Testimonies on the Ethno-Confessional Structure of Medieval Transylvania and Hungary (9Th-14Th Centuries)
Testimonies on the Ethno-Confessional Structure of Medieval Transylvania and Hungary (9th-14th centuries) IOAN-AUREL POP T, , Preliminaries JL HE KINGDOM of Hungary was throughout the course of its medieval exis tence (c. 1000-1526) a multinational and pluriconfessional state. Not even in the modern epoch have the matters stood differently, as the official data of the 1910 census indicate the fact that the "minorities" accounted for c. 52% of the total population of the country1 constituting in fact the majority of the inhabit ants of the Hungary of that day Around 1536-1537, Nicolaus Olahus wrote in his work Hungária: 'The entire Hungarian kingdom comprises within itself, during these times of ours, different nations—Hungarians, Germans, Bohemians, Slavs, Croats, Saxons, Szeklers, Romanians, Serbs, Cumans, Iaziges, Ruthenians, and finally, Turks— all of which make use among themselves of different languages, except for the instance in which certain denominations, because of the long-standing customs and the mutual relationships, prove to have a somewhat similar character and suitability."2 As to the ethnic composition of Transylvania, his birthplace, the humanist writer (Olahus) is even more specific: "There are here four nations of different origin: Hungarians, Szeklers, Saxons and Romanians, of which the least warlike are considered to be the Saxons. The Hungarians and the Szeklers make use of the same language, although the Szeklers have certain words specific to their people [...]. The Saxons are, it is said, some colonies of Saxons from Germany [...]; what leads us to believe the truthfulness (of this assertion) is the resemblance that exists between the languages of these two peoples.
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