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WYAL NATION! Lgricultural nd Industriall Associaion of Queens



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Patrons: His Excellency the Rt. Hon. H. W. J. BARON FORSTER, P.C., K.C.M.G., Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief of the Commonwealth of . His Excellency the Rt. Hon. Sir MATTHEW NATHAN, P.C., G.C.M.G., .

COUNCIL, 1922 President: CHARLES E. McDOUGALL, Esq Vice-Presidents: J. P. BOTTOMLEY, Esq., and E. T. BELL, Esq., M.L.A. Chairman: Hon. Treasurer: I. BAYNES, Esq. W. J. AFFLECK, Esq. Committee: H. BROOKES, Esq. JOHN MACDONALD, Eaq. W. M. CHARLES. Esq. A. T. NOYES, Esq. H. S. CRIBB, Esq. C. R. PICKWORTH. Esu P. FRANKEL. Esq. P. J. SYMES, Esq. J. BIRON, Esq. CHARLES TAYLOR. Esq.. M.L.A. Trustee Sir A. S. COWLEY, Kt. R. GAILEY, Esq Hon. Veterinary Burgeon: J. WASHINGTON IRVING, Esq., M.R.C.V.S.L. Hon. Solicitors: Meusrs. OSBORNE & WAUGH. Secretary: J. BAIN, 47th Annual Report OF THE COUNCIL OF THE *0^« * *I1 _ A Agricultural & Industrial Roy l IatUonal Association of Queensland for the Year, 1922.

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, In submitting to you their 47th Annual Report and Financial Statement, yuor Council have pleasure in referring to the year 1922 as one of the brightest in our history. Glorious sunshine favoured our efforts on every day of the Show week, and undoubtedly had the effect of bringing to us a record attend- ance of spectators, and keeping them in good humour whilst there, aided and abetted by the all round excellence of the Exhibition. The attendance, which was estimated at over 250,000 was the best ever recorded, and the gate receipts, amounting to £11,592, exceed by £218, the amount collected in 1920, when the Prince of Wales opened the Show. Before referring to the satisfactory conditions under which we finished this year's transactions, we would remind Members that the current financial year which terminated on 30th September, covers only 9 months operations. Some time ago your Council decided to recom- mend this change of date, and at a Special General Meeting of Members, held on 15th June, 1922, the recommendation was unanimously adopted. This alteration allows of dealing only with 9 months' figures in this report. The total receipts of the Association for the 9 months, 1st January to 30th September, were £24,074 Os. Id., as against £23,331 9s. 2d. for the whole twelve months of the previous year. In addition to this revenue, our balance sheet shows the sum of £286 2s. 6d. owing for overdue Mem- bership Subscriptions, with a further sum of £521 17s. 9d., due for space rents and other privileges. Our Credit Balance at the Commonwealth Bank is £3,537 Os. 10d., as compared with a Credit of £405 13s. 3d. on 31st December, 1921. As illustrating the phenomenal progress of the Association, it will interest members to know that the gate receipts in 1915 were £5,169, in 1916, £5,341; in 1918, £6,626 (no Show was held in 1919); £11,373 in 1920 (Prince's year); £9,548 in 1921, and £11,592 this year. Throughout the year, the efforts of your Council to encourage and stimulate production from the soil, the breeding of live stock, and the fostering of manufacturing industries was carried out with undiminished zeal, and in this effort we were ably seconded by Exhibitors and Donors of Special Prizes, who gave most loyal support. The marvellous productivity of Queensland soil is admitted, and at our 47th Annual Show, examples of all the wonderful primary resouresu of our State were submitted. - V : s0oo.d ietAI.tu aibibiesd, a u g*r d rydttrhad-to ItseB "a " nli~ous cenrk in which. was shown ane of every esription. Large pihotographs of the field and -mill work connected with the production of Sugar were shown, and well displayed statistical panels conveyed to visitors informative figures relating to the industry. A small cane .,rushing plant and chemisal laboratory demonstrated how the value of cane-is arrived at, and samples of sugar in various stages of manufacture were on view, the whole exhibit presenting an object lesson, the value of which is .impossible to compute. c6TTON: No industry loomed larger in the public eye this year than the production of Cotton, and every effort was made by your Council to demonstrate its worth to agriculturalists. In the Government Farms Court gn educative as well as an artistic .display was made, wherein was shown Cotton in the seed, and cotton ginned. The value of the seed for oil production, for concentrated fodder, and for other purposes, was also illustrated. Other displays of Cotton were staged in the District Courts, and a very fine show from the Dawson Valley was exhibited by representatives of that district. In our Live Stock Reserve, was erected Sa special structure in which was installed two "Ginning" plants, capable of treating either long or short staple varieties of the product, worked by electrically driven machinery, hich we installed at consider- able expense, but we were gratified to observe how interesting and attractive this section of the Show proved to be throughout the whole week.. The Hon. W. N. Gillies, Minister for Agriculture, furnished us with 1b,000 leaflets containing terse reference to the worth of Cotton as an industry. That few of the leaflets were left at the end of the 1' week is sufficient argument that visitors, generally, were interested in S*_ the possibilities of this new-old industry. To the Hon. W. N. Gillies, Minister for Agriculture, we were indebted for the loan of experts to work the machines, and to Mr. Dan Jones for expert advice which largely assisted to make the demonstration a success. It was authoritatively stated, during the week, that 9,000 acres were already under Cotton, in SQueensland, and that .upwards of 10,000 would be planted next year. Dairy i' farmers were assured that cotton growing could be made a golden side line to their present business. (i '" GOVERNMENT EXHIBITS: The products of the Government Farms were as attractive to the casual observer as to the man on the land, or to S the farm student seeking education. Information of every sort was at the disposal of the enquirer, and the arrangement of the exhibits was the most artistic that we have yet seen 'made by the Depart- r ': ment's Officials. They were deserving of every credit for the display, .y and for their handling of the many seekers after information with whom they. were surrounded throughout the week. FORESTRY DISPLAY: Adjoining the above display was that of 5t the Forestry Department, in which was shown every class of timber grown in our.State-shown in the raw state and in highly finished con- ddition, illustrating how the timbers could be used for furniture, as well as for building purposes. The efforts of the Officials were not confined f,, to the purely educational. In one corner was arranged a scene repre- senting the natural forest with the timber getter's hut, his camp fire, i'^ and other requirements. To the town bred visitors, who have never seen this phase of the industry in real life, the tableau waa very attractive. Samples of our timbers converted into walking sticks, fish- - ing rods, billiard cues, furniture of every description, bent woods and carriage and coach work material, made up a show of which the Depart- >,. ment has every reason to feel proud, and one which was of undoubted eduoational worth.

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TIE TOURIST & INTELLIGENCE DEPARTMENT, as usual, di- tributed literature relating tq Queensland lands, conveying information of how to acquire land, and how to reach our principal tourist resorts and places of interest. Much literature was distributed, which we sincerely trust will bear fruit. MANUFACTURES: Locally manufactured goods were in great display, and would have been even greater had earlier appli- cation been made by those manufacturers who, unfortunately, applied after all space had been allocated. In connection with our next year's Show, representatives of your Association will wait upon manufacturers on an earlier period, and it is hoped by this, and other means, to en- courage displaye of our secondary products infinitely better than we have hitherto seen in Brisbane. MACHINERY: The Machinery exhibits were undoubtedly the best seen on our Grounds since 1914, and we have been notified that an even greater area will be required for this section next year. DISTRICT AND ONE FARM EXHIBITS: "If I want to win, I know that I must come along next year with a show 25 per cent. better than this year's," said a District Exhibit organiser when judging had been completed, on Manday afternoon. This expression eloquently demonstrates the excellence of the District and One Farm displays as compared with previous years. The various organisers recognise that each year their exhibits have to be better. This year, the superior quality of the exhibits, the staging, ticketing, and general display was gratifying to your Council, and pleasing to observant visitors. To the casual observer who is not personally interested in the District Exhibit Courts, nor their contents, it would be a revelation if made to observe the innumerable articles which go to form the contents of a District or One Farm Court. It is not generally known that twenty-eight separate judges were called upon to adjudicate in these competitions, and how well their work was done may be assumed from the absence of complaint on the part of the exhibiting organisers. BOONAH RURAL SCHOOL: We doubt if any exhibit in the whole Show attracted greater interest than the display made by the Boonah Rural School, organised by the Head Teacher, Mr. A. E. A. McCahon, who, during the Show week, was one of the hardest worked men on the Ground. All day and every day he was called upon to explain to hun- dreds of interested visitors the wonderful variety of work taught to the pupils-a teaching which it was universally admitted was invaluable, because the students are baught that there is no such thing as waste, and that everything about the farm or the dairy can be made some use of. Empty petrol tins, and others of mixed description, old harness, old boots, old everything, was shown converted into useful working or wearing material, suitable for the adults and children on the farm. Carpentering was taught, boot-repairing, harness-mending, dreLsmaking, millinery, cooking, in fact, everything that one could think of; all this apart from orthodox education usually imparted in State Schools. 'Methods of grafting and pruning were demonstrated, and judging from the exhibits ,y shown, a big feature must have been made of agricultural work at the School, which we understand has an agricultural plot in full work. Even ' the value of irrigation was demonstrated by mean. of two boxes of soil placed side by side, in which seed was sown practically at the same - - timle, one being properly watered, and the other left dry. The result spoke more eloquently or tae advantage o irrigation tan couia pages or literature. Those who missed seeing this exhibit missed much to interest them, and we hope that during next year's Show, Mr. McCahon will come along with an even larger display of useful artieles than on this oesasion, and it he does your council will have pleasure in providing 4 P."s- .- . J'~~]?} !^ 1! t' - « < - ' " * * ; *.. -, '; «^* ' ' * 1. ~- P LI--~ ~---I ------~p~ , I -

DAIRY PRODUCE: The Dairy Produce entries, i.e., Butter, , Cheese, Bacon, etc., were a magnificent display, the quality of the ex- hibits- being so even that the judges had difficulty in separating them. The judging in several of the classes went into the second day. FARM PRODUCE: The exhibits in this Section made a brave dis- play, possibly the best ever seen on the Brisbane Show Ground. The Judges' comments on the exhibits were flattering to your Association, and must have been gratifying to the exhibitors. FRUIT: The Fruit exhibition, displayed in the Horticultural Annex, embraced' exhibits from as far north as , west as far as Charleville, and south to the Border, and consisted of a wealth of varieties which could not otherwise than prove attractive to the Inter- state visitors, who had little idea of what Queensland can do in this direction. The possibilities of cold storage, in relation to the Apple .i , Industry, was demonstrated by an exhibit of forty bushels of apples which had been placed in cold storage five months before the Show opened, some of which had not been cold stored until six weeks after being pulled. Although a very limited number of the apples were faulty, due principally to bruising, the greater portion of the Fruit was found to be quite sound.

£- WINE: The Wine exhibits represented examples from South ' Australia, Victoria, , and Queensland, and in com- inejting on them, the judge stated that the different varieties were sub- Smitted in excellent condition, so much so that it was a difficult matter to award prizes.. With one exception, the Ports were up to imported standard, and the White and other Dry Wines were the best that had come under the Judge's notice in this State. Hocks and Chablis deserved * the same comments. Efforts will be made in connection with our next Show, to enlarge the Wine Section, so as to give more encouragement to ' - those associated with this industry. HORSES: In a separate Report, appearing on another page, the Horse Section is referred to in detail, but we would mention here, that the entries were the best recorded for some years, and would indicate that the erection of additional loose boxes has become imperative. BEEF CATTLE: As was only to be expected, under the existing eattle market conditions, a falling off in the number of entries had to be recorded. Last year, 184 shorthorns were entered, whilst this year there were only 73; last year, the Herefords totalled 145, as compared , , with 106 this year, the total entries being only 179, as compared with 829 on the previous year. The acute depression through which the Beef Industry is passing is solely responsible for this. It is anticipated that a return to normal conditions will mean that entries in this section must *. increase, and keep on increasing. Mr. Donald Munro, of Moree, N.8.W., who judged the Shorthorns, stated that the best of the exhibits were better in every way than those he had seen when he previously judged * , the same section at our show some years ago. Mr. J. A. Beattie, of Victoria, who judged the Htrefords, was very enthusiastic regarding the good quality of the exhibits submitted, referring particularly to the splendid quality of the females, all of which were of excellent type and good constitution and character. Mr. T. Mcllwraith Taylor, who judged th South Devons, Sussex, Aberdeen Angus and Bed Polls, stated that these sections, whilst not numerously represented, were excellent iR quality. Mr. H. Friend, who judged the Fat Classes, was disappointed ;i*' at the number shown, but stated that those submitted were a credit to Queensland, and he felt sure they would have nothing to fear from . AIrpntine competition it the breeders took pains to iumprove their herds, . a'ad thereby improve the quality of the beef.

- --LI~-- --- r- iLPrasp~YI~--~rr I W - -U LYID IdL;LI.~B~ IIUC~ i PII~LL .~ ' ~ 5 CATTLE-DAIRY BREEDS: 124 Ayrshires, 149 Jerseys, 278 Illawarra Milking Shorthorns, together with one Guernsey and 61 Friesians were entered in the Dairy Cattle Section-a truly magnificent display, and one that caused- intense enthusiasm amongst admirers of the Dairy Breeds. These figures indicate that the Illawarra Milking Shorthorn is the popular type, the entries in this section being equal to the Jerseys and Ayrshires combined. The judges had a hard task to aparate the winning animals, and Mr. Hugh Daley, of Alstonville, to / whom had been assigned the task of judging the Illawarras had in the afternoon to seek assistance to enable him to finish in one day. Both Judges asserted that the exhibition of Illawarras was equal to, if not superior to, anything that they had seen in any show ring. Mr. RBonald Brisbane, of Gowrie Park, Victoria, who judged the Ayrshires, described them as comparing favourably with any similar class of Dairy Cattle that he had met in Australia. Mr. Jonas Holmes' champion cow, he asserted, was absolutely the finest animal he had seen in a show ring. Mr. W. Carter, of Milton Park, Bowral, N.S.W., judged the Jerseys, and had submitted to him a particularly fine lot. He described them as a grand lot of dairy cattle, fit to hold their own with anything in Australia, stating, further, that during the two years he had been in , he had not seen better animals at any one Show. Referring to' the Friesians, which he judged, Mr. D. Hutchison, of Bodalla was not enthus- iastic, considering there was much room for improvement, particularly in relation to the young female classes. The aged stock shown were much better. In the MILKING TEST COMPETITIONS, entries were excellent, comprising no fewer than 93 animals. Full particulars of these com- petitions appear elsewhere. CHILDREN'S CALF CLASSES: Introduced for the first time, this competition created considerable interest amongst the children competing, and their parents and friends. Two prizes were provided for in each of the leading breeds, one for a Heifer Calf, 6 months old and under 1 year, the other for a Bull Calf of similar age. Calves ex- hibited had to be the bona fide property of a child under the age of 16 years, and registered in the Herd Book in the name of the child as owner, and to be exhibited and led into the ring by the child. Apart from the parents and the competing children, this competition created interest amongst breeders and spectators, and the young exhibitors were lustily cheered as His Excellency, Sir Matthew Nathan, tied the prize winning ribbon on each competing calf. He complimented the children oh their good behaviour and the manner in which they carried out their duties. SHEEP: Immediately after the 1921 Show, a large number of Merino breeders were approached on the subject of submitting stud animals for exhibition and sale on the Brisbane Show Ground, but the response was not so good as we had hoped. The principal exhibitors were Messrs. Lord Bros., of Victoria Downs, who exhibited fine examples of strong and fine woolled merinos, and secured the majority of the prizes, except in the strong woolled merino (unhoused) ram class, where the championship went to a splendid animal, owned by Mr. H. Melvin Collins. The reserve champion in this class went to Messrs Lord Bros., who also secured both championships in the fine woolled (unhoused) sections. The display of merinos was almost as good as we had dared anticipate, but we were disappointed at the small response accorded us by the owners of British Breeds. Knowing that many of these breeds ye required for the improvement of sheep suitable for our costal dis- triots, we had expected a much better display. M1r. J. H. Fairfax, of Marinya, , had an exhibit of Corriedales which attraoted, oeasiderable attention, and were favourably spoken of by experts. In

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the Pat Sheep section, the entries left nothing to be desired, and nthe Si bsequent sales were pleasing to the exhibitors. SSWINE: 143 entries were made in the Swine Section, as compared with only 80 on the previous year, quite a number coming from over the . 3toder. It was found necessary, after entries closed, to find accom- Smodation for this extra number, an alteration which could only be effect- ed by the removal of the Dogs. During Show week, a meeting of breeders was held, including representatives from New South Wales, who resolved to form a branch of the Berkshire and Yorkshire Society " --- of Australia, the object being to secure for Queenaland breeders greater , ay in the conduct of this industry. After disciussion, it was resolved to form in Queensland a Sub-Committee of the parent body, whose head- quarters are situated in Melbourne, five delegates being appointed to I sopresent different portions of our State, and Northern New South Wales. POULTRY: The removal of the Dog Section to another portion of ,- the ground enabled your Council to largely increase the accommodation for staging poultry exhibits, but notwithstanding this increase, we are forced- to the conclusion that still more space must be provided for the Poultry exhibits, and for the comfort of the visitors who wish to inspect %^ °- them. Including Poultry, Pigeons and Cage Birds, over 1,600 entries . were made in this Section, and this number, together with the better facilities offered for display, made the Section a much better one from e.very point of view than has hitherto been the case. On the exhibits themselves, the judges commented very favourably, and it was stated that many of the exhibits in the Pigeon classes would hold their own with similar breeds in any part of the world. .*," DOGS: 370 entries were made in the Dog Section, which this year was located in the annex to the John Reid Industrial Hall,, where last 1i year the Motor Cars were housed. The improved and increased . accommodation evidently pleased the spectators, some of whom stated >.- that the general management of the Dog Section, and the extra comfort enjoyed by the Dogs themselves, was a great improvement on that of :. . any previous year. HORTICULTURE: The Horticultural exhibitors provided a display of gorgeous character, the Sweet Peas being particularly attractive. The exhibit of one of the competitors consisted of 36 distinct varieties. 1I different erberas constituted another exhibit, whilst Roses, Pansies, .-\ Carnations, and every other flower in season were exhibited in profusion, and created an interest extremely gratifying to the exhibitors. YOUNG JUDGES' COMPETITION: Due to the generosity of S:"' - Colonel Donald Cameron, M.H.R., who presented five trophies, eaeh t;*-* valued £5, for presentation to the winners in five competitions for Young Judges, keen interest resulted, and the entries were excellent, 81 conm- putitors reporting themselves. A condition of the Competition was that the winner might be asked to judge, at the 1923 Show, a similar section *- to that in which'he won this year. The competitions embraced the j udging of: (1) Clydesdale Stallions; (2) Beef Shorthorns; (8) Illawarra Milking Shorthorns; (4) Jerseys; (5) Swine. As these Competitions will be held each year, it is hoped by this means to train up young men ,' to become expert judges of Live Stock at Agricultural Shows. Th4 winners were as follows: Clydesdales: 1st, J. H. Anderson. Beef 8hort- horns: 1st, C. B. Logan; and, B. M. Lawrence. I, M.S.: 1st, H. Gordon; - Bud, A. J. Brown; 3rd,.J. H. Bassett. Jerseys: 1st, 0. W. Spreser; Sad, i B. Aderson; rd, W. Oar, Junr. Swine 1.t, J. . wtt; Sd, - . r. Wibttakir d B. Swros ^d J. B. Warbartes (equal). S~ft;^^ ^^.^ ^^^!^''^ . l^ ^^'-'.i' * ~ pms~-- -~~-~QCIW~PSj~~r--X-~B~P~II~3~C~

WQ^EN'S INDUSTRIES, ?INE ARTS, AND SCHOOLS. The 8netion devoted to FINE ARTS (open classes and schools), Women's Industries, including Sewing and Cookery exhibits was unanimously oonceded to be the best hitherto seen at a Brisbane Show. As must be expected, many of the exhibits in the Fine Art Section were crude, but on the other hand, there were not a few showing evidence of an artistic temperament which only requires further tuition to develop. The Steward in charge of this Section, Mrs. J. F. Lonergan, and her capable assistants, carried out their duties in a manner which was responsible torfor smooth worktingworking throughout the weekr,week, frictionmoition beingbemg noiauilenotable byDy utsits absence. The quality of the Needlework, both plain and artistic, wasas superb, experts stating that they have never 'seen'seen a inerfiner collection an-any- where. The same remarks apply to the Cookery and Preserves Section. The School entries were above the average, exhibits coming from every part of Queensland. In the Essay Competitions for school children, 14 years and over, and under 14 years, some very fine pieces of composition were submitted. The school work, generally, was good, mapping, writing,witing, and specimens of decorative pen work, all reflecting the highest j, oreditcredit upon both teachers and scholars. During the week, Mrs. Loner- gan, on behalf of several of the exhibitors, and lady stewards in this Section,Beotion, presented Lady Forster with several examples of charmingly executed needlework, and artistic specimens of pen painting andland glaredglazed . pottery, executed solely by the donors. When accepting the gift, Her Excellency expressed unbounded admiration of the beautiful work, and subsequently wrote in similar strain to Mrs. Lonergan. SCONCLUDNGCONCLUDING DAY: GBREATGREAT ATHLETIC PBORBME:PROGRAMME: IIa < Idealideal sports weather, and in the presence of an enormous concourse, theth Show was brought to a successful termination by what proved to be a record Athletic Carnival. The change of programme tomfom the customary ring events undoubtedly found favour with a large number of residents . and visitors. The attendance was variously computed at from 28,000 '' to 30,000, but as the children were admitted free, and no cheekcheck kept on the numbers, it is impossible to say with any degree of certainty what * number were actually present. The gate receipts, which amounted to ; £84,£849, indicate that the general public, in extending their patronage to this extent, approved of the concluding day's programmle.programme. Mr. P. J. Bymes,Symes, a member of your Council, organised the programme and, to earrycarry out the details, had associated with him Officials of the Queensland Amateur Cyclists' Union, the Q.A.A.A., the B.N.A.,R.N.A., and the Stat*State *- Slchools'Schools' A.A.A., an assistanceassistance which Mr. Symes~ymes much appreciated.appreciated. The i .sportssports occupied the oval from 10 a.m. to 5.30 p.m., and afforded the '; spectators unbounded entertainment throughout all those hours. EffortEfforts willwrill be conducted to make next year's programme even more attractive. At the close of the Cycling Contests, His Excellency, Sir Matthew Nathan , * distributed the Championship Sashes, and complimented the Association ' torfor devoting the last dlayday of the Show to athletic competitions, intereot-interest- ing to children as well as to grown-up athletes. HoHe referred particularly-particularly to,to some of the IntertateJInterstate Cycling comptitors,competitors, who had comecomes at their own ; epenseexpense to Brisbane, seekingseeking no othierother reward than the Association's .' Blue Ilibbon.Ribbon. *r . MOTOB&MOTOR CABCARB EXHIBITION: The John BeidReid Industrial Hall, whishwhich . J hitertohitherto has not been available for annual exhibition pupoe,purposes, owing to the whole of the space being occupied for the storage of wool, was thilthis ..g year used for the display of Motor Cars, and it has to be admlittedadmitted that the display was responsible for one of the greatest attractions of the - Show. The whole building was artistically decoraed,decorated, the walls beiagbeing , draped, andad the floordoor space divided into baybays luitablesuitable for the require.nrquif . meanfmeats of the different exhibitors. Throughout the week, the HaUlHall was ^ .. t - '~i;;' . 'i ,

thronged with interested spectators, and your Council were complimented 1:' ^ for granting to the Motor Traders' Association the use of this magnifl cent Hall. IMPBOVEMENTS: The permanent improvements started this year and now completed, or in course of completion, include the erection of a building to accommodate thirty stock attendants, a reading room for the same purpose, and a shower bath and wash hand basins. Every man is provided with a locker, a wire stretcher with mattress and pillow, and s,-- 1 as meals are obtainable on the ground, the accommodation was much ra ' " appreciated at our late Show, and was doubly over applied for. All these improvements are electrically lit. Eight new cattle washing yards were erected in time for our late Show, and in conjunction with the new cattle spraying accommodation, was much commended by exhibitors. The doubling of accommodation required for swine, this year, caused a complete remodelling of the space hitherto allotted to Sheep, Swine, Poultry and Dogs. TEe latter were removed to the annex to the John Reid Industrial Hall, where last year, motor cars were exhibited, and the space thus secured was allotted to swine and poultry. This remodel- ling caused the erection of new swine pens, offices and feed rooms, in addition to which we had to provide increased poultry pens, and to dis- mantle and re-erect the dog kennels. Electric Light has been provided for in the Beef and Dairy Cattle Section and on the Railway Platform, an improvement much appreci- ated by stock owners whose trains arrive during the hours of darkness. To accommodate the machinery, which demonstrated cotton ginning, during Show week, it was found necessary to erect a building. This we did, and installed it with an electrically driven plant. Since our last Report, we have finished the filling in of the low por- tion of the live stock reserve, every inch of which is now available for building purposes. The ever increasing demands upon our sanitary accommodation, together with the far divided points on the Show Grounds where such accommodation is necessary, make a septic tank system, owing to number required, prohibitive in cost. Pending the sewer connection, we have tried other methods, including that known as the "Kaustine," ten of which were installed in the live stock reserve, and one at the Secretary's residence, and so far, have proved thoroughly efficacious. In addition, we have installed a series of improved pan cabinets, which proved much more satisfactory thanr the old pattern. The installation of a new method of rapidly signalling results of events just completed, this year replaced the old one, of writing the results on a board, and the difference between the slow old, and the new instantaneous signalling was favourably Vmmented upon. The smelling and unsightly open sewer, which drained the whole of Victoria Park, passing through that portion of our ground known as the Side Show area, and finally into. Breakfast Creek, will before next Show be a memory only. We completed arrangements with the City Council to pay half the cost of a large reinforced concrete sewer, to run from Bowen Bridge Road to the tunnel at O'Connel Terrace. This sewer is now about quarter completed, and when finished, will enable us to fill up and level an area of land between Bowen Park and the railway line, which Lwilkprovide apace for a Sports Ground almost equal in size to the dimensions of the present oval. The material being removed from the foundation of the new Grand Stand will be used for this purpose.

^^^^*^^^1 __ The erection of an imposing building which will embrace the site of the old wooden stand and stretch along towards the main entrance gate for 144 feet, with a depth of 64 feet, designed to make a double deekr grand stand of gigantic proportions, with and kitchen acoommodation in the basement, ten shop fronts facing the main road- way, two public bars, retiring rooms for ladies and gentlemen, eve(ry- thing designed on most modern lines, is the principal new work under- taken by your Council this year. The cost is heavy, but the improve- ment is an absolute necessity, and we confidently anticipate that it will be a revenue producer. To make the oval suitable for first class cricket, and of dimensions necessary for test matches, the northern and southern boundaries of the playing area have been extended, and the oval is being graded, top dressed, and a new wicket laid down at an angle suggested by responsible cricket authorities. We are determined to make the oval the best show and sports ground in Queensland, and equal to the best elsewhere. Mr, HARRY BROOKES: It is with regret that we have to refer to the loss which your Association suffered this year, through the absence from our Council Meetings of Mr. Harry Brookes, Senior Steward in the Beef Cattle Section. The loss of his advice and guidance was severely felt, and we particularly missed him i& connection with the actual Show work. Our best wishes for a return to his usual robust health, will, we feel confident, be endorsed by every member who has had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Brookes. VISIT TO SHOWS. Dusing the year, members of your Council and the Secretary visited i forty Shows, including Sydney, Melbourne, Glen Innes, Allora, Ascot, Beaudesert, Beenleigh, Boonah, Buderim, , Chinchilla, Clifton, Dalby, Enoggera, Esk, Gatton, Gympie, Imbil, Ithaca, Ipswich, Kingaroy, Laidley, Lowood, Murburg, Maryborough, Miles, Nambour, Oakey, Pine Rivers, Rockhampton, Rosewood, Sandgate, Southport, Stanthorpe, , Toombul, Warwick, Wellington Point, Wood- ford, Woombye, and Zilmere. OPENING CEEEMONY. Ideal holiday weather favoured our Opening Ceremony, which was per- formed by His Excellency, the Governor-General. Promptly at noon, escorted by a magnificently mounted body of Police, under the command of Inspector Carroll, His Excellency, accompanied by our State Governor, Sir Matthew Nathan, Lady Forster, members of his family and suite, arrived on the ground where they were received with ringing cheers by tht huge assembled multitude. Entering the ring, Their Excellencies drove round to the dais specially erected for the purpose, where they were received by Mr. C. E. McDougall (the President of the Royal National Agricultural and Industrial Association), Mr. Ernest Baynes (Chairman of the Committee), Mr. J. Bain (Secretary), and the mem- bers of the Council. With them on the dais were several ladies and the Premier (Hon. E. G. Theodore), the Minister for Agriculture (Hon. W. N. Gillies), the Minister for Education (Hon. J. Huxham), the Speaker (Hon. W. Bertram), Mr. Justice Shand, the Mayor of Brisbane (Aid. H J. Diddams), the Mayor of South Brisbane (Aid. A. Faulkner), Hons. A. J. Thynne, A. G. C. Hawthorne, the Archbishop of Brisbane (Dr. Sharp), Sir Pope A. Cooper (ex-Chief Justice), Commodore Addison (Royal Australian Navy), the President of the Chamber of Commerce (Mr. A. Hertzberg), President of the Chamber of Manufacturers (Mr. A. Watson), the Chief Commissioner of Police (Mr. P. Short), and Mr. C. J. Booker, ex-M.L.A.

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1^"- The President, Mr. McDougall, expressed the pleasure which it gave ,him on behalf of the Association to welcome Their Excellencies, and after briefly referring to the slump in beef cattle, mentioned that it rca up to the Government to make taxation on, the growers of this stock as light as possible. He then called upon the Secretary (Mr. Bain) to reAd the Association's .Address of Welcome to the Governor General:- t, "We, the members of the Council of the Royal National Agricultural and Industrial Association of Queensland, beg to ex- press our appreciation of the honour you have conferred upon us in opening this, our forty-seventh (47th) Annual Show, an'd on be- half of our four thousand (4,000) members we extend to your Ex- cellency and to Lady Forster a hearty welcome to Queensland. It gratifies us to be able to submit for your Excellency's inspection a collection of Agricultural, Pastoral, and Industrial Exhibits, which eloquently illustrate the marvellous progress made by our small section of the British Empire, which only 75 years ago was populated solely by Aboriginals and a mere handful ol Whites. In that short period, the progress of the State has been colossal. That which was virgin soil only a few years ago has produced minerals worth millions of pounds, whilst hundreds of millions have been won as the result of our Pastoral, Dairying and Agricultural efforts. Our District Exhibits, One Farm Exhibits, the exhibit of the Boonah Rural School, together with those of the Government Departments of Agriculture and Stock and Forestry, will convey to your Excellencies greater proof of rour progress and the great possibilities of our land than would pages of literature. At the present juncture, no Primary Products are receiving greater attention than Sugar and Cotton, and we commend to your Excellency's- notice the display of Cotton Ginning which is going on on our Ground, and the Sugar Court in the main Show Building. Our Horse Exhibits, this year, are a record so far as numbers and quality are concerned. In the Hack Section, the examples submitted for inspection are superb in quality, and the entries are gratifying. In the Maiden Hack Class, 82 entries have been registered. Ini the Trotters, Hunters, and Jumpers, we have the very cream of Australia's Champions competing. In the Dairy Cattle Section, the exhibits constitute a record hitherto unapproached, and embrace no fewer than 714 examples of the best dairying strains in the State. In the Sheep Section, we are showing typical examples of our best Stud Merinos and British Breeds, and the Swine Section is double in volume that of any exhibit hitherto staged by our Assoeiation. In the Horticultural Pavilion we have a gorgeous collection of Flowers and Plants, together with a magnificent collection of Tropical and other Fruits, for the production of which our State is becoming famous. We are also submitting samples of Australian Manufactured Machinery, designed with a view to saving labour in Agricultural :. - pursuits. Other exhibits include many examples of the work produced in Queeunland Faotoris. ^' * The ever popular Dog and Poultry Sections are again repre- eanted by the best that Queensland can produce. Idea Of t)e great possibilities of the State of rhieh we are inhabitants under the rule of his Most Gracious Majesty the King, whom you so ably represent, and to whom we beg that you will convey assurance of our devotion and allegiance to the Throne." His Excellency the Governor-General replied : "Mr. President and Gentlemen, , I thank you for the kind terms in which you welcome Lady Forster and myself. I assure you that it is a great pleasure to both of us to visit Queensland for the second time and to be present at the 47th Annual Show, which I now have the honour to declare open. I rejoice to learn that the number and qyality of the exhibits is so satisfactory and I desire to congratulate the Council of the Royal National Agricultural and Industrial Associ- ation of Queensland upon the well-merited success of their efforts. A year ago, I was able to see something of the sugar industry and I can well appreciate the importance of it to the State. "I hope, in the course of my present visit," continued His Excellency, "to see and to learn much of interest in connection with cotton growing, for I am convinced that the development of cotton-growing is of immense importance both to Australia and the Mother Country. I am glad to learn that this year's cotton crop has been so successful in both yield and quality, and that it has reached the value of about £100,000. In 1920, the imports of raw cotton into Great Britain were valued at 175 millions sterling. With such a market, I see no reason why in the course of a few years from~now the value of the cotton crop in Australia should not equal that of our wheat and our wool, provided we develop it on sound lines. And when we speak of cotton, let us remember that the seed, as well as the fibre, is of use, for the seed yields a food for stock of quite extraordinary value. I have used hundreds of tons of cotton-cake on my own farms, and know from experi- ence what a vast difference it makes to both sheep and cattle. "One of the things about cotton growing which attracts me so strongly is its suitability for the new settler and the small man -the man with small capital and a small holding of land-the yield per acre being, under favourable conditions, so high, at present prices, as to give him a quick and handsome return for his labour. But we want to know much more about it than we do at present, and I hope that all who are in a position to do so will grow a small quantity on different kinds of soil, and in different parts of the Commonwealth. I trust that all growers will keep careful account of the cost of production, so that there may be reliable data upon which wide development may be undertaken in future years. And above all, let it be remembered that quality counts above everything. Do not be content to grow anything but the best. It costs no more to grow, and the best quality will always fetch the best price. Here we have a commodity which the world must have-for which there is a constant and ever-growing demand, a product which requires no special form of transport, and which does not perish on the way. {et us make the most of our oppor- tunity. But let us always remember that the future of this industry will depend upon the cost of production, and the price realised, and the price will depend on the quality. We lead the world in the production of the highest class wool. With our advantage of soil and climate, let us strive to do the same with *otton.a ' .

.. ' i^^l~f-. land (ir Matthew Nthan).~ Others at the head table were the Premier (flon. E. . Theodore) and Mrs. Theodore, Archbishop SJharp, Sir Denison and Lady Miller, Mayr-eneral and Mrs. Bruche, Rev. M. Lanes Sir Pope A. Cooper, Commodore Addison (in command of the Australian I;Fleet), Captain Feakes (H.M.A.. Melbourne), the Mayor (Ald. H. Jr. ,Diddams C.M.G.), Mr. E. Baynes (Chairman of the Royal National Asso-

Pitt-Rivers Vice-President biation Council) and Mrs. Baynes, Captain 1 J. P. Bottomley and Mrs. Bottomley, Vice-President E. T. Bell, M.LA. and Mrs. Bell, Mrs. H. T. Grordon. An excellent repast was served by : a large stat from Finney, Isles and Co. 'a cafe. * The Toast List was as brief as circumstances would permit, and the speeches were models of brevity. The President, in proposing the health of the ovror-Gneral, said last year they were pleased to see Lord Forster as the chief represent- ative in Australia of the K~ing; to-day they welcomed him .and Lady Forster on their own account, for they had learned to love themn and to appreciate their deep interest in all that Queensland was doing. Yhey were glad to know that he had seen so much of Queensland, ;rd that he now proposed to look into pastoral conditions in the Far West. They liked him to be conversanit with this great continent, so that when he went back home he could really speak for Australia and tell the young people on the other side--some with capital, others with brawn and muscle and stout hearts--that there was no better plaec in the world to some to. * ~ Lord Pointer, in rep~y, spoke of the pleasure it gave Lady Forster and himself to renew the friendships they were fortunate enough to make last year. "I have noticed this year," he said, "that whenever anyone proposes our health in Brisbane, the speaker always makes some reference to our pending departure. (Laughter). They always tell us what we can do when we go home. We don't want to go home (C'heers). * We have not seen half enough of Australia yet, I hope before we leave the shores of this wonderful land, we shall know far more about it and its people, than we do at present." (Cheers.) Lord Forster added that when the sad moment came for returning to the mother country, there would be no warmer friends of Australia and Australians, than Lady I'orter and himself.- The Pregident also proposed the health of the Queensland overnor, and declared that in his 20 months among them, Sir Matthew had been north, south, east, and west, and seen more of ueensland than any other Governor. He had only to visit the Camooweal district, and thenr * he would know more of ueenland than a good many uenslnder. He (Mr. McDougall) had noticed when the overnor visited their schools, h.' had always something to say to the boys and girl, which would rtreally help them to be hotter uequeladr. I1 ______1_1 __ i_ ; _ .' . * \ v !

": 5 1 Sir Matthew Nathan excused a lengthy reply on the ground that "all of us are wanting to get to the best live stock parade of the year in Queensland and possibly in all Australia." He associated himself with the president's expression of satisfaction at the Governor-General being at the opening of the Show. "We have had him here," he said, "in each of the two years of his being our King's representative in Australia. He has set a precedent by this attendance, and we beg him to continue .\' the practice. It means a great deal to us. It means a stimulus to our Exhibition, and more visitors from other States-more of those whom we desire should see what can be done in Queensland, and by making it known to the world, bring people in increasing numbers to our State. For Australia's safety in the grave situation in which she finds herself "2 in relation to the populations of the eastern world, it is essential that the centre of gravity of our own poulation should move to the north. (Hear, hear.) Here, viewing the Australian problem from a closer stand- point than may be possible down south, we feel constrained to use our every effort to people our country. One such effort in that direction is this Exhibition, which is to give some idea of our latent incompletely worked riches. It is an invitation to the Empire to come and make these riches available to the world and so promote the welfare and to secure the safety of Australia. We want to issue that invitation in the name of the Governor-General." The Premier proposed "The Royal National Agricultural Asso- ciation," and referred to the value of the Association to the industries of Queensland. It was doing wonderfully good work in establishing healthy rivalry in the primay industries,, and setting up standa'ds for products which would lead to useful emulation. The Association deserved the heartiest support, and he believed it received it both from the Government and the people. The Governor-General had done it community vast service in calling attention to the prospective value of cotton growing. It would not be confined to Queensland, but this State was bound to' figure more largely than any other State. Already the industry had been launched, and the State and Commonwealth Govern. nients had given encouragement to it by way of guarantees to the giowers. Those guarantees might land the Government in an outlay of hundreds of thousands of pounds, but if the result was the effective establishing of the industry the expenditure would have been well worth while. ' But there was every hope that no such expense would be incurred, for the product was so excellent that it was likely to realise in the ' markets of the world a price sufficient to remunerate the growers with- out Government aid. (Applause). Queensland had been a cotton growing country for more than half a centuary, and in 1862, bales were sent to Lancashire, and pronounced superior to the cotton from any other part of the world. Unfortunately economic difficulties prevented the industry becoming established then, but the conditions were now in favour of Queensland, and he believed cotton growing would become one of the foremost industries of Australia. Mr. E. Baynes, in reply, said the 1922 Exhibition, in spite of adverse conditions prevailing in the State-first of all the long dry spell during the autumn months, and then the deplorable condition of the cattle market-was a pronounced success. Speaking about the cattle market, there never was a time when they in Australia should more resolutely adopt methods for improving the beef. Ho knaw cattlemen who would say this was not the time to spend money on their properties. He entirely disagreed with them, as they had now the opportunity of buying .'6 young high-class stud bulls at herd bull prices, and if they wished to compete successfully in the world's markets with the Argentine, then they must do as they do; that was, spend each year, money on high- \ .~

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'S - 4 : ' 4 Zi,.' .i... - . . j~"gWF(.rr~ ii~~Wr;~p~;~y*e~u~py:.~arr~~ ~~1YUI~E~LIU ly)rul-qal-r -r~ ~--C~-- ~- thi-;"-'<*Wt.rr *fLw ,,Bp, ,'> -^ ^ , ownear. ZrlB~~o onhe nid uOnl4lalffrd to plied equally to the beef and dairy herds. la . "' t(Jpana theyinstituted a better bull eampigncampaign^ with the result tatthat tlethey5 ff;Hf; / : aeJld raised the yriyield of milkrilk and butter per head to nearly that of .Den- fV- -mrhiimark; the greateigreatest butterr producing country in the world. This showed ;*; what could be donedr by carefulcareful breeding, and what had been donedoni in ^.S OftadaCanada coaldcould be done ini Queensland. Reviewing some of the features .? ? of the Show,Show h(he said the district and one farm exhibits were SevidenceS evidence thatthat) therethe was nothingeothing wrong with a country that could produce - i.'-! such aaonderfl wonderful variety of things in an adverse season. It was a great 1' ., pitypity that the whole of these exhibits and one farm displays i'Scould could not be traatransplantedI into the British Empire Exhibition, to be held : S * in in 1994.192' It wouldould be a revelation to many in the old country, _*S and might go faifar to inducegie immigrants of the right sort to come to us. BeferringReferring to the cotton display, he said they had hanging in the ofieoffice a certificate awaiawarded to G.M..M. Challinor by the Queensland Exhibition in :,-, 1866, just 56 yeaiyears ago, foror a bale of New Orleans and Sea IslandIsland cotton; "thisS this was presentfpresented by Mr.r. Harry Challinor, and he was sure, after they '*. had seen the cotcotton exhibitsibits and the ginnery at work on the grounds, ."*' and badhad had a ttalk withi that splendid old apostle of cotton, Mr. Dan 'Jne, Jones, they woul

,I, -' " ' "*' *. - : "> . IF -l~~r- . \-: ",.ox i ' '15

he acknow- */i they often met with more abuse than praise. As Chairman, 0 much of ledged the work done by the members of the Council, to whom did, the close tbo success of this Exhibition was due. Knowing, as he attention the secretary, Mr. Bain, .had given to the details of the Asso- ciation for the whole 12 months, he complimented him, and also gave a word of praise to the staff. Amongst the guests who accepted invitations to the Official Luncheon wEre: Mr. C. E. McDougall (President), Mr. Ernest Baynes (Chairman of Council), and Mrs. Baynes, Mr. J. P. Bottomley (Vice-President) and Mrs. and Miss Bottomley, Mr. E. T. Bell, M.L.A. (Vice-President) and Mrs. Bell, Mr. W. J. Affleck (Hon. Treasurer) and Mrs. and Miss Affleck, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Charles, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Cribb, Mr. and Mrs. P Frankel and Miss Frankel, Mr. & Mrs. J. Hiron and Miss Hiron, Mr. & Mrs. J. Macdonald and Miss Macdonald, Mr. & Mrs. A. T. Noyes and Miss Noyes, Mr. & Mis. C. R. Pickworth and Miss Pickworth, Mr. & Mrs. P. J. Symes, Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Taylor, Mr. & Mrs. H. Brookes nd Misses Brookes, Sir A. 8. & Lady Cowley, Mr. R. Gailey and Misses Gailey, Mr. J. Washington Irving (Hon. Vet. Surgeon) and Mrs. Irving, Mr. G. Waugh (Hon. Solicitor), Mr. J. Bain (Secretary) and Mrs. Bain, Mr. & Mrs. J. Armstrong, Mr. L. F. Anderson, Mr. & Mrs. E. G. E. Beriven, Major & Mrs. Cofy, Mr. & Mrs. J. MeConnel, Mr. & Mrs. R. Beynolds, Mr. & Mrs. W. P. Devereux, Mr. & Mrs. R. Sinclair Smith, Mr. & Mrs. G. H. Howell, Mr. & Mrs.C. H. Sager, Mr. & Mrs. A. Spencer, Mr. & Mrs. J. Allan, Mr. & Mrs. E. J. Gillingwater, Mr. & Mrs. J. 8. Dix, Hon. A. G. C. & Mrs. Hawthorne, Miss E. Deverell, Miss Deverell, Miss Pritchard, Mr. & Mrs. A. Asher, Hon. Wm. Bertram, M.L.A. (Speaker) and Mrs. Bertram, Major-General & Mrs. Bruche, Mr. & Mrs. C. P. Bot- tomley, Mr. M. Selwyn Smith, Mr. G. E. Ball, Mr. H. Bracker, Mr. Ronald Brisbane, Mr. & Mrs. W. J. Brett, Mr. & Mrs. A. H. Benson, Mr. & Mrs. E. Bick, Miss Coral Bills, Mr. & Mrs. M. Becker, Mr. & Mrs. G. Barter, -Mrs. J. T. Bell, Mr. & Mrs. A. F. T. Ruthning, Mr. & Mrs. H. S. Herring, Mrs. H. L. E. & Miss Ruthning, Ald. J. & Mrs. Burrows, Ald. M. J. A Mrs. Barry, Mr. & Mrs. J. D. Bishop, Mr. & Mrs. W. M. Nelson, Mr. & Mrs. J. Cryl, Mr. & Mrs. W. Arundel, Mr. & Mrs. A. H. Blott, Mr. & Mrs. F. Ellis, Mr. & Mrs. Gordon McAdam, Mr. & Mrs. J. Stitt, Mrs. Harry Baynes, Mr. & Mrs. E. G. Blume, Miss L. Brunditt, Mr. R. Baxter, Mr a. Mrs. C J. Booker, Briradier-General & Mrs. Spencer Browne, Mr. & Mrs. J. A. Portus, Mr. & Mrs. O. Darvalls, Mr. & Mrs. F. S. Lucas, Mr. & Mrs. F. K. Brodribb, Mr. & Mrs. H. J. Challis, Mr. & Mrs. Norman White, Mr. & Mrs. R. M. McDougall, Mr. B. Burstall, Mr. & Mrs. T, B. Hooper, Mr. & MrsLT. C. Beirne, Mr. & Mrs. J. Gasteen, Sir Pope Cooper, Hon. J. H. & Mrs. Coyne, Captain & Mrs. G. A. H. Curtis, Mr. & Mrs. H. G Cribb, Mr. & Mrs. R. S. Taylor, Mr. & Mrs. S. Chapman, Mr. W. Carter, Mr. & Mrs. E. Colclough, Mr. A. Hertzberg, Mr. B. H. Tanner, Mr. A. Watson, Mr. S. Benjaman, Mr. & Mrs. D. M. Fraser, Mrs. B. M. Collins, Mr. & Mrs. J. Devoy, Col. & Mrs. Hughes, Mr. J. P. & Miss Woods, 1MIr. & Mrs. J. D. Bell, Mr. & Mrs. C. Campbell, Mr. & Mrs. E. A. Cullen, Mr. & Mrs. D. M. Corrie, Aid. George & Mrs. Carter, Mrs W. Collins & Miss Collins, Col. & Mrs. Cass, Mr. A. H. Davis, Mr. J. H. Del- pratt, Mr. L. P. Dutton, Mr. Hugh Daley, Mr. Wm. Wylie, Mr. W. Din- - neen, HRon. Digby, Mrs. & Miss Denham, Mr. & Mrs. A. D. Walsh, Mr. & Mrs. 1Z. H. Roe, Rev. M. Lane, Mr. & Mrs. John Dunn, Mr. ,. M. David- son, Aid. & Mrs. H. Doggett Aid. Geo. &M rs. Downs, Col. & Mrs. J. M, A. Durrant, Mr. & Mrs. A. C. Dibdin, Mr. & Mrs. Davies, Mr. & Mrs. E. Ewart, Mr. G. Elliot, Aid. A. & Mrs. Faulkner, Mr. & Mrs. H. Friend, Mr. T. D. Fraser, Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Fairfax, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Fee, Mr. & Mrs. H. Feather, Mr. & Mrs. W. J. Conke, Mr. & Mrs. J. Kilroe, Hen. P. J, & Mrs. Leahy, Mr. f Mrs. J. Lang, Miss Clayton; Mr. t Mrs. . 16

D. Fleteher, Mr. H. Frederieks, Hon. W. N. & Mrs. Gillies, Mr. .& Mrs. A. illespie, Mr. & Mrs. B. Gailey, Junr., Miss Griffith, Mr. & Mrs. H. Y. Gordon. Aid. Qelston, Mr. & Mrs. L. A. Childe, Mr. E. T. Carbutt, Bev. W. H. Mrs. Greenwood, Mrs. Rigby, Mr. J. A. Hayes, Mr. & Mrs. A. C. s Barren, Mr. a Mrs. E. B. Isaacs, Mr. M. Marks, Mr. Ulton McCabe, Mr. & Mrs. E. E. Forth, Mr. & Mrs. Hunter, Mr. & Mrs. Adam Halliday Mr. a Mrs. J. G. Howie, Aid. J. H. a Mrs, Hetherington, Mr. & Mrs. W. B. SHardeastle, Miss Hetherington, Mr. F. G. Woodward, Mr. & Mrs. Bobert Joyce, Mr. & Mrs. D. Jones, Mr. & Mrs. M. J. Kerwan, Mr. J. T. Howell, Mr. & Mrs. J. A. Nystrom, Mr. & Mrs. F. L. South, Mr. & Mrs. W. C. Poulsen, Mr. J. H. Kilvington, Mr. & Mrs. A. 8. Kennedy, Hon. James & Mrs. Larcombe, Mr. & Mrs. H. Pritchard, Mr. & Mrs. T. M. Hewitt, Mr. J. T. Lowe, Mr. C. A. Lee, Mr. W. F. Lyon, Mr. R. P. Lord, Mr. B. M. King, Mr. & Mrs. A. G. Melville, Hon. Justice & Mrs. Lukin, Aid. B. W. SH & Mrs. Long, Mr. & Mrs. J. F. Lonergan and Miss Lonergan, Mr. & Mrs. J. H. Keighley, Justice & Mrs. Macnaughton, Hon. J. & Mrs. Mullan, Lady Morgan a Miss Morgan, Aid. J. F. & Mrs. Maxwell, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Moles, Mr. & Mrs. H. A. Jones, Mr. & Mrs. R. S. Maynard, Mr. H. J. Hayne, Mr. J. M. Manson, Mr. F. C. Hawes, Mr. & Mrs. A. Murphy, Sir Denison & Lady Miller, Mr. & Mrs. H. Knapp, Mr. & Mrs. G. F. Weatherlake, Mr. & Mrs. C. F. Murray, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Murray, Mr. G. H. Murray, Mr. B. Macdonald, Mr. & Mrs. Justice McCawlcy, Mr.* & Mrs. J. C. McMillen, Mr. J. McWhirter, Mrs. Jas. McWhirter >. (Junr.), Dr. & Mrs. Macdonald, Mr. & Mrs. G. A. Feilding, Mr. & Mrs. S . J. Lansdowne, Aid. McLachlan, Aid. & Mrs. W. B. McCullough, Mr. & Mrs. J. McConachie, Mr. & Mrs. R. G. McLeod, Mr. E. J. Dunn, Miss SFotheringham, Mr. W. E. Bramble, Mr. W. L. Porter, Mr. & Mrs. W. A. Nason, Mr. G. Newman, Mr. J. W. Nuttall, Mr. & Mrs. F. W. de Little, Mr. T. A. Roberts, Mr. & Mrs. E. H. Matthews, Commodore & Mrs. A. P. Addison, C.M.G., Flag Captain Henry J. Feakes, Lieutenant E. H. N. '*' Harvey, Captain H. P. Cayley (H.M.A.S. Sydney), Commander M. B. R. Blackwood, Mr. A. C. Gray, Mr. J. O'Carroll, Brisbane, Mr. & Mrs. W. SH. Overell, Aid. & Mrs. A. M. Oxlade, Mr. Mrs. & Miss Cuthbert Potts, Mrs. & Miss Prentice, Mr. & Mrs. E. L. Paine, Mr. & Mrs. W. C. Peak, Mr. C. H. Patrick, Mr. T. H. O'Neill, Mr. & Mrs. G. H. Pritchard, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert R. Pickworth, Mrs. F. Pearson, Mr. J. N. Parkee, Mr. L. h Pike, Rev. W. G. Pope, Mr. & Mrs. H. C. Quodling, Hon. H. L. & Mrs. Groom, Mr. A. E. Joseph, Mr. & Mrs. M. Baldwin, Mr. P. O'Shea, Mr.. Mrs. G. S. Colman Mr. A Mrs. Allan Campbell, Mr. & Mrs. P.J . ; tephenu, Mr. A Mrs. M. S. Herring, Mrs. John Beid & Misses Reid, Mr. .Jack Reid, Mr. H. Hill, Prof. H. C. & Mrs. Richards, Mr. Charles Ross, Brig.-General & Mrs. Robertson, Mr. & Mrs. L. H. Spence, Aid. A. J. A SMrs. Raymond, Mrs. T. J. Ryan, Judge Hamilton (Sydney), Commander & Mrs. Short, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Shaw, Hon. Forgan & Mrs. Smith, Mr. & Mrs. F. Stimpson, Mr. W. Soutten, Mr. E. J. Shelton, Mrs. J. Stirling, .dMr. Mrs. C. F. Siemon, Mr. & Mrs. G. Bell, Mr. & Mrs. F. G. Prosser, Mr. A Mrs. W. B. Slade, Mr. A Mrs. O. C. Slade, Archbishop Sharp. Ho. Justice & Mrs. Shand, Mr. & Mrs. W. M. Snelling, Hon. E. G. Theodore, Mr. 8. C. & Miss Taylor, Mr. Gerard Noble, Mr. G. N. Parkes, Mr. S. Tait, Mr. F. W. Turley, Mr. A Mrs. T. C. Troodson, Hon. A. J. A Miss Thynne, Mr. A Mrs. J. Gibson, Aid. J. P. & Mrs. Teefey, Mr. A. Thomp- . on, Mr. A Mrs. G. P. Stuart, Mrs. T. Morgan, Mr. H. Heiuer Miss Mahon, I:. Dr. A Mrs. I, J. Moore, Rev. Dr. E. N. Merrington, Hon. 'W. J. & Mrs. SVowles, Mr. A Mrs. Crawford Vaughan, Mr. A Mrs. H. Stern, Mr. R. G. Watson, Mr. B. W. Winks, Mr. W. F. 6 Mrs. Woodrofe, Mr. M. Wallace, Mr. B. Watson, Mr. W. H. Watson, Mr. A Mrs. C. H. Foulis, Mrs. G. G. Hutton, Mr. F. W. Sabine, Mr. A Mrs. J. H. Holdsworth, Mr. ._ , fA Mrs. A. Weinholt; Mr. A Mrs. L. C. Walker, Mr. & Mrs. F. E. Walsbh, .Mr. 4 Mrs. P. E. Waleott, Mr. J. Nnxon Smith, Mr. A Mrs. S. S. Hooper.

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Statement of Attendances of the Council.

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AfWleek, W. J. ... J. 8 8 3 1 20 20 Baynes, Ernest ...... 6 4 3 2 15 21 Noyes, A. T...... 7 7 1 - 15 19 Bottomley, J. P...... 7 5 1 1 14 20 Hiron, J...... 7 - 3 1 11 12 Macdonald, J...... 8 - 3 - 11 11 Cribb, H. S...... 4 6 - - 10 16 Frankel, P...... 7 - 2 1 10 12 Pickworth, C. R...... 4 - 3 - 7 11 Taylor, C...... 6 - 1 - 7 11 Symes, P. J...... 5 - 1 - 6 11 Bell, E. T...... 4 - - - 4 8 Charles, W. M...... - - - 1 8 Brookes, H..- - - - - 8

RETIRINU MEM1BERS OF COUNCIL AND AUDITOR. You are called upon to elect officers in place of the follow- ing, who rctire :- L'ehident : Mr. C. E. McDougall. Vice Presidents: Messrs. J. P. Bottonmlev ant E. T. Bell, M.L.A. Council : Messrs. W. J. Affleck, H. Brookes, J. Hiron, C. R. Pickworth, P. J. Symes, aad Charles Taylor, M.L.A. Auditor: Mr. Hamilton S. Shaw. The closing date for receipt of nominations for any of the offices enlumerated is 30th October, 1922. With the exception of Mr. J. P. Bottomley, as Vice-President, and Mr. Hanmilton S. Shaw, as Auditor, all the above mentioned gentle- men are eligible for re-election. Mr. J. P. Bottomnley, retiring Vice- President, is eligible for re-election as a member of Council. The folowing gentlemen remain in office for a further twelve mionths :-Messrs. Ernest Baynes, W. M. Charles, H. S. Cribb, P. t Frankel, John Macdonald, and A. T. Noyes. r Yours faithfully, "~ For, and on behnlf of the Council, iY ';1 ERNEST BAYNES, Chairmau. : Bribab n, 12th October, 1922. -il 4 tl

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J. E3PORT OF THE CHAIRMAN of the Council of THE ROYAL NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL & INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATION OF QUEENSLAND. I For the Show of 1922. CHAIE MAN'S SHOW REPORT. t The recent Show can be said, without exaggeration, to be a splendid i1 * epitome of Queensland's resourses, showing as it did the wonderful pro- . ' ductivity of this State. The Association can fairly claim to have as- sisted in bringing about this development. The general standard of the exhibits reached a very high level, and it is now very apparent that nothing but the best is good enough for the Brisbane Show. I will now make a few remarks about the various exhibits. In the HORSE SECTION, the Blood Horses were an exceedingly fine lot, em- Sbracing, as they did, some imported horses and some Australian' bred horses of very high quality. The winner, "Amberdown," was a horse .* who proved himself on the Turf, and now his racing days are over, I -...< have not the slightest doubt but that, suitably mated, he will be a suc- I ';/ eess at stud. The Clydesdales were, I regret to say, rather an indifferent i. - lot, and it is a great pity that breeders have allowed this exceedingly useful horse to drift to such a low ebb, for with all the new land to be broken up for cotton growing, I doubt if there are sufficient draught horses to do the work, and if breeders are alive to the fact and have a Sfew suitable mares, they should start breeding up, as I feel sure there will be a big demand for draught horses for some years to come. The Stud Ponies were a very pleasing lot. In the Trotting Classes we had that magnificent horse "Globe Derby," who won in the stud class and . afterwards lowered our track record from 2.15 to 2.12j, a very wonder- ; ful performance on our track. The Hacks were, without a doubt, the ;. .,. best we have seen for a great number of years, and the District Team *s Prise was a great success and produced a lot of interest. I feel sure *." that if this particular prize is taken in hand early, we will have a fine response for the 1923 Show. The Hunting Classes were well contested with about one or two exceptions, and, as these Classes do not evidently Sattract, they will be eliminated from the next year's programme, and more attractive ones put in their place. A wonderful record was put up by Mr. Greasley's 13.1 pony ''Hector,'' who established a world's record of 6ft. 9ins. ofr a pony of that height. In the Ladies' High Jumping contest, 6ft. 9ins. was jumped by two horses, thus establishing a record on our ground for the ladies. In the Open High Jump Contest, some of the best horses in Australia competed, but no records were broken, S"Douglas" winning at 7ft. In the Harness Classes some very nice , horses were seen, the Championship going to ' Edna Wilkes,'' but it was '*' in the Pony Classes, in harness, that the most attractive of our horses were seen, the Saddle Ponies, too, were an exceedingly fine lot, and met with the Judge's highest approval. I regret to say that the Trades- man's Classes did not fill as well as was hoped for, and it seems a pity that employers do not take more interest in this division, as I know it Swould be to their benefit to do o. In the CATTLE SECTION, the Shorthorns were not as numerous as in the last two or three years, but the quality was well maintained. In my opinion, the females were a particularly good lot, Mr. Thone- mann's "Kuyura Duke of Derrimut 7th" taking the Championship, the very fine cow, Mr. C. E. McDougall's "Lyndhurst Royal Rose" being awarded the Championship in a very strong class. The Herefords were an outstanding feature of the Beef Breeds, and it would worry you, probably, for me to tell you all about this particularly fine section- SMr. Jaes Sparkes winning the Championship with "Mansel Liberator," 19

and Mr. Barnes obtained the Chanipionship with his cow, "Miss Beattit , 2nd." In the other breeds-Aberdeen Angus, Devons, Sussex and Bed Polls, there were some nice examples of these breeds shown, but unfor- tunately, the entries were small. Fat Cattle, in spite of the adverse season and other features, were a very good lot, those suitable for freezing being the outstanding feature in this section., Breeding for better Beef; A splendid example of what can be done wa an exhibit by Mr. Edgar McConnel, who had a pure bred 12 months old Hereford steer specially fattened, showing what can be done with well bred early maturing stock. When slaughtered it weighed 471 lbs.; it was chilled andi then taken out to our Grounds anti there cut up into joints. In my opinion, I never saw a better body of baby beef-if it had a fault it was too prime for local requirements, but in London would meet with ready sale. It would be interesting to know what it cost to produce this carcass of beef. In the Dairy Breeds we perhaps have never seen such a beautiful lot of cattle on our grounds, and as I do not feel competent to express an opinion on this section, and doubtless Mr. Affleck will be forwarding his report, I will leave it at that. Grouping of Dairy Cattle: I have a perfectly open mind on this subject and listenedl with interest to the opinions expressed, and came to the conclusion that the verdict was about equal. The exhibitors are distinctly in favour of it, while buyers and the general public are strong- ly opposed to it. Unfortunately our Show, like other Royal Shows, does not attract as many breeders of Merinos as could reasonably be expected, and it is to be regretted that buyers neglect to make the most of the opportunity of purchasing in Queensland, as at this time of the year the rams carry full fleeces and are near to their Stations. Then again, breeders are not making the best use of the Brisbane Exhibition, in not showing and selling on our grounds. Ram Sales are conducted during the week in some of the Wool Stores, but I am certain that many more would be sold if they were on the Show Grounds and more accessible to buyers. I would like to mention that the ram exhibited by Mr. H. M. Collins was sold on our grounds for 200 guineas. In the British Breeds of Sheep there were a few exceedingly good sheep and the Corriedales shown by Mr. Fairfax will, I feel sure, when the value of these sheep is known, be of very great importiance to Queensland. The Pig Section was very strong, and I feel sure under the present management of this Section, a marked improvement will be noticeable each year, and it is with pleasure that I was informed the stud pigs brought very satisfactory figures for the breeders. The Dogs were housed in their new Pavilion, and I heard nothing but satisfactory reports from the exhibitors. The space occupied by them in former years was given over to the Poultry, and 1 suppose it was easily the best Poultry Show ever seen in Queensland. The Fruit and Horticultural Section was a most pleasing and at- tractive sight. The wide range of fruit, tropical, semi-tropical, and fruit such as apples and pears from the temperate zone, went to demonstrate what a wonderful state Queensland is-we can grow anything and every- thing. For the first time since its erection, the John Reid Industrial Hall was made use of this year. The Motor Traders Association had the building most tastefully fitted up, and it was one of the most attractive *rhihte nn tha arnnnal. On tha Tiuanlar n Rhhnw Woak thia Wel1 *dna - -~--- an~ ' I I II

/ ; ":~'~ p jLV ~p:r: 20

formally opened by His Excellency, Sir Matthew Nathan, who after- wards presented Mrs. John Reid with a golden key, as a small memento of the occasion. The Cotton Gin working on our grounds was one of the most inter- *i - .esting features of this year's Show and was visited every day by thousands of interested spectators. I would like to thank the Govern- ?- ment for the loan of this Gin also the staff of Government employees who assisted in the running of it, who were at all times ready and willing ?"t to give information to the visitors. The thanks of the Association are due to our old friend Mr. Dan Jones, who worked incessantly both in the erection of this plant and supervised the running of it, and it is a great tribute to this gentleman, who for years has been advocating the grow- ing of cotton in Queensland that it is now becoming an established fact. This year's District Exhibits were, without a doubt, the best we have seen, and every credit is due to the West Moreton for their splen- did success. To the Wide Bay and Burnett great praise must be given for the splendid show that they put together, when one remembers the short time they had to organise in this particular district. To Pialba, the newest comer in the B. Grade, highest praise must be bestowed. They are new in this particular form of exhibit, but they showed very great taste in the displaying of their products. Of the One Farm dis- plays, too much cannot be said of these wonderful collections, and it is a very great object lesson to all farmers in this State. The winner of the First Prize is Mr. Haag. The Boonah Rural School drew perhaps as many interested spectators as anything else inside the building, displaying, as it did, the use that many things can be put to that are often wasted about the farm and home. One of the most splendid things it taught was that nothing should be wasted and that everything has a value if properly applied. The Machinery exhibits, I am pleased to say, are becoming more and more each year, and I feel sure that the Machinery Merchants' Asso- siation will recognise the value of our Shows and will be on our grounds at our next Show. We are prepared to meet them in a liberal manner. This year we were fortunate in having with us Their Excellencies The Governor General and Lady Forster. His Excellency performed the Opening Ceremony, and later on, Her Excellency Lady Forster presented the trophies to successful exhibitors, and at that time the ladies working in the Women's Section took the opportunity of Her Excellency's presence to present her with some beautiful pieces of needlework and handicraft. The Ladies' Section, I am told, surpassed anything we have previously seen. Our thanks are due to the Australian Sugar Producers' Association for an exceedingly interesting Sugar Court, which they had in the build- ing. and I feel sure that a visit to that Court must have been of a highly edueational nature to those wishing to find out the real facts of the debatable question re the price of sugar. The Government Agricultural Court, this year, surpassed itself, and for general excellence and get up we have, p(erhaps, never seen its equal, and I would like to express a word of a]ppreciation to Messrs Snodling and Mobiby for the care and attention given to this beautiful ,ourt. . ,The Forestry Department Court also called for splendid recognition, ' and was one of the most pleasing features, showinjg,as it did, the forest . senaes and later on the timber in its finished stat e. The Court was in sharge of Mr. Moore, an enthusiast in forestry.

\*. .' - * |:;;-r*,. A' - I - -1------~- ura u Butter, Cheese and Bacon fully demonstrated the importance of this great industry. The Wine Section was, I am told, a distinct improvement on the previous year's display. Improvements: There is one outstanding thing we must provide for in our next Show, and "that is a Creche, where Mothers may leave their babies, so as to enable them to see the Show in comfort. In my visit to Melbourne next month, together with Mr. Bain, we will obtain the latest figures as to how they run it and so forth. I have been thinking for some time that it would be to our advantage to have a couple of days camp-drafting run under our auspices, but on some ground, adjacent to Brisbane, that has a train service, and paddocks for. holding the cattle. My idea would be to run this in the week previous to the Show, also to have Sheep Dog Trials, the finals of these trials to take place on our own ground. I would like Members of Council to seriously consider this, as I feel sure that it would add a great deal to the interest and to (he carnival spirit of the Royal National Show. Thanks: My thanks are due to the splendid work of my fellow Councillors, who went so far to make a success of this year's Show, and I feel sure that they will not object to my specially thanking the Council, Ring Stewards and Hon. Stewards for their great assistance. As you know, their work began on Monday morning and ended on Saturday evening. I would like to take this opportunity of congratulating Mr. Symes on the great success of the Saturday's programme, and I feel sure that he will do even better with the experience gained for next Show. I am leaving the figures to our Secretary, who is better able to state them than myself. In conclusion I would like to specially thank our Ground Staff, Messrs McMillan and Pierce, for the splendid work they did during the Show. Thanks are due to Mr. McMillan for the wonderful state of our ground when our Show started, and it is a tribute to him that on the last day of our Show, the ground was in such splendid condition that the bicycle races were held on the track after a week's hard work. A word of praise should also be bestowed on Mr. B. L. George for his good work in keeping the exhibitors in ring events up to time. Mr. Bain I would like to compliment most heartily for the manner in which his work was performed, and I would like to convey my thanks to the staff for the splendid support given to Mr. Bain. (Signed) ERNEST BAYNES, Chairman.

THE TROTTING SECTION. By C. R. PICKWORTH. Entries in the Stud Classes were very satisfactory. In the 'rot- ting events the entries were specially good, and competition keen, some of the finishes being exceedingly close and interesting. In the Open Speed Championship, in which we offered a prize of £300 for any Stud Book Stallion that could lower the track record of 2 main. 15 sees, to the mile, we had two entries, namely, Mr. A. G. Hunter's (of Victoria) ' "Globe Derby," and S. Ball (of New South Wales) "Direct Wilkes. " The last mentioned horse was unfortunately unable to conim along, but "Globe Derby" reduced the track record by 2* seconds, and The record, hlMa5UUUA V *W aStklr t L intesa S, 1, A ndrrAi1.I.I IT jln*' en increasing this prize money next year to £400. It will give enterprising Queenslanders an opportunity of purchasing and bringing to this State

1 722

a horse capable of still further reducing the record. This event proved very interesting to spectators, and immediately the time was put on the result board the cheering that went on for the two or ihree following seconds from 70,000 people showed that our big prize money which at- tracted such a horse was well spent. "Globe Derby" is a bay horse, about 15 hands, good conformation, and a beautiful mover. He also gained Champion Prize for the best Stud Book Stallion on the grounds. I feel sure with the incyeased money in all our Trotting Classes, that we are now giving, we can look forward with confidence to a good collection of the best Trotting Horses from the different States for our next year's Show.

DISTRICT AND ONE FARM EXHIBITS. Report of the Council Stewards, Messrs. J. P. Bottomley, John Macdonald and Charles Taylor, M.L.A. We have pleasure in presenting our Report upon the "District and One Farm Section" of our 1922 Exhibition. PRIMARY PRODUCTS AND MANUFACTURERS, OR A. GRADE: In this section we had only two exhibits, viz., WEST MORETON and rVIDE BAY and BURNETT. These exhibits were of a very high order, the quality, general lay out and display of the exhibits were such as to bring forth the opinions that they were the finest ever staged at the Royal National Exhibition. The total number of points it was possible to obtain in this section were 1558, and out of this number, WEST MORETON obtained 1213, thus winning the First Prize, this being 118) points more than was obtained by this district at our 1921 Show ,showing clearly that those in connection with the exhibit had profited by their previous experience and had strengthened up their weak itivisions in the schedule. We heartily congratulate WEST MORETON on their splendid win, which carries with it the Chelmsford Shield, and we hope to have them with us again at our 1923 Show. WIDE BAY AND BURNETT are also to be complimented upon the display they made, having entered upon the work of organising rather late and under the circumstances did very well indeed; the points gained by them were 816. The quality of their exhibits was good and in many divisions the number of points gained were very creditable. The schedule and scale of points had been revised for this Show, and many of the recommendations made by the conference of District Exhibits were embodied therein, and it is satisfactory to note that no complaints regarding same were made. The Honours awarded were:- Points Prize Money WEST MORETON ...... 1st. 1213 £149 9 2 WIDE BAY 6 BURNETT, 2nd. 816 £100 10 1 ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET: The Booklet issued by West Moreton is a very fine production, and reflected the greatest credit upon those who prepared same. It was awarded the first prize of £10. The fifty copies supplied to the Royal National Associatioa are being forwarded to the Bureaus in the other States and New Zealand, tlso to England and Amerioa. PRIMARY PRODUCTS ONLY, or B. GRADE: In this seetion we had five entries, via., Kingaroy, Gympie, Maranoa, Northern Darling Downs, and Pialba. These districts staged very fine exhibits, and each year the arrangement and display shows a decided improvement on the

I' 1

b~a~aiteaar^.^l^:.¢' 23

preceding year. The quality of the exhibits was good, they were well and effectively arranged. The competition was very keen, the winning district, Pialba, obtaining 809 points, and the lowest, 767 points, a differ- ence of only 52 points between the first and' the fifth prize winners. The Honours awarded were: Points Prize Money Pialba ...... 1st. 809 £82 17 9 Northern Darling Downs 2nd. 801 80 2 7 Maranoa ...... 3rd. 770 78 17 0 Kingaroy ...... 4th. 767 78 11 9 Gympie ...... 5th. 757 77 11 3 PIALBA: The winners of the first prize are to be complimented upon carrying off the Blue Ribbon on their first effort, which was a very meritorious one. The Court and Exhibits were shown to the best ad- vantage, and the general appearance was pleasing to the eye. We con- gratulate them upon their fine win, and hope it will be the incentive to future efforts by them.

NORTHERN DARLING DOWNS, being second with 801 points, this being seven points more than was obtained by them when winning the first prize in 1921. Most of the Districts, through their managers, have intimated their intention of competing at our 1923 Show. Pialba and the Northern Darling Downs were the only ones to corm- pete for the booklet prize. The first, of £7, being won by Pialba, with a nice, bright, informative booklet. The second prize, of £3, being awarded to Northern Darling Downs. ONE FARM SECTION: In this section, we had three entries, viz., K. Haag, Roadvale; V. O. Williams, Plainby, and S. C. Klumpp, Mt. Gravatt. These were three splendid exhibits and were the centre of attraction during the Exhibition. Mr. Haag obtained first prize, with 470 points, out of a possible 620. This was 49 poivts more than that obtained by him in 1921, while Mr. Williams, the second pzixe winner, obtained 437 points, this was 16 points Imore than the first prize winner in 1921-a very creditable result, this being his first attempt. Mr. Klumpp, who also made his first appear- ance, did very well indeed, and secured 365k points. The Honours awarded were: Points Prize Money Mr. K. Hang, Rouadvaloe ..... 1st 470 £38 15 8 Mr. V. O. Williams, Plainby, 2nd 437 36 1 2 Mr. 8. C. Kluimpp, Mt. Gravatt 3rd 365i 30 3 2 We extend our congratulation to these exhibitors, and thank them for their efforts to place before the visitors to our Shows such splendid exhiits. lshowin whatl cun heP piroidu'pd nn the farImi by thrifty industri- ous men and women, and hope we shall have them with us again in 1923. We also desire to express our best thanks and appreciation to the twenty-eight ladies and gentlemen who so successfully carried out the judging in these sections, their decisions gave every satisfaction, and we compliment them upon the manner in which the duties were per- formed. To our lion. Council Steward, Mr. C. P. Bottomley, we express our best thanks and appreciation, for the very valuable and able assistance rendered by him in this Section. The arrangements were most satis- factory, and everything went on very smoothly apd successfully.

- '. ', ' , , .~ 4 e -- . ' I--m 4 RIIEIAI.-- - .~~

' " " ' '. "* * 24 f The Managers, Organisers, and others in connection with the various District Courts. again expressed their thanks for the .kind treatment and .; attention during the Show period, and spoke eulogistically of our 1922 Show. This is much appreciated and is evidence of their being "satis- fed exhibitors." * . We feel it our duty to express the satisfaction we experienced by -having such a conscientious and capable officer as Mr. P. Pierce in charge of the general arrangements. His duties were discharged with Ss:ch tact and courtesy as to gain for him the thanks and esteem, not Soly of ourselves, but all who came in contact with him-it is indeed a pleasure to be able to place on record our opinions of him. We are quile satisfied that in this section, the 1922 Show surpasses any of its predecessors, and the prospects for our 1923 Show are indeed very bright, the competitions for which will be very keenly contested by the various districts. *. BOONAH RURAL SCHOOL.

. - By J. P. Bottomley. We are indebted to the department of Public Instruction, and also to Mr. McCahon and his staff of teachers \for the very fine display of Rural School Work, showing how school children are taught to make the best use of everything, eliminate all waste, and taught to become Suseful with tools, etc. Mr. McCahon made a most excellent lecturer. He had a continuous audience of visitors, many of whom were from other States, and were keenly interested in his explanation of the system and the methods employed in the Rural School at Boonah. The value of such training cannot be estimated in £ s. d., but cer- tainly its effect on the life of the country district will be to make life more attractive and profitable than formerely. The Council awarded a Certificate of Merit to the exhibit, and it is the intention to mark their appreciation of Mr. McCahon's efforts, by making a presentation to the School for the benefit and use of the teach- ing staff and scholars. To Mr. McCahon and his staff of enthusiastic teachers, we desire to express our admiration and thanks for the splendid exhibit, and the interest they sustained in the same during the whole of the Show period. THE SHEEP AND SWINE SECTIONS. Report of Council Steward, Mr. J. P. Bottomley. I have pleasure in submitting my Report of the Sheep and Swine Sections of our 1922 Show. SHEEP: This year, the Stud Merino Sheep Classes were included in our schedule, and while the support was not as satisfactory as was desired, we had some excellent sheep exhibited by Messrs Lord Bros., Morven, and Mr. H. Melvin Collins, of South Australia. These Sheep were very highly spoken of by the judge and visitors, and we thank these gentlemen for assisting us to revive this most valuable part of our Show. I understand satisfactory sales were made of many of these sheep, and I am hoping our 1923 Show will be even more successful than the 1922 has been. It is the intention to review the schedule, with the view of including classes which were not provided for in this year's schedule. The competition in the British Breeds was not as satisfactory as could be wished, there were, however, some very fine animals shown. The entries were few and confined, in most classes, to the one owner.

1 ______YY -~lm- ~Y~ il)l~ --- ~-~~~-~'~- I_ '- ~i~rrll~- --~- blLL.I~ -Y- YilY~UI- ~L- ~-~YY~nll~i~LM muirmll~-r~i 1Y~ rWL~C*.l-Y- lul._ ~1UI IrY~ l ^i 1 I 25

FAT SHEEP: The entries in this Section were good, both in numbers and quality; our schedule, which had been revised, evidently found favour with exhibitors, and we appreciate the support received. Good prices were obtained for the stock that was sold. Mr. W. B. Slade judged the Stud Merinos, Mr. W. G. Brown the British Breeds, and Mr. W. A. Nason, the Fat Sheep. Their decisions gave entire satisfaction, and we desire to express our thanks and appreci- ation of their services. SWINE SECTION: In this Section, our entries exceeded consider- ably what we have had for many years past: The various breeds were well represented, some exceptionally good animals being shown. Our schedule (recognising the value of the pig) offering increased prize money had the desired effect, and was the means of securing the large entry. The pig sales were very successful, almost all the pige for sale were disposed of, the prices ranging from £8 to £36. We are looking forward to having record entries in 1923. The Swine Section was judged by Mr. E. J. Shelton, of New South Wales, his decisions, although some of the classes were large, gave entire satisfaction, and on behalf of our As- sociation, we desire to thank him for his services. I am extremely indebted to my Hon. Council Steward Mr. C. A. Lee for his valuable and painstaking services rendered in this Section during the Show period, and the Royal Association thanks are herewith accorded to him, and feel that we are indebted to Mr. R. G. Watson for the assist- ance rendered in the preliminary arrangements in connection with this Section. FRUIT SECTION. Report of Council Steward, Mr. John Macdonald. I have pleasure in reporting that the massed display of Fruit, at our recent Show, excelled any previous exhibit shown in Brisbane. It ,has been a debatable q#estion as to whether competitive Fruit District Exhibits or a massed Non-competitive Exhibit was the best, not only in the interests of the fruit industry, but in showing to visitors what our country can produce. The imasseil exhibit, this year, was well displayed and proved one of the most attractive exhibits at our Show. The whole work of obtaining and staging the fruit was carried out by the officers of the Southern Queensland Fruitgrowers' Society. This Society con- sists of 106 Fruit Associations, ranging from Rockhampton to the Tweed River, including Stanthorpe District, and carries out the main Com- mercial work of the Queensland Fruit Industry, and arranges all trans- port to the Southern States. The quality of the Citrus, Pineapples, Bananas, etc., was as good as usual. We also staged a good exhibit of Stanthorpe apples. These' apples had been in cold storage since February, but opened up in excel- lent condition. We desire to encourage the apple industry, and to show that our Queensland apples are equal to the best imported. Next year we will consider the question of Competitive Exhibits, but meanwhile, we the satisfied that the Fruit Industry of Queensland is a great commercial problem, and worthy of general support. I wish to thank the whole of the Officers of the Southern Queensland Fruit-growers' Society, and especially Mr. Edison, Manager, who acted as Honorary Steward.

-^a .--_ ...- ^ .. :.r . . . ^ .. _ ,.^ . . _ .. j ..

IBITS. By Messrs. W. J. Affleck and W. M. Charles.

We have pleasure in submitting a brief Report of the Dairy Cattle Section at this year's Royal National Show. The exhibits on the whole were of a high standard anti are an evidence that the men engaged in the business are giving every attention to the development of their Studs. Queensland needs more and more stud bulls and every Dairyman who has the means should see to it that his grade bull is replaced by a pure sire of the breed that he admires most. The Ayrshire breed hail a good showing and many exhibits were stalled. Breeders appreciated the innovation of having their entries stalleil together, instead of having them placed in classes, as we have always adopted in past years. The system certainly reduces work, but the value of comparison of the animals in the several classes is largely lost, however, the weight of evidence is greatly in favour of the grouping. Mr. Jonas Holmes won the Female Championship and Mr. J. H. Fairfax the Male Championship. The Jersey breeders are to be complimented on their splendid showing. They put together a beautiful exhibit, and the Judge had a difficult task to place the winners. The Female Champion- ship was won by Messrs. W. & D. Carr, and the Male Championship by Mr. E. Burton. The Illawarra Milking Shorthorns had the largest entry, and every breeder of note in the Southern Division brought along repre- sentatives of his Stud, which resulted in many heavy classes. The ex- hibits in the aged classes, in many instances, had Championships or first prize ribbons to their credit, so that the Judge had a very difficult task. Unfortunately our ring was not large enough. With the ever increasing interest in the section, we need a bigger ring, more stalls and feed room accommodation. The Female Championship was won by Mr. S. Mitchell, and the Male Championship by Mr. F. O. Hayter. The Friesians put together a creditable display. Unfortunately two important exhibitors were absent, which was regretted by all interested, however, the showing was an evidence of the progress being made with this breed, and reflected the greatest credit on those who have set out to popularise the breed in this State. The Female Championship was won by Mr. S. H. Hosking, and the Male Championship by Mr. R. G. McLeod. In each Breed the Association provided classes for Calves (male and female), owned andl exhibited by children. Very considerable interest was taken in the classes by all the Hreelers. We feel sure that these classes will develop to the importance that they deserve. His Excellency Sir Matthew Nathan, kindly handed out the ri)bbons, and congratulated all the children on their entry into the Stud business. MILKING TESTS.-The entries taxed our stall accommodation to the utmost. Most of the exhibits were studl ecws, and very good per- formances were put up. The question of conducting the tests with more frequent milkiugs is under consideration.

r' ', I* ^ iC.,. i- ~...1, ~ .. A ^;ye ! *e}y 'ir~bGmfc~aijjn. aijm-imi.4 AL Agricultural and Industrial : .... ROYAL NATION Association of Queensland. SCHEDULE SHOWING RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURE (Years 1915-1922 indlesie)

___ -- __ _ "1' .______. -.S.

1n. nr~J RECI PTSi~-. 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 i Gate Receipts S5169 7 9 5341 16 6626 7 7208 11 92 13 0 11374 9548 17 6 11592 1 .- Entry Fees 1019 18 7 952 17 1195 17 1359 9 1513 1446 610 1411 81'* Donations 684 7 6 691 13 958 10 991 16 297 3 6 1199 1030 8 6 944 0 T 8paee Rent and Privileges 1483 15 10 1253 10 747 19 1862 10 2530 2939 5 3 3236 17 -' Members' Subscriptions .. 1705 10 6 1935 13 2083 4 2548 1 2067 9 0 4821 4320 15 0 3742 12 '/ Sundly Receipts .. 1413 7 10 1869 11 2145 11 2406 6 1819 9 9 4873 4045 16 1 3147 5

EXPENDITURE. Salaries and Wages-per- nianentm- Staff .. 1153 19 2 1095 2 0 1360 6 1 1750 10 11 1821 7 0 1912 12 44 2109 5 0 1623 16' 2- Salaries and Wages- Temporary Staff .. 1787 1 11 1651 8 1 1502 17 11 165:1 14 11 22 18 4 998 3 2280 17 0 2539 4 1. Expenditure on Permanent Improvements 696 7 9 381 16 3 5072 14 11 2699 7 7 660 9 4 6535 7 5009 0 2 2160 17 11 Prize Money, including District Exhibits 4340 3 11 3817 11 10 4291 14 1 4661 4534 0 4576 12 3 5345 3 11i. Water & Municipal Rates 72 10 10 35 13 7 52 16 2| 60 177 932 1 884 10 3 973 2 11 RBent, City Offices .. 156 0 0 161 9 0 174 12 0 188 254 232 0 212 13 4 29010 ,8 ' Interest 170 5 6 139 5 6 j 100 0 0 333 409 318 0 122 0 0 2 4 6 , i " General Expenses 3125 8 10 3734 14 10 | 5511 5 0 4240 3346 8941 8 8705 18 10 8007 13 0. --- i I7 ^^^ ~28 SSTATEMENT of RECEIPTS and PAYMENTS

RECEIPTS. / £ s. d. .".-Advertising in Schedule, Catalogue, and Ring Programme, and Sale of Catalogues, etc ...... 707 0 0 Bullock Weight Guessing ...... 118 1 3 i. Commission on Exhibition Sales ...... 55 0 6 . Donations ...... 944 0 0 Entry Fees ...... 1411 3 10 Fire Insurance .. . . 460 0 0 Gate, Turnstyle, and Grand Stand Receipts . . . . 11592 1 6 SGround Rents ...... 1524 9 6 Members' Subscriptions ...... 3742 12 0 Privileges ...... 1297 10 0 Rent- Property .. . . 97 10 0 Space Rents ...... 1939 7 3 Sundry Receipts ...... 185 4 3

24074 0 1 Credit Balance, 1st January, 1922 ...... 405 13 3

;i £24479 13 1

W. J. AFFLECK, Hon. Treasurer. J. BAIN, Secretary.

* . . 4.,.'.-<*, .. n -\ -~__r_____llj__~j__Lii -- RLI FI-YUIIC~YI IY*i~i C~ _LU~I*hLYI I LIYI-IIIP*i~~l~ttbC~L I-tlln LL-LIIC- : ~I~I~S1_Y1 -Y.- ..~il~Y~~U~d~U1 :. :l*i, I - I mnqr msl~B~wAr~4~n~lff~8s~I • .. : 1 _1_ " * , "" *''*-. *S * =

rA. ~ I_~_ b~B for Period lit January to 3uth Septemier, \iw&.

PAYMENTS. £ d. 855 0 Advertising ...... Audit Fees 42 0 Bank Charge, 10/-; Exchange, £10/15/- 11 0 Cartage, Motor and Cab Hire .. 275 & Catering ...... 814 11 Commission 5 0 District Exhibits (not including prize money) 927 3 Fodder ...... 30 10 Freight 9 6 2 Furniture .. 7 General Expenses 302 1 Hire of Furniture 18 3 - Improvements .. . 2160 11 k Insurance .. 252 6 Interest .. .. . 2 6 Judges' and Stewards' Expenses 358 9 Legal Expenses ...... 10 0' License Fee . . . . 15 0 Lighting-Gas ...... 6 19 9 Electricity ...... 34 10 2 41 11 Maintenance (Grounds and Buildings) 683 4 Members' Badges .. .. 38 6 M usic ...... 7.3 11 Plant ...... 137 5 Printing Schedule, Catalogue, and Ring Programme 568 11 Police Expenses .. .. 56 0 Printing and Stationery .. .. 518 4 Prize Money . .. .. 5345 11 Rates-Water & Sewerage, and Municipal 973 11 Rent of City Offices .. .. 290 0 Repairs and Alterations .. 49? 3 Ribbons . .. . 236 0 Sularies and Waees-Pelrmane'nt Staff .. 1623 16 2 Temporary Staff 411 17 1 Wages, preparing and cleaning up, and paid during Show week 2127 7 0 - 4163 0 3 Sanitary Expenses ...... 50 16 0' Show Expenses ...... 622 13 3 Stamps and Telegrams ...... 233 5 11 Timber ...... 49 10 0 Travelling Expenses ...... 263 17 0-

20942 12 6 Credit Balance, 30th September, 1922 ...... 3537 0 10

£24479 13 4

Examined andl found correct this first (lay of October, 1922. HAMILTON 8. SHAW, A.F.I.A., A.I.C.A. BOY G. GROOM, F.C.P.A. BALANCE SHEET,


£ s.da. Accumulationl Account 65986 17 7 Lon froin Queensland Governent 5000 0 0

£70986 17 7

We have examlined the above Balance Sheet with the nooks and V'ouchers6 QT the Roytal National A. & I. Associatiol, Sand ce~tify that it corresponds therewith. The amounts set ~ebidt the variousRagainst items are in alccordance with valuations

~ subittedto us

; to 3th September, 1922.


£: S. 4. £ S. Q Buildings-Acclinatixation Area . 6021 4 3 Machinery Hill Sectioni 9835 0 0 .Sho~ground proper 15150 0 0 Live Stock Reserve 10110 0 0 Land and Buildings, C/r Grego~y Terrace and (ostiii Street 23100 0 0

Iprovemnts ...... 12000 0 0

F'encing ...... 400 0 0 1200 Proei-tv (Live! tock Rsve) . . 45,00 0 0 Ftrnitui'e, Fitws and Fttings :32 1 P'lat ...... 3183 14 6i Electrie Lamlpss andc Fittings . . 22'5 0 0 Tools ...... 123 7 6 Ribb~ons a-nd Calico . . .. 268 11 6 ILibr~ary~ ...... 10 0 0

______- 133126

6749 16 9 ( 'te lit a lanlce,l 0t I~ Se~temi her,192c 3537 0 10

£709)86 17 7

(ignued ) HAMILTON ~j. SHAW, A...A.,A..(A. 1 uiol ROY . GROOM, F.C.P.A. Autr.

ii .~ .rI1. : i.s ~ ' '? -3 '-I *-. *, 1 V. r; 32 22 SHOW.

Thoroughbred Stalliol "'AMBERDOWN." Trotting Stallion .. r's '' GLOBE DEEBY. " Trotting Mare s "BLACK RIBBONS." Draught Stallion .. ton's "PRIDE O'GLENORE." Draught Mare ick's "NELLIE." Cob Stallion uth's "' WINDERMERE OR." Cob Mar .. .. )rury's "BANSHEE." Harness Pony Stallioi "DON." kaddle Pony Stallion "LUDO." Welsh Pony Stallion "THE WELSHMAN." Pony Mare "GIRLIE." Hack ...... "JACK." Single Harness Horse s "EDNA WILKES." Saddle Pony 'POSTCARD." Harness Pony "LLEW LABS." FLE. Shorthorn Bull nann'a "KUYURA DUKE OF rU'TTrTfT hsI Shorthorn Cow . .. C. E. McDougall'a "LYNDHURST ROYAL ROSE." Hereford Bull .. Jas. Sparkes' "MANSEL LIBERATOR." Junior Hereford Bull Jas. Sprkes' "LYNDLEY ROYAL." Hereford Cow .. J. H. S. Barnes' "MISS BEATTIE 2nd." Devon Bull .. . R. A. Howell's "FORESTER'S GOLD DUST." Devon Cow .. R. A. Howell's "LUSTY 17th." Sussex Cow . J. T. Turnor's "OAKOVER TWIN 5th." Aberdeen-Angus Bull . . C. Clark's "TOM THUMB." Bed Polled Bull .. Ed. J. McConnel's "ROYAL FARMER." Fat Bullock W. Ross Munro. DAIRY CATTLE. Ayrshire Cow .. Jonas Holmes' "BELLE OF LONGLANDS." Ayrshire Bull .. J. H. Fairfax's "JELLICOE OF MARINYA' Jersey Cow .. W. & D. Carr's " LARKSPUR." Jersey Bull . E. Burton's "OXFORD GOLDEN NOBLE." I.M.S. Cow .. .. S. Mitchell's " FUCHSIA OF STRATHDH '.'' I.M.S. Bull .. . F. O. Hayter's ' SOVEREIGN OF WARDEN' Guernsey Bull .. T. S. Champney's "MOONSTONE." Friesian Cow . . H. Hoskine's "MARGARET ANGLIN 2nd OF BERRY." Friesian Bull R. G. McLeod's "MENELAUS OF ST. ATHAN." Royal National Butt er Fat Test .. .. E. D. Lawley's "LORNA OF ARLEY." SWINE. Berkshire Boar .. .. W. J. Warburton's "NORTHGATE ITEM Sad." Berkshire Sow .... H. B. Ellerton's "SERANG MAID." Yorkshire Boar .... W. J. Warburton's "NORTHGATE MY LAD." Yorkshire Sow .... W. J. Warburton's "NORTHGATE GLADDO." Tamworth Boar .. .. W. W. Arnett's "SANDY MACQUEEN." Tamworth Sow .... W. W. Arnett's "MANNING RUBY."

,&*l ^-^t-... y .. _. SI .' ( I/ '~-C"C r~ zUini(i~t..lUCiiLiC~a~ip,:~' . ilLn~.c:-iUT~L~;a II., ~c~~~j~ 33 Districts Exhibits. PRIZE MONEY. On Thursday morning of Show Week, delegates representing the various District Exhibits, the One Man Farms, and the Boonah Rural School, met in the Council Room, where the prize winnings were paid over. The Chairman of Council (Mr. Ernest Baynes), in making the presentations, congratulated all who had taken part in the Competition, remarking that there was not much difference in the points scored between the first and the last. He thanked the organisers and their assistants, for the splendid work performed, on behalf of Queensland, and stated that the displays had been a great success, and this year had reached the high water mark of excellence. Mr. J. P. Bottomley, Vice- President and Council Steward of this Section, expressed the pleasure which it had given him to work with the District and One Farm repre- sentatives. He said that it had been suggested whether it would be wise to continue A Grade exhibits, which include Manufactures and Industries, or whether it were better to get down to the New South Wales standard of Primary Products only. His Council would be pleased to receive suggestio'ns regarding this matter from the various organisers. Mr. r. ,1. Affleck, Hon. Treasulrer, :ilsio ir:nirltilated the exhibitors, and remarked that when it was seen that there were nearly 70,000 people present at the Show on the previous day, and that they anticipated an attendance throughout the week of not less than a quarter of a million, it must be recognised that an exhibit at the Shaw was one of tlhe best advertisements a district could get. He said: "I want to appeal to the farmers to back you enthusiastic men who organised these exhibits." The various recipients, in returning lhanks, exlpressed ap- preciation of the fine treatment they had received, congratulating the Royal National Association on the splendid organisation which had reigned.

The amounts won liy t he \various competitors were a s follows:-- WEST MORETON, 1213 points scored, cheque £149 9s. 2d(1., Trophy, value C£1 15s. Od., and Chelmsford Challenge Shield, value £500, to nomi. ally be held by winner of the year. WIDE BAY & BURNETT, 816 points, cheque £100 10s. 10d. PIALBA, 809 points, cheque £82 17s. !,1..,miu Trophy, value al 15 s. Od. NORTH I)AHILING D)OWNS, 801 points, cheque £,S2 is. 5d. MARANOA, 770 points, cheque £78 17s. 10d. KINGAROY, 767 points, cheque £78 lls. 9d. GYMPIE, 757 points, cheque £77 lls. 3d. K. HAAG, 470 points, cheque £38 15s. 8d. and Trophy, value £10 10s. Od. V. O. WILLIAMS, 437 paints, cheque £36 Is. 2d. S. C. KLUMPP, 365j points, cheque £30 3s. 2d. The prizes, value £10, £7, and £3, offered for Booklets descriptive of the Competing Districts, showing the principal products, nearest railways, or ports, rainfall, cost of land, and other useful information, were won by the West Moreton District in the "A"' Grade Section, and by Pialba and Northern Darling Downs, respectively, in the "B" Grade.

'I - __ ~_ I ~~~-L UY~~-I~**;: :: f. - ~-- ~r : r " : le\~r l n-rr (2^"..-- -

i PTfBtA3 PBODUCTS AND MAZITPACTUBUI: In this Sestion - F S' t the District Exhibits, there were only two competitors, vis., West Moreton, and Wide oay & Burnett. When it is remembered that the oganisation of the Wide Bay & Burnett was only started between five Sand six weeks before our Show opened, and that the organiser had never previously worked up an A Grade exhibit, every credit will be given t- M[r. G. L. Ellie and his capable helpers. Wide Bay & Burnett ha e#v reason to feel proud of the position attained.

West Moreton, under the skilful direction of Mr. H. W. Watson, Jlid themselves out to stage an exhibit better than any ever previously submitted by that district, and they did it. Mr. Watson's only regret was that he had none of the old exhibitors to compete with. The details of the scoring are as follows:-

§1 ^§ Z Sa ^

(1).-Dairy Produce (210)- Butter, one box ...... 90 88 89j Milk, condensed, concentrated, or dried, and by-products ...... 40 32 Cheese, one cwt ...... 60 50 46 Eggs, suitable for domestic use, 1 doma of each variety ...... 20 18 5 210 188 140j

p ().-Foods (185)- Hams and Bacon ...... 50 48 38 Rolled and Smoked Beef and Mutton .... 80 80 8 -o Smallgoods and Sausages, if smoked or preserved ...... 10 10 8 Fish-smoked, preserved, and canned ... 10 7 8 Canned Meats ...... 25 25 - r Lard, Tallow, and Animal Oils ...... 20 20 8 All Butchers' By-products not. included in any other part of scale of points .... 10 10 - UHoney, and its by-products ...... 20 20 19 Confectionery, factory made ...... 10 10 6 'Bread, Biscuits, Scones, and Cakes, factory made ...... 10 10 9 S185 180 99

(8)r.-ruithP Vegetables, Boots, Btsh ad rnwerred (05)- '* Freesh Fruits-all kinds ...... 60 39 51 ° ^ Preserved Fruits, Jams, &e...... 30 15 8 -v-s Dried Fruits ...... S0 8 - - Fresh Vegetables-all kinds, including table ^ pumpkins, but excluding potatoes .... 25 20 5 it' -Prepared and Dried Vegetables, PlklU, Ba ues, be...... 10 5 - S Potatoes, Elaglish and sweet ...... 40 80 15

K ::m" -ji

.; -L~C~:c;il.~ ci;~t~

--- lo-~~~ ~lrysP~~~i~tiai~i~e~"t~L i;:e i.r I~ :,1.-"" ~LY ,- ,"

Boots-all kinds, and their products, Arrow- root, Cassava Meal, &c., samples not less than 1 b...... 14 10 Cocoanuts, Peanuts, and other Nuts ...... 6 4 2

205 129 81 (4).-Grain, Ac. (150)- W heat ...... 50 40 8 Flour, Bran, Pollard, Macaroni, and Meals prepared therefrom ...... - e Maise ...... 42 28 Maizena, Meals, Starch, Glucose, and Corn- flours ...... 10 3 2 Oats, Bye, Rice, Barley, Malt, Pearl Barley, and their Meals ...... 30 22 2 150 107 48 (5).-Manufactures and Trades (156)- All Woodwork ...... 30 28 S All Metal and Iron Work ...... 30 25 87 Leather and all Leather Work and Tanning 20 12 8 Manufactured Woollen and Cotton Fibre 30 25 All Tinwork ...... 10 7 9O Artificial Manures ...... 10 6 5 Brooms and Brushes ...... 10 5 Manufactures not otherwise enumerated .. 15 13 10}

155 121 891 (6).-Minerals and Building Materials (100)- Gold, Silver, Copper, and Precious Stones .. 25 16 14 Coal, Iron, Other Minerals, and Salt .... 30 21 21 Stone, Brick, Cement, Marble, Terra Cotta 20 18 8 Woods-dressed, undressed, and Polished, one face to be dressed and half of it polished; back to be rough; samples of wood to measure not less than 12 x 6 x 1 inches thick ...... 25

100 78 65 (7).-Tropltal Produots (150)- Sugarcane ...... 60 40 50 Sugar (raw and refined) ...... 80 12 10 Bums, Spirits, and by-products ...... 10 6 Coffee (raw and manufactured), Tea, and Spices ...... 10 9 Cotton (raw) and by-products ...... 30 15 R ubber ...... 10 Oils (vegetable) ...... 10 8

160 94 86 (8).-W , be. (86)- W ines ...... 15 15 10 Aerated and Mineral Spa Water, Vinegar, and Cordials ...... 10 8 * U0 88

-o- **? , .4 , ^ .,^^ 'A <^ ' a.^'<'f-^ ^^ ^^^. .* ^ j~~~n _~__ f;__Jli_ __; __i;~_ 1_L~____ _I (i _f _L ; __~II j _Ib": ; _ ?I~1~B~E B~Wrrrr-' ~_____ . ' r -. i;pnrI;Tr~T ,

(9).-Tobacco (O)- Tobacco, Cigar, and Pipe, in Leaf ...... 20 10 20 10

(10).-Hay, Chaff, &c. (163)- Oaten, Wheaten, Lucerne, and other Hays 30 22 6 Grasses and their seeds ...... 10 8 4 Oaten, Wheaten, Lucerne, and other Chafes 50 35 15 Ensilage, and other prepared cattle fodder 20 16 Sorghum and Millets, in stalk ...... 10 6 8 Commercial Fibres (raw and manufactured) 10 8 4 Pumpkins and other grecn fodder ...... 10 7 3 Broom Millet, ready for manufacture . 10 6 6 Farm Seed, incluling Canary Seed . 13 10 163 118 46

(11).-Wool (110)- Scoured Wool...... -10 :15 39 Greasy Wool...... 60 55 50 Mohair ... 10 8 10 110 98 99

(12).-Enlarged Photographs (5)- r Enlagetl 1'hotograls ...... 5 -

5 -

(13).-Effective Arrangement (80)- CormprehnsivOness of \'iew ...... Arranigemenit of Sectional Stands...... Effective Ticketing. General Finish......

SO 64 43 Total 15 8 121: 816

-i* g~*

1 I - 37 PRIMARY PRODUCTS ONLY: Five Districts competed in this Section, viz., Pialba, Northern Darling Downs, Maranoa, Kingaroy, and Gympie, the respective scoring, reading in the rotation given, being, 809, 801, 770, 767, and 757. It is interesting to note that only 8 points divide the first and second competitors, whilst the lowest scored only 52 fewer points than the winning district. Details of the scoring are as follows:

a h o *!

(1).-Dairy Produce (170)- B utter ...... 90 88 87 85 88 80 Cheese ...... 60 40 49 40 57 40 Eggs, suitable for domestic use, 1 doz. of each variety ...... 20 12 12 10 8 16

170 140 148 135 153 136 (2).-Foods, &c. (120)- Hams, Bacon, Rolled and Smoked Beef and Mutton ...... Fish-smoked ...... Lard, Tallow, and Animal Oils .... Honey and its by-products ...... Confectionery (home-made) ...... Biscuits, Bread, Cakes, and Scones (home-made) ...... 10 7 6 5 6 6

120 60 61 53 68 91 (8).-Fruits, Vegetables, and Roots, fresh and preserved (190)- Fresh Fruits-all kinds ...... 60 50 16 25 20 53 Preserved Fruits, Jams, &c., prepared by Farmer ...... 20 15 14 14 14 10 Dried Fruit, prepared by Farmer .. 5 3 3 - - - Fresh Vegetables-all kinds, including Table Pumpkins, but excluding Potatoes ...... 25 12 8 20 15 18 Preserved and D)ried Vegetables, Pickles, Sauces, &c...... 10 4 8 7 6 5 Potatoes ...... 40 16 28 18 16 25 Roots-all kinds-and their Products, Arrowroot, Cassava Meal, &e., samples not less than 1 lb...... 10 4 3 - 2 6 Cocoanuts, Peanuts, and other Nuts 10 5 6 5 4 8 Vegetable Seeds ...... 10 5 8 5 6 7

190 114 94 91t s{ 132 (4).-Grain &c. (150)- W heat ...... 50 6 15 44 42 6 Flour, Bran, Pollard, Macaroni, and Meals prepared therefrom ...... 10 4 4 8 8 3 Maize ...... 50 32 44 25 25 25 Maizena, Meals, Starch, Glucose, and Cornflour ...... 10 3 6 6 6 5 Oats, Rye, Rice, Barley, Malt, Pearl Barley, and their Meals ...... 30 25 12 12 10

150 55 94 95 93 49

L~S~;~QPii' L ~~:rs~l7CS j"Z''' i- -'~ F ..*' *--^ - - ;'*


~- 8n c I ^ l hJ: (6).-Woods (O40)- Woods-Dressed, Undressed, and Pol- ished; one face to be dressed, and half of it polished, back to be rough, samples to measure not less than 12 x 6 z 1 inch thick ...... 25 22 20 16 23 20 Wattle Bark ...... 15 10 12 8 12 9

40 82 82 24 35 99 (6).-Hides (1) and Home Preserved Skins for Domestic Use (15)- Must be free from offensive smell .. 15 9 ' 14 l:i 13 15 9 4 14 12 13 (7).--Tropical Products (100)- Sugarcane ...... - 45 Coffee, Tea, and Spices ...... - 6 Cotton (Raw) and By-products .... 25 10 16

100 72 38 25 10 66 (8).-Minerals (55)- Gold, Silver, Copper, and Preeious Stones ...... 25 14 s - 5 12 Coal, Iron, and other Minerals, and Salt ...... 80 15 16 i) 16 28 55 29 24 9 21 85 (9).-Tobacco (20)- Tobacco (cigar and pipe), in leaf .. 20 5 5 10 15 20 5 5 10 15 4 (10).-Ha, Chaff, be. (170)- Lucerne, Oaten, Wheaten, and other Hays ...... 8 16 25 18 12 Grasses and their Seeds ...... 4 6 6 4 3 Oaten, Wheaten, Lucerne, and other Chaffs ...... 50 20 25 40 44 30 Ensilage and other prepared Cattle Fodder ...... 20 12 12 15 14 10 Sorghum and Millets ...... 10 7 7 7 7 3 Commeroial Fibre ...... 10 8 5 7 5 Pumpkins and other Green Fodder ... 10 6 8 8 8 6 Hemp and Flax ...... 10 5 7 4 5 3 Broom Millet, ready for manufature 10 6 4 4 6 2 Parm Seeds, including Canary Seed 18 6 11 18 10 1 170 79 101 138 121 81 (11).-Wool, . (110)- Booured Wool ...... 4 80 80 89 88 80 hf8 Wool ...... 60 40 54 60 58 45 ...... 10 9 7 9 8 T

110 79 97 108 104 85

4 . -:7"-i2'. -3) I I 1 I

D ®( . : a "i PI Q a O.j -i 3 (12).-Enlarged Photographs (5)- Enlarged Photographs of District Scenery and Local Bred Live Stock .. 1 2 1 3 1

(18).-Ladies' Work (45)- Needlework, Knitting ...... 25 13 21 25 18 20 Fine Arts ...... 5 2 5 3 2 3 School Work, Maps. Writing, &c., for pupils of schools in the district 15 4 10 2 11 -

45 19 36 30 31 23 (14).-Effective Arrangement (80)- Comprehensiveness of View ...... 30 24 Arrangement of Sectional Stands .. 15 11 Effective Ticketing ...... 20 16 General Finish ...... 15 12 80 63 36 44 52 67 Total ...... 1270 757 767 770 801 809

ONE FARM SECTION. Mr. K. Haag won with 470 points, V. O. Williams being second with 437, and Mr. S. C. Klumpp, a maiden exhibitor, coming third with 365) points.

d4 - -. *. §( or Ii 6 Oc ( (1).-Dairy Produce (50)- 23 Butter, (home-made), 6 lbs...... 25 22 28 Cheese, one large or two small (home-made) 20 18 8 14 Eggs, suitable for domestic use, one dozen of each variety ...... 5 4j 5 41 50 45j 85 (2).-Foods (S)- Hams, 15 lbs., Bacon, 15 lbs. (home cured) 20 17 15 14 Corned, Smoked, and Spiced Beef and Mutton, 10 lbs...... 10 8 8 Honey, 18 lbs ...... 10 10 10 8 Beeswax, lbs...... 5 5 5 Bread (two loaves); Scones (one dozen) 5 8 5 Confectionery and Sweets, 8 lbs...... 5 4 8 4 Cakes and Biouits ...... 5 4 8 4 Lard, Tallow, Oils ...... 6 4 4 4 65 55 58

L - , , ! • ; -.' ~_iP%__~ ~IC;L _~_ ~_~ _rrJ _~)~ i_ii _ L;i~ /~ i ~_ 1_L_*__ I~Z~FP~P~ ~ ~lbr~C~r.~l~~7a~r.. I

- '40 d, r- a e 32 t- ' ||i w ^ ~OPI u;

(3).--Fruit, Vegetables, and Boots--fresh and preserved (143)-- Fresh Fruit-all kinds ...... 17 9 Dried Fruits ...... 6 9 Preserved Fruits and Jams ...... 13 14j Fresh Vegetables ...... 10 5 Pickles, Sauces, &c ...... 12 13 Potatoes, not less than 28 lbs. (or a col- lection), and Roots ...... 25 20 15 22 Table Pumpkins, Squashes, and Marrows, 56 Ibs...... 10 10 7 10 Cocoanuts and Nuts ...... 3 1 1 1 Vegetable and Garden Seed ...... 5 3 3 5 Arrowroot, 10 lbs ...... 5 5 5 2 Sugar Beet, 3 lbs...... 5 4 2 2 Cassava, 3 lbs...... 5 4 4 Ginger, 3 lbs...... 5 5 143 111 95 92) (4).-Grain, &c. (65)- W heat ...... 25 23 7 12 M aize ...... 20 18 10 18 Barley, Oats, Rye, Rice ...... 20 15 - 16 65 56 17 46 (5).-Tropical Products (45)- Sugar Cane, 24 stjllks or one stool ...... 30 25 25 2 Cotton, in seed, 10 lbs., long staple .... 10 8 6 5 Coffee, 10 lbs...... 5 - 5 8

45 33 36 10 (6).-Tobacco (10)-- Tobacco, leaf, dried, 5 Ib...... 10 - 6 5

10 - 6 5 (7).-Hay, Chaff, &c. (117)- Hay-Oaten, Wheaten, Lucerne, and other varieties ...... 18 10 20 Grasses and their Seeds, including Canary S eed ...... 9 7 9 Chaff--Oaten, Wheaten, Lucerne, and other varieties ...... 20 18 16 18 Ensilage, any form ...... 15 12 10 15 Cattle Fodder (Pumpkins & Green Fodder) 15 15 10 14 Sorghum and Millet ...... 10 10 4 8 Hemp, 51bs...... 5 3 3 5 Flax, 5 Ibs ...... 5 4 3 4 Cow Pea Seed, 7 lbs...... 7 7 5 Broom Millet, 10 lbs...... 10 10 10 7

117 106 78 105 _ II

1:~11_. - f : iI ~) ~ I~L~ r I - . - - - . ' 1 - - ') / -

(8)-.-Wool (25)- Greasy, five fleeces ...... 20 - 16 M ohair ...... 5 5 4 25 5 20 (9).-Drinks, c. (10)- Temperance Drinks, six bottles ...... 10 8 4 4

10 8 4 4 (10).-Women's and Children's Work (40)- Needlework, Knitting ...... 10 4 6 4 Fine A rts ...... 5 2 - 3 Fancy W ork ...... 15 8 12 10 School Work, Maps, Writing, &e...... 10 - 1 8

40 14 19 25 (11).-Miscellaneous Articles of Commercial Value (5)- Miscellaneous Articles of Commercial Value 5 2 2 5

(12).-Plants and Flowers, in pots (5)- Plants and Flowers, in pots ...... 5 5 3 4 (13).-Time and Labour Saving Articles (10)- Time and Labour Saving Useful Articles, made on the farm ...... 10 3 5 3 (14).-Effective Arrangement (30)- Comprehensiveness of View ...... 10 9 6 8 Arrangement of Stands ...... 5 4 3 5 Effective Ticketing ...... 5 5 3 5 General Finish ...... 10 8 6 9

30 26 18 27

Total ...... 620 470 365j 437 S.

ese Tests are conducted a the cows averaging the Excellent entries were s of which are appended I, tho same number com- s 193, 15 in Class 194, 14 on Butter Fat Test. The

a greatest daily yield of

.ilk Com. zs. Test Butter

.10 3.8 1.575 .9 4.5 1.668 lbs. commercial butter. il. Total 52.7.

.4 4.4 1.353 .14 4.6 1.234 2 lbs. commercial butter. nil. Total, 44.8.

\ ,e . . v Uvs0 UUlIA1 IbUU JL JLV1UW. M. 28.12 3.7 1.240 M. 27.8 4.2 1.350 E. 25.6 4:5 1.339 E. 25.10 4.5 1.351 Total: Milk, 107 lbs. 4 ozs., yielding 5.280 lbs. commercial butter. Points: Butter fat, 24 hours, 42.2; Lactation, nil. Total, 42.2. (4). B. O'Connor's Dahlia 2nd of Hillview. M. 35.8 2.9 1.185 M. 32.12 3.5 1.330 E. 32.5 3.6 1.363 E. 33.1 3.2 1.232 Total : Milk, 133 lbs. 10 ozs., yielding 5.110 lbs. commercial butter. Points : Butter fat, 24 hours, 40.9; Lactation, nil. Total, 40.9. o (5). R. Mear's Hazel of Morden. M. 22.12 3.9 1.030 M. 21.5 3.2 .789 E. 19.14 4.1 .945 E. 20.14 4.1 .995 Total: Milk, 84 lbs. 13 ozs., yielding 3.732 lbs. commercial butter. Points : Butter fat, 24 hours, 29.9; Lactation, 10. Total, 89.9. :', (6). J. F. Cochrane's Trixie of Newholme. M. 29.4 3.3 1.128 M. 30.0 3.5 1.220 ,* E. 27.8 4.0 1.280 E. 28.10 4.0 1.325 Total: Milk, 115 lbs. 6 ozs., yielding 4.953 lbs. commercial butter. Points : Butter fat, 24 hours, 39.6; Lactation, nil. Total 39.6. (7). B. Moar's Tulip of Morden. SM. 27.1 2.5 .786 M. 26.4 3.0 .907 E. 26.6 4.4 1.359 E. 29.0 4.4 1.490 Total: Milk, 108 lbs. 11 ozs., yielding 4.548 lbs. commercial butter. Points : Butter fat, 24 hours, 36.3; Lactation, nil. Total, 36.3. , (8). A. J. Oawell's Flos of Doelwon. M. 29.8 2.8 .955 M. 29.12 8.8 1.148 : E. 86.13 3.8 .995 E. 27.14 3.7 1.805

lh., I rp;.pl^WFHBII

' * , .. ' 4 8 ;: . . '! Total: Milk 118 Ibs. 15 ozs., yielding 4.298 !bs. comnmeorcial butter. y, Points: Butter iat, 24 hours, 34.4; Lactation, nil. Total, 314.4. -7 (9). E. Burton's Oxford Golden Buttercup. M. 19.14 4.4 1.024 M. 19.11 4.5 1.044 f'- E. 18.5 5.3 1.139 E. 18.6 5.0 1.079 Totol: Milk, 76 lbs. 4 ozs., yielding 4.286 lbs. commercial butter. Points: Butter fat, 24 hours, 34.3; Lactation, nil. Total, 34.3. (10). W. F. Hammel's Ginger. M. 43.14 3.7 1.025 M. 20.10 3.4 .809 E. 20.9 3.8 .913 E. 18.8 4.6 .995 Total : Milk, 83 lbs. 9 ozs., yielding 3:.742 lbs. commercial butter. Points: Butter fat, 24 hours, 29.9; Lactation, nil. Total, £9.9. (11). J. Williams' Lizzie of Woodbine. E. 19.4 3:6 .800 E. 22.1 4.3 1.103 M. 21.2 3.0 .734 M. 20.10 2.6 .2i33 Total: Milk, 83 lbs. 1 oz., yielding 3.260 lbs. commercial butter. Points : Butter fat, 24 hours, 26.1; Lactation, 2.2. Total, 28.3. COW, 4 years old and over, averaging the greatest daily yield of Butter Fat for 48 hours :- Milk Coim. Milk Com. lbs. ozs. Test Butter lbs. ozs. Test Butter (1). E. D. Lawley"'s Lorna of Arley. M. 34.8 3.8 1.530 M. 35.10 3.8 1.575 E. 30.14 5.0 1.814 E. 31.9 4.3 1.668 Total : Milk, 132 lbs. 9 ozs., yielding 6.587 lbs. commercial butter. (2). A. P:ickel's Jean 5th of Blacklands. M. 27.7 4.4 1.412 M. 26.4 4.4 1.353 E. 24.6 5.6 1.603 E. 22.14 4.6 1.234 Total : Milk, 100 lbs. 15 oza., yielding 5.602 lbs. commercial butter. (3) B. O'Connor's Tulip 4th of Hllview. M. 28.12 3.7 1.240 M. 27.8 4.2 1.350 E. 25.6 4.5 1.330 E. 25.10 4.5 1.351 Total: Milk, 107 lbs. 4 ozs., yielding 5.280 lbs . commercial butter. (4). B. O'Oonnor's Dahlia 2nd of Hillview. M. 35.8 2.9 1.185 M. 32.12 3.5 1.330 E. 32.5 3.6 1.363 E. 33.1 3.2 1.2;12 Total : Milk, 133 lbs. 10 ozs., yielding 5.110 lbs. commercial butter. (5). J. F. Cochrane's Trixie of Newholme. M. 29.4 3.3 1.128 M. 3010 :3 5 1.220 E. 27.8 4.0 1.280 E. 28.10 4.0 1.325 Total: Milk, 115lbs. 6 oza., yielding 4. 953 lbs. commercial butter. (6). B. Mear's Tulip of Morden. M. 27.L 2.5 .786 M. 26.4 ;3.0 .907 E. 26.6 4.4 1.359 E. 29.0 4.4 1.490 Total : Milk, 108 lbs. 11 ozs., yielding 4.542 lbs. commercial butter. (0). A. J. Oaswell's Floss of Dnalwon. M. 29.8 2.8 .955 M. 29.12 3.3 1.143 E. 26.13 3.2 .995 E. 27.14 3.7 1.205 Total : Milk, 113 lbs. 15 ozs., yielding 4.298 lbs. commercial butter. (8). W. F. Hammel's Ginge:r. M. 23.14 3.7 1.025 M. 20.10 3.4 .809 E. 20.9 3.8 .913 E. 18.8 4.6 .995 Total: Milk, 83 lbs. 9 ozs., yielding 3.742 lba. commercial butter.

-. V.- (s). 3. 3urton' Ofotd Golden Grl. M. 21.12 3.4 .859 M. 19.10 3.8 .875 : E. 20.4 3.8 .900 E. 19.2 4.3 .950 Total : Milk, 80 lbs. 12 ozs., yielding 3.590 lbs. commercial butter. '; (10). J. Williams' Lizzie of Woodbine. ' M. 21.2 3.4 .734 M. 20.10 2.6 .623 E. 19.4 3.6 .800 E. 22.1 4.3 ' 1.103 Total : Milk, 83 lbs. 1 oz., yielding 3.260 Iba. commercial butter. COW or HEIFER, under 4 years, averaging the greatestrdaily yield of butter fat for 48 hours :- Milk Comn. Milk Com. lbs. ozs. Test Butter lbs. ozs. Test Butter (1). A. J. Caswell's Rosie 4th of Greyleigh. M. 28.8 3.5 1.160 M. 22.10 4.5 1.201 E. 22.8 4.2 1.100 E. 21.2 4.3 1.056 Total : Milk, 94 lbs. 12 ozs., yielding 4.517 lbs. commercial butter. (2). E. Burton's Oxford Golden Buttercup. M. 1914 4.4 1.024 M. 19.11 1.5 1.044 E. 18.5 5.3 1.139 E. 18.6 5.0 1.079 Total: Milk, 76 lbs. 4 ozs., yielding 4.286 lbs commercial butter. (S). W. Sjpresser's Carnation Lucy. M. 19.4 3.6 .800 M. 19.6 5.0 1.120 E. 18.8 5.3 1.150 E. 18.12 5.2 1.145 Total : Milk, 7'5 lbs. 8 ozs., yielding-4.215 lbs. commercial butter. (4). P. Moore's Clover 5th of Sunnyside. M. 2?.8 3.8 1.130 M. 24.0 3.2 .890 E. 22.8 3:.8 1.00U E. 22.13 4.1 1.039 Total : Milk, 94 lbs. 13 ozs., yielding 4.113 lbs. commercial butter. (5). C. Behrendorff's Fanr.y of Inavale. M. 22.14 3.8 1.015 M. 24.10 3.5 1.005 E. 22.3 3.7 .958 E. 22.0 4.0 1.020 Total : Milk, 91 lbs. 11 ozs., yielding 3.998 lbs. commercial butter. (6). Macfarlane Bros.' Viola 26th of Darbalara. M. 23.2 2.9 .774 M. 22.9 3.5 .924 E. 22.2 3.8 .985 E. 21.8 3 6 .900 Total : Milk , 89 lbs. 5 ozs., yielding 3.583 lbs. commercial butter (7). B. E. Freeman's Vereidale Ruby. M. 19.1 4.0 .883 M. 18.10 2.7 .579 E. 18.14 4.7 1.034 E. 20.1 4.1 .962 Total : Milk, 76 lbs. 10 ozs., yielding 3.458 lbs. commercial butter. (8). A. Pickel's Pearl 2nd of Blacklanda. M. 19.7 3.3 .743 M. 21.8 3.4 .845 E. 18.2 4.6 .976 E. 18.1 3.9 .823 Total : Milk, 77 lbs. 2 ozs, yielding 3:.387 lbs. commercial butter. (te) Macfarlane Broa.' HaadBore 2Sd of Kilbrne. M. 8.14 2.7 .707 M. 23.4 3.2 .857 E. 22.12 3.2 .833 E. 23.0 3.2 .850 Total: Milk, 91 lbs. 14 oz., yielding 3.247 lbs. commerci al butter. (10). F. G. Brown's Maud Booker Komrdyke. M. 23.8 2.0 .538 M. 22.3 3.2 .816 E. 24.10 3.0 .840 E. 17.8 4.0 .810 Total: Milk, 87 lbs. 7 ozs., yielding 3.013 lbs. commercial biutter.

;ll (11). 0. Isle's Lily 8nd of Eldo. M. 16.15 3.1 .600 M. 15.6 3.8 .685 E. 14.13 3.8 .653 E. 14.2 3.8 .625 * Total: Milk, 61 lbs. 4 ozs., yielding 2.563 lbs. commercial butter. COW or HEIFER, under 4 years, averaging the greatest daily yield of butter fat for 48 hours. Milk Com. Milk Com. lbs. ozs. Test Butter lbs. ozs. Test Butter (1). A. J. Caswell's Rosie 4th of Greyleigh. M. 28.8 3.5 1.160 M. 22.10 4.5 1.201 E. 22.8 4.2 1.100 E. 21.2 4.3 1.056 Total: Milk, 94 lbs. 12 ozs., yielding 4.517 Ibs. commercial butter. Points-Butter fat, 24 hours, 36.1; Lactation, nil; Total, 36.1. (,i. E. Burton's Oxford Golden Buttercup. M. 19.14 4.4 1.024 M. 19.11 4.5 1.044 E. 18.5 5.3 1.139 E. 18.6 5.0 1.079 Total : Milk, 76 lbs. 4 ozs., yielding 4.286 lbs. commercial butter. Points-Butter Fat, 24 hours, 34.3; Lactation, nil; Total, 34.3. (3). W. Spresser's Carnation Lucy. M. 19.4 3.6 .800 M. 19.0 5.0 1.120 E. 18.8 5.3 1.150 E. 18.12 5.2 1.145 Total : Milk, 75 lbs. 8 ozs., yielding 4.215 lbs. commercial butter. Points-Butter Fat, 24 hours, 33.7; Lactation, nil; Total, 33.7. (4). P. Moore's Clover 5th of Sunnyside. M. 25.8 3.8 1.130 M. 24.0 3.2 .890 E. 22.8 3.8 1.000 E. 22.13 4.1 1.093 Total: Milk, 94 lbs. 13 ozs., yielding 4.113 lbs. commercial butter. Points-Butter Fat, 24 hours, 32.9; Lactation, nil; Total, 32.9. (5). C. Behrendorff's Fanny of Inavale. M. 22.14 3.8 1.015 M. 24.10 3.5 1.005 E. 22.3 3.7 .958 T. 22.0 4.0 1.020 Total: Milk, 91 lbs. 11 ozs., yielding 3.998 lbs. commercial butter. Points-Butter Fat, 24 hours, 32.0; lactation, nil; Total, 32.0. (6). Macfarlane Bros.' Viola 26th of Darbalara. M. 23.2 2.9 .774 M. 22.9 3.5 .924 E. 22.2 3.8 .985 E. 21.8 3.6 .900 Total : Milk, 89 lbs. 5 ozs., yielding 3.583 lbs. commercial butter. Points-Butter Fat, 24 hours, 28.7; Lactation, nil; Total, 28.7. (7). M. Lawrence's Model 2nd of City View. M. 16.12 3.4 .659 Ml. 16.8 3.5 .670 E. 14.6 3.5 .585 E. 14.8 3.9 .660 Total: Milk, 62 lbs. 2 ozs., yielding 2.574 Ibs. commercial butter. Points-Butter Fat, 24 hours, 20.6; Lactation, 7.5; Total, 28.1. (8). B. B. Freeman's Vereadale Ruby. M. 19.1 4.0 .883 M. 18.10 2.7 .579 E. 18.14 4.7 1.034 E. 20.1 4.1 .962 Total: Milk, 76 lbs. 10 oza., yielding 3.458 lbs. commercial butter. Points-Butter Fat, 24 hours, 27.7; Lactation, nil; Total, 27.7. (9). A. Pickels' Pearl 3rd of Blacklands. M. 19.7 3.3 .743 M. 21.8 3.4 .845 E. 18.2 4.6 .976 E. 18.1 3.9 .828 Total: Milk, 77 lbs. 2 ozs., yielding 3.387 lbs. commercial butter. Points-Butter Fat, 24 hours, 27.1; Lactation, nil; Total, 27.1.

I. - - -. -. .- - MB^^M '^ ^ T^S,^^'^^ ' "" -^ ,1-.- *..* : : * '.-., * ' *(1U). atiariane Bros.' anaeuome a ox .UlrUIe. ;i ' M. 22.14 2.7 .707 M.. 23.4 3.2 .857 F E. 22.12 3.2 -.833 E. 23.0 3.2 .850 Total : Milk, 91 lbs. 14 oza,. yielding 3.247 lbs. commercial butter. Points-Butter Fat, 24 hours, 26.0; Lactation, nil; Total, 26.0. (11). G. Isle's Lily 2nd of Eldo. M. 16.15 3.1 .600 M. 15.6 3.8 .685 E. 14.13 3.8 .653 E. 14.2 3.8 .625 Total: Milk, 61 lbs. 4 ozs., yielding 2.563 lbs. commercial butter. ,.Poihts-Butter Fat, 24 hours, 20.5; Lactation, nil; Total, 20.5. COW, yielding largest supply of milk in 48 hours. Milk Milk lbs. ozs. Test lbs. ozs. Test (1). B. O'Connor's Dahlia 2nd of Hilview. • ,) M. 35.8 2.9 M. 32.12 3.5 'E. 32.5 3.6 E. 33.1 3.2 Total Milk, 133 lbs. 10 ozs. (2) E. D. Lawley's Lorna of Arley. M 3a 58 M R5F 3 8 , .; E. 30.14 5.0 E. 31.9 4.5 Total Milk, 132 lbs. 9 oze. (3). J. FI. oohrane's Trixie of Newholme. : / M. 29.4 3.3 M. 30.0 3.5 E. 27.8 4.0 E. 28.10 4.0 Total Milk, 115 lbs. 6 ozs. . (4) B. Mear's Tulip of Morden. M. 27.1 2.5 M. 26.4 3.0 E. 26.6 4.4 E. 29.0 4.4 Total Milk, 108 lbs. 11 ozs. (5). B. O'Connor's Tulip 4th of Hillview. M. 28.12 3.7 M. 27.8 4.2 E. 25.6 4.5 E. 25.10 4., Total Milk, 107 lbs. 4 ozs. (6). A. Pickel' Jean 5th of Blacklands. M. 27.7 4.4 M. 26.4 4.4 E. 24.6 5.6 E. 22.14 4.6

Total Milk, 100 lbs. 15 ozs. (7). W. F. Hammel's Ginger. M. 23.14 3.7 M. 20.10 3.4 E. 20.9 3.8 E. 18.8 4.6 Total Milk, 83 lbs. 9 oze.

SPECIAL COMPETITION FOR COW, 4 years old and over, averag- ing the greatest daily yield of butter fat for 48 hours. For which competition was conducted in the second of the foregoing classes. ii ' . D. Lawley's Lorna of Arley ...... 6.5871bs. commercial butter. A. Pickles' Jean 5th of Blacklands ...... 5.602 lbs. commercial butter. ',* B. O'Connor's Tulip 4th of Hillview .... 5,280 Ibs. commercial butter.

'p ;

,^^^*^Ii^ 'I ** _ __I _ _ _I (

ROYAL NATIONAL CHAMPION BUTTER FAT TEST, for Cow (any breeding) averaging the greatest daily yield of butter-fat for 48 hours (underr Babcock test) and which has been the property of the exhibitor three months before the entry. Special prize, 2., to be won three times by the sale exhibitor, but not necessarily to be in succession, or by the same exhibit, andi an annual prize of £2121-, donated by the Brisbane Newspaper Co., Ltd. B. D. Lawley's Lorna of Arley. 374.8 3.8 1.530 M. 35.10 38 1.575 E. 30.14 5.0 1.814 E. 31.9 4.5 1.668 Total Milk, 132 lbs. 9 ozs., yielding 6.587 bs. comercial butter. Points-Butter fat, 24 hors, i.7; Lactation, nil; Total, 52.7. Winner, 1921-M. Lawrence's C.harmer 2nd of City View (I.M.S.): Milk, 75 bs. 8ozs., yielding 4.16 ls. commercial butter. Points-- Butter fat, 24 hours, 39.32; Lactation, 10; Total, 49.32.

OME MILKING COMPETITIIONS. hIOME MILKINU. The Homea Milking Competitions, which as enlct'l on the comnpetitors' farmm4H, uner the supe vision of Govern. imicut Inpectors, create conilrue iteresit througout the year. The coitlitions of the competition a~e for the cow glv muglthle greatest yield of but'ter fat, for 24 hours, umierl acock Test, mIilk( to contain on an a~ erage ot less than 3.3 per cent, of utter fat. T'he results of this year's copetition a~e as follows: JERSIEYS. (). B. Burton's Oxford Buttercup IV. Milk Corn. lbs. oza. Test Butter N. 16 5.8 1.09 1\I. LS5.0 1.06 N. 16.5 6.7 1.30 3.45 (2). T. Mullen's Lady Lass 3rd. M. 23 5.251.1 E. 23 5.25 1.415 2.83 (3.) B. Burton's Oxford Golden Buttercup.- N'. 13 5.8 .39 Ml. 13.5 4.4 .695 N. 12 5.0 .70

ILLAWARA ILKING SHOTHON. (1). 1. Mear's Tulip of M6Orden. Milk ('am. lbs. ozir. Test Butter B. 18 5.4 1.1i5 M. 24.5 3.8 1.02 N. 21 5.5 1.56 3.53 #!Q'Anr~v1.IY~a h -~ 'tr tr-?n*'l.,' i'V.Cr' ~*rT~ 5Wrr 1ri' r'qm~'rnaa'.flh-"r Bn-w .p.( 1:I : ~~ ~-~~;i


U:~ ,

~- Milk Uom lbs. oza. Test. Buttr. t~i (). . F. Cochrane'u Trie of Ni*wholme. M. 34 3.6 1.413 E. 29 1.91

:j (3). B. O'Connor's Fairy Queen 2mLd of len thorne. - M. 1.13 N. 1.04 E. 1.16 3.33 (4). B. O'Connor's Dahlia 2nd. I E. .96 .94 ,N. 1.20 3.10 (5). E. D. Laley's Lona of Arht,Y. ,M. 1.28 E. 1.71 2.99 (6). Edgar Hunt's Darling 2nd of Springda E. 115.5 .93 M. l .67 1.60


(1). . H. Hosking's Margaet Anj lin 2nd o:t Berr. E. 2'0.5 3.9 . 93 Mid. 21 4.2 1.05 Morn 22.0 3.5 .90 N. 22.5 4.0 1.04 3.92 (2). P. P. Falt 'a Oa~kloa Noreen. 1~ 3.8 14 M. 5.4 2.29 3.77 (). P. P. Nilt's Dairmaid. E. 24.0 4.4 1.24 M. 26 4.2 1.28 N. 21.5 4.8 1.205 5.795 (4). Griadiag Ltd. Ly Oroamerll. lb. 34 8.8 .1.51 ~ E.31 4.2 15

-- 1*'*I, ------l~.*;le-i~~;YCl~i~k~ .~ ~;au~P~~r~u; t~ ~d~~lui~t~l~ii~i9;i*k~Ks' Li L:.:~.. ~--si:-l; ,,- -~~-P -- CT a ri I I I T;- 1 ~r~ ~Cr--L~~ a

49 AYRSHIRR. Milk (Jon lbs. oe. Test. Buttr. (1). zxors. late John Anderson's Jeanetto B. 3rd o~ Invercauld. M. 1.32 1.35 1.41 '1.28e 5.36 (2). Jonas Holmes' Pegy 2nd of Longl~d. M. 27.5 1.12 E. 28 1.44 M. 25 1.07 E. 28(.5 .5.? 5.16

(3). Penal Establishment's (St. Helena) t. Helena Jeannie 3rd. M. 30 3.1 1.08 E. 26 3.8 1.16 M. 30 4.0 1.40 E. 28 4.1 .99

: .$ c - '.~.. i.- ..~~c-~. ' 50 List of Prize Donors 1922 Show. £ a. d. 5. 4. His Excellency The Australian Estates & Governor Cup Mortgage Co., Ltd. 7 0 Australian Meat Export Cliapnins, Ltd... 7 0 Co., Ltd... 2 Cups 7 0 Queensland Turt Club 50 0 0 New Zealand Loan & M.A. Department of Defence .. 50 0 0 Co.. Ltd. 6 0 Clark, James 60 0 0 Walker, L. E. & Coy. 60 Kodak (A'asia), Ltd. 29 4 0 11 ltton, .1. C., ['Fop.. Ltd. 2 0 Castlernaine Brewe Iy & liel, li. 'T, M1L ... o t) Qu inlani (Grav& Co. Ltdl. 26 5 0 Au inlian Bank of Coin- Cameioii, Colonel Doniid merce, Ltd. 5 0 ctrophies) 25 0 0 Bank of Australasia 5 0 Brisbane Newspaper Coy., Bank of New South Wales Ltd. (trophy) 26 0 0 Blrodribb F. K... 5 0 Australian Hereford Ilaynes. Ltd. . 5 0 Society (Trophies) 24 S 0 5 0 *'land United Licensed Brisbane Gas Coy. 5 0 Victuallers' Association 22 0 0 Trenerry H. S. 20 0 0 '; it~ci<1 . :ti&.e ,l s, - 0 Allan & Stark, Ltd. 15 16 0 5 I 15 15 0 Ltd. Dirt & Co., Ltd... ('Ili. . .\. & SnsOL 0 Brishnne Tramways Coy., Ltd. 16 15 0 Collins. Join & Son .. 50 Brisbane Newspaper Coy., ('iib & Foot~e . 5 0 Ltd. 15 15 0 English, Scottish & MNc1 ougall, C. E. ( t o;hy 1 1- '5 0 .u\ st iaha n unank, Ltd. 5 0 McWhirters* Ltd... 15 15 0 la'n ours' ('o-op. I )istribU- Sth. Q'land Fruitgirowers= ting Coy. of Q'ld., Ltd. Society. 1ti. . 15 15 0 lrm liers' IPlilishinag Co. Bavites. Ernest ( trophy) 15 0 0 Ltd. (Farmers' Gazette) 5 0 Finns isles & Co., Ltd. 15 I 0 Gcoldsborough, Mort & Co., 5 0 Fenwick & Co . 13i 13 Ii Ltd. Moreheads, Ltd. 1.3 13 0 tItndy Ilirs., Ltd. (trophy) 5 0 Brodrii, hMrs. V. K. 12 12 0 Hoffnung, S. & Coy., Ltd. 5 0 Manrinistei ii Piop., Ltd. 12 4' 0 I1owes Bros. & Coy., Ltd. 5 0 Labour Daily Newspaper (trophies) . 12 0 0 5 0 Australian Mercantile Land Coy , Ltd. . . .. & Finance Co., Ltd. 10 10 0 Moore, Mrs. I. J... 5 0 1Murray, C. F. 5 0 Beirne. T. C. & Co., Ltd, 10 10 Q Berry, Henry & Co. Pro.. Murray, D. & W., Ltd. 65 0 Ltd. . 10 I0 0 McConinel & Kirk . Duhig, Archbishop 10 10 0 Mci)onnell & East, Ltd. 5 0 Galley, Richard, ,unr. 10 10 0 I'd\l hemn, Mrs. II. 4.. . 5 0 Hereford Herd Book (Eng. National Hank of Australia 5 0 land) (medanls) 10 10 0 Ltd. Hordern, Anthony & Sons Overells, Ltd. . 5 0 Ltd...... 10 10 0 Perrett Bros. . S5I 00 Meggitte, Ltd. . 10 10 0 Queensland Beekepers' Murray, John & Sons 10 10 0 Association (Trophy) 5 0 Newman, George (Cup) .. 10 10 0 Queensland Meat Export "Pastoral Review," Sydney 10 10 0 Coy., Ltd. 5 0 National Bank Perry IBros., Ltd... 10 to I) Queensland 0 Reid, Mrs. John 10 10 0 Ltd. 5r 0 Blade, W. B. 100 1010 0 Q'land Primary Producers Co-op. Agency Ltd. 55 00 'A Mstewart, A. & Sons, Ltd. - Reid, Itobert & o., Ltd.i.. - Rich.,E. & Co., Ltd IA 0 0 (0 Whittingham, A. H. Hon., .3.0 Seppelt & Son. ( , M.L.C. 10 F 0 Shaw, E. J. 5 0 Wiley, Mrs. (Lennons Steele, Edward Hotel) 10 (0 0 Store. J., Junr. (trophy) Forrest, Lang & Roper Surgical Supplies, Ltd. 6 0 (goods or trophy) 0 0 * (trophy) 5 0 Dalgety & Coy., Ltd. "Sydney Daily Telgraph" 6 0 Singer Bewing Machine, Co. s ue Sydney Morning Herald & (trophy) Sydney Mail

~ --- - inr. ~)ri I.iil

51 4? LIST OF PRIZE DONORS--continued.:

a. d. Telegrph NewsH Co. Ltd. 0 Elliott Bros., Ltd.. .. 3 Thornhill Pastoral Coy.. 50O Hunter* Jaes, M.H.R. .. 2 - Tindal & son 50 Lysaght, John (Au.). Ltd. 3 Union Bank of Australia. Mactagfgart Bros... 2 Ltd. 506 Mrc~k~y & Co., Ltd. Wlliams. Sidlney & Coy. (trophy). . 2 Wlliamson, J. C., Ltd. d O McGregor, Robt. & Co. .. W~ill, (eorge & Co., Ltd. 50( Paxton, A...... 2 Wllse, W. D. & H. 0.. Papworth, A. C. .. 2 (Australa), Ltd. Qi1d. Gianzier~ and F~armer 2 Wincheombe, Carson, Ltd. 506 Rhoades &P Coy. .. , .. ]3rookes, I-I Story & Rammay .. .. 2 Nestle & .\glo Swiss Con.' 0 0 Stewart Dawson & Co~. Mlili~ Co. (A~ust.) Ltd. (trophy) ...... 2 Walker &L FlaIl (trophy) 00( Syrnes, P. J. .. .. 2 Ross, R P. . . VWlleS, 1)..... 2 ~Stok &CSttio~n Journ~l Watson. R. G .. .. 2 Bottorriley, .1. 1'. & C:o. order) . . 1 City &~ Snuurba Pacel 30O Delivery, Bryce Ltd. Exchange Printing Cot.~ 1 Commerclal Bank of us- 30O tralia, Ltd. Ltd. c~,~ ai ,ile ) . Fresh Foodt & Ice Coy. .. 1 3 0 oi~ Sylney, t. Collins MTr. WV. 3 4' Jackon, J. & Coy., Ltd. I F'oggtt, Jonnes Ltd. 30( K~enned. A. Co. Ltd . 30O Lisner, Mrs. E. (Albert Queenslanid Briewer.y, Ltd. Hotel) & . 1 Rural Industries, [Ad 30O floconul rs Co. Ltd..1 3 0 Mel ,eod. A.lee (oplen ode) 1 Sturrnfel~ Ltd. 30 MeCook Bros. .. .. 1 (trophy) Mer~fiifij & ('0. Lt4z . 1 - Wi IdinlAn Bros. 30O Bell, V. Douglas NIS~oI~XV.( 01)> I Bayard & Co. 20O Bal IIlcs, E~rnet 20O Thomas, Mrs. Lewis . 1 Cotton,. A. .. Worker Newspaper Co. Clark. G3. C. (4b 206 Ltd. .. .. 1 Day, Victor Woo, Ii. ,4 . I 52


'lek, Thos. H., Box 881 G.P.O., Bris- Campbell, Mrs. R. R., "Laneford," Brigga Sbane. Road, Ipswich. 14BIlk W. James, National Mutual Life Campbell, Victor F. J., James Campbell ". Association, Queen Street. & Sons, Ltd., Creek Street. *ieok, W. J., Grasmere, Petrie. Cardell, E. S., Brunswick Street, New alodrewa, B., Markets, Roma Street. Farm. oher, R. S., Gracemere, Rockhampton. Carr, D. R. A., Longpocket Road, Indooroo- 'hibald, R. J., Brisbane Milling Coy., pllly. South Brisbane. Carr, J. E., Longreach Building, North Arnold, F. J., C/o Wm. Adams & Coy., Ltd., Quay. Edward & Mary Streets. Carr, W. B., Longreach Building, North Arvier. Mrs. C. A., C/o Fred Arvier, N.Z. Quay. Loan, Eagle Street. Carr, W. T. H., Longpocket Road, Indoo- adger, J. S., c/o Brisbane Tramways Co., roopilly. Counter Street. Carseldine, A. W., Bald Hills. ker, Enoch, 237 Brunswick Street, Chapman, Ebenezer, Montpeller Street, Valley. Wllston. BInks, R., Banks Ltd., Grey Street. S.B. Charles, A. R., Warrington, Inglewood. UBavkley, Henry, Stone's Corner, Coorparoo: Charlton, F. B., Charlton, Elliott and Sons, Barnes, Chas. Edward, Canning Downs, Queen Street. Warwick. Clark, A. E., Kerr Street, Toowong. Halrnett, H. Wallace, "Knowehead," Vic- Clark. J. H., Kerr Street, Toowong. torla Point. Comino, T. S.. . *arnett, S. Wallace, "Cresseley," Railway Corrie, Douglas M., G/o Corrie & Co., Par- Terrace, Chelmer. bury House, 127 Eagle Street. 2aynes, Ernest, Brisbane. Corrigan, B. V., Abbotsford Road, Bowen ettle, Robert, Kenilworth Station, Eu- Hills. mundi. Cory, G. G., Toowoomba. lpoker, M., Jnr., Park Avenue, East Bris- Cotton, A. J., Hidden Vale, Grandchestr. bane. Couldery, W. H. Thomas, Galrfeld, via Jericho. Cowley, Sir A. S., "Silky Oaks," Toowong. pBehan,WreDndorof, C., BunJurgen, via Boonah. C a on J., M.CBowen Hills. Seire Hon. T. C., M.L.C. Brunswick Cowlishaw, Hon. J., M.L.C., Bowen Hill.. lrle, Hen. T. C., M.L.C. Brunswick St., Cranley, J. P., c/o Alien and Sons, Ltd., Yaey. Albert Street. Sell, U. T., M.L.A., Coochin Coochin, Cribb, H S. Ipswich. nh Davies, M. D., Davies and Wardrop, Exton Bell, R. A. "Mon Abri," Brighton Road, House, Queen Street. South Brisbane. Davies, J. P., Boundary Street, West End min, Davenid, Creektrery Coy., Ltd.,et. Delaney, J. T., Delaney's Hotel, South , J. E., Perkins &treeCoy., Ltd., Mary St. DeLittle, F. W., New Zealand Loan & M. A. Blrchley, H. V., "BCrchdene," Jane Street, Coy. Ltd., Eagle Street. oh H.r ^ " B r c h d e n e," J a n e S t r e e t * Delpratt. J. H., Tambourine House, S South Brisbane. i Bromfleet. Ulaiop, Wallace, 123 Adelaide Stretat. Demack, W. H., "Campsie" Bulimba St.,

Coy., SlUaakstock,Itaca S., Northampton Downs, DevoyAdelaide J. N., Street.Quinlan Gray & Ltd.. -Blackall. Doughty. Hector R., Doughty and Gray- Bracker, L., Lesbrook, Cooba-da-manna. son, "Courier" Buildings. Brake, Walter J., Albert Street, South Doyle, M. W., Moggill. Brisbane. Duncalfe, Thos., George Street. rWggs, C. H., Brisbane Newspaper Coy., Elliott, C. J., Chnarlton, Elliott and Sons, Ltd.. Queen Street. Queen Street oibb F. K., "," ladtone Elliott, E. H., Elliott Bros. Ltd., Eagle St Road, South Brisbane. Fauset, T. F., Eagle Street. roke0 H.. lentnne, Dalveen. rrce, Ferguson, James, "Ablotsford," Enoggera. New Farm. Ferguson, R. G., c/o Win. Brooks and *rown, John Junr., 202 Bowen Terrace, Coy. (Qld.). Ltd., Valley. New Farm. Fielding, G. A., McWhirters, Ltd., Valley uanung., G. E., "Braeside," Dalveen. Finlayson, M. H., Carlton Terrace, Manly Urtoo, Arthur, Box 430 G.P.O. Finlayson, W. F., 62 Queen Street. .ahnell, R., Nanango. Finucan, M., Market Street. ell, W. T., Deepwater, New England, Fletcher, D., Senr., "Dalmally," Margaret New South Wales. Street, Toowoomba. lineron, Donald C., cnr. Ann and Bruns- Fletcher, P., "Dalmally," Margaret Street, Swick treets, Valley. Toowoomnba.

', ' /- / Ii : - rx


LIFE MEMBERS continued.

Forster, G. C. D., E.S.C.A., Ltd., Edward Keating, George F., Warry Street, Valley. Street. King, John, Kedron. Forster, Miss D. M., Sutherland Avenue, King, W. Myers, King and King, Ltd., Ascot. Queen Street. Fortescue, E., Q'land Brewery Ltd., Kingsbury, J. J., Robert Street, Toowong. Petries Bight. Kirkpatrick, Thos., c/o Owen Gardner and Forth, E. E., c/o J. C. Hutton Ppty., Ltd., Sons, Melbourne Street, 5.B. Roma Street. Klaassen, C. M., Regatta Hotel, Toowong. Frankel, Philip, 114 Edward Street. Klaassen, C. E. B., Regatta Hotel,. Too- Fraser, D. M., Mundoolun, Beaudesert. wong. Galley, Richard, Courier Buildings, Queen Klaassen, James, Regatta Hotel, Toowong. Street. Klaassen, J. B., Regatta Hotel, Toowong. Galley, Richard Junr., Courier Buildings. Kinassen, S. D., Regatta Hotel, Toowong. Queen Street. Knowles, S., Gem Merchant, 184 Queen St. Gallagher, Michael Joseph, Kedror. Knox, David, Gympie Road, Kedron. Gibson, John, "Braeside," Bowen Ternace. Ladewig, A., c/0 HoIffnungs Ltd., Char- Gnauck, F. H., 371 George Street. lotte Street. Gordon, Andrew M., 44 Stanley Street. Ladewig, Ernest, "Timaro," Old Sandgate West, South Brisbane. Road, Eagle Junction. Gorrie, A., Ermington Park, Ermington, Laidlaw, H. F., Grey Street, Sth. Brisbane. New South Wales. Lane. Dr. Morgan, Union Trustee Chambers Gould, S. G., Hooper & Harrison, Elizabeth Queen Street. Street. Lees. Gilbert, Thos. Borthwick & Son., Gray, Hon. G. W., M.L.C., Quinlan Gray Ltd., Wharf Street. & Coy., Ltd., Adelaide Street. Lethbridge, U. F., Forest Vale, Mitchell. Grayson, John James, Doughty and Gray- Lomax, Arthur it., Yandilla. son, "Courier" Building. Long, T. T. T., the Commercial Hotel, LGreaves, Geo. A., "Voodneuk," Mudgee- .nr. IDruitt anad Sussex Sts., Sydney, raba, S. C. L. N.S.W. Uunn, Donald, Boolarnel Station, Talwood. Lord, Arthur B., Victoria Downs, Morvea. Hall, Graham, 27 Gladstone Road, S.B. Lord, E. F., Eskdale, Esk. SB. Hall, Thos., 27 Gladstone Road, Lord, lIobert P., Victoria Downs, Morveu. Hardgve, /Phlil, W ellington PoiSt. Macdonald, Dr. Alex J., 149 Wickham Hart. B., d/o F. M. Hart & Co., Whrf St. Terice. Harte, A. B., Ldoon Bank Chambers, Macldonalhi, John, Union 13:rnk Chamberg, Queen Street. Queen Street. Harvey, JanureS B., ,. o Harvey and Son, Macdonald, Duncan, New Place, Peachester Margaret Street. via Ileerwi h. Hayes, J. A., Park Parade, Sandgate. Maclury, H. S., "cawnore Wood," Hayes, Owen, Melbourne Street, South Galloway's Hill. Bisbne. Macshibeson, t A., teo .Vaughi & Joseph. Hemming, H. B., Harding Chambers, son, 'rurbot Streoet. Adelaide Street. Marks, Dr. A. H., 109 . Hewitt, Geo., 346 Queeni Steet. lriuks,, Leslie P., ltockbourne Terr., Upper Hill, Mrs. E. Lumley uellevue House, Bellevue. Maynalrd, It. S., Live Stock Bulletin Offlee, Hill, obert S., "Warwickshire" Cavendish Qlueen Street. Road, Coorparoo. letcal1, I:. W. S., Duke Street, Bulimba, Hi ron, 1ohnii, Holland Street, Toowong. Mlidson, Arthur, Edmonstone Street, Soutl Ilooper, eoge, Station Road, Sherwood. Mofft, Goge, Toorak 1ouste, Hamilton, Irvng, J. Wahhngtonl M.R.C.V.S.L., Ann Moteith. Hlery, 334-6-s Queen Street Street. Cars Ltd., lackeon. George E., Robert Jackson, Ltd., Moi.M, Lr T. S., C.'o Motor Eagle Street. Minl clur, I Coh., l elevuueI'r~e. 'vns, 'leuac, elAslbion. Jackason, Jaes t'., Robert Jackson, Ltd., Eagle Street. Murray, ( a vini H., Gowan Hills, BlackalL ens1en, Vic., Queen Street. N. R., Beaconsleld, ilfracombe leweli, J. A., "I.,HScriu,' Villa Street, An- Murray, nerley, South IBibane. MeConinuel, B. W., Mount Brisbane, Bek. Johnson (I. E. (Junr.), c/o Johnson and McCullough, Miss B. R., c/o D. B. Song Queen Street. McCullough, 80 Queen Street. 'ohnston, James, Canada Cycle & Motor McCullough,, D. B., 80 Queen Street. Agency Ltd., Creek Street. McDonald, Harry Baynes, Yaamba Station, iohnston, W., Markets, Turlbot Street. via Itcnakhamn pton. Jolliffe, E. A., Oxford Street, hlulimba. McDougall, C. E., Lyndhurst, Warwick. ioner, D. O. S., Teebar, Broweena. McGill, Walter, cf/o ( apt. Butterworth, oneeS, Wm. H., Dornoch Terrace, S.B. "Bonn i' Doon," Wyanum South. Joyce, Robert, c/o J. Wildridge and Sin- MeGown, W. J., Globe Printing Works. clair Ltd., Elizabeth Street. Ann Street.

s~. .... ;,...-na -m_ L~CPIL ,~-~-~, ?~*- - i'" ~*'~"- ,~-"Tlr ~t~"' LIFB MEMBERS-continued.

Ulisabeth Street. Seppelt, X. A., 8*pDelt & Coy., Ltd., Uagle I ix R.. 171 Queen Street. Street. W.. Fenwiok & Coy., Edward Shannon. J. B. Oxford Downs, Neb-, Mack~ay. W Penwick (1Coy Ed-rd Blade, W. B., "Montpelier," Wickham Ter- race. Terrica Station, Inglewood. Smith, J. T., c/o K. M. Smith, Valley. W04 Queen Street. South, F. L., Kodak (Aust.) Ltd., Queen St. G.,j s lStreet. Sparkes, James, Lyndley, Dlby. ., Alexandra Road, Clay- Springall, H. A., Water Street West. R Brisbane. C. T., C/0 John Cooke & Co.. Stephens, Hon. W., M.L.C "Waldhelm," ill Eagle Street. Ipowich Road, Anneriey. Harry 8 Margaret Street. Steven, J., d/o W. R. Scott, Queen Street Griflix, 864-6 Queen Street. Stewart, A. L., Alexander Stewart & Son C., 45 Queen Street. Ltd., Queen Street. Harry, Comongin Station, Quilple. Stewart, A. D., Bald Hills. J. C., Realty Development Coy., Stewart, John K., Alexander Stewart *i Queen Street. Sons, Ltd., Queen Street. G. H., Perry Bros., Ltd., Albert Story, Robert, Story & Ramay, North ~~neet. Quay. Iwr C. R., Singer Sewing Machine Taylor, J., Clifford House, Toowoomba. y-,. een Street. Taylor, Capt. R. S., Eagle Street. "Soulse~a, C., 14-18 Queen Street. Taylor, T. McI., Moreheads Ltd.. Mary St. Thou., Fruit Exchange, Turbot St Thelander, Dr. C. A., 61 Wickham TerracH ie.R., Roma Street. E. L., Banchory, Umbiram, via Theodore, Hon. E. G., Parliament House 'Toowoomba. Timma, D. W., Bunya Vale, via Strath- Adelaide pine. Ms.John, "Lyndhurst," Timms, W. D Strathplne. Tunley, Win. J., Joyce Bros., Ltd., Stanley ~i by, W. A., Bouth British Inurance Street, South Brisbane. COy., Queen Street. Watson, G. W., Tandawanna, Bungun) < "*rtgH, E ,Isles, Love Bldge., Adelaide Watson, Richard G., Inns of Court, Street. Adelaide Street t ~ebrt, T. A, Netle. & Anglo-Swims Webster, F. H., Mary Street. o&. Milk Coy., Ann Street. Weedon, Warren, "Innisfail," Wickharn ) tboona "Harelvyn," Abbott Street. Terrace. & CoFm ton Whittingham, Hon. A. H., "'Mayfield." DMru~Ou, *VV. At.,.,.,v~~hn~r tSJ* l - vuJyflM rt on 1a4. Hamilton. H./WrideStreet, Wooloowin. Williams, John, Railway Traffic Offce. T., sexton Street, South Brisbane. Roma Street. C/o Australian Estate. & M. Wilson, Harold H., Gayndah. Ltd., Creek Street. Witham, W. L., Rose Street, Annerley P. W., George Wills & Coy., Ltd., Woodhead, C., Junr., c/o Bryce Lt1. 4 rZ Street. Adelaide Street. A. H., Parsons Bros. Co. Ltd., 35 Young, Douglas, Cresabrook Street, T *) Iboth Street. goolawah. I W. U.. Union Bank Chaibers, Young, J. E., "Molonga," Bank Road, n Street. Graceville.

i 4, - ..-. r'-* "

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bel, W., Ilvensworth, Widgee, Woolooga. Anderson, F. J., "Kynnersley," Juntl.t LbelL I. G., 181 Queen Street. Road, Clayfleld. Abell, . IH. Chief Secretary's Office, Anderson, James, Albion Road, Albion. George Street. Anderson, John H., Fairview, Southbrtook Aherorombie, Jack, Crown Hotel, Rocklea. Anderson, V., Gordon St., Coorparoo. berortmbie, W. W. Commercial Bank of Anderson, W. C., Brooloo. Sydney Queen Street. Anderson, W. S., Jno. Mills' Bldgs., Cha* - berdeen, M. C., 79 Gladstone Rd., South lotte Street. , Brisbane. Andonara, A., Olympic Cafe, Queen Street. '- Abraham, T. C., Rothwell's Ltd., Edward Andrews, A. J., 155 Fortescue St., Springs - Street. Hill. Adams, S. T., "Coolabine," Eumundi. Andrew, F. W., Sydney Street, New Farm. Addia, D., Roma Street. Andrews, E. H., Jimbour Street, Eagfle Adie, G., Childers. Junction. Adsett, B. J. J. , Annerley. Andrews, R. J., Mountslide Road, War- Aiken, A. G., dustom House. wick. Ainsworth, James. Co.-op. Bacon Co., Ltd., Andrews, Samuel, Jnr., Ashgrove, Talle- Murarrie. budgera. Akers, -H., "Woodside," Charleville. Andrews, T. R. L., Andrews St., Cannon Akl'rs, N. A., "Woodside," Charleville. HilL Alcock, H., Professor, University of Angas, C. H., Collingrove, Angaston, South Queensland. Australia. Alder, B. H., Old Sandgate Rd., Albion. Anning, Eric W., Lancaster Rd., Ascot. Alder, John, Commissioner's Office, Rail- Anthony, J. E., Waitara Station, via way Department, George Street. Eton. Aider, J. A., "Alton," St. Lucia Road, Appel, Hon. G. J., "Sea Glint," Elston, via . Toowong. Southport. Alder, O. B., Old , Albion Archdall, M. H., Lower Bowen Terrace, Alexander, Allan, Dalgety & Coy., Ltd., New Farm. Elizabeth Street. Archer, Alister, Archer Bros., Gracemere. Al,.xander. R. A., Fruit Exchange, Turbot Archer, C. V., c/o State Stations, Brisbane, Street. Archer, John, Torsdale, Gladstone. Allun, D. N., Q'land Primary Producers Archer, J. W., Mt. Moriah, Kilcoy. Co-op. Coy., Ltd., Eagle Street. Archer, L., Rose Street, Thistle Estate, All in, James, Allan & Stark, Ltd., Queen Kedron. Street. Archer, W., Rose Street, Thistle Estatea Allan, Dr. R., Marshall, Wickham Terrace. -Kedron. Allen, Joseph, Markets. Turbot Street. Archibald, A. R., Brisbane Milling Co., 5. Allen, R. J., Gray's Road, Hamilton. Brisbane. Allen, T. N., c/o Thos. Keating Ltd., Warry Archibald, G. M., Brisbane Milling Coy., street, Valley. South Brisbane. Al'in, Walter, Chatsworth, Gympie. Archibald, James, Sandgate Road, Albioe. Almian, D., Eagle Terrace, Sandgate. Archibald, J. E., Maryborough. Alinian, J. Jnr., C/o W. G. Johnson & Son, Arkell, James C., "Nyoola," Hall Street, Palmerin Street, Warwick. Alderley. Allom, H. G., c/o Home Recreations Ltd., Arkell, W., Markets, Turbot Street. Quen Street. Armstrong, J., Race View, Charleville. Allom, L. H., 26 Preston House, Queen St. Armstrong, Miss Kate, Disputed Plain, - Allort, R. K., Sayers Allport Propty., Ltd., Lismore, N.S.W. 55 Macquarle Street Sydney. Armstrong, Miss M., Disputed Plaing, Alroe, J., C/o Wunderlich, Ltd., Amelia Lismore, N.S.W. Street, Valley. Armstrong, W. A., Eagle Chambers, a le . All ,e, L. G., Rees Avenue, Coorparoo. Street. All op, W. G., "Hillcroft," Dornoch Terrace Armstrong, W. D., "Adare," Gatton. Highgate Hill. Arnett, W. W., Rlverstone, N.S.W. An: ,s, Norman, Dublin Street, Clayfleld. Arnold, W. B. N., Toohey Street, off Logan Arnms, 0. L., "Sydenbam," Wlokham Ter. Road, South Brisbane. Anel-son, A., Box 296, G.P.O., Brisbane. Arnold, W. H., Railway Dept, George t. Au ergon, A., Oriental Hotel, Albert St. Arthur, H. J., Newstead. Anleraon, A. B., C/o J. C. Hutton Ppty., Arthur, J., Braeside, Baroaldine. I- Ltd.. Roma Street. Arundell, W, C/o Brisbane Tramways ao., Anderson, Alexander, Junction Road, Clay- Ltd., Countess Street. field. Ash, F. W., 157/159 Ellsabeth-street. Aninerson, Dr. A. Gerard, Windsor Road, Ash. J. B., Adelaide Street Red ial. Ashburn, J. M., New Sandgate Roead. -' Anderson, D. W. L., 848 Queen Street. rClayeld.

-" *. M"i 1- ' j*,. . - " t -. A^.^*.^^ .]'' y ^ * . ji - .-~' 3f'^;. , .d' *' -- : I I ~

-. O ANNUAL MEICBERS--Continued. Barker, J. W., "Cornkolye," Sixth Aven ;i~by. H. 0., 80 Wickham St., Valley. Widsor. y. James, C/o McDonnell & East, Ltd., Street. harlow, A. C., JOhn Cookh & Coy., George Eagle Street. Auhmau, A., Oxford Street, Bullmba. Barlow, T., Oxford Street, Bulimba. Ashworth, Herbert, C/o Moreheads, Ltd., Barltrop, Frank C., Jackson Street, Hair AepeMary BStreet. "Le Roy " Racecourse Road, ton. Asot.o Barltrop, Wm. H., Jackson St., Hamiltn Auprey, J. L., Tatterall's Club, Adelaide St. Barnes, C. M., C/o Barnes Ltd., Broad s Coast Line. Valley. Atill, Alfred, Moorooka, South Barnes, F. J. W., Roma Street. Atherton, J. H., Miva Station, Miva. Barnes, John H. S., Canning Downs, A tkin, W. H., Walnut St., Wynnum South. Atkins, C., "Clavia," Chatsworth Road, Warwick. Greenslopes. Barnes, Hon. W. H., Roma Street. Barnes, W. J., Cedar Grove, Beaud ao Atkins, E., Brunswick Street, Valley. Line. Atkinson, G. F. H., Prince Street, Annerley. Barnes, Walter Thomas, 154 Edward :t Atkinson. H. W., Fitz~oy Chambers, Adelaide Street. Barnett, E. J., Dalgety & Coy., Ltd Atthow, A. R., Avoca, Linville. Blackall. "Cromer," Claytield. Barnett, F. G., Maynard Street, Woollao Atthow, G. A., gabba. Atthow, G. E., Arrababy. Moore. Barnett, J. G., C/o J. C. Hutton 1 p1 Atthow, W. H., Highwood, Kilcoy. Ltd., Roma Street. Augustesen, J. N.. Morris Street, Padding- larnsld., R.rnkt ''Ocean View," Atki ls ton. Street, Arncliffe, Sydney. Auld, Win., Nundah. Austin, H. L., Eli Elwah, Hay, N.S.W. Barron, A. C., Howes Bros. & Coy., I on South Street. Austin, W. H., Lamington Terrace, Barron, J., "Wyalla," Kedron. Brisbane. School, Beerburre Axon, Albert E., Brown Street, New Farm. Barron, P. R., State Bach, Richard, Salopian Park, Oakey. Barrow, C. W., 99-101 Wharf Street. Backhouse, W., Killarney South. Barry, John A., Union Street, Nundah. Ba nell, T. C., Canungra. Barry, T. T., 556 Petrie's Bight. Bailey, C. E., C/o Chas. Willert, 454 Barstow, C. B., 142 Charlotte Street. Edward Street. Barstow, E., Highgate Hill, South Brirual Bailey, Chas. H., Scott's Road, Kelvin Barter, George, Merivale Street, P u Grove. Bri ba ane. Bailey, J., Thomas Street, Red Hill. Bartlett. (I. A., Latrobe Terrace, W., 663 Stanley Street, South Paddington. Bailey, J.. intrton, 1. .J. T., 5, Central Bulldingc. D Brisbane. wi rd SI Ieet. Bailey, P. J., c/o Yeates Bros., Ltd., Mar- garet Street, Toowoomba. Barton, R. 0., Toweran Station, Lowi es Bailey, J. R. C., Nevertire, Bullyan, via Bashford, Henry, Bazaar Street, Idol Gladstone. borough. Baines, J. E., William Street. Bassett, S. S., Ronavilla Vineyards, 1. 12 Baker, A. T., IaLue .piary, Ashgrove. Bassingthwaigthe, Charles O., Niagara. Baker, E. S., Logan Road, South Brisbane. via Bell. Baker, Archie, Laura, Bundarra, N.S.W. Bassingthwaighte, E., Jinghi Jinghi, N., "Kooyong," Adelaide St., Baker, Percy Bassingthiwaighte H. V., Diamondy, Clayfleld. .iliiniwne. Baker, R. A., Tongy Station, Mitchell. Baker, R., Caboolture. Bassingthwaighte, Muir, Jinghi Jing i, Baldwin, Maurice, Q'land Turf Club, Creek Bates, W. A.A., Fernleigh, Lakeside Street. Wooloo lnf A. W., 55 Adelaide Street. Batt, W. T., Norman Street, Bale, ali e, I rcelti., NlIe Stret, Woolloon 1b Ball, Henry, Pine Mountain, Many Peaki. Baulch, A. W., Bald Hills. S. Brisbane. Ball, H. Moialele., Street, I In ii i, I 'hrs., "'I'toneath," Laidley. gall. 3. E.. Rosebank, ManIy Peaks. Ball, S., P'aris St., Mas~ct, Sydney. Baxter, R., Australian Estates & U. Co Ballina Co-op. Refrig. and Produce Co., C~eek Stieet. I lilion, N.S. W. tralia, Ltd., Bayard, e. A., Melbourne Street, South ' Balmer, A. S., , Bromelton. Brisbane. Banks, lF. W., Keiidal, Longreach. Baynes, Arthur, Adelaide Street. Banks, J. F., Blackall. Baynes, W. S., C/o Moreheads, Ltd., MhI Banks, W. E., Hipwood Road, Toorak Street. Hill, Hamilton. Beak. Mrs. T., Marsden Street, Clai'eld Ban, John, Clinton Vineyds. oominiya. re &r Co., Beal, 0. L.. Treasury Dept., Queen Barber, T. M, C/o Brbant Beamish, T. R., Beamish & Taylor, (A1lf Charlotte Street. bell's Bldg., Barbour, James, i.i.O. Glenken, Biarra, Creek Street. Usk. Beard, E. J., 10 New Zealand ChaI'ber Darbour, James Junr., Glenken, Uiarra, Queen Street. Euk. Bearmore, U. R., Dalgety's Buildings. Barker, 0. H., 225 Albert Street. Elisabeth Street.

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* ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued. Bearup, James, Winifred & Drane Streets, Bertram, W., M.L.A., Parliament House, Clayfleld. Brisbane. Beasley, A. H., Campbell's Building, Besley, F., Besley & Pike, Alfred Street, Creek Street. X alley. Beasley, B. R., Wilston Road, Newmarket. Best, John, Jnr., Winifred Street, Clay- Beasley, R. H., Wilstbn Road; Newmarket. field. Bevan, Evan. Gympie Road, Kedron. Beasley, Thos., Senr., Warwick. Bevis, Albert, King Street, East Brisbane. Beasley, Thos. C., Warwick. Beynon, Walter, Inns of Court, Adelaide Beath, J. H., 52 Queen Street. Street. Beattie, Miss E. I., Girls' School, Warwick. Bick, E. W., Botanic Gardens, Brisbane. Beattie, J. A., Gisborne Park, Gisborne, T., Bowen Bridge Road. Victoria. Bick, W. 3ecker, James R., Danbarton, 'raroom. Biddeston Co-op. Dairy Co., Ltd. (C. H. 3ecker, M., Queen Street. Gamble). Becker, W. J., Coorado Station, Taroom. Birlle, R. E.. Moo-ooka, S.C. Line. leckmann, W., Mulgowie, via Laidley. Biddles, P., Home Park, Netherby, N. C. L. Eedgood, E. J., Isaac Street, Paddington. Biddulph, F. W., Balgie, Palmwoods, lehle, F., Massey Street, Hamilton. North Coast Line. lelers, Jonah, Q'land Machinery Coy., Bigge, Francis, "Montpelier" Wickham Albert Street. Terrace. Belt, F. R., Bank of New South Wales, Biggs, Henry, Exchange Hotel, Edward Valley. Street. Belbin, R. J., Old Sandgate Road, Albion. Biggs, James S., Globe Hotel, Adelaide St. Bll, A., Ann Street, Valley. Biggs, T. W., Celtic Chambers, George St. Bdll," A. F., c/o Agricultural Chemist, Biggs, T., Eagle Street. William Street. Billington, R., Hamilton. Hell, A. G , Costin Street, Valley. Billington, W. H., Walmer, Warra. Be!l, E. Austin, London Bank Chambers, Birch, Fted, "Musetta," Markwell Street, Creek Street. Auchenflower. Be.l, Major B. C., Coochin Coochin, Boonah Birch, James, Thomson Bros. & Birch, Ltd., Bell, Miss E. G., Coochin Coochin, Boonah. George Street. Bell, F. H. H., C/o National Bank of Aus- Bird, John, Pullen Vale, via Indooroopilly. tralia. Ltd., Queen Street. Hird, Roht., S., "Chatswood," Merthyr Road, Bell, F. M., Kooroomba, Boonah. New Farm. Hell, George, Strathpine. Birdsall, Edward, "Nemunmulla." Offham BelI, George. Hillview., Tingoora. 'i:ling. Western Line. Iell. John, Hillview, Tingoora. Birley, Arthur, London Bank Chambers,. Bell John, Elizabeth Street. Creek Street. Birley, E. L., 224 Main Street, Kangaroeo Bell J. D., James Campbell & Sons, Ltd., Point. Creek Street. Hellr Norman M., 402 Adelaide Street. Birley. H L., Main Street, KaIgaIroo Point. Bell, Peter, Strat.hpine. Biscoe, Robt., McLennan Street, Albion. Black, A., Pajingo Station, Charters Bell, Richard, Carthona, Emu Park, via Towers. Rockhampton. Bell, Roy M., Eskdale South, Esk. Black, Hugh, Lytton Road, East Brisbane., Hell. T. A., 142 Gladstone Road, S. Brish ne. Black, John, 121 Queen Street. Bell, V. Douglas, Coochin Coochin, Boonah. Black, Robert, Courier Buildings, Queen Bell, Mrs. Emille, Carthona, Emu Park, Street. Rockhampton. Black, Stathe, Cafe Ithaca, Queen Street l~h i, William I.,Makerton Street. Bl.,ck, W R., Union Dank Chamuears. Bell, W. H., Inns of Court, Adelaide St. Queen Street. Bellgrove, W. G., Barlow Street, Clayfleld. Blackband, W., anoggera Road, New- Bennett, Alfred R., 151 Queen Street. market. Bennett, F. J., Vulture Street, Sour'i Blackburne, G. V., Union Bank Champbers, Brisbane. Queen Street. Bernnett, G. T., Union Bank Chambers, Blacklock, G. H., c/o Ruston & Hornaby Queen Street. Ltd., 468-472 Ann Street. Be'nett, H., Cootharaba Road, via Gymple. Blacklock, Walter, Hendra. Benrson, H., Kandanga, via Oymnple. Blalklock, H., Australian Disinfectant Benson, W. G., Butters & Benson, Wickham Coy., Rothwell's Chambers, Edward St. Strept Blair, A. W. B., Shafston Avenue, Benson, W. Guy, Q'land Trustees, Ltd., Kangaroo Point. Eagle Street. Blake. *., John Street, Windsor. Bent, Edmund, Marlemont Mallow, via Bland, C. E., Manly. SStanthorpe. Blank, C.. Bowen Bridge Road. Be tley, R. H., South Coast Dairy Coy., Blancha rd. F. I).. Commercial Travellers' Glenelg Street, South Brisbane. Association. Ellzabeth Street. Be e, H. S., Southport. Bligh, Arthur C. V., Condasnine Plains, Be gin, Basil, Toomoo, Hillside Crescent, Brookstead. Hamilton. Bliss. R. L., C/o Robert Reid & Coy., BerRin, Hugh P., Albert Street. Edward Street. Berkman. G., "Marple," Park Road West, Blocksldge, G. H., Queen Street. South Brisbane. Blos.s, Chas., "Wrotham," Junction Road. Berry, A. E., Costin Street, Valley. IfHridra.

* . i / . . . ' * . . * . * . '' :~: -. -~ A. I ,. '

NNAL MUIMB~IR&-Contnued IR I G.,~a~Btanley Stanley Hall, Ascot.Aacot. BradBred ley,lay. Fredk., Brsdl~yBradly &tBt HolianHollan ri.rl. Maor R., Piers, Swan Road. AdelaideAdelalde Street. ga. Bradley John, Jackson St., Indooroopillu.Indooroopillv In,In. A.. Bayview.""Bayvlew," Wickham BradleyBradley, Wm.,Win.. "Fairlelgh,""Fairleigh," Conrtituti~~nConutituti7n Roab, Wlndsor. L., Rifle Range,00. Enoggera. Brady, Road,T., Windsor.161 Leichhardt Street, Vallev. has,L.. RifleCharlton flange,Street, Enoggera.Ascot. Brady,Brake, Albert,T., 484 LeichhardtStanley Street, Street,South Valley. has. Chariton Street, Ascot. Brake. Albert, Stanley Street, South M., Custom House, Queen Street. B'BriLsbane. isbane. P1 I., I.AustralianAustralian Hardware Coy..Coy., Brake, W., "Aloha,"'"Aloha," Vulture Street,Street. EalE:l 1 Street. UliFllane. Z !-'~B0nd;Soand .L. II~.PL~ePrLr.yM~..M., FerryL~Perry Bro.,Broci.,BroCi., Albert Street. Brake,t~raKB~Brak~e,~~r,~T: W.w.W. T.T.1. ~i.,±1.,H., LewlsLewis Street,street, onoffOfl LogunlLogufl/Logun/Logu ' pael E.ill. J.,J., Black Mt., Cooroy. Road, Southouth Brisbne.Brlsbane. ~g~~Ua~yN., N,rc~N., J~~D'AguilarD'Aguilar, sl,* Mt.. KllcoyKilcoy Coarou. Line. Brandfs,Brandis, Road. G.G. South H., Gresham8rlsbnne. St, E. Brlsbar~e/Brisbaris/ i~l'gbnne~r,PoE~nner Chapman,Chapman.:hapman, Lin~colnLincolnLin~colnLin~coln Hills.Hills, Wllc~Oll'RWllqOll'RWll~Oi's Brasier,Brazier, Fred., 96 Vulture Street West, -s A. Dowrnufalls,Dodrrnsialls.nsialls,uialla. N.S.W. South Brisbane. ~~~Dok~r. Charles:harles J..J.,J., Woolooga, Theebne.Theeblne. Brenan.Brenan, J.J. O'N., ImmigrationImmigration Office,Offtce, BrJBrlJ B'adboker,~Dkr Deemond,Desmond,)esmond, "Bertholme," Morsy St., b&ne.bane. li ~; New Farm. Bren~n,BrellRn,BrellRn, W.W. C.. C/o Colonial Sugar RI.RI ~i:JRW~M"*oth,.onte C~I~:~i~~rl~~&~.~Bt.E.i. Bell,B BrisbaneBrlsbanet.el, TramweyaTramwaysTrainways Coy..Coy., Co)Coy., .. Ltd.,Lt.,Lttl., 181121 nagleEagle StFset.Street. Countess Ltd.,CountssStreet.Steet.Brennan, Brennan, H.H.D., D., King Street, Thompsc/nThomp.9/n "RPgoth,.Dooth,, John,Tohn,ohn, Hamilton. Estate. ..Booth, T. '. C., Isles.Isles, Love Buildings, Ade.Ads- Brennan, Wm.,Win., Crotby,CI oitby, Coochin. i ooth, T. laide~lafde i Street. Brentnall, Hon.Hen. F. T., Coorparoo. P)oobh,B'ooth, W.,I.,'., Racecourse Road,Roa4. Ascot. plett,plett, B. C..C., "~arlua.""arlun" Tower StreetStxee, * DetonF.,F.,P~~ "Burrandowan,"~"Burrandowan," Jondowae..ondowae.Jondowae.Jondowae. Aboi I StnM. M.M.[. W.W., Toowoomb.ToowoomhR. Brett,Brett. J.J. F., E. S. &kJk A.A, Bank Chamb~~Chambc~c~a r. otek, H. A., BrisbaneBrlsbane StlSt~eet. eet, Ipswich.Ipswich. Eagle Street. r ,U~,Chas.Chas. as..s. F., 71 Ann St~eet.Stl eet. Be~er,I11eu el . E.J.,~.E. d.,d., Eudlo, N.C. Line.Line, .i r fltStanleyStanleyanley nley C., Bott gtl.eet,gtl.eet,gtl.eet,t~eet, Ithaca. Bridger.Bridger, T. W.,W.. 359369 Queen Street. -,I ~;~otiley,lay.,y, y, C. P., Coronlella.CoroIlella, Warr~a.Warr a.a. Brlggs, C. K., State School, Belmont. i:: Wpttrley,,y,y,y, J. P., Ipuwch.Ipswlch.Igswlch. Brigga,Brlggs, F. W..W., PolitkC,PolitlC, Aramac. at sOuobrra,-3ogchrd, d,,A. A. C., Howard Street.Street, ByswaterBRyswater Brggs,Brigge,Briggs,Briggs, Joe.,Jos., BriggsBrlggs &tBt Son, 199423 Georeaeoineaeoine '1 Baultbee,Ioutbee, i, Ber~nad,BerBernard, nal.d,nal.d, C/o F'lackE'luck &~~ Flac,Flncl<,Flnck, 2352y6 StreetStrec : ::.~~UeeuOi~ OUeCIl C1lIl 8tr~cStrc,(.t.8tr~ctre~t.t.t. Briggs, P. A., Edward Street. ,~gCoul~oLoulon, E. H., Ormiston, Cleveland Line Bright, C. A., VinleVille Street, Clayfield. iv a a~ii~Odik~, .BOurke, Norman,Jorman, Rlchmond.Richmond, NolNo~th th Uueens-Queens- Broad. H. V.. ~.E.. 1'.F. Broad,Broad. Ltd., 4141. 1..1::1:: ~, land. Edward Street.Stl eet. ~'~Corirne.Couirne, H.,H..H., Birdwood Avenue.Avenue, Coorparoo.Cnorparoo. Broadbent, A., Roma Street. ~i~s~kums.trNoure. J.J.i.. P..F., LeichhardtLeichhardtLeichhardt Street.StreetStreet, VallejValle. . . UIllckhu~st,IllucIllucoc~hul khurst, st. W.XV. S..Y..S. "Lltldum.""Lindum,""tlndum,' Kent Rl~d.R~Rird, ~i~i~5ooher,~la~-oher, F., LO~105 Eagle Street. Wooloowirl.Wooloowirl.Woloowii. I..aowden,~Bowden, J.J.. "Lone Pine,"Pine,' Sherwood.Sherwood. Brockway, Dr. A. B., "Thrums.""Thrurns.""Thrumns," Wlckh.~NWick.~ru :ii~i~: 1SO~ar,Btower, Wm.,Win.,Rm..Tm.. "Longfield,""Longfield,"' Mullunlbimby.Mullunibimby,Mullunibimby. Terrace. N...N.8.~. r. Brodie, D. F., Laguna, Augthella.AugRthella.Augathella. t dowly,d30wly, Chs.,Chns.,3hns.,has., c/o KPnlledy,Kennedy,Kenedy, BowlyRowly &r86r Brodie,Brodle,Brodl4 W. H., Union Bank Chamber.Chamber.r. Manson. son.on. ParlburySPRl.bUI'S. i-louse,Houxe,H-ouse, EaleEuRle St'i~et.Str~c~et. Creek Street,Street. .z .'~ soavman,oman, i, A. M., Tarcoinbe,TRrcolnbe, Longrech.Lorlgreuch.Lorlgreuch.Lorlgreuch. l~ozifeldl,U~oiirPieltl, (~iias,'c:lltta'' "Surnsie,'"Surnsitle," Nambo'irNamholir Bowman.Bowman, F. J.J. M..M., HHiiclemeiHHiiclenei1-lendmeree,e, Yeulh.Yeulbn. Bromiley, C H., McGregor Street, Wilsi~nWilsi~~n - Bowman,owan, ,W.W. H.,R.,R, 377577 QlueenGlueen Street. Ilo,I~lorkx.I~lookx.I~lookx. W. F15. , Bunldaer.HulldnhelR.HuiidnheiR. Bo~owuer, ~n P1.P1.. A..A., Manly. Broom, A. M., Booyan, via n~oorland,Moorland,n~oorland, N.(N.e L1. , .11O~Srl~rl31O~Selr. W.CV. H., O'ConnrelltownO'Conrrelltown Quarries. Broom. Norman M.,M., "Booyun,"'fooyn," MoorinMoorln~d. d. Winduor.Wlhdrar.dsor. sor. N.C.L. .Bo+cLoyoe, A. L. LL. E. C.,C.. AustalianAustlAustralianAustlAliRn AliRn blcicRiitileblcicniitileMcn~tile Bronn1,BroRnHr1, T. J.,J.,J., Holberton St., Toowoom~sToowoorrfl L.L &8 F. Coy., Creek Street. Brosnan,Brosnnn, T. P., RoyalRo)al Wine Cafe.Cafe, Qui~efQui~en oyce,yce. -\~inFIM\issFI~inFIinFI I''.'. MM, ~i~ltlorEilord~o.~i~ltlor i~clo,i~clo, \i~~ i~~ia RomR.RonlR. Steet.IJtlIJtleet. rWidWin.,Wm.,'m., n., Old Sandgate Road,Rond, Aibjun,.Albiul.Albi~,,l. Brown, B. PercPercJ ,, , Jordan Terrce,Tsl Rce,l Box'Rn~~sn AC BosJohnJohnohn,hn W., Agnes Street. Torwooc\.'lorwood\. Hillr.Hills.Hill. Iole hi. :.. A., Thorn Street,Street. Ili~wlch.Ili~wlch.Ilpic~h.Ili~wlch. IIII~un,cWn, 1(.It. H.i.H.H. S..S.,S.. N~ctiori~~lN~ctona1~ HHrlkBank Ofof r\(ilA'ai 1:LI.L ~.olMissMissIleslas Mary,Mnry, douciuciu LadygLntlgLntlg Philp.Phllp. Too-Too- I.tll...\theltoll.I~tl.. thetoi. wong.wvong. % Brown, C, c/od/oc/o Chas. W. Riley.Riley,Rile), 179 U:: r,'4, i ,Bo~y~s,* oY,y W.,W. ., Alice, eut. Wi~lllsor.Wi~iilsor.Winsor. stlstreet.St~eet.eet. I~ i:; .arabasonC.a;baon n, C. J.,J.,J.,., EltlerHlioElerloEltlerHlio Stutioci.Stutioci.Sttioi.Stutioci. Winter,.Winton,. Brown. F.E'. O.,(., Mooroombin,Moorocibin, Box 28,29, I~iir*qk~r,.3reler, A. P1..B.. Engec~umle.Egecurb,e Texas. ToopoolnwHh.Toooolwh. i~~ir~ok~r,U*roker, H,H., Morehead.Moreheadx. Ltd.,Ltd.. ~lsry~lslMaly y Stret.Btre~t. Brown,BI own, George,Qeorge, Brown & Br'oad,BI'ORd,Broad, Ltd..Ltd., ~ Bmcker,B.trcker, H. V.,~' (unalai.C:unilltlil. Newetead.Newstead. - 3wC~ker, W. R.,H.. I1RHbrOOk~ILasblrok, CObbB-dH-Cobb-d- HIBrown, own, a,0.a. W.,B., Brown's Creek, NaranrraNarang bB. manammna.os. a. North Coast Line,Line. RI AW. ..J..J.. HalinAlien snStreet, eHaltHamllton. burn.ury, y, A.W. EC.,JC., HAlenHAnrron Steeltct,Hamilton.Terl'tlcct,Terl'tlcct, Nundsh. Brown,Hiown, a,a.(t. M.,I., Tarings.'1inogo" aib ~T7 W. J.. Alien Street, Hamllton. ~ra,4ury i F. F.W., Nundah. Brown, Horace A., Fourth Avenue, WilstonWllst~,n di~l, Q. . A., VilliersVtlllel e Steet.Ptl~eet, New Farm BrownBIown. H. B.,R., Dalgety 8i&i Coy., Ltd.,Ltd.. Di. ~ ,Q.C!. A..A., Vtlllel.sVtlllel e Lltl.est.Ptl~eet, NewNew FarmFarm BISrown. own. H.H. a..R., DolpetyDalgety k 8i Gay.,Coy., Ltd.Ltd.. I, E.U. V.,V,, VllllereVllllersVllier. Street, New Farm. Ell~abethlizlabeth Street. H.B. ..J.,, VllilersVllllers Street, New Farm.Firm. Brown, H. 9.,S.,., Ladlejy.Laldley. I, H. J., Vllllers Street, New Firm. Brown, H. 9., Laldley. '~udioFd.~jpdfod, I, B.BI.81. U..HI..HI., Bank of NewNea South PYales,W~ales, 1Brown,rown, ,.J.J. W "Gll~r~lg,""Gloat w.' iCYilooy.Yllooy. :;~-,~ttltud~'r Ltud~tuda de llel. Brown,wrowp, id.,d.. hi;i)gu.Nudigo.hi;i)ge. r ~- ~tltu i

~ ~ ( i.n \*, ~h~Li~' ':''' ... II ji "~~ ,, :i -1 . ' y:*. * ' ;v It ,'X

ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued. House, Burton, R. E., "Hillside," Vulture Street. irown, Graham R., Dr., Preston East Brisbane. Queen Street. Burtt, F., Yeronga Street, Yeronga. rownl, Norwood, Australian Bank of Street. Busch, A. J., C/o Carricks Ltd., Saul St. Commerce, Queen Bushell A. W., Alfred Street, Valley. rown, O'Hara, Gregory Flats, Gregory Terrace. Bushnell, W. N., Ideraway, Gayndah Line. Robert, Buzacott & Coy., Petries Buss, George A., Bundaberg. rown, Buss, Horace, Oakwood, Bundaberg. Bight. Ltd., trown, S., 109 Thorn Street, Kangaroo Butcher, W. G., C/o .A E. & M. Coy., Point. Creek Street Brown & Sons, Butland, W H., Box 152, G.P.O., Rock-. irown, Thomas V., Thos. hampton. Ltd. Eagle Street. Irown, W., Jeay Street. Bowen Hills. Butler, F. W., Targinnie, Yarrum, N.C.IL rown, Wm. B., 37 Hill Street. Butler. G.. Fannina River. Ravenswood Gregory Terrace. Junction. Iowne, A. J., Durham Downs, Roma. Butler, J., Beeston Street, Kingeholme. Browne, H., Land Court of Queensland, Hutler. Lance W., C/o Edward Butler & George Street. Sons. Ltd., Queen Street. irowne, J. A., Mactaggart Bros., Adelaide Butler, P. J.. Lancaster Road. Ascot. Street. Butler, W. Roy., Staghurst, Yimbun. Browne, K. J., Marmadue, via Dalby. Butson, W. B., Gray Road, West End. irowne, M. S., The Palms, Wellington Pt. Butt, G. J., Maroochydore, via Ya'ndina. irowne, Col. R. Spencer, Junction Road, Butt. W. J., Maroochydore, via Yandina. Butterfield, G. F., J. Kitchen & Son. Ltd., Eagle Junction. Street. Brcwning, Wm., Avonleigh, Blackall. Elizabeth Butters, N., Mayfleld Street, Ascot. iruce, F. A., Foggitt, Jones & Coy., J. W., Mayfleld Street, Ascot. Turbot Street. Butters, Bruche, Major-General J. H., Victoria Butters, S., Mayfield Street, Ascot. Barracks, Petrie Terrace. Butterworth, H., Lapralk Street, Albion. iruinich, J. C., Department of Agriculture Butterworth, S., Brown Street, New Farm. William Street. Button, A. W., Gough's Chbrs., Albert & Stock, Street. irunnich, Dr. R., "Craigston," Wickham Terrace. Buzacott. W. J., New Sandgate Road, Beaudesert. Clayfleld. iruxner, Henry, Jelbyn, Byerley, A. C., Gladstone Road, South iryant, G. H., Parbury House, Eagle Street Brisbane. Bryce, M. A., c/o Northern Assurance Byers, John, Stafford Road, Kedron. Coy. Ltd., Eagle Street. Byram, H. W., "Allawah," Moray and Butlhanan, D., "Blair Athol," Ekibin Sydney Streets, New Farm. Itoad. Annerley Byres, R. G., Thos. Brown & Sons, Ltd., Buchanan, G. H., Toowoomba. Eagle Street. Bu,hinan, Nigel G., Mt. Brisbane, Esk. Byrne, Edward, C/o Mrs. J. Cruse, Bridge luchanan, W. A., Morayfield, N. C. Line. Street, Albion. luchanan, W. H., "Androsson," Graceville. Byrne, George. uchlilolz., H., Riverside, Bogantungan. Byrne, J., Moreheads, Ltd., Mary Street. 3uykle, J. T. A., 41 Bartley Street, off Byron, E. M., Allison Street, Mayne. Wickham Terrace. ('aloolture Co-op. Dairy Co, Ltd. (F. J. :Iinkliley, James, "Villa Maria," Rosehlll, l)obson). 8. & \V. Railway. Caboolture Co-op. Dairy Coy, Ltd. (F. W. Buick, C. G., Sanitarium Health Food I'hlman). C <'oy., Queen Street. Cahill, Thos., Lakeside. Bulcock, W., Creek Street. Cain, J., Madowla Park, Ptcola, Vie. lull J. W., Bellevue, Capella. Cain, WV. C., Madowla Park, Picola, Vie. lundock. C. Wyndham, Kooralbyn, Beau- <'aine, E. J., "Bowenville," Ascot. desert. Cairns, A. J., Short Street, Norman Park. 3u tess,John, Canning Downs South, Caldwell. r I)., Fanny Street. Annerlev. Warwick. Caldwell, J. J., c/o E.S. and A. Bank, [Iuln:ess, J., Junr., Canning Downs, Sth. Queen Street. Warwick. Callaghan. J. V., 602 Brunswick Street, li';,.y, E. A., Hardon Estate, Paddington. New Farm. 3urix, John Henry, 235 Queen Street. Callow, P. J., Little Street, Albion. Bur 'ard, J. E., Bowen Bridge Road. Cambage, W.. Conrn- Bur:,rtt, E. U(., Cowan Downs. Cloncurry. Cameron, C, J., Beechmont, via Nerang. Burett, J. F., Normanby Estate, Harris- Cameron, Dr. Donald Allan, 97 Wicokham ville. Terrace. BurJltt, R. J., A.M.E. Coy., Ltd., Eagle St. Cameron, D. A., Woodlands. Mitchell. Cameron, D. C. K., United Pastoralists Bun ell, A. C., Roma Street. Asn., Union Bank Chambers, Queen St. Bu ',.11, W. R., Earl Terrace, Windsor. Cameron, P I P.. "Ardno," Romra. urit,B. G., Edward Street. Cameron, Dr. J. A., East Street, Ipswich. lrion., E., Wanora. Cameron, John "Wunkoo," Langsede BuiIn, Ernest K., Edgley Farm, Woo- Road, Hamiton,. 'loga. Cameron, J. B., "Erracht," Beaohmont, via Burton, J. J., 197-9 Elisabeth Street. Nerang.

1 'I

i. i.^.: t',. '^^fe^L^ .. ' 6----- 1 II f 4' l> -. * - ,!' ,;* , : :r.


phens Carroll, J., O'Connelltown, Windsor. Carroll, W. F., Day's Road, Wilston. et, Carse, W. J., Imperial Hotel, Toowoomla Carson, A. E. D., Merthyr Road, Nr. Mit- Farm. Carter, D. S., 99 Queen Street. Carter, H. C., Mooki Springs, Quirindl Ustate N.S.W. Carter, H. T., Kedron Park Rd, Wooloowi Ibion. Carter, J. E., 142 Charlotte Street. Imary Carter, W. H., Kitchener Road, Ascot. Eagle Carvosso, Dr. A. B., North Quay. Carvosso, W. H., Supreme Court, Georg Oampbell,C" Chas., Water Street, Red Hill. Street. Campbell, C. C., Tennyson Street, Cary. J., Helidon. - ' . Bullmba. Cash, John D., Wickham Street, Valley Campbell. C. B.. Guthrie Street, Rosalie. Cassidy, F. P., Dalgety & Coy., Ltd., "Campbell, C. W., Sawmills, Albion. Elizabeth Street. Campbell, Eric P., Wonbah, Mt. Perry Caswell. Arthur J., Dnalwon, Wangal. Line. pong. Campbell, Ernest T., 139 Adelaide Street Caswell, Clive E., Cannindah, Many Peaki ; Campbell, G. L., Kelburnie, Gladstone. Cawdell, W. A. H., E. S. & A. Bank, Queen p Campbell, G. N., C/o Jas. Campbell & Street. Sons., Creek Street. Cawsey, John, c/o John Cawsey & Coy., SCampbell, G. P., James Campbell & Sons, Bowen Street. i.Ltd., Creek Street. Chaille, H. M., Blinkbonnie, Esk. 'Campbell, Hugh, "Dalmuir," Hurdcotte Chalice, H. J., C/o F. K. Brodribb, Glad. Street, Enoggera. stone Road, South Brisbane. Campbell, J., Argyle, Laidley. Chalk, Joseph, "Kia Ora," Ilfracombe. Campbell, Miss Jessie, Merino Downs, Q. C. R. Roma. Chalk, J. D., C/o Birt & Co., Ltd., Suth ' Campbell, John H., Jaccondal, Geera, Brisbane. Barcaldine. Chalk, J. E., Howard Street, Bayawater. Campbell, John K., 46 Jane Street, New Chambers, Claude W., Preston House. Farm. Queen Street. Campbell, Murray V., C/o Geo. Mackenzie Chambers, George D., Jordan Terrace. & Co., Belmont. Bowen Hills. Qampbell,C M. P., The Brisbane Soap Coy., Chambers, O. T., Elbow Vale, via War. Bowen Bridge. wick. *' Campbell, T. J., Wonbah, via Bundaberg. Chandler, C. J., Holly Downs, Augath'lla Campbell, W. Me., "Ferney Brae," Enog- Chandler, H. C., Walton Street, off \n. gera. nerley Road. S. Brisbane. S'Canham. Elijah, Stanley Street, South Chandler, J. B., 169 Elizabeth Street. Brisbane. Chapman, B. F., C/o New Zealand Loan * J. H., I.O.A. Chs., 853 Queen St. M. A. Coy., Ltd., Eagle Street. Qannan, ne. Chs., 353 Queen Chapman, Chas., Rowanlea, via. Gladst Oannan, John K., I.OA. Chapman, F. Guy, Brooklands, Belmont. Street. Chapman, Henry A., Queen StreenStreet, Cannell, E. J.. Larkhall, Toogoolawah. Striett St. Chapman, J. F., George & Adelaide Cannon. W., Cannon & Crlpps, George Chapman, R. V., Queen Street. Cantlop, J., Celia Street, Ashgrove. Caporn, H. M., W. Adams & Coy., Ltd., Chapman, Stanley, Chapman & Snellni, Edward & Mary Streets. Eagle Street. Road, Coorparoo. Chapman, W. J., C/o Robert, Reid & cy.( Carbine, J., Cleveland Toowoomba. SCardell. E. S. Junr., Stock Inspector, Charity, J., "Grayton Lodge," Winds, r. Charlevllle. Charles, S. M., Gootchie, N. C. Line. Cardell, P. R., Toowong. Cardell, R. C., Stanley Street, Indoeroo- Charles, W. M., Gootchie, N. C. Line. S pllly., Charles, W., C/o H. M. Russell & Co 94-98 Eagle Street. Cartoot. Thos., Alderley. Charley, D., Eagle Street. SCr ge, Henry, Netley, Deetord, Dawson Chaseling, G. E. J., "Brundah," Co.l. *^ Valley Line. Coor- bunia, via Kingaroy. Carlson, A. A. H., Rialto Street. Chater, Arthur B., Fernberg Rd., Rosallit . arne, IL Broughton, "Nemorna," Wyn- Chave, A. E., Turbot Street. num South. Charter, R. H., Chayters' Ltd., Rorm St. SCarr, G. H., Wynnum South. Cheetham, C., Ford Street, Albion. Oarr, W.. Briabane Street. Toowong. Chester. T., Junr., Victoria Terrace, Ips. arr, W. I., c/o Lyeaght (Aust.) Ltd., 486- wich Road, S. Brisbane. 444 Ann Street. Chllde, L. A., "Birralee," First Avenu' Crick,a A A., Deagon Avenue, Deagon. Eagle Junction. arric.k, W. P., C/o Fenwick & Coy.. Chlrnslide, A. S., Berwick, Victoria. SN ward Street. Christie, Colin, Ithaca Street, NormanrbY. Carroll Dan, Birch & Carroll, Strand Christie, Colin, Junr., Ithaca St., Nor' B l din|gs, Queen Street. manby. V>

1 I ~ -- "R-- ~-I~C~i~"~"~.~ T~F -~CP7t~-~-;Y~*i/ - -I ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued. Christie, John, 303 Queen Street.. Cohen, Benjamin, Commercial Traveller' Church, J. F., 129 Creek Street. Buildings, Elizabeth Street. Clacher, A. J., Carl Street, Thompson Cole, James, Cole & Grice, West End. Estate, South Brisbane. Cole, Vivian, Joseph Nathan and Co. Clapperton, Percy, Lutwyche Road, Woo- (Aust.), Ltd., Petrie's Bight. loowin. Coleman, G. S., Q.M.E. Coy., Mary Street :lapperton, T. A., Tarong, Nanango. Coleman, S., Sixth Avenue, Windsor. :lare H. F., Arthur Blackwood Ltd., 246a Coleman, Thos. J., Cairnscroft, Toogoo- George Street. lawah. ;lark, A., 99 Mary Street. Colleano, C., c/o J. C. Marconi, Bullmba. lark, Alex., Rose Street, Annerley. Colledge, H. E., Bacchus Marsh Condensed lark, G. C., East Talgai, Ellinthorp. Milk Co., 98 Eagle Street. lark, G. J., Montague Road, West End. Collard,. H., C/o Collard & Mackay Fruit ;lark, George K., Franz Road, Clayfleld. Exchange. ;Iark, H., C/o W. H. Paling & Coy.. Ltd., Collett, J. T., Pomona. Queen Street. Collin, G. W., W. Collin & Sons,.,Petrles 'lark, J. Miles Street, Albion. Bight. 'lark, James, Taroom. Collin, V. F., Adelaide Street. :lark, James, 1-3 Union Bank Chs., Collin, Capt. W. J., Petries Bight. Queen Street. Collings, G. H., c/o Geo. Wills & Coy. ;lark, J. C., Union Bank Chambers, Queen Ltd., Wharf Street. Street. Collins, Chas. G., 80 Queen Street. 'lark, Miss Edie, Boyland Station, Canun- Collins, H., Melvin, Lamara South, Boo- gra Line. boorowie, Burra, S. Australia. lark, W. H., Watson, Ferguson & Coy., Collins, J. Calton, Tingoora. Ltd., Queen Street. Collins, J. W., Rajah Products Ltd., 'lark, W. R., West Burleigh, S.C.L. Valley. ;larke, C. M., Maryvale Station, via Ch. Collins, Miss D., Nindoolmbah House, Towers. Beaudesert. larke, C. R., Rupert Terrace, Ascot. Collins, Miss J., Mundoolun, Beaudesert. ;larke, D. J., City Buildings, Edward St. Collins, Mrs. A. C., Tamrdokum, Beau- 'larke, Edward A., Clarke's Bridge, via desert. Laidley. Collins, T. A., Victoria Street, Windsor. 'larke, P. Kennedy, "Cavan," Zillman Collins, Victor, Spring Creek Station, Mt Road, Hendra. Surprise, Cairns. 'larke, R. G., Chas. A. Clarke & Son, 293 Collins, Mrs. W., Nindooimbah House, Queen Street. Beaudesert. .larke, T., Clarence Noble & Coy., Queen Collins, W. Senr., Canning Street, Warwick Street. Conlon, Brother P. A., Christian Bros.' 'larke, Win., Box 43, Post Office, Dalby. College. Nudgee. larkson, A. H. W., Sandgate. Conners, James Junr., Glen Erin, Nanango. larry, W., Douglas Street, Greenslopes. Connolly, Dr. F. Glynn, London Bank Llarson, Chas., Sonoma Poultry Yards, Chambers, Creek Street. Esk. Connors, H. P., Florence Street, Bulimba. l: vin, F. E., Post Office, Ayr., via Conochie, Robert, "Brantham," Mount- Townsvllle. ford Road, New Farm. 'letlry, D., Laura Street, Wooloowin. Conochie, Robert Jnr., Commonwealth lemlents, H. A., Woombye Street, Eagle Building, Adelaide Street. Junction. Conochie, W. S., Brooklands, Tingoora. li ford, W. C., Braeside, Mount Pleasant, Conway, P. J., C/o Enoch Baker, Bruns- via Dayboro. wick Street, Valley. loherty, Capt. H., Marine Department, Coogan, D. J., Bale Street, Albion. Edward Street. Cook, A. J., c/o T. Kelly & Sons, Rock- 'lI n0hlln, J. L. hampton. oakes, W. J., Finney Isles & Coy., Ltd., Cooke, Dixon, Alstonville, N.S.W. Queen Street. Cook, G. W., Commercial Road, Valley. "*"*,s, Thos. B~'rnes' Exchange Bldgs., Cook, Joseph, G., Turbot Street. Irurbot Street. Cook, Sidney, Vine Street, Clayfield. " 'ur t, 1'. E., "Tylehurst." Fulham Cooke, Alfred, Maleny. Avenue, South Yarra, Melbourne. Cooke, W. E., c/o Dayton Scale Coy. Ltd., ot, roft, A. J., "Listowel," Point Road, 841 Queen Street. . Sydney. Cooksley, J. F.. Turbot Street. 'i' rane. F., Targo Street, Bundaberg. Cooper, Sir Pope, Sherwood. ',lirane, Jas. F., Newholme, Wyreema. Copeland, Chas. W., Franklin Street, South '", -. J. M.. Jackson Street, Eagle Junc- Brisbane. i iori. o(' Coppinger, James, Eldernell Avenue, 0 1 erill, Fred H., Glenrock, Kingaroy. Hamilton. .is, F., Arthur Street, Toowoomba. Corbett, F. J., Little Street, Albion. Ocks, R., Sherwood Road, Toowong. Cormack, John H., Box 350, G.P.O., Bris- oe, Dr. W. F., Riverview Terrace, ban. Hamilton. Cormack, W. C., Troup, Harwood<& Coy., 'f tv, D. A., Lamlngton Avenue. Woo- Preston House, Queen Street. loowln. Corrle, Alan 0., Parbury House, Eagle St.

____~(_ _XLil~i_*~_ II ~I___~Ll~iil~iil-l- I- _-li ^~-i 1---_I_ 1~--L I~ -~-~La __ -~--- ____ .^ ^.^a:i &.^l.^.. ANNUAL MEMBUERle-4.ntinued. SMalcolm A., Cor rie Bros., Magle Crowther, S., "Hillside," Brighton Road South Brisbane. .A~f. Dprtment of Agrlulture & Cruse, J. Smith Ann Street. Clayield itok ribne. Cruse, John, Bridge Street, Albion. iaory, F. B., Vermont, Warwic* Cruse, W. H., Bridge Street, Albien. e' J., Rotbwell's Bluildings, Edward Cryle, J., Brisbane Tramways Coy., Ltd., Countess Street. *ugrove. J., Ipawich Roa d, South Brisbane Cubitt, H. S., Swan's Road, Taringa. '~ Cgee Rev. Jag., Old Sandgate Road, Culhane, D. R., D'Aguilar, Woodtord. *1ooloowin. Cullen, A. K., Eurombah, Taroom. osr 8. J., .Boonah. Cullen, David., "Cabsean," Margaret St, unael, J., Cork Sttio n, Winton. Toowoomba. Oetham, J A.. 13 Fitr oy Chambers, Cullen, T. J., Emerald Downs, Emerald. Adelaide Street. Culley, A. R., Stanley Street, South R. H., Preston House, Queen Bisbane. 0Ott*m, Capt. Culley, Mrs. D., Crescent Road, Hamilton. Cottrell, W., "Preston," Bristol Street, Cumberland. N. H., Montpeller Street, West End. Clayfield. Cumming, A. J., Government Printing Geugblin, P. M., City Bull dings, Edward St. Office, William Street. Oouldery, R. H., "Caren(o," Moray Street, Cumming, R. H., Chas. A. Clarke & Sons, New Farm. 298 Queen Street. ,o tPihan, Richard, Couniihan & Hunter* Cummins, Dr. R. H. Le Barte, Hampstead 375 Wickham Street. Valley. Road, Highgate Hill. Soutts, J. V. D., Union St reet, Toowong. Cummins, J. M Batavia Sea and Fire Cowdry, G. H., C/o Pik e Bros., Ltd., Insurance doy. Ltd., London Baink Queen Street. Chambers, Creek Street. Cowell, iBdney G., W. A. McGuffle & Coy.. Cunningham, Bruce, C/o "Ingleston" Queen Street. NorBayview Terrace, Wynnum. Cowen. J. H., Billin ugel, Northerne Culples, H., E., S., & A. Bank, Ltd. Rivers, N S.W. Queen Street. Cpwlishaw, br. Eric, B.O., 311 Queen Cupples, J., C/o T. M Burke, C/r Creek & - Street. Elizabeth Streets Voxon F. J. C., GatesheaLd, Lindum. Cupples, J., c/o H. Cupples, London Bank cxon, G., Gateshead, L indum. Curr, George, Woodlands, Dundee, N.S W. Cfeg, W. T., Wills, Gilch rist & Sanderson, Cdrr, George, Bolivia, N.S.W. Ltd., Wharf Street. Currant, W. (., Eton Street, Nundah. Cramb, N. (. S., Church Street. Bulimba. (urrev, W. L., Short Street, Corinda. - Crammond, A., Bathur st, Waterworks Curti, Conander U., Naval Staff Office, Road, Ashgrove Edward Street. " rampton, W. R., Daily Standard Offde, Curtis, R. 0., Quay Street, Bundaberl. Edward Street. Cusack, Thos., A.M.L. & F. Coy.'s Building. Oran, R. W., c/o Dalge ty & Coy. Ltd., Creek Street. Eliaabeth Street. Czerney, Thos., c/o John T. Phipps, Queen Orassonie B., C/o Dalge ty & Co., Eliza- Street. beth Street. Dahl, E. C., "Marlua," Barmundi, Bowen Crawford. Jnmes. Victor y' Che., Adelaide Valley Line. Street. Dahl, L., Manson Road, Hendra. Cwaw~ord, T. W., "Bung alow, Bellevue Dale, William, c/o Geo. Myers & Cy,~ Street, South Toowonig. Edward Street. Credrington. Herbert ( . J., "Cannock," Dalrymple, Mrs. E. M., Crescent Road, Morayfield. Hamilton. Creasev. J. E.. 113 Eagle Street, City. Daly, W. J., C/o J. B. Price, Queen Str' "t Qweswick, A. T., St. Helen's, Pittsworth. Dalton, Daniel, Sackville Street, Carlton Otbb. Benjamin F., Lonigreach Building, Hill, Bullmba. ~North Quay. Dance, Mrs. G. B., Chubhill Farm, Mllar- '. bb. H. ordon. Roderiich St., Ipuwich. burg. Oribb, T Bridon, Bry'nhyfryd. Black- Dangar, R. R., Mooki Springs, Quiri.dl, atone, Ipewich. N. S. W. Orohtor, N., Dornoch Te,rrace, South Daniell, C. E., Union Trustees Chambers, Brisbane. Queen Street. t Ordmbie, Andrew, Biphin , Toowoomba. Daniels, H., Corner Wilston & NewmarKe ;Qwombie, R. D., Elphin, Toowoomba. Roads, Newmarket. flce, Executive Daniels, Jesse, Benobble, Canungra Lieo roke, C. G., Survey Of Daniels, O. H., C/o Artificial Limb Factur' Buildings, George Str eet. Rosemount, Windsor. . oroke. F. W., enr. Steplhena Road and D'Arcy, M., South Side, Gymple. Wharf Street, South Brisbane. Dare, Thos., Narko, Cooyar Line. gpston,* Victor W., 989-911 Queen Street. Darvall, Geore H., C/c Thos. Brownl & ~S1uoh, G. S., Crouch & Connah, Turbot Sons, Eagle Street. Street. Dath, Henderson & Coy ovoh, Hnry, Racecourse Road, RoadHamltonHamilton Dath.Bulimba. Robert, wher, C. R., "Mountp 0. H., "Montroi ide," Wyreema. Davey, Hon. . A., Ellerlie Crescent, ~~ wther, acwowthe se," Cambooya. South Toowong.

d Pid",~.~tr -J :i\ ; I ':" ::~

-:v 03 I' Y ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued. :-n Ivey, A. H., Daey, Halliday Coy. Ltd., Devine, Alfred E., Mount Leinster, Dalby. Ann Street. Devine, Harold, Mount Leinster. Dalby. .vey, James, Dutton Park, South Devlin, W., Dauphin Terrace, South Brisbane. Brishane. .vey, J. L., Edward Street, Dutton. Park. Dewhurst. R. B., Quinn Street, Toowong. cidson, A. M., C/o Campbell Bros. Dickfos, Henry, Coleyville. Ltd., 169 Elizabeth Street. Dickie, D. R., Robt, Harper & Coy., Albert vidson, A.. 302 Adelaide Street. Street. .vidgon. A. Jnr., 304 Adelaide Street. Dickson, Isaac. Cornwall Street, South .videon. Dr. G., Sandgate. Briabane. .viduon, J. 0. W., Ercildonne. Clifton. Dickson, Power L., 675 Stanley Street. avidson. R M.. C/o Dalgety & Co.. Ltd., South Brisbane. Elizabeth Street. Diddams, H. J., 367 George Street. .vies, Archibald, No. 9 Victoria Place, l)igglee 0. ... Money Order Delut , G.P.O., South Brisbane. City. Ivies, A. J.. Malenga Terrace, Graceville. Dillon, Peter, Moree, N.S.W. .vies. H. J., Australian Estates & M. Coy., Dix, J. S., Wood Street, West End. Creek Street. Dix, R. E., Montpeller Road, Bowen Hills. :vies, Wm., "Dryslwyn," Toowong. Dix, W. D.. C/o S. Hoffnung & Coy., Ltd., .vis, A. H., Wagner Road. Clayfield. Charlotte Street, vio, F. K., Yorkshire Insurance Coy., Dixon. A. J., C'o H. V. McKay Pty., Ltd., Ieagle Street. Stanley St'reet, South Brisbane. aris. H. C.. Box 234. G.P.O., Brisbane. Dixon, C., Box 367, G. P. O.. Brisbane. xis, J. S., "Heathcote," Chinchilla. Dixon, C., Gilnin Street. Sandgate .vis. R. C., Caldwell's Wines, Ltd., 65 Dixon. Dr. G. P., 97 Wickham Terrace. Macquatie Street. Sydney. Dobson. L.. Ashton Street, Wvnnum. ti . W' H.. Co M. Shiel, Cavell St., Docherty, John. Hipwood Road, Toorak 'l'nowoomba. Hill, Hamilton. in on, A.. Commercial Banking Coy., of Dodrl. H. .T.. South Bingera, Iiuldaherg. Sydney, Queen Street. Dodds, Alfred E., 235 Queen Street. iMron, JT T.. Murray's Creek, N.C. Line. Dodda. Dr. J. Espie, Wickham Terrace v 'eon. M., "Bltham." , Dodwell. A. V., Cnnara Cycle & Motor N. 9.W. Agency, Ltd., Creek Street. r. E., Boundary Street, West End. Doig, G. M., 230 Grey Street, S.B. y. G. E.. Villiers Street, New Farm. IDoherty. T., Willowvale. Pimnpnn. i'. 0. H.. Villiers Street. New Farm Dolan, J. P., "Lanlock." Tarcraginli Road, y, Victor. Adelaide Street. Annerlev. a'ron, W.. Mary Street. Domin, H. H., Cootharaba Rotad, Gympte. akin, Arthur H., Salishury, S.C.L. Donaldson, .T C., 29S Elizabeth Street. Bakin. H.. Belthorpe, via Woodford. Donaldson, R., Medway. Bogantungan. at Henry. 230-2 Roma Street. Donaldson, Samuel, Lever Street. Albion. art'. Chas. H., Kenta Street, Moorooka. Donaldson Wm., Gratton Street, South touth Coast Line. Brishnie. It :rg, WV., Onckev. Donges. Jacob. Drayton via Towoomba. araly, E. S "Ryo'ln." New Sandgate Donnelly, A.. Heal Street, Tenerife. lroad. Albion. Donnelly, E. C.. Norman Hotel, Ipawich Rd. Ckr. Edward H.. 1R4-l6 Queen St'.eet Donovan, Geofge R., tro Charity's Boot tt'.t-j .,Z~~Courier Buldingp Edwrd St Store, Wickhanu Street, Valley. Slf'rec . next Majestic Picture '' tre. Qeen Stret. Donovan, John, Empire Hotel, Valley. Donovan. John, New Sandgate Roand, H r '. C., Enoggera Terrace, ted Hill Clayyfi od. icton, H.. Aldernvde. Warwick. Dovan P ( ' "The Glen. ' 'buc:cnamn. Ii.hhL. H., Hardy Bros., Ltd.. Queen Doolan, H. R.. "Bowenville," Brookes St., S seet. Bowen Hills. II . 13., Seventh Avenue, Coorparoo. Dore, Alfred. Depper Street, Toowong. llW ; Killkivan Dougall. J. H., 89 Gladstone Road, South S. .I. J ( tnctionTer nce, Anner- Bri anlie. iDugias. A S Crinwonwe ith Innk of l"ii U.r. J. I) , Riverviow Stret Australia, Creek Street. .T 'inga. Douglas, F A.. Inns of Court. Adelaide St. vni o. T. F., c/o Denhams Ltd., Roma Douglas, Dr. George A. C., CThu Rah." 'P et. Kelvin Grove. * . Mrs., "Hampton." Brunswick St. Douglas, H. A. C., Elliott, Donaldson & "' Farm. Douglas, 529 Queen Street. "'n' Henry. Riley's Hill, Richmond. Douglas, H. A., Mt. Maria, Morven. ''. N.S.W. Douglas, R F.. Evernfield, Mungnllas. un ,'. F., C'o Northern Assurance Douglas, R. M., Millahestep, Charters ' Eagle Street. Towers. nt- W. B., Cavendlsh Road, Coorparoo. Douglas, W. A., Union Bank Chambers, Ot,ii. I. C., 289 Queen Street. Queen Street. A. M. "Temora H-louse," Down, H. E., Garrick Terrace, Heruton. C'rlevie.v e Down, W. J., Longreach Building, North :L Ivero.ux. W. P., A.M.L. & F. Coy., Ltd. Quay. rektrn4 Downes. U. N., Bourbon Ut., Uadabrng.


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64 ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued. Dovrnle, J. D., "Blair A thol," Elardgrave Early, A. E., Cornwall Street, off Logai Road, West End. Road, Coorparoo. 'iDowns Co-op. Dairy Co., Toowoomba, Earwaker, J., C/o Winchcombe, Carson (M. J. Wilkin). Ltd., Eagle Street. i Downs Co-op. Dairy Co.,* Miles, (J. Fur- East, E. -HI., Maxvale, Charleville. cell). East, Herbert, C/o McDonnell & East, Ltd., Downs Co-op. *Dairy C:o., Crow's Nest, George Street. (R. T. Harris). Eaton, W. D., Jamleson Street, Bulimba, Downs Co-op. Dairy Co., Clifton tJ. Eaves, J., "Wondai," Lower Bowen Ter. Molony). race, New Farm. Downs Co-op. Dairy Co., Dalby (J Eaves, Wm., Eagle Farm. Thomas). Ebbot, P. H., C/o Mt. Etna Fetilizer. Downs Co-op. Dairy Co., Hodgeon's Vale, Ltd., Roma Street. (H. Seanger). C. S., Central Avenue. Indooroopilly. Downs, R., Produce Dep'I., Brabant &t Co., Eden, H. T., c/o A.M.L. & F. Coy., Ltd., Charlotte Street. Creek Street. Downs, R. K., Jackson Street,Sreet Hamilton. t. n.Edgar, CreSte. Mrs. M. J., Nudgee Road, Northgate Dpwrldge, J. E. Jnr., Geeorge Street. Edgiey, J.. London Road, Clayfleld. Doyle, A. M., C/o J. Finucan, Chalk Street. Edmonds, Mrs. L. E., Watson Street, Coor. Wooloowin. paroo. Doyle, Gi. Best and H urworth Streets, Edwards, A., John Street, Paddingtor. Bowen Hills. Edwards, E. E., 287 Wickham Terrae. Wo.loo. DYle , ., Sherood. Hamilton. Edwards, James, Eveleigh Street, Doyle J., Best and H urworth Streets, Edwards, N. M., N.Z. Chambers, 314 Bowen Hills. Queen Street. Doyle, J. H., Warrandin e, Tallwood. Edwards, Xv. Edwin, Hudd Street, Bowen Doyle, R., Best and H[urwovth Streets, Hills. Bowen Hills. Edwards, W. H., Coongoola Colosseum. Drper, rlis. Eva M., WToodford. North Coast Line. Dredge, W., Wanora, Brisbane Valley Effey, W., National Hotel, Petries Light Line. * Egan, E., "Euroa," Birdwood TerracC, Drewe, A. W., AustraliaLn Stock Breeders Atichenflower. Coy., Ltd., Mary Str eet. Ehlerth, F., Connondale, via Linds* Drouyn, F. S. G., Bell Street, Kangaroo borough. Point. Elgar, 8., Adelaide Steamship Co., It ries Drury, Miss E. O., "R ougham," Eldon Bight. Hill. Ellerton, Dr. H. B., Hospital for IltPna, Dryden, Andrew, c/o 0 .P.O., City. Goodna. Drynan, W., Latrobe Terrace, Paddington. Elliot, A. A., c/o Queensland Club, (horgO p, via Beaudesert. Street. Drynan, James, (lenai ld~nau Teura Elliot, P. L. Taronne, Lowmead, NC. -Dudgeon, W. H., Burradale, UnlTur Line N.S.W. Elliot, W. H., Nanyah, Cunnamulla. DUhig, Arcbbishop, Dar ra, Valley. Elliott, Edward, C/o Elliott, Doraillt, Dunbar, Colin C., "Caitihness," Bridge St. & )ouglas, Ltd., Petrie's Bigho lbon. Lang Street, n)utton llati'. Leonard F., Irvingdale, Bowenville. ot Dun, nes Street. Elliott, Chas.,Charlton &t llot.35 Puntan. Alexander, Ag nes Sreet.Queen tret. Rockhampton. Elliott, Gavin, Wheatley Farm, La'l y Dunon. C. C., "Warroco," Wagner Road, South. Clayfield. Ellis Mins. "Cranbrook," Eagle T.race Duncan, James, c/o Miss Smith, "Ashley," Sandgate. Vulture Street, End.' Ellison, C. R., Inns of Court, Adelailo St Duncan, W. G., W. R. Moon & Duncan, Ellison, Wm., "Mena House," How" ? Indooroopilly. Annerlev. Duwcombe. Miss, Stratte 'n, Romna. Elms, M., Peary Street, Northgatc. C., M.L.A., Oxley toad Dunlop, C., Qland Co*-op. Bacoh Coy., Elphinstone,Corinda. A. Dunn, David, Valley View, Beaudesert. Elworthy, F. L., Gymple. ne. Blwyn, H. F., Gunyan, Inglewood. Dunn, James, Tambouri Bororen, N Dunne, Gerald, Roma St.reet. Emery, C., "Fairvlew," Dunne, L. L., Mail Branc h, G.P.O., Brisbane. Endres,Line. Ernest, Edward Street, Albi'n. Duadon, Edward, Nor'manby Ter., Nor- Enever, John, 540 Leichhardt St., ValleY manby, ..U.S.N. Coy., Ltd., Ungel., Fred A., 14 Adelaide atreet Dunstan, S. W, C/o A England, Joseph, Yanleigh Farm, Ytrt ary Street. Duaton, G., Rosemount Terrace, Windsor. Engan., T. D., Glenara. via Curra, S Duthie, Mrs., M. E., Maynard Street, Line. . Engles, Wm., Mt. Ubi, via Eumul Dutton Robert, Woolsle y Street, Clayfield. WScott, J. J., "Penryn," Waterworks d 5lr, R. T oad St rest, Tarinpa. Ashgrove. g,A 4,i,Ada Stree t, Tariags, Eslte. D. E., Croxdale, Charlevllle.

/ :; I ~ ,', .-,*'v Illn~rwZ-~q~ I I ,•••,I y , '5 <

66 ANNUAL MMBERB-Continued. !va, H. C.,flngs Road, Taringa. F61ld, Arthur H., Rowe's Bldgs., Edward vans Chas., Railway Avenue, Bowen Street. Fihelly, Hon. J., Agent-General for Evans, C. H., c/o Dalgety & Coy. Ltd.. Queensland. London. Eliabeth Street. Finlayson, A., A. & G. Finlayson, 6-64 Evans, D. G., Malvern Hills, Blackall. Queen Street. 62-64 ivans, John, Evans, Anderson & Phelan, Finlayson, G., A. & G. Finlayson, Queen Street. Kangaroo Point. Ure's Evans, John C., Curra, N.C. Line. Finney, Hubert, c/o H. Finney and :vans, Norman, 120 Roma Street. Ltd., Charlotte Street. 'vana, W.. Pilton via Clifton. Finney, J., C/o Henry Berry & Co. Pty., Everdell, 8. J., Leahurst, Woodhill, Beau- Ltd., Adelaide Street. desert Line. Finucan, John, Chalk Street, Wooloowln. Everett, Arthur S., cnr. King and Stanley Firth, J., Thynne Road, Morningslde. Streets, East Brisbane. Fish, George, Mona & Amiens, Redcltiffe. Fisher, John J.. 82 Queen Street. Eves, George L, Royal Insurance Co., SB6-857 Queen Street. Fisher, Jno. N., Union Bank of Australia. Evers, P. A., Evers' Motor Co., Petrie's Ltd., Queen Street. Bight. Fisher, Thos., Box 41 Wondal. Swart, W. J., Club Hotel, Clifton. Fitzgerald, J. B., Mt. Gravatt. bxton, R. H., R. S. Exton & Co., Ltd., Fitzgerald, J. F., Fitzgerald & Walsh, Queen Street Queen Street. Fal.lla, Anthony, James Street, Break- Fitzgerald. T. H., Kitchener Rd., Ascot. Fitzgerald, T. K., Samford. fast Creek. Gatton. Pagg, R. C., Newlands Estate, Indooroo- Fitzpatrick, J. C., Lake Mount, pllly. Fitz Walter, Mrs. M., Norman Avenue, Fairfax, J. H., Marlnya, Cambooya. Lutwyche. Fillon, J. J., 27 Brown Street, New Farm. Fleming, Alex., Maleny, via Landborough. Falt, P. P., Ryfleld, Tingoora. Fleming, P., Albert Street. Fanning, Tom., Ashgrove. Fletcher, Donald, Jnr., Croekdantilh, Muckadlla. Fanning, W. J.,. Strathmore, Longreach. Edwin, Goondiwindl. Parley, W., Boonah. Fletcher, Farmer, Chas., Butterfield St., Herston. Fletcer, M., "Dalmally," Margaret St., Farmer, Edwin J., Hazeldean, Gladstone. Toowoomba. Flitcroft, John, Maleny. Farquharson, P. F., Byculla, Hursley Road, Florence, H., G.P.O., Charters Towers. Toawoomba. Flynn E., "Carlton Cottage," Normanby Parrant, Samuel, Condong, Tweed River, Hill. New South Wales. Flynn, J., Mt Gravatt. Pass, A., Seventh Avenue, Windsor. Flynn, Stephen, 98 Eagle Street. Faust, C .W., Proserpine. Fogarty, G. E., James Street, Toowoomba. Feather, H. A., Howard Smith Co., Ltd.. Fogarty, G. D., c/o Samuel Allan & Sons. Eagle Street. Albert Street. Feez, Adolph, Fees, Ruthning & Baynes, Foglgtt, C. B., Foggitt, Jones & Co., Lutwyche Chambers, Adelaide Street, Turbot Street. Fee'., Arthur, Lutwyche Chs., Adelaide St. Foggitt, G. A., c/o Foggitt, Jones & Coy., Fallows, H., Haag Street, Coorparoo. Turbot Street. Fele, B. T., Loganholme Stud, via Been- Follett, Jas., Station Road, Sllkstone, lelgh. via Ippswich. Felsman, D. E., Hurworth St., Bowen Foote, H. J., Sherwood Road, Sherwood. Hills. Foote, W. B: H., C/o Cribb & Foote, Ips- Pelrn, D. V.. Q.M11.E. Coy., Ltd., Mary St. wic. Fe rlon. M. H., State School, Manly. Forbes, L. A., Upper Edward Street. Fe ton, J., Burrell, Fenton & Co., Roina Ford,. F. C. B., Deputy Surveyor General, Stret. Executive Buildings. Ferton, J., Cooyar via Toowoomba. Ford, H., Thornleigh, Purga. FP wick, S. S., Cr. Jackson Street and Ferrest, P. McI., Rocklands O'Connell St., Nudgee Road, Doomben. Kangaroo Point. Pe;guson. Andrew, Water & Sewerage Forrest, Thos. W., "Luana," Prospet Board, Albert Street. Terrace, Highgate Hill. Ferguson, C. D., 41 Queen Street. Forstdr, D. M. T., Forster Engineering Perluson, Chas. Wm., 80 Thomas Works, Mary Street. Street, Forster, T. M., Forster Engineering Works, Kangaroo Point. PerKuson. E. A., Watson, Mary Street. Ferguson & Co., Forsyth, James, Burns, Philp & Co., Ltd.. Queen Street. Mary Street. Feiiuson. Jas., Boole, via Kingaroy. Ferguson, John, Forth, W. A., Roma Street Markets. Eagle Terrace, Sandgate. Foster, J., Hudd Street, Bowen Hills. Peauson. J. N., C/o J. N. Ferguson &t Foster, Jesse. P.O. Box 16, Biggenden. Co., Bangalow, Richmond River, Fowler, T. C., A. M. L. & F., Co, 137 Creek SN..W. Street. Perrier. G. B., Abel, Lemon and Coy., Ltd., Fowler. W., Federal Carriage Coy., 43**- 104 Eagle Street. Mary Street. Feuerrlegil W., Bald Hills. Fowles. Percy. Prince Consort Hotel, Piebig, f ,, cLennan Street, Wooloowln. Valley.

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5 86 r ANNUAL MUMBR--Continued. in Hotel Daniell, George St. Garden, 0. H., Devon Street, Toowong W. i. "Clinton," Bowen Terrace. Gardner, H. P., "Dingyarta," Toogoqlaw iih Parm. Gardnerr W. F., John Street. Windsor. s. B., 884 Queen Street, Brisbane. Gardiner. Arthur H., Nimmitabel, Cocksln Creek. Victori. . Arthur Street, Corinnd. Den," Appel Street. Gardin rk F. P.. Royal Street. Padding'.r tt. J. "TShe Gardiner, Thos., Sexton Street. South t Brisbane. Brisbane. W., Ruthlea. Linville te.. Brisbane Street. Ipswich. Gardiner, Thos., Newmarket. [. W., c/o Pumfrey & Kyle, Nun- Gardiner, Thos., c,'o .. C. Hutton Pty.. I at Roma Street. Gibson, "Warranaki," lndooroo- Garget. Alfred, Sandgate. Garnett, J. W., Turbot Street. C. D. E., "Myendetta" Station, Garnett, R. M., Bowser Street, Lutwyc. leville. Garriok. J. Cadell, 10 Telegraph Chambis. Evan. Redcliffe. Queen Street. John V rsbhan Streat Inawich Garr gan, Miss L. L.. 226 Iopcn 'r Irancia, Leonard, Treasury Chambers, Avenue, Kensington. Sydney. George Street. Gataker R., "Claverley" Laprnik St *t. T ranci, Stanley, Chelmer. Alblon. tranci, Walter, "Sutton," New Sandgate Gates W.: Stnnlev Street and Me tn Road, Albion. Road, South Brisbane. Franke, H.. Cawdor, via Toowoomba. CGaukrodeers. David W., Alice Downs " P'r aer, A. H., Kitchener Road, Ascot. Blackall. Fraser. Mrs Douglas, Mundoolun. Gauld F.. Felton East. via Cambooyn reger, W., Bowen Terrace. New Farm. Gaydon, .T., C/'o A. M. P. Society. as, Jno., Franz Road, Clayfield. woomba. rawley. P. J.. Strathpine. Gayford, Herbert H., Union Bank Ch m Srederick, H. P.. "Pelharrl," Chinchilln. bers, Queen Street. Fredericks, A., Strathpine. Gayrisah Co-op. Dairy Coy., Ltd. (0 .1 Sredericks, Henry, Rose Lawn, Strathpine. Egan). Fredericks, P. H.. C/o Finney, Isles, & Co.. Geaney. C., City Mutual Life Associan n ttd., Queen Street. Adelaide Street. Freeleagus. C., Fresh Food & Ice Co., Geddes, T. C/o N.Z. Loan & M.A. Coy.. .td. F.Oward Street. Eagle Street. Freeman, R. E., Veresdale, Beaudesert Geisemann, Arthur T.. Tambourine It Line. Oelssmann. Bernard, Tambourine Mt French. Chas. W. S., Derby Street, Coor- Gellatly, Thos., Lochaber, Eldsvold. paroo. Gellatli , Wm.. "Torha ber." Eidsvold. French, L. B., Rose Street, Eagle Junction. Gelston, H. R., Kelly Buildings. Quee' S' Prew, Coln G., 288 Queen Street. George, B. L., Oxenford. Prew, Harding, 97 Queen Street. Geraghty, J.. Dynan, Main St., Woolhotmtt :n Prow, R. D. A., 14 Telegraph Chambers, Gerrard, T. R., Mogill Road, Tarinc: Queen Street. Gihb. Maxwell. luliette Street. Antei Prieqd, Cyril E., Springwood. Springsure. Gibbon. C.. Farleigh, Nettheim & ' Friend, Henry, Vahreepa," Gladstone. Edward Street. Priend. James. Gladstone. Gibbins, D., C/o H. 0. Noble, Ltd.. I Ip Friend, Percy A., "Vahreepa," Gladstone. Street. frith, John 0.. Rodway. Toowoomba. Gibson, A. S.. Yorkshire Insurance < Prits. Harry Senr., Connondale, via Parbury House. a. Eumundl. Gibs'. riglis WV.. C o WV. Gibsi & 'Promen, V. E., Horsham House, Adelaide Sons. Kedron Street. Gibson, D. W., Glasshotise Mountoili Frost. B., Park & River Roads Milton. Gibson, Joseph .Tnr.. c/o TV. Gibson & ' Frye , C. E. S., Railway Department, Ann Kedron. Street. Gibson, Dr J. Lockhart, Wikham Tl ice Fryer, N., Normanby Terrace, Kelvin Gibson, Wm., Stafford-on-Kedron. Grove. Gibson Wm. C., Bingera Plantatiot. J unkner, W., Kilcoy. Bundz' be)'g. Galbraith A. C., Rural Industrles (Q'land) Giggins, A. H. 0., "St. Ives," Mcntyt ~i. 86-88 Roma Street. Wooinowin. sq R. H., C/o John Hicks, George St. Gilbert, Chas., Queen Street. II, Chaa. G., Mount Enniskillen, Blackall Gilbert, John, C. T. A. Buildings, Chat te ii, ,T.. North street, Newmare. Street. I. W.. C/o Foggitt Jones & Coy., Turbot Gilohrlt. A. J.. Longrech. Gilday, .T. T., M.,L.A., Muigrave Str' ' 1 Win, Home Seoretary's Department. Paddington. Ireasury Buildings. (les. J.. Kitchener Road, Ascot. lagher, A. E., Chermaide. Gill, G. R, Howard, Kents Building- her, Rev. J., Ipewich Road, South Adelaide Street. pribane. Gil, H. J., Wilmington St.. Wooloowil ~,&her, L. J., Watts Cafe, Adelaide Ut. GilL W. A., C/o Frank & Bryce. Lt. *latw, Alfred Station Road, Booval. Charlotte Street. ia, Miss G., Gladvella, Roma. Gill, W. 8. Diglum, Barmundu.

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67 ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued. illam, J. C., Clark Street, Clifton. Graham, W., Gordon, Customs Chs., Queen *- ;illan, Harold C., New Zealand Chs., 334 Street. ,. Queen Street. Graham, W. Edward, Inns of Court, - j* lillan, Thos., New Zealand Chambers, Adelaide Street. Queen Street. Gralton, J. P., Wickham Street, Valley. bIllespie, A., Grey Street, South Brisbano. Grant, R. A., Fernbank Scrub Road, lillespie, Clem A., Springbrook, Mudge- Enoggera. eraba. Grave, Wm., "Cromet," River Road, ;illespie, R., Stanley Street, South Bris- Toowong. bane. Grayson, R., Irwin, Sea View Hotel, :illies, Hector, Tower Street. Albion Sandgate. Park. Gray, J. M., "Dobroyde," *Dornoch Terrace, Ililies, R. G., 149 Elizabeth Street. South Brisbane. rillingwater, E. J., Allan & Stark, Queen Green, George, Glebe Road, Booval. Street. Green, H. H., Main Street, Bulimba. rilmnour, A. A., Old Sandgate Road, Eagle Green, J., Sherwood. Junction. Green, J. A., Newmarket Rd., Wilston. llriour, Alex., Seymour Road, Ascot. Green, James Jnr., Crase Street, Valley. liv\, J., Lamington Terrace, South Green, Mervyn James, Crase Street, Blrisbane. Valley. ;i\ii, D. W., Stafford Street, East Green, M.. A., Perdriau Rubber Coy., IBrisbane. Adelaide Street. l:l iville, E. S., Cooyar. Green, R., 672 Main Street, Kangaroo Pt. ilasgow, S. H., Ivanhoe, Kinbomnbe. Green. S. E., Park View, Aspley. Green, T hos. E., Hillcroft, Wondal. odley, Wm., c/o Harringtons, Ltd., Queen Green, Thos. Webb, C/o Macpherson, Street. Green & Macpherson, Edward St. oeths, A. H., Obi Obi, via Nambour. Green, W. J., "Ululah," Denlson Street, oggs, Henry, Ormiston. Ascot. olden, Charles, The Canal, Yeulba. Greenfield, A. P., 191 George Street. oldien, Edward, Bundi, Yeulba. Greenfleld, Cyril, 291 Queen Street. [olden, L., Bundi, Yeulba. Greenfleld, W. H., Wandoo, Princess St., ;ollsaiith, Alfred, "Variepah," Sefton Rd., Coorparoo. Ilendra. Greenhalgh, H., Mount Harden, Blackall. loodacre, Wm., Ingham. loodall, D., Swan Terrace, Windsor. Greenlees, J. T., Martindale Street, Corinda roolger, J. E., Nanango. Greensill, E. H. R., 44 Moreton Street, loody, Hector C., Bernain, Many Peaks. New Farm. Greenup, E. R., Old Cleveland Road, loody, Marshall, Bernain, Mount Perry. Coorparoo. oombungee Co-op. Dairy Coy., Ltd. (W. W. H., Musgrave Road, Red Hill. nuchan). Gregg, Gregory, James G4 P.O. Box, 670, Brisbane. lordon, A., Mayne, View Street. Milton. Groig, J. R., Civil Service Stores, Adelaide lordon, Alex. M., 381-383 Queen Street. Street. lordun, C., 193 Brunswick Street, Valley. Grey, Henry, Box 220, G.P.O. Brisbane. ;"I,0n, H.. C,o McPhie & Co. Grey, Robert Dr., Edmonstone Street, 'rowoomba. South Brisbane. <',,lon, J. P., Co Row & Co., East St., Grice, J. H., Messrs, Cole & Grice, West Itockhampton. End. lordon, R., "Glen Villa," Atherton. Grieve, John, Wynnum. l0rman, W. J., Leichhardt St., Spring Hill. Grieve, Thos., Chelmer. ioriln, G. J., Molesworth Street, Lismore, Griffiths, D. C., Mutdapilly, Harrlsvlll. New South Wales. ;ostling, Griffiths, H. J., Railway Department, Fanshawe, Sherwood. George Street. lough, Chas. H., George Gough & Son, Grigg, E. J., Bowen Street, Albert Street. Grigor, R., 87 Tupper St., Marrickville. lough, W. J., Isaac Street, Spring Hill. Sydney. OU'"iiand, W.. Customs House, Brisbane. Grimley, C. A., Auchenflower. ow, Ale. Mrs., 550 Queen Street, Petries Grimley, C. C., C/o Messrs. Joyce Bros., Right. (Q.), Ltd,, South Brisbane. iow. . M., Turbot Street. Grindle. Thos., Wolston. ouwer, W. S., C/o A. U. S. N. Coy., Mary Groom, R. G., Commercial Union Chambers, s reet. Eagle Street. ra(ce. George, Brookhill, Lutwyche. Gross, E. R., W. D. & H. O. Wills, Ltd., Iraham. A. Douglas, Inns of Court, Edward Street. A delaide Street. Grove, C. H., "Kelvingrove," Nananr. Iraham, C. E. M., Dunn Street, Southport. Gunn, W., Mundln, Boggabllis, N.S.W. Iraham C. 8., C/o City Engineer, Town Gustavson John, "Kinvarra," Moray St., Ilall. New Farm. rah 'mn,. J., Aehgrove. tiuy, C. J., Junction Rd., Eagle Junction. Iram. J., Biln Street, East Brisbane. Guy, H. S., City Buildings., Edward Street. * Iralam, . F., Graham Bros., Edward St. Hack Alexander, Lanham Street, BoweD taham'n R. M., "Waheho," Bullen Street, ; S''laylield. Hack, G. A., Bridge Street, Albioa. ra '.ha Wm., Norman Crescent, Norman Hack, K. R., Rosedale, Nerang. n., ora Haddock, R. R., Bridge Street, Albion. f; ^ i i Crl 1~41 wa - I II II 1 ~~~Yr~;?rTC'~Z i-? 7-I:: -:~

)f :; :68 ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued. S'?adley, A. A., "Wentworth," Marmion Harkness, J. M., "Wong a," Old Sandgate Parade, Taringa. Road, Eagle Junction Hews & Coy., " Hadley, W. E., New Zealand Loan & M. A. Harley, Chas. H., R. S. Coy., Ltd., Eagle Street. Elizabeth Street. ! Hagger, G. W., C/o Perkins & Co., Ltd., Harley, Edgar H., R. S. Hews & Coy., :i. Mary Street. Elizabeth Street. ; :ialf, Thomas, Bristol Street, West End. Harper, F. 0., C/o Harpeir Bros., Brisbare. Red Hill 'HalrKi J., Hardgrave Road & Scott Street, Harrap, S., Wellington oad, Harris, A. E., King StreeIt, Windsor. West End. .O.. "Eurara," . ales, J. G., Bentley Lodge, Rosedale. Harris, Major I. A., D.S Balford, Dr. A. C. F., 167 Wickham Ter. Beaudesert. s, Bowen Tert ce Hall, C. T., River.Road, Auchenflower. Harri, D F., Caldew Flat -Harris, Edward L., C/o Campbell Br:-., -,oHall, Hon. Thos. Murray, Edward Street Ltd., 169 Elizabeth £Street. -Hall, L. A., Barambah, Goomeri. Harris, Edmund G., Rhoiades & Coy., ' Hail, Leslie B., Musgrave Terrace, Alderley Wickham Street, Vailley. * all, N. G., Tantitha Station, Bundaberg. Harris, H. E., 44 Ferry Street, Kangaroo Hall, Hon. Thos. Murray, Edward Point. / Street. Harris, James, Dulacca West, Channing, Hall, T. R., Kodak Buildings, Queen St. via Miles. Hallett. Harry, Brisbane Street, Beau- Harris, Mark, 194 Edwar'd Street. desert. Harris, W. C., Commonwe alth Bank, Quen *r . Halliday, A., Davey Halliday & Coy., Ann Street. Street. Harrison, A.. River Stree t, Bulimba. -Ham, Isaac, 450 George Street. Harrison, Edward, Cribb Street, Milton. Hambleton, A. L., Kents Buildings, Albert Harrison, N. A., The Spicier Shoe Coy., Box Street. 560, G.P.O.. Brisbane. Hambly, W. 0., Jones & Hambly, 116 Harrison, Robert, "Glenbrrae," Cornwall St., € Edward Street. Greenslopes. Hamilton, C. W., West Cleveland. Harrold, A. E., Rees Av enue, Clayfiell Hamilton, David, Macdonald Hamilton & Hart, Arthur G., "Culter'fel," Manly. Co., Mary Street. Hart, F., "Culterfel," Manily. Hamilton, John H., Dunmore Terrace, Hart, F. M., Empire Cha mbers, Wharf St Alichenflower. Hart, J. H., "Culterfel," Manly. Hamilton, W., River Road, New Farm. Hart, W. i'., Uernhardt £it., Paddingto' Hammel, W. F., Beenleigh. Hart. W. H., Grosvenor Road, Indooi.uo- J. W., C/o Gibbs, Bright & Coy., Hartian, Roger J., C/y Hammond,agle Street.Roger ., C/c Q'land Primary gency, Eagle St. Hampson, E. D., O'Connell Terrace, roducers Co-op. ALd, Mt. Gravatt Paddington. Hartley, P., Nursery Roo W lale, Warra. ancock, J. Henry, Hancock & Gore, Ltd., Hartnell, Wa ter, ThorM Ipswich Road. Harvey, A. T., C/o Macclonald, Hamllior, Hancox, L. G.. Guilford Street, Kelvin & Co., Ma y Street. Grove. Haskings, H., Indooi'oop illy. Hando, George, 850 Brunswick Street, Hassall, J. C., Mt. Ubi, v'ia Eumundi. New Farm. Hassall, J. P., Mt. Ubi, v'ia Eumundi. alon, Thos. Wm., 10 Union Street, off Hassall, T. R., Mt. Ubi, vi a Eumundi. Gregory Terrace. Harvey, W. E., C/o Har vey & Sons, Inr- Hannah, B., McLennan St., Wooloowin. garet Street. UMannam, H. V., 356-358 Queen Street. Harvey, H. C., Kenilwor th, Moore, E k n.a C. 8., "Kureelpa." Nambour. Hasine. Dan Kelvin G rove Road, ."''"- ransen, J. H., Killarney South. Hassett, Dan, Kelvin G " ardc tle, W. B., Virginia Avenue, Haw- HattmrkLetL., "Prescot. " Hatton Ter.acr Harden, Lionel S., Richmond Downs, Toowoomba. I & Co., Quec' St Roma. Hatton, . C., C/o Exton" Hatton Te ';ice, Harding, R. J., Meadow Green, Indooroo- Hatton, Wmb., "Precott, Slas, orwood Street, Toowong. Hatto, Wm., Kedron. arding, Hatton, Win.. C/o Thos. Cahill, Lak, ide Harding, S. H., Ipswich. Hawkins, ~. A., "Beaufort Hill," Cli. , ld Hardy, A. U., Gregory Street, Clayfleld. Hawkins, M., "Chota," Sherwood Re. . Hardy, George, Jeays Street, Bowen Hills. Toowong. _, Sydney Joseph, Jeays Street, Hawkins, Percy A., Br istol Street, \Vest * lwen Hills. End. * ardy, T. W., Maxwell Street. New Hawkins, Thos., Court-ile-Roy, Kilco Farm. Hawkins, V. 0., Tamroiokum, Beaudh. ert argrave., Oswald, Liverpool, London & Hawthorne, A. G. C., 3( 13 Queen Street. Globe Insurance Coy., Queen Street. * Hay, R. A., Taylor & Colledge, Ltcd murease, Chas., "Spring Gardena," Charlotte Street. anly. Hayes, F. St.L., Humpy bong Steamsl'iP S argreaves, Mrs. J., "Spring Gardens." Coy., Ltd., 277 Quee n Street. Manly. Hayes, J. W., "Harrogal ;e," First Av' "le, * lrgreaves, J. B., Lota Road, Manly. Albion. ' UXreavee, Samue, Hlllorest, Manly. Hayes, W. H., Mount St anley, Llnvlll.

l "- - ' -, /

~~.lia .~L,~aj4illY;Llrat~b~~,'r., ~iYras~;~'iiYYA~;.~4Ily~t~b ~~.~;;~.dhrSJ -:-.h~L~.C~;;I~~\:. ' 1 ~lc~"ra~lx~nmar --- I " ' -,;?- ' -' . ' ''.. r

69 ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued. laymen, M. G., Q. N. Bank, Queen Street. Hinchcliffe, A. E., John Street, Windsor. says, J., Kenmore, via Indooroopilly. HinchclLffe, F. W., 504 Stanley Street, Hayter, F. O., Pomona, N.C. Line. South Brisbane. Head, H.. Musgrave Road, Red Hill. Hindmarsh, B., Wingfleld, Eidsvold. Heale, E. H., Kureen, Nth. Queensland. Hindmarsh, Wm., "Montour," Bracken Iearnden, W. J., George Street, Windsor. Ridge, Sandgate. ieaslop, R. H., James Heaslop & Sons, Hinds, A. L., Y.M.C.A., Edward Street. Stanley Street, South Brisbane. Hine, John E., Mangerton, Dundas, Fern- Ieaslop, T. N., James Heaslop & Sons, vale. Stanley Street, South Brisbane. Hipwood, James, 70 Eagle Street. Recklemann, J. W.. Whinstanes. Hitchcock, Oswald, City & Suburban Ice Heggle, R. W., C/o N.Z. Loan & M.A. Co, Coy., South Brisbane. Ltd, Eagle Street. Hives. Chas. V., Australian Sugar Produc- elann, L. J, Norman Avenue, Wooloowin. ers' Association, Edward Street. lellicar, V. A., Bank of Australasia, Hoare, Dr. Wallis, Preston House, Queen Queen Street. Street. lemming, Chas. H., "Windermere," Hobbs, Arthur, Foxton. Hobbs & Macnish, Florence Street, Tenerlffe. London Bank Chambers, Creek Street. Remsley, Dr. J. Cameron, "Bunya Bunya," Hobbs, John G., Stanley Terrace, East Wickham Terrace. Brisbane. lenday, A., C/o Citizens' & Graziers' Life Hobson, Edgar S., Fiveways, Woolloon- Assurance Co., Exton House, Queen gabba. Street. Hockley, Arnold, C/o Arthur Scott & Co., Kenderson, A. W. C., Sunnybank. Maryborough. lenderson, Lieut. J. Claude, Department Hodge, Robert S., Clewley St., Corinda. of Repatriation, Charlotte Street. Hodgens, F. W., "Emscote," Peachester, Ienderson, J., Dorrigo Road, Bunya. via Beerwah. tenderson, J. S., "Littlemore," Boyne Hodgens, J. F., Bald Knob, Landsborough. Valley Line. Hodgson, Isaac, , Taringa. [enderson, R., Many Peaks, via Gladstone Hodgson, John, Knapp's Creek, Beaudesert. [Ie.derson, W. A., Sandford Park, via Hoey, Herbert W., Hoey, Fry & Coy., 170 Yanna. Edward Street. Ien.l. T. W., Exeter, N.S.W. Hogan, Joseph, Paul & Gray, Ltd., Eagle lernmann, H. W., Spring Service Station, Street. Wickham Street, Valley. Hogan, M., Triton Insurance Coy., 41 [erring, M. S., C/o Q'land Trustees Ltd., Queen Street. Queen Street Holbrook, S. T., Peak Crossing. erron, D., Twine Street, Wickham Ter. Holdsworth, J. H., Winchombe, Carson, [ertiberg. Abraham, Charlotte Street. Ltd., Eagle Street. [ertberg, Mrs. A. M., 443 Bowen Terrace, Holland, Alex., Church Street, Toowong. New Farm. Holland, E.. "Bushley," via Rockhampton. [se'tzberg, Marcus, Charlotte Street. Holland, Fred., Bouchard & Holland, Queen etherington, J. W., Main Street, Kangaroo Street. I'oint. Holland, F. J., Holland Motors Ltd., Ade- [ewitt, A., Ann Street, Clayfleld. laide Street. Ientt. Henry, Mount Mee Hollander, J. L., "Roseneath," Harcourt St., [ewitt, T. M., Lismore, N.S.W. Teneriffe. [eylon, T., Henry Berry & Coy., Adelaide Holllngworth, Thos., Brookes Street, Street. Bowen Hills. ley wood, Harold L., Durinda Street, Holloway, Edwin, Union Bank Chambers, , reenslopes. Queen Street. [Ick.'y, W., Glendalough Dairy, Wilston. Holly, E. L., "Glenferrie," Turallin. igg'inbottom, O. M., C/o Brisbane Tram- Holmes, B., Orange Grove, Box 74, Post A.iays Co., Ltd. (ountess Street. Office, Pittsworth. igins, J. P., Leslie, via Warwick. Holmes, Esau, Federal Farm. Allora. ightt, Walter, Abbotsford Road, powen !illa. Holmes, E. J., Holmes & Church, 129 Creek 1 Street. igBl eld, Chas. H., Warwick. Holmes, Edgar P., C/o Gordon & Gotch lighfield, H. J., Kuala-Lumpey. Malay (Australasia) Ltd., Queen Street. 'ates. Holmes, F. G., The Terrace, North Ipswich. 1ley, Fred., Norman Chambers, Creek St. i11 I,. O. W.. "Falrsent," Auchenflower. Holmes, Jonas, Longlands, Spring Valley, [111 tB. Stanley, "Rutland," Newmarket Pittsworth. l:oad, Wilston. Holmnwood, F., "Homeleigh," Flinders Il Lyen., "Eversley," Thomas Street, P'aradce, Sandgate. I4yswater. Holt, R. T., Box 819 G.P.O. Ill, Stephen, Mapleton, via Nambour. Homer, H. T., Barfleld, Gladstone. "t11 'Iho. E., "Talmoi," Norman Street, Hood, R., Buruda, Cleveland Line. W'ooloowln. Hooke, G. M., Moray Downs, Clermont. i[I!1 W B. Dornoch Terrace, West End. Hooke, H. S., C/o Whybrow & Co., Pty., , W. J., Kelvin Grove. Ltd., Charlotte Street. ill, \V R. 0., Grantham and Gregory Sts., Hooke, Theo., Crooks Park, Dungog. Auchentiower. N.S.W 1i1, Walter T.. Western Assurance Coy., Hooker, G. S., Hooker, Chapman & Coy., 62 Crek Street. Elisabeth Street.

L / .. * , ...... - ., -_ ... . . , -1 r f~ I -

70 ANNUAL MEMBERS-Contilnued. per, H. T., Limestone Street, Ipswich. Hunter, Mrs. Robert C., Asccot Street per, R, , Coorparoo. Ascot. per, S. S., Department of Agriculture Hurd, R. S., Ascot Street, Asc:ot. & Stock, William Street. Hurley, C. A., Hurley & McILaughlin, per, T. B., Tower Street, Alblon. Queen Street. per, W., Cheddar Farm, Woombye. Hurrey, Dr. H. G., Lutwyche Itd., Wool o- er W. I., C/o Dalgety & Co., Ltd. win. lizabeth Street. Hurwood, W. S., Laurel Aveniue, Chetler kins, C._R., Dalgety & Coy., Ltd.. Hutcheon, E. H., Inns of Cou rt, Adebi te Elizabeth Street. Street. e ., "Bhundara," Stratton Terrace, Hutchins, W. U., "Shandon," Rockha p- Hore, T. H., "Northam," Rose Street and Hutchison, James, Rainbow Street, Sand- Park Road, Eagle Junction. gate. Horn, Albert, Wellington Road East Hutchison, John, Brisbane Rolad, Manl Brosbane. Hutton, H. H., 126-136 Queen Street. blic Instit- Fre ricnvLnille. Huxhl, Hou. J. Dept. of Pu uroneo GBraham D., Monsildale, via Lnlle tione, Trasr tSuildB. igs. FredrickLlnillHuxile, C. aS.t SturtilLlns tRrney Liie endPasterl Iorn . H..Homem'or H.T.,ThoiGathCooabuiaSuplies, latn. aielde Huyhers, A. S.,Ltd., C/o Bowen Queensla Str4jet. Nanango Line. Hyde, C. E. W., Rode Road, ?Nundah. Richard, Rode Road, ~ ~BomneR.,R., PearyiStreetRockfield, Gladstone. Northgate. Hyde, rundah. 2loraibrook, J., Third Avenue, Wilston. Hyland, H., Box 299, G.P.O., B risban.' - Horstmann W. C., E. S. & A. Bank Hylantd, James, Laidlaw Para dq, East Chambers, Eagle Street. 13risbane. 7Norton, J. N., Inglis Ltd., Boundary & lies, E. D., Jondaryan Estat:es Co., JIn- Adelaide Streets. daryan. et, Toownr. C ~~easer, L. T., 128 Princess Street, Illidge, Thos., Mla~kwell Stre Kangaroo Point. Illingworth, R. C., 309 Queen Street. 1losier, S., Raleigh. N.S.W. Illingworth, W. E., A. M. Hertzberg & I'". Noskin, Alfred, Hoskin & Carmichael. Charlotte Street. Creek Street. Inglis, W., Manson Road, Hen dra. Loakifl, Philip, Avenel, Brinsop, Western Innes, J. C., Station Hotel, Forest Hi Hooing, . H.Toolw Innes, S. N., Walla, Gin Gin. et, Taringa. Innes, W. James Street, Vali ty. chuson , G. .Goe u rray. ouse, H. T., Crowther St., West End. Elizabeth Street. oustonl, J., Coralton, 0110, Central Irish, C. G., Isles Lane. Railway. Irvine, Allan, C/o Crawford & Irviz:. 1Howard, B. G., Alfred Street, Valley. Victoria Place, South Brisbane. Howard, James, Howard Motor & Cycle, Irvine, J. W., National Ins. C4o., Creeh St Ltd., Adelaide Street. C sek Roward, Thomas, Kitton, St., Morninglde. Irvine, R. S.. Q'land Masonic Club, Newell, G. H., Australian Bank of Com- Street. " Kirkland nreQuen Stret. Irvine, WN. Edmund, "Lorna, 2(wlR. A., Killarney south. Avenue, Coorparoo. Howre, J. Gladtone.d., Irwin, A., Merth r Road, New Farm. Irwin, Boyd Dr., Union Trustee Chamers. udsoa, A.Win.,on 5., 803Mceze&Hlad Queen Street. Queen Street. 0, mMcKene & Holland, Irwin, John W., Redcliffe, Due.ringa. Northgate. Isaacs, E. R., C/c S. Hotfnung & Co., Ltd. . uet, Chas., 3., Chalk Street, Wooloowin. Charlotte Street. WU*hea, C., Seppelt, Ltd., Eagle Street. Isaacs, J.. 82 Wickham Streett, Valle? E. B. Markets. Roma Street Ise Geoge, Eloearm, oogoolaw.~ ughos EtnB F. SnowsBuilding Isles, C. W. ., Isles, Love & C ugesmFrank C., Malarga, Boompa. Street. h R. H., Box 3, p.., Marbo rough. Isles, F. A. ., Isles, Love it C:o., AdeLdd* Street. .HghuW. W., Buderiin Mt. ueen t. Huphey, U. ., Moggill Road, Trirnga. Isles, J. ., _Q.N. Bank, Ltd,, Adelaid,~ S fr5 Hflime,7 R. 1,0 WiliamStret. Isles. J. T.. Isles, Love &t Co., Ascot. am ton. Isles, L. H., Stevensen Street, ~ umpbeys, . T.,"Hazelmere,"' Araniac. Isley, A. Frank. C/o British Traders Ins Alex., Springdale, Maleny. Co., Ltd., Box 497 G.P.O., Brish n P. J. N., Barton Road, iHawth" r. t, Edgar, Maleny. Ison, mba. te Alex., Hodguon, Hunters, Ltd., Ison, T. R., Amy Street, Bull 5 2giby. Ison, W. G., Annerley Rd., Sou th Brishi" 53Rte, Aleo. 0., Burnewang Park, El- Ison, W. H., Hawthorne Road, Bullnt a ore Vie Ives, Wm. H., High Street, LUtwych .Brunll," Mowbray Terrace, Jack, W. T., Junon Rd, Ua rie Jufcfloon t risbane. ackman, R. J., Sand ate. .oma. Jackson, U. R., lisabeth Stra et. Counihan & Hunter, 275 Jackson, George, "Mgarywlll," Georgc St., ham Stret. UEagle Junction, .

r*~* ~ . _ ~~__ ~' _~ ' l E - . . 12

71 .4' ANNUAL MEMBERS--Continued. nckson, G. L., C/o State Advance Corpora- Johnstone, E. G., Dillilah State Station, tion, .Workers' Dwelling Branch, Box via Charleville. * .4 690, .P.O., Brisbane. Jolly, T., Yandina, N. C. Line. ackson, John, Oleander, Bowen Terrace. Jolly, Wm. A., 351 Queen Street. New Farm. Jones, A. J., Jones & Hambly, Edward St. ,*< ackson, L. H., Wunulla. Kilcoy. Jones, A. Raymond, Raymond, Jones & ackson, W. J., c/o J. Jackson & Coy., Ltd., Hall, Edward Street. Roma Street. Jones, Daniel, 138 Petrie Terrace. acob, Eric G., Motor Accessory & Tyre Jones, David L., Kilkivan House, Adelaide Street. Jones, E. A., , Toowong. acques, G. E., Albion Street, Albion. Jones, Edward J., Butler Bros., Charlotte am:es, Arthur J., C/o H. Pole & Co., Street. Elizabeth Street. Jones, E. M., "Tegfan," Silkstone, Ipswich. arnes, Claude '., 171 Queen Street. Jones, E. Lloyd, Hambledon Hill, Singleton anmes, Herbert Richard, Merino Stud N.S.W. Farm, Upper Caboolture. Jones, Herbert A., C/o Gordon & Gotch, amines, Les., Courier Buildings, Queen St. Queen Street. Jones, H. T., Lands Department, George St. ameson, Judge C., Judges Chambers, District Court. Jones, John, "Bullagreen, Armatre, N.S.W ariison, S. G., C/o Jamison, Ltd., Hope Jones, John, Marne Street, Alderley. Street, South Brisbane. Jones, Lance A., Dalgety Buildings, ansen, A. H., Riverview Terrace, Elizabeth Street. A uchen flower. Jones, L. F., Petrie. arrett, Henry, Kitchener Road, Ascot. Jones, P. S., Clyde Road, Kelvin Grove. arvis, C., Disputed Plains, Lismore, N.S.W. Jones, Sydney. W., Gordon & Gotch, Queen Street. a,, l(eorge, Wilson Street, Paddington. Jones, T. L. Hon., Foggit Jones & Co., efficy, Alan, Australian Estates & M. Co.. Turbot Street. :5i Creek Street. Jones, W. E.. C/o Dalgety & Co., Eliza- effieys, G.K., "Blair More," Wetheron, beth Street. (ayndah. Jordan, E. A., Gympie Road, Aspley. effliies, B. J., Dean Street. Toowong. enkins, B., "Glendare," Gow Street, Bal- Jordan, T., Commercial Banking Coy. of miain, Sydney. Sydney, Valley. emiings. Mrs. G., Vulture Street. South Jorgensen, G. H., Lewis Street, Eagle IBrisbane. Junction. ennings, T., Garrick Terrace, Herston Joseph, A. E., Country Press Assn., 177 errie, Atkin, Canungra. Edwai'd Street. ere,, J. E., Canungra. Josephson, I., Caxton Street, Petries ees.r, C. R., Verney Road, Graceville. Terrace. Jowett, Cecil. Lytton Rd., East Brisbane. resr. John 1.. "Glenview," Mooloolah. Jovce. J. T., Helidon Spa Water Co., North esser, V. M., "Oakwood," Cowrie lRd.. Quay. Aspley. Joyce, W. H., Eagle Terrace, Sandgate. ohaines, G. E., Barlow Street, Clayfleld. Judd, A., Browns Creek, Blayney, N.S.W. ohns. W., Queen Street. Juers, J. 1'., Butter Factory, Kingston. olihson, Alfred, Saw Mills. Caboolture. Junner, A. Capt., Prospect Terrace, South ollhson, Harry, Blackall Terrace. Nam- Brisbane. i"ur. Junner, J., C/o Cactus Estates, Geo. Wills ioh:son, J., Hotel Cecil, George Street. & Co., Whnrf Street. ohr.son, J. L., Cairns Street. Kangaroo Pt. Just, John, City Electric Light Coy., oh.,lin, J. S., Wickham Terrace. Boundary Street. ohison, R. G., Box 31, G.P.O., Mackay. ohn son, Sydney, Valley. Juster, I. J., Wellington Rd., East Brisbane. Juster, W. R., Prince Street, Thompson 'ohi 'on, Wmn., Heaslop's Buildings, Itoma Estate. treet. Justins, A. L., Fruit Exchange, Turbot SBt ohlison, Win. Sam., C/o R. Crollick, Kaye, J. C., Lucinda Street, Taringa. Municipal Markets. Kay, J., Victoria Avenue. Chelmer. hl! ,n, W., Logan Road, S. Brisbane. Keane. C. H., Cutaburra Branch, Cunna- o"Iilun. A. E., Turbot Street Markets. mnulla. oh' ton, C. W., "Bellevue," Booyong, Keating, Thos., Millhaven, Sandgate. Iichmond River. Keen, Fred., Abbotsleigh, Abbotsford Rd., Oh .-ton, D., Leichhardt St., off Brookes Bowen Hills. : t., Valley. Keen, George, Abbotsleigh, Abbotatord Rd., '0iiton, G., Morley Street, Toowong. iol,,ton, Bowen Hills. N. R., William Street, Windsor. Keid, Frank, Campbells Buildings, Creek oh ,ton, Robert, Victory Chambers, Street. lo Queen Street. Keid, Henry, Duncan Street, Hill End, Sth. 0 ton, Sylvester John. Brisbane. lfhnston, T. R., Railway Commissioner's Keid, Stan., Hill End, Sth. Brisbane. Sflice, George Street. Keir, D., Hendra. ohnston, W., Herston'Road, Kelvin Grove. Kelleher, D., 499 Vulture Street. South ohsuton, W. J., "Kentucky," Stewart Hrisabane. Avenue, Eagle Junction. Kelleher, Rev. T., Wynnum. ohllnton, W. C., Mt. Lang, Henderson St., Kellett, T. DeLacy, Gladstone. Rulimba. Kelly, D., Tingalpa, Cleveland Line.

* 1 ,' ,r * ;t T- ~.-a~ ~ -- -- Y Q~s~ P~XGt-CPb~~~~RI~urrC1~. Ir

ANNUAL MEMBBIR-Continued. I Fruit ly, Dr. T. J. Brook, "Trentham," Krcrouse, A. S., The Intrntal & Produce Co., Turbot Street. . W:l ciokham Terrace. G. A., C/o McWhirte re Ltd., K Kely,o Miss C.. Ann Street, Valley. Krone, Henry, Kelly, , Prospect Terrace, Kelvin Grove. Valley. r. Kelly J. B., Bowen. K[ruler. A. H., Union Park, Klco3 elly.,J. R., Botany Street, Clayfield. Kubler, J., Hendra. ide. . C/o Foggitt Jones & Co., Turbot Kyt. W., Thynne Road, Morningslnthorpi Street. Lackey, J.. The Summit, near Sta S elly, Dr. P. J., Milton Rd., Auchenflower. Lahey, ., Galley Road. Toowong. da. Lahey, Jno. R. A., Sawmills, Corinc elallJ., Windsor. G., "Beechwood," Gladeto ne Id., elo, David, Cambridge Parade, Manly. Lahey, T. South Brisbane. Kelso, J '"Woolerbilla," Dlrranbandi. James, Park Street, Kelvir 3 Gr've, S emp, iss, Red Hill. Laidlaw, bers. Ke m, John, Union Bank Chambers, Creek Laidlaw, K. H., 35 Victory Chain En . Street. Laing, Alex., Princhester St., West Brisbane. Laing, Jeffrey, Bowen Terrace, Ne w Farm. Kemp, H. E., C/o Box 308 G.P.O., St. Senna, J. J., East Street, Rockhampton. Laing, VW. M., C/o Hotel Cecil, Geiorg, IKennedy, A., Chaseley Street, Auchen- Lalor, W. F., A. M. P. Chambers, Edu ard flower. Street. Kennedy, *A. S., Kingsholme, New Farm. Lambert, G. E., C/o Lambert & So:ns, Iltd Kennedy, L. M., N. Z. L. & M. A. Co., Eagle Adelaide Street. Street. Lamberth, W. G., Cowlishaw Streeit. Kennedy, M., Edgar Street, Newmarket. Bowen Hills. R. D., Parbury House, Eagle St. Lane, D. P., Lake Clarendon, Gat ton. Kennedy, & I.ane, Kent, Allan, Toogoolawah. Lane, John E., C/o MacDiarmid Kent, H. L., Jondaryan Estates, Jondaryan Union Trustees Chs., 398 Queien St. Kent, R. M., Stanley Terrace, Taringa. Lane, n. H., B. J. Ball, Ltd., Charllott" St Kent, Wm., Jondaryan Estates Co., Lang. A., King Street, Warwick. Jondaryan. Lang, Alex. S., Wellington Road, Kiangaro Kenyon, Chas., Eagle Farm. Point. Kerlin, H., Melbourne St., South Brisbane. Lang, G. T. C., Wellington Road, Eat erlln, R., Melbourne St., South Brisbane. Brisbane. OKrr, J. B., Watervaal, Kilcoy. Lang, John, "Marriana," Sherwooid. Kerr, R. A., Boys' Grammar School, Lang, John, Forrest Lang & Rop er, Ipawich Merivale Street, South Brisbalne. Kerr, R. S., Cavendish Rd., Cobrparoo. Langdon, A. H., Union Bank Cha nbera Kerwin, Dr. P. J., Preston House, Queen St. Langdon,Queen A.Street. H., Union Bank Cha Keys, Cowen, Wondal. Langmore, A., Prairie, Jondaryan. Kllpatrick, C., Bowen Terrace, New Farm. Lanham, D., Mary Street. Kilroe, J., Finney Isles & Co., Queen St. Lanham, W., Sydney Street. Namibour-. Klvlngton, J. H., Shepherd Hill, Glenore Lansdowne, O. J., C/o McWhirte *s, '.td., S Grove. Valley. King. Arthur L., Mooroonba, Nara, via Larcombe, W. E., Hampstead Rot Toowoomba. Highgate Hill. ys 1111Hill. King, Edward, Craigend, Charlton. Lather, F., Philip Street, Gallowa King, H. J., Bank of Australasia, Queen St. Lather, G., Auchenflower. King, T. D., Virginia Avenue, Hawthorne. Lather, H., C/o Howard Motor Co., Adrlaid« ; King, R. M., Kents Buildings, Adelaide St. Latreet.H., /o Howard Motor Co., King, Walter, Pashen Street, Morningside. Lather. Otto, State School, Rockle a. Kingston, F. C., "Whitecliffe." Old Sand- Laugher, C., Station Master, Weslt gate Road. Cleveland. Kin Kin Co-op. Dairy Co., Ltd. (-. Laugher, E. M., North Quay. McDougall). Laugher, F. V., New Farm Wharf I pSreet, ' Kirby, A. J., Ipswich Rd., Sth. Brisbane. Lauriston, Glen, "Middleton," John Kirby, Geo. W,. Luxland Sapphire Anakie. Toowong. Kirbv. Jas. B.. Cashmere West, St. George. Laver, Robert, "Riverslea," Gogan gK. Rockhampton. Kirk' R. W., Brooks Street, Bowen Hills Hill S'ree. Parbury House, Eagle St. Laverack, H. J. S., "Hillbury," Kirk, W. Hague, Sherwood. Kitterson, A. T., Doolabar, Bondoola. ' S. Street, Roma. Lavers, A. R., Q. M. E. Co., Ltd., Mtl Klaas, R. J., Arthur t E., Maithland, Ruth Stree' Klumpp, S., Logan Rd., Mt. Gravat . Lavis, Arthur Knight, F. G., Bengview, Mooroomba. South Brisbane. night, H., Wickham Street, Valley. Law, H. J., .70 Creek Street. night, H. W., Lutwyche. Law, W., Goodna. Knight, J., Lapralk Street, Albion. Lawless, Ivan D., Goomally, Duaringa, J., Brisbane Newspaper Coy., via Rockhampton. Knight, J. Lawless, J. P., Windera, Goomeri. Ltd.,Queen Street. Arley Farm, Mal'fn i otaoh, C., Crown Stove & Foundry Lawley, Ernest D., Woolloontabba. Lawlor, W. J., Orchard Street, Eno gera, 6, Naewthorne St., A. T., British Imperial (O1 Co., nowls, 'A. P., 141 Adelaide Streat. Lawrence,Mary Street. Knowles, F. J., Cooroy. Dairy, Bundmnb. "onO, D. Junr., ympe Road, Kedron. Lawrence, M., City View m. J., C/o D. Knox, Gymple Rd., Laws, P. M., C/o Woodward & LawI Adelaide Street. B., Haselwood, StanthoriP SIarer, A., Roadvale, Fassitern Line. Lawson, Robert

s **^ .-,.: , A I I II -- *. . - 1 9 ANUA MEMBERS-Conue-7.-

ANNUAL MBERS-Continued. son, W. , "IKingsley," George Street, Lisner, E. H., Albert Hotel, Albert Street City. Lister, W. H., C/o "Moreton Mail," 80 h, R. S., Rep. T. Dewee & Co., Parbury Arade, Edward Street. House. Little, James, Rosedale. 'f by,J. J., Clerk of Petty Sesilons, Bris. Little. Miss Kyle, Nangaree, via Oakey. Ly, Hon. P. J.. National Mutual Little, W. D., Milton Road, Auchenflower. Chambers, Queen Street. Littledike, A. J., Laycock, Littledike & Co, hy. Wm.,, Farmers' Publishing Co., Herechell Street. 293 Queen Street. Littledike, R. A., Herachell Street. ;y, S. C., Moray Street, New' Farm. Littler, H. E., Brace, Windle, Blyth & Co., rer, C. J., Comonwealth Bank of Aus.. Edward Street. Citi,. Livingstone, John, "Woodleigh," Kingaroy A thur,. Hargreave Road, West End. Livingatone, M., Prairie Lawn, Nobby. Chas. A., C/o A.M.L. & F. Coy., Ltd.. Lloyd, A. P., Courier Building, Queen 8t. Creek Street. Lloyd, F. R., Edwards, Dunlop & Co., F. S., N.Z.L. & M.A. Co., Eagle St. Edward Street. F. W., N.Z.L. & M. A. Co., Eagle St. Lloyd, W. M., Queen Street. H D., Engineering Supply Co., of A., Lobston, John, C/o F. A. Brodie & Co., Edv.ard Street. Ltd., Clonourry. J. D., Kilngaroy. Lochner, E. C., Thor. leating, Ltd., J. H., Werthelm Co., Queen Street. Warry Street, Valley. - W J., 159 Stanley Street, South Bria. Lockitt, John F. T., Solicitor, Charleville. h, A. H., London Bank Chambers, Logan, D. C., Dornock Terrace, South Crck Street. Brisbane. , J Mackenzie, C/o National Bank of Logan, Douglas D.. Richmond Downs, Australia, Queen Street. Richmond. Is.,A., Junr., 'Calverton," Claverton Logan, George, Pine View, Kilcoy. Siding, Western Line. Logan, G. D., Tarranalma, Milne Street, go, A. V., C/o A. Victor Leggo. Ltd. Albion. Eli abeth Street. Logan, George, Five Ways, Woolloongabba lo, I. Hedley, Box 1557, Elizabeth St., Logan, James, "Rose Farm," Gatton. P. office, Melbourne. St. Logan and Albert Co-op. Dairy Co., Ltd., ome T. J., Inns of Court, Adelaide Beaudesert (W. Wiltshire). on, . H., Bald Hills. Lohde, G., Zillmere. y ,!,'. W., Hemmant. Lonergan, Thos. E., "Grenville," Lang- 1o0. Hen. W., C/o Parliament House. shaw Street, New Farm. lox D. C., c/o Neilson & Lennox Long, R. W. H., Alderman, C/o irisbane Box 21, G.P.O., Bundaberg. City Council, City. er, Joseph, Laidley Creek West. Longbottom, W. H., 62 Queen Street., Dr. H., 113 Wickham Terrace. Longwill, John, Albion. tra:ge, W. M., Herston Road, Kelvin Lord, A. W., Eskdale, Eak. Grov e. Lord, C. Stuart, Chelmer. bri e, R. L., "Werrington," Einas- Lord, E. L., Eskdale, Esk. lei!h, Cairns. ir,,, "Gemfield," Ridge Streot, Lord, F. S., Eskdale Station, Esk. Lotherington, D., Paramount Pictures, 88 No a'hgate. Queen Street. r, ( E., Conon Street, Wooloowin. ng >in, T., 404 Queen Street. Loughnan, H. C., Rutland, Mitchell. in. T., Leyland Motors ltd., Esdalle Loughnan, J. S., Crystal Brook Station, e, St., Sydney. Mitchell. oi 42 Hunter Loughnan, W. S., "Woole-billa." Dirran- is, . W.. Vale Street, Kelvin Grove. bandi. Is I. Bourbon Street. Bundaberg. Loughridge, S., Burrell Fenton & Co., Is . W., State High Echool, Romna. Roma Street. is,: anley, Rockbourne Terrace, Upper Loury. Robert J., Toogoolawah. Pa ington. Louttit. W. H. Windera Creek, Murgon. , t., . Sphens Road, South Brlbane tbt d. R. "M, Union Trustees Love, James, Isles Love & Co., Adelaide St Ch; ,bers, Queen Street. Levekin, Alfred E., Birdwood Terrace, tbi ;,, Q A., Wertheim Queensland Auchenflower. Pl , Depot, Queen Street. Lowe, J. Thomas, Poona, Nambour. tbl , Isaac, Leichhardt St., Spring Loweke, A., Linville. Loweke, F. W., Oakey Creek, Humundl. t0ol . Claude, Box 239, G. P. O., Lowrey, John, Gympie St., Northgate. Bri ;ane. Lowry, Samuel, 146 Queen Street. , A "Urriga," Gladstone Road, South Lucas, F. S., Henry Berry & Co., Adelaide Br i a bane. Street. , St. Osyth Street, Toowong. Luck, H. C., Commercial Travellers' Club, ent .rg, H. C., Pittsworth. Elisabeth Street. le H. B., Curra. Luck, O. T., Zillmere, North Coast Line. ley, H. W., Jingeri, Wondal. Luekin, Louis W., C/o K. M. Grant & Co., say David, Barton Road, Bulimba. London Bank Chambers, Creek Stret del! . H., Uplands, Myrniong, Vie, Luddy, T. J., Courier Buildings, Edward St ' J., Station Road, Indooroopilly. Lutethford E,K.. Wiokham Strt, Valley. o., iorge r. Mount Abundioemc Lugg, J. B., Paddington. Ron ;. Luke, Peter, Rokeby Terrauo, Tarltn. .. - i , . 21 2 ." ..

'74 ANNUAL MEMdB3RS-otnu~d. liman Road, 3faggs, P. C., Gympe Road, Kedrox. '~~~~ Jsie Union &) Mahoney, .. B. D)., Stat. School, Ye oz Lu)r~epckrA. f., K~gt rovi a, near lenregh Maitland, E. A., Brisbane Street, Biu In -- ~orhK~:\ Coast, New. So uth Wales. Maitland, B., Weatwood, Boompa. &uyAJ C., 95 Eagle St:root Brisbane. Maleny. Qo-o. D. Co., Ltd. (.. H. Fi -r- uyao; H. U., 96 Eagle Sti'eet, *Brislbane. man)) Maleny. iing Co., South Mallet, W. W., Box 3, Post Offc. b, H-~~fe. W., Brisbane 14 Nainbour. Ly~bombuner, A., Suurvey ffce, George St Mailing Cheese Factory (IL. P. Ha ee Zai~eJohn Norwood, Fr nit Grower, Jondaryan. ~ Maloney, C. .7. Arthur Street, Tone iff ltyans, Leonard, edron. Mammitein Pty.. Ltd. (T. Haje, W~l *Il P., Comm erciarl TravollerW'. Rep.). 109 Pitt Street, Sydney. "- 7,rYOn, Mar'cus Machester, E. J. T., Jordan Terra~ ub,Cl-- Brisbane. Albion. ~:,rP~fiRow~lnd, Wi -' vick. ~ acatneyE. H.. A.M.P Chambers. Manley, E. J., Lowood. Mann, .. C., Crescent Farm, YarraLiea. M Eldward Street. irhoim .;rove, Manning, A. Ut., Box 261, G.P.O. Ca.mberwell, Vtic. Laa Lancaer Manntain, B. F., Victoria Crescen 'I ),Ze-S~dcdnld, A. H. G., "KEs Ldava,'wong. -Road, Ascot. ~' Macdonald, A. H., "Hillvi ew," Greenslupes. Manson, E. .. C/o T. Mc7illiam C ~ a''.cdonald, D. J., Bloomieied, Blackall. Ltd., Roma Street. ii Station, lpala. Manson, J. M., C/a McWiliam & (i L riaonald, I. M., Ragla: "Elgi,"Lodo 1 onu Street dacdonald,M.: L. A, Mrs., 'Elgi."Lndon Mant, C. 0., 129 Creek Street. Road, Clayield. Ipawich. Mant, G. S., Gioman, IBroween. M acfaslane, A., Marlin Itoad, M~aplestone, E. 5., Moray Street, Ne a Waefrlane, . P., Unior STrustee Cha.. Marchant, George, "Montrose," Tar ga. Queen treet. Marchant, H. W., Brown St., King hol Mabcfarlane, 5. 0l., Klbwlnie, Ratdford, Marconi, .. C., Bulimba. Fasifrn Line. Mardon, R. N., Little Street, Albi' . Pay' JIc '!' Macfrre, J. H., "Glene:oe," Taringa. Mark. 0. H., "Medway,' Eagle MPacregor, A. B., Kiok, Botanic Garden., Hamilton. Brgis~ban. rel80ayhCh., Mrk~ld,3. B.. State Scool, Robewo d. Mac~greor. Peter B., 21 Telgrahhe. MakMiss M. M. B., "'Morningt i Queen Street. Gregory Terrace. Mavcgregor. - Harrow'. Court, George Mark, H. W. E., Munro St., Auche tiol street. Marks, W. V., Brook Street, Highg te I M*ciantoh, . B, Dornocik Terrace, South Markwell, James I., Cornwall Sti t, Btrbane. Greenulopes. y.cntyro, D., Wairumbiah, Toogoolawah. Marr, George D., Renown Chamt ra, Mkay Cohno M., 0/0 D. . Carter, Adelaride & Albert Streets. Pderson Street, Au henfower. Marr, .. F., Tank Street. M;"akay, D., d/o Collrd &t Mackay. Fruit Mlarriott, S., Junr., 'Hopefieldl."I ~Bj;C xchange, Turbt Stract. Bowen, Hlls. 3Mckhay, Davia, 288 QuOe in Stret. Mareden. F., Maraden Street. Cia. field Y.Macie, A, Gray Road, West End. Marsh, Lele, 0/0 A. Mack, Lea ion M~akrell, F. L. B., "ell Iwood" Kilkivaf. Bowen Hills. Thou, Inns .t CbOUrt A~elaide Ut. Marshall, Henry, Department of tll~ MYaclood, Buildings. ZMacmllan, A , "Lenda 1," Gladtone Rd., Treasury South Brisbane. arshal, W. C., "El Nido," Rock a:1 cillan. A, ., Bell t :reet, Toowocinba. Marshall, Win. H., Vulture Stre' I )iAinil5~, ., Charlotte Street. End. Meamara, Dr., Mater Mierieordiae Marshall, W. M., Noa'ian Crecc i, E' HRospital, South Brmbane. Brisbane. %Eaonughton,-Mis onoi jJustic. shl, W. McL., 28 Cam~pbell' Bldl "I~deo" Millton Roa4 1. Wlon. reekStreet. P. IlUe. Chare vile.Marsiand. Hugh L., "Coelbab." :ma ~ Manell Canterbury Stzeet Cdai Ilank Chombers, Martin, Angus,. RanihC~rk F.t~LStret.Ci.. Lndn -N.5.W.. :*l3y ~1 Lce, addl

Ltd (J Ltd (Soil I Ltd IJoPI Ltd E ^ Ac^ w- .*- 4-*&**.* *«. -' <-"^ W ^ 1 .. . .~ ~7j Queen Stretw 0/o DIalgety & Coy., Ltd., E., Winchester Street, Street. Pmlr-14-* T1a«*A A. tf'

•. , ,-, . .. .,., _ ,z:.-" ,; .: :; .=. , .- , ''. .".. ', , .. -.~'..kS-YbtalLt~iaaaiZ^W-. P-;.SI Z-*S.- * . ^^V^~ i;.\.-i..rf;1?sf',7-JLtrAJ~v-u-i^,tfi«^"f.r; r ~ ~^^^L':-*l.-f-'.La'- ANNUAL )1lMBARU-Contiiued.

-. N., Westbourne Terrace, South Mcoll, L. G., Umbercollie, Goendiwind dibase. 'McConechy. A. H., Hamilton Road, -iobp, R. H., Dalgety & Coy., Ltd., Uliza- Chermaide. :'-'~.beth Street. McConnel, A. J., Dugandan, Boonah. ,,iQe, T. W., 98 Eagle Street. McConnel, Edgar C., Cressbrook, Toogr - tt, D., Old Sandgate Road, Clayfield. lawah. %t. Tyson Farmers' Co-op. D. Co. (J. McConnel, E. J., Marshland., Wondal. i Cook). McCook, R., Markets, Roma Street. ozey, Hamlyn Roma Street. McCord, E. K., Coonambula, Eldevold. ogon, Thos. ., Customs Chambers, McCormack, J., "Clonlara," Adelaide at., Queen Street Clayfleld. %ozon, W. E., Adelaide Steamship Coy., McCormack, W., M.L.A., Parliament Hoije Queen Street. McCowan, James, Mt. Wallaby, Gin Gin aUdule, C. W. 8., 58 Victoria St., Spring McCowan, R., New Zealand Chambers. Hill. Queen Street. SiMuir,Dr. R. A., 290 Edward Street. McCullough, A., Brisbane Road, Manly Muloahy, J. T., The Grange, Nanango. McCulloch, V. W., C/o Qid. Insuran< Ulohy,rh T., Home Secretary's Office, Co., Ltd., Queen Street. Buildings. McDermott, Neil, 19 M~oreton Street, N w, Treasury Farm. ln . ., Gibbon Street, Tenerlfe. McDonald, A. B., "Grosvenor," Rocklea uleT. rChelme u1en, T. J., Stanley Street, South Brim. McDonald, A. L., Yaamba, via Rockha: v- KctNo sknLv'sBdr ton. eot No.t Isles Love's Bldg.., McDonald, D. C., Tooloon, Wallal Sidi g, Muller, G. F., "The Belars," Wondal. S. &d W. Railway. M., A. . Bickford & Sons. r, O., )E~J4-r,Nelson Street,.,NelontretSth ith. Bribane.Brsbae. McDonald,Turbot Street. 11ett, H., Monduran, Gin Gin. McDonald, Mrs. P., "Fernallan," Lapr lk un rd, W., Narangba. Street, Albion. undell, George, Redmarley, via Miles. McDonnell, Hon. Frank. McDonnell & E 't ndell, John, Bungaban, Juandah. Ltd., George Street. MunroC. A., Arcot, Silverspur. McDonnell, J. J., McDonnell Hardware Kunro, D. Roy., Boombah, St. George. Coy., Queen Street. I:unro, J. Jnr., Sunnyside, Warwick. McDonall, C., Calliope Station, Callio, aro, Norman "Rockdale," Murarrie. McDonough, E. J. Wyandra, Westel nro, R. F., Mores, N.S.W. Railway. nro, W. Ross, "Ross-Roy," Indooroopilly McDonough, F., Wybera, Southern Li unro, W. Ronald, Whyenbah, Dirran- McDougall, D., Bell Street, Red Hil. bandi. McDougall, Frank, Sherwood. urphy, F. W., Inna of Court, Adelaide t McDougall, James, Davis & McDouga urphy, J. J., Melbourne Hotel, South Rockhampton. Brisbane. McDougall, J., Chelmsford Avenue, W Yurphy, Hon. Peter, Central Chambers, lowin. Edward Street. McDougall, J. G., Murweh. Murray, James R., Best Street, Hendra. McDougall, J. H. Fernberg Rd., Rst le Murray, J. P., C/o HI J. Murphy, Beatrioe McDougall, Ronald, Cooyar Station, Terrace, Ascot Cooyar. lprray, R., Cutbush and Happy Valley McDougall, R. M., Bank of New Sout Roads, Enoggera. Wales. Queen Street. murray-Prior, T. B., "Kalanar," Southport. McDougall, W. N., "Kyogle," Hill Str 3t, urrihy, P. J. Kitohener Rd., Ascot. Toowoomba. uagrave, J. 6., Beatrice Terrace, Ascot. McDowall, Dr. Val., Preston House, Qu fl rave, L., 0/o Cameron Brou., Queen Street. treet. McEniery, P., Purga, via Ipswich. MYor~s, B. M., 184 Queen Street. McFarlane, J., London Bank Chamberr. yer, Herbert, Hill Street Clayfield. Roma Street. A. 3., "Birnam," Many Peaks. McGarry, H. J., Stephens Street, Morni! r- ei, J. L., Beaudesert. aide. MLYLu, Q. U., "Lota House," Manly, McGee, Brother, Christian Bros. Collt e, Moam, Gordon, Dornoch Terrace, South Gregory Terrace. Brisbane. McGhie, F.. E.S.C.A., Ltd., Edward Str 't. .teAflsiter, R. A., Vacuum Oil Ppty., Ltd., MacCibbon. F. W., Junction Road, Hehi a Bulimba. McGill, A. D., Prospedt Terrace, South MoB~lau . 5 Wandal St., Rockhampton. Brisbane. .~ "lum, John N., Longreach Build ngs McGill, F. W., "Marmion," Hipwood RBcd, North Q ay. Hamilton. ueaOrthy, J3. T., Presbytery, Red Hill. McGill, W. H., "Nargoon," Cinabar. 1, J. J., Ramsay, Carribooya. McGilp, John, Box 43, Dalby. Justice, Wintermere Road, McGill, Janes, "Fitugraton," Ascot. " m~lton. McGlynn, A., 2 Victoria St.. Spring Hil: ey, J. T., Keeroongooloo Station, McGowan. H. D., "Meadowbank," Rona. Adavale. McGrath, Philip, £andrate. * 4liure. Mnr., Ilstree Cottage, Kelvin Mc erath,Thou. M., Cairn. *1oVe, IhoMeoth, W. 7., 272-4 Queen Itrt.


**-,:... \.. ., II.- *ftasrs ., ,-' '" - -Q i * " - - ' " ~~~a~~""b~P~"iI , .1


i ANNUAL MudBRS-Continued. ccregor, John. Dalmore Estate, Paken- McQuaker, W., "Gracroft," Blackall. ham, Vie.. McQueen, John, Mountjoy Street, Petrie Gregor Robt., Edward Street. Terrace. 3lory, A. P., Russell St., South Brisbane McRae, N. P., National Cash Register Coy. Grory, P., Lancaster Road, Ascot. of Australia Ltd., 343 Queen Street. 3ulre, B. J., "Belmore Arms," Mackay. McShane, A. H. Gulre, C. H., Langshaw St., New Farm. McSwaine, D., C/o John Cooke & Coy., Ltd., Guire, H., 238 Edward Street. Eagle Street. Guire, J. T., Newmarket Hotel, Roma St. McWhinney, R., Q'land Farmers Distri- Hugh, K. E., C/o C. A. Helier & Co., buting Coy., 65 Turbot Street. ,IneenStreet.. McWhirter, J., Brunswick Street, Valley. Ilhatton, A., Wondai. McWhlirter, Mrs. Jim., Sutherland Avenue, Intore, James, Oakvale, Christmas Ck. Hamilton. In:yre, John, Oakvale, Christmas Creek. McWilliam, T.. Mowbray St., South Bris- Intvre, M., C/o Department of Public bane. Iiealth, South Brisbane. McWilliams, G., Homesbrook Street, Ash- Intyre, 0. H., Tamrookum, Beaudesert. grove. Intyre, W., Commercial Bank of Aus- Ltd., Queen Street. Nagel, A. B., Beatrice Terrace, Ascot. t' a:lia, Nagel, J. T., Qld. Real Estate Coy., Courier K;, A. D.. 179 Edward Street, City. Buildings. .- , A. G., Carney's Creek, via Nally, P. J., Holland Street, Toowong. 1, ,nah. Nanango Co-op. Dairy Co., Ltd., (G. K:; A. J. T., Castle Hill, Dugandan. Newtonlf. Kr"., Alexander, 28 Adelaide Street. Nantes, R. H., Kynnersley, Quilbery Sdg., K.e, Frank P., C/o Winchombe Carson, Cunnamulla. Itd., Eagle Street. Nash, T. H., C/o Laughland, Mackay & K<-na, Dr. T. R., Eagle Junction. Co. (Aust.), Ltd., 17 Preston House, Kenzie, D., Immigration Department, City. Edward Street. Nason, C. E., Rockdale, Surat. cKelzie, N., 183 George Street. Mason, W. A., McIlwraith Street, eKillop, Dr. L. M., Preston House, Queen Auchenflower. St reet. Naylor, M. W., C/o Lanham & Co., Ltd.. cKinney, John, Ruthven St., Toowoomba. 183 Mary Street. ;Kinnon, A., 97 Queen Street. Naylor, W. A., Wongabel, Surat. cKirinon, J., Thornlands. Cleveland Neal, James E., City Buildings, Edward 'Kin'.n, peter, Upper Melbourne Street, St. (Box 939, G.P.O.). > 'ith Brisbane. Ndale, C. M., "Kennerley," Runcorn, cLarhlln, Peter A., New Zealand. S.C.L. (':ambers, Queen 'Street. Needham, F. C., 89 Hunter Street, Sydney. eLen, Donald, "Duart," Southport. Needham, F. J., Narrien, Alpha. cLe.ii, Peter, Dornoch Terrace. South Neill, W. J., C/o Goldsbrough Mort Coy., 1i isbane. Eagle Street. Li,1.lR. G., C/o Prickly Pear Pro- Nelson, W. M., Brisbane Tramways Coy, ducts Pty., Dulacca. Countess Street. LUc i:n, John, Moreton St., New Farm. Nesbit, James, 221 Queen Street. :L> ,ian, Donald C., McLennan Street, Netthelm, Clarence M., C/o McMurtrie, A "*Ion. Ltd., 112 Edward Street. 'Lenan, Hector, "Beaufort Hill," Clay- field. Nevilll, F. G., "Tonora," Gaythorn Road, ;Le 'I, K., W., Princess St., Bulimba. Albion. :Lu ke, R., McLuckie Harrison, Ltd., Neville, W. G., Guthrie St., Paddington. 2tr, Edward Street. Newby, Hugh, Baroona Hill, Rosalie. 4 ;Lu kle, W. K., C/o Whincup & Coy., Newell, John, Herberton. V illey. Newman, A. M., Villa Street, Annerley. M-.i;on, B. C., Railway Commissioner's Newman, E., C/o Thompson Bros. & Birch < lice, George Street. Ltd., George Street. cM!h!on, T., Public Curator's Office, Newman, G., Wyreema. (;orge Street. Newman, G. N., C/o Dalgety & Co., Ellia- eMIuu, A. H., Wunderlich & Steelart beth Street. (,,v., Amelia Street, Valley. Newman, G. K.. "Locknew," Ipswich Road cM, iin, Hugh Macintosh, Pullen Vale, Tram Terminus. I looroopllly. Newman, J. Malcolm, Consulting Mining EM, ter, A. J. B., C/o MoMaster Bros., Engineer, Caboolture. V inton. Newman, K. I4 "Montpeller," Wickham eNa,. Alex, Chambers, McNab & McNab, Terrace. .elaide Street. Newsome, V. E., Albilbah Station, Ungo cNu., J., Yandina, N. C. L. Siding, via Blackall. eN R.I S., Yandina, N. C. L. Nicholls, J. H., "Indanna," Gracevlll, CiN: ,, R. J., Chambers McNab & McNab, Nicholls, L. G.,C/o J. Kenyon & Sane A ;elaide Street. dn. d-JiS W-At. . CN.. ght, A. Ure, Kodak Buildings, Nicholon, M. L, Ayrshbire Downs, W Q.een Street. Nicholson, K. M., "lvondale," Sand c, ght, J. Ure, Augustus Stroet, Road, Clayfield. . T owong. Nicholson, M., Coombe Maltin, Ilfrac Ph.e, Alex., Toowoomba. Nipkln, George F.i 108 Queen Stneei


&>«^fc SKi".^ . W ^ i^a a :-^ A ^ .. ta.^ J j,,- '^,^ .^, .- . - Y beT , flaz 2~x1, G.pO. O'Rel url'epxed. Ifngof Cort, Adlela dl urke, Thee. , Lrn, Ipswklc i n, I. W,1 C/a 4rIasey, Hrrist & CO., cYRalouth Brisae. iahBribne. .., Constitution Road, Windo .. Ohr ~~L-ii . tanley Terace . Brisbane 'an . G. 43 Young tret, lyd ey ?~ol, . ., C/a Brisbane Timber Mr- O'Ry re, W. 0.,* edgey Park, Newn ar chants' Amen., Ipawh Road, South Oubo ea, B., 182 Haraourt Street, New Fi rsbne. . O8hima, C., Haourt Street, New Fa 'mr bbp, Lieut-Col. A. S., Blockaidge &r Oh ma, P. ., 48 Queen Street. ""FrgrUon, Queen treet. O'Shl ea, T,, Harcourt Street, New Fr m ~A hobbbs, W., 5th. Murwillumba, Tweed OSh1ma, T. ., 48 Quee'n Street. Rir N.S.W. 'Shi livan, eni, Ashmaunt Statioi. ~ (ole, . 'H. 867-369 Queen Street. O'SuIMucadlla. ~ MoleH., liulens treet. Bulimba. Ilivan, P. A., 15 to 18 Feder~ I Chambers, 187 Queen Street. j' 'Noble H. G., Rochester Terrace, Normanby OS Ilivan, Judge T.. District Cour Nola, P Menoland, Strathpine.Ou Chamber, George Street. ~oon,Alfred J., Macaulay Street. Coor- O*Su livan, . H., Laura Street, W~ooooi Ilvan, W. Jackson & O'S Iii l Jdn., 144 Queen Street. O'SU ., orth Arthur, "Moray," Wagner Rd., queen Street. Ciayfeld.Over eli, A. B., Overell's, Ltd., Vail 'y. eli, C. C. Overells Ltd., Bru s' Noprt, Maor F. R., Moggifi Road, Over treet, Vailey. - qowoty, E. PIsls' ane. Over el, Claud ., Beatrice Terrace, Aus 'eli, W. H., Overell. Ltd., ValI-y. uoaworthy .H. "Valetta," Jangshaw Overde, Allen M., Wiokham St., Va ler treet, New Farm Oxia de, Gearge C., Corner Irving & 3M~ Rot, F. L., Booran, Toooolawah. Oxia Pine. Streetm, Newmarket. ~gn.Chris., Dayboro, via North de, Wn., C., Wickham treet. Vall Nule, . Jnr., Teviotvlle. Oxia .ne, C., Cooper's Camp Road p:.ddl Rutng . W.. 151 Queen S~treet. Osanron. Ntting. . B., Normanby, Harriaville. Pace .A. H., Ujnion Trustees Chn. i r J. A., Booie, Kingaroy. Oueen Street. aky oo.,Dairy Ca., Ltd. (F. W. Pa , U. H., c/a R. 8. Hunter Ld., : ~)enny oakey IMarY Street. Gates, R. .,Estates, Cr. George & Queen Pacli:er, 0., Crernorne Rd., edron SStreets. Pacl er,. ., C/a Packer Bros., & 'egr O'Bire, (1. C., Dickson Terrace, Toorak 3ox RO1,G.P.O., Brisbane. n~rHill. Hamilton. Pack :er, W., Richmond Street. Km ron. n' O'Brien, Clade H., Sinclair Street, East 1'd ret:, Mrs. . W., River Road Vewf Bribne. F'arm. ~~i O'Brien, B. E.. Woodtord, Pae l,Ir Sidney. 71 WickhamH TI -ra ~O'Brien, D. F., Crosdale, via Eak. Pain . E., Howe d Smith Ltd., Q en O'YBrien, T., Q'land Primary Producers Co.. Pain e, D. K., Crich ton Street, Teem ngpl Fr Ltd., Eagle Street. Pain e, E. L.,Criclton Street, Teem ngpl ~Crroll, . J.,A..L. &t F. Co.. Creek St. Pain e, N., Zliman Road, Hendra. ~Q'Connr, B.. Oakvae. Colinton, Nurinda. Paini e, Rot., Ipaw-ich Road Moor~klc .. '-'ono~r Deni, Amhorove. PalfEry, Miss Alice, 398 George S eel. O'Connor, S. J.,Yabba Street, Ascot. Paintar, Alex. C., C/o State Adv:~ 'Ce Donnel, Leut .Col. F. M., "Ascanius," orporation. Treasury Buildin "~t Lytton Road, East Brisbane. Palxr ier, A. C. H., ".Palmerosa," B ac O'Donohue. M.,' Aicturna Downa, Spring-C reek. s~re. PalrrIer, P. W.. Maxwell St., New 'rm ~rogg, BV., Newmarket. Parr erC.B. H., Eagle treet. ' Og Gordon A., Consuelo, Rolleston. Palnmier.Edwin, Kin Kin, Cooran. J. A.. Uldmnstone Rd., Newmarket. Palni Ie, John, Laurel Avenue, Gi. evi gPP ter, Misn Estelle G. H., " Gr OgZIve B . A., eonsueia, Rolleston. PalmCoowong. Pale' ear,Mica M. I.,"Easton Gre' r~i O'GOarman,*trqets, R., La dawraly Parade, East L'oowotg. iF1 Brisbane Fr Aeu Wltl PParrk . Hamilton, The Panhinias, Vanm' :. R. Line. -. C F.Parry. Auburn, Cb.nchiUa Oede, Leo., "Hoimica" Tenth A" nuC~ Q~e~e J. ., warra. Kindnr. . ursell &rCo., 351 Queen Park SW. McCailum, noggler. Ul O~lldF.,A. e, L..H., 101 Brunswick Stre a Olsen91?,A. F.,IV.. 33 eore Street. Park*r, W., Brunswick Street, W~le " XI1ey, L T, C/a State Gnvernnheai Iark r, W. H., "ilarrie," Atherto IE lnbUane Dept., Geargo Street. Clairns. J.,8 Ri11 Rp e. Eunog ra. Park r, IV. R., Nelson Chambers. IdWI UWD. "Walt ri Lever Camr.I Itreet. 7eraeRe YR. Pl ingon, F'rnnk C.,Charlotte St'eel' *' ~-' ~- -

ANNUAL ME]MBR-Continued. ,n Point. urance Office, 124 Peterse, A. T., Third Avenue, Sandgate. 1i': Irish, W. Kf., Sun ins Peterson. H. A., 357-9 George Street, Creet Street. Adelaide Stri Prry. W. I. Orel oad i. Clayfleld. Petersen. . P., "Mordan," ten, A. H., Tinga~l iiii, Wynnum. Clayfleld i' petrie, A. A., M~roochy River, via Yan(1 p iten, 3., "Walton," Ask grove. A L., M.L,, Parliament Hous p. ten, . H., Yatidina. Petrie, Line. Petrie, E. S., C/c White & Petnie, i.~ 1': en, L. H., Caver~t, S. &GW. r Stret,outhElizabeth Street. Pal lteson, Andrew, Taylo Ir Steet,outh Petrie, J. G., Cemetery Gates, Towoni Brimbal. Pettian. Chas., W., Box 637, f.P.O. pilerson, D. S., Athol, Eflackall.' P~ttv W,'.nv W.. Montnelier Mlansion, l';eson, . K.. Wflhiani to es &Co Wickharn Terrace. 1' :rick, C. H., C/o F'ine :ey.IaleBi o., Petty, . H., C/o Q. N. Bank Ltd., Valley. c Ltd., Queen St~eet. toedNunah. Phelan, Edward. angaroo Point. L' rick, G. A., Ryann's F*odAgiclureand Pholan, E. G., Royston, . -~ P. ten, 0f. R., C/o Det. Stock, William Stre'st. Red Hill. P;:ten~on, C., Sherwood iEload, Toowong. Phelail, E. T., Walker &t Ferry Streeti poladSteet.Maryborough. I'. terson, Lewis 0i.. Col Phelan, John J., Alion Street, Albion. IMilton. S., Queen Street. Ray 0., "Ing lostn,' harltte Phillips, A. P' teneon, lt "Carot Phillips, Mr. E. S., Ebot Vale, Hall St., ; Street, Wynnum Sounte"Shrwo Aldenley. . teron, Wi., "Avoni Carson, Ltd., Road, Tooong Phillips,' F. C., Winchoombo, Pu ll, Q. R., ELiabeth Street. 99 Eagle Street. Ltd., Pad- Pton. Alex., Brunswh :k Street, Valley. Phillips,dilngton. F. H., C/c W. HI. Gtreen, Pt. no, A. L., Eider Sti:eet, Lambton, Phillips, L. ., Mooreland, Cleveland West Newcastle. Pa nie, A. ., Grosvenor E'lat, Mundubbera. Phillips, Bydney, C/o Hoffnung &t Co., P i e, Herbert, C/c Fenwick &t Coy, Charlotte Street. i Edward Street. Phillips, W, , Waterford, G3ondiwindi,' Burns, Philp, & Co., Pa ne, H., Deighton Roald, Souqth Brisbane. Philp, A. C., C/c ,, 3. H., Innisfail. Mary Street. Phippa, James H., King Street. est P:l ne, L. B., C/o Butlein Bros. (Aust.), Brisbane. - Ltd., Charlotte Strei .t Pt ke, . F., Mary Streiet, Auchenfiower. Phipp, Joseph. Cornwall Street, reon- -j sh Insurance Coy., slopes. Pt Irce, A. D., South Briti . T., 229 Queen Street. Queen Street. Phippa, Road, Phipp, W. T., Rathonnell Street, Auohe~ae. -. : Pt .~l, B. W., "Rockda le,' ray flower. c: Welt End. via Gmpie. Pibworth. W., Abuklea Street, WiLeto. Pt edy, I)., Kananga, Pickles, A., Wonda. Pr k, F. W., 276 Wickbl a Stre aly 'Lyculln," Normn Par'ade, Pickles, -,Coabna Pt 1, . H., Picken, 0., Union Bank Chambers, useR "' Eagle Junction. i '~ Icr, C. M., "Swaylatitds," Blackall. S~treet, P~ ;ler, E. ., Thlungra Station, Adavatle. Pike, Edwin. Pike Bros., Ltd., Queen St ;-: SIpring Pt- r, Lnday, Nickavil Quilie.Pike I. W. IL. 86 Boundary Stret, hr rc Percy ., Wren Street, Ascot. wob.Water. Pike Brbs., Ltd.. Queen Ut, Pison, A.. Prions Dep; ptt . .,"Glenroy," Godfrey Street, Buflding. arten,reaur . 1' ,tier, W. S.. Pende' 13r os., West Maitland Pitt, 0. W. Junr., Narrawon, Charlevifle, ,, N. .W. Charlevlie. I' :haligon, C. H., Huskioll Street, Too- Pitt, B. C. ., Gllenyarron, St. woom ha. Pitte~drigs, W. F., 598 Boundary P haligon, W. H., Rivor Road, Auchen- Pittawoth Dairy Co., Ltd. (B. Graha~)~ flower. Pit tsworth. A.. alety & Co., Eliabth St. . 1' . , H. J., Lunn Street, Sandgat. Pixley, I *tecot, FI. L., MoMs .ster. Street, Plaisted, N. J., Nellie Street, Nundab. >udah. Plumride, . U. S., Pluinridge Ltd., Vallep. 4 I~ cival, R, Sunny Glro~to, Redland Bay. Plunkett, T. Flood, Beauparo, Beaudoert.S " I t ival, T. J., Bridge 8Itroet, S. Brisbane. Pockley, H. B.. Roma Downs, Roina. P~en, U. D., Stanthorpe t. Pocock, U,. 3, Palmer Street, Windor. I' Ikin, . A., Burt &( Coy., P'erry Street. Pocock, Russell, "Hajxilton lilace Bowr41' I~ !kin, F. H., State Sd1ihool, Macky. Hllse.Habtq- ' kn, W., Edinond St:root, Newatead. Pointon, A. b., Lanede Road, sr~ok P. .kin, Win. H., W. IHC. Perkins &t Coy., Polntoi, George W., Russell Island, 34~.. Wdadord. Kiinb~inbiland Bay. 4 P~.rett, 'H. . Kabunga, U. H,, Tellunga, Kalbar. - P~ rett, RlPi E.. Coola; gtbuni, ingr Pollard. ,"bowen idge Pollock, C. 0., 'Roslyn," via Mount Pezfy I'~ 'oW, ., '"Tilelawfley Road. Pollock, C. B., Iinboiwn, Mount PoeW Road. Asot Pool, W., Elder Smith &t Co., New r ~: as.. Turing Cirjaug. Bultfldiags, Queen Stret, ~' 'ss, '. D., Hawkwo ad, Gayn dab. tolr ai, ewiltt Stretr Wusrton -


4. - ... ~.;~;~~ 1 AANNAJMEiaR-Coitinn.' fa Crescent, Norman Rafton, W., Victoria Terrace Annerle . Ralston, A. V., C/o Q. T. C., C reek Street ,mas Brown & Bons, Ramsay, G. L., Lama Street, Chelmer. Ramsay, W., Story & Ramsay, Aidaide i. * l ~~ vv., hv b-vaa~n* Hni, .JBnaoNS ry urr , mu r. era amr* Rankin, . J. Bangalow, N.S .W. QQuej Street. Ranson, R. p., 293-5 Adelaide Street. Cuthbert, Q'land Agricultural Rasey, Thos., "Rainsombe" Harcourt Ciol~l, Gatton. Street, Teneriffe. L)tts, W.G., 164 Adelaide Street, Rattray, R., Walker Avenue, Teneriffe. ~~. tou, alo, e hdoat CLnr. Rawlinson, J. P., Norman Charnbers, Cr" Ak eIa tn, .A., Wilde Street, Wynnum. Street. FowelArthur, C/o Starr Bros. & Lewis, Raweon.336 QueenEdward Btreet. A., I.S.C., N.2L. Chambb a, Ltd., Adelaid Street. Rayment, T. J., 62-64 Queen S i ~aoell, A. E., "Lumeah," Coolangatta. Raymond, A. J., River Terracltreet. owlC, A., Parbury House, Eagle St. Point. , Kanga: >o ~: ewer, Frank, C/o Qld. Agencies td., Raymond, A. L., Raymond & H C rook Street. Valley. ossack, L' 1., - P~ay.I, W. T., Dackeil, Many Peaks. Read, 0. M., P.O. Box 105, W'inton. PtaOkert, Mrs. F., Third Avenue, Sandgate. Read, L. L., C/o Blake & Rea d, Elizab 'ih ~ a~~ t E., Turbot Street. Street. iatt, W. J., "Lurnea," Waver ley Street, Reading, Geo. P., Petrie, N.C. Line. ' . Ipswoh Road, South Brisbane. Reading, W. C. "Wendover," Dakabin. j Pventioe, G. G., Kodak Buildings, Queen St. Real, E. T., Adlaide Street. Presho, R J., Reedy Creek Station, Taroom Real, His Honour Justice, Coorparoo. Prepho, Thos. J., Reedy Creek Station, Rees, C. V., "Harlick," Victo ra Aven as Taroom, Chelmer. Preston, C. N., C/o R. A. Alexander, Fruit Rees, George, Box 39 G.P.O. WUchange, Turbot Street. Rees, H. O., Caerleon, Maleny. O. D., "Herebis," Ridge St., North- Rees, M. M., Prickly Pear Pr oducts P . SPricegate Jct. Dulacca. Pre, Vincent, C/o Chief Engineer's Office, Reese, L. B., Crown Street, South Brisba I. ann Ataat Reeve R g P R er Coy., Priest, Arthur, C/o E.S. & A., Bank, Roma Adelaide Street. Street. Reeve, S. C Perkins Street, RLoma. Prince, A. B., C/o S..Hofrnung & Coy., Ltd., Reid, A. J., 6 /o J. C. Hutton, L td., Roma St. Charlotte Street. Reid, D. D., John Reid & Ne phews, PE., 488 Brunswick Street, New Charlotte Street. Parm. Reid, R. R., Abuklea Street, VVilston. Pi'tehrd, A. H., "Chard," Blackall Terrace, Reilly, James, "Merla," Murr Eas~iritBrisbane. Mayne Junction. ay Stree :,-rthrd, 0. H., Australian Sugar Reinke, 0. C., Frenchton, via tProducers Association, Edward Street. Remfrey, H., Key Street, Mo 'ningide. Pritehard, James, Mt. Pleasant, via fenton, A. B., Adelaide Street. Dayboro. Reynell, Walter, Reynella, Stih. Austra a. ritcbard, J. H., Dayboro. Reynolds, E .R., "Ennisview," Oakey. FP. 0., Surgical Supplies, Queen St. Reynolds, W. R., Raymond TJerrace,, esser, W., Pring Street, Hendra. Brisbane. - Potheroe, A. H., Market Bldg.., Turbot Rhoades, A. W. T., Stoneleigh St., Albi n. Street. Rhoades, D. H., Wickhatm Str( ?zut, James, Victoria Avenue, Chelmer. Rice, J., EHliabeth Street. set, Valit pou John, "Willanna," via Beaudesert. Rice. J. T., Ascot. Thos. R., Roslyn, Mt. Perry. Richards, A. E., Balfour Stre. et, New S. 3., Prairie Plains, Wiyarra. Farm. uS, L. D., New Zealand Insurance Richards A. G., Morley Street, Toown g. o. Queen Street. Richardson, F. St. C., Charlolte Plain J. L. L., Boonimbah, Goomeri. Cunnamulla oluh, A. K., Elliott Bros. Eagle St. Richardson, G. A., uedeuland Farmers' Co-op. do., Lt. Richardson, H. W., Vulture Street, E at Booval (3. Murray). Briabane. Qguensland Farmers' Co-op. Co., Ltd., Richardson, M. A. J., Como, Q~uilpie. Booval (A. E. Maher). Richings, W. H., Queen Str eet, Jubi e* Queensland Farmers' Co-op. Co., Ltd., Estate, Paddington. Sooval (D. Saxelby). Rilatt, G., C/o Boys' Gramm ir Sehoo. Bes'land Farmers' Co-op. Co., Ltd., Gregory Terrace. ,1iuval (H M Strevens) Qu. inv T., Nomn Avene utyc Riley, Cha. W. i79 Mary Stre W1T., Nom n Aee Lutwyche Rley idney, 246 Queen Stree,t. W., Wt ' uenk & o. Eadt. Hitter, H., fitter Bros., Creol)r, Dalby. 346C, enee 8tru., Edward t. Roach, H. Keith, Wyandra. C., Department of Agrioulture Robb, J., Abbotaford Waterw orks Roa I William Street. Red Hill. ', . Stanley Street, 5th. Brisbane. Robbins, C. B., Alma Street, Clar4eld. rry, Isles Love Buldings, Adelaide Robbin. C. W. A., "Roseban rest. flower. k£. Auchev

~ ~~~ _~____ _~I~_ ___~ 1 i~______~______j i I_ I . . 1 , -. -

81 ANNUAL MEMBERS- -Continued. tobbins, W. M., Herbal Institute, Auchen- Russell, H. M., 98 Eagle Street. flower. Russell, ., C/o Mt. Etna Fertilizers Ltd., roberts, A. A., Goodna. Roma Street. toberta.J. H. Cecil, Croxley, Kingsthorpe, Russell, T. W., C/o James Clark, Unio Darlng Downsa Bank Chambers, Queen Street. robert, Mrs. M., JBrltish Empire Hotel. Queen Street. Rust, A. H., Morningside. toberta, John M., Nugget Polish Coy., of Ruthning, W., Ruthning Works, Logan Australla, Wllllamstown, Victoria. Road, South Brisbane. ,oberts, R. H., Buckland Road, Nunhab. Rutledge, F. H., Clifford St., Toowoomba. toberts, 8., Barry & Roberts, Queen Street. Rutter, T. J., 217 Queen Street. ooberts, T. R., M.L.A., "Hucclecote," Ryan, B. T., Sandgate Road, Albion. Bridge Street. Ryan, P. F., Waterford, Goondiwindi. tobertaon, H., Villiers Street, New Farm. Ryan, J. B., South Pine Road, Alderly. tobertson, J.., "Myola," Sandgate. Ryan, K. S., Harcourt Street, New Farm. tobertson, Mure H., Audit Office, Treasury Ryan, M., Hynes Street, Bowen Hills. Buildings. Ryan, T., Victoria Street, Mackay. tobertson, R. C., "Wyetan," Mowbray Ryder, G. R., Queen Street. Street, East Brisbane. Rylance, P. D., Hetherington & Rylance tobertaon, Dr. W. N., Wickham Terrace. Ltd., 855 Queen Street. tobertson, W. G., Elleralie, Turallin. Ryland R., Northgate Road Nundah. ' tobertson, W. S., C/o Mure H. Robertson, Sabine, Major W. R. E., Boundary and Peel Brighton Road, West End. 'Street, South Brisbane. tolertson, W. T., C/o Robertson, Tait & Sadgrove, C. L., Courier Buildings, Queenq Co., Adelaide Street. Street. :uin, F. De J., Box 884, G.P.O., City. Sagar, A. H., Nelson Chambers, Edward St. tolinson, H. A., Hamilton Road, Moorooka Sagar, C. H., C/o A. M. E. Coy., Ltd., Eagle otbinson, J. Nicol, 334 Queen Street. Street. oLinson, J. W., "Knipton," 81 Villiers Saint, G., Annie Street, New Farm. Street, New Farm. Salsby, East Brisbane. robinson, T.. C/o W. Robinson, Bald Hills. Saltmarshe, H., Southport. .otinon, W., "Glencoe," Bald Hills. Sanders, J W., 151 Queen Street. rob neon, W. J., 70 Vulture St., West End. Sanders, K. A.. South Comongin, Quilple. ob:nson, W. R., Margaret St., Toowoomba Sands, John L., C/o E. Butler & Sonsa Lobson, W., Moray Street, New Farm. Ltd., Queen Street. 'o(le. J., "Wyuna," Cintra Road, Bowen Sands, R. O., Brunswick Street, New Farm. ills. Sapsford, H. A. L., Bowman House, oc(i ick, W. H, Kiwi Polish Coy., 317 Adelaide Street. Collins Street, Melbourne. Sapsford, N., Glen Road, Toowong. rode. W. J., Brunswick Street, Valley. Sapsford, Percy C., Northgate. logtrs, R. O., 6 Central Buildings, Edward Sault, Frank, "Oraro," Brighton Road, * Street. Brisbane. oe reon, A. F. C., Stanthorpe. Savage, W. T., Ramsay, Cambooya., Thomas, Vulture Street, East d3ribane. Sawyer, Dr. W. A., Hookworm Campaign lon, B., Samuel Allan & Sons, Albert Department, College Road. ' treet. Bayle, 0. R., Watson Ferguson & Coy, Los Arthur A.. "Woodville," Enoggera. Ltd., South Brisbane. Loe. Scanlon, M., Union Hotel, Petries Bight. Charles, Charlton St., Ascot 8canlon, P.,-Stock Exchange Hotel, Quee Iot. J., Belmore, Sydney. Street. O J.. Bourne Street, Clayfleld. Scanlan V., Swan Terrace, Bowen os , Thomas, Eudlo. Bridge ROs C. J., "Kersal," Lytton Rd., Bulimba. Schell, .., Johnson & Sons, Queen Street. R0 K. D., "Woolerbilla," Dirranbundi. Schiver, H., Cob & Morris Streets, Alblo. Ob R., Primrose Terrace, Paddington. Scllahmidt, C. H. J., Burranbilla Station. Lo,, Wm., "Malvern," Ipswich Road. Cunnamulla. ,sr', John H., Hlllview, via Beaudesert. Bohmidt, J. C. H., Goolburra, Offham Serw H., Sarum, via Bell. Western Line. ot wei, T. J Edward Street. Seoioeld, J. E., Jackson & Schofleld, 0 . U., eagon Street, Sandgate. Bexley Greenmount. ov Dr. E. R., Bux 11, Kilcoy. Sehooley, B. L., Intercolonial Boring Coy., n.I J. S., Rockland, Warwick. Ann Street .')l, W., "Carinya," Stephens Road, Schultz. . E. Von, Bank of New Bouth , .outh Brisbane. Wales. . iud,. C. L., "Eltham," 7 Arden Street. Scott, A., Parbury House, Eagle Street. ,.ooee, Sydney. Scott, A. H., Hornet Bank, Taroom. ud. Joseph, Airedale. Christmas Creek. Scott, A. H. G., Box 15 Abbotstord, ud. W. 0., Mudgeeraba, South Coast Line Toogoolawah. Oul W. H., C/o Walter Reid & Co., Scott. Andrew P., Hornet Bank, Taroom. ockhamfpton. Scott, C. B., Hornet Bank, Taroom. le, 8. H.. Royal George Hotel, Valley. Scott, Mrs. E. G., Swan Terrace, Windsor. S . M. Graeville, Gayndah Scott, George, Tait Street, Kelvin Grove. Essll}Dr. Bustace, 63 Wiokham Terrae,. Scott, Hugh T., Hornet Bank, Roma. ueii. P L. Wm Haughton f Coy., Scott, James,. Toorak Hill Hamilton. p 'arbury house, Eagle Street Scott, J. R., Glenmoral, Taroom. *

A. - ~ .; .:. .. r- .' -' 4' ; i . ,-~~~~~ ... AfA_ . ; Pt, ZqzE, Bjrunawit~ street fle &t.Pei~, urzay Street e *B., ~oz7, G. P. .. Brisbane. B.Jay~ Road, Hill Elnd, South . ~er L, ornet Ban, Taroom. -ni.. Wattlebrae, Kin aroy. Win., "Buruclutha" lalentine St.. r Bte.N . . Department of Agri- outr Sol~k, William Street. B.. Pot Office, Slandgato. rpngourJa., Callendoon North, ~,~bu J., 51 Lanahaw Street. New

UeiyB.~H. B Bidga., Roma Street, (bo 44'd.7 .P.O.) g-rle. . ., Banlk of New South Walci, ~iel .So"~butb Bisbane. i:r J.IH., "Dorra Tor," Laura Street. 5~~'uth Briban. Int B.ert,1 Scarborough, via Redcliffe. ~4 r~ii.,Cuahnle, Tingoora. aD P., Roma Street Markets. miaU . B., Mrkets, Ronia Street. ~~*~~o4Dr. James L., K~ing Street, East oill eneErI. M., Toolburra Vineyards, Warwick, Aqlh er, N. A. C/c Vacuum Oil Ppty., td., Bulimba. ier A. Hart Road, Indorooplly. .:.Cwll, G. k "Strathoona," Ziliman Rd..

Department, Ann Street. len ~;Ihaek*1, T., Thorn Street, Kaengroo Point. riqiokleton, R. W., "Weerona," Francis St., NI.~~ Junction. ilsuber. W. H, Gymple. UaaG A., "iitp Cannon Hil. 8bdJuistie, "St. Mary's,~ Main St, ICY I~ngaroo Point ;:. gbaannon, lan, Salt Buh Park, Ut ~ Lwence, Mckay. * nili I-~Banon, John. 'EndimF Shberwood Rd., p~hanno., P. W., Land Court Exeutive Buidins, eorge Street' te > bap4nd A. .., "Devon," Theebne. Iir'Z A., C/O J. Williams, Gorge Ut. & Sharpo, ,~ 5h~f A.N. C/o Tborp iitl hg~irpe, F.B, Thou. Healop & Coy., Roma Stee. K ent Road, Woloowin. Uharry, C Oi Ob, via Nambour. p~~ "Fseinmont,"' sandgate. EbawEM Telemon,"' Beaudemert. ILkd ii w Hamlton, C/o J. Jackson & Coy., orna Street. Jbaw. Hamilt~n S. Junr, c/c MeNulty & shaw. Corner George A Ann Streets. a-,w.1 J,, Dooh Trrace, 9bth.~Brisbane. ,lr Ie~atrA , ato Terrace, laddlutn. *ssrer.. B Firsrt Avenue, aglre * yW Sydae Pinomnbe Ltd.. eeh~, 3$~1~drWL

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AUWI ith I Stanfield. F., Alexander Road, Ascot. Stanley River Co-op. Co., Ltd., Woodfoid ith. (R. Bryden). l2a Stanley, Warner, Board Street, Sandgate Stanton, A. A., Neurum, Kilcoy Line. ;Ith.1 ti . Stark, R. B., Allan & Stark Ltd., Queen St. P jir ith,ith~ Stedman, J., Blakeney Sreet. Highgate E' g Hill. Steele, T. B., "Rivereleigh," North Qnay. Coy. Steer, F. S., Qld. Preserves Ltd., Vulture St., West Brisbane. tith,it''. ' dth.Yn 1 Steer, G. R., Railway Dept., George Street. itho SteggallE. M., C/o Griffith. Bros., Petries Stephen, L., Sandgate Rd., Albion. Stephens, A. G., "Myrniong," Bowen Terr., New Farm. Hill .th' , Stephens, H., Breakfast Creek. tyth., Stephens, Llew Heath St., East Brisbane. 81I11 Stephens, P. J., kodak Buildings, Queen St. el Stephens, R. H., Bowen Teir., New Farm. Stephens, R. T., Union Trustees Cha., allilg Queen Street. Steven, David, Wynnum. HL ~ Steven, J., "Munarrumbi," Collins Streat. Clayfield. SdIII Stevens, Harold, "St. Rouans," Newmarket den, Road, Wilston. loin ~ Stevens, O. B., C/o Wm. Gibson & S08ng, lien, ~ Kedron. BI a Stewart. A. D., Bald Hills, Stewart, C. J., Criterion Hotel, George St. I__ Stewart, D. F., Pine Shire Council, 5ler e Strathpine. ~;T'~ 5th, I Stewart, D. J., Mrs., "Sylvan Wood," Rome Street. and Kent Road. Eagle June. Stewart, Dr. Herbert, Old Sandgate Road. uhrethe r Albion. Stewart, J., "Beach Villa," Manly. Stewart, J. T., Howard Street, Bayswatev, Stewart, Phil., Dunlop Rubber Coy., Srk Adelaide Street. lark~ Stewart, T., "Fairyknowe," Rosyin Street. . East Bribane. Irk : Stewart, T. L., Cavendish Road, Coorparoo. E v ark Stimpson F. A., Fairfeld. Stewart, W. J. G., C/o A. Stewart A SOeg IrB Ltd., Queen Street. Stinson, I., Roma. Stirling, J. T., Gunbower, Pittaworth. Stirling, Thou. J., Gunbower, Pittworth. #erStiIIC Stirrat, A., Gayfield, Gladstone. Stirrstt, A. U., Euros, Gladstone. set Itirrat, J. D., Carina, Gladstone. Stitt, John Baynes Ltd. South Brisbase. ,race 1 Etodart, ieut. Col. R. I., Market *tret. Stokes, J. A., "Echeela," Jones Stret, Auchenaower. A, Bristol Pottery Worgs, StonCowpoo. , C. u ' 5.AW

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ANNUAL MEMBER-Continued. In str r tl 2,, i toter, George, 846 Queen Street. Teltord, W., Dept. of Publip J. Junr., Windsor Road, Red HilL Treasury Buildings, Queen SItre t, ' SUitorie,Story, G., Stu mfels, Ltd., Creek Street. Terrors' Creek & Samson Vale D. o. Ltd., (W. D. Forbese). SStory, J. D., Riverton Street, Albion. Dayboro for , " v tory, W., A. M. E. Coy., Townsville. Terry, T. S. B., Saranac, Stam: troet, William, 178 Ann Street. Hughenden. Dr.. davendish Rd.. Coorparoo. Tew, W. H., Musgrave Road, 1Redi ctreter, Council , I an SItrong, H. A., Indooroopilly. Theaker, Thee. F., Shire S"Utrong, James, Meridian Villa, Flinders ville. ' Parade, Sandgate. * Thiele, F.. Myrtletown, via PinIcen a. Street. Thiel, F. W. Junr., Adelaide & C're, < Stuart, G. P., Union Bank, Queen Br. s., lltddert, Gordon W. T., Cobb & Coy., Thomas, F. J., C/o Mactaggart S , Creek Street. Adelaide Street. Adelaide Street. Thomas, G. H., Brookes St., Bow'en HI S tumm, C., Inns of Court, oro .pi Cunnamulla. Thomas, Henry, Harts Road, Indo *tumm, C. W., Glencoe, in :tr Stumm, F. E., "Mt. Spencer," via Mackay. Thomas, Henry, "Kensington, A S tump, L., New Farm. Thomas, Mrs. Lewis, "Brynhytryd.' Sueyek, A., C/o Johnson & Sons, Queen St. Ipswich. Sllivan. J., C/o C. W. S. French, Derby Thomas, R. W., C/o J. Kitchen & Sc Eagle Street. Street, Coorparoo. ew, a. Summers, George, Norman Parade, Eagle Thomas, W. E., P.O. Box 9, Ros Junction. Thomason, A. W., Maleny. Sumner, R. F., Norman Parade, Eagle Thomason, H. W., Victoria Plaice, So Junction. Brisbane. S'Button, Ellis, Isisford. Thompson, Alexander, Cocks Roaid, ( hei usakl, H. O., 48 Petrie Terrace. side. S venson, Capt., "Norway," Norman Park. Thompson, A. .T., 301 Elizabeth St. Swayne, B., M.L.A., Parliament House. Thompson, Andrew. "Mayo," Menrth' r 1 Swe4ney, S. B.. C/o Mrs. Corrie, Wagner New Farm. Road, Clayfield. Thompson, C. L., Colonial Mutual Sykes, V., Duke Street, Bulimba. Chambers, Queen Street. -. Sykes, B., 48 Costin Street, Valley. Thompson, E., Kilcoy. Eagle Street. Thompson, Dr. Robt., Wickham Te ra Bymes, P. J., Parbury House, *ee Ro Bymons, Chas., Wool Street, Toowong. Thomson, S., "Lillymere," Nudg Symons, Dolph, William Street, Rock- Thomson,Hendra. A., Montague Road, Scluti B South Coa st ,.in t, C. Robertson Tait & Coy., Charlotte Thomson, A., Ormeau, Street. Thomson, A. P., Marnhull, Dalby Tait, J., Windsor Rd., Red Hill. Thomson, E., Eight Mile Plains. Tait, John, Taylor Street, Woolloongabba, Thomson, E., C/o Dalgety d& C!oy 1 & Young,. Elizabeth Street. Tanner, R. H., Mills, Tanner Qu, an Courier Buildings, Queen Street. Thomson, E. A., Custom House, " C ll Tapeall, W. H., Nestles Milk Factory, Thomson, Mrs. E. F., "Bocoolima. ' Toogoolawah. via Gladstone. Tarlinton, T. J., Virginia Avenue, Thomson, Miss E. L., C/o Fra ase 1 . Hawthorn. 142 Queen Street. Tate, F. I., Simpson Road, Ithaca Creek Thomson, H., Pine Street, Bulirnhb Taylor A. D., Westbourne Street, South Thomson, Dr. J. Mowbray, Wick ha; Brisbane. Terrace. Taylor, Charles, C/o R. S. Exton Ltd.. Thomson, John, 311 Queen Street Queen Street. Thomson, J. B., "Tollcross," Bairke - Taylor, Charles, Charles Taylor & Coy., East Brisbane. Roma Street. Thomson, N. W., Repatriation De pai :'n Street. Taylor, C. C., "Vere-de-Vere," Emily St.. Mary 'L( na Highgate Hill, South Brisbane. Thomson, Capt. W. Campbell, Taylor, Edward, Taylor & Colledge Ltd.. Langi," Yabba Street, Ascot Charlotte Street: Thonemann, J. T., Kuyura, Dalbby. Taylor, H. V., "Veresdale" James Street. Thorn, C. R., 203 James St., Tenierar ,:e Dutton Park. Thorpe, F., Newton Street, Coorp Taylor, John, Russell Park, Surat. Thorpe, E.. City Architect's De pt B Taylor, J. J., Emily Street, Highgate Hill. bane City Council. South Brlsbane. Thorpe, R. H., Barton Rd., Hai vtl ,rr ,,. Taylor, J. R. 40 Wickham St., Valley. Bullmba. Taylor, Capt. R. D., Circular Quay, Petries Thrupp, Win. H., Roma. Bibht. Thurlow, John, o/o John ThurlovV , Taylor, R. Willis, Taylor & Colledge Ltd., Ltd., Albion. Br sb' Charlotte Street. Thynne, A. J.. Highgate Hill, S. Taylor, Dr. V. B., Galloways Hill, Norman Tindal, C. F., Gunyan, Inglewoo d. PPart Tindal, C. H., "Ramornlie." Upper C, Taylor, Or. W. P., Preston Hgpse, Queen hurst, N.S.W. S trt Tipler, D. W., McLennan Street, r\ ii STylor H. L. Turanville Estte Scone. Tsdall. M. J., Campbell St., Bo S w seutih Wales. Todd, J. H., Balm Avenue, Asocot p.cI Tey,H J. P., "Murwit," Musgrave Rd., Toddhunter, W. J., "Cambria," Rd H1U. Terrace, Auohenfower.

~ln___E c*.i^^^-t* l'a i I* _ _i__r ( **"~ _I' i-__i~_ _i I * _~_i ! .t *\ is. .,.* I I~aascr l;i I~ 1 ~.~ -i Utf

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85 )- ANNUAL MEMBEURS-Continued.

Iman, Arthur, "Miora," Bowen Terrace, Uhl, Herbert, Petries Bight. New Farm. Uhlmann, F. J., "Emoh Ruo," Lota Road, Iman, E. B., "Miora," Bowen Terrace, Manly. New Farm. Uhlman, H. C., Bay View, Burpengary. nils,-Alan D., "Waverley," McGregor Ure, J. Canning, "St. Ives," Crescent Road. Avenue, Lutwyche. Hamilton. B., Moogoon, Goondiwindl. Usher, George J., "Ducobrook," Bogam- mkins, tungan. nikins, W. J... Whetstone, Inglewood. Usaher, W. C., C/o Qld. Trustees Ltd.. ,hey, Patrick, Baynes, Ltd., South Queen Street. tlrisbane. Valentine, E. J., Grosvenor Road, oth, Leslie H., C/o Weetman & Coy., Indooroopilly. 4.s Petrie Terrace. Valentine, W., KinE St., Sth. Brisbane. ri: ice, David, Wooloowin. wi son, J. Wynne, Lambert Road, Vallely, Peter, Australian Hotel, Queen St. Indooroopilly. Van Homrigh, E. W. H., C/o J. C. Hutton S. D., Stephens & Tozer, George St. Ppty., Ltd., Roma Street. iez, Hamilton. !e, Vivian H., Mary Street, Gympie. Vaughan, V. W., Hamilton Road, ill, Albert, C/o Trails Ltd., Newstead. Vernor, W. H., Cluen, Vernors Siding, il, . S., Newstead. B. V. Line. I, David, Newstead. Vidgen, C. O., Dental Hospital, George Bt. ill, D. J. Junr., Lutwyche Street, Von Stieglitz, C. R., New Sandgate Road, V ooloowin. Clayfleld. ll, E.. Newstead. Vowles, Joseph. Millwood, Morven. iil. T. T. F., "Cynthia," Eldsvold. Wade, H. C., Commercial Union Aasurance ,ill T. W., "Cynthia," Eidsvold. Coy., Eagle Street. u:. eller, C., Underwoods Bond, Albert Wade, J. H., Box 21, Post Office, Kilcoy. Steet. Wade, J. T., Wadeleigh, Boompa, Gayndab v< , A. W., Chermslde. Line. nA. y, E. A., Ekibin Road, Annerley, Wagner, A. J., Cemetery Road, Nundah. S .ith Brisbane. Wagner, A. R., C/o Wagner & Surawskil ne ry, H. S., Rickard Avenue, BondL Boonah. S 'Iney. Wagner, B., 261 Gregory Terrace. etli vie, G. G., 5, Closeburn Avenue, Wagner, Fred, C/o Barnes & Co., Ltd., X\ idsor via Melbourne. Roma Street, City. velban, Walter, Elizabeth Street. Wagner, G. W., Howes Road, Nundah. we. ke, F. L., Culbokie, Noondoo Siding. Wagner, H. J., r1l Gregory Terrace. N .W. Wagner, J., Ironsides, Toowong. ttuo,. F., 260 George Street. Wainwright. E., Courier Bldgs., City. tte W. G., Jackett Bros., Heaslop Wait, A. R., "Telkawarra," Caboonbah, Eu!dings, Roma Street. Toogoolawah. u:, '. L., C/o R. Trout & Sons, Red Hill. Wait, R., Murrumba, Esk. ut, Richard, Waterworks Road, Ash- Walker, Dr. A. R., Edward Street. gr. \'e. Walker, A. C., Knockroe, Kowbi, lais ut, it. P., Red Hill. Branch. ut, W. J., Victoria Street, Red Hill. Walker, A. L., Mt. Kenilworth, Brooloe, Walker, A. T., Tainton, Lowmead, via Uto.. W., Corner Edward & Elizabeth Bundaberg. St rtS. dI . E.. 518-624 Queen Street. Walker, C. C., Mary Street. dg 1, C. G., Charles St., New Farm. Walker, E. C., Harrow, Cambooya. d :i, Stuart C., C/o MacRobertson's, Walker, F. L., Grangeville, Herston Road. 27 0 Adelaide Street. Kelvin Grove. ki A. J., Corner Empress & Jullette Walker, F. P., Glenlyon, Stanthorpe. 8t eta, off Ipswich Road. Walker, H. F., M.L.A., Tewantin. ke E. G., New Sandgate Road. Walker, I. R. C., Knockroe. Kowbt, Zula C1. tield. Branch. ke A. J. Rocklea. Walker, J. K., Deshon St., Sth. Brisbane e, Rocklea. Walker, L. E., Mary Street. le it. F., Wickham Street, Valley. Walker, S. Herbert, Inns of Court, hki ,. H., Heidleberg Benaraby, North Adelaide Street. lC- t Line. Walker, W., Palm Avenue, Sandgate. h' r'. W., Queen's Park, Ipswich. Wallace, Wm., Wallacedale, Kergunyab. nel Dr. A. J., Wickham Terrace. Victoria. Waller, L. P., Parliament House. eI, F., Strathmuir, Rockhampton. Chas., Box 935, G. P. O., Brisbane. s"*;. H., C/o Union Bank of Australia Walls, F3 iane. Warlmsley, H. J., Chelmer. Walinsley, John, Arabella Station, Arabella her, H. D., Mackler & Co., Eliszaieth St. Siding, Western Line. nor, H. J., The Holmwood, Neurum. * "or, Jas. T., The Holmwood, Neurum. Walsh, A. D., Dalgety & Co., Elizabeth St. u Walsh, 3. A., Colonial Mutual Chambers, ed .e, J., Abbot Street, Ascot. Queen Street. me.,, M., Adelaide Street. Walsh, J..J., Inns of Court, Adelaide Street. h'i A. M.. Foley Bros., Roma Street. Walsh, Wm. J., Camboon Station, via t, Hi. A, Yandarlow, Augathella. Rockhampton. Alfred, G Retries Bi ht. Walh, Mrs. L., arl Street, Red II.lL (. L, Petrie Bight. Walsh, Rev, Father, Wooloowln.

'4 ', " - - . ' * /L L I ~ ~_ _ _ L 6~b"r,~.Jd.~P i~.CUlh..~l;.~ L1Fphni~l-~i -Lu ilu:z~ir~.l ~- YT In ~-L II~UILYY_-s~C4CIIICC AlNNUAL MMBRS--Continued. d, Walsh & Coy., Toowoomba Watson, W. 3.. Brisbane Street, Ipawic 1. R. H., Vulture Street, East Watt, E., Ballina, New South *ales. Watt, E. J., C/o Dalgety & Co., Ulisab th Brunswick Street, Valley. Street. runswlck Street, Valley. Watts, F., "Woolwich," Milton Road. Watts,heorge, Queen Street, Opp. Ko 'pl o, Adelaide Chambers, Wharf. Street. & Waugh, 291 . ., Northgate. Waugh, George, Osborne ., Thoomrath, Dalby, Queen Street. t., Gladstone. Weare, W., Atherton. .uckland Wearne, R. A., Central Tech. College, IP "Greenbank," Toorak Road. Brisbane. Weatherill, Capt. W. J., 82-88 Victor) B., C/o Mactaggart Bros., Chambers, Queen Street jLuulasuu DsrUUr. Weatherlake, G. F.. C/o Morehead's L d. C. H, "Milrose," Hobbs Street, Webb, C. W.. Stafford on Kedron. ___ Uchnfower. .0 Box 247 G.P.O. Webb, H. G., Wylie Street, Toowoomb . Webb, Mark, Stafford-on-Kedron. G W. Moses Ward & Sons, Queen Webb. R. ., Spencer Block, Queen ti eel Webb, W. P., C/o Pointon & Webb, ,J. W., IMoses Ward & Sons, Queen St. New stead. SQwald, Pheatre Royal Hotel, Webbe Dr. W. 8., Vulture Street, St uth i Elisabeth Street. Brisbane. ~* rCP.,Hde Pak, Yeronga. Webster, A. B., Mary Street. rT, Mount View, runalda. Webster, A. V., Yarralla, Maleny. dell, J. E., Q'land Primary Producers Webster, C., Queens Road, Hamilton. Co A ecy Ltd., benreet.ta SWin., MeatworksRebak Webster, David, Annerley Road, Sou b W w, U. H., St. Lucia Road, Toowong Brisbane. Webster, George L., Webster & Coy., I arj ~ ~W~rlw, ., Crows Nest. Street rneinde, M. H., Biggenden. Webster, J. M., Hereford Hill, Kilcoy ,rnook, A., C/o Smellie & Co., Ltd., Webster, John T., Bulimba St., Bulin ba. ZUiward Street, Webster, 8.. "Glenirie," Kilcoy. -~YaaRook, A. H., Employers' Liability Webster, T. J., "Willacora," via Cu .in Aesurance Corp., Parbury Houee, mulla. W0agle Street. Webster, W., Kilcoy. 3., Hillcrest, Nundah. Wecker, E. J., Tingoora. en, C. C., Whart Street. Welch, J., dunnybaJnk, S. C. Line. rwick Butter & Dairy Co., ~td., Mill Weller, Johann G., Esk. Hill (H. T. Burton). Wells, A. G.. Eagle Chambers, Eagl St Wsarwick Butter & Dairy Co., Ltd., 31111 Wells, Thos. H., 7'Nara," Wickham T2rr. Hill (3. Denham). Welistead, W. A., "Lookyer," New Snc gatI awik Butter & Dairy Co., Ltd., Mill Road, Clayield. Rill (D. 3. McCarthy). Welsh, F. C., City Buildings, Udwar. St ~' a rwlck Butter & Dairy Co., Ltd., Mill Wendrof, W A. C., McLennan Stre' Hill (C. J. McBshane). Wooloowin. l' warwiok Butter & Dairy Co., Ltd., Mill West, Bert., Zlllman Road, Hendra. Hill (. J. lear). West, W. 8. T., Brittain Street, Oxit ~ Wartwick Butter & Dairy Co., Ltd., Mill Westacott, R., Hamson Terrace, Nu iah. Hill ,(A. G. Tilley). Westaway, U. J., Rooklea. ~Wrwick Butter & Dairy Co., Ltd., Mill Westcott, L. A "Eufala," Wellignto Pt - Hill (3. T. Tod). Westphal W.i., WeutphalA Clare 'it Warwick Butter & Dairy Co., Ltd., Allora, Street, Sydney. (A. C. Liekis). Wethered, R., C/o Brabant & Co., C ar- as, 3, W., Chester Street, Tenerifre. lotte Street. ~ts A. T., Lanefield. Wetsel, P., City Baths, Spring Hill. storm, Mrs. Jessie, Stanley Terrace, Wymou ,T. G., Violet Avenue, Ye 's

Too ,0onlI Ulin .a.

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her Jots ill. u *Wl W!l >ni iR 1 Mi~rlg iMM I HHME n ikll*. t?:.. ^ ;^- ."<*. -'*;?. . T 'y''511 "a~"i~ |h~t,f~ f. oia. " I I,;'0(;'~'i~r;',f'Be~~I?~ ., "TGurlhana" Gisborne, Yet nd. t,; o n, "Woodbine," Greenvlew, I, Barlow Street. Clayleld. Hills,Hill - Wlliams, jonn, nariow &rrusb, iiu=. hit.hit. Norman, Daily Mail Office, Queen Williams, John,I, Spring Creek, No. 2, SB'reetB're Taroom. bit, R. Crows Nest. Williams, J. N.,'., Bank of Australasia,Autalasia, hi, W. D.. "The Firs," Laidley. Queen Street.iet. hitc. W. M., "The Willows," Laidley. Williams, J. Herbert,:erbert, C/o AgenciesAgenclea Ltd., hitchtc. W. T. P., "Oakden," O'Connell 406 Queen Street. Terrace,Tenl Bowen Hills. Williams, Lloydd "W.,W., Charlotte ft& Market hiteford,htpford, James, 18 Somerset Street.Street, Streets,Streets. Viley.Villey.V.i I Williams.Williams, M., CairnstBairns Station, Charlevllte.Charlevlt.Charleville. fl; --. hitehill,hitehlll,hitehl A. F..F., Ridley St..St., Auchenflower. Williams, P. G.,}., C/o Dalgety &t& Coy., *'"'- hitehouse,hItehouse, B. B., 185 George Street..Street. . ElizatbethElizabeth Street.treet. hehouseLiteh'ouse, C. C., C/o Burns PhllpPhilp & Cy.,Coy., Williams, R. A., , Spring Creek No. 2.2, :7<^'i L.,Ltd.,La. Mary Street. 'Taroom.' Taroom. :r hitlhil:ck,litr.O~ ock, E.L, L., C/o The Aeolian Co. Williams, R.. James,Tames, "Llorac,""I-lorac," LiverpoolLverpool I (S;ust.), *ust.)**U Ply., Ltd., Queen StretStreet. Road, Clayfleld.fleld. _,, - ^ hit.hIt.nan, nan, H. A., C/o O'Reilly's Bond,Bond. Williams, A. S., c/o Sidney Williams & Co., 11r irgaret Street. RockhamRockhampton. pto:on. n. v hitinan,htn'an, Wm., Taringa. Will~im,Williams, T. E.,., Kennedy Terrace; . hithit' t,y, J., Coombing Park,P a r k Carcoar.C a r c o a r PadWilldingtO.1 0 Plinby, via Crow's NetNt. ; itltyNwN ^a^ V8 South'Com Wales.^^" g , . WilliamsWinllam's "^V. 0.,,., Plalnby,Planby, via Crow's Nest.Net. via Taroom.Taroom.' ' ':, hitlker,hlltehIti ^. TJ. H.,.Vlctoria Victoria Park.Park, Slouth-South- Williams, W. C.C.,:., Roeburne, via Taroom -:: h40ok. l,;,)ok Williams, W. J..J.,r., Monal, via.via Many Peats.Peas. .^.d hitthl1, ker,;iker,. ) T., Box 25, G. P. O.,., Pittsworth. Wlllamson,Williamson, John,ihn, Lochinvar, CarlsbroolECarlsbook,Carisbfook, .,-<- Id(ld( .iy;hay Co-op. Dairy Co. (J. A. Hunter). Victoria.-Victoria. ' Ideidc Hayiay Co-op. Dairy Co. (W. J.J. Bell). Wllls,Willis, A. J., GympleGympiempe Road, Cbermside.Chermside.Cbermslde. '' ienhiei *lt,olt, Arnold.Arnold, C/o Dalgety & Coy..Coy., Wlllls,Willis, E. R.,'R., Ingaby,ngaby, via Surat.Surat,Surat ; Lrl., ElisbethElizabeth Street. Wills,Willis, F. E., Kingaroy. -*y' leniolt.ItIoltlelol J.J. D).,D., "The Cottage," Ipswich Wlllman,Willman, NN. P., Nundah.Nunda. '.),- R~ad,Rad, South Brisbane. Wilson, A..A., Highrh Street.Street,-Street; Lutwyce.Lutwyche. - ifrs,ig. s, T. E., Botanical Gardens. Wilson.Wilson, Alex. B.,I., Architect.Architect, City Buildlng,Buildings, -^-fr IgWIfnan. nan Andrew H., "Ashgrove," Gore, EldwardEdward Street.reet. :; Coutts,tts, "Tyree," Miskin BSt,St/, S \V.\V Line. Wilson, A. Coutts, Miskin St/, ^^C llb]:iham,llI iham, P.F. W.W., Undulla, Woodhlll.WoodhllL Toowong. ~ ;t ildild, .muth,muth,n D., NjudgeeNudgee Road, Hendra. Wilson, B. G., "Bremer View," RosewoodRosewood.RosewaooA *. ildelld("muth, "muth, W., Nudgee Road, Hendra. Wilson, E. H..H., Brisbane Street, Ipswich.Ipswch. .f?,.f: lldilIn,lltn an, A D..D., C/o WlldmanWildman Bros., Wilson, F. A., AdelaideLdelaide Street. "; i1 illey. Wilson, G. H. Newman.Mewman. C/o Union AssUr-,ABsUr-,Assur-_ ' ildilli an,n, A. W., C/o Wlldman Bros., ance Society,ty, Ltd., Preston House..,.'House. ,. V Iley.lly. Wilson,lon, Grahamn G.,., Mfnmore,Minmore, .Kingaroy..Kingaro. '":- liki liiW.. W. R., Dornoch Terrace & Wilson, Jamas,James, Milton Road, Coorparoo. :; PPi,u undaryundary StreetStreet, West Elnd.End. Wilson, James, 103-106108-105 ElizsabethElizabeth Street Ilk,ik,ik, ison,isu Audrey, Oakdale Vineyards, Wilson, J. D., "Ebuta.""Ebuta," RuasellRussell 8treet.Street.Street, .:; I 'kolbn,ikolbin,Ill N.S.W. fioutbSouth Brisne.Brisbane.lane. ilkillkll ion,ison,is J.J. A., "Kalnama.""Kainama," Kogan, Wilson, John P.,P., Petrle'sPetrie's Bight. n'arr.iarra. Wion.Wilson, J. H..H., C/o New Zealand Loan f&ft ilknson,k'ion. J. JSt.Nambour.J., Nambour. M. A. Coy, Ltd., Eagle StreetStreet. -*' ilkilk!l ion,ison,is J. R., Dowse St., Paddington. Wilson, J. L.,L.. C/o WlaonWllsonWilson &t& McDouall, filkilk ison,Isison, J.,.T, WtckhamWickham Street, Valley. Calliope Station,,tlon Calliope. Ilkilli~isllison. ison, P..P., "Waratah" Wine Stores.Stores, Wilson, R..R., Department of Agriculture A*& **, .VlleyVilley Corner. Stock, Brisbane.partment of Agriulture Ilk!nson,Ilkiion, R. J., Dowse St..St., Paddington. Wilson.Wilson, R. M., London Bank Chambers. lll<'M< 't\\>ks.'ks, *.R. J.. "Strathnelln,"Strathfinella, Longreach Creek ll It. C., Baffle 1"Ilking It, C., Baffle Creek. N.C.L. Wilson, T., Geoffreyeofreyiffry Street, New Fam.Farm. 11':11'.t, t, G. T..T., Baffle Creek,rek, via Rosedale, Wilson, Wylle,Wylie, Centra).Central.Central Q'ld. Racing Ass..AIM.,Assn.. **11. S'lrthrthI>'t, Coast Line. RockhamptonRockhampton.ton. '*L "1'ill' it,t, S.S J.,J., 464454 Edwa'rd Street. Wiltshie.Wiltshire. F., Municipal Markets, Roma-Romas - "11ll trn, n, Albert, Spring Cr~eek,Creek, No. 2, Street. ** ;? 'rom' room. Winks.Winks, R. W., Department oiof Agriculture 1 ,;;.j: ii"1'111 ims. ims,, Albert, Mountain View.View, Taroom. A& Stock.Stock, Williamliriiam Street.Btret. *. illa:ms,1: rms. Alfred, GreorsGregors Creek.Creek, TimbuTimbun. Windsor,Lnindorr. Dr. H.1. J.,., PrestonPreson HousHouse,ouse, r, QueeQU««Queen ~_*~.*yR ll 'ma,*l l A.m, I., C/o Qld.BQd. Preserves Ltd., Streettee . 1 'lturellture Street, West End. Wtnnett,Winnett, W. G.,, KIngston,Kingston.Kingston, 8.. C. Line.Uine. VIllI:" I'mr"",8ms, Albert. Ballandean. Winston, B., Brownirown Street, New Farm."' 'ms.'allms A. S..S. Lawnbank, Tarooro.Taroom. Wtnten.Wlnten, D. A., Angellala Downs, Morvn.Moervn.Morvag. . ill11 *ms, tms. C. F.,F. North Creek, via Ballina, Winten, H. J.J., Rosalie Plains,Plains. Oakey. ....iihmond' ichmond Rkiver,River, N.S.W. Winten, LB.L. B. A., "Cairndowlan.""Cairndowa8n."Cairndowan." " U~nionu~nloaUnion ill? ms. ..., BenrLn. Benarkin. Street Clayfield.lylW ilI mns, F. L.,"",niB BrryStretBerry F L.Street, oKChrloteoff Charlotte Winten.,Winten, d., "Cairndowan,""Clrtndowoan"'alrndon" Union a~Tr-atr-tItrut ^ tret, Roall COlayield. 11 r 'I

^reet~~ ~ ~ il-e.Cayrd.. . ~~ " - I;ir:

: * , . ' ' , *' * ^ * .- - ' .* :.,~~~~~~~' t * .,; ,. .,..' ?, ^.-**'*'^ ^ ^iin'' - -d;*. '*. < ^ '. " . '-1w . &-* iI> J' . .*" ' , '.' L 4?"...- ^ ?-- . ci*,'* ? 'i"; .s:i .; . r ~'1 ~ (j,

-. ' N U^^ TUA MB3MB-BR-ontinuld. Road, Coori arn C/o Winchcombe Carson, Ltd. Wotton, F. P., Whites Winter, C., Wrench, H., Onslow Street, Doombe i Winterbottam, D., Carton Club Hotel, Wright, A. C., "Kelsoo" Milton Rd. Queen Street. roowong. Wlnttrflood, W. J., C/o Birch & Carroll, Queen Street. Wright, C. W., Waverley Station, Strand Buildings, via St. Lawrence. Winters, S. R., Brassall, via Ipswich. Wtipell, C. R., Loch Leigh, Queens Road, Wright, D. T., Cameron Street, Nur a Hamilton. Wright, H. J., C/o Water & Sew ral Wise, C. E., Municipal Markets. Roma St. Board, Albert Street. Wise, H., KilOy. a W t Wi Wright, J. H., Box 17, Post Office, Iell , liaim, Lcv., vuw y , . Wright, Maurice J., Butler Bros. iA Withecombe, W., Dickson Street, Ltd., Charlotte Street. Wooloowin. Wright, P. A., Wallamumbi, Armi al Wood, Dr. F. G. Butler, Brisbane Perman- N;S.W. ent Bldgs., Adelaide Street. Wright, W. L. F., Plumridge St., C iel A, Wood, C., Kedron. Wyer, W., Junr., Vernon St., Nun, h. Wood, Francis, Falrvlew, Warra. Wylie, Allan C., Adelaide Street. SWood Harold A., Hooker Chapman & Coy., Wylie, J. D., Felix Street, Wooloo vli : 9Ulizabeth Street. Wyllie, Andrew, Strathpine. Wood, H. S., "Muroombah." Hawthorne. Wyllie, Hugh C., Liverpool St., Cl iy: ^" Wood, J. S., New Zealand Chambers, J. R., Albion. Queen Street. Wyllie, Wyper, J., Dunmore Terrace, Auche ifl **\ Wood, J. W., "Jesmond," Clayfield. Yates, H. W. R., C/o S. Smith & on Wood, R. P., Australian Sheep Dip Coy., Yalumba Vineyards. Angastol I Charlotte Street. Moray Street, Australia. Woodbine, F. W., "Malbon," Yates, J. W. Junr., Sydney Strec, New Farm. Farm. Woodcock, W., Red Hill. Yeowart, J., A. M. P. Chambers, .:d Woodcraft, H. C., Chelmer. Street. Ltd., Adelaide Woodhead, C. W., C/o Bryce Yore, M. F., "Ardo," Logan Village. ', Street. Young, Alan H., "Riverview," N,'in Woodhouse, H. C., Grosvenor Street, Park. Teronga. C. V., K. Wire Fencing Ci Woodhouse, M. S., C/o Aust. Stock Young, Breeders' Co., Mary Street. Sherwood. - Woodleigh Cheese Factory (Tho. Dare). Young, F., K. Wire Fencing ( ,y Sherwood. Narko. Buildii s * Woodroffe, A. J., 147 Lambert Street, Young, George, Campbells . Kangaroo Point. Creek Street. G. W., Box 962, G. P. O., B is 1 Woodroffe, F. W., H. M. Customs, Queen St. Young. M. I., 89 Harcourt Street, Woodrow, H. L., Monsildale, via Linville. Young,Farm. Rev. ; Woodward, Archibald, Woodward & Biggs El nt I I- Roma Street. Young, R. W. P., Dunmore, Robt. D., William Street, ,r Woodward, E. C., Adelaide Street. Young,Terrace. Wool, A. E., Markets, Roma Street. Young, W., C/o National Mutual LI r Wooloock, A. R., C/o Dalgety & Coy., Association, Queen Street. 6 * S Roekhampton. W. J., James Street, Valle Woosleyo J. R., Station Street, Manly. Young, !. Worthington, S. H., C/o Miss K. Illidge. Youngman, A., Taabinga, Kingart.. \ Markwell St., Toowong,. Toungnicol. Miss L., Clayfleld.

~li ~______I ___ ... .. r ^I -: ______~ *

Agricultural and Industrial RoyalKOya iNational 101 Association of Queensland


No better advertisement of our State's possibilities is ever submitted great '. than that of our Annual Exhibition. We can only advertise our State as it deserves, if you help us.

We ask you to retain your membership and to endeavour to induce your friends to become members.

If you will help us with donations to increase the value of our Prizes, or give a Special Prize, your help will be esteemed. Every membership fee you spend in this way will benefit Queens- land.

On behalf of the Royal National Agricultural Association (which in this g| iI; ll 1yi'lt*nl~i 1 i. L•LIA1ILlCnt'kOl'l q eL II I Ill~. grOLT'illlnr ,1.3I__alL, ' .J| Trio ,! l AlinnUcm.-innUci lUcauoPUanL 'CUwnoialrru/Quenoland) thenI Council thank you in anticipation.

rI *-a KL * . .AA , I F ,"~,.~ ~ A';'

______L______i______I IIUIU.IIUUUIE.E.IUIU.U5.1E.E3..WU...EU.UUU.3UUWUWW.W.

uen~sand Royal National Show 1923.

Starts MONDAY, 6th AUGUST. Finishes SATURDAY, 1 Ith AUGUST.

Write for SCUEDULE, nnd sp~eify se$ption you wishi to exhibit inl, viz: Hbrse, Cattle. Sheep. Swine, Dog,' Pgultry, Farm and Dairy Prudue, etc., Qr Schedules this year may be sub. divided. J. IIAN, Stcretry.

See Ouerleef.

Wholly sret up audl pritBct by Jotu ills, himelf, (Tirllotto t., Firibane. 4*