Number: IUS- SENAT 11- 1503/2012

At Sarajevo, on July 10th, 2012




(Revised version)

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PART ONE - PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS ...... 10 (The Scope of the Statute) ...... 10 (Founding and registering in the Register) ...... 10 (Name and location of the University) ...... 12 (Main Location) ...... 12 (The University insignia) ...... 12 (The University stamp and seal) ...... 13 (Spoken and written languages at the University) ...... 13 (Official language) ...... 13 (The University licence and accreditation) ...... 14 (Openness of the University to the public) ...... 14 (Official website) ...... 15 (Representation of the University and acting on its behalf) ...... 15 (Financial means for the University operations) ...... 15 (The University financial plan) ...... 16 (Obligations of the Rector towards the Board of Trustees and the Founder) ...... 16 (Changing the University Status) ...... 17 (Cost of Studies) ...... 17

PART TWO - THE GOALS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE UNIVERSITY ...... 17 (The University goals) ...... 18

PART THREE ACADEMIC AUTONOMY OF THE UNIVERSITY AND SOVEREIGNTY OF THE UNIVERSITY PREMISES ...... 18 (Academic freedoms) ...... 18 (Academic autonomy)...... 19 (Inviolability of the University) ...... 20

PART FOUR THE RIGHTS, RESPONSIBILITIES AND AUTHORITIES OF THE UNIVERSITY ...... 20 (Authorities of the University) ...... 20 (Rights and responsibilities of the University) ...... 21

PART V ACCESS TO HIGHER EDUCATION AND FREEDOM OF THE HIGHER EDUCATIONAL PROCESS ...... 23 (Access to higher education) ...... 23 (Freedom in the higher education process) ...... 23


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(The University operations) ...... 24 (Change and expansion of operations) ...... 26 (The University program of activities) ...... 26 (Rector’s Office) ...... 27 (Organizational units of the University) ...... 28 (Sub-organizational units)...... 36 (Procedure to establish new organizational and/or sub-organizational units) ...... 36 (Authorities of the organizational units) ...... 36 (Status of the organizational units) ...... 37 (Authorities of the sub-organizational units) ...... 37 (Department Head and Program Coordinator) ...... 38 (Research Institute with Centres) ...... 39


SECTION ONE. THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ...... 40 (Composition of the Board of Trustees) ...... 40 (Authorities of the Board of Trustees) ...... 41

SECTION TWO. THE SENATE ...... 42 (Composition of the Senate) ...... 42 (Authorities of the Senate) ...... 43 (The Senate sessions) ...... 44 (The Senate decision making) ...... 45

SECTION THREE. THE RECTOR ...... 45 (Election of the Rector)...... 45 (Procedures in case of unsuccessful election of the rector) ...... 47 (Re-advertising the vacancy) ...... 48 (The Rector’s rights and responsibilities) ...... 48 (Limitations of the Rector’s position) ...... 50 (Terms of reference) ...... 50 (Expiry of the Rector’s term of office) ...... 51

SECTION FOUR. VICE-RECTOR(S) ...... 53 (Election of the Vice-Rector(s) and expiry of the Vice-Rectors’ term of office) ...... 53 (Vice-Rector’s Authorities) ...... 54

SECTION FIVE. OTHER BODIES OF THE UNIVERSITY ...... 55 (Office for scientific-research work and international cooperation) ...... 55 (Office for Quality Assurance) ...... 56 (University Secretariat) ...... 56

SECTION SIX. ETHICS COMMITTEE ...... 57 (Authorities of the Ethics Committee) ...... 57

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(Appointment of other bodies) ...... 58


SECTION ONE. BODIES OF THE FACULTIES ...... 59 (Bodies of the organizational units) ...... 59 (Authorities of the Council of the organizational unit) ...... 59 (The Council Sessions) ...... 61 (The Council Decision Making) ...... 61

SECTION TWO. THE DEAN ...... 62 (Election of the Dean) ...... 62 (Appointment of the Acting Dean) ...... 64

SECTION THREE. RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE DEAN ...... 64 (Rights, responsibilities and authorities of the Dean) ...... 64


SECTION FIVE. VICE-DEANS ...... 67 (Election of Vice-Deans) ...... 67 (Authorities and Term of Office of the Vice-Dean) ...... 67

SECTION SIX. VICE-DEAN FOR ACADEMIC AND STUDENT AFFAIRS ...... 68 (Duties of the Vice-Dean for Academic and Student Affairs) ...... 68

SECTION SEVEN. VICE-DEAN FOR SCIENTIFIC-RESEARCH ACTIVITIES ...... 69 (Duties of the Vice-Dean for Scientific and Research Activities) ...... 69

SECTION EIGHT. EXPIRY OF VICE-DEAN’S TERM OF OFFICE ...... 69 (Procedure to relieve of duty the Vice-Dean) ...... 69

SECTION NINE. SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL OF THE RESEARCH INSTITUTE ...... 70 (Composition of the Scientific Council of the Research Institute) ...... 70



SECTION ONE. STUDENT'S STATUS ...... 72 (Acquiring student’s status and setting the structure and student quota) ...... 72 (Full-time and part-time students) ...... 73

SECTION TWO. STUDY RULES ...... 73 (Organization of studies) ...... 73

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SECTION THREE. FIRST CYCLE OF STUDY (UNDERGRADUATE STUDY) ...... 75 (Study rules at the First Cycle of Study) ...... 75 (Enrolment in the first year of the First Cycle of Study) ...... 75

SECTION FOUR. ENROLMENT BY TRANSFER ...... 77 (Transfer from other institutions of higher education) ...... 77

SECTION FIVE. STUDY CONTRACT ...... 78 (Signing the Contract and elements of the Study Contract) ...... 78

SECTION SIX. GRADING SYSTEM. ATTENDANCE. EXAMINATIONS ...... 78 (Grading system and minimum of ECTS points required for continuation of studies into the following study year) ...... 78 (Final examination) ...... 80 (Final examination paper) ...... 81 (Defense of the final examination paper) ...... 81

SECTION SEVEN. THE SECOND CYCLE OF STUDY – MASTER’S STUDY ...... 82 (Organization of the Second Cycle of Study) ...... 82 (Enrolment into the Second Cycle of Study) ...... 82 (The final examination paper) ...... 82 (Completion of the Second Cycle of Study) ...... 83

SECTION EIGHT. THE THIRD CYCLE OF STUDY – DOCTORAL STUDY ...... 83 (Organization of the Doctoral Study) ...... 83 (Enrolment into the Doctoral Study) ...... 84 (Study Rules in the Doctoral Study) ...... 84

SECTION NINE. COMMITTEE FOR VERIFYING DIFFERENCES IN THE CONTENT OF STUDY PROGRAMS – THE COMMITTEE FOR EQUIVALENCE ...... 85 (Committee for verifying differences in the content of study programs)...... 85

SECTION TEN. ENGLISH LANGUAGE PREPARATORY SCHOOL - ELS ...... 85 (English language competence requirement) ...... 85 (ELS student’s status) ...... 86 (Managing ELS) ...... 86 (Organization and status of ELS) ...... 87

SECTION ELEVEN...... ACADEMIC TITLES AND SCIENTIFIC AND PROFESSIONAL TITLES 87 (Acquiring professional and academic titles) ...... 87

SECTION TWELVE...... STUDENTS' RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS 87 (Students' rights) ...... 87 (Students’ obligations) ...... 88

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(Informing students about their rights and obligations) ...... 88 (Student-demonstrators)...... 89 (Implementation of the administrative procedures rules) ...... 89

SECTION THIRTEEN...... STUDENTS’ MOBILITY 90 (Studying at the University based on the students’ mobility) ...... 90 (Studying at other institutions of higher education based on the students’ mobility program) ...... 90

SECTION FOURTEEN.STUDENTS’ RESPONSIBILITIES FOR THE BREACH OF LIABILITIES ...... 91 (Responsibilities for the breach of students’ liabilities) ...... 91 (Disciplinary measures for breaches of students’ liabilities) ...... 92 (Students’ liabilities for damages incurred) ...... 92 (Compensation for the damage) ...... 93 (Disciplinary liabilities procedure) ...... 93

SECTION FIFTEEN...... TERMINATION OF THE STUDENT’S STATUS 94 (Circumstances in which the student’s status is terminated)...... 94

SECTION SIXTEEN. STUDENT’S DORMANT STATUS ...... 94 (Reasons for the dormant status and expiry of the dormant status) ...... 94

SECTION SEVENTEEN. OTHER PROVISIONS REGARDING THE STUDENT’S STATUS ...... 96 (Other provisions regarding the student's status) ...... 96

SECTION EIGHTEEN. STUDENTS’ ORGANIZATIONS ...... 96 (Students' Association) ...... 96 (Ways of organizing students) ...... 97 (Bodies of the students’ organizations) ...... 97 (Assembly and president of the Students’ Council) ...... 97 (Assembly of the University Students’ Parliament)...... 98 (Providing support to the students’ associations)...... 98

PART TEN. THE SYSTEM OF QUALITY ASSURANCE ...... 98 (The System of Quality Assurance and its implementation)...... 98 (External evaluation of quality) ...... 99 (Evaluation of work of the academic staff) ...... 99

PART ELEVEN - ORGANIZATION AND RUNNING OF STUDY PROGRAMS ...... 100 (Definition and the content of a study program) ...... 100


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(Principle of the main subject and principle of interdisciplinarity ...... 101

SECTION TWO. ORGANIZATION OF JOINT STUDIES ...... 102 (Procedure of organization of joint studies) ...... 102 (Application of the European Credit Transfer System – ECTS) ...... 102 (Types of studies organized at the University) ...... 103 (Organization of an academic year) ...... 103

SECTION THREE. ORGANIZATION AND DELIVERY OF LEARNING ACTIVITIES ...... 104 (Venues of learning activities) ...... 104 (Organization of joint, practical and other teaching activities) ...... 104 (Curricula and syllabi) ...... 104

PART TWELVE - RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE ACADEMIC STAFF IN REALIZATION OF THE LEARNING ACTIVITIES ...... 105 (Responsibilities of the academic staff) ...... 105 (Work plan) ...... 105 (Realization of the syllabus) ...... 106 (Forms of students’ assessments)...... 107 (Assessments and grading procedure) ...... 108 (Forms of evaluation of student’s success) ...... 108


SECTION ONE. CRITERIA FOR APPOINTMENTS TO ACADEMIC TITLES – MINIMUM CONDITIONS FOR THE APPOINTMENT ...... 109 (Terms of appointment and status issues) ...... 109 (Minimum conditions for appointing academic staff to scientific-teaching titles) ...... 109 (Minimum conditions for appointing academic staff to art-teaching titles) ...... 110 (Criteria for appointment into academic titles) ...... 111 (English language competence as a selection criterion for the appointment to the academic title) ...... 111 (Rights and obligations arising from the appointment to the title) ...... 113

SECTION TWO. APPOINTMENTS TO SCIENTIFIC/ARTISTIC AREA OR A TEACHING SUBJECT ...... 113 (Selection of members of academic staff)...... 113

SECTION THREE. DEFINITIONS OF LEGAL TERMS ...... 113 (Definitions of terms) ...... 113

SECTION FOUR. REGISTRY OF DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL DATABASES ...... 116 (Establishing the registry of domestic and international databases) ...... 116


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SECTION ONE. HONORARY DOCTOR OF THE UNIVERSITY DEGREE ...... 117 (Conditions to award the Honorary Doctor of the University Degree) ...... 117 (Procedure to award the Honorary Doctor of the University Degree) ...... 117 (The Honorary Doctor of the University Degree Certificate) ...... 118

SECTION TWO. PROFESSOR EMERITUS ...... 118 (Criteria to award the honorary title) ...... 118 (Rights and responsibilities of the Professor Emeritus) ...... 118 (Limitations) ...... 119 (Timely initiative) ...... 119 (Awarding of the title of Professor Emeritus to Full Professors from other higher education institutions) ...... 119 (Procedure to propose awarding to the title of Professor Emeritus) ...... 119 (Committee for evaluation of the proposal for awarding the honorary title) ...... 120 (Committee’s report) ...... 120 (Book of Rules on awarding the honorary title of Professor Emeritus) ...... 120


SECTION ONE. PUBLIC COMPETITION FOR SELECTION AND APPOINTMENT TO THE TITLE ...... 121 (Conditions to announce a public competition) ...... 121

SECTION TWO. SELECTION COMMITTEE ...... 121 (Committee for selection of candidates and for evaluation of the candidate's initial lecture) ...... 121

SECTION THREE. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE SELECTION COMMITTEE ...... 122 (Procedure to establish responsibilities of the Selection Committee) ...... 122

SECTION FOUR. DECISION ON THE APPOINTMENT ...... 123 (Making a decision on the selection and appointment to the title) ...... 123

PART SIXTEEN – RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE ACADEMIC AND ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF ...... 124 (Rights and obligations of the academic staff and of the University) ...... 124 (Obligations of the academic and administrative staff towards the University) ...... 124 (Rights and responsibilities of the academic staff of the University) ...... 125 (Responsibilities of a subject teacher) ...... 125 (Rights and responsibilities of the academic staff in titles of Senior Assistant or Assistant) ...... 126 (Responsibilities of the academic staff towards the students of the University) ...... 126 (Commencement of the employment relationship and other issues) ...... 127 (Commencement of employment relationship of administrative staff) ...... 127 (Rights and responsibilities arising from the employment relationship and work engagements) ...... 128

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(Conditions for re-organization of positions at the University) ...... 128 (Unpaid leave of absence) ...... 128 (Hiring teachers) ...... 129 (Disciplinary accountability of a member of the academic staff) ...... 129 (Trade Union organizing of the employees) ...... 129 (Medical examination) ...... 130


SECTION ONE. RECORDS AND DOCUMENTATION ...... 131 (Keeping official records of the University) ...... 131

SECTION TWO. PUBLIC DOCUMENTS...... 131 (Types of public documents) ...... 131 (Issue and annullment of public documents) ...... 133


PART EIGHTEEN - BUSINESS SECRET ...... 133 (Notion of the business secret of the University) ...... 133 (Duty to keep the business secret) ...... 134

PART NINETEEN - SUPERVISION OVER THE UNIVERSITY OPERATIONS ...... 134 (Authorities of supervision over the University operations) ...... 135

PART TWENTY - TRANSITIONAL AND FINAL PROVISIONS ...... 135 (Statute of the University)...... 135

SECTION ONE. THE UNIVERSITY BY-LAWS ...... 135 (The University by-laws) ...... 135 (Interpretation of by-laws) ...... 138 (Enactment) ...... 138 (Expiry of previous general acts) ...... 138

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Pursuant to Article 126 Clause 2 Item b) and Article 36 Clause 2 and 8 of the Higher Education Law („ Official Gazette of the “, issue: 22/10 – Revised Version); Senate Decision on amendments on the Statute number IUS-SENAT 11- 1477/2012 from July 10th 2012 and upon the prior opinion by the Board of Trustees of the International University of Sarajevo, number IUS-UO08-07/2012, from July 10th 2012, the Senate of the International University of Sarajevo on its session held on July 10th, 2012, determined the revised text of the




Article 1

(The Scope of the Statute)

The Statute of the International University of Sarajevo (hereinafter: the University), as its fundamental act, establishes the organization of the University, its bodies, manner of work, organization and implementation of study programs, management, administration and any other issues relevant for carrying out activities of the University, a higher education institution as an institution (privately owned), which organizes and implements study courses in all 3 (three) cycles of studies, and is engaged in activities in accordance with law.

Article 2

(Founding and registering in the Register)

(1) University is a higher education institution which offers academic degrees in al three study cycles and which is engaged in teaching, scientific-teaching, artistic, art- teaching, scientific-research activities, as well as non-cyclic forms of educational activities and other registered activities in accordance with law; which is founded by the Foundation for Development of Education (hereinafter: the Founder) and which is situated in Sarajevo, at the address of Hrasnička cesta 15. (2) The University has been founded based on the following administrative acts:

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a) Decision by the Sarajevo Canton Government, number 02-05-10404-10/03 from 18.06.2003, which was published in the “Official Gazette of the Sarajevo Canton” issue 14/03 from 19.06.2003, which granted the approval to the Foundation for Development of Education to establish the International University of Sarajevo as an institution b) Decision by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Sarajevo Canton, number 11-38-3509 from 16. 03. 2003, which established that conditions stipulated by law for establishment of the International University of Sarajevo as an institution had been met, and that the Foundation for Development of Education Sarajevo is the Founder of the International University of Sarajevo. c) Decision of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Sarajevo Canton, number 11-01-38 from 23.6.2004, on fulfilment of conditions for commencement of operations of the International University of Sarajevo as an institution, which established that all stipulated conditions for commencement of operations in the 2004/2005 academic year had been met. (3) The University has the status of a legal entity which has been acquired by its registering into the Register of Companies / Business Entities recorded in the Municipal Court in Sarajevo, number MBS: 65-05-00-24-10 (the former number MBS: 2-82), and in accordance with the decisions made by: Cantonal Court in Sarajevo, number UF/I-1905/04 from 06.10.2004; Cantonal Court in Sarajevo, number UF/I-1656/03 from 23.10.2003; Municipal Court in Sarajevo, number 065-0- Reg-10-003421 from 31.12.2010; Municipal Court in Sarajevo, number 065-0-Reg- 10-001737 from 11.6.2010; Municipal Court in Sarajevo, number 065-0-Reg-09- 002967 from 20.5.2010; Municipal Court in Sarajevo, number 065-0-Reg-08-003031 from 01.11.2008; and Municipal Court in Sarajevo, number UF/I-1045/05 from 30.09.2005; as well as based on additional changes of the information in accordance with law.

Article 3

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(Name and location of the University)

(1) The name of the University is:

In languages in the official use in : INTERNACIONALNI UNIVERZITET U SARAJEVU.


(2) The abbreviated name of the University is: IUS. (3) In all official correspondence, documents and public documents, the full name of the University is used. (4) The abbreviated name of the University can be used, besides its full name, in the logo, as necessary, and in other forms of non-official correspondence

Article 4

(Main Location)

(1) The University is situated in Sarajevo, at the address of Hrasnička cesta 15. (2) The University can alter its name and address, in compliance with the Law and the Statute.

Article 5

(The University insignia)

(1) The University has its logo and a flag. (2) The University logo is blue-white and round. In its centre is an image of Sebilj at Baščaršija, which symbolises the source of knowledge. The abbreviated name of the University is written in the middle of the logo, below the Sebilj. Along its border, below the name of the University inscription, 2004 is written, which indicates the year of establishment of the University. (3) The flag is white with the University logo in the centre. (4) Faculties within the University, as its organizational units (hereinafter: Faculties) have the right to use the name of the University, its logo and the flag besides the name of the Faculty.

Article 6

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(The University stamp and seal)

(1) The University stamp and dry seal match the logo of the University. (2) The University stamp is round, 35 mm in diameter. Along its border is the name of the University in in Latin script, and in English language. In the centre of the stamp is an image of Sebilj at Baščaršija, which symbolises the source of knowledge. The abbreviated name of the University is written below the image of the Sebilj along the border of the stamp, and between the image of the Sebilj and the border of the stamp the cardinal number of the stamp is inscribed, except for the number „0“ (zero), which is exclusively used by the Rector. (3) The University has the dry seal, which is round, 45 mm in diameter, with the same content as the stamp, and which is used for certification of diploma certificates and other documents issued by the University. (4) Board of Trustees, by its separated decision, decides on the number and authorities to use numerated stamps referred to in Clause (2) of this Article. (5) Range of authorities referred to in Clause (4) of this Article may also be defined by Book of Rules on Internal Organization and Job Classification with short descriptions of jobs at IUS, which is adopted by Board of Trustees.

Article 7

(Spoken and written languages at the University)

(1) In order to implement realization of the curricula and study programs, instructions in all academic subjects at the University are delivered exclusively in English. (2) In accordance with the Book of Rules on Studying at the University, special English language courses are organized for students whose knowledge of English is insufficient to meet the requirements of the study programs.

Article 8

(Official language)

(1) The official language in use at the University is Bosnian, and the script is Latin. (2) Other official languages of all constitutive peoples, as well as the official scripts, are equally used. (3) The languages of communication at the University are Bosnian, English and Turkish.

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(4) The official correspondence with the institutions of the state authorities and third parties in Bosnia and Herzegovina is performed in Bosnian, in Latin script. (5) The University employees use Bosnian language, in Latin script, for all official documents, documentation and record keeping, and, if necessary, in English language. (6) Should in the course of official correspondence any inconsistencies occur in regards to the content written in both the Bosnian and the English version of an official document, then the Bosnian original version of the document shall be considered the relevant one.

Article 9

(The University licence and accreditation)

(1) The University acquires the right to perform higher education activities by obtaining the licence and accreditation from the Ministry of Education, Science and the Youth (hereinafter referred to as: Ministry), in accordance with the Higher Education Law – Revised Version („ Official Gazette of the Sarajevo Canton“, issue: 22/10) (hereinafter referred to as: the Law).

Article 10

(Openness of the University to the public)

(1) The work of the University and its bodies is public. (2) The University has the right and obligation to act openly towards the public; to promote respect and affirmation of human rights; and to develop the awareness for social responsibility amongst its students, academic staff and other employees. (3) The University performs its activities in compliance with the principles of the academic autonomy and academic freedom, in accordance with the Constitution and the Law. (4) Public media is informed about all important events at the University. (5) Rector, as well as other individuals authorized by the Rector, may provide official statements for the public through the public media about any issues important for the University activities in accordance with the Communication Strategy at International University of Sarajevo adopted by the University Senate.

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Article 11

(Official website)

(1) The University has its official website: (2) Organizational units of the University can have their own websites, which function as sub-domains of the University website.

Article 12

(Representation of the University and acting on its behalf)

(1) The Rector represents and acts on behalf of the University in domestic and foreign deals, with the authority to independently conclude all legal transactions, the value of which does not exceed 50.000,00 KM (fifty thousand KM) on a monthly basis; for any sum exceeding the above limit a written permission of the University Board of Trustees (hereinafter: Board of Trustees) shall be required. (2) Authorities referred to in Clause (1) of this Article do not include regular monthly expenses for salaries and contributions payable to employees, as well as other regular expenses of the University, and the Rector must ensure that orders for such payments (incoming and outgoing) are counter-signed by the Manager of the Economic and Financial Operations of the University. (3) In case of absence or unavailability of the Rector to manage and represent IUS, the Rector shall be substituted by the Vice-Rector appointed by the Rector, to act with the same authorities as the Rector. (4) Authorities referred to in this Article shall also apply to the Rector’s and the Vice- rectors’ deputies. (5) The Rector, as well as the Vice-Rector, are entitled to delegate their authorities, or parts thereof, to other individuals by their general or individual authorizations.

Article 13

(Financial means for the University operations)

(1) The University acquires income from: the Founder; tuition fees; realization of scientific-research and artistic activities; providing intellectual or scientific, professional and artistic services; non-cyclic study programs; publishing; providing verification and equivalence of public documents; copyrights and patents; donations from legal entities and individuals; legate, donations and bequeaths; payments collected from students in all study cycles for any academic,

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administrative or other services in compliance with law, the Statute and other acts of the University; activities carried out by its laboratories, centres, institutes, sub- organizational units and other organizational structures of the University; diagnostic and other professional services; and from other sources in compliance with law and within the registered activities of the University. (2) Upon the Rector's proposal, the Board of Trustees submits an annual financial plan, and sets financial plans to the Founder, in accordance with law. (3) The proposal for the annual financial plan represents a request to the Founder to ensure the funds necessary for the operations and activities of the University and its organizational units in the following academic year. (4) By the end of the calendar year at latest, the Founder of the University adopts the University budget for the following academic year.

Article 14

(The University financial plan)

(1) The basis for the University financial plan includes: the total number of students enrolled at the University; the number of academic and non-academic staff and their salaries pertaining to the Standards and Norms for Performing Activities in Higher Education of the Sarajevo Canton (“Official Gazette of the Sarajevo Canton”, issue 4/06) (hereinafter: Standards and Norms); expenses arising from the implementation of the vision of development of the University; as well as any other financial requirements within the financial plan. (2) The University is entitled to manage its own income, in compliance with law and regulations based on law, as well as with the program and plan documents of the University. (3) All inflow and outflow of finances are recorded at the unique transactional account of the University at the bank in which the University has the account.

Article 15

(Obligations of the Rector towards the Board of Trustees and the Founder)

(1) The Rector of the University submits the annual fiancial reports to the Board of Trustees of the University, and the latter is obliged to forward it to the Founder.

(2) Should justified reasons or special needs arise, the Founder has the authority to request from the Rector a financial report on the University operations at any time.

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Article 16

(Changing the University Status)

(1) The University can expand its activities, change the name and address, establish new organizational and sub-organizational units, and implement the status changes, such as: merging, division and separation, all of which shall be done with the consent and permission obtained from the Founder, and in compliance with the Law.

Article 17

(Cost of Studies)

(1) Cost of studies is determined by the Founder by a separate decision to be submitted to the Ministry. (2) Decision on types of services offered to students by the University is made by the Founder, which is further submitted to the Ministry.


Article 18

(1) The University shall enable any individuals who meet the stipulated criteria to fully exercise their right to have access to higher education, void of any legally ungrounded influences by the public authorities or any other subjects from the country or abroad. (2) Higher educational activities of the University are directed towards enabling a full development of integrity of an individual, respect of human rights, civil and other democratic, academic, legal and Constitutional principles and freedoms. (3) Access to education at the University cannot be restricted to anyone, either directly or indirectly, either based on any real or presumed grounds which are contrary to the Constitutional principles, laws and international laws.

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Article 19

(The University goals)

The University is envisaged to be a dynamic, progressive educational-research institution aiming to achieve a specific character and to be recognized in the world by:

a) ensuring interactive and comprehensive educational teaching programs which enable bridging traditional educational borders between particular scientific disciplines, preparing students for life in the world where fast changes are becoming a norm, not an exception; b) emphasizing the notion of interdisciplinarity, especially in profiles important for democratic and modern economic and technological development, and achieving mobility of students as well as IUS graduates; c) structuring educational processes so that they facilitate an efficient acceptance of students of different educational profiles, from different cultures, holding different cultural and civilizational values, and educating them successfully in the field of their choice; d) establishing attractive conditions for visiting academic and scientific professionals interested in researching the regional societies and cultures, as well as for development of technical sciences and technologies.


Article 20

(Academic freedoms)

(1) The University is independent of any prohibited influences. Its recognition in the country and abroad shall be realized by the University through its continuous highly professional performance by the academic and other staff, by continuous maintaining the highest standards in the teaching process, continuous learning and application of all acquired knowledge into practice.

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(2) In accordance with the University committment to be the leading and prominent higher education institution in Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad, the University shall work on expanding cooperation with other higher education institutions in the country and abroad to achieve optimal cooperation with other universities and other higher education institutions, scientific-research and other subjects in the country and abroad, in order to exchange experiences, achieve cooperation in education, science, arts, and other relevant areas, and to standardize higher education norms and standards, in accordance with domestic and international legislation ratified by Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Article 21

(Academic autonomy)

(1) The academic autonomy of the University is reflected in particular in the following: a) freedom of teaching, scientific-teaching, artistic, art-teaching, scientific- research work and activities; b) establishing, and independent delivering and developing educational, scientific, artistic and professional prgrams and research projects; c) selecting academic staff, scientific workers, managers and other staff whose engagement is associated with the higher education activities; d) making decision on criteria for ranking candidates to enrol in the first study year in all three study cycles at the University; e) determining the study rules; f) independently organizing activities within existing internal organization, in accordance with law; g) establishing and developing cooperation with other higher education institutions and other institutions in the country and abroad, within its registered activities. (2) The academic freedom at the University is the right of any member of the academic staff or students to have freedom of opinion, to express it and act in respect to delivering lessons, expressing scientific hypotheses or scientific facts, without fear of sanctions, under condition that their academic activities are performed in accordance with the Constitution and law, which do not jeopardize human rights and freedoms of other subjects of the academic or local community as a whole.

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(3) The academic autonomy and academic freedoms include responsibilities of the academic staff of the University towards the local community in which they work.

Article 22

(Inviolability of the University)

(1) The inviolability of the University premises implies that the police or other official authorities for prosecution or prevention of criminal acts are not permitted to enter the University premises without the Rector’s permission, or without permission given by the person authorized by the Rector in writing. (2) In exceptional circumstances, and for the purpose of preventing someone from committing, or stopping someone from committing a criminal act, or in case of a natural disaster or any other emergencies which might cause detrimental effects, the authorities referred to in the previous Clause of this Article may take necessary measures within the University premises from the scope of their registered activities, under condition that the University administration and the organizational unit administration are immediately informed about any actions taken. (3) In the organizational and disciplinary respect, the University employees, students in all three cycles of studies, external and other University associates, employees and other persons in associations and foundations, employees and other persons in business companies/legal entities working or having their offices in facilities or business premises within the Campus, are all directly accountable to the Rector of the University.


Article 23

(Authorities of the University)

In accordance with the Constitution and law, and in respect to carrying out its activities, the University has the following authorities:

a) to acquire assets, manage the assets and use them in accordance with law. The assets acquired through performing registered activities of the

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University, as well as assets acquired through bequethes and donations or in any other legal manner, are the University assets; b) to acquire resources and manage the acquired resources in accordance with law; c) to have at its disposal financial resources which the University acquires through its own activities; d) to propose a decision on the type and cost of its services to students, and the decision on the type and cost of the services provided by the University to the students is brought by the Founder, where the University is required to deliver the decision on the determined cost to the Ministry; e) to set the remmuneration rates for granting concession to use the University symbols; f) to select administrative and managerial bodies and to determine their authorities, manner of selection and terms of office, in accordance with law; g) to determine the organization of work at the University, in the manner stipulated by the University by-laws and in accordance with law; h) to conclude study contracts with students which regulate their mutual rights and responsibilities in more detail; i) to organize and deliver study programs, implement ECTS transfer system, and issue relevant diplomas and diploma supplements, or other relevant public documents, in accordance with law; j) to conclude employment contracts and make decisions on any type of engagement of individuals and legal entities, in accordance with law.

Article 24

(Rights and responsibilities of the University)

In accordance with the Law, the Statute, and other legislation and by-laws, the University has the following rights and responsibilities:

a) to deliver and improve teaching, scientific-teaching, artistic, art-teaching and scientific-research activities in accordance with strategic interests of Bosnia and Herzegovina and of Sarajevo Canton, and in accordance with the European higher education system values and quality standards; b) to set the development plan; c) to set general, professional and optional study subjects;

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d) to carry out activities in preparation and defense of doctoral dissertations, and to participate in carrying out procedures for obtaining the PhD titles; e) to propose awards of honorary PhD and other honorary University titles; f) to elect and relieve of duty members of its bodies; g) to carry out procedures of equivalence, or recognition of foreign higher education qualifications through its organizational units, or through appointments of special committees; h) to promote domestic and international cooperation with higher educational institutions in organization of teaching, scientific-teaching, artistic, art- teaching, scientific-research and professional activities, and to encourage international mobillity of students and academic staff; i) to continually devellop the system of control and quality assurance to maintain high quality standards and achieve goals and objectives of the higher education activities; j) in order to realize teaching, scientific-teaching, artistic, art-teaching and scientific-research activities, to establish institutes, centres, offices, chairs, laboratories, galleries, stages and other organizational forms, under prior consent by the Founder; k) to plan, determine, bring, develop and deliver curricula, syllabi and research projects; l) to propose criteria to rank candidates to enrol at the University and to accept and enrol candidates, and set methods to verify their knowledge; m) to select academic staff and other employees; n) to organize and carry out relevant forms of scientific, professional and artistic development of academic staff; o) to organize and carry out publishing activities, and in particular to issue textbooks and other scientific and professional reference materials; p) to manage material needs of the academic staff and other employees at the University; q) to ensure that students exercise their rights stipulated by the Law and the Statute; r) to manage the assets and the budget at its disposal in an efficient, cost- saving, transparent and responsible manner; s) to demonstrate openness towards the public, citizens and the local community, to promote respect and affirmation of human rights, and to nurture the sense of social responsibility of students, academic staff and other employees;

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t) to join domestic and international universities and other associations in accordance with the Law; u) to carry out other activities in accordance with the Law, the Statute and by- laws; v) to conclude contracts and other legal transactions within the range of its registered activities, and to be liable for such liabilities with all its assets.


Article 25

(Access to higher education)

(1) Access to higher education at the University is equal for all citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, foreigners, or people without citizenship, under condition that the candidate meets the stipulated criteria for studying at the University.

(2) Equal access opportunities to all candidates enrolled, or wishing to enroll at the University, should facilitate higher mobility of students and their studying in several countries during a study cycle, under appropriate condition and in accordance with the Law.

(3) Administrative, managerial, supervisory, professional or other University bodies are required to take any necessary measures, within their stipulated authorities, to prevent any form of discrimination of members of the academic community, and to ensure their academic advancement and equal opportunities in their participation on realization of their teaching, scientific-teaching, artistic, art- teaching, scientific-research work and activities in all three study cycles.

(4) No political organizing or activities are permitted at the University.

Article 26

(Freedom in the higher education process)

In compliance with law and the Statute, the University has the freedom to apply innovative methods in providing services of higher education, and to offer study courses

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for acquisition of skills which are necessary or beneficial for the purposes of realizing the goals of higher education and the concept of lifelong learning.


Article 27

(The University operations)

(1) Basic operations of the University, in accordance with the Classification of Operations in Bosnia and Herzegovina (“Official Bulletin of Bosnia and Herzegovina”, issue 47/10) are as follows:

02.40 Ancillary services in ; 17.23 Production of paper stationery; 18.11 Newspaper printing; 18.12 Other printing; 18.13 Preparation of printing and publishing services; 18.14 Book binding and related services; 18.20 Copying of recorded files; 33.12 Repair of machines; 55.90 Other accommodation; 56.10 Activities of restaurants and other facilities for preparation and offer of food services; 56.21 Catering services; 56.29 Other services for preparation and offer of beverages; 56.30 Services for preparation and offer of beverages; 58.11 Publishing of books, brochures, booklets and similar publications, including publishing of dictionaries and encyclopaedias; 58.13 Publishing of newspapers; 58.14 Publishing of magazines and periodicals; 58.19 Other publishing activities; 59.20 Recording of audio files and publishing of music records;

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62.09 Other services related to the information technology and computers; 70.21 Public relations and information activities; 70.22 Business and management consulting services; 71.11 Activities related to architecture; 71.12 Engineering activities and related technical advisory / consulting services 71.20 Technical testing and analysis; 72.11 Research and development through experiments in bio-technology; 72.19 Other research and development through experiments in natural, engineering and technological sciences; 72.20 Research and development through experiments in social sciences and in the humanities; 73.11 Agency for promotional activities (advertising); 73.20 Market research and public poll; 74.30 Translating and interpreting services; 74.90 Other professional, scientific and technical activities; 82.11 Combined office and administrative services; 82.19 Photocopy services, preparation of documents and other specialised services; 82.99 Other additional business services; 85.42 Higher education; 85.52 Education and tutoring in the area of culture; 85.59 Other education and instructions; 85.60 Additional activities to aid educational activities; 90.01 Performing arts; 90.02 Additional activities to aid performing arts activities; 90.03 Artistic creative activities; 91.01 Activities of libraries and archives; 95.11 Servicing computers and peripheral equipment

Activity: 85.42 – Higher education, is performed by the University as a public service.

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(2) The University will perform other activities listed in this Article of the Statute when they are for the purpose of education, scientific-teaching or scientific- research activities. (3) The University will provide foreign trade services within its registered activity.

Article 28

(Change and expansion of operations)

(1) The Founder can change or expand the scope of its activities in the manner and following the procedures determined by law and other regulations determining the subject area. (2) The University can, in compliance with the Law and regulations based on law, become a co-founder of independent scientific organizations/institutions, where the relationships between the University and other co-founders shall be stipulated by a separate written agreement, under a prior consent provided by the Founder. (3) Upon the prior consent provided by the Founder, the University can open its own representative offices and branches abroad, with the aim to realize all forms of cyclic or non-cyclic studies, or other activities for which it is registered.

Article 29

(The University program of activities)

(1) The University sets its annual program of activities for each academic year. (2) The annual program of activities means the calendar of organization and delivery of the curricula and syllabi, responsibilities of the academic staff and other employees, as well as other activities. (3) The calendar of organization and realization of the teaching curricula and syllabi referred to in the preceding Clause for each academic year is set and announced by the University Senate 60 days prior to commencement of the teaching delivery, at latest.

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Article 30

(Rector’s Office)

(1) Rector's Office is the University administrative office withich integrates functions to provide support to educational and scientific-research activities as well assistance to the Rector in performing his/her duties. The Rector’s Office comprises: 1) the Rector; 2) Vice-Rector(s); 3) General Secretary; 4) Quality Assurance Office; 5) Office for scientific-research and the international cooperation.

(2) In performing his/her duties, the Rector is accountable to the Board of Trustees and to the Senate of the University (hereinafter referred to as: the Senate). (3) In performing their duties, the Vice-Rector(s) are accountable to the Rector and to the Senate; the General Secretary and managers of the offices referred to in the previous Clause are accountable to the Rector; Deans and the Institute Manager/Director are accountable to the Rector and to the Board of Trustees; and office managers within the Secretariat are accountable to the General Secretary. (4) The Manager of the Office for Financial and Economic Affairs of the University is appointed after an obligatory prior permission obtained by the Board of Trustees of the Founder. (5) Book of Rules on Organization and Job Classifications, and Job Classification with short descriptions of duties at the International University of Sarajevo stipulate work of offices and services at the University, positions, qualifications, rights, obligations and responsibilities of employees, etc. (6) The organizational structure in the graphic form is provided in Annex 1 of the Statute.

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Article 31

(Organizational units of the University)

(1) Within the University, organizational units, through which artistic, teaching or scientific-research activities are performed, are integrated as follows:

Estimated PROFESSIONAL/ACADEMIC TITLE TO BE ACQUIRED duration of the cycle of studies due to the



After finished

After finished First Second Study Study Cycle After finished Third Cycle Study Cycle

240 ECTS Redni broj + 60 ECTS + 180 ECTS Duration of Duration the of study Duration the of study Duration the of study





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Doktor umjetnosti iz Bakalaureat/Bachelor Magistar oblasti vizualnih vizualnih umjetnosti i vizualnih umjetnosti i dizajna dizajna vizualnih vizualnih komunikacija komunikacija umjetnosti i dizajna vizualnih Study programe: komunikacija

Visual Arts and Visual Communications

Design Bachelor of Arts Doctor of (B.A.) in Visual Arts Philosophy (Ph.D.) and Visual in Visual Arts and Visual Communications Master of Arts Communications Design (M.A.) in Visual Design Arts and Visual Communications Design


Doktor nauka iz Bakalaureat/Bachelor Magistar oblasti psihologije psihologije Study programe: psihologije

Psyhology Doctor of Master of Arts Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Psychology Bachelor of Arts (M.A.) in (B.A.) in Psychology Psychology

Bakalaureat/Bachelor Doktor nauka iz društvenih i političkih Magistar oblasti društvenih i nauka društvenih i političkih nauka političkih nauka

Study programe: Bachelor of Arts Doctor of (B.A.) in Social and Master of Arts Philosophy (Ph.D.) Social and Political Sciences Political Sciences (M.A.) in Social in Social and and Political Political Sciences Sciences


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Bakalaureat/Bachelor Doktor nauka iz engleskog jezika i Magistar oblasti engleskog književnosti engleskog jezika jezika i književnosti i književnosti Study programe: English Language and


Bachelor of Arts Doctor of

(B.A.) in English Master of Arts Philosophy (Ph.D.) language and literature (M.A.) in in English language

English and literature language and literature

Bakalaureat/Bachelor Magistar Doktor nauka iz kulturoloških studija kulturoloških oblasti kulturoloških studija studija

Study programe: Cultural Studies Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Cultural Master of Arts Doctor of

Studies (M.A.) in Philosophy (Ph.D.) Cultural studies in Cultural Studies





Bakalaureat/Bachelor Magistar Doktor ekonomskih ekonomije ekonomije nauka

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Economics Study programe: Economics Master of Arts Doctor of (M.A.) in Philosophy (Ph.D.) Economics in Economics

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Bakalaureat/Bachelor Magistar Doktor nauka iz menadžmenta i menadžmenta i oblasti menadžmenta rukovođenja rukovođenja i rukovođenja Study programe: Management and Leadership Studies Bachelor of Arts Master of Doctor of (B.A.) in Management Bussiness Philosophy (Ph.D.) and leadership studies Administration in Management and (MBA) leadership studies



Bakalaureat/Bachelor Magistar Doktor nauka iz međunarodnih i javnih međunarodnih i oblasti Study programe: International and Public odnosa javnih odnosa međunarodnih i

Relations javnih odnosa

Bachelor of Arts Master of Arts

(B.A.) in International (M.A.) in and Public Relations International and Public Relations Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

in International and Public Relations




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Bakalaureat/Bachelor - Magistar - Doktor nauka iz inžinjer genetike i diplomirani oblasti genetike i bioinžinjeringa inžinjer genetike bioinžinjeringa i bioinžinjeringa

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Genetics and Master of Study programe: Genetics and Bioengineering Bioengineering Science (M.S.) in Genetics and

Bioengineering Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Genetics and Bioengineering

Bakalaureat/Bachelor - Magistar - Doktor nauka iz inžinjer bioloških diplomirani oblasti bioloških nauka i bioinžinjeringa inžinjer nauka i bioloških nauka bioinžinjeringa i bioinžinjeringa Study programe: Biological Sciences and Bachelor of Science Bioengineering* (B.S.) in Biological Doctor of Sciences and Master of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

Bioengineering Science (M.S.) in Biological in Biological Sciences and Sciences and Bioengineering



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Bakalaureat/Bachelor- Magistar - Doktor nauka iz inžinjer industrijskog diplomirani oblasti industrijskog inžinjeringa inžinjer inžinjeringa industrijskog inžinjeringa

Bachelor of Science Master of Doctor of Study programe: Industrial Engineering (B.S.) in Industrial Science (M.S.) Philosophy (Ph.D.) Engineering in Industrial in Industrial Engineering Engineering

Bakalaureat/Bachelor - Magistar - Doktor nauka iz inžinjer diplomirani oblasti mikroelektronike inžinjer mikroelektronike mikroelektronik e

Study programe: Microelectronics* Bachelor of Science Doctor of (B.S.) in Philosophy (Ph.D.) Microelectronics Master of in Microelectronics Science (M.S.) in Microelectronics

Bakalaureat/Bachelor - Magistar - Doktor nauka iz inžinjer elektrotehnike diplomirani oblasti i elektronike inžinjer elektrotehnike i elektrotehnike i elektronike elektronike Study programe: Electrical and Electronics Engineering Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Electrical and Electronics Master of Engineering Science (M.S.) Doctor of in Electrical and Philosophy (Ph.D.) Electronics in Electrical and Engineering Electronics Engineering

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Bakalaureat/Bachelor - Magistar - Doktor nauka iz inžinjer mašinstva diplomirani oblasti mašinstva inžinjer Study programe: Mechanical Engineering mašinstva

Bachelor of Science Doctor of (B.S.) in Mechanical Philosophy (Ph.D.) Engineering in Mechanical Engineering Master of Science (M.S.) in Mechanical Engineering

Bakalaureat/Bachelor - inžinjer nauka i Magistar - Doktor nauka iz inžinjeringa materijala diplomirani oblasti nauka i inžinjer nauka i inžinjeringa inžinjeringa materijala Study programe: Material Sciences and materijala Engineering* Bachelor of Science Doctor of (B.S.) in Material Philosophy (Ph.D.) Sciences and Material Sciences Engineering Master of and Engineering Science (M.S.) in Material Sciences and Engineering

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Doktor nauka iz oblasti arhitekture Bakalaureat/Bachelor - Magistar - Study programe: Architecture inžinjer arhitekture diplomirani inžinjer arhitekture Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

Bachelor of Science in Architecture (B.S.) in Architecture

Master of Science (M.S.) in Architecture

Bakalaureat/Bachelor- Magistar - Doktor nauka iz inžinjer Projektiranja diplomirani oblasti projektiranja sistema inžinjer sistema Study programe: System Design* Projektiranja sistema

Bachelor of Science Doctor of (B.S.) in System Philosophy (Ph.D.) Design in System Design

Master of Science (M.S.) in System Design

Bakalaureat/Bachelor - Magistar - Doktor nauka iz inžinjer računarskih diplomirani oblasti računarskih nauka i inžinjeringa inžinjer nauka i inžinjeringa računarskih nauka i Bachelor of Science Doctor of Study programe: Computer Sciences and inžinjeringa (B.S.) in Computer Philosophy (Ph.D.) Engineering Sciences and in Computer Engineering Master of Sciences and Science (M.S.) Engineering in Computer

Sciences and Engineering

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Article 32

(Sub-organizational units)

(1) Department is a sub-organizational unit of the University which is established to perform higher education and scientific activities in one or more scientific/artistic fields.

(2) Chair is a basic sub-organizational unit, or a scientific-teaching / artistic-teaching unit in the Department focused on a specific branch or a segment within a scientific field studied at the Department.

Article 33

(Procedure to establish new organizational and/or sub-organizational units)

Having followed the procedure stipulated by the Law, the University can establish other organizational or sub-organizational units within or outside the main office of the University.

Article 34

(Authorities of the organizational units)

(1) Faculties as organizational units within the University have particular authorities in realization of educational, scientific-research and artistic activities and lifelong learning, in accordance with the Law.

(2) Scientific-research and artistic activities comprise: scientific-research and artistic work; publishing results of the scientific-research and artistic work; training and professional development of artists and scientists; and providing conditions for scientific- research and artistic activities.

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Article 35

(Status of the organizational units)

(1) Organizational units are in charge of teaching, scientific-teaching, artistic, art- teaching, and scientific-research activities in the area of higher education.

(2) Organizational units do not hold the status of a legal entity.

(3) Organizational units can have academic and financial authorities and responsibilities, defined by the Law, by-laws based on the Law and the Statute of the University.

(4) Organizational units take responsibility for implementation of their authorities and responsibilities within the University.

Article 36

(Authorities of the sub-organizational units)

(1) Departments are sub-organizational units of Faculties which participate in realization of educational, scientific-teaching and artistic activities and lifelong learning in scientific disciplines which are being studied in a particular department.

(2) Departments are established to integrate groups of related scientific disciplines.

(3) Departments do not represent individual administrative units within Faculties; however, they are assigned with a functional and executive authority for the purpose of realization of the study programs.

(4) Departments fulfil their roles by proposing in due time to the bodies of their main Faculties measures and incentives necessary for improvement of activities in the scientific areas/subjects which are realized at the Department.

(5) As a rule, departments are responsible for the realization of study programs which are realized within the Department, as well as for the subjects which are delivered to students from other faculties or study programs whose main Faculty or Department is different from that one.

Article 37

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(Department Head and Program Coordinator)

(1) The Department is represented by the Department Head who is appointed by the Council of the organizational unit, upon the Dean’s proposal, for a two-year term of office, with a possibility of re-appointment.

(2) The Department Head does not hold an administrative role, but exclusively a functional-executive role and is personally accountable to the Council of the organizational unit. As a rule, the Department Head is responsible for at least one study program within the Department.

(3) The Department Head’s exclusive authority lies in his/her responsibility to oversee the realization and consistency of the content of all study programs which are taught at the Department, and to take care of the scientific-research activities and professional development of the academic staff, as well as to implement the Council decisions.

(4) Should there be more study programs to be realized within a Department, then the Department Head can propose to the Council of the organizational unit appointment of a Program Coordinator for a specific study program, with the same responsibilities outlined in the preceding Clause in respect to the relevant study program.

(5) In the case referred to in the preceding Clause, the Program Coordinator is accountable to the Department Head, and is appointed for a two-year term of office, with a possibility of re-appointment.

(6) Departments are in charge of course subjects in the scientific areas which are being taught at the Department, regardless of the study programs in which such subjects are included.

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Article 38

(Research Institute with Centres)

(1) The role of the Research Institute (hereinafter referred to as: the Institute) is to assist in better cooperation between the economy and industry and the University and to simplify organization of interdisciplinary research and projects.

(2) The Institute directly cooperates with the academic teaching staff at the University and thus facilitates faster application of scientific results. Parts of studies of the First, Second and Third Cycle of studies are organized at the Institute.

(3) In accordance with the Law on Scientific-Research Activities, the University Senate brings decisions on equivalence of the scientific-teaching or scientific-research titles.

(4) Appointments to the scientific-research titles are made by the University based on a specific public competition for appointments to scientific-research titles, concurrently applying procedural requirements stipulated by the Law, as well as applying requirements for minimum prerequisites for appointments to the scientific-research titles, in accordance with the Law on Scientific- Research Activities.

(5) The Institute comprises the following Centres:

Title in Bosnian Title in English

Centar Bosanske kulture i Centre for Bosnian Heritage and National Security nacionalne sigurnosti

Centar za privrednu i javnu Centre for Business and Public Administration upravu

Istraživački centar za tehničke Engineering Research Centre nauke i inžinjering

Istraživački centar za Information Technologies Research Centre informacione tehnologije

(6) By a separate decision, the Board of Trustees of the University can establish other Centres as sub-organizational units of the Institute.

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(7) The Institute is managed by the Manager/ Director of the Institute. Centres within the Institute are managed by Centre Managers/Directors.

(8) Institute Director is appointed by the Scientific Council of the Institute, and the decision on the appointment is signed by the President of the Board of Trustees of the University.

(9) Organization and activities, the manner of appointment of directors of the Institute and of the Centres, as well as any other issues are stipulated by the General act brought by the Board of Trustees.


Article 39

(1) The University bodies are: a) the Board of Trustees; b) the Senate; c) the Rector; d) other professional and advisory bodies.


Article 40

(Composition of the Board of Trustees)

(1) The Board of Trustees of the University is the governing body which is appointed for a (4) four-year term of office.

(2) The Board of Trustees of the University consists of eleven members, one of whom is the President of the Board of Trustees.

(3) Ten members of the Board of Trustees are appointed by the Founder.

(4) Based on the Rector’s proposal, one member of the Board of Trustees from the University academic staff is appointed by the Senate by secret vote with a (4) four-year term of office.

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(5) The Rector, Vice-Rectors, Deans, Vice-Deans, Senate members or other organizational units' managers cannot be members of the Board of Trustees.

(6) President of the Board of Trustees is appointed by the Founder.

(7) The Rector attends the meetings of the Board of Trustees without decision-making powers. (8) The Board of Trustees is authorized to request information on all the matters within the scope of its authorities.

(9) The Board of Trustees of the University informs the Founder about its activities by submitting minutes from the Board of Trustees meetings within ten days from their motion, as well as by submitting six-monthly and annual reports.

(10) The procedure for election and appointment of the President and members of the Board of Trustees is initiated by the Founder 6 (six) months prior to the expiry of the term of office of the current Board of Trustees, at latest.

(11) A person employed in bodies which supervise the implementation of legal acts referring to higher education and legality of the University operations, along with other persons as determined by law and other legal acts, cannot be appointed as a member of the Board of Trustees.

(12) Any other matters related to work of the Board of Trustees are defined in the Book of Procedures on the Board of Trustees Work, which is adopted by the Board of Trustees.

Article 41

(Authorities of the Board of Trustees)

(1) The Board of Trustees is responsible for the University operations and is accountable to the Founder for the results of the University operations.

(2) The Board of Trustees performs activities defined by law and by the Statute, and they are in particular: a) to provide its opinion on the University Statute and to bring a general act on internal organization and job classification, Book of Rules on Labor Relations, Book of Rules on Disciplinary Accountability of Employees, and other by- laws in accordance with the Law and the Statute; b) to set plans for financing and development of the University;

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c) to make an annual plan of the University activities, upon the proposal by the University Senate, and to monitor its realization; d) to make a financial plan and adopt the annual financial statement; e) to guide, monitor and evaluate the Rector’s work in the area of financial management and to take any necessary measures and activities to ensure regularity in the financial and overall business operations of the University; f) to make decisions on issues dealing with the relationship between the University and the Founder; g) to make decisions on expenditures exceeding the limit assigned to the Rector’s authority, and which is set by the Statute; h) to make decisions on employees’ complaints and appeals to the decisions made by the University bodies which are the first instance authorities to address the rights, obligations and responsibilities of employees in the employment relationship; i) to submit to the Founder six-monthly and annual reports on business operations of the University; j) to conclude an employment contract with the University Rector; k) to perform other tasks in accordance with the Law, the foundation act and the Statute.

(3) The University is required to ensure that the Board of Trustees have all requested and any other relevant information and documentation necessary for performing its functions and for an unobstructed work.


Article 42

(Composition of the Senate)

(1) The responsibility for academic issues at the University shall rest with the Senate as the highest academic body composed of representatives of academic staff and students.

(2) The Senate comprises:

a) The Rector, as the Chair of the Senate; b) Vice-Rector(s); c) Deans of Faculties;

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d) one representative from each Faculty from amongst the teachers elected by the Council of the organizational unit (hereinafter referred to as: the Council) by secret vote, with a two-year term of office, and with a possibility of re-election; and

e) student representatives from all 3 (three) study cycles, provided that they have the status of full-time students at the University, with a term of office of one year, under condition that at least 15% of all the members of the Senate are from amongst the students body.

(3) General Secretary or General Secretary’s Deputy attends the Senate sessions without the decision-making powers.

(4) By authority of their positions, the Senate members are: the Rector, Vice-Rector(s) and Deans of organizational units at the University.

Article 43

(Authorities of the Senate)

The Senate of the University has the following authorities:

a) to make decisions on all academic matters, and in particular on issues related to teaching, scientific, artistic, or professional activities of the University within plans and programs of operations set by the Board of Trustees; b) to adopt the Statute of the University in accordance with the Law and under a prior consent provided by the Board of Trustees; c) to adopt Code of Ethics and by-laws in accordance with the Law and the Statute, under a prior consent provided by the Founder; d) to monitor realization of the University development from the point of realization of teaching, scientific-teaching, artistic, art-teaching, scientific- research and professional activities through analyses of six-monthly and annual reports provided by the organizational units managers, and by other means; e) to propose to the Board of Trustees the annual plan of activities of the University;

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f) to bring curricula and syllabi for all three study cycles, upon proposal by the Council of the organizational unit, and in accordance with the plans and programs for work and development set by the Board of Trustees; g) to consider proposals by organizational units in view of realization of studies in cooperation with domestic or foreign higher education institutions which could lead to the issue of dual or joint diploma certificates, under a prior consent by the Founder; h) to elect the Rector of the University, under a prior consent provided by the Founder; i) to elect Vice-Rectors of the University upon the Rector’s proposal, and with a prior opinion obtained by the Founder; j) to select academic staff upon the Council of the organizational unit’s proposal, and in accordance with programs and plans adopted by the Board of Trustees; k) to appoint members of the committee in the procedure of acquiring an academic title, or a scientific title in the third study cycle; l) to grant a honorary title of Professor Emeritus, or the title of a Honorary Doctor of Science, under a prior opinion provided by the Founder; m) to provide initiative to the Board of Trustees to consider matters in the area of organization and re-organization of the University; n) to make decisions in specific scientific or artistic areas; o) to bring an Academic Calendar of organization and realization of the teaching programs for the academic year 60 days prior to commencement of teaching, at latest; p) to appoint committee members for final decision making on issues of acquired academic or student rights and obligations, as well as to make decisions on grounds and legality of those issues after it has been established that the prior decisions had been made by unauthorised University bodies; q) to perform other duties in accordance with the Law and the Statute.

Article 44

(The Senate sessions)

(1) The Senate performs activities from its scope of work at sessions which are held, as a rule, at least once a month, or when the Rector deems it necessary. (2) The Rector is required to call an extraordinary session of the Senate when at least one third of its members, or at least one third of the Board of Trustees of the University, or

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the Founder, request it in writing, at latest 15 days from the date of receipt of the request for the session to be held. Article 45

(The Senate decision making)

(1) The Senate can discuss certain matters from the scope of its authority and make decisions when majority of the total of the Senate members attend the session. (2) The Senate makes decisions by majority vote of the total number of the Senate members, unless another qualified majority has been defined by law, by the Statute, or by other by-laws regulating decision-making upon particular matters. (3) The Senate makes decision by public vote, unless for those matters which law, the Statute or another general act stipulated decision-making by secret vote. (4) Resignation of Faculty representatives in the Senate coming from the teachers' body, or from student representatives, are submitted to the bodies which appoint them in accordance with the Statute. (5) Upon receipt of the written notification of resignation, the bodies referred to in the preceding Clause make a decision on accepting/rejecting the resignation. (6) In case referred to in the preceding Clause, the Senate of the University makes a decision on accepting/rejecting the decision referred to in the preceding Clause. (7) Provisions referred to in preceding Clauses apply also in case of appointment of the Senate members. (8) Provisions on procedures, work and manner of making decisions of the Senate are defined in more detail in the Book of Procedures on the Work of the Senate which is adopted by the Senate.


Article 46

(Election of the Rector)

(1) Procedure to elect the Rector is initiated by the Senate by making decision on publishing a public announcement, under a prior consent provided by the Founder.

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(2) The Rector is elected on the basis of the results of a public competition published in at least three daily newspapers and on the web site of the University at least six months before the end of term of office of the Rector on duty.

(3) A teacher with the scientific-teaching title of Full Professor, who is in an employment relationship with the University, can be elected the Rector of the University.

(4) A person who will reach 62 years of age before the end of the application closing date, which cannot be longer than 15 days from the date of announcement of the competition, cannot be appointed to the position of the Rector based on the public competition.

(5) The decision on announcement of the public competition referred to in Clause 1 of this Article must include the decision on appointment of a Selection Committee consisting of three members; at the expiry of the deadline for applications for the competition, the Committee is required to submit a completed report to the Senate specifying the list of duly received applications and the list of candidates who fulfil the selection criteria. Having considered the submitted report, the Senate can commence the procedure of secret vote for election of the rector.

(6) The Rector is elected by majority vote of the overall number of the Senate members by secret vote, under a prior opinion obtained by the Founder.

(7) Having elected the Rector, the Senate will vote at the same session to authorize a Senate member to endorse the formal decision on the election of the Rector.

(8) Within seven days from the date of the decision to elect the Rector, the Senate member referred to in the preceding Clause of this Article is obliged to endorse the decision on the appointment of the Rector and forward it to the legal department, which will in due time, through the General Secretary, forward the information about the appointment to the candidates who have applied for the vacancy published in the competition referred to in the Clause 1 of this Article. The same decision will be forwarded by the legal department of the University to the Board of Trustees of the University for the purpose of concluding the Employment Contract with the Rector of the University.

(9) The Rector is appointed for a (4) four-year term of office, with a possibility of a consecutive re-appointment.

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(10) The Rector’s insignia are the Rector’s chain and the Rector’s robe, the form and content, or appearance of which, are defined in a general act brought by the Senate.

(11) Besides meeting requirements defined by law, the Statute and the public competition, the applicant for the position of the Rector must be proficient in English language.

Article 47

(Procedures in case of unsuccessful election of the rector)

(1) In case the Rector is not successfully elected, or in case that his/her term of office expired due to his/her resignation, early relief of duty, or appointment to another function which is not compatible with the Rector’s position, the Senate shall appoint an Acting Rector without a public competition from the teachers’ body of the University for the period of maximum 6 (six) months, and the selected teacher must have concluded an employment contract with the University.

(2) The proposal for the Acting Rector referred to in Clause 1 of this Article can be made by any member of the Senate, and the election shall be carried out by secret vote of majority of the total number of the Senate members with voting powers, under a prior consent obtained by the Founder.

(3) Having elected the Acting Rector, the Senate of the University can vote at the same session to authorize a member of the Senate to endorse the decision on electing the Acting Rector.

(4) Concomitant to the election of the Acting Rector, the Senate shall make a decision at the same session to announce a public competition for election of the Rector.

(5) In case the Rector’s resignation has been accepted, and the resignation has been offered on a precisely set date in the future, the decision by the Senate on the announcement of the public competition for selection of the new Rector, as well as the decision on appointment of the future acting Rector taking the position after the current Rector’s term of office has expired, can be signed by the Rector himself/herself, or by the person authorized by the Rector.

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Article 48

(Re-advertising the vacancy)

In exceptional circumstances when the Senate does not elect an Acting Rector in accordance with the preceding Article, the Senate makes a decision to re-advertise the public vacancy for the position of the Rector. In such case, the Board of Trustees shall appoint an Acting Rector from the body of the University Full Professors who have concluded an employment contract with the University; the period of appointment shall be for maximum, 6 (six) months.

Article 49

(The Rector’s rights and responsibilities)

(1) The Rector performs the duties stipulated by law and the Statute of the University, and in particular the following:

a. represents and acts on behalf the University; b. organizes and manages activities of the University and is responsible for the legality of its work; c. brings individual acts in accordance with law and the Statute; d. proposes by-laws in accordance with law and the Statute; e. proposes measures to the University bodies for improvement of their work; f. proposes measures to the Board of Trustees for efficient and lawful operations of the University; g. proposes the elements of the University work plans and development programs to the Board of Trustees and to the Senate; h. proposes to the Board of Trustees internal organization and job classification; i. implements the decisions of the Board of Trustees and other bodies of the University; j. decides on use of the financial resources in the amounts allocated by the Statute; k. makes decisions on commencement of employment relationships, concluding employment contracts at the University, as well as on employees’ rights, obligations and responsibilities arising from their employment status in accordance with law and with development plans set by the Board of Trustees; l. submits quarterly reports on financial operations of the University to the Board of Trustees; m. submits reports to the Senate on academic issues at the University;

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n. makes orders for the implementation of the financial plan set by the Board of Trustees; o. participates in activities at the Bosnia and Herzegovina Rectors’ Conference; p. performs other duties in accordance with law and the Statute.

(2) The Rector calls and chairs the Senate sessions.

(3) The Rector is assisted by Vice-Rectors, General Secretary, and other bodies set by the Law and the Statute.

(4) The Rector is entitled to make independent decision from the range of his/her rights, obligations and managerial authorities, and is responsible for their legality and implementation.

(5) The Rector is responsible for lawfulness and implementation of decisions made by responsible authorities and the University bodies in performing its registered activities.

(6) The Rector is obliged to annul or suspend decisions made by a manager of the organizational unit or by another body of the organizational unit should it be contrary to law, by-laws or implementation acts or to the Statute, and within seven days from making such a decision is obliged to inform thereof the Senate or the Board of Trustees in accordance with their authorities, as well as a managing authority supervising the legality of work of the University.

(7) In case that against individuals holding positions at the University or members of the academic staff confirmed charges have been laid for criminal actions for which provisions of the current Criminal Law of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina / Bosnia and Herzegovina proscribe imprisonment in the duration of six months or more, the Rector of the University is obliged to make a decision on suspension of such individuals from scientific-teaching process until the conclusion of the criminal proceedings.

(8) The Rector is obliged to make a decision on termination of employment contract with individuals referred to in the preceding Clause of this Article who have been ruled by court to a sentence or to a measure for having committed one or more offences or criminal acts referred to in the preceding Clause, and to inform thereof in writing the Board of Trustees, the Senate, the Council of the organizational unit and the body supervising the legality of work of the University.

(9) The Rector is authorized to suspend the manager of the organizational unit for not fulfilling his/her obligations in a lawful and conscientious manner as stipulated by law,

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the Statute or by other by-laws of the University, and within seven days from making a grounded decision notify thereof the following subjects:

a) the Board of Trustees and the Senate of the University, b) Council of the organizational unit, and c) managing authority supervising the legality of work of the Unievrsity.

(10) The Rector is entitled to initiate the procedure to verify responsibilities of the manager of the organizational unit for any breaches of law, or the Statute or another general act.

(11) During their term of office, neither the Rector nor the Vice-Rector can exercise the functions of either the Dean or the Vice-Dean of the organizational unit, or the Department Head, or the Program Coordinator, or a member of the Board of Trustees.

Article 50

(Limitations of the Rector’s position)

(1) The Rector cannot without a prior consent provided by the Founder carry out any legal dealings or actions related to burdening or disposal of the University assets, nor take loans or make any other liabilities.

(2) Without a prior consent by the Founder, the Rector cannot endorse any decision on appointments of Deans or General Secretary of the University, nor relieve them of duty.

Article 50

(Terms of reference)

(1) Expressions such as “under a prior consent provided by the Founder” or “under a prior opinion provided by the Founder”, or similar bear the meaning of an informal consent provided by the Founder in form of an e-mail, letter, recommendation, advice, suggestion, etc.

(2) Terms of reference from the preceding Clause do not apply in cases where the Law stipulates that the consent of the Board of Trustees must be obtained.

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Article 52

(Expiry of the Rector’s term of office)

(1) The Rector’s term of office expires in the following circumstances:

a) At expiry of his/her term of office;

b) By his/her resignation;

c) By an early relief of duty;

d) By an appointment to another office which is incompatible with the office of the Rector.

(2) The Senate can decide to relieve the Rector of his/her duty before the expiry of his/her term of office in the following circumstances:

a) In case of poor business results due to his/her management;

b) If there is a legally-binding verdict against him/her for having committed a criminal act;

c) If he/she does not perform duties set by law and the Statute, or if he/she performs them contrary to their provisions;

d) If he infringes his/her authorities, inflicting damage to the University on a large scale, which is stipulated by the Statute in more detail;

e) Due to being absent or being prevented from performing his/her duty in a continuous period longer than three months;

f) If his/her behaviour violates the reputation of the office of the Rector.

(3) A proposal supported by arguments for the relief of duty of the Rector for one or more of the reasons referred to in Clauses 1 and 2 of this Article, can be submitted to the Senate by:

a) the Founder of the University;

b) minimum one third of members of the Board of Trustees;

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c) minimum one third of members of the Senate;

d) at least three Councils of organizational units.

(4) The Rector is obliged to call a Senate session within fifteen days from the date of receiving the proposal referred to in Clause 3 of this Article and to inform the Founder and the Board of Trustees thereof.

(5) Further procedure regarding calling the Senate session in case of the Rector’s death, or the Rector’s declining, or incapacity to call the session in view of the previous Clause, is stipulated in more detail in the Rules of Procedures of the Work of the Senate.

(6) On the proposal for a temporary relief of duty of the Rector, the Senate makes a decision by secret vote and it requires a majority of votes of the overall number of the Senate members to make the decision on the relief of duty.

(7) At the same Senate session, after making the decision on the relief of duty of the Rector, or accepting/rejecting the Rector’s resignation, the Senate makes a decision on the appointment of an Acting Rector in accordance with the procedure defined in Article 46 of the Statute.

(8) In case of making the decisions referred to in the preceding Clauses of this Article, the Senate is obliged to make a decision at the same session on announcing a vacancy for the position of a new Rector according to the procedure defined by the Law and the Statute.

(9) In case of the relief of duty of the Rector prior to the expiry of his/her term of office, the term of office of the Vice-Rectors expires at the appointment of the new Vice-Rectors at the proposal of the newly appointed Rector.

(10) By infringing authorities and inflicting damages to the University on a large scale is meant that legal procedures have not been adhered to, consequently causing a temporary suspension of work of the University by a responsible authority, or making expenditures exceeding the limits approved by the Statute, or assuming responsibilities exclusively assigned to the Board of Trustees of the University or to the Founder.

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Article 53

(Election of the Vice-Rector(s) and expiry of the Vice-Rectors’ term of office)

(1) According to the needs established by the Founder, and upon proposal by the Rector, the Senate appoints:

a) Vice-Rector for Academic Activities and Students’ Affairs; and b) Vice-Rector for International Cooperation and Research, c) Vice-Rector for General Affairs, who is a citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina should the Rector be a foreign citizen.

(2) The Vice-Rectors are accountable for their work to the Rector and to the Senate.

(3) The Vice-Rector(s) must hold the scientific-teaching title of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor or Full Professor.

(4) All Vice-Rectors are elected and relieved of duty by the Senate, upon the Rector’s proposal and under a prior opinion obtained by the Founder.

(5) Election is carried out by majority vote of all the Senate members.

(6) Term of office of all Vice-Rectors, except in extraordinary circumstances, is concomitant to that of the Rector’s.

(7) Vice-Rector’s term of office can also be defined by a decision on election of the Vice- Rector.

(8) Extraordinary circumstances in view of the preceding Clause can be defined as follows:

a) Vice-Rector’s resignation; b) an early relief of duty; c) an appointment to another function which is incompatible with the Vice- Rector’s function; d) poor business results in the area of the Vice-Rector’s work; e) a legally-binding verdict for committing a criminal act; f) failing to perform tasks stipulated by law and the Statute, or acting contrary to them;

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g) exceeding one’s authorities and consequently inflicting damage to the University on a large scale; h) misdemeanor which violates reputation of the Vice-Rector’s office.

(9) A proposal for relief of duty of the Vice-Rector, supported with arguments for one or more reasons stated in the preceding Clause, can be submitted to the Senate by the Rector or the Board of Trustees.

(10) Should one of the Vice-Rectors not be appointed, the Senate may decide that parts of duties from the domain of the Vice-Rector’s authorities be performed by one of the currently appointed Vice-Rectors.

(11) An Acting Vice-Rector has all the rights and obligations of the appointed Vice- Rector.

Article 54

(Vice-Rector’s Authorities)

(1) Decision on appointment of the Vice-Rector(s) defines general and specific duties and responsibilities of the appointed Vice-Rectors in accordance with the Book of Rules on Internal Organization and Job Classification, and they may also be assigned some of the following duties:

a) to propose to the Rector appropriate solutions in accordance with the set policy in the area of teaching process; b) to coordinate activities at the University level related to making of curricula and syllabi and to monitor their implementation; c) to coordinate activities at the University level related to enrollment of students in all three study cycles; d) to work on preparing and publishing of publication “Study at University”; e) to take activities and measures at the University level to establish optimal and desirable cooperation with universities from the country and abroad, which is related to teaching activities; f) to take all necessary activities and measures at the University level for the purpose of the academic staff exchange; g) to initiate and coordinate activities and measures at the University level, including making proposals to responsible authorities, directed towards

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establishment of cooperation with universities from the country and abroad related to joint projects in regards to teaching activities; h) to propose making of general and specific legal acts related to inter- universities’ cooperation; i) to realize students and the academic staff mobility; j) to perform other activities which by their nature fall within the scope of activities of inter-universities’ cooperation, by order of the Rector or the Board of Trustees; k) to perform other tasks in accordance with the Law and the Statute.


Article 55

(Office for scientific-research work and international cooperation)

(1) Office for scientific-research work and international cooperation is responsible for:

a) managing and coordinating activities at the University level related to setting Strategy of development of scientific-research work of the University, and for its implementation; b) monitoring realization of scientific-research activities, proposing and taking measures for improvement of infrastructure of the scientific-research work; c) coordinating realization of scientific-research, research-development and other projects at the University level; d) seeking and finding opportunities for applications to be made by the University and its organizational units for scientific-research, research- development and other projects, and providing relevant and timely information thereof; e) taking activities for the purpose of creating conditions for optimal work of junior researchers, aiming at their further academic advancement and enabling their participation in realization of scientific-research, research-development and other projects; f) creating and taking appropriate activities, including making and submitting relevant proposals to the responsible authorities at the University, aiming at improvement of creative work at the University, with the purpose of optimal utilization of existing knowledge and its application in all areas of work; g) proposing making of general and specific legal acts related to scientific- research activities;

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h) performing other tasks which are by their nature related to scientific-research issues by order of the Rector; i) performing other activities in accordance with the Law and the Statute.

(2) The Vice-Rector for International Cooperation and Research may be also appointed a Manager of the Office for International Cooperation and Research.

Article 56

(Office for Quality Assurance)

The Office for Quality Assurance participates in creating a network for assurance and improvement of quality at the University. It creates conditions for integrations of the University in the national and international quality assurance network.

Article 57

(University Secretariat)

(1) Administrative-legal and technical tasks at the University are performed by the University Secretariat through its offices. The Secretariat is managed by the General Secretary of the University.

(2) The University Secretariat is organized to perform duties and tasks within activities of the University and its bodies in the following areas:

b) managing, legal and administrative tasks; c) teaching; d) scientific-research work; e) publishing; f) international cooperation; g) finances; h) investment constructions; i) central records and public relations; j) information-documentation activities; k) economic and technical tasks; l) managing and security of buildings and facilities; m) ancillary and other duties.

(3) Secretariat comprises the following offices:

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a) Student Service, b) Library and Archives, c) University Computer Centre, d) Personnel and Human Resources Office, e) Office for Finances and Economic Matters, f) Office for Professional Development, g) Office for Public Relations, h) Office for Legal and Normative Activities, i) Office for Material Transactions, j) Technical Services, k) Security and Protection Services, l) Court Interpreter for Turkish Language, m) Student Advisory Office, n) Office for Social and Cultural Activities and Health, o) Maintenance Service, p) Alumni Office, and q) other services and offices set up in accordance with law.


Article 58

(Authorities of the Ethics Committee)

(1) The Ethics Committee is a permanent body of the Senate, with the following responsibilities:

a) to supervise implementation/adherence to principles by individuals to whom the principles of Code of Ethics (hereinafter referred to as: Code of Ethics) defined in the Code of Ethics adopted by the Senate apply; b) to carry out procedures for establishment of existence of breach of some of the principles defined in the Code of Ethics; c) having established that a certain ethical principle defined in the Code of Ethics has been breached, to propose to the Senate to declare appropriate measures (written warning, written reprimand or suspension from scientific-teaching process for a period of time);

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d) to propose to the Rector to declare other sanctions/measures should the breach of the principles concomitantly represent the breach of work obligations; e) to review the content and essence of the Code of Ethics in the current use and, according to the established needs, to propose to the Senate its amendments and additions; and f) to perform other duties in accordance with the Statute and the Code of Ethics.

(2) The Ethics Committee comprises four respectable members of the academic community and one student from the University, who are appointed by the Senate with a (4) four-year term of office and with the possibility of re-appointment.

(3) The Ethics Committee performs the tasks from its range of responsibilities at sessions which, as the need arise, are called by the Chair of the Ethics Committee.

Article 59

(Appointment of other bodies)

(1) The Board of Trustee and the Senate appoint committees, commissions, panels and other professional and advisory bodies, as well as permanent bodies.

(2) Besides bodies referred to in the preceding Clause, the Senate, the Board of Trustees and the Rector may also appoint ad hoc bodies, should the need arise, which can be determined by general and specific acts.

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Article 60

(Bodies of the organizational units)

(1) Bodies of the organizational units are:

a) Council of the organizational unit; b) Dean/Manager of the organizational unit; c) Vice-Dean(s); d) other professional and advisory bodies.

Article 61

(Authorities of the Council of the organizational unit)

(1) The Faculty Council consists of academic staff comprising teachers, representatives of assistants and senior assistants in the employment relationship with the organizational unit, as well as of representatives of students.

(2) In accordance with the Law, a member of the academic staff who turned 65 and who is in the employment relationship with the University can be a member of the Faculty Council with voting powers.

(3) The Council of the organizational unit (hereinafter referred to as: the Council) is in particular responsible:

a) to make decisions on all academic, teaching, scientific, artistic and professional matters within the scope of its responsibilities; b) to initiate and review the curricula and syllabi for all study cycles; c) to elect and relieve of duty Deans and Vice-Deans; d) to elect and relieve of duty Department Heads and Program Coordinators; e) to elect and relieve of duty Faculty representatives in the University bodies, in the manner defined by the Statute and the University acts; f) to adopt by-laws of the organizational unit; g) to propose the curricula and syllabi for all study cycles;

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h) to propose to the Board of Trustees of the University internal organization and job classification for the organizational unit; i) to propose to the Senate of the University programs for scientific-research and artistic activities, as well as programs for professional development of the academic staff and other employees; j) to propose committees to be appointed in the process of persons’ acquiring the scientific title of Doctor of Science; k) to propose committees to be appointed in the process of carrying out procedures for persons’ acquiring academic titles and professional titles in the third cycle of studies, or the titles of Master and Doctor; l) to consider applications and set proposals for professional development of the academic staff in the country and abroad; m) to set proposals for the number of students to enroll in the first year for all three study cycles; n) to propose decisions on subjects within the curricula and syllabi which will be taught in a particular academic year, under a prior consent by the Senate, and taking into consideration human resources, spatial facilities, and financial abilities of organizational units as well as the number of students; o) to determine proposals for plans to deliver teaching activities prior to commencement of the study year; p) to analyze students’ pass rate per examination schedules within a semester and at the end of the academic year, and to set measures to improve the students’ pass rate; q) to analyze and evaluate achievements in teaching delivery within the curricula and syllabi; r) to set proposals for measures to improve the teaching process; s) to make decisions on students’ appeals on the Dean’s decisions on students’ dormant rights, and to be a second-stance decision maker in respect to the students’ rights and obligations; t) to make decisions on all other academic, scientific, artistic and professional matters at the Faculty level, which are not within the scope of responsibilities of the Senate or other University bodies, and u) to perform other tasks in accordance with the Law, the Statute, the Rules of Procedures on Work of the Council, or other University acts.

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Article 62

(The Council Sessions)

(1) The Council carries out activities from its scope of work at sessions which are held as the need arise, but at least once a month.

(2) The Dean is required to call the Council session when it is requested in writing by at least half of the Council members, or by the Rector, and/or the Senate.

Article 63

(The Council Decision Making)

(1) The Council can discuss certain issues which are under its responsibility and make decisions only when the meeting is attended by more than a half of the total number of the Council members.

(2) The Council makes decisions by majority vote of the total number of the Council members, unless another qualified majority is set by law, this Statute or some other by- laws regulating decision-making issues.

(3) The Council makes decisions by public vote, except for the issues that are determined by law, this Statue or another general act to be decided by secret vote.

(4) The Dean may request the Council to take the standpoint, or to give its prior opinion on certain issues, when s/he thinks this might be of special importance for the Faculty and if s/he estimates that in this manner a certain issue shall be solved in a better quality and more efficient manner.

(5) The Dean chairs the Council sessions.

(6) The Council session is called and chaired by the Faculty Dean, and in case of the Dean’s absence, by one of the Vice-Deans, or should the Vice-Deans have not been appointed, by a teacher authorized by the Dean.

(7) Regulations about the number of the Council members, their work, terms of office of particular members, and the manner of decision-making of the Council are defined in more detail by the Rules of Procedure of work of the Council of the organizational unit, which is adopted by the Council.

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Article 64

(Election of the Dean)

(1) The Dean is elected based on the results of a public competition published by the Council in a daily newspaper and on the web page of the Faculty and the University six months prior to expiry of the term of office of the Dean on duty, at latest.

(2) The Council initiates election of the Dean by making a decision to announce a public competition.

(3) After the public competition has been published, the Council may appoint a Selection Committee to select the Dean, which consists of at least three members and the secretary of the organizational unit in capacity of a minute keeper.

(4) In case of appointment of the committee referred to in the preceding Clause, the Selection Committee makes a list of candidates meeting the criteria of the public competition within 15 (fifteen) days from the competition closing date. The Dean is required to call a Council session within a month after the selection committee made a shortlist of candidates. At the session, the applicants must present their program of work in English. In case of appointment of the committee, the secret voting procedure is carried out by the Selection Committee for election of the Dean.

(5) The Dean can be elected without the appointment of the Selection Committee.

(6) The Dean of the Faculty is elected from the members of the academic staff holding the academic title of Full Professor or Associate Professor who are employed on a full- time basis at the University, holding the academic title to be eligible to teach in the relevant scientific field at a particular Faculty, by secret voting by members of the Council of the Faculty for which the Dean is being elected, and to make decision on the appointment, majority vote of the total number of the Council members is required.

(7) Full-time employment referred to in the preceding Clause is defined as a workload of 40 hours a week.

(8) A person who would turn 62 years of age prior to the deadline for the Competition application, but which cannot bet longer than 15 days from the day of publishing the

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Competition, cannot be elected as a Head of the organizational unit based on the Competition referred to in Clause 1 of this Article.

(9) Having made the decision on the election of the Dean, the Council submits the decision to the Rector of the University for the endorsement.

(10) Having obtained consent by the Founder, the Rector is obliged to endorse the decision on appointment and forward it to the organizational unit in order to inform the applicants thereof within seven days from receipt of the decision for endorsement, at latest.

(11) An appeal to the Senate against the decision referred to in the preceding Clause of this Article can be submitted by the applicants within 15 days from the decision making.

(12) An appeal against the decision made by the Senate on the appeal referred to in the preceding Clause of this Article is not allowed, but an administrative dispute can be initiated at the competent court in Sarajevo within 30 days of the receipt of the decision.

(13) The Dean is elected for a four-year term of office, with a possibility of one consecutive re-election.

(14) The Dean’s insignia are: the Dean’s Chain and the Dean’s Toga (Robe), the shape and content of which, and their appearance, are defined by the general act adopted by the Senate.

(15) The candidate for the Dean, besides the evidence of fulfilling the conditions defined by law, this Statute and the Competition, can enclose the plan of activities for the period s/he is being elected for.

(16) The Dean represents the organizational unit and has the rights and responsibilities set by law and this Statute.

(17) The Dean is accountable for his/her work to the Council, the Rector and the Board of Trustees of the University.

(18) The Dean can have the University assets at his/her disposal only by the Rector’s written consent and/or by consent of the Board of Trustees of the University, in the manner and within the limits set by the consent.

(19) In performing his/her duties, the Dean is assisted by the Vice-Deans and the secretary of the organizational unit as well as by other bodies determined by the Statute.

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(20) The Dean is responsible for the application of law and execution of the decisions made by the Council, the University bodies and competent authorities, in accordance with law and the Statute.

Article 65

(Appointment of the Acting Dean)

(1) In case the Dean is not appointed following the procedures outlined in the preceding Clauses of the Statute, the Council shall, without the Competition, by secret vote appoint the Acting Dean from the teachers employed at the University.

(2) Procedure of appointment of the Acting Dean referred to in this Article shall apply even in case where the Dean’s term of office expires due to the Dean’s resignation. Having considered or accepted the Dean’s resignation, the Council appoints the Acting Dean, whose term of office lasts until the new Dean is appointed.

(3) The Acting Dean has the same rights and responsibilities as an elected Dean.

(4) The Acting Dean organizes and manages activities of the Faculty until the election of the Dean, for a period not longer than 6 months from the date of his/her appointment.


Article 66

(Rights, responsibilities and authorities of the Dean)

(1) The Dean has the following rights and responsibilities:

a) to propose plans of work and development of the Faculty, b) to propose annual plans of activities of the Faculty, c) to propose change and extension of activities of the Faculty, d) to propose teaching arrangements for the following academic year, e) to call and chair the Council serssions, f) to make decisions related to the students in the First Study Cycle regarding the students' rights and obligations, and to make decisions in that respect; g) to propose examination schedules for the following academic year,

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h) to propose to the Rector internal organization and job classification at the Faculty, i) is required to submit a report to the Council and to the Rector about completion of teaching activities and business operations of the Faculty for the academic year by 15th October of the current academic year for the previous one, at latest. The report must contain elements regarding success of the Faculty in teaching, scientific-research or artistic activities, financial operations, and any other elements deemed necessary in accordance with the form stipulated by the Ministry. j) is authorized to suspend the Manager of the sub-organizational unit, or of any other body of the sub-organizational unit should such individual fail to perform his/her obligations in a lawful and conscientious manner as defined by law, the Statute, or by another general act of the higher education institution, and to inform thereof, within seven days from the date of making such a decision, the following subjects: 1) the Council of the organizational unit, 2) the Rector, 3) the Senate and the Board of Trustees of the University.

k) is authorized to initiate the disciplinary procedure regarding the Manager of the sub-organizational unit for breaches of law, the Statute, or any other general act of the higher education institution,

l) is responsible to implement decisions, conclusions and other acts made by the responsible authorities in accordance with the Law, the Statute and other by-laws of the University,

m) to perform other duties stipulated by the Law, the Statute and other by- laws of the University.

(2) The Dean is obliged to annul or suspend from implementation any decision made by the Manager of the sub-organizational unit, or any other body of the organizational unit, should it be contrary to law by-laws, or implementation acts, or to the Statute of the University, and to inform thereof the Senate or the Board of Trustees in accordance with their authorities, within seven days from the date of making such a decision

(3) During the Dean’s absence or unavailability to manage the organizational unit in respect to the academic matters, the Dean is substituted by the teacher authorized by a written authorization by the Dean, and solely in the matters stated in the authorization.

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Article 67

(1) The Dean’s term of office expires in the following circumstances:

a) At expiry of his/her term of office; b) By his/her resignation; c) By an early relief of duty; d) By an appointment to another office which is incompatible with the office of the Dean.

(2) The Council can decide to relieve the Dean of his/her duty before the expiry of his/her term of office in the following circumstances:

a) In case of poor business results due to his/her management; b) If there is a legally-binding verdict against him/her for having committed a criminal act; c) If he/she does not perform duties set by law and the Statute, or if he/she performs them contrary to their provisions; d) If he infringes his/her authorities, and by doing so, inflicts damage to the organizational unit or to the University; e) Due to being absent or being prevented from performing his/her duty in a continuous period longer than three months; f) If his/her behavior violates the reputation of the office of the Dean.

(3) A proposal supported by arguments for the relief of duty of the Dean, for one or more of the reasons referred to in Clauses 1 and 2 of this Article, can be submitted to the Council by:

a) the Founder of the University; b) minimum one third of members of the Board of Trustees; c) minimum one third of members of the Senate; d) the Rector; e) at least one third of members of the Council.

(4) The Dean is obliged to call a Council session within fifteen days from the date of receiving the proposal referred to in the preceding Clause of this Article and to inform the Rector and the Founder thereof.

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(5) On the proposal for an early relief of duty of the Dean, the Council makes a decision by secret vote and it requires a majority of votes of the overall number of the Council members to make the decision on the relief of duty.

(6) At the same Council session, after making the decision on the relief of duty of the Dean, a decision on the appointment of an Acting Dean is made. Proposal for an Acting Dean can be made by any member of the Council. An Acting Dean is selected by secret vote, with majority vote of the Council members, for a period of up to six months.

(7) In case of making the decisions referred to in the preceding Clauses of this Article, the Council is obliged to make a decision at the same session on announcing a vacancy for the position of a new Dean, according to the procedure defined by the Statute.

(8) In case of the relief of duty of the Dean prior to the expiry of his/her term of office, the term of office of the Vice-Deans expires at the appointment of the new Vice-Deans at the proposal of the newly appointed Dean.


Article 68

(Election of Vice-Deans)

(1) In accordance with the needs established by the Founder, and upon the Dean’s proposal, the Council can appoint:

a) Vice-Dean for Academic and Student Affairs,

b) Vice-Dean for Scientific-Research Activities.

(2) Vice-Deans are elected from the teachers at the University holding employment relationship with the University, and appointed to academic titles in the relevant scientific areas.

Article 69

(Authorities and Term of Office of the Vice-Dean)

(1) Vice-Deans are appointed for a (4) four-year term of office, with a possibility of re- appointment. (2) The Vice-Deans’ term of office is simultaneous with the Dean’s one.

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(3) Vice-Deans are accountable for their work to the Dean and to the Council. (4) In his/her decision on appointment of the Vice-Dean, the Dean defines the Vice- Dean’s scope of activities. (5) In performing tasks from their scope of activities, Vice-Deans are authorized to request from the teachers and associates at the Faculty to have submitted to them all the necessary information and documentation. (6) The decision on appointment of the Vice-Dean(s) defines general and specific duties and responsibilities of the appointed Vice-Dean(s), and they can be assigned some of the following tasks:


Article 70

(Duties of the Vice-Dean for Academic and Student Affairs)

Vice-Dean for Academic and Students Affairs has the following duties:

a) to assist the Dean in his/her work; b) to participate in preparing the Council sessions; c) to participate in implementation of decisions made by the Council and the Senate related to the teaching process at the Faculty; d) to propose to the Dean the plan of teaching arrangements in Undergraduate courses; e) to set schedules for lectures, examinations, or assessments during a semester; f) to monitor realization of teaching delivery and examinations in scheduled periods; g) to propose to the Dean hiring of external staff in the teaching process; h) to analyse students' pass rate and to submit to the Council the analysis thereof after each examination period and at the end of the academic year; i) to realize cooperation within his/her scope of responsibilities with: Office for academic and students affairs of the University, other University offices, as well as with other organizational and sub-organizational units; j) to realize cooperation with students' organizations of the University within his/her scope of responsibilities; k) to perform other duties within his/her scope of responsibilities, by order of the Dean.

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Article 71

(Duties of the Vice-Dean for Scientific and Research Activities)

Vice-Dean for Scientific-Research Activities has the following duties:

a) to assist the Dean in his/her work; b) to participate in preparing the Council sessions; c) to monitor realization of scientific-research and development projects; d) to seek for available scientific-research projects and to inform the academic staff thereof; e) to take measures for professional development of the teachers and assistants in order to improve existing and gain new knowledge through post-doctoral studies and other forms of professional development; f) to foster productive and creative work at the Faculty in order to gain new and utlize existing knowledge for new applications in all areas of human activities; g) to propose programs for publishing activities of the Faculty; h) to carry out duties related to planning financial positions and procurement plans within the scope of his/her responsibilities; i) to realize cooperation within his/her scope of responsibilities with: Office for scientific-research activities of the University, other University offices, as well as with other organizational and sub-organizational units; j) to realize cooperation with the University services within his/her scope of responsibilities; k) to perform other duties within his/her scope of responsibilities, by order of the Dean.


Article 72

(Procedure to relieve of duty the Vice-Dean)

(!) Vice-Deans can be relieved of duty prior to expiry of their term of office for which they are appointed for the reasons stated in the Statute in provisions for relief of duty of the Dean, which will simultaneously apply.

(2) Proposal for relief of duty of a Vice-Dean can be made by the Dean, the Rector, or by at least one third of the Council members.

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(3) The Council votes upon the proposal on relief of duty, and the majority vote of the Council members is required for the decision to be legally valid.

(4) Having made a decision on relief of duty of the Vice-Dean, the Council can propose at the same session, upon the Dean’s proposal, another teacher to the position of the Vice- Dean, who must meet the criteria stipulated by the Law and by the Statute.


Article 73

(Composition of the Scientific Council of the Research Institute)

(1) The Scientific Council of the Research Institute (hereinafter referred to as: the Scientific Council) comprises:

a) Manager/Director of the Institute (by function), and

b) 4 (four) members with the scientific-teaching or scientific-research titles, who are nominated by the Senate, and who are elected and appointed by the Board of Trustees of the University.

(2) The Scientific Council makes decision by majority vote of its members.

(3) As a rule, the Manager/Director of the Institute chairs the Scientific Council.

(4) Legal provision on the manner of work and decision making powers of the Council/Manager of the organizational unit can simultaneously apply to the Scientific Council.

(5) Provisions on work of the Scientific Council are further stipulated by a general act brought by the Board of Trustees of the University.

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Article 74

(1) Upon decision by the Board of Trustees, the University can organize a Lifelong Learning Center (a non-cycle form of education), particular programs of which are brought by the Senate of the University.

(2) Particular programs can be delivered within specific Departments / Study Courses so that the participants can learn through its contents the latest achievements in the field, which will enable them to attain further skills and professional advancement.

(3) The programs are delivered through seminars, courses, professional meetings, workshops, and in other ways.

(4) Issues related to lifelong learning are defined by the Book of Rules on Lifelong Learning at the University brought by the Senate.

Article 75

(1) In case referred to in the preceding Clause, the Lifelong Learning Center shall realize the tasks determined by the Law and the Statute of the University, and shall carry out in particular the following activities:

a) education which has not been defined by certain levels; b) private tutoring for students in primary or high schools, or at university; c) activities of learning (training) centers assisting in learning through various courses; d) preparatory examination courses for the purpose of obtaining professional diplomas or certificates; e) language and conversational skills courses; f) computer training and advanced training; g) public speaking courses (to prepare participants for public speaking); h) fast-reading courses; i) adult education courses, or educating general population outside the mainstram general or university education; j) providing educational services to business companies and institutions; k) organizing panel discussions, round tables, seminars, consultations, conferences, etc. l) organizing professional and scientific sessions; m) additional education to students; n) negotiating in organizing students' work experience;

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o) formal and informal meetings of students, teachers, assistants and business people; p) organizing professional field trips; q) organizing visits to business companies and institutions; r) considering and supporting students' enterpreunal activities and projects; s) engaging in bringing in external professionals for visiting lectures to students, assistants and teachers; t) other activities related to the lifelong learning activities.

(2) The Center performs other tasks determined by the Law and by the University by- laws.

Article 76

(1) The Center is managed by the Manager who has rights and obligations determined by law, the Statute and by-law. (2) The Manager is appointed by the Board of Trustees upon proposal by the Senate of the University for a (4) four-year term of office, with a possibility of re-appointment. (3) The Manager is accountable for his/her work to the Rector of the University. (4) The Manager is responsible for lawfulness of work and implementation of decisions made by the University bodies and responsible authorities, in accordance with law and the Statute. (5) The Center for Lifelong Learning does not have the legal entity status. (6) The Founder of the University can make a decision to re-organize the Center for Lifelong Learning to become a separate business unit – branch within the University which shall perform its assigned tasks in the legal transactions.



Article 77

(Acquiring student’s status and setting the structure and student quota)

(1) Students who enrol into a particular study program at the University, namely in an Undergraduate (first study cycle), Master’s (second study cycle) or Doctoral (third study cycle) study program, acquire the student’s status.

(2) Based on the prior consent provided by the Founder and upon the Council’s proposal, the Senate decides for each academic year the eligibility of students to enrol as full-time,

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part-time or students in the distant education program, as well as the number and structure of students to enrol in the first year of each of the three study programs.

(3) Decision referred to in Clause 2 of this Article, accompanied by the text of the public announcement for enrolment of students is submitted to the Ministry to have their prior consent provided.

Article 78

(Full-time and part-time students)

(1) In accordance with the preceding Clause, candidates who enrolled in the University organizational unit, or Department, acquire the status of: a) full-time students, or b) part-time students.

(2) Students who enrolled in a particular study program at the University as full-time students can simultaneously hold the status of only part-time students at another study program.


Article 79

(Organization of studies)

(1) Conditions for enrolment in the First, Second, and Third study cycles, duration of courses and entitlements to the graduation titles are shown in the chart as follows:

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Article 80

(Study rules at the First Cycle of Study)

(1) Undergraduate courses at the University are run within study programs.

(2) Full-time students are students who study in the program with the full teaching workload. The University may enrol full-time students whose cost of studies (tuition fees) are financed by the Founder in the full, or in partial amounts, as well as self-financing full-time students.

(3) Part-time studies and distant education studies referred to in Clause 1 of this Article shall be regarded as studies with work or other activities.

(4) Should the Senate approve of the enrolment of students as part-time students by a particular decision, then the University is responsible for organizing “in class” education for part-time and distant education students in each semester, namely in at least the first, eighth and fifteenth week of each semester, and keep a proper record thereof, which is further stipulated by the Book of Rules of Study at the University. Parts of educational activities which are not included in the “in class” activities are to be organized through written assignments, consultations, mentoring, the all of which shall be demonstrated by allocation of points for each activity and which shall be equivalent to the ECTS points acquired in the course of full-time studies.

(5) Part-time and distant education students are required to attend assessments and examinations as specified by the University curricula; as a rule, the assessments and examinations are scheduled in those weeks when study activities for such students are organized, which is further stipulated in the Book of Rules of Study at the University.

Article 81

(Enrolment in the first year of the First Cycle of Study)

(1) Enrolment in the first year of the First Cycle of Study is performed based on the public competition, announced by the Senate, and in compliance with the Law.

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(2) The public competition for enrolment of students in the first year of study, besides financial requirements, contains the following information:

a) bases and criteria for establishing the students’ enrolment ranking list;

b) the method of evaluating the students’ results obtained during high school education;

c) the method of evaluating candidates’ knowledge and abilities (only in case when entrance examination is organized);

d) timetable of the entrance examinations evaluating students’ prior knowledge and abilities for the relevant course of studies, as well as the time when the results will be announced;

e) advice on candidates’ rights, as well as advice on protection of rights of candidates dissatisfied with the entrance examination results;

f) deadline by which the University is required to publically announce the final list of accepted candidates;

g) enrolment deadlines for accepted candidates;

h) information on the student’s status in view of Article 94 of the Statute.

(3) The University makes a decision whether candidates should sit for the entrance examination to study in a particular organizational unit or a study program. (4) The public announcement for enrolment of students in the first year of study at the University, which is published upon a prior consent of the Ministry had been obtained, besides financial elements must also specify the number of students in all status groups as well as other elements defined by this Statute. (5) Information about the public announcement for enrolment of students in the first year of study at the University is announced in at least three daily newspapers in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina and at the University web-page. (6) To apply for the competition, candidates lodge original or certified copies of the documentation in accordance with the competition criteria. (7) After the ranking list had been verified by the competent body, the organizational unit of the University announces the preliminary ranking list of all candidates who applied for the competition and who were accepted; the list is posted on the notice board two days following the last day of the entrance examinations, at latest; and for the organizational

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units which do not require candidates sitting for the entrance examination, two days after the deadline for lodging the application for the competition, at latest. (8) Candidates have the right to lodge a complaint regarding the list referred to in the preceding Clause within three days from the announcement of the list. (9) Relevant body of the organizational unit of the University is required to make a decision in response to the complaint referred to in the preceding Clause within three days. (10) The University is required to announce the final list of students enrolled in all status groups in all organizational units two days after the deadline for the decision in response to the complaint, at latest, and to submit the list to the Ministry seven days prior to the commencement of the academic year, at latest. (11) During the first year of study, candidates who are eligible to enroll in the first year of study in the organizational unit which does not require candidates to sit for the entrance examinations cannot acquire the student status in the organizational unit which requires candidates to sit for the entrance examination. (12) Students referred to in the preceding Clause may be entitled to continue studies in another organizational unit in a senior year, pursuant to the principle of equivalence. (13) Provisions regarding carrying out the procedure of enrolment the students can be defined in more detail in the Book of Rules of Study, or other by-laws.


Article 82

(Transfer from other institutions of higher education)

(1) The University has the right to allow students who are currently enrolled in one of the three study cycles at a domestic or international higher education institution, and who have successfully completed at least one semester of studies, and having submitted all the necessary documentation prior to the commencement of the semester, to transfer and enrol in another study program at a relevant Faculty / Department of the University.

(2) Students who transfer to the University from another university must be successfull in the English proficiency examination done at IUS, or in another equivalent English language examination.

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(3) Establishing the credit equivalence for students tranferring from other universities where the length of studies during a semester is different from that one at IUS, the procedure of recognition of the successfully completed examinations, establishing the requirement to sit for additional examinations as well as any other issues related to the transferring procedure in respect to this Article are defined by a general act.


Article 83

(Signing the Contract and elements of the Study Contract)

(1) The University and the student conclude a Study Contract which stipulates their mutual rights and obligations in more detail.

(2) Essential elements of the Contract referred to in the preceding Clause of this Article are proscribed by the Ministry upon the University proposal by a particular Book of Rules.

(3) The Study Contract and Annexes to the Contract are signed by the Rector in the name and on behalf of the Unievrsity.

(4) Should the student not be in capacity to conclude a Study Contract for a particular time period due to financial or other justifiable reasons, and should consequently he/she decide not to submit a registration form to sit for the examination in such period, then the University shall ensure that such student keep the student's status, under condition that he/she validates the semester and signs the Annex to the main Study Contract.

(5) In case referred to in the preceding Clause and for the duration of the Annex to the Contract, the University can approve of complete or partial exemption of payment of annual tuition fees.


Article 84

(Grading system and minimum of ECTS points required for continuation of studies into the following study year)

(1) The student's final achievements, based on all the assessment criteria, are evaluated and graded comparable to the ECTS marking scale, as follows:

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a) 10 (A) – exceptional achievement, without errors, or with minimal errors, 95 – 100 points;

b) 9 (B) – above average achievement, with few errors, 85 – 94 points;

c) 8 (C) – average achievement, with noticeable errors, 75 – 84 points;

d) 7 (D) – generally good achievement, with significant imperfections, 65 – 74 points;

e) 6 (E) – meets minimal criteria for achievement, 55 – 64 points;

f) 5 (F, FX) – does not meet minimal criteria, less than 55 points.

(2) Students in the First Cycle of Study courses at the University are classified into the following groups:

Number of ECTS credits required for Year/Title continuation of studies into the following study year

First Year/Freshman 0 - 54 Second Year/Sophomore 54 - 114 Third Year/Junior 114 - 174 Fourth Year/Senior 174-240

(3) Students can transfer into the following study year within one study cycle a maximum of six ECTS study credits, and a maximum of one pending subject, under condition that it carries more than six ECTS credits, and under condition that the pending subject which is to be transferred into the next year is not a requirement for attending another subject in the next study year. Subjects referred to in this Clause are determined by the curriculum.

(4) Students who repeat the study year are required to attend again the learning activities in the subject they failed to pass previously. In case of a subject from the group of electives in the given course of studies, students may re-enrol into the same subject, or select another elective subject carrying the required number of ECTS credits, in the next study year.

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(5) In accordance with its capacity and organizational abilities, the University may permit students who repeat the study year within one study cycle to attend learning activities and sit for examinations from the next study year, under condition that the total student workload in the semester does not exceed 30 ECTS credits. Subjects referred to in this Clause are determined by the curriculum.

Article 85

(Final examination)

(1) Final examination, in accordance with the curriculum and the syllabus, is conducted within the last teaching week, or in the first week following the last teaching week. Should a student during a semester achieve the required number of credits through planned activities and assessments which meet the requirements for a pass grade, then he/she is not required to sit for the final examination.

(2) A student who failed the final examination may re-sit the examination in the subject he/she failed at the end of the semester, or during a study year, in compliance with the Law, unless in the professional-artistic subjects for which, due to the specific teaching process, re-sitting may not be deemed feasible, and the list of such subjects is stipulated in more detail in the act of the organizational unit.

(3) In the period between the final and makeup examinations, the academic staff provide assistance to students through consultations, or through additional teaching activities, if necessary, to prepare the student for a makeup examination, and such activities are determined in more detail by the Book of Rules of Study.

(4) Additional teaching activities and makeup examinations after the winter semester last for a maximum of four weeks. Additional teaching activities and makeup examinations after the summer semester last for a maximum of four weeks.

(5) The University, or its organizational units, organizes an additional examination period with one examination opportunity in the last week of August and in the first two weeks of September.

(6) A student who is dissatisfied with the grade achieved in the examination may, within 24 hours after the announcement of the grade, request in a written form to re-sit the examination before the panel of examiners, in compliance with the Law.

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(7) In case of a request referred to in the preceding Clause of this Article, the student shall not re-do the written examination paper, or a written part of the examination paper before the panel; however the panel shall re-examine the existing written paper and grade it again; conversely, the repetition of the oral examination or an oral part of the examination before the panel is compulsory.

Article 86

(Final examination paper)

(1) A study programme may stipulate that the final (graduation) examination paper or project be completed.

(2) Commencement of work on the final examination paper must be appropriate to the workload of the final examination so that the student may commence the defense of the final paper by the end of the semester, at latest, and by any means prior to the enrolment into the next study cycle.

(3) Method, due date, and the procedure regarding the acceptance of the topic of the paper, appointing the examination panel and the defense of the final paper are determined by the Book of Rules of Study.

Article 87

(Defense of the final examination paper)

(1) Should a student fail in the defense of the final examination paper, he/she shall be entitled to defend the examination paper on one more occasion, or to ask for an approval to choose another topic, all of which are stipulated by the Book of Rules of Study in more detail.

(2) Study in the First Cycle of Study is deemed successful should the student have passed all the required examinations and defended the final examination paper, in case where it has been required by the First Cycle of Study Program.

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Article 88

(Organization of the Second Cycle of Study)

(1) The University, or Faculties, organize and run the Second Cycle of Study (Master’s Study).

(2) The Second Cycle of Study leads to the academic title of Master or equivalent, obtained after completion of the First Cycle of Study course, and it runs for one year, and corresponds to 60 ECTS credits, according to the chart previously shown, so that combined with the First Cycle it carries the total of 300 ECTS credits.

Article 89

(Enrolment into the Second Cycle of Study)

(1) Enrolment into the Second Cycle of Study course is carried out based on a public competition, which is announced by the Senate upon the proposal by the Council of the organizational unit, in accordance with the Law and the Statute.

(2) Candidates who completed the relevant First Cycle of Study are entitled to enrol into the Second Cycle of Study, as well as candidates who completed studies with curricula and syllabi which applied prior to the implementation of the Bologne principles, and under conditions stipulated by the Book of Rules of Study.

Article 90

(The final examination paper)

(1) A study program may require completion of the final examination paper.

(2) The topic of the final examination paper must be from the area of the study program.

(3) The topic of the final examination paper may be proposed by the mentor or by the student, which is stipulated by the Book of Rules of Study in more detail. The Council adopts the topics (theses) of the final examination papers.

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(4) Method, due date, and the procedure regarding registering and acceptance of the topic, appointing the examination panel and the defense of the final paper is determined by the Book of Rules of Study.

Article 91

(Completion of the Second Cycle of Study)

Candidate who passed all the required examinations and successfully defended the final paper is issued with a Diploma Award and a Diploma Supplement carrying the professional title of Master of Studies in the relevant field, in accordance with the Book of Rules of Study, and with the Book of Procedures on acquiring and using academic and professional titles at higher education institutions.


Article 92

(Organization of the Doctoral Study)

(1) At the University, or at Faculties, the Third Cycle of Study (Doctoral Study) is organized.

(2) The Third Cycle of Study is organized and run as a three year study course and corresponds to 180 ECTS credits, where candidates acquire ECTS credits by passing examinations in subjects included in the curriculum, by a research study in the specific area of the doctoral dissertation, and by completion and successful defense of the doctoral dissertation.

(3) Subjects of the doctoral study course are selected by the student from the list of subjects in the study program, in accordance with the curriculum and the study program adopted by the Senate upon the proposal by the Council.

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Article 93

(Enrolment into the Doctoral Study)

(1) Enrolment into a Doctoral Study course is carried out based on a public competition, which is announced by the Senate, upon the proposal by the Faculty Council.

(2) Candidates who have completed relevant academic First and Second Study Cycle programs and acquired at least 300 ECTS credits are entitled to enrol into the first year of the Doctoral Study course, as well as candidates who have completed a relevant post- graduate course prior to the implementation of the Bologna principles,.

(3) Method, due dates and procedures related to submitting and approval of the doctoral dissertation, appointing the examination panel and defense of the doctoral dissertation are determined by the Book of Rules of Study.

(4) The Third Cycle of Study (Doctoral Study) concludes with the completion and successful defense of the doctoral dissertation, and the candidate acquires the scientific title of Doctor of Science (PhD) in the relevant field, in compliance with the Procedure on acquiring and using academic and professional titles at higher education institutions in the Sarajevo Canton.

Article 94

(Study Rules in the Doctoral Study)

Procedures, conditions for enrolment of candidates, methods of registering and sitting for examinations, as well as any other issues relevant to the doctoral study shall be determined by the Book of Rules of Study in the Third Cycle of Study in more detail.

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Article 95

(Committee for verifying differences in the content of study programs)

For students who have enrolled or successfully completed a particular study program at the University or at another higher education institution and who wish to enrol in another relevant study program to acquire another Diploma Award, the University shall appoint a Committee (The Committee for Equivalence) for verifying differences in the content of the passed examinations in respect to the subjects in the study program the students wish to study, and shall make a decision upon the student's application and all the necessary obligations regarding the student's choice of study.


Article 96

(English language competence requirement)

(1) At the University, preparatory English language courses are organized at the English Language Preparatory School (hereinafter referred to as: ELS) in the duration od 2 (two semesters), or longer should the need arise.

(2) The aim of the English Language Preparatory School is to improve the students' competence in the English language to the level at which they will be able to attend the lectures in courses run in the English language at the University.

(3) All students attending lectures at the University are required to have the appropriate level of the English language competence.

(4) The appropriate level of the English language competence is determined by:

a) Holding an internationally recognized certificate of the English language competency (TOEFL, IELTS, or similar) which cannot be more than two years old from the date of enrolment in the appropriate study cycle,

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b) Successfully passing the Proficiency Exam which is organized at the University prior to the commencement of each academic year, and c) English being the student's first language.

Article 97

(ELS student’s status)

(1) Until submitting evidence of having the English language competence referred to in the preceding Article, enrolled students of the University shall have the internally held status of students attending the English Language Preparatory School. In such case, the student’s status in respect to the University shall remain unchanged; however, the student’s rights and obligations in respect to the study program remain dormant, and in particular the obligation to attend lectures, to validate the semester and in respect to the Study Contract.

(2) Students who pass the final examination (Proficiency Exam) at ELS meet requirements to commence attending the first year of the regular study course, in accordance with the curriculum and the syllabus.

(3) Students who fail in the final examination run by the English Language Preparatory School shall maintain their student status at the University for the duration of time while attending classes in the English Language Preparatory School.

(4) Students at the English Language Preparatory School are registered in the students’ main registration book at the Faculty/Department where they had been accepted.

(5) Registration in the students’ main registration book must have a record: NB: The student is attending classes at the English Language Preparatory School.

Article 98

(Managing ELS)

(1) The English Language Preparatory School is managed by the Manager/Instructor.

(2) The Manager is appointed by the Board of Trustees upon proposal by the Senate of the University.

(3) The Manager is accountable for his/her work to the Senate and to the Board of Trustees.

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(4) The Manager is responsible for lawfulness and implementing decisions of the University bodies and competent authorities in accordance with the Law and the Statute.

Article 99

(Organization and status of ELS)

(1) More detailed provisions related to ELS teaching activities are contained in the Book of Rules of Study which are brought by the Senate, and it is also possible to regulate them by another general act, should the need arise.

(2) The Board of Trustees of the University may, if it deem necessary, make a decision on establishment or re-organization of ELS as a separate business entity – branch within the University, which will carry out its activities in view of legal transactions.


Article 100

(Acquiring professional and academic titles)

By attending classes in a Department within a Faculty as an organizational unit of the University, and by meeting all the criteria proscribed for a particular study cycle, a student who has successfully passed all examinations, or defended the final paper stipulated by the study program, acquires a particular professional title and an academic title in accordance with the Book of Rules on using academic titles in the Sarajevo Canton.


Article 101

(Students' rights)

(1) Students have the right and obligation to actively participate in teaching and scientific-research activities, in cooperation with the academic staff, and in accordance with the study programs (curricula and syllabi).

(2) Besides the rights stipulated by the Statute and law, the students particularly have the right to:

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a) be informed about their rights, obligations and duties at the commencement of each academic year; b) have teaching organized in accordance with the study programs and curricula, and in accordance with the teaching and examination schedules; c) have equal rights in respect to conditions of study and treatment at the University; d) complete their studies in the required timeframe, with regular completion of all of their study obligations; e) express their views in respect to the quality of teaching and quality of teachers and assistants, and f) use libraries, computer equipment and other facilities and resources at the University, or at the Faculty.

(3) Implementation and exercise of the students' rights referred to in Clauses 1 and 2 of this Article is the responsibility of the Rector and Deans of the faculties.

Article 102

(Students’ obligations)

Students are required to observe the rules determined by the Law, the Statute, and by-laws by the University.

Article 103

(Informing students about their rights and obligations)

Students at the University have all the rights and obligations in compliance with the Law, the Statute and the Rules on Study, and they are informed about their rights and obligations by:

a) the Study Contract; b) a general act on students' rights and obligations which is presented to students during signing of the Study Contract and which is published on the University web page; c) publishing all other relevant documents related to the students' rights and obligations on the University web page and/or notice boards at Faculties; d) publishing all other relevant documents on the University web page and in the printed publications of the University.

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Article 104


(1) Full-time students who in the previous study years, which they did not repeat, achieved the minimum average grade of 8 (eight), and who achieved at least 9 (nine) in the particular study subject, may be elected to work as student-demonstrators in that particular subject, thus, based on such an engagement, may be entitled to remuneration in accordance with the decision made by the Board of Trustees.

(2) Selection of the student-demonstrator is made by the Council, based on the internal announcement and upon the recommendations provided by the teacher in the particular subject and the Dean, where the student who achieved the higher grade in the particular subject shall have the priority to be selected.

(3) Duties of the student-demonstrator are defined in more detail in the Book of Rules on Work of the Student-Demonstrator which is brought by the Senate.

Article 105

(Implementation of the administrative procedures rules)

Student's individual rights and obligations are dealt with in accordance with the regulations determined by the Administrative Procedures Act in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the following circumstances:

a) enrolment of candidates in the first year of study; b) enrolment of candidates in the next year of study; c) student's right to be issued with the Diploma Award; d) disciplinary action – expulsion from studies; e) obligation to cover the cost of studies, f) dormant status in respect to the rights and obligations; and g) other instances, as stipulated by law, the Statute or by-laws.

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Article 106

(Studying at the University based on the students’ mobility)

(1) In accordance with the students’ mobility program, and pursuant Article 57, Clause 5 of the Law, students from other higher education institutions from the country or abroad, who enrol in particular courses at the University, can study at the University, either through the international students’ exchange programs, or based on the bilateral contracts signed between the universities, or by their own individual arrangements, under condition that the criteria stipulated by the University internal acts have been met beforehand.

(2) In accordance with the Study Contract which the student concludes with the University, method of equivalence is perused in accordance with the Statute, the Rules of Study, and the Book of Rules on recognition of the passed examinations and equivalence, or the student’s accrued credit points are recognized.

(3) The students’ mobility between universities implies the issue of the Diploma Award by the university where the student is attending courses, unless stipulated otherwise by the contract concluded between the universities, or by another general act.

(4) Rights and obligations of the student referred to in Clause 1 of this Article, the method of covering cost of his/her study, and any other issues relevant to the student’s status are defined in the Contract referred to in Clause 1 of this Article.

(5) Attendance and success at examinations of the student referred to in Clause 1 of this Article are recorded in the main registration books kept by the University, which are proven by issue of a Certificate on passed examinations.

(6) Office for Students’ Affairs keeps record of all the students referred to in Clause 1 of this Article.

Article 107

(Studying at other institutions of higher education based on the students’ mobility program)

(1) A student of the University can attend and realize part of a study program and accrue ECTS credits in all three study cycles at a related higher education institution in the country or abroad within the students’ mobility program.

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(2) Provisions referred to in the preceding Article apply to the students referred to in Clause 1 of this Article.


Article 108

(Responsibilities for the breach of students’ liabilities)

(1) Students are responsible for the breach of liabilities stipulated by the Law, the Statute, the Study Contract and other by-laws.

(2) Students' breach of liabilities can be: light or severe.

The following are regarded as the light breaches of the students' liabilities:

a) coming late to lectures, practice or other obligatory forms of educational activities, and/or leaving early without permission; b) inappropriate behaviour towards students, teachers, assistants and other University employees; c) causing damage in smaller extent, by negligence and/or intentionally; d) providing false information about work and business activities of the University; and e) other forms of students' behavior contrary to academic principles of behavior, and which may be classified as light breaches of the students' liabilities.

(4) The following are regarded as the severe breaches of students' liabilities:

a) forging of documents in general, and particularly public documents issued by the University (student's record booklet, registration documents, certificates, etc); b) providing false information to responsible authorities and bodies at the University in order to obtain privileges which they will not be otherwise entitled to according to the current legislation; c) cheating in the examinations, or using inappropriate means and resources; d) damaging or stealing property of the University; e) coming to the University, during teaching activities, under the influence of alcohol or narcotics;

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f) provoking disorder or fights at the University; g) irregular participation in study activities, in such manner that it affects collective participation of other students; h) participation in other projects outside of the Faculty without the prior approval by the Faculty Council, in case that obtaining such approval has been deemed compulsory by the Book of Rules of Study; i) other forms of inappropriate conduct which are contrary to academic principles of conduct, and which may be classified as severe breaches of the students' liabilities, or which may have characteristics of an offence according to law.

Article 109

(Disciplinary measures for breaches of students’ liabilities)

(1) The following disciplinary measures may be taken in case of the students' breach of liabilities:

a) warning; b) public warning – written warning; c) expulsion from the University, and d) other measures stipulated by the University general act.

(2) Disciplinary measure of expulsion from the University may be declared only for severe breaches of the students' liabilities (for a limited or unlimited period of time).

(3) The disciplinary measure of warning is carried out by handing it in its final form to the student.

(4) The disciplinary measure of public warning is carried out by placing it in its final form onto the Faculty notice board.

Article 110

(Students’ liabilities for damages incurred)

(1) Students are liable for any damage caused intentionally or by negligence to the University.

(2) Each student is required to report verbally under the protocol, or in writing, to the Dean of the Faculty any damage caused.

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(3) Based on the report, or on his/her personal knowledge, the Dean of the Faculty makes a decision to initiate the procedure to assess the damage and liabilities for the damage.

(4) The Decision to initiate the procedure to assess the damage must contain information regarding the damage, the student who caused it, and the evidence proving the existence of the damage.

Article 111

(Compensation for the damage)

(1) Decision on the amount of the damage, liabilities for the damage, and the responsibility of the student to compensate the cost of the damage, is made by the Dean of the Faculty.

(2) In case the student fails to compensate the cost of the damage, or does not agree to compensate the cost of the damage, the University has the right to lodge a claim to the responsible court for the compensation.

Article 112

(Disciplinary liabilities procedure)

(1) The procedure to establish disciplinary liabilities cannot be initiated:

a) six months after the day when the breach of liabilities and the offender became known; b) a year after the breach was made.

(2) Procedure of disciplinary measures against the student may be initiated only for the light or severe breaches of liabilities which had been classified as such and regulated by a general act brought by the University or this Statute and for which the liability had been defined.

(3) The manner and procedure of establishing the students’ disciplinary and material liabilities are defined in more detail by a general act brought by the Senate.

(4) In case of a conflict of provisions defined in the Statute in respect to the students’ liabilities for the breach of obligations, and provisions in the Book of Rules on disciplinary and material liabilities of IUS students, then provisions of the general act of the University shall directly apply, as lex specialis.

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Article 113

(Circumstances in which the student’s status is terminated)

(1) The student status is terminated by:

a) completing the cycle of studies; b) withdrawing from the University; c) imposing disciplinary measures for termination of the student status, or expulsion from the University, by carrying out the procedure and under conditions in compliance with law, the Statute or other by -laws of the University; d) not completing the study within the timeframe stipulated by law, the Statute or other by-laws of the University; e) not enrolling in the following year of the study, or failing to renew the enrollment/registration for the current year in a timely manner, where the rights and obligations do not remain dormant according to the Law and the Statute; and f) other circumstances stipulated by other by-laws of the University.

(2) Decision on termination of the student’s status, except for in circumstances referred to in item (a) in the preceding Clause, is made by the Rector.

(3) Students who lose their status at the University may be able to regain the student’s status by a particular decision made by the Rector or by another authorized body of the University.

(4) The decision referred to in the preceding Clause must be accompanied by the student’s request supported with arguments. The same decision shall entitle the student to continue his/her studies which he/she temporarily disrupted.


Article 114

(Reasons for the dormant status and expiry of the dormant status)

(1) Student's rights and obligations may remain dormant for a maximum of one academic year.

(2) The student's rights and obligations remain dormant in the following circumstances:

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a) during the student's maternity leave; b) during a period of incapacity due to an illness which prevented the student from attending the classes and sitting for the examinations (which has to be supported by the opinion of a responsible health care institution); c) during a period of approved work or professional experience in the country or abroad; d) for any other justifiable reasons (exceptional situation in the family, death of close family members, or for students – foreign citizens, financial hardship which could affect the foreign student's living arrangements and staying in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and other reasons of similar nature which have to be explained in a written application for having the dormant status granted, and the decision thereof is to be made by the manager of the organizational unit).

(3) Expiry of the dormant status of the student’s rights and responsibilities occurs in the following circumstances:

a) upon the Dean’s decision to have the student’s dormant status terminated based on the student’s application for termination of the student’s dormant status; b) at the expiry of the period of the dormant status; c) upon the Dean’s decision to revoke the decision on the student’s dormant status; d) upon the student’s withdrawal from the higher education institution; and e) in other circumstances stipulated by by-laws of the University.

(4) After the student’s dormant status expires in cases referred to in (a), (b), (c) and (e) of the preceding Clause, the student is entitled to continue the study with full rights and obligations, in accordance with the Law and the Statute.

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Article 115

(Other provisions regarding the student's status)

Procedures regarding transferring from another university and recognition of passed examinations, engaging students in scientific-research work, receiving awards, as well as other issues regarding the status of the student and the study, are carried out under the conditions and procedure determined by the Law, the Statute, Rules of Study, general and particular acts of the University.


Article 116

(Students' Association)

(1) Students have the right to get organized in the Students’ Association comprising representatives from all three cycles of study, in accordance with the Students’ Association Charter which is to be approved by the Board of Trustees of the University.

(2) The Students’ Association is engaged in the implementation and protection of the students’ rights and interests, including those rights and interests in the domain of the students’ standard and social life.

(3) Through the Students’ Association, students choose their representatives and appoint them in the University bodies which provide for the students’ participation according to law and the University acts (the Senate, the Council of the Faculty, Ethics Committee, Office for Quality Assurance, Team for Quality Assurance, etc).

(4) The procedure for election and nomination of students in the University bodies is defined in the Charter of the Association. Student representatives in the University bodies have equal rights as any other members.

Article 117

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(Ways of organizing students)

(1) Students can be organized at two levels:

a) The Students’ Faculty Council – at the Faculty level; and b) The University Students’ Parliament – at the University level.

Article 118

(Bodies of the students’ organizations)

(1) As referred to in the preceding Article of the Statute, students’ organizations at both levels have bodies, which are elected by secret vote.

(2) The Students’ Faculty Council has the following bodies:

a) Assembly of the Students’ Faculty Council; b) President of the Students’ Faculty Council.

(3) The University Students’ Parliament has the following bodies:

a) Assembly of the University Students’ Parliament; b) President of the Assembly of the University Students’ Parliament.

Article 119

(Assembly and president of the Students’ Council)

(1) Assembly of the Students’ Faculty Council comprises student representatives who are elected according to the principle – one representative for each study cycle and each study program.

(2) President of the Students’ Faculty Council is elected by the Assembly of the Students’ Council of the Faculty from the body of its members by secret vote.

(3) Term of office of the Assembly members and of the president of the Students’ Faculty Council is for one year.

Article 120

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(Assembly of the University Students’ Parliament)

(1) Assembly of the University Students’ Parliament comprises presidents of Assemblies of the Students’ Faculty Councils, and two student representatives from each faculty, who are elected by the Assembly of the Students’ Faculty Council by secret vote.

(2) Assembly of the University Students’ Parliament elects president from its members by secret vote.

(3) Term of office of the Assembly members of the University Students’ Parliament and of the president of the University Students’ Parliament is for one year.

Article 121

(Providing support to the students’ associations)

(1) According to its capacities, the University shall ensure financial assistance and support in work of the students’ associations, and provide space for their functioning, in accordance with the current Law on students’ organizations in the Sarajevo Canton.


Article 122

(The System of Quality Assurance and its implementation)

(1) The University sets up and develops a System of Quality Assurance and ensures its implementation.

(2) Decision on establishment of the System referred to in Clause 1 of this Article is adopted by the Board of Trustees upon the proposal made by the Senate.

(3) The University carries out the self-evaluation and quality evaluation procedure, and the report thereof is submitted to the Ministry and to the Board of Trustees within 15 days from the date of the procedure which had been carried out, at latest.

(4) The self-evaluation procedure is carried out continuously in accordance with law, Book of Rules on Quality Assurance of the University, and acts brought by the Agency for development of higher education and quality assurance in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as

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well as in accordance with other relevant acts at the Cantonal, Federal, State or European level.

(5) The self-evaluation procedure implies assessment of the curricula and syllabi, teaching equipment, qualifications of the academic staff, methods of realization of the teaching process, students' pass rate at examinations, and other necessary indicators of success of the University work, which is defined in more detail in the Book of Rules on Quality Assurance at the University, which is brought by the Board of Trustees upon the proposal made by the Senate of the University.

Article 123

(External evaluation of quality)

The University shall obtain an external evaluation of quality for each study program, in accordance with law and the Statute.

Article 124

(Evaluation of work of the academic staff)

(1) At the end of each academic year, the University is obliged to carry out the procedure of evaluation of work of the academic staff, or the level of success in realization of the curricula and syllabi.

(2) Evaluation of the academic staff is carried out in accordance with the Book of Rules on Quality Assurance at IUS, Book of Rules on the Procedure of Evaluation of the Academic Staff, and other by-laws of the University; the evaluation is carried out by the University and by the students.

(3) The University organizes an evaluation survey to be completed by students in each semester.

(4) In the evaluation, the following criteria must be assessed: quality of the teaching and interactive relationships between students and academic staff; correctness in communication; attitude of the staff towards students during teaching and during assessments; accessability of literature which is recommended to students by teachers; attendance of the subject teacher at lectures; as well as other elements defined by by- laws.

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(5) Evaluation of work of the academic staff is part of an integral process of the internal system of quality assurance, or self-evaluation and internal quality assessment.

(6) Results of academic staff work evaluation are analized and adopted by the University, and decision by the manager of the organizational unit in regards to the evaluation makes part of a personal file of each academic staff member.

(7) The Senate adopts the final reports on the academic staff work, based on the previously accepted reports of the organizational units, and all in accordance with the procedure stipulated in the Books of Rules referred to in Clause 2 of this Article.


Article 125

(Definition and the content of a study program)

(1) Studying in all three study cycles is realized through study programs at particular faculties or departments.

(2) Study programs are not formal organizational/sub-organizational units; however, they are specified by a particular group of subjects which need to be completed in order to achieve a relevant educational profile.

(3) A study program represents a curriculum covering one or more scientific areas, the realization of which leads to one of the three academic levels through scientific- teaching/art-teaching process in accordance with the . Final decision to adopt a study program is made by the Senate, under a prior consent by the Founder.

(4) The study program contains:

a) title and goals of the study program; b) enrolment criteria for the study program; c) curriculum and syllabus; d) manner of selection of subjects from other study programs; e) credit value of each subject and of the final paper expressed in ECTS credits; f) pre-requisite subjects;

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g) prerequisites for enrolment in the following semester, or in the following academic year, and the manner of completion of studies; h) professional and academic title which is obtained at the completion of the studies; i) learning outcomes; j) conditions for transfer from other study programs in the same or similar area of study; k) type of (attendance) the study and the manner of realization of the study; l) relevant staff qualifications; m) resources required for implementation (of the study program); n) relevance of (existing) resources; and o) any other issues significant for running a study program.

(5) Proposal, adoption, monitoring and implementation of study programs at the University are realized in accordance with the Book of Rules on proposals, adoption, and monitoring of study programs at the International University of Sarajevo.

(6) Rules of Study, which are brought by the Senate, and approved by the Board of Trustees of the University, define in more detail organization and duration of studies, procedure of assessments and grading, conditions and procedure for doing final papers, documents related to studies, and any other relevant issues for each study cycle.


Article 126

(Principle of the main subject and principle of interdisciplinarity)

(1) Principles of horizontal and vertical interdisciplinary within organizational, or sub- organizational units is applied at the University.

(2) Interdisciplinarity features apply in the manner that lectures and examinations are done at the organizational unit which is the main unit for a particular subject.

(3) Feature of being the main subject in respect to the preceding Clause is decided by a decision on scientific/artistic areas and subjects which they contain, and which are the basis for election of the staff into the teaching titles at the University.

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Article 127

(Procedure of organization of joint studies)

(1) The University may organize study programs in all three study cycles in cooperation with domestic or foreign higher education institutions, in accordance with the Law.

(2) The Senate may approve, under a prior consent by the Board of Trustees, running a joint study program in cooperation with other accredited universities, after which a joint diploma is issued, which is further defined in a written agreement between the University and another university, and in accordance with the Law.

(3) For realization of studies referred to in this Article, the University is required to obtain the consent by the Ministry, under a prior opinion by the Senate.

(4) Cost of such studies is determined by the Founder, and the Ministry must be informed thereof.

Article 128

(Application of the European Credit Transfer System – ECTS)

(1) Study programs also apply the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), ie. the European system of transfer of study credits, for each subject in a study program.

(2) The number of ECTS credits for each subject is decided upon the total student workload for which the student is engaged in the particular subject, as follows:

a) attending learning activities (theory and/or practice, tutorials, seminar work, etc.) b) independent work (homework, projects, research, etc.) c) preparing for assessments (tests, final examination, etc.) d) other activities in which the student is engaged in the particular subject.

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Article 129

(Types of studies organized at the University)

(1) Higher education at the University is organized in three cycles:

a) The first study cycle leads to the academic title of a completed undergraduate study - Bachelor's Degree (the degree of Bachelor) or equivalent, acquired after at least three and not more than four years of study at an undergraduate course, after completing secondary school, which is worth 240 ECTS credits;

b) The second study cycle leads to the academic title of a Master (Master's Degree) or equivalent, acquired after completing an undergraduate study; it lasts for one or two years , and is valued at 60 ECTS credits, so that the sum of the first and the second cycle of study is worth 300 ECTS credits;

c) The third cycle of study leads to the academic title of a Doctor (PhD) or equivalent; it lasts for three years and is worth 180 ECTS credits.

(2) One semester is worth 30 ECTS credits in each cycle of study. (3) At the student’s request, the Faculty has an obligation to issue the appropriate certificate after the student has acquired at least 60 ECTS credits.

(4) The University can organize a study according to the model 3+2+3 in the manner and in accordance with the procedure stipulated by the Law.

Article 130

(Organization of an academic year)

(1) An academic year is organized into two semesters: winter semester and summer semester.

(2) Commencement and duration of teaching activities in the winter and summer semesters are determined in accordance with the Law.

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Article 131

(Venues of learning activities)

Teaching activities at the University are conducted at the appropriate premises of the University which are owned by the Founder.

Article 132

(Organization of joint, practical and other teaching activities)

(1) At the University, joint learning activities are organized for subjects which belong to different study programs, but which have the same syllabus and the same titles.

(2) Part of learning activities, scientific-research work, practical work and professional work experience can be organized and realized outside of the University at other institutions of higher education, public institutions, or other relevant subjects.

(3) Practical work and professional work experience can be organized and run as an integral part of regular learning activities, or as separate learning activities.

(4) Activities referred to in the preceding Clause of this Article are carried out in accordance with a written agreement, or a contract concluded between the University and subjects at which premises the named activities are to be run.

Article 133

(Curricula and syllabi)

(1) Teaching at the University is delivered in accordance with the curricula and syllabi approved by the decision of the Senate.

(2) Students are informed about the curricula and syllabi at the beginning of the academic year, through the Faculty notice boards, the website of the University and the Faculty, and in other appropriate manners.

(3) Changes to the curriculum and syllabi are made following the same procedure as for their adoption, in compliance with the Law, the Statute and the Book of Rules, and the

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retroactive rule cannot be applied, in terms of imposing additional obligations on students for the academic year that the student has successfully completed.


Article 134

(Responsibilities of the academic staff)

(1) Academic staff with their personal presence and commitment is obliged to fully implement the set curriculum and syllabus for the subject for which they are elected or hired.

(2) Exceptionally, for justified reasons stated in Article 176 of the Statute, and upon prior written approval of the Dean, in the implementation of the academic curricula and syllabi referred to in Clause 1 of this Article the selected academic staff can be substituted with another appropriate academic staff who is proposed by the subject teacher or the Dean, with the prior consent of the Council.

(3) The number of weekly workload to be implemented in a manner and under the conditions referred to in Clause 2 of this Article cannot exceed 30 % of the total number of hours scheduled for the subject during the academic year.

(4) In order to monitor the implementation of obligations referred to in Clauses 1 and 2 of this Article, the academic staff referred to in the preceding Clause of this Article is obliged to submit a report to the Dean about the realized teaching activities.

Article 135

(Work plan)

(1) In the first week of classes, the subject teacher is obliged to inform students about the objectives, content and methods of realization of teaching activities in the subject, as well as the methods and criteria for monitoring their work, assessments and grading.

(2) Tasks designed for individual student’s work (seminars, projects, papers, assignments and other forms of study commitments) must be evenly distributed during the semester or academic year.

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(3) The total amount of tasks referred to in Clause 2 of this Article must comply with the workload specified for the subject, in accordance with ECTS.

(4) During the teaching process, the subject teacher is obliged to assist students by organizing and maintaining regular, or additional consultations, should the need arise, or upon the students’ request, in order to assist students to complete their individual tasks, learn the scientific-educational content and prepare for assessments.

(5) Dates and times for consultations during the week must be consistent with the timetable planned for realization of teaching activities so that they accommodate the duties of the academic staff, as well as the students' needs. Consultations can be arranged in the office or in the classroom, by e-mails and by other forms of electronic communication, provided that at least 5 hours a week are planned for the office consultations.

(6) Changing the timetable during the semester is generally not allowed.

(7) In case of necessary changes in the timetable and work plan, the subject teacher is obliged to notify students at least 24 hours prior to the change in a public and transparent way.

(8) In accordance with the obligations set forth in the curriculum and the syllabus, the subject teacher is responsible for carrying out all forms of teaching methods – lectures, exercises, seminars, practical work, as well as for monitoring students' activities and assessing their knowledge.

Article 136

(Realization of the syllabus)

(1) The syllabus for each subject must include description of the assessments that will be conducted during the semester, as well as the dates and times set for the examination.

(2) Assessments of students in the course of the semester are done by testing, preliminary examinations, assignments and other forms of assessments, and they can be conducted in written, oral or practical form.

(3) Written or practical examinations in one subject cannot last longer than three hours.

(4) The system of grading of all activities and examinations must be clearly indicated in the syllabus of the subject for a given semester.

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(5) The subject teacher, a senior assistant or assistant must maintain records of fulfillment of students’ obligations referred to in the preceding Clause by the end of the academic year.

Article 137

(Forms of students’ assessments)

(1) Forms of student’s assessments can be written, oral or practical.

(2) As a rule, assessments are written and conducted by a test or a written work, and in particular cases they can be realized in oral or practical form.

(3) Results of the written part of an examination must be announced within five days from the date of the examination with the announcement of the time in which students may inspect their work.

(4) All forms of assessment are public.

(5) As a rule, examinations in art subjects are taken in front of a panel, unless otherwise defined in the syllabus.

(6) Students’ written examination papers are kept until the end of the academic year.

(7) The University is obliged to organize and set examination dates so that students have only one examination on the same day.

(8) The subject teacher cannot administer an assessment set as the final examination in presence of only one student.

(9) The Council of the organizational unit is obliged to determine by a separate decision all forms of assessment, as well as the structure of the grading scale for each subject.

(10) Specific elements of valuation of certain activities, or prescribed forms of assessment, must be carried out as an integral whole.

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Article 138

(Assessments and grading procedure)

(1) The students’ work is continuously monitored and assessed during a semester or an academic year.

(2) During a semester, an assessment is conducted by assigning points for each type of activity and for the assessments, as well as for the final examination, where the final grade is determined.

(3) In the structure of the total number of points, at least 60% of the points must be allocated for activities and assessments during a semester.

(4) In the structure of the total number of points, the final examination can be evaluated with a maximum of 40% points.

(5) A student is not obliged to take the final examination if he/she has earned enough points from the planned activities and assessments during the semester and thus has met the criteria for a passing grade.

(6) The final examination and other teaching activities can be organized and administered only during the working hours stipulated in the work week and in the period from 08-20 o’clock.

(7) If the subject teacher is unable to administer the final examination, then the Dean of the Faculty may designate another teacher from the immediate scientific field which the subject belongs to, to administer the final examination.

Article 139

(Forms of evaluation of student’s success)

(1) A student receives ECTS credits in full if he/she passes examinations in the subject, regardless of the grade obtained.

(2) The student can earn from 0 to 100 points in each subject in any study cycle at the University. This grading system will be applied to all types of the students’ learning activities which are subject to grading (assignments, seminars, projects, tests, partial and final examinations, etc.).

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Article 140

(Terms of appointment and status issues)

(1) The academic staff at the University is appointed for a specified period of time, as follows:

a) Assistant – for a four-year period, without the possibility of re-appointment; b) Senior Assistant – for a five-year period, with the possibility of re- appointment exclusively under condition that he/she completes the third study cycle; c) Assistant Professor – for a five-year period, with the possibility of re- appointment; d) Associate Professor – for a six-year period, with the possibility of re- appointment; e) Full Professor – permanently.

(2) Full Professors conclude a permanent employment contract.

(3) Period of time for appointment into titles will extend for the time spent on maternity leave, sick leave exceeding six months, performing public services, or for other justifiable reasons in accordance with the Law and the Statute.

Article 141

(Minimum conditions for appointing academic staff to scientific-teaching titles)

(1) The following are the minimum conditions for appointing academic staff to scientific- teaching titles at the University:

a) Assistant: completed an appropriate university degree with a minimum of 240 ECTS and a minimum average grade of 8 or 3,5 (three point five); b) Senior Assistant: completed the second cycle of study (Master’s degree); c) Lector: completed the second cycle of study (Master’s degree);

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d) Assistant Professor: scientific degree of Doctor (PhD) in the relevant field, no less than three scientific papers published in recognized publications, demonstrated results in teaching; e) Associate Professor: at least one term of appointment as Assistant Professor, no less than five scientific papers published in recognized publications, a published book and an original professional achievement such as a project, patent or an original method, all after the appointment to the title of an Assistant Professor, as well as supervision of at least one candidate for the second cycle of study degree; f) Full Professor: at least one term of service as Associate Professor, no less than two published books, no less than eight scientific papers published in recognized publications, all after the appointment to the title of Associate Professor, as well as supervision of at least one candidate for the second and the third cycle of study degrees.

Article 142

(Minimum conditions for appointing academic staff to art-teaching titles)

(1) The following are the minimum conditions for appointing academic staff to art- teaching titles at the University if the artistic criteria are of a particular relevance for the subject:

a) Assistant: completed the first cycle degree with a minimum of 240 ECTS and an average grade of 8 or 3,5; b) Senior Assistant: completed the second study cycle, or the first study cycle and publically presented forms of artistic expression; c) Assistant Professor: completed at least the first study cycle, a larger number of publically presented forms of artistic expression and demonstrated results in teaching; d) Associate Professor: completed at least the first study cycle, a larger number of publically presented forms of artistic expression, recognition for successful work in the appropriate area of art and demonstrated results in teaching; e) Full Professor: completed at least the first study cycle, a larger number of publically presented forms of artistic expression which have contributed significantly to the development of culture and art, and personal contribution to the development of teachers and artists.

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Article 143

(Criteria for appointment in to academic titles)

(1) The University sets further criteria for ranking candidates in accordance with a separate Book of Rules on scientific-research/art-research activities and academic titles, which is adopted by the Senate of the University.

(2) In case of the first appointment into the title, within one year from the date of the appointment, a member of the academic staff is obliged to submit to the University a certificate proving that he/she has minimum teacher training.

(3) The minimum of teacher training means evidence of attending at least one seminar or a teacher training program, which can be organized by the University within the lifelong learning programs for the academic staff, and for which the University can issue certificates/confirmation of attendance.

(4) Syllabus of the teacher training education referred to in the preceding Clause is defined by the Senate of the University.

Article 145

(English language competence as a selection criterion for the appointment to the academic title)

(1) Candidates for the appointment into an academic title must be competent to deliver teaching in English, which is proven by submitting one of the following documents:

a) A diploma award for a university level of education in a country where English is the official language and where the teaching is conducted in English;

b) A diploma award for a university level of education in a country where English is not the official language, however where the teaching is conducted in English;

c) A certificate confirming that they have successfully conducted teaching in English language at a university;

d) English is the candidate’s native language;

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e) A certificate of English language proficiency, issued by an authorized organization, under condition that the University has the right to re-assess the candidate’s competence in English language in accordance with Clause (f) of this Article;

f) An appropriate certificate confirming the candidate’s competence to teach in English, issued by English Language School at the University, or the University, based on a passed Proficiency Exam,

g) The interview with the candidate, or another appropriate method of assessment determined by the University.

(2) Should it appear in the teacher’s practice before, during, or after the appointment to the title, that the teacher is not fully competent to teach in English, despite the above listed manners of proving the teacher’s competences to teach in English language, the Senate of the University can at a later date request an additional assessment of his/her knowledge, or impose measures for necessary professional development of the employee, and set the threshold of points in the English language examination (Proficiency Examination at English Language School, or TOEFL, or others).

(3) In case the employee declines or fails to bring evidence in respect to this Article, the University can terminate the employment contract with the employee on the following bases:

a) employee declines to fulfill the legal requirement to pursue further education;

b) employee does not fulfill the necessary criteria for the position within the current job classification; or

c) employee does not possess personal qualities, or has failures, or is incompetent to perform the duties (termination of work based on personal circumstances).

(4) The procedure referred to in Clause (3) of this Article is carried out in a strictly formal procedure.

(5) Decision referred to in Clause (3) is made by the Rector, and the employee is entitle to lodge an appeal to the Board of Trustees of the University within 8 days from the date of making the first-instance decision.

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Article 145

(Rights and obligations arising from the appointment to the title)

(1) In case that the candidate for the appointment to the title for justified reasons could not meet the condition of mentoring a candidate for the second or the third study cycle, an equivalence, or substitution, to mentorship is introduced, in respect to the minimum criteria stipulated by the Law, where three additional scientific papers published in recognized publications are required.

(2) The following reasons are considered justified in respect to the preceding Clause: the University did not organize the second or the third study cycle courses; long-lasting illness prevented the candidate; or other reasons which according to the Senate’s assessment may be taken as objective reasons.


Article 146

(Selection of members of academic staff)

A member of the academic staff is selected for a scientific or artistic area or a teaching subject and can participate in realization of the teaching process only in the teaching subject for which he/she has been selected, or which belongs to the scientific/artistic area for which the selection has been made, which applies for all three study cycles.


Article 147

(Definitions of terms)

(1) Legal terms, in view of this Statute, bear the following meanings:

a) Publically presented forms of artistic expression means any public presentation of written, verbal, project, poetic, prose, painted, media, TV, radio, music and/or other individual forms of creative expression which are related and/or contribute to the arts.

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b) A catalogued book means cataloguing by a competent institution in the country or abroad. A reviewed and catalogued book previously published in a foreign country is recognized in accordance with the criteria for reviewing and cataloguing books in the home country where the book has been published.

c) Mentoring from minimum conditions for appointment of the academic staff into scientific-teaching titles at the University means a successful mentorship in the second and third study cycles, or a successful mentorship in the process of acquiring the scientific degree of a Master or a Doctor in accordance with the study system prior to the Bologna system of studying.

d) A published book means a thematically comprehensive and compact reviewed scientific, professional or artistic text in printed or electronic form, which focuses on a particular area, has never been published before, which has been catalogued by the library of an organizational unit and by the University and which is available to students and to the academic community.

e) A published scientific paper means an original scientific paper, or a short original scientific paper, or a review article, or a preliminary note, either of which which has been published in a recognized publication or a collection of scientific papers from a scientific conference.

f) An original method means a scientific method, a collection of cognitive- epistemological principles of logical and procedural rules which science as an activity applies in the scientific-research practice.

g) An original personal achievement means a patent, a project, or an original method.

h) A patent is the acknowledgement of the right in relation to the invention which offers a new solution to a technical problem, and it generally applies to a particular product, procedure or application.

i) Demonstrated results in teaching means positive evaluation of the academic staff work activities, which must be carried out at the end of the teaching process in an academic year in accordance with the Statute; lectures held at other universities; evaluation of the teacher’s engagement in development of innovating the curriculum and syllabus; interest demonstrated by students to choose the teacher’s subject; success in advancement of junior scientific-teaching and art-teaching staff.

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j) Recognition for successful activities in a relevant artistic area means domestic and international awards obtained at relevant events and festivals, related exclusively to the quality of the artworks, or comprehensive activities in a particular area of art; also invitations to participate in international and domestic events and festivals of artistic creativity, invitations to visit other universities and academies, or significant projects and workshops.

k) A recognized publication means any publication which is contained in the registry of domestic or international databases, which is brought by the Senate in accordance with the Law.

l) A project represents an original, published scientific-research work realized through basic, applied and developmental research in different scientific fields. A project also means a number of time-limited activities with scientific or professional goals within one or more scientific or artistic areas.

m) A University textbook means a publication approved by the University or by another university in the country or abroad.

n) A successful mentoring referred to in Clause (c) means appointment for a mentor in the second study cycle by the Council, or in the third study cycle by the Senate.

o) A significant contribution to development of art and culture means successful engagements in professional organizations which are significant for development of culture or a particular area in the arts; it also means establishing and running artistic projects and workshops.

(2) When selecting candidates for appointment into the same or higher title, only the following are considered: published works, books, application of one’s own research results, projects, mentoring, or publically presented forms of artistic expression, or achievements in the work of the academic staff as defined in this Article, and only after the last appointment to the title; these must accompany the application in each selection procedure for appointment to the title.

(3) In terms of this Article, any co-authored publications and papers are regarded as authored works.

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Article 148

(Establishing the registry of domestic and international databases)

(1) Within two months after adoption of the Statute, at latest, and based on the previously submitted proposals by the Councils of organizational units, the Senate of the University shall establish a registry of domestic and international databases, and adopt a Book of Rules on keeping the record of registry of publications.

(2) Papers published in domestic and international publications which are kept by the international databases, and which are defined in the registry in Clause 1 of this Article, will be considered relevant in the process of selection for appointment to the academic titles.

(3) A paper published in a publication which is not kept by the international databases is considered relevant in the process of selection for the appointment to the academic title, under condition that the paper has been reviewed by at least two reviewers, and the candidate must submit the evidence thereof when applying for the appointment to the title.

(4) The Book of Rules and the Registry referred to in Clause 1 of this Article will be submitted to the Ministry within thirty days from its adoption by the University.

(5) Any changes or amendments to the Registry referred to in Clause 1 of this Article are carried out in the same manner and following the same procedure applying for its establishment.

(6) Any paperes published prior to the establishment of the Registry referred to in Clause 1 of this Article will be considered relevant in the procedure of selection for appointment to the academic titles, in accordance with the Law on scientific-research activities.

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Article 149

(Conditions to award the Honorary Doctor of the University Degree)

(1) The University can award a Honorary Doctor of the University Degree to outstanding scientists, prominent cultural activists, or other public figures from the country or abroad for their extraordinary contribution in particular areas of scientific-teaching, scientific- research, artistic, cultural, or any other form of public actions.

(2) Decision on awarding a Honorary Doctor Degree is brought by the Senate, upon proposal by the Founder.

Article 150

(Procedure to award the Honorary Doctor of the University Degree)

(1) The degree-awarding ceremony for Honorary Doctors of the University is held in a ceremony chaired by the Rector with Vice-Rectors of the University.

(2) At the ceremony, the representative of the proposer states the basic particulars of the nominated candidate as well as the reasons which led the proposers to propose to the Senate of the University that the title of the Honorary Doctor of the University be awarded to the nominated candidate.

(3) After that, the Rector of the University states the decision made by the Senate, gives a brief argumentation and then presents the Degree Certificate to the Honorary Doctor.

(4) The content and form of the Degree Certificate is set by the Senate of the University.

(5) The Certificate of the Honorary Doctor of the University Degree is signed by the Rector of the University.

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Article 151

(The Honorary Doctor of the University Degree Certificate)

The Honorary Doctor of the University Degree Certificate is written in one of the official languages of the constitutive peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and in English language.


Article 152

(Criteria to award the honorary title)

(1) Honorary title of Professor Emeritus may be granted to retired Full Professors on the proposal of the University organizational unit.

(2) The cumulative criteria for the Honorary Title of Professor Emeritus are as follows:

a) minimum of 10 years of successful engagement in teaching; b) contribution to scientific or artistic fields by written publications; c) a number of successful mentorships of candidates for Masters and Doctors; d) raising successors in teaching and science in his/her area of expertise; e) a larger number of published scientific books significant for their field.

Article 153

(Rights and responsibilities of the Professor Emeritus)

In accordance with the Law and the Statute, the Professor Emeritus is engaged in the following activities:

a) as a mentor to candidates preparing their doctoral dissertations or master theses, for their evaluation and defense; b) as a member of committees for selection of academic staff; c) as a member of committees for equivalence of diploma awards issued by foreign higher education institutions; d) as a reviewer of papers; e) for coordination and work in scientific-research and artistic projects; f) as a lecturer for delivering some of the lectures within the subjects in any of the three study cycles should there be a staff shortage, under condition that

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he/she cannot be in full charge of the subject, nor can he/she independently conduct the final examination; g) in professional development programs designed for junior scientists; h) in any other activities in accordance with the Statute.

Article 154


The University can award an unlimited number of honorary titles of Professor Emeritus annually.

Article 155

(Timely initiative)

The Dean is required to monitor the needs and abilities of the University to award the Professor Emeritus titles and provide timely initiatives in that respect.

Article 156

(Awarding of the title of Professor Emeritus to Full Professors from other higher education institutions)

Councils of organizational units can also propose that retired Full Professors from other universities be awarded the honorary title of Professor Emeritus.

Article 157

(Procedure to propose awarding to the title of Professor Emeritus)

Upon proposal of the Council of the organizational unit for awarding the honorary title of Professor Emeritus, the Dean of the organizational unit submits the proposal to the Senate. The proposal must be accompanied by the following documents:

a) a detailed CV/biography; b) bibliography; c) documentation supporting the claim of outstanding achievements and meeting the criteria set by the Book of Rules on granting the honorary title of Professor Emeritus;

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d) the nominated retired Full Professor’s written consent to be awarded the title of Professor Emeritus, submitted to the Council of the organizational unit; e) decision made by the Council of the organizational unit of the International University of Sarajevo regarding the proposal for granting the honorary title of Professor Emeritus.

Article 158

(Committee for evaluation of the proposal for awarding the honorary title)

(1) Having received the proposal referred to in the preceding Article, the Senate appoints the Committee for evaluation of the proposal, consisting of at least three Full Professors. The decision on the appointment of the Committee members sets also the deadline for preparing and submitting the Committee’s proposal.

(2) Majority of the Committee members must be from the narrow scientific or artistic area where the candidate comes from.

(3) Members of the Committee are entitled to request from the Dean of the organizational unit which proposed the candidate for the honorary title of Professor Emeritus any additional documentation about the proposed candidate.

Article 159

(Committee’s report)

The Committee referred to in the preceding Article submits a written report with their evaluation and opinion, which must be signed by all members of the Committee, to the Senate for discussion.

Article 160

(Book of Rules on awarding the honorary title of Professor Emeritus)

Procedure to award the honorary title of Professor Emeritus and any other related issues are defined in more detail in the Book of Rules on awarding the honorary title of Professor Emeritus, which is adopted by the Senate.

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Article 161

(Conditions to announce a public competition)

(1) Selection of the academic staff and their appointment to academic titles is carried out in all cases by announcement of a public competition which is announced by the Senate of the University and is carried out in accordance with the procedure and the criteria set out by the Law, Standards and Norms, this Statute; and generally accepted standards in the particular profession.

(2) The teaching need as a basis for announcement of the public competition referred to in Clause 1 of this Article, as well as a number of vacancies, are set out in the decision by the Council of the organizational unit based on the optimal average workload proscribed by Standards and Norms.


Article 162

(Committee for selection of candidates and for evaluation of the candidate's initial lecture)

(1) In the procedure for preparing the proposal for appointing to the titles, the Council of the organizational unit of the University appoints a Committee consisting of three to five members holding the same or higher title compared to the proposed candidate, with the each member’s prior written consent to be engaged in the work of the Committee.

(2) In the procedure for preparing the proposal for appointing Assistants, Senior Assistants and Lectors, the Council of the organizational unit appoints a Committee consisting of three members holding the title of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor or Full Professor, with the each member’s prior written consent to be engaged in the work of the Committee.

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(3) Majority of the Committee members must be from the narrow field of expertise, and the others may be from the related scientific or artistic fields of expertise as the proposed candidate.

(4) The candidate who has not previously participated in the teaching process at higher education institutions is required to present an initial lecture to students and members of the Committee referred to in Clause 1 of this Article in the relevant subject, or in the narrow scientific or artistic field of expertise the candidate has applied for.

(5) In the selection and appointment procedure, the Committee referred to in Clause 1 of this Article evaluates the success of the initial lecture, taking into consideration the results of the students’ evaluation as well as success of the lecture in English language.

(6) English language competence is a compulsory criterion taken into account in the procedure of selecting and appointing the candidate into the title, which is further continuously monitored by the University in view of Article 145 of the Statute.

(7) The topic of the initial lecture is decided by the Committee after having consultations with the candidate.

(8) The University is obliged to inform the public in a transparent manner of time and place of delivering the lecture referred to in Clause 4 of this Article.


Article 163

(Procedure to establish responsibilities of the Selection Committee)

(1) All committees appointed for the purpose of carrying out their duties and tasks at the University are required to complete their obligations and submit their reports, in the previously set deadlines, in compliance with the Law, the Statute and the Rules of Procedure on work of the Selection Committee for preparing proposals for appointments into academic titles.

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(2) Non-compliance with the work commitments of the Committee members without justified reasons is considered as a non-compliance with their regular work obligations.

(3) The Senate, the Council and the Manager of the organizational unit carry out the procedure of ascertaining the responsibilities and are authorized to pronounce the relevant disciplinary measures to the members of the Committee who have failed to fulfil their obligations referred to in Clause 1 of this Article, which is determined by the Book of Rules on Disciplinary Accountability of the University employees in more detail.

(4) The application for initiating the procedure is directly submitted to the Rector of the University, or through the Dean of the organizational unit, or through the office of the General Secretary.

(5) Should it be established that there is reasonable doubt that the work obligation has been breached, then the Rector makes a decision to appoint a Disciplinary Committee consisting of three (3) members from the University employees for the purpose of carrying out the disciplinary procedure and proposing the disciplinary measure in case the breach of the work obligation is proven.

(6) Individuals referred to in Clause 2 of this Article who are identified as acting without justified grounds and contrary to provisions referred to in Clause 1 of this Article shall be prohibited to participate in work of the Bodies or Committees appointed by the University for the period of one year or longer, and another disciplinary measure can also be pronounced in accordance with the established level of their responsibility.


Article 164

(Making a decision on the selection and appointment to the title)

Having completed the full procedure in accordance with the Law, the appointment of the academic staff is concluded when the decision or confirmation on the appointment to the title is brought by the Senate of the University.

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Article 165

(Rights and obligations of the academic staff and of the University)

(1) Teachers and assistants are obliged to regularly perform their teaching and other duties in accordance with the Law, Standards and Norms, this Statute, and by-laws of the University; and they must fulfil their obligations in respect to the scientific, artistic and professional work they have been hired for, in accordance with the timetable and 40-hour weekly workload.

(2) Teachers and assistants can perform the approved forms of scientific and professional work outside the University premises, in accordance with the Law and the Statute, where for each particular engagement a request must be duly submitted by the teacher or the assistant in writing to the Dean for approval.

(3) Teachers and assistants can have a temporary reschedule of their workload within the 40-hour weekly workload, in accordance with the Book of Rules on Labor Relations.

Article 167

(Obligations of the academic and administrative staff towards the University)

Academic and administrative staff are required to maintain the reputation of the University by their work, actions and conduct, by adhering to the following:

a) moral and ethical principles;

b) principles of scientific truths, criticism and humanism;

c) principles of autonomy of the University;

d) provisions of this Statute and other general and specific by-laws of the University.

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Article 167

(Rights and responsibilities of the academic staff of the University)

In performing their duties in the scientific-teaching and art-teaching process, academic staff appointed as Assistant Professors, Associate Professors and Full Professors, have the right and responsibility to:

a) conduct the teaching fully in accordance with the teaching schedule, in the number of hours set out in the syllabus; b) keep records of the students' attendance, examinations and students' results; c) organize and carry out the scientific research activities; d) recommend textbooks and reference materials in the subject they teach; e) conduct assessments at regular intervals according to the schedule, within the prescribed deadlines and by all the established forms of assessment; f) carry out consultations with the students to assist them in the assimilation of the studied material; g) propose further development and review of the syllabi; h) propose themes of final papers and assists students in capacity of the mentor in preparation of their final graduation papers in the first, second and the third cycle of studies; i) perform other duties specified by law, by this Statute and other by-laws of the University.

Article 168

(Responsibilities of a subject teacher)

(1) If the subject is taught by one teacher only, then he/she is considered to be the responsible subject teacher (hereinafter: the subject teacher).

(2) For the subjects that are taught by more selected teachers, all are held responsible for the teaching performed and completed assessment of the students, while one of them is held responsible for the subject as the subject teacher.

(3) Within one subject, part of the teaching can be conducted by the teacher from another study program should the teacher have been appointed into the title in accordance with the Law.

(4) The subject teacher keeps records of the students’ completed obligations in the learning process, determines the organization of the delivery of the teaching material and

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the method of conducting student assessments, as well as any other activities in accordance with the Law and this Statute.

(5) The subject teacher is selected by the Council upon the Dean’s proposal.

Article 169

(Rights and responsibilities of the academic staff in titles of Senior Assistant or Assistant)

In performing their duties in the scientific-teaching and the art-teaching process, the academic staff appointed as Senior Assistants or Assistants have the rights and responsibilities to:

a) prepare and perform practical teaching tasks under the supervision of the qualified teacher; b) assist the teacher in preparing the scientific-teaching process; c) keep records of the students' attendance during the practical teaching tasks; d) assist the subject teacher in organization of all forms of student assessments; e) carry out the consultations with the students; f) work on the personal professional and scientific development in order to prepare for the independent teaching and scientific research work in order to acquire a higher academic title; g) perform other duties in compliance with the Law, this Statute and other by-laws of the University.

Article 170

(Responsibilities of the academic staff towards the students of the University)

(1) Members of the academic staff are required to carry out their teaching and other obligations properly, in accordance with the Law, the Statute, or other by-laws of the University, and they are required to pay special attention to students and encourage them in their independent work and involvement in professional, scientific and artistic work.

(2) Assistants and Senior Assistants cannot conduct lectures independently, nor independently examine students on the final examinations.

(3) The University academic staff member can be granted a paid leave of absence for up to two semesters to prepare their Master’s thesis or Doctoral dissertation, scientific, artistic or professional development, or to perform activities of special interest for the University, which is defined in more detail by a by-law of the University.

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(4) During the leave of absence of the member of academic staff for the reasons referred to in the preceding Clause, the University is obliged to arrange a continuous flow of the teaching process, and arrange that other teaching duties be carried out by replacing the absent member of the academic staff with a qualified substitute.

Article 171

(Commencement of the employment relationship and other issues)

(1) The employment relationship, criteria, procedure and other issues related to commencement of the employment relationship between the academic staff appointed to the scientific-teaching/artistic-teaching title and the University are based on the public competition for appointment to the title, in accordance with the procedure stipulated by the Law and other by-laws.

(2) When commencing the employment relationship with the University, the employment contract may stipulate in which organizational unit the employee will be engaged.

(3) The University can conclude the employment contract with the academic staff on a full-time or a part-time basis.

(4) As a rule, the academic staff is engaged in the teaching process at the faculty which is involved in the scientific field of their professional competences; however, they may be engaged at another organizational unit, under condition that they participate in the teaching process in the subject or scientific areas for which they have been appointed to the title.

Article 172

(Commencement of employment relationship of administrative staff)

Employment of administrative staff is concluded based on the Rector’s or the Board of Trustees’ decision and based on the internal vacancy notice, or a public competition.

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Article 173

(Rights and responsibilities arising from the employment relationship and work engagements)

(1) The University employees exercise their rights and fulfil obligations arising from their employment relationship in accordance with the Labor Act, the Statute and Book of Rules on Labor Relations, unless stipulated otherwise by special regulations in the area of higher education.

Article 174

(Conditions for re-organization of positions at the University)

(1) Should the need arise, or due to the reduction in the workload of academic staff in the teaching process, the University can decide to deploy employees to other positions, or can take measures for internal re-organization and job classification, in accordance with law.

Article 175

(Unpaid leave of absence)

(1) In addition to the reasons stipulated by law, the academic and administrative staff of the University can also be granted unpaid leave of absence for up to one year, during which period the rights and obligations arising from the employment relationship will remain dormant.

(2) The unpaid leave in respect to Clause 1 of this Article can be granted to academic and administrative staff in the following circumstances:

a) to perform public duties; b) to care for a family member; c) to have medical treatment; d) to use the leave for professional development over a period longer than that defined by the Statute; and e) in other circumstances which will be considered in each particular case.

Article 176

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(Hiring teachers)

(1) In case the teacher in a particular subject is on a longer leave of absence due to: sick leave, paid leave, performing a public duty due to which his/her employment relationship remains dormant, or for other personal reasons, then, in view of Article 133 of the Statute, and for the purpose of unobstructed delivery of the teaching process and carrying out the examination procedures, the University can hire another teacher or retired Full Professor for up to one academic year, without advertising for a vacancy.

(2) Provisions of this Article shall simultaneously apply in case of death, resignation or mutual cancellation of the employment contract of the academic staff.

Article 177

(Disciplinary accountability of a member of the academic staff)

(1) In case that the teacher or assistant fails to perform his/her set duties in a conscientious manner and by doing so limits the rights and obligations of the students and causes detrimental consequences for the University operations, then the teacher or the assistant can be held accountable thereof before the disciplinary authorities appointed by the University bodies.

(2) Disciplinary accountability of the teachers, scientific or other assistants is set by a particular Book of Rules on disciplinary accountability of employees, which is adopted by the Board of Trustees of the University.

Article 178

(Trade Union organizing of the employees)

Trade Union organizing at the University is done in accordance with the applicable regulations, without any interference of the University bodies, or the organizational units or the University, or the University managers.

Article 179

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(Medical examination)

(1) Prior to commencement of each academic year, and even earlier upon request of the manager of the organizational unit, all employees of the University are required to have a systematic medical examination in a health care institution and submit the medical certificate to the University, or to the organizational unit which keeps their personal files.

(2) The University cannot permit any individuals to be involved in the teaching process for whom it has been established by an appropriate medical procedure that the person is: an alcoholic, a drug addict, or a person suffering from contagious or mental diseases.

(3) The infectious disease referred to in the preceding Clause includes the clinically evident disease caused by human pathogenic microbial agents including viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and rickettsiae.

(4) The medical examination report states if the medical examination has and which type of the infectious disease, and instructs the ban on the teaching activities, if necessary.

(5) The University employee for who the health anomalies referred to in Clause (2) of this Article apply shall be required by the Rector’s decision to leave the teaching process immediately after the medical facts have been determined, and shall be sent for treatment.

(6) Having successfully completed the treatment, the employee has the right to return to the same or similar position, or another position in accordance with the needs of the University and in accordance with law.

(7) Financial means for having a medical examination done in accordance with the Law are provided by the University.


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Article 180

(Keeping official records of the University)

(1) The University keeps the main registers of:

a) students and individuals who have acquired higher or tertiary education, professional level of a specialist, or a scientific degree of Master or Doctor of Science;

b) students who have completed the First, Second and Third cycle of study according to the Bologne process of study.

(2) In addition to the documentation referred to in Clause 1 of this Article, the University is required to keep records of examinations, students’ results and any other records stipulated by law, the Statute and by the Book of Rules on keeping records and documentation.

(3) Main registry books and registers on issued diploma awards are kept permanently.

(4) Regulations about the content and form, the manner of keeping the main registry books and registers on the issued diploma awards are brought by the Ministry.

(5) Regulations which stipulate in more detail the procedure and manner of keeping records and keeping all other types of records or documentation are stipulated by the Book of Rules on keeping records and documentation.


Article 181

(Types of public documents)

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(1) On the basis of the official records, the University issues public documents.

(2) Public documents, in terms of the Law, are the following:

a) Diploma of acquired scientific degree of the Doctor of Science;

b) Diploma of acquired scientific degree of Master;

c) Diploma of acquired education level and professional title, and a Diploma Supplement;

d) Withdrawal Certificate;

e) Graduation Certificate;

f) Certificate on Passed Examinations;

g) Certificate on Study Results;

h) Certificate on participation in particular forms of professional development and continuous education and other public documents.

(3) Public documents, in accordance with the Law, are issued by the University to the students who completed their study in accordance with the Bologna process of study, as follows:

a) Diploma;

b) Diploma Supplement;

c) Certificate on a completed level of the study cycle;

d) Transcript of Grades Certificate;

e) Student’s application based on the Students’ Mobility;

f) Certificates on attendance or completion of non-cyclic forms of education (seminars, conferences, and similar); and

g) other public documents in accordance with law, the Statute or by-laws of the University.

Article 182

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(Issue and annullment of public documents)

(1) To students who have completed their study within the cycle, Diploma Award and Diploma Supplement are issued in two languages: in one of the official languages of the constitutive peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and one in English.

(2) The same principle can be applied to all other public documents issued by the University.

(3) Terms and conditions of the issue of diplomas, manner and procedure for granting or withdrawal and annulment of the diplomas after completion of the study cycle, as well as the procedure of issue of a duplicate diploma are determined by law, the Statute and by Book of Rules on the procedure of issue of duplicate diplomas, brought by the Senate.

(4) Diploma, Diploma Supplement, and other public documents, can be issued in other languages upon the student’s request, the cost of which is to be determined by a particular decision made by the Founder.


Article 183

(Procedure and authorities)

(1) The procedure of recognition of foreign higher education qualifications is stipulated in more detail by the Book of Rules on recognition of foreign higher education qualifications, which is adopted by the Senate of the University, and under the Ministry’s approval.

(2) The University can carry out the process of recognition of foreign higher education qualifications after enactment of the Book of Rules referred to in the preceding Clause of this Article.


Article 184

(Notion of the business secret of the University)

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(1) Pursuant to the Law on free access to information, certain information and documentation at the University are considered confidential. Classification of confidentiality can be determined by a particular act brought by the Board of Trustees.

(2) The University and the organizational units within shall refuse to make public any information should such information be regarded as a business secret.

(3) The business secret is considered to be any information which could have detrimental effects on the business interests or reputation of the University and/or its organizational units, or reputation of employees and students, should it be released or provided to unauthorized person.

(3) Having received the approval by the Board of Trustees, the Rector is authorized to remove the label “confidential” from a document or information.

Article 185

(Duty to keep the business secret)

(1) The University employees are obliged to keep the documents and information which have been classified by a competent authority as a business secret.

(2) Obligation to keep the business secret remains even after the termination of the employment relationship, or after a person is not engaged in a particular function any more. Breach of the business secret is considered to be the breach of labor discipline.

(3) Documents which represent the business secret and which are labelled as such are kept and recorded in the separate archives, registered under separate numbers and kept by individuals particularly authorized to do so by the Rector and/or the Dean of the organizational unit.


Article 186

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(Authorities of supervision over the University operations)

(1) Supervision over the implementation of the Law and regulations adopted for its implementation at the University is conducted by the Ministry in the manner stipulated by the Law.

(2) Supervisory inspection over the implementation of the Law, implementation regulations, acts and decisions made by the University bodies, which have been brought in order to fulfil the obligations stipulated by the Law, is conducted by the competent inspection authority in accordance with law.


Article 187

(Statute of the University)

(1) The Statute of the University is the main general act, adopted by the Senate in compliance with the Framework Legislation on Higher Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in compliance with the current Law on Higher Education in Sarajevo Canton.

(2) Any changes and amendments to the Statute are made in the manner and following the procedures provided for its adoption.


Article 188

(The University by-laws)

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(1) In accordance with the Law and the Statute, the University shall bring and harmonize the following by-laws:

a) By-laws brought by the Board of Trustees:

1 ) Book of Rules on Labor Relations,

2) Book of Rules on Internal Organization and Job Classification with short descriptions of jobs performed at IUS,

3) Book of Rules on the Disciplinary Accountability of IUS Employees (academic and non-academic staff),

4) Rules of Procedure for Activities of the Board of Trustees.

b) By-laws brought by the Senate under approval by the Board of Trustees:

1) Book of Rules for Study in the First Study Cycle at IUS,

2) Book of Rules for Study in the Second Study Cycle at IUS,

3) Book of Rules for Study in the Thired Study Cycle at IUS.

c) By-laws brought by the Senate:

1) Rules of Procedure for Activities of the Senate,

2) Book of Rules on Scientific-Research/Artistic-Research Activities and Academic Titles,

3) Book of Rules on Proposing, Accepting and Monitoring of Study Programs at IUS,

4) Book of Rules on Criteria for Ranking Candidates Enrolling in the First Year of the First, Second and Third Study Cycle at IUS,

5) Book of Rules on Establishing Essential Elements in the Study Contracts,

6) Book of Rules on Quality Assurance at IUS,

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7) Book of Rules on Disciplinary and Material Accountability of Students at IUS,

8) Book of Rules on Recognition of Foreign Educational Qualifications,

9) Book of Rules on the Procedure for Evaluation of Academic Staff at IUS,

10) Book of Rules on the Procedure for Assessment of IUS Students,

11) Book of Rules on Recognition of Duly Passed Examinations and Equivalence,

12) Book of Rules on the Business Secret at IUS,

13) Book of Rules on Openness of Work at IUS,

14) Code of Ethics,

15) Book of Rules on Publishing Activities,

16) Rules of Procedure for the Selection Committee Proposing Appointments to the Academic Titles,

17) Book of Rules on Awards,

18) Book of Rules on Work of the Student Demonstrators,

19) Book of Rules on Procedures for Granting the Honorary Title of Professor Emeritus,

20) Book of Rules on Distance Education,

21) Book of Rules on Lifelong Learning,

22) Book of Rules on the Procedure for Evaluation of Work of Non- Academic Staff,

23) Book of Rules on Establishing and Activities of Students' Clubs,

24) Book of Rules on Official Correspondence and Archiving at IUS,

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25) Book of Rules on Keeping the Register of Publications of the International University of Sarajevo,

26) Book of Rules on the Procedure for Issuing Diploma Duplicates,

d) Rules of procedure which are brought by Councils of faculties, and

e) other by-laws brought on a later date.

(2) Besides the Statute and the Book of Rules, the University, or the competent bodies, also bring decisions, declarations, rules of procedure, instructions, recommendations, minutes, plans, and other acts.

(3) The initiative for adoption of by-laws, their amendments and supplements can be provided by: the Founder, the Board of Trustees, the Senate, the Rector, the General Secretary, the Councils, Managers/Directors of organizational units, Heads of Departments, Managers of offices and University services, in accordance with the Law and this Statute.

Article 189

(Interpretation of by-laws)

(1) Authentic interpretation of the by-laws shall be provided by the authority which has adopted them.

(2) Originals of by-laws are kept in the separate University archives.

Article 190


This Statute shall enter into force on the day following the day of the decision of harmonization of the Statute with the Law, which is brought by the Ministry.

Article 191

(Expiry of previous general acts)

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By enactment of this Statute, any other general acts which previously stipulated the issues contrary to this Statute shall expire.


Prof. dr Özer Çinar


A copy of this Statute is announced by being posted on the notice board of the International University of Sarajevo on ______2012, at ______o’clock.

A copy of this Statute is announced by placing the same text on the International University of Sarajevo web page on ______2012, at ______o’clock.


Prof. dr Özer Çinar

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