N. 21.8 17.6 4.1 E. 20.11 Total Milk: 124kb.. 1w'.

Csguarcm.._~ ~r*O~-~r~-~- Ln Milk lb. os Test Butter lbs. s. Test Butter. fat fat (6.) aowen ey' Waitress of unnymeade. M 23.41 3.4 ~' M. 23.2 N. 20.0 3.7 N. 18.3 E. 18.12 3.7 E. 18.14 Total Milk: 1221bs. 3ozs.

(7.) A. J. Caswell's Rosle 4Lth of Greyleigh. M. 21.6 3.0 M. 22.8 N. 18.3 3.5 N. 17.14 E. 19.5 3.8 E. 19.6 Total Milk: ll8Ib. l0ozs.

(8.) A. J. Caswell 's Floss of Dnawon. M. 20.10 3.0 21.12 N. 17.9 3.5 17.13 . 20.0 53 18.14 Totl Milk: lSlbs. 10ozs.

(9.) Jos. F. Cochrane's Doris of Newholme. iM. 20.6 3.0 M. 18.3 N. 19.10 3.7 N. 15.3 E. 36.0 4.0 E. 15.14 Totl SMilk: lO5Ls. 4os.

(10.) W. F. HiimelB's Fann~y. M. 15.5 3.9 N. 12.1 4:.3 ii:. 11.13 3'.9 Total Mdilk: 791b. 12ioz5. omi nmii i

SPECIAL COMPETITION FOR COW, 4 years old and over, aver- aging the greatest daily yield of butter fat for 48 hours. For which sompetition was conducted in the second of the foregoing classes. 1. B. Mears' Tulip of Morden ...... 5.471bs. butterfat. 2. Anderson Bros.' Juliette of Fair.view ...... 5.391bs. butterfat. 3. B. O'Connor's Dahlia 2nd of Hillview ...... ,.061lis. butterfat.

ROYAL NATIONAL CHAMPION BUTTERFAT TEST, for Cow ally breeding) averaging the greatest daily yield of butterfat for 48 hours (under Babcock test) and which has been the property of the exhibitor three months before the entry. Special prize, £25, to be won three times by the same exhibitor, but not necessarily to be in succession, or by the same exhibit, and an annual prize of £2/2/- donated by the Brisbane Newspaper Co., Ltd. B. Mears' Tulip of Morden. M. 23.14 3.9 .93 M. 23.12 3.5 .83 N. 21.7 4.9 1.05 N. 20.1 4.8 .96 E. 19.6 4.4 .S5 E. 19.13 4.3 .85 Total Milk: 1281bs. 5ozs., yielding 5.471bs. butterfat. Points: Butter- fat, 24 hours, 43.76; Lactation, nil; Total: 43.76. Winner, 1922.-E. I). Lawley's Loria of Arley (L.M.S.): Milk, Ii21bs. oxzs., yielding 6.5i871bs. commercial butter. Points: Butterfat, 24 hours. 02.7; Lactation, .. il; Total: 52.7.

Home Milking Competitions.

HOME MILKING.-The Home Milking Conmpetitions, which are conducted on the competitors' farms, under the supervision of Govern- ment Inspectors, create considerable interest throughout the year. The conditions of the competition are for then cow giving the greatest yiell of butter fat for 24 hours, under Babcock Test, milk to contain on an average not less than 3.3 per cent. of butter fat. The results of this year's competitions are as follows:

AYBfSHIEB. Milking Milk Test ('orn. lbs. ozs. Butter lbs. (1.) Jonas Holmes' Rosalind 2nd of Longlands. E. 29 0 4.0 1.35 M. 26 0 4.4 1.34 -- 2.69 55 0 JIEREYS. Milking Milk Test Coi. lbs. ozs. Butter lbs. (1.) Jno. Williams Carlyie Lady Ln. 13 12 1.0 17 0 .84 14 4 1.12 2.96 45 0

(2.) . Duffield & Sos. Talga~i Creole. 19 4 1.09 12 12 .91 14 0 .94 2.9415 46 0

.(3.) J. Sinamon, Oxford Hzel. 13 0 .83 13 0 .70 13 8 1.08 39.8

(4.) . Sinmon, Oxford Barleycorn. 13 8 .81 12 8 .91 12 0 .85 38 0

(5.) W. Spreser, Carnation Lucy. 1.5 8 .72 13 0 .71 13 0 .75 2.1 41 8

(6.) owan ey, Lady Tidy 2nd of Suuiygmea40. 16 8 .55 14 0 .52 14 0 .81 Milking Milk Teat Orn. lbs. oza. Butter (7.) Coven Ktey, Goldun Ivy 3rd of Sunnymeade; ii 0 .59 90 .34 27 0


Milking Milk Test Corn. lbs. oza. Butter (1.) 3. HI. Wade, Red Briar of Wadedale. M. 250O 1.53 N. 2002 1.08 E. 2402 1.35 69 0

(2.) B. . Maorgan, Hippy. M. 2902 1.15 N. 250O 1.29 E. 180O .97 72 0

(3.) . Phillip, Chance of Woodleigh. E. 24 8 1.11 M. 2602 1.16 N. 24 8 1.09 75 0

(4.) B. 3. Morgn, Rubyr. 29 8 .96 22 0 18 0 .95 3.04 69 8

(5.)J. F. Cochrane, Trleb of Nevholme. 3.7 9 3.1 .985 24 8 3,S 1.090 3.0351 74 0 Milking Mlilk Test Corn lb. oza. Butter (.) J. H. Wade, Pearl of Wadedale. 21 0 1.11 17 0 .90 18 0 .93

56 0

(7.) R. . Morgan, Elsie of Strathyew. 25 0 .81 1.07

2.78 67 8

(8.) Cowen Keys, Waitress of SJunnymeede. 21 0 21 0 1.18 15t 0 .74 2.75 57 0

(9.) Kt. MVears, Tulip of Morden. 18 8 .80 24 8 1.02 20 8 2.75, 63 8

(10.) A. J. Casell, Floss of Dw~won. 17 0 1.017 16 8 .735i 23 8 .854 2.606 57 0

(11.) . F. ochrane, Doria of Newholm. 18 0 .89 19 8 .715 20 0 .93 .5I' 517 8 PRZZSIArS. Milking Milk Test Corn. lb. oss. Btter

(1.) P. P. Falt, Onkia Noreen. 21 0 1.4 27 0 1.84 20 8

68 8

(2.) F. G).Brown, .C.P. ordyke Lottie Caary. 25 8 1.285 21 8 1.105j 20 8 1.00 3.39 67 8

(.) P. P. Falt, Melba of Ryleild. 15 0 1.24 19 0 1.12 N. 150O .75

- 3.11 49 0 Governor's Cup Competition, 1922-I923.

E. D. Lawley W. Middleton. H. Shelton. Month No. of cowvs Total Pro- tAver. Yield No. of cow s Total Pro- Aver. yield No. of cows Total Pro- Av. yield milked dur - duction of Com. Butter milked dur - duction of Com. Butter milked dur- duction of Com. Ing mont h Com. Butter per Cow ing month Corn. Butter per Cow ing month. Com. But Butter during perMonth during peirmonth during per cow Month Month month per month Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. 1922. June 397 19.85 719 23.96 30 332 11.06 July 441 22.05 488 13.94 25 285 11.40 August 417 20.85 694 16.92 20 307 15.35 September 456 20.72 1143 18.14 27 561 20.77 October 660 30.00 1774 23.65 37 763 20.62 November 900 36.00 1942 23.40 40 757 18.92 § December 1172 39.06 1809 21.28 43 1057 24.58 1923. January 1136 37.86 2286 25.40 49 1413 28.83 February 847 32.57 1781 21.45 50 1017 20.34 March 696 27.84 1268 30.92 47 955 20.32 April 630 25.20 575 57.50 k 45 631 14.02 May 584 23.36 211 26.37 45 684 15.20 Total Production. wOo 8336 14.690 8762. Average Number of Cows milked during the 24.17 53.66 38.17 year. Yield of Com. Butter pe:; Cow for 12 months. 3441b. 2731b. 2291b. List of Prize Donors 1923 SHOW.

£ s. d. £ . d. A. H. Hon., His Excellency The Governor Cup Whittingham, 10 10 0 His Ex'-iency The Governor 10 10 0 Andrew Moles Memorial Sir Matthew Nathan * * 10 0 0 Australian Meat Export Co.. Prize 10 0 0 Ltd. 2 Cups Rich, E. & Co. Ltd. .. 880 Queenaland Turf Club 50 0 0 Dalgety & Co., Ltd ... Department of Defence 50 0 0 Frank Reynolds Memorial 880 Clark, James .. 50 0 0 Trophy . . Galley. Richard. Junr. 50 0 0 Q'ld. Ieekeepers' Associa- 880 Perkin & Co. Ltd... 50 0 0 tion Kodak (Aust.) Propy. Ltd. 29 4 0 Singer Sewing Machine Co. 880 Castlemaine Brewery & (Trophy) Gray & Co., Ltd. 26 5 0 Australian Estates & Mort- 770 Quinlan Ltd 7 7 0 Australian Hereford Society gage Co., 770 (trophies) 26 5 0 Hart, J. H. Brabant & Co. (Trophy) .. 25 0 0 New Zealand Loan & M. A. 660 A. C. B. Ltd . . 25 0 0 Co., Ltd. 660 Brisbane Newspaper Co., Walker, L. E. & Co . .. 600 Ltd. (trophy) 2500 Bell, EI. T., M.L.A... Queensland United Licensed Australian Bank of Com- 550 Victuallers' Association .. 25 0 0 merce, Ltd. 550 Telegraph Newspaper Co., Bank of Australasia 5505 0 of New South Wales Ltd. . . 21 0 0 Bank 5550 5 0 Trenerry, H. S. 20 0 0 Brodribb, F. K. 550 Southern Q'land Fruit Grow- Baynes, Ltd. 550 ers' Society Ltd. 10 16 0 Brown, T. & Sons, Ltd. 5505 5 0 McWhirters, Ltd. 15 15 0 Brisbane Gas Co. 5550 5 0 Allan & Stark, Ltd. 15 15 0 Brisbane Daily Mail .. 550 Aust. Producers' Wholesale Brooks. Harry . Federation Ltd. (Trophy) 15 15 0 Campbell, James & Sons, 550 Baynes, Ernest (Trophy) .. 15 15 0 Ltd . . .. . 550 Birt & Co., Ltd. 15 15 0 Chapmans, Ltd. 550 Brisbane Newspaper Coy., Chapman & Snelling .. 5550 50 Ltd. . . 15 15 0 City Electric Light Co., Ltd. 550 President's Cup 15 15 0 Clarke, C. A. & Sons 550 Slade, W. B .. 15 15 0 Collins, John & Sons .. 550 Finney, Isles & Co., Ltd. .. 16 0 0 Com. Banking Co. of Syd- 5 5 0 Fenwick & Co. .. .. 13 13 0 ney, Ltd. 550 Moreheads, Ltd. . 18 13 0 Cribb & Foote Brodribb, Mrs. F. K. 12 12 0 English, Scottish & 550 Mammltein Prop., Ltd. Australian Bank, Ltd. 5 50 (Trophies) .. .. 12 0 0 Farmers' Co-op. Distributing 550 Ltd. Australian Mercantile Land Co. of Q'land, 5 50 & Finance Co., Ltd. 10 10 0 Farmers' Publishing Co. Ltd. 550 Beirne, T. C. & Co., Ltd... 10 10 0 (Farmers' Gazette) Berry, Henry & Co. Prop., Goldsbrough, Mort & Co., 550 10 10 0 Ltd. .. Duhit, Archbishop . '.. 10 10 0 Hardy Bros., Ltd. (Trophy) Graziersa Review 10 10 0 Hoffnung, S. & Co. Ltd... Hereford Stud Book (Eng- Hicks. John & Co., Ltd. ,. land). (Trophies) . .. 10 10 0 Hutton, J. C. Pty., Ltd. .. Hill, ...... 10 10 0 Jessop, Jack Hordern, Anthony & Sonse. Labour Daily News Co., 85O Ltd...... 10 10 0 Ltd. .. Meggitt, Ltd. .. 10 10 0 Lysaght, Jno. (Aust.), Ltd. Murray. John & Sons 10 10 0 Mactaggart Bros. . . McDonnell & Hast, Ltd. 10 10 0 Mills, John, Himself 55O Newman, Qorge (Cup) 10 10 0 Murray, C. F. Papworh, r. M. .. .. 10 10 0 Murray, D. & W., Ltd. "Pastoral Review," Sydney 10 10 0 McWilliam, T. & Co. 5 5 National Bank of Aus- Q'land Country Press As- tralasia Ltd. sociation 10 10 0 Nestle & A.-8. Con. Milk Co., Reid. Mrs. John 10 10 0 Ltd .. Stewart, Alexander & Overells, Ltd. .. Sons. Ltd . . 10 10 0 Queensland Brewery, Ltd. .. MMMIMMAu LIST OF DONORS-Continued. It- t s..d. 4.L_ Queensland Meat Export Burt, B. G., Ltd. 0 Co., Ltd. 5 5 0 Clark, G. C. 0 o Queensland National Bank, Day, Victor 0 Bros., Ltd. Ltd. .. 5 5 0 Elliott O Q'land Primary Producers' Harringtons, Ltd. Co-operative Agency, Ltd., . Hoskin & Carmichael 0 Brisbane 5 5 0 Hunter, Jas., M.L.A. Reid, Robert & Co., Ltd. 5 5 0 Lissner, Mrs. E. (Albert 0 Seppelt, B. & Sons, Ltd... 5 5 0 Hotel) 0 Shaw, E. J. 5 5 0 McGregor, Robt. & Co. 0 Steele, Edward 5 5 0 Nissen, F. W. (order) 0 Surgical Supplies, Ltd. Paxton, A. (Trophy) 5 5 L Queensland Grazier and Wool Svensen, Capt. 5 5 0 ±'roduce Journal 220 "Sydney Daily Telegraph" 5 5 0 Sharp, Archbishop 220 Thornhill Pastoral Co. 5 5 0 Smith, W. R. & Paterson, Thurlow, R. W. & Co. 5 5 0 Ltd. .. 220 Tindal & Son 5 5 0 Story & Ramsay 2220 2 0 Union Bank of Australia, Stewart Dawsoin & Co. Ltd. .. 5 5 0 (Trophy) Williams, Sidney & Co. 5 5 0 Symes, P. J. Williamson, J. C., Ltd. 5 5 0 Watson, R. G. Winchcombe, Carson, Ltd. .. 5 5 0 Gordon & Gotch (Q.) Walker & Hall (Trophy) .. 5 5 0 Ltd. (Order) Stock & Station Journal .. 4 0 0 Affleck, W. J., Grasmere .. Ross, R. P. 4 0 0 Bishop, J. & Sons., Ltd. Bottomley, J. P. & Co. 3 3 0 Davey Halliday & Co. . Carricks, Ltd. 3 3 0 Exchange Printing Co. City & Suburban Parcel Edwards, Dunlop & Co., Ltd. Delivery 3 3 0 (Open Order) Collins, Mrs. W. 3 3 0 Gallagher, M. J. Foggitt Jones & Co., Ltd. .. 3 3 0 Judges' Association of Q'land Laycock, Littledike & Coy. 3 3 0 Morcoms, Ltd. .. Sinnamon, Jos. 3 3 0 McLeod,. Alec (Open Order) Spencer, A. 3 3 0 McCook Bros. Sturmfels, Ltd. 3 3 0 McGuffle & Co., Ltd. Edwards & Co., Ltd. Perriman, H. M. .. .. (order) 3 0 0 Shaw, J. Anning, E. W. .. 2 2 0 Thomas, Mrs. Lewis Bayard & Co .. 2 2 0 Worker Newspaper Co. Ltd. Baynes, Ernest 2 2 0 Jackson, J. & Co., Ltd...

I' .. ~rFST-~ ~ --- r*----n------n-, --


Afleck, Thos. H., Box 881 G.P.O., Bris- 'nmpbell, Victor F. J., James Campbe bane. & Sons, Ltd., Creek Street. 1 Affleck, Mrs. T. M., Haig Road, Auchen- Cardell, B. S.. Brunswick Street. .e flower. Farm. Affleck, W. James. National Mutual Life Carr. 1). R. A.. Longpocket Road, Indooo Association, Queen Street. pilly. Affleck, W. J., Grasmere. Petrie. Carr. J. E.. Longreach Building, North Andrews, B., Markets, Roma Street. Quny. Archer, R. S., Gracemere, . Carr. W. B.. Longreach Building, Norlh Archibald, R. J., Brisbane Milling Coy., Quay. South Brisbane. Carr, W. T. H., Longpocket Road, In.,, Arnold, F. J., C/o Wm. Adams & Coy., Ltd., roopilly. Edward & Mary Streets. Cart. W. . H Jnr., Longpocket It,;i Arvler, Mrs. C. A., C/o Fred Arvier, N.Z. Indooroopilly. Loan, Eagle Street. Carseldine, A. W., Bald Hills. Badger, J. S. Chapman, Ebenezer, Montpeller St e Baker, Enoch, 237 Brunswick Street, Wilston. Valley. Charles, A. R., Warrington, Inglewood Banks, R., Banks Ltd., Grey Street, S.R. Charlton, F. B., Charlton, Elliott and !,,: Barkley, Henry, Stone's Corner, Coorparoo. Queen Street. 'iarnes, Chas. Edward, Canning Downs, Clark, A. E., Kerr Street, Toowong. Warwick. "lark. J. H.. Kerr Street, Toowong. Barnett, H. Wallace, "Knowehead," Vic- Comino, T. S., Turbot Street. toria Point. Corrie, Douglas M., C/o Corrle t Co., Pa Barnett, S. Wallace, "Cresseley," Railway bury House, 127 Eagle Street. Terrace, Chelmer. Corrigan, B. V., Abbotsford Road. Bc.w Baynes, Ernest, Brisbane. Hills. Seattle, Robert, Kenilworth Station, Eu- mundi. Cory, G. G.. . Cotton, A. . Hiddend, Vale. Grandche I Becker, M., Jnr., Park Avenue, East Bris bane. Couldery, W. H., "Walingham,." Elizn,,e Behan, Thomas, Garfleld, via Jericho. Bay, Sydney. Behrendorff, C., Bunjurgen, via Boonah. Cowley, Sir A. S., "Silky Oaks," Toow ' Beirno. (Cowlishaw. J.. Bowen Hills. T. C., Brunswick St., Valley. Cranley, J. P., c/o Allen and Sons, !.t Bell, E. T., M.L.A., Coocin Coochin, Albert Street. Boonah. Cribb, H. S., Ipswich. Bell, R. A., "Mon Abri," Brighton Road, Davies, M. D., Davies and Wardrop, Ft South Brisbane. House, Queen Benjamin. David, Creek Street. Street. Berry, P. T., Henry Berry & Coy., Ltd., Davies, J. P., Boundary Street, West 'i Delaney, J. T., Delaney's Hotel, South BcI Collins Street, Melbourne. Brisbane. !i SJ. E;. Perkins & Coy., Ltd. Mary St. DeLittle, F. W., New Zealand Loan & M: eirchley,H. V., "Birchdene," Jane Street, Coy. Ltd., Eagle Street. South Brisbane. Delpratt, J. H., Tambourine House. Bishop , Wallace, Adelaide and Albert Bromfieet. Streets. Demack, W. H., "Cam pale," Bulimba SBlack, John, Queen Street, Jubilee Estate, Bulimba. Itbhaca. Devoy, J. N., Quinlan Gray & Coy., l. Blackstock. S., Northampton Downs, Adelaide Street. Blaekall. Doughty, Hector R.. Doughty and Gra Bracker, L., Lesbrook. Cobba-da-manna. son, "Courier" Buildings. Brake, Stanley W., Burleigh Heads, S.C.L. Doyle, M. W., Moggill. Brake, Walter J., Albert Street, South Duncalfe, Those., George Street. Brisbane. Elliott, C. J., Charlton, Elliott and ~ Brigs, C. H., Brisbane Newspaper Coy., Queen Street. Ltd.. Queen Street. Elliott, E. H.. Elliott Bros. Ltd., EsFr] Brodrtbb . K., "Kurrowah," Gladstone Pauset, T. l.. Eagle Street. Road, South Brisbane. Ferguson, James, "Abbotsford," Enoggcr 'rookes, H.. Olentanner. DAlveen. Brown, Mrs. D. L., 202 Bowen Terrace. Ferguson, R. G., c/o Wm. Brooks an I New Farm. Coy. (Qld.), Ltd., Valley. Brown, John Junr., 202 Bowen Terrace. Fielding, G. A., McWhirters, Ltd., Vails New Farm. Finlayson, M. H., Maryvale Street, Bunning, G. E., "Braelside." Dalveen. wong. Burton, Arthur, Box 430 G.P.O., Brisbane. Finlayson, W. F., 62 Queen Street. Buhnell, R., Nanango. Finucan, M., Market Street. Slmofon. nnnald C,. onr. Ann and Brun.- Fletcher, D., Senr., "Dalmally," Margal wlhek treets, Valley. Street. Toowoomba. Ca npb.ll, Mrs. R. R., "Lanetord," Brille Fletcher, P., "Dalmally," Margaret Stre S Road, Ipswob. Toowoomba.

------___ I ~maPP~n~P~~

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L1IF M BNIDBI S contnue.

< orster, G. C. D., E.S.C.A., Ltd., Edward Keatlng, George F., Warry Street. Valley. Street. King. John. Kedron. orster, Miss D. M., Sutherland Avenue. King, W. Myers, King and King, Lt,. Ascot. Queen Street. ortescue, E., Q'land Brewery Ltd.. Kingsbury, J. J., Robert Street, Toowonl. ', Petries Bight. Kirkpatrick, Thos., c/o Owen Gardner and orth, E. E., c/o J. C. Hutton Ppty., Ltd., Sons. Melbourne Street. S.B. Roma Street. Klaassen, C. M., Regatta Hotel, Toowonrg. rankel, Philip, 114 Edward Street. Klaassen, C. E. B., Regatta Hotel, T0#- raser, D. M., Mundoolun, Beaudesert. wong. ialley, Richard, Courier Buildings, Queen Klaassen, James, Regatta Hotel, Toowonq. Street. alley, Richard Junr., Courier Buildings. Klaassen, J. B., Regatta Hotel, Toowonfi. Queen Street. Klaassen, S. D., Regatta Hotel, Toowong. allagher, Michael Joseph, Kedron. Knowles, S., Gem Merchant, 184 Queen St. Ibson, John, "Braeslde," Bowen Terrace. nauck, F. H., 371 George Street. Knox, David, Gympie Road, Kedron. ordon, Andrew M., 44 Stanley Street Ladewig, A., c/o S. Hoffnung & Co. Ltd., West, South Brisbane. Charlotte Street. orrle, A., Ermlngton Park, Ermington. Ladewig, Ernest, "Timaro," Old Sandgate New South Wales. Road, Eagle Junction. ould, S. G., Hooper & Harrison, Elizabeth Laidlaw, H. F., Grey Street, Sth. BrisbaM. '*, Street. Lane, Dr. Morgan, Union Trustee Chambw ray, G. W., Quinlan Gray & Coy., Ltd., Queen Street. Adelaide Street. Lees, Gilbert, Thos. Borthwick & Soa., Wharf Street. rayson, John James, Doughty and Gray- Ltd., son, "Courier" Building. Lethbrdge, G. F., Forest Vale, Mitchell. reaves, Geo. A., "Woodneuk," Mudgee- Lomax, Arthur R. raba, S. C. L. Long, T. T. T., Toowoomba. unn, Donald, Boolarnel Station, Talwood. Lord, Arthur B., Victoria Downs, Morve.L $ all, Graham, 27 Gladstone Road, S.B. Lord, E. F., Eskdale, Eak. all, Thos., 27 Gladstone Road, S.B. Lord, Robert P., Victoria Downs, Moren. ardgrave, Philip, Wellington Point. Macdonald, Dr. Alex J., 149 Wickhaip art, B., c/o F. M. Hart & Co., Wharf St. Terrace. arte, A. E., London Bank Chambers, Macdonald. John, c/o Wm. Haughton & Queen Street. Coy., Parbury House, Eagle Street. :* arvey, James B., c/o Harvey and Son, Macdonald, Duncan, New Place, PeachestT ,M Margaret Street. via Beerwah. ayes, J. A., Park Parade, Sandgate. Mackay, R. S., "Cawmore Wood." ayes, Owen, Melbourne Street, South Galloway's Hill. Brisbane. Macpherson, E. A., c/o Waugh & Joseph- , emming, H. B., Harding Chambers, son, Turbot Street. Adelaide Street. Marks, Dr. A. H., 109 Wickham Terrae. ewitt, Geo., 346 Queen Street. Marks, Leslie P., Rockboufne Terr., UDp p ,' ll,Mrs. E. Lumley, Bellevue House. I'addington. Bellevue. Maynard, R. S., Live Stock Bulletin Ofct. ;* ill,Robert S., "Warwickshire." Cavendish Queen Street. Road, Coorparoo. Metcalf, E. W. S., Duke Street, Bulimba . iron, John, Holland Street, Toowong. Midson, Arthur, Edmonstone Street. South ' Illis, W., Brisbane. ooper, George, Station Road, Sherwood. Moffat, George, Toorak House, Hamilton. Ving, J. Washington, M.R.C.V.S.L., Ann Monteith. Henry, 384-6-8 Queen Street. Street. Morris, L T. S., C/o Motor Cars Ltd., ckson, George E., Robert Jackson, Ltd., George Street. " Eagle Street. Munro, E., Bellevue Terrace, Albion. eckson, James T., Robert Jackson, Ltd., Eagle Street. Murray, Colin F., "Fyrlsh," Bell. rsen, Vie., Queen Street. Murray, Gavin H., Gowan Hills, Blackal, , well, J. A., "L'Ecrin," Villa Street, An- Murray, N. R., Beaconsfield, Ilfraoombe. , nerley, South Brisbane. McConnel, E. W., Mount Brisbane, sIk. hnson, G. E. (Junr.), c/o Johnson and R., c/o D. B. Sons. Queen Street. McCullough, Miss B. hnston, James, Canada Cycle & Motor McCullough, 80 Queen Street. Agency Ltd., Creek Street. McCullough,, D. B., 80 Queen Street. hnston, W., Markets, Turbot Street. McDonald, Harry Baynes, Yaamba StatUqfl iliffe, E. A., Oxford Street, Bulimba. via Rockhampton. McGill, Walter, c/o Capt. Butterworth. * nes, Wm. H., Dornoch Terrace, S.B. "Bonnie Doon," Wynnum South. . yce, Robert, c/o J. Wlldridge and Sin- McGown, W. J., Globe Printing Worki elir Ltd., Ullsabetb Street. Ann Street. , ,

/ ,L'' i ' .,',: " ", '. ,rf., ' " ," • . , - , .. ..- ,, . . . . .', -. ,.- ., ,- .' . ' " , ,fija ^ . a',",. . j I'.",.'"/''^ .B '.,' , "a ., ! ' , LIFE MEMBERS-continued.

Blizabeth Street. Shannon, J. B. Oxford Down., Neb : R., 171 Queen Street. Macka v. V., Fenwick & Coy.. Edward Slade, W. B., "Montpelter," Wtokham Ta ra e. W ',,e4,i, A Co,r, EdardA Smith, J. T., no K. M. Smith, Valley. South, F. L., Kodak (At it.) Ltd., Queea II oott, Terrica Station, Inglewood. SlanKes, James, Lyn 11ev, Dalby. I W., 204 Queen Street. Springall, H. A., Water Street West, G., Eagle Street. Brisbane. rthur T., Alexandra Road, CIlay- Stephens, V.. "Waldheim," lpswicli I*"a Ai nnerle. Harry, 93 Margaret Street. Steven, J., C/o W. R. Scott, Queen St'e Griffth, 364-6 Queen Street. Stewart, A. L., Alexander Stewart & 8o0 C., 45 Queen Street. Ltd.. Queen Street. a rr Cnmnnnciu ntion QuC lpIe Stewart, A. D., Bald Hills. 3. C., Realty Development Coy., Stewart, John K., Alexander Stewart ) Queen Street. Sons. Ltd., Queen Street. G. H., Perry Bros., Ltd., Albert Story, Robert, Story & Ramasy, Nor "etC Quay. Lrth, C. R., Singer Sewing Machine Taylor, V., Clifford House, Toowoomb. r., Queen Street. Taylor, Capt. R. S., Eagle Street. W. C., 14-18 Queen Street. Taylor, T. Mcl., Moreheade Ltd., Mary I hos., Fruit Exchange, Turbot St Thelander, Dr. C. A., 61 Wickham Terra ., Rows Street. Theodore Hon. E. .. Paliament gI or,E. L. Banchory, Umbiram, via pwcoomba. Tinims, D. W., Bunya Vale. via tm irs. John, C/o "Lyndhurst," Adelaide pine. ~et,Clayfield. Tinims, tV. , strathpine. etH. sles, Love Bldgs., Adelaide Tunley. W . j Joyce Bros., Ltd., Stanli 'et. Street, South Bribane. & Anglo-wiess Watson, G. W., Tandawanna, Bunguny u T. A., Nestles Watson, Richard G., Inns ot Court, id. Milk Coy., Ann Street. Adelalde Street. H, "Harelvyn," Abbott Street. Webster, F. H., Mary Street. Weodon, Warren, "Jnnisfail," Wickllha eon, W. Robertson & Compton Tera~ce. Whlttlngham, Hon. A. H., "Mayfteld ' H., ~WrdeStAeet, Wooloowin. Hamilton. 3., Sexton Street, south Brisbne. Willams, .John, Railway Traffic Offti". f.C/o Ausrtralian Estates & U. Roma Street. ~ Ld~. Creekr Street. H., Gayndah. i' W, George Will. & Coy., Ltd., Wilson, Harold StStreet. Witham, W. L., Rose Street, Annerly. LA. W., Parsons BRIo. Co. Ltd., 25 Woodhead, C., Junr., c/o Bryce Li beth Street. Adelaide Street. ~... U.. Union Bank Chambers. Young, Douglas, Cresabrook Street, To Rtree' goola wah. A.. SEoppelt & (o . Ltd.. Engle Young, J. E., "Molonga," Bank Road. Graocevlle. __ 5__n______~__ _ i_=I_ ~ t ___

ANNUAL MEMBERS . .-.>4* IH 1923. 1@,

,el. E. H., Immigration Depot, Kangaroo Anderson, Dr. A. Gerard, Windsor Roa 4 Point. Red Hill. bel, W., Ravensworth, Widgee, Anderson. D. W. L.. 343 Queen Street. Woolooga. Anderson, F. J., Kynnersley, Junction Rdl4. prcrombie, Jack, Crown Hotel, Rocklea. Clayfleld. ,, lercrombie, W. W. Commercial Bank of Anderson, H. A., c/o T. McWilliam & C.oy,. Sydney, Queen Street. Roma Street. berdeen, M. C., Dutton Street, Dutton Anderson, James, "Bagot Villa," Albion Park, South Brisbane. Road, Albion. lams, A. H., c/o Kyvi Polish Coy. Rich- Anderson, J. H.,. Fairview, Southbrook. mond, Melbourne. Anderson, V., Gordon St., Coorparoo. :.. lams, S. T., Eumundi. Anderson, W. C., Brooloo. Idl, D., Roma Street. Andonara, A., Olympic Cafe, Queen Street lie, G., Isis Central Mill, Childers. Andrews, A. J., 155 Fortescue St., Spri. lsett, B. J. J., , Annerley. Hill. hern, GeOrge, Kilcoy. Andrew, F. W.. Sydney Street, New Farr ken, A. G., Custom House, Brisbane. Andrews, E. H., Jimbour Street, Uagli nsworth, James, Co.-op. Bacon Co., Ltd. Junction. Murarrie. Andrews, Samuel, Jnr., Ashgrove, Talle- kers, H., "Woodside," Charleville. budgera. eris, R. A., "Narran," Murweh Siding, via Andrews, T. R. L., Andrews St., Cannon Wyandra. Hill. der, E. H., Old Sandgate Rd., Albion. Angas, C. H., Collingrove, Angaston, Soutt - der, John, Commissioner's Office, Rail- Australia. way Department, George Street. Anning, Eric W., Lancaster Rd., Ascot. der, J. A., "Alton," St. Lucia Road, Anthony, J. E., Waitara Station, v3a Toowong. Eton. Ier, O. E., Old Sandgate Road, Albion Appel, Hon. G. J., "Sea Glint," Elston, vl exander, Allan, Dalgety & Coy., Ltd., Southport. Elizabeth Street. Archdall, M. H., Lower Bowen Terracq, ,, exander. R. A., Fruit Exchange, Turbot New Farm. Street. Archer. Alister, Archer Bros., GracemerjF lan, D. N., "Warrego." Franz Road, Clay- Archer, John, Torsdale, Gladstone. field. Archer, J. W., Mt. Morlah, Kilcoy. lan, James, Allan & Stark, Ltd., Queen Archer, L.. Rose Street. Thistle EBtagt' Street. Kedron. lan, Dr. R., Marshall, Wickham Terrace. Archer, W., Rose Street, Thistle Bst~ ate, len, Joseph, Markets, Turbot Street. Kedron. leu, J. D., Allendale, Morven. Archibald, G. M., Brisbane Milling C0y., len, T. N., c/o Thos. Keating Ltd., Warry South Brisbane. Street, Valley. Archibald, James, Sandgate Road, Albion. Archibald, J. E., Maryborough. Illan, D., 313 Leichhardt Street. Arkell, C. H., Turbot Street. linIan, J., Palmerin Stret, Warwick. Arkell, James C., "Nyoola," Hall Street. Iman, J. Jnr., C/o W. G. Johnson & Son, Alderley. Palmerin Street, Warwick. Arkell, W., Markets, Turbot Street. loin, H. G., c/o Home Recreations Ltd., Armstrong, J., Race View, Charleville. Queen Street. Armstrong, Miss M., Disputed Plains, lport, R. K., Sayers Allport Propty., Ltd., Lismore, N.S.W. 55 Macquarle Street, Sydney. Armstrong, W. A., Municipal Buildings, roe, J., C/o Wunderlich, Ltd., Amelia Eagle Street. Street, Valley. Armstrong, W. D., "Adare," Qatton. os, O. L., "Sydenham," Wickham Ter. Arnold, W. H., Railway Dept, George St iderson, A., Box 296, G.P.O., Brisbane. Arthur, H. J., Newatead. iderson, A., Oriental Hotel, Albert St. Arthur, J., Braeside, Barcaldine. derson, A. B., C/o J. C. Hutton Ppty., Ltd., Roma Street. Ash, J. B., Adelaide Street. derson, Alexander, Junction Road, Clay- Ashburn, J. M., New Sandgate Road, feld. Clayleld. Cookl. & SWa.. 1ll0 KoI.onnli & t, Ltd., ai~k#(e toroh Barlow, T., Love Stret, Bulimba. Bulimba, Barltrop, Frank C., Jackson 8treet, Ha ll. I Etret, ton. Racecourse Road, toy," Bsritrop, Wm. N., Jackson St., Hamiltor rsall'a Club, Adelaide St. Barnes, C. M., C/o Barnes Ltd., Broadway, iva Station, Miva. Valley. Barnes, F. . W., Rorna Street. IW. H., Walnut St., Wynnum South. Barnes, H. G., E. S. & A. Bank, Kin Kin ]g., Brunswick Street, Valley. Barnes, John H. S., Canning Downi, PI. N., Prince Street, Annerley. Warwick. E Barnes, Hon. W. H., Roma Street. W., Fitzroy Chambers, Barnes, W. J., Cedar Grove, Beauder ert Street Line. R., Avoca, Linville. Thomas, 154 Edward S " _-- " -~ Barnes, Walter G. A., uromer ulayfielu, Barnett, E. J., Dalgety & Coy., Ltd., 0. E., Arrababy, Moore. Blackall. W. H.. Highwood, Kilcoy. Barnett, F. G., Maynard Street, Wooll n , J. N., Morris Street, Padding- gabba. Barnsley, Frank, "Ocean View," Atkin o Union Street, Nundah. Street, Arncliffe, Sydney. Ib5 L. Eli Elwah, Hay, N.S.W, Barron, A. C., Barron, Orr & Co., Ltv. i., Lamington Terrace, South Roma Street. ne. Barron, J., "Wyalla," Kedron. 5.,.- c/o New Zealand Loan and Barron, P. R., State School, Beerburr :r , eet rkn4. oyv. Ena'.age l r . C. W., 99-101 Wharf Street. lohard, Salopian Park, Oakey. Barrow, A., Union Street, Nundah South. Barry, John soW.,Killarney Barry, T. T., 556 Petrie's Bight. :. E., Tinnrebang, Mt. Perry Barstow, C. B., 142 Charlotte Street. Ill41 Chas. H., Tewantin. Road, High Barstow, E., Hampstead gs i., Thomas Street, Red Hill. Hill, South Brisbane. d r., 27 York Parade, Spring Hill. Barter, George W., Merivate Street, St .1 .. W., 688 Stanley Street, South Brisbane. bane. Bartlett, G. A., Latrobe Terrace, P. ., 0/0 Yeates Bros., Ltd., Mar. St t4..4 T b Paddington. Barton, R. G., Toweran Station, Lowm a k11S r3.tR. C., Nevertire, Builyan, via Bashord, Henry, Bazaar Street, MaY borough. S, J. B., William Street. Bassett, 8. S., Romavilla Vineyards, Ro i Laura, olundarra, N..W. r,Ache, Baeinsthwaigthe, Charles O., Niagar .rA. L, Parburyv House. Eagle Street. via Bell. Prcy N., "Kooyong," Adelaide St., Bassingthwaighte, E., Jinghi Jinghi, Jandowe. ~t, IL C&boolturo. Basungthwaighte, H. V., Diamondy e CA, Tongy etation, Mitchell. Jandowae. 34g2,a. Maurice. Q'land Turf Club, Queen Bassingthwaighte, Muir, Jinghi Jinghi Jandowae. A. W., 0 adeilade 8rreer. Bates, W. A. A., Fernleigh, Lakeside. Brnest, Victory Hotel, Edward St. Batt, W. T., Florence Street, Bulimba. neary, Pine Mountai, Many Peak Bathe, George, "Fairview" Ipswich r1 H. B., Merivale Street, S. Brisbane. South Brisbane. J. 1., Rosebank, Many Peaks. Baulch, A. W., Biggendn. I., Paris St.. Mascot. Sydney. Baulch, Chas., "Roseneath," Laidley. mM6 * A.S., Sandy Creek, Bromelton. Baulch, John, Laidley. al Estates & . C F. W.. Keadhl Longreach. Baxter,R.,8Atalian F., Blackail. Bayard, G. A., Melbourne Street, South a W.~lHipwood Road, Toorak Brisbane Baynes, Arthur, c/o Beale & Coy. Ltd., 1 igbn. Cinton Vineyards, Coominya 281, G.P.O., Briabane. lor , Charleville. Baynes, W. 8., C/o Morebeade, Ltd., 11 T. C/o Brabant & Co., Street. otte htreet. Beak. Mrs. T., Maraden Street, Clayfe'd S~l-James, L.O. Glenken, Biarra, Bea, G. L., Treasury Dept., Querw Strre Beamish, T. R., c/o British Imperial James Junr., Kipper, Blarras, Coy., Mary Street. 'I.. Beard, B. J., 10 New 5ealaud Chamber U.. 315 Albert treet. Queen S rtreet W., '"oomnbolme," Sath Aresue, Iearamore, . R., Dalgety's Building: or, aleaeth Strt _ _E r n i __ f _;_ ___ L~,_ __11Z jl ~ ~ ~1

ANNUAL MUBRitIt-Continued. . Bearup~.n4en, Winifred & Drane Streets. Bevis, Albert, King Street, E. Brisba d . Btck, E. W., Botanic Gardens, Brisbane. easley, A. H., Campbell's Building, Biok, W. T., Bowen Bridge Road. Creek Street Biddoeston Co-op. Dairy Co., Ltd. (C. H. Beasley, 1. R., Wilston Road, Newmarket. : Wilston Road, Newmarket. Gamble) Beasley, R. H., Biddle, R. E., Moorooka, S.C. Line. Beasley, Thos., Senr., Warwick. Biddies, P., Home Park, Netherby N. C. L. leasley, Thos. C., Warwick. Biddulph, F. W., Balgle, Paimwoo), Leath, J. H., 562 Queen Street. North Coast Line. Beattie, Miss E. L, Girls' School, Warwick. Biggs, Henry, Exchange Hotel, Edwatf leattie, J. A., Gisborne Park, Gisborne, Street. Victoria. Hotel, Adelaid6 It. lecker, James R., Dunbarton, Taroom. Biggs, James S., Globe Secker, M., Queen Street. Biggs, T. W., Celtic Chambers, George *. - Becker, W. J., Coorado Station, Taroom. Biggs, T., Eagle Street. Beckmann, W., Mulgowie, via Laidley. Billington, R., Hamilton. Bedgood, B. J., Isaac Street, Paddington. Billington, W. H., Walmer, Warra. leebe, W. W., Mundubbera. Birch, Fred, Stanley Terrace, Taringa. eel, W. B., Harriman Park, Cunnamulla. Birch, James, Thomson -Bros. & Birch, Lt&,d eeston. W. B., c/o Allan & Stark Ltd., George Street. Queen Street. Bird, John, Pullen Vale, via Indoorooplll. Behle, F., Massey Street, Hamilton. Bird, Robt., S., "Chatswood," Merthyr Ro 4, Beiers, Jonah, Q'land Machinery Coy., New Farm. Albert Street. P.irdsall, Edward, "Nemunmulla," Offhamt Belt, F. R., Bank of New South Wales, Siding, Western Line. Valley. Birkbeck, Geo. H., James Street, Wooloo-. :el!bln, R. J., c/o Herald Office, Bangalow, win. N.S.W. Birley, Arthur, London Bank Chambers. Bell, A. G., Costin Street, Valley. Creek Street. Bell, Major B. C., Coochin Coothin, Boonah Birley, E. L., 224 Main Street, Kangaroo" Bell, Miss E. G., Coochin Coochin, Boonah. Point. Bell, F. H. H., C/o National Bank of Aus- Birley, H L., Main Street, Kalgiaroo Point, tralia Ltd., Queen Street. Biscoe, Robt., McLennan Street, Albion. Bell, F. M., Kooroomba, Boonah. Bishop, J. G., East Street, Ipswich. Bell. George, Strathpine. Black, A., Pajingo Station, Charters Bell, John, Hlllview, Tingoora. Towers. Bell, John, Elizabeth Street. Black, Hugh, Lytton Road, East Brisbanc. Bell, J. D., James Campbell & Sons, Ltd., Black, John, 121 Queen Street. Creek Street. Black, Robert, Courier Buildings, Queen Biell, Norman M., 402 Adelaide Street. Street. Bell, Peter, StraLhpine. Blackband, W., Enoggera Road, New Bell, Richard, Carthona, Emu Park, via ni r'ket. Rockhampton. Blackburne, G. V., Union Bank Chamberp, Bell, Roy M., Bskdale South, Eak. Queen Street. lIell, T. A., 142 Gladstone Road, S. Briah me. Blacklock, G. H., c/o Ruston & Hornsby Ltd., 468-472 Ann Street. Bell, V. Douglas, Coochin Coochin, Boonah. Blacklock, Walter, Hendra. Bell, Mrs. Bmille, Carthona, Emu Park, Rookhampton. Blaiklock, H., Australian Disinfectant Bennett, Alfred R., 151 Queen Street. Coy., Rothwell's Chamoers, Edward St. Bennett, F. J., Vulture Street, Sout'i Blair, A. W. B., Shafston Avenue, Brisbane. Kangaroo Point. Bennett, G. T., Union Bank Chambers, Blake, R., John Street, Windsor. Queen Street. Bland, C. E., Manly. via Gymple. Bligh, Arthur C. V., Condamine Plain, Bennett. H., Cootharaba Road, Brookstead. Bensoa. H., Kandanga, via Gymple. Bliss, B. L., C/o Robert Reid & Cor., Benson, W. G., Butters & Benson, Wickham Edward Street. Street. locksldge, G. H., Queen Street. Benson, W. Guy, Q'land Trustees, Ltd., loss Chas., "Wrotham," Junction Road, Eagle Street. Itendra. l.ested J., Wood Street, Warwick. Blumo, . 0., Stanley Hall, Ascot. Bent, Bdmund, Mariemont Mallow, via Blundell, Major Tt. Piers, Swan Road Stanthorpe. Taringa. Bentley, R. H., South Coast Dairy Coy., Boddington. A., "Bayvlew." Wiokha Glenelg Street, South Brisbane. Terrace. Bere, H. S.. Southport. Jlo',en. J. L., Virginia Avenue, HawthorQ. Bergin, Basil, Toomoo, Hillside Crescent, Boland, R., Burlington Street, Btst Brih 1Hamilton. bane. Bergin, Hugh P., Albert Street. Bolton, Chas, Charlton Street, Asoot. RB'tram, Hon. W., M.L.A., Parliament Houe, Brisbane. Bolton J. M., Custom House, ue. n Bonrd, G. I., o/o Perry Bros. A ( Besley, ., Besley & Pike, Alfred Street, Street. Salley. Albert Utr4tS, UL.st, John, Winifred Street, Clayfleld. Bond, L. M., Perry Bros., I,*van, Evan, Gymple Road, Kedron. Beanell, 3. J., Black Mt., Cooroy.


.~ar~FapllP~uu)~;"ajrjlat~;~t~~l~ei,~;~i ~I 1'ii:~lsJ

Woodford. Brerpan,H. D., King Street. Thonjmon spman, Lincoln Hills. Wilson's Estate. alls N..W. Brennan, Wm., Crotby, Coochin. arles J., Woolooga, Theebipe. Brentnall, Hon. F. T., Coorparoo. simond, "Bertholme," Moray St., Brett, B. C., "Marlua," Tower Street. arm. Albion. An, Hamilton. Brett, J. F., Victoria Insurance Chs. C., Islea, Love Buildings, Ade- Eagle Street. Btreet. Brewer, E. J., Eudlo, N.C. Line. Racecourse Road, Ascot. Bridger, T. W., 359 Queen Street. 7.s "Burrandowan," Jondowae. Brigg, C. K., State School, Belmont. W., Cambooya. Briggs, F. W., Politic, Aramac. C. A., Brisbane Street, Ipswich. Briggs, Jos., Briggs & Son, 428 Get ge F., 71 Ann Street. Street. C. P., (!oronella, Warra. Briggs, P. A., Edward Street. J. P., Ipewich. Bright, C. A., c/o G. Armstrong, N ah t t B ate..r agmnrA. ., LowaL~ r a~ i~n ~ Pine. oUlbeeS Bernard, C/o Flack & Flack, 235 Broad, H. V., E. F. Broad, Ltd., 41 13 Qunbee tret. Edward Street. Leulton, E. Hr., Ormiston, Cleveland Line. Broadbent, A., Roma Street. )ourke, Norman, "Tweedsmuir," Rich- Brockhuist, W. S., c/o Mr. G. Brockhli I, mond, North Queensland. Nambour. 'ourne, H., Birdwood Avenue, Coorparoo. Brockwav, Dr. A. B., "Thruma," Red< .ife soi rJ F., Leichhardt Street, Valley. Brodie, D. F., Laguna, Augathella. wcher, F., 105 Eagle Street. Brodie, W. H., Union Bank Chamber< Bowden, J. "Lone Pine," Sherwood. Creek Street. 'Power Wm., "Longfield," Mullumbimby, Bronfleld, Chas., Sargent Road. New I.um - N..W. Bromiley, C. H., McGregor Street, Wil in. Bowly, Chas., c/o Kennedy, Bowly & Bromiley, N., Fourth Avenue, Wilstni Manson, Parbury House, Eagle Street. Brooks, Henry, Anzac Hostel, Kani, ro owman, A. M., Tarcombe. Longreach. Point. weer, E. A., Manly. Brooks, W. E., Bundaberg. gwser, W. H., OConnelltown Quarries. Broom, Norman M., Moolboolman :i Windsor. i'crry Line. Boyee, A. L. E. C., Australian Mercantile Brosnan, T. J., Holberton St., Toowo'. nb. L. &t F. Coy., Creek Street. Brosntn, T. P., Royal Wine Cafe, ( leen Boyce, Miss F. M., Eldorado, via Roma. Street. doyd, Wm., Old Sandgate Road, Albion. Brown. B. Percy, Jordan Boyes, John W., Agnes Street, Torwood. Terrace, I wen lv . A., Thorn Street, Ipswich. Hills. i.~oyne, lFrank S., Alfred Street, Valley. Brown, B. R. S., National Bank of A i. oys W. c/o Emery & Connor, William Ltd.. Queen Street. treet, Rockhampton. Brown, C., C/o Chas. W. Riley, 179 'ry Winton Street. Drabason, C. J., Eldersle Station, Buowui, F. A., Beaconsfield, Roma. Irkr. A. E, Edgecumbe, Texts. Brown, F. G.,wMooroombin, Box 23. Brabckr, H., Moreheads, Ltd., Mary Street Bracker, H. V., "The Grove,cGunalda. Brown, George, Brown & Broad, Lt'i, I Bracker, W., Lesbrook, Cobba-da-ianfl. Newatead. lr~burn, W. J., Allen Street, Hamilton. Brown, G. E., Brown's Creek, Nara ighi. North Coast Line. r F. W.. Nundak. Brown, G. H., "Isoroy" Tambo Rirafteld. C. A., Kingaholine Street, Nea Brown, Horace A., Fourth Avenue, w'Iston * Farm. Brown. H. R., Dalgety & Coy., Ltd. 3radfl, E. V., Villiers Street, New Farm Elizabeth Street. Uradfield, H. J., Villiers Street, New Farm rown, HI. S., ILaidley. Urafdord, E. E.. Bank of New South Walev Brown, .1. F.. Corlithial," Kelvin Gro' Fortitude Valley. Brown, J. W., "Glenelg," Kilcoy. 3radley, Wm., "Cooranda." Mundubbera. Brown, D)ir. H. Graham, Preston Iuse, grady. T., 484 Leichhardt Street, Valley Queen Street. ke, Albert, Stanley Street, South Brown, Norwood, Australian Bank f Brisbane. Commerce, Queen Street. Brake. W., "Aloha," Annerley Rroad * Brown, Robert, Busacott & Coy., P,.triel South Brisbane. Bight. tae, W. T. H., Lewis Street, off Lora' n Brown, 5., 109 Thorn Street, Kan .0oo0 Road. South Brisbane. Point. Sp..PagCi E., Targo Street, East Bundaberg Brown, Thomas V., Thou. Brown & Sons Bray. H. M.. "Rosedale." Mooloolah. Ltd.. Eagle Street. 5,,arnr, Fred., 98 Vulture Street West. Brown, W., Jeay Street, Bowen HBill. oth Brisbane. Brown, Wm. B., 87 Hill Street. aenan, J. O'N., Immigration Ofilee, Bris * Gregory Terrace. bane. Browne, A. J., Durham Downs, Rome girmean, W. C., C/o Colonial Suger Re Browne, H.. Land Court of QueenslaI. Inlag Coy., Ltd., 121 Eagle Street. George Street. ANNUAL MUMBR-Continued. Browg, . A., Mactaggart Bros., Adelaide Butler, J., Beeston Street, Kingsholte. Butler, Lance W., C/o Edward Butler Browne, K. J., Marmadue, via Dalby. Sons, Ltd., Queen Street. Browne, M. 8., The Palms, Wellington Pt. Butler, P. J., Lancaster Road. Ascot. Browne, Col. R. Spencer, Junction Road, Butson, W. B., Gray Road, West Bnd. Eagle Junction. Butt, G. J., Maroochydore, via Yandlna. Browning, Win., Avonleigh, Blackall. Butt, W. J., Maroochydore, via Yandina Butterfield, G. F., J. Kitchen & Sons: MLt Bruce, F. A., Foggitt, Jones & Coy., Elizabeth Street. Turbot Street. Butters, N., Mayfield Street, Ascot. Bruche, Major-General J. H., Victoria Butters, J. W., Mayfield Street, Ascot. Barracks, Petrie Terrace. Brunnich, J. C., Department of Agriculture Butters, S., Mayfield Street, Ascot. & Stock, William Street. Butterworth, H., Lapraik Street, Albion. IBrunnich, Dr. R., "Craigston," Wickham Button, A. W., Q'ld. Deposit Chamber Terrace. Albert Street. B...... 4.ta 1 JNT a. A.s.tR. dI Bruxner, Henry, Jelbyn, Beaudesert. JUCLacV ,, . U., e*0w ObanUB~bbgeVY Bryant, G. H., Parbury House, Engle Street Clayfleld. i Tiryce, i. A., "Brooklyn," King's Creek, Byerley, A. C. A.C.B. Ltd., Valley. . Byers, John, Stafford Road, Kedron. ^ Buchanan, D., "Blair Athol," Ekibin Byram, H. W., "Allawah," Moray and' Road. Annerley Sydney Streets, New Farm. Buchanan, G. H., Toowoomba. Byrne, Edward, C/o Mrs. J. Cruse, Bridge Street, Albion. Buchanan, Nigel G., Mt. Brisbane, Esk. Byrne, George. Buchanan, W. A., Morayfleld, N. C. Line. Byrne, J., Moreheads, Ltd., Mary Street. Buchanan, W. H., "Androsson," Graceville. Byron, E. M., Allison Street, Mayne. . Buchholz, H., Riverside, Bogantungan. Caboolture Co-op. Dairy Co., Ltd. (F. J. 1:uck, Alberit E., Oriel Road, Clayfield. Dobson). Buckle, J. T. A., 41 Bartley Street, off Caboolture Co-op. Dairy Coy, Ltd. (F. W. Wlckham Terrace. Uhlman). Buckley, James, "Villa Maria," Rosehill, Caboolture Co.-op. Dairy Co., Ltd. (W. E. wV. Pope). S. & Railway. Cahill, Thos., Lakeside. Buick, C. G., Sanitarium Health Food Cain, W. C., Madowla Park, Picola, Vie. Coy., Queen Street. Cairns, A. J., Short Street, Norman Park. Bulcor:;., W., Creek Street. Caldwell, H. D., Fanny Street, Annerley. Bull, J. W., Bellevue, Capella. I~ill, Mrs. M., Brisbane Road, Gympie. Caldwell, J. J., c/o E.S. and A. Bank, Queen Street. Bundock, C. Wyndham, Kooralbyn, Beau- Callaghan, J. V., 602 Brunswick Street, desert. New Farm. I'.ininett, W. H.. Brisbane Street, Ipswich. Callow, P. J., Little Street, Albion. Burgess, John, Canning Downs South. Cambage, W., Cooroy. Warwick. Cameron, C. J., Beechmont, via Nerang. Iurgess. J., Junr., Canning Downs, Sth. Cameron, Dr. Donald Allan, 97 Wickham Warwick. Terrace. Burley, E. A., Bardon Estate, Paddington. Cameron, D. A., Woodlands, Mitchell. ,urnett, E. G., Cowan Downs. Cloncurry. Camei ii. D. C. K., "Cheliflsford," Burnett, J. F., Normanby Estate, Harris- Southport. vllle. Cameron, Dr. J. A., East Street, Ipswioh, Burnett, R. J., A.M.E. Coy., Ltd., Eagle St. Cameron, John "Wunkoo," Langelde Burrell, W. R., Earl Terrace. Windsor. Itoad, Hamilton. Cameron, Mrs. John, "Lochlel," Toorak Rd., t:urton, E., Wanorn. Hamilton. I:urton, Ernest K., Edgley Farm, Woo- Cameron, J. B., "Erracht," Beachmont, Via looga. Nerang. Purton, .1. J., 197-9 Elizabeth Street. Cameron, LUr. M. L., Vulture & Stephens Hiurton, It. E., "HIlllside," Vulture Street. Streets, South Brisbane. East Brisbane. Cameron, Pearson W., Nicholas Street, fIurtt, F. Yeronga Street, Yeronga. Ipswich. Busch, A.' J., C/o Carricks Ltd., Saul St. Cameron, Robert, Glentulloch, via Mit- Blushell A. W., Alfred Street, Valley. chell. Bushnell, W. N., Ideraway, Gayndah Line. Cameron, Thos. H., Anakie. Buss, George A., Bundaberg. Cameron, Stuart, W., Brisbane Real Betate Mart., opp. G. P. O. Bundaberg. Bluss, Horace, Oakwood, Campbell, A. D., Sandgate Road, Albion, hIutcher, Miss Eileen, '"Florida," Mt. Lar- Campbell, Alan W., Queensland Primary com. Producers Co-op. Agency, Ltd., Uage BIutland, W. H., c/o Bohemia Theatre, 8. Street. Brisbane. Campbell, Chas., Water Street, Red 4L Campbell, C. C., Tennyson Street Butler, F. W., Targinnie, Yarrum, N.C.L. Bullml a. Butler, G., Fannlng River, Ravenewood Campbell, C'. B., Walmsley St., Kangarrr Jnation. Point.

; ; * -. . .,-d *r^h.*^^K* .,,.A.^.^. ^ ,**. ', A i:Ti , fS i^si m r _I ) It ~_:IIPI IP~C I 9U-~f ,=*lc~4a~s~i~bZ~;t -I ~,~~dl~:tiiP~zj~,ia~ i. ~i~i~yi~4~~-4q-19-r'~i~L~aq~dLP~3Y*~ILYI out, George CIo~. a tPerry t.W.~ fluPrehe Cary, J., State School, rilkivan. i'as.. 1S9 Adelaide Street Cash, John D., Mallon Street Bowel Hills. S Kelbrale, Gladatefnle Casi, P. P., DaYl t & cby., Ltd., Goofroy, oo Jas Oampbell & Elrsabeth te * Qreek Street. Canwell, Arthur J., Dnalwon, Wangal- Q.P James Campbell & Sons, pong. Crek treet, Caswell, Clive E., Cannindah, Many Peaks. lHUgh, "Dalmur," Hurdott* Cattanach, W., Russell street, Toatowooa. ]gnoggera. Cawdell, W. A. H., E. 8. & A. Bank, Qu en H. J., c/o Jas. Campbell & Sons, Street. treet. Chaille, Ij M., Blinkbonnie, Risk. - 11 John, Argyle, Laidley. Chalice, H. J., C/o F. K. Brodribb, Gl;b - II, Miss Jessie, Merino Downs, stone Road, South Brisbane. Chalk, Joseph, "Kla Ora," Ilfracombe, in H., Jacoondal, Gears, Q. C. R. a Chalk, J. D., C/o Birt & Co., Ltd., South a K., 46 Jane Street, New Brisbane. Chambers, Claude W., 121 Pitt Street, :I- I L B. c/o Lever Brs. Ltd., ne, N.S.W. Chambers, George D., Jordan Terrace, i zMurray V.. C/o Geo. Mackenzie B'owen Hill. Co., Belmont. Chamber, O. T.. Ebbw Vale, via Warwi k eell, M. P., c/o Campbell Bros. Ltd., Chambers, P. N., Norman Street, Wool u- win. abe, T ., Wonbah, via Bundaberg. Chandler, C. J., Holly Downs, AugatheIa. q~blW., Campbell's Bakery, Vulture eet, South Brisbane. Chandler, H. C., Walton Street, oft An- iwbell, W. G., Cordalba. nerley Road. 8. Brisbane. Fbell, W. McP., Claverton Station, Wy. Chandler, J. B., 169 Elimabeth Street. dra.~ Chapman, B. F., Kathleen street, Corintl Elijah, Stanley Street, South Chapman, Chas., Rowanlea, via. Gladstoe. ,ba1e. Chapman, F. Guy, Brooklands, Belmont ~ J. H., LO.A. Chs., 852 Queen St. Chapman, Henry A., c/o Chapman's Lin i- Joan K., I.OA. Cha., 258 Queen ted, Queen Street. et Chapman, J. F., George & Adelaide Streets. 1, I. J.. Larkhall, Toogoolawah. Chapman, R. V., c/o Chapman's Limited n@DW., Cannon & Cripps, George St. Queen Street. tlpn, J., Cella Street, Ashgrove. Chapman, Stanley, Chapman & Bnelling, pIr, N. M., W. Adams & Coy., Ltd., Eagle Street. UMward & Mary Streets. Chapman, W. J., C/o Robert, Reid & C'., r J ., Cleveland Road, Coorparoo. Toowoomba. ]0. S. Jgnr., Stock Inspetor Charity, J., Brunswick Street, Valley. reville. Charles, S. M., Springdale, Dalby. P. R., Toowong. Charles. T. D. D., Bairnedale, Bellthor;e, R. C., Stanley Street, Indoeroo- via Woodford. Charles, W., c/o Wm. Docker Ltd., 28 l Thon. *Alderley. A ket Street, Sydney, N.S.W. Henry, Netley, Deetord, bawson Charles, W. M., Springdale, Dalby. Charley, D., Eagle Street. ;rienA A. H., Amelia Street. Chameling, G.E. J., "rBrundah," Coula '~OorDPro. bunia, via Kigaroy. GH.,rW eston, Wynnum South. Chater, Arthur B., Fernberg Rd., Rosa M. ~'*3. K. Currumbll. Chave, A. U., Turbot Street. . risbane Street, Toowong. Chayter, WI., o Lysaght (Aust.) Lta., 426. R. H., Chayters' Ltd., Roma st. Ann Street. Chester, C., Junr., Victoria Terrace, 1 iA A., Deagon Avenue, Deason. wich Road, S. Brisbane. W. P., C/o Penwick & Coy., Ohilde, L. A., "Birralee," First Avenue. &Street Eagle Junction. n trob & Carroll, Strand Chirnside, A. 8., Berwick, Victoria. Queen Street. Christie, Colin, Ithaca Street, Normait Christie, Colin, Junr., Ithaca It., Nor- O nelltowin, Windsor. manby. VR ., sryrs Road, Wilto. Chrlstie, John, 808 Queen Street. , 3., Imperial Hotel, Toowoomba. Church, J. F., 129 Creek Street. P. 5, 39 Queen Street. Clacher, A. . Carl treet, Thompson k tngSprin gs, Quirindi, E~state, South Brisban. . gron Park Rd, Wooloowin. Clap erton, Percy, Lutwyche Road, Woo- i., Charlotte Street. Clapperton, T. A., Taiong, Nanango. y, D., Rathdonnell Street, Auohen- Clare H. F., Arthur Blaokwood Ltd., 24tis 9wr. George Street. W.VWr. Utohener Road, Aseot, Clark. A 99 Mary Street. liy.e, Dr. A. 5., North Quay. Clark. Ale;, Victoria street, Annerle3

~'.i _iP _1;.= _ . . __. t .. _ '=_ -I [i tW-Contlnued. A Bot . Clark,, ,i, Bust Talgal, llinthorp. Collins, H., Melvin, Lamara South, Q. J. Montague Road, West End. boorowie, Burra, 8. Australia. Clark, Collins, J. Calton, Tingoora. Clark, Q O K, Fral? Road, Clayfleld. Coliin. Miss D.. Nindoolmbah HouY " rk, . o H. Paling & Coy.. Ltd., Beaudesert. Queen Street. Gayndah. Collins, Miss J., Mundoolun, Beaud s s*L Clark, J, c/o Clark Bros. Ltd.. Collins, Mrs. A. C., Tamrookum, Beauet Clark, J. Miles Street, Albion. esourt. Clark, James, Taroom. Street, Windsor. ark. Jamu, 1- Union Bank Chs., Collins, T. A., Victoria Queen Street. Collins, Victor, Spring Creek Station, lt. Queen Surprise, Cairns. Clark, J. C., Union Bank Chambers, Collins, Mrs. W., Nindoolmbah Hoe,, Stret. Beaudesert. & Coy., lark, W; H., Watson, Ferguson Collins, W. Senr., Ltd., Queen Street. Canning Street, Warwick West Burleigh, Colman, G. S., Q.M.E. Co., Mary Street. lark, W. R., Geebuginba, Conlon, Brother P. A., Christian Bros.' .CL. College Nudgee. Maryvale Station, via Char- Clarke, C. M., Connolly, Dr. F. Glynn, London Bank ters Towers. Chambers, Creek Street. larke, Edward A., Clarke's Bridge, via Laidley. Conneors, H. P., Florence Street, Bulimba. Clarke, Kennedy P., Swan Road, Taringa. Connors, James Junr., Glen Erin, Nanango & Son, 293 Conochie, Robert, "Brantham," Mount. larke, R. G., Chas. A. Clarke ford Road, New Farm. Queen Street. Conochie, larke, T., Clarence Noble & Coy., Queen Robert Jnr., Commonwealth Ntre. Building, Adelaide Street. larke, Winm., Box 483, Post Office, Dalby. Conochie, W. S., Brooklands, Tingoora. Conway, P. J., C/o Enoch Baker, Brun. Clai"on, Chas., Sonoma Poultry Yards, wick Street, Valley. i sk. Coogan, D. J., Bale Street, Albion. Cla\ in, F. E., Post Office, Ayr., via Cook, G. W., Commercial Road, Valley, Townsville. Cook, Joseph, G., Turbot Street. Cleary, D., I~Lura Street, Wooloowin. Cook, Sidney, Vine Street, Clayfteld. Clenents. H. A., Woombye Street, Eagle Cooke, Alan, Maleny. J unction. Cooke, Alfred, Maleny. lifford, W. C., Braeslide, Mount Pleasant, Cooke, Dixon, Alstonville, N.S.W. via Dayhoro. Cooksley, J. F., Turnot Street. !lohrty, Capt. H., Marine Department. Cooper, Sir Pope (Deceased). Edward Street. Copeland, Chas. W., Franklin Street, South oakes, W. J., Finney Isles & Coy., Ltd., Brisbane. Queen Street. Copp, W., Brookes Street, Bowen Hills. oatuos, Thos., Barnes' Exchange Bldgs., Cnningar Toama Eldrv, nell Avanu. Turbot Street. Hamilton. ;oblold, F. E., "Tylehurst." Fulham Corbett, F. J., Little Street, Albion. Avenue, South Yarra, Melbourne. Cordner. John, "Sorrento," Toowoomba. ochrane F., Targo Street, Bundaberg. Cormack, John H., Box 350, G.P.O., Bril. Cocirane, Jas. F., Newholme, Wyreema. ban. ock, J. M., Jackson Street, Eagle Junc- Cormack, W. C., Troup, Harwood & Coy., tion. Preston House, Queen Street. Iockerll, Fred H., Glenrock, Kingaroy. Corrie, Alex, Parbury House, Eagle Street, Iocls, F., Arthur Street, Toowoomba. Corrie, Alan 0., Parbury House. Eagle 8t oks, B., Sherwood Road, Toowong. Corrie, Malcolm A., Corrie Bros., Eagle !oe, Dr. W. F., Riverview Terrace, Street, Hamilton. Cory, A. H., Department of Agriculture & !offey, D. A., Lamington Avenue. Woo- Stock. Brisbane. toowin. Cory, F. B., Vermont, Warwick. okliey, Thomas, Maleny. Cosgrove, J., Ipswiobh Road, South BrirbanI '1 ole, James, Cole & Orice, West End. Cosh, Rev. Jas., Old Sandgate Road. ;*J ;ole, Vivian, Joseph Nathan and Co. Wooloowin. Petrie's Bight. Cossart, S. J., Boonah. I iAust.), Ltd., Costello, oleman, S., Sixth Avenue, Windsor. J., Cork Station, Winton. Cottam, Capt. R. H., Preston House, Queen olemian, Thos. J., Cairnscroft, Toogoo- Street. lawab. Cottrell, K. W., c/o Queen's Hotel, Towns- ollh.ige, H. E., Grey Street, Sandgate. ville. Coll rd,, H., C/o Collard & Mackay Fruit Cottrell, W., "Preston," Bristol Street, exchange., Turbot Street. West End. 'ollptt, J. T., Pomona. Coughlin, P. M., City Buildings, Edward St. 'I ollii, O, W., W. Collin & Sons, Petrlu Couldery, R. H., "Careno," Moray Street .S Rligbt. New Farm. A Bollin. V. F., Adelaide Street. Counihan, Richard, Counihan & Hunter, ollin. Capt W. J. Petrle BI ht. 276 Wtokharm Street. Valley. ollings, . H. /o Geo. WI s * Cor Coutts, J. V. D., Union Street, Toowong. SLtd., Whaai Street. Coward, J., Exeter Street, West End. olligs, J. S.?.. P.O. Box 741, Brisbane. Cowell. 8idney 0., W, A. MoGEuMe & Coy.. lin, CbQu. 0, 80 Queen Street. Queen tret

it * ' < ' *

ANNUAL MEMBMBBRB-Continued. N.H. Billinudgel, Northern Cupitt, C. C., Tintenbar, N.S.W. Cupples,H., E., S., & A. Bank., Ltd. , Dr. Eric, B.O., 811 Queen Queen Street. Cupples, J., Wilton Park, Wellcamp, 'ia uvray, Barter Street, Gympie. Toowoomba. ncis, Emu Park, Rockhampton. Curr, George, Woodlands, Dundee, N.S.W. i' J. C., The Barcoo, Wakefield, Currant, W. G., Bellwood, Gunalda. UI$FU. Curtis, Comander G., Naval Staff Office, G., Gateshead, Lindum. Edward Street. A., Charlotte Plains, Cunnamulla. Curtis, R. G., Quay Street, Bundaberg. I) W. T., Wills, Gilchrist & Sanderson, Cusack, Thos., A.M.L. & F. Coy.'s Buildig, L, Wharf Street. Creek Street. , N. G. S., Church Street. Bullmba. Cutting, G. T., c/o Primary Producls' Lond, A., Bathurst, Waterworks Agency, Eagle Street. ad, Aahgrove. Czerney, Thos., c/o John T. Phipps, Qu.en san, R. W., c/o Dalgety & Coy. Ltd., Street. S llzsabeth Street. Dahl, E. C., "Marlua," Barmundu, Bo'. iwte.,aMonie B., C/o Dalgety & Co., Elisa- Valley Line. beth Street. Dahl, L., Manson Road, Hendra. ~ .crawford, D. G., Kilburnie, Laurel Avenue, Dale, William, c/o Geo. Myers & Coy., SChelmer. Edward Street. ;* wfawtord, James. Victory Chs., Adelaide Dalrymple, Mrs. E. M., Crescent Road, S treet. Hamilton. fi~awford, T., Tara. Dance, Mrs. G. B., Chubhill Farm, Mar- ".wtord, T. W., "Bungalow," Bellevue burg. V Street, South Toowong. Dangar, R. R., Mooki Springs, Quirindi, cOredgington, Herbert C. J., "Cannock," N. S. W. Morayfield. Daniels, H., Corner Wilstou & Newmarket C.'essey, J. E., 113 Eagle Street, City. Roads, Newmarket. r es-wiek, A. T., St. Helen's, Pittsworth. Daniels, Jesse, Benobble, Canungra Line. 'ribQb, Benjamin F., Longreach Building, Daniels, O. H., C/o Artificial Limb Factory, |;/ North Quay. Windsor. I ©ribb, H. Gordon, Roderick St., Ipswih. Rosemount, E ribb, T. Bridson, Brynhyfryd. Black- D'Aroy, M., South Side, Gympie. ^-/ stone, Ipswich. Darker, W. B., Ipswich. Darvall, George H., C/o Thos. Brown A i Crick, C. H., Sandgate Road, Bald Hills. Sons, Eagle Street. - Croft. Roland. Hillview, Tingoora. Dath, Robert, Dath, Henderson & Coy., P Crotble, Andrew, Elphin, Toowoomba. * Bulimba. i: roUble, R. D., Elphin, Toowoomba. Davey, A. A., Ellerslie Crescent, S, ith SCronin, E. B., Stafford Street, East Bris- Toowong. ii. bane. Davey, Allan H., Davey Halliday Coy. i.d. Sooke, C. G., Survey Office, Executive Ann Street. j 8uildings, George Street. Davey, J. L., Edward Street, Dutton Park. - Orooke, F. W.. cnr. Stephens Road and Davidson, A. M., C/o Campbell Bros. Wharf Street, South Brisbane. Ltd.. Bowen Bridge. Ste, Victor W., 389-91 Queen Street. Davidson, A., 202 Adelaide Street. Q . sh,S., Crouch & Connah, Turbot Davidson, A. Jnr., 304 Adelaide Street Stre*t. Davidson, Dr. G., Sandgate. SCrouch, Henry, Hamilton Road, Breakfast Davidson, J. O. W., Ercildonne, Clifton. f Creek. Davidson, R. M., Belwah, via Beenleirgi. SOrowther, C. R., "Mountside," Wyreema. Davies, A. J., Malenga Terrace. Gracevill,. Orowther, G. H., "Montrose," Cambooya. Davies, H. J., Australian Estates & M. (.'y., Orase, J. Smith. Ann Street, Clayfield. Creek Street. * use, John, Bridge Street, Albion. Davies, Wm., "Dryslwyn," Toowong. bitt, . S., Swan's Road, Taringa. Davis, A. H., Wagner Road, Clayfleld. D. R., D'Aguilar, Woodford. Davis, H. C., Box 234, G.P.O., Brisbane. Slhane,tu , A. K., Eurombah, Taroom. Davis, R. C., Caldwell's Wines, Ltd., B ,ige ' lln, David., "Cabsean," Margaret St., Road, Camperdown, Sydney, N.S.Vn 'oowoomba. Davis, W H., C/o M. Shiel, Cavell St., K COllin, T. J., Emerald Downs, Emerald. Toowoomba. . alle,e A. R., Stanley Street, South Dawson, J. T., Murray's Creek, N.C. I.ie. BrIsbane. Day, E., Boundary Street, West End SCulley, Mrs. D., Crescent Road Hamilton. Day, G. E., Villiers Street, New Farm. .Cumberland, N. H., Montpeller Street, Day, G. H., Villiers Street, New Farn; Clayfield. Day. Victor, Adelaide Street. OqemIur, A. J., Government Printing Deakin, Arthur H., Salisbury, S.C.L. Ie, - ; William Street. Deakin, H., Belthorpe, via Woodford. . O@aminh, R. H., Chas. A. Clarke & Sons, Dean Henry, 280-2 Roma Street. S. 191fQueen Street. Deane, Chas. H., Keats Street, Moore, k, St O mins, Dr. R. H. Le Rarte, Hampatead South Coast Line. Ri-sord. Hihgate Hill. Dearling, W., Oakey. Oummins, J. M., Batavia Ins. Coy. Ltd., Dearnaly, E. S., "Ryoola," t[pw Sandiat London Bank Chs., Creek Street. Road, Albion. ,tlaahbarm, . Bruce, C/o "Ingleston," Deoker, Edward H., 184-186 Queen nieOt aByview Terrace, Wynnum. Defteros, E., Courier Building, Edward St.

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Y~t~lY~Bl~qPCs~YY~~:4~)iPi;~:; g~f~~ri ..- ~*r~ .-^*y^^ - 78 ANNUAL MEMBERS--Continued. DeHayr, F. C., Enoggera Terrace, Red Hill. Doolan, H. R., "Bowenville," Brookes St., Delghton, H., Aldersyde, Warwick. Bowen Hills. Deltrich, L. H., Hardy Bros., Ltd., Queen Dore, Alfred, Depper Street, Toowong. Street. Douglas, A. S.. Commonwealth Rank of Delaney, J. T., Main street, Kangaroo Australia, Creek Street. Point. Douglas, B. A., Inns of Court, Adelaide St. Dell, W. D., Seventh Avenue, Coorparoo. Douglas, Dr. George A. C., "Thu lah," Dellitt, W. C., Kilkivan. Kelvin Grove. Demack, W. Q., Junction Terrace, Anner- Douglas, H. A. C., Elliott, Donaldson 6 ley. Douglas, 529 Queen Street. Dempster, J. D., Riverview Street Douglas, H. A., Mt. Maria, Morven. Taringa. Douglas, R. F., Eversfleld, Mungallala. Denham, D. F., c/o Denhams Ltd., Roma Douglas, W. A., Union Bank Chambers, Street. Queen Street.' Denham, Mrs. E., "H-ampton," Brunswick Down, H. E., c/o Foggitt Jones Ltd., Tur- Street, New Farm. bot Street. Dening, Henry, Riley's Hill, Richmond, Down, W. J., Longreach Building, North River, N.S.W. Quay. Dennis, E. F., C/o Northern Assurance Downie, J. D., "Blair Athol," Hardgrave Co., Eagle Street. Road, West End. Dent, W. B., Cavendish Road, Coorparoo. Downs Co-op. Dairy Co., Toowoomba, Deutscher, A. M., "Temora House," (M. J. Wilkin). Charleville. Downs. Co-op. Dairy Co., Miles, (J. Fur. Deutscher, E. W., Charleville. cell). Devereux, W. P., A.M.L. & F. Coy., Ltd. Downs Co-op. Dairy Co., Crow's Nest, Creek Street. (R. T. Harrys). Devine, Alfred E., Mount Leinster, Dalby. Downs Co-op. Dairy Co.. Clifton (3J. Devine, Harold, Mount Leinster, Dalby. Molony). Devlin, W., Dauphin Terrace, South Downs Co-op. Dairy Co., IDalby (J. Brisbane. Thomas). Dewhuret, R. B., Quinn Street, Toowong. Downs Co-op. Dairy Co., Hodgeon's Vale, Dickfos, Henry, Coleville, Normanby. (H. Seaniger). Dickie, D. R., Robt, Harper & Coy., Albert Downs, R.. Produce Dept., Brabant & Co., Street. Charlotte Street. Dickson, Isaac, Cornwall Street, South Downs, R. K.. Jackson Street, Hamilton. Brisbane. Street. Diddams, H. J., 367 George Street. Dowridge, J. E. Jnr., George Doyle, A. M., C/o J. Finucan, Chalk Street. Diggles. G. S., Money Order Dept., G.P.O., Wooloowin. City. Doyle, G., Best and Hurworth ,Streets, Dillon, Peter, Moree, N.S.W. Bowen Hills. Dix, J. S., Wood Street, West End. Doyle, G., Sherwood. Dix, R, E., Montpelier Road, Bowen Hills. Doyle, J., Castle Creek, via Rannes. Dix, W. D., C/o S. Hoffnung & Coy., Ltd., Doyle, J., Best & Hurworth Streets, Charlotte Street, Bowen Hills. Dixon, A. J., C/o H. V. McKay Pty., Ltd., Doyle, J. H., Warrandine, Tallwood. Stanley Street, South Brisbane. Doyle, I. E.. Best and Hurworth Streets, Dixon, C., Box 867, G. P. O., Brisbane. towen Hills. Dixon, C., Gilpin Street, Sandgato Dredge. W., Wanora, Brisbane Valley Dixon, Dr. G. P., 97 Wickham Terrace. Dilson, L., Tingal Road, Wynnum. Drewe, A. W., Australian Stock Breeders Dodd, H. J., South Bingera, Iundaberg. Coy., Ltd., Mary Street. Dodde, Alfred E., 235 Queen Street. Drouyn, F. S. 0., Bell Street, Kangaroo Dols, Dr. J. Espie, Callander House, Wick- Point. ham Terrace. Drury. Miss E. 0., "Rougham," ,Elldon Dodwell, A.-V., Canada Cycle & Motor Hill. Agency, Ltd., Creek Street. Drynan, James, Forest Hill. Doig, G. M., 280 Grey Street, S.B. Drynan, John, Beaudesert. Doherty, R. C., Hancock Street, Ipswich. Drynan, John F., Glassford Vale, Many Doherty, T., Willowvale, Pimpana. Peaks. Dolan, J. P., "Lanlock," Tarraglndi Road, Drynan, Win.. Eversleigh, Clermont. jl Annerley. Drynan, W., Latrobe Terrace. Paddington. Domin, H. H., Cootharaba Road Gymple. Ducat, L. S., Waterview, Bilambil Road, Donaldson, J. C., Minto, Apollo Road, Tweed Heads, N.S.W. Bullmba. Dudgeon, W. H., Burradale, BinnaBurr, Donaldson, R., Medway, Bpgantungan. N.S.W. * -i Donaldson, Samuel, Lever Street, Albion. Duffield, John Palmwoods. Donges Jacob, Drayton, via Toowoomba. Dulhi, Arohbishop, Darra, Valley. .1" Donnelly, A., Heal Street, Teneriffe. Dunbar, Colin C., "Caithness," Bridge St., Donnelly, B. C., Norman Hotel, Ipswich Rd. Albion, Donovan, George R., Lorella, Lutwyche Rd. Dun, Leonard F., Irvingdale, Bowenville. I SWindsor. Donovan, John, Llanarth, Charlton Street, Duncan, Alexander, Agnes Street. Aoot. Rookhampton. Don j ohn, New Sandfate Road, Duncan, W. R., Strathdee, Toogoolawah. Duncombe, Miu, Stratten, Roma.

p1'"4 -.rj^^^ ^ L v!. -Ilhi~?XI ;-~h~- e74

A~NUA MEM~fS-Contnued. Daen Coy., Endres, Eret, Universal Milt Br. ..ni 'lnd Co-op. Factory, Lower Ann Street, Vallex 9rfe iew, Beudsert. Enever, John, 540 Leiehhardt St., Yafley. E~ngels, Fred A., 146 Adelade Street. d/o Singer ewliw Machine England, Joseph, Yanleigh Farm, str; 'h- rfri. ii treet. IRona Street. Englandd T. D., Glenara, via aurra, NC rrxlr .. J. a*I Annie..-. Line. NornfaP~b Nogr~ E~ngles, Win., Mt. Ubi, via Eumundi. *un edad ;"er;,:~an;~ Eek Co.-op. Dairy Co. (F. Rutkin) Es.. C/o A.U.S.N. Coy., Ltd., Iepe, D. E., Croidale, Charleville. Eva, H. C., Kings Road, Taringa A Qa; Rosemount Terrace, Windsor. Evans, Lt. C'olonel. C. H.. d/o Daigoty :nd Mrs., M. EMaynard Street, Coy., Ltd., Elizabeth Street. ooalloonabba. Evans, D. G., Malvern Hills, Baafin ~pu.RobrtWolseley Street, C'layfleld Evans, John, 9 Wickham Terrace. .R.TLucinda Street, Taring. Evani, John C., Curia, N.C. Line. taA.CAd. Street Tarina Evans, Norman, London Bank Chami is, g.rtC/a Winchoombe, Carson, Roma Street. td,, age Street. Evans, W., "Warroon," Pilton. I, RI,H.Maxvale, Charlevile. Uverdell, 5. ., Leahurt, Woodhill, B~~u- NebrC/a McDonnell &t East, Ltd., desert Line. ore Sre Everett, Arthur, Stanley Street, East B:;s W.D., Jamieon Street Dulimba. bane. , Win., age Farm. Eves, G~eorge L., Royal Insurance Co., t,P. F, RH., C /0~ Mt' Etna Fertiliers 35-157 Queen Street. Ever, P. A., Ever' Motor Co., Petli's a, Q 5,Central Avenue, Indoorooplly. Eight. 3A.,o0/o A.lL. & F. Coy, Ltd., Elwing, Win. E., Dalby. rl Street Ul~ton, R. H., R. S. Exton & Co., Lt taMsM. J., Nudgee Road, Northgate Queen Street 1,.,London Road, aytlid. Falella, Anthony, James Street, Bt~. ik. so,.,~ mmavlle, via Deepwater, N.S. fast Creek. Faggl R. C., Newlands Estate, Indou:o tbya, ., ohn Street. PadBlgton. i. 3.rus8,RI,87 WiokB-hm Terrace. Faint, Edward H., Pioneer, Clermont. ra~ds, Jams, Evteleigh Street, Wooloo- Farfa, . H., Marinra, Cambooya. Fallon, J. 3., 27 Drown Street, New F nfln p a, , X.. N.Z. Chambers, 884 Fallow,, H., Haigt Street, Coorparoo. enStreet. Falt, P. P, Ryfied,Tingoom. '~dW. Eldwin, Hudd Street, Bowen Faning Tiom., Aslhrov. Fanning W. .., Strathinore, Lon~reach. rsW. H., CoongooLa Colosseum, FarleyW Boonah. llrt eqst Line Fariner, ha., Dutterfield Ut., Hrt n. SW,, 'Ntoal Hotl, Petries Bight; Farmer, Ed., Voxwood, near GLdton .,"Euroa,~ Bidwood Terrc, Farmer, Edlwin ., Haseldean, Glads infe. Frrnt, Samuel Condong, Tweed Rlive, New South *ale. ~jf~e~e Connodale via Lands- Feather, H. A., Howard Smith Co., l~td., Adeblade Steamship Co., Petries Elagle Street. Fees, Adolph Fee., Ruthning & Ba ns, ptt Dit . 3., Hospital for Insrane, £UtwYehe Chamber., Ad~ade Sti eet, Fees, Arthur, Lutwyohe Chin., Adelaie 1t. A C/o Queensland Club, Alice FeL, 3T., oaholme Stud, via l1eOn- Street. Felsinan, D. E., Hurwoith t., BW"'e ~L' Lr, Taronne, Lowinead, N.C. Hill. L~Mc, anu~ 1. (nne ,n die Felton,' D. U., Q.M.E. Coy, Ltd. Mary 't £1 Edwar, /oElliott, Donaldson, Fenelon, M. 5,, State Schpool, Manly. flrnuln. TA. Pa..Ia'a Ria'ht Fenton, ., Durrll, Fenton & Co., r~'"' g trreet, Dutton Park. Street. Charton & Ellifott, 556 Fenwick, S. S., Northgate. Ferguson, V. D., 41 Queen Street. I, Wheatley Frm, Laidley Ferguson, 3 A, Watson, Ferguson &u':O QueenStet Cracbook,' Eagle Trrace, Fergus'on, Jam, Mondure Crossing, \11C" ango. *Iua of Court7 Adelaide t. Ferusoi, John, Eagle Terraee, San Llnd * Cena Sous, Seven t., Ferguson,~sc3. N. 0. N. PFerjno.i Co., anaeRiobmond lyve A. C., M.LA,, Garly broau, N,U.W. Ferguson, S. 0,, Nbwv Zealad. ~ kvntlucg" eword. .O FeuerriegeL. W., Sad #1111. _n a ~___ ~~ _ _Ll_~a/~=__C ~_Lr__ _; j: _ i __ _j ___CL_;_~ _ _I __i _

4 .: . 44 - ~ " 'j 75 ANNUAL MEMBERS--Continued. Ileli,Atr H., Rowe's Bidga., Edward Fole*, H. W., /o Pumfrey & Kyle, 1Iua runkner, F. J., Kilcoy. Foxton, Gibson, F. L., "Warr anaki," I.a Finlason, A., A. & G. Finlayson, 62-64 dooroopilly. Queen Street. Francis, C. D. E., "Myendet ta" Stati*, inlayaon, G., A. & G. Finlayson, 62-64 Charleville. Queen Street. Francis, Evan, Redoiffe. 'inney ubert, c/o H. Finney and Ure'a Pranls, John V., Brisbane Streat. Ipawle , Ltd., Charlote Street. Francis, Capt., Jo.., M.H.R., W. oodend Rd., 'infney, J., C/o Henry Berry & Co. Pty., Ipawich. Ltd., Adelaide Street. Franeis, Leonard, Treasury Ch ambers, 'inucan, John, Chalk Street, Wooloowin. George Street. 'irth, J., Thynne Road, Morningaide. Francis, Stanley, Chelmer. 'lsh, George, "Mone Amiens," Redcliffe. Francli, Walter, "Sutton," Ne w san4gate 'isher, John J., 12 Queen Street. Road Albion. isher, Jno. N., Union Bank of Australia, Franke, i., Cawdor, via Toow oomba Ltd., Queen Street. Fraser, A. H., Dayboro 'isher, Thos., Box 41 Wondal. Fraser, Mrs. Douglas, Mundoolun. 'itzgerald, J. B., Gympie St., Northgate. Fraser, H. B., Chief Engineer's 4Ofice, Rail- itzgerald, J. F., Fitzgerald & Walsh, way Department, George St reet. Queen Street. Fraser, W., Bowen Terrace, NEew Farm. 'itzgeli. T. H., Kitchener Rd., Asoot. Frans, Jno., Frans Road, Clay leld. 'itzpatrick J. C., Lake Mount, Gatton. Frawley, P. J., Strathpine. leming, Alex., Maleny, via Lndaborough. Frederick, H. P.. "Pelham," Chinchilla. Pleming, P., Albert Street. Fredericks, A., Strathpine. 'letcher. Donald, Jnr., Croekdantisg, Fredericks. Henry, Rose Lawn, Strathplsae, Muccadilla. Fredericks, P. H.. C/o Finney, iIsle, & Co., 'letcher, Edwin, Goondiwindl. Ltd.. Queen Street. 'lriher, M., "Dalmally," Margaret St., Freeleagus. C.. Fresh Food & Ice Co., - Toowoomba. Edward Street. lilteroft, John, Thomas Street, Eagle Freeman, R. E., Veresdale, Beaudesert lunction. Line. 'lorene, H., G.P.O., Charters Towers. French, Chas. W. S., Derby St reet, Coor- 'lynn Ie.. "Carlton Cottage," Normanby paroo. Hill. French, L. B., Rose Street, Eagi.e Junction. 'lynn, J., Mt. Gravatt. Frew, Coln G., 288 Queen Strehet. 'Inn, Stephen, 98 Eagle Street. Frew, Harding, 97 Queen Stree t. Pgarty, G. E., James Street, Toowoomba Drew, R. D. A., 14 Telegraph Chambers rG#iilty, G. D.. c/o Samuel Allen & Sons, Queen Street. Albert Street. Friend, Cyril E., Springwood, Springsg'e. Fogith C. W., Foggitt, Jones & Co., Friend, Henry, Vahreepa," l adstone. Turbot Street. Friend, James, Gladetone. oggitt. Q. A., c/o Foggitt, Jones & Coy., Friend, Percy A., "Vahreepa," Gladatone. Turbot Street. Frith, John O., Rodway, Toowo omba. Follett, Jas., Station Road, Silkstona Fritz, Harry Senr., Connondal e, via via Ipswich. Eumundi. Foote, H. J., Sherwood Road, Sherwood. Frost, A. E., Annerley Road, louth Bris- Poole, J., C/o Cribb & Foote, Ipswich. bane. 'orbes, L. A., Upper Edward Street. Frost, U., Park & River Roads Milton. Potd, F. B. C., Deputy Surveyor General, Fryer, C. U. S., Railway Depari tment, Ann Executive Buildings. Street. od. H, ThornleighPurga. Fryer, N., Normanby Terra oe, Kelvin orreut, P. Mcl., Rocklands O'Connell Ut., Grove. Kangaroo Point. Fuller, W., Alice Street, Mitche *rrest, Thee. W., "Luana," Prospeet Galbraith, A. C., E. 8. and A. Bank Chain- Terrace, H1ghgate Hill bers, Roma Street. 'orster, D. M. ., Forster Engineering Gale, H. R., c/o John Hicks, G eorge St. Works, Mary Street. Gall, Chas. G.. Mount Enniskille n Blackhll Porster, T. M., Forster Engineering Works, Gall, J. 8., North Street, Newma rket. Mary Street. Gall. W., C/o Foggltt Jones & C'oy., Turbot Porsyth, James Burns, Philp & Co., Ltd., Street Mary Stre*i. Gall, Wm., Home Secretary's Departmen, str, Hudd Strt, Bowen Hills. Treasury Buildings. P.O. Box 16, Biggenden. Gallagher A. E., Chermside. T.wlerT C., A. M. L. & F., Co, 17 Creek Gallagher, Rev. J., Ipewioh R oad, South str et Brisbane. l1r Carriage Coy., 4368 Gahgher, L. J., Watt. Cate, Adelalde At. L4a1V Etreot. Gambinag, Alfred, Station Road , Booval. wle Perey Prince Consort Hotel, Gammue, D., c/o Watson Bros. Brisbaje. Gann, Miss G., Gladvella Romia OWlee. L., Carlyon's Hotel, or. Bourke Garden, G. H., c/o A.U. N. Co., Caledonal :g an Spencer Streets, Melbourne. Colliery, Thoagoona, via li iowich. LoxQ ., 144 Queen Street, Brisbane. Gardner, W. P., John Utret. WLandor ,J. Arthur Street, Corinda. Grdiner, P. P., Royal streat, I 'ae44iuDt W, .'.. Ruthlea. Llarlln Grdiar Thee., Beaten Street 'o* W . Urisbne Street, Zj 4h. Driue. m ~s~__i~~______i~ __ I__=__~~__l ___ril__~__EI l 1 1 lrr'i gs :pl ii'y *.-*-?<~:""*<*;.-'' " "' . * ^ . - "y~.*'^/**w*^,.™.;.w' f *. ".*"^-ci:! ' ', *- ' ' ,'*'~ ~ ;! ' .. ' ~ .. *" *'"" *" <* S . '

76 ANNUAL MEMBRB---Continued. os., Newmarket. Gillespie, Clem, Springbrook, Muds - os., c/o J. C. Hutton Pty., Ltd., eraba. reet. Gillespie, R., Stanley Street, South Bris- P.,"Dingyarra," Toogoolawah bane. d, Sandgate. Gillies, Hector, Tower Street. Albion r.,Turbot Street. Park. 31[., Bowser Street, Lutwyche. Gillies, R. G., 149 Elizabeth Street. idell, 10 Telegraph Chambers, Gillingwater, E. J., Allan & Stark, Queen treet Street. 11 [ias L. L., 226 Doncaster Gilmour, A. A., Old Sandgate Road, Eagle Kensington, Sydney. Junction. Stanley Street and Merton Gilmour, Alex., Seymour Road, Ascot. uth Brisbane. Given, J., Lamington Terrace, South David W., Alice Downs, Brisbane. Given, D. W., Brassey Street, Fairfield. )ngate, via Pittsworth. Glanville, E. S., Cooyar. ., Manager State Cannery, Glasgow, S. H., Ivanhoe, Kinbombe. :' '"'~ ------w- Goeths, A. H., Obi Obi, via Nambour. J., U/o A. M. P'. Society, TOO- Gogga, Henry, Ormiston. iba. Golden, Charles, The Canal, Yeulba. E"y g Herbert H., Union Bank Cham- Golden, Edward, Bundi, Yeulba. Queen Street. Golden, L., Bundi, Yeulba. Co-op. Dairy Coy., Ltd. (M. J. Goodacre, Wm., Ingham. Goodall, D., Swan Terrace, Windsor. ., City Mutual Life Association., Gooden, H., Malvern, Victoria. ,lde Street. Goodger, J. E., Nanango. 1, T., C/o N.Z. Loan & M.A. Coy., Ltd, Goody, Hector C., Bernain, Many Peaks lWIa trAt Goody, Marshall, Bernain, Mount Perry i, Arthur T., "Capo di Monte," Coy., Ltd. (W. rei^ Tambourine. Goombungee Co-op. Dairy , Bernard, Tambourine Mt. Buchan). ?hos., Lohaber, Eidsvold. Gordon, Alex. M., 381-383 Queen Street. Gordon, C., 198 Brunswick Street, Valley n'fll.tlv Wm "TL.nchar " ld aInlrl Gordon, H., C/o McPhie & Co. H. R., Kelly Buildings, Queen St. Toowooinmba. ,n, John, c/o Thos. Brown & Sons. /Gordon, J. P., C/o Row & Co., East St, Eagle Street. Rockhampton. 3. L., Oxenford. Gordon, R.. "Glen Villa," Atherton. ', J. F., Main St., Wooloowin. -\ b Street, Annerley. GOorman, W. J., Leichhardt St., Spring IIiW .xwell. Juliette Go;nall, J. T., Black Pool Dairy, Soiihi ,wouon, C., Farleigh, Nettheim & Co., Brisbane. , dward Street. Gorton, G. J., Molesworth Street, Lismo e. F on, A. S., Yorkshire Insurance Coy., New South Wales. Parbury House. Goetling, Fanshawe, Sherwood. .,Obson, Douglas W.. C/o W. Gibson & Oough, Chas. H., George Gough & Son, u, Kedron. Albert Street. H. T. C., Box 14, Kingaroy. Gough, W. J., Isaac Street, Spring Hill Joseph Jnr., c/o W. Gibson & Sons, Petries I Iron. Gow, Alex. Mrs., 550 Queen Street, Dr. J. Lockhart, Wickham Terrace Bight. Wm., c/o W. Gibson & Sons, Tan- GOT, R. M., Turbot Street. a , Kedron. Gower, W. S., C/o A. U. S. N. Coy., Mary Win, G., Bingera Plantation, Street. I Grace, George, Brookhill, Lutwyche. Chart's I, A. H. G., "St. Ives," MclIntyre St., Graham, C. E. M., Bluff Downs, oloowin. Towers. han., Queen Street. Graham, C. S., Town Hall, Townsville. John, C. T. A. Buildings, Charlotte Graham, O. J., Ashgrove. Ora am, J., Elfn Street, East Brisbane )algety & Co., Creek and Graham, R. F., Box 1854, G.P.O., Sydney lets. Graham, R. M., "Waheho," Bullen Street. i.A., Musgrave Street, Clayfield. Graham, Wm., Norman Crescent, Norman or Road, Asaot. Park. rd, Kent. Buildings, Graham, W., Gordon, Customs Cbs., Queen eit. Street. i Stores, George Street. Graham, W. Edward, Campbell Strtt. Prank & Bryce, Ltd., Range, Toowoomba. et. Gralton, J. P., Wlokbham tr*t, Valley. n, Barmundu. Gramp, O. Hugh, Rowlands Flat, Sourh rk Street, CliUtton. Australia. New Zealand Ch., 884 Grant, R. A., Fernbank Sorub Road, oogsera. r Zealand OQambera, Graybon, TR, Irwin, Stock Exchange Ho trett. euth Mibane, .ar-m."B'rooSide." Saolgera. _:___B t ~~-7--I ;-- _.- r I _ ,' , , / 7 '<, -".... .,: " ? . ' " ,,,..-

•- 77 i.st ANNUAL MH)MBBRB--Contlnued.MEMBERS-Continued.IIANNUAL ^I*I een, George, Glebe Road, BoovaL Hales, J. G., Bentley Lodge, Rosedale. ien, H. H., Main Street, Bulimba. Halford, Dr. A. C. F., 167 Wickham Ter. sen, Jae. Jnr., Crase St., Valley. Hall, C. T., River Road, Auchenflower. sen, Mervyn James, Crase Street, Hall, Francis R., A.M.P. Chambers, Edward Valley. Street. en, M. A., Perdriau Rubber Coy., Hall, L. A., Barambah, Goomeri. Adelaide Street. Hail, Leslie B., Musgrave Terrace, Alderley ien, R., 672 Main Street, Kangaroo l't. Hall, N. G., Tantitha Station, Bundaberg. ien, S. E., Red Hill Fruit Farm, Wamu- Hall, T. R., Kodak Buildings, Queen St. ran, Kilcoy Line. Hallett. Harry, Brisbane Street, Beau- en, Thos. E., Hilllcroft, Wondal. desert. ien, Thos. Webb, C/o Macpherson, Halliday, A., Davey Halliday & Coy., Ann Green & Macpherson, Edward St. Street. een. W. J., Ingeberry, via Quilpie. Halliday, G. A., Commercial Bank of Aus- enfleld, A. P., 191 George Street. tralia, Queen Street. eenfleld, Cyril, 291 Queen Street. Ham, Isaac, 450 George Street. eenfleld, W. H., Wandoo, Princess St., Hambleton, A. L., Kents Buildings, Albert Coorparoo. Street. >enhalgh, H., Mount Harden, Blackall. Hambly, W. O., Jones & Hambly, 116 enlee, J. T., Martindale Street, Corinda Edward Street. uinsill, E. H. R., 44 Moreton Street, Hamilton, C. W., West Cleveland. New Farm. Hamilton, John R., Dunmore Terrace, eenup, B. R., Old Cleveland Road, Auchenflower. Coorparoo. Hamilton, K., Manjalda, Montville. egg, W. H., Musgrave Road, Red Hill. Hammel, W. F., Beenleigh. egory, James G., Field Manager, Too- Hammond, J. W., C/o Gibbs, Bright & Coy., woomba. Eagle Street. elg,J. R., Civil Service Stores, Adelaide Hampson, V. L., O'Connell Terrace, Pad- Street. dington. ey,Geo., "Greyleigh," Kiama, N.S.W. Hancock, J. Henry, Hancock & Gore, Ltd., y, Henry, Box 220, G.P.O. Brisbane. Ipswich Road. ey,Robert Dr., Edmonstone Street, Hancock, R. C., c/o White & Hancock, Dal- South Brisbane. gety's Building, Brisbane. ce, J. H., Messrs, Cole & Grice, West Hancox, L. G.. Guilford Street, Kelvin End. Grove. eve, John, Wynnum. Hando, George, Riverside, Chinchilla. eve, Tho., Chelmer. Hanlon, Thos. Wm., 130 Union Street, off ffiths, D. C., Mutdapilly, Harrisville. Gregory Terrace. fiths, H. J., Railway Department, Hannah, B. F., McLennan St., Wooloowin. George Street. Hannam, H. V., 356-358 Queen Street. ffiths, Thos., "Aston," Lutwyche Road, Hansen, C. S., Redland Bay Hotel, Redland Brisbane. Bay. flthsl,Thos. W., corner Albert and Eliza. Hansen, J. H., Killarney South. beth Streets. Hardcastle, W. B., Virginia Avenue, Haw- fAltht., Thos., "Hialta," Bruce street thorne. Lutwyche Road. Harden, Lionel S., Richmond Downs, gg, E. J., Bowen Street, Roma. (or, R., 87 Tupper St., Marrickville, Harding, A., G.P.O. Box 543, Brisbane. Sydney. Harding, R. J., Meadow Green, Indooroo- nley, C. A., Auchenflower. pllly. mley, C. C., C/o Messre. Joyce Bros., Harding, Silas, Norwood Street, Toowong. (Q.), Ltd., South Brisbane. Harding, S. H., Ipswich. ,dle. Thos., Wolston. Hardy, A. E., Gregory Street, Clayfleld. .om,t. G., Commercial Union Chambers, Hardy, George, Jeays Street, Bowen Hills, Eagle Street. iardy, Sydney Joseph, Jeays Street, 0, B1. R., W. D. & H. O. Wills, Ltd., '- Bowen Hills. Edward Street. Hardy, T. W., Maxwell Street, New ', W., Mundin, Boggabilla, N.S.W. Farm. Itavson John, "Kinvarra," Moray St., Hargreaves, Chas., "The Springs," Manly. New Farm. Hargreaves, J. B., Lota Road, Manly. i C. J., Junction Rd., Eagle Junction. Hargreaves, Samuel, Hlllcrest, Manly. H.. S. City Buildings, Edward Street. Harkness, J. McNaught, "Wonga Lea," Alexander, Lanham Street, Bowen Burpengary. Harlen, Clem, Old Sandgate Road, Albion. k,. G. A., Bridge Street, .lbion. Harper, F. O., C/o Harper Bros. Brisbane. k K. R., Rosedale. Nerangf. Harrap, S., Wellington Road, Red HilL 1eek, ., R., Bridge Street, Albion. Harris, Major D. A., D.S.O., "Burara," . A. A. "'Wentworth," Marmion Beaudesert. Parade, Taringa. Harris, Edward L., C/o Campbell Broa., hey, W. B., o/o Miss V. Loseberg, Wag- Ltd., Bowen Bridge. horn Street, Denmark Hill, Ipswich. Harris, H. B., c/o Miss Timewell, Waterloo r, . W., C/o Perking & Co., td., Road, E. Bankstown, Sydney, N.S.W. I 'hmm, Bristol Street, West Mad. arrls, James, Dulacoa West, O anlage r rav Road * Soott Street. via Miles. -) arila. Mark, 184 bdward Stret


t J.. . L 'ii~iMT U i I iTlrirfiSii ii.iil -IIy ltfifflSiia Le,~g P= Ir YI I t~~ii*~ ; ~ q :*r~-; ,.. . -- .-.

4-'-, AMIIIAL X3M3CR-Cotinu"

Cs.c,~ Commoneath Bank. edro.B MnVe i m sont .,Mrain Idtret, Pulimba, Yanna tOar, 0'ibb Stret, Milton. Honey, T. W., c/a Queensland Clu.b, R i- * A.. 'Wh. picer Soe Coy., BI bane. ' BO.rlean. Kerman, H. W.. Srn evc Stat on, IP Reu Av~nue Qa eO Wietham treet, Va=;lrley. Ir ., prngfld, BLkliqfl. Herrng, M. S., d/o Qiad Truste em L~td., *"Clterfel." Mny. Queen Stret -.~ - ~ ~.~ran- _- M*wlL . TWlnS Mtlaalt. WIOIfl am 'rer. nB~ri,are unamuer.. Wharf St. ertberg. Abaham Charlotte S :ret. aeterfL"Maly. Ertb~rg, Mrs. ~. ., 443 Powen Terrarc, *rhadt Sit Paddntou, New Farm. lulterfel" wanly. Mertuberg, Marcus. arlotte Stre r ., dj'o Q'land Primary Htherington, . W., Main Street. KC Bnga roo Co-op. Agency, Fiagle St. Point. d/o aoald, Hamlto, Hewitt, Major, F. R., d/o Lever Br'o. ltn., Indooroily Sydney N.S.W. Mt. bi, p ,ia umund Hewtt, Henry, Mount e I Mt Ub, via Elumund. He~itt, T. M., Limore, N'.S.W. de Ade: a hit. Ub vi Eumundi. Heydon, T enry Berry & Coy... C., Kenilworth, Moor6, Eshk Heywioo& Harold L., Durinda Str'st, Grenlope. n, Kelvin Grove Roard, Ne- Hckey, W., Glndalough Dairy, W'ilson. Higgins, . P., Leele, via Wrw~icIc. iSev, ).,"Prescott,' Hatton Terrace, HIhet, Watr, Abbotuford Road Bo'ven ftId pwooxn va Hill. SWri., "Prescott," Hatton Terrace, Highfteld, H. J.. Morris Street, We ooomba. Hifley. Fred., Norman Chambers, C~reek St. SWni. Mooloolab. Hill. E. 0) W.. "IFarsenV' Auclieinfloer. E. A,, "Beauford Hil," Clayfield. Hil, . Stanley, "Rutlad" Newr Percy A., Bristol Street, West Road. Wlton. WI Hil, Len., "Everaley,"' Thomas Itree t, Thou., Court-le-Roy, Kilcoy. Bayswater. int V. G., "Nyamca," Beaudeset. Hill. Stephen, Mapleton. via Nam bour. 0. A. G). C.. 803 Quen Street Hil. Thou. E., "Talmol," Norman Itreet, L'aylor & Colledge. Ltd., Wooloowin. Street. Hill, W. B., Hereford, Dornoch L., Humpybong Steamrl West End. 377 Queen Street. shp Hill, W. ., Kevn rove. "Hrrogate," Pinst Avenue Hill, W. R. ., "rantham," rea tory S., Auchenflower. Mount Stanley. IWnvllg Hill, W. S., Prospect Street, Iowen S4~ ., Q. N. Bank, Queen Street. Mill, Walter T., Western Asurar mnore, via Inooroopily 62 Creek tret.Ir.a nk * . ., Pomoal, N.C. Line. flRlIflVL~ At. £24. '..2 V I UV . 3, Byron Bay, N..W. WRindsor. MuggLIrve Boa Hill Hindmaruh, Percy, Rawbelle, Bids' yt a, Road, rackecn gG. W.,Cona, idurgon... ,.~ -, H~indmanh,Iiw. UnnrWi., nta"Montour." B: P.. 5 Li. JUZLIUU£.VU.5~ r .JRKAC .1~~lJuUULIl. . 'n Sltre"t Mine. John BE.,Mangerton, Dua *r, Feifl~ leore tret, Windsor. H vale. am.; Healop a uI. ipood James, 70 E~agle tret. rban Ice South Brisban. -HHcock, Opwrald, City & Subut a~hsHsrlog6 Song, Coy. Slouth Brisbane. anms Heaslop & iHves,. Ca. V., Austrlan Slur Pr . 11C' Souh rmsbane ers Associton, Udwaz'd Stni O N.E. Lan & MA. Co. Hoae.l Dr. Wallis, Prston Housi , Queef Ba it L, "ndemer, Hobs, Jon ., tanley Terraee. mron, "BuuYa Duna.' Hobson. Eldgar S., Fivwy, U 'ooil'fl" Iae. ~b 'Ituns Graier' Ub Hoc lepy rnold, /c rhur Sel Lt & Co. UDton lieu;., Queen MaryborOU a. eet'I m~heter C., Tambourine. v"die ec~5iW~'h J. Claude. Mlcoy. Hodgens, S. F.. Ilald Knob, Lcands '~~P HIR~rXodrn am..Rey.lia)~ Mmgil Road, Tan'~ PI Coy o

Joolerbab. AmaUweor, II Mlajc. Jobelb. laul L Qrav. Lttd Ra~~r~ I ~,Pre Olr~aybw

'4 . ANNUAL MEMBURS-Continued. Hold werrh, J. IL, Winoombe, Carson, Howard, B. G., Alfred Street Valley Ltd., i trbet. Howard, James, Howard Motor & Cyl@ olln A ., Church Street. Toowonh. Ltd., Adelaide Street. Hollan Fred., Bouchard & Holland, Queen Howard, Thomas, Kitmon St., Morninig##* Strat* owell, 0. H., Australian Bank of 4r- Holland, F. J., Holland Motor. Ltd., Ads* merce, Queen Street laide Street Howell, R. A., Killarney South. Hollander, J. L,., "Roseneath," Harcourt St., Howell, Tlgeo. J., Melrose, Killarney BoIth. olnoerte. Howle, J. 0., Gladstone. on Thos., Brookes Street Hudson, A. 8., 808 Queen Street. Bown Hills. Hudson, L. S., Veenah Park, Longreeh. u Edwn, Union Bank Chamber Huduon, Wm., McKensie & Holland, Quee Stret*Northgate. Holmeq B., Orange Grove, Box 74, Pout Nouet,Chas., ., Chalk Strut, Woolowla. Offce, Pittsworth. Holmes, Esau, Federal Farm. Allora. Hughes, A. N., Vera Street, Toowong. Holmes, 5. J., Holmes & Church, 129 Creek Hughes, C., Seppelt, Ltd., Eagle 8tro*L Street hughes, E. B.. Markets, Roma Stret Holmes, Edgar P., C/o Gordon & Gotch Hughes. Edinond F., Snow's Buildin, (Australasia) Ltd. Queen Street. Queen Street. olmes, F. G., The Terrace, ±'orth Ipiwih. Hughes, Frank C., Malarga, Boomp. olmes, Jonas, Longlands, Spring Valley, Hughes, R. H., Box 25, P.O., Maryboro . Pittgworth. Hughes, R. P., c/o Dalgety & Co. . olmwood, P., "Homelelgh," Flinder. Rockhampton. Parade Sandate. Hughes, W. W., Buderim Mt ct, Richard, "Corio," Jackson Street, Humphrey, U. G., Moggill Road, Tarta. Indooroopilly. Humphrey, J. R., 104 William Street omer, H. T., Barfeld, Gladstone. Rockhampton. ood B, Buruda, Cleveland Line. Humphreys, 3. T., "Hazelmere," Aranted ooe, d. M, Mora, Downs, Clemont. Hunt, lex. M., Springdale, Maleny. coke, N. 8., C/o hybrowIhrm & Wby.nno.,rlr~rA Pt ., vrnlrHunt, Edgar, Maleny. HliambersI,Ltd. CharlotteE.agl Street.treet.s aee, Hunter,H~rB.a Alex., Hodguon,lrdStetVl Hunters, Ltd., Boke,0""n, rheo.,.7 CrooksnlSetd.,Budran Park, Dungog, zyd, Da.lb icamr, Roeoad, Nundah naaideN.S.W ~e~tbreet Hunter,Hyland, Alec..,Hafoh~ Box G., 299,Burnewang Gtee.P..rs Park,) E ooker,Sir, 0. . S.,., 126Hooker Prnes & Co.Stet Ltd., Eliza- HwrdHyland,more, Jae Vic.hms, Lailaw Para, Sen bothItaue... Street. Point.' Hunter,Brsb. H., HAsrla"Brunell," Mowbrayak Street oover,Oalkin, H.lfred., T.. Limestoneoskn & Street, Cetrmioha, Ipswich. lies,East U. ,Brisbane. Jonayn tEtaeC. ooper,Crle~ B., Street.lwel Cavendish Road, Coorparoo. Hunter,dra. James,AKlanySu Mulgowie. oier, 8. 8., Department of Agriculture Hunter, J. A., Roma. SEialPipAee,& Stock, William Street.ruo, etr Hunter,ie, W. J.3., M.,Oad "Beaumaris," lvend oaCi Windermer oojer,Lineroke T. B., G.P.O. Box 840, Brisbane.tre fHingor,Road, Hamilton.. C.,0 Queen Street ooper.Urso~, W., 0Hii. Cheddar erg Farm, teWoombye. aig. Hunter,Chrlotte Robert Str eet.Counihaw arLoge & Hunter, ST5 locier,CU ILioW. T.,k , J., OvovberleCurringin, S. Markwelles a St., Ingis,Wickham Wm.,Unnuon dtreet. Rod Hudrad Hamilton. Hunter, Mrs. Robert C., Ascot Itrit, opkins,OBtO., C. .L R.,Oreln, Dalgety &o, Coy.,Cenra Ltd., limPrtHe,Ascot.3.Chs, , tatio HoteFest I EllsabethRm ail, Street. loa.ges Hurley,lanalFr. 5.C. N,A., Wale, Hurley Ginet &Gin. MLaughiln, on oran, W. Cox, c/o Barker & Horan, Eagle Queen Street. A treet. ,JHlmsACurh 1 .re 4uhsHurrey, Dr.. H. G.,*4pe, Lutwyche t. al Rd., Wooloe*t ore, T. H., "Northam," Rose Street- ,t,and - *1 win. , *4uhe. . - 4et, 44 a8t~ Park-4.h Road,4-,,, Eagle.- Junction.44*-4"4*44* HHurwood, ghs EFdnW. S., Laurel.,Snws Avenue,rili Chel4 . rrAlbert, Wellton Road East Hutoheon, E. H., Inns of Court, Adelaide me rak Linvile. Street. Hutchins, W. G., "Shandon," Rockhmp* ,Free Linville. ton. me, Graham D., Monsildale, via Linville Hutchison, John, Brisbane Road, Manly. res, G. H, "Rookflel," Gladstone. Hutton, H. H., 126-186 Queen Street. ole, H. T., Thorpe Garth, Coolabunia, Huxham, Hon. J., Dept. of Public In N'anango Line. Tuhmeur BuildinwsPblc nrrto ore, J., Peary Street, Northgate. tion, Tras y uildin r i 0re, R., Rockfield, Gladstone. Huxles, C. s. Mt. Qturteislanrdn erl a, R. Rookieldaladsone.Huybers, A. b., C/o Queensland Pasal k'i !. ~l


'-.et7r.i ICI ANNUAL MUMBRS--Continued. W., James Street, Valley. !layf e. B,, d/o D. & W. Murray, Elbbeth Street. a., Allan, Spring Street, West End. j,. W., National Ins. Co., Creek St. R. S., Q'land Masonic Club, Creek Street. "*ta. W. Edmunrd, "Lorina," Kirkland Avenue, Cooraroo. ek *W'in, A. F., Merthyr Road, N~w Farm. :' ii fwin, John W., Redlife, Duaringa. , I ' oac, U. R., C/o S. Hoffnung & Co., Ltd., Charlotte Street. , J., 82 Wickham Street, Valley. , George, Eldo, ToogooJawah. C. W. J., Isles, Love & Co., Adelaide F. A. J., Isles, Love & Co., Adelaide SItreet. J..5., Q.N. Bank, Ltd., Queen St. J. T., Isles, Love & Co., Adelaide St. xt, L. H., Stevensen Street, Ascot. A. Frank, C/o British Traders Ins. II (5., Ltd., Box 497 G.P.O., Brisbane. v.IW 'ri n, T. R., Amy Street, Bulimba. Kil Juon, W. G., Annerley Rd., South Brisbane. lion, W. H., Hawthorne Road, Bulimba. 've.. Wm. H., High Street, Lutwyche. IetSam, J. Roma Street. ack, W.3T., uno'ion Rd., Eagle Junction. Jaokman, R. J., Sandgate. Jaokson, U. R., Elizabeth Street. Jackson, George, "Marwill" George St., Eagle Junotion. J3ckson, G. L., C/o State Advance Corpora- tion, Workers' Dwelling Branch, Box w rd 890, G.P.O., Brisbane. Jackson, L. H., WUnulla. Kilcoy. ~ Jackson. W. H., Wunulla, Kilcoy. Jackson, W. J., c/o J. Jackson & Coy., Ltd., Roma Street. cob C. A., Kuraby. igh soob, Eric .G, Creek Street. ues, G. U., Albion Street, Albion. ames, Arthur J., C/o H. Pole & Co., Uilsabeth Street. J e, Claude . 171 Queen Street. ,hv. James, Herbert 1tichard, Merino Stud Farm, Upper Caboolture. *-' James. Les., Courier Buildings, Queen St. I' I~t Jameson, Judge C., Judges Chambers, District Court. aJameson, 8. G., Hope and Merivale Sts., South Brisbane. Jarrett, Henry, Kitchener Road, Ascot. Jarvis, C., Disputed Plains, Limore, N.S.W. George, Wilson Street, Paddington. C.e~re, Alan, Australian Estates & M. Co., 1 5 Creek Street. eV. Jeffrey, G. K., "Windermere," Sutherland Avenue. Ascot. '"I Jenkins, B.. "Glendare," Gow Street, Bal- main, Sydney, N.S.W. JSina , U. J.. Netle's Farms, Toogoola- ill Uinn~p Mrs. G., Vulture Street, South t Vt g T. Garrik Terrace, Herston 4 atkin, Canungra.

lr,John PinneyF Road, Indooroopifly. ohn .eouge Street, A,4a. 81 Queen Street.

- & *~ ~"r'r'rr ' A - -- I. ''~~ - '(7, ~1oVW~iyc~lLyttn lt.,. Bet Bribae. Iklvig~tnl, . H., Shepherd' NiM~ THeidonSpa, Water Co., North rov. jJoyce, W. H., Easgle Terrace, Sandgate. Kin orthur Mooroonba, Nar :Judd A., Bowns Creek, Blayney, N.S.W. King, Edward. Cralgend, Charlte Judd, HBlayney, N.S.W. King, H. ., Bnk of Australasia, Juers, 3. P., Butter Factory, Kingston. Junner, A. Capt., Prospect Terrace, South King, R. M.. Kents Buildings, Adeli Brisbane. Kirby. A. J., Ipewich Rd., Sth. Bi I Junner, J., i~o S. Hffung & coy. Ltd., Charlotte Street Just, John, City Electric Light Coy., Kirby, Jas. S., Cashmere West, t GMI Boundary Street. K'irk, i). F'., "cila," Whaf treet Juster, 1. J., Wellington Rd., East Brisbane. Juster, W. Ht., Prince Street, Annele. K~ik, It. W.. hIookes St., liowen HillE Jutin, A. L., Fruit Echane. Turbot St. Ki~k, W. I:iu, Auur~n. C'hinchill. 'A~ Kay, . C., Lucinda Street, Taringa. Klaas, I. J., Arthur Street, Roma. ' Kay, .. , Victoria Avenue, Chelmer. Kumpp, .. Loan Rd., Mt. Gravtt. Kuane, C. H., Cutaburra Branch, Cunna- K ll. Sn iiiuel (., lUroadtmei e S inulla. Eclting, Thus., li lliia\ ,,, lililtllM ' I'- Knight. H., Wickham Street, Valley. 2 Kniht, H. W., Lutwyche. Keen, Fred., Ah~otleigh, Abbotsford Rd., Kiht .1. l'~.. l.pik Street, AIbL~q Boweri Hills. Kniht, J. J., B~risbane Newspaper q Keen, George, Ah~botsleigh, Abbotstord Rd., Ltd., Queen Street. Bowen Hills. l(iiol ~ucli. i., ('rowli Sto Keid. Frank, Cnipelis uilding, Creek Co., Hawthorne St., F Street. nowles, A. F.. 141 Adela Ked, Henry, Duncan Street, Hill End, Sth. TC,1fltre'c ii' 1 rnln ,i BIisbane. Knox, A.-~.I . Kiog~ley lx t'd, Staley. bI~rn'~ntl St ~ct. Ii ill Ed Knox, 1). Jur., Gympie Road, Kedo k'orner, A., Roadvale, Fasifern Ln. Kieir, D., Henrla. leleher, ., 4993 Vulture Street, South Brisbne. Krclou~e, A\. S., The Ite~ntonal K ellett, T. Do lac v. ~lastone & Prouce Co., Turbot Street. lcll. [~. 'I'. .. I h'c~k. " ireithani,'' Kroiie, H-enry, U:. A., C/o Mch~nhiy.rter~ Wickham Terrace. Kielly, Miss C.. Annl Street, Valley. Kruger, A. H., Union Park, Kilcoy,- Keclly, ., Proxpect TerIace, Kelvin Gove. Riuble, . J.. I I(I~iR. K~un1. I 0' Yaii ,ee," Newnake, Kelly, J. II., Botany~ Street, Clayfieldl. yte, W., Thynne Road,Monga4 1 KellyH., C/o Fiogitt Jones & Co., Turbot Lcke, J.. 'rue Summit, nearStnh Street. 141111? ,, K~iia," tave~ilsli Roa, Kielly Dr. P. ., Mlton Rd., Aucenflower. Kelsall, J., Windlso . Lahey, Jno. H. A., awmills, Corny itelmo, David, Cambridge Parade, Manly. Lahe:,, TJ. 0., lleee~hwood" Gladut I' dsu, Wn,.. Sntithtloii~rl'S I uildling, Queen Stiret. Laidlw, Jae, Park Street, Kelo, J., "Woolebilla," Dirranbndi. Lailaw . H., 35 Victory Kiemp, John, Union Bank Cambe~s. Creek I Iii...., C(I .CLt. P Street._ Lailg, Alex., Princhester St., West K'emp, H. i., C/o Box 3OR .P.O., Brisbane. Laniig, .Ieffley, Bowen Terrace, NewP KenndyAA., Chaseley Street, Auchen- Langl . M., ('/o Hotel Cecil,G Knned , A. S., Kingsholnie, New Farm. Lalo , ~V. F., A. M. P. Chalmber, Kennedy, M., Edlgar Streoet, Newmarket. Street. Kiennedy, H. D., Parbtury House, Eagle St. I ~ainit,t i. I':., ci 0 La nlertt &i Son Kent, Allan, Toogoolawah. Adelaide Stet. lent, HT. L., Jundaryan):LI Estates, Jondaryan TnLamberib,, W. (1., CowllshawStef Kent, Win., Joiida;ryn Estates Co., JondarYan. ILn, D. P., Lalke Clarendon, Q keayol, Cha., ECagle Faurm. Ilane, H. H.. 13. J. B~all, Itd., ha Kerlin, 11I., elbourne St., South Bribn. Lan. A., King Street, Warik Kierlin, H., Mlbournle St., Suth l lisbtlan Id:rlrg, ;. '1. 0'.. WV'llingto,i Road, JKerr, 3. B., Wteval, Kilcoy. Kerr, R. A., oysu (I1ral~nar School, LnJohn, "Marrana,' Sherwoe ipaewich Lang, John, For~et Lang & K\err', H. S., Cavondish lid., Coo~pi'oo. Mer~ivale Street, South B Kerven, A. E., LLksuii Seet, Wooluowii. Landon,~ A. H., Union Bank Ierven, Johi. Gyni pie lto~i'. Kedrioji. lufen areu. jgI lKerwn, D . P. ., Preton House, Queen St. Langmor, A., Prairi, ILanham, D.. Mary~ trE Key, Cowen. Wondal. Lanham, W., Sydnse Kilpatrok., C Landowne, . 3., C/ Rilo, ., J'nwy Isles & Co.. Queen St. Valle. ANNUAL MEMBBRS-Continued. be, W. E., Hampatead Road, Lever, C., "Gemfield," Ridge Street, rheate Hill. Northgate. F., Philip Street, Hawthorne. Lever, C. E., Conon Street, Wooloowin. IpU er, ., C/o nowara Motor Co., Aaeiaiae Levingston, T., 404 Queen Street. IL. .. , , .. , Le.iani Motors Ltd., Esda le 3tto, State School, Rocklea. House, 42 Hunter St., Sydney. C., Station Master, West Lewis, A. W., Vale Street, Kelvin Grove. elana. Lewis H., Bourbon Street. Bundaberg. t! B. M., North Quay. Lewisf L. W., State High School, Romei I! F. V., New Farm Wharf. Lewis, Stanley, Rockbourne Terrace, Uplj r n, Glen, "Middleton," John Street, Paddington. rong. Iewis, W. B., c/o Star Store Service (C.' WVer, JtoDert, "Kiverslea, uogango, old Santigate Road, Albion. SRockhampton. Liddell, R., Stephens Road, South Brisbane S. H., Toogoolawah. Lightbody, G. A., Wertheim Queensland. ,2 ,ck, H. J. S., "Hillbury," Hill Street. Piano Depot, Queen Street. qrwood. Lightbody, Isaac, Leichhardt St., Spri: , A. R., Q. M. E. Co., Ltd., Mary St. Hill. Arthur E., "Maitland," Ruth St., Lightoller, Claude, Box 239, G. P. O., mlth Brlhianmt. Brisbane. w,W., Goodna. Lind, A., "Urriga," Gladstone Road, Suh wless, Ivan D., Goomally, Duarlnga, Brisbane. Via Rockhampton. Lind, W., St. Osyth Street, Toowong. .awl.ea, J. P., Windera, Goomerl. Lindenburg, H. C., Pittsworth. wey, Ernest D., Arley Farm, Maleny. Lindley, H. B., Curra. Eaewlpr, W. J., Orchard Street, Enoggera. Lindley, II. W., Jingeri, Wondal. *wrence, A. T., British Imperial Oil Co., Lindsay, David, Barton Road, BulimbR. Mary Street. Linsdell, G. H., Uplands, Myrniong, Vic. kwrence, M., City View Dairy, Bundamba. Lisk. W. J., Station Roac, Indooroopillj lwrle. Peter, Kelvin Grove. Linton, George R., Mount Abundance, BHI geworgorai, near Roma. Wi. P. M., C/o Woodward & Laws, Lissner, E. H., Albert Hotel, Albert Stre t. "Adelaide Street. Lister, W. H., C/o "Moreton Mail," 30 ewe, T. J., Graham Street, Milton. Arcade, Edward Street. Awson, Robert B.. Haselwood, Stanthorpe Little, James, Rosedale. gwo. W., 131-135 Clarence Street, Syd- Little, Miss Kyle, Perseverance Cretc. ney, N.S.W. Hampton, Crow's Nest Line. sac , R. S., c/o T. Dewez & Co., Parbury Little, W. D., Milton Road, Auchenflower House. Littledike, A. J., Laycock, Littledike & C ,., Aahy, J. J., Clerk of Petty Sessions, Bris- Herschell Street. bane. Littledike, R. A., Herschell Street. alhy, Hon. P. J., National Mutual Littler, H. E., Brace, Windle, Blyth & Co. Chambers, Queen Street. Edward Street. iheby, T. V., Farmers' Publishing Co., Livingstone, John, "Woodleigh," Kingar y z98 Queen Street. Livingstone, M., Prairie Lawn, Nobby. jeky, S. C., Moray Street, New Farm. Lloyd, A. P., Courier Building, Queen PL dgr, C. J., Commonwealth Bank of Aus- Lloyd, F. R., Edwards, Dunlop & Co., Stralla, City. Edward Street. R Arthur, Hardgrave Road, West End. Lloyd, W. M., Queen Street. Chas. A., C/o A.ML. & F. Coy., Ltd., Lobston, John, C/o F. A. Brodie & Co. SCreek Street. Ltd., Cloncurry. SF. 8., N.Z.L. & M.A. Co., Eagle St. Lochner, E. C., Thos. Keating, Ltd., F. W., N. Z. L. & M. A. Co., Eagle St. Warry Street, Valley. 0 H. D., E.S.C.A., Edward Street. Lockitt. John F. T., Solicitor, Charlevill' . D., Kingaroy. Logan, Douglas D.. Richmond Downs, J. IL, Wertheim Co., Queen Street. Richmond, N.Q. S. J.. 15 Stanlev Straat. South Rril Logan, George, Pine View, Kilooy. A. H., London Bank Chambers, Logan, G. D., Tarranalma, Milne Btreet. Ak Street. Albion. A., Junr., "Claverton," Claverton Logan, George, Queen Street. ag, Western Line. I A *V fl Logan, James "Rose Farm," Gatton. 1.. A rl-^* _ TU _ , TJ~ V., C/U A. VlUr eolSKU. JuLu. Logan, R. H., Fairfield, Longreach. 0 ith Street. Logan and Albert Co-op. Dairy Co., Ltd,. Hedley. Box 1557, Elizabeth St., Beaudesert (W. Wilshire). oe, Melbourne. Lohde, G., Zillmere. I., Bald Hills. T 5a., Tnn t.nn «tA.' -. Va,I t T U1 W., Hemmant. shaw Street, New Farm. )n. W., c/o Parliament House. Long, R. W. H., Alderman. C/o B3risbane C., c/o Neilon & Lennox City Council, City. , .P.O. Bundaberg. Longbottom, W. H., it Queen Street. oph, Laidley Creek West. Longwill, John, Albion. Dr. H., 113 Wiokham Terrace. Lord, A. W., Bakdale, Ek. W. M., Heraton Road, Kelvin Lord, C. Stuart, Chelmer. R. L., "Werrington," Nlna.- Lord, E. L., Eakdale, Esk. ira. Lord, F. B., Bakdale Station. Esk

-J ANNUAL MEMIBERS--Coltinued. Macmllan, A. L., "Lendal," Gladstone Rd., Loughnan, J. S., Crystal Brook Station, South Brisbane. Mitchell. Street, Toowoomba. Loughnan, W. S., "Woole-billa," Dirran- Macmillan, A. J., Bell band'm. Macmillan, J., Charlotte Street. Loughridge, S., Burrell Fenton & Co., Macnamara, Dr., Mater Misericordine Rma Street. Hospital, South Brisbane. Loury, Robert J., Toogoolawah. Macnaughton, His Honour Justice, Loitttit, W. H., Windera Creek, Murgon. Sup, eme Court, Brisbane. Lcve, James, Isles Love & Co., Adelaide St. Macneil, 1)., llunya 1'ark, Toowoomba. Laekin. Alfred E., Birdwood Terrace, Macnish, F. C., London Bank Chambers, Auchenflower. Creek Street. Lowe, J. Thomas, Poona, Nambour. Macpherson, H. S., C/o Macpherson, Green, Loweke. A.. Linville. & Macpher eon, Edward Street. Loweke, F. W., Oakey Creek, Eumu0I. Mtacpherson, L. J., 32-34 Ronia Street. l.eo is, .,. W., u

C ------~-r--~---;-- ~ -- L-c------~?ld zg - -I----l-~-- ANNUAL MEMBBRB-Contlnue. Marshall, W., Winsford, Birkdale, Cleve- Milne, Robt. E., 118 Leichhardt Street, land Line. Spring Hill. Marsland, Hugh L., Sedgemoor, Queens Minnis, G., Griffith Street, New Farm. Road, Hamilton. Minnis, J. C., Ipswich. Martin, Angus, Canterbury Street, Casino, Mitchell, C. B. H., Fairlie, Warwick. N.S.W. Mitchell, Gordon, M., Toowong. Martin, Chas., Elliott St., Eagle Junction. Mitchell, Stanley, Strathdu Station, Sladls- Martin, G. F.. Cooper's Shoot, Byron Bay, vale. N.S.W. Moffatt, R. M., Mail Branch, G. P. O. Martin, Percy H., Bank Terrace, Paddlng- Brisbane. ton. Mofitt, C. J. A., Maleny. N.C. Line. Marwick, Hector, Clark & Fauset, Ltd., Mole, F. W., Public Curator, George Strret Eagle Street. Molesworth, Rev. H. T., Cornwall Stret, Maryborough Co-op. D. Co., Ltd. (J. E. Thompson Estate, South Brisbane. Dean), Maryborough. Moloney, L., Ellenborough street, Ipswi h Moloney, Geo. F., P.O. Box 17, Gladstone Maryborough Co.-op. D. Co., Ltd. (Jas. Sti,.l Ferguson) Kingaroy. Monahan. A. J., "Agmere," John Windsor. )!aryborough Co-op. D. Co., Ltd. (John Monk. G. W.. 226 Vulture Street, South Home), Biggendein. Brisbane. lMaryborough Co-op. D. Co., Ltd. (E. M. Monteath, C. B., Montague Rd., West Enld. Beebe), Mundubbera. Monteilore, L. It., c/o (cean Accident I'-. Mason, Myles, ''Rose Knoll," Barlow St.. Co., Ltd., Brisbane. Clayfield. Moon. Colonel Alfred, C/o Alfred Moon & Mason. F. W., 172 Queen Street. Co. Ltd., Box 811, G.P.O., Sydney. Massey, J. G., C/o Dalgety & Coy., Ltd., Moon, A. J.. Caboolture. Elizabeth Street. Moon, W. R., Indooroopilly. Massey, R. C., Foggitt Jones & Coy., Mooney, II. E. The Arcade, Edward St. Turbot Street. Moore, A. E., M.L.A., Parliament House. Masters, L. F. C., Allora. Moore, Edgar, "Cheltenham," Bardon Mather, A. Cope, Newmarket Rd., Wilston Village, Ithaca. Matthews, A. L., Tank Street, Hrishblie. Moore, Edward, Moore Bros., Stanley St., Mathewson, Dr. T. H. R., "Craig Athol," South Brisbane. Brunswick Street, New Farm. Moore, F. J., "Retford," Northcote Street. Maunsell, J. F., Shorncliffe, Sandgate. East Brisbane. Maxwell, D. F., Q. N. Bank, Queen Street. Moore, Frank J., Lucinda Street, Taringa. *Maxwell, S. J., Dornochl Terrace, South .Moore, Fred J., Victoria Terrace & 1)n * Brisbane. St., off Ipswich Itoadi, S. Brisbane Maxwell, F., "Toora," South Grafton, New Moore, Isaac J., "Killearn," Windermere South Wales. Road, Hamilton. Mayall. J.., Avondale, Pittsworth. Moore, J. C., The Peaks, Marbango. Mayne, C., Hornet Bank, Rona. Moore, J. B., Box 142, Maryborough. Mayne, Dr. J. O'Neil, "Moorlands," Moore, Dr. J. I., Department of Public Toowong. Health, Hope St., South Brisbane. Maslin, W., Dublin Street, Clayfleld. Moore, Paul, 'Sunnyside," Wooroolin. Meacle, I., Charlton, Mitchell. Moore, R. A., "Barne," Appel Street, South Mears, G., Cordalba. Brisbane. Mears, H., Morden Farm, Toogoolawah. Moore, T. H., Colinton, Nurinda. Moore, W. H., "Narara," Westbourne t0. Meek, Dr. R. A., Vulture & Stanley Streets, South Brisbane. South Brisbane. E.S.C.A., Ltd., Edward Moran. (. V. I lieugheidetnet. Meiklejohn, James, Morcom, W. N., Market Street. Street. Morgan, A. C., Cleveland West. Melbourne, A. C. V., Sefton Road, Clayfleld. Street, Mellish, L. 1., c/o DIepartment of I'ublic Morganl, B. S., "Mia Mia," Foxton Indooroopilly. Health, S. Brisbane. c/o Itesident Engineer, Ini" Melville, J. L., Sylvan Road, Toowong. Morgani, 1l., Mercer, J. A., Mayne Street, Sundgate. Donald, Sandgate. Morgtaii, F. (.. (i7 Elizabeth Street. Merritt, Morgan, Godfrey, "Arnbuil," Condamine Micheli, J., 381 Queen Street. via Miles. Middleton, James, Downes Street, Bowen Hills. Morgan, L. H. C., Dalgety & Coy., Ltd. Middleton, W.. "Bri Bri," Wyreema. Elizabeth Street. Milceewski, Adolph P., Normanby Street, Morgan, R., Junr., "Strathvlew," Strath- Indooroopilly. pine. Miller, Andrew, Tenterfleld, N.S.W. Morgan, R. J., Strathpine. iller, J., Freesing Works, Redbank. Morgan, Thos. Henry, Dutton Park Station Mller, James, Inver, Mapleton. House, South Brisbane. Mlllikin, J. A., Ivanhoe, New Sandgate Mor.an, Dr. T. H., "Milford," Wickham Road, Clayfleld. Terrace. SMlllngen, A. C., Amico House, 364 Queen Morgan. T. W., Kyarra Farm, Albany CkL Street. Strathpine. Mills, John, Charlotte Street. Morgan, W. H., Strathpine. Milne, James, Smellie & Coy., Edward St. Moriarty, G. V., Eagle Farm Rd., Hamilton Mae, J. 0.. Mercantile Mutual Insurance Morris, Arthur J., Adelaide Street. Coy., SIT Queen Street. Morris, Robert J., 108 Queen Street 85 ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued. Morrison, R. M., Enoggera Terrace, Red McCarthy, Rev. J. T., Presbytery, Red Hill. Hill. McCarthy, M., Gaunt Street, Newmarket. Morse, Wm., George and Charlotte Streets. McCaul, J. J., Ramsay, Cambooya. Mort, A. E. L., Franklyn Vale, Grand- McCawley, His Honour, Justice, Winder- cheater. mere Road, Hamilton. lMort, A. Edward, Franklyn Vale, Grand- McClure, Mrs., Elatree Cottage, Kelvin chester. Grove. Mort, H. C., Franklyn Vale, Grandchester. McColl, L. G., Umbercollie. Goondiwindi. horton, R. R., Albilbah, Ungo Siding, via McConechy, A. H., Hamilton Road, Blackall. Chermside. Moss, C. E., Westbourne Street, South McConnel, A. J., Dugandan, BE.nah. Brisbane. McConnel, Edgar C., Cressbrook, '"ogoo- Mloss, N. ]P. H., Hobson's Motor Sales, 284 lawah. Adelaide Street. McConnel, Edward J., Marshlands, Won- Moss, R. H., Dalgety & Coy.. Ltd., Eliza- dai. beth Street. McCook, R., Markets, Roma Street. Moss, T. W., 98 Eagle Street. McCord, E. K., Coonambula, Eidsvold. Mt. Tyson Farmers' Co-op. D. Co. (J. McCormack, J., "Clonlara," Adelaide St., c'ock), Mt. Tyson. Clayfleld. Moxey, Hamlyn, Roma Street. McCormack, W., M.L.A., Parliament House Maxon. Thus. F., 399 Queen Street. McCowan, James, Mt. Wallaby, Gin Gin. Moxon, W. E., Adelaide Steamship Coy., McCowan, R., New Zealand Chambers, Queen Street. Queen Street. Muddle. C. W. S., 58 Victoria St., Spring McCulloch, V. W., c/o Texaco Co. (A'asia) Hill. Ltd., Exton House, Queen Street. Muir, Dr. R. A., 290 Edward Street. McDermott, Nell, 19 Moreton Street, New Mulcahy, J. T., The Grange, Nanango. Farm. McDonald, A. B., "Grosvenor," Rocklea. Mulcahy. T., Home Secretary's Office, McDonald, A. L., Yaamba, via Rockhamp- Treasury Buildings. ton. Mullen, J. V., Gibbon Street, Teneriffe. McDonald, D. C., Tooloon, Wallal Siding, Mullen, T., Chelmne" S. & W. Railway. Mullen, T. J., Stanley Street, South Bril. Mcl)onald, M., c/o A. M. Bickford & Sons. Mullin, Scott, No. 2 Isles Love's Bldgsa., Turbot Street. Adelaide Street. McDonnel. Frank, McDonnell & East Ltd.. Muller, G. F., "The Belars," Wondal. George Street. Muller, O., Nelson Street, Sth. Brisbane. McDonnell, J. J., McDonnell Hardware Mullett, IHarry It., Moiduran, Gin Gin. Coy., Queen Street. Mulligan, F. R., Sun Insurance Office, Creek McDonall, C., Calliope Station, Calliope. Street. McDonough, E. J., Wyandra, Western Mumford, W., Narangba. Railway. hlundell, George, Redmarley, via Miles. Mcl)onough, F., \Vyberba, Southern Line. Mundell, John, Bungaban, Juandah. McDougall, D., Bell Street, Red Hill. Munro, C. A., Arcot, Silverspur. Mc)DouKall, Jas., I'.O. Box 39, Rockhamp- Munro, D. Roy., Boombah, St. George. toIn. Munro, J. Jnr.. Sunnyside, Warwick. McDougall, J., Chelmsford Avenue, Woo- Munro, Norman "Rockdale," Murarrle. loow in. Munro, W. Ross, "Ross-Roy," Indooroopilly McDougall, J. G., Murweh. Munro, W. ltanald, \Vihyenbah, Dirran- MclDoigall. J. (. . Lyniidhurst, Warwlck. handi. I,., C'heviot Hills, Huglienden. McDougall, J. H., Fernberg Rd., Rosalie. Mur)ll ,y A. McDougall, Ronald, Cooyar Station, Murphy, F. W., Inns of Court, Adelaide St. Cooyar. Murphy, J. J., Melbourne Hotel, South Mcl)oui lall, 11. 1;., liurbank, Cooyar. Brisbane. McDougall, H. M., Bank of New South MArplhy, Honi. 1'eter, (/o Lennon Bros., Wales. Queen Street. "Courier" Building. Murray, James R., Best Street, Hendra. McDougall, W. N., "Kyogle," Hill Street, - lMurray, Mrs. It., Cutbush & Happy Valley Toowoomba. Roads, Enoggera. McDowall, Dr. Val., Preston House, Queen Murrihy, P. J., Kitchener Rd., Ascot. Street. Musgrave, J. C., Beatrice Terrace, Ascot. McFarlane, A. J., 359 Collins Street, Mel- Mlusgrave, L. I., c/o Cameron Bros., Queen bourne, Victoria. Street. McFarlane, J., London Bank Chambers, lutlch, Colin A., Wharf Street, Kangaroo Roma Street. Point. McGarry, H. J., Stephene Street, Mornla(t Myers, E. M., 184 Queen Street. side. Myers, Herbert, Hill Street Clayfield. McGee, Brother, Christian Bros. Colleg4 Myles A. J., "Birnam," Many Peaks. Gregory Terrace. Mylett, J. L., Beaudesert. McGhle, F., E.S.C.A., Ltd., Edward Street. Mylne, G. a., "Lota House," Manly. MacGibbon, F. W., Junction Road, Hendra, MoAdam, Gordon, Dornoch Terrace, South McGill, A. D., Prospect Terrace, South Brisbane. Brisbane. McAlllster R. A., Vacuum O11 Ppty., Ltd., McGll, F. W., "Marmlon," Hlpwood Road, Bullmba. Hamilton. MoCallum, John N., Lonreaobh Buildlngs, McGllp, John, Box 41, Dalby. North Quay. McGillI, James, Grand Hotel, Crow's Net.

m._~ _ _ ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued. McGlynn, A., 2 Victoria St., Spring Hill. McWhinney, R., Q'land Farmers Distri- McGowan, H. D., "Meadowbank," Ronia. buting Coy., 65 Turbot Street. McGrath, Philip, Sandgate. McWhirter, J. Brunswick Street, Valley. McGrath, Thos. M., Cairn. McWhirter, Mrs. Jim., Sutherland Avenue, MacGregor, John. Dalmore Estate, Paken- Hamilton. ham, Vic.. McWilliam. T.. Mowbray Terrace, Fn t McGregor, itobt., Edward Street. Iluisbane. McGuire, B. J., "Belmore Arms," Mackay. McWilliams, F.. Holmeshrook Street, .\ McGuire, J. T., Newmarket Hotel, Roma St. grove. McIlhatton, A., Wondal. Nagel, A. It.. c o Australian Estates McIntyre, James, Oakvale, Christmas Ck. Mortgage Coy., ('ueek Street. McIntyre, John, Oakvale, Christmas Creek. Nagel, J. T., Qld. Iteal Estate Coy., Courier McIntyre, M., C/o Department of Public Buildings. Health, South Brisbane. Nanango Co-op. Dairy Co., Ltd., tG. McIntyre, O. H., Tamrookum, Beaudesert. Newton). McIntyre, W., Commercial Bank of Aus- Nantes, R. H., Kynnersley, Qulibery 80,. tralia, Ltd., Queen Street. Cunnamulla. McKay. A. touglas. 179 Edward Street, Nash, T. H., C/o Laughland, Mackay City. Co. (Aust.), Ltd., 17 Preston Hou. @, McKay, A. G., Carney's Creek. via City. Boonab. Na soin, A., New inigtoii, S urnt. McKay, A. J. T., Castle Hill, Dugandan. Nason, C. E., Rockdale, Surat. McKee, Fiank P., C/o Winchombe Carson, .Nas,u, WX. . 11McIlwra th Street. Ltd., Eagle Street. Auchenflower. McKenna, Dr. T. R., Eagle Junction. Naylor, M. W., C/o Lanham & Co., Ltd., McKenzie, D., Immigration Department. 183 Mary Street. Edward Street. Naylor, W. A., Wongabel, Surat. McKensle, N., 183 George Street. Neal. James N., City Buildings, Edward McKillop, Dr. L. M., Preston House, Queen St. (Box 939, G.P.O.). Street. Needhani, F. C., titzro uiltings, I McKinney, John, Ruthven St., Toowoomba. Adelaide Street. McKinnin, A., 97 Queen Street. Needham, F. J., Narrien. Alpha. McKinnon, J., Thornlands. Cleveland' Neill, W. J., C/o Goldsbrough Mort C". McKinon, Peter. Upper Melbourne Street, Eagle Street. South Brisbane. Nesbit, James, 221 Queen Street McLaoblin, Peter A., New Zealand. Nettheim, Clarence M., C/o McMurtrie, Chambers, Queen Street. Ltd., 112 Edward Street. McLean, D)ouuald A.. "Duart," Southport. Nevill, F. G., "Tonora," Gaythorn Roal McLean, Peter, Dor noch Terrace. South Albion. Brisbane. Neville, W. (., Guthrie St., Paddington McLennan, Donald C., MLcLennan Street, Newbiy. Iugh, lianatoft Street. Kel i Albion C ro e. lcLennan, Hector, "Beautort Hill," Clay- Newell, John, Herberton. feld. Newman, E., C/o Thompson Bros. & Birch McLeod, K., W., Princess St., Bullmba. Ltd., George Street. MeLeod, R. G., C/o Prickly Pear Pro- Newman, G., Wyreena. ducts Pty., Dulacca. Newman, G. N., C/o Dalgety & Co., Eliz:a- MoLuckie, W. K., C/o Whincup & Coy., beth Street. Valley. Newman, 0. K., "Locknew," Ipswich Ro;,d McMahon. P., Swan Creek, Wuirwick. Tram Terminus. McManus, A. H., 101 Adelaide Street. Newman, J. Malcolm. Consulting Mine a McMartin, Hugh Macintosh, Pullen Vale, Engineer, Caboolture. Indooroopilly. Newmninii, K. iL c. o [Ii iversity Club, 5y McMaster, A. J. B., C/o McMaster Bros., aney. Winton. Newuome, V. E., Albilbah Station, Unge McNai,. Alex. 139 Adelaide Street. Sidiug, via Bluckall. McNab, J., Yandina, N. C. L. Nichol W. J., c/no Mrs. Mooney, Norma; MoNab, R. 8., Yandina. N. C. L Street. East Brisbane. Me a. o.. I .1.. 139 Adelaide Street. Nicholls, J. H., "Indanna," Graceville. McNaught, A. Gire, hudak Buildings. Nicholls, L. G., C/o J. Kenyon & SomM Queen Street. Edward Street. McNaught, J. F.. August Street, Toowong Nich a'' I]. F' &'.. Ilenudesort. McNlckle, L., Kilkivan. Nicholson .KM., "lvondale," Sandgate MoPhie, Alex., Toowoemba. Itoad, Clayfield. MoQuaker, W., "Qracroft," Blackall. N ieh olson, MI., Coomnbeia rl i I racom I)' ecQleen. A. A., 362 Merthyr Road, Newa Nickin, George F.. 303 Queen Street. Farm. Nickl'n, W. L., Box 8, Post Office. McQueen, John, Mountjoy Street, Petrie Woolloongabba. Terrace. Nicol, ionnel V., I-ox (ili 2. (. .O., Itrisam MoRae, N P., National Cash Register Coy. Nielsen, T. M., Box 21, Hundabec. of Australia Ltd., 843 Queen Street. Nielsen, E. W., C/o Massey, Harris & Co, McShimne. A. H., c/o Royal National Asso- South Brisbane. clation, Courier Building. Nixon, A., Stanley Terrace, E. Brisban"e McBwaine, D., C/o Johia Cooke & Coy., Ltd.. Nixon, F. o., C/o Bribane Timber Mel Eagle Stret. C'hants' Aesmu., Creek Street. Ii

ANNUAL MUMBERS-Continued. Noble, C. H., 367-369 Queen Street. O'Sullivan, M. N., 187 Queen Street. Noble, H., Mullens Street, Bullmba. O'Sullivan, Judge T., Supreme Court Noble, R. G., Rochester Terrace, Normanby Chambers, George Street. Hill. O'Sullivan, W. J., Jackson & O'Sullivan. Nolan, P., Mennolands, Southpine. Queen Street. Norden, J., 144 Queen Street. Overell, A. B., Overell's, Ltd., Valley. North, Arthur, "Moray," Wagner Rd., Overell, C. C., Overells Ltd., Valley. Clayfleld. Overell, Claud M., Beatrice Terrace, Ascot. North, Major F. R., Moggill Road, Overell, W. H., Overells Ltd., Valley. Indooroopilly. Oxlade, Allen M., Wickham St., Valley. Norup, S., Beaudesert Road, Cooper's Oxlade, George C., Corner Irving & Badger Plains. Streets, Newmarket. Nnsw.orthy, E. P., Isles' Lane. Oxlade. Wm., C., Wickham Street, Valley. Nosworthy, R. H., "Valetta," Langshaw Ozanne, C., Cooper's Camp Road, Padding- Street, New Farm. ton. Nott, F. L., Booran, Toogoolawah. Pace, A. H., Union Trustees Chs., 398 Nugent, Chris., Dayboro, via North Pine. Queen Street. Futley, G. Jnr., Teviotville. Pace, E. R., c/o R. S. Hunter, Ltd., 171 Nutting, (. W., Standard Plywood Ltd., Mary Street. Newmarket. Pace, F., Q.N. Bank Ltd., Queen Street: Nutting, J. B., Normanby, Harrisvllle. Packer, G., Cremorne Rd., Kedron. Nystrom, J. A., Booie, Kingaroy. Packer, J., C/o Packer Bros., & Begrie, Ontes, R. G., Estates, Cr. George & Queen Box 801, G.P.O., Brisbane. Streets. Packer, W., Richmond Street, Kedron. O'Beirne, G. C., Dickson Terrace, Toorak I'adgett, G. S., Thistle Street, Kedron. Hill, Hamilton. Page, Dr. Sidney, 71 Wickham Terrace. O'Brien, Claude H., Sinclair Street, East Pain, J. E., Howard Smith Ltd., Queen St. Brisbane. Paine, D. K., Crichton Street, Yeerongpilly ,'ilrien, B. E. Woodford. Paine, E. L., Crichton Street, Yeerongpilly ('Brien, I). F., Crossdale, via Esk. Paine, N., Zillman Road, Hendra. O'Hrlen, T., Q'land Primary Producers Co.. Paine, Robt., Ipswich Road, Moorooka. Ltd., Eagle Street. Palfery, Miss Alice, 398 George Street. O'Carroll, J. J., A.M.L. & F. Co., Creek St. Palmer, Alex. C., C/o State Advances O'Connor, B., Oakvale, Colinton, Nurinda. Corporation, Treasury Buildings. IO'Connor, Denis, Ashgrove. Pa lner, A. C. H., "1'almerosa," Hamilton. rn'onnor, S. J., Yabba Street, Ascot. Palmer, Edwin, Kin Kin, Cooran. O'UDonnell, Lieut .Col. F. M., "Ascanius," Palmer, E. H., "Cambrai," Birdwood Ter- Lytton Road, East Brisbane. race, Auchenflower. Ogg, C. W., Newmarket. Palmer, Miss Estelle, "Easton Gray." ('O;, Gordon A., Hazelwood, Longreach. Toowong. IRc. J. A., Auburn. Chinchilla. Palmer, Miss M. J. H., "Easton Gray," Ogg, B. R. A., Consuelo, Rolleston. Toowong. I >urman, R., Laidlaw Parade, East Panske, C., Toowoombi. Brisbane. Park, J. Hamilton, The. Banohinias. Yam- Okeden, C. F. Parry, Auburn. Chinchilla ala, C. R. Line. O'Keete, D., First Avenue, Wllston. Park, Leo., "Holmlea," Tenth Avenue, o'lKeefe, 1b. J., 11 Queen Street. Windsor. illeld, F., A. B. Pursell & Co., 351 Queen Park, W. McCallum, Enogr~ra. Street Parker, Claude J., 101 Brunswick Street. Olson, A. F. W., 395 George Street. Valley: O'Malley, L. T., C/o State Governmeni Parker, Gerald, "Uki," Tweed River, N.S. Insurance Dept., George Street. Wales . 'Mara, M., Rifle Range. Enoggera. Parker, H.. Watson Ferguson & Coy. Ltd., O'Nell, L. V., "Waltara," Lower Cairns Ter- South Brisbane. r'nc'. Red Hill. "urker,W., Brunswick Street, Valley. Oram, Chas., Campbell St., Bowen Hills. Parker. W. H., "Barrine," Atherton, via )Juhard, W. J., Fairfleld. BlackalL Cairns. ,iiI, A. D., Brackenridge, Sandgate. Parker, W. R., Nelson Chambers, Edward 'Reilly. Chas., Margaret Street. Street. O'Rourke. Thos. J., Liscrona, Ipswich Rd., Parklnson, Frank C., Charlotte Street. South Brisbane. Parkinson, Hugh, Brisbane Street, Ipswich. urneord, W. J., Chermside Street, High- Parnell, E. G., Wellington Point. Gate Hill. Parrish, W. K., Sun Insurance Office, 124 Orr. J., Constitution Road, Windsor. Creek Street. O'Ryan, J. G., 48 Young Street, Sydney. Parry, W. J., Oriel Road, Claytield. .shlorne, Lambert E., Newmarket. Paten, A. H., Tingal Hill, Wynnum. Obborne, W. G., Sedgley Park, Newmarket. Paten, J., "Walton," Ashgrove. 0 Shaughnessy, N. O., Central Technical Paten, J. H., Yandina. College, City. Paten, L. H., "Jeyandel," Calvert, S. & W. O'Shea, B., 182 Harcourt Street, New Farm. Line. O'Shea, C., Harcourt Street, New Farm. Paterson, D. S., Athol, Blackall. O'Shea, P. J., 43 Queen Street. 0'Shea, T, Harcourt Street, New Farm. Paterson, J. K., William Street. 0 'Shea, T. ., 48 Queen Street. Patrick, C. H., C/o Finney, Isles & Co., O'Sulllvan, Denis, Ashmount Station. Ltd., Queen Street. Muokadilla. Patterson, C., Sherwood Road, Toowong.

A , ,i r

ANNUAL MEMBEORSContinue. Patterson, Lewis 0.. Copeland Street. Phillips, F. C., Winchcornbe, Carson, I, 'Milton. 99 Eagle Street. Patterson, flay. ., "Ingleston," Charlotte Phillips, F. H., C/o W. H. Green, Ltd., P.,3. Street Wynlnum South. dlin gto f. Patterson, Win., "Avonmore," Sherwood Phillis, oseph, Sunyie, Wondai. Road, Toowong. Phillips, L. ., Moorelands, Cleveland West. Patn, Alex., Brunswick St~eet, Valley. P'hillips, Sydley,, d/o liolnun & Co. I.: Payil, A. C., Springvale, Gympie. Charlotte Street. Payne, A. L., Elder Street, Lambton, P'hillips, V. J.. Sydlney Steet, Newv FaItti Newcastle. N.S.W. I 'lii, C. .. C., Wyaralong. iteauesert. Payne, A. J., Grosvenor Flat, Mundubbera. Philp, it. C., C,'o Burns, Philp, & Co., Payne. Herbet, C/u ~enwick & Coy., Maryv Street. Edward Street. Phipps, James H., King Street. East Payne, J. H., Innsfail. Brisbane. Payne, L. 13., C/o Butler Bros. (Aust.), Phipps, Joseph, Cornwall Street, Gree'- Ltd., Charlotte Street. slopes. Peake, J. F., Mary St~eet, Auchenflower. Phipps, J. T., 229 ueen Street. Pearce, A. D., South British Insurance Coy., Phippa, W. T., Rathdonnll Street, Auchc1 Queen Street. flower. Pearse, R. W., "Rockdale," Gray Road, I'iliwoit h X., ''Stll)o,'' Spenlce ti West End. Itose Bay1), Synley. Peberdy, D.. Kndcana. 'ia Gymie. Peek, F. W., 276 Wickham Street, Valley. I 'ickls, A\., Wond ~i. Peel, J. H., "Lycullin," Norman Parade, Picken, G., Union Bank Chambers, Qu'n Eagle Junction. Street. Peel, XV.. co 0 1'e~ls L~ti., Stainly Sti'eet, Pike, Edwin, Pikte 1 ro:t., Ltd.. Queen South l'ibne. Pike, G. W. L., 365 BoundrIy Street, Spr'i Peler, C. Ml., "Salndlcs," lackall. Hill. Peglt', l'C ... Th''Iu ip ra Stat it, .\dAvale. Pegler, Lindsay, Nickavilla, Qtilpie. Peirce, Percy G.. Wren Street. Asfcot. Pike, Wanlter, I'ike Bi'o., tdl., Q~uene ' Peirson, A., Prisons Departmnent, Trasury Buildings. Pitt, R. C. J., Glenyrron, Charleville. Pender, W. S., IPendlet Bos., WVest M~aitlitd I 'ittend t,'lti:~1 XV. 1".. .G9S Boundary St. N. SW. Pehligoti, 4'. I., Itusell St'eet, Too- I 'itt sw oilh I'ixlc . A.. I~lflety~ & Cu(., ElizlltJi St Penhalion, W. H., River Road, Auichen- Plaisted, N. J., Nellie Street, Nundah. fower. Plumidge, J. E. S., Plumnrige Ltd., Vanl'~ Pent, It .J.. Lulltt nSteet, Satidigate. Plunkett T. Floodl, Beuprc, Deaudese . Petec~ost, II. L, Mc~hastet' Street, Pockley, H. R,, Roma Downis, Rora. Nutidb. Pocock, E. J., Palmecr St~eet, Windsor. PTeival, R., Sunny Gove, Redland Ba~. Pocock, Russell, "Inuilton Place." BoMl% Pecival, '. J., Iitige Stiet, S. Brisbane. 1- llsx. Perkins, W., Edmonl St~eet, Newted. Perkins, Win. H., W. H. erkins & Coy., t'ointoi. (leoig&* X, itussell island, Rid'- Woodford. Pert't,w i-i., "Tielawney," Bowen Bridge Pollard, E. H., Yellunga,1 Kalbr. I tond. Pollock, C. 0., "Rosslyn," via Mount Pet'~ Perry, J., C/o Perry B~os., Touig C11(ircu t',,o' ). C. It,) It)Sslti.'' Mol~ut Perry. ket'ske A., &'hlildets. Persse. C. P,.. -fawkwvoo. (layndab. Ia ll Buil'I I ntS s. Qeenl Steet. Persse, I~e Iuigh II., Wyanlbyn, Beau- 'Porter, Basi, Hewitt Steet. W'ilston. des 't.. Yte'it, A\. 'I'., Tbliit'd ~\iue~. Saltidga.. Peteroi, l1 A., 357-9 Goige Street. Porter, W. R., Norman Creceent, Norm;nt Peterset, .. Il., ''M lliatn,'' tlelld St ~te, Park. Portus, James A., Thomas Browni & Sot". Petrie, A. A., Mi'oochy River, via Yandina Eagle Street. Potri., A. L., M.L.A., Patlianent House. 'ottr, lolt't't XV., Tleg 'aph Chanlber Pettle, E. .. Co White & P~etri, Ltd.. Queen Street. Eliziltth Stteet. Potts, W. T., 154 Adelaide Sti'eet. Petrie, ,. 0., Ceetery~ Gates, Toowong. Poulson, 'Walton, Beechwood, Coorni. Petty, letty W.. loitpeller Mansions, North Coast Line. Wlckham Terinte~c. P-oultoi, ,. A., Wildle Steet, Wyinum. Petty, J. H., C/u Q. N. Bank Ltd., Valley Powll, A thul.t', ' Snit' Brs. & Le', Phelan, Frwicali Kituig ooo I't)i t. Ltd.. Adelai'le Strct. Phelan, E. G., Roston, Waterwo~ks Road, Powell, A. E., "Lueh," Coo1l~Ugtt. Red Hilh. Powell, C. A., 'altry h-oue. Eale ' PheliI, )a. T., M'Talker &1 Ferry Street., P'owe~r, Frank, c/o (41d. Agencie Ltd., Ma'yborough. Ceek Street. Phelan, Johln J.. A1lion Street, Albion. Phllli,H A. A., i o Aullanl t.oy. l't.. Lt., Pownall, W. T., Dackel, Many P'eaks. 1 431 Queen Street. P'rckrlt, MI'sR F'., Stiii l Ave 111. Sat,' - PZBtllips, A. S., Queen Street ytta. Pratt a,. Turbot Street. p~F~

89 ANNUAL MEMBERS--Continued. ~l:tW. .., "Lurea," Wave~ley Street, Rees, li. M., Prickly Pear Products Pty., lpwich Road, South Brisbane. u lacc. !entice, G. G., Kodak Buildings, Queen St. Reese, L. B., Crown Street, South Brisbane. 'resho, R. J., Reedy Creek Station, Taroom Reeve, S. C., Perkins Street, itoma. !resho, Thos. J., Reedy Creek Station, Reid, A. J., C/o .. C. Hutton, Ltd., Roma Ut Taroom. Reid, D. D., John Reid & Nephews, 'rston, C. N., C/o H. A. Alexander, Fruit Charlotte Street. Elxchange, Turbot St eet. Reidl, i'. FL A., c, u Q.N. Bank Lt., Queen 'ice, Vincent, C o Chief lngineer's Om~ce, St l'et. Ann Street. lic1, Ala ifolin~, "L llhu st,'' Adelaide St., 'riddycl, A. i. 'rince, A. E., C/o S. Hoffnung & Coy., Ltd., Charlotte Stret. Rilly. JuneM, -lotel Wells, 'lccd i-leads, 'ring, C. E., 438 Brunswick Str'eet. New N.S.W'. Farm. lieily. l isi It, C:eetery Itoad, Nuiid~h. a . ~.Aurra.I'. 'alonlar,' South - Reinke, Ci. C., Frenchtoxi, via Rosewood. Ifot. Jtefry, H., KEey St~eet, Morningaide. 'ritchard, A. H., "Chard," Blackall Terrace. Rietinet, S.. Lalla m Stret, [lowen Hills. East Brisbane. Renton, A. B., Adelaide Street. 'ritchard, G. H., Australin Sugar Ieiton. i'.. New eala 11(1 Produce~s Association, Edwarld Street. Reynell, Waltr, Reynella, th. Australia 'ritchard, James, Mt. Pleasant, via Reynoldls, E .R.. "Ennisview,' akey. Dayboro. Rieylols, W. H., Ranymond Terrac, S. 't~itchid, J. H., Dayboro. Brisbane. 'roaser, F. G., Surgical Suplies, Queen St. iti '. .. H (,5Q51i( I elll. (:yniie. 'rosser, W., Pring~ Street, Henidra. Rice, J., Elizabeth Street. 'rotheroe, A. H., Mlarket llds., Turbot Rice, J. T., Ascot. Street. Richad~s, . E., lUalfour Street, New 'rout, James, Victoria Avenue, Chelmer. 'rout John, 'Tillann, via eudesrt. Richards, A. 0., Mlorley Street, Toowong. ~rvince, Thos. HI., Roslyn, Alt. P'erry. Richardson, F. St. C., Charlotte Plains. , .C'.. (ulvatllis. ','uoolawah. Cu nnamu a. ~uln.E., Prairie Plils, WhyarI. itillha lsoli . A., IRiout. ~ukiss, L. D., New Zealand Inslurace Richardson, H. W., Vulture Street, East Coy., Queen Street. Brisbale. Rjitaid~csoi, A. A. J., Conio, Quilpi. Riiljtis. . ii, Qeen Sreet, .lubilee ~uiieosnsnd Fa~:rers~ Co-op. Co., Ltd., Estate, Paddington. lIovl (.J. ila~rdea;stle). Rilatt, 0., C/o Boys' Grammar School. eIrrlsll tal I"i iiils' Co-op. Co., Ltd., Gregory Terrace. Boovl (A. E. Maher). Riley. Chas. W.. 179 Mary Street. ~lii iliiiail FLlrers' C-op. Co., ~t., Riley, Sidney. 246 Queenl Street. Ioval (1). Sxelby). Ii~l', ii., Iitter t1r. ('teley, "Lurn- neIsaItUIIIL P~rtn1ers' Co-op. CO., Ltd., Bovl (H. Mi. Stevlis). Roach, H. Keith, Wyand~a. uiiin, T., Norman Avenue, Lutwyche. ~uirk. E.. C,o F~enick & Co., Fdtwar~d St. Red Hill. Pluodling, H. C., Deartment of Agriculture Robbins, C. II., Alma St~eet, Clayflld. & Sock, Willianm Sti'eet. lKo~liS. C. W. A., "~osebnik,' Auchen- Railcliffe, H., State,. Street, th. Biban. hI:f, I-larry), isles Love Buildins, Adelaide Robbins, W. E., He~bal institute, Auchen- St ie t. flower. Ilhitl, W., Vic:to~ia Terrace, Annerley. Roberts, A. A., Goodna.

I ;IISay, I (. I..., llna Street, ChlBIner St iei, 'I'o4)Vh~oolfiha. saySor \V, & titO~a ,Nothi Q~uay Roberts, John M., Nlugget i'olish Coy., of itatikn, W. J., Langalo. N.S.W. Australia, Williamtow, Victoria. R:'tson,1 JI. P., 2933-5 Adelaide 8treet. RObUirtM, iL. H., iUnuklaIid itoad, Nunlah. l:Lhey, ''10., 'Ra(;i n seombe,'' Ha~cOUt Roberts, S., Barry &I Robert, Queen Street Steet, 'reiierrfe.. Robe~t, T. H., MI.L.., "Huec ecote," Iirig eL Street, Troow'oottllib. I. ViiisnJ.i. I.0 il~lu'S td, 13- 8:17 Sussex Stret, Sydneyc Robertson, H., Villiers Street, New Farm. Iti, ient. T. J., 62"-64 Queeni Street. Robertson, J., "Myola," Sndgte. ha:, lnio, A. L., Raymlonld & Hossack, Ltd., Robertson, Mure H., Audit Omfce, Treasury Valley. Buldinsi. hlttli 0. Al., P.O). Box. 10, Wiiton. Robe~ton, Dr. W. N., Wickham Terrace. lttuablng' (eo. P., Petre, N.C. Line. Robertson, W. S., C/o Mu~e H. Robertuon I~lL..lg;S W. C., "Wenldovr," D~akabil. Brighton Road, West End. i~.iy, chs. P'., "Vuroville," Sydey St., Roberton, W. T., C/o Rlobeton, Tait & New 'nrm. Co, Adelaide Street. I:. 'II i'L. '., ~utwyche Chanilbet's, Aelaide Str~et. Robinson, H. A., Hamilton Road, Moorooka Robinson, J. Nicol, 334 Queen Street. 1it.,,i His honour Justice, Coorparoo. Robinon, J. W., "Knpton," 811 Vlllers Street, New Farm. Itees, H. ., Cae~leon, Maleny. Robinson, T., C/o W. Robinson, Bald Hills. __

90 ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued. Robinson, W., "Glencoe," Bald Hills. Scanlon, M., Union Hotel, Petries Bight Robinson, W. J., 70 Vulture St., West End. Scanlon, P., Stock Exchange Hotel, Queen Robinson, W. R., Margaret St., Toowoomba Street. Robson, W., Moray Street, New Farm. Scanlan, V., Swan Terrace, Bowen Bridge Roche, J., "Wyuna," Cintra Road, Bowen Schell, E., Johnson & Sons, Queen Street. Hills. Schiver, H., Marne Road, Morris Strc t. Rode, W. J., Brunswick Street, Valley. Albion Rogerson, A. F. C., Stanthorpe. Schmidt, C. H. J., Burranbilla Station, Romer, B., Samuel Allan & Sons, Albert Cunnamulla. Street. Schmidt, I. C. H., Goolburra, Offham. Rose, Charles, Charlton St., Ascot Western Line. Rose, M. G., Pioneer Street, Toowong. Schmidt, Miss Mary, Alice and Pallis St . Rose, Thomas, Eudlo. Ma ryborough. Ross, C. J., "Kersal," Lytton Rd., Bullmba. Schofield, J. E., Jackson & Schofleld, Ross, K. D., "Woolerbilla," Dirranbandi. Bexley, Greenmount. Ross, R., Primrose Terrace, Paddington. Schooley, B. L., Intercolonial Boring Coy.. Ross, Win., "Malvern," Ipswich Road. Ann Street. Rosser, John H., Hillview, via Beaudesert. Schultz. E. E. Von, Bank of New South Rothera, H., Sarum, via Bell. Wales. Townsville. Rothwell, T. J., Edward Street. Scott, A., Parbury House, Eagle Street Row, Dr. E. R., Bux 11. Kilcoy. Scott, A. H., Hornet Bank, Taroom. Rowan, J. S., Rockland, Warwick. Scott, A. H. G., Box 15 Abbotsford, Rowton, R.. Imperial Hotel, Toowoomba. Toogoolawah. Rowton, W., "Carinya," Stephens Road, Scott, Andrew P., Hornet Bank, Taroc'n South Brisbane. Scott, C. E., Hornet Bank, Taroom. Rudd, W. G., Mudgeeraba, South Coast Line Scott, Mrs. E. G., Swan Terrace, Windsor. Rudd, W. H., C/o Walter Reid & Co., Scott, George, Tait Street, Kelvin Grove. Rockhampton. Scott, Hugh T., Hornet Bank, Roma. Ruddle, E. H., Royal George Hotel, Valley. Scott, James, Toorak Hill, Hamilton. Rule, N. M., Gracevale, Gayndah. Scott, J. It., Glenmoral, Banana. Russell, Dr. Eustace. 63 Wickham Terrace. Scott, Dr. Kerr, Brunswick Street, N,'w Russell, F. L., Wm Haughton & Coy., Farm. Parbury House, Eagle Street. Scott. Percy, Murray Street, Mayne Russell, H. M., 98 Eagle Street. Scott, R.. Box 794, G. P. O.. Brisbane. Russell, J. c/o Mt. Etna Fertilizers Ltd., Scott, R. J., Gray Road, Hill End, So' th Roma Street. Brisbane. Russell, M. 0. C., Merivale Street, South Scott, Robert L., Hornet Bank, Taroon: Scott, Wmin., Wattlebrae, Kingaroy. Brisbane. ; . Russell, T. W., C/o James Clark, Union Scott. Win., "Burnclutha," Valentine Bank Chambers, Queen Street. Toowong. Rust, A. H., Morningside. Scriven, E. G. E., Department of Agri Ruthning, W., Ruthning Works, Logan culture & Stock, William Street. Road, South Brisbane. Scrymgeour, .Jas.. Netherby, Warwick. Rutledge, F. H., Clifford St., Toowoomba. Scully, J. J., 81 Langshaw Street, New Rutter, T. J., 217 Queen Street. V'arm. Ryan, E. T., Sandgate Road, Albion. Seabrook, G. K., 42 Adelaide Street. Ryan, P. F., Waterford, Goondiwindi. Searle, H. E., Bank of New South Wal.,s. Ryan, .1. II., South Pine Ioad, Alderley. South Brisbane. Ryan, K. S., Harcourt Street, New* Farm. Sears, J. H., "Dorra Tor," Laura Strect, Ryan, M., Hynes Street, Bowen Hills. South Brisbane. Ryan, T., Victoria Street, Mackay. Seib, Robert, Scarborough, via Redcliffe Ryder, G. R., Queen Street. Sellers, I. I'., Markets, ltoiiia Street. Ryland, It., (c/o Resident Engineer, Ran- Sellars, R. B., Markets, Roma Street. nes, via Mt. Morgan. Selwood, Dr. James L., King Street, E: t Sabine, Major W. R. E.. Boundary and Peel Brisbane. Streets, South Brisbane. Serisier, H. M., Toolburra Vineyards. Sachil. W. J., Enterprise Metal Products Warwick. Ltd., Valley. Sevier, E. A., C/o Vacuum Oil Ppty., Sadgrove, (".L., A.M.IP. IuiliiKgs, Edward Ltd., Bulimnba. Street. Sewell, A. J.. Hart Road, Indooroopllly Zillman 1:. Sagar, A. H., Nelson Chambers, Edward St. Sewell, G. W., "Strathcona," Saint, G., Annie Street, New Farm. Hendra. Office, Railw *' Saltita init, 1i., "Salantari 5," Soutliport. Sexton, R. E., t Engineer's Departmen . Ann Street. Sanders, J. W., I'etrie. Po Sanders, K. A., South Comongin. Quilpie. Shackel, T., Thorn Street, Kangaroo Sands. John L., C/o E. Butler & Sons, Shanimler, W. H., (lympie. Ltd., Queen Street. Shand, 0. A.. "Hlllt p," Cnrnnon IHill. Sands, R. 0., Brunswick Street, New Farm. Shil(ni, Hi.s: Hionour, ,Julstirt-, "St. Alan Sapsford, H. A. L., Bowman House, .lainl St Kgiiil:ai(o I'oint, Adelaide Street. Sh:liIaton. Alan, Salt Bush Park, St. Sapsford, Percy C., Northgate. Lawrence, Mackay. Sault, Frank, "Uraro," Brighton Road, 1, Brisbane. ShaIIII.in , .J)|iIn, "W yall.-," 'l ')oowooni:it Savage, W. T., Ramsay, Cambooya. Shannon, P. W., Land Court, Execut!\* Bayle, 0. R., Watson Ferguson & Coy., Buildings, George Street. Ltd., South Brisbane. Shailanid, Mt :. I., "l)evon," 'Theebine T

ANNTJAL MEl~MBUS-ContilUd c, o Haringtofls Ltd., Queen Sharp, A. E., C/o Thorp & Sharpe, Smith, Johni. Lane. Street. les Park, Hughendei. Sharpe, F'. Rt., Thos. Heaslop & 'wy., Roma Smith, Jaimes, Renfrew Street. Sith. .1 .. len ~ewI ;rk I uhenden. Upper Moray Share, 0. W., Kent Road, W*..oloowin Smith, J. F., "Hammondale," Sharry, C., Obi Obi, via Namtju~. Street, New Farm. Shaw, E. J., "Fairmont," Sandlgale. Zilimlee. Shiaw, E. M., "Telemon," eaudeet. ~iaiw, Halnilton, C;O J. Jackson: & Coy., Smith, . J., Woistofi, lpswich Line. Roma Street Sith, .. Nixon, "Tarong," lakonfy St. BRisbane. Sha;w. halilton l S., co 0 McNult\ & Shaw. South C oriiei Gog &:u~Ai o\ni Strets. Sith N. M.. O~xiey Central. th. Brisbne. Smith, Laurence Stevens, Mt. Joseph, Shaw, J.. Dornoch Terrace, B~rooweefla. Sit w, .1 otri S.. ('0 itier Geor#e & AnnII Sir'S. S., Latrohe Terrace, l'addington. SllthI,rlt. Selwn. ILcauesert. Sheard, 8mn th.Nora; ii ~n St ree. BaWclie J unc tion. h~ills. Sheehy, X. J., Sydney Pincorhe Ltd., Smlith, N. S., Junction St~et, Serwood. Preston Houe. Smith, H. E. Nixon, Box 795 .P.O., Brie. 'lilthemlt Fredlk. C oT. F'rina ( ust.) Smith. H. Sinclair, A. M. L. & F. Coy. L..ttt.. ( hn Sitit tin~'s Point, 129 Creek Street. Sydneyr?, N'.S.W. Smiti, T., Hoovl. Sliurilock, . c o 51mcw Scrtii v. I pswi'h. Smith, T. E., Australian Mutual Insurance Coy.. Eagle Street. Quiltle. Smith. Wi.. Ynan, Cheese Factory, New Farm. Shields, T., Villiers Steet, Ashrove. Shiillingbami J., 3(i7 Queen Street. n itt), X.. I-I iliies\tiook Street, Smlith,. \V. I I.. Wnd~fod~. Valley. Sith. X. U;., Chelrn.rd Avenue, WooIoo- beth, Street.t Smythe. John, O'Connell Terrace, Bowen Shortt, F. E., 128-130 Cree reet. Hills. Smthe, Richard, Muagrave Road, Red Hill. Enelling, E., 147 Terrace Street, New Farm Simon, Ernest A. mA Rlomna .4treet. Inelling, T. A4., Riverview Terae. Wi., Ho ua Street. Hamillton. Siemon. & Snelling, Sllvestei. \. S. ?edleral Chambers, Queen Snelling, W. M., d/o Chapman Street. Eagle Street SImoin, C.. l3oonrah. Snevdl, iss .toyce. Ma1ry Street. Chermside. Alderlev Soden, J., Ipswich Roatd, South Briban. Sipson, A. E., "Ald~rley H~edlge, Street, Annerley. Sipson, A. J., Clifton. Hamilton, Victoria. Stolen, W. C'., (.011105M Siipson, Te., Strth~ine. Solomon, H., C/o N.Z. Loan &c M. Aency, Eagle Street. Snclair, 0., Kildare, Eidsvold. Solomn,1 .. "(ly'mPie Timne,' Gympie. (C. H. Somerset, H. P., Caboonbah, Toooolawah. in~er ewing Machine Coy. Street. Publin: Offcer), Queen St. South, F. L., Kodak Ltd., Queen Pickworth, South unett Co-op. Dairy Co., Ltd., . 4 Ii, 1. I i., l.ti iiti stoe Strect, South iriba le. Muoron (W. 5. Hartley). 5 Southemlrl, R W.. 'leti Aplin. Staithorpe. 'ii)))ll(ti). I Sevtoeen, ile Hlcks, ( )ley inmon J.. G~oodna. Southern, G. T., "Boronia," New Farm. Southe~n, H. C., Mrkwell St., Auchen- >1 I. itvid,. I nimlivdll~ Steet, Spi'ing: Hill. Skinner, C., Deihton Roadl, th. Bixisne. flewer. SI.irvng, J., I 'rilce St reet, Cn rln ron Sparkes, E., Mlayfeld Street, Hamlton. Sparkes. P. Gr., C/o G;regory & Davidson, Skrng, H. S., Sawmills, East Bundaber. Street. SI: ik, C. J., Ingi~wo~tl. Edward Sparks. W. H., Melbourne Street, South SI' ie, A\. F:. (;Ieiriel.. (ioir. Srishan e. Sii'alllbone, XV.. Wllinton Ih., Kangaro Point. Speedy, W. H., Thargomindr~lh. hiiey, W'. E., Mry~ Street, ytnpie. ~ Spence, L. H., E. Rich & Co.., Ltd., Whrf Street. Si) ith, Alex., Redhlnk. Spencer. A., Cornda. 5 Mary St. Spencer, C ''.. Chanrlevill. '.iith, A. A., urllns Pblilp &r Co.,. Stret. Sni1th, A. G.. C/c C. Chi~istl, Ithca St., Spencer, Leon'd, Edward ). i unubera. Normnby. Spor, ~'.\ na. SI ~th,A. 1-.. ''Inleton,' iv Wn lurn South. Spiro, L. IL, Manr" Street. Bros., 394 Geore St Sprarke, 0. T., Wooditolck Street, Mar7- Siiith, A. W., Slith borouh. ~::i)~Iii C Wlligtoi St, *[etrie Ter~ace. Stud, Siih, lDonl, "The Paii," Bquet Street, Spreser,, Wi., Cantion Jersey End. Brassall, near Ipswich. West Sin C,og 'err," ('oop~l's Plains. I~!i!(I~ ''\Voi;iic,; ho'' ltlit I St ret, dlight Miler llins. Btiith, E. 0., C/o Smith Bos., 19J4 Geore Spry, C. F., Flowerdale. ocklea. St~eet. Spurgin, C. A., 288 Queen Street. S uth 0. State School, Nundlah. Staey.ii.H..Thornlnnd, Cleveland. Stacey, G. W. "Astori,' ~raceVIl.

_ _ _

92 ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued. Stack, G. B., Mail Branch, G.P.O. Stuart, H. N., Box 41 P.O., Murwillumba' Brisbane. N.S.W. Stafford, A., Box 337, G.P.O., Brisbane. Stumm, C., Inns of Court, Adelaide Struet Staines W. J., Fernbank, via Bell. Stumm, C. W., Glencoe, Cunnamulla. Standish, R. A., "Ashby," Albion Road, Stumm, F. E., "Mt. Spencer," via Mack y. Albion. Stump, L., New Farm. Stanfield, F., Alexander Road, Ascot. Suddolz, A. E., Riverton Street, Claytieli Stanfleld, W. E., Exhibition Street, Howen Sueyek, A., C/o Johnson & Sons, Queen St Mills. Sumner, George I.. Norman Parade, 1s. B Stanley River Co-op. Co., Ltd., Woodford Junction. (R. Bryden). Sumner, R. F., Norman Parade, Eagle Stanton, A. A., Neurum, Kilcoy Line. Junction. Stark, R. B., Allan & Stark Ltd., Queen St. Sutton, C. Ii., Hilainbil, via Tweed Hes Etedman, J., Blakeney Street, Highgate Sutton, Ellis, Isisford. Hill. Sutton, F.. Lake Nash, Northern Territi Steer, G. R., Railway Dept., Brisbane. Suaki, H. 0., 4S Petrie Terrace. Steggall, E. M., c/u Griftiths Bros., Queen Sveiiene , ('apt.. "Norway,' Norman Pail Street. Swayne, E., M.L.A., Parliament House Stephens, A. G,., Byrniong, Bowen Terrace Sweetmai. E. J. cdo tirhant & Coy., ( I New Farm. lotte Street. Stephens, H., Breakfast Creek. Sykes, E., 48 Costin Street, Valley. Stephens, Llew., Heath St., East Brisbane. Sykes. V., Duke Street, Bulimba. Stephens, P. J., Kodak Buildings, Queen St. Stephens, R. H., Bowen Terr., New Farm. Syme, P. J., Parbury House, Eagle Strt Siiii~. ('ha:S., t !o (leo. Ieiinis. St. Osi Stephens, R. T., Union Trustees Chs., Queen Street. Street. Toowong. Steven, J., "Muluarrumbi," Collins Street, Symons, Dolph, William Street, Rock Clayfield. haxptoti. Steven, Hnrold II. "St. itowans, New- Tait, J, WindAsor Rd., Red Hill. market Itoad. Wilston. Tait. .Jobli, Towaut in Stevens, O. B., C/o Wm. Gibson & Sons, T''ait. Itoieit, "c'uli:i,' .JaImc; Stroet, 'I Kedron. wi am hl:t . Stewart, A. D., Bald Hills. Talht, S. W. lidge Street. off Glouct Stewart, C. J., Criterion Hotel, George St. St jeet. Sru th IrBisiaie. Stewart, D. F., Pine Shire Council, Tanner R. II., Mills, Tanner & Young. C(oimmz.erce House1011. .\Ielaide Street Strathpine. Condeir'- Stewart, E. I )., Aulst raliani I ank of ( '(n- Tapsa il. W. 11. Nest lie .11ilk merce, Ipswich. Toogoolnwah. Stewart, I). J., Mrs., "Sylvan Wood," Rose Tarlinton, T. J., Virginia Avenue, Street. and Kent ]{o:uul Eagle Junc. Hawthorn. Stewait, io . 1-leilbert J., Old Sandgate ltd., Tatlliei. (1 , Glenusrl,:uir.1.' ('runiinll:r Al ion. Taylor, Charles. C/o h. S. ton Ltl. Stewart, J. T., Howard Street, Bayswater. Queen Street. Stewart. Phil., Dunlop Rubber Coy., Taylor, Charles, Charles Taylor & C .. Adelaide Street. Roma Street. Stewart, Iltot, tewairt & ( a. ., 1(ail Tayloc, C. C., "Vere-de-Vere," Emily 't, Street. Sonutii I risnlulie. llighgate Hill, South llrisane. Stewart, T., "Fairyknowe," Rosyln Street, Taylor, Edward, Taylor & Colledge Iil, East Brisbane. Charlotte Street. Stimpsoli. F.. .. Fai fielil I ai, Suith Bii shanle. Stewart, 1. .. .G., "A voel," 'T'oruM,.olab:L h. Taylor, John, Itussell Park, Surat. Stinmon, J., Rorna. Taylor, J.... Emily Street, Highgate 11 i. Stirling. W. L., Giiiilowur, l'ittsw,,ith South Brisbnne. Stirling, Thos. J., Gunbower, Pittsworth. Taylor, .1. it.. 41) Wickhamn St., Valle' stirrat. A., GaO field, Gladstone. Taylor, Capt. R. D., Circular Quay, Petriew Stirratt, A. H., Euron, Gladstone. Bight. Stirrat, J. D., Carinya, Gladstone. Taylor, ItI Sr iileison. Irisirrie News p: Stitt, John, Baynes Ltd., South Prisbane. U.,Con iI tiiluliugs. Stitt, J1., l-aynliS Ltd.. ,Hun LiiIri..1r ie. Taylor, R. Willis. Taylor & Colledge 1. l. Stockwell Mrs. 1E. II. "Kewferr ," Stone- Charlotte Street. leigh Street, Alhioii. Taylor, Dr. V. B., Galloways Hill, Norri ri Stone, C. A., Bristol Pottery Works, Park. Coorpa roo. Taylor, Dr. W. F., Preston House, Qu' Stopford, .Jamies, .\IL.A., Rose Street. Street. Annerle Tnefey, J. P., "Murwil," Muegrave Rd Storer, George, 345 Queen Street. Red Hill. Storie, J. Junr., Windsor Road, Red Hill. Telford. W., Stiite Eletorail Office, lEdi" Story, G., Sturmtels, Ltd., Creek Street. Street. Story, 3. D., Riverton Street, Alhion. Terrors' Creek & Samson Vale D. C. Story. W., A. M. E. Coy., Towneville. Ltd., Dayboro (W. D. Forbes). Street, William, 173 Ann Street. Terry, Arthur, "Weerina," Yauina, S. & Streeter, Dr.. Cavendish Rd.. Coorparoo Terry, T. S. B., Saranac. Stamford. '1a Strong, H. A., Indooroopilly. Hughlenden. Stuart, G. P., Union Bank, Queen Street. Tew, W. H., Musgrave Road, Red Hill

__( _ _ 93 ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued. Teys, Mrs. E., "Wyvera," Sherwood Road, Torrance, David, Wooloowin. Toowong. Tozer, S. D., Stephens & Toner, George St. Theaker, Thos. F., Shire Council, Harris- Tozer, Vivian H., Mary Street, Gympie. ville. TraCkson, I'. S., Iracecourse Road, Ascot. rhiele, F., Myrtletown, via Pinkenba. Trail, Albert, C/o Trails Ltd., Newstead. Thiel, F. W. Junr., Adelaide & Creek Sts. Trail, C. S., Newstead. Thomas, F. J., C/o Mactaggart Bros., Trail, David, Newatead. Adelaide Street. Traill, D. J. Junr., Lutwyche Street, Thomas, (1. H., Montague tonmi. West End. Wooloowin. Thomas, Henry, Harts Road, Indooroopilly. Trail, I., Newstead. Thomas, Henry, "Kensington," Ann Street Traill, T. T. F., "( y iith in,'' Eidsvold. Thomas, Mrs. Lewis, "Brynhyfryd," Traill, T. W., "Cynthia," Eidsvold. Ipswich. Trautweiler, C., Underwoods Bond, Albert Thomas, R. W., C/o J. Kitchen & Sons, Street Newstead. Traves, A. W., Chermside. Thomas, W. H.. P.O. Box 9, Rosewood. Trenerry, . A., Ekibin Road, Annerley, Thomason, A. W., Maleny. Trenerry, H. S., Rickard Avenue, Bondi Thompson, Alexander, Cocks Road, Cherm- Sydney. side. Trethewie, G. G., 5, Closeburn Avenue. Thompson. Andrew* "Mayo," Merthyr Rd., Windsor, via Melbourne. New Farm. Trevetlhan, Walter M., Elizabeth Street. Thompson, C. L., Colonial Mutual Treweeke, F. L., Culbokie, Noondoo Siding. Chambers, Queen Street. N.S.W. Thompson, Dr. Robt., Wickham Terrace Tritton, F., 260 George Street. Tiimiso , Alex, M n tag ue It l South Trotter, W. G., Jackett Bros., Heaslop I lribanle. Buildings, Roma Street. Thomson, A., Ormeau, South Coast Line. Trout, F. L., C/o R. Trout & Sons, Red Hill. Thomson, A. P., Marnhull, 1)alby. Trout, Richard, Waterworks Road, Ash- IT!h.risoim, .\. I'., "Wombo," Itochemlcle ltd., grove. l'ight .Mile Plalins. Trout, R. P., Red Hill. Thomson, E., C/o Dalgety & Coy., LtL Trout W. .. , It. Trout & Sons, fled Hill. Elizabeth Street. Trouton, W., Corner Edward & Elizabeth T; iiu on. , M s. 10. TI., "Ituenalclinia,~" 1 Streets. Hioipe, viai 310(1stome. Trude, J. H .. 518-524 Queen Street. Thonmson, Miss E. L., C/o Frasers Ltd., Trudgian, C. G., Charles St., New Fario. 142 Queen Street. Trudgian, Stuart C., C/o MacRobertson's, Th'mnson, H., Pine Street, Bulimba. 278-80 Adelaide Street. Th >mson, Dr. J. Mowbray, Wickham Tucker, A. J., Corner Empress & Juliette 'rerrace. Streets, off Ipswich Road. Tii£son on, 311 Q ueen Street. T'lli*er. WV.Jlw ley Street. ('lnytield. T 1Non, J. 1., "Tollcross," Barker St., Tuckett, A. J. Rocklea. Vlast I1lmislhane. 'ru lt,. J. C.. lIto Sto tionl, Adavole. khioson, N. W., Repatriation Department, Tunley, R. F., Wickham Street, Valley. Mary Street. 'iurich, C. H., Heidleberg Benaraby, North Coast Line. Tb mn, C. It., 203 .iamc: St., Teneriffe. Turley. I". W., Queen's Park, Ipswich. ri ipe, F, Newton Street, Coorparoo. Turner, Dr. A. J. Wickham Terrace. Ti lie, F., City Architect's Dept., Bris- Turner, F., Strathmuir, Rockhampton. IaIIIe City Council. Turner J. lI., Wyoga Station, ( ooiniiwindi. Th ie, 1. II., IHorton Rd., Hawthorne. Turner, R. D., Mackler & Co., Elizabeth St. Itulimb a. Turnor, H. J., The Holmwood, Neurum. Ii nip, Win. 11., ''hO liiSto,( Itolmo. Tumor, Jas. T.. The Holmwood, Neurum. Thrlow, Johim, rio John Thurlow & Sons Tu1ner, W. T., Villiers Street, New Farm. Ltdl., Albion. Tweedale, J., Abbot Street, Ascot. Th i ne. A. J., A.1.1'. chramers, Ed ward Twomey, M., Adelaide Street. Street. Tynan, A. M., Foley Bros., Roma Street. lTiil, C. F., (lunyan, Inglewood. Tyrwhitt, H. S., Yandarlow, Augathella. rihil. C. II., ( :imrinutlmlluain, South (lrfton, Uhl, Alfred, Petries Bight. N.S.W. Uhl. 0. L, Petries Bight. T1 Imle, Wan. It.. l'amk Vole, ('lermonI. Uhl, Herbert, I'etries Bight. TiIlr, Di. W., McLennan Street, Alhion. Uhimnaun, F. J., "Emnoh Ruo," Lota Road, Timl 11, M. J., Campbell St., Bowen Hills. Manly. Tillt J II., l'nlmn A vm'tuet, Ascnt. Ioddhunter, W. J., "Cambria," Dunmore Ure, J. Canning, "St. Ives," Crescent Roa4. Terrace, Auchenflowe". Hamilton. Tolman, Arthur, "Miora," Bowen Terrace, Usher, (leorge J., "Ducobrook," Bogan- New Farm. tuii gai. Tolman, E. E., "Miora," Bowen Terrace, Unnde. W. ('., Weewolllla Longrech. New Farm. Valen tine, J. I.., (h'osvehlor IRuad, Ton1 bs, Alan D., "Waverley," McGregor Indooroopilly. Avenue, Lutwyche. Valeti ne, W., King Street, East Brisbane. TLimkins W. J., Whetstone, Inglewood. Valentine. W., N.Z. Chs, Queen Street. Toohey, Patrick, Baynes, Ltd., South Vallely, Peter, Australian Hotel, Queen St Briabane. Vaughan, V. W., Hamilton Road, Hamilton. Tooth, Leslie H., C/o Weetman & Coy., Vernor, W. H., Cluen, Vernor Siding, 48 Petrie Terrace. 3. V. Line.

m _ __-__~ __-__-___~_ I_ 94 ANNUAL MEMBERS--Continued Verrall, James, Boonah. Warnock, A., C/o Smellie & Co., Ltd.. Vowles, Joseph. Millwood, Morven. Edward Street. Wade, H. C., Commercial Union Assurance Warnock, A. H., Employers' Liability Coy., Eagle Street. Assu. Corp., Parbury House, Eagle Si Wade, J. H., Box 21, Post Office, Kilcoy. Warr, J., Hillcrest, Nundah. Wade, J. T., Wadeleigh, Boompa, Gayndah Warwick Butter & Dairy Co., Ltd., ';l Line. Hill (J. E. Nussey). Wagner, A. J., Cemetery Road, Nundah. Warwick Butter & Dairy Co., Ltd., Ill Wagner, A. R., C/o Wagner & Surawski, Hill (J. J. Searl). Boonah. Wassell, J. W., Chester Street. Teneri fe Wagner, B., Box 2, Post Office, Kilcoy. Waters, A. T., c/o Wilcox. Mofflin, & (' Wagner, Fred, Cio Barnes & Co., Ltd., Alice Street. Roma Street, City. Waters, .A. T., Lanefleld. Wagner, G. W., Howes Road. Nundah. Waters, C. J. T., Ualway Street, Bov. i Wagner, H. J., Box 2, Post o(ffice, Kilcoy. Bridge. Wagner, J., Ironside-. Tocw " ng. Watkins, It. C. South Killarney. Wainwright. E., Courier Bldgs., City. Watson, A., 276 Wickham Street, Val , Wait, A. R., "Telkawarra," Caboonbah, Watson. A,. Q'ld. Bedstead C'oy., Milton Toogoolawah. Watson, Bruce, C. T. A. Club, Brisbane Walt, R., Murrumba, Esk. Watson, D. J. R., Inns of Court, Adeli l Walduck, F. C., "Oakland," Upper Edward Street. Street. Watson, (eorge, .'o Watson Bros. I ,I Walker, Dr. A. R., Edward Street. Margaret Street. Walker, A. C., Knockroe, Kowbi, Isis Watson. George A., Q'land Bedstead C(',, Branch. Milton. Walker, A. L., Mt. Kenilworth, Brooloe, Watson. H. I'., Kidaman Creek, via N Walker, A. T., Taunton, Lowmead, via hour. Bundaberg. Watson, Henry B.. "Bonara," Yerongn Walker, C. C., Mary Street. Wlaton, J. F., c/o Watson Bros., Ltd., \1 - Walker, E. C., Harrow, Cambooya. garet Street. Walker, F. L., Grangeville, Herston Road. Watson, .1. (., Dornoch Terrace, West 1:i Kelvin Grove. Watson, J. H., C/o A. Watson & Son, Wll- Walker, F. P., Glenlyon, Stanthorpe. ington Hd., East Brisbane. Walker. George, Commonwealth Audit Watson, Richard, Booval. Office, Brisbane. Watson, Samuel. Brisbane St., Ipuwiti Walker, J. B., North Rockhampton. Watson, S.. Toowoomba. Walker, .1. J., Deshon St., South Brisbane. Watson, W.. Banchory, Theehlire Walker. J. R. C., Knockroe, Kowbl, Isis Watson. W. .. , Brisbane Streel Ipswi r, Branch. Watt, E., Ballina. New South Wales. Walker, L. E., Mary Street. Watt, E. J., C/o Dalgety & Co., Eliza lct' Walker, W., Palm Avenue, Sandgate. Street. Waller, L. P., Parliament House. Watts. George. Ann St., I ulinmba. . Wallin, C., 92 Ann Street. Waugh, George. Osborne & Waugh. 3 Walls, Chas., Norman Street, Wooloowin. Queen Street. Walmsley, H. J., Chelmer. Wearne, R. A., Central Tech. College, Walmsley, John, "Malvern," Lily Street, Brisbane. Sherwood. Weatherlake, 0. F. ('/o Morehead's ' ' Walsh, A. D., Dalgety & Co., Elizabeth St. Mary Street, Brisbane. Walsh, J. A., Colonial Mutual Chambers, Webh. (' WV., Statfford-on-Kedron. Queen Street. Webb, H. C., Wylie Street. Toowoonil Walsh, Mrs. L., Earl Street, Red Hill. Webb, Mark, Stafford-on-Kedron. Walsh, Rev. Father. Wooloowin Webb, R. J.. Spencer Block, Queen StretI Walsh, Richard. Walsh & Coy., Toowoomba Webl. W. I'.. C/o Pointon & Webb, Walton, P. V., Brunswick Street, Valley Newstead. Waraker, Eric, Adelaide Chambers, Webhb, Dr. W. S., Vulture Street, S, uth Adelaide Street. Brisbane. Warby, G. A., "Coomnrith," 1)alh. Webster. , N.. Yarralla. Maleny. Ward Air.. Auckland St., Gladstone. Webster, C.. Queens Road, Hamilton Ward: Alfred, "Greenbank," Toorak Road. Webster. David, Annerley Road, Son" Hamilton. Brisbane. Ward, Chas. I'. c/o Mactaggart Biros., Street. Welrter, S . l.Maleniv. Adelaide Webster, George L., Webster & Coy., !.''' Ward, C. H., "Mllrose," Hobbs Street. Street. Auchenflower. Webster, J. M., Hereford Hill. Kilho' Ward, G., Box 247 G.P.O. We)ster, .lohn T., Bullmba St., Bulin'lA Ward, G. W., Moses Ward & Sons, Queen Street. Webster, S., "leniris." Kiloy. Webster, T. J., "Willacora," via Cu Ward. J. W., Moses Ward & Sons, Queen St. mulla. Ward, Oswald, Sandgate. Wecker, E. J., Tngoora. Ward, R. T., Mount View, Gunalda Welrh, .T., Sunnybank. S. C. Line. Wardell, J. E., Q'land Primary Producers Weller, .Joh',nn G.. Esk. Co-op. Agency Ltd., Eagle Street. \Vells. T'ho. Ii,. "Nara," 32 Ileichhar,'' F Ware, Wm., Meatworks, Redbank. Wellstead, W. A., "Lockyer," New Sanh,:r' Road, Clayfleld. Warlow, G., Crow's Nest. Wendrof. \. Z. (C., lIo') lli. Warneminde. M. H., Hotel Victory, Cooroy. West, Bert., Zlllman Road, Hendra. 95 ANNUAL MEMBERS--Continued. Westacott, R., Hamson Terrace, Nundah. Wilkinson, J. A., Newlands, Wamuran, Kil- Westaway, E. J., Rocklea. coy Line. Wethered, R., C/o Brabant & Co., Char- Wilkinson, J. J., Nambour. lotte Street. Wilkinson, J. R.. Dowse St., Paddlngton. Wetzel, E., City Baths, Spring Hill. Wilkinson, P., "Waratah" Wine Stores, Weymouth, T. G., Violet Avenue, Yeronga. Valley Corner. Whalley, W., Nambour. Wilkinson, R. J., Daisy Street, Newmarket. VWhatmore, G. W., Q'land Motors Ltd., Willcocks, R. J., "Strathflnella, Longreach Adelaide Street. Willert, C., Hilffle Creek, Rosedale, N.C.L. Wheeler, Dr. J. A., Sherwood Rd., Toowong Willert, G. T, laffle Ceek, Rosedale. Whereat, J. H., McConnell St., Bulimba. North Coast Line. \hincup, W. A., Northgate. Willert, S. J., Tinnebang, Mt. Perry. Vhipps, A., Coraki, RichmoPd River, Williams, Albert, Spring Creek, No. 2, N.S.W. Taroom. VWhite, A. T., Butterfleld Stree tierston. Williams, Albert, Mountain View, Taroom. White, C. F., Molominda, Stantheo'e. Williams, Alfred, (iregors Creek, Harlin. Wlhite. E. E. D., Bluff Downs, Charters Williams. A. F., c/o Metropolitan Hotel, Towers. Mackay. White, E. G., "Oakden," O'Connell Terrace, Williams, Albert, Ballandean. Bowen Hills. Williams, A. S., Lawnbank, Taroom. Vhite, E. S., C/o Dunlop Rubbrr Coy- Williams, E., Benarkin. Adelaide Street. Williams, F. L., Berry Street, off Charlotte Vhite, F. L., Brooklands, Woodhill Street, Rosalie. 'hite, Gilbert, 65 Elizabeth Street Williams, G. P., Roma. White, J., C/o White Bros., Tucka Tucka, Williams, John, "Woodbine," Greenview, Yetman, N.S.W. Wondai. Vhi.'e, Hon. Jas. C., "Edinglassie," Mus- Williams, John, Barlow Street, Clayfleld. wiellbrook, N.S.W. Williams, John, Spring Creek, No. 2, Vhite, L. E., O'Connell Terrace, Bowen Taroom. Hills. Williams, J. Herbert, C/o Agencies Ltd., Vhite, Norman, Daily Mail Office, Queen 406 Queen Street. Street. Williams, Lloyd W., Charlotte & Market 'hlte, R., Crows Nest. Streets. Vh te, W. D.. "The Firs," Laidley. Williams, M., Cairns Station, Charleville. l'hite, W. M., "The Willows," Laidley. Williams, R. A., Spring Creek No. 2, hlte, W. T. P., "Oakden," O'Connell Taroom. Terrace, Bowen Hills. Williams,. R. James, "Wando," Winton. h'lh ford, James, Norman Street, Wooloo- Williams, A. S., c/o Sidney Williams & Co., win Rockhampton. h Tehill, A. F., Ridley St., Auchenflower. Williams, T. E., Kennedy Terrace, 'h tehouse, B. B., 185 George Street. Paddington. 'hitehouse, C. C., C/o Burns Philp & Coy., Williams. W., cnr. Moffatt & Macalister latd., Mary Street. Streets, Ipswich. Vhl'elock, E. L., C/o The Aeolian Co. Williams, W. C., Roeburne, via Taroom. ,Aust.), Pty., Ltd.. Queen Street. Carisbrook, 'hl Willliamson, John, Lochinvar, reman, H. A., C/o O'Reilly's Bond, Victoria. Margaret Street. Willis, A. J.. James Street, Wooloowin. 'hitman, Wm., Taringa. Vlhirney, Willis. F. E., Kingaroy. J., Coombing Park, Carcoar. Willman, N. P., Nundah. Vew South Wales. Wilson, A., High Street, Lutwyche. H i'taker, J. H., Victoria Park, Broxburn, ,,uthbrook. Wilson, Alex. B., Architect, City Buildings, 'hittaker, T., Box 25. G. P. O., Pittsworth. Edward Street. k',inay (Co. -op. Dairy Coy. (H. F. Wal- Wilson, A. Coutts, "Tyree," Miokin St., ter) Gymipie. Toowong. B";^Hay Co-op. Dairy Co. (W. J. Bell). Wilson, B. 0., "Bremer View," Rosewood. I,.riholt, Arnold, C/o Dalgety & Coy., Wilson, E. H., BTrisbane Street, Tpswich. T.td., Elizabeth Street. Wilson. G. H. Newman. C/o Union Assur- '"nholt, J. D., "The Cottage," Ipswich ance Society, Ltd., Preston House. Road, South Brisbane. Wilson. James. Milton Road. Coorparoo. ';ins, T. E.. Botanical Gardens. Wilson, John P., Petrie's Bight. I tman. Andrew H., "Ashgrove," Gore, Wilson, J. L., C/o Wilson & McDouall, S~W. Line. Calliope Station, Calliope ';Inham. F. W., Undulla, Woodhill W ilsoni, Brig.- le .r'al, 1i. ('., 'Mo ntpielier,' .''*rmuth, D., Nudgee Road, Hendra. WVIckham Terrice. 'lermuth, W., Nudgee Road, Hendra. \\ilson. Norman I'., Neulnns It>nld, Indoo- SI man, A D., C/o Wildman Bros., roopilly. Valley. Wilson, R., Department of Agriculture & I'lniman. A. W., C/o Wildman Bros., Stock, Brisbane. Valley. Wilson. R. M., London Bank Chambers, 'llio, W. R., Dornoch Terrace & Creek Street. Boundary Street, West End. Wilson, T., Geoffrey Street, New Farm. Vilkinson, Audrey. Oakdale Vineyards, Wilson, Wylie, Central Q'ld. Racing Assn., I'okolbini, N.S.W. Rockhampton. Wilkinson, A. A., Mt. Ophir, Rutherglen, WViltshl,'e F., Municipal Markets, Roma 'irtoria Street. ps~--~ -- '- -

96 ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued. Wink., R. W., Department of Agriculture Woodward, E. C., Adelaide Street. & Stock, William Street. Wool, A. E., Markets, Roma Street. Windsor, Dr. H. J., Preston House, Queen Woolcock, A. R., C/o Dalgety & Coy., Street. Roekhampton. Winnett, W. G., Kingston, S. C. Line. Woosley, J. R., Station Street, Manly. Winston, B., Brown Street, New Farm. Worthington, S. I., c o ( lark Bros., N Winten. D. A., Angellala Downs, Morven. Wotton. F. P., Whites Roa. Corparon 3 * Winten, H. Roslie Plains, Oakey. wrenen, ti., osiow orreel, Luoojilen. Winten, L E. A., Alice lowns, Blackall. Wright, C. W., Waverley Station, Winten, S., "'Cairndowan," Union Street via St. Law~ece. Clayfeld. Wright, D. T., Cameron Street, Nundah Winter, C., C/o Winchcotbe Carson, Ltd.' Wright, 1-1. J., C/o Water & Sewerag' Wint Bottam, D., Catol Club Hotel, Boad, Albert Street. WI 'qtien Street. Wright, Maurice 3., Butler Bros. (Au rj Wilterfood, W. J., C/o Birch & Carroll, Ltd., Cha~lotte Street. Strand Buildings, Queen Street. Wright. P. A., Wallamumbi, Armidale, Winte~s, S. R., Brassall, via lpswich. N.S.W. Wise, H., Kilcoy. Witham, Leo., Bouidry St., West End. XCigh t. It. ., Willrie Statio, T lwoi 'Withecombe, W., Dickson St~et. Wright. S;., Maloucli lorel~c viaL Yndiliii W~ih, W. L. F'.. Plumlridge St., Chelti 'p Wooloow in. Wylie. Allan ('.. Fitzroy I luiliigs, Wood, Dr. F. G. Butler, Brisbane Permnan- mlle S~ret. ent Bidg., Adelaide Street. Wylie, Wood, C., P'erry Hous, Flizbetli S'tr'eet. 3. D., Felix Street, Wooloowiu Wood. C., Kedron. Wyllie, Andrew, Strthine. Wyllic, Hugh C., Liverpool St., Clayf Id Wood, Francis, FairvieW, Warra. Wyllie, 3. R., Albion. Wood, F. E., c/o Q'ld. Trustees Ltd., Queen Street. Wyper, J., Dunmore Terrace, Auchenflowe Wood, H. S., "Chevnook," Stratton Street, Yates, H. W. R., C/o S. Smith & Son . Wynnum South. Yore, . F., "Ardo," Logain Village. Wood, J. S., New Zealand Chambers, Yor k, : nuel c o A. & P'. A~ssoc:ii Queen Street. Wood, J. W., '"Jesmond," Clayfield. Woodbine, F. W., 'Malbon," Moray Street, Young, C. V., K. Wire Fencing Co New Farm. Sheirwood. Woodcock, W., Red Hill. Young, F., K. Wire Fencing Coy. Woodcraft, H. C., Chelmer. Sherwood. Woodhead, C. W., C/o Bryce Ltd., Adelaide Young, George, Campbells Buildings, Street. Creek Street. Woodhouse, H. C., Grosvenor Street, Young, 0. W., Box 662, 0. P. O., Brish e Yeronga. Woodhouse, M. S., C/o Aust. Stock Young. I'., I niumnor.' I'llntorpe. Breeders' Co., Mary Street. Young, Robt. D., William Street, Greg o'. Woodleigh Cheese Factory (Thos. Dare), Terrace. Narko. Youig, W'. J., "Alle ,'le" .Janens SI Woodroffe, A. J., 147 Lambert Street, New I"n 11n1. Kangaroo Point. Woodroffe, F. W., H. M. Customs, Queen St. Youngei, '., Boylani, 'ulIngia line Woodrow, H. L. Monsildale, via Linville. Youngman, A., Tanbinga, Kingaroy. . ~ ' ' ' i

4 Queensland Royal National Show 1924.

Starts MONDAY, 1th AUGUST. Finishes SATURDAY, 16th AUGUST.

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