Legitimating Limburgish: the Reproduction of Heritage
4 Legitimating Limburgish The Reproduction of Heritage Diana M. J. Camps1 1. Introduction A 2016 column in a Dutch regional newspaper, De Limburger, touted the following heading: “Limburgse taal: de verwarring blijft” (Limburgian lan- guage: the confusion remains). In its introduction, Geertjan Claessens, a jour- nalist, points to the fact that it has been nearly 20 years since Limburgish was recognized as a regional language under the European Charter for Regional and Minority Languages (ECRML2) but asks “which language is recog- nized?” (Claessens 2016). In 1997, Limburgish, formerly considered a dialect of Dutch, was acknowledged by local and national authorities as a regional language under the ECRML. In his editorial, Claessens points to the multi- plicity of dialects that constitute Limburgish as a regional language, each with their own unique elements and nuances. As such, expert opinions about how to conceptualize Limburgish as a “language” still widely differ, and nego- tiations and tensions about how to write Limburgish continue. Despite the creation of an official spelling standard in 2003, Claessens asserts that these discussions about spelling norms will not see an end any time soon. Spelling was also highlighted in a Limburgian classroom I observed in 2014, where nearly a dozen adult students focused on the reading and writ- ing of their local Limburgian dialect. Rather than framing spelling as a potential point of debate, however, the teacher presents an instrumentalist view, stating: dit is een spelling en dat is als ‘t ware een technisch apparaat om de klanken zichtbaar te maken want dao geit ‘t om [. .]en dat is ‘T grote idee van de spelling [pause] de herkenbaarheid this is a spelling and that is in essence a technical device to make the sounds visible because that is what it is about [.
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