Visitor T Centers U N S Erupt It in St. Helen IS Area I

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Visitor T Centers U N S Erupt It in St. Helen IS Area I ■ V ------- ___ L. T h u n I ' ■ SIZ^ZESEE^HHI H!TM G opdnnlo rn in g ^ a y v e t Today's forecast:st: S a i n s t o s p ee n d i n :lg c u t s:s Partly cloudy ihrourough tonight wilh TVecnm rbe Aiaociated PrcM w est w inds 10 lo 20 mph.m p Highs 65 to 70 “ " ^ 1 Republiclicans os wc try lo bring the; budgeibu degrees. Low s n e ar 40JO degrees.<1 u ilancc between now und theihe ;year WHITE PLAINS. Md. —- PresidentP Pmg.A2 ^ li. Panrtisan shotsts mark deebate S:,-"" riinton threatened Wednesdayday to veto W ith1 theI measure nearly al hisIS d e sk , 116.4 billion in budget cuts, riskiisking emer- The Auociatia ted P re sa while eliminating threec CabinetC agen- ClinlonI occuscda Republicans, of proivcoieciing ;ency aid to Oklahoma City inn a eosi-cul- cies and hundreds of Olhcroth programs, - lawmakeileers' pet projects by cuttingI ededuca- ling W ASH IN G ing clash with Republicans. «JGTON — Republicans be- They said the packagee wouldw save a f Hon. envnvironmcni, public housini^.lg. uanii- ; thcir dramatic blueprint for HopingH to blunt GOP criticism,'sm,'theprcs-' gan pushing t >r record SI.4 trillion overT thetl: next seven crime antmd other social programs, fie.budgct.through.lhc.House_<_.ycars.-using S350 billion -------Businesspcople-w^wantsignal-------- idcnJcnt-said,-l.wanuniore-than-$16.1;i6.billionin ____ halancingjhe n tou. cut taxes on ------- i ,hj„iink you have to cul porfc-barrclrrcl pro- ght way and Wednesdayy .dcspilc Democratic cries Nonh-cnd rhcrchanisIts Iagree with a Col- pending cuts, but there's a right s families, businesses andid investorsi and jects befc:fore you cut people." Clinlonon >said. that it w ould;d give the rich lax cuts "paid orado engineer’s ideaa loto put a traffic sig- ** wrong.waytodoit." . d the rest 10 cruse red ink. _ , . brandishi,hing a list of SI6.5 billitin in xundmothers.” nal 700 feel from ^e PeiPerrinc Bridge. _ ^Tlie president rai.sed the prospeispect o f his - ■ f o rb y o u r g ru Both parties knew iheir:rr flghlI over Ihc hcwouljId accept. irst veto the day after House aniand Senote The measasure. Republicans said,1. deficit probably will do P W B I n ™ dominate next Threatatening u veto js risky C'linC lin to n nc8, promise biU would halt aB tthree-decade string of bud-1- ycar> elections, Balaricin egotiaiors settled on a comproi icing the budget ^ould be« blamedI lor .slowing disastercr rcrelief B for 1995. get deficit, bby 2002 by squeezing bigg and reducing taxes would fi lai mostly afTcen spending ft Id fulfill th e ecn- m oney arand dodmnt! serious deficit ret ------- Officials releaseaeautopsy— ------- H o u sea rtd SeiMiinAlfflre tx--------sav>ng*'fn>inim-M edieamnd-M edicaid— P le a se s e«'BUDGET/A2 e E Jt aides, buoyed by the preside A slain Casileford1 y<youth was struck* pectieeted within a week. I - sudden climbcl in ihe polls, said his defensedcfc twice in ihe focc beforeire Ibeing shol iri th e H< House Speaker Newt Gingrichich. R-Oa., o f sp e c;ific,social if programs is popilo p u la r ...........Chest, an autopsy revealeealed. calletiled the veto threat “a tawdryy m anipula* "** a ppears ththe president of the Unitedd Senate Majority Leader BobBo Dole. R-kan, among voters.vo PeseBI tionon o< f th e process," Stales doesn't v,w ant to cut anything.** saidd "He will sil on the sidelinesincs. throw rocks at Please see VETO/T 0 /A 2 Oregon Trarail tre e IVoJans try for titletiti “ NIRA turnsis T h e W e n d e ll H ig h SSchool baseball Icam tried to wrap up1 a Canyon Confer* c n e e c h a m p io n s h ip W<Wednesday and a COInciliatorj No. I xeed entering th(the state baseball playoffs next week. P a 9 e B 7 0V(er letter ( ■, -......Bniiris on the roa<Dad ocuiedPreu Afler beating Highlandand Tuesday. Twin Falls traveled to Minicoico Wednesday for HING ION Sounding a comconcil- i» .second game in thele RF egion HI ba.«c- >ne. the S atiunal R ille Associaiiiciaiion ball playofTs. /ed Wednesday Ui bw cnionilo rc c- P S 9 * I 7 I'icials and others olVeiided bs .i id-raismg Idler describing: m>isom e R ig c n u <is-=jitck*b<Htied Ihugi:^^— lly feel b;id about the fact tluilu l (he (1 that letter have been mterprerpreted CUmbIng Mt. Ken;enya lo all rederal law enrorcenicnileni .if- T b c A ttoNRA c jA ccutive Vice Presulirsid e n t Chri^ Porter saw a lot during a two-.~ month spell at a rural ho l^ P ie rre said in a telepliom.--• inier-ml hospital in Africa W ASHI p lu s 'a view from th e■ tojlop of thesecond m Phoenix iatory tone highest mountain un thele cicontinent. yone thought the intenium was a p o ln g i/e P a g e C l federal law enforcem ent olViciiViciaK m cnt olVicsame broad brush. I'm M>rr>.r>. and,i Less is more c en t fundi/e ."*ierTc said --------fcdcralaiKrre's aptilogy conic” atict .iI u e t ek Outdoors editor Willt 'illiam Drock cx> . "I rcall>ly m ounting criticism ot'ilic NKA.NK plains Ihe subtle joy of>f n u k in g the bcM words inegan i Ma> 10 vvhcn lonncj I'leM-i'te o f a b a d situation. lo appjysh ll revealed that he had ri-si^nsigned ' W c i ricc rs." Ngroup m ptotcst ofthe letter•r I.If.I . week. President 1'limiinj.iini.illetl iIhc id praised Bush lor his action " Ifan yednesday. ii as \K.-\ olllcials ue ^ 2-r-' ^ puint all ; f«in An/tina on the eve nl iliehe \i h - MKiSAuauRrn in's annual meviini;. there a 'Whose garbage is that?t 7 ^ K « i,lli the s; ^ ^ -. 'like. Rep. John I)inj:cll, I) \tk\ f k l h , Emie McCollum, center, oftheoft Natural Resources ConservationC Service, rret e a d ie s th e g ro u n d a s h e a: g S I apologi/t Congress is right to givigive local authon- ne NR.A m em her. said ihe leiierK-ii' group of fifth-graders plantint a Coloi^do blue spruce:e tree at Oregon Trail Elarlamentary School in Twin I tics control nver trashI imports,irr today's 1 Ihe "liidicnniN and olJeiiMve iii ThT he p la n tJ n ji^ f w h a t w ill ev< editorial says. e v e n tu a lly b e a n S O ^ fo ot w( in d b reak to o k p la c e alealong the school’s west pe ihat lederal jgcnis .ite eiMui P a g e A S WednesdayOTbmoon.Wi Studtudents pictured are, fromn left,i Chance Pratt Faithth Ramirez.I Jerorne M er^ I w hich beghe go \cm ;iieiil to L'liiuiiiit ,n i\ i Snow. KacI Howeli. Sheilaa Leavitt,L Megan Jansen andar Erlcka Huether. dent BushagainM ordinary people from the gi re insi\ied tliai ihe tiind-raiMiiii'ilig , her ihi.s n m • intended in c rilici/e cn ls isol.isolai- critics and s, priniafiK inM 'Ixing llic Hiiiea O n Wed Packwood faccs pnprobe '’arming seasons aarrives bbringing gathenng<1. i lobaccx and I ireanii\ least one mvIii'ii ot ihe leiiet oi The Senate tihic.s Comiom m ittec opcn.s a MTiThaTw i M . i g an i/3 tio n ‘ formal investigation off sexualsi miscon- ^ - . - r t _ olhcr rcbuVlore sueepiiij: coiulemnaiiDiiDll ilit w enl'orccmenivrt.'Ms duct chargcs against Sen.Set Hob Pack- | | | Icr. sent t.> the SK.\'> niitlixitli»n wchh!. R-Ore. lousing Clcrunch tco ]^ n i-(Cassia ai ‘ P » g e A 4 p erim eter plicjiion"in i March uiuici I al’ieae's sigtu■igtia- Jhat "in ( lini«n’> adniiiiisii.itun B y JeJennifer e Bunch couldn't stay thereTC. they said. lliheir -sons. aged 5. 6 undtz. 7M allssa :igcd by the >'C a had^e. sxu h.ive llic gi>veni U , , T inles'News io writer Wednesday theIC South Cetitral Commu- playingp the chemicals am vu>lcnc« ag. Conservative ciout o-ahcad l>< harass, ininindaicdale. nity Action Agcncncy found them a holel to " It’s really hard. 1 d id n ’t c) L.aPicrre Republican leaders cmt;mbrace a Chris- jjyj, Jer law •ab.idiMj; c i li/e ii'" lURLtY - It's farming sVasdn.on. and a stay in for a week;ek. T h e M a lac ara 's ho p e likeli this." Anri Margaret Mala IcltCT \v;is II .lian Coalilion agenda calli >0 long agi>. ll U.1S iinihinkabl'.a b le railing for prayer housirising crunch has hit the Mini*(ni-Cassia that Rolando will1 findt a job by Ihcn, Farm- Rolando Malacara. 42.p_ ca ed acliims, .irt public events. al agents xicariii>; Na/i hiickeickei 1 afi migrant furin workers lookloc for cm ore saying thailat's when they expect to . TTexas by himself last yearl Jan ofAIc.-lu.l. nd black sionii tUMipei iiniloiin ^•9* places:e s to liv e . need help, the Malialacara's said. ___ the^il; farmer, Malacara.
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    VHF-UHF DIGEST The Official Publication of the Worldwide TV-FM DX Association DECEMBER 2010 The Magazine for TV and FM DXers FLEA MARKET FIND Andria Radio “Sharp Focus” Television/Radio The AUVIO HD TUNER IS IT ANY GOOD? Merry Christmas! Visit Us At THE WORLDWIDE TV-FM DX ASSOCIATION Serving the UHF-VHF Enthusiast THE VHF-UHF DIGEST IS THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE WORLDWIDE TV-FM DX ASSOCIATION DEDICATED TO THE OBSERVATION AND STUDY OF THE PROPAGATION OF LONG DISTANCE TELEVISION AND FM BROADCASTING SIGNALS AT VHF AND UHF. WTFDA IS GOVERNED BY A BOARD OF DIRECTORS: DOUG SMITH, GREG CONIGLIO, BRUCE HALL, KEITH McGINNIS AND MIKE BUGAJ. Editor and publisher: Mike Bugaj Treasurer: Keith McGinnis Webmaster: Tim McVey Site Administrator: Chris Cervantez Editorial Staff: Jeff Kruszka, Keith McGinnis, Fred Nordquist, Nick Langan, Doug Smith, Peter Baskind, Bill Hale and John Zondlo, Our website:; Our forums: DECEMBER 2010 _______________________________________________________________________________________ CONTENTS Page Two 2 Mailbox 3 Finally! For those of you online with an email TV News…Doug Smith 4 address, we now offer a quick, convenient and FM News…Bill Hale 9 secure way to join or renew your membership FCC Facilities Changes 13 in the WTFDA. Just logon to Paypal and send Photo News…Jeff Kruszka 16 your dues to [email protected]. Northern FM DX…Keith McGinnis 19 Use the email address above to either join Southern FM DX…John Zondlo 25 the WTFDA or renew your membership in Coast to Coast TV DX…Nick Langan 26 North America’s only TV and DX organization.
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