A Quarterly Journal of Anti-Civilization Thought and Strategy $2 U$A, $3 CAN, $4 WORLD Green Free to Prisoners! AnarchyAnarchy ##1010 FALLFALL ‘02‘02 IssueIssue The price of Progress. A planet plundered, It’s forests obscenely slashed, clear-cut, Man-icured and man- aged. It’s soil exhausted, Disappeared, paved over, chemo-therapeutized It’s water polluted, it’s air turned into a sulfurous Poison gas, a charred planet exposed to deadly Radiation. A garden turned into a toxic cesspool. A phoney civilized veneer doesn’t impress or Deter me. When it falls, I will spit on the very memory Of it and rejoice. In this issue: *Repression of N17 movement, by Jim Awol *Interview with Ann Hansen of Direct Action *myriad info-bombs! ISSUE 10- Halloween 2002 $3 U$A, $4 CAN, $5 World Always Free to Prisoners! GREENP.O. Box 11331, Eugene, ANARCHY OR 97440
[email protected] NONO MEMBERSHIP by Jack Wylde REQUIREDREQUIREDREQUIREDREQUIRED organization: act of organizing; the manner in which the abstract oblivion, I will illustrate them with an example. A ORGANIC branches of a service, etc. are arranged; individuals group of people from all different backgrounds came together systematically united for some work; a society. for a weekend to prepare an action against a large biotechnology REVOLT OR corporation. People were invited only by word of mouth and PUBLIC Peering out a jetliner window over the coast of Los Angeles, no flyers or press advisories were sent out ahead of time. This DISSENT? California, my thoughts drift into disgust by what disgraces gave us the jump on the company and the cops.