.,. ----. .-- - 0 l i- 1918 ~i -~,I' -~, I'

I;1NATIONAL Agicultural and Inuustriai Associa- t -~: ----- tion of . Specially Authoriseci Society. REPORT of the COUNCIL 2': MEMBERS' ROLL, PRIZE

-"? DONORS and AUDITED It r STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS, C'.,i For te Year. 1918.

On Tuesday, 4thi February, 1919.

I; ' OFFICES: 3rd Floor, Courier Building, d j (Queen Street, . : q TELEPHONE 580)0. SHOW GROUNS: Bowen Park. [ FELEHONE No. 169.[

I .. I------. K O)NE of the LAGEST HERS in UST~ALIA.

1i 4.

Secod at Eng~lish Royal Show. Champion Sydney aad Shows, 1918). Crsbrook Stud EREFORD Catle STUD and ERD BULLS, foR SAL. Apply to E. C. MCCONNEL, rasshook T O OGOLA W A l QUEENSLAND. Agricultural and Idustrial Nationl Asscitirmof Queenslad

Patrons : His Excellency the Rt. Hon. Sir RONALD M UN RO-FE RGUSON, P. ., Gox c no i Gonei a nut1I Commllande ii-( 'hif of the ( oIIIuIUIIWCUltII of Aiiu~tali. Hlis Excellency Sir HAMILTON J. GOOLD- AD AMS, .( .. G., C.B., Govenior of Q~uiliand.

President : '~IARIES E. MI)OUALL, Esq. C0UNCIL, 198 Vice-Presidents A. W. CAMZERON Esq. I. BROOKES Esq. Chairman Hon. Treasurer : ,J. MACDONALD Esq. P. FRANKEL Esq.

Committee W. J. AFFliLECK, E~q. J. IR~ON, Esq. E. AYNES, Esq. A. 'T. NOYES, Esq. E:. T. BELL, Esq. C. Rt. PI('KWORTI, Esq. W. . CHlARLES, Es. JhN\ REI), Esq. J. A. hJAYE, 'Eq. P'. J. MYM\IE, Esq. Trustees sir A. S. COWLEY, Kt. R. GAlLE, Esq. Hon. Veterinary Surgeon: J. WASINTON IRVIN, Eslq., M..C.V.S.L Hon. Soliitor. : Messrs. OISBONE & WA UGH. Secretary. J. BAiN. 43rd Annual Report

OF THE COUNCIL. OF THE N ational Agricultural and Industrial Association of Queensland For the Year, 1918.


OUR Council in sulbmnitting their 43rd Annual Report and Financial Statement have pleasure in drawing attention to tlhe success which has attended tlie year's efforts. The gratification with which we are able to submit this record of success is doubly enhanced by tihe knowledge that the Allied.Arms have gained a great and glorious victory over the foes with whom they have been contending for the past 4 years. We are proud to know that throughout that long period the very flower of our Australian manhood has borne a share in the fighting which will ever redound to the glory of Australia and the greater glory of her noble sons who participated.

GENERAL REVIEW. The 43rd Annual Show excelled in every sense our most sanguine expectations. Never in the history of the State have Stud Beef Cattle appeared in such numbers and quality as on this year, and the sales constitute a record which it will be hard to excel on any future occasion. The competitors were re- presentative of the best herds in New Zealand, Tasmania, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and our own State, and the expert breeders who were present admitted that they were as astonished as they were pleased with the numbers and the quality of the animals exhibited. There was not one department of the whole Show which was not an improvement in respect to number of entries, upon those of the previous year, the demand for space, particularly in the Live Stock sections, being such that we were compelled to expend large sums in the construction of the additional ac- commnodation required. Quite a number of applications for space inside the Annexes had to be refused as were also ap- plications for space from Machinery Merchants, who wished to exhibit on the IIill. On the latter site not one available inch but was made use of, the whole area presenting throughout the week one of the busiest scenes imaginable.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT. The financial position (as detailed on other pages) is em- inently satisfactory. Starting the year with a debit balance of £6,163/1/11, we have, apart from an expenditure of £2,707/0/10 made on Permanent Improvements and Furniture, reduced the liability by £789/13/2, thus showing an actual profit of £3,496/14/1 on the years transactions. The expendi- ture of £120 paid for Legal Expenses this year, but which is properly a charge against the 1919 accounts, makes the gross profit £120 better than shown. The revenue shows an increase of £2,519/6/4, as compared with that of 1917, the notable increases being Commission on. Sales, £496/12/3 as compared with £292, Entry Fees £1,359/9/9 as compared with £1,195, Gates, Grand Stands etc., £7,208/11/4 as compared with £6,626/7/9. The increase in Membership Fees is particularly pleasing, this year's figures being £2,548/1/6 as compared with £2,083/4/0. On the debit side, the principle expenditures showing increases as compared with the previous year, are Interest A/c £333/3/6 as compared with £100 on the previous year, Mainten- ance of Grounds and Buildings £471/5/3 as compared with £220, Prize Money £4,661/3/7 as compared with £4,291/14/1, Salaries £1,750/10/11, as compared with £1,360/6/1, Wages pre- paring grounds and cleaning up after Show £1,386/7/0 as com- pared with £1,260/12/0. The increase in salaries and wages is due to altered Wage Awards and to increases granted to members of the staff. It is interesting to note the steady improvement which has attended the Exhibition Sales since 1910, on which year the Commissions only amounted to £50, on the following year they increased to £73, then £83 followed by £100 in 1913, £104 in 1914, £152 in 1916, £292 in 1917 and this year £496/12/3. THIE OPENING CEREMONY. The Official Opening ceremony was performed by His Excellency Sir H~amilton J. Goold Adlams, at noon on Wednes- day, 14th August, the scene of the ceremony being again on the old position in front of the Grand Stand. his Excellency arrived on the grounds at noon, where he was ret b~y thle President (Mr. U. E. Mcl~ougall), the Chairman (M . John Macdonal) and other officers of thle Association. Amongst those present were Archbishos onaldson and Duhig, the Federal Miister for Railways and Works(Mr. L. E. Groom, the I-Ions. T. .. Ryvan, E. G. Thoore, John Ilunxham, and Win. Lennon,(tate Premier, Tresure , h~oe Secretary, and Minister for Agriculture rcs~ectively,)t he Chlif Justice(Sir Pope A. Cooper), ~r.Jstice Luin, rJlj1 Leader of the Opposi- tion (Mr. E. II. Maertney), Mr. S. lordler, l'1rsi1ent of the R. A. Society, Sydey ; M . W. T. ( 'aell, .I)eep~atlr ; ad a large nlumb er of olber1 visitor~s from townls in ueenlsland and from the o~tern States. The P'resident briefly wel coinled his Excel leey and called upon the Secretary, Mlr. J. Bain, to read thle following~ acdress:

Your Lxcellency, n1 berhlf of thle Mecrbers of ther Nationl Agicultur~al and Industrial Asocition of Queensland, we hanve pleasure in againi on eying to our Ecel lencv anld to Lad~I O'Uoob I-K lamls our hn rtist wetlcOnie, am I~ wiSh to e~lpress 0Ot*11 I)reciation of thle hioour wuich ou havie conlfrred by 01 cing our 3r. Anual Exiitioi. \Ve are idcasedl to be aidle to subiit for ?'our inslection oiie of thle getest, if niot theR vey grealtst e'XhiitionL of tUd a'ttle everl assebled~ onl an1 Autralsian1 Show (Aoundl~. So greC~t has been the deinanI1( 111)011 owr hOusngl ncoUiiiioda11~1tionI that ani expeni liture or 0\CV(1 l,0O(I huis at the Ilst uuiuiuuuuit b~eui authoried to palrtly meeUt thet O(ccasio. Thel~ l)ro1lIII1 of fuing~il sffiient grouull onl wich to e~ect our eve' icresinig Sow b~ilings is of grecater aIcutenessn thiu the general':1 p~ublic are a~wareC E\'el snlec Y'our ExSCellnC3'y firsHt v'isit you1 canno11t b)ut haIve remalrked thle etenit of our expa uusnio iii thisH dliretion. The Liv'e tockresernove wich ufortunatelyy isi dlivided fouu the maini gronuols b)y (Areoryr 'errace Roatl, nuuIi which was then oly a baUre paddlok, owz coltiuusl exteniver acconuulodatti i for Hlorss~, Sheep, Swie, l)ogsI nid( P'oultr.Y. It also ac~COun- moatesl the Anstral flall a b~uilding with 2',U(i sq. ft. of floor sp~a, rected since thle (late of oulr lat exhlibitionl, at a cot of early £3l,(IOJ. Altogther the ilrovlncnts inl this setion of our rounds~l alon , huve cot over £,000 'lis is (uite apaurt frouuu thle exteii' additiols which we la'u ade to the acoin~uiodaininl the Datiry Cattle Sectio, the sjulenu~liul Ceese, butter nd b~aconl 'aviliol, the new Diing 1oonuasid the many other minor but neeary impyroveents. We sbmit these particulars inl suplort of our argument, that if the Association is to be allowedl to expanni its ever in- creaing uefuless andi to he of continued edlucational worth to our State, andi to remain that great commercial asset which annally beiefts risbanle to the extent of many thousands of jioundsl-sss tantnce to find addtitional rooml must receive sympa. thectic eonsirantioii. Our esplusion should be encouraged not bloced for reaons that are not rtional-only sentimental. Amlong~t the ma nvI1 imlprox~leieHnt adedl to the grounds this v'ear, you w\ill ote ai pa~ilioii ercted by the Stock Breedler's Asso'iaili whlich ill l)C ulsed~ f'or thle mleetinlgs of Stud Stock Socities il a1s a Lctulre Rooml. The basemen~t of tis building hasi lwecn ciiu vrtel into a liing oom wici h ill he uch ajl"'jirectci I by isiting~ nieliers~ nll othes. Thle largeo icrese inl thle etries as copared with previous years us ot 'ol liii ccl to Live( tOk. TheJ1 ( ove.(rnullet Farms11 I)islav asn ulsual is fullI of thant ece~lnce wiliic Ii has of late yeanis ('ha~ ractrise I tIi is exh iit. ( onsi c riiug the seere ~inter ndl tile sharp11 spe'll oI drought w\hich w\e have1 exlleriencll dlur- iig~ tle Ilast few\ lioItls, the nrunlier aiil quality of the farm ailil Ia i ~vclibits ca(11 lv 1~ic lasse I a a lrellous. The same reil:l rk s a 1'lplv to the' I)ist nt a Il One Maii~ Pa11~:nii display, which cl those of:1all preious yea irs. In1 the I )airy sectio ii the dlisplay Wil:t icula fly of helccse. is one~ of tIle iiiost st ikiig~ eveOr staged ill ol r t~te. iu fewe.tr thanLI 4t16B aHIles aCic submitted for con- pe'tit io, wh~lilst iii thle trojliies it is eLstimal:tedc that over 1,000 a ic onl vie. The1( ish Foi Is fronil thle (IueeusIla ll Coast which tis yen r toi thie lus~t tlle, are ihisplael solely by thle Govern- meldii F'isheie's 1)eJ rtiiienlt are deserving~ of silecil inlspetion. 1 t w\ill be( a1 revelat 1111 to many113 of on 1r residiitsaIid1 isitors to leairn whi~t a( wc:ltli l~t foodl Ian11 be ol~tanll foill our own~ coaut linec. All iilsl)cctilil of ther exhlibits woul lie ilconllte if the )istric~t irit l)islavs~ nd1 the Apicltre CIourt were oliitted, tog~thelr ithl the~ exhli~its iil the( Live Stock Reerve wrhich inidcle Stud II ors, Sheep, Swin, P'oulty, P'igoiis and Dogs. lIi tis sctioni also thec (ialtton A~riculturall Clollegie Modlel P'oultry ~':~ls ~illh~e fondi (If re~t attraction to b~reders.

We' cn not close without IllakingC Ileitioi of thle wonderful dlislay wich this yeai is miade Ily tie hNamblour Rlrn Shool. The1( elucatioal v'alue of sui~i schoolsH as tis is eiosutrate tol a degre, nl l'II)'OIpels on to ad 1111ic aii edIucatioil s~ystmI wh hichi peurits thle cliil lieni to bec tin inc I inl thle (iiretiOl 0 loqun'tly denionltrated by, the exhib~its onl viw.

His Excellency w~o wass wlcone d withi apla use, inl reply. jug clledc for thrlee che 1rs for thle brve men'1 who1 arle fighltinlg our battle~s onl thle Weste~rn frolt.

'roceing, 1Iis xcllncy thlauikl thle council of thle iisOiation for tie wordl of wlcmmie cumt i tie I in. theo add ness 111111for thle hioiior 11010 hiiii inl aski iig liimli sjiec inlly on1 that O(ccIilili to 011011 the Shlow'. ' TheC coitelts of YOurl addl~ress, hlis xcellecy weiit ohl, ' ' po'o onclusively thact you are jusatly poud of the exhibits wichareulc being shownl heie on tis oceasuioi, and espeilly throse of theu Studl ('att. And I think that your remarks in regailtl to its ijuality arnd e~xcellence will be endored by all the visitors to the Brisbane Shilow who have come from the southern States of the Commonwealth. Many of them, associated, as they are, with the various southern societies, are capable of forming a comparison of the cattle shown here and the cattle shown there. I think that the exhibits in both the Shorthorn and Hereford classes must be a revelation to them. The exhibitors, themselves, in these sections ought to feel proud of the condition in which they put their exhibits forward. No doubt they may have used a certain amount of artificial feed in the preparation of their stock, but T would ask visitors who are making a comparison between the cattle here and those of the south to pay particular attention to the fat cattle. The condition has been put upon them by the natural grasses of Queensland, and I think if a comparison is being ,malde, it ought to be between the fat cattle here and the fat cattle fed upon the natural grasses of the various other States. (Applause). I am convinced that this exhibit must be a tremendous eye-opener to many people who are estimating the possibilities of this country as far as the stock are concerned. (Hear, hear.)

"In your address, you have not specially alluded to Dairy Cattle, but I think that there are two clases that deserve special mention because they both indicate that a slight change is being made in the cattle being used for dairy purlposes, though there is a general impression abroad that general utility cattle are undesirable to replace the cattle of a purely milking strain. I refer to the Holsteins-known in South Africa as Frieslands- and the Guernseys. The Guernsey in many respects is a general utility animal. You are making great strides in the IIolstein breed, for, whereas last year there were only about half a dozen entries, I now see that they occupy a large number of pens. "In connection with our Live Stock, there are two that have arrested my attention-Fowls and Pigs. The exhibits of Fowls have increased enormously. But the State can develop this in- dustry very much more than in the past, for it is capable of further extension to the benefit of the State, and to those who take it up. I hope the time is not far distant when Fowl Breeders will be rewarded for their labours. If one goes to the market at present, a fowl is a f'owl whether it weighs a pound or O1lh. Fowl Breeders should meet the reward they deserve if they turn out fat birds. They ought to receive remuneration for the weight of their birds. (Applause.) Outside of the Stock the District Exhibits comnmanl first attention. They are both instructive and educational. I am very pleased to find there are so many districts which possess men who will spend the time and money, and trouble to come Iowa here and show what their districts can produce. I know that the Association is always striving to get districts to come forward. I am glad to see their labours have been rewarded. But I believe there are many districts that could still come forward and prove what they can produce. The 'one man farm' exhibit is a revelation of what one family can do if they put their backs into the soil. I am also glad to see that you have to make further accommodation for the ex- hibits of Butter and Cheese. I desire to compliment the Govern- ment Departments on their exhibits-the Agricultural Depart- ment, and the Tourist Bureau. In connection with the Agri- cultural Department, I would commend to your attention what is shown in regard to the tick pest. The department shows what has taken place in the United States during the past 12 months. Eleven years ago there were 700,000 square niles of tick in- festedl country. Last yrRI that was reduced to 30,000, and with- in the past 12 nonthsx 100,000 square mniles have been c~leared. What are you dioing in regard to ticks? I regret very little is lIcing dlone. I wish Quenslandl would try to follow the example of thle U'nited State. rlere is aother exhiit to which I must re~ci, :11 til t ht is ther exhibit of work dlone by? thle soldiers at Ka uarl(O P'oit. ( A 1,1dauISe.) Th~1ose men are.( endeav\ouring, so far aIs they\ are peritted iii (ol~qunce of the injuries they havrce ccive alt ther wr, tu Iiojist lv mlake~aIi vi u inl this State. TheI? Ileserve ev ry sullbo)rt you1 Canl give thiemi. (Aplause.) Ev:e '\t it ig shouldl Ie l~oughl ft torte betefit of thle mein who have made~l th'i. (Ap~plause. See if you cn 't cleat' oit thir stall.

Youi hav1e aIlluded in your! add merss to tie c n mlw I sp (l'", and I do tiot thlink alny v.iitorl to thle Sow en i osihlv avoidl reali-

you canri to proide accomic imiodat iou for v.isitors a'I1 thle general jilli. Yo0u also allude to thec dlificulty iii connectingR the two pa mits of theo grou iii, I dlon 't k n ow~ thant ou r Me ot magn~lifying the Ii illboance of the dlifficu'ltie. I have.( to c.OuifeSS that the i rst yeanr I paisel I oer th~t roo , I lidl otice a cousiderble dlifficult v in gertting~ triicr one part to thle other, h~ut as timne goes oil I dlo iiot sculI~ to, reallise it. 1 1(1W se reeilyCI\ notie tha;t I cross thle roa. I en miio0t helpII tli inlkitmig I ht theO puldlie will think the

lii ,,(,11uclion his ]5 'ceia (conjimejnlcl~ the ocity and its coc~riil oii thecir IIej~:Igv tIl uuifhiggiiig zeall, not onlly inl their ow II1 sho, huit tli rouliluut e'vetv yea:r t anost e\clvr show in


Thec Pr~csieiit of thec Assoea~tion (l . ('. E. MeIT)ou~all) presided ait the~ ( )fii l TLiineleonl. whieh i wa s held~ iii the Con- cert il of t lie Ehih~itioul Bulildingl (immedl~itely after the opening ee e~~~ilily I. when( thereC wa'tS a1 Vei'' largea andC reCpre- sentative gthring~ of ('itizeis 1111(1 isitor~s I~oni other~ States.

The miles were1( chrm~ingly dcoaHted w\ithi ~o ls of sweet peas prelsted a 11(1 m~~l;ragtmigd b the II ol titra~l oit. His EXS(('elleuCY an1d iLady Good-A daimis8 oee)ie d seants on the dais. all withl thle Vice-Itegal pa~1ty were the P'reident (Mr. C. E. Mell)oigahl ' and Miss Me I)omigal, thle ( huiianll (M~r. John Macdold) anld Mrs. Macdoldlc, the l~esident of thle RAh. Socity of Sydey (Mr. S. Ilordern),ll) Bi gadie~-General

mier (MrI. T. . iyati) and Mrs. R~yanl, ArChlbishop DUhig, Mr. and Mr. E. II. Maeartnell(Y . .JustI~iee and Mrsl'. Mlacnuhton, Captain and MrsH. (1051,15, Mlr. Philip) Franlel (hon. tresuorer) and Mrs. FranlllC, andC Mr'. W. T. C~dell (l)eepwa'~ter). At the Council talble in the body of the hail ere the fol- lowing members of Council :--Mr. nd~ Mfr. John Reid and Miss Reid, Mr. and Mrs. P. JT. Synes, Mr. andl Mfrs. A. T. Noyes, and Miss Noes, M. ad Mrs. . J. Aflek, Mr.. and( Mrs. Ernest Baynes, Mr. and MrsY. E. T. Bell, M . andT Ms. 11. Brooks. Mr. W. M. Charles andi Miss Charles, Mr. J. A.Llayes and Miss H-ayes, Mr. and M1rs. ohnl Iliron, i\Ir. andl Mrs. ('. Ii. L'ikworth, and Mfiss Piekworth, Miss Mary Mlacdoal, Miiss P~hyllis F'rankl, andC Mr... Bain (secretr1y) and Mlrs. Batin, Sir A. S. Cowley andrLady ('lowley, M . . Gailey aiidl iss (ailey, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Irving aiidt Mr. G~o~ge Waugh. The guests, who nnmrnbredl over foir hlundtredt, iclded represelttiv~s of ktindrledl Societies~ in th(* other Stats of the Commonweallth, thle representatives of the leading connnrcial houses, the Iprofessiols, and gricultiralad 1astoral indstries. After the loyal toast. p~oposed by) the Pre~csidenit, hadl been honoured, Mr. lc~l)ogall proiose~d thle toast of ''Thec Gover- nor, couipled~ with the name of Lady oold-Aaii, anld refe 1rred in congratulatory ters to hiis Excellency. Refrilg to thle Exlhitionl, he stateil that it wass thle finecst eerl hld in Queenshinull. Further1 thanll t lint, theOY had1 to n [mllit thiat, as a Stock Sho, it was thc finest Exiition ever hld in Aus~trali. They hadl with themi a auibel~r of Victorinl visitors, incluing breedrs, who hadl( ackloleled tht, as~ a Stock Showy thery hail iever seen aiiythliiig inl the ( 'oiiiio wlth;~tl to equl it, a adl that it would take hetilg any whe e inl the~ wrd. ''lcv were livingf inl hlopes that somie day they old lie as large as the big Argentile ( attle Shiows. SonIcI IM'Ol~le, lie kiie~, salid that thle Sow sh ould ol hc held~ whlile the wa:r wasx on. ie di I not agree~ ithl thant ie. A4 Shlow wa~s pit and1( un:rel of their builes, al if they were goinlg to sendc thle warI :aa theuy musllt keep fheit inlulltries oig~. 'lThe otl? yway they could pay the wair dleht wzas hy i injrov\ingl their Stck aulll biling ulp their iil t jis, hiy ncoulraing~ their ( 'out ryShMow, and by hvingl their big nnlua Exi~ition whel~re poi le vouL coiiie along~ and~ se'e sometinlg of thle reosr~ces of thec State. '1hiere was another poit-thir reu rue1I sol [is., ur' iuniiy of tlieii, Were going onl the ian' I1, a ad( lie I boulgt I lint ne(xt veai*r thCy shOail mlake Iuo iion~ for the-x iliits friu)II1 rt iilci I me1. Tey couldl ot ilo too iii tch for thell. (Apla~ue.) Thelly shoul i give theml a prlie-a1 Ilist id~ Iirie-or sol is iii liffere.('it I )istricts, and alo a prize for iiiiliviliial sollier'W (flrt.e Ihewsirird to give 10 uineaslr xiext year town ils suhI(J an1 Ol~jt..( Hear, hear.) lie referred to thec U eVeruecr 's resi llce inl Quecallllla , nl salid thaut His Excllency was alwys willing naiil renilyv to asstt the Shjlow, lie couleda wlith thle raie of II is Ecellalcv thatl of) ilyU Uoolil -Alansl, and~ hloped~ they woulil bothl long~ be Rsa red to 'lo sigial e~viiou for the nipire. (Aplt~ue.) His Exellency, who wa receivel withi cheeurs, sul that the Soiety 43: years ago was iven thle ityle andt title of the "Nationl Agrricultural and laiustril Assoclition of Queens- lan.' I)uring thoe 43; yers, by ener~y, na~l by the way the Exibitions had been crried on, it had becomec mo~e than a National Asociation in the nae. He firmly believedl that the petople of Queenllan dl relised thalt it aRs nlow a national uler takilig, alitI thrfore, inl anl\ requlirnienlts, he felt eertaia tht thle perople were oig to bac;k it up, rcalisilig that it ws ai ntional insxtittiol. ( her, hIea .) The Assoclition hav7\ing been tle ' ' agic ~t'ulara I & indstri al,'' It seemed~I to hliml tht it hadl

\'lo1llellt ol' nrit'ltiire. 'l'llt' questHiOu a 'l(St' w\teti'r ti' AssOCi- ntioii ('olll Ito a lvthillgI Illl)re to ei'oulrage~ iiiiin~tl 1 enter prise of :i se(llldarv chrctr . A h aetmwr h ii e' of' tile asocitionltlloig as inio'hl aIs they! O~lllt tol do inl con-

r:ilisel theyc '(''t re1. i sset tor lo(IlII. It seel'd1~ 1 ttl illi thant if tie? wre to t~ike LIII 21 little father~l \\'lrk iii (lclll't'tioil ith

llt''s"ll \\'hio aIt 1IIlc'st'lIt uil niot iill thieii. eyh ISllia lairge snii (Ill the An\IStial I lul. lIe reanlisedl thant it Wa s 11111 of w\ool, ant1 tht the (')coal Ilt 1151' it. ey io lteslpIlg fac ilit it's w\ iiil' ellal11le thle \\l(lol soon to he tikeii away?. Tic did tttIighit it wais a ii aIlilruil~le sitc' brl i iit irial exibits. Ter werle \l'l('11121l Vi l oyiliSt lies h)(ieiii stl 'tll tllillg)i~(lt Australia -illllstries tha~t wecre iiee'e thoughilt of before the wai, nd ttit'v er:I all' escltial to Alstrali, andI~ lie tlllght tit'v sHi(Iilil thant it; a noitihe(r (If their. p~rilll~l V! jrodni[llt, mIt ehibitdl, w\ere dislave d tliele W(Irrilt le lI'ic ilit~iest eviinec~l. hlis :I'cel- l('n('v lr reitlc~ to severn l I; iiidtstrie s that iiigit be a;ttenlecll to, inl'llltlillg I(ttt'lr' \%2i I'e, lIrSli', lIvs, Ilillilig t)llil's ( suili1 as

II(Iisi, l~it~l'agaes, litlul ' 'lhes tliiiis, lie saci, w\ould illike :11 :tt r:lI'tive 2I111 ili~t Ilctivl 'XSliiIitiii. 'lie1 6ouvcrnorr 21IlIel~ tcl thec gre'lt iI'('ecssit ' tlltll'~ 2I:lit llt 11211 sot' ities to take a~t 11111 21'ic t iiit'restrl sil lit 211iIlt(lr2I ltlitters hI~ll~ril te ('OlilNI(' lIt t)li'( Ve, iit~ sil tiuit lit'11111Ill~llIl tiit' wolill ty to

l~t('1111liigii tl Iill t~wll. (ApJi~ns. i Ilid no(t tliiiik it w'as

tloc'i IloilIg s(Ilct'ting to, try? to st op' tilt' tlI\ hiit o thel tOwisX. Inl

l'liillit'i get up' lt I) t'iIoci' iii tll' lllIiiriiig 211 l look after thle t'uittl. Tl)IO'l t hey s'it thit'iii 51hllI. Att'r i)lilig ult M('li(0l for til' rltl' r 12I,:t lot thle (lI:~' tta'~\' wtlit 1(211'k to thle farml tcl \\lolk, ullil ti' rt'slt \' 2l5 thiut ther t'iiilll'tll lrew LII hlitilig agCri-- gret '('211 to lI~i'cr 'lit ttit' t'rildt' in luix inrto tlit' tons. Wolild it lit It' 2111\is~it' for lIl''its to ivt'.c to ttllil ('hill rca as t'iilil'eli grllliv to bciolic~ tlit' 11055'Hso' (If the I~iolrty, anid whchr they\ rt'1ti'I~l iiiuiiuool thecy woid1w agrun~li('lt uiSts at- i'eadl' hi Elxchlelo'~y utc ll'l t lit' 'list' of Mi'. 1111'Va rl Kiplilg,

lti trted by givillg themii to3ys, in( laterl oji, sict'l and~ t'atttl, lll Iliotly was iiliowe oeen to o ito the fieldl witloul; per- liiioii of thle chlilre. ThiOs.J eli~uirezu wereU il'Ollit lijIas agriculturists. He would like th7 peopl of Qleensland to take Mr. Kipling's leasoa to heart. Dealing with pia hreedro, his I. .E-.leincy said there were only 20,00)0 pi z in Queenstan'i. T'lhev toid not sufficient pigs to k.-Ip their lout factories go- in z. it, mentioned tFat America hb, infornel a('Oat Britain and France that they need not fear a meat famine, because the United States had suficient bacon of its own to supply those countries until the end of the war. Surely to goodness, Australia could take a leaf oi1 of America's book! They should produce everything where possill. in Australia, and lhe belioed the pig industry woli be fuliv w' rth developing. lie thank < them hearily on behalf of Lady Gool -Adams 'nil himself for their hospitality. (Cheers.) Mr. Philip Frankel, ho. treasurer, subtuitted the toast of ''The Ministry of Queensland," coupittid with the name of the Premier (Mr. Ryan). lb sai'l that the Queensland Govern- tutent, like all Australian and other Enpiic (ioveriimiiettts, was to-day face to face with problems far greater and more re- sponsilde than any that had pesentel tuiemtist'lvets in the history of the worlt, and it would be for their Ministry to taclkti those proldemns and resonsibilities with courage and feanlessness or the benefit of the whole tomnniunity. The questions of repatria- tion and the tceliieal anti vocational training of their gallant boys, who were their battles overseas, anti who were re- touinitng to them now, maniieti anti incapable of following their previous occiupationst ilist receive the first consideration of their legislators. (Applause.) Repatriation already had played a very promtinent part ii the prograittlmme of the present Governmnent, ani the pesople of Quieenslatind , and, indeed, of the whole (otinotnwenltit, looked tt t he Govititittent for further legislation of a iuseful character in that ilirectiont. They saw that :tu itt tIcii exhibition the wotnderfilI strilldes miane I by the Itritury prot Iuiictrs andI the secon daty iniuistries, by their stock rleetiers, their sheep breelers, by their orchardists, antt the farntittg commtunitty generl ly. All these Ieople looked to their Gov'erttttent for le islative iteasi res wihichl would help to stimu- late thtettm ail to a grenter effort towartis the eitrichminent of that magnificent. State. The National Agricultural Association was absolutely mititnal int its aiits and objects. (Hear, hear.) It liati no political nii' tt grillil. The s(tle object was towards st rivitig to ediucat e thli people itt Queenslandi' , ant eacoura ging the tiagttificent exitibits fioi the listricts that they saw in the pa vilioii. (AIltit use.) 'Ihie wealth of Qucensland was repre- sent edt by wontierlfl Icxi ibits of c heese atid biutter, and bacon, anti itt the ring lie sullosetl they had never before seen such line exhibits (Jf live stock. lie Itait visits to various parts of Australia, anti althittugli at tiiesth e teeoigit Itave been a larger numnlter of stitck exhibiteti, still that day Ito thought every- one woult aintit that they could not possibly have produced anything better than was tlisplayet. le eotinplimented the De- Iartmnont of Apriculture on the miagnificenit exhibit. Year after year it was excellent. The officets of the leparttment were in- defatigable in their zeal to help the association along. Great credit was tiue to thei, aniti also to the (iovertmuient for assist- ing in the way they hat dione. They were looking to their Governmeit for sympathy and practical support. lie tluaht they would agree that the time had come wheii the association would have to look somewhere further afield than the present area of ground, owing to the expansion of the Show. It was begcin clarger andlarger everyI :r.yea\n It was becom- ing 'rapedforspac, ad i wa to be hopedl that the G;overnenllt wvould se souie nusI1 of assisting, and also help- igllr o1thr ag~ricltural.l assXocitions throughout ueensan~, who were dloingl noble work inl uIiaking~ their show grounds the sho- inow s of QueenCIsland,~ anti( hlelpingj tol stimlulte effort inl thle 'i retio l nientonell 1w! the ~overnlor (Applase.)

Mr. yn sid that on eh~lf itt thle Queela~ndN ,Ministry, li,( dsired to thank thei very siiielyc for thle invitatioii to lie preset. aIlI also for the maniner inl whlich Mi. F'rankel had 1 i'Op'OSetl the toast of the! Mlinist v's ealt~. He was speaking to aI frieiul a few\ days ago, whlo aIskedc if lie (Ml. Ryan) had any? emiga~~emmient for thalt day. Ile relie, ''Ye, 1 am to re- spond to, the toalst of I ie Quetmrslnil Minitr, at the Show Ijul'uhelou . ' His friend saidl, * Why hav~e th~e toat of the Q~ueenslanld l iliitrv ? I suppIose it gvs you1 fellow\s an oppor- toity to talk.' ' ie IlidL not tint rsta mii I ht theP toast of the Queencsland MR~iistry was;~ 1 dauced on thle lit in.orer that the represettive of the MIinistry for ther timei being should take the op~portnity mrelyl 01' talkin. r1hcm~e wlre soe people w\ho thouhlt the Mlinlisters had anI1y amount of s~u re time, that th~y thu~ ]trctica lv noting ; in fact, that they onily tled. It oughrlt hec inlteresPting to theuti to knlo -hel wasL spaking for hiiniself, but it appliedl to all thle iistes-t lt if hef were to ttendit to allI the intrvieers who deiredl to see him he would he ablle to dlo nothingi else, If lie ttended~ to all1 the corres- p'ondeice tht ca ile to himn hel woll he aile to dlo nothing else. If lie were to attenld to all the to ctions to whichl ie was in- itll, anti preAreI' peches for. thle )ccas/ios, he woulti1 be un- abhle to dlo anthing els. lie ijtell ot sayS anting of the very im~portat work-andl uirle imlportanllt uluring the war than at ny\ other tie-tht iiusit fall 111)01 thle slioullers of any Minis- tet cilrge l withl theO :lniitratiomi of an imm~ort it tate like Qmiela iii .lld \':is I hee any I tank ninn ar or heal11 of an in- soin ~ eui ll11ice whlo con Id ttendii all thiee funt ions?9 TIhe share- Iiotler~ w\ouli mut allow the iiinarles to ilo so, because they w\ould ot atteatil pmojiem'lygto t heir business. Rightly so. And so it \v's with Mlinistrs (if State. The Preier, continiing, sauil that ami associationl of that kiii huatil the rigt to expect thle attemilaneel of reprsenltative~s of the inistr. And he thouht, it ha~l thle righ)t to expecrt sympatetic andt practical treltenn t at t le lianls of the' Mlimistry. ie( regarledl it as a palter in hel~ing to dee~lop the gret re~our~ce s of the tate, beccause, after all, thle wa~lth of a( too mit my wasl ~~-hat it pro- ilumee I. Thalt wUs :i ye iv similoPI' l.OluoSit in, lit uianIy thlousands1 ot httuultle thit mict uie~ristainl it. l11e iiri:et thle needt for dle- velop'iug thrl greatt antil: ra re'o ces, saiii g that only in th~t waN? coll I hey! hiope it, iuet thut' post walr ltrol~Ileus. The m~listij~it oniatiiii t u~ul tt le (lustieel. 'I'icy had~ to e'ltatijte those w h)o hadt clone ti ir luty byv t he'ir t~ouiutry, and liv\ thle ia use~ thecy we~re lighlt iuu toi on t lie umtluem side of the ~~olt. pplus.) Thecy had n interest bill to pay, and had they thlouht it out, how 11mev w re(I.g~oing to pay? it? He did not suppo,(se mlev' woo II igest mepuiiatioiu of it. 'Puniit was:i not in accordancel~c w\ithr tie sirit of t hir ma;c. 'I'huey h1il got to macc'(t thalt bill by dlevloting thir geat reworcesI. (Applause.) '[lucy (0111(1 con~rtulte thiemuumelves that thle tie was not tar dlitanrt whenl thalt duty Woulll~ be east upIonI their shoulder.. hey cold congratulate themselves also upon the appearance of things at the front, which were mlore stisfactory than they hadl been for some time past. (Appluse.) He believed that the Americans, who were endling teiis of thousands across wleekly, were helping consideraly in diving the enemy back, andl he thought that the )Iropects inl the near future were vecry )1ight. He entioned the gallant dleedls of the Austra- lian, who, ie said, ' ' were ailtningll the relutation which they w~on on ther ruged loes of nlipoli,' an~, in, conlusion congratlated the associtioni on the slendid tt~ndne represen"" tative mlen, that it had attrcte, not oly from all parts of Que~nshia, bunt also froni vrious ceitres inl thle Coin- ionwalth. lie congratulated it uplonl the natulre and( quality of ther ehihit, anti salid that noting~ hult grea':t glood could conic froml the show. . Frank~l lt I g'ivenl a br~on~ I hint re- ga lilg a1 Il'relr re for th~ir sh1ows.. lIe coul1~ I ssure~ them thlat hle wa:s iinltresed~l ith thet good1 w\ok tht had been clone, an1~I'11 coul I h lon, by! thle assot.iation, an I that favour- aider corni lrtioal wouh I lie gnil to nay requestc~ that mlighlt be mad~te in ordr to put thle associtioni on thle stisfc~toy basis that it ought to be Ilacel upon. (Applaue.) The Mlayor of Bis~itn, in proposing~ thle toast of the National Aggmicutural anti~ inldustr'il Associtioii of Qeens- lan, sid tht he ould claimi to be (iiC of the foulntaionl mnem- er.Inl thle early 'sixtie, tenl or twelve of thenil uIsed to meect every Stn un v\ inl the~ coni trlcial ioonii of thle Queen's Hotel, in 'reek-street, to talk over niaItters of finrulling~ nd agbricultual inlteret. (It wasl inl thisn inerI1III that the( Moreton Farmers ' Associatio n was fornctl,, whlichi, though thle name11 had been: cllunget I two or thlree ti nis, wans rIl:1'! the h~ieinling of the prenrt associtinl. ieR waIs lrouti to see ther inn nuer(' in which the associationl hat I etentlet I. li is opiiol, nil iii that of innyrp others, Qucensla titi(, inl years to coie(, waHs Ilestineti to he- conice thle welt lijst lIortionl of the Aut niain ('omii ioiiwealth. Theny ha1( illhe~ iln mtril; all thalt was rec~iiietl was tie p~iopr class of polle to iie\elop, thle resoi~ces. refrrl to sow week as a week of retcorls, aii I said that lie knerw viitor~s to Ii'ilaile Woll agree(' thait theyS hl( iiiatle! an~- othr mrcoith il liv'imig eeC(ttl thCir pr11eet MayVo. ' ' His alt . (agtr) lie C\ I resse I tie Ile~lisi e of tie coltiteil inl havilg so Imiiiyr visitOis to thet shlow\, jiartitularly those retpre- ntugl t lie ag~ic ultur~l soc'itiesH Ot Quecalnl~l, a iii relreselta- tivesn froiii eighlilo ring ltate. 'lhie wete delilihted to have w\ithl tlieiitl tlh jtre1ileit of the ROya:l Agicu'ltulll Socity of New~ Soitli WalesIC(Mr. Saiti lllii) , ithi six of hris coun- cillor. It mnst be uipl~reitt to veroie thaut the grooiils~ had ow hec~conie too simiall for thle i'x Ii ihitioi. As hisn xcoelly hai(L sauil, it was ij~ite easy3 f'or anyoie to walk c~oss the road fonil one portionl of thec shiow ~roiiil to iulier; hut the couicil reqcuiret I tie lad1 so thalt they oll e'xteiid thle show r'in, and~ have oner as finle as thact iii Sytiney'Z. They hail mever hci a ~tte Gfoveranio who wasw niore. ialteitu'~it inl agicultural1 nitters thiaii is Excellency huut wien onec criticiset thle pro- posls of the council, it wasn Iecessary3 to lin\'e inie knlow- [ldge of the qluestio. If thle assnociation cluOet the roadt and obtalined the iece~ of land~ ait thle back fromii thle inlunicipul au- thorities that wouhl bet sufiinlt to go onl with. His Excllency! the Govror proposedl the toast of the p'resient (Mr. C. E. M' ougalP, to whoiti he referredl as one of the fo~eot brleeders of cnttl, not oly in the State, but also in Australia. The result of his splenid work was seen in the wondterful exhibition before them. Ther toast wiichi was rcied with mnusical hlonours, was suppIor ted byv MI. 8uani Jiodlern, who sid~ tht rI. M'ougall 'a sevices asH judgeh I~ oftel bee ItI I:IC usHe of inl New outh Wa:ls~, an' I inl is opiniolI therre was o better ,jndgeof a Short- horn b~eat in thle ('01111110~:ltwel IIi.TeQnlal~n~l '~111 Exhibition had( Icnl to hill ntrathr anl ev-opeerlc. This wasl his first visit to Brlisban, 111a ie IIIi thlougt it wans a snIallJ town, ut he

sHow,\. Tit e istrict cli ii,is, inl fact, lia'I ecec I those of New Hoitli \Vles, for thle qluality was qluite as oo~I and the quantity was greater. rI. M 'l)ouanll, in res~oling, 'lislaileti thle credit of doing thle \\',rke of thle hlow, as lie uil he livred so far aw\ay it was hoct possible for hint to do a iii cli~ as) lie woulil1~ otherwise be ablle to, ht hec wasx alwav s Idea'iSelI to do Whant he c old( at show tiiiie~ to hclj11 Iiiake it aI succss.

Review of Exhibits.

HORSE SECTION. In thec Thlorolghbredct Section, 12 of thec becst stallioiisc in the State coiipt'~te bri thle Sil vC('Lip, off'ered by the (l~overn~ior- Gene~ral for thle hor~s best sited tor poluciiig ilitary re- Inioits, andi ali rclutI number~CI eoiipted~ inl the class for orses best ada~ted for imlrovinig racilg stock. rjille enltries inl the tud Tottinlg Sectioi, (lyle~sdales anld othier I )rauglt horse, broughlt forthl some( of the fines'ft anials ever1 sten inl a ueenslandic show r'ing. As (oirIIparedl with~ the 1I ize, Seheule of j~revions yers, trHat of 1918 sowe~d cosideable expslio n inl thle ziumbe~(r of ponyl cls~ses povied. .~eogiiising~ thle tiliilties wvith whichi Juldges were facdc, whio Werec~ ofte~n clle1 uponi to deucide on tw'o pon1ies of equalIH mer'it, on1e (leiiely suitble for (Iriving purjoses anid thec other~i equally' suitable for r'iingl, our Counclil tSteard tis year III(le (lasses for' bth var'ieties of p)onies. Thie opulalrity ofr the chang~e canl be gaugedc f~oml thle Ilarge inl- crease8( inl ther nu1In1~1erof entrfliesl. ('lassesC1 for' r'iing ponies brought forth 10, 1, 1, 0, 10, anid 10 respectively, whilst in the Larness~i SVectionl two of thle classe ealch had 14. As usual, the Jumping and Trotting Events were an attrac- tive and popular feature of the Show, and this year the com- petitors included representatives from the very best stables in the Commonwealth. The Pony High Jump deserves special mention, no fewer than ten of the champion ponies of the Commonwealth taking part in the competition, which was won by "Black Jack," who cleared 6ft. 3in., beating the Ipreviious Queensland record by 3in. In the Trotting events many of the contests were so keen that excitement ran high, particularly when Mr. P. Riddle's black gelding, "Maori Land," won the Open Speed Championship and lowered by 2 seconds the pre- vious record of 2.17, established by "Derby Chimes" on llth August, 1915. The same owner's mare, "Sonme Girl,'" lowered the track record, beating the previous best by not less tlian 5 seconds. As usual, Miscellaneous Horses were in strong force, all the Ladies' Events in this section brought forward big fields, and were in every sense attractive to the spectators. As well as being attractive, the display made by the Military Remount Department was a highly educative one, and when the magnifi- cent gun teams galloped around the ring with the guns swing- ing behind them, the enormous uIldi(enee, standing, cheered the display to the echo.

BEEF CATTLE. No part of the Show attracted more widespread interest than did the Beef ('attle Exhibits. The visitors who repre- sented every I)art of the (Conimonwealth, and many of whose names are household words in the cattle world gave praise with- out stint to the magnificent examples of the Beef Breeds which were produced by the Queensland breeders. With anything like a reasonable season, everything indicates that our next year's Beef Cattle Fair will attract in even greater numbers, both buyers and sellers.

DAIRY CATTLE. Queensland Dairy herds are known and resp)ected through- out the States, and those breeders who came to our State this year for the first time acknowledged their surprise at the high quality of the exhibits. Those who had visited Brisbane on previous years assert that the improvement of the various breeds was of such marked degree that in the very near future Queensland will have an influx of buyers who hitherto have confined their efforts to Southern and New Zea- land herds. SHEEP. In the Sheep Section, entries in the Stud classes were ad- mittedly disappointing, but in the Fat classes were superb, and inl number of entries broke all previous records. It is antici- pated that the Schedule will be considerably altered for the 1919 Show.

SWINE. That the breeder of Swine appreciates the importance of the National Association can be gauged by the fact that in 1916 only 71 entries were received as compalred with 141 this year. The Swine Judge complimented some of the exhibitors on the improved quality of the animals shown and remarked that although one of the exhibitors had bu'.ten some of tlh best southern breeders at the Sydney Show, he would have to look to his laurels or he in turn would be defeated by local competitors. DOGS. The Dog Section, as usual, had a great following, and no matter what breed a fancier approved, exanlphl- were to be foundl on the benches, including tile tiniest vest-pocket varie- ties up to examples of great deerhounds.

POULTRY, PIGEONS AND CANARIES. 1630 entries were received in these classes, this number outdistancing all previous records. The Utility strains showed the greatest increase, the "fancy" varieties, if anything, a falling off. In the Pigeon Section interest was created by a fine exhibit of Squabs, an industry which has been introduced to Australia and has caught on wherever poultry of more than average tenderness is required for invalids anl children. So great was the demand upon the space that most ingenious devices had to be adopted by the Stewards to find accommoda- tion for the numerous entries. This lack of accommodation has complelled hie Council to omit the Canary Section fronm next year's Schedule.

FARM AND DAIRY PRODUCE. It is universally admitted in Agricultural circles through- out the Commonwealth that given a good season there is no more reproductive soil than that of Queensland, and that this argument is beyond question was verified by the numerous and versatile displays of farm and dairy produce. Hardly a pri- mary product of commercial value but was displayed in the Farm Section, and our capabilities as producers of airy Pro- duce only reqire an inspection of the thousan~s of 1 oulnds' worth of Chese and Butter wich was entered for comnpeti- tion, for cofirmation. It was a display whichi coll( honestly make any, mian or woman feel prod of Queesland~, and a display whi cli fairly astouided thle so~t Iiem expert visitors. Memnbes of your ('ounil Ihve h1ad va iouss ol~lo~tnities of ispecting the disp~lays IIiade in othcaJC~)ital ciie~s, )it ohere has there been one wh'lieh IeaRl'IY eql led thatl exibited~ at our 118 Show. In the BRco, hlams, etc., Sectiol, ent~ies wtre liniitel to just over 0, but the eo0-o1~lrdi ato 01 f the( sw'ine( 81(1 baRonl ilCIIus- tries prolilses to be~ of suchl a nature~ tht wec eaii aticipate in the near futulre a gre~t iiiI)rOVehiien't inl thesec lliedt sctionis

DISTRICT EXHIITS. Addedt interest was attaced to this ~ eu \ display~ of Dis- trict Exhlibits ow\ing to t lit' lI,'cs~ice of A\ ( rade dcislay s foi

lpr~alice~ 85 e'OiptitrS, lfter ai a11hice( extending O'ave Imiii he(r of yen rc. rlhle I Hi rl iig I )ownlS clisj ti y wa s of suc~h suler-ex el henceI tlhat one of t lie iiiOst Iiniist siceesstii I soithern1 dist~it orga liser s w hlo wa s visitil~jug Bisha iec art thec t i iiie of theJ Exhiitioni. c~psllcset tlie opiioni t i t t lie (Iis flav wol l Iave easily hield its owni w\it 1l(the velVI? bst show\ at thec Ihova I Siow in Sydneyc~ last Eastr1.

roy, Gyinlluie, ('ow 'S Nst, Wa~llll iilin d I aH aui I )ai hy, cverly onie of whlich wa~s fi I of eces~cl ~Ieiee a adl gtret eetiit i~t~s of attrc'tioni thougioiit thet we(Yk. Th oly()i at aiiI)spyws thiat of r!. and( nh s. Nyst roni, of hIooi , Kitigrioy, who we re the rcci~ients of congrat ii at ioiis I~oln hot Ii .J iid ges andc sl~ec- tators. APICULTURE.

rf11(. AIicultlie cliiits tis yeair weret iiiore( iiuiiiierouiS aiid 1)tter1 iii quality fl anii li)t . The11 jiL~ Igiti wa'is eOi(llielte(I

alpared to giive satisfactionl. It is iiiten'ledl' inl the 19319 Sccdule to offer special induceenit withi thmc oIjct of proioti ig uin- provemnent inl hon~y clt nrc'(.

GOVERNMENT DIPLAYS. No portion of the ilide of thle buildig was ore favour- ably commented upon tlHaii that occuplied by the Gveen'll~~t State Farms Display, Tourist and Intelligence Department, and the Fisheries. Those who have had the pleasure of inspecting the displays of the Government State Farms in the southern States all admit that both from utility and educational aspects, Queensland more than holds her own, and on no occasion was this better demonstrated than at last Exhibition. To the man on the land, the Agricultural Court fairly brimmed over with information, and the artistic arrangement of the architectural structure and display of products inside the walls was respon- sible for warmest words of commendation from the numerous concourse of people who continually filled the court. The Tourist and Intelligence Department provides an ever- interesting display, but never more so than during the past Exhibition. The beauty of the scenery as displayed by the magnificent photographs on view was a revelation to both residents and visitors, whilst the examples of our timbers and minerals were such that the average man was compelled to admit how little he knew concerning the resources of his own State. The State Fisheries Department, for the first time, was solely responsible for the output of fish foods exhibited. Hither- to, a number of competitive classes have been provided, but on this occasion the whole display came from the works of the above-mentioned Government department, and reflects the greatest credit upon the producers. Now that a Government trawler is in view, this department should be made one of greater worth and greater interest each year.

SCHOOLS, FINE ARTS, AND WOMEN'S WORK. It was with a certain amount of diffidence that your Coun- cil provided space for Women's Work, Fine Arts, and School Displays, for, as everyone knew, a very large proportion of our women were engaged upon patriotic work, materials were hard to procure, and altogether, conditions were considered quite unfavourable to a good display. We, however, evidently did not know our women, foy the entries were better than on the previous year, and the skill exhibited, possibly due to the large amount of work undertaken on behalf of the "boys" and the war babies by these splendid workers, surprised the Judges beyond measure. It would look as though, given a return to normal conditions, that the space required for our Women's Industrial Exhibits will have to be doubled. Fine Arts were quite up to the usual standard, whilst the school work showed careful control on the part of the instructors, and intelligent work on the part of the scholars. GATTON COLLEGE POULTRY EXHIBIT. Last year we congratulated the Principal of the Gatton College (Mr. Cuthbert Potts) upon the splendid show of model yards and poultry houses erected on the Show Grounds. This year the same structures were in evidence, and undoubtedly created an even greater interest than on the previous year, prin- cipally due to the educational lecturettes which were delivered on each of the Show days by members of the Gatton College staff. Some of these lecturettes were of a highly technical na- ture and were delivered principally with a view to educate our poultry breeders on the subject of fowl diseases. Tn conjunction with the breeders who benefitted, we are grateful to Mr. Potts and his efficient staff for the splendid services rendered.

MACHINERY DISPLAYS. The Machinery Displays on the Hill were the best exhibited for the past four years, but as it is imperative that further en- croachment will have to be made for cattle housing purl)oses, and for the erection of a Sale Ring, it has been decided to offer machinery merchants a space immediately behind the Grand- stand, on what is known as the Side Show area, where security of tenure will be granted over a period of years, and where proper arrangements for the supply of water and drainage can be carried out in a manner which was quite impossible on Machinery Hill. Security of tenure could not hitherto be offered to the Machinery Merchants, owing to the fact that the Asso- ciation's Lease expired in the middle of the year, and no guarantee had been secured that a renewal was possible. This phase of the question has, however, heen overcome, and the Council are now able to make the above-mentioned offer. The site offered is an ideal one with a solid rock foundation, and the space available is of such nature that if all the lots are applied for, the Machinery Displays will surpass all previous Exhibitions. Priority of selection of sites will be offered to those merchants who have been tenants of the Association for some years past, and the balance can then be made available to the southern and other merchants whose applications had to be turned down during the past two years.

MOTOR DISPLAYB. It is possible that before the period of the next Show ar- rangements will have been made between the Motor Traders' Association of Queensland and the National Assom.i.tiun for a scheme of housing and displaying exhibits ofi motor vehicles. It is recognised that this trade, big as it is at present, is still only in its infancy. It is the intention of the National Asso- ciation to offer every inducement to the traders to make dis- plays which will be worthy of the eiiergel ic managers who con- trol this business in Queensland.

RURAL SCHOOL DISPLAY. Adjoining the Farm Produce Court, there was on view this year an exhibit from the Nambour Rural School which cannot be too highly praised, for, without doubt, it was one of the most interesting corners of the whole Exhibition. In it was displayed primary products grown on the school grounds which in themselves were astounding, but when taken in conjunction with the variety of articles made by the pupils (both boys and girls), consisting of every conceivable utensil used on the farm, examples of farm gates, of fencing, bails for cows, tin utensils, made out of old kerosene and petrol tins, ladders, harness, boot repairs, together with an inconceivable variety of skilled me- chanical training which will ever prove useful to the students, the exhibition can only be classed as one of the brightest points in our whole educational system and one which cannot be too highly commended for continuance in other centres. In this section we must not omit to mention the wonderful work of the girls in dressmaking, millinery, fancy work, cooking and fruit preserving.

IMPROVEMENTS. During the year the expenditures upon Improvements have totalled £2456/13/10, of which sum £1;{80 has been paid for the completion of the Austral Hall. Other improvements include erection of 26 stalls for dairy cattle, 10 feed rooms for the dairy cattle section, 88 stalls for beef cattle, 4 feed rooms for beef cattle, 28 pens for herd bulls, 44 skeleton horse stalls, new dining-room under Affleck House, ladies' lavatory and new publican's bar in the live stock reserve, new high jump, and a iumbther of other minor, but necessary, fittings.


Towards the end of Marehl the contractors handed over the Autral Hall, occulpation of which was immediately entered into by the Australian Estates to he used for wool storage pur- poses. As stated in our 1917 Report this firm has leased the building for two years, with the option of a further two, if required. 'rlhe hall is an ideal building for Exhibition pur- Jposes, and will be much appreeiated by exhibitors when the time arrives for its use. AFFLECK HOUSE. Early in the year we were approached by representatives of the Stock Breeders' Association, with a request that we would grant permission to erect a structure on the grounds suitable for purposes of meeting of the various branches of the Asso- ciation, the building to contain a lecture room, ante-rooms for writing, telephone, etc., and other rooms suitable for the social side of the breeders' requirements. The design submitted was approved, the only condition which we attached being that it should be elevated to an extent which would permit the basement being converted into a dining hall. The chief or- ganiser of the whole scheme was Mr. W. J. Affleck, President and Vice-president of several of the breeders' societies, and a member of this Council, and from very small beginnings prac- tically off his own bat, he so successfully organised matters that before the Show was opened he had collected money and fur- niture to the value of nearly £1000, and on the opening day of our Show he and the other breeders had the proud satisfaction of inviting His Excellency (Sir Hamilton .I. (ioold-Adams), to officially declare the rooms open. As an appreciation of the value of Mr. Affleek's services, members of the Stock Breeders' Association, and the contributors to the b)uilding and furniture fund, paid Mr. Afflecck the graceful courtesy of naming the building " Affleck House." D)uring the week, Affleck House was constantly occupied by one- or other of the Stock Societies interested and several lectures were delivered, buolt dulring the day and in the evenings. The building is of excellent design and so magnificently situated that t'rom the balioly tih' view of the ring competes strongly with that fromn our new grand- stand.

Miscellaneous Notes.

NEW LEASE. Our Lease of the Show Grounds extending for a period of 14 years which expired on 31st June, 1918, has, as the result of interviews between the Hon. the Premier and your Chairman (Mr. John Macdonald), been renewed for a further term of ten years. APPRECIATION OF FINANOIAL ASSISTANOE. We would call special attention to tie List of Donors to our Prize Funds which appears on another page, and to the representatives of the business houses, of the pastoral and agri- cultural industries, private individuals, and others who so generosly spported our fucnds this year, we convey our sin- cerest thaks.

THANKS TO EXHIBITORS. it is oly those who are1 clos~ly associatel withl the long and ardous ork hich exi~iting live stock, arficltral and all other itemns wh)ich o to iiaket ll) a succecssfu~l Exuhibition entail, that canl appreciate the anioint of laour ad ptince which have to lie e~xercised iii prepring the exhiits for our Show. Your~v ('ouncil who are b~oughtl ito intimate relation with exlibitors ar~e flly alive to thec grat lalbour enltiled, and we ak tJht our' clil~itO'SS w'ill a(cpt our1 thlaks. iIr od canot covey our a;l~~i'e i atioui as wre would wisi, buit we be- lieve thiat our fiendiis unlderstan d hiow much we, atllinire and how Ii ar~tily we1 tll ai k theutll


'\T1ieiI on11I* rcScut gron ii1~s ( xS(C it thle fricclold~ potion, knowit, as thie li ye Sto(k l~cescrvtc were~~cvcst~d inl trstes for the^ purpose" of. a Show. (:lroulntS, oneI( of the conditions of the trust WUas tht thec handl~ sold het free f~oiti ~lll in'ieiiil or other Local (iiovern at eatl tain. T i~ ciii jl)tiOnl waIs teSted~ b the Boorood ai a Sire ('on eil, iil t lie result th~t t lie~ verieit was given aga;ilst thec Nation~l Associtio~, and as al recsult the Goverieiit of thle day in 1902 a men ded the ocl Aiithorities Act, ithl thec sole object of rendering Show\\ Soci~ties andicother pblic boies eempt f~om taation.

Re~ferenlcte to "II a usa rd,' 1 903, pages 7!, 71. 1() anld 1169 \\il s~ow\ t ht tlie Io. A. II. Balow pre'scituted thle Amenintig Bill to thle Iegisltive C'oucil oni 1 th October of .that yer, thec oj~ct of the Bill beig, lie stateol- '~c:niietlll t lie I I'c ;o Aurthrities Act of' 19,(12 in a certainl particular w\ithl tersct to the! dcfiiitiott of ratable Ilt ti-lnd inl the occulaitioti (ii :11kV liecrsot) or corportion wiich is osel for puliC p,~it' Ss, inc o inghiii11II ves~ted inl Trustees~ for atv A:C'lina~t ia t i M~oc'it yot for anly Agri- cultra~l or Pstoral Society for thle jupoe of a Show Ground or p~ublic recretionl groundc.''

M . Br~low staited-- ''That it was ldl~ by\ thle Local Authorities thalt Unl~ess a recreation grould isl atffiliated with anl Aricultural or Patorarl Socity, it is liable to be rateul. There are seve- ral pieces~ of lan~, cotiue'l Mr. Barlow, inl this position, and~ the object of the Bill is to exempt them fromn rating. Although the' Bill was not introduced for the purpose, it has since been observed incidentally that it will relieve the Government from payment of rates on the Show Grounds of the National Association." On Page 1151, the Home Secretary, in the Legislative As- sembly, in moving the Second Reading, stated- "This is a small Bill for the purpose of amending the Local Authorities Act in a certain particular. The amend- ment sought to be made is a very slight one, and it does not affect in any sense the principle of the section to be amended. The object is to make clear and emphatic what I think was in the minds of the House when the original Bill was going through-that public athletic sports grounds should be exempt from taxation, hut certain Local Govern- ment bodies last year demanded the payment of rates on Show Grounds." The Hon. J. F. G. Foxton, in supporting the amendment, stated- "He was of opinion that the words 'public recreation ground' would include cricket grounds for which charges were made, always supposing they were public grounds held by trustees under the Trustees of Public Lands Act. A parallel case was to be found in Show Grounds." Statements by members will be noted further on to the effect that- "Certain Local Authorities had demanded, and had been paid, taxes, and it was considered that this amend- ment would prevent actions of a similar nature if the amend- ment was made law.''

From the above it would appear that whatever the legal interpretation, it is beyond question that the object of the amendment was to bring relief to Show Societies and the other bodies mentioned. Notwithstanding the clearly implied object of this Amend- ing Act, the Brisbane Municipal Council has issued a writ claim- ing over £1,000 as overdue rates and interest. The statement of facts has been submitted to the Full Court for judgment, and the decision will probably be known early in February.

WEIGHT ESTIMATING COMPETITION. This competition still shows an ever-increasing revenue, the takings for this year being £124/15/6, as compared with £120/2/6 in 1917. Messrs. Moore Bros., of Barambah, have laid this Association under deep obligation for quite a number of years by presenting the bullock used for the purposes of the competition. The Singer Sewing Machine Company do- nated £8 towards the purchase of the machine as a first prize. Our thanks are tendered to these generous contributors. PRINTING OF SCHEDULE AND CATALOGUE. Last year we referred to the success which had attended *our efforts to control the publication and distribution of the Schedule, Catalogue, and Time-tables. This year the success has been maintained, if not actually improved upon.

VISITS TO SHOWS. During the year members of Council and your Secretary visited 28 Shows, viz.:-Boonah, Caboolture, Clifton, Dalby, , Glen Innes, Gladstone, , Inverell, Ipswich, , Lisniore, Lowood, Lockyer, , Mary- borough, North Pine, Nambour, Pomona, . Syd- ney, Stantliorpe, Tenterfield, Toowoomba, Toogoolawah, War- wick, Wellington Point, and Zillmere. DEATH OF MR. A. W. CAMERON. We regret to have to notify the loss which the Association has sustained by reason 'of the deatli of Mr. A. W. Cameron, who, at the time of his demise, occupied the position of Senior Vice-Lresidelit. Although Mr. ('ameron had only been con- nected with the Asociation since 1912, his experience of Show matters extended over many years. Whilst Manager of the Bank of New South Wales, Maryborough, he was a pro- minent member of the Wide Bay Society, and it was largely due to his efforts that Wide Bay was so ably represented in the District Competitionis at our Shows some years ago. His genial and tactful disposition made him popular as a Council Steward, particularly in his handling of District Exhibitors. OFFICE-BEARERS. THE CHAIRMAN.-Mr. .John Macdonald, who was elected Chairman of Council on 8th February, 1901, has occupied that position without break ever since. At the period of his re- election in February, 1918, his fellow-councillors took the ad- vantage, which the opportunity offered, to present him with a handsomely-fitted suit case, suitably inscribed, a pearl scarf- pin, and( other appropriate articles, as an expression of the es- teem in which their fellow-officer was held. RETIRING lION. TREASURER.-Mr. John A. Hayes, who had been elected to the position of Honorary Treasurer in 1901, having expressed a wish to retire, was also made the re- cipient of a handsome silver cigar-box, cabinet, suitably in- scribed, as conveying the good wishes of his fellow-councillors, and to mark their appreciation of his long and valued services on behalf of the Association. ELECTION OF HON. TREASURER.-The vacancy created by the retirement of IMr. John A. Hayes as Hon. Trea- surer was filled by the election of Mr. Philip Frankel, who has completed a very arduous, but successful, year in his new oflce. STATEMENT OF ATTENDANCES OF THE COUNCIL,

Ec~ JEa ~E i;E uE *u

Mlacdonald J...... 12 9 . 2 1 26 28 Frankel, P...... 11. 9 2 2 226 28 Affleck, W. J...... 1 9f 2 23 23 Hiron, J...... 9 8 1 2 1 21 28 Noycs, A. T...... 9 7 2 18 26 Symes, P. J...... 10 1 2 2 1 16 19 Hayes, John A...... 8 2 10 14 Pickwortl, C. R .. 7 2 9 14 Reid, John ..... 7 2 16 Charles, W. M...... 7------12 Brookes, II...... 5 1 6 141 Baynes, E...... 4 1 5T 14 Bell, E. T...... 2 2 12

Cameron, A. W. ... ------


YIoul 'e called upon to elect officers iii place of thec fol- lowing, who retire :- Ilesident :--C. E. Mcl)ougutll, Esq. Vice-1'residentsJ :--The late Mr. A. W. Ctameron and Mr. H. 13iOOkes. Council :-Mcs. W. .1. Aff'lee, W. M. Charles, John Hiron, C. R. Pickworth, P. .. Syies and the late Mr. Johnl Reid. Auditor :--Mr. . . Oxley. With the exception of the late Mr. A. W. Cameron as Vice- President, the late Mr. John Reid as member of Council, and Mr. E. G. Oxley as Auditor, all the above-mentioned gentlemen are eligible for re-election. The following six members remain in office for a further twelve months:-Messrs. E. Baynes, E. T. Bell, P. Frankel, J. A. Hayes, John Macdonald and A. T. Noyes. Auditor: Mr. D. W. L. Anderson.

DEATH OF MR. JOHN REID. It is with keen regret that we have to refer to the death of Mr. John Reid which occurred on 4th January just prior to our Report going to press. Mr. Reid served the Association for over twenty years, and was closely associated with those members who, at a time of dire financial stress, guided the Association's affairs, placing them upon such a footing that continued progress has since marked each year of our history. It was mainly due to the keen foresight of our late comrade that the District Exhibit Com- petitions were introduced and it was by means of his perfect organisation that the usefulness, educational value and popular- ity of these competitions have Inver waned. To Mrs. Reid and family we extend our sincerest sympathy.

Yours faithfully,

For, and on behalf of, the Council,

John Macdonald, Chairman.

Brisbane, 16th January, 1919. 26

Statement of INCOME and

RECEIPTS. £ sd Advertising in Schedule, Catalogue & Ring Programme and Sale of Catalogues 174 17 8 Weight Guessing . 12. 15 6 Commission on Sales . . .496 12 3 Donations to Prize A/c (excluding Trophies) .. .. i91 1( 0 Entry Fees . . . 1,359 9 9 Ground Receipts . 992 2 0 Gate Receipts . . . 7,208 11 4 Privileges .. 870 8 9I Sundry Receipts .. . 273 6 0 Members' Subscriptions .. 2,548 1 6 Spale Charges .. 1,336 15 0

16,376 15 9

Dr. Balance at Bank of Queensland, 31st Decemibe r, 1918 5,373 8 8

£21,750 4 5

Philip Frankel, lion. Triasurer. J. BAIN, Secretary. 27

EXPENDITURE for Year endiag 31t Dec. 1918

Adertiingl42 31 10 0 Audlit Fees' . 10 17 4 Bank Chrgle 1i?/, Echange £1012/I . otor Hire 2117 16 S Cartae, CablI nd 506 4 3 Catring Furiture.7133 22 18 7 Fodder~ 20 5 0 Fire Protection . 01 Freighit 1 1 Gas, W!/18/Mc; Kitsuu and Electric Lihtilg, 10517! Geneal Epeties 10 14L 11 I I1 Hire of Fat uitiir 26977 Improveiienlts, inludling copletion o Austrani Hall Insurate .10413 :3 Intr~st ottl P.~lk Overdra:ft 323 10 9 ' a lL teoards ' Ex~enses Judgs 10 0 0 Exjese'"s Lg:uI 5 01 0 Licenlse! Fee..c . 51 Memers ' Bages Music . . 11 Ground Tl~1intemanlCe Mlatial . b 91 ;I' Prize Money . I PoliteP Exses . . 8 I Prit jug nd1 Sttionlery . i Ret 'fo~~c' Olices .. 091 Ribb~ons .n . Rea"irs .7 .J . .18 7 Stampils ..... 10 11 Peormanet Stalff, Offce nti Uroutds .. 1,750 Sala~ies 26 71 Slries remnporary Staff, Office 34 108 Show Expens~es .... Snitary Epenses..118 19 15 rrn\talling xpenses .. . ~ . .0 Tin hler . . . ,8 Waes Preparing~ anCl1aningh up1-Shlow .. .

/ ,163 1 11 Dr. bala~nce, Bank of Queenland, 1st January, 1918 £21,75

~xailed andl found correct this Nith dlay of January, 1919.

DAVID, W. L. ANDFRSN.~O Council Stewards' Show Reports.


The number of Horses shown this year was slightly less than in former years. This falling off was most noticeable in the Stud Draught Horse classes, chiefly for the reason that, owiin': to th(e searcity of ship- ping between New Zealand and Australia, fewer Stallions came over this year than usual, but with the termination of the War we hope that bei'fre the next Exhibition comes round things will have become normal and we may look forward to consignments of New Zealand Draughts, both stallions and mares. These yearly drafts of good horses are undoubtedly useful in keeping our Draught Stock up to a fairly decent standard. The Throughbreds were a good lot, but I would not like to say they thoroughly represented the best in our State. Amongst those paraded for the prize, generously presented by the Queensland Turf Club for Stallion best adapted for improving racing stock, the following horses put in an appearance:-- "'Halberd" (Imp.), "Polybius" (Imp.), "St.Savin" (Imp.), ' ' Contino" (Imp.), "Merry Syce", "Dear Laddie'', "Barallan", ' Matouree'', (ertes' ' and others. On the score of breed- ing they left nothing to be desired. The Judge (Major J. F. White) awarded the first prize and champion to "Halberd" (Imp.) by William the Third- Hritannia, owned by Lord & Sons, "St. Savin" second and Reserve Champion, and "l''olybius" third. "Hlalberd' is a horse of high quality and, properly mated, soul prolduce good race horses. Old racing men were struck with his likeness to that great horse "Grand Flaneur ' '. The Mares were a very ordlinary lot with the exception of "Pearlee", who won First and Champion, and "l1 O'rsian Gin" who was awarded the cRsoer e. The Federal Government is giving some attention to the breeding of Remounts and it is to be hoped that they will go further in this great national work and not stop in giving a single prize in the capital city of each State. 1 would suggest to the Department of Defense that a number of carefully selected sires should be made available to breeders at a nominal fee to approved mares, and now the War is over, to prohibit the exportation of mares except under certain conditions. This year Col. W. Robertson. Director of Remounts, came up from Melbourne to judge the stalions and mares in the Reminount Classes. 11e awarded the first prize and the Governor General's Cup to "''alberd", remarking at the time that the sire could not have too much quality as a sire of Remounts. "Merry Syce" was placed second, this is only a young horse but with a little more age should furnish into an ideal remount sire as he has size, quality and conformation. REMOUNT MARES. The mares paraded before Col. Robertson did not quite fill the bill as typical remount miares, whilst they were good in their place, they did not please the Judge, who after some hesitation gave the prize to "Pearlee", remarking at the time that he would have liked to have seen more half to three quarter bred nmares possessing more bone, weight and size than those paraded before him. He made himself quite clear to breeders on the importance of the selection of mares and we hope to see a better, or more typical class next year.. Breeders have to

__ be educated on this point and in my opinion it would be a good thing if the Military Authorities sent us from their Melbourne Stud Farm three or four of their Stud Mares to be shown at our different important Shows, as it is easier to educate a person through the eye than by reams of writing. The Country Agricultural Societies are offering prizes for remount sires, but I would suggest to them the importance of insisting upon Stud Book registration as the throughbred is the only sire for remounts. In the Draught Classes the entries were poor and I regret to say those shown were not up to the standard of former years. The outstanding exception was "The Monk" an exceedingly nice horse, free from any coarseness, having style, quality, and good clean action. He was shown by the St. Helens' Estate, bred in New Zealand and is by "'The Abott"-"Bell" by Garthland (Imp.) He won the first and Champion prizes. "'Lady Charm "'' 4 years, by ''Lord Cellus"'' from the unbeaten "Cragie Charm" was awarded the Championship among the Mares, thus worthily upholding her dam's reputation. TROTTING : This attractive Section has been delt with in a sepa- rate report by Mr. Pickworth. STUD PONIES : No class was better represented than the Ponies. They were numerous and of exceptionally good quality. The wisdom of keeping the stallions best adapted for getting driving and riding ponies separate was apparent. "Robinhood III" a former Champion at our Exhibitions scored again, taking the First and Champion in his class and also in the class for Welsh Ponies. He is an attractive mover, his action being clean and brisk. He was well shown, reflecting credit on his owner Mr. A. T. Noyes. "'My Choice" took the First prize and champonship for stallion best suited for getting saddle ponise, he is a fine type of pony and cannot fail to improve our riding ponies. One of the most attrative features of this section was the splendid collection of mares, they were typical of the breed and with such mares I am not at all anxious about the improvement in our ponies. The first and Champion went to "Girlie," but there was only a narrow margin between "Girlie" and "Dinah"'' shown by Mr. W. Farley of Boonah. ('OBS : The entries in this class were few. "Ich Gleam" got first and ('hampion, "Dolly" was awarded first for Mares. IIUNTERS AND JUMPERS : The Hunters were a very fine lot and whilst we are always pleased to see old favourites suh as "Sunrise", "Radium ' ', " Lady Morton'' etc., we welcome new horses in ' ' Moonbi", "Royal Mail '', " Corinda'", "Black Jack'", and others. No new records were matde in the Open High Jump but a fine contest was witnessed, six horses clearing 6 ft. 6 in. and three got over 6 ft. 9 in. but failed at 7 ft. The tlhree horses "Corinda," "Wait and See," and "Rangeview" dividedl the prize money. PONY HIGH JUMP: A new record was established for our ring by Mr. (Colleano's "Black Jack" clearing 6 ft. 3 ins. THE WATER JUMP : This attracted very few competitors and unless we get more support, this event will in future be omitted. MISCELLANEOUS CLASSES, RIDING AND DRIVING HORSES. -The Judge (Major J. F. White) commented most favourably upon the hacks, remarking upon the quality and breeding of the competitors. "'BenArnold was again awarded the championship, this horse has an un- beaten record of some years in our ring. In the Harness ('lasses many attractive horses were shown. "Marengo," owned by Mr. B. V. Cor- rigan, was awarded the prize for the Champion Single Harness Horse. RIDING AND DRIVING PONIES.-The saddle ponies were numer- ous, and I think it is safe to say that we have never seen a better lot, all the classes being wellfilled. Without going into details, I will just mention that "Postcard," a shapely grey, was awarded the champion- ship, and "Thumbs Up" the reserve. In the Harness Ponies, many fine animals and smart turnouts were seen in the ring, the championship go- ing to Mr. A. Forrest's beautif l mare "Jessie," the reserve going to "The Dean." I would like to mention the excllent driving and riding seen in the pony classes. The riding of the children was quite a feature. THE CART HORSE PARADE.-A fine showing was made in these classes, and if employers and heads of firms studied their own interests, and the welfare of their horses they would pay attention to this section. As an old exhibitor in these classes I can tell them it pays. Great care and attention had been given by the (drivers to their horses and vehicles, and when seen spinning round the ring, they called forth from the spectators most favourable comments. At the termination of the Exhibition a testimonial was presented to Mr. B. L. George (Ring Steward) by ;a number of the horse exhibitors, to show their appreciation of his attention and courtesy during the week. He well deserved the compliment. My thanks are due to the Sccretary, Groiinl Staff and to Mr. McMil- lan for his care and capital condition of the ring. In conclusion, I would like to thank the HIon. Stewards. They had a long and arduous week, from Monday morning to Saturday night, and all stuck to their jobs manfully.

THE TROTTING SECTION. By C(. R. Pickworth. The Trotting Section, as usual, was exceedingly interesting to the spectators, and satisfactory to the exhibitors, no corn plaints having been made. The competitors were of tip top quality, times put up being faster than usual. Two track records were broken, "Maori- Land" lowering the record for Stud Book Stallions from 2 min. 17 sees. for the mile to 2 mins. 15 sees., and "Some Girl" the track record for Stud Book Mares from 2 mins. 284 sees. for the mile to 2 rmins. 23) sees. Both these exhibits were owned and driven by Mr. Peter Riddle of Sydney. Taking the Trotters all round they were of good quality and the speed in all events was excellent.


By H. Brookes. I have pleasure in reporting that our late Show was in every way a complete success. The entries in number and quality exceeded all expectations and the universal opinion of theJudges in each section was that the quality of the exhibits surpassed anything previously shown at the Association's Annual Exhibitions. Herefords were, if anything, more conspicuous in their quality and keen Judges expressed the opinion that they had never seen a finer lot in the Commonwealth. The Show Sales in number of animals submitted and prices obtained exceeded all previous records and exhibitors, buyers, and selling agents were unanimous in expressing such opinion. The prices appeared to be satisfactory throughout, the attend- ance of buyers from all parts of tile Commonwealth auguring well for future Sales. The hope was expressed that the Council would carry out some much needed reforms in the way of pro- viding greater comfort for the buyers who had in many in- stances to sit for hours awaiting the appearance of the partic- ular animal or animals which they wished to secure. In compiling the Schedule for the next year's Show suggest- ions have been made which will add to the attractiveness of the Beef Cattle Section and it will be found that due con- sideration has been shown to all classes of exhibitors. A recom- mendation has been made to increase entry fees, the increase being a slight one in the competitive classes and 1 do not think that the increase in the non-competitive section will be looked upon as excessive, taking into consideration that all cattle are well housed for a considerable time and that feed rooms and other conveniences are supplied to exhibitors free of cost. In conclusion, I may state that I think the compliments bestowed upon the Council by all those interested in the Beef Cattle Section were universally deserved, and I sincerely trust that the coming Show will attain the high standard which it is our endeavour to cater for, and that it will be in the future. as it should, the Stud Beef Cattle Show of the Commonwealth.


The Silver Cup presented by the Australian Meat Export Coy. Ltd., for the pen of three Bullocks most suitadle for export, irrespective of breed, age not over 4 years, and weight 6000 to 8000 lbs. dressed, to be judged for condition, quality and con- formation, depth and evenness of flesh, quality of meat, small- ness of bone and minimum of waste to be considered, also the percentage of the animals live weight, represented by the dressed weight of the carcass, was won by Messrs. Moore & Coy's pen from Barambah, Goomeri. The following table gives comparative weights in connection with the competition. No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 Live weight. (Total 3956 lbs.) . . . 1258 lbs. 1400 lbs. 12981bs Dressed warm weight .. 785 884 820 Chilled weight (warm weight less 2 per cent) 779 866 804 Yield per c. Live Weight to Chille d W(eight 61.92 61.86 61.92 Bye-Products- lb. oz. lb. oz. lb.. oz. Blood .. .. 23 - 33 - 29 Paunch (inc. Reed with Peck full) 142 - 215 - 180 8 Paunch Empty 22 - 28 - 30 Paunch Manure 75 - 139 - 96 Paunch Fat .. 5 8 6 - 5 Lights with heart off .. 13 - 16 - 14 8 Thick Skirt .. 2 8 4 - 3 4 Peck and Reed full (untrimmed) .. 18 8 20 - 23 Peck Empty .. 7 - 6 - 6 Peck Manure .. 5 - 6 - 7 Peck Fat .. 6 8 8 - 10 Tail .. .. 2 - 2 4 2 Kidney .. 1 12 2 - 2 Caul Fat .. 11 12 17 - 9 Trimmings, Killing Floor 8 - 8 - 8 Guts before going to casings floor . . 197 8 297 - 234 8 Ruffle Fat .. 22 - 15 - 14 Middle gut fat .. 6 - 12 - 17 Miscellaneous Fat 2 - 2 - 2 Casings cleaned 14 4 16 8 15 8 Liver (with gall on) .. 11 8 13 12 12 Heart ...... 4 8 5 - 4 4 Pizzle .. .. -6 - 8 - 7 Head (head pieces off without tongue) 37 - 41 - 36 Head meat and eye fat 1 8 1 8 1 4 Head Pieces .. 4 4 4 4 3 12 Cheek meat .. 7 - 9- 8 Head Bones .. 8 8 8 8 7 Brains .. 12 1 -- 1 Lips .. .. 1 8 1 8 1 Feet (unskinned) 22 - 23 8 22 Feet pieces .. 3 - 4 - 4 Sinews .. 1 12 2 - 1 12 Bide green weight .. 73 12 76 8 71 8 Tongues (untrimmed) 10 - 12 -- 9 8 Tail butts and hair . - 14 1 - 1 Live Weight 3956. Ibs. Chilled Weight .. 249. lbs.

1507 lbs. By-Products * . 1272 lbs.

Dressing loss . . 235 lbs. 5.94 p.e. The Silver Cup presented by the same company for the penof ten Fat Lambs most suitable for export was won by theexhibits of Mr. S. E. Pullen, Wiyarra. The analysis of the relative weights is as follows:-

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Per head Total Average lbs. oz. lbs. oz lbs. oz. lbs. oz. lbs. oz. lbs. oz. lbs. oz. lbs. oz. lbs oz. lbs. oz. lbs. oz. Ibs, oz,

Live Weight .. 75 0 62 S 72 S 75 u0 62 0 62 0 79 0 64 0 75 8 77 8 711 0 71 1 Dressed Warm Weight .. 33 0 30 0 35 0 34 8 32 0 31 0 39 0 29 0 35 0 38 0 336 8 33 10 Frozen Weight Total Blood .. 3 0 2 8 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 2 8 2 0 2 0 27 0 2 11 Pelt ...... 10 0 & 0 r 12 10 0 7 0 7 0 9 0 9 0 11 0 S 8 88 4 8 13 Head (Tongue in- 3 0 2 14 3 1 3 0 2 8 3 0 2 13 2 12 3 0 2 12 28 12 2 14 eluded) Wool on Tongues ..... 0 5 0 4 0 5 0 4 0 6 0 5 0 5 0 5 2 15 0 4 Cheeks ...... 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 28 0 4 Brains ...... 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 1 14 0 3 Pluck untrim 'd 2 10 2 6 2 10 2 4 2 10 2 12 2 8 2 12 25 8 2 8 Hearts ...... 0 6 0 5 0 5 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 5 0 6 36 0 5 Livers ...... 1 3 0 12 1 5 1 0 1 4 1 7 1 0 1 6 11 8 1 2 Kidneys ..... 0 4 0 3 0 4 0 3 0 4 0 4A 0 3 0 3 2 31 0 3 Fat Trimmings 0 8 0 8 0 8 0 8 0 8 0 8 0 8 0 8 5 0 0 8 Caul Fat ...... 1 3: 0 12 1 0 1 2 0 10 3 0 1 11 2 1 13 3 1 5 Guts ...... 19 8 13 8 18 8 11 0 18 0 19 0 19 0 167 8 16 12 Paunch Man. in 13 8 9 0 12 0 6 12 12 0 10 (0 8 0 s 0 98 12 9 14 Paunch ,, out 2 10 2 0 3 0 2 2 2 12 2 12 2 8 2 8 24 14 2 8 Trotters ...... 1 9 1 6 1 10 1 4 1 8 1 9 1 4 1 8 14 10 1 7 ______~ ~ ~~~~ Total Live Weight 711 lbs. Dresed Frozen Weight, 336.8 lbs., 47.47per cent. yield from live weight.

eblUI~PCa-. --- rr-- --- ; ~t District Exhibits

was successful in the "A" Grade, scoring 1012 points, Wide Bay being second with 905 points, and Central Queens- land third with 813j points. In the "B" Grade, Crow's Nest secured first place with 891 points, and then in order came Gympie, with 813 points, Wallumbilla with 789j points, Kingaroy with 701 pouts, and Dalby with 650k points. Details:-

'n = = o .

"A" GRADE. (1).-Dairy Produce (170)- Butter, 1 box ...... 80 74 72 72 Milk, condensed, concentrated, or dried 30 21 - - Cheese, 1 cwt ...... 40 35 32 - E ggs ...... 20 16 14 12

170 145 118 84 (2).-Foods (180)- Hams and Bacon ...... 50 44 42 43 Rolled & smoked beef and mutton ...... 20 16 - - Small goods & sausages, if s. or p ..... 10 8 6 5 Fish, smoked, pressed and canned ...... 10 6 9 6 Canned meats ...... 25 - - 25 Lard, tallow, and animal oils ...... 20 12 14 10 Butchers by products, not in elsewhere 10 8 7 10 Honey, and its by-products ...... 15 10 14 12 Confectionery ...... 10 8 6 8 Bread, biscuits, scones & cakes ...... 10 8 6 8

180 120 104 127 (3).-Fruits, Vegetables, and Roots, fresh and preserved (200)- Fresh fruits-all kinds ...... 60 40 35 45 Preserved, fruit, jams, etc...... 30 28 23 23 Dried fruits ...... 10 7 6 3 Fresh vegetables, all kinds, ex. potatoes 20 12 13 14 Preserved and dried vegetables, pickles, sauces, etc...... 10 8 8 5 Potatoes ...... 40 35 30 30 Roots and their products ...... 14 - - 10 Cocoanuts and nuts ...... 6 4 4 5 Vegetable seeds ...... 10 8 7 6

200 151 136 141 (4).-Grain, &c. (150)- Wheat, and flour, &c...... 60 55 48 8 Maize and its products ...... 60 48 49 16 Barley, malt, pearl barley ...... 20 19 16 4 Oats, rye, rice and their meals ...... 10 5 6j 5

150 127 119j 33 (5) .--Manufcctures and Trades (120)-- All woodwork...... 20 10 5 8 All metal and iron wok ...... ) 7 135 11 Leather, & leather work and tanning .. 20 4 4 7 Manufactured Woollen andL Cotton Fibre 20 5 4 All1 tin work ...... 10 7 8 Artificil mnanures...... 10 5 ;) 1 3roomls and btrushes...... in 6' (1 M~niitfactuiesu ot otherwise enumerated 10 9 4I

120 73~ 53 5 (6) .- Minerals and Building Materials (80)-- Gold, silver, ndt precious stones . 20 -i :1 Coal, iron, other mletals &- salt...... 1 8toe, bricksx, eeiriit, mal.rble, terracotta 12' ( III 'Woodu, dressedl and undr~lessed...... 12 12 IC) 20

(7).-Tropical Products (150)-- Su,~:ar Cane...... 15 25~ Sugair (law ndt refine)...... " 15 Ruiiil, spirits ant1I b3-prOdui'(ts...... IC' ofc~i'c ( raw\\ &; malf.) , teL, and~ spices . ii 8; 15 ('ottnii(lw) unit hy pIn~'Itructs...... 3CJ Oils (vegetable)...... 10 7

.,7 81)i (8).-Wines, &c. (30)-- ines...... l.- Ii . .Aerate( tli I lineral\l Spa,: Wa'tr...... ci (5 2 Vinegar an I1 '(OrliaLs...... 9 9 2 I

(9) .- Tobacco (20)- Tobaco, ciganr a iud p~ipe, teat...... 20

(10).-Hay Chaff, &c. (160)-- iI Oltn, n~'etcnI, luc~re, and~ other hay II) (I rasses a a1d theuir sceits ...... II) :11i ()lteu, whea:tn, lu(erne,an~t other chaffs IC) EnsIIilae~, nail other cattle fodder . . . 2)) Siorgit ul ii unitillt...... IC) S liicre ju ibre (raw & niuufatured) 10) 7 'unllkinls and1 other giren fodder . . . 10 6 (5 lICiilli Lii't lax...... 10 S (iA Brooml niillt...... 10 7 7

160 12'1 (1).-Wool, &c. (110)- Scoureil wool ...... 4-0 38 28 Greasy wool ...... 00 47 52 Mohair ...... 10 6 10 8 110 99B 85 (12).-Ladies Work (20)- Needle work, knitting, fine arts ...... 10 10 9 8 Schoolwork, maps, writing, &ec., for pupils of school in the district ...... 10 7 5 10

20 17 14 18

(13).-Effective Arrangement (50)- For effective arrangement of exhibits .. 50 39 27 37

Total ...... 1440 1012 905 813k


In the B Grade there were 5 competitors-(1) Crow's Nest district, (2) Dalby, Bell, , Warra and Chinchilla, (3) Gympie, Mary Valley and Kilkivan, (4)Kingaroy district, and (5) Wallumbilla district. The awards were:-

U 0


(1).-Dairy Produce (170)- Butter ...... 90 83 78 79 82 82 Cheese ...... '...... 60 53 50 51 52 53 EKggs ...... 20 12 10 11 10 12

170 148 138 141 144 147

(2).-Foods (120)- Halns, Bacon, &c...... Fish, smoked ...... Lard, tallow, &c...... Honey, &c ...... Hoime Confectionery ...... Biscuits, bread, &c ......

120 89 59 75 79 82

(3).-Fruits, Vegetables, &c. (185)- Fresh fruits ...... 60 2U 45 20 30 Preserved fruit and jams, etc. 20 16 17 15 12 15 Dried fruit ...... 5 3 2 3 4 3 Fresh vegetables ...... 20 15 10 15 12 15 Preserved vegetables, pickles, sauces, &c...... 10 6 6 8 6 Potatoes ...... 40 35 30 28 20 30 Boots and products ...... 14 7 7 10 6 8 Cocoanuts, nuts ...... 6 4 3 2 :3 2 Vegetables, seeds ...... 10 6 Ui 6 6 6

1 O. (4).-Grain, cc. (150)-- Wheat, flour, meals, &c. .. 60 56 52 18 25 58 Mraizena, corulflours, &c. .. 60 55 46 54 56 54 Barley...... 2 17 5 8 12 4 Ots, rc, rice, meals...... 10 9 3 8- 3 3 150 137 106 88 96 119 ().-Woods (40)-- 12 Dressedi andi unlressd .. 20 10 18 1 18 Wattle bark...... 20 16 8 16 17 8 40 26 26 28 35 20

().-Hides (3) (20)-...... 20 15 - 15, 14 - (7) .- Tropical Prodcts (115)- - 2 Sualr cane...... Coffe, tea H)itCS...... 10 5 - - S (ottoll 2111( ,odiet ..... 3 6(3 6O 8 12' 115 16 6 38 23 12

(7a) .- Mnerals (3)- ~ol, silverI tlll p~re* stoes :20 10 3 5 3 6 0211l, iron, &...... 10 5 5 3 5 5 30 15 8 10 s 11 (8).-Tobacco (20)- rF(o,l).1(., l~ f...... 0 7 - -

(9).-Hay, Chaff, &c. (180)- r O (hite'n 21111other hy...... 5 4Ms 25 4 :4 4 (;:H~ , seerk...... N 9 . 7 -l 5 Ga:ten andl otherl ehaffs ... 50 43 45 46 40 42 Euiilge&c...... 2 10 10 II 11 No Siorgliuii,, mIilts...... 10 9) 3 5 4I &'ouiiiuuereial fibre9...... 10 8 6 4 2 Pnlpins, &c...... 10 91 7 8 7 8 HempII, f1Lax...... 1 7 - 5 7 6 Bioumo, mnillt...... i 7 631 8 61 63 i lo13 17~ :1 11'1 (1O).--Woal, &GC. (110)-- Se~irul...... 1 3 28 - 30 Gireay...... (it) 54 52 50 45 52 Mohair...... 10 9 6 7 5 8 110 101 58 85 50 90 (1).-Ladies' Work (20)-- Needlework, knitting flne ats...... 10 8 8 10 9 9 School work...... 10 9 7 9 9 7 20 17 15 19 18 16 (1) -- Arragement (50)-- Arranlglent ...... 50 43 26 40 23 41 Total...... 1210 891 650j 813 7011 7891 Milking Testsr. The result of thle \ aious milking tests are appendedl hereto The competition this year was better than ever before. cow, 4 yea~s oldl andl ovecr, averaing the grleatest Ilaity yieldl of Butter Fat for 48 hlours. Lactation points allowe~.

(1) Henry Benbow's Joyce, calved 20/6/19118. Percentage Percentage lbil utter I"alt lb. Mrilk Butter Fatt M1 32.2 .1 M 318 .2 E 284 4. 0.0 4.2

Tlotall: 12.8 lbs. mlilk, Viliug .003 lb)s. commerejuaia b~utter. Lacta- tioni points, nil. Liv e wreig~t, 11 cwvt. 21 lbs.

(2) D. Dunn's Blossom 3rd of Valley View, calved 2.3//1918 byv Jaiacroo

Mi 27.8 4.3 M 18.11 6.0

TIotail: S2.1 5 lb. mlilk, ~ieli ing L95~r 11*s. ca~i erc l n butter. Lnctation points, 7.1 . Live wight, ii ec\t 2 lb.

(3) M. Lawrence's Charmer 2nd of City View, clved~ 2/ 1/118, by Iandl- somec, da in (ha me11~1. i 2.t 2. M 25 . E' 22.2! 4.4 E 0..5 Total: M(,.11 lbsw. ilk, yieling 4.337 ls. eunllluere jul butter. Lacta- tion poiit, 6.1. ILive wecight, 12 cwt. 24i lb. '1'ie ner of tis class -was preseited with a spccil prize valued at £/5i/, lresellteir by the Mugicl ~ullis.

(JOW, 4 yea~rrs old acnd ovrl, averg~ing the greactest daily yield of Butter Fat, for 418hours. No Ilctationl poits. (1) Henry Benbow's Joyce, catlved 20,/6/191~r. M1 32.12 4.1 M 1. 3.9 E 28.4 4.3 3. 4.2 Total: 122.8 lb. ixilk, yielding 5,9303 lbs. commeruciall butter. Live weight, 11 cwt. 21 lbs.

(M) 3. O'onor's Charm of lenthorne, calved 15/6/1917, by Guss of Hillview, dani 8ilky. Md 36.12 2.5 M 3x.11 3.8 E 321 .8 E 31.14 3.4 Total: 139.6 lbs. milk, yielding 5.061 lbs. commercial butter. Live weight, 11 ewt. I qr. 7 Ibm. (3) D. Dunn's Blossom 3rd of Valley View, calved 22/4/1918, by Jam- beroo (1), dam Blossom 2nd. M 27.8 4.3 M 18.11 6.0 E 19.0 5.4 E 17.12 5.0 Live- Total: 82.15 Ibs. milk, yielding 4.95 Ibs. commercial butter. weight, 13 cwt. 2 Ibs.

COW or IIEIFER, under 4 years, averaging the greatest daily yield of Butter Fat in 48 hours. Lactation points allowed. Pussy's Golden (1) E. Burton's Oxford Golden Girl, calved 25/5/1918, by King (382), dam Buttergirl (411). M 21.7 3.5 M 17.14 3.6 E 17.6 3.9 E 20.6 4.8 Total: 77.1 lbs. milk, yielding 3.557 lbs. commercial butter. Live weight, 7 cwt 2 qrs. 7 lbs. Lactation points, 3.9.

(2) W. T. Savage's Ruby of White Park, calved -/-/1918, by Sperry (19), dam Fannie of White Park (204). M 26.8 2.9 M 23.12 3.2 E 22.11 3.1 E 23.13 3.3 Total: 96.12 lbs. milk, yielding 3.472 lbs. commercial butter. Live weight, 8 cwt. 3 qrs. 10 lbs. Lactation points, nil. by Emblem. (3) B. O'Connor's Mona of Oakvale, (520), calved 25/2/1918, of Wahroonga, dam Nellie. M 13.4 3.6 M 13.0 3.9 E 11.10 3.8 E 11.12 3.8 Total: 49.10 lbs. milk, yielding 2.175 lbs. commercial butter. Lacta- tion points, 10.

COW or H1EIFER, under 4 years, averaging the greatest daily yield of Butter Fat for 48 hours. No lactation points. (1) E. Burton's Oxford Golden Girl, calved 25/5/1918, by Pussy's Gol- King (382), dam Buttergirl (411). M 21.7 3.5 M 17.14 3.6 E 17.6 3.9 E 20.6 4.8 Total: 77.1 lbs. milk, yielding 3.557 lbs. commercial butter. Live weight, 7 cwt. 2 qrs. 7 lbs. (2) W. T. Savage's Ruby of White Park, born 1/7/1915, by Sperry (19) dam Fannie of White Park (204). M 26.8 2.9 M 23.12 3.2 E 22.11 3.1 E 23.13 3.3 Total: 96.12 lbs. milk, yielding 3.472 lbs. commercial butter. Live weight, 8 cwt. 3 qrs. 10 lbs. (3) W. Middleton's Cherry of Devon Court, born -/9/1914, by Van- quished, dam Beauty. M 15.8 4.1 M 16.4 4.1 E 14.8 4.1 E 13.12 3.9 Total: 60.0 lbs. milk, yielding 2.83 lbs. commercial butter. Live weight, 9 ecwt. 81bs. 40

COW, yielding the largest supply of milk in 48 hours.

(1) B. O'Connor's Charm of Olenthorne, calved 15/6/1917, by Guss of Hillview, dam Silky. M 36.12 E 32.1 M 38.11 E i1.14 Total: 139.6 lbs. milk.

(2) Henry Benbow's Joyce, calved 20/6/1918. M 32.12 E 28.4 M 31.8 E 30.0 Total: 122.8 lbs. milk.

(3) Paul Moore' Lovely of Sunnyside, calved 14/6/1918, by Jack, dam Myrtle. M 28.1 E 26.8 M 28.6 E 25.2 Total: 108.1 lbs. milk.

NATIONAL CHAMPION BUTTER FAT TEST.-COW (any breed- ing), averaging the greatest daily yield of butter fat for 48 hours (under the Babcock test) and which has been the property of the Exhibitor three months before entry.

(1) Henry Benbow's Joyce, calved 20/6/1918. M 32.12 4.1 M 31.8 3.9 E 28.4 4.3 E 30.0 4.2 Total: 122.8 lbs. milk, yielding 5.903 lbs. commercial butter. Lacta- tion points, nil.

(2) B. O'Connor's Charm of Glenthorne, calved 15/6/1917, by Guss of Hillview, dam Silky. M 36.12 2.5 M 38.11 3.8 E 32.1 2.8 E 31.14 3.4 Total: 139.6 lbs. milk, yielding 5.061 Ibs. commercial butter. Lacta- tion points, nil.

(3) D. Dunn's Blossom 3rd of Valley View, calved 22/4/1918, by Jam- beroo (1), dam Blossom 2nd. M 27.8 4.3 M 18.11 6.0 E 19.0 5.4 E 17.12 5.0 Total: 82.15 lbs. milk, yielding 4.95 lbs. commercial butter. Lacta- tion points, 7.1. 41 List of Prize Donors 1918 Show.

£ s. d. Australian Meat Export Bridilge. .John & (o.. Ltd. Co., Ltd. 2 Cups Rank of Queensland Ltd. Queensland Turf Club .. 50 0 0 I:risbane Daily Mail, Ltd. Department of Defence .. 50 0 0 IBaynes Bros. Clark, James 50 0 0 Bell, E. T. Governor-General, His Ex- Brisbane Gas. Coy. cellency (trophy) .. 25 0 0 Chapmans, Ltd. (trophy) Cadell, W. T. (trophy) .. 35 0 0 Castlemaine Brewery & Brisbane Newspaper Coy., Q.G. & Coy., Ltd. Ltd. (trophy) 25 0 0 Colltns. Mrs. W. Queensland United Li- Cotton. A. J. censed Victuallers Assn. 22 0 0 Collins & Sons, John Trenerry, H. S.. 20 0 0 Campbell & Sons, Ltd. Allan & Stark, Ltd. 10 l3 ,, James Brisbane Tramways Co., Dalgety & Coy., Ltd. Ltd. 15 15 0 Dewir &, Sons, .Tohln. Brisbane Newspaper Coy., "Farmer & Grazier," Syd. Ltd. 15 15 0 Farmers' Co-op. Distribu- Berry, Henry & Co. Ltd. 15 15 0 ting Coy. of Qld., Ltd. Kodak (Aus.), Ltd. 15 15 0 Foley Bros. Finney, Isles & Co. Ltd. 15 15 0 Farmer's Publishing Co., Mammitein Pty., Ltd. Ltd. (Farmer's Gazette) (Trophy) 16 15 0 111ill, Mrs. Lumley MoWhirters, Ltd. 15 15 0 Hoffnung & Coy, Ltd. S. Moreheads, Ltd. 15 15 0 Hardy Bros. Ltd. (trophy) Australian Hardware Coy. Hart, F. H. (trophy) 10 10 0 lHowes Bros. & Coy. Ltd. Beirne, T. C. & Co. Ltd. 10 10 0 Labour Daily Newspaper Duhig, Archbishop 10 10 0 Coy., Ltd. Fenwick & Coy. 10 10 0 Lomax, A. R. Governor of Queensland, London Bank of Australia His Excellency 10 10 0 Macpherson, L. J . Galley, Richard 10 10 0 Midson, A. . . Hordern, Anthony & Sons 10 10 0 Murray, D. & W. Ltd. Hutton, J. C. Pty., Ltd. .. 10 10 0 Murray-Prior, T. B. Lindeman, Ltd. 10 10 0 McDonnell & East, Ltd... Murray, J. & Sons, Ltd. . ] 1 ) l ) M'Cotiinol & S'o., J. H. McDougall, C. E. 10 10 0 New Zealand Insurance Co. "Pastoral Review" Sydney 10 10 0 Nestle & Anglo Swiss C.M. Stewart, Alex. & Sons, Coy. Ltd. 10 10 0 Overells, Ltd. . Blade, W. B. A 10 10 0 Persse, C. D. Whittingham, Hon. A. H. Perrett Bros. M.L.C. 10 10 0 Queensland Meat Export Wiley, Mrs. (Lennoius Hl. II I lI I Coy.. Ltd. Town & Country Journal 8 8 0 Queensland National Bank Singer Sewing Machine Co. Ltd. ' t,olth v 8 10 0 Queensland Pine Coy. New Zealand Loan & M.A. Rich, E. and Coy., Ltd. Coy, Ltd. R 6 0 Rural Industries (Queens- * .. 7 7 0 land), Ltd. Picton, A. ('. Rowe's Ltd. Walker, L. E. & Coy. Stori. .I. JIunr. (trophy) Australian Bank of Com- Surgical Supplies, Ltd... merce, Ltd. 6 6 0 (trophy) Australian Estates & Seppelt, P.. & Sons. Ltd. Mortgage Coy., Ltd. 5 5 0 "Sydney Dally Telegraph" Baynes, E. (trophy) 6 6 0 "Sydney Morning Herald" 5 5 0 Telegraph Newspaper Coy Bell, R. A. Ltd. Bank of Australasia 5 5 0 Thurlow, R. W. & Coy. Ltd. Brown, Thomas and Sons, Thornhilll Pastoral Coy. Ltd Tindal & Son Bank of New South .Wales 5 5 0 Union Bank of Australia, Brodribb, F. K. .. 5 5 0 Ltd. Walker & Hall (trophy) Brt & Coy., Ltd. .. Wills, George & Coy .. Butler, Edward and Sons, Williamson, Ltd., J. C. Ltd. 5550 5 0 Williams, Sidney & Coy . 42 LIST OF PRIZE DONORS-continued

TWildridge, J. & Sinclair, Symes, P. J . Ltd., Brisbane. Siemon & Sons Ross, R. P. Siemon & Sons, Ltd. 'Watson, Ferguson & Coy. Tomkins, W. J. Ltd. Winchcombe Carson, Ltd. Stock & Station Jiournal Stewart DawPon & Coy. Commercial Banking Coy. (trophv) of Sydney, Ltd. Hall, F. R. . Commercial Bank of Aus: Soden, J. Junr (trophy) tralia, Ltd. Gordon & Gotch (trophy) Commercial Union Assur- Australian Sugar Produc- ance Co., Ltd. ers Assn. 'Cribb and Foote Cromble, A. English Scottish & Au - Clarke, W. (Treasury trallan Bank Hotel) Foggitt, Jones & Coy. .. Cheros, C . . Hooker Chapman & Coy. Cowell, Sidney G. (trophy) (McGuffle & Co.) Dnvev-Halliday Company, Perkins & Coy. Ltd. Ltd. Paul & Gray, Ltd. Papworth, A. C. .. L)onatlson, Archbishop Queensland Brewery Ltd. Edlwrds, Dunlop & Coy., Reid & Coy., Ltd. Robert Ltd. . . . Stewart & Walker Exclha:nge Printing Co. . Sturmfels, Ltd. (trophy) Federnal Carriage Coy. Spencer, A. .. Finlayson, W. F., M.P. .. Stumm, C . . Fresh Food & Ice Coy. . . Talt, R. oinujh, George & Sons, United Insurance Coy. .. Itd. Watson, R. CG. ITardlgrave, Mrs. J. nyard & Co. Harringtons, ILtd. (trophy) Holmes. Mrs. M. (Belfast Chicago lewellery Coy. . Hotel ) and Suburban Parcel City TnRkson, .1. "& Coy., Ltd. Delivery Coy. Joyce Bros. Clark, G. C. i\1.,a,\ of South Bribane Day, Victor T:ihoy's Ltd. .. Dnavies, \V. Elliott Bros. Ltd. . Lissner, Mrs. E. (A.bet Foy & Gibson, Pty. Ltd.. Hotel) .. .. Gallagher, M. J ... ,ri.on ii I i .os. Hart, J. H. Mackay & Coy. (trophy) Laycock, Littledike & Coy. Morcoms Ltd. Bros. Lysaght's Galvanised Iron .M(ic,ok Pty., Ltd.. .. McLeod, A. (trophy) Story & Ramsay Itoherts, Mrs. (British Em- McGregor, Robt. & Co. .. pire Hotel) Stewart, C. (Criterion Nissen, F. W. Hotel) .. . 1'. J . O'Shea, Hon. State Assurance Coy. Ltd. Poulsen Studios . Thliomas, Mrs. Lewis .. Queensland Grazier and Wool Produce Journal . Wo\rker Newspaper Co. Ltd Rhoades & Coy .. Powell, C. A. .. Powell, Mrs. C. A. LIFE MEMBERS.

4.fleck, W. J., National Mutual Life Asso- Johnson, W., Markets. ciation, Queen Street. Jost, J. P., Jostvale, Oakey. Arvier, Mrs. C. A., "Cooinda," Nortn Quay. Jolliffe, 1. A., Oxford Street, Bulimba. Armour, H. P., England. King, W. M., Queen Street. Badger, J. S., Brisbane Tramways Coy., Kingsbury, J. J., Robert Street, Toowong, Ltd., Countess Street. Klaassen, C N., York Hotel, Stanley Sarnett. Baron Lewis, Sydney. Street, South Brisbane. Baynes, Ernest, Brisbane. Klaassen, C. S. I.. York Hotel, Stanley 3aynes, Harry, South Brisbane. Street, South Brisbane. 3ehan, Thomas, Garfield, via Jericho. Klaassen, James, York Hotel, South Bris- Benjamin, David, Creek Street. bane. 3erry, P. T., Henry Berry and Co., Mel- Klaassen, J. B., York Hotel, Stanley bourne. Street, South Brisbane. Brodribb, F. K., "," Gladstone Klaassen, . D., York Hotel, Stanley St., lHoad, South Brisbane South Brisbane. Brookes, H., "Glentanner," Dalveen. Long, T. T. T., Stanley Street, South Brown, Mrs. D. L., Bowen Terrace, New Brisbane. Farm. Macdonald, John, John Bridge and Co., Brown, John (junr.), 202 Bowen Terrace, Ltd., Eagle Street. New Farm. Macdonald, P. F., Yaamba Station, Blaok- Burton, Arthur, Commercial Union Assur- water. ance Co., Eagle Street. Mackay, R. S., Cawmore Wood, Gallowayr Bushnell, R., . Hill, Brisbane. Cadell, W. T., Deepwater, New England, Marks, Dr. A. H., 109 . N.S.W. McCulloch, D. B,., 80 Queen Street. C'ardell, E. S., Indooroopilly. McGill, Walter. , Gymple. Carr, 1'. R. A., Longpocket Road, Indoo- MacGregor, Sif Win., England. roopilly. McLeod, A., Elizabeth Street. Carrington, Chas., Diamantina Hospital, Noble, H. G., Eagle Street. . Oxley, E. Griffith, Queen Street. Carseldine, A. W., Turbot Street Markets. Perry, G. H., Albert Street. Chapman, E., Wickham Street, Valley. Persse, De Burgh, Tabragalba, Beaudesert lark, A. E., Kerr Street, Toowong. Pointon, A., "Dangore," Langside Road, Clark, James, Kerr Street, Toowong. Hamilton. Clark, J. H., Kerr Street, Toowong. Pratt, T., Fruit Exchange, Turbot Street. Comino, T. S., Turbot Street. Raine, R., Roma Street. Cory, G. C., Toowoomba. Reid, John, London Road, Clayfleld. Cotton, A. J., Hidden Vale, Grandchester. Ridley, R. R., c/o S. W. Ridley, Couldery, W. 1H., "Waliligham" Elizabeth "Loc1k llond," 114 1'ilh Street, Mar- Bay, Sydney. rickville, Sydney. A. S., Toowong. Oowley, Sir Rigby, W. A., South British Insurance Co., Cowlishaw, Hon. J., M.L.C., Bowen Hills, Queen Street. Davis, 8., Sydney. Delpratt, J. H., Tambourine Mountains. Itolertson, H.. "Harlwyn," Abbott Street, Demack, W. H., Post Office, Bulimba. New Farm. Donkin, Henry, Queen Street. RoSs, A. H., Wride Street, Wooloowln. Evans, Chas., Commissioner for Railways, Savage, A. H., "Goanba," Dornoch Terrace, George Street. South Brisbane. Pauset. T. F., Eagle Street. Ferguson, James, Queen Street. ,Sav:tge. W. 1., Union Bank Chambers, Finlayson, M. H., Turbot Street. Queen Street. Finlayson, W. F., M.P., Turbot Street, Sinionson, F., Railway Stores, Countee l'ox, ( or . Yer'(l, i Street. Prankel, P., Edward Street. Simpson, George M., "Formartin," via St. Praser, D. M., "Mundoolun," Beaudesert. Ruth, Dalby. Jalley, Richard, Courier Buildings, Queen Sparkes, Jas., Lindley, Dalby. Street. Stephens, Hon. W., M.L.C., "Waldheim," Gorrie, A., Grosvenor Road, Lindfield, Ipswich Road, Annerley. N.S.W. Steven, J., Taromeo, via Kannungar. Gray, Hon. G. W., M.L.C., Quinlan Gray Stevens, Hon. E. J., M.L.C., Southport and Coy., Ltd., Queen Street. Stewart, John K., Alex. Stewart and Sons, *Grifflth, Sir S. W., C. J., Sydney Ltd., Queen Street. Gunn, Donald, M.L.A., Boolarnel Station, Ta.vlri, ,I.,Clifford House Toowoomba. Goondiwindl. Taylor, Capt. R. 8., Eagle Street Hardgrave, Philip, Wellington Point. Timms, D. W., Strathpine. Harte, A. E., Queen Street. Timms, W. D., Strathpine. Hayes, J. A., Sandgate. Webster, F. H., Mary Street. Hiron, J., Toowong. Weedon, Warren, Selby House, Wiokham Hollis, W., Stanley Street, South Brisbane. Terrace. Hlooper. (George, "Esher," Westwood. Witham, W. L., Rose Street, Annerley. Jewell, J. A., "Glenview," , Young, J. E., "Molonga," Bank Road, South Brisbane. Gracevllle. ANNUAL MEMBERS. 1918.

Abbott, T. J., Grainger and Faulkner, Arnold, W. E. N., Toohey Street, off Logan Singleton, N.S.W. Road, South Brisbane Abel, W., Ravensworth, Widgee, Woolooga Arthur, J., Braeslde, Barcaldine. Abell, E. H., Chief Secretary's Office, Ashworth, Herbert, c/o Moreheads, Ltd., Executive Building. Mary Street. Adams, B. W., John Cooke and Coy., Ltd., Asprey, B., Stevenson Street. Ascot Street. Asprey, J. L., Tattersall's Club, Adelaide Eagle Street. Adamon, J., Adelaide Street, Clayfleld. Addis, D., Roma Street. Astill, A., Moorooka. Astrldge, G. H., Maize Products Coy., Addison, G. H. M., Kodak Buildings, Queen Footscray, Melbourne Street. Atherton, J. H., Miva Station, Miva. Adie, Alex. Childers. Atkin, J. T., Brisbane Scale Works, Affleck, W. J., Grasmere, Petrie. Burnett Lane. Ahern, George, Sandy Creek, Kilcoy. Atkins, E., Brunswick Street, Valley. Ahern, W., c/o Dalgety and Coy., Ltd., Atklns, F. J.T., Coorrada Station, . Elizabeth Street. Atkins. A. (0., Charleville Ahles, W., Elizabeth Street. Atkinson, H. W., Atkinson and McLay, Akers, -, Woodside, Charleville Adelaide Street. Albury, J., Zillmere Atkinson, P. E. H., South Burnett Co-op. Allan, James, M.L.A., Allan and Stark, Ltd, Dairy Co., . Queen Street. Atthow. A. R., Highwood, Kilcoy. Alder, E. H., Old , Albion Atthow, G. A., Clayfleld. Allen, J. Turbot Street. Atthow, (. A.. Arrababy, Moore. Allen, . M., F. Crago and Sons, Ltd., Atthow, W. H., c/o A. Langdon, Adelaide Elisabeth Street. Street, Clayfleld. Alford, C. S., c/o Moreheads Ltd., Brisbane Austin, H. L., Eli Elwnh, Hay, N.S.W. Allan, J. D., New Zealand Loan and M.A. nach, R., Salopian Park, Oakey Coy., Ltd., Eagle Street. RBanell, T. C., nnnngrra. Allen, C. A., c/o E. F. Broad, 41 Edward Bailey, C. E., c/o Chas. Wlllett, 464 Ed- Street ward Street. Allman, 3. Jnr., Guy Street, Warwick. Bailey, C. H., Gympie. Allport, R. K., Sayers Allport Ppty., Ltd., Bailey, J., Thomas Street, Red Hill. Macquarle Street, Sydney. Raines, .1. E., lHotel Wirckham, Valley. Amos, O. L., "Sydenham," Wickham Ter- Baker, 0., Armidale, N.S.W. race. Baker, P., "Koogong," Clayfleld. Anderson, A., Oriental Hotel, Albert Street Raker, R.. Caboolture. D. W. L., 343 Queen Street Anderson, Baldwin, M., Queensland Turf Club, Creek Anderson, J., Newmarket Road, Windsor Street. Anderson, John, "Fairview," Southbrook Spring Ball, H., Rosebank Andrews, A., 155 Fortescue Street, Balllnger, T. J., Supreme Court, George Hill Street. Andonara, A., Olympic Cafe, Queen Street B., Municipal Markets, Roma Ballner, A. S., Sandy Creek, Bromelton. Andrews, Bamberry, J. N., Maryvale, Elbow Valley, Street. via Warwick. Andrews, S., Ashgrove, Tallebudgera. Banman. Angas, C. H., Bowman's Buildings, F. H.. Dingo Adelaide. Banff, J., Coomlnya. Annand, J. D., Annand and Booth, Too- Banks, J. F., Blackall. woomba. Barber, T. "M., c/o Brabant and ('oy., Anning, E., Lancaster Road, Ascot. Charlotte St,'eet Anning, J. M. Barbour, Jas., I.S.O., Glenken, Blarra, Esk. Antonio, H. E., c/o Gleneffle Station, Barbour, James, Jnr., Glenken, Blarra. Esk Turallin, via Milmerran. Bardsley, F., Parbury House, Eagle Street Appel Hon. G. J., Southport. Barkley, H., Stone's Corner, Coorparoo. Appleby, W. E., "Mora," Heath Street, Harlow, T., Oxford Street. Bulimba East Brisbane Barnes. C.. Bolivia Station. Bolivia, N.S.W. Archer, John, Torsdale. Barltrop, W. H.. Jackson Street, Hamilton. Archer, J. W., Mt. Moriah, Kilcoy. Barnes, F. J., Roma Street. Archer, R. S., Gracemere, Rockhampton. Barnes, J., N.S.W. Canning Factory, 3 Arohibald, G. M., Moray Street, New Farm Botany Street. Waterloo. Archibald, J. B.,Maryborough Barnes, J. H. S., , Warwick Archibald, R. J., Gladstone Road, South Barnes, W. J., Cedar Grove. Brisbane. Barnes, Hon. W. H., Roma Street. Arkell, W., Markets, Turbot Street. Barnes, W. T., Edward Street. Armstrong, G. N., Goodna. Barnett, F. G., Maynard Street, Woolloon. Armstrong, J., Charleville. gabba. Armstrong, W. D., M.L.A., Parliament Barnett, E.. Blackall. House. Barnaley, 1., Hurstville, Sydney. Armstrong, Miss Kate, Disputed Plains, Barr, A. S., Turbot Street. Lismore, N.S.W. Barrie, A., Temple Street, Coorparoo. ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued. Bell, T. A., Gladstone Road, South Brig- Barrington, A., Queen Street bane. Roma Barren, A. C., Howes Bros. and Coy., Emu Park, Street. Bell, Mrs. Wm., "Carthona," J., Kedron. via Rockhampton. Barren, Benbow, Henry, Mountain View, Purga, Barrow, C. W., 99-101, Warf Street. via Ipswich. J. .. Warwick Butter and Barrowman, Bennett, F. H., c/o George Wills and Coy., Dairy Co., Mill Hill Wharf Street. Barry, M. J., Queen Street. Barstow, C. B., 142 Charlotte Street Hennett, F. J., Vulture Street, South Barstow, E., Highgate Hill, South Bris- Brisbane. bane. Bennett, H., Gympie. Barter, G., Stanley Street, South Brisbane. Bent, E., Mariemont Mallow, Stanthorpe Barton, E. J. T., Town Hall, Queen Street. Bentley, R. H., South Coast Dairy, Glenels Barton, F. E., Murgon, Kingaroy Line. Street, South Brisbane. Barton, R. G., Toweran Station, Lowmead. Bergin, B., Toomoo, Mungallala. Bassett, S. S., Roma. Bergin, Hugh 1'., Albert Street. Bashford, Henry, Ann Street, Mary- Berry, P. B., Dunmore Terrace, Auchen- borough flower. Bassingthwaighte, C., Niagara, via Bell. Bertram, W., M.L.A., Parliament House. Bassingthwaighte, E., Jinghi Jinghi, Jon- Besley, F. W., Valley Art Printing Coy., dowae. Brunswick Street. Bassingthwaighte, G. E., Jinghi Jinghi, *Best, John, Byres Street, Newstead. Dalby. rL"tty. , i'. II., iul.liVt ii S t'eet, Tr4owoomba Bassingthwaighte, H. V., Deamondy, Jon- Bick, W. T., Bowen Bridge Road. dowae. lti.kfolrd. II. W., TurlIot Street Batchelor, F., Landsborough, N.C.L. Biddle, R. E., Yerongpilly, S.C.L. S,,t, A A Fernleieh. Lakeside. * Biddies, P., Home Park, Netherby, N.C.* Bates, .1J. \V., Maryborough Uiags, J. BJ., c. i'erkinis and Coy., .Mary Bath, T., 97 Broadway, East Camberwell, Street Victoria. Biggs, J. S., Globe Hotel, Adelaide Street. Bathe, .., Tpswich Road. Annerley Biggs, T., Elizabeth Street. Batt. WV. T., Snrig Street, W\est End. Billington, R., Hamilton. Baulch, C., Kullee, via Laidley. Birchley, H. V., Boundary Street, West Baulch, John, Lake Clarendon, Gatton. End. Binnie, Capt. D. J., Victoria Barracks, Bawden, A. J., East Street, Rockhampton. Estates and Mort- Petrie Terrace. Baxter, R., Australian I:irkbeck, Coy., Creek Street. i;. II. ,lJ; n;s Street, TVooloowin gage South IisliIop, A. , , 1). Mitlhell and Co., Ltd., Bayard, G. A., Melbourne Street, Sydney. Brisbane. Arthur, Adelaide Street. Biscoe, R., McLennan Street, Albion. Baynes, Mary Black, A., Pajingo Station, Charters Baynes, W. S. . on Molertlads Ltd., Towers. Brisbane Street. Black, Hugh, City Buildings, Edward Beal, A. E., Edward Street. Street. Department, Queen Beal, G. L., Treasury Black, J., Queen Street. Street. Black. R., Courier Building, Queen Street Beardmore, E. R., Dalgety's Building, Black, S., Queen Street. Elizabeth Street. Black, W. R., I'etrie's Bight. Beatte, D., Kenilworth, Eumundl. Blacklock, A. W., "Harelmar," Southbrook eattie, R., Kenllworth, Eumundi. Blacklock, (1. H., Hornsby & Sons, Ltd., ecker, T., "Stonecroft," Taroul. Queen Street. Becker, M., Queen Street. Blacklock, W., Hendra. ,eeker, J. R., Taroom. Blackstock, S., Blackall. eoaker, W. J., Coorado, Taroom. eckman, WV.. Mulgownie. via Laidley Blake, F., Blenheim, Laidley. edgood, E. J., Isaac Street, Paddlngton. Bland, C. U., Manly. J. 1. Wondal. Blanshard, F., Swallow & Ariell Ltd., eebyv Adelaide Street. 'leebe "'. M., Mundubbera. 3ehle, F., Racecourse Road, Ascot. Blank, C., Bowen Bridge Road. 3ehrendorff. C., Bunjurgen, via Boonah. Bleechmore, George, 50 Gladstone Road, Coy., South TBrisbane. 3eiers, J., Oueensland Machinery Albert Street. Bleechmor,,, L., c 'o Kitchen and Son, Street, Melbourne leirne, Hon. T. C., Brunswick _ , -* New Soth Wales, Blocksldge, G. H., Queen Street. Valley. New South Wales, Bligh, A. C., Condamine Plains, Brook- Aelt. F. R.. Bank of stead Bell, . T., eM.L.A., Coochin Coochln, Bloss, C.. Deep Creek, Gympie Boonah. Blume, B. G., Stanley Hall, Ascot. Queensland Trustees, Ltd., lell, F. M., Camboon, Chinchilla. Blundell, P. A., Campbell & Sons, Ltd, Queen Street. \ell, J. D., James Blythe, A. G., Winton. Creek Street. Bond, U. I., Australian Hardware Coy., lell, R. A., Transcontinental Hotel, Queen Street. George Street. Bond, L. M., Perry Bros., Albert Street :ell, Nolmlan, S3-8 Eagle Street. Bonnor. C., Lincoln Hills, Wilson Down. ell, i'. Strathpine. falls, New South Wales. ell, It. M., Eskdale, South Esk. 46 ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued. Bonney, N., D'Aguilar, Kilcoy Line Brown, G. E., Brown's Creek, Narangba. Booker, C. J.. Woolooga, Theebine. N.C.L. Booker, Desmond, Moray Street, New Brown, J. U. Farm Brown, J. W., Kilcoy Booth, C. C., 67 Queen Street. Brown, J. W., The Springs, Laidley. Booth, E. Bell, Brisbane Tramways Coy., Brown, M., Nudgee. Ltd., Countess Street. Brown, Norwood, A.B.C. Bank, Queen St. Booth, W., Ascot. Brown, Nugent Wade, "Haddington." Borton, M. W., Toowoomba. Sandgate. Booth, A., The Channings, Gregory Ter. Brown, R., Mooroombin, Toogoolawah. race. Brown, Roht., lIuzacott and Coy., Petrie' Booth, John, Ascot. Bight Borthwell. J., Norman Park. Brown, T. H., Thos. Brown and Sons, Bostock, H. A., Ipswich. Eagle Street. Bottomley, J. P., Ipswich. Brown, Lieut-Col. Wallace, Victoria Bar- Bouchard, T. W., Queen Street. racks, Petrie Terrace. Bourke, Norman, Richmond, North Browne, K. J., Marmadue, Dalby. Queensland. Browne, M. S., The Palms, Wellington Bourke, J., Utopia, Boompa Point Boulton, U. H., Ormlston, Cleveland Line. Browne, J. A., "Sydenham," Wickham Ter. Bowcher, F., 105 Eagle Street. Browning, W., Blackall Bowden, J., Sherwood. Brumn, A., c/o Mr. Wohlson, Empire Bowman, A. M., Longrqach Street, Thompson Estate Bowman, D. J., Charleville Brunnich, J. C., Department of Agriculture Bowman, F. J. M., Albany Downs, and Stock, William Street. Mitchell. Bruxner, H., Jelbyn, Beaudesert. Bowman, E. M., Oakham Retreat, Yaraka *Bryant, G. H., Q.M.E. and A Coy, Mary Bowman, E. M., Oakham Retreat, Isstord. Street. Bowman. W. R., Boonah. Bowser, E. A., Manly. Buchanan, D., Esk. Bowser, W. H., O'Conneltown Quarries, Buchanan, N. G., Biarra. Esk. Windsor. Buchanan, S. B., Dairying Coy., Ltd., Boyce, W. F. R., Union Bank Chambers, Cambooya Queen Street. Buchanan, W. A.. Morayfield, N.C.L. Boyle, R., Taabinga Village, Kingaroy. Bull, J W.. Capella Boyd, R. V., Richmond River, N.S.W. Bulcock, W., Creek Street. Boyd, W., Old Sandgate Road, Albion. Bundock, C. W., Kooralbyn, Beaudesert Boyes, J. W., Agnes Street, Torwood Bunning, G. E., Commercial Union Cham- Boyle, M. A., Thorn Street, Ipswich. bers, Eagle Street. Brabazon. C. J., Elderslie Station. Winton. Burgess, John, canning Downs South, Brace, F. A., c/o Foggit Jones and Coy., Warwick. Turbot Street. Burke, W. B., Farina (Aust.) Ltd., Far- Bracker, A. E., Edgecumbe, Texas. leigh House, il Kent Street, Sydney Bracken, H. V., unalda, N.C.L. Burley, J. H., Queen Street. Bracker, H., c/o Moreheads Ltd., Mary Burnard, J. E., Windsor Avenue, Wooloo* Street. win. Bracker, L., Cobba-da-manna. Burnett, E. G., Inverleigh, Normanton. Bracker, W., Lasbrook, Cobba-da-Manna. Burnett. H. i)., Colinton Bradley, W.. Kilcoy Burnett, J. F., Normanby Estate, Harris- Brake, W., Stanley Street, South Brisbane. ville Brake, W. P. H. Burnett, R..T., A.M.E. Coy., Ltd.. Eagle St. Brennan, Winm., Crottby, Coochin. Burrell, A. '., [iurrell, Fenton & Coy., Brentnall, Hon. F. T., Coorparoo. Roma Street Bretz, A., McLennan Street, Albion Burrell, James, Crow's Nest. Brewster, W., "Kia-Ora," Byrne Estate, Burslem, H. B., Lysaghts Ppty., Ltd., Ann Bowen Bridge Road. Street. Briggs, C. H.. State School, Belmont Burtt, F., Outridge Printing Coy., Queen Brltgs, F. W., Politic, Aramac. Street. Briggs, J., Briggs & Son, George Street. Burton, E., Wanora. Bright, C. A., North Pine. Burton, J. J., 197 Elizabeth Street. Broad, H. W., Corlnda. lBurton, It. E., "Hillside," Vulture Street, Broadbent, J. K.. Booral. Juandah East Brisbane Brodle, W. H., Bank of New South Wales. nurton, H., Warwick Butter and Dairy- Queen Street. ing Coy., ,Mill Hill Brookes, W., l3unrdaberg Broom, N. "Moolyung,"b., Yandnran, Bushnell, E. I.. (ayndlah N.C.L. Bushnell, W. N., Nanango. Broanan, T., Ida Street, Toowoomba. Itss, C ,, undaberg Brosnan, E., 4 Devine Street, Erskinevllle, Buss, Horace, . Sydney Butland, W. H. Sherwood, Brown, B. P., Cintra Road, Bowen Hills Butler, F. W., Targinnie, Yarrum, N.C.L. Brown, F. G., Toogoolawah. Butler, (., Fanning River, North Queens- Brown, 0., Brown and Broad, Ltd., New- land. stead. Butler, W. R., Staghurst, Ylmbun. Brown, B. R. S., Bank of Queensland., Butt, G. J., Montvllle. Valley . lButterworth, S., New Farm ANNUAL MEMBERS-Contnue. Byrne, Edward, Albion. Chaille, H. M., Blinkbonnie, Esk. Byrne, G. R., Town Hall, Queen Street. Chalice, H. J., c/o F. K. Brodribb, Glad- Byrne, J., Moreheads Ltd., Mary Street. stone Road, South Brisbane. Cain, J., Royal Hotel, Queen Street. Chambers, Claude W., Chambers & Caddy, -, Louis Street, off Ipswlch Road, Powell, Queen Street. South Brisbane Chandler, J. B., Charlotte Street. Cadell, D., Deepwater, N.S.W. Chapman, A. E., "Walmer," Enoggera Cain, J., Madomla Park, Picola, Vic. Road, Kelvin Grope. Cairns, A., Northcote Street, East Brishiape Chapman, B. F., c/o New Zealand Loan Caldlercoat, E. J. WV., Mansfield Street, & M. A. Coy., Ltd., Eagle Street Coorparoo. Chapman, F. G., "Walmer," Enoggera Callaghan, J. V., 602 Brunswick Street, Road, Kelvin Grove. New Farm Chapman, H. A., Queen Street. Callaghan, M., Grand Hotel, Esk. Chapman, R. V., Queen Street. Cambage, W., Cooroy. CheImacs, A. It., Wammini ton, Inglewood Cameron, A. W., Bank of New South Charles, R.. Omanama Wales, Queen Street. Charles, W. M., Gootchie, N.C.L. Camaeroii, Ii. \., Woealia ais. .\Iitchell ('l:mseliimg, CA. .. J., , via Cameron, I . C'. K.. 'iijitl I';storalists' As- Kinga oy sociation, Union Bank Chamber., Chmmvel, C. .1.. Cameron. Warwick Queen Street. Chayter, R. H., Queensland Agency Ltd.. Cameron, Dr. J. A., East Street, Ipswich. Creek Street. Canmeron, .1. i., I leach imouli t, via Nerang Chem us, C., Ellisos Catfe, Edward Street. Cameron, .1. C., "Lochiel," Toorak Road, Chilcntt, 0. L., Liiiluurni, Cleveland Line. Hamilton. Childe, L. A. Cameron. 1<. IH.. Miles. ('Imi.sile, A. 8., c/o Moreheads, Ltd., Cameron, P. W., Nicholas Street, Ipswich. Brisbane. Cameron, R., Murweh Sidig, S. and W. Christie, Colin, Ithaca Street, Normanby. Railway. Christie, Rohert, Hell Street. Enoggera. Cameron, W. F., Town Hall, Queen Street. Church, J. F., Queen Street. Campbell, A., Campbell Street, South 'milmhe, .m., I neiie St meot, .n i mdali. Brishnnie. Clailpor'tm, Al iss. 'larong. Nmlnango. Camplell. .\. B., Albion la kerv. Albion Clapperton, T. A., Tarong, Nanango. Campbell, C. B., Guthrie Street, Rosalle. Clark, A., 99 Mary Street. Campbell, C. W., Albion Sawmills, Albion. Clark, A., Rose Street, Annerley. Cainpliell, . J., Manard St rnt, Wool Clark. A. i-i.. It. W. Thurlow and Coy., Ltd. loonga bin Wharf Street. Campbell, f. P., Mt. Perry Clark, G. C., East Talgal, Dalrymple. Campbell, G. P., Creek Street. Clark, C. .1., Montague Road, West End. Campbell, Ii. H., Yeemongpily Clark. H., c'o W. H. Paling & Coy., Ltd., Camimbell, .1. II.,.,Imec ,inol. larcalin e Queen Street. Campbell, J. K., 46 Jane Street, New &'i ik, .mmies. Farm. Clark, Jamnies, Ta room. Campbell, V., James Campbell and Sons, C(Ilark, Janmies. "Wyitemian" New Farm Ltd., Creek Street. C'la'k, .Im'm cs. I olihi hood ataton, Forsyth, Cannon, B., "Como," Yeronga. North Queenslan d Camimmull, W., Ca minion and Crmppe, George bL Clark. .1. .J.. Iobin hood Station, Forsyth, Caporn, H. M., W. Amams and Coy., Ltd., No(th Qieenslanil. Edward and Mary Streets. (I:m ik, I'. Kllememmnl, Zillman Rd, Hendra. Carige, Henry, Natley, Deetord, Dawson Clark.''hois., ullolerinlt Mount, via Palm- Valley Line. woods. Carmichael, . H., Hoskin and Carmichael. " Clark, W. H., Watson, Ferguson and Coy,.i Creek Street. Ltd., Queen Street. Carne. I. B., Wynnui South Clarke, .J. S., Iobin Hood Station, George- Carpenter, (. R.. Rockhampton town. Carr, H., Queen's Wharf. Clarke, C. M., Maryvale, Charters Towers Carr, J. E., Hillside Crescent, Hamilton. Clarke, Edward A., Clarke's Bridge, via i Carr, W., Toowong. Laidley. Carr, W. B., Queen's Wharf, William St. Clarke, F. R., Makerston Street. Carr, W. T.H., Indooroopilly Clarke, H. (.., C. A. Clarke and Son, 298 Carrick, W. P., c/o Fenwick and Coy, Queen Street Edward Street. Clarke, WIn., Treasury Hotel, George St. Carroll, - ., )nv's Road, Wilston Clarke, Wm., Box 43, Dalby. Carroll, J., O'Connelltown, Windsor. c'l:nmksom, a. II. W., Sanidgamle ('.nI SI,'. - ,~' HI.5 r Sti'ei, B3risbane Clarry, W., I)ouglas St, Coorparoo Carter, D. 5., 99 Queen Street. Clarry, XV.. c/,o N. C. Hall, Tanthitha Sta- Carter, H. C. Ymirtnmni , N. Q. tion, Bundabera. I Carter, J. E., 142 Charlotte Street. Clarson, C., Oakdale Poultry Yards, Eak. Carvosso, Dr. A. B., "Frescatl." Ann Ut. Cleghorn, R. A., Petrie's Bight. i C .\l . P'erry CasWtml. C., 'aimlnllir, Clemenlt, II., C'hucrh Stiret, ValleJ Cathcart, G. A, Winchcombe Canon, Ltd., Creek Street. Clifford, L. C., Arcade, Edward Street. Cawdell, W. A. H., E.S. and A. Bank, Clifford, W. C., IlournIe St., Clayfield RervetaLe.Stanley Street, South Bris- Coakes, W. J., Finney Isles and Coy., Ltd., bane. Queen Street.i Crakley, L. J., Auckland, New Zealand. Cowell, S. G., W. A. McGuffie and Coy., Cobbold, F. E., London Bank Chambers, Queen Street. Creek Street. Cox, J. H., Commercial Union Assurance Cobcroft, A. C., "Listowel," Warwick. Coy., Eagle Street. Cock, James, Third Avenue, Wilston. Coxon, F. J. C., Gate's Head, Lindum. Cockerill, F. H., Glen'rock. Coxon, George, Gates Head, Lindum, Cookerill, W. E. Stanley Street, South Cleveland Line. Brisbane. * Craig, A., Charlotte Plains, Cunnamulla. Cocks, R. Toowong. Craig, H. G., Dalgety & Coy., Ltd., Eliza- Coffey, D. A. Kedron Park Hotel, Kedron beth Street. Park. Craig, W. T., Wills Gilchrist and Sander- Cohen, R., Commercial Travellers' Build- son, Ltd., Wharf Street. ings, Elizabeth Street. Cramb, N. G. S., Eudlo, N.C.I]. Cohoe, A. J., Toowoomba. Cramwell, T. A., Killarney Dairy Coy., Cole, James, Cole and Grice, West End. Killarney. Cole, W. F., Adelaide Street. Crawford, T., Yaamba, Macalister. Coleman, G. S., Q.M.E. Coy, Mary Street. Cribb, B. F., Longreach Building, North Coleman, S., 6th Avenue, Windsor. Quay. Colett, J. T., Pomona. Cribb, H. S., Bleak House, Ipswich. Collin, G. W., W. Collin & Sons, Petrie's Cribb, T. B., c/o Mrs. Lewis Thomas, Bight. Brynhyfryd, Ipswich. Oollln, Captain W. J., W. Collin and ons. Crichton, N., IDornoch Terrace, South Petrie's Bight Brisbane. Collins, Mrs. W., Nindooimbah, Beaudesert Crick, C. H., Strathpine. Collins, Miss J, Mundoolun Bdadsert. Crofts, H. G., Department of Agriculture, Collins. C. J.. Tamrookum, Beaudesert William Street. Collins, J. W., Collins and Bickerton, Ltd. Crombie, A., Elphin, Toowoomba. Edward Street. Cronin, E. 1D. Collins, Thomas, Lloyd Street, Coorparoo. Crooke C. G., Survey Office, Executive Collins, T. A., Victoria Street, Windsor. Building. Collins, Victor, Spring Creek Station, Mt. Cross, Thomas, Whetstone, Goondiwindi Collins, W., Senr., Canning St. Warwick Croston, V. W., Creek Street, Brisbane. Comisky, P., Withersfleld Crouch, H., Town Clerk, Hamilton. Connolly, B., Maryborough Crouch, 0. S., Crouch & Connah, Turbot Surprise, Cairns. Street. Connolly, Dr. F. Glynn, London Bank Crowe, Miss, Norman Hotel, Ipswich Road Chambers, Creek Street. Crowther, S., "neechfleld," Dornoch Ter- Conners, J., Glen Erin, Nanango. race, South Brisbane,. Connors, P., Florence Street, Bulimba. Crowther, G. H., "Torrlngton," Toowoomba Conoehle R. Brooklands, . Crowther, W., New Zealand Loan and Coogan, b., Bale Street, Albion. M.A. Coy., Ltd., Eagle Street. Cook, A. J.. Nevestella, Banana. Cruse, J. 8., Clayfleld. Coork J.. Queensland Farmers' Co-op. Coy, Cryle, J., Brisbane Tramways Coy., Ltd., BoovaL " Countess Street. Cook, Sydney, "Rockton," Jeay Street, Cubith, H. S., Swan's Road, Taringa. Bowen Hills. Cudmore, D. C., Barcaldine. Cooke, Alfred, Maleny. Cullen, A. K., Eurombah, Taroom. Coonan, J., Stamford House, Taringar. Cullen, D., "Cabsean," Margaret Street, Cooper, Sir Pope, Sherwood. Toowoomba. Cooper, L. S. Culley, Mrs. D., Shamrock Hotel, Bruns- Coppinger, J., "Kiltulla," Hanlon Terrace, wick Street. Hamilton. Cummings, D., Woodfleld, Bororen Cordner, John, Toowoomba. Cummings, J., Townsville. Corrie, D. M., Chelmer. Cumming, R. H., Chas. A. Clarke and Corrigan, B. V., Abbotsford Road, Bowen Son, 298 Queen Street, Cupples, H., London Bank of Australia. Corser B. H., Wetheron, Burnett. Queen Street. Cory, A. H., Department of Agriculture Cupples, J., "Tipperary," Murgon and Stock, William Street. Curr, George, Dundee, N.S.W. Cory, F. B. Vermont, Warwick. Currant, W. G., Bellwood Dairy, Gunald. Cos rove, ., Ipswich Road. Curtis, Commander B., Naval Office, Cosh, Rev. 3., ld Sandgate Road, Wooloo- Edward Street. win. Curtis, R. G., Wombah, Bundaberg. Costin, J. 1., Edmoustone Street, South Cusack, Thos., A.M.L. and F. Buflding, Brisbane. Creek Street. Street, South Costin, J. T., Edmonstone Cuthbert F. W., c/o Denham's, Ltd., Roma CotBrham, . A., 19 Fitaroy Chambers, Ade- Street. laiCothde Street Dale, William, George Myers & Coy., Ed- 117 ward Street. Cottam, R. H., Capt., "Overstone," Dowe ,rrraee. . Ro.. Daley, P., Maleny. Couoh, W., yarra,' Lo~a Swtret. Daly, D. E., Acacia Creek, via Warwick Couneau, Norman 40 Qun ,r Daly, W. J., "Prestbury." Guthrie Street, ounsell, C. M., Kingiwood, Warwick. Paddington o utti, J. V. D., Union Stret. Toowon. Dance, Mn. 0. B., Chubblll Farm, Cowan, P., Preston House, Queen Street. Townshend. Daniell, A. J., Railway Hotel, Roma Street Donaldson, J. C., 1(69 Elizabeth Street. Daniels, J., Bennoble, Canungra Line. Donaldson, R., Medway, Bogantungan. Daniels, H., Windsor Road, Red Hill. Donaldson, Archbishop, Bishopsbourne, D'Arcy, M., Gympie. Milton. Dare. Thos., Maclagan Valley, Co-op. i.onkin, Cyril, "Killern." Milton Dairy Coy., via Jondaryan. Iloneley, Mrs., Devon1 Park, Oxley. Path. i oert, lith Hieitderson and Coy., I onovnn. John. IEmpire Hotel. Valley. Donovan, P., Omanamna. Davey, Hon. A. A., Ellerslie Crescent, Dore, A. 0., Whybrow and Coy., Charlotte South Toowong. Street. Davey, A. H., Davey Halliday Coy., Ann Dougall, J. H., Gladstone Road, South Street. Brisbane. Davey, James, Dutton Park, South Bris- Doughty, H. R.. Hurley & Doughty, bane. Courier Building. 1Ivihon, . :112 \delaide Street. Douglas, F. H., c/o H. & W. Grear, Ade- Davidson, Dr. G., Sandgate. laide Street. Davidson, J. O. W., Ercildonne, Clifton. Douglas. H. A. C.. Elliott )onaldson and Davies, H. J., Australian Estates and M. Douglas, 629 Queen Street. Coy., Creek Street. Douglas, H. \.. 1lt. loriah, Morven Davies, J.... Mt. 0 ravatt. I)ougla4, A. S. Davies, M. C., Lipton's Ltd., Sydney. Iouglis, ' I"., Eversfield, Mungallala. Davies, Wm., "'I iyslwyn,"Toowong. Douglas, W. A., Supreme Court, George Davis, F. 11., Yorkshire Insurance Coy., Street. Eagle Street. Dowridge, J., George Street. Davis, R. C., Caldwells Wines, Ltd., 65 I I? lt*. II. II.. I i(le anl c'harles, Furrica. Macquarie Street, Sydney. Iay4:4. en i nes. N.W Davy, H., Queensland Club, George Street Doyle, J. H., Warrandine, Tallwood. Dawson, lM., Comercial Banking Coy. of Doyle. M. W., Moggill. Sydney, Queen Street. Drel ' A. W., Austialianl Stock Breeders 1 I wson, .4. I;. .. \,v Z,:,in lol loI4t and oy. Ltd., lary Street. I Iuni, \i ss IL., Itouaglianm Ejldon H-ill Day, 0. E., VillieiRs Street. New Farm. Dryden, V., Drydens, Ltd., Albion. Day, Victor, Adelaide Street. Dean, Henry, 226, Roma Street. Dr ?n,:. W'., la;t~obe Trnc~e, P'addtingtor Dean, J. E., Co-operative Dairy Coy., IIng'Iai I. It. II., 2lerr imiu, I-acch us Marsh Victoria. do II'v. 4,I. ( ., Enioggt'a TIeiiee. Dugdale, .1., Hose Hill, Myrniong, Red Hill. Victoria. Deighton, H., Aldersyde, Warwick. I Invelni 1.. 'rPUotl Ian. Ia:lln,. \'ic Puhig, Arclishop, lDarra, Valley. T0l:4ii('ov . , SI nile'v Sttet't Duncan. A., Penlington Street, Rock- De Little, F. XV., N.Z. Loann and M. A. ha m pton. Coy.. Ltd.. Eagle Street. Duncnn, W., Wakefield Street, Albion. Dell, W. D., Langlands Estate, Coorparoo. Dunan les W"Whilt(''llife." .\lbion. liller. WV. N\., Cn .1. lijioji Tonw4'v4ne ~ Dunlop, J. W., Wilson, Burton Ltd.. Dellitt, M. C., Oakey Creek, via Eumundi ('harlotte Street. l 4e.a'jckl S., Suntitig I. Dunn. D.. Valley View, Beaudesert. Iet lpster, .1. II.. en AIOlN. Stewart and i~uiiuie, 0.. Romna Street. Soils, T~t1.. I 1ishnu1' I uni t.4i. V .., I 4w I a i I ((., lTo - Denham, D. F., "Ingleside," Annerley Road, South Brisbane. Durston, G., Roseniount Terrace, Windaot Deititam, .1., Waiw ick But Ier anid IDairy - Dyer, R. T.. Taringa. ing (cy., Mill H1ll1 Enrly, A. E., Nelson Street, South Bris Dethan, Mis., '1 ain 1t(Ii," l-runswick St. bet ne. Earwaker, J., Wincheombe Carson, Ltd., Deitimeai, 1V. I I., Allinn e Assurance Coy., I':tnle Street. Br ishnie. Dent. XV. It. Caveneioisl I ond, Coorparoo East, Hubert. McDonnell and East, Ltdo Devereux, W. P., A. M. L. and F. Coy. George Street. Creek Sticet. Eaton. W. P., Hulimba. Devine, A. E.. Mount Leinster, Dalby. Ednodtls, Mrs. F. T., Watson Street, l~rvvlan W\. ',nuphInIll Terc. ;iouth Coorparoo. Brisbane. ElIw',rds, Jamies. ZIl lin n Road, Hendra Devoy, J. N.. Quinlan Gray and Coy., Edwards, M. M., N.Z. Chambers, Ques Queen Street. Street. Pewhurst, Mis. it.. Quinn Street, Toowonrg E1warlds, W. H., (f1Oellosum N.C.L. Dickfos, Il., Coleyville Eisler, J. Safety Gas Coy., George Stree Pickie. I. R.. Robert H-ia rper and Cov., Elgar. S., Adelaide Steamship Coy., Ltd Albert Street Petrie's Bight. Dillon. Peter, Goondiwiintl Ellerton, Dr. H. B., Hospital for Inmans Dixon, A. J., River Road, New Farm. Goodna. Docherty. J., Albion. Elliott, A. A., "Victo," Coongoola. Dodwell, A, V., Canada Cycle and Motor Agency, Creek Street. Elliott, C., Charlton and Elliott, Queen Donaldson, F., Medway, Bogantungan. Street. lliott, E., Elliott Bros., Ltd., Eagle St Fitzgerald, T. K., Samford. lllott, Gavin, Wheatley Farm, Laidley Fitzpatrick, J. C., Bellevue Hotel, Coo- South. minya. Olliott, W. H., Nanijah, Cunnamulla Fleming, G., Maleny, via Landsborough 0lms, M., Northgate Fleming, P., Albert Street, Brisbane liworthy, F. ., Gympie. Fletcher, D., Eurella, S. and W. Railway. Cngland, J., Strathpine. Fletcher, P. Junr, Eumella, 8. anti w. Ongles, W., Mlt. LoW, via Eumundi, N.C.L. Railway lIwyn, H. F., Gunyan, Inglewood. Fletcher, Edwin, (loondiwindi Espie, D. E., Charleville. Fletcher, M., Eurella, 8. and W. Railway. DVans, C. G., Mactaggart Bros., Adelaide Fletcher, P., Eurella, S. and W. Railway. Street. Flett, T. M., Box 562 G.P.O., Brisbane. Dvans, D. W., "Miora," Pilton, via Clifton Flitcroft, John. Maleny Ivans, John, Evans Anderson and Phelan, Flynn, E., Bank Street, South Brisbane, Kangaroo Point. Fogarty, U. IE., West street, Toowoombna ivans, T. W., Sigley Evans and Coy., Fog bot C. E.,Feoggit, Jones and Coy., Kingaroy Foote, H. J.. Hazelmere Parade, Sherwood ivans, W. E., Maroochy River, via Yan- Forbes, L. A., Upper Edward Street dina. Ford, F. C. B., Deputy Surveyor-General Everdell, S. J., Woodhill, Beaudesert Line Executive Building. Exton, R. H., R. S. Exton and Coy., Ltd., Forrest, G. B., Nudgee. Queen Street. Forrest, Peter, Forrest, Lang and Roper, Ixton, R. S., R. S. Exton and Coy, Ltd., Merivale Street, South Brisbane. Queen Street. Forrest, P. McI., "Rocklands," O'Connell lzzy, Ivo, the ijowns, BoonIs)a, via Street, Kangaroo Point. Mnaryborough Forster, D. M. T., Forster Engineering Pagg, R. C., Corinda. Works, Mary Street. ahey, Hon. B., North Quay. Forster, G.C.D., E: S: C: A:. Ltd., Edward Pairfax, J. H. Marinya, Cambooya. Street. Uksu,.u, .. , ,XLiI AvnuVeU , M IIIuseh Forster, 1. M. panning, W., Nundah. Forsyth, James, M.L.A., Burns Philp and Panning, Tom, Ashgrove. Coy., Ltd., Mary Street Parley, W., Boonah. Fortescue, E., Queensland Brewery Coy., iarhrc , J. J., kiazeldea i, Gladstone Ltd., Queen Street. rai(uharisomn,, 1'. .1., Dytulla,1 Ilinsley Road, Forth, E. E., Silverwood Dairy Coy., Homa 'I'oowoonbaa Street. rarnit. S., Coodaoxg, N..W. Foster, J., Hudd Street, Bowen Hills. Paust, J., Proserpiie Fowler, T. C., A. M. L. and F. Coy, Ltd, Peather, H. A., Howard Smith Coy., Ltd., 127 Creek Street. Eagle Street. Fow s, IVixx, Hotel I):xniell, George St. Feez, Adolph, Feez, Ruthning and Blaynes, Fowles, W. L., Commissioner, Government Lutwyche Chambers, Adelaide Street. Savings Bank. !enton, J., Burrell Fenton & Coy., Itoma Fox, JuoihI T. Athur Street, Corinda Street. Fox, M. It., Bribanie 1'ruit UGowers Co-op FPerguson, Andrew, Water and Sewerage (to., Ltd., Iloina Street Board, Albert Street. Francis, W., E.9k. e'erguson, C. P., 41 Queen Street. Franke, H., Cawdor, via Toowoomba. 'erguson, E. A., Watson, Ferguson and Fraser, C. S., Frasers, Ltd., Queen Street. Coy., Ltd., Queen Street. Fraser, W., Bowen Terrace, New Farm. Perguson, J ames, Co-operative Dairy Co., Frawley, P. J., Club Hotel, Caboolture. Ltd., Maryborough Erueerich, .1:1. 1'., M udgeeraba Perguson, John, Eagle Terrace, Sandgate. Frederichs, A., Strathplne. i'erusoik, J. N., bangalow, ItIicmoind Frederichx, A. L. Butter Factory, Marburg River, N. .SW. Fredericks, H., Rose Lawn, Strathpine. Ferguson, R. G., William Brookes & Coy., Fredericks, I'. ii. Abbutsford Iu, Bowen Ltd., Elizabeth Street. 1-1ills Feuerriegil W., Bald Hills. I'xeldericks, '1'.E., Mlurwillunball. N.S.W. rerrier, U. E., cu Markwald Son and Abel, Freeleagus, C., George Street, City. Eagle Street. 1'reemxan. C. J., Banyo Plebig, J., McLennan Street, Wooloowin. .i'riexoI, t. B.. springw'oox, Sjxxixxgxoure rild, It. C., Westittld, Wetbury Friend, Harry, Gladstone. 'ielding, John, Blenheim, Laidley Friexnd, P. A., Gladstone tihelly, Hon. J., Parliament House. Frith. .. O., Toowoonba :Inlayson, G., A. & G., Finlayson, Queen Fritz, Harry, Benr., Oakey Creek, via Street. Eumundi. 'inLyeon, M. H., Fruit Exchange, Turbot Frost B., urk Itoad, Milton SStreet. Fryer C. E. 8., Railway Department, Ann inney, Hubert, Charlotte Street. Sreet. ?'lnucan, J., 4!halk Street, Wooloowin. Galley, R., Jnr., Courier Building, Queen 'ish George, "Banyo,r Grey Street, South Street. SBrisbane. Gall, W., Home Secretary's Department. Isher, J., J. W. Johnston and Coy., 82 Treasury Building. SQueen Street. Gallagher, L.. Watt's Cafe, Adelaide St. its gerald, J. F., Fitzgerald and Walh, 'Queen Street. Gallagher, M. J., Kedron Tannery. Gallagher, Thos., "Innlsfail," Wickhamn Graham, D., "Alyth," Ernest St., South Terrace. Brisbane Gardiner, F. P., Royal Street, Paddington. Graham, D., Town Hall, Queen Street. Gardiner, H. J., c/o Dalgety and Coy., Graham. Robert F.. Abbotaleigh. Gin Gin Ltd., Elizabeth Street. Graham, R. F., Graham Bros., Edward Gargett, A., Sandgate. Street. Garrick, J. Cadell, 10 Telegraph Cham- Graham, W. Gordon. Department of Public bers, Queen Street. Lands, George Street. Garrigan. Miss L. S., Sydney. Graham, W. E., Inns of Court, Adelaide Gartside, T. H., Boonah. Street. Gates. V., Clarence , Stanley Graham, W. HT.. John Street. Trn,"vhorough Street, South Brishbane Gralton, A., Albion Hotel, Albion. Gauld, F., Irongate Co-op. Dairy Coy., Gratton, F. C. G., Kingsthorpe. Irongate. (Iray, A., Cobba-da-manna Geaney, C., City Mutual Life Assn., Ade- Gray, G. B., Eldernell, Hamilton. laide Street. Gray. ,1. M.. Dornoch Terrace. South Bris- Geissnman. .. Tambourine Mountain Gellatly, T., 713: Iiirnswick Street New Greaves, G. A., Merrimac Estate, Mudgee- Farm raba. Wondai. Gerrard, T. R., , Taringa. Greenfield, A. P., George Street. Gibson, Hon. Angus, M.L.C., Hampstead Greenhalph, H., Mt. Hntalen, Blackall Road, South Brisbane. Greenlees, J. T., Corinda. Gibbon, C., Farleigh, Nettheim & Co., Ed- Gregory, H. J., Gregory and Davidson, ward Street. Ltd., Edward Street. Gibson, Dr. A. J., c/o Bureau Central Greig, J. R., Civil Service Stores, Adelaide Sugar Mills, Elizabeth Street. Street. Gibson, A. S., Yorkshire Insurance Coy., Grieve, R. K., Bemaring, Br-,okstead. Parbury House, Eagle Street. Grieve, Thos., Chelmer. Gibson, H. T. ('., Kingaroy Griffliths. D. C.. Mt. Forbes. via Rosewood Gibhson. John, Lorne, Sandr~ate Grigg, E. J., Bowen Street. Gibson, J. E., Gracemere, Rockhampton. Grigg, J. C. N., Bostocks, Brookstead. Gibson, Dr. Lockhart, Wickham Terrace. Groom, R. G., Commercial Union Cham- Gibson, Joseph, Kedron bers, Eagle Street. Gilchrist, A. J., Longreach. Gross, E. R., W. D. and H. O, Wills, Ltd, Gilday, J. T., M.L.A., Musgrave Street, Edward Street. Paddington. Grose, J. T., Director of Military Accounts, Gill, W. A., c/o Frank and Bryce, Ltd., Departmentof Defence, Melbourne. Charlotte Street Grove, C. H., "Kelvingrove," Nanango. Gill. \V. S Pllumii narnmundu Gruhb, T., Grant Street. R,ckhaniipton Glllespie, A., Grey Street. South Brisbane. Gunn, D. D., Tartulla, Roma. Gillies, R. G., 111 Queen Street. Gunn, W, Boolarnell, Tallwood. Gilmonr. A A.. lEi'gle .lunctiion Gustavson, John, "Kinvarra," Moray St., Glanvllle, E. S., Cooyar. New Farm. Glasgow, S. H., "Ivanhoe," Kinbombl. (iwyther, R. F., Windsor Goeths, A. H., Obi Obi, via Nambour. Hack, G. A.. London Road, Clayfleld Goggs, Henr,\, )rmiston Haddock, R. R., Bridge Street, Albion. Golden, C. YVelba Hadley, V., Ipswich Gole, L., Liverpool Road, Clayfleld. IlHne'er. W., c'o Perkins and Co., Ltd., Goodall, D., Swan Terrace, Windsor. Mi ry Street Haig, T., Dorris Street, West End. Goody, Ml., liuraii , Elidsvoh Hair, .T., Hnrdgrave Road and Scott Street, Goodger, .r. i'.. NananLo. West End. Goonan, D., Co-operative Dairy Coy., Halford, Dr. A. C. F., "Turrawan," Clay- Gayndah. field. Gordon. A., "Mayne," View St, Milton Hall, F. R., A. M. P. Chambers, Edward Gordon. J. 1'. J., East Street, Rockhamp- Street. ton. Hall, L. A., Baruabah, Goomeri Gordoin. - Tie .Mansions, ch.orge Street Hall. N. 0.. Mertnn Itoad. South Brlbhne Gore, I'. (loondiwindi Hall, N. G., Tantitha Station, Bundaberg. Gostlinig, F., Sherwood Hall, N. W., Dayton Scale Coy.. 151 Queen Goiughl, \V. J., Iantc Street, Spring Hill Street. Gourgand, A., Co-operative Coy., Ltd., Hall, Thos., Annerley Road, South Bris- Kin Kin Gow, Alex., Petrie's Bight Halliday, A., Davey, Halllday and Coy., Graham, A. D., Inns of Court, Adelaide Ann Street. Street. Isaac, Ipawich. Graham, C., Strathellbess, Dalveen. Ham, Graham, C. E. M., Bluff Downs, Charters Hambly, W. O., Jones and Hambly, Ed- Towers. ward Street. Ramilton, C. W., "Kalinga," Lytton Road. Henderson, J. C., "Brougn," Toowong. East Brisbane. Hendorson, J.. S., Milton Station, Glad- Hamilton, David, Macdonald, Hamilton stone. and Coy., Mary Street. Henderson, I., Littlemnore Hamilton, Hon. Wm.. President Legisla- Henderson, W. ., Sanford Park, Charle- tive Council, Parliament House. ville Hammel, W. F., Beenleigh. Hendry. George, Parisian Studio, Queen Hampson, E., O'Connell Terrace, Padding- Street ton. Henry, Capt., Ernest St, South Brisbane Hancock, J. H., Hancock and Gore, Ips- Henry, Price, Cardwell wich Road. Herherton, A... JIany Peaks Handley, C. G., Rockville, Moombra, via Heron, T., Twine Street, Wickham Terrace Coominya Hertzberg, A. M., Charlotte Street. Hanlon, 0. C.. 206 Edward Street Hetherington, J. W., Main Street, Kan- Hanson, C., Ipswich. garoo Point. Hardacre, Hon. H. F., Minister for Public Hewitt, A., Ann Street, Clayfield. Instruction, Treasury Building. Hewitt, H.. .'\ axwell Itonad, E; le Junction Harding, C. J., East Street, Ipswich. Hewitt, T. M. Hewitt and Son, Lismore, Harding, R. J., Meadow Green, Indooroo- New South Wales. pilly. Heydon, T., c/o Henry Berry & Coy., Ltd., Harding, S. H., Ipswich. Adelaide Street. Hardy George, Jeay Street, Bowen Hills Hickey, W., Glendalough Dairy, Wilston. Hardy, T. W. Hicks, J. E., St. Lucia, Toowong. Hargrave, O., Liverpool, London and Globe Higgins, - Higgins Bros., Wawick Insurance Coy., Queen Street. Highet, W., Abbotsford Road, Bowen Hills Eargeaves, J., Manly. Hign t, S. H., ('omlmCerid Inuking Coy., Efargreave. .1. It., '\1lnlv of Syd ~ey. 1 likhlme Barley, C. H., R. S. Hews and Coy, Elias- Hill, A. i'.. (reeo IBank. Hamilton beth Street. Hill, Colin, Bellevue Station, Bellevue. Harley, E. H., c 'o R. S. Hews and ('oy., Hill, E. . W., Fassifern, Kalbar. Elizabeth Street Hill, MIrs. Lumley, Bellevue House, Belle- FHarper, l".n ., m'n Harper lPros., Jirisiujie. vue. Harrison, A., Eagle Street 1-iill, .1.. Juor., Y'arinahee, lin go, Q.( '*1 Harrison, Edward. Crih) Street, Milton Hill, R. S., "Warwickshire," Cavendish Harrison, N. A., Charlotte Street. Road, Coorparoo. Harriss. 1. '., lowlns 'o-oeprative Bairy lill, Stephinen, Northgate Coy., Toow'oomha I-iill, TI I'.. Norman Street, Woloowin Hart, Arthur G., Springfield, Blackall. Hill, W. J., Kelvin Grove. Hart. F., "Culterfel," Manly. Hill, W. R. O., "Tyrian," Melbourne Street. Hart, . M., Empire Chambers, Wharf St. South Brisbane. Hart, J. H., "Culterfel," Manly. Hine, J. E., I)u 111)0s, F u ar le Hart, W. H., Springfield, Blackall. Hipwood, .Jl es, c o J. J. 1'en rse Hartley, P., Nursery Road, Mt. Gravatt. Eagle Street. Hartnell Walter. Toiirntlale, Warra I irst, Edward.t co Norman itHll, Si Earvey, H. K., Mapleton, via Namuloitr Engle Street Eassell, H. A., Hundahierg Hitchcock, O., City and Suburban Ice Coy, Eassell, H. H., Bundalherg South Brisbane. Hodgson, Isaac, Tl'aringa Fiastings, H .MaIlrvbro,ugh Hodgson, John, Knapp's Creek, Beau- Hastings, 3. E., Silkatone, Ipawich. Eltton, desert. I., Chinchlla Hogan, Joseph, Paul and Gray, Ltd., Eagle Iawkins, E. A.. rDhccabrook," Hogan- Street. tuganI Hogan, M., Patriotic Assurance Coy., hawkia. T., Court-le-Roy, Kilcoy. Creek Street. Eawkins, V. b., Taurookunm, IeaudesCrt hIoliiok. 5. T.. iikdalle, Clevelmntl Line pawthorne, A. G. C., Ithaca. Hollingworth, T., Bowen Hills. ilay, W. ., t'/o Federal Taxation Office, Adelaide Street Holloway, Edwin, Union Bank Chambers, Queen Street. eayes, F. St. L., Humpybong Steamship Hlolmes. H., ~llor~n iiCoy., Queen Street. Holmes, E. J., Holmes and Church, Queen rlaye, .. Soth itisl I surance Coy., Street. Queen Street. Iol)mes, I. (1., Tb e 'I'Trrace, Northi luswi ch 'yeJ., Kenmore, via Indooroopily. Eaymen, M. U., ON. Btank. Quen Street Holmes, Jonas, Longlands, Spring Valley, 'Ianles, C. 196 Edward Street. Pittuworth. ealo CWm., Lechhardt Street, Spring Jolmwood, F., NulaYh. Hornet, H. T., Barfileld, ladstone. iealop, James, "Lakkan," Vulture Street, Hood, A. i-I., Wondal Station, Wondal. 'LSouth Brisbane. Hood, W. W., Birt and Coy., Ltd., South earn. H. J., aribanoa Io owns.Mil.chell Brisbane. e r, e. I. A., Isles Love Building, Hooke, F. M., "Burnside," Miva. Nanango Adelaide Street. Line. /eImming, H. B., Wilson and Hemming. Adelaide Street. Hooks, 0. M. Moray Downs, Clerniunt. keaderson, A. W. C., Sunnybank. llooke, J. C., lDungog, N.S.W. Ienderson, bieut. Claude E., Dept. of Hooper, S S., Department of Agriculture Repatriation, Charlotte Street. an Steock. William Street. Hooper, T. B., Tower Street, Albion. Isles, F. A. J., Isles Love and Coy., Ade- Hooper, W., Cheddar Farm, Woombye. laide Street. Hooper, W. J., "Curringin," Markwell St. Ison, T. R., Amy Street, Bulimba Hamilton. Ison, W. G., Annerley Road, Sth. Brisbane I-one, Freo, Linville Isoii, W H., Hawthorne Road. Bulimba -lorne, C. A.. Uladstone. Ives, Win. i.. High Street, Lutwyche Home, G., Monsildale, via Linville. Jackes. James A., Quarry Street, Ipswich. Iorne, IH. I'.. EsIla nade V 'ann South Jacob, E. G., Harvey Frost Vulcanising Home, J., Monsildale, via Linville. Coy, Adelaide Street. Home, J., Biggenden. Jackon, E. R., Ann Street, Petrie's Bight. Jackson, 0. R., Urangeline Coy, Albury. Horne, L., Enroh. . New South Wales Hornibrook, J., Third Aventie Wilston. Jackson, John, Hona Street. Ilorrobin. J. WV., Silverdale, Tiingonra Jackson, J. T., Eagle Street. Horstinann. W. C., E. S. and A. Bank Jackson, L. H., Mt. Blanc, Peachester Chambers, Eagle Street. Jackson, R., Eagle Street. Horton, J. N., Inglis Ltd., Charlotte Street Jackson, W. J., Roma Street. Hoskin, Alfred, Hoskin and Carmichael, .Iones. . l' ., IsonLiU Street.. 1 )alhv Creek Street. James, Les., Courier Building, Queen St. IIoski g. 8. Ii., Inowenville Jeffrey, Alan, Australian Estates and Howard, Thos., Princess Street, Bulimba. Mortgage Coy, 35 Creek Street. Houston, J., Winton. Jeffrey. .J. K.. Weatherham,,(ayndah Howell, U. H., Australian Bank of Com- Jenkins. It.. Mliot, I towen Terrace. merce, Queen Street. Ne.v Iarn Howell, R. A., Killarney South. Jennings, T., iowen Hills. .Jenyns, H. N., Geoige Street Jernme, A., Canungera. iHluiin \. s., :143 Olieen Street .Tesser, Y. F., oodna. Hudson, T., Miles Street, Albion. Jocumsen, S. C., Orinesby, Cooroy, North Hugall, H., Hanlon Terrace, Hamilton. Coast Line. Hughes, A. H., Croydon Street, Toowong. Johns, W., Queen Street. Hughes, C., Seppelt, Ltd., Eagle Street. Johnson, A., Saw Mills, Caboolture. Hughes, C. R. J., Stanley Street, South .Joh iston, , .,Toow'uan Brisbane'. Jolhinstone, I)., Tentertlld, N.S.W. Hughes, E. F., Snow's Building, Queen Str eet. Johnson, c. E., Johnson and Sons, Queen Hughes, J. M., Queensland Club, George Street. Street. Johnson, Harry, Mapleton. Hughes,I'. .. , '\ilura Johnston, J., Hotel Cecil, George Street HuRhs It. I-I..Iaxl horough Hunt, Alex., Maleny Johnston, James, Canada Cycle and Motor Hunter, Herbert, "Glengyle," Mowbray Coy, C~eek Street. Street, East B~risbane. Johnson, J., Queensland Farmers' Co-op. Hunter, H., Jnr., "Brunll," Mowbray St. Coy, Booval. East Brisbane. .Iohnson. Ii. ., I agham Hunler, T. A., Yeulba. .Johnustli. V.. Iia 1urelstoit, Stra th11ne. Hunter, Hon. J. M., M.L.A, Department ef Johnson, Wm., 100 Elizabeth Street. Public Lands, George Street. J1oh1I)()I, wV. II., Inglt'wood Hunter, Itoblrit C., c a \.M.\. hy '., Itd., Johnston, V.'. J.. Stewart Avenue, Eagle Eagle Street JunIIctioni Hunter, R. S., Mary Street. .Joliistott, XV., sXiWartry St jeet. Valley Hurley, C. A., Hurley and Doughty, Johnston, W. C., "Mt. Lang," Henderson Courier Building. Street, Bulimba. Hurworth, DIr., Edlward Street. Hussey, T., Geoffrey Street, New Farm. Jones, A. J., Jones and Hambly, Edward Hutch 1501!, .JIones, Itin11ow t, Handgate Street. Huitch ison, Joh ii. I-hi shliti e Itoadl, Manhly Jones, A. Raymond, Hall, Raymond, Jones Hutchinson, T. Jamieson Street, Sydney. and Hall, Edward Street. Hiuttati, J. '., Iosalie chIiieest I. actory, Jones, Daniel. 135 Petre Terrace. ( ;lenene. Jones, D. O. Sydney, Teebar, Brooweens. Huxley. C S.. 'I'e Wattles. .M1t. Sturt Jones, D. L., Kilkivan Hyde, C. E. W., Rode Road, Nundah. Jones. t, Ed ward J., Iiutler Iliros., 'harlotte Hyde, ''., Nuuidah Street. Hyl:n'at ., I vii 'Terrace. I'fddinigtn Jones, I'. I'.,. Mercantile M utual Insurance Inglis, W., Manson Road, Hendra. ('oV., (.ueent Stieet. I lnes, J. t oyl tHotel, 'aIaltuie Jones, G. E., Goomeri. Innes, W., Harcourt Street, Teneriffe. . nneits, ( . S., Wichtan Street, (1ymplmie Iiiiii, S. N., Walla. Ciin lii Jones, h A., c/o Gordon and Gotch. Queen Irisli. I. I ., Isles hale, Itrislale Street. Jones, Sydney W., Gordon and Gotch, St ieret. Queen Street. Irving, W. E., "horiIIa," Kirkland Avenue, Jones, T. L., Foggitt, Jones and Coy., Tur- Coorparoo. bot Street. Irwin, A., Hardgrave Road, West End. Irw in, J(lihn W.. Iteilciftfe, I)uaringa Jordan, T., Spring Street, Hendra Isancs, E. It., t o Holaffung and Coy, Ltd, Joseph, A. E., Country Preus Asin., Queen Charlotte Street. Street. Josenhson. J., Oddfellows Hall, Petrie Krimmer, C. C., Darling Downs Co-op. Terrace. Bacon Coy., Toowoomba Jowett, Cecil. Lvtton Rord. T .qt Brisbane Kubler. J.. Hendrn Joyce, R., Wildridge and Sinclair, Ltd., Elizabeth Street. Knox, D., Gympie Road, Kedron Judd, A., Brown's Creek, Blayney, New Knox, Robert, Gympie Road, Kedrn. South Wales. Ladewig, E., Old Sandgate Road, Eagle Judge, M. K., c/o Queensland Brewery Junction. Ltd., Petrie's Bight Lahey, J. W., Laheys, Ltd., Vulture Street Just, John. City Electric Light Company, South Brisbane Boundary Street. East, Juster, W. R., Prince Street, Thompson Laidlaw. Jawres. Park St, Kelvin (;ov. Estate. Laing, W. A., Murrarie, Clevela id Line Keane, T., Cunnamulla. rane. J. E., Stnte School, Crow's Nest Keating, G. W., Murgni Laing, Alex., Princhester St. West End Keating. T., Warrv St. Valley. Lalor, wV. 1'., A..1I.I'. Chambers, ldward Keddle, Andrew, Broadway Street, Wool- Street loongabba Lang, John, "Marriann." Sherwood Kelleher, Rev. T., Rosewood. Lang, Alex. S., Wellington Road, Kan- Kellett, A., Beaudesert Road, Acacia, Coo- garoo Point. pers Plains. Lang, John, Forrest, Lang and Roper, Keen, George, Abbotsleigli, Abbotsford Rd Merivale Street, South Brisbane Rowen Hills. Langdon, A. H., Clayfleld. Kellett, T., Gladstone. Lanham, D., Mary Street Kelly, Miss C., Ann Street. Vnalley Lather, G., Auchenflower TWIllv, J E. Bowen Li ver. It., ( ;)goii'g . itorkhamnutotl Kelly, J. R., Botany Street, Clayfleld Lavers, A. R., Q.M.E. Coy, Ltd, Mary St Kelly, W.. Surat Lawless, J. P., Windera, Goomeri Kelsall. .T.. Windsor Lawlor, W., Fortitude Valley Kemp, John, Nundah. Lawrence, A. T., British Imperial Oil Coy, Kendrick, R W., Wilston Road, New- Mary Street. market Lawrence, M., City View Dairy, Bundamba Kennedy, A Cloncurry Lawson, R. B., Stanthorpe. Kennedy, L. M., New Zealand Loan and Lawton. XW. P., c/o Lahevs Ltd.. Canungera M.A. Coy., Ltd., Eagle Street Tealy, Hon P. 3., Queen Street. Kennedy, J. O., Thargomlndah. Lecky, S. C.. Moray Street, New Farm Kennedy. R. D., Campbells Building, Lee, F. S.. New Zealand Loan and M. A. Creek Street. Coy., Ltd., Eagle Street. Kent, Win., Jondaryan Estates Coy., Jon- Lee, F. W., New Zealand Loan and M. A. daryan. Coy., Ltd.. Eagle Street. Kerby. T. G., State School, Wellington Pt. Lee, H. D.. Engineering Supply Coy, of Kerr, R. S., , Coorparoo. Australia. Ltd., Edward Street. Kerwin Mirhnel. "Heatherside," Coinchin Lee, J. H., Werthelm Coy., 52 Queen St. Keys, C., Wondal. Lee. W. J., Stanley Street. South Brisbane Kibble, A. W., Woodstock. Tambourine Lees, J., Mackenzie, Bank of Queensland, Kilroe, J., Finney Isles and Coy., Ltd.. Ltd.. Queen Street. Queen Street. Leitch, A. E., Herston Road, Red Hill. Kilvlngton. .J. H., Shepherd Hill, Clenore Leitch, T., c/o Fenwick and Coy., Edward Grove. Street. King, Clarence, Box 190, G.P.O., Brisbane. Leney, F. W., Albion Street, Warwick. King, J., Kedron Lennon, Hon. W., Wooloowln. King, A. I.. Craliend. (hnrlton L'Estrange, Dr. Guy, George Street. King, Elward, C'rigeicIIl, (harlton l,'Estraniie, WV. M., Herston Ro:Il. Kclvii King, George, Thorn and Boundary Sts., (I rove Ipswich L'Estrange, Dr. H., 113 Wickham terrace King, J. 11.. South 'Tollllirral. 'liiiiinaghunil King, Walter, State School, HleininMant Lethbridge, G. T., Forest Vale. Mitchell King, W. T'. Paddington Lethbridge. R. C., Forest Vale, Mitchell Kingston. F' C'.. Swan Road, TIiaringa Levittston. T'I.. Queen Stre it. Kinross, J. .1.. Brisbane Milk and Ice Coy, Lewis, A. J., Nanango. North Quay iLewis. A., Lewis & Coy., M ni[llnn.t 1 :l,|. Kinross. It. Kinross Bros., I iiv'trll. New South Brisbane South Wales. Liddle, R. A., .1"lh,'r.sn Rd, South Brisbane Kirby, A. J., Ipswich Road, Sth. Brisbane li.!tld , . A.., W\ ,rthl it : ..l.li; i Kirk, It W.. Brookes Street. IBowen Hills Piano Depot I'pty. Ltd., ;(4 qoueen St. Kirk, W. H., c/o J. H. McConnel and Son, Lightoller. Dr. IT. M., George Street. Cressbrook. Lind, A., Gladstone Road, South Brisbane Knight, J., Lapralk Street, Albion. Lindner. H-I.. Mt. Alford, via HIon,,ln Knight, H., Wickham Street, Valley. Liilev, TI. \V., Ulim-cri, w oshi Knig'ht. F., Co-on. Dairy Coy, Blddestonl Lindley, H. B., Curra. Knight, F. 0., Bluff View, Maroondan, Mt. Linsdell, F. H., Uplands, Myrniong, Vie. Perry Line Linicker, Ii., Gregory 'rri n&' Knack, W., Broadmead, Taroom T.k. \W. J., Indooroopllly Knapp, F., Royal Insurance Coy., Queen Linton, G. H.. Buingeworgoral, via Roma Street Lister, J., Laidley Creek. Knox, D. Junr., (!.vnmpic Ioad, Kedron Little, James, Rosedale. Rock- Little, Miss Kyle, Mt. Kent, via Nobby. Macdonald, P. F., "Morningside," Little, H., Q. N. flank, Queen Street. hampton Little, lck WVi nartt it .'e . V.. t .e. nd:tttionltl, C. C. Lttledike, A. J., Herschell Street. Littler, H. E., Brace, Windle Blyth andl Macfarlane, A., Harlen Road, Ipewich. Coy., Edward Street. Macfarlafle, -, Kilburnie, Radford, Dug- Llingisone, -. MeDl., Wattlevale, andati Kinrcroy MVacfarlnne.1.. I'.. l'arhury.? house, Egle Street Lloyd, F. !R.. Edwards, Dunlop and Coy., Ltd., Edward Street. Macfarren, J. H., Railway Enquiry Office. I.ohstoi. J.. Clotiicurry Atill St reet Loder, A. A.. Stotts Creek, Tweed River, Mackay, D., Adelaide Street ew South Wale. Ilaclay, J. It., Joniowae fLogan, D). A., Gaerioch, Bundamba. ulogan, C;., Pine View, Kilcoy. Logan, . D., Albion. .:,gan, U. W., Five Ways, Woolloongabba \lhl(.tih~ i~sriii I.. 3-.4 Itititi Steet Logttin. . H. I'itiet 1-fill, ('etr IIt iwa Mackay, G. J., Queen Street. Lomax, A. fl., Yandilia Mack el, F'. L. B., Kilkivan Lomax, H. Bl., M~axiands, Mungu~ndi Log. , cogl~e Street Macinughto, His Hoour Justice, Din- Longwll, John, Albion. triect Court, Bisbane. Lord, C. S., Chelmer. Mactush, F". C., F~oxton Hobbs and M~ac- Uord, E. F., Ekdale. nish, Albe~t Street. Lord, F'. S., Eskdle Station, EsYk. Manciherso, E. A., Waugh and Josehson, Lord, Hl., 13-125 Charlotte Street. T'urbot Stree. Macro~ssn, 1-1 U.. Lutwyche Chambers, Lough. S. B., unlop Ruber Co., Ade- Adc:\I9c Street. laide Street. Louglitiati II. i .l~iitlat Mit hell MnCtaggarlt, U, I~ca ide Street J., Alelaide Street Loghtn, '. \ , tIthtIaII EdsLte, Mlit liell ~actlaart Loughtti, .I. H. Mlite hl Madlcks, C. S., Collector of Custom, LoughItat, 'I' . I I\' : (id .c~'tt Eanst Bsbanluie. Etisha ie Lough~idge, ., B'urell Fenton and Coy., Matland, :. A., Brisbne St. Bulireba Riiial Stret. Mitatid, IL, WeStWood1, IUompa Loury, It., aidli~cy. MaIjor, . , oog#ee Ga~dens, I'almwoods Mlaloney, C. J ithur Street, Teneriffe Love, .Tntes, Isles, Love and Coy'., Ade- M~lituf, ., t)aklands M~otor Co~y, Adlelaide laide Sreet. St~eet Lovekin, J. B., Heston Road, Kelvin Malnly, E., Lowood G ove. Mann,J. c., 'rsent F'arm. Pttsworth Lovekin .1. J . '155 Wickhai Ti trace Matisoti. J. M.. Jrabnt and Coy, Charlottg I owe. .. '1. Na iniboour Street Loweke, ., Liville. MIt1, C 0., 1293 Creek Street J'latt, U;., Gigoingai, Broweena Lowry, S., Queeni Stret. March~ itt, G., Montrose, Taringa Lucas, F. S., Henry Berry ndl Coy., Ltd.. Mlarconi, .., Bulirba Caeek teet. Mark, W., *"Morningtot." Luck. I. I'., '~otitttwrciall Travelle' s Club. ti:izaeth St~et. NI a ik, .1. I:.. I to4lwcX'ti Luc. I. 'I', '/Allll~iiY N I' I,. Markwell, W., Invereli Street, Hamilton Lugg. J. B., Paddington. Marquardt, II. F., Wondal Lukn, Justice, union and Zillmn Roads, Marsdeii. F'., New Sandate Rd., Albion. Cla field Marshall, Hl., Undr Secretary for Mlines, Luy, A. C., Q. N. Bnk. Queeti Steet Treasury Building IlrN , H. E.. Stanley Steet. Sth. lribne Marsht I, '1. .. Jil... itI.UnsWICk Street, Luyn. Hl. W. Bishaile Milling Co., South Brisbane. M~arshll. X.. Vultii Stee. Wesr't End Lynbu~ner, A., Survey Oflce, George St A NNUAL IEMBERS-Contnued. Marshall, . Mi.. Central Suar Cane Prices Bontrd, D~et. of Agriculture, Macanab, R., Wrwick William Street Miarhall, W. MeL., c,o Sargoodl Bros., Street, SydnBy Contnonwealth Building, Adelaide St. Macartney, Hon. E. H., A.M.P. Chambers, Marsind, J., London Rd. Clayfteld Steet. Edwardl tin, F'. W., Quensland Co-op. l3acori Macdonald, A., Yaarmba. Mat Vale, N.C,L, Macdonald, A. H. G., Miriami II. S., Bororen. M~acdonald, B. W, A.U.S.N. Coy, Ltd. Martin, Mary Street Ma ~tii, .'I. I)., f1lk or A utlah~i, Qlueen Macdonald, P. J., Bloomfield, Bluekll Street 56

Martin, Chas., Jackson Street, Eagle Moir, J., c/o Moreheads, Ltd., Brisbane Junction Mole, F. W., Deputy Curator of Intesta e Martin, C. A., Victoria Insurance Coy., Estates, Treasury Building Edward Street Molesworth, Rev. H. T., Cornwall Street, Massey, H., Victoria Street, Kelvin Grove Thompson Estate Massey, J. C., c./o Dalgety & Coy., Ltd., Molphy, T. J., Cheese Factory, Emu Cree Elizabeth Street Money, Mrs. E.. Brookes St. Bowen Hills MVonteath, C. B., Hardgrave Road, West Matthews, E. H., Bank of Queensland, End Queen Street. Monteith, H1., New Zealand Chambers, Matthews, J., Edward Butler and Sons, Queen Street Ltd., Petrie's Bight Moon, A. J.. Caboolture Matthews, Ray, c/o Howard Smith, Ltd., Moore, A., Bonathorne, Dirranbandi Parbury House, Eagle Street. A. E., M.L.A., Parliament House Matthews, W. H., "Wulfruna," Newstead Moore, Terrace, Newstead. Moore, ':Paul, "Sunnyside." \Vooroolin MToore. l~ loar, 1A'don E:'tnte, Paddingtoi: Maude, J., Rawson Avenue, Kogarah, New Moore Bros., Stanley St South Wales Moore, Edward, Maxwell, M., Q.N. Hank, Queen Street South Brisbane Maxwell, Rev. A.. "Wioodl:'wn," Bald Hills Moore, Eric, Indooroopilly May, G. D., Fenwick and Coy., Edward St. Moore, E. F., Toogoolawah May, W. I'., Dragon Street, W arwick Moore, F. J., Kenmore Park, Indooroo- Mayall, G., Avondale, Pittsworth pilly Mayall, J., Avondale, Pittsworth Moore, I. J., Barambah, Goomeri Mayers, ;. R . Hotel Cecil. George Street Moore, John, I'alace Hotel, Sth Brisbane Maynard, R. S., "Farm Bulletin" Office, 808 Queen Street Moore, J. C., The Peaks, Marbango Maynard, J. Howard, Edinonstone Street, Moore, R. A., Appel St, South Brisbane Newmarket Moore, T. H., Colinton Mayne, Dr. J. O'N., Moorlands, Toowong Mayne, W. M., "Moorlands," Toowong Moran, H. S. F., Edward Street Mayne, H. C.. Hatchami Downs, Yeulbn Morcom, VA. N., Market Street. Mazlln, W., Clayfleld Morgan, A. C., Daily Mail, Ltd., Queen Mecklem, J. A., Strathpine. Street Meek, Dr. R. A., Vulture Street, South \lMoorgan, ( .. ('ondamine Brisbane. Mora, . ., Stratvie,SStrathpine Meiklejohn, J., E.S.C.A., Ltd., Edward St Morgan, \V. H., Strathnlne Meredith, E. M., Yattenburg, Hebel. Morgan, R. J., Fenwick and Coy., Edward Merritt, D., Sandgate Street Merson, T. S., Miles Street, Wooloowin Morgan, L. H., Dalgety and Coy, Ltd., Merton. 1F. WV.. Inns of C'ourt. Adelaide St. Elizbeth Street Metcalf, E. W.. General Traffic Manager's Morris, R. J., Queen Street Office, Railways, Roma Street. Morrison, it., A\lfred Street, Corinda Metcalfe, J. I., 52 Amelia Street, Valley Morrisotn, l. M., Enog gera Terrace, Red Michell, J., 381 Queen Street Hill Middleton. James, Downes Street, Bowen Morrow , T., Morrows, Ltd., North Quay Hills Morrow, W. A., Morrows Ltd., North Quay Middleton, W., Devon Court, Crow's Nest '(lorse, W oi".4I Ad.el:'ide Street Midson, A., "Haroldean," Edmonstone St., Mort, A., Franklin Vale, Grandchester South Brisbane. Morton, R., Albilhal, Isisford Miles, Hon. E. D., Ascot .Mott, 1)., South Brisbane Miles, J. R., (Gable Street, Ascot Mott, 1R. J., Asshton, Prairie Millar, R. W., Pi'ttsworth Moxey, II.. Nundali Miller, A., Tenterfleld. N.S.W. .Mlir, J., lilackbutt Miller, W. J., Laidlaw Parade. East Muirhead, J., Helleview, Epping, Brisbane Tasnmania Miller, J., Bald Hills Mulcahy, J. T., The Grange, Nanango Mlllikin, J. A., Ridley St., Auchenflower Mullen, T., Chelmer Mills. Robt. H., A.M.P. Building, Edward .Mullen, 'r J.. Moorooka Street Muller, O., Nelson Street, Sth. Brisbane Milne, J., Smellie and Coy., Edward St. Mullett, H., Monduran, Gin Gin Milne, J. G., Mercantile Mutual Insurance Mumford, W., Lawnton, N.C.L. Company Mundell, G., Redmarley, via Miles. Milner, H. C.. Brisbane Milk & Ice Coy., Mundell, John, Juandah, Bringaban North Quay .Munro, .J., Junr., Sunnyside, Wiarwic Mitchell, C. 11. H., Fairlie, Warwick Munro, N., Murarrie, Cleveland Line Mitchell, J., Mitchell & O'Brien, Oamour, Munro, (. A., Arcot, Silverspur New Zealand. Munro, E. Roy. St. George Mitchell, J., Green Coupon Tea Coy., Ann Munro, E., Bellevue Terrace, Clayfleld Sreet Munro. W. Ross, 303 Queen Street Mitchell, J. M., Toowong. Murphy, G. S., Box 89, G.P.O., Brisbane Mitchell, R, Mary St., Grove Estate. Murphy, J. J., Victoria Hotel, Stanley St.. Mitohell, 8., Strathdu Station, via War- South Brisbane wick. Murphy, Hon. P., Central Chambers, Ed- Moffat, George, Toorak, Hamilton ward Street. Mofflin, W., Box 111 G.P.O., Brisbane Murray, C. F., Mt. Watson, Blackall urray, G. H., Gowan Hills, Blackall McGrory, A. P., Russell Street, South lurray, E., Queensland Farmers Co-op. Brsbane Coy.. Ltd., Bonval McGuire, B. J., "Belmore Arms," Mackay urray, J. R., Berlin Street, Hendra. McGuire, J. T., Newmarket Hotel, Roma urray, J. P., Bridge Street,Alhion Street urray, N. R.. Beaconsfield, Ilfracome McGuire, T., Royal Exchange Hotel, urray, R., Sixth Avenue, Windsor Elizabeth Street urray-Prior, T. B., Maroon, Boonah M!(llhattonl, A., Wornrl i urton, E., Glasshouse Mountains, N.C.L. McTntosh. .1. A., Yundah, Mountside, via lyers, E. M., 184 Queen Street. Warwick yers, George, Edward Street McIntyre, James, Oakvale, Christmas Ck. rle. A., Man"' Peaks McIntyre, John, Oakvale, Christmas Ck. vlett, J. S., Beaudesert icIntre, WV.. Commeral Bank of Aus- line, G. E., Lota Manly tralia Ltd., Queen Street. 'eAllister, R. A., Vacuum Oil Company. Mclver, I. .J., ceorgetowuI. North Bulimba Queelusa nil (cArthur, Dr. J. H., Dunwich McKellala, A. It., Survey Office, George cCahon, F. C., Co-operative Dairy Coy., Street. Kooroongarra, via Milmerran McKenzic, A., Stanley River Co-op. Dairy *c'allu. C., "Strath Clyde," Na aiigo Coy., Woodford McKenzie, L. W., Terror's Creek, and [cCallum, A. K. "The Bungalow, Sher- Samson Vale Dairy Coy., Terror's Ck. wood Road, Toowong McKenzie, I)., imiggration IJeiartment [cCallum, John N., Longreach Building. Edward Street North Quay McKenna, Dr., Eagle Junction cCarthy, D. J.. Warwick Butter and McKenna, John. Ruthven Street, Dairying Coy., Ltd., Allora. Toowoom ha .cCarthy, Rev. J. T., Presbytery, Red Hill McKinnon, J., Burnside, Nambour icCaul, J. J., Ramsay, Cambooya McKinnon, P., Jane St., West End leConechy, A. H., Hamilton Rd, Cherm- McLay, Chas., Fitzroy Building, Adelaide side Street M'Le In, I i., General Hospital, Brisbane KConnel, A. J., Dugandan, Boonah cConnel, E. .. Marshlands, Wondai McLean, Peter, Dornoch Terrace, South Esk. Brisbane I ,Connel, E. W., Mt. Brisbane, McLennan, I )onald, c/o I)ath Henderson '('on ael, Eicla C ., Jiraceborough, Baffle ('reek & Coy., Iuliina l Cook, R., Roma Street McLennan, H., May Street. West End I od . 1. K., c~cou;nam ula, Eldvoltl McLeod, A. R., 171 Queen Street I 'Cormack, J., Sndgte McLeod, D. W., Fenwick and Coy., Ed- SCorInck, W., I.L.A., Parliament House ward Street I Cowan, James, Mt. Wallaby, Gin Gin warIIeod,., Teretica Station, Inglewfoodl St. I :Cowan, R., N.Z. Chambers. Queen McLeod, J. J. W., Fenwick and Coy., Ed- I' Donald. A. B., "Grosvenor," Oxley Cen- w~ardc Street tral McManus, A. H., Wunderlich and Steelart Tooloon, wallal Siding, I Donall, I.. C. Coy., Amelia Street, Valley S. and W. Railway McMastert John, Dairy Coy, Ltd., Green- I'Ionald, A., Muller Street, Sydney I Donald, (1. B., Murgon McNab, A., Adelaide Street I Donald, P. F, Morningslde, Rock- McNab, R. J., Chambers, McNab and McNab, Adelaide Street mouglo,.. 0., Murweb McNally, 'C. G.. Dairy Coy.. Ltd., Mt. Tyson I Donnell, Hon. F., M.L.C., McDonnell via PittsWOr'th and East, Ltd., George Street Men'jl. (., taliii, Charlevile .1 ~ougll, C. B., Lyndhurst, Warwick Mciherson, C. 0. 5., e o J. Prior & Coy., Douali, Frank, Sherwood 'bar\lltte Street i Dougall, James, Davis and McDougall, McPhle, A., Toowoomba Roc kham to n McShaine, '., wick Butter & Dairy .1 Dougall, n., Cooyar (Thy., Mill Hill I Dougall, Ronald, Cooyar MeVea n, - A rdgou I ougalil, Mi. 1<., ''ooyar nig oy, McWhinney, R., Queensland Farmers' Dis- 1 )ougall, c0Ptllelu& y, tributing Coy., Roma Street. Albert Street McWhirter, J., Brunswick Street, Valley 1 1hihgi~i, . .. 'I'oowootl~a Pa rlgall 1.. CIIIintoma Street McWhirter, J., Junr., Brunswick St, Valley McWilliam, T., Brabant and Coy., Char- II Ohie, F., E.S.C.A., Ltd., Edward Street lotte Street Chistlitli Brios., Clollege, !i lee, J~roth', Nagel, \. I ., I t*trie Terra,e. Ascot. liregory Terrace ioad, Nash, T. H., Mays Bedstead Works, May ii ,egoII1" e. 'Mamion,' i IlIpwood St~et, Milton Nason, W. A., do J. P. Bottomley and Irnegt. J., I )almore Estate, Koo-weC- Coy., IPuwich Naylor, J. T Surat II Glup, J., Box 43 Dalby Nayli. W. Ai.. Surt 1 Gill, J., Ascot Neale, G., Runcorn, S.C.L. 'Crath,P.o Sandgate Needhami, F. H., Canning Downs, Warwick II GIego, Robt., Edward Street Nelson, W. M., Brisbane Tramways Coy., O'Reilly, Chas., Felix Street Ltd., Countess Street O'Reilly, M.. Murwillumbah, N.S.W. Nettheim. C. N., "Whitecliffe," Albion O'Rourke, M. W., Gordon Brook, Kingaro' Neville, W. G., Guthrie Street, Paddington Orr, J. T. D., Waratah, Rockhampton. Newy, Hugh. Baroona Hill, Rosalie Orr, N. D., St. Helens. Toowoomba Newman, G., Wyreema O'Ryan, J. G., Commercial Union Chamber" Newman, G. N. c/o Dalgety and Co., Ltd., Eagle Street. Elizaboth Street Osborne. W. G., Stafford Newman, K. I.. Montpelier, Wickham O'Shea. T. J., 43 Queen Street Terrace O'Shea, V., Co-operative Dairy Coy., Newman, R. B., New Zealand Loan and M. Tummaville A. roy., Ltd., Eagle Street O'Bullivan, T. H., Queen's Hotel, Creek Neylor, M. W., c/o Lanham and Coy., Street Mary Street Overell, C. C., Overells Ltd., Brunswick Nicholas, C. E., Tait's Hotel, Tewantin Street, Valley Nicholas, Mrs. Overell, W. H., Overells Ltd., Valley Nichols, A. H., Tartha Station, Dalby Oxlade, W. C., Petrie's Right Nicholls, .T. H., Graccville Oxiae. W. A.. Dapnll. Oarndah Nicholls, L. G., 95 Edward Street Owrns. .T .T.. Miirwillurnh Nichols, C. S., Nichols, Larwill and Butler, Ozanne, C., Musgrave St., Paddington George Street. Pace, A. H., Oaklen Chambers. Queen S Nicholson, Dr. F. V., City Chambers, Ed- Packer, G., Kedron ward Street Packer, W., Kedron Nicholson, John, Musgrave Road, Red Hill Packer. J.. Kedron Nicholson. K. M.. "Rinlto." Coorparnon Padgett., CT.W.. River Road. New Farm Nicklin, W. L., Lahey's Ltd., Vulture St., Page, James, Roseberry St, Highgate H1 East. South Brisbhne. Page Dr. S.. d9 Wickham Terrace Nissen, F. W., Queen Street Paine, N., Zillman Road, Hendra Noble, C. H., 87-369 Queen Street Paine, R., Moorooka Noble, 0. H., Stanley Street, East Brisbane Palmer, A. C. H., Palmerosa, Breakfast Noble, R. (A.. Rochester Terrace, Normonhy Creek Hill. Palmer. A. W., "Chatsworth," The Man Nolan, P., "Mennolands," Strathpine sions. George Street Nortn, Aitlhur, Langley Bank, Wileton Palmer, C. B. H., Auchenfiower North, C. R.. Pnadise Downs. .1u'indah Palmer, John. Short Strpet WhavF Norton, C. H., Buncrova, Timore, N.WS.W. Palmer, Miss M. J., Easton Gray, Toowon Nott, F. L., Booran. Toogoolawah. Pnlior. 1V D. H.. Gladstone Nosworthy, R. H.. Boundary St. West End Paradise, W. T., Pearson Soap Coy., Ltd Noyes, A. T., Hornaby's Building, Queen South Brisbane Street Park, .T. H.. Hatings Street. Annerlev Noyes, Thos., 341 Queen Street Park, W. McCallum, Enoggera Nugent, C.. TDaybioro, via North Pine Park. L., Wunderlich Steelart Coy., Amell Nunn, Walter, New Chum Road, Trinmore Street. Valley Nutley, G. Junr., Warrilview, Harrivllee Park, , Tnbigol Nuttall, J. Park. M.. Tnlaoli Nutting, J. T., Normanhv, Harrisville Parker, W., Brunswick Street, Valley Nystrom, J. A., Boole, Kingaroy Pai ker, W. R., Nelson Chambers, Edwar Oakes, C. R., Horton Street Oakes, Wr. M., National Hotel, Petrie's Pnrker. .T.. Wooloowin Right Parnell, E. C.. Wellington Point O'Beirne, G. C.* Dickson Terrace, Toorak Parrish. W. K., Norman Chambers, Cree Hill Steeet O'Brien, T., o/o John Bridge and Coy., Parsons. -, Parsons & Robertson. Been Ltd., Eagle Street Victoria. O'Carroll, J. J., A.M.L. and F. Coy., Ltd., Paten, .T., Dalton. Ashgrove Creek Street Paten, J. IF., Vandina O'Conner, H.. Colinton, Nurinda. Paten, J. W. Wanora O'Connor, Denis, Ashgrove Paten, L. H., Jeyandel, Calvert O'Connor, . D., Muller Street, Hamilton Patrick, C. A., Bedford, Nundah O'Connor. S., Tattersall's Club, Adelaide Pattermore, A., Alexander Street, Sand- Street gate O'Conno. Thos.. "rDuporth," Oxley. Patterson, C., Toowong O'Donohue, M., Beaudesert Pattersini, ., Copelanrl St. Paddington Oelrichu, C. F., John Cooke and Coy., Ltd., Patterson. D. S., Athol, Blackall Eagle Street Paul, R. H., TTnited Chamer. Creek St. O'Gorman. 1ev. .T.SSydney Paxton, A. Brunswok St, Valley Otg, C. W., Newmarket Payne, A. t., Lambton, Newcastle O eden, C. F., Parry, Auburn, Chinchlla Payne, H., c/o Fenwick arid Coy., EdwarK O'Keeffe F. M., Mountain View Park, Street Palbv. Payne, J. H., Innistall Oldfeld, '., A. B. Pursell and Coy., Quees Payne. Mrs. M., Lennon's Hotel, George S Street Peacock, G., Dirranhandi Oldhamr, C. E., Musgrave Road, Red Hill. O'Leary, Father, Coornaroo Peate, T. R., Peate and Douglas, Udward O'Neill, John, Grove Street, Alblon Street

L P~oUlsli, \VUiltoti. (oorn, .C.. 'earse. H. W.. "'ockkdale," Gray Road, 1'oulton, J ., stnlelyo Steet lEast, West End. Cooipt roo Peak, F. W, 276 Wickham Street, Valley A. J. R., Greenwood, via Warra Parade, Powell, eel, .1. 1I.. "Lyti in,' No rmian Powell, A. E., Ivanhoe Downs, Morven Eagle .lunctioil Powell, C. A., Parbury House, Eagle St. Pegler, (XMA., lillackall .0 1 1'owell, Capt., 1Meicantile Wharf, t;ulima La I'egle, ItIn i., Tb.l In n Sttion,. Adavale Power, V. L, Power and Power, Queen St. Presi, R. J., Reedy Creek Station, Taroom pi tr~eet, Ascot Peic, Ltiei ., U ~.1. Preston, G. H., 207 Gregory Terrace BIndic Brisbane. rc.1'ei \V. ., Chambers, Prestor, W. A., Albert Street 'ejih licl. W\. II., Itiv itl Rd riliei(111,IoW m Prisons Department, Price, hV., Auchen uower Pennefather, Capt., I'.'i t , . LNdon annk, Robonia Steet Treasury Building. New Farm Bay Pring, C. E., 436 Brunswic St. Percival, R., Redland Pritchard, A. A., Turbot Street Pritchard, A. L., 122 Jane Street, New Perkins, E. A., Burt and Coy, Perry St Fa m Schol. (Onli :'ekiis F'. Hi., State Pritchard, . H., Aust. Sugar Producers' Perrett, H., Queensland Frters Co-op. Association, Edward Street Coy., Ltd., Booval. Perrett, R. E., Coolabunia, Kingaroy Pri'/einain . C., Ann Stire .. \ Iion I'errtt, Ii. S., Iabiiiic.i, Ilinliuiiibil)) Prosser, F. G., Surgical Supplis Ltd., terry,T., Obi Obi, Nambour Queen Street Persie, C. P>.. Hliwkwood, Gayiidah Province, T., Wombah, Bundaberg Peters. A. 'I'., KiklcoA Province, T. R., Roslyn, Mt. Perry Petersen, e. P., "Mordau," Adelaide St., Pryce, D. C., Nestles Farms, Toogool.~ah Clayfield Petrie, A. A., Maroochy River, via Yan- Puff, H., IG5 Queen Street dina Pusie, H., Gayndah Petrie, A. L., M.L.A., Parliament House Pye, Thos., Department of Public Works, Petty, H. W., "Montpelier," Wickham Treasury Building Terrace Pyne,I '1.. Longeicach Phelan, E., Kangaroo Point Qualtiough. A. K., Messrs. Elliott Bros., Phess, A., Tweed Heads Eagle Street Phillips, A. 5., 156 Queen Street Quinn, W., 246 Queen Street l'hillips, L. A.. t' o S. H. Eaves, Adelaide Quodling, H. C., Dept. of Agriculture and Srt i~c Stock, William Street Philp, C. J. C., Wyaralong, Beaudesert Rae, H. C., Ann Street, Valley Philp, Sir Robt., Toowong Ralston, W. V., Queensland National Phipps, J., Taylor Street, off Logan Road Bank, Queen Street Phipps, J. T., George Street Halston, A. V., c/o Mactaggart Bros., l'lbworth, W. Wilston Parade, Wilston Adelaide Street Pickels, A.. Wondal Ramsay, E. L., Banchory, Umbiram, via Pickworth C. R., Singer Sewing Machine Toowoomba Coy., Queen Street Itninsa, J.., co Kiwi Polish Coy., Ppty., i'ictonI. .. '.. 'icllow Rock, Singleton,. Ltd., :17 Collins Street, Melbourne Ramaay, W., Story E Ramary, Adelaide St. Picton, C., Yellow Rtock, Singleton, N.S.WV. Ranson, R. P., 78 Eagle Street Pierson, H. E., Jane Street, West nd Raven, F., Ironside Estate, Toowong Pike, E., Queen Street Hawson, B. A., IC.S., N.Z. ('haijibeis Pike, W., Queen Street Queen Street eet. i'ile,. i;. V. L., li5 Boundary Str Rayment, T. 3., 62-64 Queen Street Raymond, A. J., River Terrace, Kangaroo Pitt, G. W.H Junr., "Narrawong," Charle- Point ville ItayLnlotti. A. L, Raymond & ilossack, Pitt, G. W., "Glenyarron," Charleville Pitt, H. C. 3., 'Glenyarron" CharlevLlle Rayner, W. F., Condamine, Warwick Pliley, A. E., Dalgety and Coy., Ltd., Elizabeth Street Reading, G. P., Brookfleld Pocock, IK. J., Palmer Street, Windsor Ready, (2. I'., Yarrumn, 515 Brunwick St., Ploets, J. J., Ipawich Livery Stables, ?ew Farm Ipawich Real, His Honour Justice, Supreme Court. 'luinridge. J. E. S., Plumrmdlge, Ltd, Valley George Street Pointon, George, 477 Lelichharllt Street, Reid, J. Ju n., c/U J. C. Hutton, lPyty, Ltd. Spring Hill liomna Street l'ointon, W. H., 'eroone, Kingaroy iteed, Robert, Butterfield Street, Herston Pollook, C. R., Imbolwin, Mt. Perry Rees., H. O., Caerleon, Maleny Poole, H. E., C/o B. J. Ball, Ltd., Elizabeth Ieese, 1b. B., c'own St., South Brisbane Street Reid, D. D., John Reid and Nephews, l'lunkett, T. Flood, Beaupar(, Beaudesert Charlotte Street Pope, R., Bowen Bridge Road Reid, J., Lauriston Co-op. Dairy Coy.. I oriter, 0., Mamchnit, Ilfracombe. Headington Hill, Clifton Potts, Cuthbert, Queensland Agricultural Reid, J., 49 Forteacue St, Spring Hill Gatton Ileltoni, R. F., Harnes Auto Coy., Adelaide College, Street Poulsen, W. C., Queen Street Remtreys H., Cannon Hill Ruddle, Wm, Royal George Hotel, Valle Renton, A. B., Adelaide Street Ruddle, W. B., Royal George Hotel, Valle: Reynell, Walter, Reynella, South Aust. Rutledge, F. H.. Yamburgan, Moondoo Reynolds, W. R., Ann Street, Valley Ryan, E. J., Drillham, via Miles Rhoades, D. H., Wickham St, Valley Ryan, James, Normanby Hotel, Normanb: Rice, J., Elizabeth Street Rtyan, Ihother .1. C., Christian Iros. Rice, J. T., Ascot Nudgee College Richardson, F. St. C., Charlotte Plains, Ryan, P. F., Goondiwindi Cunnamulla Ilyan, J.,1 lotel .ieuiroplole, Iplswich Richardson, G. A., Kangaroo Creek, via lyan. Hon. T. .I., Premier of Queensland Moore Rylance, P. D., Queen Street Richardson, W., Indooroopilly Sabine, F. W., G. Wills and Coy., Ltd., Richards, A., The I'arisianii Medical Wharf Street Agency, Valley Sabine. Major W. It. I.. Houndary Street Richards, S., Chinchilla West End Riddle, Peter, Fairfield Stock Farm, Sadylrove, iC. .. , Couieir Buildini, Queel Windsor. N.S.W. Strrr' Ritchings, W. H., Queen Street, Jubilee Sagar, W. A., New Zealand Insurance Estate, Paddington Coy., Ltd., Queen Street Robb, J., "Abbotsford," , SaPili, C. II., "lvliih oe," .lolray Street, Robbins, C. I., Alma Street, Clayfield New l'arm Robblns, (I. Howaird. Ked'onll. Saint, G., Annie Street, New Farm Robblns, Garfleld R., "Delamore," Kedron Santldersoi, A. J., Tolwn Coulntry' Motor: Robbins, Miss L., "Delamore," Kedron Coy., Adelaide Street Robbins, W. E., Herbal Institute, Auchen- Sands, It. (I., Anlle Store, PBrunswick flower Street, Valley Robbins. AA.W. A., .\(.culienllower Sapsford, N., Toowong Roberts, A. A., Goodna Saunders, H.. Idward Piutler and Sons Roberts, J. H. Cecil, "Croxley," Kings- Petrie's Bight thorpe. IDarling Downs Savage, W. T., Ramsay, Cambooya Roberts, Mrs., British Empire Hotel, Saxelby, D., Queensland Farmers Co-op. Queen Street Coy., Ltd., Booval Roberts, S., Barry and Roberts, Queen St. Sayle, G. R., Watson, Ferguson and Coy. Roberts, T. A., Nestle and A.S. Condensed Ltd., Queen Street Milk Coy., Creek Street Scammell, E. T., Kooralbyn, Miles Roberts, T. R., Ruthven St, Toowoomba Scnnlon, P., Hotel Majestic, George St. Roberts, J. T., Skoff Food C('oy., Melbourne Schell, E., Johnson and Sons, Queen St. Roberts, it. H.. Cairl Street, South Itrisliane Schliver, H., (Cob anid Morris Stis.. Albion Robertson, J., "Myola," Sandgate Schmiidt, J. ('. 11., liurrandill Station, Robertson, J. E., Colac, Victoria 'harleville Robertson, W. H., Corlty Side, Southport Schooley, B. L., Intercolonial Boring Coy. Itolit t isol, F. N., o'Keeffe S'r'eet. Milton Ann Street Robinson, R., Co-operative Cheese Factory Scott, A., 593 Gregory Terrace Goombungee Scott, J. R., Glenmoral, Taroom Robinson, Major, Toowong Scott, Dr. Kerr, Brunswick Street, New Robinson, W., Bald Hills Farm Robinson, W. R., Toowoomba Scott, R., Wilson and Canham, Creek St. Robinson, E., WVylnnuin Scott, R. TL., Horniet lianik, Tarooim. Robinson, I'., lishop Street, Kelvin Grove Scott, W., Wattlebrae, Kingaroy Robinson. (I., c/o Dalgety & Coy., Eliza- Scott, A., P'arury House. Eagle Street beth Street Scott, .James, Toorak Hill. Hamilton Robinson, H. A., lHamitlton Loal, Moorooka Scott. M. M., HardgraIve Road. West En' Robinson, J. W., sl Villiers St, New Farm Scott. Percy, Murray Street, Mayne Robson, W., Moray Street, New Farm .1unction Rode, W. J., Brunwick Street, Valley Scott. Ross, (eorge', 93 Wickhamin Street Roden, O., Logan and Albert Dairy Coy., Scriven, E. G. E., Under Secretary, Depart Beaudesert ment of Agriculture and Stock Roe, Dr. A. S., C('roydon Road, Toowong Scriven, R., Sandgate Rolley. Thou., Mary Street Scrymgeour, J. T., Callandoon North, Rooney, W.. Albany Stud Farm, Maryvale. Goondiwind Roper, W. J., Eagle Junction Seabrook, G. K., 44 Adelaide Street Rose, T., Eudlo Sealv, It. I., I't.on & Co\., it'inl Street Rosendlurf, M., "Whitecliffe," Albion Searl, ('. W., Palmerin St. Warwick Rosewarne, J. R., Stanley Street, South Searl, (george, Co-operative Dairy Coy., Brisbane Dungog, N.S.W. Ross, C. J., "Kersal," Lytton Road, Seai'l, J., Singleton Central ('o-op. Coy., Bullmba Singlleton. N.S.W. Ross, J.., Callaliooni, (ioondiwilndl Searl, .1. J., WaVirwick BHutter ald IDairy- Ross, Wm., "Malvern," Ipswich Road ing Coy., Ltd.. Mill Hill Rotheru, H.. Sarum via Bell Searle, H. E., lIank of New South Wales, Rothwell, T. J., Edward Street South Brisbane Rouse, F. E., Jetty Street, Sandgate Sears, J. H., "Dorra Tor," Laura Street, Rowan, F., (in Gin Station, Gin Gin South Brisbane Rowani, J., Russell Street, West End Seller, E., Stewart River, Tingoora Selway, A.

a 11I I c'i'e\wa . TUESDAYS:




- \\! 4 ~ brl .Iail~t I~iots. Il~iacls, dv. -.

Office o Exhibition uroulls Near FAT

( A CATTLE Yards 'ui'\\.atd' FENWICK & Co. l u, ni(II~~of tuyi SALE STOC- CATTLE, SHEEP, PIGS, DAIRY ST'OCK,

&Iu dZalPIV Ll. 1 o.ile , s( tlIt hi li t'iI(iiieli~IIt~Lt inl their

STORE STOCK SALES l Irl ini ;in! po't ion ol I lie St te. Jtu'nlurI SuI 1 ut Il!)a iiy, 1ii igat roy. ~'it~ort11 itc. e The Best Farm or Station Car The FORD."

m - ' The You would replace your buggy and pair wit h a powerful, sturdv'FORD Car at once, if yo>u 'FORD' but figure the matter out carefully. The FORD is specially suited to the conditiorIs that prevail in the country. It is equal t o The rough roads, big loads and long distance s. These are the very tests to which you will piit All your Car. British With a FORI) you can get to town for stores, or ether necessities, quickly and cheaply- Car. besides it will make life in the country noi re enjoyable. You needl a Car and the Car you need is a FORD. Conclusive proof of FO RI) reliability is show n by the fact that the Commonwealth I)efenc.e Department has adopted theFORI) exclusive!ly -in preference to all other makes-as the oiie Car for the Military authorities. F'urthet r particulars andi prices oln reqiuest. Queensland Motor AgencyLtd. Adelaide Street, Brisbane.