1918 Annual Report
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.,. ----. .-- - 0 l i- 1918 ~i -~,I' -~, I' I;1NATIONAL Agicultural and Inuustriai Associa- t -~: ----- tion of Queensland. Specially Authoriseci Society. REPORT of the COUNCIL 2': MEMBERS' ROLL, PRIZE -"? DONORS and AUDITED It r STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS, C'.,i For te Year. 1918. On Tuesday, 4thi February, 1919. I; ' OFFICES: 3rd Floor, Courier Building, d j (Queen Street, Brisbane. : q TELEPHONE 580)0. SHOW GROUNS: Bowen Park. [ FELEHONE No. 169.[ I .. I------. K O)NE of the LAGEST HERS in UST~ALIA. 1i 4. Secod at Eng~lish Royal Show. Champion Sydney aad Toowoomba Shows, 1918). Crsbrook Stud EREFORD Catle STUD and ERD BULLS, foR SAL. Apply to E. C. MCCONNEL, rasshook T O OGOLA W A l QUEENSLAND. Agricultural and Idustrial Nationl Asscitirmof Queenslad Patrons : His Excellency the Rt. Hon. Sir RONALD M UN RO-FE RGUSON, P. ., Gox c no i Gonei a nut1I Commllande ii-( 'hif of the ( oIIIuIUIIWCUltII of Aiiu~tali. Hlis Excellency Sir HAMILTON J. GOOLD- AD AMS, .( .. G., C.B., Govenior of Q~uiliand. President : '~IARIES E. MI)OUALL, Esq. C0UNCIL, 198 Vice-Presidents A. W. CAMZERON Esq. I. BROOKES Esq. Chairman Hon. Treasurer : ,J. MACDONALD Esq. P. FRANKEL Esq. Committee W. J. AFFliLECK, E~q. J. IR~ON, Esq. E. AYNES, Esq. A. 'T. NOYES, Esq. E:. T. BELL, Esq. C. Rt. PI('KWORTI, Esq. W. CHlARLES, Es. JhN\ REI), Esq. J. A. hJAYE, 'Eq. P'. J. MYM\IE, Esq. Trustees sir A. S. COWLEY, Kt. R. GAlLE, Esq. Hon. Veterinary Surgeon: J. WASINTON IRVIN, Eslq., M..C.V.S.L Hon. Soliitor. : Messrs. OISBONE & WA UGH. Secretary. J. BAiN. 43rd Annual Report OF THE COUNCIL. OF THE N ational Agricultural and Industrial Association of Queensland For the Year, 1918. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, OUR Council in sulbmnitting their 43rd Annual Report and Financial Statement have pleasure in drawing attention to tlhe success which has attended tlie year's efforts. The gratification with which we are able to submit this record of success is doubly enhanced by tihe knowledge that the Allied.Arms have gained a great and glorious victory over the foes with whom they have been contending for the past 4 years. We are proud to know that throughout that long period the very flower of our Australian manhood has borne a share in the fighting which will ever redound to the glory of Australia and the greater glory of her noble sons who participated. GENERAL REVIEW. The 43rd Annual Show excelled in every sense our most sanguine expectations. Never in the history of the State have Stud Beef Cattle appeared in such numbers and quality as on this year, and the sales constitute a record which it will be hard to excel on any future occasion. The competitors were re- presentative of the best herds in New Zealand, Tasmania, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and our own State, and the expert breeders who were present admitted that they were as astonished as they were pleased with the numbers and the quality of the animals exhibited. There was not one department of the whole Show which was not an improvement in respect to number of entries, upon those of the previous year, the demand for space, particularly in the Live Stock sections, being such that we were compelled to expend large sums in the construction of the additional ac- commnodation required. Quite a number of applications for space inside the Annexes had to be refused as were also ap- plications for space from Machinery Merchants, who wished to exhibit on the IIill. On the latter site not one available inch but was made use of, the whole area presenting throughout the week one of the busiest scenes imaginable. FINANCIAL STATEMENT. The financial position (as detailed on other pages) is em- inently satisfactory. Starting the year with a debit balance of £6,163/1/11, we have, apart from an expenditure of £2,707/0/10 made on Permanent Improvements and Furniture, reduced the liability by £789/13/2, thus showing an actual profit of £3,496/14/1 on the years transactions. The expendi- ture of £120 paid for Legal Expenses this year, but which is properly a charge against the 1919 accounts, makes the gross profit £120 better than shown. The revenue shows an increase of £2,519/6/4, as compared with that of 1917, the notable increases being Commission on. Sales, £496/12/3 as compared with £292, Entry Fees £1,359/9/9 as compared with £1,195, Gates, Grand Stands etc., £7,208/11/4 as compared with £6,626/7/9. The increase in Membership Fees is particularly pleasing, this year's figures being £2,548/1/6 as compared with £2,083/4/0. On the debit side, the principle expenditures showing increases as compared with the previous year, are Interest A/c £333/3/6 as compared with £100 on the previous year, Mainten- ance of Grounds and Buildings £471/5/3 as compared with £220, Prize Money £4,661/3/7 as compared with £4,291/14/1, Salaries £1,750/10/11, as compared with £1,360/6/1, Wages pre- paring grounds and cleaning up after Show £1,386/7/0 as com- pared with £1,260/12/0. The increase in salaries and wages is due to altered Wage Awards and to increases granted to members of the staff. It is interesting to note the steady improvement which has attended the Exhibition Sales since 1910, on which year the Commissions only amounted to £50, on the following year they increased to £73, then £83 followed by £100 in 1913, £104 in 1914, £152 in 1916, £292 in 1917 and this year £496/12/3. THIE OPENING CEREMONY. The Official Opening ceremony was performed by His Excellency Sir H~amilton J. Goold Adlams, at noon on Wednes- day, 14th August, the scene of the ceremony being again on the old position in front of the Grand Stand. his Excellency arrived on the grounds at noon, where he was ret b~y thle President (Mr. U. E. Mcl~ougall), the Chairman (M . John Macdonal) and other officers of thle Association. Amongst those present were Archbishos onaldson and Duhig, the Federal Miister for Railways and Works(Mr. L. E. Groom, the I-Ions. T. .. Ryvan, E. G. Thoore, John Ilunxham, and Win. Lennon,(tate Premier, Tresure , h~oe Secretary, and Minister for Agriculture rcs~ectively,)t he Chlif Justice(Sir Pope A. Cooper), ~r.Jstice Luin, rJlj1 Leader of the Opposi- tion (Mr. E. II. Maertney), Mr. S. lordler, l'1rsi1ent of the R. A. Society, Sydey ; M . W. T. ( 'aell, .I)eep~atlr ; ad a large nlumb er of olber1 visitor~s from townls in ueenlsland and from the o~tern States. The P'resident briefly wel coinled his Excel leey and called upon the Secretary, Mlr. J. Bain, to read thle following~ acdress: Your Lxcellency, n1 berhlf of thle Mecrbers of ther Nationl Agicultur~al and Industrial Asocition of Queensland, we hanve pleasure in againi on eying to our Ecel lencv anld to Lad~I O'Uoob I-K lamls our hn rtist wetlcOnie, am I~ wiSh to e~lpress 0Ot*11 I)reciation of thle hioour wuich ou havie conlfrred by 01 cing our 3r. Anual Exiitioi. \Ve are idcasedl to be aidle to subiit for ?'our inslection oiie of thle getest, if niot theR vey grealtst e'XhiitionL of tUd a'ttle everl assebled~ onl an1 Autralsian1 Show (Aoundl~. So greC~t has been the deinanI1( 111)011 owr hOusngl ncoUiiiioda11~1tionI that ani expeni liture or 0\CV(1 l,0O(I huis at the Ilst uuiuiuuuuit b~eui authoried to palrtly meeUt thet O(ccasio. Thel~ l)ro1lIII1 of fuing~il sffiient grouull onl wich to e~ect our eve' icresinig Sow b~ilings is of grecater aIcutenessn thiu the general':1 p~ublic are a~wareC E\'el snlec Y'our ExSCellnC3'y firsHt v'isit you1 canno11t b)ut haIve remalrked thle etenit of our expa uusnio iii thisH dliretion. The Liv'e tockresernove wich ufortunatelyy isi dlivided fouu the maini gronuols b)y (Areoryr 'errace Roatl, nuuIi which was then oly a baUre paddlok, owz coltiuusl exteniver acconuulodatti i for Hlorss~, Sheep, Swie, l)ogsI nid( P'oultr.Y. It also ac~COun- moatesl the Anstral flall a b~uilding with 2',U(i sq. ft. of floor sp~a, rected since thle (late of oulr lat exhlibitionl, at a cot of early £3l,(IOJ. Altogther the ilrovlncnts inl this setion of our rounds~l alon , huve cot over £,000 'lis is (uite apaurt frouuu thle exteii' additiols which we la'u ade to the acoin~uiodaininl the Datiry Cattle Sectio, the sjulenu~liul Ceese, butter nd b~aconl 'aviliol, the new Diing 1oonuasid the many other minor but neeary impyroveents. We sbmit these particulars inl suplort of our argument, that if the Association is to be allowedl to expanni its ever in- creaing uefuless andi to he of continued edlucational worth to our State, andi to remain that great commercial asset which annally beiefts risbanle to the extent of many thousands of jioundsl-sss tantnce to find addtitional rooml must receive sympa. thectic eonsirantioii. Our esplusion should be encouraged not bloced for reaons that are not rtional-only sentimental. Amlong~t the ma nvI1 imlprox~leieHnt adedl to the grounds this v'ear, you w\ill ote ai pa~ilioii ercted by the Stock Breedler's Asso'iaili whlich ill l)C ulsed~ f'or thle mleetinlgs of Stud Stock Socities il a1s a Lctulre Rooml.