2010 - 2016 Graffiti Removals YEAR # of Areas Square Meters Removed Sites 2010 15,835.00 46,550.00 6,166.00 2011 11,694.50 35,745.85 5,467.00 2012 15,536.25 53,716.05 5,588.00 2013 11,997.00 50,830.75 5,569.00 2014 15,503.00 41,635.47 6,964.00 2015 16,989.00 43,602.50 6,947.00 2016 15,137.50 30,549.50 4,872.00 102,692.25 302,630.12 41,573.00 Note that the 2016 figures are inclusive only through August 2015 Graffiti Removals - Streets Street Name (beside) Wellington (Across from) St. Mary's (behind) Corydon (Behind) Osborne (behind) Notre Dame (behind) Osborne (behind) Portage (In front of) Portage (In front of) Portage Along Cavalier Chief Peguis Trail Corydon (dumpster) Osborne ( behind) Marion ( behind) Ellice ( behind) Roslyn (Across from )McGee (across from) Clifton (across from) Erin (across from) Logan (across from) Logan (across street) Wellington (across) King (Backlane pole) Home (backlane) of Notre Dame (behind Balmoral) (Behind Daly Burger) Corydon (behind) Broadway (Behind) Broadway (behind) corner of Valour & Portage (behind) Ellice (behind) Ellice (behind) Furby (behind) Kildonan Park Golf course (behind) Kildonan Park Golf course (behind) Lilac (behind) Logan (behind) Marion (behind) Marion (behind) Marion (behind) Marion (behind) Maryland (behind) Maryland (behind) Maryland (behind) of Notre Dame (behind) of Notre Dame (behind) Osborne (behind) Osborne (behind) Osborne (behind) Osborne (behind) Portage (behind) Portage (behind) Portage (behind) Portage (behind) Portage (behind) Portage (behind) Portage (behind) Portage
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