Lady Pirates conference DCHS senior project raises champs money for cancer patient 1C 1B ADVANCE-MONTICELLONIAN 75¢ WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2020 SERVING DREW COUNTY SINCE 1870 A VISIT TO WASHINGTON, D.C. City Council considers website BY MELISSA ORRELL monthly maintenance is anything over an
[email protected] hour, extra charges would be incurred. The Council discussed the issue and Talk of an updated website for the City said they would consider the proposal as dominated the conversation at the Monti- they looked at other services to determine cello City Council regular monthly meet- which would be the best for Monticello. ing Tuesday, Feb. 25. Also on the agenda was an update from Ace One Technologies out of Jones- the planning commission given by Rob boro sent native Monticellonian Drake Echols. According to Echols the commis- Hill to talk to the Council about the web sion is continuing to work on updates to design and hosting services they offer and the open burning ordinance, the inoper- what they could do to provide informa- able and abandoned vehicles ordinance, tion to the citizens of Monticello and the which will now include campers and surrounding areas. travel trailers, as well as updates to the According to Hill, he feels there is a Mobile Home Ordinance and looking disconnect between the city and millenni- at ordinances to address trucks moving als and in order to heal the disconnect the through and parking on residential streets city needs a new upgraded website that in the City. is fresh and modern. A website created Monticello Economic Development by AceOne Technologies would be able Commission’s Nita McDaniel updated to build a website that would be a “great the council on MEDC’s continued prog- source of information and would promote ress in recruiting industry to Monticello.