SOUTHEASTEUROPE in Focus No. 5/2020 External Actors Series: Turkey With contributions by Dimitar Bechev Srecko Latal Hamdi Fırat Büyük Dino Mujadžević Birgül Demirtaş Sabina Pacariz Ahmet Erdi Öztürk Beken Saatçioğlu Mariya Hake Edited by Christian Hagemann © Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft, August 2020 Widenmayerstr. 49 80538 München Email:
[email protected] URL: All rights reserved Southeast Europe in Focus 5/ 2020 Editor: Christian Hagemann, Deputy Director of the Southeast Europe Association, Munich Published by Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft e.V. / Southeast Europe Association, August 2020, Munich. This publication is written within the framework of the project “Reality Check Series: Sources, Tools and Impact of External Non-EU-Engagement in Southeast Europe” led by the Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft (SOG) with the support of the German Federal Foreign Office (Stability Pact for Southeast Europe sponsored by Germany). About the project Recently, the Western Balkans region and the whole of Southeast Europe have developed into a showcase of great power interests. In particular, Russia, Turkey, and China are coming to the fore as increasingly committed external actors (in addition to the European Union and the USA). Nevertheless, there are differences in the motivations and goals of the actors concerned. The project of the Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft / Southeast Europe Association took a closer look at the motives, instruments, and effects of the influence of Russia, Turkey, and China. The project examined the geostrategically, security policy,