Pan-African Sympetrine Libellulid Brachythemis Leucosticta

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Pan-African Sympetrine Libellulid Brachythemis Leucosticta Odonalologica 20(1): 29-36 March I, 1991 ‘Accompanying’ behaviouras a means of prey acquisition by Brachythemis leucosticta (Burmeister) and other Anisoptera P.S. Corbet¹ and P.L. Miller² 'Department of Zoology, University of Edinburgh, West Mains Road, Edinburgh, EH9 3JT, United Kingdom department of Zoology, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford, OXI 3PS, United Kingdom Received November 14, 1990 / Accepted November 29, 1990 Adults of the B. leucosticta often pan-African sympetrine accompany large vertebrates moving slowly through open grassland or, less often, through shallow water. Such ‘accompanying’ behaviour, which is shown by solitary individuals and varies with groups, males and females, and immature and mature adults, respect to wind direction and substrate in ways that indicate that the vertebrate is usually the perceived as a token stimulus attracting dragonflies to places where small flying rendered of insects are accessible as prey. Certain and probable examples accom- panying behaviour in other Anisoptera are discussed. INTRODUCTION Adults of the pan-African sympetrine libellulid Brachythemis leucosticta insect with of animals appear to associate prey the presence large that thereby serve as ‘token stimuli’(CORBET, 1962). Both sexes are attracted towards, and fly close to, large vertebrates such as cattle, hippopotamuses and humans as they the often abundant. move slowly through open grassland where dragonflies are Such ‘following’ behaviour presumably enables the dragonflies to feed on the small insects that are made to fly up by the vertebrates’ movement. Noting ‘following’ behaviour near Lake Victoria at Entebbe, Uganda (0° S'N., 32° 29'E), inferred that the CORBET (1962, p. 154) initially dragonflies were responding and the view directly to a large moving object not to prey dislodged by it, a expressed also by WORTH (1962) from observations made in Natal, South Africa. This ‘following’ behaviour, which we now propose to call ‘accompa- 30 P.S. Corbet & P.L. Miller nying’ behaviour (AB), is analogous to that shown by many species of birds, such cattle robins and all of which as bee-eaters, egrets, honey guides, seagulls, mammals which are attracted to large, slowly moving (or vehicles) they use as obtain food. We here observations this of ‘beaters’ or guides to report on type feeding behaviour in B. leucosticta and other species ofAnisoptera. If not given mentioned be found in the text, authorities for scientific names of species are to in Table I. BRACHYTHEMIS LEUCOSTICTA B. leucosticta probably acquires much of its food by the usual libellulidmethod of from in of and making sallies a perch pursuit prey by ‘swarm-feeding’ (sensu CORBET, 1962, p. 151) during twilight (CARPENTER, 1920 p. 310). AB can in be seen as an additional strategy that can be used situations where large of This vertebrates move about slowly during the day, usually near a body water. species is active throughout the day (ADETUNJI & PARR, 1974) and also during morning and evening twilights (CARPENTER, 1920, p. 310; ADETUNJI & PARR, 1974; our own observations). of the end of Lake Observations made by one us (P.L.M.) at eastern Kariba, Zimbabwe (16°32'S„ 28°5TE.) in April and December 1989 throw further light on AB. Such behaviour, which was examined as a response to the observer, was 10.00 and 18.45 hrs Local Mean witnessed on several days intermittently between Time (sunset being at 18.30 hrs) and continued untilthe light intensity became too — Civil Nautical low for the dragonflies to be seen clearly probably between and 20 Twilights. AB occurred most often over short grass (less than cm high) but also could over bare rocks or sand where no prey was likely to be resting. It be observed over land within about 100 m of the lake margin but was commonest within 15 m of the margin, where the density of dragonflies was highest. At Lake Kariba as many as an estimated 50 dragonflies, including both sexes, and immature and mature individuals (as judged by the colour of abdomen and wings; ADETUNJI & PARR, 1974), would fly 10-30 cm above the ground and 1 1-2 m behind the observer as he walked at 2-3 kmh' . The distance over which did individualsaccompanied was not measuredsystematically but many certainly distances. the observer so for 10 m and some probably for greater When stopped overtook himand then turned walking some ofthe accompanying dragonflies to face him, hovering and flying in arcs about him for several seconds, after which when he moved they either departed or settled on the ground, to fly again once more. of When there was a wind of a velocity that exceeded the speed walking, the Thus in wind dragonflies always flew downwind from the observer. a following they preceded him, facing towards him, flying into the wind and progressing wind flew the backwards with respect to the ground; in a lateral they alongside Prey acquisition in Brachylhemis leucosticta 31 observer, again facing towards him, into the wind and moving sideways with respect to the ground; and when the observer was walking into the wind the dragonflies followed him, as they did when there was littleorno wind. Regardless of the wind direction the dragonflies remained 1-2 m from the observer. Many individuals ofB. leucosticta became reproductively activeafter 16.00hrs at Lake Kariba in places where reeds stood in the water; male localisation and oviposition were observed in a few individuals in December as early as 11.00 hrs. Thus feeding and reproductive activity occurred at the same time and took place in adjacent areas. However at the lakeside, individuals that showed no sign of did towards reproductive activity always outnumbered those that so, even sunset. No individual was seen to exibit sexual activity while accompanying. Observations made (by P.L.M.) from a canoe moving through stands ofreeds in the Okavanga Delta, Botswana (ca. 19°S., 23°E.), have shown that B. leu- also and would costicta will accompany large objects over water so perhaps follow a wading hippopotamus or a floating crocodile. In on Island in Lake Victoria 8 33° in Uganda, Dagusi (0° 1/2'N., 32J/ 2'E.), December 1954, one ofus (P.S.C.) noted thatadults of this species assembled and vehicle hovered behind, but not in front of, a motor that hadjust stopped and that had disturbed small insects its Table I lists many flying during passage. other, published accounts known to us of AB in B. leucosticta. OTHER SPECIES In TableI are listed all published records known to usof dragonflies exhibiting certain or suspected AB. We note that all are Anisoptera and that(including B. leucosticta) three are sympetrine libellulids. We ourselves have confirmed that AB occurs in Brachythemis contaminata within of (Fabricius). On 25 January 1988 an hour solar noon near Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India (9°57'N., 78°6'E.) a solitary male followed us as we walked slowly along the edge of a large pond. It flew low, 10 cmor less abovethe ground, which was mostly bare granite rock, and spent much time hovering, usually it facing towards the human was accompanying at the time, and making short, often in frontofhim. darting flights when the humanmoved, taking up aposition We noted also that some males did not show AB, even when offered the oppor- tunity to do so. However large numbers of B. contaminatashowed AB nearsolar when of walked round the of lake close noon one us (P.L.M.) margins a to Nagpur University, Maharashtra, India(79°5'E., 20°56'N.) in September 1990. From our observations we conclude that the propensity for showing AB is sometimes less in B. contaminatathan in B. leucosticta. Although Diplacodes trivialis (Rambur) occurred around the pond at Madurai with B. contaminata, neither of us was able to induce the former species to show AB — an unexpected result in the light this of the report to effect by M1TRA (1974) (see Tab. I). 32 PS. Corbet & P.L. Miller Table 1 Records of feeding Anisoptera accompanying large, slowly moving objects Species Location Observations Aeshna grandis (L.) Denmark FollowedFollowed running horseshorses and seized flies from swarms around animals’ noses 1913). AnaxjuniusJunius (Dru.)(Dm.) Hawaiian Islands With PantalaPaniata flavescens and Tramea lacerata seemed to followfollow man walking through grass, dartingto catch moths disturbeddisturbed by him (McLACHLAN, 1874). IndiaIndia of often Anisoptera (unidentified) Groups 10-50 often flew close to, andand parallelparallel with, back wheelwheel of bicycle, adjusting to changing speed ofof vehicle (ACHARYA, 1961)'.1961)«. Natal, S.S. AfricaAfrica Flew close to, and slightly ahead of,of, walking man and also front wheelwheel of bicycle,bicycle, adjusting to changing speed ofof vehicle (WORTH, 1962)1962)L2. Tanzania Accompanied elephants walking shore of Lake through grassland near Manyara (DOUGLAS-HAMILTON, 3J 1973) .. Brachythemis contaminata (Fab.) IndiaIndia With Diplacodes trivialisirivialis (Ram.) followedfollowed men walking through grass (MITRA, 1974). B. BothBoth tend leucosticaleucoslica (Burm.) Nigeria sexessexes to follow moving such objects such as man and cattle (ADETUNJI & PARR, 1974). Tanzania Searched backs of humans and otherother animals for tsetse flies (Glossina)( Glossina ) (SWYNNERTON, 1936). Tchad Flights ofof several hundred individuals oftenoften follow herds of cattle or sheepsheep through grassgrass (DEJOUX, 1968), Uganda Apparently pursued tsetse flies (Glossina) associated with hippo- potamuses grazing onon land (CARPENTER, 1920). Crocothemis servilia India followed vehiclesvehicles (Dm.)(Dru.) Briefly motor on a main road (MITRA, 1974). Erythemis simplicicollis (Say) Florida, USA Followed observer walking through fieldfield soybean and caught HeliothisHeliolhis zea adultsadults that he disturbed (NEAL & WHITCOMB, 1972). Erythrodiplax attenuataKirby BrazilBrazil Adults flew low around feet of humans and other large vertebrates among grass by well-trodden paths on muddy banks of Upper Amazon River and in in aa manner closely resembling Brachythemis leucosticta (J.D.
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    Available online a t Pelagia Research Library European Journal of Experimental Biology, 2012, 2 (6):2158-2165 ISSN: 2248 –9215 CODEN (USA): EJEBAU DNA Barcoding of selected dragonfly species (Libellulidae and Aeshnidae) for species authentication with phylogenetic assessment Pushparaj Karthika 1, *Chitravel Vadivalagan 1, Chinnapan Gunasekaran 1 and Shanmugam Anandakumar 2 1Conservation Biology Laboratory, Department of Zoology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore 2Computation Biology Laboratory, Department of Bioinformatics, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT Dragonflies are the bio indicators of the aquatic ecosystem. Knowledge and studies on the diversity of dragonflies in India is very high. Identification by traditional taxonomy often leads to misidentification. Incidence of sexual dimorphism is found to be high particularly in the Libellulidae and Aeshnidae family. In order to resolve the above mentioned problem, the accurate identification of the dragonflies was carried out by DNA barcoding using COI gene. In the present study, selected dragonfly species (Bradinopyga geminata, Crocothemis servilia, Diplacodes trivialis and Anaciaeschna jaspidea) of the family of Libellulidae and Aeshnidae were taken and along with three other evident species (Pantala flavescens, Orthetrum sabina, and Brachythemis contaminata) were retrieved from GenBank. The phylogenetic tree was created using NJ (Neighbour Joining) method to determine the origin and evolutionary relationships of the species. Similarity search was performed and conformed species were submitted to the NCBI and BOLD database for species authentication. The present study concluded that the DNA barcoding is an invaluable tool for the authentication of the species. Storage of this nucleotide information in a database like BOLD would greatly help in the identification up to sub species level.
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