195'0 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 7473 PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS By Mr. SCRIVNER: setts, to reject certain recommendations af H. Con. Res. 213. Concurrent resolution to fecting veterans contained in the report of Under clause 3 of rule XXII, public create a joint congressional committee to in the Hoover Commission; to the Committee on bills and resolutions were introduced and vestigate Federal grant-in-aid programs; to Veterans' Affairs. severally referred as follows: the Committee on Rules. 2159. By Mrs. ROGERS of Massachusetts: By Mr. FLOOD: By Mr. HAYS of Ohio: Memorial of the General Court of Massachu H. R. 8586. A bill to authorize, for a tempo H. Con. Res. 214. Concurrent resolution ex setts, to reject certain recommendations af rary period, the purchase by the Government pressing the sense of the Congress that the fecting veterans contained in the report of of anthracite in amounts sufficient to main President should rescind foreign-trade agree the Hoover Commission; to the Committee tain normal production and employment in ments with Communist-controlled coun on Veterans' Affairs. the anthracite region, to promote the gen tries; .to the Committee on Ways and Means. eral national welfare, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Public Lands. By Mr. FORAND: MEMORIALS SENATE H. R. 8587. A bill to amend section 2, Under clause 3 of rule XXII, memo Public Law 649, Seventy-ninth Congress, rials were presented and referred, as approved August 7, 1946, providing for the TuESDAY, MAY 23, 1950 disposition of vessels, trophies, relics,. and follows: material of historical interest by the Secre By the SPEAKER: Memorial of the Legis <Legislative day of Wednesday, March tary of the Navy, so as to include certain lature of the State of Massachusetts, memo 29, 1950) additional veterans' organizations; to the rializing the President and the Congress of Committee on Armed Services.
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