WAIKATO 2070 DISTRICT COUNCIL Growth & Economic Development Strategy COUNCIL: GROWTH & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 2 Adopted by Waikato Council 19May 2020. District environments.urban development ofcommunities includingrural throughout and thedistrict, and physical dimensions. Waikato 2070isconcerned withthegrowth and into accountterm, taking itseconomic, social, environmental, cultural The strategy takesabroad andinclusive approach to growth over thelong WHAT DOESITCOVER? social, cultural, economic andenvironmental wellbeing. Waikato 2070willultimately inform long-term planningandtherefore affect liveable, communities. andconnected thriving The growth within direction and combines economic, andenvironmental community to objectives create growth indicated in Waikato analysis 2070hasbeeninformed by in-depth where andwhen growth over 50-years. occurs inthedistrict thenext The A guidingdocument that the Waikato Council usesto District inform how, WHAT ISTHEGROWTH STRATEGY? 83,oftheLocal GovernmentSection (2002). Act This document hasbeenprepared usingtheSpecialConsultative Procedure, district. growth andeconomic thewellbeing development ofthe that willsupport 2070)hasbeendeveloped to provide(Waikato guidance onappropriate The Waikato Council Growth District &Economic Development Strategy WAIKATO DISTRICT WELCOME TO THE ntroduction 01.0 CONTENTS 02.0 03.0 0 05.0 06 4.0 .0

I O F O I Glossar mplementation ocus Areas ur Opportunities ur Opportunities ur Towns y

13 19 25 43 46 4 VERSION: 16062020

Waikato 2070 3 : GROWTH & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 4 of Council adopting Waikato 2070)were bothunderdevelopment. * RiverCommunities Spatial Plan and theHamilton-Waikato Metropolitan Area Spatial Plan which(at thetime with theResource (1991)andrelevant Act Management statements. national policy At anational level, thisstrategy sitsundertheLocal Government (2002) andisinaccordance Act Regional Land Transport Strategy. Regionally, thisstrategy isinformed by documents suchastheRegional Policy Statement andthe isdeveloped. Proof) anda Future Corridor InitiativeAuckland partners Development Strategy (Phase ofFuture 2Review The intention isto update Waikato thesespatial plansare 2070after adopted by theHamilton to intheHamiltonand someoftheemerging to Corridor Initiative spatial thinking plans*. At asub-regional level, thisstrategy helpsdeliver ontheFuture Proof Strategy (Phase 1Review) investigation andfeasibility) identified oneachofthedevelopment plans. This strategy provides theindicative extentandtimingfor future growth to further cells (subject to you andwhat asacommunity youimportant want to have happen. investment. The Blueprints have helpedto inform the Waikato 2070process by identifying what is district. Waikato 2070isabroader longer viewofgrowth for future withinthedistrict planningand Blueprint to inform future planning, investment by theCouncil anddecision-making for the Waikato 2070draws ontheinitiatives andambitionsthat are identified inthe District Waikato 01.2 HOW ITFITS natural, rural where andurban, we live, andplay. learn work, overall wellbeing ofindividualsisstrongly influenced oftheenvironments, by thequality including oflife,the quality socialamenity, economic andwellbeing prosperity ofourcommunities. The on economic development andcommunity willhave activities, particularly long-term impacts The planning, design andmanagement andrural ofoururban areas, andtheneedto support the environment whichisessential for thehealthandwellbeing ofthepeople. communities’ vision. Whilst enablinggrowth, Waikato 2070aimsto dothisinaway that protects governments, andtheCouncil localauthorities neighbouring itself, to helpdeliver andachieve the planning. This document willinform rural communities, andurban businesses, investors, , combining economic development andcommunity withfuture landuseandinfrastructure Waikato 2070isunique, ittakesanintegrated approach to future growth inthe Waikato district, • • • • communities. Waikato 2070isbasedaround four keythemeswhichare ourFocus Areas: a long-term planto achieve theCouncil’s visionofcreating liveable, andconnected thriving The Waikato Council Growth District andEconomic Development Strategy, Waikato 2070,provides 01.1 ABOUTTHISSTRATEGY INTRODUCTION. 01.0

Empo Embr Build O Gr ow Communities Our ace Identity Our wer People Our ur Businesses REGION WIDE Base Art Economic ows/retail spending Current towns andsettlements Future mass-transit stations Airports/ports/inland ports Airports/ports/inland Transport connections Blue green networks Industrial Clusters Industrial Tasman Sea WHERE THEDISTRICTISSITUATED Auckland Manukau Harbour Manukau Otaua rail andstation side/collector Raglan Pukekohe Aka Aka Aka $ airport rivers, lakes, wetlands Creative Ind. Te Akau Te Kohanga Te South Akau Manukau Papakura $$ Drury Ngaruawahia Pukemiro anatra highway main/arterial short-term Pokeno Glen Afton Mercer Huntly Otorohonga seaport Secondary Ind. Secondary $$$ Hamilton Mangatawhiri signi cant natural areas medium/long-term Puketaha Hauraki landport Primary Ind. Primary Newstead Matangi Cambridge Thames (and connections into(and connections Auckland, Hamilton, Waipa) (state highways, rail) arterials, Bay ofPlenty

Waikato 2070 5 WAIKATO DISTRICT COUNCIL: GROWTH & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 6 as theinitiatives are completed. that thiscommunity-led development isincludedinthisstrategy over time initiatives that achieve theaspirations ofourcommunities. The intention is people andlocal, regional anddevelop andnational agencies, to support withour Community-led development inpartnership isaboutworking the district. from themany competitive andcomparative advantages offered across ensure that therightconditions exist for allbusinessesto grow andbenefit Economic development withothersto leverage and meansworking effort communities ofthefuture. andbusiness-led initiatives, ofthecommunity wesupport canshapeour landuseandinfrastructure planning, andtheactive evidence-based District’sPeople Businesses(Waikato andOur four Focus Areas). Through Communities, Our pillars ofastrong Identity, andresilient Our society: Our order to achieve thebestoutcomes from growth thefour we mustnurture ofourcommunities areand theshapefunction intrinsically linked. In We recognise that thewellbeing ofourpeople, thehealthofoureconomy 01.3 COMMUNITY WELLBEING

Waikato 2070 7 WAIKATO DISTRICT COUNCIL: GROWTH & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 8 district. andthewider local community sense ofbelonging bothinthe ashared to peopleandsupport They what’s reflect important infrastructure andamenity. residential options, social providing for arange ofquality planned andpeople-friendly, Liveable communities are well- LIVEABLE THRIVING, AND COMMUNITIES CONNECTED LIVEABLE, providing localemployment. the localbusinesssectors their localassetsandsustain input into themanagement of to provideand capability projects, having thecapacity andcommunity-led making incouncil decision participate Thriving communities THRIVING OUR VISION wellbeing needs. education, employment and that meettheirsocial, health, andamenities access services and enablecommunities to future pattern ofthedistrict willshapethe connections together.various These and engagement inactivities rapid information sharing and digital capabilitiesenable trails, walkways andcycleways, commuter public transport, through roads,Connectivity liveable, communities. thriving social infrastructure to create fit-for-purpose physical and Connected communities have CONNECTED OUR GROWTH 01.5 OUR DISTRICT 01.4 that protecting the environmental iscritical. wellbeing ofthedistrict its proximity to andHamilton Auckland metropolitan areas. Waikato 2070acknowledges environments, andpopulation demographics, mixed geographic socio-economic scale, and are compounded by therural-urban nature diverse natural ofthedistrict, andrural area haspresentedof thejurisdictional newchallengesfor thedistrict. The challenges to encompass thetowns north of shifted boundary Tuakau andPokeno. The expansion Following oflocalgovernment therestructuring inAuckland, the Waikato district investigation to further andfeasibility).(subject development pattern including identifying for specific growth thedistrict, areas andtimings static, andinsomecasesdeclininggrowth. To future growth, support this strategy setsa is significant ashistorically the inthe context ofthedistrict, has experienced district Waikato past decade. This andnational average ishigherthanboth theAuckland growth rates. This The Waikato 3%population hasbeenexperiencing growth district year-on-year over the percentages thanitsrural wards. ofMaaori 2.8%Asian, and2.4%Pasifika.25.9% Maaori, The district’s urban wards have muchhigher (however to thisisexpected changeover time). is69%European, ofthedistrict The make-up highnumberofpeopleagedunder15(25.5%),yetdisproportionately only10%over 65 each withuniqueidentities. hasamedianageof35.3years,The district witha The variednature ofthedistrict’s environment adiverse range of communities, supports soils.should beplaced onenhancingindigenousbiodiversity andquality environment andeconomic whileachievingthebestcommunity outcomes. Emphasis revenue generation andGDP. Environment isaboutmaintaining andenhancingthenatural therefore, makesavitalcontribution to thecountry’s economy interms ofcontribution to are keycontributors to thecountry’s sectors. agricultural andhorticultural The district, The Waikato contains some of thecountry’s district mosthighly-productive soils, which areas ofsignificant indigenous vegetation. Gulf.coastline at ontheHauraki thesettlement ofMiranda isalsohometo largeThe district western coast ofNewZealand, from Aotea to Harbour Port Waikato, andtouches theeastern significant cultural value to iwiandhapuu. The alongthe extends boundary district Waikato region, provides potablewater for thearea population andneighbouring centres andhas flows andisacritical water through body contributing thedistrict to thebiodiversity ofthe (GDP) andishome to over 50%ofNZ’s population. The (NZ’s longestriver) Hamilton and Tauranga, whichgenerates over 50%ofNewZealand gross domesticproduct ofthe located intheheart ‘golden triangle’, theeconomic zone encompassing Auckland, the fastest-growing metropolitan centres inNewZealand isalso -Hamilton andAuckland. It The Waikato covers district 418,893ha,astrategically-significant landareatwo between of

Waikato 2070 9 WAIKATO DISTRICT COUNCIL: GROWTH & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 10 forest, scrubandwetlands into farms. This was thenled by theconversion of followed thoseestablishedby Maori. Main Trunk Line)someofwhich Rail Waikato Island River andtheNorth (Greatcorridors Road, South the posts andsettlements alongthese to thecreation ofmany smallout- leading establishedbycorridors Maori trade developed keytransport European settlement further EUROPEAN ARRIVAL 1840 -1900 1840s. asthe known “Golden Years” to prior the Waikato- experienced atime Meremere, Taupiri,Ngaruawahia). locations (Pokeno, Tuakau, Rangiriri, did in-landtrade routes at keystrategic and paasites formed alongtheriver, as realof prime estate. settlements Maori settlers andwas recognised asanarea resources for Polynesian theearly Waikato River asasource offood and of highlyproductive lands, withthe Waikato Region was area athriving to the Tainui andbeyond. The Waikato-Tainui hasalonglineageback MAAORI SETTLEMENT Pre -1840 CONTINUED AND WILLCONTINUE TO SHAPEITS FUTURE. PATTERNS OFFLOWS OFPEOPLE,GOODSANDWEALTH HAVE A NUMBEROFDEFININGSTAGES INTHEIREVOLUTION. THESE THE WAIKATO DISTRICTANDITS COMMUNITIES HAVE EXPERIENCED OUR HISTORY 01.6 and rail. Auckland, predominantly by river and trading centres, inHamilton and to localand international markets rural economy produce andconnect growth the ofsettlements to service rural populations whichledto the requiredindustries large supporting The growth andagricultural offarming RURAL COMMUNITIES AND THEGROWTH OF THE RISEOFAGRICULTURE 1900 -1930 centres. areas andtheurbanisation ofthemain ofourrural ofthede-population start district. These changesprompted the power generation operations inthe establishment oflarge miningand andthe to farms dairying; of dry-stock favouring road over rail; theconversion therural economy tonetwork service the development ofasignificant roading widespread useofprivate vehicles ledto andthe rural purposes andindustrial for The ofmechanisedmachinery rise OF INDUSTRY AND THEGROWTH MECHANISATION 1930 -1980

products. demand internationally for itsdairy environment, bolstered by strong tolargely theneweconomic re-adjusted had sector 2000sthefarming and early of productive farms. thelate By 1990s growth patterns andthefragmentation main centres for work. This ledto ad-hoc andto commutein thecountry to the rural settlements as people choseto live development. This beganto revive some areas occurred intheform ofperi-urban 2000sareturn theearly toDuring rural RURAL REVIVAL 2000 -2010 the route. townsmany along ofthesmallservice to by-passAuckland, whichstarted began to southfrom beconstructed network the mid-1990smotorway existed.employment By opportunities as Hamilton and Auckland, where more of populations inthemaincentres such competitive, andsaw theconsolidation increased sizes farm inorder to remain towns andsettlements, necessitated ofrural de-population This ledto further environment for to farming operate in. which created amore competitive changed international trade dynamics government subsidiesfrom and farming Economic reforms ofthe1980sremoved URBANISATION 1980 -2000 recent decades. whichhasrarelydistrict, beenseenin development pressures elsewhere inthe Pokeno and Te aswell as Kauwhata, this eventually ledto rapid growth in began to beexperienced. adecade Over on Hamilton and the Waikato district rest ofthecountry, effect anoverflow economy,two-speed andthe Auckland prices. property Whilst initiallycausinga significant growthrising and in Auckland and overseas investment ledto increased internal migration patterns immigrationHigh coupled with OF OURTOWNS THE GROWTH 2010 -2020

11 Waikato 2070 WAIKATO DISTRICT COUNCIL: GROWTH & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 12 TREASURE. AND WHAT WEMUST OUR OPPORTUNITIES 02.0 13 Waikato 2070 WAIKATO DISTRICT COUNCIL: GROWTH & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 14 Strategy. Conservation through thedistricts supported planting values canenhance andis amenity efforts. Ecological enhancement suchas restoration of development, through targeted restoration enhance thecourse theseaheadofandduring to promote,There isanopportunity protect and planreview.the district measures to provide andprotect theseareas under as significant natural istaking areas andthedistrict terrestrial ecological valueparticular are identified significant landscapes. amenity Those with outstanding natural landscapes, whichinclude identified asoutstandingnatural features and systems. landscapevalue are Areas ofparticular and inlandrange gully landscapes;anddistinctive lakes andwetlands; coastlines; steep hillcountry the River anditstributaries; Waipa numerous River; of thenatural environment includethe Waikato place to live, work andplay. features Important create Waikato’s andmakeitaspecial identity The district’s natural features andconstraints use patterns, sotheycancontinue sustainably. around and have future land supported certainty to grow and succeed rural communities needto be in NewZealand’s industries. For primary thedistrict hinterlands andvillages, where peopleare engaged are therural of ourdistrict The backbone district. helping to promote increased wellbeing inthe haveprovision akeyrole andservices to play in Land-useplanning,opportunities. infrastructure housing, employment andeducation choices and advancement ofthemore disadvantaged through and befacilitated inaway whichpromotes the investment choices mustrespond to thesetrends the opposite. Future growth, development and deprivation, whereas othershave experienced economic andsocialindicators andhigh population growth andhistorically declining have ofthedistrict had static parts Some ofoursettlements.reflected intheuniqueidentity with someofthemostaffluent. Thisdiversity is economic communities inNewZealand contrasted demographic comprising someofthelowest socio- hasadiverseThe socio-economic district PEOPLE OUR 02.3 NA OUR 02.1 TURAL ENVIRONMENT

growth pattern inthefuture. means that we needto consider amore compact growth inandaround existing settlements and andgenerally confine areasthe district for future constraints thedevelopment restrict oflandin andranges inmany steep hillcountry parts. These significantly with issues alsoaffect thedistrict to inundation hazards.and subject Topographic bodies, includingcoastlines, are flood-prone Areas around the Waikato River andotherwater ofourlocalandnational foodsustainability supply. industries. theprotection and This iskeyto support and agricultural andtheirsupporting sectors ofthehorticultural highlights the importance forand productivity therural environments. This and development to ensure economic viability subdivision should beprotected from further soils that have notbeensignificantly fragmented, the rural economy. Large sites withhigh-class class soilswhichhave beenthecornerstone of The Waikato contains large district areas ofhigh- RICH SOILS&LANDSCAPES OUR 02.2 Council’s Plan Review. Stage 2District inundation. This topic willbecovered of aspart against hazards suchasfloodingand coastal to appropriate areas meansnothaving to defend we grow anddevelop. development Restricting ontheenvironmentconsidering ourimpact as more sustainably, protecting what we have and means usingournatural andphysical resources to helpreduce theeffectsofclimate change. This changing climate, andthat we adapthow we live infrastructure are more resilient to theeffects ofa take steps to ensure and that ourpeople, property that iscritical we It infrastructure inthedistrict. a hazard to andcouncil communities, property ourlandscapes. impact These weather events pose more frequent adverse weather events which climateOur ischanging andwe are experiencing CLIMATE OUR 02.4 off-road linkages. access through to nature andtourism opportunities Trails Strategy provides and additionalconnections Furthermore, the Walkways, Cycleways &Bridle andregion.assets throughout ourdistrict ourpeopletothat jobsandcommunity connect trails must beutilisedto openuparange ofareas internationally. andcommuter Public transport regionally, thedistrict connect nationally and river andrail) canleverage offtheseassets to help the provision ofimproved (road, publictransport route. Future development and ofthesecorridors of thedistrict’s towns andsettlements alongthe many have andbisect corridors shapedthedistrict run through the district. These transport critical IslandMain and theNorth railTrunk line (NIMT) The (SH1),State Highway 2 TRANSPORT OUR 02.7 sustain therural environment. approach inthefuture to helpbetter maintain and must bemanagedcarefully withanevidence-based the rural environment inthe Waikato district. These are alsoprovidedLifestyle opportunities for within through practices.amenity sustainablefarming landscapes, significant natural areas andrural Waikato protecting outstanding 2070supports withintherural environment. activities support to protect therural economy andthesoilsthat the district’s economy. to continue isimportant It villages makeasignificant contribution towards ofourdistrict. part The rural environment andrural and willcontinue to beacentral focus andintegral The rural environment, includingrural villages, are RURAL ENVIRONMENT OUR 02.5 term impacts onourcommunities.term impacts whichwillhavework andservices, negative long travelling to Auckland, Hamilton and Tauranga for with people commuter district a dormitory our growing becoming risks population thedistrict Without to match newemployment opportunities foremployment ourcommunities. opportunities diversify thedistrict’s economy andprovide and promoted inandaround ourtowns to help needto areas beidentifiedindustrial and activities on andpromoted, includingtherural sector. New wealth creation. These needto beprotected, built provide and ongoingemployment opportunities that sectors hassomekeyindustry The district ECONOMY OUR 02.8 the potential into for newmarkets. exports these cultures and give usbusinessopportunities As theworld becomes more ofaglobalvillage, traditions, religions, history, arts, cuisineandsports. exposing ourcommunities to different languages, multiple cultures now provides arange ofbenefits cultural over community time. The influence of andhasexpanded into amulti- district, bi-cultural withthemigration ofPakehastarted leadingto a isalsohometo otherculturesThe which district values andaspirations withinthisstrategy. theiwi andhapureflecting Tangata Whenua will bestrengthened with by strong partnerships generations are notdeprived. Growth ofthedistrict to ensure that tikanga, practice futureand actively who endeavour to sustainablyutiliseresources withinthe Whenua askaitiaki Waikato district, to acknowledge isimportant taonga. It Tangata provide for land, water, waahi tapuandother Whenua recognises theneedto protect and relationship withthe Waikato district. Tangata Whenua holdsasignificant physical andcultural andwithtiestoKiingitanga many iwi. Tangata The Waikato history, inMaori isrich thehomeof CULTURE OUR 02.6 15 Waikato 2070 REGION WIDE West Coast 16

Port Waikato WAIKATO DISTRICT COUNCIL: GROWTH & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY Blue green networks BLUE-GREEN NETWORKS Mt Waikato Western Country Hill Raglan Harbour Raglan NATURAL ENVIRONMENT rivers, lakes, wetlands Tuakau Hauraki Hauraki Mt Pokeno Hakarimata Ranges Hakarimata natural areas Whangamarino Wetland Huntly Maramarua Te Kauwhata Ngaruawahia Mt Taupiri slopes 21° - Waikato River >35° Hapuakohe Ranges class 1-3soils Firth REGION WIDE Hauraki West Coast Port Waikato Blue green networks Aotea Harbour Mt Karioi Waikato Western Country Hill Raglan Harbour Raglan rivers, lakes, wetlands Tuakau Hauraki Plains Hauraki Lake Whangape Mt Pirongia Pokeno Hakarimata Ranges Hakarimata natural areas Waipa River Whangamarino Wetland Huntly Maramarua Hunua Ranges Te Kauwhata Lake Waikare Ngaruawahia Mt Taupiri slopes 21° - Waikato River >35° Waikato Plains Hapuakohe Ranges class 1-3soils Firth of Thames Firth Hauraki Plains Hauraki 17 Waikato 2070 WAIKATO DISTRICT COUNCIL: GROWTH & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 18 FOCUS AREAS. 03.0 Blueprint initiative: 1,2,3 OUR IDENTITY EMBRACE 03.3 Blueprint initiative: 4,5,7,8 COMMUNITIES GROW OUR 03.1 Blueprint initiative: 9 OUR PEOPLE EMPOWER 03.4 Blueprint initiative: 6 BUSINESSES BUILD OUR 03.2 19 Waikato 2070 WAIKATO DISTRICT COUNCIL: GROWTH & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 20 land-use patterns cost-effective Promote sustainableand communities and people-friendly Deliver well-planned DIRECTION GROW OURCOMMUNITIES 03.1 8. Encourage rural areas andvillagesto explore ways to remain sustainable. (street-block design). andintegration7. Ensure connectivity ofgreenfield development to existing built-form facilities oftowns. 6. Locate future development infrastructure and network to capitaliseonexisting serviced 5. Protect strategic sites, andareas corridors for future development. identify andprotect sites andareas from future development. 4. Leverage infrastructure, andcycling networks, and includingwalking existing transport connections, whileinteracting andprotecting theenvironment. 3. Integrate to makebetter useofinfrastructure andourtransport land-useand transport 2. Stage development andbeadaptableto future growth scenarios. effects. 1. Take to respond to leadership andbuildourdistrict climate changeandhelpmitigate its aspirations identified inthe Council Blueprints. District Waikato 10. Strengthen collaboration withcommunities to develop areas inlinewiththeir 9. Well-situated and appropriately designed passive recreation andactive areas. 8. Ensure that ourcommunities have easyaccess to infrastructure andservices. 7. Avoid development that leadsto socialisolation. 6. Ensure ourtowns offer employment andhousingchoice. development5. Enablethat higherdensity (upto four storeys) intown centres. streetscape/public space improvements that promote connectedness. greenways, blue/green networks, walkways, cycleways, trails, bridle andopenspaces and across communities activities sites, includinghistoric heritage 4. Invest inplace-making rural andenablinginnovative communities by maintaining services 3. Support initiatives. around ourfuture masstransit stations. regeneration ofour town2. Support centres andencourage in-filldevelopments quality being aware ofhistoric heritage, landscapesandthenatural environment. environments form villagesandurban urban 1. Develop withhighamenity aquality while IMPLEMENTATION growth Help deliver inclusive the district newbusinessestoattract businesses to grow and existing Support DIRECTION BUILD OURBUSINESSES 03.2 opportunities in knowledge-based sectors. inknowledge-based opportunities 7. Promote thedevelopment ofadiversified economy andincrease employment 6. Facilitate using Open stronger communities andbusinesspartnerships Waikato. 5. Grow anddevelop thesocial and economic potential ofsocialenterprise. thatemployment buildafuture andsocialactivities inthedistrict. 4. Create that ensure ouryoung economic andsocialopportunities peoplehave access to 3. Linkcentral andregional government initiatives to businesses. 2. Adapt andrespond promptly to changing businessneeds. foractivities businesseswithinthedistrict. 1. Lead, andcoordinate support initiatives focused ongrowing economic development identified inthe Council Blueprints. District Waikato 11. Develop aspirations businessandeconomic thecommunity relationships as to support capital). 10. Create development regional training andlocalskills for ourpeople(build 9. Ensure that businesseshave access to socialandphysical infrastructure andservices. sustainablerural communities8. Encourage andareas. rural to industrials support within thedistrict. 7. Recognise andpromote have industries therole that agriculture, andprimary horticulture the whichunderpin industries Waikato primary 6. Support economy. the localenvironment. 5. Identify newareas to into industries locate for account andexpand whiletaking service 4. Strengthen collaboration andengagement withbusinesses. 3. Create easeofaccess pathways andincentives for investors to locate inthedistrict. 2. Identify anddevelop newstrategically-located clusters industries. industrial for secondary businesses. clusters1. Buildonexisting industrial andpromote theclustering ofcomplementary IMPLEMENTATION 21 Waikato 2070 WAIKATO DISTRICT COUNCIL: GROWTH & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 22 Protect ourenvironment our history Celebrate our culture Promote DIRECTION EMBRACE OURIDENTITY 03.3 10. Encourage to allindustries utiliseenvironmental bestpractices. zones theminrural inindustrial areas. andrestrict 9. Cluster activities industrial multi-lotresidential subdivisioninrural areas8. Restrict outsideofidentified growth areas. landscape. thoseusesthat reduce andrestrict production orthe themanddiminishtheirquality 7. Encourage landusesthat utiliseourhighlyproductive landby promoting agriculture to itseffects ontheenvironment. 6. Encourage andassistcommunities to adaptto climate changeandto manageandadapt residential development5. Restrict inareas atfrom risk natural hazards. 4. Promote ecological andenvironmental protection andrestoration. towns whichare by amenities. well andserviced connected 3. Encourage sustainableandresilient landusepatterns that focus development inourkey 2. Encourage communities to bestewards oftheirenvironment. 1. Encourage iwiandhapuuto identify withtheirculture andtheenvironment. promote thedistrict’s history. tourism development andwork to withtourism3. Support agenciesandthecommunity area andsites. ofthe 2. Ensure retain that thehistory newdevelopments andreflect andre-development 1. Protect ournatural, cultural andbuilthistoric heritage. opportunities. through tourism 4. Embrace withinthedistrict thediversity ofthecultures andhistory promote thedistrict’s diverse culture. tourism development andwork to withtourism3. Support agenciesandthecommunity productive resources. 2. BuildontheOpen Waikato initiative to promote especiallytherural thedistrict, environmental aspirations. withlocaliwito1. Continue helprealise theirsocial, to partner cultural, economic and IMPLEMENTATION workforce Build aresilient local capacity and Increase capability DIRECTION EMPOWER OURPEOPLE 03.4 5. Assist inbuildingstronger industries relationships witheducation andtraining providers. 4. Promote ouryoung peopleasafuture workforce. and existing businesseswithinthedistrict. 3. Ensure that there are pathways for withinnew training andemployment opportunities employment opportunities. to for access ofsociety 2. Create allsectors training and pipelinesofopportunity this. to support requirements1. Identify skill for thefuture workforce andchampiontraining programmes andaspirations.principles withiwiandhapuuthat incorporate7. Develop tangata partnerships whenuavalues, 6. Educate anddevelop the communities’ capabilitiesto adaptto climate change. youth engagement. 5. Invest timeandresources leadersto incommunity ensure sustainableprogrammes for communities4. Connect withagenciesto helpimprove andoutcomes. opportunities our growing communities are notmissed. 3. Collaborate withhealth,social, andeducation for agenciesto ensure that opportunities their localareas inaccordance withtheirlocalarea plans. Blueprints andcommunity for2. Create communities to opportunities determine andleadimprovement initiatives for deliver initiatives. community programmes leadersto1. Develop community grow capability to to support theirability IMPLEMENTATION 23 Waikato 2070 WAIKATO DISTRICT COUNCIL: GROWTH & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 24 set outinthefollowingdevelopmentplans. NZ population townsas projections anddevelopmentcapacityof Census estimates. ‘Possible Future Population’ isbasedonStatistics Note: ‘Current Population’ figures are basedon Statistics NZ2018 *Refer section03.0 proposed forre-zoning undertheProposed DistrictPlan(2018). already zonedundertheOperative DistrictPlan(2013)orare Areas identifiedforfuture growth, insomecases, includeareas development (thesehavenotbeenidentifiedinthisstrategy). to growth andare therefore notsuitableforfurther growth and identified. Otherareas thedistricthavesignificant constraints of infrastructure provision required tosupport thegrowth areas investigations, whichwillanalysethefundingservicingand It isimportant tonotethat growth areas are subjecttofurther growth duetotheirlocation, environment andinfrastructure. Some areas inthedistricthaveastrong capacitytosupport future Focusfour Areas*. (residential andemployment) canoccurinthedistrict, alignedtoour The followingsectiondetailsspatially where andwhendevelopment CAN OCCUR. AND WHENGROWTH IDENTIFYING WHERE 04.0 25 Waikato 2070 WAIKATO DISTRICT COUNCIL: GROWTH & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 26 SUB-REGIONAL GROWTH Mass-transit stationsMass-transit (existing and proposed) Henderson Existing airports/ports/inland ports Existing airports/ports/inland Current towns andsettlements Existing BusinessClusters Transport connections 16 Mangere 1B Port Waikato Albany Pukekohe Takapuna Raglan Auckland Tuakau Mt rail andstation side/collector Manukau East Tamaki Papakura airport Services Drury Ngaruawahia Pokeno Horotiu Huntly Meremere anatra motorway/expressway main/arterial short-term Hamilton Te Kauwhata seaport Maramarua Industry Taupiri Mass-transit stationsMass-transit (existing andproposed) medium/long-term Te Awamutu landport Henderson Existing airports/ports/inland ports Existing airports/ports/inland Cambridge Current towns andsettlements Morrinsville (timing dependant ongrowth andfunding) Thames rail Existing BusinessClusters Transport connections 16 Mangere 1B Paeroa Matamata Port Waikato Te Aroha Albany Pukekohe Takapuna Raglan Auckland Tuakau Mt Wellington rail andstation side/collector Manukau Tauranga East Tamaki Papakura airport Services Drury Ngaruawahia Pokeno Horotiu Huntly Meremere anatra motorway/expressway main/arterial short-term Hamilton P C PH V L I S C P P C C C Te Kauwhata seaport A C Maramarua Industry Taupiri medium/long-term Te Awamutu landport Cambridge Morrinsville (timing dependant ongrowth andfunding) Thames rail Paeroa Matamata Te Aroha Waihi areas Business /Industrial Future Specialised ‘ ‘ ‘ Clusters Powered ‘High Vehicle’ reight andLogistics’ ‘ Products’ Clusters  F  Clusters Production’ Clean Clusters Processing’ Food Clusters F urniture and Architectural urniture and Architectural Tauranga 27 Waikato 2070 L P C PH V C P I S P C C C A C WAIKATO DISTRICT COUNCIL: GROWTH & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 28 TOWN DEVELOPMENT PLAN: TUAKAU ON THERAILLINEBETWEENPUKEKOHE AND POKENO. BOUNDARY OFTHEWAIKATO DISTRICT, A10-MINUTEDRIVEFROM THEPOKENOINTERCHANGEOFSH1,AND LOCATION: TUAKAUISLOCATED CLOSE TO THEBANKS OFTHEWAIKATO RIVER,NEARTHENORTHERN Priority growthPriority &investment zone Possible future mass-transit Development time-frame DEVELOPMENT PLAN TUAKAU 04.1 Activity ZonesActivity Building type Roads &Rail Roads side/collector 1-3 ys T

Industrial Residential Buckland Rd Buckland 3-10 Dromgools Rd train station ys Buckland 30 30 1 0-30 4 ys+ anatra highway main/arterial Town Centre (levels) ys Commercial &Industrial 30 30 ys+ bus station

River Rd Town Centre



w 3-10



2 G

ys e 2 or

ge S 1-3 t ys 3 4 ys North Tuakau ys Town house(levels) 50-YEARS 3-10

T H arr isville Rd ys Town Centre (business&residential) 1 30 0-30 1-3


B 1

ys D ro 0-30

ys B wn o


o m l




r ys

d i ys

d n R d i o B n a

R r n d a 30 30

b Business Park Whangarata 400

y ys+

R m² 3-10

d Residential lotsize (standalone) 1-3 ys rail 1-3 ys ys

Whangarata Rd Dominion Road Dominion 3-10 ys Special Activity PrecinctSpecial Activity possible future population Current population and 1 30 0-30 ys

P 30 30


k R ys+

e i d 5,000 n g

o e 8,000 R R d



Munro Block i d g e R d


ui side/collector 1 1-3

a 0-30

R ys T

d Industrial Residential

Pokeno Rd ys 3-10 train station ys Hitchen Block Hitchen 1 0-30 4 Havelock Village 3-10 anatra highway main/arterial Town Centre (levels) ys 1 Hi ys t Commercial &Industrial ch e n He R Munro R 30 d d le n ys+ sl bus station

1-3 e

e R

d Razo


r b


Hillpark Hillpark c


R d 50-YEARS Drive 1-3


ys 3 G


t ew Town house(levels)


a Pokeno East O Commerical Cluster 1-3

y ’L

e 3-10


P ry

a R

T d r ys

k ys 2

D Town Centre (business&residential) r 3-10


30 0-30 F


a 1



ys s

e 0-30

r ys

2 Rd

ys M


I 30

n 400 t ys+

1 o m²

30 0-30 s

Centre Town h A

3-10 v o

D n R Residential lotsize (standalone) r d ys ys rail 1-3 ys M possible future population Current population and


i ll

an 3-10

Pokeno East R d ys Special Activity PrecinctSpecial Activity 2,500 1 30 0-30 16,000 ys *BASED ONSTATS NZ2018ESTIMATES * 30 30 ys+ 29 Waikato 2070 WAIKATO DISTRICT COUNCIL: GROWTH & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 30 Activity zones (business/residentialActivity etc) Building heights andresidential lotsize Future sportsfieldsandfacilities ECONOMIC WELLBEINGOFTHECOMMUNITY. TOWN CENTREISREQUIRED TO ADDRESSRAPIDGROWTH WHILESUPPORTING THESOCIAL,CULTURAL AND LOCATION: POKENOTOWN CENTRE ISSITUATED BETWEENSH1ANDTHERAILLINE.RE-DEVELOPMENT OFTHE POKENO TOWN PLAN:MASTER Open Spaces (incl. di erent types) Roads/proposed roads/laneways Future possiblemass-transit TOWN CENTREPLAN POKENO 04.3 Activity zones (business/residentialActivity etc)

Building heights andresidential lotsize Pokeno Road Pokeno Future sportsfieldsandfacilities Walking/cycling links POKENO TOWN PLAN:MASTER Rivers/streams/lakes Open Spaces (incl. di erent types) Roads/proposed roads/laneways

Future possiblemass-transit Pokeno Road Pokeno Walking/cycling links Rivers/streams/lakes Key sites

Pokeno School

Key sites Helenslee Road Helenslee

Pokeno School

side/collector walking/cycling Helenslee Road Helenslee 4 T Pokeno IndustrialCluster

H connections Newwalking/cycling Mixed-use redevelopment residential Utility (sports/neighbourhood) Utility i Commerical (levels) side/collector l walking/cycling

lp Gateway Park Drive Park Gateway ar k D rive 4 T Pokeno IndustrialCluster

H connections Newwalking/cycling Mixed-use redevelopment residential Utility (sports/neighbourhood) Utility bus station train station Hitchen Road il Commerical (levels)

lp Gateway Park Drive Park Gateway ar k Drive

2 Regina Street Regina Hitchen Road bus station train station

2 Regina Street Regina 3 3 anatra highway main/arterial commercial

High Street highway main/arterial 2 4 commercial High Street 2 4 Ford Street 2 Ford Street 2 T 4

T Church Street Church Street 4 Town Centre (levels) Town Centre (levels) B 2 B 2 2 Square 2 Town Pokeno Square Town 50-YEARS Hall Pokeno

Marlborough Street Hall

town centre/mixed use

Marlborough Street W William McRobbie Road McRobbie William

i Civic Park



i town centre/mixed use

a W

m William McRobbie Road McRobbie William 4


Market Street

Civic Park S l 4


Wellington Street t



a e


Pokeno Road Pokeno m

4 t

Market Street S 4

Off-Ramp New North-Bound

Wellington Street t

r A



e b Pokeno Road Pokeno


Cambridge Street e r




Off-Ramp New North-Bound





e l




Cambridge Street e (



e 3 t

Selby Street -



l Town house(levels)

t i





m e


e t


Walter Rogers Road n


New East-WestLink



2 ) e

Selby Street - a


l Town house(levels)



Fraser Road Fraser

n m

laneway e


Walter Rogers RoadMcDonarld Road n

New East-WestLink Drive McIntosh t 2 )

Redoubt Ecological

North Island Main Trunk Line Trunk Main Island North Fraser Road Fraser






McDonarld Road l a

McIntosh Drive McIntosh




H Existing keysites











r 450


Redoubt s s

w a y

Main Trunk Line Trunk Main Island North Multi use (instititonal)Multi

rail A



k lotsizeResidential (standalone)






H Existing keysites











r 450




w a y m² Multi use(instititonal)Multi rail Residential lotsizeResidential (standalone) Pokeno Waterfall Pokeno East Pokeno Waterfall Pokeno East TOWN DEVELOPMENT PLAN:MANGATANGI Priority growthPriority &investment zone Possible future mass-transit Development time-frame SITES FORINDUSTRIALDEVELOPMENT ANDSHOULDBESAFEGUARDED FORFUTUREUSE. SH1, POKENOANDTHEWAIKATO EXPRESSWAY. THEYHAVE BEENIDENTIFIEDASPOSSIBLE FUTURESTRATEGIC LOCATION: MANGATAWHIRI ANDMANGATANGI ARESITUATED ONSH2ANDWITHINCLOSE PROXIMITY TO Activity ZonesActivity Building type Roads &Rail Roads DEVELOPMENT PLAN MANGATAWHIRI &MANGATANGI 04.4 side/collector 1-3 ys T Industrial Residential 3-10

Koheroa Rd train station ys 30 30 1 ys+ 0-30 4 anatra highway main/arterial Town Centre (levels) ys employment zone Mangatawhiri future Commercial &Industrial

Lyons Rd 30 30 ys+ bus station Mangatawhiri 1-3 ys 3 Town house(levels) 2 3-10



K Mangatangi Rd Mangatangi ys e n Town Centre (business&residential) z 30 30 ie R 50-YEARS ys+ d 1 30 0-30 laneway ys 30 30 400 ys+ m² Residential lotsize (standalone) rail 1-3 ys

Coal elds Rd 3-10 ys Special Activity PrecinctSpecial Activity 1 30 0-30 ys 30 30 ys+ Maramarua Mangatangi 31 Waikato 2070 TOWN DEVELOPMENT PLAN:MEREMERE&MERCER


C l a r k

A side/collector n 1-3

d M D


o M

e T r

n r

i e

i s Industrial o r

z c Residential

e n e

R R r d d F er r 3-10 y

train station R

d ys 1 0-30 4 anatra highway main/arterial Town Centre (levels) ys Commercial &Industrial 30 30 ys+

bus station M


r c e r Fe rry Rd Downs Hampton 1-3 ys 3

Na tive Town house(levels) R d 50-YEARS 3-10 Mercer

K ys o Town Centre (business&residential) h


r o

a R d 1 30 0-30 1 laneway ys 30 30 400 ys+ m²

Hampton Downs Rd



p R



a l l


d growthPriority &investment zone Roads & Rail &Rail Roads Possible future mass-transit Development time-frame

C (existing/proposed)

h P ZonesActivity Building type

u 1 a

r d

c d h P y i

l la R l

nt d E

a Vineyard Rd

R t io

d n Rd side/collector 1-3 ys T Te Rd Kauwhata

1-3 V

i Industrial

Travers Rd ne Residential


T r ys e d R

W 3-10



a d train station

r 0-30




R ys d


Tr 1 30 30

a 0-30 4

Rangiriri v e

rs highway main/arterial


T Town Centre (levels) 1-3 Rd ys Lake Kopuera e K a u ys

w Commercial &Industrial ha ta 30 30

1 R Blunt Rd

d Town centre 0-30 ys+ bus station T 50-YEARS 2 ys B 3-10 1-3 1-3 4 ys ys 3 ys Lakeside (medium density) Town house/duplex/terraces 1-3 3-10 ys Swan Rd ys 2 Town Centre (business&residential) 1 1 0-30 0-30 1 30 0-30 ys laneway 2 ys ys Mahi Rd Mahi Swan Rd 30 ys+ rail

Standalone dwellings (low density) Waerenga Rd Waerenga 1-3 growth capacity Future potential population Lake Waikare ys 3-10 ys Special Activity PrecinctSpecial Activity 2,000 1 30 0-30 10,000 ys *BASED ONSTATS NZ2018ESTIMATES * (village/country living) (village/country Lifestyle lots 30 30 ys+ 33 Waikato 2070 WAIKATO DISTRICT COUNCIL: GROWTH & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 34 AREAS OFTHETOWN AREBISECTEDBY THERIVER,SH1,ANDRAILWAY. ON THERAILLINEBETWEENOHINEWAI ANDTAUPIRI. THECOMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIALANDRESIDENTIAL LOCATION: HUNTLY ISLOCATED ONTHEBANKS OFTHEWAIKATO RIVER,AT ANINTERCHANGEOFSH1,AND TOWN DEVELOPMENT PLAN:HUNTLY DEVELOPMENT PLAN HUNTLY &OHINEWAI 04.7 Priority growthPriority &investment zone Possible future mass-transit Development time-frame

Coal H au lag e Rd Activity ZonesActivity Building type Roads &Rail Roads

R o to n ga ro

R d side/collector 1-3 ys Huntly West T Industrial Residential

Rotowaro Rd Business Park East Mine

3-10 Hetherington Rd Hetherington train station Industrial Cluster Industrial Ohinewai South Lake Puketirini ys Station Power Huntly 1 0-30 4 anatra highway main/arterial Town Centre (levels) ys 3-10 Commercial &Industrial 2 ys Te Ohaki Rd 30 30 ys+ bus station

Kimihia Kimihia


t h


So d

at e r G T 1 1 50-YEARS 0-30 1 0-30 3-10 3-10 2 ys 3 ys 1-3 4 ys ys 3 2 ys

Brickworks 3-10 East Mine Rd Mine East Town house(levels) 1 30 0-30 Hakanoa Lake 1-10 3-10 ys Raynor Road Raynor ys ys ys


Town Centre (business&residential)



ih M

i c

a v

1-3 ie R Rd

d 1 1 30 0-30 ys -10 laneway 3 ys ys -10 Industrial Cluster Industrial Ohinewai North Ohinewai ys 1 F 30

r 400 o

Recreational Precinct Lakes Kimihia s ys+ t

R m² d

Kimihia Lake Tahuna Rd Tahuna Huntly Interchange Proposed central Residential lotsize (standalone) rail 1-3 ys possible future population Current population and 3-10 ys Special Activity PrecinctSpecial Activity 1 Lake Waikare 30 0-30 ys 7,000 13,500 *BASED ONSTATS NZ2018ESTIMATES 30 30 ys+ * CULTURAL ANDECONOMIC WELLBEING OFTHECOMMUNITY. SOUTH ROAD ANDISIDENTIFIEDASANAREAINNEED OFRE-DEVELOPMENT TO SUPPORT THESOCIAL, LOCATION: HUNTLY TOWN CENTREISSITUATED BETWEENTHEBANKS OFTHEWAIKATO RIVERANDGREAT Lake Puketirini Activity zones (business/residentialActivity etc) Building heights andresidential lotsize Lake Puketirini Activity zones (business/residentialActivity etc) Building heights andresidential lotsize TOWN CENTREPLAN HUNTLY 04.8 HUNTLYPLAN TOWN Open Spaces (incl. di erent types) Roads/proposed roads/laneways HUNTLYPLAN TOWN Rakaumangamanga Open Spaces (incl. di erent types) Roads/proposed roads/laneways TeO Wharekura Rakaumangamanga Future possiblemass-transit TeO Wharekura

Baker St Future possiblemass-transit

Baker St Walking/cycling links Rivers/streams/lakes

Paki St Walking/cycling links Rivers/streams/lakes 3-10

Paki St 3-10 2 ys Key Sites 2 ys Key Sites

Rugby Park Fair eld Ave

Rugby Park Fair eld Ave Primary Primary


Huntly Semple St Semple West Church Baptist Primary Primary


Huntly Semple St Semple West Church side/collector walking/cycling Baptist Saint Church Latter Day

Harris Street T Centre Neighbourhood Huntly side/collector walking/cycling Residential Industrial Utility (sports/neighbourhood) Utility Saint Church Mixed-use redevelopment New walking/cycling connections Newwalking/cycling Mixed-use redevelopment Huntly College Latter Day

Harris Street T Centre Neighbourhood Huntly Residential train station Industrial Utility (sports/neighbourhood) Utility Mixed-use redevelopment New walking/cycling connections Newwalking/cycling Mixed-use redevelopment Huntly College

Waahi Whaanui Tainui Bridge Tainui train station Trust

Waahi Whaanui Tainui Bridge Tainui anatra highway main/arterial Trust 4 Commercial &Industrial anatra highway main/arterial (mixed-use) Town Centre Civic Square 4 Commercial &Industrial Museum (mixed-use) Town Centre Civic Square bus station Supermarket Museum Catholic Civic Park Church 50-YEARS

Great South Rd bus station Supermarket Catholic Civic Park Church 3-10 T Tregoweth Lane Hakanoa St Great South Rd 3 Memorial Memorial 3 Town Centre (business&residential) ys (medium density) Townhouse/duplex/terraces

1 Ralph St Hall Motorcaravan Park Works 0-30 Brick Brick 3-10 Lake Hakanoa Lake Hakanoa T Tregoweth Lane Hakanoa St Wight St 3 2 Memorial Memorial ys 3 Town Centre (business&residential) ys The Domain (medium density) Townhouse/duplex/terraces Huntly Primary Huntly Primary

1 Ralph St 3-10 Hall Motorcaravan Park Centre Aquatic Ecological Works 0-30 Brick Brick Davies Lake Hakanoa Lake Hakanoa School Park laneway 4

ys Wight St 2 ys

The Domain Kimihia Rd Huntly Primary Huntly Primary 3-10 Centre Aquatic Ecological Davies School Park laneway 4 ys Existing keysites

Kimihia Rd 1-3 Multi use(instititonal)Multi

Rayner Rd rail ys 2 Existing keysites (low density) Standalone dwelling Lake Hakanoa 1-3 Special Activity PrecinctSpecial Activity Multi use(instititonal)Multi

Rayner Rd rail Christian Christian ys Centre 2 3-10 Standalone dwelling (low density) Lake Hakanoa 2 ys Special Activity PrecinctSpecial Activity Christian Christian Centre 3-10 2 ys 3-10 ys 3-10 ys 35 Waikato 2070 WAIKATO DISTRICT COUNCIL: GROWTH & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 36 NGARUAWAHIA. BY THECURRENTLOCATION OFSH1ANDSH1B,ISPOSITIONED ONTHERAILLINEBETWEENHUNTLY AND LOCATION: TAUPIRI ISLOCATED EASTOFTHEWAIKATO RIVERANDTHEHAKARIMATA RANGE,ISINTERSECTED TOWN DEVELOPMENT PLAN: TAUPIRI DEVELOPMENT PLAN TAUPIRI 04.9 Priority growthPriority &investment zone Possible future mass-transit Development time-frame

Great South Rd Town Centre Activity ZonesActivity Building type Roads &Rail Roads Kainui Rd Kainui B 10-30 side/collector 1-3 30 30 ys T 4 Industrial 1 ys Residential ys+ 0-30 2 3-10 train station

ys Ka 3-10 ys

Industrial Cluster Industrial Taupiri West





ys R

1 d 0-30 1 4 0-30 anatra highway main/arterial Te Putu Rd Town Centre (levels) ys ys

Orini Rd Commercial &Industrial Waring Rd Waring 30 30 1 ys+ 3-10 bus station 0-30 ys ys 1 1-3 ys 3


Town house(levels) 50-YEARS


t 3-10 o

Kainui Rd Kainui ys k


ys s s

Town Centre (business&residential) R K d e r Industrial Cluster Industrial Taupiri East i 1

e 0-30 R laneway d ys 30 30 400 ys+

m² Dawson Rd Dawson Residential lotsize (standalone) rail 1-3 ys 3-10 ys 1B

W PrecinctSpecial Activity alk e 1

r R 0-30 Gordonton Rd Gordonton d possible future population Current population and ys 30 30 ys+ 500 4,000 * *BASED ONSTATS NZ2018ESTIMATES HOROTIU. AT TAUPIRI ORTHEINTERCHANGEAT HOROTIU, ANDISLOCATED ONTHERAILLINEBETWEENTAUPIRI AND FOOT OFTHEHAKARIMATA RANGE.NGARUAWAHIA CANBEACCESSED FROM SH1VIATHEROUNDABOUT LOCATION: NGARUAWAHIA ISLOCATED AT THECONFLUENCE OFTHEWAIKATO ANDWAIPA RIVERSANDTHE DEVELOPMENT PLAN NGARUAWAHIA 04.10 TOWN DEVELOPMENT PLAN:NGARUAWAHIA Priority growthPriority &investment zone Possible future mass-transit Development time-frame Wa inga ro Rd Hakarimata Activity ZonesActivity Building type Roads &Rail Roads Ngaere Street Galbraith 3-10 Cla Ha rk kar R im Old TaupiriRoad

2 a d ys ta R side/collector

d 1-3 3-10 ys T 1 0-30 Industrial Residential 2 ys 3-10 2 ys train station 1 ys 0-30 T 1 30 0-30 ys 1 0-30 4 1-3 anatra highway main/arterial 4 Town Centre (levels) ys ys ys 1 Town Centre Ol 0-30 d T Commercial &Industrial aup aruaw Rd iri Rd g ah 30

i a 2

N ys Galbraith StreetGalbraith ys+ Hopuhopu BusinessPark bus station

Great South Rd South Great 1 50-YEARS 30 0-30 30 30 1


0-30 Saulbrey Road ys Star Rd Star ys 3 ys+ Town house(levels) ys 3-10

3-10 ys Kelm Rd Kelm Great South Rd Town Centre (business &residential) Hopuhopu Star Road River Road ys

1 River Rd River 0-30 1-3 laneway ys ys

S a u l

b 30

r 400

e ys+ y R m² d Residential lotsize (standalone) rail 1-3 ys 3-10 ys Special Activity PrecinctSpecial Activity possible future population Current population and 1 30 0-30 ys

Dr ive r R 30 d ys+ 7,000 10,500 *BASED ONSTATS NZ2018ESTIMATES * 37 Waikato 2070 TOWN DEVELOPMENT PLAN: TE KOWHAI

WAIKATO DISTRICT COUNCIL: GROWTH & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 38 Priority growthPriority &investment zone AND EASTOFTHEWAIPA RIVER. LOCATION: TEKOWHAI ISLOCATED OFFSH39 ONHOROTIU ROAD, ABOUT6KMSOUTHWESTOFHOROTIU, Possible future mass-transit Development time-frame DEVELOPMENT PLAN TE KOWHAI 04.11 Activity ZonesActivity Building type Roads &Rail Roads TeKowhai West side/collector 1-3 R



c T

Wo h


ol Residential

r a i



R r d d

s 3-10

1 R train station

30 0-30 d ys ys


Ng 0-30 4

39 a


u highway main/arterial

a Town Centre (levels) w


h ys ia

R d Commercial &Industrial

30 30

F u ys+

bus station ll

L 3 er 1 i


m 0-30


o m


e ys R r

ys d R

d Horotiu Rd 1-3 ys 3 Town house(levels) 50-YEARS Airpark PrecinctAirpark 3-10 Te Kowhai Central ys

Town Centre (business&residential) Te Kowhai Rd Kowhai Te 1 30 0-30 laneway ys 30 30 400 ys+ m² Residential lotsize (standalone) rail 1-3 ys 3-10 possible future population Current population and ys Special Activity PrecinctSpecial Activity 1 30 0-30 ys 500 4,000

* 30 30

H ys+








































h growthPriority &investment zone ia R d BY SH1INTERCHANGE,ANDISLOCATED ONTHERAILLINEBETWEENNGARUAWAHIA ANDHAMILTON. LOCATION: HOROTIU ISLOCATED ADJACENT TO THEWAIKATO RIVERONTHEWESTERNBANK, ISACCESSED Road Saulbrey Possible future mass-transit Development time-frame DEVELOPMENT PLAN HOROTIU 04.12 3 Activity ZonesActivity -10 Building type Roads &Rail Roads

S a ys u lb r e y R d


1-3 Great South Rd South Great Industrial ParkIndustrial Horotiu ys T Industrial Residential 3-10 train station ys 1 0-30 4 anatra highway main/arterial Town Centre (levels)

Horotiu Rd ys Onion Rd Onion 3-10 Commercial &Industrial 30 30 ys+ ys

bus station







o 1-3

a d ys 3 Gateway Drive 50-YEARS Town house(levels) 3-10 B ys Town Centre (business&residential) 1-3 1 30 0-30 laneway ys ys 30 30 Road Kernott 400

ys+ ty Council A dary m² on Ci dmi tive Boun Hamilt nistra 1 Residential lotsize (standalone) rail (HT1) Expansion Area City Urban Future Hamilton 1-3 ys

3-10 River Rd River ys Special Activity PrecinctSpecial Activity 1 30 0-30 ys 30 30 ys+ 39 Waikato 2070 WAIKATO DISTRICT COUNCIL: GROWTH & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 40 HARBOUR, ANDISACCESSED BY SH23. LOCATION: RAGLAN ISLOCATED ONTHEWEST COAST OFTHEWAIKATO DISTRICTAT THEWHAINGAROA DEVELOPMENT PLAN RAGLAN 04.13 TOWN DEVELOPMENT PLAN:RAGLAN Priority growthPriority &investment zone 30 30 Te Hutewai ys+ Possible future mass-transit Development time-frame Rakaunui Activity ZonesActivity Building type

Roads &Rail Roads Wainui Rd Wainui

Te ute 30 H w a i ys+ R d 10-30 side/collector 1-3 ys T Afon Opotoru Industrial Residential ys 3-10 train station Centre Town ys 1 1-10 0-30 4 anatra highway main/arterial Town Centre (levels) ys

ys N o

r Commercial &Industrial r 3-10 ie 50-YEARS

A 30 30

v Rangitahi PeninsulaRangitahi e ys+ bus station 2 ys

Flax Cove M



R 1-3



o ys 3

v e

Town house(levels)



m 3-10

e n


H 3-10

t Town Centre (business&residential)

i R


l d s

1 30 0-30 R ys d laneway ys

d Maung i R ata whir 30 30 400 ys+ possible future population Current population and m² 1-10

23 Residential lotsize (standalone) M



n rail

R 1-3 d ys ys Lorenzen Bay 4,000 3-10 12,500 ys Special Activity PrecinctSpecial Activity 1 * *BASED ONSTATS NZ2018ESTIMATES 30 0-30 ys 30 30 ys+

O k e te Rd 41 Waikato 2070 WAIKATO DISTRICT COUNCIL: GROWTH & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 42 overleaf. implement the Waikato 2070are summarised of themethodsandtools that willbeusedto Waikato for 50years. the next district Some Waikato 2070setsthevisionfor growth inthe IMPLEMENTATION. 05.0 43 Waikato 2070 WAIKATO DISTRICT COUNCIL: GROWTH & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 44 and thereview ofpopulationprojections periodically. Policy Statement.Additionally, thefrequencyofreviewwillrequireongoing monitoringofthestrategy Council DistrictPlan,Waikato Blueprints,FutureProofStage2update,and thenewWaikatoRegional changing environment(s). Thisincludestakingaccountofthenewplans, including:WaikatoDistrict every threeyears.Thefrequency ofthereviewwillensurethatstrategy isrelevantwithintheever- To ensurethatWaikato2070 iseffectiveandcurrent,thestrategymust be reviewedapproximately REVIEW and policyframework(s). ever-changing aspirations are up-to-datewiththe growth patternsdeveloped term, toensurethatthe completed withintheshort Centre Plansmustbe The developmentofTown industrial developments) unexpected largescale of catalystprojects(e.g. character andidentification cycleways, walkways, scale ofdevelopment, open spaces,densityand street networkanddesign, considered: connectivity, elements areeffectively ensuring thatthefollowing amenity ofatown,while support thecharacterand will bestachieveand a growthpatternthat (e.g. Tuakau)andidentify focus onaspecifictown A TownCentrePlanwill and investmentintowns. outline futuredevelopment Town CentrePlanswill TOWN CENTREPLANS 05.1 growth cell. for thedevelopmentof a cleardirectionandplan is toensurethatthere site inaDistrictPlan.This prior tothere-zoningofa structure planisrequired The developmentofa assessments. appropriate technical district plancontrolsand land useandproposed and servicingcosts,current transport, infrastructure pedestrian network,public the roading,cyclingand whenua, andmustconsider particularly withtangata informed byconsultation, a structureplanmustbe cell. Thedevelopmentof is soughtwithinagrowth type ofdevelopmentthat direction ontheextentand landowners/developers a structureplanistogive developed. Thepurposeof Waikato 2070willbe cells identifiedwithin Structure plansforgrowth STRUCTURE PLANS 05.2 Waikato 2070. growth areasidentifiedin the developmentofthese District Plan)toenable Variations (totheProposed District Plan)andPlan Changes (totheOperative the DistrictPlanvia basis foramendmentsto centre planswillformthe Structure plansandtown where inthedistrict. can andcan’tbedone sets outwhatdevelopment legislative rulebookwhich The DistrictPlanisthe DISTRICT PLAN 05.3

IMPLEMENTATION. in theseareas. infrastructure andservices to thenecessaryfundingof inform theLTPinrespect out inWaikato2070will of thegrowthcellsasset The locationandtiming within theWaikatodistrict. infrastructure andservices provision andfundingof provides directiononthe The LongTermPlan(LTP) LONG TERMPLAN 05.4 infrastructure andservices. in planningandfunding These areanessentialtool reserves andopenspaces). water supply,facilities, (e.g. roading,wastewater, and demandsofassets which setthevariousneeds activity managementplans Council preparesassetand The Waikatodistrict MANAGEMENT PLANS ASSET &ACTIVITY 05.5 05.6 • • • • • • • • • • • • such as: organisations andgroups, Council willworkalongside The WaikatoDistrict expectations areachieved. and futuredevelopment groups toensurethevision various organisationsand 2070 inpartnershipwith will implementtheWaikato Waikato DistrictCouncil PARTNERSHIPS

Local businessassociations community groups community committees,and Community boards, Adjoining localauthorities Tourism agencies Utility providers Kiwi Rail Agency New ZealandTransport District HealthBoards Business andEmployment Ministry ofInnovation, Urban Development Ministry ofHousingand Ministry ofEducation tangata whenua Waikato-Tainui andother 45 Waikato 2070 WAIKATO DISTRICT COUNCIL: GROWTH & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 46 GLOSSARY. 05.0 environmental needs. addressing thecommunities’ social, economic and progress over 30years thenext withafocus on to provide could ofhow apicture thedistrict communities through localarea workshops Blueprints were developed inconsultation with BLUEPRINTS opportunities. for ourcommunities to benefitfrom business growth them to grow, at alltimespromoting opportunities withourexisting businessesto support or working to newbusiness be aboutpromoting ourdistrict economic wellbeing for ourcommunities. may It Economic Development isourprocess for driving ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT in thepresent andfor thefuture. environmental andcultural wellbeing ofcommunities government to promote thesocial, economic, Wellbeing) Amendment encourages Act local connected. The Local Government (Community of wellbeing are generally happierandfeel more andcommunities withahigherstateIndividuals WELLBEING roads). (railways andtransportation and prisons) and universities), housing publicfacilities(community healthcare (hospitals),education (schoolsand services. Types ofsocialinfrastructure include social maintenance offacilitiesthat support and infrastructure isconstruction Social SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE environments. over theirphysical, social, economic andcultural helps themhave a voice andalevel ofcontrol their own solutionsto problems inaway that communities to develop, implement andsustain to buildupthe ‘capacity’ and “capability” oflocal training,about providing mentoring support, etc buildingis andcapability Community capacity AND CAPABILITY BUILDING CAPACITYCOMMUNITY that helptheirareas sustainablefor thefuture. implementing oflocalandintegrated strategies of allagesto helpwiththedesigning and community, businesspeople, educators, residents to ofour involve from allparts localpartners development we refer to identifying away When we talkaboutCommunity-led local COMMUNITY-LED LOCAL DEVELOPMENT (National Planning Standards). to activity. theindustrial activity any ancillary processed materials) includes orgoods.or partly It or disposesofmaterials (includingraw, processed processes, distributes, packages, repairs, stores, that manufactures,Any fabricates, activity INDUSTRIAL Statement). (WaikatoRegional Zealand Classification. Soil Policy Soils,and IIIe5,classifiedas Allophanic usingtheNew peat soils)andsoilsinLandUse ClassIIIe1 Capability inLandUse ClassesIandII(excludingSoils Capability SOILS HIGH-CLASS Regional Council. scheme that ismanagedandmaintained by Waikato has beensubsequently includedinafloodprotection Land that isidentifiedriver withinthe flood area but FLOOD DEFENDEDAREAS environment (National Planning Standards). affect humanlife, property, ofthe orotheraspects ofwhichadversely affects ormayaction adversely sedimentation, wind, drought, fire, orflooding)the volcanic activity, andgeothermal landslip, subsidence, occurrence tsunami,erosion, (includingearthquake, orwater any relatedMeans atmospheric orearth DEVELOPMENT HAZARDS the use(for example from commercial to residential). the intensity ofdevelopment onthesite orchanging might what includemodernizing is there, increasing purposes). ofbrown-fieldThe sites re-development currently developed (for commercial and/orresidential theredevelopmentDescribes ofsites andareas that are DEVELOPMENTBROWN-FIELD use. and commercial whichare purposes currently inrural areasDescribes that are to bedeveloped for residential GREENFIELD DEVELOPMENT Standards). administrative orheadoffices) (National Planning (for example, activity includesany ancillary It trading ingoods,Any equipment orservices. activity COMMERCIAL their employers ortheircommunity. used to create economic value for theindividuals, or otherintangible assetsofindividualsthat canbe People Capital knowledge isthecollective skills, PEOPLE CAPITAL asaplacepromote to invest, thedistrict visitandlive. Open Waikato isa Waikato Council initiative District to OPEN WAIKATO outlines how Governments and Businessescanshape The OECDPolicy Framework for Inclusive Growth for across and createsfairly society all. opportunities Inclusive growth iseconomic growth that isdistributed development. InclusiveGrowth social andenvironmental dimensionsofsustainable future generations. They together bring theeconomic, that will improveGoals thewellbeing ofcurrent and Nations committed to 17SustainableDevelopment 2015New ZealandIn and192countries oftheUnited people andwellbeing. withadeliberate focus making onequity,of policy Sustainable Development putpeopleat theheart Goals on Inclusive Growth andtheUnited Nation’s (UN) Development (OECD) Framework for Policy Action The Organisation for and Economic Co-operation INCLUSIVE GROWTH Within 3years thenext (NPS-UDC). TERM SHORT 3and10yearsBetween (NPS-UDC). MEDIUM TERM DevelopmentUrban (NPS-UDC). Capacity) 10and30yearsBetween (National Policy Statement - LONG TERM or environmental programs. Their profits are used principally to fundsocial, cultural andtheenvironment.maximizing benefits to society enterprises seektoSocial maximize profits while purpose. itsprimary thatspecific socialobjectives serve A socialenterprise isacommercial organization that has SOCIAL ENTERPRISE thewholegreater making thanthesumofitsparts. develop whenbusinessescome together to collaborate in related to benefitfrom sectors thesynergies that promotion andfacilitation ofgroups ofbusinesses located neareachother. Cluster development isthe customers in andfirms related that industries are Clusters are agroup businesses, ofconnected suppliers, CLUSTERS infrastructure; andimproved economic productivity. government to invest capacity ineducation, healthand growing consumer purchasing power; enhanced benefit businessthrough alarger middleclassand inclusive growth, recognizing that more equalsocieties 47 Waikato 2070 15 Galileo Street Ngaruawahia 3720 Private Bag 544 Ngaruawahia 3742

openwaikato.co.nz waikatodistrict.govt.nz