Paleontological Contributions
THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PALEONTOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS October 23, 1975 Paper 78 QUATERNARY FRESHWATER OSTRACODA FROM THE GREAT SALT LAKE BASIN, UTAH' KENNETH H. LISTER Department of Geology, The University of Kansas, Lawrence; present address: 317 Via Anita, Redondo Beach, California ABSTRACT Ostracodes are described from two cores, each more than 200 m long taken in Quater- nary sediments of the Great Salt Lake Basin, Utah. Thirty-one species of Ostracoda in thirteen genera have been identified. Most species belong to typically freshwater genera: Candona, Cyclocypris, Physocypria, Cyprinotus, Eucy pris, Cypridopsis, Potamocy pris, Ilyocy pris, Pelocypris, Cytherissa, Litnnocythera, and Dartvinula. One species of the genus Cyprideis is more typical of brackish water. Three new species are named: Candona camuramarginis, C. adunca, and C. pronopa. INTRODUCTION As part of a study concerned with changes in and Hoff (1942). The literature on Pleistocene relative abundance of ostracode taxa, two long freshwater ostracodes is somewhat less extensive cores taken in Quaternary sediments of the Great than that on living forms. Lack of soft parts has Salt Lake Basin, Utah, were sampled. About 700 made identification difficult in some cases and has samples were examined and from these a large allowed some confusion between adults and im- number of specimens were procured. Descrip- mature instars. Revisions of the genera Candona tions of thirty-one species of Ostracoda in 13 and Limnocythere are badly needed. genera make up the bulk of this work. Although During the late Cenozoic, freshwater ostra- descriptions of many of the species have been codes were, in general, evolutionarily conservative. previously published, some based on Recent speci- All of the previously described species from the mens lack details of carapace morphology.
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