■ V ------- ___ L. T h u n I ' ■ SIZ^ZESEE^HHI H!TM G opdnnlo rn in g ^ a y v e t Today's forecast:st: S a i n s t o s p ee n d i n :lg c u t s:s Partly cloudy ihrourough tonight wilh TVecnm rbe Aiaociated PrcM w est w inds 10 lo 20 mph.m p Highs 65 to 70 “ " ^ 1 Republiclicans os wc try lo bring the; budgeibu degrees. Low s n e ar 40JO degrees.<1 u ilancc between now und theihe ;year WHITE PLAINS. Md. —- PresidentP Pmg.A2 ^ li. Panrtisan shotsts mark deebate S:,-"" riinton threatened Wednesdayday to veto W ith1 theI measure nearly al hisIS d e sk , 116.4 billion in budget cuts, riskiisking emer- The Auociatia ted P re sa while eliminating threec CabinetC agen- ClinlonI occuscda Republicans, of proivcoieciing ;ency aid to Oklahoma City inn a eosi-cul- cies and hundreds of Olhcroth programs, - lawmakeileers' pet projects by cuttingI ededuca- ling W ASH IN G ing clash with Republicans. «JGTON — Republicans be- They said the packagee wouldw save a f Hon. envnvironmcni, public housini^.lg. uanii- ; thcir dramatic blueprint for HopingH to blunt GOP criticism,'sm,'theprcs-' gan pushing t >r record SI.4 trillion overT thetl: next seven crime antmd other social programs, fie.budgct.through.lhc.House_<_.ycars.-using S350 billion -------Businesspcople-w^wantsignal-------- idcnJcnt-said,-l.wanuniore-than-$16.1;i6.billionin ____ halancingjhe n tou. cut taxes on ------- i ,hj„iink you have to cul porfc-barrclrrcl pro- ght way and Wednesdayy .dcspilc Democratic cries Nonh-cnd rhcrchanisIts Iagree with a Col- pending cuts, but there's a right s families, businesses andid investorsi and jects befc:fore you cut people." Clinlonon >said. that it w ould;d give the rich lax cuts "paid orado engineer’s ideaa loto put a traffic sig- ** wrong.waytodoit." . d the rest 10 cruse red ink. _ , . brandishi,hing a list of SI6.5 billitin in xundmothers.” nal 700 feel from ^e PeiPerrinc Bridge. _ ^Tlie president rai.sed the prospeispect o f his - ■ f o rb y o u r g ru Both parties knew iheir:rr flghlI over Ihc hcwouljId accept. irst veto the day after House aniand Senote The measasure. Republicans said,1. deficit probably will do P W B I n ™ dominate next Threatatening u veto js risky C'linC lin to n nc8, promise biU would halt aB tthree-decade string of bud-1- ycar> elections, Balaricin egotiaiors settled on a comproi icing the budget ^ould be« blamedI lor .slowing disastercr rcrelief B for 1995. get deficit, bby 2002 by squeezing bigg and reducing taxes would fi lai mostly afTcen spending ft Id fulfill th e ecn- m oney arand dodmnt! serious deficit ret ------- Officials releaseaeautopsy— ------- H o u sea rtd SeiMiinAlfflre tx--------sav>ng*'fn>inim-M edieamnd-M edicaid— P le a se s e«'BUDGET/A2 e E Jt aides, buoyed by the preside A slain Casileford1 y<youth was struck* pectieeted within a week. I - sudden climbcl in ihe polls, said his defensedcfc twice in ihe focc beforeire Ibeing shol iri th e H< House Speaker Newt Gingrichich. R-Oa., o f sp e c;ific,social if programs is popilo p u la r ...........Chest, an autopsy revealeealed. calletiled the veto threat “a tawdryy m anipula* "** a ppears ththe president of the Unitedd Senate Majority Leader BobBo Dole. R-kan, among voters.vo PeseBI tionon o< f th e process," Stales doesn't v,w ant to cut anything.** saidd "He will sil on the sidelinesincs. throw rocks at Please see VETO/T 0 /A 2 Oregon Trarail tre e IVoJans try for titletiti “ NIRA turnsis T h e W e n d e ll H ig h SSchool baseball Icam tried to wrap up1 a Canyon Confer* c n e e c h a m p io n s h ip W<Wednesday and a COInciliatorj No. I xeed entering th(the state baseball playoffs next week. P a 9 e B 7 0V(er letter ( ■, -......Bniiris on the roa<Dad ocuiedPreu Afler beating Highlandand Tuesday. Twin Falls traveled to Minicoico Wednesday for HING ION Sounding a comconcil- i» .second game in thele RF egion HI ba.«c- >ne. the S atiunal R ille Associaiiiciaiion ball playofTs. /ed Wednesday Ui bw cnionilo rc c- P S 9 * I 7 I'icials and others olVeiided bs .i id-raismg Idler describing: m>isom e R ig c n u <is-=jitck*b<Htied Ihugi:^^— lly feel b;id about the fact tluilu l (he (1 that letter have been mterprerpreted CUmbIng Mt. Ken;enya lo all rederal law enrorcenicnileni .if- T b c A ttoNRA c jA ccutive Vice Presulirsid e n t Chri^ Porter saw a lot during a two-.~ month spell at a rural ho l^ P ie rre said in a telepliom.--• inier-ml hospital in Africa W ASHI p lu s 'a view from th e■ tojlop of thesecond m Phoenix iatory tone highest mountain un thele cicontinent. yone thought the intenium was a p o ln g i/e P a g e C l federal law enforcem ent olViciiViciaK m cnt olVicsame broad brush. I'm M>rr>.r>. and,i Less is more c en t fundi/e ." I.al*ierTc said --------fcdcralaiKrre's aptilogy conic” atict .iI u e t ek Outdoors editor Willt 'illiam Drock cx> . "I rcall>ly m ounting criticism ot'ilic NKA.NK plains Ihe subtle joy of>f n u k in g the bcM words inegan i Ma> 10 vvhcn lonncj I'leM-i'te o f a b a d situation. lo appjysh ll revealed that he had ri-si^nsigned ' W c i ricc rs." Ngroup m ptotcst ofthe letter•r I.If.I . week. President 1'limiinj.iini.illetl iIhc id praised Bush lor his action " Ifan yednesday. ii as \K.-\ olllcials ue ^ 2-r-' ^ puint all ; f«in An/tina on the eve nl iliehe \i h - MKiSAuauRrn in's annual meviini;. there u.is a 'Whose garbage is that?t 7 ^ K « i,lli the s; ^ ^ -. 'like. Rep. John I)inj:cll, I) \tk\ f k l h , Emie McCollum, center, oftheoft Natural Resources ConservationC Service, rret e a d ie s th e g ro u n d a s h e a: g S I apologi/t Congress is right to givigive local authon- ne NR.A m em her. said ihe leiierK-ii' group of fifth-graders plantint a Coloi^do blue spruce:e tree at Oregon Trail Elarlamentary School in Twin I tics control nver trashI imports,irr today's 1 Ihe "liidicnniN and olJeiiMve iii ThT he p la n tJ n ji^ f w h a t w ill ev< editorial says. e v e n tu a lly b e a n S O ^ fo ot w( in d b reak to o k p la c e alealong the school’s west pe ihat lederal jgcnis .ite eiMui P a g e A S WednesdayOTbmoon.Wi Studtudents pictured are, fromn left,i Chance Pratt Faithth Ramirez.I Jerorne M er^ I w hich beghe go \cm ;iieiil to L'liiuiiiit ,n i\ i Snow. KacI Howeli. Sheilaa Leavitt,L Megan Jansen andar Erlcka Huether. dent BushagainM ordinary people from the gi re insi\ied tliai ihe tiind-raiMiiii'ilig , her ihi.s n m • intended in c rilici/e cn ls isol.isolai- critics and s, priniafiK inM 'Ixing llic Hiiiea O n Wed Packwood faccs pnprobe '’arming seasons aarrives bbringing gathenng<1. i lobaccx and I ireanii\ least one mvIii'ii ot ihe leiiet oi The Senate tihic.s Comiom m ittec opcn.s a MTiThaTw i M . i g an i/3 tio n ‘ formal investigation off sexualsi miscon- ^ - . - r t _ olhcr rcbuVlore sueepiiij: coiulemnaiiDiiDll ilit w enl'orccmenivrt.'Ms duct chargcs against Sen.Set Hob Pack- | | | Icr. sent t.> the SK.\'> niitlixitli»n wchh!. R-Ore. lousing Clcrunch tco ]^ n i-(Cassia ai ‘ P » g e A 4 p erim eter plicjiion"in i March uiuici I al’ieae's sigtu■igtia- Jhat "in ( lini«n’> adniiiiisii.itun B y JeJennifer e Bunch couldn't stay thereTC. they said. lliheir -sons. aged 5. 6 undtz. 7M allssa :igcd by the >'C a had^e. sxu h.ive llic gi>veni U , , T inles'News io writer Wednesday theIC South Cetitral Commu- playingp ne.ir the chemicals am vu>lcnc« ag. Conservative ciout o-ahcad l>< harass, ininindaicdale. nity Action Agcncncy found them a holel to " It’s really hard. 1 d id n ’t c) L.aPicrre Republican leaders cmt;mbrace a Chris- jjyj, Jer law •ab.idiMj; c i li/e ii'" lURLtY - It's farming sVasdn.on. and a stay in for a week;ek. T h e M a lac ara 's ho p e likeli this." Anri Margaret Mala IcltCT \v;is II .lian Coalilion agenda calli >0 long agi>. ll U.1S iinihinkabl'.a b le railing for prayer housirising crunch has hit the Mini*(ni-Cassia that Rolando will1 findt a job by Ihcn, Farm- Rolando Malacara. 42.p_ ca ed acliims, .irt public events. al agents xicariii>; Na/i hiickeickei 1 afi migrant furin workers lookloc for cm ore saying thailat's when they expect to . TTexas by himself last yearl Jan ofAIc.-lu.l. nd black sionii tUMipei iiniloiin ^•9* places:e s to liv e . need help, the Malialacara's said. ___ the^il; farmer, Malacara.
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