Assoc. Prof. Konstantinos Giakoumis, Ph.D. Deputy Rector E-mail [email protected] Associate Professor‟s rank, “A. Moisiu” University, Durrës, Ministry of Education Registry No. 305.

Ph.D. (2002) in Byzantine, Ottoman and Modern Greek Studies, Centre for Byzantine, Ottoman and

Modern Greek Studies, University of Birmingham, UK. Thesis: The Monasteries of Jorgucat and Vanishtë in and of Spelaio in Lunxhëri as Monuments and Institutions During the Ottoman Period in (16th-19th Centuries). Accessible via:

B.A. (1995) in Pedagogical Studies, University of Athens, . Qualifications - ERASMUS student at Bretton Hall College, University of Leeds, UK, (Feb-May 1994).

Key University of , Faculty of Philosophy, Intensive Seminar in Albanian Language & Culture, (August 1996). Psychology as Social Science, Deree College, Athens (A), (Fall 1991). University of New York Tirana: Dr. K. Giakoumis leads and teaches the World History and Civilizations I & II, Art History I & II, Diplomatic History, co-taught an undergraduate course on

Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict (Spring 2009), led and co-taught a graduate-level course on Ethnicity and Nationalism (Fall 2011) in the M.A. in Int‟l Affairs programme (collaborative provision with the University of Greenwich). At doctoral level Dr. K. Giakoumis leads the course “Teaching in Higher Education” since the academic year 2012-2013.

Shkolla e Lartë e Edukimit: Developed and co-delivered a course on “Leadership and Management Assignments

in Education” led by Dr. P. Dervishi, (Spring 2011). Centre for Democratic Education: Developed and delivered a training course on “Leadership and Organizational Culture in Education”, together with Dr. P. Dervishi, (Spring 2011). National Centre for Restoration, Albania: Delivered course on “Meaning in Byzantine and Post-

Teaching Byzantine Art,” (Spring 2008). Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, New York: Delivered two graduate courses on “Meaning in Byzantine Art” and “Meaning in Late Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Art” (2007-2009).

Orthodox Theological Seminary, Shën Vlash, Durrës: Developed and taught course on Post- Principal Principal Byzantine Ecclesiastical History, (2004-2005). Bournville College of Continuing Education, Birmingham: Modern Greek and Modern Albanian Language and Culture, (2001-2002).

Late Byzantine and Ottoman political, economic, social, religious and cultural History and Art

History in the Balkans, Balkan networks with the West, cultural heritage management and the cultural

heritage of minorities, the rise of nationalism in the Balkans and the contestation of space and sacred in the Balkans.

ch Projects ch Principal researcher in the following research projects: 1) “Generating Museum Awareness and Culture in ” (April – December 2014; project partially funded by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Albania).

Research Interests Research 2) Interreg IIIA / CARDS programme with the title “COOPERATION FRAMEWORK FOR A HOLISTIC APPROACH AND EXPLOITATION OF ORTHODOX MONUMENTS Funded Resear Funded IN GREECE AND ALBANIA” (involving an externally funded grant of 150,000 Euros). 1. Reviewer of the Journal of Religious History, published by the Religious History Association, Wiley Journals []. 2. Reviewer of the journal Politics, Religion & Ideology, published by Taylor & Francis


3. Honorary Research Fellow of the Centre for Byzantine, Ottoman and Modern Greek Studies, University of Birmingham (October 2003-September 2009). 4. External Research Fellow of the Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania (1997-present). As

a member of a flexible scientific team that undertook the task of exploring, researching and Affiliations recording, cataloguing and publishing the surviving Christian monuments and, finally, determining a scale of conservation priorities. 5. External Research Fellow of the Institute of History, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Albania (1998). A short fellowship for editing the publication of the corpus of church

Professional inscriptions in Albania by Th. Popa (1998). 6. Member of the Greek-Albanian Philological Association and editorial board member of its Review Albanohellenica (2000-April 2016). 7. Member of the Christian Archaeological Association, Greece (1997-present). 8. Member of the Society for the Promotion of British Byzantine Studies (1995-2006). 1  “A. Onassis” Foundation‟s Scholarship holder.  The British Academy, Humanities Research Board Award holder.  The Constantine Trypanis Award for the best doctoral thesis in the United Kingdom in the Modern Literature and Language category (2002), The Hellenic Foundation, The Academy

of Athens. Distinctions  UNYT Award for Excellence in Teaching (2008-2009). I. BOOKS – MONOGRAPHS: 1. Giakoumis G. - Giakoumis K. (1994), Μεταβυζαντινή Αγιογραφία στη Βόρειο Ήπειρο, : I.V.E. Ed.

2. Giakoumis G. - Giakoumis K. (1994), Ορθόδοξα Μνημεία στη Βόρειο Ήπειρο, Ioannina: I.V.E. [In Greek.]

3. Giakoumis K. (2002), The Monasteries of Jorgucat and Vanishtë in Dropull and of Spelaio in Lunxhëri as Monuments and Institutions During the Ottoman Period in Albania (16th-19th Centuries), Doctoral thesis submitted at the Centre for Byzantine, Ottoman and Modern Greek Studies, University of Birmingham, Birmingham. Accessible via:

4. Γιακουμής Κ. (2015), Ο Κώδικας του Δοσιθέου, Επισκόπου Δρυϊνουπόλεως και Αργυροκάστρου: A.Q.Sh. F. 139, D. 2 (1760-1858), Αθήνα [forthcoming].

5. Giakoumis K. (ed.) (2015), Water in Arts and Crafts in the Berat Region. 4th Century B.C. to 19th Century A.D., Tirana: Gentgrtafik – University of New York Tirana.

II. BOOK CHAPTERS: 1. Giakoumis K. (2002), „The Ottoman Campaign to Otranto and Apulia (1480-1481)‟, in The Turks, edited by H. C. Güzel, C. C. Oğuz and O. Karatay, Ankara, v. 3 (Ottomans), pp. 189-197. Reappeared in Ηπειρωτικά Χρονικά, v. 38 (2004), pp. 277-309.

Publications 2. Giakoumis K. (2009), “The Perception of the Crusader in Late Byzantine and Early Post- & Key Byzantine Ecclesiastical Painting in Epiros”, in Monferrer-Sala J.P., Christides V., Conference Papadopoullos T. [eds.] (2009), East and West. Essays on Byzantine and Arab Worlds in the Middle Papers Ages, New Jersey: Gorgias Press, pp. 299-323 (PART 1).

3. Giakoumis K. – Christidou A. (2010), „Image and Power in the Age of Andronicos II & III Palaiologos: Imperial Patronage in the Western Provinces of Via Egnatia‟, in Via Egnatia Revisited: Common Past, Common Future. Proceedings VEF Conference, Bitola, February 2009, Driebergen: VEF, pp. 76-84.

4. Giakoumis K. (2010), “The Orthodox Church in Albania During the Ottoman Rule (15th-19th century)”, in Rathberger A. [ed.] (2010), Religion und Kultur im albanisch-sprachigen Südosteuropa, preface by O. Schmitt, Frankfurt am Main: Pro Oriente – Peter Lang, pp. 69-110.

5. Giakoumis K. (2011), “The Perception of the Crusader in Late Byzantine and Early Post- Byzantine Ecclesiastical Painting in Epiros”, in Babounis C. [ed.] (2011), Ιστορίας Μέριμνα: Τιμητικός Τόμος στον καθηγητή Γεώργιο Ν. Λεοντσίνη, v. A1, Athens: ΕΚΠΑ Press, pp. 431-442.

6. Giakoumis K. (2014), “From Religious to Secular and Back Again: Christian Pilgrimage Space in Albania”, in Eade J. – Katić M. (2014), Pilgrimage, Politics and Place-Making in Eastern Europe: Crossing the Borders, London: Ashgate, pp. 103-118.

7. Giakoumis K. (2014), “The Perception of the „Enemy‟ in the Albanian National Identity- Building Process: The Dynamics of Transformation of the Image of Turks and Greeks”, in Stamatopoulos D. [ed.] (2014), Ottoman Past and Balkan Nationalism, [forthcoming].

8. Kalemaj I. – Giakoumis K. (2014), “Oscillating between Inclusionary Autonomy and Secessionist Independence: Identification Shifts and the Dynamics of Albanian Perceptions of the Young Turks Movement”, in Stamatopoulos D. [ed.] (2015), Balkan Nationalism(s) and the 2 Ottoman Empire, III (The Young Turk Revolution and Ethnic Groups), Istanbul: Isis Press, pp. 155-171.

9. Giakoumis K. – Lockwood C. (2015), “Pilgrimage Centered at Text and Memory: The Lapidar in Qukës–Pishkash”, in Oei van Gervain V. [ed.] (2015), Lapidari, Brooklyn NY: Punctum Books, v. 1, pp. 89-96 (Albanian translation on pp. 97-104).

10. Giakoumis K. (2016), “Against the Imperial Past: The Perception of the Turk and Greek “Enemy” in the Albanian National Identity-Building Process,” in Stamatopoulos D. [ed.] (2016), Balkan Empires: Imperial Imagined Communities in Southeastern Europe (19th -20th c.), Budapest: CEU Press [forthcoming].

III. ARTICLES IN PEER-REVIEWED JOURNALS: 1. Giakoumis K. (1996-1997), “Εθνική Ελληνική Μειονότητα Περιοχής Αργυροκάστρου και Ελλαδική Εξωτερική Πολιτική. Τρία Ανέκδοτα Έγγραφα του 1911 περί της ανεγέρσεως νέου μητροπολιτικού κτιρίου στο Αργυρόκαστρο”, Ηπειρωτικό Ημερολόγιο, v. 18, pp. 65-71.

2. Giakoumis K. (1997), „Desire for the Divine and monasticism in post - Byzantium: the case of a new monastic society in Dropolis of Southern Albania‟, paper given in the XXXI Symposium of Byzantine Studies, Sussex, 21 - 24 March 1997, the abstract of which has been published in B. B. B. S. (1998), v. 24.

3. Giakoumis K. (1998), “Η Οικονομική Κατάσταση των Ηπειρωτικών Μοναστηριών κατά τα τέλη του 19ου αιώνα: Η περίπτωση της Ι.Μ. Σπηλαίου Λιούντζης (The Economic Situation of Epirotan Monasteries at the end of the 19th century)”, Ηπειρωτικό Ημερολόγιο, v. 19, pp. 303-320 (English synopsis on pp. 318-320).

4. Giakoumis K. (1999), “Τα Αίτια Ερημώσεως και Ερείπωσης των Μονών και Ναών της Ορθόδοξης Εκκλησίας της Αλβανίας (τέλη 19ου-απσέρ 20ού αιώνα (The Causes of Desertion and Devastation of the Monasteries of the Orthodox Church of Albania at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century)”, Ηπειρωτικό Ημερολόγιο, v. 20, pp. 126-138 (English synopsis on p. 134).

5. Giakoumis K. (1999), „Λειτουργικά έντυπα με ενθυμήσεις στην Αρχιεπισκοπή Τιράνων και πάσης Αλβανίας (Old liturgical prints with commemorative notes in the Archdiocese of Tirana and all Albania)‟, in Albanohellenica, v. 1, : Albanian-Greek Association of Philology, pp. 115- 148 (fig. 1-8, English synopsis in p. 142.

6. Giakoumis K. (2000), „Κριτική έκδοση επιγραφών συνεργείων από το Λινοτόπι στις περιφέρειες της Ορθόδοξης Εκκλησίας της Αλβανίας (A critical edition of inscriptions of workshops from Linotopi in the provinces of the Orthodox Church of Albania)‟, Δελτίον της Χριστιανικής Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρείας, v. 21, pp. 249-265 (English synopsis, pp. 265-266).

7. Giakoumis K. (2000-2001), “Ελληνική Μειονότητα και Ιταλική Κατοχή στον Αλβανικό Χώρο (1917)”, Ηπειρωτικό Ημερολόγιο, v. 21, pp. 139-147.

8. Giakoumis K. (2000-2001), “Δύο Μουσικά Χειρόγραφα από τη Δρόβιανη [Two Manuscripts of Byzantine Music from Dhrovjan (Delvinë region, Southern Albania)]”, Albanohellenica, v. 2, pp. 51-69.

9. Giakoumis K. (2001), „Τα εικονίδια του επιστυλίου της μονής Σπηλαίου Λιούντζης‟ (The Small Icons on the Epistyle at the Monastery of Spelaio), in Ηπειρωτικά Χρονικά, v. 35, pp. 343-385; English synopsis, pp. 367-368.

10. Giakoumis K. (2003), „The Question of the „Relative Autochthony‟ of the Albanians in Epiros And the Albanian Immigration Movements of the Fourteenth Century: The case of the region of Dropull, Gjirokastër (Southern Albania)‟, Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, v. 27, pp. 171- 184.

3 11. Giakoumis K. (2004), „The Ottoman Advance and Consolidation in Epiros and Albania During the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries‟, Ηπειρωτικό Ημερολόγιο, v. 23, pp. 217-244.

12. Giakoumis K. – Karajskaj Gj. (2004), „New Architectural and Epigraphic Data on the Site and Catholicon of the Monastery of St. Nikolaos at (Southern Albania)‟, Monumentet, v. 1, pp. 81-95.

13. Giakoumis K. (2005), „Paraqitja e Parë e Kodikut të Gjirokastrës (1760-1851) [La Première presentation de Codex de Gjirokastra (1760-1851)]‟, Arkivi Shqiptar, Nr. 1-2, pp. 57-71 [French synopsis on pp. 70-71].

14. Giakoumis K. (2008), “Archival Codices in the Central Archives of the State, Tirana: First Presentation of the „Codex of Gjirokastër‟ (F. 139, D. 2: 1760-1858)”, Albanohellenica, v. 3, pp. 35-52.

15. Giakoumis K. (2010), “The Perception of the Crusader in Late Byzantine and Early Post- Byzantine Ecclesiastical Painting in Epiros”, Collectanea Christiana Orientalia, v. 7, pp. 41-63 (PART 2).

16. Giakoumis K. – Egro D. (2010), „Ottoman Pragmatism in Domestic Inter-Religious Affairs: The Legal Framework of Church Construction in the Ottoman Empire and the 1741 Firman of Ardenicë Monastery‟, Ηπειρωτικά Χρονικά, v. 44, pp. 73-127.

17. Giakoumis K. (2011). „The Policy of the Orthodox Patriarchate Toward the Use of Albanian in Church Services‟, Albanohellenica, v. 4, pp. 137-171.

18. Giakoumis K. (2008-2012, published 2013), “Dialectics of Pragmatism in Ottoman Domestic Interreligious Affairs. Reflections on the Ottoman Legal Framework of Church Confiscation and Construction and a 1741 Firman for Ardenicë Monastery”, Balkan Studies, v. 47, pp. 73-132; synopsis on pp. 238-239.

19. Giakoumis K. (2013), “A Preliminary Linguistic Approach to the Codex of Dositheos, Bishop of Dryinoupolis and Argyrokastron (1760-1858)”, Albanohellenica, v. 5, pp. 167-174.

20. Giakoumis K. – Lockwood C. – Anderson T.A. (March 2016), “The Making of the Socialist Martyr: Pjetër Llesh Doda and Rrugë të Bardha”, KinoKultura Special Issue 16. Stable URL:

21. Giakoumis K. (2016), “Self-Identifications by Himarriots, 16th to 19th Centuries”, Erytheia. Revista de Estudios Bizantinos y Neogriegos, v. 37, pp. 9-50.

IV. CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS: 1. Giakoumis K. (1996), “Αναξιοποίηηερ (αν και όσι ενηελώρ άγνωζηερ) επεςνηηικά πεπιοσέρ. Η Πεπίπηωζη ηηρ Αλβανίαρ [Πλημμελώρ δημοζιεςμένοι ναοί και καθολικά ζηην νόηια – νοηιοδςηική Αλβανία, από ηο 10ο μέσπι ηο 17ο αιώνα]”, in Fledelius K. – Schriner P. (1996), Byzantium: Identity, Image Influence. XIX International Congress of Byzantine Studies. University of Copenhagen, 18-24 August, 1996. Major Papers, Copenhagen: Danish National Committee of Byzantine Studies – Eventus Publishers, pp. 123-135.

Cited in: Cotovanu L. (2009), “Le diocese de Dryinoupolis et sais bienfaiteurs de Valachie et de Moldavie. Solidarité de famille et traits identitaires multiples (XVIe-XVIIe siècles)”, in Zahariuc P. [ed.] (2009), Contributii Privitoare la Istoria Relatiilor dintre Tarile Romane si Bisericile Rasaritene in Secolele XIV-XIX, Iasi: “A.I. Kuza” University Publishers, pp. 219-360.

2. Giakoumis K. (1997), „Desire for the Divine and monasticism in post - Byzantium: the case of a new monastic society in Dropolis of Southern Albania‟, paper given in the XXXI Symposium of Byzantine Studies, Sussex, 21 - 24 March 1997, the abstract of which has been published in B. B. B. S. (1998), v. 24.


3. Giakoumis K. (1998), „Byzantine dignitaries as «outsiders» to secular mentality: the case of the brothers Ioannis primicerius and Alexios stratopedarch, founders of the monastery of the Almighty, Mount Athos‟, paper given to the XXXII Symposium of Byzantine Studies, Sussex, 27 - 30 March 1997, an abstract of which has been published in the B.B.B.S. (1999).

4. Giakoumis K. (2000), “Το Νομικό Πλαίσιο της Ναοδομικής Δραστηριότητας στην Οθωμανική Αυτοκρατορία μέχριτ τις Μεταρρυθμίσεις Τανζιμάτ και η Επιρροή του στη Διαμόρφωση της Μεταβυζαντινής Αρχιτεκτονικής”, in The Second Meeting of Byzantinists of Greece and Cyprus, University of Athens, September 24-26, 1999. Papers, Research Programmes, Abstracts of Papers, Athens, pp. 218- 221.

5. Giakoumis K. (2003), „Veprimtaria e Piktorëve nga Linotopi në Viset e Kishës Orthodhokse të Shqipërisë‟, in Thomo P. – Bushaka G. (2003), 2000 Vjet Art dhe Kulturë Kishtare në Shqipëri, Tirana, pp. 209-234.

6. Giakoumis K. (2004), „Κερκυραίοι Ιερομόναχοι σε Μονές της Δρόπολης και της Λιούντζης (Επισκοπή Δρυϊνουπόλεως) κατά τα τέλη του 18ου αιώνα‟, in ΣΤ’ Διεθνές Πανιόνιο Συνέδριο. Ζάκυνθος, 23-27 Σεπτεμβρίου 1997, Πρακτικά, v. 4, Athens, pp. 617-624.

7. Giakoumis K. (2005), “The Activity of the Painters from Linotop in the Regions of the Orthodox Church of Albania”, in Thomo P. – Bushaka G. (2005), 2000 Years Church Art and Culture in Albania, Tirana: Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania, pp. 229-257.

8. Giakoumis K. (2006), „Religious Fairs in the Ottoman Empire‟s Habitation History: Christian Feasts in Epiros and Albania as Urban Social Events and Their manifestations Displayed in Ecclesiastical Painting of the 16th and 17th Century‟, in Shupo S. [ed.] (2006), Urban Music in the Balkans. International Symposium in Honorem Ramadam Sokoli, Tirana September 28 – October 01, 2006, Tirana: Asmus Publ., pp. 76-112.

9. Giakoumis K. (2006), „Late Byzantine and Early Post-Byzantine Painting in Albania: Recent Discoveries‟, in Haarer F.K. – Jeffreys E. – Gilliland J. [eds.] (2006), Proceedings of the 21st International Congress of Byzantine Studies. London, 21-26 August 2006, Aldershot: Ashgate Publ., v. III (Abstracts of Communications), pp. 331-332.

10. Giakoumis K. (2006), “Kisha e Shën Gjergjit në Kështjellën e Krujës dhe Tradita Bizantine”, in Duka F. [ed.] (2006), Konferenca Shkencore “Skënderbeu dhe Evropa”, 9-10 dhjetor 2005, Me Rastin e 600-Vjetorit Të Lindjes së Gjergj Kastriotit-Skënderbeut, Tirana, pp. 218-235.

11. Giakoumis K. – Christidou A. (2006), „Image and Power in the Age of Andronicos II Palaiologos: Imperial Patronage in the Western Provinces of Via Egnatia‟, in Via Egnatia Revisited. Common Past, Common Future. Proceedings VEF Conference, Bitola, February 2009, Driebergen: Via Egnatia Foundation, pp. 76-84.

12. Giakoumis K. (2008), “Aspects of Symbiosis between Orthodox Christians and Jews in West Balkans during the Ottoman Rule (Çështje të Bashkëjetesës mes të Krishterëve dhe Judenjve në Ballkanin Perëndimor gjatë Perandorisë Osmane)”, in Sinani S. [ed.] (2008), Prania Historike dhe Shpëtimi i Hebrenjve gjatë Luftës (Studime e Dokumente), Tirana: albPAPER, pp. 69-86 (Albanian synopsis on pp. 81-86).

13. Giakoumis K. (2014), “Relativizmi i identifikimit ideologjiko-politiko-gjeografik të shqiptarëve dhe i trevave shqipfolëse prej vetes dhe prej të tjerëve në „Longue Durée’”, in Rembeci A. (2014), Shqipëria mes Lindjes dhe Perëndimit. Aktet e Konferencës Shkencore Ndërkombëtare, Tirana: Universiteti i Tiranës, pp. 71-89.

14. Giakoumis K., Lockwood C. and Cenko E. (2015), “Fear of Death and Mountainous Pilgrimage in Albania”, in Katić M., Birt D., Mirošević L. (2015), International Interdisciplinary Conference “Movements, Narratives and Landscapes”, University of Zadar, Department of Geography – Department of Ethnography and Cultural Anthropology, Zadar, 5th-7th June 2015, Zadar: University of Zadar, Croatia, pp. 70-71.

5 15. Giakoumis K. (2015), “Contesting the Sacred in Space: Saint John Vladimir and the Westernmost Dominions of Tsar Samuel”, in Gjuzelev V. – Nikolov G.N. (eds.) (2015), South- Eastern Europe in the Second Half of the 10th – the Beginning of the 11th Centuries: History & Culture. International Conference Proceedings, Sofia, 6-8 October 2014, Sofia: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, pp. 607-630.

16. Giakoumis K. (2015), “Glimpses from the Politics and Pragmatics of St. John-Vladimir's Veneration & Pilgrimage in the Longue Durée”, in Delikari A. (ed.) (2015), Διεθνές Επιστημονικό Συνέδριο “Κύριλλος και Μεθόδιος: Το Βυζάντιο και ο κόσμος των Σλάβων”, 28-30 Νοεμβρίου 2013, Thessaloniki: Municipality of Thessaloniki, pp. 133-144.

V. ARTICLES IN SUBJECT-SPECIFIC, NON-PEER-REVIEWED JOURNALS: 1. Giakoumis K. (November 1993), “Η Στεγόπολη και το Μοναστήρι του Προφήτη Ηλία”, Ηπειρωτική Εταιρεία: Δελτίον Πνευματικής Ενημερώσεως, v. 206, pp. 581-595.

Cited in: Cotovanu L. (2009), “Le diocese de Dryinoupolis et sais bienfaiteurs de Valachie et de Moldavie. Solidarité de famille et traits identitaires multiples (XVIe-XVIIe siècles)”, in Zahariuc P. [ed.] (2009), Contributii Privitoare la Istoria Relatiilor dintre Tarile Romane si Bisericile Rasaritene in Secolele XIV-XIX, Iasi: “A.I. Kuza” University Publishers, pp. 219-360.

2. Giakoumis K. - Aidonopoulou E. (1995), „Η Ι. Μ. Δρυϊάνου και το εθνοπαιδαγωγικό της έργο στην Τουρκοκρατία‟, Ηπειρωτική Εταιρεία, 1st part: v. 222, pp. 117-123 and the attached illustrations, 2nd part: v. 224, pp. 225-227, 3rd part: v. 225, pp. 263-264, 269, 4th part: v. 226- 227, pp. 339-344, Athens. [In Greek.]

3. Giakoumis K. (1998), „Byzantine dignitaries as «outsiders» to secular mentality: the case of the brothers Ioannis primicerius and Alexios stratopedarch, founders of the monastery of the Almighty, Mount Athos‟, paper given to the XXXII Symposium of Byzantine Studies, Sussex, 27 - 30 March 1997, an abstract of which has been published in the B.B.B.S. (1999).

4. Gjakumis K. (2001), „Paraqitija e parë në ikonografi e dëshmorit të ri Nikollës nga Mecova: tregues të orientimit ideologjik të pikturës në zonën e Gjirokastrës (1634-1653)‟, Tempulli: Revistë Periodike Kulturore, v. 3, pp. 47-80; with an English synopsis in pp. 77-78 [in Albanian with an English synopsis].

5. Gjakumis K. – Stratoberdha J. (2004), “Kisha e Lindjës së Hyjlindëses tek Pazari i Vjetër, Përmet”, Tempulli: Revistë Periodike Kulturore, v. 9, pp. 20-32.

6. Giakoumis K. (2013), “An Enquiry Into the Construction, Deconstruction, Transubstantiation and Reconstruction of Christian Pilgrimages in Modern-Day Albania”, Ηπειρωτικό Ημερολόγιο, v. 32, pp. 267-318.

VI. CONFERENCE PAPERS: 1. Giakoumis K. (1996), “Αναξιοποίηηερ (αν και όσι ενηελώρ άγνωζηερ) επεςνηηικά πεπιοσέρ. Η Πεπίπηωζη ηηρ Αλβανίαρ [Πλημμελώρ δημοζιεςμένοι ναοί και καθολικά ζηην νόηια – νοηιοδςηική Αλβανία, από ηο 10ο μέσπι ηο 17ο αιώνα]”, in Fledelius K. – Schriner P. (1996), Byzantium: Identity, Image Influence. XIX International Congress of Byzantine Studies. University of Copenhagen, 18-24 August, 1996. Major Papers, Copenhagen: Danish National Committee of Byzantine Studies – Eventus Publishers, pp. 213-135 [see also IV.1].

2. Giakoumis K. (1997), „Desire for the Divine and monasticism in post - Byzantium: the case of a new monastic society in Dropolis of Southern Albania‟, paper given in the XXXI Symposium of Byzantine Studies, Sussex, 21 - 24 March 1997, the abstract of which has been published in B. B. B. S. (1998), v. 24 [see also IV.2].

3. Giakoumis K. (1998), „Byzantine dignitaries as «outsiders» to secular mentality: the case of the

6 brothers Ioannis primicerius and Alexios stratopedarch, founders of the monastery of the Almighty, Mount Athos‟, paper given to the XXXII Symposium of Byzantine Studies, Sussex, 27 - 30 March 1997, an abstract of which has been published in the B.B.B.S. (1999) [see also IV.3].

4. Giakoumis K. (1999), “Το Νομικό Πλαίσιο της Ναοδομικής Δραστηριότητας στην Οθωμανική Αυτοκρατορία μέχριτ τις Μεταρρυθμίσεις Τανζιμάτ και η Επιρροή του στη Διαμόρφωση της Μεταβυζαντινής Αρχιτεκτονικής”, paper presented at The Second Meeting of Byzantinists of Greece and Cyprus, University of Athens, September 24-26, 1999, Athens [see also IV.4].

5. Giakoumis K. (2003), „Veprimtaria e Piktorëve nga Linotopi në Viset e Kishës Orthodhokse të Shqipërisë‟, in Thomo P. – Bushaka G. (2003), 2000 Vjet Art dhe Kulturë Kishtare në Shqipëri, Tirana, pp. 209-234 [see also IV.5].

6. Giakoumis K. (2004), „Κερκυραίοι Ιερομόναχοι σε Μονές της Δρόπολης και της Λιούντζης (Επισκοπή Δρυϊνουπόλεως) κατά τα τέλη του 18ου αιώνα‟, in ΣΤ’ Διεθνές Πανιόνιο Συνέδριο. Ζάκυνθος, 23-27 Σεπτεμβρίου 1997, Πρακτικά, v. 4, Athens, pp. 617-624 [see also IV.6].

7. Giakoumis K. (2005), “Ottoman Pragmatism in Domestic Inter-Religious Affairs: The Legal Framework of Church Construction in the Ottoman Empire and the 1741 Firman of Ardenicë Monastery”, International Symposium organized by the General Directorate of Archive, Tirana and TIKA: “Tolerance in Ottoman Administrative Acts”, Tirana, June 2-3, 2005, Tirana [see also III.15].

8. Giakoumis K. (2005), “The Perception of the Crusader in Late Byzantine and Early Post- Byzantine Ecclesiastical Painting in Epiros”, delivered in the 10th International Congress oin Graeco-Oriental and African Studies, Kryoneri Attikis, Athens [see also III.14].

9. Giakoumis K. (2006), „Religious Fairs in the Ottoman Empire‟s Habitation History: Christian Feasts in Epiros and Albania as Urban Social Events and Their manifestations Displayed in Ecclesiastical Painting of the 16th and 17th Century‟, in Shupo S. [ed.] (2006), Urban Music in the Balkans. International Symposium in Honorem Ramadam Sokoli, Tirana September 28 – October 01, 2006, Tirana: Asmus Publ., pp. 76-112 [see also IV.8].

10. Giakoumis K. – Christidou A. (2006), „Image and Power in the Age of Andronicos II Palaiologos: Imperial Patronage in the Western Provinces of Via Egnatia‟, in International Conference “Berat në Rrudhat e Historisë”, Berat, December 9-10, 2006, Tiranë [see also II.3, IV. 11].

11. Giakoumis K. (2006), „Late Byzantine and Early Post-Byzantine Painting in Albania: Recent Discoveries‟, paper presented at The 21st International Congress of Byzantine Studies. London, 21-26 August 2006 [see also IV.9].

12. Giakoumis K. (2006), “Kisha e Shën Gjergjit në Kështjellën e Krujës dhe Tradita Bizantine”, in Duka F. [ed.] (2006), Konferenca Shkencore “Skënderbeu dhe Evropa”, 9-10 dhjetor 2005, Me Rastin e 600-Vjetorit Të Lindjes së Gjergj Kastriotit-Skënderbeut, Tirana, pp. 218-235 [see also IV.10].

13. Giakoumis K. (2008), “Die orthodoxe Kirche unter osmanischer Herrschaft”, in Religion und Kultur im albanischsprachigen Südosteuropa, Viena, 9-13 Marz 2008, Vienna [see also II.4].

14. Giakoumis K. (2008), “Çështje të Simbiozës mes të Krishterëve dhe Hebrenjve në Kuadër të Ish-Perandorisë Osmane në Ballkanin Perëndimor”, in International Scientific Conference “Berati për Shpëtimin e Hebrenjve”, January 25, 2008, Berat [see also IV.12].

15. Giakoumis K. (2009), “Përdorimi i shqipes në liturgji dhe në ligjërime të tjera - çështje të diskutueshme”, in KONGRES KOMBËTAR - SHKOLLË KOMBËTARE, Konferencë shkencore ndërkombëtare organizuar nga Universiteti “Aleksandër Xhuvani” i Elbasanit dhe Qendra e Studimeve Albanologjike, Elbasan, December 1-2, 2009, Elbasan [see also III.16].

16. Giakoumis K. (2010), “Typological Classification of Ms. Ber. 35 after the Relation Between Text and Imagery”, Konference Shkencore në kuadrin e Ekspozitës “Dorëshkrime Bizantine 7 dhe Pasbizantine në Shqipëri”, Maj-Qërshor 2010, Tiranë.

17. Giakoumis K. (2010), “Current Issues on the Protection of Minority Cultural Heritage in Albania”, paper presented in La Protection de la diversité culturelle dans le sud-est européen. Cadre juridique et réalités du terrain. Colloque organize par le CNRS (Laboratoire Cultures et Sociétés en Europe, Université de Strasbourg ; Centre d’Études turques, ottomanes, balkaniques et centrasiatiques, EHESS, Paris) et l’École française d’Athènes avec le concours du Conseil de l’Europe, Strasbourg, 2 et 3 décembre 2010, Strasbourg.

18. Giakoumis K. (2011), “The Myth of the 'Damned' Jews and the Reality of Christian-Jewish Symbiosis in Epiros and Albania During the First Half of the 19th Century”, in Myths of the Other in the Balkans. Representations, Social Practices and Performances, International Conference, 24-26 February, 2011, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki.

19. Giakoumis K. (2012), “A Preliminary Linguistic Approach to the Codex of Dositheos, Bishop of Dryinoupolis and Argyrokastron (1760-1859)” (Alb.: Qasje Zanafillëse Gjuhësore e Kodikut të Dositheut, Peshkop if Drinopojës dhe Gjirokastrës, 1760-1859), in Albanian-Greek Linguistic and Cultural Studies: Achievements and Perspectives, 1st International Conference of Albanian-Greek Studies, Tirana, 24-25 March 2012, Tirana.

20. Giakoumis K. (2012), “Enquiry on the Construction, Deconstruction, Transubstantiation and Reconstruction of Christian Pilgrimages in Modern-Day Albania”, in Pilgrimage and Sacred Places in Central and Eastern Europe: Place, Politics and Religious Tourism, International Conference held at the University of Zadar, Croatia, 27-30 September 2012, Zadar.

21. Giakoumis K. (2012), “The Perception of the „Enemy‟ in the Albanian National Identity- Building Process: The Dynamics of Transformation of the Image of Turks and Greeks”, in International Conference “Balkan Worlds: Ottoman Past and Balkan Nationalism”, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, October 4-7, 2012, Thessaloniki.

22. Giakoumis K. (2013), “Δςναμική Κένηπος και Πεπιθέπειαρ: η Παιδεία ζηην επαπσία Δπςϊνοςπόλεωρ και Απγςποκάζηπος από ηον 16ο αιώνα έωρ ηο 1858”, Α΄ ΠΑΝΗΠΕΙΡΩΣΙΚΟ ΢ΤΝΕΔΡΙΟ: «Ιστορία - Λογιοσύνη: Η Ήπειρος και τα Ιωάννινα από το 1430 έως το 1913», Ιωάννινα, 28 February – 3 March, 2013, Ioannina.

23. Giakoumis K. (2013), “Η γκελνεριανή «σύγκρουση κουλτούρων» στο Κίνημα της Αλβανικής «Αναγέννησης»” (The Gellnerian „clash of cultures‟ in the Albanian „Renaissance‟ Movement), Konferencë Shkencore Ndërkombëtare “Iluminizëm Neohellenik dhe Rilindja Shqiptare”, Muzeu Historik Kombëtar, Tirana, 26 Mars 2013, Tirana.

24. Giakoumis K. (2013), ““The Turkish Turban rather than the Latin Mitre” or Just Another Overlord? An Enquiry into the Causes of Ottoman Expansion in Epiros and Albania”, in The Ottoman Conquest of the Balkans – Interpretations and Research Debates, International Conference, University of Vienna: Institute for East European History, 14-16 November 2013, Vienna.

25. Giakoumis K. (2013), “The Politics and Pragmatics of Saint John-Vladimir‟s Veneration and Pilgrimage”, in International Conference of Cyril & Methodius, 28-30 November 2013, Museum of Byzantine Culture, Thessaloniki, November 29, 2013, Thessaloniki.

26. Giakoumis K. (2014), “Christian Mythology of Communism and Vice-Versa: A Case-Study on Albanian Communist Cinema”, in BASEES Annual Conference, 5-7 April 2014, Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge.

27. Giakoumis K. – Kalemaj I. (2014), “Continuities and Changes in Perceiving the Greek as an “Enemy” in the Albanian National Identity-Building Process: Albanian National Movement to 2010s”, Strategies of Symbolic Nation-Building International Conference, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Rijeka, May 8-10, 2014, Rijeka.

28. Giakoumis K. (2014), “Contesting the Sacred in Space: Saint John Vladimir and the Westernmost Dominions of Tsar Samuel”, paper presented at the International Conference “South- 8 Eastern Europe in the Second Half of the 10th – the Beginning of the 11th Centuries: History & Culture”, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, 6-8 October 2014, Sofia.

29. Haxhi E., Kavaja K., Kalemaj I., Giakoumis K. (2014), “Continuity and Change in Perceptions of the Greek as an “Enemy” in the Albanian National Identity-Building process (Albanian National Movement up to 2010s)”, paper presented at the International Conference on “Myths in South- Eastern European Textbooks”, Tirana, 22-24 October, 2014, Tirana.

30. Giakoumis K., Anderson T., Lockwood C. (08.11.2014), “The Making of the Socialist Martyr: Pjetër Llesh Doda and Rrugë të Bardha”, paper presented at Tirana International Film Festival, Panel on the Albanian Cinema, Saturday, November 8, 2014, Tirana [cf. albanian-cinema&catid=180:workshop-seminar&Itemid=511].

31. Giakoumis K., Kalemaj I., Haxhi E., Kavaja K. (2014), “The Politics & Pragmatics of Representation of War & Revolution In History School Textbooks of Albania from National Awakening to 1939”, paper read at the International Conference “Balkan Worlds II: Balkan Perception of War and Revolution in the Long Nineteenth Century (1789-1918)”. Department of Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, November 27-29, 2014, Thessaloniki.

32. Kalemaj I., Giakoumis K. (2015), “The Image of Greek-Albanian Lingual and Cultural Relations in Albanian School History Textbooks (1886-1939)”, paper read in “Diachronic and Synchronic Dimensions of Linguistic and Cultural Interaction Between Greeks and Albanians”, 2nd International Conference of Greek-Albanian Studies, Tirana, March 27-28, 2015.

33. Giakoumis K. (2015), “Contesting the Sacred: Albanian Anthroponymy in Votive Inscriptions of 18th to 20th Century Artworks at the “Onufri” Museum, Berat”, paper read in “Diachronic and Synchronic Dimensions of Linguistic and Cultural Interaction Between Greeks and Albanians”, 2nd International Conference of Greek-Albanian Studies, Tirana, March 27-28, 2015.

34. Giakoumis K. (2015), “Preparing for martyrdom: The decorative programme of Ardenica Monastery, Myzeqe”, paper read at the Conference Art Readings 2015. Heroes / Cults / Saints. On the Occasion of the 500th anniversary since the martyrdom of St George the New Martyr of Sofia, Sofia, 8-9 May 2015.

35. Giakoumis K., Kalemaj I., Stojanov D., Todorov P. (2015), “Representing War and Revolution in School History Textbooks from Neighbouring States: A Comparison between Macedonia and Albania”, paper read in the conference Historiography and History Education in the South Slavic- and Albanian-Speaking Regions, Skopje, 3-4 June 2015.

36. Giakoumis K., Lockwood C. and Cenko E. (2015), “Fear of Death and Mountainous Pilgrimage in Albania”, paper read at the International Interdisciplinary Conference “Movements, Narratives and Landscapes”, University of Zadar, Department of Geography – Department of Ethnography and Cultural Anthropology, 5th-7th June 2015.

37. Cela A., Meka E., Giakoumis K. (2015), “Building Audiences through Thematic Exhibitions, Preliminary Lessons from Berat”, paper read at the Conference 50 Years of Study and Restoration of Albanian Cultural Heritage, Institute of Monuments, Tirana, October 22-23, 2015.

38. Giakoumis K. (2015), “Tracing Self-Identifications of Bregdeti Inhabitants: 16th to 18th Century (Gjurmimi i Identifikimeve të Vetës prej Banorëve të Bregdetit në Shek. XVI-XIX)”, paper read at the Konferenca Ndërkombëtare Albanologjike “Urat Kulturore mes Himarrës dhe Diasporës Arbërore në shek. XVI-XVIII (Kronikë Identitare dhe Eurocentriste)”, “Ismail Qemali” University, Vlora, November 10-11, 2015.

39. Giakoumis K. (2015), “The Baptism of Fire: Preparing the New Albanian Socialist Man through 1945-6 Primers”, paper read at the workshop After the War – A New Beginning? A Comparative Examination of Reading Primers Published and Used in 1945 in Europe, Georg Eckret Institute, Braunschweig, November 13-14, 2015.


40. Giakoumis K. and Kalemaj I. (May 4, 2015), “The Perception of the Greek in the Albanian National Identity-Building Process (1886-1938)”, Available at SSRN: or

41. Giakoumis K. and Kalemaj I. (May 20, 2016), “Aleks Buda, Mitet Komuniste rreth Kombit dhe Struktura Konceptuale e Muzeut Historik Kombëtar”, in Konferenca Shkencore Ndërkombëtare “Aleks Buda dhe Studimet Albanologjike”, Universiteti “Aleksandër Xhuvani”, Elbasan 20 maj 2016.

42. Gjapi S. and Giakoumis K. (June 8, 2016), “Poezia Kombëtare Shqiptare dhe Naim Frashëri si Poet Kombëtar. Qellimshmëria e Një Termi”, Akademia Shkencore Ndërkombëtare “Komisia Letrare Shqipe 100 vjet më pas dhe Mendimi Albanologjik”, Universiteti i Shkodrës “Luigj Gurakuq”, Shkodra.

VII. EDITED WORKS: 1. Popa Th. (1998), Mbishkrime të kishave në Shqipëri, co-edited by Nestor Nepravishta and Kostandin Gjakumis, Tirana: Akademia e Shkencave - Instituti i Historisë Ed. 2. Giakoumis K. [ed.] (2015), Water in Arts and Crafts of the Berat Region: 4th Century B.C. to 19th Century A.D., Tirana: UNYT-Gentgrafik.

VIII. LECTURES UPON INVITATION: 1. Giakoumis K. (1999), „The Architecture of the monasteries of Jorgucat and Vanishtë in Dropull and the Ottoman legislation in respect of Church building‟, lecture included in the lectures programme of a British Week, organised by Her Majesty‟s Embassy in Tirana, given in the Historical Faculty of the University of Tirana on 24.02.1999. 2. Giakoumis K. (2015), “Contesting the Sacred in Space: Saint John Vladimir and the Westernmost Dominions of Tsar Samuel”, lecture delivered at the Institute of National History, Skopje on 08.06.2015.

IX. EXHIBITIONS CURATION: 1. Water in Arts and Crafts of the Berat Region: 4th Century B.C. to 19th Century A.D., Berat, October 21, 2015 – April 30, 2016.

X. TEXTBOOKS: 1. Giakoumis K. (ed.) (2016), Fletore për Nxënësit e Klasës VII. Modulet Pedagogjike e Ekspozitës “Uji në Arte dhe Zejtari në Rajonin e Beratit, nga shek. IV para Krishtit deri në shek. XIX pas Krishtit”, Tirana: Gentgrtafik – University of New York Tirana.

2. Giakoumis K. (ed.) (2016), Fletore për Nxënësit e Klasës VII. Modulet Pedagogjike e Ekspozitës “Uji në Arte dhe Zejtari në Rajonin e Beratit, nga shek. IV para Krishtit deri në shek. XIX pas Krishtit”, Tirana: Gentgrtafik – University of New York Tirana.

3. Giakoumis K. (ed.) (2016), Manuali për Mësuesit e Moduleve Pedagogjike të Ekspozitës “Uji në Arte dhe Zejtari në Rajonin e Beratit, nga shek. IV para Krishtit deri në shek. XIX pas Krishtit”, Tirana: Gentgrtafik – University of New York Tirana.

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Mother tongue Greek

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